MIFEitllNAl CARD,. i h. rmrz, . " A ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Okfick Front Room, Ovor Potiloflioo. DLOOMSBUItU, PA. ' T K. WALIjKH, J' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, omoo OTOf 1st. National Hank. """"""""If. r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dloomsidm, pa. OXcd la Bnt's Building- j OIIN M. OliAltK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AXD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. BLOOMSBOHO, I'l 0 dice over Moyer Bros. Drug Store. n W MILLER, ' ATTOllNRY-AT-LAW, office la Brewer's butldlng.sooond floor.room No. 1 Bloomaburg, Fa. 13 FKANK ZAKIt, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW. Bloomstmrg, Pa. omce corner of Contro and Main Streets. Claik t jiuiiding. Can bo consulted la a or man. m QEO. E. ELWELti ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloombtiuiio, Pa. Ofllcc on First floor, front room of Col dmbian Building, Muin street, below Ex change Ilotcl. pAUL E. WIIIT, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Columbian building, Third Boor. BLOOMSBUHG, PA. H, V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Office in Drowcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf H IMOBR. L. 8. WXNTBRBTIXN. KNOKE & W1NTER8TEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. OlDca lu 1st National Bank building, Becond Door, nrat dour to the left. Corner ot Mala and Market streets Bloomsourg, Fa. OrPenttom and Bounties Collected. F. P. BlLLJIEYEIt, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (aTOillce over Dcntlcr's slioe store, llloomsburg, l'a. japr-.lU.Hu, yy. H. BIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CfttftWlBt El Pft. O ace, corner ot Third and Malnstreets. jyjilOUAEL F. EYEBLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN TIIK; SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, c. W Office In Dentler's building with F. P. BUI meyer, altorney-at-law, front looms, nd floor Bloomaburg, Pa. (apr--8. , K, IIONORA A. IlOBBftia Office and residence. West First street Blooms- burg, Pa. novas sa ly. JB. McKELVY, M. DBurgeon and Phy .slclan, north side Main street.below Harm D B. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN BOUUBON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa rR. WM. M. BEBEB Surgeon and, jLr Physician. Office corner ot Knck. and Market' froet. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR1 BLOOMSBUBO.PA. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath room, hot and cold water; ana all modern conveniences: B. V. HARTMAN BimxsiNTB ini roLLowixa AMERICAN 1NBUBANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Prankun, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot Pennsylvania, Hanover, or N. Y. Queens, ot London. North British, ot London. Office on Market street, No. s, llloomsburg. oct. (4. l- JjUBE INBUKANOa CHRISTIAN P. KNAPP, BLOOMSBGHG, PA, HOME. OP N. Y. M BHCHANT3', OP NEWARK, N. J. t'UNTON, N.Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. READING, PA. These uLD coaroaATiONB are well seasoned by age and kirk txbtid and have never yet had a loss bettlod by any court ol law. Their assets are au Invested In boud saccainis are liable to the hazard ol fiki only. Losses ruoMFTLT and noNzsixr adjusted and paid as soon as determined by christian r. KHArr, bfecial Aoxnt ahd Adjostie Bloohsbcbo, Pa. The people ot Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses it auy are settled and pall by one ot ther own citizens. PROMPTNESS. EOUITY. PAIR DEALING. T7BEAS BROWN'S INSURANCE JO AGENCY. Moyer's new building, Mala street, filbomsburg, Pa. A(jset8 .Etna Insurance Co., ot Ilarttord, conn Royal ot Liverpool 'S-SKS Lancashire...... 10,000,000 Plro Association, PhUadelphla -l6MiS Phoenix, ot London ?SSfr5S London t Lancashire, ol England '"S'.T5 Ilarttord ot Ilarttord 3,273,usp sprtngfleld Sire and Marine SLa,ot As the agencies are direct, policies are written or the Insured without delay In the office at Bloomaburg, Oct. 8, '81- 11. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsbubo, Columbia Countt, Pa AUstyles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tistu Kxtsaot iv without PAm by the use ot Has, and tree ol charge w hen artlflclal teeth are Inserted. Office in Barton's building, Main street, below, Market, tlvo doors below Kleim'a drug store, flrst floor. Jo be open at all hourl during the da Novs.ly yyAINWIUQUT &C0 WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia, Pa. TltAS, fcYItUIB, COFFEE, BUGAIt, MOLASSES BICE, SI'ICEE, 11ICAEU BODA, ETC, KTO. N. E. Corner Second and Arch fits. WOnlors will receive prompt attention. Benton Hotel, LEMUEL DRAKE, Prop'r. This well-known hotel has been re-opened and many Improvements made lor (he accommodation ot the traveling public The bar and table are supplied with the beta the market allords. A largo and commodious stable Is connected with the noiei. 'icnna always reasonaDie. simay$7j LEMUEL UKAKE, Proprietor, WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBURQ, FBWA., AOENT FOR THE manufactruera n( the celebrated Kevstono Dvna- mltx. This ex plosive la giving universal satlsfac- tlnn. niintallAn. hcavmll. irlvAn 11 Vllllirflm M. C. SLOAH & BHO., BLOOMSBURQ, PA. ilAQufactarere or CARRIAOES BUDDIES, PHAETONS SLEICHS, PLATFORM WAGONS iC Flnt-cUM work always oa band. REPAIRING XEA TL YDONh. Pric redct4U) wit tkt Hon; J S BimHBENDED,Frr!ton. ll?lA TIaE TABLE JQELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION STATIONS, j,,,,, SFii in iffiiw::::::.;::::S5S 2 S? 55 S? A eWJ::;-"r:T8 n SS ?s SSF:: jS 118 18 KSSHK!-f:.v..-.v IE" is? !a kintnr"uu"'uu 2 22 2 II 22 w r1"?'011 8 8.1 4 01 1 0.1 m Lackawanna 8 40 j n J, i!?ii. '-2 1". ! S5 sck'nton -.;::.::.: 9 m fa ,33 in I'M r n ra am STATIONS. SOUTIL 1 U 1 r n xt . .. SCRANTOH 0 10 9 DO 2 03 6 20 nollevue. sis 9 (,5 Si Taylorviuc 0 so 10 no a ii n uwxawanna G Si 10 OS 2 si 0 87 1 Itlston 0 36 10 H 2 S8 C 41 Wyoming 017 )0 S7 239 n M Maltliy 0 ti 1030 .. in Jjpnclt C 65 10 31 2 47 7 H3 Kingston 6 68 10 3 2 so 7 07 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 09 7 18 Avondalo 7 11 m m a ni ? nanucoKo ... 7 19 10 to 3 us 7 S5 Ilunlock's 7 2H 11 02 8 19 7 4.1 SMckahiuny 7 47 11 la a 29 7 s jiicKii Kerry. 7 11 112 3 89 a 07 Reach Haven, 8 01 11 ss 345 8 13 ICrwick 8 07 11 87 3 81 8 20 luiurureeK s 13 3 B7 8 27 VVlilow drove R 1A It A3 AM a O, Lime Ridge. 8 20 11 62 4 03 8 3 J J.spy.. , 8 28 11 19 4 12 8 41 llloomsburg 8 82 12 OB 4 18 8 47 Runert s S7 ,q in a 91 Catawlssa 8 '2 12 IS 4 23 8 67 Danville 8 67 12 30 4 48 9 15 Chulasky 9 03 4 64 0 23 Cameron 9 07 la 40 5 00 9 28 NORIIICMDIRLAKD........ 9 22 12 6 111 9 4J AM r SI I- M M Connections at Rupert with Phllndelphti Heading Railroad for Tamancnd, Tamaqua, Will lamsport, Hunbury. I'otlsvtile, uc. At Northum berland with P. E. Dlv. P. R. It. tor llarrltburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. W. P. HALSTEAD, Gen. Man.. fccranton,' pa Pennsylvania Railroad. Hull Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect May 29. 1887. Trains leave Sunbury. EASTWARD, 9.40 a. m.. Sea snore Kxnresa (daily extent Sunday), for Harrlsburgandlntermedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; New York, 5.20 p. m. : Baltimore. 3.10 n. m. : Washlnirton. 3.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. Day express dallr excent Snndart.for Uarrlsbunr and tntermn- dlate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.S5 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. Renovo Accommodation (daily for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 4.65 v m. ; Washington e.os a. m. ; Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at Harrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun days a through sleeping car wUl be run; on this train fromWluiamsp'tto Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untt 7 a.m. 2.60 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Monday, tor Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations, anMng at Philadelphia 8.25 a.m. New York, ll.Su m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.30 a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. B.ioa. m. Erie Mall (dally exceDt Sunday), fo Erie and all Intermediate stations and Canandal f'ua ard Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buna o and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Roch ester. 9.53 news Express (aany except eunaayj ror tock Haven and intermediate stations. 12.52 p. m. Niagara Express (aaiiy except sun i vwor Kane ana Intermediate stations and can- i' ualgua and principal Intermediate stations, If Chester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carlo Wllilamsport. 6.30 p. m. fast une (.aauyiexcept sunaayiror iie novn and Intermediate stations, and Elmtra. Wat- kins and Intermediate stations, vi 1th through pas senger coaches to Renovo and Wulklns. 9.20 a. m Sunday mall for Renovo and Interme diate statlon- TUROUGU TRAINS FOHSUNBlrllY FROM THE sundar mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m rittrrlsbunr 7.40 arrlvlmr at Sunburr 9.20 a. m. with through sleeplngcar from Philadelphia to Wll ilamsport, news Express leaves rmi&ueipuiti .au it. m. Harrlsburc. 8.10 a. m. dally excent Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelnhla. 7.40 a. m. .- Baltimore 7.30 a, m. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 12.52 p. m., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from PhUadel phla and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; rhlladel pbla,ll.50 a. m. ; Washington, 9.60 a. m. ; Balti more. 10.45 a. m (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 5.811 p.m., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie Man leaves rtew iur& o.wu. ra. ; ruuuuui phla, 11.25 p. m. ; Washington, laoo p. m. s Balti more, 11.2U p. m., (dally except.Saturday) arriving at sunoury D.10 a. in., wilu luruugu ruumim sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltlmoro and through passenger coaches from pnuaaeipnia. HUNIIUUV, IIA.I.ltTO.N A- WII.KEHIlAItKK HAIl.lCllAll Al rll'lii Ann wen 111'ANIIII Ittll.WAY. (Dally except sunuay.) wiikeabarre Mall leaves sunbury 9.65 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.48 a. m., Wtlkes-barre l:".Prm;.. ...... Wilkes-uarro aucum. nuuuurjr tu, ui- rlvlng atBloora Ferry 3:51; Wllkes-Barrc, B.OO p m. Express East leaves sunbury 6.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p.m., Wllkes-bnrre 7.55 p. m Hnnbunr Mall leaves V1 lkesbarrelO.25 a. m. arrlv. Ing at llloom Ferry 1 1.54 a. m., Hunbury 12.45 p. m Express weal icavea n iiaca-uaiiv.u v. .., ni riving at. Bloom Ferry 4.19 0. m., sunbury Mttp.m Catawlssa accom. leaves Ncsconeck 5:05 p m, ar riving at Bloom Ferry 5:30 p mi bunbury, 8:25 p m. Rnndav mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. m.. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m., Wllkes-Barre 11:15 a.m. Sunday accommoaatiou leaven niiiLva-uuitv o.iu p. m., arriving at moom rerry, o.au p. m., ounuary, f:30 p. m. cuas. e. puan, J. R. wood, Gen-Manager. uea. raaaeuKer atipui BLQOiiisn mm mill Thn nnileratpnod hnvlnL- nut hlB Planing Ml on Railroad Strcot, la nrst-ciass condition, la P'o pared to do allkinosot worKinnunne, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. . . - .i.i...t.M .11 lniMh.,n,ut Is well seasoned and none out skilled workmen are empioyeu. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS i-v. . . annllnallnn TMfttl And BIWClflCH ons prepared by an experienced draughtsman UII.UU.ES KBIIfi, Iiloonistmrtf, ! RBUCKLES' namo on a paokago of COFFEE la a guarantee of ezoellence. ARIOSA COFFEE Is kept In all first-class stores from the Atlantio to the Paoifio. COFFEE is never good when exposed to tha air. Always buy thiabrandinhermetloally sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. murl.rly iwTVn T.Afltm fnr nnp "PhII nnil mr jii.i..'. Mt....w .... .......... ya . n. . n ilr.li, nlnaQanf. woik at their own homes. IllojJper daycanbo ....,... u.nrlr uentlir mall nV distance. PartcuUra tree. No canvaaslng. Address at once, CRESCENT ART CO., 147 Milk St, BoaWn. Mass, . ill' NO ONE NEED Remain A DYSPEPTIC. 'I hrwo beon ("iiiTering for over two years with Dyepef) sift. For tho last year I could nottnko n drink of cold water nor oat any meat with out vomiting it up. My life wns n misery. I had had ru commended Simmons Liver Regulator, of A'hieli I am now taking tho second bottle, and tho fact is that words cannot expiets the rcliif I feel. My appetite is very good, and I digest cvtry thing thoroughly. I sleep wtill now, and I ustd to bo very rcstltw. I inn fleshing up fast; good strong food and Simmons Liver Iiep.uliitor havo dot c it all. I write this in hopes of benefiting sorao onn who hat suffer! d "as I did, nnd would toko oath to tluso utalemuiits if desired." E S. Bai.i.ou, Syracuse, Neb. CROWN THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. It will not srnoko ihecnlmncys. It win not char the wick. It has a high nro test. It m not explcxlo. It Is pre-omineutly a family safety oil. WE CHALLENGE COXPAEHON With any other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation, As rellners, upon tho statement that It Is THE BEST 'OIL, IN THE WOULD. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade for Bloomaburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOYER BROS., Bloomsburg, Pa. sop2-iy. CLOTHINCM o JXOTHING G. W. BEFITS CH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Eats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and, a fitalwas guaranteed or 110 sale. Call and examine tho largest and best selected stock of goodo over shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg; Pa. PATENTS F. A. LKIIMANN, Washington,!). O send for circular sep.'iodll. ASK FOR LIEBI6-COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT and Insist upon no other being substituted for It, N. B Genuine only with fac-simile of Baron Lieoig s Signature In blue across each Label. Sold by ttorekeepers, grocers and druggists ev erywhere, eepaodit. G RATEFU L-CO.M FORTI NQ. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application of tho line nronertlen of well.fielectod cocoi. Mr. Knna has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately llavort'd beverage v inch may save us many doc tors' bills. It is by the Judicious use of such arti cles of diet that a constitution may be gradually bunt up until strong enough to resist every ten dency 10 disease. Hundreds of subtlo maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with iuro oiooa nna a propeny nouusneu iramo." vtp I jwrrfew Gazette. Made slmnlv with bolllnc water or milk, sold only In half-pound tins, oy grocers. laociiea tuus: j amks trra w, (30) llomccopatlilo Chemists, London, England. WINCHESTER'S" HYPOI'HOSI'IIITE OF LIME AND SODA U a matchless remedy for consumption In every stage of the disease. For coughs, weak lung., inroai nww, tuss ui ucbu uuu ap petite, and all forms of general deblUly It Is an unequaled specino remedy, fflie sure and get WINCHESTER'S Preparation. II and f3 perbottle. Sold by druggists. WINCHESTER 4; CO. 162 William btreet, New York, sep3od4U w ORK FOR ALL . Dlovment dv'n to energetio men and women everywhere. ttOaweek and all expenses nald. Sam Slcs wort IU3 and full particulars tree. Address P. . VICKISRY, Augusta, Me. Don't miss this chance. Write to-day, octlldu. Hatotou Oouffh, rtronrhlU. Athm, IndltfMticmt U PARKER'S GINGER TONIO Ubuut deUf. It buoui-tHl lutaxjui tn trajtonM.a aiia utliti lrt remedy for fcU ftSectloui vt the throat wid lunir, ul dLtvMiM M-Ulnif frornimtiura blood mil eihAUMiutu Tlie fft-ti and kick, truin'lhiK 4'Jnt dioeuu, mid nlowlr drilling to the grire, will la mjijr ctutv reuot tr their nealth bf the tliuwlr ue of I'uktsr'i 01nr Tonic, but dttLttjr is dv Brout. T&ke It la time. It fa InvalunLle fur J pinj lad dlKorder. ot iWrnacU and bo eU. 60o at irutfbtA OCtlW4t. - IADIES Miauici j Kiit i tallica iwu jrjci. VLLl'itL week uil )uubavetht dneiVpoIuhuditofe in tht wuku. rur ate vj u uimrit iui4 oiotv ieitr. TUB Eansas Imsl k Banking Company. flf ATCHISON. KANSAS. fitfwATfin iN'tuus. . President. ODers guaranteed Farm Bonds ot Eastern Kan, aaa. hemi annual couihjub pajuuirai un vuavuaui National llank, New York. Eastern onlec: 1 07 Bboadwav, Nbw Y oar. R. M. MAHtiT, Oen'l M'g'r. bend for Pamphlet, riiocu. TOTjT-.ATIR pays for Lli'IJ BUIIOIiAHUUIl'ln nUSINii) COLLEGE 170) CttilDBt ft, rbibdelpbia. Positions for Oraduatea. Time required U to 4 moi. The lieu Equipped, lleit Course of Btudy. Ilest Er crytulng, Writ, fur UrcuUi I'OIIDW IJirtH-tlOllNfVH BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, SCYTHE SONQ. Stalwart mowers, brown and lltho, Over summer meads abloom, Wielding fast the whlnperlng scythe, " Where Is all the old perfume! Breathes It yet In tender gloom, Soft through hades' twilight alrt Where hath summertlde her tombt Hurt, tbs scythe says, where, ah wheret Oomes the long Wade gleaming cold Where the garden ground Is spread Rays of pearl on crowns of gold, Dainty daisies, whits and red I Dames that o'er them once would tread, Damsels blithe and debonair, .Where Is all your sweetness fled I Hurt, tho scytho says, where, ah wherel Time I who tak'st and glv'st agsln All things bitter, sonio things sweet, Must we follow, all in vain Follow still thoso phantom feetr Is thero not some gr.ms grown street, Some old, yew-begirt parterre, Where our dreams and we may meet! Hush, tho scytho says, where, ah wherel Longman's Magazine. AN OLD INDIAN FIGHTER. llnrrlfjlnpr Conlnem With Which He Gnve tho Detntl of tho Ilentli of Ills Foes. I cuppose n soldier In battle but rarely knows tlint ho lins actually shot a man, but one of. theso olil Indian fighters sits ilown ntter illnner, over n pipe, and re lates to you with quite liorrffyliiK coolness every detail of the death which his riDo and his sureties dealt to an Indlnnj and when this one, stroking meanwhllo tho head of a little boy, who wns standing at his knees, described to mo how ho lay on the grass and took aim at a tall chief, who was, in tho moonlight, trying to steal a bout from n party of gold seekers, and how. at tho crack of his riflo, tho Indian fell his wholo length in tho boat rind never stirred again, I confess I was dumb with nmazement. The tragedy hod not oven tho dignity of nn event in a man's life, lie shot Indians as ho ate his dinner, plainly as a mere mntjer of course; nor was he a bruto, butn kindly, honest, good fellow, not In the least bloodthirsty. One of these very Indian flghtors it now sitting before mo. I have been ac quainted with him for years, and I know him to bo a good, kind hearted man, nnd the Idol of tho liltlo curly heads who cluster nt his knees. Ho does not look at nil ns I imagined a murderer would look; ho is dignified as well as good hearted in fact,, mere is nothing different in his np pearance and manner from thoso of any other well meaning citizen. And yet ho has Just been telling me, with a slight, satisfied smile playing over his lips as he spoke, how ho onco hanged an Indian and ugain how ho cut the throat of another. I am ot at all nfrald of him, though I must acknowledge that he makes mo shudder; but as we think over tho matter. I wonder all the same and yet in tho sonth, and nil over the sea, I havo looked upon some strange, sad scenes, In which blood was not wanttng. Am I disgusted when ho tells mo how he once cut a steak: with his bowio knife out of an old Indian? Yes but there he stands before me, and I must say that he does not at all look like a butcher. A. O. Tassin ln'Overland Monthly. Smoking Under Water. "Do you know how that trick of smok ing under water is done?" asked a show man the other day. "You'll see it tried in tho swimmlugjtanks. It looks strange, I admit, to Pee a man go under water with a lighted cigar in his mouth, smoke calmly at tho bottom, and come to the surface with tho cigar burning ns nicely as if he were smoking in his easy chair. It is a trick, but it requires practice. I used to be quite proficient at It. Jnst as I threw myself backward to go down, I would Hip tho cigar end for end with my tongue and upper lip and get the lighted end in my mouth, closing my lips water tight around it. A little slippery elm Julco gargled before going in prevents nny accidental burning ot tho mouth. Going slowly down backward, 1 would lio nt full length on the bottom of the tank and blow smoke through tho cut end of tho cigar. Just as I reached tho sur fuco again another flip reversed the cigar, and tbero I was smoking calmly. Tho re versing is done so quickly that nobody no tices it.' Philadelphia Call. iauvi vmiiiv. vauu uuaiKuna, vivup. yvaniniw, DtoucIaIIU, tVhoCTintf Coush, Incipient Coasump. I tnennnf in oJtoti'"o-1 ttases of fl the disc ma. Frk-a ju cts. On. I ttoru .lite Ocniloo Lr, t1uir$i j-m rnrri. ertil bnan onr I A liuil' Head fit a C Ircle,a1lc4-1 SALVATION OIL, "The Orentcst Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve mora quietly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by nil Druggists. Price 25 Ccnt3 a Bottle. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OH And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatabloas Milk. The only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can be taken readily and tolerated for a long time bj delicate stomachs. U1j IIEIIIUI1, CUIIHIN A.M 1I111MAT At. WtTUAk, aii all WasIIMI llliOllllt.lLS Ol rilll.lllil.N It la manclloM in ll. rc8olli. Iacnbcd aud endonud by the beat I'hyaldani In the countries of the world. FOB 8ALC BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-i-ly ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF OAST CIt WROUGHT 1HON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots " and Public Grounds The following shows the Picket Gothic, one ot the several beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured f 'he undersigned. 5 . v, ..!4frisa : -iMmm For Beauty and DurablUty they are unsurpaea ed. bet up Dy expeneuoLHi nanus ana warranted to give satisfaction. IViccs anrt speoimens of other tie 8ij!i8 Ht'iit to any address. Addrcsi s. at. wm& BLOOMSBORG PA- mi rniTiMfniTi r rrin nwuim-iMDci, tin ino I 4Ecti5Ss' d, A. V. Meyer df Co., Solo H iTop'a. Wtlmow. Mil, U. B. A. ffl THE CITi- OF NANTES. A PEOPLE WHOSE COSTUMES ARE OF ECCENTRIC DESCRIPTION. A Itofuge from the Artificial tlfe at tha French Capltal-A Homelike Heal at a Hotel Principal limine.. Street A Koyall.t'l Opinion or the City Nantes takes a certain character from the sen, from the" fishermen and from all the queer types of humanity who dwell along tho coast of this department and of Jlorblhan well on up toward Brest, The costumes of these people nro of the most eccentric description, so much so that it la Raid that nowhere else in France can thero bo seen such a variety. Some are strik ingly picturesque There Is tho peasant woman, forinstanco, whose business it is to cultivate early potatoes in tho sand near Noirmouticr and bring them to mar ket. She wears n skirt coming Just below tho knees, a small cap, some sort of apron, checked or otherwlso, and has the foot, ankle nnd calf entirely exposed, or shoes or sabota neatly polished and stock ings closely fitting and often of intricate pattern. The shoes and hosiery are their special weakness, and it is not rare to see among them a well mndo foot and ankle. The entire costume Is commonly In sober colors and neatly kept. On tho contrary, you seo littlo girls with long Bkirts com ing to the soles of the shoe, who look as if they had just stepped from ono of Van dyke's portraits. As n specimen of thd male costume ot Morbthnn, we havo tho low crowned, round topped hat of velvet, or of straw or felt bound with velvet, very jaunty, or, as the French would say, chic. The Jacket is something like the voluminous exterior garment of our ancestors ef the Seventeenth century, but n jacket all tho same, and gay with rows of buttons so thickly set that they overlap one an other. The collar of the shirt fs as brood ns a ship's mainsail. It is open In front and rises stiffly up behind the head, serv ing as a background to a face that fs the picture of innocence ad as quaint as the costume itself. It is a pleasant relief to get nway from tho highly artificial llfo and the highly ar tlflclal articles of food and drink at Parts even to a stupid and not over cleanly place like Nantes. Tho country offers Its treas ures moro generously than the city. It fs pleasant to know that the wines, if they nro not Clos Vougeot, Poniard, Chateau Lcflte or Chateau Yquen, nro at least all they pretend to be; that you are near the place where people produce their own but ter and lay their own eggs; whera they even put the butter on the table and sell their milk at four cents a quart from tho wagons fn the street and at tho comer groceries. It is really with a homelike feeling that you sit down to breakfast or dinner in a hotel fn a town fn Anjou, or at tho hotel at Nantes on which I be stowed "my hnmblo patronage. Tho still ness that pervades the dining room fs sol emn. You hear two or th: ee flies buzzing behind the lace curtains that drape the windows. You look up to the celling not painted by Stlchael Angelo, but by some unlmraortallzed local fresco painter, fn fmlUtion of the sky. You don't remem ber ever to havo Been exactly such Bhades of blue fn the firmament before. But no matter. Tho chandeliers are attached to the ceiling with blue ribbons painted flat thereon, tho ends drawn out sideways and held In tho beaks of doves, the species and the school of art being alike unfa miliar. Into the room steal furtively from time to time representatives of the Nantals bourgeois solid, solemn, funereal who tranquilly partake of the several courses and then steal away as stealthily as they entered. Perhaps thero enters a whole Breton family father, mother, sons, daughters and bonne all of whom moke the sign of the eross before taking their places. Their dress Is quiet and-their manners almost as reverential as if they were in church. The repast is served by the mature garcons one gray lialrod whom you seem faintly to recollect as having seen fn the opera of "The Uugue nots." Thefr duty fs performed decorously and entirely in keeping with tho sur roundings. There is none of bewardago bo often seen at French tables. Tho cuisine is rather remarkablo for Its pro fusion than Its line quality, thus reversing tho Parisian rule. Some dishes are even left on the table where persons can help themselves. Nothing could be more un-Parlsian. The butter is of a char acter1 to attract attention. There ore perhapR twenty persons at table (com paratively few persons como to Nantes) nnd thero are four rolls of golden butter distributed along the table, each weighing at least a pound, and, like everything else offered you, ttfs "a discre tion." Then you drink, if you aro dis posed, a whole bottle of white or red wino. Tho hotel is, I believe, tho best In Nantes, and your breakfast and dinner cost you together only five francs a day, whtle a good room costs only three francs more. In coming from Cholet to Nantes I mode the acquaintance of a young lawyer of Poitiers, n royalfst by birth and political preference and ur most charming and in telligent traveling companion. 1 lo said to me, "Nantes is a vlllo do luxe." As I havo already remarked, this is not inti mated to tho stranuer. Thero Is nothing in tho houses or shSps that would indicate it. Then as I met him in the evening he conducted mo through what he said was the principal business street tho only business street in fact a thoroughfare narrow and crooked like tho rest, half a mile in length nnd having on either side commonplace shops, badly lighted and with poor displays of goods in tho win dows. Thero were no currlugcs, but it was filled with a crowd of promcnuders walking purposely to and fro nnd look ing listlessly Into tho uninteresting windows, as I havo seen them in tho smaller towns of Italy or else where in Kurope. Thero was nowhere else to go, theatres being closed and sum mer amusements conspicuous by their absence, The ricii were at tho watering places; tho poor were nmusing themselves in low drinking houses, such as are seen lu the pictures of Tcmers and Steen, of types that oro uulversal and have been for 800 years, There are, howover, at Nantes things that ore solid, substantial nnd elegant in the way of art and architecture. Tho cathedrul and other churches aro among the flui'bt In Franco, and there are statues of kings and other celebrities in them, or here nnd thero in avenues and streets about the city. There is a library of 100, 000 volumes, nnd the museum of point ings nnd statuary, the llne.it In Franco outside of Paris and Versailles. It is well worth n visit. I went to tho castle, which Is not so massive and interesting as that at Angers, and better preserved, and from tho top of the dungeon tower tho conciergo pointed out to mo that great place of tho famous noyodes, one ot the most infamous romlnlscences of tho revolution. Albert ButlitTe in Sau Francisco Chronicle, A Perfect Mortar. A new building material called stone brick, harder than the hardest clay brick, fs tnado from simple mortar, but a scien tifically made and perfect mortar; fn fact, a hydraulic cement, nnd the grinding to gether ot lime and sand In a dry state including, also, some alumina, which is usually present in sand and tho subse quent heating by steam, give the mixture tho properties of tho burned hydraulic ce ments ut present In use. Public Opinion. The lllevator Not Dangeroua. "It is safer to ride than to climb," said one of the leading builders ot elevators in Now York the other day, "Wo earry over 800,000 passengers on our elevators in thfs city every day, and you cau Judge for yourself what per cent, of them are tilled as compared with the number that aro hurt falling down stairs," Chicago Herald, Never Dined llefore. Bald an F.ngllsh woman ot rank to an American indyi "Was Buffalo Bill In vited to dine out much when he was in New York!" "He never dined in his Iff e till ho camo to london," was the reply, "when ho whs at home 'ho hod something to eat' at 1? o'clock,1' Detroit Free Press. 1887." Inventive Oenlui In Streaks. Ono of tho leading authors of the pres ent day has remarked that "genius comes lnBhoals." Thero Is a depth of truth la tho remark, says a contemporary, which must at once be patent to all who ore fa miliar with tho history of our country, and in no field of lnqufry does the fact stond out bo prominently as in the great out break of tnventtve genius by which our country is distinguished. The Elizabethan age was chorocterized by a shoal of dra matists, next we have a shoal of essayists with the amiable Addison at, their head, and down through the years until what Carlylo has called "the mechanical age" Bet in. Tho birthday of the manufactur ing supremacy of England was undoubt edly the 6th ot January, 1709, when James Watt announced his patent "for a method, of lessening tho consumption of steam nnd fuel fn Are engines." This was tho source and sustaining power of mechanical energy whoso action quickly changed tho face of the world. Tim Invenllvn tnlnria fnlld t d,t and before half a century elapsed Englani appliances. Sinco tho commencement of the "mechanical age" tho aspect of tho country has been changed. In districts, like tho "Black Country," whero nothing formerly appeared but rural scenery, great manufacturing establishments have been erected, towns raised, and the roar of fur naces, tho noise of machinery, the buzz of reels, and ceaseless activity now diversify tho sceno whero nothing was formerly heard but the purling steam or tho howl ing of the tempest. Not only do the inventlvo minds come in shoals, but Bhoals of inventors who con centrate their united energy on some special branch of mechanics or science nro every now and then springing up, nnd in vention follows invention with surprising rapidity. These inventions nro always Bhlftlng; at one time thero Is a run for im proved furnaces, ot onothcr improved modes of constructing ships; then comes a change to machinery, or Bomo matter of great public interest, liko tho rivalry in the improving of the different systems of electric lighting. Not only do inventions shift from one branch of science nnd me chanics to another, but at times o lull cornea over one country and a great out break of inventive genius breaks out in. another country. Scientific American. Newaboya and llootblacks. My extensive dealings with both newB- boys and bootblacks hove convinced moi that there fs no honester class than.they. The other day I gave a newsboy fifty cents! to change, aud he went from placo to place until ho was out of sight, but seemingly' could not get the change. In o little whllot he came panting up the street with thei change and said he was sorry to keep me, waiting. Tho fellow with the swell boot-i blacking establishment borrowed my knlf e' to scrape tho real estate off my shoes, andn I went away nnd forgot ft. He banded ft over next day without a murmur. Some times thd boys haven't chango and Borneo times I haven't, but wo repose a mutual, confidence in each other and never get. cheated. There fs a lame newsboy from whom i; generally buy my evening papers. Ho seems to have an, implicit trust in my hon esty that I have always admired and won dered at, for matter myself I know my self much better than he does. Ho Is, gruff, but exceedingly honest. Ono time I bought the two papers from him nnd, gave him flvo cents. He did not have tho; ono cent change. lie said he would pay it next day. I thought at tho timo he wouldn't, but I said nothing. Next day C left for Europe. I was gone eight months, and constant association with the moa archs of that variegated continent gradu ally obliterated that ono cent from my tnind. The day after I got back I was. Bitting in my ofllce when he hobbled In,, and fn the calmest manner, as ff It were n mere trifle, laid down the coin on my desk', and eaid, "Here's your cent," Luke. Sharp in Detroit Free Press. The Frenchman's Ilyperaenaltlveness. The extreme sensitiveness of .the French, character was amusingly fllustrated as I, recollect some years ago in the Pfraaus oC Athens, where a vast number of ships oC war of all nationalities wore assembled, awaiting events after the flight of King: Otho and tho coming of the present mon arch, who was then Prince George of Den mark. Amongst the Englfsh squadron, was a line of battle ship named Con queror, which had for a flgurohead a lion trampling on a rooster. The ships wero very close together fn the Pirnms, which Is a small harbor, and it happened that the Conqueror was moored next to tho flagship of tho French admiral, and that regularly every day that officer was per force compelled to see the Conqueror fig ure head right outside hfs stern galley. The contemplation became so nnuoying to him that ho actually wrote to the English admiral, and requested that the objec tlonablo figure head might be removed. Of course, this could not very well bo done; but in order to smootho matters tho Conqueror was ordered away to the Isl ands of the archipelago, and on her re turn, some weeks later, was, much to the disgust of her officers, mude to anchor in Salamis bay, about six miles from the city, so as to be out of the way of exhibit ing her aggravating figure head to tho hypersensitive Frenchmen. New York Truth. lla.kct Work of the Indian.. The annual report of the National mu seum for 1884 contains Bevernl Interesting ethnological papers. Professor O. T. Ma son gives n sketch of tho basketry oi North American aborigines, which is amply illustrated with drawings of speci. mens and enlarged portions of the basket work, in order to illustrate exactly the manner of weavtng. Mason discusses the methods in uso all along tho coast ol western America from the Arctic ocean to California, in tho interior, and among the tribes of tho Atlantic coast, and distin guishes t)irco types of basketry, which he calls the twined, the coiled and the woven ones. Tho flrst Is most frequently found on the northwest coast. Colled basket work is almost exclusively used by the northern Tinne and by the Apache, while many tribes apply all methods of manu facture. A great difficulty in determining tho area of characteristic forms is encoun tered through the deficiency of tho meth. ods of many collectors, and the frag mentary state ot collections; many speci mens which ore Beemlngly characteristic of one tribe having in reality a for wider distribution, while other characteristic types are wanttng lu tho collections. Science. A Unique and Famoua Pearl. No explanation ever has been, or ever will be, forthcoming of the extraordinary freak of nature in the formation of the fiunnng rtpnrl Vnmrn no tltacn,itkan Mh. , Originally discovered at ltoeburn, in w..).n Alio., nltn t. . ikbv... Muttuia, lb lUUaiSltt Ul UlUe pearls adhering together in the form of a Latin cross, seven in the shaft and two in tho arms, one on each side of the shaft, nearly opposite the second pearl from the top. Tho pearls are slightly compressed, like peas in a pod, and no traco of any Artificial junction can bo observed. H has been suggested that a fragment of sea weed may havo got into tho shell and formed the frame of the construction. Tho pearls are of fine quality, though slightly misshapen at parts, and tho value of tho gem Is very high. Its character is unlquo, and bo filled the owner an Irish, man named Kelley with superstitious awe that for a long time he was Induced to hide it away and keep his possession of it a secret. Boston Transcript. Iletter than Doctor' Stan. Tho doctors may all talk, and they may blow and say they can cure thfs and cure that, but when t comes to telling any. thing about n man's stomach they're not there. I have come to the conclusion that tho less medicine a man puts Into his stomach the better frr himself. Since I have quit taking medicine I have been all right. It I had kept on imttlug an apoth. ecary shop under ra vcjt I might now be out where tho birds are singing and the leaves are rustling. The best medicine for a man la a good, healthy meal. That's whnt I am taking now It beats pills, and It knocks teaspoon and tablespconfuls of nauseating stuff higher than GUderoy's kite. Globe-Democrat. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXI.NO 43 COLUMBIA DBMOURAT, VOL. LI, NO 81 RUSSIAN NEWSPAPERS. ONLY 600 JOURNALS PUBLISHED IN THE CZAR'S ENTIRE EMPIRE. All the Noted Newipapem Conducted hj Independent Writers Have lleen Abol-Uhed-Offlclat Statlatlcs Why Ituasla I Almoat Newipaperleaa Warnings. A complete stagnation threatens the) Russiun press. It is not because nowa days there aro no able writers in Russia, The trouble is that the present minfstcr of the Interior, Count D. Tolstoi, has suc ceeded in abolishing all the noted Journals conducted by talented nnd Independent writers. Tho list of the periodical publi cations that have been suppressed during tho last six years is far moro interesting and valuoblo than oil the papers now liv ing. Now there is no originality abont Russian journals, no freshness and nono of that domestic stirring interest which in the dnys gone by used to so much at tract attention In all ports of the great empire. Tho suspended Golos (Tho Voice) has left fully 00,000 subscribers without any paper to their taste, for nono of them dara to defend the constitutional form of tho government as Tho Golos did. In tho Blxtfes, when the czar-liberator tried to free tho press from the Iron grip of tho censor, Nicholas Tchernyshevsky started The Contemporary Review,, a monthly fn which ho taught the Russian public for tho flrst time to conscientiously criticise tno government measures. It Is Impos sible in this country even to imagine what a whirlwind of pulfllo opinion ho raised as by magic. But even the liber ator could not long stand such freedom of discussion, and Tchernyshevsky was sent to Siberia for seven years and kept thero for fifteen. But tho martyrology of the Russian editors and writers fs too long to bo given here. The number of periodicals issued In Russia amounts to a littlo over COO. As tho population of the czar's empire is 105,000,000, it Is evident then that ft takes 175,000 Russian subjects to support ono periodical, whereas in tho United States every 4,000 souls support some publica tion. RUSSIA'S 400 PERIODICALS. putting asido 200 periodicals published In other than the Russian language, tha 400 Russian periodicals are classffled as follows! Dally; 65; weekly, 85; monthly, 87; several times per week, 40) several times per year, 133. Nearly one-half tho Russian periodicals are published fn the capftal of the empire, St, Petersburg, and one-third in seven of the largest towns, leaving for the rest of the great empire less than 10Q periodicals. In the czar's country there aro many towns of 10,000, 20,000. or even 40,000 inhabitants which havo not a periodical of any kind. The whole of Siberia, with 4,000,000 of population, has only two newspapers and bi-monthly of a geographical society, According to the official statjsttcs fur nished by the post department last year in Russia there passed through tho mall about 77,C00,O0O copies ot Russian peri odicals of all Borts, and 4,500,000 of for eign periodicals were received in Russia. Thus ft appears that there fs not for each subject of tho czar during a year even a single-copy of any periodical, Russian or foreign. Why is the Russian press so fnsfgnffl cant as to Its volume? Some say it Is bo cause fufly 80 per cent, of the Russians are illiterate. But if the educated and schooled Russians would read newspopers as freely as Americans do, then In Russia there would be 5,000 periodicals Instead of 000. There aro other causes that make the czar's country almost newspaperese. Jn the flrst place, there fs no pofftical Ufa At all, and the industrial life there Is in ft ombryotlc state. Russians havo not so much news to exchange as tho people in other countries have. In tho second place, the autocratic government systematically and most strenuously op poses tho growth of the press. Czars have always beon aware that writers, even though fn the clutches of censors and under political supervision, are apt to think for themselves, to orguo ond to criticise. Thus they develop in them selves and In their readers tho qualities most decidedly objectionable in imperial subjects. Every job printer in Russia must procure a police certificate of good character and furnish bonds, and every publisher, besides these qualifications, must maintain an imperial inspector at his own establishment. In Russia every editor of prominence must pass a part of his life In priton. If we ndd to that the fatal ministerial warn ings, prohibition of inserting advertise ments, heavy fines nnd suspension, wo shall wonder not that there are so few periodicals, but that among Russians there are men and women ready to enter the career of Journalist, which ranks in danger next to that of conspirator. Mos cow Letter. A Uoaton Itoy'a Tops. One top is named Stonewnll Jnckson, because of an unconquerable tendency to "rido nheod" of the rest. This namo shows that "Barbara Freltchio" has stuck' in the memory of nt least one small boy. Another long legged top, which bus a de cided preference for a stationary attitude in spinning, and wears an aspect of pa tient, smiling dignity, is named Gen. Grant, because, its ownei said, it sug gested to him Gen. Grant "sitting In his window nnd smiling down on the children going by to church" obviously nn Inci dent of tho general's last illness which had impressed the small boy's imagina tion. There is a certain battered old top, seamed with lashings and perforated with hostile peg holes, which nevertheless lies very closo to its owner's heart, and which proudly bears the designation, always quoted at its full length, of "Daniel Web ster, the old war horse." One top has the name of Pegasus, a title which tho "Listener" fondly fancied showed n clas sical tendency on the part of Tommy's tastes until, upon inquiry, ho found that It was borrowed from tho name of a highly approved locomotive on tho Boston and Lowell railroad. Boston Transcript "Lfstener," Napoleon on KneII.li Society, The English nppear to prefer the bottle to the society of their ladies. This is illus trated by dismissing tho ladles from tho table and remaining for hours to drink and Intoxicate themselves. If I were In England I should certainly leavo tho tablo wfth tho ladies. Were I an English woman I should feel very dtscontented at being turned out by the men to wait two or three hours while they are drinking. Napoleon. A Burled City. That ono of the greatest of all of the cities built by tho Buddhists In the east should have lieen forgotten and lost fn tho depths of a trackless forest for 1,000 years fs u fact that lays a powerful hold on the imogination. Readers of Mr, Ferguson and Sir Emerson Tenncnt have heard something of tho architectural won ders of Anuradhapura, the ancient "city of granite," in thetslond of Ceylon, and of the unparalleled immunity of its struc tures and rich monumental remains from the ravages of the spoiler ond tho religious fanatic. Since they wrote great progress has been mado fn tho way of clearing the jungle. Mr, Burrows, who has lately visited tho city, gives In Macmlllan'i Magazine a remarkable account of the progress made in local archaeological re searches slues this marvelous record oi tho past was accidentally rediscovered. Tho ruins at present disclosed are de scribed as already extending for n dU' tanco of at least four miles by two and a half. Tho wonderful Cingaleso palace, supposed to havo been built about the commencement of tho Christian era, o which Mr. Burrows gives an elaborate; description, was discovered only last year. Bo far the clearings nnd excavations are FiateU to -yield results which entirely agree with the most authentic account cstant from an eve wftness of ancient Anuiadb.apttrathe "hinew traveler, Fa Hfau, who visited it in the early part of tho Fifth century. Chicago Times, THE POPE'S SECLUSION. Personal Habits ot JLco XIII nnd HI) Lot for the Fine Arta. Few person Whom fate has mined to so high a rank lovo fecclilslon so much as tha successor of Plus XI, Who wns never averse to cheerful surrounding. Leo XII I Is seldom seen in his reception rotes! still more difficult is it to observe him in his houso dress. The seclusion In which ho dwells is easily accounted for flrst by his naturally retiring ways and secondly by the fact that his devotion tool! tho affairs that claim his attention leaves lilm absolutely no time for visitors. Mgr. Delia Volpe, tho successor of Mnchl ns maestro dl camera, must bear tho brunt of tha general dissatisfaction engendered" by the scarcity ot admission to a papal audi ence, and yet he is iowerless to remedy tho evil. Leo XIII, who sits constantly before his enormous, artistically carved writing desk, hidden behind n heap of books, diplomatic letters and newspapers, rarely allows himself to bo interrupted In his work in order to listen to tho timid petitions of his maestro dl camera, and ontcnts himself with proving to him that ho has no timo to lose. Ho has not yet become convinced that a general blessing will satisfy his visitors, nnd therefore when ho grnnts nn audience to twenty or thirty persons ho considers himself obliged to take special interest in each individual. Ho asks questions and glvos advice, all ot which tries him very much and robs hint of many n precious hour. Therefore ho resists ns longns pos Biblo without yielding to tho necessity of appearing in tho reception hnli between two noblo guards nnd nccotnpanlcd by tho monslgnor partlclpantc, whoso ofllco is to introduce thoso who have come to be pre sented to tho holy father. Another class of persons who, with tho best of intentions, give tho pope much trould nro the mcdlocro artists. Leo XIII is n great admirer of tho lino arts. On ids way to tho garden he often slops lu tho hall of tho candelabri, in tho Vatican museum, descends from ids chair nnd re mains several minutes, surrounded by his palfrenlerl, in gazing at the ceiling, which is being painted nt his expense by Salty. He inquires nbout tho progress of tho painting, asks tlio.'o around him for their opinion concerning the work, nnd repeat edly orders very costly detatls to begin anew, in order to raoko them more, worthy of himself nnd tho apos tolic pnlacc. But surrounded as ho Is by masterpieces of art, how many lncredlblo pictures, what alxortlvo portraits must ho see, bless mid accept as tokens ot veneration! Leo XIII Is hard to plcaso in artistic matters; ho is rarely Batlsflcd with his portraits, ond even Len- bach could not Bitcceed in thoroughly pleasing him. Berlin Boersen-Courler. A l'rlnter'a Search for a Keyhole. Another ono of thoso old timo typos lin gered down town ono morning among convivial spirits long after tho "Jig" was up, nnd when ho finally got started west wardit seems to mo that all tho printers In town llvo on tho west side it was broad daylight, ond tho cast bound cars were crowded with people who hadn't tho faintest idea of what It was to work all night. Ho lived on Madison street, and when he reached his homo ho tried for several minutes to adjust hU key to tha keyhole, but couldn't btrlke tho combina tion. Every half minute a car loaded with people passnd by ond everybody laughed at hint Then a cunning idea struck htm. Ho went calmly down in Ills pocket, got a match, lighted it, held it up to the keyhole, inserted tho key, unlocked the door and Btalked dlgnlfledly In, whtle nn irrepressible shout weift up from n car that was passing. Daylight might bo good enough for some, but ho needed n little extra illumination. Ho was used to artificial light. Chicago Moll. Old Versus New Champagne. Champagne Is not stored In tho London dock vaults, bufon tho upper floors of Jho dock warehouses. The Russians, who used to rival tho United States in cham pagno drinking, nro fast giving up that wine and betaking themselves lo port. Thero were not moro than 500,000 bottles of champagne taken in Russia last year. The English cannot understand the taste of Americans for new champagne. Tho Impression nppears to prevail in the United States that champagne deterior ates after it is three or four years old, and it is said this impression, for reasons of their own, has been fostered by tho trado in that country. Tho English nnd French laugh at this. They do not touch cham pagne until it is nt least sevcu or eight years old, ond a large dealer, who was looking ot some of his stock lu tho ware house, said he had champagne of tho vin tage rf 1808, which was much Bought afte'. St. Louis Republican. Deaicii ut Helglan Coin.. ouie otthe small Belgian coins, which n. perhaps, tho prettiest of all tho modem examples, have a vigorous effect given them, not by raising the effigy In tho center much above tho general sur face, but by surrounding ft wfth a sunk space, from which It stands out bold and round, although protected from wear by the rim which carries tho inscription. With the English or American coins, in which n profile head or other figure swims about in an ocean of background, such n treatment would be Impractlcnblo; but the Belgian designers fit their lion very cleverly into his circular frame, without cither crowding or awkward vacancies. A disposition of tills sort would be tho very ono which would occur to n trained decorative artist, to whom tho jumbles that now pass muster for colnngo designs would be abominations; nnd o sculptor of tho first rank might then be called in with great advantage to complete tho modeling. The Epoch. Itegulated by the Government. In many European countries govern mental supervision regulates household service. Servants In sorao places possess conduct books, without which they can not find situations. Tho mistresses note tho girls' behavior in this book, which is countersigned by tho police. Why could not tho system suggest an American plan of regulation? A supervising board ot do mestlc service, composed of tho prominent matrons of city or town, would bo a use ful department of municipal government. Its duties would bo tho supervision of In telligent offices, and tho careful oversight of tho unprotected girls, as well ns pre vention of fruud against housekeepers, and its good results cau bo predicted ns ono answer to a difficult problem. Cos Bell's Fondly Magazine, Tho Ililelll;cn.-e or Illrilj. Dr. Charles C. Abbott Bays that lu ex perlmcntlng on tho intelligence of birds when ho girdled branches on which birds had built their uests, causing tho foliage to shrivel, exposing their uests, although they had laid their eggs they would aban don them; but if tho neets already con tnlncd young birds, notwithstanding the exosuro, they would remain until the young were able to fly. Ho placed a num ber ot pieces of woolen yarn red, yellow, purple, green and gray in color near a tree in which a couple of Baltimore ori oles were building a nest. Tho pieces of yarn were nil exactly nlko except in color. Thero was an equal number of each color, and tho red and yellow wero purposely placed ou tho top. Tho birds choso only the gray pieces, putting in a few purple and blue ones w hen tho nest was nearly finished. Not a red, yellow or green Btraud was used. Chicago Nows. Aluminum Dental I'lutca. The early use of aluminum was not satisfactory, as tho metal was impure, owing to the presence of iron, and it soou succumbed to the fluids of the mouth. This was more generally true of cast plates, which wero not only mora difficult to make, but were not as good. 1 lio metal is not very easy to cast, as it does not flow freely like other metals, and the contraction is considerable, causing cracked blocks. When mode from rolled plate and pure metal, aluminum for wiper cases has proved very satisfy u , ,'my' hands, and not being very expi iB,ve is a recommondatlon, as it fa a mtlM, and fs thu better than rubber and less tn cost than gold It is very light and Btroug, perfectly tasteless and odorless, aud as healthy to tho gums ns gold or platluu. The teeth are best attached with rubber. Quorgu,ILS'Ut in West, Dent. Journal. To Prevent Colllalona. Two German inventors nro credited with having devised on nrrangement In the shape of an automatfc electrio ularm poll calculated to prevent tho collision of lo trains on tho same trnck. More than Hits, the invention enables a train in nn.iiou to remain lu telegraphlo com bo aiiicatfon with the station ot either end, In about tho same way as do the l'liMiis ind Edison telegraphs, Finally, the in rention admits of tho trausmlwsion of ills patches to passengers fn tho train, nnd tnablcs tho roadmnster to ascertain at my time whether the track is clear with Jut being obliged to Inquire of tha neich taring stations Chicago Herald.