Tm COLtJMBIAN AJfD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 FARM, GARDEN & HOME. Tho best tools aro cheapest because lliry nccomiilisli more and causo less w car ami tear and swear than poor tools. Qtvo verbenas a rather rich butliybt soil If you wish to havo vigorous plants producing an abundatico ot largo trusses of ilowcrs. You will bo likely o savo troublo by spoaking kindly to your horses ev ery timo you approaoh thera in tho stable or elsowhcro. If you wish to ralso a good many fowls you must keop them m separate, small Hocks Largo numbers do not flourish well together. Tho market grower is liable to inako a great mistako who overlooks tho neighboring homo market trusting to tho largo town only. Lampblack mixed with strong vine trrnr will mnrlt uVinnn an Hint it ..till m. main a year, and will not injuro tho wuui us uq uir ami paint. This is ttio timo nf tiin vnnr n tonA sunflower seeds to tho liens, as the seeds will assist them to molt. Feed tho sceus thrco times a week. A strawberry patch sot out now, tho plants being rooted runners of this year growth, will give a modcrato crop 01 iruu, next spring lar belter than none at an. Undcrtako to cultivnto no more than you can manage well, and increase your acres as vou increase vour ability. and your acres and ability will increceo step Dy Btep. Tho theory that lima beans will ger minate if placed in tho ground edgo wiso is refuted by Professor Ilalstead. who has conducted a series of experi ments in oruer to determine the claim. IIo is of tho opinion that tho seeds should bo lniil on their sides. liy plowing two furrows on each sido of tho hedge not only will tho roots bo shortened but the loosening ui uuu huh win ueneni mo neugo as well as clean tlio surfaco of the giound. While a hedgo fenco well kept is very attractive, tho harboring of weeds at its base makes the farm yery unsightly. Race-horses are fdd on tho clean blades of cornfodder in some stables, as it is freo from dust. The stalk of corn ia stripped of its blades by hand, and the blades are then tied into a small bundle, which is hung on tho stalk to euro. It nover touches tho ground, aud is consequently free of dirt. Feed out tho now oorn slowly at first, using old corn in preference, so as to allow the now crop to dry and thor oughly ripen. New corn sometimes does injury to stock when fed out too freely, and tho proper modo is to bo gin its use gradually. If the old corn is out give oats with tho new corn, with plenty of ohopped hay or straw. Tho fenco corners aro the nest-holes of the farm. Fom them spring near ly all tho weed seeds and undesirable grasses which are scattered over the liolds. Hail fences aro expensive on account of the ground they occupy and tho weeds tbey protect. If necessary. the hoe should be brought into requis- uon to oiean out the spaces along the fence. It is useless to savo seed from large, first class melons if more varieties than one are growing on the same location as no reliability can be placed on suob seed next season. Not only will varie ties ii watermelons mix, but it is un safe to crow them in the nighborhood of pumpkins. Corn of different varie ties will aUo mix, even when separated at great distances. An inquiror asks how to destroy tho Canadian thistle. As stated preious- ly, tuey must do Kept down as last as they appear. By prevouiinir giowth of leaves (tho lungs of plants) they will bo smothered, it lA a persistent plant, and two or three Beasons may be required to eradicate it, but if the young shoots are destroyed as soon as they appear Uiq plant cannot live. Tho farmer who will keep a flock of 2t or ju nens witn mo muni accom paniment of 100 or more lively chicks, nnd will allow them to share his do main in common with himself, his other Btock and farm utensils, will find perplexity and most abominable com pany at, every tvrn. The hen at large, in her multiplied form, is worso than any army of locusts, aud her following as uuuubivu as a pestilence. The sweet pepper is a neat, upright growing shrub, with light green leaves, lino white flowers, and has a delightful fragrance. It is a nativo of tho New England States, and has for several years attracted tho attention of bee keepers as a shrub to furnish bees with honey at a time when flowers aro scarce. It can bo successfully trans planted, ana win grow on all howh from gravely loam to black peat, as well as limo or slato soils. Fowls aro machines to produco eggs anu nesu, ana wo might as weH expeot cloth from a factory that has no wool or cotton as to expect eggs from hens not supplied with lood. .Liberal feed ing means liberal profits: fowls scant ily fed pay scanty profits; neglect means loss ot what you do givo them, As a rule feed well or kill the flock, This should bo trie rule, for the results are as sure to follow as day is sure to ioiiow sunrise. No mill orinds moro regularly, said tho lato lieu: I'urley I'oor, than tho stomach ot a healthy pig; henco theio musi ba great regularity in tnnrs ol feeding, and great care that the quan tity and quality of fd aro suitable. Tho prnctico of compelling pigs "to root little pig, or diiy from 2 montliB old to tho timo when they aro to bo put up to fatton is not economical. Time and leed aio lot in this practice, md tho risks aro increased. Commencing upon tho fact that in outbreaks ot swine plaguo some ani mals in every herd escape, a writer in tho Indian Farmer concludes that tho only intelligent explanation of some animals resisting the microbes alto gether. or else having but a slight at tack of disease, is that they are pos sessed of uuusal viuor; in other words, aro in a high stale of health. And this bodily condition is secured by hy gienio and sanitary conditions. Tho exnciiment of sowing winter wheat so lato in tho fall that it will not come up until tho spring is not tried so often as formerly. Of lato yeats farm- crs have got into tho habit of sowing cany 10 hasten mo harvest, llio lato wheat being more Jujured by the midge. I!ut in very severe winters probably tho safest way to keep tho crop fiom winter killing is to sow very late, and to have but littlo above ground to bo injured. No amount of top can save tho ground from freezing, nnd if tho roots aro to bo loosened the less (on there is to dry and exhaust their vitality tho better for tho crop. Is Brooking Injurious? Tho physicians aro acain discussing tho subject whether or not tobacco is injurious to tho health. It Is tho abuse, not tho use, which is to bo avoided. It cannot bo said that Americans smoko excessively, comparing them with Spanairds Mexicans and Cubans i nor, indeed, is it foun I that tho death rato Is blaher In those countries than it is bore. Among tho troubles induced by over-indulgence in "tho weed'' aro dis eases ot tho optto nerve, weak action of of tho heart, known a "tobacco heart,'' irritation of tho stomach, an irritable condition of tho mucous mcmbrano at the back of tho throat, and general damano to the nervous system. In some cases it has brought on writer's oramp, steel pen palsy, telegrapher's cramn. and nianlst b cramn. Tho bar f uIucbb, however depends largely upon tho organization of individuals. It may bo a poison to certain pcoplo especial ly those of hi nil I v nervous tempera' mcnti whilo phlegmatic persons may venturo much farther. Smoking on an empty stomach, or using very strong tobacco, arc both to bo avoided. Dr. Shaw is of tho opinion that tho pipo is more dangerous to health than tho cigar, becaueo tho smoker gets a good deal of tho oily material that forms in tho stem and bowl. On tho other hand, Dr. Butler places tho pipe tirst, in point ot liarmicssncss; with tho proviso that mild tobacco must be used and a cWn pipo which has had no timo to absorb tho nicotine. In chowing tobacco a man is far more likely to introduco tho deleterious prin ciplo into his system. Cigarettes says Dr. Shaw, aro no worso than cigars; but Dr. Butler considers the former far moro pernicious than the latter, as the smoker inhales thus a largo quantity of smoko, which, being chiefly com posed of carbonio acid, carbonic oxide in a state of gas, and nicotine, is ono ot those things not wbolesomo to swal low. Both physicians agreo that cigarette smoking is likely to dwarf tho growth of a boy, and retard tho development of tho nervous system; a growing youth not being ablo" to bear the stimulants which would have no pernicious effeel upou a man. The conclusion arrived at is, that tobacco, in common with all other stimulants, is not harmful unless used immoderately. Tho series closes with an artlole by tho editor of tho Tobacco Leaf. IIo states that tho smoking of cigars has increased remarkably of late; and that tho fivo-ccnt cigar ot to-day is as good as that which cost twico as much ten years ago. Ho does not consider that any danger lurks either in tho cigar ette or rico paper wrapper; tho latter bo'ng manufactured of rice, straw, lin en, cotton or other vegetable matter. The popular belief concerning tho in troduction of opium is discredited, on tho ground that, should a piece of opi um as big as a pea be used, the manu facturer could not afford to put up a packago of cigarettes which would re tail at tea cents. The Circus Wild West. About two weeks ago a Dakota far. mer was approached by a stranger, who said : "What will you take for that little short-horned yearling out thero in the yard 7 ' '"Bout $15." "Is he gentle !'' "Yes." "Never kicks t" "No." "No danger of butting a fellow over with his heau t ' t "Not a bit ray children play with him whenever thev take a notion." "Well, I cutss" I'll take him. I'm agent for Ilollrrwcll & Shou-poor's Anti-Jiu'opcan circus, and we need an other buffalo for our 'wild west' depart ment. Jiy tho timo wo put a hump on his shou'dcrs nnd paint his horns black vou wouldn't know your calf. I hope he'll stay gentle, though ; tho last one wo had hooked three of our cow boys -iT their horaec, disabled two Buffalo Bills and drove Texas Jack, tho Western terror, up the centre-pole. Ho acted so wo had to tio bim up with the elephants, give bim a oont of yti paint and call him the terrible man eating joggle-woek', captured in Cen tral Aliica at great expense aud loss of lifo. JJo you suppose the calf will drink milk ? the sacred cow gives a littlo moro than the zebra will take." Dakota Bell. A Singular Oalf. A Pennsylvania man is tho owner of a call that is attracting much atten tion. Its hind legs aro bijc inches shorter than the foro legs, are double jointed nnd are large in proportion. Each is supplied with two distinct, perfectly formed feot. Tho hoofs of ono foot and half tho hoof of tho other foot on each hind leg is used while walking. Tho other hoof on eaoh in side of tho loot projects horizontally exactly liko the spurs of a game cock. The body of tho calf is largo and well formed. Tho short hind legs give the calf the appearanco of a giraffo when running in tho pasture jJia-io-ESp-Ros dots cure Rfteumatiiirr Afuralgia acfigTlr vvilj curt YOU- jrusiet rrmedylf as life- Pot, limt. Stnd cent for1 ffip beau . Hf 5 Pb(i- ATKUPHORBSj tiful colored fektre."rtoonh. irl". ,MMnbhaw Hunt la II WU1IOJU, Jut ma aVYali St'NcnYwiC WINCHESTER'S iiYi-oriiosrniTis or lime ad soda is a matchless remedy lor consumption In every stags or the disease for coughs, weak lungs, throat disease, loss of neui and ap petite, and all forms or general debility- It Is an unequaled speclila remedy. fWBe suroand get WINCHESTEH'S Preparation, tl and per bctfle. Bold by druggists. WINCIiUfl'JSlt CO, 163 i imoui street, mw l ors, scpwait. lobomade. Cut this out and return to us, and wo will send you irec, some thing or great value and Importance) to vou. that will start vou in bualntwH wuicu wri unog you in more money right away than anything, else in this world. Any one can do tbo work and live at homo. Either sex; all ages, something new, that just coins money (or aU woigors. We will start you; capital not needed. This Is one ot the genuine, important chances or a lut-iitne. a uuoti nuu are tuuuiuuua anu ennrprts- tug win uob ueiay. uruua uuwt tree. AJaross, Tboji Co., Augusta Maine. docsH-w.iy. fssatjiTKU Agricultural Wcrki, M, h j05 0Cttt-4Uld KASKOTC (THE NEW QUININE.) Moro Strongly Vnuohed ior Than Any Other Drug of Modern Times. A POWERFUL TONIO that the most dcllcnto Rtomach will bear. a srEciFio rou mai.mua, hiieumatism, NEKVOUS l'llOSTIMTlON. THK MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSl'UIi BLOOD rUltlFIEK. Superior to quinine. Mr. John C. NcarDorough.selmn, North Carolina, writes: "t got malaria in tho Southern army, and for a dozen years suffered from Its debilitating cr fecta. I was terribly run down when I hoard ot Kasklne, the now quinine. It helped mo at onco. I gained as pounds. Havo not had such good health In 20 years. Other letters of aMmltar character from promt, nent Individuals, which stamp Kasklno osarem edy of undoubted merit, will twecnt on applica tion. 1 Kasletne can bo taken without any Rpcclal med ical advice, per bottle, or bottles for J5. Sold by JlOYKK liKOS., llloomsburg, I'a.. or BCnt by mall on receipt of price. Tim KA8K1MK CO., M Warren St., Now York. HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. LUBURG Combining n Parlor, Htn,Ti,il.l,.nl THE rrjl.... 1 " " LUDURG MANF'C CO., for Infants "Oastorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me." TLX. Aicmx,M.D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, H. T. TBa INDUCEMENTS X Wo are offering great inducements to persons desiring purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Among the Pianos we handle are tho IYJLRS Sf POND, C. C. BRIGGS, BA US $ CO., SCrnOMA OKEli Gold and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY, MILL EE, UNITED STA TES and other makes. Our leading Sewing Machines are tho celebrated WHITE NE W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE W ROME IJ. J UJUSJ.Sb U X MMi ARD ROTARY Serving Rotary Sewing Machine in tho Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloorasburg, Pa. i'ENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. BOI.I A01NTB roll P. f, ADAMS CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bolo neents of thefol lowlnu brands ot Cigars. nUNItV CLAY, LOND11ES, NOIOIAL, INDIAN riHNCESS, SAMSON, HlLVKIl ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co., WIIOI.ESALK DEALEUS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, GAWDIES, ERU1TS AND NUTS. SOLE AtiKNTH FOlt HENRY MAIUAHDS MICNDIIiS. FltlWII EVEItV WEEK. Bloomslmrg;, Fa. C. IB. JBOBMNS, DEALER EN WINES AND LIQUORS.- AMD JOBBER IN GIGAS5S. BLOOMSBURG, PA. U.r"i" forltunut. eawk,rliuWrtf SiVfrVl?. NRTS, TENTH and HI-OUT-."t. . P . IN ""OPS. Doublo llnrrel lirceeh leading Shot (luns choko tmred, flO to jnm. singlo lireoch l)adlni Shot nuns, tl to f 2. Kvery kind ot llrccch loading and Ilepeatlng miles, f3 tol(). Muulo loading Dou ble Shot uuna, t to P&, Slnglo Shot nuns, f 4.60 to turn. Itcvolvers, f i.oo to20. uottblo Action self Cookers, M.50 to no. All kinds ot I'artrtdgea, ShelH, capvads. Tools, 1-owder Flasks, Shot Touches, l-rlmers. Send a centa for Illustrated catalogue. Address (IIIEAT WESTERN GUN WOH KB, flSl HMITIIFIKUI ST., l'lTTRIIUKO, I'A. N. U. 1 his Is a lio-year-old, reliable nrm. for. fectly trustworthy, orders filled promptly nnd goods fent by mall or express to any part of the world. No matter what you want In tho gun lino you can get it at the (treat Western by writing a letter. ouns made to Order, duns and llovolvcrs Kcpalrcd. tplo-Sms SURE CUReIjISCOVERED FOR CATARRH VLaudtrbxciVsGermtn Catarrh Rtmcdr, m m Vrir l, Pmrlfifrtll)rtf,it. MtltodrortOs. IniUiiiTT lllOlHAftDS IlKKll imcr Mia dittorerr of thU tnHrtod of riiti i ; i Holts w'M irora Kmeiui peraona , . 4., ll.S.1. fccp30dtt. can llvo at home, aha inako moro money at work for us, than anything clso In this world, t'npltal not needed; you aro started tho work. Large earnings euro from Brut start. Costly outfit and terms free, Ucttcr not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and find out) If you aio wise you win do so at once. Ill IUllitt Co., rortlandVMalne. doct4-s-lr I.llirarr, fimoklnff, ICrcllnlnR or Invalid CHAIR Price .$7.00 fgSVSS&fS. QHUSRWS CARRIAGES nrnlte, and ItMMIrd uv.miuu.i..uiuiuiuBuo nna mention carriages. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October 23M8yra. nnd Children. Caitorljb cures Oolle, Oosstlpatlon, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcoa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote tt Kusuoa, Wttbout ut lnjurioua medication. CctTlca Covrnnr, 183 Fulton Street, K.T. novlD).ly to OJ-.U UJ1JV Cilia 0 1 VI JV JJ- Machine, tho finest and best world. ANT OliDE FOK FESTIVAL Vf 111 be BUPPWED WITH THE LOWEST Market fries., AS VOI.LOW8 : ORANGES, LEMONS, HANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS ALMONDS, l'OP CORN HALLS. H. V. WHITE & CO. Offer Biiccinl imliiccinciitfl to fnrmorft for tlio noxtBix wcels on tlio following list: FERTILIZBBS I Wo kcqi constnntly in stock nt our GRAIN HOUSE, and will deliver frco of chnrgo to any stntion on tlio D. L. & Vf. or H. Ss S. rnilioadd, the celebrntcd "Economy Uono" nnd "Good Crop" brnnds, both higli grade, stntiilmtl goods, mndo from jmro materialu, frcofroni sour nclds nnd henvy worthless fillers, nnd gunrnnteed ns good ns tho best. WOW MACJIIIEEI ! Wo havo tho ngenoy for tho Traction, Portnblo nnd Stationary Engines, Threshers, complete with lever power, in six sizrs; Clover Ilullers, Saw Millsj Gram Drills nnd Corn Shelters. All stnndnid goods, just what farmers will need very soon. Sprout's F3)ffl3l Bate CJtojmcKs I ust what every farmer needs. Can nttnnh in nnv lmr.imu,r. limnMiv Grindstwell. BOAS Ai FARM MEl ! Wo ll.lVO in nfnnlr. ronilw tr,r- i0,.nnl V., it... VI!.!.... 1T !.. ! tlesncd, for farm or road, nnd invito tho OUR STOCK ! In addition to tho nbovo wo keep a full lino of Flour, Uran, Middlings, Chop and Jecd at lowest market prices. Salt for land nnd dairy use. Special prices to dealers on job i.hh. Uovcr, Timothy nnd fancy grass seeds. Coal in all sizes. Delivered to any pnrt Of tOWtl. It will nnv SMiim! 111 rnMnra in lit,,, r,.. .... fn.. ,1...!.. .1!.. tncts nnd themselves. All kijHls of I brnin taken nt highest market prices for cash, or in exchanco at any time. Soliciting n fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly, H. V. WHITE & CO., August . Bloomsburjf, Pa. , Orders May Is Left With Albertson & Hulme, Bc-nton, Pa. ECONOMY THib: PRACTICAL UJESTIOIV OF THE IIOUK. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND smisiM Tit sn CAN BE BOUGHT CEDEAIPEM TMAI ITER A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE OF ltis, fgisstasi. fte. Call and be Convinced that you have the Wm SELECT OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE r arm wi jw m OF BloomKiii'g9 Pa, PE BRINE'S PURE BARLEY nn,l;.;r," "lu"?r..??'.nna Knarantepd to bo chemlcamr num TIT liTtf T WT lnrM rnUnt T 1 rUIlK l)AliIJV klALT w appetite, a rich and abundant Mult Whiskey j. powerrul lnvlKoraiit and helper to dlfretlou. I'KHUINE'S I'I'IIE 11AHLKV MALT WII1SKKV without unduly Btlmulatliitf Ibe kld nryu Inrreasra their hairiilnir acthlty. counteracts the ellocu of latlituu, lias tens convalescence and la a wholesome and prompt diuretic Watch the label I Kono fenulno unless bearing tho stuni. turo Vm rhjh nv nit rim and grocers throughout the united blates and canaaas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST.-38 Tb doctor n4 Iht UtUr-ctrrlar u set tOKtnr b' it ftttM tit Mriou lltaati. Tbojr ! limpl tui'nilJ work to dltciua tbo iartl nf tUtit !( Tbo Utter c&rrltr Mfttb Jiaitrtoa 3 blot u tho tit Iq tbo world, llio doctor dculoo it, ad that tbo Jrar lrantlbt.olibot(tf CuwiUulttSUBbiifcJiii UfcL.1 IU wt rlKlil. Full Lines of tlio' Above Shoes for Sale bv Solo Agents for augisnt public to call and see them. M OF GOODS iViALT WHISK 1-kbhinbS Wood and luarasrd lesli and mTiS.?,il? ..iSP0? twi oT . ... "i'l'v'!. uy me Lai git entirely tree frnmfuwl oiUurruroi, NORTH WATER ST PITTr A UIS11.KIIS. )ann JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Will nol wer to lonj u tho JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, toruM III, mail for men whnio occonatlont re inch n fcajlllffw lu Mil fcr llshlcrund mo'r. dni1i7hfiCii,K the JAntlS nilMKfi w liihk Uur 13 hhoo ! ! Other ihnA lint ivtiVn,,.. i- SIS, . i I"11" 1 "V ,'"0 or " v" wniJ Pert Clio Jainr Min 81 Bhoo la euul to imI II Iim a perfectly nj.oulfi bottira hiiljc. It nil llio IxtlrrllyMtytbtirtttliiwIiliwoni. JlUK'j M. m oiiil Co:t hlvt wr tlio flr,t In thli dl..i,p,,li, i in Mhcr alTcrllwd hboci. yuur MwrKJ tho lf.ler of a yitm, rather than tlai iuJi Sr thi Mlowin. Ihtu ihixa'aro aoU by tlio lit rtiiil; James Means & Co. bincoin at., uoaton, Ma so. Bloomsbuig, Pn. i tutiMs, nioTtKinArit, AtrrooiiArii anii J-. Hrnp, n inrao Bim i-uiiihi.-iu nun v v. .I-.. .... ( Itnnti- Rlnm Uffkna1 lltn.k. A IX THIS PINKST RXTIlACTS COIXMJNB MchHs, roinnrtea, Hair Dyennnd liny Hum HI d 11. iilt-IVcl b HIUH mm j.wo. dwiv, ... Iilock, opposite Kplicopal Church. II rnorniKTAUY ANDPATKJTMKDIC!NK9 -V at . it- werccr a jirutj turn uwn. nwni, vyyw site Kplscopal Church. BOOKS, 8TATIONKHV ANll WAIX TArEIl, A lino slock nt Mercer's Drue nnd Book Btoro, opposiio fipiscopni cnurcit, uiooinsuursf, i n. riASTlU.K, TOILET AND MKDIOATKt) NOAPS, j a full lino nt J. II. Mercer's Drug nnd Book store, Upper Mala trcct. COM IW OP AM, KINDS, SKtXCTKP, AND nt very low prices at J. II. Mercer's Druir and Hook Wore, third door nbovo Iron strccl, Blooms bun;, in. CONI)I5NHK!l Jllt.K, COXt'S, NKUON'S AND Cooper's Oclatinc, Inploca, Kap(sAiror Hoot and nil tho prepared foods for children and In. vallds at Mercer's Druir nnd Book store, first door nbovo Iless' Boot and 8hoc Store, Bloomsburg, l'a. CANAItV, 1IKMP, HAl'It, MILLET, MAW AND Mixed Seed for tho birds, nt J. II. Mercer's imisnnd Hook store, first door below Crcasy'B tirocery Store. ITUNH WHITINd I'AI'KIIS, DY BOX, IXlOSR Oil I1 In Tablet form, at .1. 11. Mercer's Drug and Book Btoro, Bloomsburg, l'a. NtmsiNo noTTLKs. nipples, HnniiEntUT tles. Tccthlni? lllngs and all requisites of tho Nursery (lint wllleontrlbutoto tho biby'a happl nfcss, nt J. II. Mercer's Drug nnd nook Moro, two doors above Krans & K) cr s Clothing storo. 1JI1YMCIANS' rilKSCnil'TIONS AND FAMILY J receipts carefully prepared at all hours al Mercer's Drug and Book More, Dloomsburg, l'a. ri'OILET AND INFANT I'OWDF.KS, 110UOK, JL Cosmetic and irold nnd silver Diamond Dust, at J. II. Mercer's Driiir and Book store, No 08 Main street, Hloomsburg, ra. WALL rAPKIl MANY KINDS AND MANY prlces-nt -Mercer's Drug nnd Book storo, opposite Kplscopal Church, llloomsburg, l'a. Junc3,ly,8T. PATENTS F. A. LEIIMANN, Washlngton.D. O Send for circular ECpTOIU ASK FOIl LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF WIEAT and insl3t upon no other being substituted for It. N. B Genuino only with fasimilo of Barcn Liobig'c Signature n blue across each Label. Sold by ttorckcepcrs, groceVs and druggists ev erywhere. sepaodlU GRATEFUL COMFOItTINO. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of tho natural laws which govern tho operations of digestion and nu trltlon, and by a careful application of tho fine properties of well-selected Coco. Mr. Epos has provided our breakfast tables with n delicately Havorfd beverage winch may save us many doc tore' bills. It Is by tho Judicious uso of such artl. clcs of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten. dency to disease. Hundreds of subtlo maladies aro Moating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo mayencapo many a fatal share by keeping ourselves well fortlfled with puro blood and a properly nourished frame." nu ll Herttce Gaxettr. Made simply with boiling water or milk, sold only In half-pound tins, uy grocers, labelled thus: JAMES KITS CO., (80) Homoeopathic Chemists, Lotdon, England. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rieonaos and beautiOea the hair. Promoted a luxuriant pro th Never Fails to Hot. ore Gray riatrioin lOUinTUI voior I Curesacalp dlBctvoBOiul Iiolr failliu? Rilrt ft tor, HINDERCORNS. SCptlGd4t. THK SUCCESSFUL REMEDY. CATARRH ELY'S CilEAM BALJI contains no injurious drugs and has no offensive odor, ONE nori'LK or n rre w-t s-i n r Oream BalinWfffAMBM rnc,r,nccni, laM Will DO JioiiEfiyFEVER IN CURING CATARRH TIUN $3(0 1?T"",1'"1 In nnr nthrrP flsf uA- way- UAV.trrurn KirS CIt HAN DA LSI la nol . a Uquta, smiff or jwirdfr. Applied Into nostrils Is ipttckty absorbed. It cleanses the heaa. A llays Inflammation. Heals the sores. Jlestores the semes of taste and smell. 60 cents at Druggists; by mall, registered, CO cents EluY BROTHERS, Office, 235 Greenwich. St., New York City. sept 16 d M HEAPITESS! own home, by one elcht years. Trea ltd nnnu4 anil n w RlinPOsrut f.lTlfE a vn..m , ,, ..uw ua, ,nout' , ireuieu uy most ot tho noted bpeclallbts without benent. Cured himself in 8 months and slnco then hundreds of others. Full Pwfl'SP.?' ?,n aPJ"lcatiou. T. S. l'AOE, No. 41 West 3ist St., Now York city. septicdlt. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artuiclal systems. Any book learned In one reading, thofe!emutC,nJ' W' "'ohara Proctor, iim iSl I'1i,"1n' Hi.w- Astor.Judah V. Benjal Snnfl. ti110, cln!S.,0, 100 Columbia liw students; two classes of 200 each at Valo- 40Oat nS1"". ' yenn- ''W'a-. 4iK at We llesley col. n Kv.9v 1 rospectus roar rmtujrom W10F, L6ism'lt, SJI Fifth Avo., New York. dttsepie. mm wanted: Wo want n fow livo men to take orders for a full lino 0f choice nursery sttjok. Our stock is all selected nnil guaranteed first-class. Wo furnish a liand- Bomo Outfit Pbijb, nlso frui Sasu-les in Season. A Worker never fails with us. Don't de lay but write at onco for terms, &c, to BDW. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, eps-jot, Rochester, N. Y. ifBfi fepTiA s XTH ESTNurr Bittcnbcndcr & Co., WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. No. 120 Ss 28 Franklin Ave., " SCRANTON, PA. Utaprill-ly. Wm. E. Warner, Dealer In surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bat teries, Crutches, &c. COAL EXCHANGE BUILDING, SCK1NI0N, Pa. aprawims. JurAOTURED OfJLYi'iifY ITTS BURGHtWj) nR SAL Working Classes Attention. Wo aro now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole of tho time, or for their Bparo moments. Business new, IlRht and B rentable. Persons ot either box ea6lly earn Iroin I cents to $3.00 per evenlne, aud a proportional sum by devoting all their time to tho buslnoss. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That nil who Bee this may send their address, and test the business, wo mako this oner. Tn such as aro not well batlstled we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Kull particulars o outfit free. Address O tokos stinson Co., l'or jand. Mains PATENTS, t btalnod and all patent business attended to for luuucrmu leva. Our olllco is opposite the U. S. ratent Office, and wo can obtain Patents in less time than those re mote from Washington. Hend model or (lrnwlnrv. ftrivUn fin to rat. entablllty freo of charge, and we make no charga unloss patent Is sccurod. ,noreierucre,iotho Postmaster, tho supt.oi Money order Dlv., and to offlclals of the u. H. Patent Offloe. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual cllonts in your own Btato or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposlta patent Offloe, Wishlngtoa D O M ason 81 Hamlin Organs and Pianos.J Tho Cabinet Organ was Introdflccd by Mason llamlln In lMI. Maaon & Hamlin Organa Uato a way inatntalned their luprcinacy over all otberf, t'l'iW1"011 lthe Houom at ill Great World' Exhibitions tinea JbOT. The Improved Mode of Stringing Pianoa, Invented by Maaon & Hamlin in lm. Fa a great advance la piano comtructlon, experta pronouncing H "tn prcateat improvement In pianos in half a century, llano circular, containing 800 lettlmonlaU Irooj pnrchoeera, niuslclaoa, and tuncra, and Piano and Organ Catalogue., free. UASOU It HA1ILI1I OROAH AND PIAUO CO.J i9XutlttaCt.(7El9iiCitui),UZWTCU,, , r-broj-sepso. J. W. KAEOEB, inn nn mm, KULER AND BINDER, Nos. 7 ana 9 Maikot St., WlLES.B.RjE, PA. i 1 II ' " I I aV I I ii t in f'r mri i-ftiT'Tn LamMney H IS GE THAT THE M g (3 In exact ladle is on f b S lm EACH CHIMNEY AS i g H shown in piomne. , 3 Ma! eeplMyctbro.