The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 14, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian
0, B, Elwsll, !..,
J.S.BUtonbWn., fE"-
The tour of tho President and Mrs
Cleveland in tho West has been ono
continued ovation from tho stork Thov
havo visited Columbus, St. Louis, Chi-
Cftto. Milwnukoo, Madison, St. 1'aul and
other cities, and iiavo been greeted by
thousands everywhere. Tnoir recep
tion at Chlcnao is said to havo Bur
passed any publio demonstration ever
accorded a pnuno man in mat cuy,
Meanwhile, tho Itenublioau press is en
dcavorinrf to counteract tho effects of
theso receptions by malting foolish
!.!-! it TJ 5.1 ' .,l.a
Three weeks from next Tuesday is
eloction dav. but thus far in tho cam
naicn thero has been nothing dno by
either party towards arousing tho en
thusiasm of tho voters. Thero is a
SuDretne Judco and a Stato Treasurer
to elect, but nevertheless it is an off
year, and it may bo reasonably cxnect-
cd that tho voto win oo ngnu iuis is
lust tho kind of a year when tho demo
crats might carry tho day, if they
would. It may be confidently reckoned
that enough republicans will stay at
homo, to civo tho election to us, if wo
do not stay at homo also. Our oppo
nents aro resting uu men uuib, ltcuuy
inrr that thov oan oarrv tho stato with'
out an effort. If anything like a full
domooratio voto is out wo can win by
twenty thousand majority this year,
Try it and see.
I From our Regular Correspondent.
WASHniaTos. D. 0., Oct. 11, 1887.
It was the proud boast of tho Erapo
ror Augusus, that he had found Home
built of brick and left it built of mar
ble the chief glory of that great Em
pires golden age ; and in modern times
if we aro to bolievo thoso who, as if by
magio wand, have performed the won
derful feat of converting Alexander It,
Shepherd from a vulgar political boss
who was, while Governor ot tho Dis
trict of Columbia, during tho reign of
Grautism, cheek by jowl with uaDcocK,
Belknap, and other corrnptionists in
to a demi god, upon whom they havo
confessed tho unique distinction ot
canonization ere ho has "shuffled off
this mortal coil," wo havo a parallel
case, for it is claimed that St. Shepherd
found Washington a wide waste of
mud and left it tho moat beautiful city
in tho United States. And it you had
suddenly coino into tho Federal Capi
tal on Thursday niaht, Uot. Oth, 1887
you would have shrunk aghast at the
awful din and glare and smoke and
sound of music, supposing that you
bad been accidentally switched off in
to the very centre of pandemonium
but nothing of tho kind, dear reader
you would simply have been a disgusted
spectator of St. Shepherd's triumphal
torchlight procession and general pa
rade of all the Shepherdites and trucu
lent toadies to be found in the broad
borders of Washington. Tho Boss
I beg pardon, the Saint gave Wash
ington smooth, solid streets and shad
ed. grassy parks to say nothing of i
glorious public debt of many millions,
therefore perhaps, a majority of the
Washingtomans worship him as the
patron saint and savior of the city
They have not yet proposed to change
tbo name ot Washington to biiepherd
ton, but such a thing is quite probable,
lor one enthusiast has nominated Hhep
herd for President of the United States.
How much better and more christian
like-it would have been to have con
tributed to the poor, whom wo always
have with us, the ten thousand dollars
squandered in glorifying Shepherd.
Thoughts of another prominent He
publican now corao to mind the un
savory iiacon, who was spoiled on the
bands of his party and who as financi
al clerk, dispoiled the Patent Office of
$30,0UU, according to the report ol the
Commissioner of Patents, whiob has
just been submitted to the Secretary of
tne interior, ine amount ot tno de
falcation is much larger than had been
supposed, and furnished tho strongest
ot arguments tor turning tbo rascals
out. Baoon had been stealing thirteen
years, and was not detected until an
undertakers call was imperative.
The October term of tho United
States Supreme Court convenes this
week, with a docket largely increased
over that of last year. Among tho
cases of note. 1 will mention two tho
celebrated Myra Clark Gaines litiga
tion against tho City of New Orleans,
and tho famouB telephone, case.
The day before the meeting of the
Court was consumed by the Bar of tho
bnpreine Court in eulogizing the late
Justice Woods.
Secretary Lamar continues to ro
verso the indemnity railroad land de
cisions of Cotnmissioner Snarks the
Secretary's last over-ruling having re
stored 329,000 acres to the Omaha
Scrotary Lamar now secludes him
self from unwelcome visitors upon tho
plea that ho is absoibed in preparing
his annual report.
The National Republican Executive
Committee will soon meet in New
York or Washington to arrange the
preliminaries lor tho meeting ot tho
National Convention the Committee
being required to convene six mouths
lefoio the assembling of tho Conven
tion. Chicago, New lork and barato
a aro always in the field for tho honor
and some there are who favor Wash
Tho limit for purchasing fourteen
millions of bonds under the Treasury's
September circular expired on tho nth
inst.. tho total salts to that date
amounting to 813,870,850, which it
023,150 less than tho call demanded
for the purposes of tho sinking fund
What tho future policy of- tho Treas
ury on tho question of bonds will be,
tho secretary declines to state.
Guscmeliauna'o Centennial Jubilee,
The ceremonies incident to tho open
ing of (ho three-days' centennial cele
lirntlnn nf tlm Hotttement of Supnue-
hanna county, Penna , took place at
Hiltlead on Monday, October 10,
An address was delivered bv
V. I). B. Chase, of Ilalstead, and
tin re was nginnd dischargo of o.iiinou
The display of nneient iclics was tho
largest ever seen in Northern Pennsyl
vania. Th town Mas iailv decorated
and triumphal inches adorned the
ptincipal streets. The log caHn erected
by Ozlas Strong in 1787 was occupied
I v Governor Beaver and Staff ou
Tho President in EH- Paul
St. Paui, Oct. 11. Tho Presidential
parly was up betimes this morning.and
as early as 8 o'clock both Mr. and Mrs.
Cleveland woro in trim for tho events
of tho day. Both looked bright end
lresb,and in their smiling countenances
thero was no trace of tho fatigue which
mlhgt bo considered inoldcnt to tho
strain of yesterday and tho all too
brief interval of rest. At nine o'olock
tho patty of Fcvcn, comprising tho
President and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Vilas, Mr. Bisselj, Dr. Bryant and Col.
Lamont, sat down to a light breakfast
that had been set in tho ladies' ordinary.
A beautiful bed of roses occupied tho
oenlro of tho table, and other floral
offerings were scattered in profusion
around tho room. Boforo tho meal had
been concluded tho recoptlon commit
too was on baud for tho purposo of es
corting tho party on a drivo around
tho city. "Glvo mo time to got in my
overcoat," said the President, "and I
will bo with you."
"And mine, too," put in Mrs. Clovo
land. It wns a good forethought, for
although tho sun was shining tho air
was decidedly too cool for an open
carriage drivo without heavy over
clothing. Tho gacsts in tho hotel
gavo tho firBt ohoars of tho morning
as the party descended tho stairway,
and tho vast crowd outsido set up a
volley as tho first gentleman and lady
of the land camo into view. There
were fivo carriages in tho prooession,
tho first, drawn by four whito horses,
being occupied by President and Mrs.
Cleveland, Mayor Smith and Hon. P.
II. Kelly. In the next were Postmas
ter General Vilas, Miss Ada Murphy,
Col. Lamont and Lieutenant Governor
William R. Marshall, while tho com
mitteo and other guests occupied tho
remainder of tho vehicles. A detaoh
ment of mounted police led tho way.
Tho route was round by Dayton's
Bluff and thence to St. Anthony's Hill,
taking in tho two extrcmctics of the
oity. For tho groatcr part of the dis
tance tho sidewalks and bordors of the
roads wore a Bolid mass of spectators,
who cheered themselves hoarse as tho
carriages went by. In responso to
some of the more enthusiastic greet
ings the president lifted his hat, while
Mrs. Cleveland waved her dainty
handkerchief. After the drivo the
president was entertained at lunch at
tho Minnesota club, while Mrs. Clevo
land paid a flying visit to the residence
of one of her old friends. At noon the
presidential train left for Minneapolis.
There was a terribly disappointed
crowd of Dakotans here to day. Tbey
came in fifty strong yesterday, all of
them judges, sheriffs, auditors or hold
ing other territorial positions. As
Mahomet could not bo gotten to the
mountain, the mountain determined to
como to Mahomet, and it was expected
that at least their journey of 500 or
000 miles would be rewarded by a speo
ial presentation to the president. But
last night they could not get within
earshot of his excellency, and this
morning when they preferred their re
quest the president expressed his re
grets that every moment of his time
would bo so taken up that it would be
impossible to grant the favor. Then
tho Dakotans turned bluo and purple,
and wondered what their fellow towns
men would say when they got home.
Some of them were in such a tribula
tion of spirit that a kind hearted mem
ber of tho local reception committee
made a second appeal to the president
in their behalf, and was successful in
inducing him to grant tho booni but
by this time the delegation had beoome
separated, aud only tho few who could
be found around tbo rotunda were fav
ored with a grasp of the president's
hand. When the rest returned and
learned that they had been euchred,
they were more demoralized than ever,
and so the entire body has gone over
to Minneapolis with tho determination
of oorraling tho piesjdent before ho
leaves for Omaha.
A Corporation Judge.
JUDCIE WU.UAMS servant of the coal
Tho Advertiser, an independent
journal published at Blossburg, Tioga
county, (the county in which Judge
Williams resides,) expresses its opinion
of that candidate for the highest judicial
office in the state as follows :
"We shall charge and Bhow that in
this county he has been the ohief in
strument in the hands of the unscrupu
lous and lawless mining companies in
enforcing the infamous ton day land
lord and tenant act, by which the mi
ners and other employes of the compan
ies have been evicted and thrown into
tho streets, with thoir wives and little
ones,2 to contend with all tho blasts
and storms of winter i and we shall
further show that he has been the in
strument by which tho superintendents
of the mining companies have under
tho ten day act, made vacant any
township oflico they desired by dis
charging the officer, elected by the
people, a power not dreamed of by
himself, who conceived the act of 1865.
Wo shall show that companies who
wished to get rid of a justice of the
peace, assessor, constable or supervisor
they could do to with the assistance of
Judge Williams. That for instance,
an assessor, who wished to place a
proper valuation of tho lands and prop
erty of the company, could under tho
ten day act be ordeied opt of tho com
pany's house, and thero being no other
dwelling in the township, not owned
by tho company, tho oflico was declar
ed vacant and Judgo Williams appoint
ed to fill tho vacancy any man the
oompauy desired thus making a com
plete force of tho right of tho people
to olcot their own officers when if
Judge Williams bad been a just judge,
ho could have said to theso companies,
'I will order a new or special eleotion
for the purposo of filling tho vacancy'
the practice would have been nipped
in the bud years ago."
Tho Advertiser further charges that
Judgo Williams has shown gross favor
itism in granting licensos, aud says i
"Uoder this bead we shall Bhow how
in ono locality he has grantod saloon
aud wholesalo liquor licenses, against
tho most earnest protests of republicans,
democrats, Christians, Hebrews aud
gentiles, and in other localities refused
licenses when the most reputablo citi
zens of all political parties and various
religious denominations havo petition
ed and appealed to him in person to
grant tin m. Wo shall show also that
by this unri'lmhlo and unjust aud vacil
lating oourso lio has lost tho confidence
of the public, tho temporanoo and pro
hibiiionixt ami tho hotel keepers as
well as the citizens av large."
This is a terribli niraignment, and
tho friends of Judce Williams will
have to meet it if they would commend
him to tbo tttprort of intelligent and
patriotic voters.
An act authorising tho btugogs, nl
derraan or justico of the peace in any
borough to commit to tho looknp or
Btation houso of said borough, in cer
tain oases.
J3o it enacted, C&, That, when any
person or persons shall havo been ar
rested by authority of tho burgess, al
derman or justico of tho peaco in any
borough of this Commonwealth, charg
ed with tho violation of any peace ordi
nances, or with being a vagrant or
tramp, and having refused to pay tho
flno imposed for such offense, tho said
burgess, alderman or justico of tho
peaco of said borough shall havo author
ity to commit said person or persons
to tho locknp or Btation house in said
borough for a term not exceeding fivo
days, or compel such person to work
upon tho publio works or streets of
said borough, for a period of timo not
exceeding ono day for each ono dollar
of fino bo as aforesaid imposed i Pro
vided, That tho defendant may appeal
from tho decision of such burgess, al
derman or justico of tho peaco to tho
court of quarter sessions of tho peaco
of tho proper county, upon entering in
to recognizance, with at least one
surety, in doublo tho amount of tho
fino and costs, in tho usual mauncr for
his appearanco at said court, when tho
offense- shall bo prosecuted in tho same
manner as is now directed by law in
caso ofmisdemcanor.
An aot amending section seventh of
an act entitled "An act rolating to ob
tain duties and rights of husband and
wife, and parents and children," ap
roved tho fourth day of May, Anno
lomini ono thousand eight hundred
nnd fifty-five, providing that married
men or women, rti case ot drunkenness
or profligaoy of husbands or wives,
may consent to the adoption of their
Section 1. Be it enacted, &c-, That
section seventh of au act, entitled "An
aot relating to certain duties and rights
of husband and wife, and parents and
children," approved tho fourth day of
May, Anno Domini ono thousand eight
hundred and fifty-five, which now reads
as follows :
"Section 7. That it shall be lawful
for any person desirous of adopting any
child as his or her heir, or as one of
his or her heirs, to present bis or her
petition to suoh court in tho county
where he or she may bo resident, de
claring such desire, and that he or she
will perform all tho duties of a parent
to such child ; and such court, if satis
fied that the welfaro of such child will
be promoted by suoh adoption, may
with tho consent of the parents or sur
viving parent of such child, or if none,
of the next friend of such child, or of
the guardians or overseers of the poor,
or of such charitable institution as shall
have supported such child for at least
one year, deoroe that such child shall
assume the nauio of tho adopting par
ent, and have all the rights of a child
and heir of such adopting parent, and
be subject to tho duties ot suoh'cbild,
of which tho record of the court shall
be sufficient evidence : Provided, That
if such adopting parent shall have other
children, the adopted shall share tho in
heritance only as ono of them, in case
of intestaoy, and he, she or they shall
respectively inherit from and through
each other, as if all had been the law
ful children of tho same parent," be
amended bo as to read, as follows :
Section 7. That it shall bo lawful
for any person desirous of adopting
any child as his or her heir, or as one
of his or her heirs, to present his or her
petition to such court in tbo county
where he or she may be resident, do
clarinc such desire, and that he or she
will perform all the duties of a parent
to such child ; and such court if satisfi
ed that the welfare of such child will
bo promoted by suoh adoption, may
witii the consent ot the parents or sur
ving parent of such child, or if the
father or mother from druukenness,
profligacy or other cause, shall have
neglected or refused to provide for bis
or her child or children for tho period
of one year or upwards, proven to the
court with tho consent of tbo non-neglecting
father or mother alone, or if
none, of the noxt friend of suoh child,
or of tho guardians or overseers of tho
poor, or of suoh charitable institution
as shall havo supported such child for
at least ono year, decree that such child
shall assume the name of the adopting
parent, and havo all tho rigbtB of a
child and heir of such adopting parent
and be subject to tho duties of such
child, of which the record of the court
shall be sufficient evidenoe : Provided,
That if snoh adopting parent shall
have other children, the adopted shall
share inheritance only as one of them,
in case of intestacy, and he, she or
they shall respectively inherit from
and through each other, as if all had
been the lawful obildren of the same
A Narrow Escape.
SCHUYLKILL county's judges have a
Minkrsville, October 10. It has
just leaktd out that on Friday night
threo Law Judges of this county and
Thomas F. Kerns, the wealthy rail
road contractor, whilo approaching this
borough bad a narrow escape from in
stant death. Their Honors had been
the guests of Mr. Kerns and rode bo
bind his spanking bays to tho fair at
Levelle, near Ashland. It was night
when they started for homo. Near
HeckBoherville tho road for somo dis
tance lioj aloqg tho fott of an immense
embankment, at tho southern end of
which is a big pave-iu. They were
coming at a lively gait, when suddenly
they heard boys up on the bank shout
ing ; 'Turn to the right, quick, quick 1
Jump 1"
Judgo Green, waiting for o second
warning, tuuiod a baok handspring out
of tho snrroy, and President Juigo
Pershing leaped nimbly out on one
side. Judge Becktol stuok with Mr.
Kerns to the wagon. As the horses
camo to a sudden halt, their front
hoofs slipped on tho crumbling edgo of
the cave in and sent the loosti stones
rumbling down tho rockv sides of tbo
pit to the bottom, fifty feot below. In
stinctively the horses backed away
from tbo dangerous spot and in a few
momonts Mr. Iferns had gathered up
bis judicial load once more.
Ohiaesa Natural Gin
uloodourdlinq prophecy ov those
From tho Fireman's Herald.
Two hundred years ago in China
thero was just such a crazo about uatu
ral gas as we havo in this country to
day. Gis wells were sunk with as
much vim and vigor as tho Celestials
weio capable of, but owing to a gas
explosion that killed several millions
of people and toro up and destroyed a
largo district of country, leaviug a
largo inland sea, known on tho maps
as Lake Foo Chang, tho boring of any
moro gas wells was then and there
prohibited by law. It Booms, accord
ing to Chinese history, that many
largo and heavy pressure gas wells
wcrostruok and In. somo districts wells
woro sunk qulto near to caoh other.
Gas was lighted as soon as strnok, as
is dono in this country. It is said that
ono well, with its unusual pressuro, by
induction oi' hack draught, pulled
down into tho earth tho burnlng'gas
of a smaller well, resulting in a dread
ful oxploslon of a largo district, de
stroying tho 1 inhabitants thereof.
Lako Foo Chang rests 6n this distriot.
Tho samo calastropho is imminent in
this country unless tho law restricts
further developments in boring so many
wells. Should a similar explosion occur
thero will bo such an upheaval as will
dwarf tho most tcrriblo earthquakes
over known. Tho country along the
gas belt, from Toledo, through Ohio
Indiana aud Kentucky, will bo ripped
up to tho depth of 1,200 to 1,500 feet
and flopped over liko a pancake, leav
ing a cli nam through which tho waters
of Lako Erio will como howling down,
filling the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys
and blotting them out forovor.
East Benton-
Ira Kline, son of Joseph Klino, near
Jonestown, aged about 22 years, com
mitted suicido by shooting himself last
Friday evening. Ho had seasons of
dementia and it is supposed that this
sad act was tho result of ono of theso.
It is said ho informed somo of his fol
low associates on the previous Sabbath
that that was tho "last Sunday bo
would bo with them, and "would bo
dead noxt Sunday." We could not
vouch lor tbo Baying. The whole
community dcoply sympathize with
tho untortunato laraily. Whether ho
had this deed in contemplation is onlv
a matter of conjecture. Not return
ing, lato in tho evening, search was in
stituted and tho looality where several
reports of a gun had been heard in
stinctively lod tho searchers to tbo spot,
l - i i - , i ,
wuuie. tu luuir uuirur, uis uieiess DOiiy
was found. Ho was not a married
The Benton Fair was a success and
tho exhibits grand. A new feature,
eliolting muoh interest and altraoting
a great deal of attention, was tho bi
cyclo races. Littlo curly-headed Cad
man is master of tho bicycling art,
and in his artful flight can perform
any desirable feat. Wo bespeak for
him tho championship of this world.
But tho all-absorbing feature, marking
a new epoch, and inspiring everybody,
was tho running trains by tho Fair
grounds, pushing Benton a hundred
yoars in advance of what it was a year
Jacob S. Bdishline, near Cambra. is
?uito ill and confined to his room, suf.
ering from pulmonary troubles.
A now railroad protect, in opposition
to tho W. & W., whoso contemplated
terminal points are Milton and Nanti-
ooke, H again agitating and exciting
the people, This time Cambra sure.
Jonestown is leu.
J. F. Ashelman has a field with oorn.
cut up in shocks ot 35 hills each and
tho hills are 3 feet 9 inohes apart,
husked therein 7 shocks and ob
tained therefrom 12 bushels of oars.
It is safe to say that this is a fair aver
age of his whole crop. Tho eight-
rowea yeuow is tno stuu.
Sile MoIIenry, of Cambra, has in
oourso of erection a fino mansion in
that town. It is now ready for tho
plasterer and painter's brush.
xt is proposed to consolidate tho pub
lic and select schools at Cambra with C.
O. Hughes as principal, occupying
Cary & Pealer's furniture rooms.
Tho buckwheat is not nearlv all
threshed. The weather has been too
damp for the drying of the berry.
Have patience, election time will dry it.
The JI. E. church Is belne rcDalrcd and
repainted, and when finished will presents
ooiier appearance.
Perhaps tho interval without servlrn nf
any kind in the church will be sufficient
time for tho belligerent patties, who have
ueen carrying on a petty strifo for some
time in tho 8. B,, to deliberate and finally
see that such want ot harmony in it R B.
is very disastrous.
The schools of Madison have been In
operation nearly a month with a good at
tendance notwithstanding llicv oriened one
month earlier this year. It is gratifying to
Know mat the people of our district are
taking moro interest in the schools: for
hearty and Intelligent co-operation with
teacuers on mo part of parents will cer
tainly secure better work and greater pro
gress. Many ot our pcoplo have been attendlnr
the fairs, Milton and Benton, and a fair
representation will attend at Bloomiburg
this week.
Our merchants have got In a larzo stock
of fall and winter goods, and aro glad to
accomodate customers.
A much needed Improvement 'lias been
made at the station In tbo shana of a more
commodious building. The uulkllmr. we
presume, is in x 13.
Mr. N. Wclllvcr is still convalescent.
Mr. . W. McCollum made a short visit
to Willlamsport last Saturday.
Mr. Jnflnll f!rtrr nf r.lmn Tn.l l.a ltAaH
visiting friends here. ' '
Miss Kate Fruit Is visiting at Uazlnton.
Some talk of another railroad through
hrrn. Mnnv nf nnr nnnnln nnU 1.. ..1 . A
" J " . I'vwu.v -UMIU ug KiaU
to seo It; and all would be. glad to have It
caiuuu, at icasi, us iur as JHlllVUie, OI
uuursct us uiuuu latmur as pussiuic
It lfl riimnTMl limt tn ntnrt.t fTUiaA w
one of Jcrseytown's fairest of tho fair sex
to ncu u guiiuiu ui uiu itir couQirv west.
If the rumor be true, tho young lady will
voung man takes tho happy young bride to
tfva auvuio UllUUl UUIUU.
The Importance of purifying m blood can
not te overettlinatcd, for without purs blo4
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ona needs a
good medlclno to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ailc you to try Hood's
DomiI la t- SarsaparilU. It strengthens
rcouilcU ana ouiid, Up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while It eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
llood's Barsaparllla pecut- -y cof
lar curative powers. No I v llsscll
other medicine has such a record of woaderful
cures. It you have made up your mind to
buy llood's Barsaparllla do not be Induced to
take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar
Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence,
Hood's Barsaparllla s sold by all druggists,
Prepared by O. J. Hood ft Co., lowtll, Mms,
IOO Doses Ons Dollar
VyTU MffiMlMllbllllW
A Worn-Oat Buler.
Tho announcement that Dotn Po
dro has drolarcd his intention of abdi
cating tho tbrono of Uracil will not
crcato muoh surprise, as it has beon ru
mored for somo timo that his mental
condition was such as to mako it pre
fer ablo that ho should resign tho reigns
of tho govornmont to other hands.
His narao will Gguro brightly in Bra
r.ilian history as having effected tbo
total although gradual abolition of
slavery throughout his vast empire
Of great erudition, many will bo tempted
to quote tho words addressed by tho
Roman Governor Fcstus to tho Apos
tle Paul. Ills brother monarohs in
Europe, whom ho thoroughly discon
certed by his pronounced democratic
tendencies, havo always had an im
presslon that his brain was not alto
gether in its normal stato, while tho
cquerrios and attendants whom thoy
appointed to wait on him during his
stay in thoir dominions wcro firmly
convinced that an Emperor who made
a point of going to bod at 9 and of
starting out sight-seeing before fl
o'olock in tho morning must bo stark
mad. Dora Pedro spent sovoral weeks
in this country in 187C, and has since
then novcr lost an opportunity of dis
playing his warm sympathy for tho
United Stales and for our Tin
our Republican
institutions. World.
In buying Boots, Shoes, Slip
pers, or any other kind of foot
wear, people will go where they
can find the largest assortment
to select from, and where they
can get the best goods for the
least money. Such advantages
can be found at the best in an
establishment that deals exclu
sively in footwear. Almost ev
ery general store keeps a few
boxes of boots and shoes, but at
Dentler's shoe store the stock
consists entirely of this lino of
foods. Jboots, Shoes, Slippers,
umps, Kubbers, Sandals, Gai
ters, &c, for Men, Women and
Children, occupy shelf after
shelf, and even the floor of the
large room is Btocked with boxes.
Here tho customer can find all
styles, all sizes, all nrices, from
the heaviest cow hide, to the
finest kid, with prices as low as
can be found anywhere for the
same class of goods. "We are
provided with implements for
removing pegs, and for resetting
buttons, so that our goods are
made comfortable, and made to
fit any foot.
Among the special lines are
the W. L. Douglas Shoe for gen
tlemen. Curtis & Wheeler's La
dies' Fine Shoes, the celebrated
lowanda Boot, for men and boys.
No trouble to show goods.
F. D. Dentler,
Do you want a first-class stove
at a low price ? Then call and
The Radiant Home
Square Round and
Double Heaters,
Royal Ranges.
All kinds of tinware, granite
ware, porcelain, iron kettles, &c.
Particular attention given to
steam and gas fitting, llooffing
and spouting a specialty. Es
timates furnished.
H. Gf Xashleman,
Fob Juuok ok Supreme Court,
Of Erie.
For State Treasurer,
Of Lancaster.
For Associate Jupok,
Of Fishingcreek.
Fou Protiiokotary and Clerk ov the
Several Courts,
Of BloomBburg.
For County Treasurer,
Of BloomBburg.
For Register and Recorder,
Of Bloomiburg.
For CouNfv Commissioners,
Of Btoomsburc.
Of Beaver.
For Auditors,
Of Catawissa.
Of Fishingcreek.
For Qbi
unty Surveyor.
pf Beaver.
County CommisJ loner, to be voted lor at the No
vember election.!
Orangevltle, pit., October T, 187,
In r estate o iliac D. ration, laU of Omnwooi
been granted to Ins undersigned adinlnutratorau
persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to pay the samel and tuoso bavlng claims against,
said estate presttit the same to
Letters or admlnlsimilon on llie said eatato bavin?
joaau a. I'iniii, Auurr,
Robrsburg, ra.
Absolutely Pure.
Tnl8 p owdcr never vatlcs. A marvel ot purity
strength and wholcsomcnesa. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition with the multitude ot low tcst.short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans.
ltOTAL 1UK1NO I'OWDKR CO,. WftllSt., N. Y.
a lanhoart.
We have just received a lot of
Double and oingle barrel shot
guns breech and muzzle loaders,
Flobert rilles etc. etc. bought at
prices that will enable us to com
pete with the largest dealers. We
also carry in stock at all times
brass and paper shells, wads,
Same bags, powder and shot
asks, all kinds of breech load
ing gun implements and powder
and shot by the ton
by using Clarson's steel shoe
soles and heels made of thin,
wrought perforated steel plates,
easily applied to the shoe, will
not break and will out-wear
three ordinary leather soles be
sides always Keeping the shoe in
shape, canuot be detected when
worn and will not injure the
carpets, all sizes and low priced
Our stock is in and comprises
all sizes of the celebrated Enter
prise goods, every machine war
ranted to give perfect satisfac
tion Very Resp.
J. E. Schuyler & Co,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
A LnUMS, photograph, autoohapii and
ocrup, a large ana complete lino m 4. 11.
Mercer's Uiug and Book Store, Evans' Mock.
pacnets, romaues, iiair lifts and nay Hum
ui. o. xi. jucruers uru una jiooK store, JVan3
Block, opposite Episcopal Church.
at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, oppo
Eplscopal Church.
nne stock at Mercer's Drue and Book store,
wu..u vuunu, uiwiuauuiK, ifn.
a run line at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book
at very low prices at J. U. Mercer's Drug and
Book Store, third door above Iron street, Blooms
burg, Pa,
j coopers oeiatlne. Tapioca, Sage, Arrow Hoot
and all the prepared roods for children and in-.
vanos at jiercer s Drug ana nook More, flrst door
uuuvu ucss" jjuui una Baoe Diore, iiioomsDurg, ra.
Vj Mixed seed for the birds, at J. II. Mercer's
Drug and Book store, flrst door below Creasy's
J? in Tablet form, at J. n. Mercer's Drug and
Book Store. Bloomaburjf, Pa. s
il ties. Teething nines and all requisites of tne
Nursery that will contribute to the baby's happl-
wvw, au u. ii. iucau a ui uuu duuk raore, two
doom fthnvn Rvana Jtf 1fVa'ti iMs hin '
- w v a V4VIUIU5 awiv,
recelDts oarefullv nrenniwl at nil hnim n
ercer'B Drug and Book btore. Bloomsbunr. Pa.
oosmetlo and gold and silver Diamond Dust,
at J. H. Mercer's Drug and Book store. No 68 Main
street, Itloomsburg, Pa.
, , uiira ui, mrruer b urug ana uook tftore,
opposite Episcopal Churoh, Bloomsburg, Pa.
We want a fow live men to
take orders for a full lino of
choice nursery stock. Our stock
is all selected" and guaranteed
first-class. We furnish a hand
some Outfit Fkee, also frui
Samples in Season. A Worker
never fails with us. Don't de
lay but write at once for tonus,
&c, to
seps-iot. - Rochester, N. Y.
"Wholesale. Itetal
Wheal per buahcl 80
Hyo " Bit
Urn " " .... 60 05
Oats '( 83 40
Flour " bbl 4.f 0 to 050
uuiicr ,
Dried Apples
Blilo !.,
Chickens,, ,
Lard per lb
Vinegar per gal
Unions per bushel
Veal skins...,, ,
Wool per lb
Hides.;.... '!.....
5 to 7
Ooir. nw Wiudv
8 "A3, 8- 8. & Lump $3.85
No. 6 11.00 aitumlnm 43.85
Real Estate !
tit tlrttio of an order, Issued out ot tho Court of
Common Picas ot Columbia county, Pa., tho un
derslgncd executrix of Charles Brown, lato of
Scott township, deceased, will oxposo to sale, on
tbo premises, on
Fill DAY. November 4, 1887,
at : o'clock p. m.,tho followlng'rcal cstate,boundcd
and described as ronows:
NO. I, A lot of land, sltuato In Scott township,
tvinnilM hnrthwimltr hv A nnhllo road. leAdlhif
from Llghtstreet to tho Paper Mill ot Shew A Hoff
man, eastwarmy bjr lanas n ueorgo itcucr anu
niiKHA M.n BAiitHnrnnllv hff landH fit thfl lfffateCft
of Dorothy A. Crcveling.deceas-d.and westwardly
by lands or ueorgo KCiier, containing
of land, more or less.
NO. S. Two bulldlog lots,sltuato In Llghtstreet,
townBhlp and county aforesaid, bounded north
wardly bylotot Mrs. John McDowell, castwardly
by publio alley, southwardly by publio alley, and
westwardly by Main street of said vlliago, con
tslnlng about 108 feet front, and about 1M feet In
dept h, whereon Is erected a one-story frame
another small building, and a stable.
TERMS OF BALK. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth
of the purchaso money tobepild at the striking
down of tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and the
remaining threo-fourtbs In ono year attcr con
firmation nisi, with Interest from that date.
Littles, Attys. (oil) Executrix.
Real Estate!
The undersigned, administrator de bonis non,
with tho will annexed, of the estate ot Robert
Finney, lato of Liberty township, Montour
county, deceased, under direction In tho will
and by authority ot tho Orphans' Court ot Colum
bia county, will expose to Bale, by publio vendue,
upon the premises, on
THURSDAY, October 20. 1887,
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt: All that certain farm
and tract ot land, sltuato, lying and being In Lib
erty township, Montour county, l'a., and bounded
by lands ot John Robinson, lands of William Kerr,
lands ot Oldeon M. Snoop, lands of Samuel Glgger
and fltty-scven perchcs,strlct moaaurc,as!ertalned
by a recent survey; and ot which about sixty
acres Is
Tho farm lies upon tho publio rod loading from
Danville to Milton at the forks ot the road leading
to Lcwlsburg, and Is situated at a point about
equally distant from each one of thoso three Im
portant towns, tho distance being about eight
miles from caxtu The Improvements consist ot a
Large B axils Barn,
wagon shed and outbuildings and alargo
and a stone Bprlng house, &c There are several
springs ot excellent water and two or threo brooks
running on the farm. Possession will bo given on
the first day of April, A. 1). 18S3. Tho tenant's
sharo ot the crop in the ground, at the day of the
sale, with the right to enter, cut, thresh and ro
movo the grain. Is reserved. The share ot the
distributees in the same, goes with the farm.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of the purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of tho property, tho one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and tho re
maining three-fourths in one year after confirma
tion nisi, with Intoi est from that date.
The purchaso money unpaid at the flrst ot April,
18S8, tbbe secured by bond andmortgago on tho
premises, before possession given.
Adm'r d. b. n., 0. t a.
Bloomsburg, Po., Sept. 16, 18S7.
Real Estate!
I'ursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, there will bo sold at public, sale,
on the premises, In Fishingcreek township, In said
county, on .
SATURDAY, October 22, 1887.
at s o'clock p. m., the following described real es
tate, late ot Reuben noss, deceased, to-wlt: A
Valuable Farm,
bounded bv lnnd-anf .inhn Tfhlnai-H .inhn Prnvl.
lagt Frederick Uartman, IJenjamin C. Hesa and
unices, man vunuumog
143 ACRES.
About so ncrcs of this 13 wood land, well timbered.
The balance la under a good stato of cultivation,
whereon aro erected a largo framo
a largd bank barn, with straw shed attached.
wagon shed and other outbuildings. A good apple
orchard and other fruit trees on the premises A
good well of water. Tho location Is healthy, and
within two miles of the Bloomsburg Sullivan
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
ot tho purchase money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property, the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at tho confirmation ot sale, and the re
maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with
Interest rrom confirmation nhtf. Purchaser to pay
for drawing deed, and to glvo approved security
ior compliance wnn terms of sale.
OSCAU J. HESti, Trustee.
A. N. Yost, Att'y. sepaoj
Th Tnn ntipiT l val nnrtni no rn. r.
........ buui uc LUUMT1
In the matter ot the partition and valuation of
To Adam Miller, Mifflin township, Columbia
county, l'a., William Miller, Wetherly, Carbon
county, l'a., John Miller, Nescopeck Luzerno
county, Pa., Nathan Miller, Nescopeclr. Luzerno
8avison, ctheily, carbon county, l'a.. Pnllv. in.
termarrled with John KUhbach. ML Pleasant
termarrled wan Levi Klshbach, hesebpeck. Luz'
"ne county. Pa., "a Jacob Miller, Wetlierly; car.
neCht. NftSfnTWV 1 mama .mint- t
,S ana each of you aro hereby notldod to bo
pSSwL?!'0,!? "WJuHee- of the orphans'
moM, ML" ?'9m8i.u. tff am
" ubAV tutu UUU LUCID LU &n
ntJr.r,1fUM..tota,ce 1110 real estate of Bald
( eorffo Miller, deceased, at the appraised valua
f n p,u.l,ui0 " bf tae Inquest, duiy awarded by
Judgesatd court, thu sth ifoSoBfS
U'trnoon tho linn (1II. -, -
..,,,, W. U, SNYDER,
octit-4t. clert
In the matter of tho partition of the estate of
Jonas Doty late of Fishingcreek township aeceas-
Tn Hnrnh TMI-ynVjUti isv.nii. ii.ii
?na,na?a a?orK8 Doti luzerno Co., Pa. taio
SS,?Hna,t un ""I"" will bo held at the late
dwelling houso ot Jonas Doty deceased, in the
Township of KlshlngcreeK. Coiumbli lounty, l'a!
on Monday, the seenth day of November liar be-
therfar eiuOTura
Children anil mrni rnr.con..itna rltr? "rr
t 1 done without pre" udi"to oT.K'np of the
rSllVtu.eryUi0,OT'"ueanaiPPruli tne same
SSSSif a5,wbcl "me and place you are
bnlSe7Ciwnbu:bcu6l"87r """wr' Bamm
U'a will nffa ts- .-1. - .
mvi w buio rruav is nawn an tne Old
&u. PrcFrty' " Saturday, November s wr it
all that certain tilananf inn aitatu'
of Bloomsbunr; with atfonTon Centre MreTt of
814 teet, and a fronton First street. 13a foet on
which aro erected a brlrlt dwelling bouse. o"d lalL
, ,E1iIiNaai!:'''C0-c)'a,ri
Commissioners' oruce, Ulooinsburg, pa., Oct, 7,
Xiti or John A. Qrunr, talt of Btomulmra. Fa .
i iranted ,0 the' undegned, airS
indebted to. said estate aro hereby Lotmed
lollPrt lAatnmniirnnf . - . . . . .
,n r " .7,,r!,i.u' """"leai
John M, QinxiN, Att'y,
I, SAMUEL SMITH, High Sheriff of ,,
lumbla county, Commonwealth ot l'ennju,,u
do hereby mako known and proclaim to lio nnii
lied electors of Columbia county that b p A1.'
eloction wilt bo held on ' a Kcn"
bclwr.tho Ttlosday noxt following thn iw
day of said month) for tho purposo ot clwtlni thn
Boveral persons hereinafter named, to-witi " 0
ono person tor Judgo of Supremo Court.
Ono person for state Treasurer.
Ono person for Associate Judgo.
One person for l'rotlionotary and Clerk of n,
Sovcral Courts. LrK or "o
ono person for County Treasurer.
Ono person for RiifNtcr A Recorder.
Threo portions lor County Commlsslonem.
Three persons for Auditors.
Ono pcrsoj for County surveyor.
1 also hereby m ike kniwn nnd glvo notion it,.,
tho iicos of holding tho aMresaltT election in ffi
sovoral wards, boroughs, dit lets and townshiiS
within tho oountv of Columbia nro as follows i K
SmltTCr townsblp' at 010 DUuU houso of Pour
Iicnton township, at ttio public nouse ot
Ollvo Hess, In the own of Iicnton. 0 "Mri
Hast Bloom, at tho Court House, In IUoonwlmr
West Bloom, at tho Court House, InlUoomSS1
East Berwick, atthellttle onico ot Jackson
Woodln In the borough of Berwick. """on
West Berwick, at tho oflico ot V. J. Knorr in
tho borough of Berwick. orr' la
Borough of Contralla, at tho publio house of tt ti
llamfclfer. "'
Brlnrcreck township, at tho publio school houm
noar Kvansvlllo.
Catawissa township, at tho nubile i lf)1l on ni tt
A. Yctter. ' vl "
Centra township, at tho school houso nrnr t .....
ntro towns
irth conyn
' tho collier
ctto Creasy's.
North conynglinm District, at tho school i,nM
near tho colliery ot John Anderson Co.
South Conynirham District, at thn hmn .
Thomas Monroe.
Fishingcreek township, at tho school houso near
C. is White's. r
Franklin township, at Uio Lawrence school
house. -vuuwi
Oreenwood township, at Uio houso of I n
ratton. "
Hemlock township, at tho publio liouso of Clin
II. Dletterlch, In the town of Buck Horn,
Jackson twp., at tho school houso at Waller
Locust township, at the publio house of Ua'ntei
Knorr, In Numedla. '
Miniln township, at tho publio liouso ot Aaron
Hess, In tho town of Minilnvlllo. roa
Madison townshln. at the Dublin nri.nni i,n
tn Jerseytown.
mu i-ioasant townsnip, at mo Mlllertown school
house. '
Montour township, at tho publio houso or
Samuel Hazlcdlne, nt Rupert, u 01
Main township, at tho publio bouso ot AddLMn
W. shuman. u
noarlngcreek township, at tho house of Samuel
Ornniro townshln. at O. Ileclmnn'n lmtM i n.
I'ino townsiup, at tno contro School House
Sugarloaf township, at the housn nr vnr,n.:
West Scott at tho publio houso ot A. J. Thrash
In Llghtstreet,
East Scott townshln. at thn nnhim .
Jacob lllosscr, tn Kspy. "
At nil elections nereattcr hem under tho laws of
this Commonwealth, tho election polls shall bo
nnened at Bevcn o'clock- In thn rnronrirm nn.
shall contlnuo open without Interruption or ad
journment until soven o'clock In the evening when
tho polls will be closed. K "tn
jNUi'llJS 1M UliiilSbY U1VEN,
That every tierson excnntlnt .TitQttnna nr
Peace and Aldermen. Notarion 1'nhiin nt,,i
sons In tho militia senlco of tho Stato, who
any onico or appointment ot protlt or trust undsr
theUr'ted Males, or of this state, and city or
corporated district, whether a commissioned
ortlccr or otherwise, a subordinate ofllcer or agent
who is or shall bo employed under tho Legisla
ture, Executive or Judiciary Department or this
State, or of any city or of any Incorporated dis
trict, and also, Hint ovcry member ot Congress
and of tho State Legislature, and ot tho select
or common couiicll or any city, or commissioners
of any Incorporated district, aro by lawlncapablo
of holding or exercising at Uio samo time tho
ofllce or appointment ot Judgo, Inspector or Clerk
of any election of this CominonweatUi, and that
no Inspector, Judgo or other onicor ot such elec
tion shall bo eligible to be then voted for.
iuu inspectors nnu uago oi tno elections shall
meet at the rcsnectirn nlaeen nnnnintwt rnc
holding the election In tho district to which Uiey
respectively belong, beforo seven o'clock In tho
morning, and each ot said Inspectors shall ap
point one clerk, who shall bo a uuallncd voter ot
such district.
The qualified voters of tho several districts In
this county at all general, townshln borough nnii
special elections, nro ncreby hereafter author-
nan uuu ruiiuiruu tu vute oy tickets printea or
written, nr nrlr,fii1 nnrt wnrtlv tffriiiAn
severally classified as follows: One ticket shall
eiuurucu uiu uuiues ui an J uuges or courts Voted
tor, nnd labelled, outside, "Judiciary!" ono
ticket shall cmbraco tho names ot all tho Stato
onlcers voted for and to bo labelled '.'State:" ono
ticket shall embrace tho names of all county
onlcers voted for. Including the onico of Senator,
and Members of Assembly, If voted for, and
members ot Congress, If voted for, and bo label
led "county j" ono ticket shall embrace the names
of all township onlcers voted for, and bo labelled
"Township ;" ono ticket shall emoraoo the names
of all borough onlcers voted for, and bo labelled
Andeacb class shall bo deposited tn separate
ballot boxes. SAMUEL SMITH,
Oct 7. SUerlft
TION Dronosed to tho citizens of this Com
monwealth for tuclr approva 1 or rejection by tho
General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, Published by order of tho Secretary of
the Commonwealth, In pursuanceot Article XV11I
of the Constitution.
Joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho
constitution ot tho commonwealth:
motion t. He U reaotwa by Vie Senate anil
House of Representatives of Vie Commonmallh of
rennsvlmnta In General A ssembly met. That tho
following is prop sod as an amendment ot tho
cousUtutlon of tho commonwealth or l'cnnsylva
nla in accordance with the provisions ot tho
eighteenth article thereof:
Strike out from section one, of article eight, tho
four quallncatlons for voters which reads as fol
lows: "If twenty-two yoars of ago orupwards,ho shall
havo paid, within two years, a stato or county
tax, which shall have been assessed at least two
months, and paid at least one month before tho
election," so that thesoctlon which reads as fol
lows: "Every male citizen, twenty-ono years of age.
possessing the following quallncatlons, shall Tjo
entitled to voto at all cloctlons:
Flnst. Ho shall have been a citizen of tho United
States at least ono month,
second, up shall have resided In tho stato ono
year (or If, having previously been n qualified
elector or native born citizen of tho state, he shall
have removed thereform and returned, then six
months) Immediately preceding theelectlon.
J,1Alr?' ,I,e a11 uavo resided in the election
district where ho , shU offer to voto at least two
months Immediately preceding the election.
Fourth, It twenty-two years ot ago or up
wards, ho shall have paid, within two years a
state or county tax.whlch shall havo been assessed
at least two months, nnd jaldat least one month
before the election," shall be amended, so as to
read as follows: .
Every male citizen tweftty-one years of ago,
possessing the following quallncatlons, Bhall bo
entitled to voto at the polling place ot tho election
district of which ho (ball at tho time be a resident
and not elsewhere:
u.r!ret . V B,la11 nave teen a citizen of the United
States at least thirty davs.
second. Ho shall have resided In tho state ono
year (or If, having previously been a qualined
elector or native born citizen or the stato, lie shall
have removed therefrom and returned, then six
months) lmmo'lately preceding the election.
Third. Ho shall have resided in tho election dis
trict where be shall offer to voto at least thirty
days Immediately preceding the election. Tho
legislature, at tne session thereof next alter tho
adoption of this section, shall, and from time to
time thereafter may.enact, laws to properly enforco
this provision.
Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twen
'yno years, who shaU have boen a citizen tor
thirty days and an Inhabitant of this state for ono
year next preceding an election, except at munici
pal elections, and for the last thirty dayB a resl
dent of the election district In which he may oner
his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election
In the election district of which ho shall at the
time bo a resident and not elsewhere for all officers
that now aro or hereafter may bo elected by tho
people: povtaea. That tn time of war no elector
!?i'!?.,S;ua,! mll'tary service of the Stato oroc
iUM'Ei'S0 '"S8".1? ,tuo "fT or navy thereof,
shall bo deprived ot his voto by reason of his ab
?,?SirlifttJ:ucl1 clcctlon district, and theleglsla
!nai1.,h.a.Te.Power to Provide the manner In
2.n.c .iP." tne llme anU nlace at vtMcu such ab
Sl.e. i0.'.8 .may .Tote- au(1 'or 108 return and
SS.S'.ki tuclr vofn the election district In
which they respectively roslde.
h rtJL.?r Purpose ot person shall
E?.?SIS5.V naTegalnod or lost a residence by
iZF? ?r kJ3 P"?enco or absence while employed
i!,!b,fy;rvlce f tho United States or the state,
S. '.SS1.6 pitfal tn the navigation of the waters
SLt,nS.titateno..0, "le high seax.norwhlloastu
i?n t-A?,y mUbkb or seminary of learning, nor
H-iS. .,pt at any almshouse orpubllo lnsiltutlon,
f,?E.i1i?..i?'nateaJ.ot any nome "r disabled and
n, FWn'ors-who, tor the purposo
SLTS,nff' SoaU oo deemed to resldo In the election
li!c.hw,Bcre "aia .'home Is located. Lawsshall
SSffiS?6. r ascertaining, by proper proofs, tho
fi0!?.?01,.150 outllted to tllo right oFsuff
rage hereby oitabllshed.
A true copy ol the Joint resolution.
Secretary of the commonw ealth.
n,nnZIiP.proP.osod 10 lu0 citizens of this com
monweallh for their approval or rejection by tho
oS1,"??.1?0' tbo Commonwealth of lenn
illJ11 by order ot tho Secretary of
of "the consmutlon! PUreUaDC0 f Ar"Cle
niS5.r!?olut.'on proposing an amendment to tho
constitution of this Commonwealth:
n?,?r10?.!' 116 11 resolved by the Senate and
irKK-0' ,ltcPwentmives of tho Commonwealth
?L1'Say!vaula lu "eneral Assembly met, That
.S.v0,iX'nf "mendment Is proposed to Constltu
nlSfLSU?? 1 "'nnionwealtb; ot Pennsylvania, in
accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof:
mii5ir,?..6lia,l MUtlonal article to said Con.
lows- designated as Article XIX, as fol-
tni?ne.!S,wtfactuni le-or keeping for sale of In
toxtcattng liquor to bo used as a beverage, Is
...ProWbltcd, andy violation of this
snail bo provided bilaw7 "
tntiSii. i.'"1". a"10' o keeping ror sale or in-
tOXlCatlng llQUnr for Othnr niirtLSwJtltan uan tiPtf.
hlfJfS.SSrlSJ ,"9w6a In such manner only as may
Zi Si "v "'. "lu "cnerai AbsoiUDiy snail,
-Ww,on suoceedlng tbo adoption o( tlua
f,!S?ie.ortf? constitution, enact laws with ado.
quate penalties for lis enlorceinent.
A true copy ot the Joint Resolution.
K,imo , . UHAULta W. STONE,
saugsms.) Secretary of the Commons ealth.
to be made. Cut this out and return to
ys. and wo will send yiiu rree, some
thing of great value and Importance to
than IUVUVJ 1 IgUV ttnnj
.5S'La,n2tl"2K.t'l!i0 ,n tWs world. Any one can do
iSf5,!i'?,r,ttna'"eat li01n6- Miner sexi all ages.
2Muu!wwl..u,at lurt coln3 money for all
M ilfX 111 "tart yui capital not needed.
iirJfiiBenn.r lhe Kcnulne, important chuncos ot a
inS'S?.?1 V10 are ambitious and enterprls
CTn'i1.?01 .'lela, Urani1 outfit free, Aldross
l lies Co., Augusta Maii,f. decm-M,iy.
than . JmIi 5,011 ,n wore money right away
or cwMtMi r. vevotia, of orange Tup.
. . Uer? testamentary on tho said eutato
having teen granted to the undersigned ex'r,
all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no.
lined to pay the same, and thoso having claims
against said estate present tne same to