The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 16, 1887, Image 3

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    The Columbian
COallCT ilUoiD Tll TAaU.
Tralna on tbo Philadelphia ll R. leave import
as roiiowB i
7:14 a. m. 11:27 a. m.
3:10 p. m. C:S0 p. m.
' 0
Trains on tho D. L. ft W, It. It. leavo Bloomsburi:
follows I
7:11 a. m. 6:92 a. m.
11:07 ft. m. tt-.os p. m.
:St p. ra. 4:18 p. m.
C:M p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on tha N. AW. II. Hallway pass Bloom
crry as followa :
NORTn. sooTn.
M:4ii a. m. 11:M a. m.
8:4a p. m, 419 p.m.
(.M p. ci. c:30 p. m.
horttj. .oirrn.
10:18 a m 6:39 p m
OoTonsit 29. Tlio widow nod heirs of
11. II. Klino deceased will sell two farms
nnd a mountain tract In Ornngo township
at 1 o'clock p. m. Sco posters.
John A. Fitnston, administrator of tlic
estate of Samuel Mcllick, deceased, will sell
valuablo real estate on tbe premises In
Orange township. Saturday) September
Vila ai i o ciock p. ra.
Fob Haw on Rent. Tho Music flail.
formerly Eureka Illnk, Is offered for sale
or rent on rcasonahlo terms by tho new
manager. Fartics wishing to hold festi
vals will do well to pco tbo manager.
J. D. Siiaffei!, Manager.
Farmer "Wanted.
A farmer of experience and character
mar obtain a live-years' lease of a small
farm (111 acres) upon advantageous terms
on the Glrard Estate Lands in tho Cata-
wlssa Valley between Brandonville ond
Glrard Manor. Tho farm Is provided witli
a new, handsomo and convenient house.
new barn and outbuildings, and Is well
supplied with good water.
A man la wanted who can furnish his
own stock andcqulpmcnt.nnd may become
a permanent tenant. Also, a farmer wanted
to occupy bouso on farm at wages. Refer-
enecs requested.
Address, HmKit S. TnoMPsoK,
Engineer Glrard Estate,
13aug8t. Pottsville, Fa.
A Rare Clinucc for a Lively Man
Tho Centralla Hotel is offered for sale
cheap and on easy terms. It Is well locat
cd, largo and commodious and affords tho
right man a good opportunity to make
money. Apply or address to
Mrs. Wm. Pfbiffer,
Centralla, Fenna.
To All Whom it May Concern.
'l ake notice that at a racetlmr held bv
tho Liquor Men's Protective Association of
Columbia county, Pa., it was unanimously
agreed to notify all persons engaged in the
liquor business, with or without license.
that wo give all constables cotlco for the
last time to make a true and correct-return
to Court of any person or persons violating
the liquor law.
The constables neglecting their duties as
sucu win do reported to me proper author
ity by tbe Association, to be dealt with ac
cording to law. at.
Liqoob Men's Protective Association.
Boarders Wanted Parties attending
Court can bo accommodated with good
boarding at Mrs. Jacoby's, corner of Main
and Market streets, In First .National Bank
building. sepO.
To closo out certain lines of wedding in
vitations n number of bargains arc offered
at this office. Those wanting sma.l lots,
from 10 to 25, will save money by ordering
nt the Colombian ofllcc. tf
Good Boardino at Moderate Prices.
Those attending Court should call at the
undersigned for boarding at moderate
prices. Wm. Beers,
sepO. Cor. Main and West Stf.
Til .
no nuiiuu OI Llln ffilmr' tif etnii .lit 1 . 4 . . .
in "m Buun "i mui umt certain largo mercantile
v.u ugaia. ImiifcM in Vnw V.v t.ti-.1i.l t,
1 iwiv Auin uuu lunnuviuuiu Mtnu
Unilcrclothing-grcat bargains-must bo COp tM vatlou9 COUItry PP published
sold. Coll and see. At Lowonhnr,.'. ,n P'accs whero theso mcrcantllo houses
iuowcnMrga. soll Koocls. They claim thoy arc never
Wm, HobbtnS. Ot Inla. lllmt nt 1,1. l.. afraid tn Bell n mm nn ri..1lt nmnnnl
there Inst Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock, of goods he may want If thoy aro confident
Hj,u 10 yenrs. iiurial services will bo uo advcrtlsca nnd is ono of tho go-ahead
held to-day (Friday) at 11 o'clock, merchants In his placo. Thoy take country
A full linn ,,f wat t. a nowspapcrs to ascertain Just what tho lead.
SUITING1! r1lni . .1 , '"B mcrcuanl " "Oing ana luoy can form a
conntltiitlonnl Cciilciuilnl Cclebrn
tlou nt iMtllntlclpliln.
Tho centennial anniversary ot tho adop.
lion of tho Constitution of tho United
Htntcs will bo celebrated in Philadelphia,
on Bcplcmbcr 15th, 10th and 17th. Tho
commission having tho matter In chargo
has devoted much care and attention to
tho detail ot tho various forms of enter
tainment provided for tho occasion, nnd
HUITINGS. Call and son n, n ., 7 ft " ,,u'"s luu) " "" tho celebration as a whole bids fair to Bur.
at Lowcnbenr- vJl, lY . corrcct estimate from tho way In pa9S anything of the kind seen in this
a.l.fMir:. 1H;r'ccl wlllc" " advertises Just what kind of a -ounlrr. while, manv indli
man ho Is,
satisfaction always guaranteed.
Tho fall work of tho farmers tlllfl venr
will bo very much In advanco of other
years, and already thero li a demand for
hands to meet the requirements of the sea-
"To discontinue nn advertisement. av.
John Wanamakcr, tho largest advertiser in
inoworiu, "la llko taklm? dnwn U
A (lno lino of box papers, Just open. Ask
to bco them. All prices at Clark's book
store. bcdD.
The Berks county Fair, to bo held nt
Heading during tho four days commenc
ing Tuesday, September 20th, promises to
bo as usual a great event. It Is claimed
that it will bo tho largest nnd most attract-
country, whllo many individual features
will possess not only n national but an his
toric Interest,
Thursday, September lGlb,ls assigned for
a grand Industrial Display. It will lllus
trnto tho custom?, characteristics, com.
mcrco, arts, Implements of industry, &c,
of 1787 compared with those In uso at tho
present llmr. This display moving In long
procession, mounted upon immenso floats,
promises to bo of unusual Interest and beau
ty, and will afford ocular demonstration ot
tho changes and progress In tho first cen
tury of our constitutional existence. In
tho evening Governor Beaver, of Fcnnsyl
vnnla, will hold a public reception at tho
Academy of Music.
On Friday, Boptember 10th, there will bo
a grand military parade and review in
which tho militia of tho various StateB
will tako part, assisted by dctachmonts of
United States regulars and marines, nnd
Bailors from tho ships of war In tho harbor.
Fully fifteen thousand men will be In line,
nnd tho display will without doubt bo the
finest seen In this club since the war. In
tho evening a reception will bo held in hon
or of tho President of the United States and
tho representatives of foreign governments,
On Saturday, September tho 17tb, special
rnmmrmnrntlvfi nervines will bo held in
John Wottcrs, tho efficient supervisor of also comprises tragic and pathetic features. Independence Snuare. presided over bv
the cast end of Scott township, has erect- licnco there is something in it to plcaso President Cleveland. Tho oration will bo
nd guide boards at every corner nnd cross every auditor. Tho company strive to pre- delivered by Mr. lustico Miller of the Sup.
toad. 1 hero aro still some supervisors in sent a clean and entertaining amusement, rcme Court, nnd the slngiug of national
other townships who would do well by fol- nnd tho verdict of last night's audience hymns by tho children of thaPublicSchools
It you want to do business you must let Ivc agricultural exhibition ever held In tho
iuu puunc Know it."
Mr. Alfred Mcllcnry, uf Benton, has
adopted tho ready.pav svatcm at Ida ntnm
Ho has Just returned from tho city with n
well selected stock of general merchandise,
and Is selling goods very low for cash.
Wo aro Informed by Mr. Bccklev that ho
never offered to accept tho prlnclpnlshlp mcct lili a most cordial reception,
01 mo public schools nt a less talary than
$1000, and that ho did not authorlzo any.
ono to mako any other proposition for him.
county. Tho races will bo a prominent
fcaturo. Tho view from tho grounds is
ono of the Onost In tho 8tatc, embracing
tho entire city of Heading amj tho greater
portions of tho beautiful Schuylkill and
Lebanon valleys. Excursions with bands
of music nro coming from a number of
points, and visitors from a dlstnnco will
A largo crowd of citizens went with the
G. A. H. and band on Thursday ot last
week to Shenandoah to attend Grand Army
Day there, nnd all had a good time. Tho
celebration of this day will bo held hero
next year.
A handsomo lino of Fall Overcoats
received at Lowcnbcrg's.
A large and enthusiastic audience grout
ed tho Mooro and Vivian company nt tho
Potter Opera House last night, and laugh.
td and cheered at "Our Jonathan," a com
edy well intended to fit Mr. Mooro and
Miss Vivian. While tho play abounds In
mirthful songs, Baylngs and situations, It
lowing his example.
T. A. Kennedy, the nffablo advanco
agent of Miller, Stowo & Freeman's Now
United Monster Rtllroad Circus, Museum
and Menagerie, was In town on Thursday
of last week making arrangements for the
exhibition on the 19th.
A largo number of young people gather
ed at Winona Hall last Friday to spend a
pleasant evening In dancing. Metherall's
orchestra furnished tho music and all had
n very enjoyable time. A number were
present from a distance.
Rev. D. J. Johnson, pastor of the A. M.
E. Church nt ESDV. Will attend nnnfirpnin
In West Virginia next month. A subscript- TrumP-
Ion book has been circulated by his friends
to raise funds for tho trip, and the call has
been liberally responded to.
Mr.' James II. Mercer has just put out
a handsome sign In front of his drug nnd
book store. It Is in the shape ot a large
book. It Is beautifully ornamented and
lettered in gilt. Wm. Brobst, tho nrtl3tlc
painter, did the designing and lettering.
was decidedly favorable. Amterdam Senti
Bloomsburg Opera House on Monday,
Bopt. 19th.
For school supplies go to Mercer's drug
and book store. sep9-St.
List ot letters remaining in, tho Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Sept.
13, 1887:
Miss Baldwin, Miss Bertha Baldwin,
miss jennie v. iiauey, j. a. (jnnsiian, u.
U. Hnllenbach, Geltio Hess, Clyde Hirle
roan, Miss Kntlo Home. Samuel Jackson,
Miss Millie Klstlcr, Miss Eva Mastcllcr,
Miss Katie A. Miller, Miss Katio Miller,
It. II. ltobons, George Schelnman, 11. U,
Slone (2), II. N. Shollcnbergcr, Georgo
Jacob Dundorc, Mrs. Fannie Smith.
L. II. Kline.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
GeorqeA. Clark, P. M.
Mrs. Holland Mcllcnry went to Phlla-
delphiu, Monday, for the purpose of buy
ing a fine stock of general mcrehandlso for
the fall trade. Goods will bo opened early
next week, when tho public nro respect- cd
fully Invited to call and sco goods nnd low
Mr. B. H. Yetter at ilainvllle has yet re
maining from his stock of Western horses
flvo horfecs, all under bIx years, and five
mules. Theso are all well broken,
sound, nnd will mako first-class teams.
Thoso lu need ot horses should call upon
him at once.
Notice. Harvey Ucacock holds a nolo
of thirty-dollars dated June 1st 1887 against
me payable in 0 months. All persons aro
warned against purchasing said note, as I
have a good defense to the whole of It, and
will not pay It unless compelled by law.
AiiBROsx BiDLEit, Llghtstrect,Pa.
WANTGUI-Twi Apprentices to
learn pnutHninlctnir. Apply nt Low
enberje's. augso
The price of envelopes has been recently
advanced by the manufacturcrs,butwohavo
in stock 40,000 that will be sold just as low
ns ever, with your business card printed
on tho same, Ask tor prices. tf.
Miss Annlo Ent is visiting friends in
O. W. McKelvy is attending tho Const!
tutional Centennial at Philadelphia.
Misses Annie and Lou Jameson nnd
Elllo Fox went to Philadelphia on Wednes
H'ipresentatlvo Fritz, J. M. Clark, Esq.
and G. E. Elwcll are attending tho Cen
Wm. A. Marr Esq. and J. Harry James
Esq., of Ashland, were In town on Mon-
day on legal business.
F. T. Ikclor, John Uorrlng, F. A. Ikcler
and Matthew McBoynoids returned to La
fayette College the forepart ot this week.
E. F. Smith and J. C. Ileitsnyder do
parted on Monday for Bcllcvuo College,
Now York, and Jefferson College, Phlla.,
Fall house-cleaning tiino la at hand.
First class cider barrels for sale at C. B.
Bobbins'. Oseplt
Weather prophets aro already foretelling
an early and sevcro winter.
HcuiDantsnof Casslmeres just tho thing
for boys' pants at Lowenberg's.
Boys and girls with school books are
now familiar sights upon our streets.
An elegant lino of FALL UATB,
Just received at Lowenberg's.
Wiggins, tho Canadian weather prophet,
la again at work. He predicts a big storm
on tho 19th of this month.
Good cheap Casslmeres sold at great
bargains, by tho yard, at
If you havo not already dono so, begin
now to prepare for tbu fair. Bring your
beet productions for exhibition,
It Is rumored that WUIlamsport Is to
have a new weekly newspaper, with Mr,
Charles T. Huston as' owner and editor.
Slates t Blatcs I Largo assortment of
lates, alnele or double, book slates. All
Ires and onccs at Clark's book store s9.
Thero will be a big timo horo next Mon
day. A clrcui and a comedy company
with a brass band will stir up tho town
all Id one day.
Mlsa Annlo Becklcy and Mr. James
Leidy weie united In marrlago last Tuea
(lay morning by Uov. F, B, Illddle, at tho
home ot the bride.
The Brown rc-unlon at Oak Grove
Thursday of last weok was well attended
Three hundred and fifty registered as mem.
hers of tho Brown family.
60 dozen more of the Wonderful
till ! II I M J- I t . . .
nmwvnirtar 90c. eacn ai uowen
Tho Evangelical church in this place,
was rededicated Sunday aftcrnoon.Peptcm
bcr 11th. For some timo past the painters
have been at work on the interior of tho
church nnd have made it in appenranco n
new structure Tho walls have been calcl
mined and ornamented, tho scats repalnt-
the pulpit, nnd surrounding walls hand
somely crabcllshed, and the floor carpet-
will bo a prominent feature, whllo tho
music will bo furnished by tho Marino
Band ot Washington,
In order to nccomodato all thoso who
mny dcslro to attend, tho Pennsylvania
Railroad will sell excursion tickets to
Philadelphia, Sept, 13th to 17th, Inclusive,
good to return until September 20th, Inclus
ive, from all stations on Its main lino nnd
branches, at a single faro for tho round
A Great Came.
After a wholo summer of victories tho
Bloomsburt! base-ball nlno has at last suf
fercd a bad defeat at tho harfds of tho Wot
sontown club. Last Baturday a good-sized
crowd gathered at Athletic Park to witness
the gamo between these two nines, and an
exciting gamo was expected, as tho Wat
sontown club has a good reputation, and
tho home nino has been playiug so well all
summer. However, the spectators were
destined to be disappointed.
The first Inning, the opposing nlno "got
on" to Heist's pitching and did some heavy
battinir. which considerably rattled our
boys. This would not have been done
Heist had been pitching his ordinnry game,
However, Bloom succeeded in scoring two
runs this Inning. Tho wholo gamo througli
tho ploying of the nine in the Held was slm
plv horrible, error upon error being made;
spectators turned their heads away anu
German Carp.
A few years ago public mitlco was di
rected in this country to tho raising ot tho
Gorman carp to tako tho placo of other
food fish which were fast being driven out
of our fresh waters, Tho building ot dams
across our streams nnd polluting the water
with sen era and rcfuso from tho mines has
driven nil tho native fish Into other sections.
Btrcams wcra stocked with bass and brook
trout, but thero nro so many fishermen who
havo no regard for tho laws enacted for
tho protection of Ash that tho stocking of
the streams has not reached tho purposo
Intended. Another difficulty Is that tho
bass, trout and plko aro destructive fish
and will destroy the small fish and thus re
tard propagation. They also Inhabit run
ning water, and therefore It is with diffi
culty they can bo kept In ono location. It
therefore, bccimo necessary for our Fish
Commissioners to look about and sco if a
fish could bo obtained that would overcome
theso objections. At lat tbo German Carp
was discovered nnd a few brought to this
country for experiment. The experiment
proved a valuable ono and soon tho Com
missioners began distributing them in vari
ous statok'. Thoy Boomed to thrivo every-
whero nnd tho farmers attention was dl-
actcd to raising theso valuablo fish. Thoy
aro nfyld growers and have reached as
high as twenty-five pounds. Farmers soon
learned that they could rnlso these fish
with less outlay of labor and capital and
with greater profit than they could ralso
poultry or pigs. Tho fish Inhabits pools or
ponds and do not llko running streams.
They thrivo the best In ponds with deep
muddy bottoms, thoy are not a destructive
fish and nro rapid growers,
sent out in a limited number to any who
will manifest enough Interest to put them
in a pond. Tho Secretary, U, U. Dcrr,
Wllkcs-Barrc, or Corresponding Secretary,
A. M. Spanglcr, 329 Commerce street, Phil
adelphia, will cheerfully glvo any Informa
tion on tho subject. During 18S5 and 1880,
nearly 15,000 Ash were sent out from tho
Injunction IflHiicd,
In tho caso of tho Locust Mountain Coal
& Iron Company against tho Directors of
tho Poor of tho township of Conyngham
nnd llorough of Centralla, In equity, Judgo
Elwcll filed nn opinion on Wednesday re
straining tho Directors by nn Injunction
from expanding tho funds of tho district by
affording outdoor relief to any person not
physically unablo to bo removed to tho poor
house. Holding, that, as to such persons,
tho law Incorporating tho district was, In
this respect, prohibitory, and that It la no
oxcuso for disregarding its provisions by
tho directors, that In their judgment It Is
less expensive to maintain such persons by
partial relief outside, than tu comply with
tho mandnto ot tho law.
A Lnmts, ritoToattArit, Atmxiiurn and
J Norap, a Unto and complete lino At .1. II.
Mercer's ttiug and nook store, Kvans' mock.
hacIipul l'orrmclffl. Hair Dtps and liar Hum
at 3. II. Mercers Drag and liook store, Kvans'
uiock, oppoHiui jtpiicopai iiiurcn.
at J. 11. Mercer'8 Drag and liook More, oppo.
tlto Episcopal cmirch.
jv. -
Aro you rodk to school ? Then cxnm
lno tho Ubleta at Clark's book store. &0.
Two muscular men. witu a liana organ
and a poor, small monkey were on tho I
streets tho other afternoon. Whllo passing
up town a gentleman was heard to remark
"Tho Idea ot that poor little monkey sup
porting thoso two hz men," Bucli was
tho fact, for tho monkey gathered in a
good many nickels.
I-ti. Gre&tctrt par n Erth for rain." Wffll
rUtr irwi quick tr than anr rthr known frrS-l
rwewnffft, nun hook, unii,!
. turn. ftrnJ(N, Cut. Lnmbav-I
iMrxAcLiflk Outnair. Rora Thmatt.
RctAtlCA. Wound. Ifeidftrhfj-I
Toothache, fipmlnit, rtc. Iiicel
Met, a bottle Hold tr? JI
KJniflrfriirts. CmutloTL TLo iren-l
ulnn Aitwiffon fHI tiatftra nnrl
j Yorrlf torn, J lUtlmor, )L, tf, ft A.
For the enre of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping; Conch, Incipient Con
snmption, and for the relief of con
sumptlve persons In advanced stage
of the Disease For Sale by all Drug,
gists. Price, 2S cents.
i ll nna stock nt Mereer'a Drmr and Hook Store.
opposite Episcopal Church, uioomsburff, ra.
J a full lino at J. II. Mercer's Droit nnd Dook
Store, Upper Main trcct.
at very low prlccs'at J. II. Mercer's Dmir and
I Hook hi ore. third door abovo Iron strcot. Ulootna
bur?, I'a.
J Cooncr'a (ielatlne. Tapioca. Hare. Arrow Hoot
and all (ho prepared foodi for children and In
valids nt Mercer's Drug and Hook More, first door
alxiTO Hess' lioot and shoe Store, llloomaourg, l'a.
Mixed Boed for tho blrda, at J, II. Mercera
Dnur and Hook store, nrst door below Crcasj
Orocerr store,
Mereer'a DniK ana
P 'In Tablet, fnrm. nt.r. II.
Cook btoru, IJloomsburR, l'a.
I'nii.ADiLrnii, Monday, sept. 1!, 1S8T.
For Ladies' Costumes.
The finest imported Broad
cloths Nellessen's of course.
What wit in the weaving and
in the finish. But the wit be
ean before that. Wool of the
Theao fish are finest; carding and spinning of
tne careiuiest. livery point
must be looked to to bring out
the perfect, uniform fabric.
Any let up would be iatal.
There is no let up. Not a
scrimp anywhere. Not how
Fisheries and havo been placed in nearly cheap, but how good, is the try.
every county in tho state. At Numidia, And such dyeing! Coloring as
Locust township, Mr. Bamo has large delicate as if N.itnrp snrpnrl flip
ponds, where ho supplies tho farmers with r:nrl,1.lp5, r l,rn,ne
rom two I ..' ' , '
Inches up as high as two feet. It is said ' a"vtl:1ly.s'tut:, urau,
tnat ho has ono that will weigh about 15 and scores of variations. All
pounds. Ills ponds aro but a few years I the new shades for Fall. 4
old, and ahow how rapidly tho fish crow, inches wide
Careful estimates place the number of fish n... th ' r.cttn
In his pond at over ono million. In Mtfllin T 1" ,
tonUpiVilainfflcrwiitiieHto.e. makers whose goods are of
euro any fish, but ho placed them in with rare excellence. Here is a
other fish and ho has not been so. success- haildsomely finished
ful. Mr. D. C. Bond stocked a pond In I rloth in 28 ;hnrlf5 nt-
the Spring with a few ' fish about six Inches Another 54-inch cloth, a little
long and he thinks they will now weieh ,. , . . i . '
nearly three pounds and aro over a foot l'g."ter weight, comes in 20 col-
lonc. In" the early Spring Mr. William OnngS, at $2.50.
Hartzol, of Mifllln township', cleared out Still another, at 2, is 52 in-
an old pond and placed In It one Carp about cnes Wide, and in 2 5 colorings.
We steam-sponsre anv of
T v C 111 ties. Teethlne nines and all miuWtes or tbo
VITY UJRUSfJ I ACTOIT Nursery that win contribute to tho Daby's happl-
www 1 utBs, ui. J. 11. Mercer? vrvg anu hook lore, two
1 uwra buoyo jwuds Ajcrs i;ioimrjf wore.
No. 3 North Canal St., Near U V,
It. It. Depot
John H Derby,
fiTWlll call on dealers onco in six
weeks. Savo your orders.
Qo to Clark & Bon for your underwear.
White dishes $2.75:per set at 1. Vf. Ilart
man & Son's.
receipts carefully prepared at all hours nt
Mercer's Drug and Hook More, luoomsburg, l'a.
1 Cosmetic and cold and silver Diamond Ilust- J. II. Mercer's Drue and Book Store, No 68 Mala
street, BloomsbuiVi l a.
prices at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposite Episcopal Church, Blooinsbure, Pa.
"Columbia yarns" nt Clark & Son's.
IlccelTed direct from Importers first-
class barber siiDnliea nt Louis Viereck's I
Shaving nnd Hair Cutting Saloon, Exchange Just the thing for picnics and
Hotel; under Clark's book store. Clean . , ,P 1. , ,
towel to every customer. Particular atten- private parties, neat clean aUU
tion given to ladies' and children's hair cheap; avoids the annoyance of
Try some of that 25c. all wool red
cu llanncl at Clark & Hon'a
thoso cotton flannels.
ucpuii. , , - 1 , . ,,.
twill-1 1 . 1 . . -1
Ladies', misses' and children's jackets,
flkort nnd Innn1 r.nnta In rtlaln or nlalds at
54-inch ! W. Hartman & Bon's.
Don't miss, the dress cloths at Clark &
Also aomo of kins; no weight to carry. These
paper plates are largely used lor
pie baking, and overcome the
objection some people have to
pies because the under crust is
soggy; the greatest degree of heat
will not scorch them and by
greasing them a . pie may be
aked on them better than on
six inches long and over ono hundred about I
Having lust received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, I am prepared to I
clean and dro cents' clothme. ladles'
cloaks, sacaues, silks, dresses, shawls. &c
Dcatuers uycu una curico. I'ackages ror-1 :n m. pnrrl.n wnr. Tt,-
wnnled liv KinrPM will rero vb nrnmnl nt. I 1111 01 earUlCn WarC, 1116
tcntion, nccordlng to directions. Call or crust will be found perfectly
1 sT in7tgtdr ZZZ these Broadcloths when desired tf & &&. CMWdU tT Jard and crisp similar to the top,
You will find a full line of beaded dress
"trimmings at Clark & Son's at lowest
Napkins are soft and pliable as
linen and will not fade unless
Mr. E. A. Strong, who has been cdjtor
of the Sullivan Senew for seven years past,
closed his connection with that paper with
last week's issue. Mr. Fred Newell, fore
man ot tho Itcvieto office, has bought the
paper, which ho will continue to edit ns an
ndependent Journal.
School books, school Btutioucry; every
thing needed in Bchool work, at Clark's
book store. sep").
C. F. lioraboy hns tho contract tor oil
the iron work in tho Espy boat yard. Ho
is an excellent workman, nnd has a large
horse-shocine trado besides. His father,
1. E. Bomhoy, nn old and skilled mechan
ic, assists him, and together they turn out
a groat deal of work.
Tho Town of Bloomsburg has issued
three thousand dollars in 4 per cent bonds,
to pay off the flonting debt, and to make
some needed improvements. Theso bonds
aro first class security. Any ono desiring
to Invest should call on Bamuel Neyhard,
secretary of tho Town Council. 2w.
Mr. Wm. Hartzel of Hetlerville, has
built two more fish ponds which ho ex
pects to stock with Qerman carp this fall.
Mr. Hartzel stocked ono pond last spring
and is so well satisfied with tho result that
ho now expects to put in over one thous
and small carp, which will bo largo enough
for tablo uso by next fall.
Rules, pens, Inks, pencils, pads, tablets,
drawing books at Clark's book store.
H. V. Whlto & Co's grain house near tho
D. L. & W. depot was broken into cither
last Baturday or Sunday night, and a (man
tity of timothy seed and Hour taken.
Which night the robbery was committed
is not known, as it was not discovered un
til Monday morning. Entranco was effect-
ed by breaking In tho door with ft railroad
Mrs. M. A. Smith is ready to begin her
tall term in music. Pupils can begin at
any time, and can take ono or two lessons
a weok, cither at their homes, or at tho
teacher's residence, as It suits their conven-
ience. Tho prices arc tho saino as charged I and aro winning golden opinions
B ..D 1 .... . 1
over a foot Ho has also built two more WltilOUt extra cnarge
ponds which ho expects to stock this Fall.
He will put in over ono thousand of the lvTpriJiim nriiwi Tlrnci- r.nn,lo
MA f f1,o c..Cf Do you know that I. W. Hartman &
that iim naiuml .rrowil. will lie mo than -'".iu. o iu us son Keep a gooa assortment OI epori shoes
tho ponds can accommodate and that he that promise much and do more tor men, boysjadles, misses and children,
will havo many carp for sale. Mathias than they promise Quiet ef- All No's. 5Imo. Warren's dress form cor
ai..r . Tn .1 ,..-.i...i n - At i set at Clark & Bon's.
ouiwiui, ui uiuuuuuuiji, "i 1 lULib. uuuu lur cany ana late; 1 -
into his ponds a few years ago, and is so fnr criJ nr wnrmon :cn,. I 'Iho place to Una out what you want for
ed. AH this work has made considerable groaned.whilo some left the groundsills- well pleased with the result that ho is now extremei A jj t, and hoW to havo i. dimmed lis at 1. w!
expense, um me congregation set to worn 1 gust. Tho wnlsontown nine piaycu u lauij 1 clearing 1110 ponu 01 an oiucr usu, uuu -ui 1 ... , ' y 1 aartman & Son's.
cood aroc.but there Is no doubt that it our only raise tho Carp in tho future. 1 win uuv auy wuhuui a biyiibii,
nino had played their usual gamo, they 1 TU0 following information Is taken from servicaDie COStume.
would havo defeated tho Watsontowners. the Renort of the Commissioners of Fish-1 Cloth LheCKS. Some silk-
About 'the only redeeming features of the cries and may prove of much value to those and-wool, Some all-WOol. Clear iol,,8ll0,1'd K ?ee tho ,co"8' raJs' J'iC,k
playing on mo part 01 our ooya were interested In raising theso line nab, or who chnckq. nhsrurP rhnnL-c mivori Also full linea of nln.h noat,. w7anJ nnrl " j aii m ". 7. - ,
Hagcnbuch's threo bagger, BhafTcr, Bylvis, Dave any thought of soon raising them: I l,i. ' : i ,... '1 jackets. All at popular prices. beetl KJU, xurpenune, VainiSll,
Tho Carp is partial to quiet, and oven I . - J
stagnant waters, if they havo not an ah- ou -v.iiis.
solute aversion to running waters, it has Pin-head Checks. All-WOol.
been satisfactorily ucmonsirniea llialwnerc - . ,
tho option is given them they prefer still Ijray, brown ana various mixt-
ponds. They liken loamy, muddy bottom, ures perhaps IO. Feel the
where tho water is deep, nnd where vege- . , . r , T ... . ,
tation Is plentiful. That they will multiply weight and the quality. A touch
Sn lnme iQnBlrcams Is rfPl? f. tno is enough. Some of the pat
uiuiiiinaLcuj an iiiuucsi x' me taomet I'ortraits, onlv So
i-i 1 . , "
and secured enough funds to mcct all ex.
cept about 75. This sum was readily
raised Sunday afternoon, and thus tho
whole Indebtedness provided for. Tho ser
vices Sunday afternoon were conducted
by Rev. Mr. Baumgardner of Danville, a.
choir of mostly female voices came down
from Light Street to, assist in the music.
In tho evening special services wcro held
and more money raised, ns it is tho pur.
poso of tho congregation to proceed at
onco to pencil and paint tho outsldo of tho
building, repair tho stceplo and possibly
enclose tho building with n suitable fence.
"Our Joiintlinn."
Moore & Vivian and their celebrated
company appeared here in tho Leland
Opera House, to n largo and fashionable
nudlcnco last night, when tho beautiful
play of "Our Jonathan" was produced for
the first timo in this city. Mr. Mooro (as
Jonathan, a wholo souled Yankee full of
crit, etc) kept the audienco in screams of
laughter from tho rising of tho curtain in
the first act until tho end of the play. Of
Miss Vivian, too much cannot bo said, sho
is a beautiful nnd accomplished young
lady, and gained the sympathy of the aud
ience at once. Sho has a charming voico
and was repeatedly encored during tho
evening, and ns an actress sho is first-class,
and wo can only say that thoso who missed
seeing this company in their great play,
havo missed one of the grcntest treats of
the season and as Mr. Moore has made ar
rangements to piny a return dato, wo
would advise nil who wish to spend nn
evening of fun to attend this great show on
their return here. Albany Evening Journal,
(N. Y.).
This company will play at tho Blooms,
burg Opera Houso next Monday evening,
September 19th. Look out for tho parado
ot tho dude band at noon.
It will pav vou to call and seo tho dress
cloths at Clark & Son's. Also trimmings.
We carry the most completo
line of Builders' materials in the
Country. Iron, Steel and Wire
Wails, Locks in endless variety,
Door Butts, plain or ornamental,
Catches and Latches.White Lead
Mixed Paints and Colors, Lm-
nnd Housel's two banccrs, and the flies
caught by Bolco nnd Winner. Bolco also
knocked several good flics, but was un
luckily caught out. Hays was tho only ex-
ceptlon to the rule of general poor
playing. He played a splendid game,
from first to last, but It was' useless while
tho rest played so poorly. It was, without
exception, tho worst game of ball we ever
had the misfortune to witness.
The score by innings stood as follows,
only Ave innings being played, as tho Wat-
aontowncrs had to tako the 4.18 train
Getting in dishes for fair timo
Hartman & Son's.
Oil Tinisli. TTvflnnli nnrl Amnvi-
at I. VV. I tt7:.i n..ii. t -l-i
uuu i v muuw vjriasa, x utt.y,jjuiiu-
Is found in tho largo Carp which from time I terns
Ti n -i t - i
Havo vou scon those 3.10. all wnni dm,., "iff x-aper, an 01 which we can
goods, 1 yd. wide, at Clark & Son's worth I soil nt. nripps flint, will mnl-n it. tn
r.n,. A ' r r v"
J u.
M'KILLIP, Photocraoher &
.... .
crayon Artist, isloomsburg, Pa.
to timo navo ueeu lanen in inoso rivers. nn, .,mn p a ct,i f vmi 1-b n T.w.,..! n '
j . -" " ."v I u uu&uii. usiuij uua'uua j. 1 uuess
your interest to deal with us.
T) t,) It tr, .,,.,11 1.An, (l.n U
JXjslllCBt ii is nun utiuiYti tuut 11, luuauitn I . ... . Ill
nearly all the small and largo rivers of on siglll anu llKC Better anu Det- used.
ter the more you know it. 50
Tricots? Certainly. They
are stand-bys. The new ones
have every virtue of the old,
and are in all the latest shades,
3 browns, 3 steels, and plum
carnivorous, it is bv no means an epicure amontT the mixed : frreen. blue.
1 la In.l.. nlt! tl.n I . . '
1U llO Ltt3b.0, UUIU LUaUJ RUhlUbU ,IIIU .uu
rcfuso of tho kitchen and dairy.
Tho peculiar habits or the Uarp aro
worthy ot mention in this connection. In
the latitudes of Pennsylvania, they gener
ally, at tno beginning ot tno com season,
resort to the deeper portions of tho waters
they inhabit, where, it tho bottom Is
muddy, they spend tho Winter; if not in a
torpid state, at least fur from being as act
ive as in Summer.
As soon as tho Carp leaves its Winter
Suartcrs it begins an earnest quest for food,
y tho first of March tho time varying
witn tno latituue ana temperature tno eggs
have become considerably developed, and
a few weeks of bright sunshine servo to
3- 7
0 10 0
The boys had better redeem themselves
tho next game they play, or they, will lose
tho good reputation they havo gained this
Dclicato persons, and all whoso systems
hnve bccamo debilitated, should bear In
mind that Simmons Liver Regulator U not
a drastic, purging medicine, docs not
weaken or deplete tho system as other pur
gatives do, but acts gently. It will invig
orate llko a glass of wine, but is no intoxi
cating boverngo to lead to Intemperance;
will promote digestion, dissipate headache,
and generally tone up tho system.
Hon. Mcx. II. Stephens, of Ua., says:
"Simmons Liver Regulator is mild and
suits mo better than more nctlvo remedies."
It must not be understood, that because
a Carp is ablo to live in water that would
bo deadly to most other fish, that pools and
bays ot mat Kinu aro to do prcicrrca ior
them; neither must It bo inferred that first
class fish can be produced In ponds where
tho water is not pure. Tho Carp is a vege
table feeder mainly, although it will eat
worms and the larvio of aquatic insects,
which it seeks in tho mud. Although not
For your dress goods
go to Clark &l
I. W. Hartman & Son have upset every
body's prices wllh their German table linen
nt ouc yu.
Full lines of dress silks, watered silks,
new weaves in velvets, plushes, &c. in
plaid stripes, &c, nt Clark & Bon's.
plum, garnet, steel, red, olive, tho week
and gendarme .in the plain.
50 cents.
6 pieces left of the 42-inch
Camels'-hair, with contrasting
side bands. Gray only. How
it has been grabbed for ! 37 c.
We havo taken the agency for
J. A. Sheppard's Paragon Coach
Varnish, patented in 1884 and
wish to call the attention of con
sumers to its merits. It is made
I. W. Hartman & Son's new dress goods solely from hard gum, lias fl
id shawl department is open six days In I Jt V i 1 1 l
vuiy ucavj uuuj uuu uuos uuiii
c 1 1 r 1 tit"
You should not miss serine tho new lino "l HOUrS 111 OUllimOr Or V1U-
ot dress goods, dress cloths, suitings &c., ter, one gallon covers 4o0 sq.
now nfTprefl liv Clark fc Hnn nt nnnnlnr I ' ... 1.
leet ot new work lirst coat and
GOO ft. second coat, it is warrant-
BUSINESS NOTICES. ed not to crack spot, blister or
turn wnite, ami to outwear any
by other teachers. For particulars call at
residence. Mrs. Ent's house, next door to
Dr. Willitts' office.
A VciiturvHomc AimiHcinciit
A Circus and Menagerie for only Ten
nnd Twenty Cents Admission! A Circus
complete in every detail Introducing every
equestrian act, overy gymnastic or acroba
tlo feature and every salient specialty that
go to making arcnic exhibitions popular,
and presenting a large and commendable
collection ot rare beasts and birds, all for
Ten and Twenty Cents! This la Just what
Miller, Stowo & Freeman aro doing and
aro not only doing it but aro doing It well
press and public everywhere. Tho aston
ishmcnt Is how thoy can do this without
Impoverishing their treasury and ending in
financial disaster. Their circulars and
Tlic Milton Fair.
Tho Third annual exhibition of tho Mil
ton Driving Park and Fair Association
will open on Wednesday, Sep. 38th and
contlnuo four days, Tho management aro
putllne forth every effort to mako it a
grand success In every respect. The pre.
mlum list has been revised and enlarged,
many additions hiving been mado thereto,
New features hnvo been adopted and In ad.
dltlon to Ihe exhibits of agricultural, hor-
tlcultural and mechanical products, a uum
ber ot choice attractions, Including the
world-renowned Myrtio Peek Combination
with their matchless running horses, hayo
been secured. Tho sum total of promt
urns announced aggregates seven thousand
dollars, of which fully $1850 will bo paid
for trials of speed. Already many noted
horse-men hnvo signified their intention ot
25 cents.
in all
the Fall tints. 24
Book News is full of clews to
current books. Tells their drift,
weighs their worth, gives their
fair price not often the pub
Ushers'. If you watch our New- meE,b9WMCMd.icri4 for extort.,
A very largo supply of tablets, books.and I oslcr8cncctimlyBolyo (hu pf0bera nml being present to enter tho contest, and
all necessaries for school work at Mercer's
Mr, Wm. Boylcs, the foreman In the
smith shops of tho Jackson Woouln
Manufacturing Co., has been in tho employ
of that company for many years. Ho also
assists In looking after some of the depart-
ments of tho rolling mill. Ho is a good
meclmnlc,a wholo souled genial fellow.vcry
obliglug, and is held in high esteem by his
employers as well as his follow workmen.
It Is n tireat satisfaction to hnvo such men
in employ.
Shipping tags, with or wllhout strings
at tho Columbian office.
aro well worth reading. James Robinson,
tho champion baro back rider of tho world,
and tho only James Stowe, tho great hur.
dlo and four-horso rider, aro with this Clr.
cus. Their snow is to exuiuu uero on
Monday, September 19th.
Cciitcuulnl Arcli.
Visitors to tho Centennial at Philadel
phia must not fail to sco tho beauhiful
Arch constiucted by A. O. Yates & Co, tho
largest Clothing Houso In tho City, at 0th
and Chestnut Sts.
No expense has been spared to render
this structure tho finest ot tho kind over e.
rected in Philadelphia, and becomes nnoth
er oyldcnco of tho enterprise and push of
thispopular firm.
Our readers aro advised to call anu now
bring nbout tho spawning season, which, brown. navv. rrnrnpt hViip
I . , , , . . 1 . . .. I . . , J 1 . .. j
beginning in moy, cnus nuoui mo laiicr i ir.. u . i ii
part of June, though In some localities ex- May be 40 styles ; serviceable
tending tar into July, 'iho spawning is and handsome.
not always continuous; mat is, 11 is not ue-1 n . n
gun anil completed wituout interruption.
A month may pass from tho depositing of
tno urst eggs uetoretueiast one is spawned,
though this is not common.
Tliero nro lew mora prouue usu man mo
Cirn. Tho number of cues contained in a
fish that will weigh fiom three to four
pounds will range from 300,000 to 500,000.
This Is a moderate estimate, but is sutuc-
lently largo to explain the wonderful pro
llftcness ot this fish In Its natural waters.
No doubt manv amateur Carp culturists
havo been surprised to find their ponds
baro ot young nsn, aitnougu tuey nau tno
most convincing cvldcnco that tho spawn.
Ing process had gono on regularly. The
causa ot that barrenness is readily ex
plained, and is easily remedied. Whllo
tho Carp is not regarded as a carnivorous
llsh, it will cat worms and tho larvio ot in
sects when it is afforded a chanco to do so,
and tho experience of Mr. Crevcllng, tho
superintendent of tho eastern hatchery at
Allcntown, as wed as of other excellent au
thorities, establishes beyond tho prcadven.
turo of a doubt, the fact that tho old Carp
win at limes cat mo spawn 01 tno young
Carp. Tho simplo remedy is to place small
culturists know, aro adhesive, adhering In
lumps to tho obiect upon which they have
impurities of the blood often cause ereati Enclish or American varnish, is
Some of our cheaper Dress hSK" for carriages
uoods : affectiona. or outdoor work where exposed
naids on grounds ot green,
To Prkskiwb Natural FLowEns.-Dip l to the weather, it is warranted to
.lh0. i1,0." m,eUed,nPar?,ffln,e,' withdraw rub down in oil or water, and
only just hot enough to maintain its fluid-1 pumiCC
stone in from 30 to 48,!?iTrv,i8l;0c!d 1,lppcd onS hours without sweating out and
at a time, held by tho stocks and moved 1 ii iii i ip-i
lieiges, brocades, Cashmeres about for nn Instant to get rid of air buh
can be brought to a dead finish.
For the interior finish of fine
VTkta lUbj ni lck, n kto her Cutortm,
Book Table and note the fig
ures on the fly leaves, Book
JNews may lose some of its
value to vou. If vou don't or
can't, its like a once-a-month
rummage among the newest
volumes to get Book News. In
. i, .,1
chlnerf. Vcrv wonderful machinery it la.
Not only the larger nit .passages, but tho
thOUgandft Of llttln llllinn n...l etivltlita 1nn,1-
any case, it will tell you the nff fr'n them.
nnrnlilp rrnlnrrc nn in tlir. Knnl. When theso aro clogged and chocked
notaoie goings on in the book witu matter whlch ou$ not t0 bo lhcre
World. whethfiP rllPVf rnnrorn your luncs cannot half do their wnrk. Anil
in tho ponds before tho spawnlug -...t,-,.- niiKKolioro ,lnla what they do, they cannot do well,
comes on. Tho eggs of Carp, as nil autliors, publishers, Or dealers. Call .It cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
somo lino trials of speed may bo expected.
Taken all in all, tho coming exhibition
promises not only to bo tho largest but
(tin flnrmt nnfl irritllflpat. nvt'T llMll ill this
.1... S.. t. .. culturists know, nro adhesive, adhering in c cents. KO cents a vnrtr. catarrh, consumption or anv of tho famtlv
nr. u, uu 0 - - lumps to tho object upon which they have - . w ' C ' - of throat and nose nnd head and lung ofr
all railroads running to Milton. Tho trains fttlleni it s also well known that tho ln tne September number structlons, all aro bad. All ought to bo
of tho Pennsylvania railroad stop at tho mother fish generally seeks somo object (portrait of lohn Burroiiehs'i got rid of. Thero is just ono suro way to
rni.n,l on which to cast her spawn, aa tho eggs 't tm.- .. b get rid of them. That is to take lloschee'a
which havo no such support aro suro to bo uumjjauii wmo tin-1 ucrman Syrup, which any drueplst will
Inet irin..n If lliorn l.n a "wotlir irrn" I fs.r.U.. f f t T1i. ) 1 I anil un l Tf! A, l.,.l It
.ww. .v..i.., .. .uu.w " ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v in .111.111 1 1 I viiii w wiiru'i; I I 11 14. u
or other vcgetablo growth ln tho pond, tho I J 'I crythlng else !
spnwing usu is certain iu bovk iucui out,
and deposit her eggs so that they will cling
hies. Fresh cut flowers, freo from molst-
ll.n mnlln ATiMillnnt am.nlmnna t il.I.
If you would preservo your health and In', residences, public buildings,
vi6uiiu juui L-imiB uysium uso rewino'a I hnt h-rnnina if lina nn prnml lint
Puro Barlov Malt Whiskev. For sain hv UaUl ??0ms' ""US 110 Ctpiai , 110p
C. B. Robbfns, Bloomsburg, Pa. fcow. Or COld waterrSOapor grenso Will
not allect its lustre or spot or
stain its surface; wiping with a
sponge or damp towel will keep
it looking fresh and new. If you
arc especially desirous of a hand
some and permanent finish,
Bpecify Sheppards Paragon Coach
Varnish to vour nainter and take
Give Tuem a CiiAxoB ! That is to say, ,,A nti.,.. ,. ;,. 1 nn(i no
your Junga. Also all your breathing ma- "O 0"ei, put Up 111 4 and 0110
gaiion cans at ipo.uu per gauon.
Very llesp.
J. R. Schuyler & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
the became Ulia, the clang to CmIotU,
Wiea the kd CUldren, ihe era them Cutorle,
tn such growth. But that does not remove
tbcm from unnatural mules who will con
sumo tho spawn or tho young fish lndls.
crlmlnately. Tho female, finding brush
scattered on tho pond, casts her eggs on
The two new all-silk Satin
W. L. Fornwald has mado a great Im,
provemcnt in his tonsorial rooms lu Lock.
ard's building at 1110 corner 01 .nam
Centre streets.
room which
room next
arch placed
by malting
chairs havo been placed
thus making morn room nnu otner uium- 1
.l...ln o, I, la niiolnmprs. Will lias nOW nnil
uuuuuo w mi. " 1 p"" , , ., u t. 1 1
one ot the handsomest establUhments in
this section. bladder and gravel in tho kldnoys, I used
, Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and am
Books, bags, book straps, school compan. well. B. D. Pursous, Rochester, N.
... fl ri, f 1 fl tn T
at Clark's book etoro. cjw, y, rnco vi. m-uu -'wuv,
and notices tor kidney, liver and blood disorders . Men
tf. I Hon this paper. sep2iUt.
An iSxtrnnrclliinry Arcnic illHjilay.
Ono would think that a completo and
cnjoyablo Circus and Menagerie embracing
a full company of performers of recogniz
ed merit and a comprehensive Menagerlo,
oxhlbltod for only Ten and Twenty Cents
Admission, would bo beyond tho rango of
nnaalhllltiea. Yet Miller. Stowo & Froo.
, 1 rviuuveu IU UU UUIUIUIUU 11U11U ituuiu IUV1U , .... ,
man ate giving such a show and arc doing I aro no large fish. By nuraulng this plan at I graae. K1CI1 eilectS ; in every
it every day. In their posters and circulars tho eastern hatchery, tho crop of young fish way desirable. Known Olllv bv
nT I VV UO UU Bill tUi 1U itUUUI BIA bU WU UUVO, IU . ,
' ,.-. 1.1.. . 1 , I. n,i..,,n A.i, ...111 I n 1 1 r ennnn nn
your mind.
scattered on tho pond, casts her eggs on ment of shades than VOU are vitalized, nnd carries health luatead of dls-
tho small branches, which should then bo likelv to find in trnnriQ nf flnt- cas? i0. cvcr? 0g?n , lhe 8l0Inac1' a toned first-clllSS. Wo furnish a luilld
rcmoved to an adjo ning pond where thero UKey 10 "ntj ln gooaS Ol that and strengthened, tho nppetlto restored. l'lll&s ,Y u "u UI8U
A better assort- Lome.
pend upon this for certain,
Vigor an'
cents a bottle. Even if cv.
has failed you, you may do-
ll vllulllv nn. mifoMv nlnnn In I fYllflioft 1111 rSfifV fitont
and Gros Grain Ribbons are to every part of tbo body by Hood's Sarsapa-
inai tircu iccitng is entirely over
v over-
Tho blood la purified, enriched and
Wo want a few live men to
tako orders for a full lino of
Our stock
is a! selected and guaranteed
1 (lino nvnlnln liiiti? It lu i An ntxil flinli
mo partition ueiwueu ... mB-niflccnt Arch, which will bo ilium. " , , 70 J".",.' favorable weather, tho embryo flsh will our special names:
ho formerly occupied and the - ,,, at tUo 8am0 timo "t. " Z . .'"f ... ".T Pi.6?", S?.!S "f TZ.?l . q. .. I ... . w. .
In ll line hcon taken OUt aiW aU . . . I .1 tj.ii 1 M""' oiuiico iiuuiunuii, wu kuom(;iuii inui uajB l JH in uuguiucu, auu u mvu iiw, s, ft lu,, ou. no. !!, X in., 0C
to it has bten tnaeu ouv uu u , . CJaraino tuclr iA anil ,,, .,., i i,nU lii nwn fnrtd." No. 3, In., 7c no. win. oc
between the two rooms, uwv. 00 a of ,ho bc3t mftdo " 1 ' ,'iin n,, 1 rnT' ft 1 & iSS SS ?.' u St! ift
onolargo room, niecaso ...., 1.llUalk.1ila. ,.".T..l."Ji.,. ..." -..!." 2??- .! ."M1- No. ; 1 i, m. ircl
In tho backroom, " ." " ui ",u lu' ' Manv neon 0 refuse to tako Cod Liver I m.,i.e. ri.o.,a in.,s!oo.
I I iiu. iv, -g iu.,
Collectors' receipt books
sale at this olllco.
I. I ..vl.ll.U l.n... n Ua.
1,11 It l.rf.i.l .nil frt llln DUUn ISUUUUUUVU IU liAIHUU IIG1U UUIHUU
liad KUIUUV uuuiuci uuu rj i; "v 1 . 1n .
I of others that Dr. Konnedy's Favor- day, Bept. 10th.
.New goods just received, and now open
tho latest styles ot fall millinery consisting
of trimmed pattern hats, fancy feathers,
felt and straw trimmed and uulrimincd,
&c. Mourning goods a specially, Prices
to suit all at Miss 13. Hartley's.
Oil ou account of its unpleasant taste.
This difficulty has been overcome in Scott's
Vniiil-lnii f',.,1 T nil ...111. II,,..
phosphites. It beliiK as palatablo ns milk, aueiphia L,atlUmarkS,
aud tho most valuablo remedy known for and ancient, Cabinet
tho treatment of consumption, wrofula and cents ; 6lx8l 50 cents,
bronchitis. Physicians report our llttlo t . '
The kldnevs aud liver nrn roused nml in
vigorated. Tho brain is refreshed, tho 60111G Outfit FllKE, also fruit
ujiuvi wauv i.ii4i auu icuujr ivi num.
Drcnkksnessou Liquob Habit Posi-uvelt I Rnn in Krakow. A WnimMi
Ctjkkd nv Adminibtkbinq Dn. Haines' I
Oolpen Si-Eoino It can be given in a cup 1 . . , , ,
ot coiico or tea wiuioui tho knowieugo 01 never Illua Witu us. i-ion l ue
tho person taking it; Is absolutely harmless ,
nnd will effect a permanent and speedy 1 , . . , ,
cure, whether tho patient is a moderate W' but Write tit 011CO 101' terms,
drinker or an uicououc wrccic. l uousanas 1
ot drunkards havo been mudo tcmpcrato
m . ,, .,, . ., I ot drunkards havo been mado tcmpcrato in
riiotographic Views of Phil- men who have taken Ooldcn Specific in vc" 10
mnrloi-n their colleo without their knowledge, and
IllUUt-l ll I , ,,.. l,,..,Vn (li.iir nmt ililnL'.nn nf llwlr
size, 1 5
patients tako It with pleasure.
Emulsion and bo convinced.
Try Bcott's
John Wanamaker,
Chestnut, Thirteenth ana Market utroevr.
HMU Vll ' "... Vfiuin
to-iia bi llevo thoy quit drinking of their
own free Will. IT NKVKR FA1LB. Tho
aystcm onco Impregnated with tho Specific
it becomes an utter impossibility tor tho
liquor habit tn exist. For full particulars
address Golden SpcclQo Co., 165 Race St
1 Cincinnati, uuio, ucoa 00 ly.
sepj-iou Rochester, N. Y,