u rnirz, ATTOttNEY.AT.LAW, mot 'Front Koom, Over l'ontoflioe, HLOOMSBUllU, PA. L. B. WALLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dloomtbory, r omco OTor 1st. National Bank. NU. FUNK, ATTOttNEY-AT-LAW. DLOOKSIDM, Vk. Offlce In lot's Building. 1 OIIN M. CLANK, ATT011N E Y-AT-L A W AMD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Dlooihiobo, pa o flics over Moyer Proa. Drugstore " c. "i W.MILLER, ATTOUNET-AT-LAW, Offlce lo Brower'sbulldlng.scoondfloor.room No.l Bloomatiurg, Pa. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Uloomsburg, Pa, omco corner ot Centre ana Main Streets. Clark ; Building. Can be consulted In German, QEO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, llLoousnuitd, Pa. OlUcc on First floor, front room ot Col ombian llulldinif, Main street, below Ex change Hotel. JJAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. Offlce In Colombia Bdildino, Third door. BLOOMSBURG, PA. jj V. WRITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, B L00M8BUR0, PA. Ofllco In Browcre' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf B KMOHB. L. I. WINTlanilM, KNORR & WINTER3TEEN, A ttorney s-at-La-vy. omco la 1st National Bank building, second noor, nrstdoortolbelert. Corner or Main and Market street Uloomsburg, Pa. I'entwni and Bountiet Oolltctid. P. B1LLMEYER, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-Af-LAW. WOfllco over Bloomsburg, Pa. Dentlcr's shoe store, opr-30.60. w H. HUAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CaUwlsta. Pa. OBce.eorner ot Third and Main streets. M ICUAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. LEGAL ADVICE IN TUX SETTLEMENT 07 ESTATES, C MrOfflce In rentier's building with F. P. Bill mcyer, attorney-avlaw, front rooms, 2nd . noor Bloomsburg, pa. -vftlJON0RA . IiOIiDINS. w Offlce and residence, West First street, Blooms burg, Pa. no s ly. B. MoKELVY, M. D.urgeon and Phy . Blclan. north side Main BtreoCbelow Market QR J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN SUSQBON, Offlce, North Market street, BlooniBbnrci Pa DR. WM. Physician. M. REBER Burgeon and Offloe corner of Rock and Market treet. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUPPS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUECt.PA. OPPOSITE COURT BOUBB. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath room, hot and cold water; ana oil modern conveniences. B F. UARTMAN airaxaiiers TBI rouowtxa AMERICAN INBURANpECOMPANIEB north American o( Philadelphia, frajiilln, " "' Pennsylvania, " " York, of. Pennsylvania. Hinover, of N. Y. queens, of London. jorth British, of London, timoo on Markot street, No, t, Bloomsburg. oct. 14, 1- fiIBE INBURAlfOK CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, BLOOMSBDRQ, PA, , OF NEWARK, N. J. HRATIINH. PA. These u cohporatiohs are well seasoned by aga and nu txstkd and have never yet bad a loasscUled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested Ut solid biocbitiu are Uablotothe hazard ot fibs only. Losses rR0iirri.T and donkbtlt adjusted and Said as soon as determined by cbkistian r. VArr, sriciAL Aasxr amo Asjcstsm Bloohsscio, Pa. The peopU ot Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses If any are settled and pall by on of ther own citizens. PROMPTNESS, EQUITY. FAIR DEALING, JJRE.t AUK oomsbi JAB BROWN'S INSURANCE 3KN0Y. Mover's new building. Main street, ildomsburg, Pa. iGtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn $7,07B,ao is, 500,000 noyai m i.iverpoot , Lancashire Fire AssoclaUon, Philadelphia... Phmnlx. of Iindoii. t..... iu,uuu,wu ,1J,710 5,266.370 1,T0B,76 London & Lancashire, ot England., UarttoTd ot Hart lord ."! Mprtagfleld Fire and Marine. ........... AS the agencies are direct, policies are written wtte insured without delay-in the offlce at Uloomsburg. Oct. 88, W II. ilOUSE, DENTIST, JJloomsuuro, Columbia County-, Pa AH KyU. ( work done in a superior manner, work xwranto u represented. Turn extbact b witboot PAW by the use ot pas, and " freest chaise w ton artificial teeth areinsrted. Offlce In Barton's Iwlldlujr, Main street, bejow Market, Jlvo doors below Kleima drug store, first floor. Jo be open at all hourt during Ike da NOTM-ly AmWRIQIIT &CO.. WHOLESALE QROCERS, PniLADKLPUlA, Pa,, TKAS, f (Cr8, COFFEE, WJOAIt, MOLASHEft ItlCE, SriOES, U10A1U1 boda, eto., sto. N. E. Corner Second and Arch St. wr-Orders will receive prompt attention. Benton Hotel, LEMUEL DRAKE, Prop'r. rht wnll-known hotel haft been re-ODened and -Many Improvements made lor the accommodation of the traveling public. The bar and table are .sUDOUftl with the pvcawilb the best the market affords. A large le Is connected with the ,snd Mumodlous stable Is connected with uouii. 'uutns aiwa ays reasonable. LEMUEL DRAKE, Proprietor. aimaysrj WILLIAM HART JSLOOMBBURflr, PSNN'A., AGENT FOR TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO,, nanufactruers of the celebrated Keystone Dyna- TOltn. ThlaeiDloslvelselvlnsr universal aaturao- non. oupiatlons cneenuuy given, (itaugem' Room 40, Coal EgcijAppE, BORANTON, PA., AGENTS Atlantic Dynamite Oo. ian Dynamite and Juduoo Powder, tor stump, Hasting, and quarry work. All oraers prewpiu filled, oertvspondense solicited. iyoesi asiWBuT;! ' 1 ' 1 ' 11 . I 1 . 1 5 TKBiTmBrropH BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. ID tap RAILROAD XXHIS TABLE "TvELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION, STATIONS. ri NORTnCMBXRLAMO S 40 Cameron. 5 63 Chulasky s oo Danville 6 08 Catawlssa s S3 Rupert... so Uloomsburg . 8 36 Espy, . e 43 Lime Ridge...... .... 6 60 Willow Grove.... ...a st Brlarcrcck..... s 63 Uerwlck 7 05 Ileach Haven 7 11 Kick's Ferry 7 is Rhlckshlnny . 7 so Ilunlock'B 7 43 Nantlcoko 7 50 Avondale 7 64 Plymouth . 7 (9 Plymouth Junction 8 03 Kingston 8 09 Bennett 8 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming !ti West llttston 8 !!7 HUston 8 S3 Lackawanna 8 40 TavlorvlUo...... 8 48 Bellevue 8 54 SCRANTOK 9 00 F X STATIONS. All SCKANTOX 6 10 Bellevue e ic Taylorvllle 6 so Lackawanna e 2S Huston , 6 3D West llttston 6 42 Wyoming. 6 17 Maltby e si Bennett 6 55 Kingston 0 58 I'lymoulh Junction 7 f Plymouth 1 10 Avondale. T 14 Nantlcoko 7 19 Hunlock's 7 2d Hhlckshluny 7 47 Hick's Kerry T 55 Beach Haven 8 01 NORTH, m i. m. a. u. 1 83 10 10 1 15 ...... 10 23 6 SO .... 10 29 6 34 1 58 10 3d 40 2 14 10 53 M S 19 11 00 7 05 S S4 11 07 7 19 2 29 11 15 7 9) .... 11 22 7 37 .... 11 !S 7 31 11 30 7 33 2 4 11 37 7 42 2 54 11 44 7 49 2 59 11 49 7 55 3 09 11 59 8 re S 19 12 OS 8 IT Hi 13 16 8 23 It 20 8 38 8 S3 13 25 8 33 S 39 13 30 8 S3 3 43 19 37 8 43 .... 13 41 8 49 12 43 8 53 3 62 12 50 8 68 3 56 13 55 9 03 4 01 1 03 9 09 1 11 9 17 1 19 9 23 1 35 9 30 4 22 1 30 9 33 r k r x aii SOUTH. ah m m 9 60 2 03 6 20 9 65 ... 6 25 10 00 14 6 30 10 08 2 21 6 37 10 16 2 88 6 45 10 23 2 34 6 tO 10 27 2 39 6 65 10 80 ... 6 69 10 81 2 47 7 03 10 8-9 2 50 7 07 10 43 8 54 7 12 10 47 2 59 7 16 10 61 3 03 7 21 10 63 3 06 7 25 11 03 8 19 7 41 11 12 3 29 7 61 11 22 3 89 8 07 II 23 3 45 8 13 U 87 3 61 8 20 3 67 8 27 11 49 4 01 8 31 11 62 4 03 8 35 11 69 4 12 8 41 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 24 8 62 12 15 4 39 8 67 12 80 4 46 9 11 4 54 9 23 12 40 5 00 9 38 19 6 5 15 9 43 r k p u r u Berwick 8 07 iiruircreek. - willow Orove 8 H Ltmo Ridge 20 spy Uloomsburg s ' Nupert 8 37 Catawlssa 9 2 Danville p Chulasky. 9 03 Cameron 9 07 NOBTUUMBERLAHD....... 9 83 Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia 4 aad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Wilt na.ifin l,Bllpnn1 fnr TBIYlBUPnrt. TamaQl lamsport. Sunbury. I"ottsvlile, etc At Narthum, Lock llaven, Emporium, Warren, cony and Erie, W. F. HALSTEAD Oen. Man. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. in effect May S9. 1887. Trains leave sunbury n .An Ea. uhnnt KTnrpfta Mallr fizcent Sunday), for Harrlsburgandmtemedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia S.1S p. m. i New York, 6.20 n. m. : uaujuwic 9.1" v .. . " "tp Tzr! ti Mn. m.. connecting at rwiaaeipnia rorau oca Shore points. Through passenger coa sburgand internie- rti.ti stations, arriving at I'hlladelphl 6.60 p. m. m, ; ore 6.45 p. m. I aahlngton, 1.43 p.m. Parlor car throueh to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 1 45 n. m. Renovo Accommodation (dally f or UarrUburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv inS.t. ihiimiflnhla4.25a. m. : New York7.l0a- m. Baltimore, .6a a. m. t Washington a.03 a. m. S7;i'--V-rnNimiaiimiii can be secured 1 UarrTsburgtorPbll4jelprJaandKe days a thTough slcepfcg car will M run: on this train from wimamspttaPhUadelpWa.l'hUadelphla lassengers can rvuiaiu m uuuyvi uwhjhuiu fLso'a. m.-Erte Mall (dally except Mnndayi tor Ilarrlsburg ana lniermeuiaw aiauui aiTTlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New Yor a.'m.""Througb PuUman sleeping care are run on this tram to pnuaaeipaia, uaiuuiuio u " ton. and through passenger coaches to Phllade! phla and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.10 a. za. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo Si .TTioiiiniijntrtiitB stations and canandal miaandlnwrmedlale siatlnAS, Itpchester, Buna- U) and Niagara FaUs, with tnrougn ruiunap rai ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Kocfc iS-News Ezpress (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate ' stations. 13-52 D. m. Niagara juiucoa ium i vvr?"-- 3.y-br Kane andlntermcdlatostatlons and Can. ai uaigua K' .--r-. amj Niagara through passenger cwots txi ;an.e i andMr carta Wpamsport, r tTsop.m. FastUne(daiiyxxepXS unaayjfer Re- novo and intermediate stations, and filWtra.1 wai- klna and Iniermaaiate stations, with throug pas- fflV&JStfXflZ FROM THE Sunday mall leaves Phtladelphij i 4.S0 a. m nirXmrg 1.40 arriving at Sunbury f . M a. m. with Ihroaghaloepingcar irom iuiioijm... "?!?BP?5t.- ... r.llAjIdnhla 4.30 a. m. narrisburlr Tl ' i. m. dally except Bunds, iVrirtnir at' Sunbury a. Niagara Express leaves phiiuiMnhla. 7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.W a. w. (dally and through passenger uj. . PMi'Ka. York 8.00 a. m. : Pblladel DblaTn Mi j waiWgwn. 9.w. m. i Ualtl. rnore 1015 a.m., (dauy except Sunday) arriving at """""r.T.1 ' v,nh throuffh nasattneet nhla 11.85 P. m. t Washington, lfl.0Op. m. j B more 11 K m. (dally except.saturday) arrt' S. sunburi 'Mi a. m., with through Pull at sunuury w . "y, . wisElnirton Ualtl vwg man ana Wllkesbaire Mall leaves Bunbury y.i a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 1U.46 a. in,, Wllkes-barra 'M uteSiiarre aocom. leaves sunbury 2.63 p u, ar. rti natUloSm Ferry Ml; Wllkes-Barre, SjOOp m. . inavca sunnury o. p. m., wim ng at Tufcom Ferry .2 P- m.. Wllkes-barre 7.65 p. arrlv, inTuKom Firry i i.M a7m:;Hunburyn 12.45 p. m 1 Sioreas Woot leaves Wllkes-barre2.60 p. m.. ar at woom Ferry 4.19 o. in., sunbury 6.10p.m rtCatawlsia wconi leaii Kcsaopcck 6:06pra, ar. riflSv at SSoob Fenj smunbury, T.5 p m. Buiiday acooinmodatlOB Veaves Wiue-Barre M.9 p. m.arrtung at Bloom Ferry, .W p. m., Bunbary, bityiiPuan, i, it. wood. - (ien.Manager, uen. Passenger Agent He ATE NTS F. A. LRIIMANN Washington,!). O Send tor circular OC29d4U A WEEK and upwards positively so- yuiuu uj IIICUHKCniSBCHIDg lir. HCOlt' lllLJff "enuino Kioctnc Belt, Suspensory Other Annllnnrrui. RamnlM Imn -1 and hese romooniy oriifinal and gem Dr. Scott, 811 Broadway, l Y. original and genuine. No huml III Broadway, N. Y. oc2td' humbug. OC24d4t. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT for improved and Economic Cookery. N. B. Qonuino only vrith fac-6imll9 of Baron LIombb Signatura In bluo across Label. TO DO hftil Of nil t tnrrtlrivnAra rvrruuiH a-.. gists. '"-"oc28dir Marvels of the New West. Avi id portrayal of the stupendous marvels In the yast wonder-land west of the Missouri Rtvcr. pix dooks in ono volume, comprising Marvels ot S?'.i!' iW.01." ' ce, Marvels of Enterprise, Marvels Ot Mlnln?. Mnrvpl of atrvv irniaino u.r vels ot Agriculture. Over 350 original nne engrav. Intra A tiorfon nlolnui i i . :r fvi,ui rinucrj, jv juiuj mure seii- inKnuaiuieatnan any other book. AGENTS WANTED. Apply at onco to a. huuuutuaN, 12 ast Hth St., New York. OC2Sd4U MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artinclal systems. Anyibook learned In one reading. Recommended bv Mark Twain. IHrtiANi Piwtip. the c enlist, lion. W. w. Aatnr. .Mdnh 1" llpnln: mln, Dr. minor, c class of 100 Columbia Luw students; two classes of 200 each at Y ale: 400 at University of Penn. l'hlla., 400 at Wellesley Col lege, 350 at Oberlln college and three larvre classes at Chautauqua University, sc., I'rosnectus roar ' iram niur. luishtte, sar ram Ave., New York. oc28d4t. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application ot the nne properties ot well-selected Cocoi, Mr. Epps has ruviut-u uur urcuKiust tames witn a aeucaieiy avored beveratre which mav nave us manv heavv doctors' bills. It la bv the ludlclous uno of ttuch ar. tides ot diet that a constitution may be gradually uuut up unui strong enougn to resist every ten dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are uoatlng around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselt cs well fortlBed with ure diooq ana a properly nounsnea rrame." tit l Service Gazette. Made slmrlv with bolllne water or milk. Sold only In half-pound tins, oy grocers. laoeuea tnus: j A Jlfcs Kl'l'b c tu (28) Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. TOCONSUMPTIVES Use WINCHESTER'S HYPOPnOSPHITE OF LIME An SODA. For consumption, weak lungs, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and general debility It Is an acknoH ledged specific remedy. TRY IT. Price 11 and 51 per bottle. Prepared oily by WINCHESTER CO., chemists, 162 William St., New Y'ork. fold by druggists, Send for circular. Ot2Sd4U W! M5TT TPAT5 ATT Permancntem Urill f Url AUU. nlovment elv'n to energetic men and women everywhere. 150 a week and all exDensos raid, sarn ies worth is and full particulars free. Address P. viuiiGHY, Augusta, jue. uoa t miss tms cbance. Write fo-day. ni-o yog Coaebj Uronrhllli, Arthnu PARKCR'8 OJNQER f ONIO pu cured mMJut the woritoueflftni for mil iBectionn of Lh throat &ntl I Coucb, Tironrhltla, Arthma, Indication! Dm witnous oeiay. it .d ij til hoitt rftnml tor all alle-cUoni of th throat nl luntrt, and dfMse kuiilog from Impure blood nd eibAUNuoa. Tiva febls vnd tick, ttnira:ltii4T fctrfclnit dlM&M, &nd ilowljr drthlcf to thegTT. will In many cwei rooer their health br ir um ot Parker Glnrai of I'arker! Oinrer Tonic, but delay Udan- ireroas. Take It to time. lttslaTaluatIo for all paloj and disorders ot tomacl and bowel. (Oo. at irruff&itftfr 0Ctl4d4t. IADIE8 Enamel vour Ranireii twleif a Tear, tons onra a week and you bave tbe flnest-poliitied itot e tn thf world. Vor lale by all Uroceri aad Btoyt Ueateri sepl4d4t. THE E&nsas M !s ! Bng Copy, nf iTrillRnV. KANSAS. SENATOR INOALLU, -, President, Offers guaranteed Farm Bonds ot Eastern Kan sas, bemf annual coupons payable at the Chatham National Hank, New York. Eastern ofllce: 187 Broadway, Nbw York. R. M. Manlkv, ocn'l M'g'r. send for pamphlet. r vUcn RBUCKLES' name on a package gpf FEE is a guarantee of excellency ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class storos from the Atlantic to th,? Pacific COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand inhermetlcalhr Eoaled ONE POUND PACKAGES. marl.rly TOT ANTED. LADIES for our Fall and VV Christmas Trade, to take light pleasant work at their own homes. $1 to 13 per day can be quietly made, work sent by man any distance Partculars free. No canvassing. Address at once, CREHCENT ART CO., H7 Milk St., ROBton. Mass. Box 5170. oonr,t. WANTED. We want a few live meu to take orders for a full lino of phojpe nursery stock. Our stock js all selected and guaranteed iirst-oloss. Wo furnish a hand some Outfit Fkee, also i'nl Samples in Season. AWokkeh neyer fajs with us. Don't de Jay but write at once for Jprms, &c to EDW. 0. GRAHAM, NURSEKYMAff, Rochester, N, Y, sepa-lflt, M, C. SLOAN & BLOOMSDURO, PA, Manufacturers pf CARRIAQES BUQOIES, PHAETUNS. SLEIOHS. PLATFORM WAGONS &C First-class work always on hand, BPfMJiWa UM TL YDOHh. Price$ reduced to ivt tht tirMh FOOT WEAR In buyiiiR Boots, Shoes, Slip pers, or nny other kind of foot wear, people will go Yhere thoy can find the largest assortment to select from, and where thoy can get the best goods for the least money. Such advantages can bo found at the best in an establishment that deals exclu sively in foot wear. Almost ev ery general storo keeps a few boxes of boots, and shoes, but at Dentler's shoe store the stock consists entirely of this lino of goods. Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Pumps, llubbers, Sandals, Gai ters, &c., for Men, Women and Children, occupy shelf after shelf, and even the floor of the largo room is stocked with boxes. Here the cus'omer can find all styles, all sizes, all prices, from the heaviest cow hide, to the finest kid, with prices as low as can bo found anywhere for the same class of goods. Wo are provided with implpmcnts for removing pegs, and for resetting buttons, so that our goods are made comfortable, and made to fit any foot. Among the special lines are the W. L. Douglas Shoe for gen tlemen, Curtis & Wheeler's La dies' Fine Shoes, the celebrated lowanda Boot, for men and boys. No trouble to show goods. F. D. Dentler, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 12aug3ms., CLOTHINCM Q JDLOTHING G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. :o: Cents' Furnishing Goods. Eats & Gaps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mndo to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale, Call and examine tho largest and best eeleoted stock of goods ever snown in (Jolumbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. BLQ01BURGPLANING MILL The undersigned having put his Planing Ml on Railroad Street, In nrst-ciasB condition, is pre pared to ao an kinas or wore in nis line. FRAMES, SASH, DO.ORS, BLINDS.MOUwDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urntsned at reasonable r rices. All lumber used s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlsbed on application. Flans and Bpeclflca ons prepared by an experienced draugnisman CIIAIIXES KUBG, Uloomttburp, Pt Bitten bender & Co. WAGON MAKER'S AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. No. 12C & 128 Franklin Ave., SCRANTON, PA. i$qq aad Steel. (aprlll-ir. ), W. RAEOER, BLASE BODE MAKER BOTER A1ID BIHDER, Noe. 7 and 9 Mrtfkot St., WlL(CES-BllE, ? septs-lycAbro. PATENTS l btalnod and all patent business attended to tor moderate fe63. nnr nmce la onnoslte the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents In loss Urns than those re mote trom Washington. send model or drawing, We advise as to pat entability tree ot charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. we reier ueru, vu mu ruaiiuiuiicr, vuo ouiv.u Money order Dlv., and to ofllolals ot the U.S. references to actual clients In your own state or county, wnteiu C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite paieni umpe, wsiinguu i u Working Classes Attention We are nnw prepared tp furnish all classea with enipioyment at m me, l ie wpoie oi iqe iimp,oi a wntn to 1S.0U ner evening, and a proportional sum by devoting all their time to tho business, lioys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That BI1WUUOCU 1U1S Wttl snw lucu auuuw, .uu vwi the hOt fori Us business, we maita luuuucr. ivutii am Well sailSUPU 0 "111 bcnuuuo uutmr w pa the tro auifl oi wruiutf. nun uvuxkuuxiuiui butnt tree, (and, Maine. Address usoaaH btimsoks vq., per defl-8-iy, l)Ot,T.ATlH rays far hlh'ii bOUOLAIlBllU'lu PALMS' IJUSlNKSSCOlLEaE 1709 Chtitiil St, rtiUJ(ltl:i Positions for Oraduates. Time required 3 to mot. Tho Beit Equipped. Uett Course of titudy. Butt Bv erythlng. vtiu iwrurcuujs, 'I unhesitatingly add my testimony to tho great lion elita to bo derived from Sim mons Liver Regulator. I was afllictcd for several years with disordered liver, which resulted in a severe, attack of Jaundice. I had good medi cal attendance, but it failed to restoro me to tho enjoy ment of my former health. I then tried tho most re nowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky., but all to no pur pose, whereupon I was in duced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I found immedi at benefit from its use, and it ultimately restored mo to tho full enjoyment of health.'1 A. II. Shirley, Richmond, Ky . . . ."I most cheerfully re commend it to all who suffer from bilious attacks or any disease caused by a disar ranged state of the liver.'' .... W. R. Bernard, Kansas City, Mo. CROWN ACUTE THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke ine cntmneys. it win not char the wick. It has a high Ore test. It wUl not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. V2 CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation, as rennets, upon the statement that it Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME, I. Trade for Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOYER BROS., Jiloomsburg, Pa. sep2-ly. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF OAST CR WROUGHT IRON, Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: the several beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Beauty and Durability they are unsurpass ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- J . R. SMIT H & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DgALKBS IN PIANOS By tho following well known makers., Chickcring, Knabc, Weber, Mullet &Davls. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano, he- tore gettjug ojir prices, Catalogue and Price Lists Op application. SeptS-8tf. 1 MY WIDOW, Bho was tho meekest and most ilociln Jlttlo personage yoil eft w, That, pf courso, wtw lirjtprt! fho booami my widow, Sho was very prettyi too, with pink apple cheeks, and eyes of that pe culiar translucent beryl green that tou soo so seldom, a slender lithe llgurfl. find a stop as noiseless as If she worb the famous shoes of slp(ipe. " Dopond upon It, old fftllmv, she's marrleij yoU for your mOrtfly,'"- said Fitz-Brawn, " It doesn't btand to reason that a girl of eighteen ahquld t!o herself te a fat old heathen ot flfty-four unless there Is some such motlvo lurking underneath." " Fltz-llrown," I broke tn Irritably, " yPU'tft (tej I'1 " I May be a fool," answefed that Kentlefrjan calmly, "but ' single fool is pet bo bad as a married fool, In any point of view yon' tiboso to Wto,"' Theru was po use in arguing with Flt2-Urown. Ho was & stubbprn, opinionated old fellow, at bost, and ho was determined not to like Lu cilia from tho very first. How ha did exult when ho came down to my oflloo and told mo that Uarry Kyko vas. spending ti even ing with- "Lucllla that saniej eokloss young gqoa-lor-naugni who had beon W.-Tlt ltA llAfll around her before, wo woro married. And Lucllla had told mo sho was going to lako tou, with her innthor NeySf'tliplass put on a bold face. Well, lot him spond tho eyenlnB," sahir '(i'liero'Mlltf harm!" "Yoai buthut the ftiitnlns wcro not drawn, aud nud It isn't neora--lury for Mm to tit on the same iof.i, with his arm around hurwulst." I w"' straight homo, but Mr. Sykes lia'il p.ep.irtbd, and Lucllla was daruiiiii my stockings by the lire. " Lucllla." said I sternly, '!' I must fnrbli any more ot Harry SyUco's visits htito," " Ves, Joslali," said my wlfoj " Harry I rather tit sonio,'' 'i Ai- )H will please re(re no moro" yquiiB; gentloman sltori In my absouco." No, Joslah." ' t'Tha fact U, Lucllla, I am afraid von read too manv novels " l'orliaps I do," snld my wife meekly- " I will brlnir up a sot of ' ltol llns' Ancient History ' to-morrow nnd uome sermons for you to rend. All lighter literature must be baulshod at once." "Certainly, Joslah." Lucllla wns prcternaturally affection sto the next two or three Unys. Sho hung round me In tho most bewitching manner, sowod my shirt buttons on, ran for my sllptxirs, nnd would Insist on toasting tho bread h'-rjolf, until her protty fnco wns tho color of a scarlet tomato, " be cause cook Is so careless, nnd dear Joslah likes Ills toast browned Just so." " What shall I order for dinner, doar? Tho butcher's man Is hero. Steaks or a roasting plcco?" " I don't caro," I nnsworod mo fchanlcally. " Suit yoursolf." " Hut you know your wlshos are my ploasuro, love." "Stonk9, then." " And about tho pudding, sweet? Bhall I toll cook to niako a real old English plum, or would you prefer baked suet?" Iteally It was very nlco to hear ono's wishes consulted In this sort of I.ucOla tied the muffler around my neafc. manner. And when I departed for" the ofllce, Lucllla herself stood on tiptoe to tlo tho worsted round my neck. " For If you should tako cold, dearost, and anything should happen, It would break your dear llttlo wife's heart." Under these harmonious clrcum Mmices that sudden voyugo to India came Uko a thunderbolt across' tho serene horizon ot our matrimonial uro. " How shall I live without you six mpnths, my dearest?" sobbed Lucllla, her lovely beryl eyes swim ming in tears. But wo cannot always control ne cessity, and, after a mournful fare well. In which my wlfo fairly , suc cumbed and went Into hysterics, I departed on necessary business) for tho firm of Miner "and Mortlake, I myself being thoatorosald Mortlaki. now It happened that my name was erroneously lugged Into the de tails ot that massacre In which! the barbarous coolies murdered so ifaany or tho foreign population, wnen. i was aotnally ten miles further up tho country, i never knew, ana mem my long fever, during which I found It Impossible to write or obtain an amanuensis, served to complicate '.mat tors. Whon I recovered. I resolved to proceed immediately back to my native iana. "1 11 not write." i mentally decided. I'll surprise Lucllla, bless her 'dear llttlo nearti now aeugntea sua win , bo I" So I took passage in tho first 1 English steamer that sailed. Half-way acrpssi, we hailed an English craft, outward bound, ' and there was. ao exchange of newspapers and other civilities. As I unfolded a London paper, scarce more than six "weeks old, I saw, under the obituary notice my own name. So r was supposed to be dead. It la a sudden shock to redd ot your own death, and calculate) how long you hav.e been under ground, and not by any means an ngroeable uuu. "I don't think I'm dead," said I stretch ing out my arms and lugs, giving mysolt a pinch, and feeling thg yrong pulses, ttlrt prolocted healthy currents through,' my veins, "and yet thli evi dence Is certainly very convinalng that I was murdered by barbarous natives on the night ot the 25th o! May. l'oor, dear llttlo Lucllla 1 how Inconsolable sho must bo 1" So It happened, you see, that I was 'n.l? nome to comfort' my It w'aa lata In the afternoon when wo entered port, and tho shadows of the uutumn evening were gnthprlng round as I crept up tho doorsteps of my mansion, and entered, btoalth Uy ns a robber. Were tho shutters down, tho win dows draped, the house dressed in seemly habiliments of woe? Not at all; lights glowed brilliantly, behinc ,!'t' fHr,!l'?.i tfav voices tohowl from tho Wiliir. and oould my ears have deceived mo? No, surely that wns Lucllla's laugh ringing merrily on the air. "A llttlo hysterical, perhaps," I thought, hut nevertheless, Instead of boldly entering the drawing-room and confronting my wife, I instinctively passpr) on to, the glazed, jjxteiislon room, bohlnd, communicating, by drup. pries p silk, with the larger apart ment a room whoro I had been wont to keen' ray books and which I dig nified by the Utlo of ' library,'' It was but faintly llghtoU by the rraWWl lustre of the drawing-room chaiidillcr, und as I entered I btum bled over, something it was my own portrait. Ignominious!)- turned with its face to the wall, I proa fprwnrd with an ominous foi'obd,hg-n sudden disagreeable re colleQtloh. of Fltz-Brown'n" ' croaking pred'ctluna, But as I put aside the Tyrlan folds ot the curtain a most unwok'omo vision met my eyq. Lucllla In her widow's weeds. But she was not alone. Close be side hor on the sofa, actually, playing with let sott little white hand, and a uai tuppoted (o Ja d(adx bending devotedly over tho bordet ot tne wiuow cap sat uarry Bykus i " Come. Lucllla." ho mid lmna tlently, " you havo tantalized mo long euough. When will you give mo tl)3 Ittlfl treasure of a hand and lot mo pall you minor "What nonsense. Harry l'l said rav widow coquettish!)', but 6lm dldnt wltlid.ray hPV hand, when you know my nusoanu n hasn't been dead, six months V "Oh. banc' the old buffer I "Win cares whether he has been dead I days of six months? He's gone, Ff.fJU thanks to the coolies, and he's willed you all tho cash. You know very well you novor cared for him, Lucllla." My widow did not contradict this weeping statement. "But tho look of tho thing, you know, dear Harry. Don't squoeze my hand bo." " Lucllla, don't you love me?" " Of courso I do," with a charm ing little pout. "Then, my heart's queen, what Is the uso of keeping mo In suspense?" Really, Harry," sho murmured, " I don't know what to say." v Thon say yes." Lucllla's head drooped unUl the widow s cap nearly touched her com panion's shoulder, " Yes," sho murmured at last. Human nature could stand this no longer. I dashed aside the purple silk draperies, and entered precipitately on tho ecetip quite an unexpected addi tion to tho tframarii ptrtona'. " Not so fast, madam, if you please I" I crlod with a sort of de raonlac exultation. " I may bo an ' old buffer,' and yon may nover have oarod ' for me, but nevertheless you and Mr. Bykes here are getUng along altogether too smoothly." Lucllla sprang to her feot with an eldritch scream. " It's a ghost I It's Joslah's ghost 1" " No, madam, It's not Joslah'n ghost It's his living self. You though' you had got rid of me, did you' An awkward mlstako to make, undei "Not to fait, madam, f you pteate!" the circumstances. Walk out of this house, sir, and never lot me see your countenance again I" Mr, Sykes obeyed, sheepishly enough. " As for you, madam," I said sternly, turning to my Bobbing wife no longer widow " you may go home to your mother. I want no more of your treacherous, wiles. Fltz-Brown was right 1" Vohomcntly ringing the bell I or dered a carriage and packed the be wildered woman off before, she could remonstrate. That was the end of my matri monial experience, for Lucllla has never vonturod to return to the shadow of my roof. Fltz-Brown and I are keeping house together, after an orthodox bachelor fashion. I think Fitz Is sincerely sorry for me ; but be has never yet Insulted me with tho truism: " I told you so." IN YELLOW "SILK. "I don't like the looks of him I" said the Widow Clogg. "You don't say so I" said Aunt Han nah, smoothing down her gingham apron in a disturbed way. They Sht In the plalnly-furntshed, little sitting-room, this soft spring after noon, looking out through the open window on to tho front porch, with Its climbing vines and Its yellow-painted floor. It was a charming picture which the window framed: A protty young girl, In a perfeotly-flttlng dud wonderfully becoming blue cambric, with her blonde " J'm glad you IiJt it," $he tali iks.''re'V' hair piled high, and falling in fluffy thlckwtijs 0, her oyoi ami at fiut'eide, K-Sll'RS in?rtnl tho eiuel botoio him, brush. V.il palette In hand, niueh-be, daubed rag nud a profusion uf mi;mI tin color-tutM-s on tha lima- h.lilc lijm a, plcusuut-tiu'od young mun, with darl. eyes and 1 rown curly hair. "It ain't that he ain't good-looking enough," Mrs. Ch'gg continued, "J'oV too good-looking and too lliiotuppearlng tlifti VVtlPVo l1 oh., well," said Aunt Hannah sooth Jngly, '' J diinno!" x biiouiun i leei so, nam lf, clegg. If Janle warn't null, oat unlth him. Ho can't -n nothing of her, Hannah." tl'.Yvll, ihmiio," tnld Aunt Huminh, lo'ik,jiix from tho young man i her niccfl anxiously. "No, I a'pose. 'tuln't no uy likely, i.me iy i ' urs. uegg repeatod. t"i'in to he thought on. I wish I hadn't look, him to board, Hannah; there'll be trouble yet I" Out III the P'lroli the conversation was far mniv vheertul. "It's. the old treo itself !" Janln was saying admiringly, studying the canvas with hilf-shut eyes a trick ijIiq bud caught from the artist, "Do yon think so?"' said Ooorgo Daytqu, looking gratified, "Do you know, Mis Clegg whero Is. that green tube? that should llko Immensely to paint you,?'! " I huve a Japunese costume at home," Dayton continued reflectively; "but I hardly think It would suit you," "Mil) bo I could find Bomet,hlng," said tho girl rather timidly, "Thftt would bp Jpllyl" Payton ro ll,fA pnthHstasUoaHy, "Lot mo sco; I Couli( lake It bock to tha city tor the exhibition, If I'm qulok about it. There I Don't you think that touch has Im proyod " ' "Janle!" called her mother rather sharply, "como In and set thetablcj (or supper 1" Dayton laid down his brush half unconsciously, und turned to gazo down tho narrow hall Into tho kitchen beyond, where, frequent glimpses of a slender bluo-clad figure, with n long, white apron freshly donned, und with slouvos rolled hind, (owarded him, The lght, hot biscuits which steamed on tho supper-tablo were made doubly delightful by tho fact that Janlo hud made them, Tha. ,lr!ea-a,prle plo, though not In It self arnctlye, was rendered positively delicious by the rellectlun that Junto had felrukled tho cinnamon and squeezed the lVfiU-410 'ntQ H and arranged thos.0 tiariow strips ot crust criss-cross on tho top, " Will you have soma mora tea. Mr. Dayton?" said Mrs. Clegg almost DDI VI I'lJ t .."Ttmuk. yfl!" said Dayton passing t ? PWJJ V' ".IP11' "As 'u saln8. Miss Clwht Thwu was a knock on tho door, and VHHIU ,U?U ,U U'l'll 11, A luiddlo-aued man. rouahtv ilmnsnH. with n sharn and not IU.himnrt-d fa follow ui hep Into tho kitchen, and But uumi in uiu vimir siiu piuvou tar mm. "Mr Orcutt. mother." said Jmiln. Mm. t'legu rose hastily; Aunt llannuh U.shod her chair back front tho tAhlO. Tho man looked hesitatingly from om to tho other, and cleared his throat. "Well," ho said, with an luTort .at chccrfului'fts, ' 1 wan coming by, and I Just thought I'd drop In nnd soo about m that well, that money, Mrs. "f don't know as I need to tell you," said Mrs, Clcgg. jntherlng her apron between her lingers neivously nnd casting nil appealing glance at her sister, " that I havo not got It not yet. I was hoping " "Wo are hoping to get It, Mr. Or cutt," Aunt Hnuiinh Interrupted, turn ing to their visitor calmly. "You need not bo afraid. But wo havo not got It to-day. I don't know as wo can Just say when we shall have It." Tho man rose with a muttered "I fold my picture. And thatt for Orcutt." word or two meant to bo apologetic, and took an abrupt lenvo. Tho young man sat In the porch that evening, Janlo besido him. " I have thought of a costume," sho said, with a pretty hesitation, as they parted In tho dim ball; "that is, If Aunt Haunah will let me." "What bo they up to now?" said Mrs. Clogg fretfully, pausing over the breakfast dishes next morning, to listen to the sound of voices pro ceeding from an upper room. " It's my doing,' said Aunt Hannah regretfully; "you 6oe, Janls tcaod so hard for 'cm that I didn't jest know how to say, ' No.' " " Eh?" said her sister blankly. " She wanted ray old sp'nnlng wheel and Grandma Phillips's old silk dress, and that old back-comb I usod to wear," Aunt Hannah explained ; "that feller's going to mako a pict ure of her that way." Mrs. Clegg sank into a chair. " How could you have done It?" she queried. " You couldn't havo hit upon any thing moro perfect, Miss Cleg?," George Dayton was saying at tho same moment, up In tho big unfur nished room. Janlo wns charming, Indeed, as sho sat theio In quaint costume. " I'm glad you like It," she said demurely. " Llko It?" cried the voting man delightedly; " I'm entranced 1" And he continued Industriously to paint. Altogether It was a delightful time, and It was an unwelcome interruption to both, when Mrs. Clegg put her head In at the door, und told Jnnlo to como down and sot tho dlnncr-tnblo. Dayton did not mean to be In qulsltive, but ho wns in pos esilon ot tho facts concerning the llttlo sce-o ai me tauie tne previous night. Thoy wcro few nnd simple. Janio's father hud died three years bef re. leaving n mortgage on his little home In Oreutt's hand;. A portion of this they hnd paid ; tho remainder. Janlo said, hud seemed long in coming, and tlmir ciumtor was growing excusably Impatient. Dayton's desire to finish tho picture for the exhibition hnd grown into a perfect frenzy, which puzzled even Janle. The changing light forbado afternoon sittings; and the pretty model was ready at eight every morning, at tho splunlug.wheel It was Dayton's now: Aunt Hannah's consent to t-ell It Imd been easily won and tho artist worked steadily until twelve. " No, I don't want to look at It," said Mrs. Clegg, when Janle came "Don't J!" cried Dayton. a beg her to look at tho finished painting. "I shouldn't think you'd asked mo to." Aunt Hannah, however, selecting a moment when her sister was not ob servant, wont upstairs to see the picture, ami ktood boforo it In spoechloss aumlratlon. " What nro you colnc to do with It?" she said, turning to Dayton. " Sell It, If I am lucky enough," said the young .man, smiling. "I'm going back to tho city to-morrow to oxhlblt It. If It sells," ho aildtxt Incom prehensibly, ' I'll pay you for tho spln-nlng-wheel, Aunt Hannah." i no next uaysaw him ready for do pa rturo, Janlo stood with him on tho north. waiting for tho hack which was to tako him to tho btallou. Tho spinning wheel had gone tho day before. A ciouu nr. mist was coining up tho road ; the hack was in sight. " Good-bye, Janlo I" mid tho young man softly, " I am coming back, you know," Tho weeks went by. Spring ilwponed mid mollowed, and wasglving placotobummer. The cherry trees bloomed; tho treo which Dayton had sketched filled Us branches with loaves of a tender green. ' What does she think now, I wonder?" said Mrs. Clegg grimly. Sho was mcuulng htocklngs by tho kitchen-doer. Aunt Hannah was paring potatoes, Poos sho beliove yet tlm he's ever coming near hero again?" said Mrs. Clegg, "I don't know, Hannah, but what wo aro tho most imfortunato set on arh, tako us all round," l'oor Aunt Hannah dropped a tear into tho potatoes. Tldngb wero hnnl "There's that money," Mrs. Clegg went on mlsorubly. "I don't see as thero is no kind of hopo of getting it; and Orcutt ailit going to wait for ever. I rathor guess, Hannah, that wo will be paoklng up to go to tho poorhouso b.fore long," Thero was a clatter of hoofs, and r sudden pause before the house, " Orcutt again, probably," Bald Mrs. Clegg. But n. that could not bo Orcutt that vuiW person In a neut summer suit, with a Jaunty straw hat somewhat on the, back of his head, and of all things with his arm around Janle. "That, follow again I" Mrs. Clegg gasped, Tho "fellow" had como through tha hall briskly, with hta arm still around Janlo, and was. standing before them BinlllNiily. "fllve uayour blessing I" he was say ing gayly. And before thoy had tlmo to complr, he Yffta pulling out his pocket-book and updoing It, was taking a roll ot notoa therefrom and putting it Into Aunt Hannah's hand. "Tor tho splnnlng-whecl," he said, squeezing tho hand ho pressed it Into. "I sold my picture And that's for Or cutt. Janlo told mo about It, you know," ' he added In h torrent of explanation. "You'iu a dear, good boy!" cried Aunt Hannah, with a Joyful buret of teard; uiid I always knew you was bo thero I" "Youdont mean to say," said Mrs. Clegg slowly, "that you're a-going to innirv her?" "Don't I?" cried Dayton. "Wo didn't reckon, Hannah and I," aald Mrs. Clegg, "that you wanted nothing of her." And sho vns not convinced that he did until Ihehnuie was decked for u wedding and Juule hid eno away with Guy. . r