COLUMBIAN AND. DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The" First Book rrlutod in English North America- Books and papers nro so plentiful that many of our renders seldom think about tlio limoa when neither were printed in Amorioa. And how incon venient it would bo, If wo, like Bouioof tho old settlern, wero limited to ono book in ft colony. Yet, wo are inform ed that this book was so well road that all tho ohildrcd could read. Two hundred and foity-nino years ago (1038), an cnthusiaitio Puritan ralaoti money by subscription in Hol land and England, to pnrchaso a print jug maohino for British North Amer ica. As soon as tho maohino was pro cured, this reverend gentleman, Mr. Jesso Glover, in company with his wife and Stephon Dayo, a printer, pot Ball for tho land mnoh in uced of books. Glover died boforo reaching tho conti nent, but his widow set up tho machine in Cambridge. In 1C89, Dayo printed tho Frecdman's Oath and an "Alma naok" for Now England, Tho noxi year tho "psalter" was printed. Its titlo was "Tho wholo Book of Psalms Faithfully translated into English Metre." "Whcreunto is prefixed a dis conrso declaring not only tho lawful ness, but also tho necessity of "Heav enly Ordinanco of Singing Scripture Psalms in tho Churches of God." Such was tho titlo given to tho noted "Bay Psalm Book." Richard Mather, Rov. Thomas Weld, Rov. John Elliot and others contributed separato divisions of tho translation. Tho book was a small 8vo of 295 unnuraborod pagos. It coutnined much bad print and plenty of bad paper. Tho .preface covoroJ twelve pages. An extract of tho 133 psalm will give an idea of its crudo form. "How good and sweet to sco, Its for brethren to dwell Together in unitcc: It's liko choice ayle that fell, Tho head upon. That down did flow Tho beard unto. IScard Aaron:" Not all wero as unpolished as this, bnt nono received a master finish. There nro few copies of tho first edi tion, and theso have a commercial val no of 1000; or, ovon moro. One copy is in the library of tho Amcrioan Anti quarian Society at Worcester. Two copies of the Prinoe colleotion are in tho Boston publio library. Ono of the last named copies belonged to Richard Mather, and afterwards, was tho pro perty of his son Increase This copy with fonr others was deposited by Prinoe in tho Old South Church. It was from tho Mather book that Dr. ShurtlcfT mado an exact reprint of 71 copies. This reprint copy Bolls from 350 a to $100. Another copy of tho original is said to bo in possession of Georgo Livormoro's widow. Cornelins Vandorbuilt purchased a copy for $1200. Ho had it elegantly bonnd and enclosed in a morocco case. A second edition was mado in 1647. Of this, the only known copy belongs to Mr. Harris of Providonco. He gave S435 for it. The Dnnstcr revision, printed by Samuel Green, was mado in 1650. It contained an edition 46 pages, and many corrections. There may have beon 50 editions of this revision. Thomas Prios made a revision which was printed in 1758. You may j'udgo from the following stanza the value of Price's revision. "O, blessed man walk not In Tho counsel of 111 men, Nor stands within the sinner's ways; Nor scoffer's scats sit in." John Elliot added the Psalm Book to his Indian Testament in 1661, en titled, "Wsmo ketoo homae Uketoo homaongash David." i j. Marriage Customs in Southern Siberia There is ono thing raroly omitted from fem'alo custom, which is a silver amulet hanging on the breast, in the form of a kernel, oylinder or triangle, containing Muhammadan writing or perhaps prayer, and given by tho hus bond at the timo of marriage. Tho various circumstances connected with marriago among tho Kirghese remind ono strongly of patriarohial times. Fifteen is tho marriageable age, and preliminiaries nro comraonccd by tho parents of tho bridegroom sending a deputation of matoh makers to the par ents of tho bride, offering presents, and among them n dish specially pro pared for tho occasion of liver and mut ton fat, which signifies that they mean matrimony. After this tho complimeut is roturnod by presents and a similar dish sent by the girl's parents to tboso of tho bridogroom. The bride's father then summons a meeting of kinsmen to consider the kalim, or gross amount to be paid for tho bride. The kalim may oonsist of forty, sixty or ono hun dred sheep, or from nine to forty-seven head of cattle, bosides which kalim tho bridegroom has to give at least two presents of camels, horses, cows, fire arms, or khalats. Theso things decid ed, the bride's father sends to the bridegroom's aul for tho kalim and ono of tho presents, after which the bridegroom takes the othor present and goes to see the bride for tho first timo. Not that he can easily' change his mind when things have gone thus far, for tho delivery of his present vir tually seals the marriage contract, and ho is so firmly betrothed that should ho die boforo the time of marriage tho in tended wifo has to go homo to his par ents and bo taken for the wife of the noxt son. Vice versa, if during tho period of betrothal tho girl should die, her parents aro bound to givo instead their next daughter, or in default of ono, to return tho kalim and iay a fino. When tho period of betrothal is at an ond the bridegroom goes to tho aul of his bride, who is given up by her parents, with a dowry of a tent, a oamel or riding-horse, cattlo and n bride's hoad dress, besides a bed, crock ery, and a trunk of wearing apparel. On tho wedding night tho mullah, or priest, plaoes tho bride and bridegroom in tho midst of a tent, puts beforo them a covered cup of water, and bo gins tho prayers. Then bo asks the contracting parties if it is with their full consent they ongago themselves to bo married, and three times gives them tho water to drink. Mullahs sometimes put in tho water vessel an arrow with a tuft of hair tied thereto from tho mano of tho bride's horse, or ono of her ribbons; others dip therein a paper of written prayers. Tho happy com pletion of a marriago is followed among tho Kirglioso by feasting and games, and then tho newly married depart to the bridegroom's aul, with tho camels carrying the troursoau, and tho portion of his wealb which a fath er gives to each of his daughters on her marriage. Du, Hi;nry Lansdkm, in JIarper's Magazine for September, There is n good deal of food for con templatton in tho remark attributed to a Fao'flo roast Chinaman. Ho was taken to sco ono of tho booming now towns, whero all tho outlying country was laid out in city lots, and ho took it all in, When ho returned home lur was asked what ho thought of it, and nnswered, "Too muoheo by and by." Hartford Qourant. rotfr Men Killed. VA1.L OF 05 FKKT WITH A llltOKKN scaffold. WiLUAMsroiiTj, Aug, 81. Six mon wero working this forenoon on a scaf fold inside a tower of the Annunciation Catholio ohnrch in oourso of orcotlon hero. Tho scaffold was oomposod of four timbers, fitting into tho masonry at tho ends and covered with boards. Raphael Buck. John llalblo.John Win ner and Charles Moburg, and John Frederick and D. E. Ilebcrlincr.holners. wero tho men on tho scaffold. At about ton o'olock Mobnrg wheeled a barrow of stono upon tho scaffold, and when ho dumped the barrow tho tim bers broko and tho scaffold foil. Tho dlstanco to tho bottom of tho towor was 65 feet Mobnrg struck on his bend and was picked up dead. He was twenty-one years old and not mar ried. Buck dioil within ton minutes, Ho leaves a family. Raible was im paled on a sharp stono. Ho died after boing taken to tho hospital. Ho was twontv-six years old and leaves a wilo and onild. Winner also died in tho hospital. Ho was about forty years old. Tho foreman of tho masons is John Axman and ho was working un dor Gottlieb Waltz, of this city. Father Garncy, of tho church, was on tho scaffold a 'fow minutes beforo it fell, A rcmarkablo feature of tho ncoidont is tho experience of Frcderiok and Hoberling, the helpers. Frederick had just loaded somo' stone and had ono foot outside of tho tower and ono on tho scaitolding when tho structure fell. Ho grasped at a board overhead, throw himself backward and thus saved his life. Hoberling escaped tho fate of bis companions by grabbing at tho wall. His hands touched the lop of tho un completed tower, and ho was ablo to raise himself up and crawl out upon tho roof of tho church. Frederick says that as the men fell thoy shrieked "Oh I" oh 1" Three workmen wero engaged in tho windows at tho base of the tower when tho scaffold fell. They Baved their lives by jumping out on the Fourth street pavement. Ono of them, a boy, received a slight wound, John Axman, tho foreman, had a nar row osoapo. Ho stepped off tho scaf fold but a moment boforo it fell. Babies. A DOZEN AND ONE SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT THE UTILE TOTS OV HUMANITY. Reoeiving the card of a littlo stran gor who had arrived at the homo of a friend a few weeks before, wo hastened at onco to bear our greeting gift and congratulations, and were about enter ing baby's reception room when wo wero mot by tho bead nurse, a good, comfortable-looking Scotch woman, who would on no aocount allow us to como in without first removing our gloves and veils. "Surely the bonnio bit laddie would na hae look at a',1' she said, as she watched ns divest oursolves of the ob jectionable articles; "and now you maun a' mak a guid wish for baith soul and body when you tak him in .your arms." We willingly complied with this re quest, and delighted her boyond all reason by accidentally giving the ohild his full name as ho opened his eyes and gazed into vaoanoy,although apparently at us. "Indeed, mistress, he is suro to be a credit to his father and tho kirk, forby tho gnid look that maun follow a child that answers sao readily to his namo 1" In many parts of both England and Scotland at tho present timo a now baby is presented with an egg, which represents both meat and drink, Bait, which savors everything, bread, tho staff of life, matches to light it through the world.and a coin, that it may never want money. It is thought to bo very lncky for a child to cry at baptism. Bo suro and let the baby have or touch tho thing that he starts after when he takes his first step, even if it is tho moon ho must be let touch something high, on which its light shines and then ho will always get his wishes. He should bo taken into tho sunlight first on a Sabbath day. put into short clothes, and in fact all changes mado upon that day. And so on, all through onr darling's cradle life are such fancies talked about, believed, and often practiced by those who rock the cradle; and what harm can it do to believe that when our baby smiles in his sleep be is talk ing with angels, or that when we see a shooting-star some baby's soul is on its way to this earth T The Aims and Duties of a Journalist- Tho Supremo Court of Louisiana re cently rendered a decision in a news paper caso in whioh the following wise observations were mado upon the duty and province of tho newspaper: "Surely newspapers havo some ob ject higher than mere monoy making. As operated in modern times thoy aro something more than mere advertising mediums, or even purveyors of news. Thoy are organs of publio opinion, in structors of the poople, advooates of certain fixed policies and principles, tho promotion of which must gratify tho intellectual and moral desires of their proprietors, oven if thoy do not in all cases advanco their pecuniary in terests. Wo might well conceive that, though offered ample pecuniary induce ments to advocate principles or causes whioh they disbelieve, or to abstain from advocating tboso which they ap prove, worthy journalists would reject suob propositions with tho scorn whioh thoy dtBerve. Tho National Defender, in com menting upon tins, very properly says; "This is tho first time within our knowledge that a court of law has ven tured to define the proper aims and du ties 'of tho journalist. Tho opinion is sound and it shows that the judges havo a much higher and nobler con ception of tho power and influence of journalism than very many who are engaged in that profession." A Oalf With a Human Head. A few days since a gentleman near Uoswcrs JJopot, on the Kiciimond and Allcchany railroad, missed a cow. He searched for her and when ho found her she had Given birth to what should havo been a calf, and yot, with all other formations of such, from tho shouldor out, was to be seen tho ncok and head of a woman with all tho sym motry theieof, and, furthermore, tho hair on this strango head was parted or had graoelully lallon back on eaon sido, n ladies usuallv nart theirs. The nose, eyes and othor features of its faoe wero clearly and beutifolly developed as that of a woman s. in a word, irom me shoulder out, was human in form and tho body that of a beast- Tho truth of this statement can bo verified by (jontlcmen of veraoity. Jiicfimond jJispatcn. Somo ono says tbo ago of a political party may bo told by tho ririga. Who Wrote Shakespeare- KINATIUS nONNKI.LT CONTENDS HACON IS THE TRUE 11AI1I). THAT Tho World rcconllv containod a very elaborate exposition of Ignatius Donnelly's attempt to dethrone Shako Bpcaro and award tho honor of tho authorship of tho so-called Shakcspcaro plays to Lork Baoon. Tho artlolo was wrilton by Professor Thomas David Bon, a well known scholar, philosopher and critle. Mr. Davidson has recently paid Mr. Donnelly a visit nt his homo at Hastings, Minnesota, examined tlio manuscript of his forthcoming work, tho "Groat Cryptogram," had tho main features of tho cipher explained to him and obtained permission to roport. Beforo examining Mr. Donnelly's work Mr. Davidson was an entire skoptio in regard to tho Bacon theory, but ho "now admits that he is very much shnk en in his belief that tho plays wcto written by Sbakcspeare and declares that, if thoy had como down to us without any author's nnmo attached, thoy wonld bavo boen unhesitatingly attribnted to Baoon. Ho says ho rcaoh cd this conviction altogether apart from tho cipher. Tho article gives a brief summary of tlio results reachod in Mr. Donnelly's book. Tho book is divided into two parts an arguraont and a demonstra tion. Tho formor collects, arranges and sums up all tho arguments that havo been put forward in the last thirty years in favor of tho Baconian theory and adds a number. Tho author first endeavors to show that tho education nnd character of Shakespcaro were such that it is ridioulous to imagino that ho could have written plays which aro dis tilled from all tho wisdom and learn ing of tho world. He shows that his education must havo been oxtromcly meagre, while that of tho author of tho plays was broad nnd deep. Ho shows Shakospearo to havo boon steeped in almost every kind of vice, dying in the prime ot life from tho re sults of a three day's drunken spreo. He noxt show's that thoro is no record that Shakespeare over owned a library or even a book, and that not a single scrap of manusoript of his has como down to us, not oven a letter to auy of tho numerous men with whom ho is known to have been acquainted, and that there is extant no letter addressed to him except one asking for a loan of monoy. Having demonstrated to his own satisfaction that tbo author of the plays was not Shakespeare,- Mr. Donnelly next proceeds to prove that ho was Bacon. After adducing evidenco to show that Bacon was a poet and tho author of the plays a profound and learned philosopher, ho treats of the gcograpny ot too piays. vv one strat-ford-upon-Avon (where Shakespcaro was born) is never onco mentioned in tbo plays, St Albans, tho homo of Bacon, is mentioned twenty-threo times, no next shows that tho politics and the religion of the writer of tho plays aro identical with Bacon's poli tics and religion and that what Bacon declared to bo his great lifo purpose is fnlly exemplified in tho plays. -A ohap- ter is devoted to Bacon's reasons for concealment It appears, accordingly to Mr. Don nelly, not only that Bacon wrote works whioh ho never publicly acknowledged, but that he is addressed by ono of his friends as the greatest wit in England. though not known as such by bis own namo. Among the reasons for conceal ment Mr. Donnelly pnts tho political tendenoy of some of the plays, which was to encourage treason. rne nrst part ot tne work closes with a long list of parallelisms between Bacon's acknowledged works and tbo Shakesporean plays identioal express ions, metaphors, opinions, quotations. studies, errors, use of unusual words, character and style. Tne result ot the wbolo argument, aooording to Mr. Davidson, is to leavo upon tho mind a strong impression that if Bacon was not the solo author of tho plays, he had, at least, a princi pal hand in them, supplying tho schol- arsnip, tne art and tne philosophy. After the argument making tho authorship of Bacon probable comes tho demonstration, that is the cipher narrative, wbioh bas already aroused so muoh interest in the publio. Tho nrticlo in tbo World tells how Mr. Donnelly camo to look for a cipher and the laborious procoss by which ho t x ; - - v , . i! iuuuu ii, aa ue ueiioves. Mamie's (Ublegram. A Hartford man whoso wifo was go ing abroad, asked her to tolegrapb him a wprd or two lotting him know of her safe arrival in New York. In a fow hours ho received the following mess age, "colleot." "Dear Gkohok : Arrived hore safely at fifteen minutes after 6. Tho train was duo at 6, but we were delavcd fifteen minutes whilo en route. Had a perfectly lovely trip. Don't worry about me, I'll get along all right And take good care of yourself. Be so care ful about taking cold this damp woath er. Remember you aro to keop on your flannels until the 15th of June. Be sure and havo the house open and aired as often as onco a week. Re member what I told you about vour socks and shirts. Don't forgot to keep tho bascmont door locked. Write overy day. I'm suro I'll have a lovely time, ao good lu you to let mo go. You must como over after me in Au gust. Forover and ever nnd evor yours, ' Mamie. An hour later Maraio was pained to receive the following roply to her "word or two :" "Don't cablo anything from Liver pool. I'm a ruined man if you do. GuonoE." In minv Ino.ilihra TTncvVa Snin.inn. rilla is in such general demand that it is tho recognized family mediolne. Peoplo write that "tho wholo neighbor hood is taking it," etc. Particularly is this true of Lowell, Mass., where it is made, and where moro of Hood's SarBaparilla is sold than of any other sarsaparill or blood purifier. It is the great remedy for debility, scrofuln.dys pepsia,biliousncs8,or any disease caused by impure blood. Give it a trial. items! Tho oldest lawsuit in Illinois has been on tho dooket for forty-two years. It began about a $2 bog, and cost tho principles about $7,000. An Ohio man sold bis wifo for $600 tho other day, whilo a New York wo man sold her husband for $100,000, Thus is the law of demand and supply illustrated. ' . Professor Brooks, of tho Red House Observatory nl Phelps, N. Y., has con firmed tho discovery of a now comet. It is bright, has a slow motion eastorly and is visible to tho naked oye. Tho thirty-third Annual Exhibition of tho Pennsylvania Slato Agricultural Society will open on tho grounds of tho Socloty in Philadelphia on Monday, September 5th, aud will continue for two weeks, closing on Saturday, Sopt .ciuuor 17lh. Tltero nru 40,000 lawyciu in Pennsyl vania. Thoro is a oouplo living in tho vicin ity of Boston, who two years ago wero nursed In tho lap of luxury; that is to say, thoy wero very wealthy. In n fatal hour tho husband took to amateur farming, and tho wife booamo her own milliner nnd dressmaker. Tho last Been of this unfortunato pair was tlio other weekwhen thoy entered tho oars enronto for tho State almshouse. John B. Gough says ho never gavo the samo lccluro over. Ho compares them to nn umbrella ho gavo his niece. Sho liked it so that it has been recov ered, had a new hnudle,a now stlok and nil tho ribs replace! but one, yet the says he gavo her that umbrella, al though thoro is only ono rib of tho original. So with tho lectin cs, tho subjcot is all that remains intact. ''Samantha at Saratoga." liv JosiAit Allen's wike. Ono of tho most prominent person ages of tho literary world jitBt now Is Miss Marietta Holley, popularly known as Samantha Allen, or Jusinh Allen's wifo. Sho beoamo a fovorito very early in her literary career, and each now iss'uo from her pen has added to hor fame, until, for her latest work, "Samantha nt Saratoga," Messrs. Hub bard Brothers paid her a princely sum and tho book is decidedly n hit. It will doubtless outsell her previous is sues, as it unquestionably outshines them nil in tbo fascinating vein of humor in whtuli MUs Holley is so hap py and so rich. Preparing for this work, Miss Holley went to Saratoga and spent nn cntiro season, with eyes and ears open, and with brain and pencil vigorously nt work. Showent-in her famous as sumed rolo of Josiah Allen's wifo, her imaginary Josiah at her side, with his characteristic blunders, faux pas, nnd quick, boyliko enthusiasm. As Saman tha Allen, Miss Holley is observant, unsophisticated, outspoken, nnd sound to tho core on every question of pro priety. Such a couple in tho whirl of Saratoga would certainly develop many remarkablo situations nnd utter many funny comments. It is hore tho humor of the book arises. Plain, back-country, villago life, and gay arlifteal Sara toga aro bo wide apart, that each side becomes ludicrous to tho other. Theso ludicrous, laugh-urovoking contrasts are the dominant features of Miss Hoi ley's book. To these mirth-making presentations of tho author tho artist's pencil has ad ded a rich entertainment Over a hundred drawings have been mado especially to illustrato tho text by Frederick Opper, tho leading artist of J3uck. Burt Wilder, too, has dono a share in embellishing this attractive book. Theso artists mako their pict ures talk, and between tho text and tho talk of tho pictures the reader looks and laughs and laughs and looks again. Altogether the book .s a raro product, and its purchasers will not be dis appointed. Published by Hubbard Brothers, Philadelphia. Hay Fever CAT A ORH isauenaca Dy an in- named condition o: the lining membrane ot tbo nostrll9, tear-1 dncts and throat. An, acid mucua la secreted, tho discharge Is accom panied with a burning sensation. Them are. severe BDasms ot snooz ing, irequent attacks oi neaaacuo, watery ana inuamea eyes. Try tho Cure, Ely's Cream BalmH-HE.VER A particle Is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by mall, registered, 60 cents. KLY llltOTlffillS, m Oreen wlch St., New York City. augld THE WONDERFUL LUBURG Combining a Parlor, jPWf?fl .ftV JTI Ml- tp4 All ftirnlahed with THE LUBURC MANF'C CO., for Infants and Children, "CMtorla Is so wrll adapted to children that I Cos tori cures Oolle. Constipation, t recommend it aa superior to any prescription I Dour Stomach, IHarrhcna, Eructation, known to me." H. A. Aucarx, H. D., KUla Worms, gires oloep, and promote &. 1U Bo, Oxfcrd Bt, Brooklyn, k. T. Without "injurious medicatiOB. Itaa Ctarrius Ookmxy, IS Fulton Street, K. Y. PENNY GOODS Alexander Bros. & Co., wnoLESALE dealehsIn CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOIt HENRY MAILLAEDS MCA.NDIES. FHKSlt EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. A SPECIALTY. 80LX A0IHT8 FOR P. V. ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents of thofol. lowing brands ot Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDKKS, NOUMAL, INDIAN riHNCBSS, SAMSON, B1LVEH A8IL C. JB. JBOBBINS DEALER IN Foreign audiHvmestie WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IU CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG PA.. (THE NEW QUININE.) Givos Good Appetito, Now Strength, Quiet Norvcs, Happy Days, 3weot Sloop, A POWEUFUL TONIC that tho most dcllcato stomach will boar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, .. nT,a M1 neTm Diseases. TOE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL m.oul) puilIFIEIt. Superior to quinine. Iter. Wm, Lucas.noctor oraco Churcb.rtavonna, p., writes: '-I cordially endorso Kasklne as being just what you claim, an excellent subitltmc for nulnlno, with nono of Its bad effects. Mrs Lucas had a serious form of malaria, and was cotrined to her bod for months. KaskTno had her up and around In a fow days, and In a short time cured her." Living In the malarial districts of Maryland I peeamo a victim ot worst forms of malarial fever. I drugged mvwlf with nulnlno and other reme dies without avail. I was greatly reduced when I heard of KasMnn. its curative powers wero a medical revelation to mo. It cured mo nnd I lmvo not had a return of tho troubles. (I'rof) J. D, Illrd, a A., Asst. Chemist, Maryland Agricultural coiieffo. mien from tno nbovo persons, glvlngfulldo tails, will bo sent on nppllcatlan. Kasklno can betaken without any special med ical adMco. ji.oo per bottle. .?il f!r MOYKii BROS., liloomsburg, ra., or sent by mall on rocclpt of pilco. TI1E KABKINE CO., M Warren Bt., New York toucidlj to bo made. Cut thli out and return to us. nnd wo will send you free, some thing of great value and lmportanco to VOIt. thnr. will atnrt Vmi In Hit-lnno- which will bring you In more money right away than anything else In this world. Any ono can do tho work and Uvo nt homo. Either sex: all ages, something new, that Just coins money for au workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This is ono of the genuine, Important chances ofa llrctlme. Thoso who nro ambitious and cntcrprls Ids will not delay. Orand outnt froo. Address, Tbok & Co., Augusta Malno. dec2(-uy. Itairam ahiwIImsI Work, fork, Pi. q5u i Bliiiirt Bspisi k Sit IiHi JPa. OCtEMStald DOTVIUARR pays fbr LIl'El BOHOIiAHHBIPln BUSINESS COLLEGE 1109 Ctcrttit St, rtihJdptii. Positions for Graduates. Time required 3 to 4 mos. Tho Best Equipped. Best Course of Btudy. Host Ev erything, Write for Urcalu. 293 VTCTflR Contltil HAHIIRF SPREADERS ftKM WflliUHSmmi!rnyii curojiei, onreaaer ouirdq ID only kind that can b lv Vlnri that fmn ha attached to 14 Witmi, aiso mnnuiarturcn .oi victor uioTer iDiieri imperial 'Straw fltarkera Mflnni-fh l.'annlnsr Tllllla. Fend Cotters, etc. All are warranted. 1'rlcea mailed free. MCWAUKUACUINECO. Columbnt.0 EMtero Urmneh Uoue UAUEllSTOWN. UI. r brosaug26-4L ioru Fnenera $25,000.00 IN GOLD! WILL BE PAID FOB ARBUCKLES' COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, 81,000.00 2 Premium!, 9800.00 each 6 Premiums, 290.00 ' 28 Premium!, 8100.00 " 100 Premium!, 850.00 200 Premium!, 820.00 1,000 Premium!, 810.00 rorfuUpartlcularsanddlrectlons see Circu lar lu every pound of Anaucxuca' Corruc. marl.rly can live at home, ana make more money at work tor us. than anything else In this world. Capital not needed; you arc started tho work. Large earnings sure from first start. Costly outnt and terms free. Better not 'delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and And out; If you aie wise you will do so at once. II lliLLiTT A Co.. Portland, Maine. de.:M-8-ly 40 WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. CHAIR Library. Smolctng, Reclining or Inralld flrt and up. Send stamp I SHIPPED o all ,W f0r C-atnlORne. parUi of the world. CHILDREN'S CARRIAOESt tho Ai.tnma.tin riAMs-i. it.w. anr ... at our Wholesale Price. Send stamp for Cotalotruo and mentinn cftrH-i?M. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October 22 ss Syrs. novims it ANY OLDER FOU FESTIVAL nlll be SUPPLIED WITH the LOWEST i J as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH walnuts; UKKAM JNU iH, ALMONDS, l'OP COHN HALLS. EXHAUSTED VITALITY. Health and Strength Regained Knowledge is KN0W HEAL THYSELF! The sbore cot represents tho otrreno nd rcTerrf sldcTof tho GOLD and JEWBIXED 9IKD AI, prctcntcd to Dr. W. It. Parker bj the NATIONAL MEDICAL- ASSOCIATION, In recognition or Ids rasnteriy Medics! Treatise, entitled theSOIENOE OF LIFE OR SELF PRESER VATION, which treats upon Nerrons sod rhjelcsl Debllityi Prematnrt Decline, Eibttuted Vitality, and the ten thoaiand Ills that flesh Is heir to, whether arising from Errors of Youth, Imprna. ence, Oyer Taxation, Brasses, Accidental or ConstltnUonal Predisposition. It Is an Invaluable treatise for the Yonnc, the Mlddlo-Agwl, and ercn tho Old, whether In health or disease No other work equal to It has ever been published. It has been highly praised by the newspaper press throughout the country, and eren In England. Three hundred pages, substantially bound, embossed muilln, full gUL Contains lis extraordinary prescriptions for prevaulnfi diseases, either ono of which Is worth Are times tho pries of the book, while somo of them aro absolutely Invaluable, aud should be In the hands ef everybody. Guaranteed the best work npon the abovo named subjects, or the money returned In every Initanco. DDinr nillV niir nnil ID by mallrortpald, and concealed In plain wrapper. Illustrative rnlut UNLT UHt UULLAtl, pamphlet, prospectus, free, If yoa send now. Cut this out, as you may never see It again. Addrws DK.W. IL PARKER, No. 4 BCLTINCII ST., BOSTON, MAfW., who Is tho CHIEF CONSULTING PHYSICIAN ol tho PEATIODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, and may bo confidentially consulted on all disuses requiring skill and experience. 80p2-4t.d ECONOMY THJG PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH 101 THE SEASON CAN BE BOUGHT HEAFim TTCTAW ivm A Large and Varied Stock of IclothimgJI ''Msi'BSBansasHsisnHauBKasiBMKBHSHMBMasaaaMaBnanHanBSfBSjBBaHBi JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE .OF Call and be Convinced that you have the LAMEST M OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices :AT THE Fpto iiiflii - DAVID LO Kloouisbiirg, Pa, PERRINE'S TURE BARLEY Distilud from Delected Barley Walt and guaranteed to bo chemically nura nnd free from Injurious oils and tclds often contained In alcohollo llouora. Itla espec ally adapted to perwns requiring a stimulating tonic, consumptives bolntr greatly beuenttcd by its use. ltecommendea by leading physicians as i Dloretlc7 Nervine . Tpnio and Alterative. Yor Consumptives It Is Invaluable. 1'KitltlNK I'UltK llAHLKV MALT WHISKEY insures a return of vigor to tb stomach, b good appc t te, a rich nnd abundant blood and lnereated flesh and muscular Ussue. A siuuuwni, muu ana geniie in enect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wastlne dh eases can be entirely conquered by the use rr I'errlno's l ure Iiirley alt Whiskey. It Is a tonlo and diuretic and a nowerlul ntrenirthener to tlin ntir iruiJi i.&W f 'SSOT8 I L?VMALA WMMJKi has proved a medicinal protection "to thoso who pursue their avocatlonB in the open air and whose dally workoalH It exceptional powers of endurance. Ask )our nearest druggist Tor grocer for for 1-iUllINK'S fijllB llAltLKt MALT WHISKKY revives the energl?! oTtSSsi worn put with excesslvo bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exraauro In wet and rigorous weather. Itwlll drlvo all malarious dLscases from the syswrnu Jlard workers of every vocation and personswhom a sedentary lire renders mono to Dyspepsia find in l'errlne's I'uro llailey niSMaiimSSin US' te"7 iJF!8$gl8i I ,S ?.?''!." PP?MS by tho Lafl ,,11,1. Vi T.,1, tv . 7A without unduly stimulating the kid Of ys Increases their flagging activity, counteracts the effects or fatigue, lias tens convalescence and la a wholesome nnd prompt diuretic Watch tho label I Nono genuine unless bearing the signature vi sate oy all druggist and grocers throughout the United Stales and uanaaas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST.-38 The doctor md Ik lttbr-rarrier ui not UlMof about t MM tft Mfloui ilia. 1 Jiav Implr utf ndd work to dUcui tli lu'riU ir Ibalr iLu TM llr. world. Tb dtKtb dtblt it. ol MM thai ILa Jamai kl..n.ll lW It 11 1. fi..ikLl,rlll.-......I. , . iiv mini viNMMMtnu mtm lUiajaLwlbrlxtil. X www Full Lilies of the Above Shoes for Sale by Solo Agojita for ftugis-ist Power : Read ! ns OF GOODS 1 wmm OF - WE3Y BEIU; . iv'IALT WHISKEY. .rr... J,.,...? . u" vwiy uuiue: iui bel on every bottle: 1 have carefully acl ajjiru tne ixki imklbt MALT Wms-I r made by Al. & J. S. lVrrlnn nnrl n nrtl ',v vukuciy ireu irom rusei oil. lunuroi, metals and acids and la absolutely! ,pu.o. otyuru, Lui'itua jkrinur juaier, ui uuuuu uj tiw uniwrmui or Munich. Utnevaana Wettbaoen NORTH WATER ST., PHILA JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Will not wear to long at the JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, and it A iJnn,Ions Ul Shoe It light and tytua. ,M ,W1!4""1' ""ft that In .vry vlSui. VE$ ih J,'""1 I;ans Bhoa Ii iqual iff Si a1?:M.,ita .!"? w.hlcl' h4, ,'",rt' lca rtlaluaal U or $7. It liu a Doneolatop and i.amltu t"lf vmo. i! n, rrIMIr " ton n at. ii.. tocklns, and requlrra no "breuklus: ii" Uinl pirftctlyaaiy tu Snt time it la worn. ' " Jamti Mtani and t'o.' Sboci van tta Drat In tali rnunlry to UeittnilyHy advrtUed. If you Lavs TbiTi i. I r fv u laivr to our ahoea mada br jyiovwi. Tlitia ara (od by tba ttrttillSa Su ll"t,ifZSZh!a "Ul" M Ly.'lTy'S James Means & Co. rTi """"i o.on, mast. Bloomsburg, Pa. fljB w I Bittcnbendcr & Co., WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES No. 120 & 128 Franklin Ave., ' SCRANTON, PA. nprlll-iy. CD tl Pi o CD r--O Wm. E. Warner, Dealer in surgical Instruments, Trusses, But tcrles, Crutches, ic. COAL EXCIlANOE BUILDINQ, Scbinion, Fa. apm-ms. WILKES-BAEEE City BidsH Pcxoiy MANUFAOTURXIt OP ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES. No. 8 North Canal St., Near L. V. It. Ii. Depot. John H. Derby, PROriUETOU. i 8"WUI call on dealers weeks. 8ave your orders. onco In six Working Classes Attention. Wo aro now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, the whole ot the time, or for their sparo moments. Business new, light and profitable, rcrsons of either sex easily earn from M cents to fs.OO per cvenlnsr, and a proportional sum by devoting all their timo to tno uuslnosa. Boys and girls cam nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address, and test the business, wo mako this oner. To such as aro not well satisfied wo will send one dollar to nay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars an outnt free. Address usoeob Btinson & Co., l'or land, Maine. dcMi-sciy. Dl? A T?TvTT7C!0 Its causes and a new and JXiC INjQkJ successful CHUB at your own home, by one who was deaf twenty, eight years. Treated by most of the noted kpeclalits without benent. Cured MmttV In 3 months and since then hundreds ot others. Full rartlcularssent on application. T. S. l'AOE, No. I West Sist St., New York; City. auglMlt. UVir.on "oo!!i BronphlHa, Aathma, IndUeatlon I Uaa PARKER'S OINOER f ONIC I wltliolt delay. It liaa carvd 111117 of tbo wont eajwa and latna U1 remedy for ail aJTeeUona of tha throat and lonara, amd oUmum arldng (rom Impnra blood and xbaoaUon. Tba feabl and atck-, atrosirllnjr affatart dlaoaae, and atowlr drifting to the frrava, will In manr raaea rooover their naaleh ay tha UmolT naa of rarker'a Olnfrar Tonic, but doUy U du tarooa. Tako It In time. ltT. lnraluahle tor all pain and aUaonlon ot .tomacli and bowola. aos, at Urantwa, 1 nuglWlt. PATENTS F. A. LKHMANN. Washington. D.0 Send forolrcular NERVOUS DEBILITY WEAKNESS, te., and all disorders brought on by Indiscretions, excesses or overwork of tho brain and nervous system speedily and radically cured by WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL) a purely vegetable preparation, tho most success, tul remedy known. Send for circular, rrlce 11 per box; six boxes, . by mall. WINCIIESTKIt a CO., chemists, 183 William St., New Yorlc. 82d.t AGENTS WANTED to sell tho Now l!ook SAMANTHA SARATOGA. FUNNYIUTSI QUICK BALES I . FUNNY CUTS I BUI l'KOI'ITN I one agent made in three weeks $153; one in t days rJl.tA 1 in 10 days 1 15; 1 in 3 dayB tao.60: 1 In 3 weeks ioiM-t3t)5 In I weeks I It takes oft Sara toga follies, flirtations, low necks, dudes,pug dogs, etc., In the author's Inimitable mlrtb-provoklng style. Tbo 100 comic cuu are "Just killing" Feo. pie crazy to get lu Price (by mall or agent) W.60. Apply for agenoy (and make tao to $75 a week) to epM4t IIUBBAUU BltOS., FhUadolphla, I'a. SALESMEN WANTED IH to canvass for the sale of Nursory Stoclt I Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES l'Alb. ADnly at onco-statlngagc. ). App! Co., (Iteter to this paper.) ROCIIESTElt, N. Y. .augS6sepnov. PATENTS, t btatned and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. our omce is opposite the U. S. Patent Offlce, and we can obtain Patents In lean 11 mo than t hoso re mote from Washington. send model or drawing. We advise aatopat entabUlty free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. noreiornere, totno rostmaster. tne supi. u Money Order J)lv., and to oniclals of the U. Patent Offloe. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own State or County, write to c;. A. SNOW & CO., Orposlta Patent omce, Wtsutngton D 0 JOHN II. HARRIS, PJi. D., l'rlnolpal. . 1 A school for both sexes. Location liralMiMI. Tnatnitlnn thorough Discipline Btrlct. Expenes moderate. iropeny tost JW.OMJ. Jiuildioc 01 w Warmed br steam, camnus (0 acres. Library 8,000 volumes. Apparatus worth lisco. Prepares for college, for Business, for Teaching. For catalogue, or Information, address tho Principal at Factoryvllle, Pa. amlunlO. St M SCI THAT THE Jt) 0 Mj EXACT LADLK IS ON. V r t S AT EA0H ohimnV a B S n geo. jAGBR jim ea rOR BAtrBaCREALEBC fcjjjWvrMPtg.