i COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOPMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Bold Into Slavery. THI SEMatlKABLK gTOItr Or A CALIFOK NU WA1TKR, II. Renodlot, a v, niter hi a Main Blrt'ct restaurant, says the Lot Augolcs Times, only reached this city a short timo ago. Ho has just eeoapod from a life of slavery, that is according to his story, a hundred times more sovoro in every respect than were tho old slavery days before the war. "Almost six years ago,"Mr. Benedict relates, "when I was a waiter in a San Franoisoo restaurant, I walked down to the water front and was watching tho ships discharge, when a stranger approached and asked me to take a walk. After having a little conversa tion with mo ho learned that I wished to leave tho oity, aud ho told mo that lie was tricniily with a nurauor of pco ttle in Honolulu, and that he was oon tident that I could got work as soon as I reashed tho islands. I met him the next day acd he Informed mo that he had secured thirteen others who would go and ho introduced me to several of tbem. Wo all thought it a good ohanoo to get out of California for a while, especially as our passages wero to bo paid, ana wo sailed on a schooner un der a. Captain Myers. When wo roaoh. the islands wo did not go into port, but stopped outside. A steam launch was noon alongside and a man, who represented himself to bo a doctor, oamo aboard. He and the captain wero closeted tor quite a while, when tno iloclir came ait and gavo each one of us a medical examination. The captain and doctor then loft tho ship and a few hours later wo weighed anchor and for two days wo wero sail ing in and out among islands. Finally we woro landed at a Urge sucar plan tation and given to understand that we wero to work in tho field. Wo learn ed the next day that the plantation was owned by two men wbo wero con sidered the hardest taskmasters on tho islands. We were told that wo had been employed through tho captain, and that wo wero to get $50 a month. We hesitated about going to work at first, bat the foreman talked very nico to us, and after wo had worked a month we went to the foreman' office to draw our pay. Iloro we were horrified to learn that wo had been sold to tho sugar planters as slaves for so muoh a bead ; that it would take us just three years to buy our freedom, it we worked every day. We wero credited with 25 cents a day when wo worked, and when wo were too sick to work they charged us seventy-five cents a day for board. J. hoy paid so much tor us, and we had to work our freedom out at tha rate of 25 cents a day, and under tho laws of tho island we agreed to this contract the first day wo worked as going to work with our own free will signifies that we were willing to work for the planters tor our passage to the islands. Well, wo made a hard kick against snob .treatment, but there was no help tor it, as the plantation was guarded by a company of native soldiers who were only too willing to hoot a white slave who attempted to escape. "When we refused to work wo were placed in stooks and whipped until the blood streamed oil our backs. When a man wanted to lay off because of siokness a plantation doctor wai called in and, and it the doctor said he was not sick the fallow was either whipped or killed. I havo known them to take a man out and shoot him beoause be' could not work. A man was taken violently sick one day but the dootor said he was all right, and the overseer made him go to the field. He struggled along until about noon, when be drop ped down dead. We were worked ten hours a day and no set of men were ever worked harder in tho world. After I had been there three years I thought my time was up, but I had a surprise in store for mo in tha shape of a bill the oompany had against me for eatinir sugar cane and playing nick. The overseer had charged me with every mouthful of sugar oane I ever ate, and it took me just two years more to work . I . . r . i ' . s t iu uuv ui. uiu riu ui two uus a uay. never ate any more sugar oane, and as goon luck would have it, I was not aick. It took me just five years and a few weeks to work out, and if I had to tell you what I suffered during that time you would wonder that I am alive to-day. l'eople might live in llonolu In a life timo and never know anything about the slave system flint is boing carried on in tho sandwich islands. Oider in Various Purms- A NEW JERSEY INNKEEPER OIVES AWAY TI1E OCCULT PECRETS OK HIS MYSTERIOUS C It A IT. fiweet oidert Yes sir. Here you are. A New York tourist was spending day in a primitive New Jersey hamlet aud inquired at the village inn for c'ass of that famous Jersey beverago, That's good. Just made, wasn't it?" "Lerame seo. John, when was tbiB oider raadt-1 ' John replied from the low3r end of tha room that it was made a little over two years ago. "tiuoas you're right, John," returne tne innkeeper, '-lou ought to know, as you put it up yourself." "How did you tnnuago to keep sweet to long!" "Easy enough; I put into a barrel full of sweet cider a quart of milk about a half a pint of mustard seed the black seed and six eggu. Mix them all up together and pour them in tho barrel. Cider will keep sweet that way for a lmlf a dozen years, think it gets better and sweeter the longer you kerp it. I have another kUd of cidor you may want to taste.1 The tourist did want to taste it, and tho Innkeeper Ached out from a gloomy and cob-webby depths of a Bub-couulor clonet, a quart bottle which bore such marks of ago as would havo made the mouth of an epicurean wine bibber water with anticipated delight. The cork cumc out with a mighty pop, and a lino spray filled tho air with mist and tho aromatic, fragrance of of ampagne, "iry a glass ot that, ' Bald tho inn keeper, as he filled two glasses with the sprinkling fluid. The tourist need eU no urging. "Why, that doesn't taste liko cider, neither is it champagne, exactly, iVhat do you call ui' 'Cider' "How did you make ill" "I bottled it throe days ago. It was fresh, sweet, strained cider then. I put in each bottle a couple of raiaius nod a small lump of rock candy, and if you can find any .champagoo that costs less than ten cents a bottlo that will beat that I will buy a thousand esses of il." "I should think it could bo sold in somo country places for cbainpagntT' "I'vo sold a good many hundred bottles of lU" "In what country town" asked tha tourist. "In Naw York City." , Death to Old Ago. UOSTO.H MK IlKlllSCOVKIH A It AnMI.KsS ANT1BOTR TO T1MIC. Tha beau box owos a debt of un- pcakable gratltudo to a Boston chemist for tho discovery of a method whereby tho femalo charms may be ibdcfihitcly preservoJ. Henceforth, remarks a cor respondent of tho St. Louis Globe Democrat, tho dear orcaturcs will suf fer no annoyanco from wrinkles or baldnosp, such affections being ontiroly dono away with by the invention afore said. Tho agent employed to conceal or, 1 should rather say, prevent these ravages of time, is simply tho oil of sheep's wool. It Is obtained by tecplng tho clippings of tho animal in hot alcohol. Tho "wool fat" being precipitated,-appears in the shape of a uoauiuui yenow grease, which turns bl&ek.iti'tirritf but never gets rancid. Its effect '"when applied to tho cutlolo is a most peculiar one, its substance being at enco absorbed through tho pores, and in this manner it acts di rectly as a nutrient of the fatty tissues undorneath. Rubbed upon the skin of an infant, it produces an artificial plumpness, and a wrinkled surfaco to which it is applied soon becomes as smooth as a young girl's oheek. A certain elderly gentleman of my ac quaintance, who still ofloots some of the virtues of youth, bought an ounoe of tho stuff a few weeks ago, and by using it conscientiously, has almost obliteiatcd tho crow s feet which bad formed a network about bis temples. Tho wool fat also prevents baldness, by supplying to the hair an.cloment to ita prowih the lack of whioh causes it to wither and fall out. Liko most new disooveries this marvel In the rapeutics is exceedingly anoifnt. It was known two thousand five hundred years ago to tho urccks and ltomans under the namo of "Oesipus,' and was used by them to render supple the oints of competitors in athletic games. fhy samo chemical substance, Btrange to say, is found in the sbapo of a fatty secretion ot the human bile. It is ob tained also, from peas, beans and other vegetables. Physicians use it as a baso in tho compounding of ointments, the medicinal ingredients of which are convoyed by its agenoy through tho skin. Since its virtues wero known in her day, why should we not suppose that Helon of Troy, who at forty when sho was carried off by Paris was the most beautiful woman of har time, em ployed somo preparation of wool-fat to obliterate the marks of age. Who knows if tho rounded oharms- of Cleo patra were' not preserved by some such unpoetlo means. A Powerful Remedy. In the village of O , in Central New York, lives a eharp-tongued old bachelor whom I havo known for twenty five years as "Undo John." Uncle John is something nt. a charac ter aboit town, and not destitute of Yankee wit and shrewdness. Ho used to make and vend in an' amateurish way a certain oough 'mixture, the merits of which he preached to his friends with great enthusiasm, war ranting the remedy to cure' any cold in twanty-foilr hdurs"or no pay." Oho of his old friends, whom we will call Ike, being afflicted with a severe coughing oold, Uncle John used bis pest ettorts- in argument, persuasion and Boallv vehement ana profane scolding, to get him to try the remedy. But ike could not be induced to "chance it)" Not long after this Uncle John oaugbt a bard oold himself, which waa accompanied by a most dis tressing cough that shttok his poor old trame unmercifully, ft did not, how ever, prevent his coming down-town and "settin',"' as he called it, in Ikfe's market. The cold hung on for a week or moie, and the cough bad grown ho better, finally ono day Iki resolved to brave Uncle John's sharp tonglie and tease bim a little about his failure to rid himself of the oold, and the fol lowing dialogue ensued. You aro io understand that uncle Johns replies were interrupted with violent cough ing. 1 "John V "Whatyer want?" "Got a bad cold, 'ain't ye t" "Yea : got the wust ever had'n my life." "Hangs on pretty bad, don!t it?" "Yes i boats all h-,l.t' Hesitatingly, "Why don't you try some o' y'r cough med'clne yen wanted ter Ben me 7 "I thought mebbo y' was fool 'cough ter ask that question : d'yer s'pose I want ter live forever t Editor's Drawer, in Harpers Magazine for JXovember. Oolumbus and Vespuool- Thero is also muoh to be said abo.ut the different way in which tho letters of Vespucci and Clumbus would afftot the literary taste ot the age. As nave said, tno tetters ot uoiumbus are infinitely more attractive to tho read erof to day, The devoutly religious spirit of tho writer, his mingling ol practical shrewdness with child-like credulity, his artless relations of the dreams and visions which induced him to set out on bis discoveries; bis enthu siastic belief in being divinely appoint ed to ins work, ms arguments to prove that be bad landod near tho Garden of Eden, expressed in that simplicity of Biyiu which is uiu uuiei graco or tne early voyagers, ad logotb'er form charm for us that superior learning and mora coirect rhetoric cannot rival. iiut at tho tune when (Jolumbus wrote we can beliovo that Vespucci a totters would more readily attract attention, 1 he latter wrote a clear aud succinct account of what he saw, of all ho could learn of the manners and customs of '.ho natives) he drew pictorial illuatra tionsand diagram ho used somo bits uf scholarship effectively; ho quoted Aristotle and Pliny, and the immortal Dante, In fact, Vespuooi's letters are more like thoso ot a traveling journal 1st who is sent out by a daily paper or a current magazine, to get tho latest and best nows und put tho narrativo in popular form; Columbus writes likothe man of imagination and poetio vision, the true discoverer and seor, who is recognized by the future, rtrely by the present, From "The Christening of, America," by Aboy cktge JCtehardson, In The American Magazine. It was raining quite hard and ono of tho traveling men wbo was in the store wanted to go down street Hoeing an umbrella iu the corner and desiring to borrow it ha asked the dark who was nearest it : "Is that your umbrella. Smith 1" Tho olerk turned slowly on him, and after an impressive pause, said : "Mr. Seller, if there is anything I do despise, it's a suspicious, inquisi. tivo nature." Merchant Traveler. Wifo "Iu tho camo of lawn tennis, . aim., t. my dear, what is ino iuoh uiuicuii thinu to acaulrti ' Husband "Tho lawn." fuck, Leprosy In Louisiana. Mr. Ely and tho priest lodgod in tho houso of ono of tho petite habitant). In tho evening, when thoy were alono, tho subject of leprosy came up. "Wo hear at the North," said Mr. Ely, t'vaguo accounts of tho Torro ilea Loprcux, whioh is said to bo somo whero in Louisiana. What truth is tboro in tbomt ' "Thoy aro no doubt greatly exag. goratod," Bdld Falbor Nedaud. "A tpuiious leprosy, clcphatiasls, was so common among the uegroes under tho Spanish domination that Governor Miro founded a hospital for lepers near New Orleans, on tho Bayou SU John. It hai been gono tbeso many years, and Lopcrs' Land 1b now built up with pretty houses. It was iu tho suburb Tremo." "Tho disease- is oxtinct, tlieni" ''Thero wero somo oases of geinilno Asialio leprosy near Abbovllle, In this parish, about twenty years ago. An old oreolo lady was tho first. Her father doubtless brought tho terrible taint in his blood from Franco. Whon tho white soales appeared in her faco her husband and family fled from her. There was a young girl, daughter of M'sicu Dubois, who went to her and nursed her alono during the three years in which sho fought with death. An other of God's Borvants, m'sieul F6nr of this old woman's ohildren, who de serted her, became lepers Tho young girl who had nursed her, after sho died married a voting fermier, and lived hap"pijy ib her httlp cabin with her husband and pretty' baby. But ono day a shining whito spot appeared on her forehead. That was tho end." "Sho died?" "M'siou, after four years. Thero is no oure. It surely does not matter to her now by what road God oalled her to Him. Thero havo been since then no lepers in this parish except in these tainted families. Tho real Terro des Lepreux in Louisianna is now on tho lower Lafourche, below Harang's Can al. The bayou thero is turbid and foul: it flows through malarious swamps lower thau itself. The oreolo planters there aro honest and temner. ato folk, but they are wretchedly poor. They raise only rice, aod live on it and fish. The wet rice fields conio np to the very doors of their, cabins. Tho leprosy which certain families among them havo inherited is developed by these conditions. Fivo years ago Professor Joseph Jones, president of the State Board of Health, wont him self with his son to exploro tho oyp ress swamps and lagoons of the lower Lafourohe. M'situ, it is the region of tho shadow of death. Ho found many poor lepers hiding thero. Tboy wore as dead men who walk and talk. They could handlo burning coalsj they felt no longer oold nor heat nor Dain. Their bodies wero as corpses. One man lived alone in a hut, thatched with palmettocs, which he bad built for himself, eating only the rice which he had planted. No man nor woman bad oomo near bim for years. The Torre dei Lepreux extends-as far as Cbeniere Caminada, where the bayou empties into the Gulf." Mr. Ely remained silent thoush a torrent of angry queries rushed to his lips. Why was nothing dono to miti gate tho horrors of snchalife-in-death? How could this priest, a mar of God. so calmly discuss these poor accursed creatures from bis safe: comfortable point of vantage, jogging on his easy-J going mare from one farm to another? lie bade him presently a rather curt good-night, and went to the loft where be was to Bleep, when be oamo down in tho morning, Pero Nedaud had gone. "M sieu,' said his smiling host. "Io pere haf lef yon bon-matin," waving his hand to the black figure passing southward far across tho prairie ' vvnero is ms charge now! "M'sied " Gaspard paused a mom ent. "In hell, I. think. It is near Cheniere Caminada, in la Terro des Lepreux." Mr. Ely walked away from him. and paced up and down tho loyee for a long time. "tied forgive rael" ho muttered to himself. Heuecca Hauoino Davis) in Harper's Magazine for Novembor. How to Stop Coughing. In a lecture onco delivered by the celebrated Dr. Brown-Seqnard he gave i,ue luuuwuig uirecuons wnicn may prove serviceable to pprsons troubled with a nervous oough i "Coughing may do stopped oy pressing on the nerves ot tho lips in tho neighborhood oi tne nose, a pr asure thero may prevent a oough when it is beginning. Sneezing may be stopped by the samo 1 ! T ' f , . I lueuuumtiw. irrrKHiiig also in 1110 neighborhood of the ear may stop ooughing. Pressing very hard on the top of the mouth inside is also a means of stopping coughing. And 1 may say the will has immense powei, too. There was a 1 rench surgeon who used to" say, whenever he entered the wards of the hospital i 'Tho first patient wbo ooughs will bo deprived of food to day.' It was exceedingly rare that a patient coughed then.' A Deserted Town. The best tsamplo of a deserted vil lage known on tbo Pacifio coast is Houston, Idaho. Three years ago it contained over live hundred inhabi tants; now there, are, all told, nine per sons in tho place. Tho town has a fresh and bright look. There is a handsome hotel on tho main street a big Bmelter is seen? thero is a largo brewery, and all along tho principal streets stand neat stores, with fresh looking signs; but tho people are gone, and ail is silent A newspaper outfit was collapsed before a paper was is sued, and tho owners of the material seem to have never since had money enough to pay tho freight out Tlie town sprung up on the strength of a big ooppur prospect: tho copper "failed," and tho people skedaddled many of them leaving behind furni ture and all else exoept clothing and some light and valuable goods. hat Tbo Should Say. Somebody wbo thinks he knows all about it eaysi When a lady sitting for a picture would compose her mouth to a bland and serene obaractcr she should just before entering tho room, say "Bosom," and keep the expression into whioh tho mouth subsided until the desired effect in tho oamera Is evi dent. If, on the other hand, sho wish es to assume a distinguished aud some what uoblo boating not nuggostho of sweetneiiK, sbo should say "Brush," the result of which is infallible. If tbo wishes to make hor mouth look small she must say "Flip," but if tho mouth is already too small, and needs enlarg. Ing, sbo must say "Cabbago." If sho wishes to look mournful, sho must say "Kerchunki" if resigned, she must for cibly ojaoulateV'S'oat'' Ladies when having their photographs taken may obaoryo these rules with somo aduan lage to their appaaranoes. An Old Osmttockct's Uartlo. William von Eokhoff, formerly of Sar.arao villa, on the Comitock, has purchased a mansion in Hamburg for 000,000 marks, His castellated reel denoe dominates tho town. Mr. Uck- hoff is ono of our mining pnuc-B. uiuy, nowovcr, does not go baok on the land tint did not go back on him. llo flics Mm Amnrlnsn flirr in faderland, and lives thero in his natlvo town as an American citizen. In do fianoe of Prlnco Btsmark, American hog and hominy is n standing dish at his tablo. Old "Bis" has several times threatened ta tell King William about this, but Mr. Eckhoff snaps his fingers nt him, tells him that ho'and tho king are namesakes, and that ho will soon havo "Unser Fritz" for a regular board er. Virginia City Enterprise. Tho Hair Album 0raai. Tho latest ornzo am ,ng tho young ladies is a "hair album" gentlemen hair. Young men aro besought for a lock of hair, and tho request Is Buch a flattering ono that thoy aro only too happy to comply when tho right dam sels apply. The contribution is tied with a bluo ribbon and goes iulo tho "hair album" aloug with tho hair of a orowd of other fellows. Over it will bo written tho name, age, color of eyes, dato of receiving tho memento, and general remarks as to personal appear ance, etc., which may or may not bo oomplimcntary, as tho album is nev6r to bo seen by any other than feminino eyes. The young ladies aro as proud of their trophies as tho Indian warrior is of tho soalp ho takes. Aeto York Telegram. A Hew Postal Law, A new postal law has just gone into effect which considerably curtails tho privileges heretofore enjoyed by mer chants and others in sending fourth olass mail matter. It is to tho effect that all fourth-class mail matter mupt hfreafter bear only tho namo and ad dress of tho sender, in nddition, of course, to the address to which it is sent Heretofore renders have bten allowed to put tags or business cards on, detailing their business", or naming tho samples contained in tho packages. If a priotod line is on the wrapper firnt class rates will be cha-gid. Thi9 is important to the public, as a disregard of tho regulation means a collection from the person to whom it is address ed. A Neckilce of Human Fingers- A most peculiar and hideous decor ation in tho shape of a necklace, prob ably tho only ono of the kind in th'e world, has recently been added to the ouriositics in tho national museum. Washington. It consists of a oun ningly wrought band of bead work de pendent from which are eight shrivel ed human fingers with tips stained 'a dull ocLro color. The necklace waa the property of a Sioux medicine man and it is understood that each finger was cut from tho hand of a different victim. Interfering With the Bible. A farmer stood at tho Ithaca gas well'yesterday and sadly declared It was just ruining bible prophecy to dig such things. On being asked to ox plain be said : "If the oil and gas is all pumped out ot the earth, don t it stand to reason that there will be noth ing left insido for the final burning' up of tho world T it is lust spoiling bible prnphecV, and ought to bo stopped."- Mlmxra uazette. Pills are aquiclQj peasant, safe net suye I rut-p for AW' i erdereil liveril or stomach . India e st'on .dv behs i a . conaTi Ban on . Viorvsrr . . j. "? ortjeneral debij!tyy headache In&sitWe.ai'senses ofyvomem fcc tfeatj bufub OOforJCte. fhlobhorpi JJemerfiw are sold 'ondtuqalftiS Send, pcenfc for 7 1he beautiful colored bicTurajTJiej Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. Tha Cabinet Organ waa Introduced by Uuon & Il&mltu In 1801. Mason & llamlln Organ nave alwayi maintained their supremacy over all otbera, hai tng received lllcheat Honors at all Great World's inhibitions since TSOT. The Improved Mode of Stringing Pianos, Invented by Mason llamlln in 1882,. 1 it great advance In plaqq construction, experts pronouncing 11 "the creatoA Improvement In pianos In half a, f enturr," llano circular, containing . 800 testimonials frpb Burehasers, musicians, ana tancra, and llano' 8nd rgan Cataloguos, f roe, ' ' ' i1 MASON Is HAMLIN OEOAN AND PIANO CO., iS Sut lit Ct (frltt Ciun), IW THX,, r-tros-6epS0. THIS is the top of the gen no "Pnnrl TAn " T uine " rearl Chimney, all are imitations, others similar This is the exact label on eaph Pne of thg Chimeya, l ne dealer may say and. think he has as crood. hut he has not, Insist upon the exact label and top. GEO, A, MACBETH &CO, Pittsburgh, Pa. to be made, rut this out and return to us, and we Mil send you tree, noma, thing ot (rreat value and Importance to you. that Will htart VOU In hllfilnnia which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in thla world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Kither sex; all aged, winetulng new, that lust coins money for ail workers. We will start you; capital not needod. This is one ot the genuine, Important chanoea ot lUetlme, Thoaawbo are ambitious anil tnterpr ing wm not delay. GrajSToutat. tree. lAlras . Taes c Co., August Mains, acoU-M,!!, , 3, 7 1 RASKIiMS (THE NEW QUININE,) Hospital PhysictnnB Affirm that Kaskino is Superior to Quinine. A POWERFUL TONIO that tho most delicate stomach will bear. A BI'KUIIflU KUK MAI.AIIIA, 1II1SU.M ATISM, NKHVOUb PROSTRATION. TltR MOST seiKNTmo ANtl RttncRRsriii. IIIXJOP rUMFlKlt. euncrlor to quinine. Pr. P. E. Miller, houso pliTBiclan nt St. Francli Hospital, New Vork, and vlslllnfr physlcan to Sti Joseph's Hospital, New York.haa used Kaskino lor over a year with constant and unfailing success, lie says: "Kasklne Is a mcdlclno of tho highest value as an antipyretic, antl-7ymotlc and nntlsep tic, It lowers the temperature permanently, pro. duces no bad effect, and Is pleasant to the tnsto. Other letters ot a similar character from proml. Bent Individuals, which stamp Kaskino ns a rem edy ot undoubted merit, will bo sent on applica tion. Kasklne can betaken without any special med ical advice, ii.eo per bottlo. or e bottles for is. sold by MOVFJt linos., lilootnsburg, l'a., or sent by mall on receipt of price. -ilia, asoajflstu., os warren ai riew lora. HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. -9G a is! sHm . 'HMBK Combining' i Sq1 Ti-ifa Jity viiaiia sbbbbHGsbHsV S M t ' ' mi vniiu(nr. fiariH or me worm p JhJJCll CH LDREN'S CARRBAGES THE LUBURG MANF'C CO.. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October wsssyrs. a 1 slsssWilslslslslslslsBsB.&. -JL M flvf 1 d y' for Infants and Children. KJs4rU Is so well adapted to chOdrea that I CaaterU cures Colic, constipation, I raoommend Is U superior to any creserintlon I Bonr Stomach, Diarrhoea, KructaUon, terra to as." a. a. ActxI,M.D., I XuliWorrns, gives sleep, and promote dl. UI Bo. Ox&fd 84,, Brooklyn, N. Y. WUhoutUiurioca medication, Xaa Csnrri.ua Oonrairr, 131 Fulton Street, N. Y. INDUCEMENTS! r t t . , We are offering creat inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Among the Pianos we handle are the I VERS Sc POND, C. C. BRIGGS, BA US CO., SCEOMAOKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. Thesu Pianos are all first-claso and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are tho celehrated ESTEY, MILL , UNITED S TA TES and other makes. ER ARD ROTARY Sewing n- x' i - a ? -ar.. -i 1 1 . ivoiary newing xuaciiiiie in me Before purchasing write palace of Music and DEPOT, Main St,, liloomsburg, PKNNEY GOODiJ A SPECIALTY. iOLI A.0IMTB rOE F. Y. ADAMS tc CO., FINS CUT CHEWING TOJB4CC0 sole agents ot the following- brands of Cigara., IlKlHY CLAY) LONDUES, hoiijCAl, INDIAN rhitfCESS, BAHSpN, 81.YRJ AW. Our leading Sewing Machines are thp celehrated WHITE NE W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE TF E OME, HOUSEHOLD. ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND Alexander Bros. (6 Go.; WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE A OEM'S FOlt HBN11Y MAILLAItDS BEGA - FIIESH flVKRY YM Bloamsburg, Pa. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGAKS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. i?!!i$!mtcuty iaaleveivM, 51 U, rs tot jiut imu svMi,nnii SEINES) NCTS-(5?Da9.8,'OKT- Double liarrel ltreech Loading Shot duns, choke bored, I0 to lion, (Ungle llreech loading Hhot duns 14 to IS!). Every kind ot llreech I omllriR and Kepeatlug Hides, 1.1 tosto. Muzzle Loadlmr Don ble Shot tiuns, li to 135. Single shot nuns, is Ml to 111.00. Ilovnlvers II 00 to no. Double Action self cockers, 2.50 lo f 10. All kinds of nrtrtdges, Shells, oars. Wads, Tools, l'owder KlAsks, bhot Pouches, Primers Send cents for Illustrated catalogue. Address, (111KAT WKHTKUN OUN WOItKS, Ml HMITIIFIBL1) ST., P1TTRIIUIM, PA. N. II. This Is a so-ycar-old, reliable firm. Per fectly trustworthy, orders filled promptly ond goods sent by mall or express to any part of the world. No matter what you want In the gun line you can get It at tho Oroat Western by writing a letter. Uuns made to Order, nuns and Itevolrers Repaired. seplo-ems can live at home, ana make more money at work for us, than anything else in this world. Capital not necdedj j ou arc started the Work. Lnrtre parnlncrs sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms free, llcttef not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and nndout; It youniowlscyouwIUdOBoatonoe. II UiLLiTT &Co., Portland, Maine. d0(.34-S-ly SUNKfTUBE FOlt rOLUMMAN. HBBIBIBiajslSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJpVlllrf LUBURG CHAIR oblnfng'a Paflor, Library, Smoking, Reclining or Invalid OO HP -So.ndBtampTflsl,IIi,KDonii mi su n sn.. . . la I av f I . - V mr vnimioirnr. II novltny Machine, the finest and hest n worm. for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S great sewing machine Pa. ANY OIIDKlt FOR FESTIVAL will be 8UPPLIED WJTU TUB LOWEST as koi. i.ows : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, l'EANUTS, ENGLISH VAT.JTTTS NDIKS.! CREAM NUTSj lJOP CORN BALLS, H. T. WHITE 9s- CO. Offer spcclnl inducements to farmers Hat! mado from puro materials, freofrom uarnntccd as good as tno uost. Wo keep constantly itPfltock nt our GRAIN HOUSE, and will ilollvcr frco of oluirgo to nny stntion ob tho D. L. it V. or B. fe 8. rftjlroadu, tho cc)thratcd "Economv llono" and "Good Crop" brands, both lilch grade, Standard tronfV MPIKE MACHINEBY Wo havo tho agency for tho Traction, l'ortablo nnd Stationary Kngincs, Threshers, coinplcto with lever power, in six frizes; Clover Hiillcrs, Saw Mll8. Grain Drills and Corn Shelters. All standard goods, just whnt farmers will need vory soon. Sprout'B just what every fanner needs. Can attach to any liorso-iont r. linns can y Grinds well. I8AB 11 FABI WACOM ! Wo havejin stock, roady for inspection, tho" O'Bfien Wagons, in any srizo desired, for farm or road, and invito tho public to call nnd seo thciii. QUR STOCK ! In addition to tho above wo kocp a full lino of Flour, Bran, Middlinrra. Clmn and Feed at lowest market prices. Salt for land and dairy use. Special prices to dealers on job itits. Clover, Timothy and fancy crass seeds. Coal in all sizes. Delivered tn nnv part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from titi for their dis tricts and theinselyes. All kinds of Grain takcn nt highest market prices for cash, or in exchango nt any time. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly,' H. August . Orders Mav "be Left -with. Al"bertson & Hulme. Bpntnn Pa ECONOMY TIIJE mATICAL QUE8TIOW EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOB THE SEASOfi CAN BE BOUGHT (DM1AFI1 THAI EYI1. A Large and 0L0THIHG JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE Call and be Convinced that you have the LAMEST SELECTION OF GOODS OP THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE DAVID LOWE1BERG Blooiiisbiii'g:, Pa, PEBRINE'S rwill BARLEY i DlBTlLLED from KPlnntPii ?nJlt.lybSc,JKe1J)y. !ls Hecommciided by leudlue pbytlclona as a Dlurf 11?, puiIr lU 'LVfAif.VS-Vr t-offcu"Pilfa it fi Invaluable. I'IKKINK'S ,Jlr..o malt Wiiibkey Insures a return or vlKor to tbe stomacb, u trood Iflffi tnrnrtRnn2Sd,?iDtJ;10?d ?nl Increased Beafi and muwSSrtEsie. A I.SI?!,antJ?,l,?.n1,Ben"e,n cncct- I'Jspepsla, indlgetrtlon esdall wastlnz f, nc,an':,e Vly luffed by the ute or FerrlnJ's 1-ure uT rley alt Whl!kf y. It la a tonic and diuretic andinmrtmii .io v .il'i. eat n 'iJH s' UIiK 11A1'I-JSV MALT wiiifaKEl bu prevo i medicinal pSwtlon to HH?.Puuet,"!lraTOU0,10n8 n the opeaat aiiSwhoM dally work calls It PimFn'S JeSiTfT? o' endurance. AsIc mtr nearctt dragglst or grocer for lor ?.Hlti1,1,k?8pu,.'K1)AI.i.IJSY MAIiTWlllSKl-YreTlves .theenersles o Those torn ?n IS,1? eKottl'"s v1 ,or WnM effort and acts as a safeguard egalni ; eiposuro wet and rlgorou eahcr. It will drive all malarious dlieafia from the imcm. ri 1 aas.sa F T ' " --"" ' renders prone to 5l!iiu .tJ$X!rTmK&:???.'i?t' I. Tha analysis as It appears by the Lai "U "VM'Ot IU UlKCtlklUU. 1 Jill III II CdO I'UllK UAHLBY MALT WU18KEV without unduly stimulating the kid nys Increases their naguinir activity. Counteracts the Meets ot latigue, has' tens convalescence and la a wholesome I and prompt diuretic Watch the label Itone genuine unless bearing the slg-na- roi sate m ait druggist H'rtkrwers inrougnout he Vnlted Btatesvand 37 NORTH FRONT ST.-33 NORTH WATER ST., PHILA FOH BALK llYnnimniftTa iw .t. tiTf. ' o TM 4Hf lk Iitir-Mn4r r o UlXinf kbout ft M ( ortuui (iIhmi. Th fc in pi uittndt4 Wbrk Id dlus lb Dirrilt tf tblr Uea. f h UtUr. sulf m;i tha Juiri MttBt j ft bo u iht t U U wn, in vuvosr urnict it, na irtl IU JsV tvtii$4eitojiuttfr. OtaUtriUjjUufcitjjii,! i,lJ liijsWt lw.litt;l.s. Full Linen of the Above Shoes for Sale by I. W. & SOIST, vigi iM Solo Agonta for Bloorasburg, Pa. for tlio next sir weeks on tho following sour aoids i V. WHITE & CO.. Bloonisburg, PA. THE HOUR. Varied Stock of ND SELECT LINE OF -OF- MALT WHISKEY. ItnrlAv tnt nr.H vs-.. , bel on emrvlmtt.lf.. 1 liavn rflri,ri)lv an idlyzed the ruin UtRUir Milt Wiiis ikt made by M.4J. K rarrlnoandtthil ibtruiireiy tree irom lusci ou.iuriurui, metals and acids and Is aWlutel) pure." Slynad, Camilla Arthur ilaitr. viuuuwvuriw vmrtrtuut V MunKn,' derma aud Weitbaaen An alu uaaisiana, flptton. tp in4 Conmii Rhof i. Aik your rctuflt r fhr MKAMH4BIiUlC,ftccordiuxtoyourne(li. l"oiUlr none geoaUie uolcaa out tbuiip appear plainlj oalbo tort. JAMES MEANS 34 SHOE Will net wssr so long ss tha JAMES MEANS S3 SHQE, r,.1" " !' ,n,', rala ! occnpatlons sr 4nch s fcsdlhcmtotjll for lljhttr and mora tf,,,,. thosllisa iif.Wf? MEANS S3 SHOK. Our 1 aho hss .i J ' "A,!"' "I'" Prminent rcpuUlUin jot comfiTt Mid dursbility lack as no othtr ilios has vrkawn In lh Klilorrof Ihelrtdf. Nocomptllton sr Mo lo spproach, II. Ths James Meana Ui tl" U lUrLt sad HjUio, ana It It dursblo any klita ot lis elst.t n r insnu. racturcd. Yit conndcA.il sum Out in swry Mial ro ixrlliia Jaiit'fc lni 1(4 Mioe la eul l ill hand.vi,4 tka vrhicli asia tlUitrlo Ui n rcialltj at f." aaiaDoncolatopandarauilcH cairvimp., 1) a pfrfliclly inionlli U.UOOI lllld,. It mi his StotkliiK. and rrqullx-a nu "brcuklue In," IwliMt (rfwtly sss j tlit Jr.i Hut a Is worn. Jaws Mrini sud Co.i ghoci wire ths flnt In IMa rounlrr la bautriulvrly advrnUrd If lou hairs ! OliapwJnltd In othtr adverlUed Shota, your capsrliaos ui(ht to ttarh you ll.it It II lifer In buy lloea aiads by Ida Itadtrs of sjitam, rather iln Irraas i"d by th tlirouiliuut ths L'nlliJ Ulalca, and o UI Plus lliew James Means & Co. l klnooln St., Boston, Mass. and heavv worthless filled ,i