COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. - it The Columbian. 0. S. Elwtll, I viii... J. S. BHUnliwdor., ( E41""' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, OUTODElt 28, 1887. Tuesday, November 8, is election rtny, Every Dcmcornt in tbe county should feel it his duty to vote. If this is done, tho majority will be larger than ever before. It is possible to carry the State, and if there is a full Democratic) vote, such a result is prob able. The committeemen and local candidates should work from now on to bring out a full vote, and every Democrat bIiouUI constitute hitiuclf a committee of ono to see, that bin neigh bors turn out on election day. bRookshiodTIjoensb LAW. Tho Brooks High License Law is exercising the minds of tho lawyers in every juiitsial district in the state, ss it has become necessary to formulate and adopt a code of Itulet for practice under it. All implications for lioenso must be made and heard at a timo to be fixed by a liule of Court, and shall be for one year from a dato fixed by Kuli) of Lo'irt. Under old laws licenses could be and were crMito.i at tho first or pecond terras of Court in any year i and they expired in February or May as the case might be. This can no longer bo done, and to fix a time least inconvenient to parlies, witnesses and Court, and at tho same time to prevent losses by lapses 'if licenses or duplicates thereof, are matters of no little difficulty : and indeed in spite of tho best considers lion that can be given to the subject some losses must occur, which the court is powerless to remedy. The law is imperfect in its details and some of Us provisions, and in many respeots very inartificial ly drawn; and bow much of the old legislation remains and how mt'ch is repealed will occasion creat controversy for some year. There is no general repealing clause iu the Act, and all pro-existing laws not supplied by it remain in force. There is no provision, for instance, about the transfer of a license granted under the previous laws, but the courts have not hesitated to transfer licenses heretofore granted. The Aot is so drawn as to be not subject to any logical system of con struction It does not in any place re. quire that the applicant shall have bed, house accommodations, or stable room; and yet in the 61th section it requires the petition to set out that tbe place to be licensed is necessary for the ac commodation of the pnblio ; and in the seventh section the court may refuso the license when such license is not necessary for tho accommodation of the public, and the entertainment of Btrancerg or travelers. Under this, must the beds, bouse room and stabling be provided and shown to the Court as by the old law or not I Is the old law, in this regard repealed, or does it remain in force I JNo man can tell. Again the wording ia not uniform, In tho first section the words are "Any bouse, room or placp, hotel, inn or tavern ;" in the four h section they are "all licensed and unlicensed hotels.tav ems, inns, restaurants or saloons, three or four times over ; in the eighth section wo return to "any bouse, room or place, hotel, inn or tavern, and the eighteenth section the same words are used. It is true in the fourth section tho words designating tho sott of plaoe where sales are made, are or seem to be restricted to cities of the first class and yet no doubt, what wo call restau rants, saloons or eating houses must be included and licensed under tbe words in tbe first section, to-wit, "any bouse, room or place.'' A competent lawyer drawing a highly penal statute would have used words and names with great care, and with 'a view to protect as well as warn the publio and individuals. "Said petition,'' in the fifth f ecu on must reter to tbe words "tor license as aforesaid in any city or county," and they all to a licenso "to keep or maintain any bouse, room or place, hotel, inn or tavern, where via- one, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors. or any admixture thereof may be sold Now if these words mean anything, they must mean to draw and acknow Jedge some distinction as existing be tween what is designated as "any tionee, room or place, botel, inn or tav rn :" and manifestly a license may be asked for and granted for a "room" in which liquors may be sold, but in which neither tbe strangers nor travel era can procure accommodation or eni lertainment. And eo equally of "house" or a "place." For a licenso to keep or maintain any ono of these contemplated by the Act, and "tho ao ooromodation of the publio" is what the petition requires, and all it requires. If be wants a license to keep or maintain a house, room or place to se.l vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors, then he does not need to pro vide himself with the beds, bouse room or stabling required to keep or main tain a hotel, inn or tavern for the ac commodation ot tho public, and the entertainment of strangers or travelers, The accommodation under the fifth section rniaht b-, would be, tho con venienco of procuring a cla'8 of liquor; bat the entertainment of strangers or travelers require food, rooms, bed privacy, stabling, hay, oats and a stable man. These aro a few of the most obvious difficulties, nnd no doubt the practical working of the law will develop more and more grievous ones, which do not lie within tho lino of this discussion nnd which thorofore aro not consider ed. F. The Condemned Anarchists. An Application was made to Justice Harlan of the United States Supremo Court, last week, by Roger A. l'ryor and li. F. Iiullcr, counsel for tho Cm cago Anarchists now under sentence of death, tor a writ ot oiror to tbe ill inois statu con its. Tho hearing was lofcrred to tho full bench, ami on Mori day Chief Justice Waito fixed Uhurs dav (or lieuriuu argument as towheth ir env points were raised in the trial that give tl.o United States Supnme Comt any jurisdiction in tho case. The condemned men have but little hop of interference on tho pait of tho ir premo court. An iron column, twenty-tlirco feet Itng, and weighing over 0,000 pounds, pan of a new lighlhouso being built, was leceutly landed at Bishop Hock, England, and a storm coming up, was ltft latlitd by a half-inch chain at each mdto ulioug ejtbolts. Three days afturuaid the workmen returned and found that tbe column had Veen tossed up by the waves twenty feet to the top of ttio rock where it was swo;ing ftboul like a piece of .timber, , Dan Oameion on Cleveland. M. LouH Republican. Said Colonel Joe Rickey at tho Southorn last night t "I asked Don Cameron somo time ago what ho thought of Cleveland. 'The only thing that can beat him,' said he, 'is some sort of a financial panlo which can bo laid at tho doors ot tho administration. In such a cao ho would probably bo bea'.cn, no matter whom wo might put against him. As it stands now how ever, 1 think ho is suro of ro-elrotion. lie has shown himself to bo an honest, dependont and fearless oflioial and tho predictions that financial ruin would follow his election havo been disproved.' 'Do you,1 I asked, 'talk this way to inoinb'cra of your own par ty 1' Why notl' ho auswercd. 'I havo no deslro to oheat them or to cheat myself i tho conditions aro plain.' '' IOO Doses One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the only medicine ot which this can be truly laid) and It Is an unanswerable argument as to the strength and posttlro economy ot this great medicine. Hood's Barsaparllla Is made ot roots, berhs, barks, etc., long and favorably known tor their power In purifying the blood ! and In combination, proportion, and process, Hood's Barsaparllla Is peculiar to Utelf. "For economy and comfort we use Hood's Barsaparllla." Mas. C. Bbewbtkb, Buffalo. " Hood's Barsaparllla takes leu time and quantity to show Us effect than any other preparation I ever neara or. l wouia not do without It la the nouso." hes. u. a. m. UVBBABD, North Chill, N. V. 100 Done One Dollar Hood's Barsaparllla cures scrofula, salt rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick neaaacne, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com plaints, and all affections caused by Impure blood or low condition of the system. Try It. " I was sererely afflicted with scrofula, and for over a year had two running sores on my seek. I took fire bottles of Hood's Barsapa rllla, and consider myself entirely cured." O. E. Lovsjor, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Barsaparllla did me an Immense amount of good. My whole system has been built up and strengthened, my digestion Im prOTed, and my head relieved of the bad feel ing. I consider It the best medicine I hare ever used, and should not know how to do without It." MABT L. rzau, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists, it S t ,or Uad nly by a L HOOD tt CO., Lowell, Mass IOO Doses One Dollar. . DEMOCRATIC TICKET. State. Fob Judge ok Supreme Court, J. ROSS THOMPSON, Of Erie. For State Treasurer, B. J. McGRANN, Of Lancaster. County. For Associate Judge, CYRUS B. MclIENRY, Of Fishingcreek. JFor Prothonotary and Clerk of the Several Courts, WILLIAM H. SNYDER, Of Bloomsburg. Fob Countt Treasurer, GEORGE A. HERRING, Of Bloomsburg. For Register and Recorder, CHARLES H. CAMPBELL, Of Bloomsburg. For County Commissioners, WILLIAM G. GIRTON, Of Bloorasburir. JESSE RITTENHOUSE, Of Beaver. For Auditors, E. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Catawissa. A. W. HARTMAN, Of Fishingoreek. For County Surveyor, SAMUEL NEYHARD, Of Bloomsburg. A 0AED. hprehir annnnnen mv&elf as a candldato for county uoDirau loner, w uu vuiu iur a, two v vemoer eiecuon. ,wtn Oracgerllle, Pa., October 7, 1SST. j-OTICE IN PAItTITION. IN m 0RNUJ1B' COCHT Of COLCKBIA COUNTT. Tn fhn tnftt.tirnf thenartltlon of the estate Ot Jonas Doty lata of Flshlngcrcek township deceab- ea. . . . in Nnrnn k lznnern Knzeii-. Kiiswonu wuuvj. Kansas, and George Doty, TLuzerne Co.. Pa. take notice that an Inquest will bo held at the late dwelling house ot Jonas Doty deceased. In the Townsuipoi rcsQiDgcrueK, uoiumuia uun, on Monday, the seventh day ot November 1881 be; tween me nours oi v o uiock a. ui. uuu m y. m. v. cam fnpthn nnnvwAAr mnlrinfr rtartitlon Of the real estate of said deceased, to and among his children and legal representatives, II the same can be none without preiudlco to or epoll ng 01 the whole, etherwlse to valre and appra(ae the same according 10 law, at wmcu iimo aiu piwio y u" " reaulred to attend If you tnlnk proper. SUerUTs omce, Bloomsburg, Oct. 6, i-7. , SAMUKt. SMITH, Bherlir. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE JReal Estate ! By virtue of an order, Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleaa ct Columbia county. Pa., the un dersigned executrix of Ciiarlea Brown, late ot Scott township, deceased, will eipoa) to sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY, November 4, 1887, at 2 o'clock p. m,,the following real estate,bounded and described as follows: NO. 1. A lot of land, situate in Scott township, bounded northwardly by a public road, leading from Llghtst reet to the Paper M in of shew & Iloff. nan, patwardly by lands of George Keller and a publtt roaa, southwardly by landa ot the legatees of Dorothy A. Cravelng,dcceaid,and westwardly by landa of George Keller, uOAtaudcy 1 6 ACRES of land, more or less. HO. 3. Two .building lotABltuate In Llghtsireet, township and county aforesaid, bounded north wardly bylotol Mrs. John McDowell, eaatwardly by publio alley, southwardly by publio alley, and we.tws.rdjy by Main street of said village, con- Mining about 109 fet ttoU, and ab)ut 1M teat In depth, whereon la erected a one-gtery rrams DWELLING HOUSE another small building, and a stable. TEKMSOP SALE. Ten per cenUol one-fourth ot tUo purcuaae money to be paid at tbe striking down of the property, mo one rourtn leastneien per cent, at the conflrmat'nn absolute, and the remaining three-fourths to .s yar alar Wn- flrraatlon nisi, with Inurestfrom juatoatc LYDIA V. BltOWN, Littlis, Attya. (oil) Executrix. A UDITOR'S NOTIOK. 1 he underblgned. an Auditor appointed by ths Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, l'eousylva nla, to make dlstrlbuilon, to ,wlll Ut at his omce, u tne norougn or iierwick, on eaiuruay, ovul ber 12. 1H4T. at 0 o'o ock a. in., to attend to the du. ties of his annolntmcnt. when and where all part ies having claims agalnrt said estate must appear and prove tbe same, or be forever debarred from eorai' g in on saia runa. w, nauin, octsr Auditor. QOMMISSlONEHo' SALE. We will offer for sale what Is known as the old Jail property, en Saturday, November e.issr, at 1UOCIOCK U IIWIUUII nullum Mtwiuaug.t;, nil tiiAt eeitolii tiliiMiof land, situate In the town of liloom tun, w ttii a front on Centre street of which are erected a brick- dwelling hofue, q d all. Mable and other outbulldlngi. ccndlilcns cab be veeu at tbe HIKPHEV POIIK. X Co. Com'rs. WASHINGTON PA lilt, Arrxtn-Jflbn B. Casey, Clerk. WiEsfon.r' Pflc,, Bfoomiib.uiy, Pa., PeU 7, 'S7. WAHD LIST. 1'rcmlttmn awarrtefl fcL ina Lhlrlv.LMM An. .. v ii.mi. tural Society, held at Hloomsburg, Ootober ltb. mil, lttii and 15th 1687. ULiaao i cakbiaqb Ann light pkavoht horsh aid mabm! Best stallion over 4 soars oldO.W. Krli 1 12 00 Bast stallion hntweon 2 and 4 vitar old II. I). Miller, O UO llcst stallion betwo n 1 and 2 years old O. M. Hagenbuch 8 00 Second best C. E. Thomas..., Ill) Host btood mam with foal u. 8. Lull 8 00 Second best F. 1'. Hagenbuch 4 tu Third boat Jaoob Flaher.,.,.,, 2 00 llcst maro or gelding boiwoen 3 and 4 J. W. Wlnterstcon 4 OS Socond best A. II. Groop. 2 00 Best mare or gelding between 2 nnd 3 J. W. Wlnientcen 4 00 Second best Henry Delghmlller , 2 Oft Third best Ueoi eo llrleech 100 Beat mnro or gelding between 1 and 1 i'red. Hagenbuch 3 00 Socond beet Damol Bryfoglo 2 oo Third beat Uoubon lies' 100 Ucat oolt untlor 10 months F. 1. Hag. onbuch 8 10 Second best J. W. Wlnteratccn 3 00 Beat pair cairlago horses or ranrcs BenJ Stackbouao 8 00 Second beat I). W. Kitchen S mi Third beat Dr. h. A. Slmttuclt 8 00 Best single carriage mare F. I'.llagen bticl ft oo Heccnd beat John r llldlay Ui Boat pair match colts undor 4 II. K. Battln 8 no Second boat Joseph tamon 1 90 Third boat 1. B. Ikelcr 1 M Judgos.KUloU Adams. l'hlllpUrcaay, John M While CLASS 11, nEAVTCttACOHT llonSIS MARES AMD COLTS. Best maro or gelding between 3 and 4 Reuben IteHS 4 00 Beat maro or gelding between 2 and 3 J. 8. Haijcnbuoh 4 00 Second best Manillas thafler 2 oo Best maro or gelding between 1 knd 2 F. P. Hagenbuch 3 00 Best four liorso team J. S. Menecli.... 4 00 llest two-horao Unm J. 8, Hagenbuch 6 00 Second beat Mathlaa Shaffer 3 00 Boat mule team Jamea ratteraon 8 ou Seoond beat E. II. Little 3 CO Boat pair colta under 4 years Wesley Bowman 8 00 Second beat I. B. Ikelcr 3 60 Beat amnion for all purposes John Vanco 10 00 sraotAL rnize. Boat 4 hoavy draught'horBoa, 1 atalllon and 3 of his get Wesley 18 00 Judgca Sylvoator l'ursell. Aaron R. Tat. tcraon, Joseph II Kitchen. CLASS 111. RLOOOKD OATTLI. noit Durham bull Douglas Hughes.... 10 00 Best lolatcln bull K. if. Llttlo 10 00 Second beat TU mas Shujr 6 00 Heat ilolateln cow K. II. Llttlo 10 00 Second boat A. 8. Slilmer 8 Ueat calf under 14 mos. E. II, Llttlo.... S 00 Second beat A. 8. Milmer 1 00 JudgeaW. 8. Fisher, M. M. Mcgargle, J. 9. juenbvu. SPECIAL rBlZH. Boat herd registered Holstoln cattle, Lacxawanna lireeuera- absociuuuu w Display Registered Ilolateln cattle.... null " iiumuy " o yr. um Cow Tullia " Byra old..... Cow "Claaslo" 0 yrs. old Bull ' Manx " lvr. old Heller lsctta"S yrs. old Holfer ' Bavlna" 1 yr, old 3 Hull calve not named 9 UnlfAPalvAannt. nnineil . ... Lackawanna Breeders Association. ... 33 00 CLASS IV. BLOODED CATTL. Jersey bull . Y. Mowry 6 0o Ueat Jersey cow T.J. Barton 10 00 Second best Willie Webb 0 00 Bet tieirer under two years . u Kyer Second best Henry Laiarus nrilfnnilnpllmm T J. tlATtnn 8 00 2 00 00 Ayrshire cow O. W. Sterner W 00 Ayrsuiro neiier u. n . niernur v BFKCIAL FB1ZI. ITnnl .mrl.laMul OiinmaAV nnil Rwlaa catno A. o. Binmer w Display registered uuernsoy ana owisa came Guernsey bull " Fruit Master" i "Blushing Boy " cow " Apple pie " " " Lilly Swlaabull "Albert p. Tell" " " "Hurricane Toll " " cow not named " helfor" " 4 rmiilail nnnra n nt nainiMl ..... A.s'.Shlmer... 23 00 Judges. O. F. Ferris, E. C. Cleaver, Bylvos- CLASS V. OBADSD OATTLB. nat. lmll .1 S. Mnnaeli 8 OO Second beat John Vance 8 00 Best cow .i. 8. Meuaeh . 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 CI 3 00 1 00 800 Second beat John Vance Beat liotfor J. S. Boone Second best Ralph Bobbins. Best calf K. M. w. Lnw Rnnnnilheat J. S. Meraeh Cow and twin calves J. S. Hagenbuch. Durham bull J, S. Iloone 8 04 Judges. M. K. Appleumn, Herman Fabr inger, o. j. tvou. CLASS VI. JRi.DID OATTLX. Best bull Reuben Hcas 8 00 Hnpnnrl heat Gen Iluorhea 3 00 Third best Uenry Delghmlller 2 00 ttnnt. pnv n. A. .1 annbv 8 vl Second best Cbaa, Gvana 4 00 Third hot N II. V'unlc 2 00 llnnt. hnlfAr n. A. .lAnnbv w Second beat llenry Delghmlller 9 oo Third best Frank H. Bloe 1 00 llcst rnir Reuben Hess 3 ui Second best Frank B. ltloe 1 00 Juilgcs, D, A. Ucas, Alfred Ileacock, Levi Fester. CLASS VII. NATIVKOATTM. Best cow Jos. Garrison 6 00 Host Heifer Jos. lleckman 4 00 Second best " " 2 00 Best steer John Dolong 2 00 Judges. Geo. W. Supplee, Thos. J. Barton, CLASS yill. eninr. llAst rmlr mlrtdln wAntn 7.. ITAGrinhnch 10 00 Second best Samuol llldlay.,,, 6 0) neai nair lonir wools aimon aiuer o w Best two cross wool ewes Simon Siller. 6 00 llnst. In,, lftmria inldilln vnn , Mnmuni llkllav iu uu Second best J. S III goubucb 6 00 Judges. A. C. Creasy, E. L. Lemon. H. D. jueuriue. CLASS IX. 8WINB. Jersey Bod boar Dr, B. F. Gardner 4 00 8 00 3 00 sow .... Second best Geo. Ilugbcs Third beat O. W Sterner 2 00 4 00 nest Kaacxsow jonn ueiong Itest Poland China sow W. S. Fisher.. 4 Oil Heat Chnster White boar Sam'l lildlav 5 00 Second best panlei Yocum 3 00 Heat Che ter Wtilto bow Baro'l llldlay 6 00 second boat Daniel Yocum Graded Cheater Will to sow 3. a. Ilag- 3 00 4 0-1 6 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 ennucn , Rest litter nlira Dan'I. Yocum Second beat George IluRhes Jersey Red ahoats Dr. U. F, Uardner.. 2 fat hogs W. Il.Swentacl .,,,......,m, Judges. M. C. Vance, B, F. Battln, Win, oiojcer. CLASS X. rouLTay. Beat coon cht'jkena Jacob Fisher 8 00 Second best W. II. Swentzel Tr.lnl beat G. W. Sterner Best Plymouth Kocka tf , W Sterner.. Seconil best U K. Evans Beat Wyandottes Mrs. II. C Barton'... Second bent Mrs. D. P Drlbler 2 00 1 00 1 on 60 1 00 60 1 01) 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 no so 25 1 00 1 on 1 oo l oo l oo 1 oo 1 oo 2 00 ) 00 1 00 60 1 00 l op 1 on ro 1 op 60 29 1 00 60 29 loo 60 tiutr cochins Q. A. Fisher Light Brubmas Dr. II. P. Gardner.,.,,, Langahans Samuel llldlay..,, Best White Leghorns Jos. Garrison,,,. Seoond beat Chas. Evans Best Drown Lep horns W, B. Allen Second best Eddie Eyer Third best C. E. Thomas Colored Dorkings J. D. Armstrong.... Golden Seabrtght Bantums A. Solluder Unknown chickens 1, S, Ilrlttaln Ill'k breasted red Game Chas liabb .... Hack Minorca W. B. Allen Dark laced Wynndottes W. B.Allen... Coop of Wyandottes Mis. ! I'. Keillor Best Coop Ducks Jos. lleckman Second beat Burnctta UeacoCk.... Host common dpeks Ellsjia Hagen buch Second peat Marg't. McMaben'.., Toulouse geese Karn'l. llldlay..,,,,,,,. Native geeao Kllia IlaKonbuch....... Heat Hong Kong geeae Geo li)gt)ea... Second beat A. 11. CroQp , Best Bronte turkeys J. S, IlKgenb0h. Second beat A. B. Croop Third beat G. W. Sternal , Bestnatlve turkeys Ellaba Hagenbuch Second best A. W. Mellck.... Thlru beat Mathlaa Shaffer Blue Turkeys F. 1. Hagenbuch Uen and little chicks Simon Sitler Beat collection Pluuona (). A, Wolf.,.., Second best E. S.'ronjwald.. Third " Jimmy Sallzcr. Fantalls ' ' '.. lleat Pouters Arthur Marclay Seconabsat Jimmy flatfer.. , Carriers Chas Evans ,,, , Antweips B S.Fornwald Turblts A Solleder , . Pea Fowla George Hughes Best gulneaa O. A. Wolf.,,, Second beat T. . I, Barton. 'bird best A. W. Mellck...., , Beat Babbits Myron tfqyder,,,,,,, second best Cnaa. Eyana, . Cuon of UUInous A. II. UiqMj... ...... .'. Mockingbirds llavla Brooks, ,.','. Cage Cunarloa B. II. Fruas, Pen rabbits 11 11, Picas.., Second beat Hal ton Marclay,,', , ,, Third boat Jimmy Saltter Pair parrots Mra. Will llotrmaii 2 pug dogs and 3 pups W, B Allen Pointer dog J B. Barkle Ferret It. B. Freas 2 00 1 00 60 60 60 60 CO 1 00 1 00 60 29 60 'I 1JS 60 US 60 1 00 60 Newfoundland pun Chas. ltabb opan ui iwv im URCPimiiiiiiiii nuin SLenherd (la 3 Uennau Carp Win, Jle)ltn'o Judges J. W. Ollibs. W. T. Crcaay, D. C. Cf.ASS XI, obain, aast(8 ahi( ytopa. Wheat flour lnihr process, Wesley uowmaii ...,.,.....,..,..,.'. Seoond beat, George lleagla ,,, ' Buckwheat dour, Wesley Boivman.,,. Seoond best, Ueorge lleugle,,,,,,.,,,,, Clorersaad, b i,,,,,,,,,,. Second bust. E. W. M. Low..,,,,..,,,,., Tluioihy seed, Samuel Uullay..., HbcouU best, w. J. Martin,.,,,, ....,, Bed wheat, bearded, ElUba Itaeti bucli... mkiiiii Seoond best, I. I. Zelslott , Bed wheat, smooth, slinon Bltlur,,,, Second beat, Dan'I Bryfoglu. White wheat, Dan'I. llryfuxle.,,, Second best II. L. Vanuerailoe.. ,, Buckwheat, John DoLong , second boat, Dau'l. Ilryfugle Rye, blmon "Itlcr , ,,,, Cats. W. J. Martin ,. Second best. Kills Illugroae , Welcome cults. John DeLong ,,, Dakota yullow aula. Eber A. Ilrown,,, Corn rpdpob gourd. A. W, Mellck,,.. 2 00 l ou 4 to 1 no loo s 1X1 in 1 (HI 11 1 00 oo 1 on 1 00 60 60 60 1 00 beoona uesi, u. a, won DU 1 no l.'orn. eliUt rowed yellow. II. M.Grotx tw-nd Leat. Ellsha Hatrenbueh. ....... Smoked corn, Kllsua iragenbuch,,,,,, 1 tu 28 60 1 00 60 60 60 80 23 1 00 t 00 1 00 60 60 1 00 ' " ""V" kuuiu vutu. ""i Seooncl bAt. (JharlpaTnimn Montgomery gourd corn, j" . Mensoh 0'! be,i,l' aiU' im' Flher i . V . izl ... . becond best. Mrs. Charles Trump lettlbone wheat, K. W. M. Iw........ DIehl Mediterranean wheat, A C. Ilreasv Hybrid Mediterranean wheat, A. II. uruop,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,.,, Mixed wheat, J 8. Monaoh Martin amber wheat, W. J, Martin.. Bale of nay, K. W. M. Low Judges. Nelson Freas, J. 8. Uagenbnoh, E, i.. jayers. CLASS Xlt. viarrABLM, Burbank potatoes A. W, Mellck 1 00 Second best W. J. Martin.. 80 1'rldoofthe Valley James Learn. Second beat 1. ! Zclaloft 1 no w 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 on Knrly uoso K. iiaKcnbuoli... Lute Itoao 1. 1, Zelslort Srcoi d bent W, J Martin whltn Stnr Stephen I'ettlt Mammoth 1'curl I, B. Ikelcr....... reerleai " ., Victor K. Hflironbiich Second bust Jacob Fisher Lonir John Sam'l. llkllav Queen ot Ireland J. J. Keller. liu'imoro seedling Dan'l.Yocum 1 00 Furly sun Rlao U. A. Fisher 80 Empiro si mo " , 1 oo Uhlcago market Jorro Hess 60 Magnum llnnum " " .,, 60 Indiana Belle Jacob Fisher M lllllmeyer seedling I'eter lllllmeyor... 60 Kvrtt 1'bllln llarria M Sweet potatoes Mrs. lsalali Kline 1 oo Second bt st Jos. Garrison At, Onions, large Mrs. It Kitchen 80 Onions, llttlo Jcnnlo E. Miller 60 Uceta, Mrs. u. A loung 60 second nest. Oeo. B. Kitchen 38 Tn nips, Daniel llryfogle no tladlshes, T. W.Ounton 60 Second beat, Philip Harris 38 Lima beans, Mrs. Hannah Miller 60 Second beat, Abblo II. tlencock 2 Pole beans, II. D. Kllnetob 60 Second best, T. D Kobblns 33 nutter Means. Mrs. oiooco Demon eo Second best. Mrs, IC. Hagenbuch 28 Soup beans, Mis. It. Kitchen 60 Second best, Simon Hitler 26 Marrowfat bcana, Mrs. K. Hagenbuch. 60 Variety Beans, Mrs. J. 8. Mensch 60 Second beat, Simon Alitor., 39 Display garuen seeus, uiua snuman.. ou tomatoes. Jo. Uarrlson 80 Second beat, Mrs. II. C. Barton 29 Cabbage, T. W. Clinton 60 Seoondbest. Margaret MoMaban 29 Celory. T. W. Uunton Go Seconil beat, Margaret McMaban 29 .uti uce, Margaret aioaianan ou 'ennera. Jatiia Lenin..... 60 Pumpkins, Geo, Hughes 100 Second besi, E. W. M Low 60 Tinrii, .lerro ucss, Sweet pumpkins George Beagle.... Second best W. II, Swentzct 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 60 60 23 60 21 60 29 Wa ermelon Daniel Isryioglo egg rmiitJosiapn uarnaon Citron Daniel Bryfnsle,, Mangoes u. u. itiuiciou., Second best S. B. Grotz ununarb Georue if. Kllcnen Second best Joseph Garrison..., iiopa airs. u. micnen Second bust Cora Ann Husa Judges.-G. M. Lockard, W. B. Eves, Wm. II. llllllg. CLASS XIlI.-rauiT. James Pvlo A Son's aneclal nremtum f ir 8 vailetlea beat cooking apples, Jacob Zolaloft; i Uox Pyles Pearllne containing IS lbs. Second best, 29 sorts. 6 of each kind of rrutt A. it. uroop a uu Baldwin Apples, Daniel Bryfoglo.. ou 2.1 second uesi, j. r.. l uumn R. 1. Greening. T. D. Bobbins Second bes' , A. J . Ca u pboll Smoko honso, " " Sconnd best, W. J. Martin 60 29 60 29 60 29 60 29 60 60 t aiiawatnr, i u. eisioit Second best, J. B. Uarklo King Tomklns Co., C. E. Thomas... Second best, T. D. Bobbins Smith cider, " " Northern spy. I. L.ftetstoft.., Second boat, Daniel llryfogle Hello Flour, George Hughes Second beat, Daniel llryfogle 23 60 29 60 OUUUI1U Ut-'SV. ,'lllUUI 111 Hnmhn. PhlHn LreoHV, Second beat, W. J. Martin Golden Russet, Jerre Ucas Mammoth Pippin, Jacob Zelsloft Cathead, C. E. Thomas. Rnnlc Vn Fftrtl nr. Klla J. K reamer. . 2 60 60 60 neat noz. tiuincos u. u. i rcoa i ou necona Desi sirs. ii. v. iiaruin Third beat Miss Mellab Turn bach Belle Lucrative pears T, D. Bobbins.. Sheldon " " Wln'er " Bartro John..., Second beat Margaret MeMahon Fall pears " " Sugar " Jacob Zelsloft Lawrence pears Jos. Garrison.. Pound " 1. 1, Zelsloft Crub Apples C. F. Ivey.., urau appio aiaix airs, Amos uucsaiew Froat dianes Amelia Klatler concoru j. it. Townsena.. Second best Georgo lleaglo Martha Grapes J. B. Townsend Rogers " " Pockllngton" " " Clinton J. L. Dillon Second best J. R. Towmend Catawba grapes Anna B. Hagenbuch Lady Washington T, W. Uunton Judges. A. V .Yonng, T. D. Strauss, Jacob .C16IOH. First nrcmlum on orcner&l aaaortment of irniL 10 witnnciu Decauso exniDitor serveu as one ot tho Judges. CLASS. XIV. Damn VBptl. Apples Mrs. R. Kitchen...,,, ,,,, 60 Second best Mrs. B. Kistlsr.... . 28 Pears Mrs It. Kltoben 60 second best Clara K. Hagenbuoh 29 Quinces " ' 60 Second beat. Mlas Allco Raseley 'J Peaches Mrs. II. Klatler 60 second best Martha Abbott 93 Cherries pitted Mra. wm. Sanaa do Second beat Harriet Oberender 29 Cherries imputed Mrs. R. Kitchen 80 Second beat Martha Abbott 29 Raspberries Mrs Hannah Miller 60 Second best Rottie Dlldlne 29 Blackberries Martha Abbott 60 Dewberries Mrs. R. Kitchen 60 ' 60 Second beat Mrs. 11. Klatler.... ,. 29 Plums Martha Abbott 60 Second best Mrs. D. Bryfoglo 29 Prunes Martha Abbott 60 Elderberries Allco Basely , 60 Second best Mrs. L. A. Young 29 Grapes Alice Itasoiy 60 Second best Mrs. B. Ilstler 29 fliuhnnnlna Mra. Wm. E. llartman 3S. Second best Ma rtha Abbott , ,. 29 Best pumpkin Abbie II. Heaoook.,,,.. 29 Second best Mrs. Ellis Cox 29 Best tomatoes, Mrs. Mm. Shoemaker.. 29 Second beat, ' CbirlesTrump.... 29 Citron. " Wm. Shoemaker.. 29 Means in pod, " " " .. 29 Best oorn, 11 L. A. Young 60 Second best. Martha Abbott 29 Choke cherries, Simon Sitler 29 Coriander. " " 25 Squssh, Mrs. D. P. Deibler 29 Rhubarb, Clara Hagenbuch 25 Best walnuts, Freas KIstler..,,, , 60 Socoi.dbeat, C. M. klaher... 26 Best cliCBtnuls, I. L. Zelsloft.. i!.... 6(1 Second best. SInion Sitler 29 Best blckory nuts, Maigaret McMahan 60 Second beat. Susie Ciovellng 26 Butter nbj, Jennie K. Miller ,,, 69 English wairuta, atvuniiipr., Judges.-G. A. llartman, Mrs. H. p.. MpRrldo Miss 1. Fester. ' CLASS XV. man, Meet currant, Mrs. J. R. Townsend.... 60 Second best. Pblllu Harris 23 Best grape, . " " 60 Second best, Mrs. Hannah Miller 29 Host Rhubarb, Mrs. J. It. Townsend,,, on Second best. Mra. Wii. Cbrlaman 4. Heat blackberry, Philip Creasy....;:.: &l Second beet. Mrs. B. lilstler... ; 23 Uest raspuorry, " Second beat, Mrs I'annah Miller.. Second best, Mrs. l!Hinil) M.lpF tint ucaiemeruerry, " -i Second best, Jeno llesa Strawberry, Mrs. B. Ulatlor Wild cherry, " Whoitleberry, " " Beat elder blossom, Mrs. M, C. Vanco. Seconil heat. Mis. J. It. Townsend... Wlntergreen, " Charles Trump... rium, Poaoh. 11 Ilestculer vlneuar. Mrs. k. Kitchen. Seoond best, Mrs, Joseph Garrison...: Tmrdbest, Mrs. Jane nobblns '. Raspberry vinegar,' Mrs. B. KIstler.... Best blackberry ylnogar. Mrs. Moore Houiott ...... 60 Second Wt, 6trs. B. Kitchen...;.....'. 29 Best boiled elder Mrs. Win. Shoemaker ru second best unira uagenuiion aoob,Tino,,MVy.,jVRVTown,. send M Grape, unfernienled Mrs. D. I", Deibler 60 Fig wine Miss Utile Franklin 90 Tomato wlnn Mra. A. J. Evans, 60 Mulberry wine Clara E. Ilagenbuob., 60 Sage wlue Mrs. Chas. Trump , 60 j;ud.ees,-J08lah Ralston, A. B, llartman CLASS XVI-BBH4D, nnTTEB, PA8TB1T Aim nest loaf wheat Bread Mrs. W, W, Barruit Second beat Anna llouck Tbtrd bust Mra. Mary Oliver Loaf rye bread Mrs. L. A. Young Seoond best Mrs. H A. Soboch Third b, si Mrs. Agne, Garrison Gfar,in HlspujM Ajrsj ItyWtfi AJj, Boat do; blacultV ii'rs'.' u.' Ktitjer'.V.Vi seoond liost' Mra. WiniE, llarttnun, , Third bust Mra 0. A. Mover,,,,, ,..,,!, Boatdoi rolls Mrs, Wm. Shoemaker,,, seoond bust Mrs, U.Ulto'uen Best tilsplay ol cukes by baker Jonn Fox Ueat fi lilt cakH Miss liattlo Hart I 00 1 00 60 1 Ol 60 23 1 W 60 S3 1 00 60 8 00 1 00 60 60 Seconil beat Clara E, Ilagenbuob. ginijur i'shs ai Second bl'jt Ills J I Cinnamon bunaMrr J 00 6(1 1 UU 60 Heat Ui'abam bread Mrs. II. Klstlef. S-cond bust Mra. it. Kitchen Junlblea P. G. Miller Second bust Martha Abbot Glnires anana Mra. J. li. Wilson... Uucpnd best Mrs. J. Dietrcnbacb,,,,,, 29 Snongeilaku Mrs, I). Bryfoglo.,,' 60 Second bssl Mrs, K Shlpinan ,... ?9 iiosticiiy cane, Martha ynn'leWU.u,, Cpoond l,ct. Mrs isaluli Kline..,,. Drupouku, Margaret MoMahan ,. Coffee cake, Mrs Win. Shoemaker..,, Ilest cookies, Mrs. W. W. Ilarfatt.,,..,' Spcond best, (;(ftrn H. llagpiihMch.,, Coin itarcii casus; Mrs. 17. if, Fry.,,,,! Custard cake, Allle llageubuoh k'lircuku. Mrs. J. S. Mensch leu cream cake, Allle llagenbMch,,, wbttaaakB, ar(,a Abbt,n,,. , Dutch cako, ! tt .;;!..,,.; Cold water spongo oako, Jennie Utt,, 1' LI n .... iian.nh ' chocolate cake, Mora Mensch., uuoouiaieonteuor, naqia u f iner..., Cocuanut cruckeia, Clara K llagon buoh ,, , Orangocako, Anna II Hagenbuch,,,,,, Pound ruUe, Mrs I' U Miner Cicanypongo cake, Mis Frank Horn,. Wateruielou'caVei'Mn'Frank Almond cream cake, Clara K Uager). bucb , Snow ball oake, Clara K Uaenbuc),, Pk. sweet corn. Goo, B, Kllchon, ...... Hurley, Dan'I. Bryfoglo White cob gourd corn, Simon Sitler. 29 29 60 23 23 60 60 60 60 61) 23 60 23 60 23 60 23 60 23 60 SI 60 80 60 60 60 M 60 60 60 20 60 29 29 29 29 2 69 29 60 60 1 on i6 Seoond best, Allle Hagenbnrh Cbocoiato wafers, Mrs J K Wilson Banana oako, " Z T Fowler... , Albany cako Mra J J Lnwalt Gold " Martha Vanderslloe , Coooanut cako Mrs J S Mensch........ DousiinntsMrs u w uorren Seoond best Marlbft Abtiott...... Mlnco nle Mrs u c Starr........... Second best Mrs P O Miller.... Custard pie Clara Vandersllce.. Second best Allle Hagenbuoh ,,,,, Lemon Din sirs j k vvnson Second uest Anna 11 llagonbnch ualain rtln Mra J J Keller Second boat Mrs Wm Shoemaker Annb, rtln Mrs It Kitchen 'Second best Mra O A Moyar Grape pie Mra II Klatler Sweet potato plo Mrs Wm K llartman Coooanut custard pie Sndlo M Fisher., rumpkln plo i.itno mciienry.. ,, Raspberry plo Allle Hagenbuch Prann 11 ........ Cncoanut tails Mra J J Keller.......... reach plo Marina Abbott i Lomon Custard Mrs J J lAwall........ Second best Anna Hagenbuch Chocolate custard Mrs II llryfogle.... Second beat Sadlo Flaher ,.. Cream Plo Mlas Rosa Mendonball.,.. Centennial pie, Sadie Flaher Potato " Mrs wm Garrison...,. Rico Sadie M Fisher Iteatourrnntrio. Anna Haironbuob.... Second beat, Mis l V Deibler Cranberry plo, Anna Hagenbuch Oulnco pie, Mra 1. A Young Variety ot pies, Mis Wm Garrison Cocoaivit candy " Wm Shoemaker.. Homo mado chceso. Mrs Hannah Mil ier... mi Driml beef. Mrs R Kitchen 60 Spice bread, Martba Abbott 60 oaf bread by girl II years old, Allco Low , 1 00 Best rod butter. Martha Abbott 2 00 Second boat. Anna Hagenbnch 1 00 Third boat, Mrs Hannah Miller........ 60 Judgos J E Wilson, Mra T D Strauss. CLASS XVII. OAitNin, sricxn incrr Arm riCBXis. .Tlv1n.t Snn'a nremlum hnata Iftra fruit. Mrs Wm llartman. U box 1'vlo'a Pearllne 18 lbs. Best cherries canned, Btirnolta Ilea. cock 73 Second best, Mrs 1 H Ilrlttaln 80 Best plums canned, Martha Abbott... 73 Second beat, Clara Pelfer ,. 60 ucBt quinces canneu, mra ai u uei singer 73 Second beat. Mra Martha Vanderslloe. 60 Best strawberries canned, Mrs II C Barton 79 Second best. Mrs W II Brooke 60 Best blackberries cannod, Abblo U HeiicooK 79 Second best, Mr Ellla Cox 60 ileal raspoerrioe canneu, airs u Kllcn en 73 Second best, Burnctta Ileacock 60 Best whonlcboirles cannned, Martha Zelslort 78 Second best, C E Thomas 60 uest oxneart cuerries canned, uiata rcllei- 60 Whlto cherilea canned, Mrs Charles Trunin 60 llcst lbubnrb canned. Mra It Kitchen.. ro Seconil boat, Burnetiu Ileacock 29 Best grapes canned, Mrs u KIstler ... 60 Second host, " Mooro Demott 29 ueat tomatoes canned, airs u r vein Icr 60 Second best, Mrs L A Young " lest nuara canned. Abulo II Ileacock.. 73 Second brat. C E Thomas -. 60 Ueat corn canned. Mra Mooru Demott an Second best Allle Hagenbuch 29 Best crab apples cannod, Mra L M Fry 60 Second beat, Mra Hannnh Aflller 2o ueat plno apple canned, Jure C E Bav ago 73 Second best, Jrs Wm E llartman... 60 reaencs canned Mra It Kitchen.... 73 Second best Mrs B Kistlor 60 Third " Nora Annlemnn 29 Green gage cannod Mrs It Kitchen.... 79 trim piuius Oil Annies 11 Abblo Ileacock 60 Second best Jrs .looro Demott 29 Cranberries " Agnes Garrison.... 60 Ground cnerries canned Abbto Ilea oook wi Second best " c E Thomas.. 29 Choko Cherries " Mrs Chas Trump 60 Cherries, spiced " 11 Kitchen 60 Second best Mra Moore Demott 23 rears " Margaret MoMaban.. 60 Second best Mrs Hannah Miller.... 28 Peaches " " R Kitchen 60 Second best " D 1 Deibler 29 Blackberries spiced Mrs Ida McUenrr 80 60 Second best Mra Charles Trumo 23 Apples spiced Mra It Kitchen...; 60 Second beat Mra Wm Shoemaker 23 Crab apples spiced Mrs It Kitchen.... 60 Second best Mrs L M Fry 23 Tomatoes spiced Mra D P Dclblei 60 Second best Mra Moore Demott Ground cherries splpcd Hortha Hess.. Cilery spiced Margaret MoMahan.,,,. Cantaloupe spiced Mrs William Shoe maker..; ,,,,, , cutb.err,ea'pl?.e1 1 uy"le' Walnut pita ' Trujip Onions spiced Bertha Hess Citrons spiced Mra D Bryfoglo &elons,P!!!erti M"rD6 Currants " J mott Quinces spiced .Vrs C C -1arr Second best Mra I 8 Brlttaln reaches b rand led Jfrs L A Young.... Second beat Mm Cbarlea Trnmp Cberrlos brandied Jlfra w B Allen Cucumber pickles Jlflas Llzile Jbc llenry Second beat -Visa iUur G Barkley Tomato pickles Mra Moore Demott.... Second best PU'lfp UArrls.. ............ Aflxed pickles Anna II Ilngeibuch.... Onion pickles Mra E J stetler Seconil best Afra J S Aumcli Eggs pickled Jlfrs II Klatler Cabbage pickled C E Thomas Second beat Jfrs Isaiah Kline ,,,, Peara pickled S B Grotz , Cauliflower pickled Afrs FCEyer... second beatjlfrs 1 S Afensoh Chow chow .Vrs Z T Fowler Seoond best Mra W 11 Housel Hard soap Jrs C C Man Second beat ifra II KIstler Hop yeoat Mra C 8 Fornwald Second Uest Mra Wm E llartman Afustard dressing " ' ' ...... Dried yeast Mra Ellis Cox Second beat Mra 11 KIstler Filled mangoes Mia Hannah Jilller.... Second bear. .Margaret Jfoifahan Soft soap Mra Hannah Miller Second best Uurnetta Heaoook......,, Peppprsapce Ida .Uollcnvy... .......... 8cpontl best Uurnetta Ileacock.....'.'., German sauce Jrs Charles Trump.,., Horse radish Uurnotta. Ileacock;. ..,,. Second bt Bt Afrs Jnoro Deqiqtt. Vegetable Bagout Mra L A Young.,,, gfXrJcSPj ra Jiooro Demott Nasturtlon Sauce Mra B Klatler Toilet soap borne made M i s J J KeL ler Tallo v caudles Mra L A Young Judges. C, M. Terwllllger, Jfrs. F, M. Crovcllng, Afrs. A. C. Creasy. C1ASS iVIII.-JIl.LIE8. FHK8XKVIS, ICTTIK3 sunn, AV, Grape jelly, Urn Isaiah Kline. iseconu pu ist. Mra It Kitchen Peacb Jelly, Dllla shuman. second best! Lizzie Franklin Third best, Mrs chas Tntmn Plum icily, " isaiah Kllhe secpnd best, " llannaUMliter......:...u Third best; '.! L. Ml Fry....: .'.....'. gulDce JeHy." Bialab KHne....ui.,'.;lt Thlrcliiemi'' D'bTeSn.'!!;;;.'.'.',.'.'.'.' Apple Jelly, " FCEyer Second beat, " Wm shoenaker...... Third rxst,llelen John ...... Pear Jelly. Mra B KIstler second best, Allle Dillon ,,,,, Thin test, Mrs kiuuro Demott ;:J::J cun-ant J PUy, Mrs It. Kitchen :.'. fietondbtistj 1leln Johi Crab apple Jelly, Mra A o Creasy..; ; second best; Mrs Isaiah li line , . en SnMiff U Ml.!ief.v::7;: i second best. Mra 11 KIstler.. Elderterry Jelly, Mra 1 Elderberry Jelly, Mra Hannah second best Mra J H Menfioh.. ltisplxjrry Jelly, Mrs Isaiah Kline. second best, Mrs It Kitchen . Dewberry Jelly. Mrs Hannah Miller Blackberry Jelly, Mrs J J Keller Second best, Mrs I. M Fry Whortleberry Jelly, Mra (lei Hughes.. Second best, Mrs M ook P.enit.11, , Ubuuaru jeiiy, Mrs Iiauuah Miller..,,,. Second beat, Abbey II Ileacock Tomato Jelly, Mrs Isalih Kline second best, Mrs Moore Demott. Lemon jeiiy, airs wm warruou Second best, Mrs, I. b. Kresslflr-... irawqerry jour, fliia. v suconu ueai, iieicn juuu Mixed lelly. Mrs. B. Kitchen. BeconoTbeaC, Abble II. Jieacnck juiirry jeiiy, tiara js. iiaite CeaiiRerrjr leJly. MpV f. second hest. AubloTl. Haaoacl Pine appid. Mn. 0. ct. iiarr Plum butter, Mrs Hannah Miller. hecond best, Besale Kuhn , Cherry butter, Mrs Hannah Miller , Tomato butter, Mrs Jlsalab Kline Second best, liattlo Hart (julnce butter, Agnes Garrison .-., second beat. Mra It lfitonen. ", ifjoch butiqrMTff Mirtp 'YanaarsHce., ii niw.i,cn ... Hooond best. Mra L A Young ..M. I,, ,,, Annie butter. Mra J E Wilson... apple butter, Mra J booond best. Anna U Hagenbuoh urapo ouiier, Mrs u r uetDier Becond best, Mrs Martba Vandersllce..,, Crabapple butter, Mra Wm Sboeiniker.. Second best, S B Grotz. wild plum, Mrs jBTownstnd..,,,, Huckleberry butter, Abble H Ileacock.... pears pruserved, Margt McMahan,,,,,... Becond best, lira Moore Demott...... .,, Cherries preserved Mra Moore Demott...... Peaches preserved, Burnelta Ileacock,,,, Second best, Abble 11 Ileacock Tomatoes preserved, Mrs Monro Deiuotk, Quinces prese jtoI, AaueiU'Urlson.7..,,. UocuhdbcJt, Aftle, Applet prubcrved, O K Thomas. Seoond boat, Mrs It Kitchen ........... Cantalopea preserved,Mrs Wm Hhoem'k'r crabapplea preserved, Mrs Chan TruiAU.. Watermelon preserved.Burnetta Ueao'ck citron rrtaorved, Mrs 1) llryfogle.. ..... I'liltfU preserved, Abble II Ileacock BlotkberrlBS preserved, Mrs w H Flsber.. Second best, Anna U Hagenbuch.,,'., prabberi 14) preserved, Agnes flarrUon... Pineapple preserved, airai) A iiojer' Grapes preservod. Mra Dr Barter..; 93 60 tiiuyaucrry 1 vocbalMKit, ,rir.W'W.""S!0C--'m.. yliWit-w::::::.1. Anna illlacrenbuch.. Dewberry Jam, Mra Hannah Miller. , jtospuerry jaui. aim 11 aiicuen ,,, Second best, Aire Hannah M liter. ,. , . , around cherry lam, Miss l.lizw Mciienry CItQKe thllrry lim, Allle Hagenbuch... ..I Grape Jam, Allle Ilagenbtich..,., ,,,.,, CraiiboTry lam.'Mra ft HltchenV.....;! Strawberry Jam, Mra sT l-tfwler..... ... Oulnco inamialade, Mrs Wm shoemaker Second best, Mrs J B Mensclu,..., ,, 60 60 6J 80 60 VsaS,?.t::;:;;; WI4.UW bHWOV,M,, V UUJ4, .,, ni".,,t, Fuacl) bquey, Mrs L A Young , Peach, marmalade, Abble H Ueacock ,, Spcond boat. M r Ch as Tru m n'. . . . ,y. sugarcane rnolasaos, Ida McUeiuT. Ktss-a, Clara K Hagenbnch Feather cake, Mra II A Scltoch Ilel. tnarhln " C A Mover... second brat, Mra B KlstWr.........r. ..... nneappio marmaiaue, mino ,.ov..... - lmoiiDBle honey, Mrs. c E Savage ....... S3 Grape marmalade, Mm Mttore DemotU;. xa ltnubaro marmaiaue.tiara a nagcuuuw. Judirwi-W M Lemon, Mrs J W waip, iias Clara blffenbuch, CLASS XI r-mivrxKir and ritcnwout mo M r it. uuuiia. J Pile ft Son's Bpeclal premium for bent natch work tiullu oue.half box Pyles' 1-carllnc, H iwunds, .incon zemmu Calico patchwork nullt, Mrs Jac. Keller., t Second best, Mrs. V V Blllincjer Third ' " II 1 Kllnetob. . comlort, Mrs AC Creasy... Second best, Mrs Wm sands...... Coverlet, Mrs Ellis Klngrosn... ,, Pecond best, Mrs Lhas Trump Cradle coverlet, Mrs II KIstler Cradle nullt, Klia J K reamer 1 00 60 3 1 W 60 60 23 23 1 00 60 9 00 1 00 I 03 1 00 60 21 CO 23 Ml S3 necona ocsu Agnes n iiium..... Display table linen, Jennlo Utt t second best, Mrs B KIstler...- Display woolen yarn,MMl. Bryfogle.... second bestjMrs Ida Mcllcnry..... Knit wool mittens, Martha Zelsloft, second best, MrsL A Young ., Knit wool gloves Mrs II Kitchen. ,. Second best, Allco Uagcubucli Knit wool BiocKings, Jira u nucueu....... second best, Mary A Appleman Knit linen stockings, Abblo II Ileacock . Knit cutlon stockings, Mrs B llryfogle.. 611 60 60 ocnt'B scarf, " Win li llartman 60 Worsted bed nullt, liara I'eller 1 oo . . il tt itnlnl Ml Thml best, Mrs P .Mller...... S3 llomc-maiie rngcarpet. Mrs i, a luung., t Second best, Jlrs M It Gclslnger 1 to Thlidbest, " LLKresslcr.. 60 Feather pillows, Mrs Hannah Miller 60 Woolen nocks. Mrs 1) Bryfoglo 60 Second best, Mary A Appleman S3 Home-made rug, Mella 'lurnbajh 60 Second best. Mrs II II Itoyd s: Linen table cloth, Mrs E Hagenbuch 79 second best. Mary A Annleman 6n Third best, Kdllh Miller. .. Si unatr cusnion, nrs iaa aicuenry du Linen towola,Mary A Appleman.......... 60 second best, Mrs II I) Kllnetob... j Ragtug, Mrs Charles Trump 60 Becond best, Mis TD Strauss !3 Home-made wool carpet, Mrs M C Vance 2 no Child's knit hoso, Helen John (0 Knit undershirt, Mrs John Bush 60 Home-made wool blankct,Nora M Finney 1 00 second best, Mrs Dr Hatter... .. 60 Home-made linen Blieet, Mrs Wm Sands.. 1 60 Second best, Nora M Finney 21 taunted underskirt, Mora M Ktunoy. 60 Linen thrcad,Mary A Appleman 23 cuecsocloth comfort. Jlrs l'O Miller... . 60 Second best, Mrs Mary Oliver. 3 uio quilt, Dy cnua ui yrs, jura iv u Brooko 60 Flannel Bklrt, Maggie Savage. 60 Linen sheet, 08 yrs old, Mary Eyer 60 Linen piuuw casus, i nipains, Mrs nm euuus uu towels. I Sheet. lth lace. Mra Ida Mciienry..... .. 60 sample home-made ilanncL.Mrs B KIstler S3 Judgca-C S W Fox, Mrs 8 Alcesta Bands, Mrs Julia Sillier. CLASS XX-FANCT XNIT, CttOCUXT iXD rAICH. WOKK. DLsplay, Mrs Wm K llartman. $ 2 00 second best, Mrs It Kitchen. .... 1 0u Knit Afghan, " II Allen 2 10 seoondbest, " PO Miller. 100 Knltbaby'sAfghan.MrsOOSpelglemeyer 1 oo Second best, Mrs W II Brooke to Inrani's sacquo, uiara a Dicncnoacn.. .. hi " H Cks MrsJJLawai: .. 60 Bed nullt. Mrs II Kitchen 1 00 Second best, Mrs Philip Harris 60 Hand made shirt, Mrs It Kitchen. Becond best, Mrs 1) P Deibler 60 83 23 60 23 23 21 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 S3 60 50 23 S3 29 23 60 23 25 S3 S3 29 S 00 1 60 1 00 2 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 T9 1 00 80 S3 iniow snains," v, m n iiarimau Knit wool lace. Martha Abbott Second best. Mrs is lirlttnln Child's knit cap, Martha Abbott Sample crochet work, Mrs Isaiah Kline... Crochet Afghan, Mrs John Busb pa que, " aiarum ocisiuii.... " lady's bklrt, Mra L M Wilkinson. " quilt, Mrs Will Horrnian " infant's quilt, Mrs T D Bobbins., stockings, Burnettu Ueacock.... " table mats, Ueglna Lowenbcrg.. ' tidies, Lizzie. Mclleury. Second best. May G Barkley Crochet Infant's blo.Kllls cox edging, Kettle Dlldlne ' collar, Martha Abbott. " rick rack dres9,MrsWlll Hoffman " pillow shams, " Chas Trump.. " toilet set, " " " ear nets. " II D Kllnetob rent's scarf. Burnelta He cock.. " liandk'f case, Mrs J B Townsend Silk patchwork quilt. Mrs D J Waller. Jr. Second best, vary Kyer. Third, Mrs Wm Garrison SUlcla patchwork quilt, Mrs W B Allen.. Satin patchwork quilt, Mrs G W Bertscb. Raw silk patchwork quilt, M reJ E Cad man Sateen patchwork qullt,.Wri G W Bertscb Woolen crazy quilt, Jfrs W K Tubbs Jfuslln outline nullt, Afrs B L Eshlcman.. sue sofa cushion, Alice drover. second best. JfrsTlieod Heck. inira uesMaa iteicnner.. Satin BOIa cushton.lieglna Lowenbcrg 1 00 second best. Afrs win Hoffman. Plush sofa cushion, Jfrs G B Bectch second best, Jfra II A Se.hoch.,.., Pin cushion, Jennie Evans seoondbest, Battle Sloan. Burnt match receiver, t Ann. rreveitmr Hair pin receiver. Anna Lr!Teui Sachel bag, Jary Eyer .... second beat, Annie Sloan Photograph receiver, lteglna Lowenbcrg Second best, Ancle Sloan. Jatte scarf, " " , crazy work comfort, .Vrs Wm 3 llartman Lamp mat, Anna u Hagenbuch..., second best, Jay O Barkley Cloth rug, Jfrs Afoqre Demott .... Burlop rug. Anna Hagenbuch Knit rug,l(rs D llryfogle .' Crochet, Agues Garrison , Hand machine rug, Jary liver...., Traveling work basket. Knotted sheet shams, Bertha Hess. ,, Craty work lambrequin, Ida Kelohner ... . Jfatch box, Jennie li.'uns., ... Knit mittens. Clara Vanderslloe Afghan tidy, Jfrs wm Chrtsman corner bracket, " " Straw table mats, lira I Hagenbuch Plush table scarf " " Infant's blanket, Jfrs Wm Garrison Knit child's skirt,) Linen chemise, J-Ueglna Lowenbcrg... Bead ornaments, I Hair receiver, Lizzie Franklin .. Tambourine, irs o v. llerlsch. Decorated violin, Jrs Win Garrison Chair Bcarf, Jfrs J it Townsend.. , Satin cradle quilt. Jfrs i It Townsend. . . . ; Machine, made shirt. Airs It Kitchen Knit silk dockings crocbet work basket, Jfra A J Evans,. Knit purse. Jay i, Barkley .... Toilet, cush'n and bottles, Jfrs C E Say in Tb-ead and satin tidy. Alra O C Jfarr,.-- Pillow slips Afra D P Deibler ......,., Album mat, jrs JRore Demott. ...... NeedlH book, Afrs V D Beckley. Door stool, Jfrs Joore Demott Bureau scarf, Sadie C snaffer Tam OS'hanter, Bessie Kuhn .. Knit tidy, Jfrs Amos Buckaiew. becond best Jfrs II D Kllnetob IIandkTcose,llattte Sloan Second, Afrs W D Beckley Card receiver, Jfrs J H Rice, , Stand cover. Afary A Applems.n ; Knit silk mittens, Claia'A Bioitenbach . Tbcmoraetor banner "l ' ' kSom p'liow shams """'n Crazy work bolster caso J Crochet Bhoulder cape, Mrs A J Evans... second best, Marthi Jielslolt.....'..:' Crochet hood, C A Dletfenbach Second best, BessleKuhn .'. 1 00 60 CO 23 23 60 23 S3 28 60 80 .23 60 23 60 60 28 60 29 1 00 60 25 S3 83 81 23 60 25 S3 25 15 60 60 1 00 25 23 29 60 29 60 23 S3 60 23 29 SO 28 60 29 60 29 23 CO 23 80 23 60 23 Hi 23 23 1 00 , eiveL Hora cushion. mbbon work sofa cushion, tahln wa fp Cray work sola spread. Pincushion and bottles. P. G Miller 2 oo crazy workrtldy, 1 Second best, .Mary Alleraan 21 Pmehpt. " ,1 . ... ... sfentbag. can. Abhle flpfleneV. irucijcv u fieennd best, MrsO WCorrell..... hlld's coat, Mrs Wm Garrison...; Knit sl,lk baby socka. Mrs, W H BroKke'.! Knit hod room slippers, Mary Appleman 1 ...iu imiit, Mta a 1, llicu work table, " ' " . . Enlt child's skirt, Mra H A Schoch....... trnlng bag, 1 Macreme bjg, t Miss Mary Eyer. Crochet silk purse,! Slumbering robe, Mrs O D Spo'glemeyer. Tolletset bottlos and cu -.hlon, Jirs, Tt.bO Second bestVil'lsa EluVKtin; ".'.'.'."'!;;; Hand made stand cover, Mrs lames Cod man , Infant's dross, MrsT D Bobbins. 7.".. Crcchet collar, Mrs Charles Trembly. Crazy cushion and chair, MrsTheo. neck Bible stand and cover.Mra Theo lleck. .'. Croh5tmiantiisocks; W M Lemon..'..!; I KklH'UraUttV.,.1, 1 00 I Pair mooretne tidies, Allle HagenbucbT.. vJ ulituvlDDUUI, n'i ?an,n(!r -MrsO S Bound. . Chair back on canvass.) 1 Knit Roman scarf, Mrs q O Marr. Crochet crtb epreo,l, Mia L M Wilkinson f bureau Wats, Mra II 1) Oulck Child's velvet coat,) droaa. kMrsFP Kline 100 NMI., ....... ' Chroohet midnight hush.Mrs E F Krumm v.,; .r1 "il? "mos nucxaiew..,, Knit nchu, Mrs Wm Garrison,.,, ,.,,! JSM-SUBKOlDlSy. Oallectlan ot embroidery, Mrs k Kitchen seoond be-t, Abble 11 Ileacock Krabd linen towels, Mr Simon Sitler ..... Seoond best. Mrs E. F. Krumm Etnbd pillow shams, Beglna Lowenberc,. Second best. Mra Wm Chrlsraa,n,. Embd napkins, lteglna l.QW6uu;iv. Second bea Hattfe'llarl .. . Eiribd lodlea" skirt. Mrs Amos Buckaiew., Second beat, Mrs 0 c Marr. Embd Infants skirt, Mrs A J Evans,,.. Second best, Mrs A O Creasy....,, ..... Third " Bessie Kuhn !'... ' Embd table cover, Mm b T Fowler....... sewnrt l(, Mrs N V Funk. .. ..J"' Embd table scarf satin, AllioOruver..... " " " plusUMra FP Kline. .. ' ii lell F p llllltneyw " larabrenuln, Em,m.i CorrJL.'..V7.T. Second beat. tjV MoVcr....? . ' F,mWl aura cushion, Mrs M K Ent. Seoond best, a a Schoch. .... Emb I toilet cushion, Gertrude Brown,... Second beat, Ueglna Lowenbcrg Embd slippers, Clara Vaoderatloa,,,,,,: 8 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 0.3 IS Ml T3 60 60 60 60 60 IS U 1 00, 60 S3 V5 Jo 60. 1 00 10 t 00 I 00 rcona uest, Alrail Kiiyicm; ' .;. ;. : todlklkSAlfc Vilsiali liagonbich:. a' I! " H. ,".fvl' Blllmeyer... . 0 11 banner, lizzie Moyer..,..,. 3 Seoond best, Annie Sloan .... 3 Embdyoke, Mra Wm shoemaker,,.. ' ' " 5 '.' tmieaiharaiAaTtiiTali Jaooby..; tl l' linen apron, Mr J J Keller .... ... a , " pnoto caae liOBa Mendenhall " shirt culls and collars " ...... J " baby Bhawl, Mra WBAUen,,, 2 " India rolft Wn, cJirlsminl..;! 1 " bureau In scrim Mt Lowenberg J " splaslier J uanuel bklrt, Mra James Caitmau:,., bat crowq i j s Measoi i " BKlUhen?,;1,;. ' Ubledrapo, MayOBirkley..!.;,," 5 'd'e underwear Mra A It AllUerL. ) Secoo bet, ' "Mary cuter ; . ' . . RUUIUCH " ..... Reennil heu, Umiii uhi..,. d-ybygri imvioWeW::: u 11 (I'a V e Edna " 1 wall Backet, Mra g fowler,..','.', iSm Qft reStTAllle Cliover. Tidy In tinsel. 11 11 ' ' 60 60 80 8) 29 60 60 CO S3 23 29 29 23 : 60 60 60 23 80 23 13 23 81 S3 81 25 Dip nlacnuc uo ana easci, nine uci,ier. ... panel, IJzztoMoyer.. rue Alrfl.I 11 nice., ii. ...... ' framing piece " 0 1) spe glemeyer. " tablotnal, " N U Funk....... " pin cushion, Abblo II Hoacqck. " bureau cover, Mrs Hannah Miller. .. " aacque, " Amoa Buckaiew.. 1 unci, "MR Ent......... Drawn work hndk, Nora Finney, ....... econdbest, Mary Eyer.... Drawn tl Jy, M ra Charles Trembly. . second beat, Norn Trembly.............. Drawn work picture scarf, Llzzlo Fr'nkl'n " bureau cover, M A Applem'n " " linen towel. ' 11 trimming, Alary Hedden.... " ' apron, Afra Chas Trembly 'i cako doylo ' Amos ffck'Pw Display mocbino cmbdy, Wheeler, II- BUU Mlg 1.U, . JlldgoS' -F II Uagcubucli, Fannie Adams, ATre reiiu. CI.A83 XXII-LACf, wonsTxn woax, tc Collection ol locos, Afra R Kllch-n second beat, Abble II Usacrjok ......... Display mncremo loco, Jfra John Hush... ' rlckrack ' sndle Fisher,. .. Second best. Mm KKItthen...."...,.... Fancy apron In scrim, Afrs H A Schoch.. second best, Jennie Evans.......... ..... Fancy npronln Swiss, M re J J La w a 11 ... . second beat, ' W l) Beckley.. Napkins In outline. " J It Towi send.. Bureau cover " " C B Savage.,., Second best. Jtnnlo Barkley...... , Wah stand cover tn outline, AUlo Hagen buch Second best, Jennie Barkley.............. Splasher In outline, Allle Hagenbuch..... second best, Jfrs J J Lawall Tldlcsln outline, Jfrs AJ Evans second best, Jennlo Barkley...... 8 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 61 1 00 60 60 23 6U 81 23 60 23 60 25 60 23 60 23 80 23 80 89 60 25 23 S3 83 25 25 60 23 60 23 60 25 60 60 60 60 23 60 23 60 25 60 23 60 S3 60 85 CO 26 ro 23 60 29 23 23 23 60 511 25 60 S3 60 23 50 60 25 60 60 60 60 51 25 60 60 23 85 60 60 rinow snams in outline, uzziu Second best. Jfrs Wm shoemaker..... Towel In outline, " W u Beckley second best nettle DUldlno Apron In outline, Jts w D Bcckloy Second best, Dllla shum.m .1 Lambrequin In outlln, Jfra W D Beckley sofa bolster In outline, Abble II Ileacock. Scrap bag " " OB Thomas HKOtingoag" iiussiu nuuu Cake stand cover " Amelia KIstler urnamented worsted eggs, Jfrs Ellis Cox Fllow casos, handmade, " Hannah Jflller.. - IUllJ IIU.D HIIUU IIVHIU ..,.......... cambric handkf, Dllla Siuman Knit lace, .Vary Hedden Second best, Jfra L Jf Wilkinson Crocbct loco, " Mcconu dcsi, Annie omii.ii saxony laco, Jrs Ida JcIIenry. worsiea p'cture, Airs m l. laruiay sheet, lace trim. " Chas Trumo Fancy apron, Battle Sloan. ,. second best, jfrsJamcaCadman Linen apron, ' W 11 Allen. Second best, Ll77le Franklin Canvass tidy, Jfra c D Spelgclmeycr Sccond'best, Anna Hagenbuch Thread lace, Clara I 'el re r. peconu oesi, iary neuuei Lace tidy. Afame urandt seoondbest, Jfrs It Kitchen Worsted foot Ftool Theo iicck..... second best, Emma Stookey..... Worsted ottoman cover, Afra A J Evans.. Second best, " Af L Jfarclay. Worsted sofa cushion, Ida E Hagenbuch. Second best, Kettle Dllldlno .. Worsted hearth rug, Ida Kelchner second b-st, Jfrsames Cadman. Worsted toilet cushion" AfL Jfarclay ... Zephvr stand cover, Kettle DIUdlne...-. tidy, Jfrs Ida Jfcllenry Velvet mat, Chas Trump ... " work bsg. Battle Hart. second best Jfrs Chas Trump... . Handkf case, Annie Sloan second best, Jfrs B Kitchen....... Duster bag. Annie Sloan Second b st, Eliza Kuhn Linen table cloth, Afrs E B Johnson Work basket, Clara Vandersllce Second best, Afrs It Kitchen Velvet tidy, Jfartha Abbott Kick rack dress, AfrsF P Ulllmever.... Choir cover, Isaiah Hagenbuch lUlow shams, " J It Townsend .. Chemise and yoke, " ' Second best. " W I) Beckley Skirt lace trimmed "It Kitchen ......... Knitting bag, liattlo Hart Second best, Annie Sloan Pap-r holder, Afra D P Deibler Overseamlng underwear" OK savage... Ottoman, " II J llartman . Second best, " Wm llartman. Whlk holder, " Chas Trembly. Necdlo case, i SffA Domott jfatch box, J sofa tidy tn scrim, Lllla Sloan Darned net tidy, Gertrude Brown Aiasene snow balls, 1 wall Packet, I Mde board cover, c Lizzie Franklin. .. 1 00 60 Mumoer roil, 1 Head rest, second best, Jfra C D Spelglcmeyer Shoe bog, " J J Lawall...... ...... Crewel nimbrequln,) Night dross. Jfrs W D Beckloy . . Chllds night dress I Key rack, Jfrs P G Jfillsr. , Second best " F P Kline 3 tidies, Afary Hedden Daisy apron. Hatile Slout Hand worked hndf, Lllla Sloan Hem stitched " Battle " ... Jewel basket. Eliza Kuhn.......,, Daisy tidy, Jfra Chas Bound,.,, Work bag, Eliza Kuhn JBlklng stool, liattlo Sloan Sample darning Mrs w II Brooke ... . Laundry bag " R A Snyder Knltthreadlnsertlng" O WCorrell colldctlon thread tldlos, Gertrude Brown Wine bottles, Mrs II A schoch Lace collar, Mary Eyer . Braided pillow sham s,Mrs James Cadm'n Bell pull, Mrs C D Spelglemeyer Banner In scrim, Bessie Kuhn cake mat, " 25 23 90 23 25 83 23 23 !5 83 23 23 23 23 S3 25 25 23 25 25 28 1 00 25 23 89 80 85 60 86 28 Jfra 23 25 23 Fancy stocking bag, Eliza Kuhn. Sample tatting, Tatting tidy. rurtlera. 1 Mn " wwmMl Velvet machine cover J Butter bowl stand, $mina Stookey Hibbontldy, " " Plush stand scarf, -Waggle Savage Lace skirt, Jfra Ktlen Swisher Table mats, " J. LawoU........ .. Chllds knit dress" HD KHntoh... Lace apron. ' Crochet apron, Abble II Ileacock Judges -J P Sands, Jfary A Alkman, 60 25 23 23 25 60 93 23 29 S9 23 29 29 60 25 60 29 Vi 23 23 CLASS XXIII VAIMTINO AND DICOKATIVa AXT. Oil painting, Hannah Evans seoond best, Jra m Chrtsman. .... Water color painting. Uzzle Franklin.... second best, Jrs ML Jfarclay crayon drawing Jf'KUllp Seoondbest, Helen John ....,.,,, Pencil drawing, A J Campbe.ll.:":. Painted placque on otlna, JfrsIIAISchoch Second Ust, AUle .Orover. .V. Painted placque on brass, Rosa Afenden hall 8 CO 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 15 1 00 60 1 w second best. Mrs O s Bound v Hand painted panel" r Fowler. .... 100 waL, .luit, vnuouriiiice Hand pajntliig on silk, Mrs will B6nman Display nand painted china, I izzie Frank? Display feather "flowers," JfW 0 ii Msirr .second best, Alice Basely." Display war fruit, Jfra John dush..... iflcondbest, wmchnsman,. Display paper dowers" "Garrison.... Second best, olara Pelfer ....... Display photographs, -V'KlIHp......-" penmanship, Wlikesharre Busi ness college.... .7..,..,..TT. Display dried grass, Mra Wm Ha' tman. , sea mp-s harp, Kettle DUldlne.,. ...... ., Itlce wreath, 1 ' " Seed " 1 Pith cross, f WHa, Shuman Burr work, J Afedloy Picture, Afrs marclay Panel paper snow balli mra Shoemaker. Paper bannner ) " lamp shaded AUceltascly ,." " mat ) Hand painted tidy, Sadie Shaffc.., Aocund best, Lizzie FratUtllnT.."....... ' Kensington painted banner.lda Kelchner boco tflieiW Lizzie Jacoby Painted stork 4 easel Franklin.. Aeoond bost, Jacoby. . . Dworaud roUing pin '" " " butter ladle; uza' u Jaooby.. Locust shell cross, "1 Burr basket, J KlayWi?S mra Simon, Sltier... moss house, 1 11th wieath, J Vir1 wmaarrl30n. Card writing and flour-1 lshlng, 1 Flourished horses L m Kelchner. ., Pendrawlncrmc 5. 1 00 Z3 60 611 1 00 29 60 26 8 00 1 00 60 60 00 50 I 00 9! 23 23 88 IS 6U 1 00 25 S9 25 60 60 60 28 CO 60 a a 00 23 25 25 1 00 26 23 23 50 23 1 00 60 1 00 w 80 25 95 60 Boy and girt, flowtrs Luaire baunw,' Mrs John Bush HpaWr Hair Work. -TennlA Ih ... E Savage,, SS0,n3,be?.,,.mr8l-lllLren!atBrton. IKok muslin flowers, mra cu marr ...7.7 Bracket, mra W o Ilagenbuob" . ' 7. C'ombcase," II J llartman . ."' ' 23 60 29 vensiogion table scart, LUlki PeUtt.7.. 1 uu 1 00 75 60 60 23 VJT'Oft Picture frame, Charley Evans"! Painting on plush, - ' ' , uuiuurupu. painting, Painted transoarenor. Painted transparency, " PSre'.r&me- Itole Franklin, 00 plush pan! eael I. cart. wind'w lambreq'n, J " Table acorf. Arl ir I A Schoch,. DU Second besL Hannah kr.M at 511 25 SltSie.Tr Palnioa kpoons, ' llr " A Schoch..., Painted plaster placque. T " match sate. I " palletto, f Bessie Kuhn, " seashelL l Itl ' U01 M Eiua Ktibn.. "("hlon. Mra Tbeod Heck JWflfd follel cushion, Wre N u Funk!... ?iTKollt? S"e" ca,d bi&ket, Mrs 0 BounA J.V,HU,e.J"!lr 'foMra Clarwco Glnun.T7 Paluted brass paper UoAdMr f" Kiln'e JUdgeifcKt J5 Wilbur, Uale O Flaher. 60 ou 23 60 S3 60. 100 60 o 60 75 60 CUSSXXIV-OUNAIHNTAL rtAKT ft FLOWKas, FoCe 5S5S5I la UT' Ua,e Mcnen" 8 vailetlcs, Geraniums, 1 Coieai10aS- PiWUoa MO Seg&iX6110 Flowermg begonias Jargatet Me Vahon Dlsp ay coicoinbs Mra CB Fojnwald Display aallas. Mra T 11 MraAiM second best, Mn T 11 i'olMaaJr' artegat6dmdpltftreei " 1 Ol 1 00 60 -vuNi leru, . Double oxalls, f Wrs Wui 8horaar s (a lSspl"JrJIJrb'&A J Limion. fiSSM(l.t. AiTlha VaniiS ce Pried grass and n j era Jri o O jfaVV Apyflulan banana, Mil Wmuoii "' Ivy aoreen, Abble 1 II lleacociT ate tree7j(rsvciara trSb&:::.:: ' Flower bouse, Lizzie M Aover Vrled winter VoSu Itmbd atln bottles, " 0 E saTags.... " infanta eacque, " D J Waller Jr. " shawl. " . .. " " stand scarf, Llzzlo Frnklln. " vase mats " " lindkf and case Mra W D Beckley,., I (nllet. main. Abble II HcaCOCk....... VmM!14.v'jr,&al.')',l9l,1-'. douulo Evana" SOT1 fiH tenlnn Wwenberg.. . . ,.7. . UabJoollpalntlnir. Aamn iimni Ivy hanging basket, Clara Vandersllce. Floral design, T h Dillon ...... ., collection cut flowers, Bottlo Dlldlne...... Micond best, Jfartha Vandersllce.,,,,,,., collection dahlias, Bertha Boss .. ...... Second best Afra E Sblpman., Juda-efl W O Brytogle. L O Fleckenstlnn. if Wm snyder. CLASS XXV-MiacnAHDIit. Display m'd'so.IW Itartmsn ft Son.. Bronte med " dry goods,!) Lowenbcrg, ' trunks. " boo' 8 nnd ehoea, J A He, " casslracrcs, Caswell Bros ft Co, " musical Instruments, (i Thomas, 11 " " " JSaltzcrT " " " " I.STruckenmlller" 11 China and Japanese goods. L Truckonmlller,.. . pn Display Bowlngteachlnes, J Sallzcr, Bronze med. " " " Wheeler ft Wilson Jrrg Co ... . . .Bronte med. Display sewing machines, L 8 Truck- nnmlller..... ......flrohTA mM Hall typo writer, 7. II Leon Din. Adv"g novelties, Acme Novelty co ' Bible and album Andrew Johnson,. Display sewing machine work, J saitrer, ....... ..Bronzo med. Display sewing machine work, wnceicra vtuaun iii ig x uronzo mod. Judges A .1 Do wltt, O WEres, Jf Shaffer. CLASS XXVI-vnictis. Pboeton, Stiff ft Jfatoy. 3 00 Top buggy, I Brewster nnd M O Sloan ft Pro 3 00 King spring) Second best.scranton Buggy Co. .. 2 m Kllptlc spring buggy, ) Jump soat carriage, S-StlH ft maloy.. 300 lirauieys spnng wagon,) Two-seated Buney, scranton Buggy Co., Open business buggy, m C Sloan ft Bro, . Sleighs, painted and unpalntcd, m O Sloan ft Bro Snrlnir wairon for nleasuro. John Eves.... 3 00 8 00 2 00 8 00 3 00 1 00 Two-horse farm wagon, " " ... ei'ei pent, nuunus. 1 bob runners John Eves... ' " rims. ) Judgcs-N P raoore, martin m Hellg.l K miller. CLASS XXVII AOXtCDLTUHAL lUrLXMKNTS. "Ollpln" sulky plow, Deere ft Co Dip. "New Deal" wheel plow, Deere ft Co " Queen ton-ueless cultlvator.Deere ft Co.. " ltlght hand plow, I-oosc, seaman ft Co.... " " cniuea piuw, uona won...... fft " " " " ...... Reversible plow, B F Retghard " " sulky plow,Il FBelgbard " Fertilizer drill. White, Connor ft Sloan ... corn planter, John Wolf. " lteaner and self binder. John Wolf.... Ono-borso tread powerandthreshsrl Two White Con- One " tnresncrana snaxcr, norftsioan spring tooth horrow, I Dip. Fodder cutter and crusher, J Aingie corn snciicr, 1 Double " " Walklntr cultivator I ' Cutting bo.:, John Wolf Dip. Mowing mat hlne 1 Lignt mower, Veircuble cutter. J Buckeyo feed drill, "l spring room cui w p p , . corn cultivator, fl 1 MAil Co.. Dip. hay rako. I Washing machine, O mears ft Son Din. uuviu auvage E C mooro " Roller hinge gate, Levi cox .- " iecricas traction engine, Aoncr uoar. ... " Wood saw, J m llul-hlzor " Excelsior irrlndlng mill. Jos T Custard... ' Combined hay rake and tedder, Dcnney toko auu teuuer Power and hand fodder cutter 1 zsszst' Kotl,oiverDir, Sd drllL I Aon- B'P- Walking seeder, J Atuuuaru ereamery, uuiir wurKcr. Imorovod churn. PL Wilson.. Dip. Dog or cheep power, ir, J Dust colloctor, J W Jfartln Dip. Reversible sIId share. Loose, seaman ft Co.. " Fruit picker, S Artless. , " school desks. Bloom Furniture Co " Judzes I'eter Swank. A B Herein?, stenhen retuu CLASS XXVIII BTOvas, xaktiiinwaki ftc. Ironing range with tank Apollo range Art lnvlnclblo heater " crown " Royal argand " Happy greeting " Art garland store Opera " Koyalesther range Domestic " Badlant home sq heater I Double beater w No 88 royal ranee 1 llartman ft Edgar II a Kahleman 3 00 No l Beaver sqheaterVLK ITIiary SO) Sunshine DlspUy stone and earthenware, ltabb ft ltlieme, 2 00 X doz brooms, ff E Dleffenboch 1 00 Judges. B F sbarpless, C S Furman, irit Illngroso. CLASS XXIX sADnLiar, tanvkrs and suob- SlEKKS UUUUS. Set double draught barness, C S Furman. I 2 00 a 00 carnage Second best, c m Chrtsman 2 00 Set single carriage harness, O S Furman. 3 CO r ur luw, I Lap robe, C S Furman....... Dip. Wool horse blankets I lUdlnir saddle ana bridle " 1 OA 2 sides sole leather,) La sum, a Aoueuer uirv Kip skin. J Hand made gent's shoes, A Solleder 1 O) Judges-J B Delong, H O Hess, Jos Crawford. CLASS XXX BUS AND BIS HIVES. Swarm Italian bees, J W H'alp $ 5 00 second best, Simon siller. 8 00 Swarm black bees, o A H'olf 3 00 Second best. Z S Kobblns ... 2 OO Display buckwheat honey, J H H'alp 75 DUJk - .aiwuuius.. DO ' white clover honey. Ebr A Brown 60 Jar extracted honey, J w H'alp 23 Judges J is Alkman. Fred Uatronbuch. John Fester. CLASS XXXL HiscaLLAitxoos. Old teapo,t Amelia KIstler 2". Samplei 151 yrs old ) Candle Stlok 123 " 0J?"V1 60 Fanov L'lnhe 1 uum." Silk shaw IOO " " ML Marclay Wooden chair " 2 old plates and cup Mrs Wm Slioema. Kur .. Fancyjar and money safe Ida Me- Uonry Deer's boms Mrs Chas Trump... Sugar bowl 200 years old Mrs W B Allen Old time lamp AUlo Hagenbuch Candle stick and snutTois 100 yutrs old Jennie Utt Old plate, bowl and sugar bowl AS Bowman .uuecLion oiu doors " " dlsbea " " pewter Salln slippers 101 yrs old Old outside pocket " idncusbion Sampler made 1743 Pooket book made In 177! Frame Silhouettes Old tea not liattlo Hart... DO 5'l Mary Miller 60 00 HclchcIal-'Oyarsold John Doloug.... Turkey platters 200 years 1 8 Brlttaln. Small dinner pot ) Candle stand O A DlctTonbacli oil lamp Indian moccasin Abble Ileacock Box of minerals Levi Cox Pair andirons John Wolf 2 brass candlesticks John Wolf Charcoal heaters and tea kettle, Mel- . lah Turnbach Silver auufTera, "t German book, I Mualo boak, , Eddie Eyer CoJlofiUon serman books, I Ser.hE.taSbe"8BS4!!Sj 60 Fmme at row heads, steer horns, Frame rare mil mln,. r-A Solleder.. oia cr am4ug. c E Thomas Caso horse shoes, N S Fursel...., Judgea-C 11 Campbell, W K Glrton, ltlngrose. CLASS XXXII-tbials or sriU). 60 5P 75. FARHKBS CLASS. W ir Black., Ira Boyd... llll Boyd... 37 60 18 73 11 25 100 00 60 00 80 00 20 CO 25 00 18 50 7 60 2:37 CLASS irm Hughes.... George Cooke,, o s Flaher... GeoBolrd....... OA ifenrte..,.., o B mclfenry.. WJIfldlay..,. .. COLTS CLASS. rACIM Alar Tlnv1t(n , m tu II Hagmeyer.....".".7.""7.'.7rril'.l!.'.'.','.'. 60 Oo A Nell, Jeuny Llnd exhibitions 12J no 2 80 CLASS Alex Davidson 100 00 60 00 80 U 20 UI 19 OO 31 60 22 60 13 00 r m ungues Omrtrn t n.l no. John o Beck., ."1 SltS CLASS, Geonre Balnl. m K XtnekhivkM. SJ Faux ."."1 amuci Prentiss .... OraN TO ALU A Kf.ll Jacob Badef!71!,",it!"",,irM!V!rr7ri 100 oil ueorge uooko ... so u n in nugbea ,. 40 uo c, .Z.rvy' ,"r ln upon iq an class neiu subject to decision of National Trotting AssocU- llOii on ft Prnttur 61 60 flbi,',,.Rry " rar premiums nt hla of. S3 23 73 ... .up iirawnr uuuuinir, on na alter 3"Jf Nov. 1st, anil until Deo. 1, ISS7, after WhlAft. flut. oil n. ml... 1, I , . ' . . iJiumiuuil UI1UU11CI1 iur Will UI, conslilered donated to tho Society. 11. V. WHITE. Seo'y, 60 JULE ON I1EIH8. In tbi OaruAss' Cobbt or Coxtmsia cotntrr; '? the matter of I he partition and valuaUon of LmVrnewu?ty?pSi0 AUller' Ula 01 eaoolwot' To Adam Miller, Mimin township, Columbia county, Pa., William Aimer, Wetherly, carbon eouaty, Pa., John Miller, Nescopeck Luzerne county, I'a, Nathan Miller, Nescopeck. Luzerne county, Pa., Caroline, intermarried with Jacob S.XS?1 VketbeiLy, earUui county, Pa., l-ollriln-Klm,&trtwl,,h. Jw" KUbbacb, Mt. Pleasant Mwnshlp, Columbia county. Pa.. Sallle A. wuat 2fP:k. LU7rn county. Pa., Maria, in Unnamed with, Levi KUhbach, Kescopeck, Lu Kn count Pa' aU(1J'"!0b,lller Wetherly, Car. You nneaoh of you are hereby notified to bo ?..?pit bt'ore lR0 Judges or tbe Orphans' Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, on the Bret Monday of Decotnber next, then and theie to ac cent, or retuw to take the real estate of eaU George Miller, deceased, at tbe appraised valua tion put upon tt by tbe inquest, duly awaioed by the said Court, and murned by the WierttJ, or show cause why It Shall not be sold. Wltwwi th lion, wiuiam ElwelL President a lis? Ccrt tbu MU w 0clobCT' rv...,',. " BNYHEll, Octint, clerk u C. 23 25 60 60 60 83 60 t 00 2 10 1 00 1 00 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 25 23 1 60 23 25 23. 25 60 23 25 1 00 1 W 2t 1 00 Kills.