The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 09, 1887, Image 3

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    The Columbian
COMT 1ILM1D till IlltX.
TrMns on tho Philadelphia H it. leave Iluport
u follows i
7:14 . m. Ija7 a. m.
8:10 p. m. 0 : P. m.
Trains on tho D. L. A W. H. It. loaTO Bloomaburir
follows I
7:11 ft. m. 8:33 a. m.
11:01 ft. to. U:05 p. m.
a.: p. m. :is v. m.
6:36 p.m. n:il i. ra.
11:M a. m.
411) p. m.
5:80 p. m.
Trains on tho N.&W. II. Railway pass Bloom
erry as rouows :
1o:44 a. m.
8:44 p. m, p. ra.
north. .ourn.
10:14 am Ulpm
John A. Funston, administrator of the
citato of Samuel Mcllick, deceased, will sell
vnluablo real ostato on tbo premises In
Orange township. Saturday, September
21th at 1 O'clock p. m.
"for rent.
Fob Balk on Hknt. Tho Music Ilall.
formerly Eureka Mnk, Is offered for sale
or rent on reasonable terms by tbo now
manager. 1'artlcs wishing to hold fcstl.
vals will do well to see llio manager.
J. D. Shaffer, Manager,
Farmer Wanted.
A farmer of czpcricnco and character
may obtain a five-years' leaso of a small
farm (111 acres) upon advantageous terms
on tho Glrard Kstalo Lands in tho Cata
wlssa Valley between Brandonvillo and
Glrard Manor. The farm is provided with
a new, uauusuuiu uuu cuuvcuicm uousc,
new barn and outbuildings, and is well
sunnllcd with eood water.
A man Is wanted who can furnish his
own stock andcauipmcnt,and may become
a permanent tenant Also, a farmer wanted
to occupy nouso on larm ai wages. Meier.
ences requested.
Address, Ukbkb B. TuoMrsoN,
Engineer Glrard Estate,
12aug8t. l'ottsvllle, Pa.
A Rare CUance for a Lively Mnt,
The Centralla Ilotel Is offered for salo
cheap and on easy terms. I, is well local,
ed, large and commodious and affords tho
right man a good opportunity to make
money. Apply or address to
Mits. Wm. Pfkiffer,
Centralla, I'enna.
To All Whom it May Concern.
Take notice, that at a mcetine held bv
the Liquor Men's Protective Association of
Columbia county, Pa., it was unanimously
agreed to notify all persons engaged in the
llauor business, with or without license.
that. wo give all constables notice for the
last time to make a true and correct return
to Court of any person or persons violating
the linuor law.
The constables neglecting their duties as
such will be reported to the proper author
ity by the Association, to be dealt with Be
coming to law. ut.
Liquou Men's Fuoteotive Association.
Boarders Wanted Parties attendlne
Court can bo accommodated with good
boarding at Mrs. Jacoby's, corner of Main
and Market streets, in First .National Bank
building. sep9.
To close out certain lines of wedding in
vitations a number of bargains arc offered
at this office. Those wanting small lots,
from 10 to 26, will save money by ordering
at the Columbian office. tf
Tho Weather tt.wHil kl - i
jjjj !'"" u ineuBnm
Hcmnnnls of Uasslmfrnint n, ti.L
for boys' pants-nt Lowcnbcrg's.
Bhamokln Is maklnir an rarnnt -it
.... - "
.jsuiiu a military company.
An elegant lino of PALL HAth
Just rccelvcq at Lowcnbcrg's.
Thursday, tho 8ih l'nt. . ii, .... ....
fpr tho registration and assessment of vol
Tho dccr-huntlng season win
oocrisinnu contlnuo until December
A counterfeit two-dollar silver rr.ninnn.
Is said to bo In circulation. Look out for
A fine lino of box rmncrs. Inn nun a .i
to see them. All prices at Clark's book
The Luzerne county fair will bo held at
Wyoming on tho 27lb. 28iii nn.i om.
Oysters are now In season, and lovors
of tho blvolvo can obtalu them In all tho
different styles at tho various restaurants
nnd oyster saloons of town.
A profitable autumn retail trade is oraong
the Indications of tho business baromotcr.
Tho crops havo been good and prices fair
and producers will havo plenty of cash to
buy what they wont.
Tho Northern Columbia and Bouthern
Lus. County Agricultural Society Fair will
bo held at Berwick, 8cptcmbor 21, 82, 23
and 24. Tho premiums for this year are
moro liberal than any of tbo previous years
ana everything points to a grand succtss,
Mr. Alfred Mctlcnrv, of Benton, Btarted
for l'hllalclphla Wednesday to buy a
new stock of merchandise for tho fall trade.
Woods will bo received next week. Look
out for n flno stock at low prices. Mr. Mc.
Henry's nephew accompanied him to Phila
1'eoplo who do much travcllne will bo
glad to know that tho Pennsylvania road
Rrlmnl i,n,i,. ..i i 7T, B "uu mm mu icnuiiyiYania roai
thln n ,d i ' 'owH ery. has begun tbo salo of 1000-mile mlleag,
i,?.?CCded ,nBCh01 WOrk' ttt Clark' books, tho selling of was stop
book Btoro.
idling of which was stonncd
wnen tno lntcr-State Law went Into effect.
Stovo dealers are now preparing for tbo They aro good, as before, on all branches
tan ami winter campalim. A brisk trailo of the road.
-" I A ...I .I.. Tl o. li i ...
I" b1"!!.-. vttuti uu tuu x, iK u. roau came
in collision with a freight truln and was
past Hummer there has been comparatively derailed Monday morning, near William
little sickness. sport. A brakemau named Joyce, living
rr iv tr...i.. i... i. i, . . i mauauuy nane, was Kinca. JNono or
. .. .. . uiruvcu ins premises I (lio other train hand. w(.r l.,t,,t .
trafllc on tho road was delayed several
on south Main street by building a now
wooden fence.
hours by tho accident.
A land slldo occurred on tho N. & W. U.
railroad last Saturday, which delayed trains
ior a snort time.
Wo tender thanks to Representative Fox tho lino of tho N. & W,
Miss Bado O. Obi and Mr. C. F. Qlrlon 1
wcro united In marrlago last Wednesday
afternoon at tho rcsldcnco of tho brldo's
parents In Buckhorn. A small number of
friends and relatives witnessed tbo cere
mony, and Joined lu their congratulations
to the happy couple.
Harry, tho eight-year-old son of David
Boody, of ltupcrt, was drowned In tho ca
nal, near tho aqueduct, on Bunday, about
noon. Ho stepped on a log and slipped
Into tbo water. Ills brother was with him,
but was unablo to render him any assistance
Tho body was recovered.
Charley Boo, a Mongolian, was married
to Mrs. Mary Hanold, at tho laundry of
Blue Kcc. last Tuesday afternoon. Tho
ceremony was pcrformod by Hcv. Btuart
Mitchell. Tho brldo was a Wilkcs-Darrcan
and Charley formerly kept a laundry at
Danvlllo. Tbo couple have bought out
King Kco's laundry and will' contlnuo to
run 1U Blng Kcc has gone to Sunbury,
where ho will contlnuo In the laundry bus
iness. Tho Btato Normal School, at Blooms
burg, will begin its nineteenth year on
Tuesday, September 0, 1887.
Candidates for tbo Senior Class will pre
sent thcmsclvos before tbo Faculty on
Monday, Aug. 22, nnd tho Btato examina
tion will begin on tho 23d. Tho class al.
ready promises to bo tho largest over en
rolled here. Many prepared hero have
taken high standing In college. Tho
school gives thorough training in tho com.
mon branches.
Bend for catalogue. 4tal9
Mrs. Deborah Harrison died at her homo
Tlio Hclioul Muddle.
Tho Board of Directors of Bloom Bchoot
hla, always appear about the Wanamaker build-
ntr. which was erected In a trlco In lftft entirely
for his own exhibit. Tho annual shows aro al
ways Interesting, but lo Mnirle interest In all tho
spacious Krounds and structural ever coinparo
with Wanamaker's. And It's always now. Hicro
in an Invention or dlnnlar. always seeking some
original lorra oi grouping, ana nuaing it. mu
visitor ot this year finds Utilo except tho building
Tho earliest signs of liro at tho Btato Agrlcultur
m f nir. wnir.n innv nci i pinrr Trnr aL i uuHui'i'
District has reached no compromlw on tho
matter of tho election of a Principal, and
tbo schools wcro not opened on Monday
mornlug. A. W. Fry, janitor of tho Third
street school house, was directed by
Messrs. Kramer, Itabb, Roscnstock and
Brown to bavo tho building In readiness
for school on Monday morning, but on
Saturday night Isaiah Hageubucb, Presi
dent of tho board, went to tho Janitors ot
both buildings and demnnded tho keys,
and thus prevented tho schools from open
ing. At ono of the mectlugs qf tho board
a proposition was mado by Messrs. Kram
er, Itabb and Honcnstock to comprotnlso
tho matter by employing Mr. Buckley at
$000, but this was rejected. Subsequent
ly an offer was mado to accept It, and then
It was rojected by tho other sido.
William Kramer, Henry Iloscnstock and
William Itabb, thrco of tho directors, held
that as all of tho teachers had been elected
oxcept tho Principal, that tho Bchools
should open Monday' morning, without a
Principal, and that those teachers elected
should proceed with their work. Thoso
three directors, therefore, upon legal ad
vice, directed tho jAnltors to go to tho Sec
retary of tho Board, Mr. J. J. Lanall, and
demand tho keys lo tho building. When
janitors ho said ho would giv
Bccretary and they could get them of him. a prancl and memorable OCCas- which I am acquainted.
...I .. . .. I..1 IT. T .... 1 1 . ... .... .1
mien uio janiiors wnueu upon air. uawuii The Trades dt'snlav th
original form ot
Itself to suggest tho display of last year and tho
year uoioro, ana, wnaiovcrsuojccui uir uriuuisiii
may bo found, s ircly sameness and dullness are
not among locm.
A sort ot preview or the exhibition nas ixn giv.
en us, chaos everywhere elBO, order hero while
tho trfmrrnl exhibition labor on. doubtrul when
order will reign, and the oxclted, anxious exhibit
or pants ana sweats in nervous euoix to do roaor,
the calmness of careful forethought and complcto
preparation pervades Wanamakert.
In artlstlo relict and Judicious contrast aro furnl
ture, carpets, curtains, lamps, Ueneva ituslo-boxes
house furnishings, mons furnishings, women's
drCHtca, lacca, and scores of things more from tho
vast uaiaar ou market street, a visitor ui tuo
Fair will miss It If ho mLiaoa Wanamaker'a. Tho
I show as a whoio Is delightful to contemplate.
There la beauty ot color and art In arrangement,
giuDgamost pleasing general cnect, anu tncro
Is Interesting detail that win please and Instruct
moro especially the feminine mind. And thcro
Is In tho mlnature show a reflection of the great
wanamaker'B tuai tens me story or moaeru trauo
and its relation to the consumer.
rniLiDnrnu, Monday, Sept. 6, 1S8T.
Store open all day on Satur
Of course you will come to
iineenbuch obtained tho keys from tho Philadelphia during the Consti
itors ho said ho would givo them to tho tutional Centennial. It will be HAULAN. At tho rcsldcnco
ot J. M. Glrton, near Jcrscytown, August
25, 1887, by Itev. J. (Juldln, Mr. Harrison
K. Bcrgcr to Miss Sarah JL Harlan.
UES3 1UCHAHT. At thi Reformed
parsonage, Btoomsburg, Pa., August 13,
1887, by ltov. J. B. Wagner, Mr. William
. Hess to Miss Mattie J. Rlchart, both ot
Forks, Columbia county, Pa.
CROFT JENKINB. At tho same place,
by the samo, August 17, 1837, Mr. James
Croft to Miss Elizabeth Jenkins, both ot
Danville, Pa.
BOWEU-FOLK. At tho samo place,
by tho samo, September 1, 1887, Mr. Cyrus
F. Bower, of Moorcsburg, l'a,, to Miss
Lydla a Folk, ot Buckhorn, Pa.
place, by tbo same, September 1, 1887, Mr.
Miles Shultz to Miss Leah Eckenrotb, both
ot Bloomsburg, Pa.
Scarlet fever and diphtheria are spread
by contagion, by tho transfer of living
matter. These particles como from the
skin, tho membranous lining of tho mouth.
noso aim mroat, ana from tno intestines
and urinary organs. Disinfect promptly
nnd thoroughly with Darbys Prophylactic
Fluid, tho nrnat perm destrnver.
Prof. II. T. Lunton. of tbo Vanderbllt
Unlvorslty, Tenn.. says- "As a disinfect
ant and detergent Darbys Prophylactic
Fluid is superior to any preparation with
Onrfi Opaffti. OoMit, TT(mrnw, Ootiyv A
bronchitis Whooping CwiKh, 1 ndf lent Co
.'umruTTii I
pnn"timrvttvil fl
tsrwcni li tilrnncM Mtgw or H
the Jii,Me.l'rt'-E5rtfc Cot I
lion, Ufimmrj isr mmp
couah tturvD li mtl onlr In
roplitcrwl Trad-MrV. to ylt 1 1
fw?-ImijolirTi'turt-of AAn I
itull tt A. V, lltytr o.,d
ho Raid hcdid not bavo tho keys. Tho j an. MM;f,.,f i t I had Kluncy disorder anu Bay for tho
Uors redirected then to go to the echool Mil tary display, the reception good of others that Dr. Kennedy Favor-
. ii ii . - , M Knt.A bv President Cleveland tho or- remedy cured me. Kev. B. C. Chandler,
buildings and effect an entrance. Accord, oy i rcsiaeni uieye ana, tne or- Lchftnon finrinMw. v. i im.i Rinnn in ihn
".The OrMteit Cur. on Earth for Pain,"
Will relieve more quickly than any
other known remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swellings, Drulses, Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost
bites, Backache, Wounds, He nd.tche,
Toothache, Sprains, &c. Soldbycll
Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Dottle.
Albums, rnoToaitArn, AtToaiiAni and
Scrnp, a largo and complete lino at J. II.
Mercer's Uiug and Book store, Evans' Block.
Hacbets, lMmadea, Hair lives and Bay Hum
at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and Hook itore, Kvana'
Block, opposite Episcopal Cburcb.
lnirly, tho doors wcro opened nnd tho bells
rung. Only a few of the teachers respond
ation bv Justice Miller, the pub
lic and private decorations, the
for a copy of the Report of tho State Com
missioners of Fisheries.
Tho fence at tho Third street public
school.houso has been much improved by
a fresh coat of brown paint.
Schools are opening all over the country,
and tho familiar sound of tho school bells
Is once moro heard in the land.
Many pcoplo from this nnd nclghborlnir
towns havo visited Lily Pond, on Pond on East street last Friday marnlng about cd. ln tho evening a meeting was held of crowrJs the hurrah Will be some
Hill, three miles from Pond Hill station, on flvo o'clock, aged sevcnty-slic years and aU tho teachers and tho thrco directors who ,.' ... , ' ' , ,,
B. railroad. It is four months, blio was mc wiuow ot tno
late Canflcld Harrison. Bho had been an
a beautiful place, tho pond being com.
pletely surrounded with trees, and Its bor-
ders covered with water lilies. It would
bo a fine placo for a Summer resort.
The Columbia County Fair will bo held
at llloomsburg on Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, October 12th, 18th,
14th and ISth. Excursion'ratcs can be ob.
invalid for a very long time, and had not
been away from her home for four or five
years previous to her death. Her death
was not, therefore, unexpected. Funeral
services wcro held at tho house on Monday
afternoon nt two o'clock, and tho remains
wero Interred in Roscmont cemetery.
bladder and gravel In the kidneys. I used
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Hcmedy and am
now well. E. D. Parsons, Rochester, N.
Y. Price SI. Schd 2-ccnt stamn to Dr.
lrcciorswuo ,. , ,... , . ,,. Kcnncdv. Rondout. N. Y.. for a book on
favored opening the schools. A resolution """fa """ nuuut tiu Kidney, liver and blood disorders. Men-
was passed that oil teachers would bo pros- aDOUt Wltn pleasure as long as tion this paper. scpSdlt.
a. i . it ii . . . ... . I T ! A tntM H lt.A Oust rt
uiineii on nn rai rnn.ia. nnrnv hoKavvi uiat ui ivivviD luiuaiuiui: iu iuvi i. . .i i o
Mr. George B. Robblns' new house, near rmld In emlma thU vnr. v;,. Qco at Bloomsburg for week ending Sept. lec.unS ,n ..lcac.lief, ol, s 3 1 cents by mail. It won't t ell
the head of Main atrt I, nnrl u t.., I ." , .7 ' " .. . n ioot. onT soiuuon 10 mo uimcuuy is uy - n, . n;
plctcd. It will be a flno building.
cnt next morning to open tho schools regu
larly. Tuesday morning tho bells wtro
rung nt the appointed tlrnc and the schools
opened. The attendance was fully as large
as other years, and the work of arranging
tho classes proceeded without any disturbance.
Should thcro bo any further trouble ln bo-
memory lasts. Half the fun may
be lost if you don't know the
points of interest in town. We
have a plump, 200-pace "Dic
with a large map of the city,
which you can get ior 25 cents-
t "l T . ...
Good cheap Cassimeres sold nt great
bargains, by tho yard, at
Mr. Wm. M. Hujhcs Is attending tho
Leo Park races at Wilkcsbarro this ween
and has entered several horses ln them.
If you want a Truss that Is comfortable
to wear and cure rupture or hernia, call on
Dr. J. Schuyler, at the hardware store. 0 2l
(juitc a number of Masons will go to
Scranton to-day (Friday; to attend the In
stltution of tho Lodge ot Perfection there.
should begin now to look over their pro-
ducts and pick out the fflnest for exhibi
The "poverty dance" lstholatc3t lnDO-
vatlon. Invitations printed on straw board
and enclosed In cheap yellow envelopes aro
circulated. Tickets for tho ball are forty-
six cents, nnd supper, nineteen cents.
No gentliman Is allowed to partici
pate, who has less than two patches
on his clothes and the ladles aro dressed in
0, 1887i
Mrs. Emllv Howcr. William Hummel.
oamucl jacKBon, I. Al. 1'easc, Harry anoe-mt-kcr,
Mrs, W. K. Wilklns.
S. J.Eakman (2), George Fcnstcrmachcr,
Mr. E. Goss, John Harmony, O. E Mc
Bridc, Sam Meredith, Mrs. Sarah White.
Persons calling for these letters will
pleaso say "advertised."
UeoiiOE A. Clare, P. M.
Muslins 7-8, 4 4, 54, OA, 84 04 and
104, at I. W. Uartman & Bon's.
Received direct from importers first
class barber supplies at Louis Vicreck's
8havlng and Hair Cutting Saloon ,Excliange
Hotel, under Clark's book store. Clean
towel to every customer. Particular attcn-
at J. il Mercer's Drutr and Book htore. oddo-
slto Episcopal Cburch.
nno stock at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposite Episcopal Cburch, Bloomsburg, l'a.
a full lino at J. II. Mercer's Drag and Book
Store, Upper Main Hrcct.
at very low prices at J. II. Mercer's Drug ana
Book store, tblrd door abovo Iron street, Blooms
turg, l'a.
Cooper's Gelatine, Tapioca, Sage, Arrow Root
and all trie prepared foods for children and In.
vallds at Mercer's Drug and Book store, first door
abovo llesa' Boot and Shoe Store, Bloomsburg, ra.
it into court under the following Act of
"If all tho members of any board of
directors or controllers shall refuse or neg
lect to perform their duties by lovylng tho
tax required by law, and to put or keep
tho schools in operation so far as the
nrocery store.
you anything about the Consti- Hon given to ladies' and children's hair dtWIEotj
tnhnai ( pntpnn n hut- ir v r-""'"8-
answer any other question you
care to ask about Philadelphia.
Low priced Dress Goods.
. . .. ... I Mn.l, 4-Uir. T.r.- .,.4- f U n
means of Iho district win admit, or snail imnga. juau uui ui me
nnrifwl nr rnfnoo to nerform nnv other duty I raspjs frnm nvpr thft spn. From
enlolned by law, the court of quarter Jfe looms of the most cunning ps, SiSwVWfikK.rXS
2000 yards silk velvet ribbons, at less
man nan price, at l. w. uartman son's.
Having just received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, I am prepared to
clean and dye gents' clothing, ladies'
cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packaecs for
warded by express will receive prompt at-
J; In Tablet form, at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and
Book Store, Bloomsburg, ra.
School books of all kinds at .Mercer's.
Also tablets, slates, pencils, pens and hold
ers, rubbers, rulers, &c,, &c, at Mercer's,
Tho B. & 8. bridgo at Benton Is nearly
completed. It will probably bo in readi
ness to run the engine over tho last of this
Good Boabdino at Moderate Pricks.
Those attending Court should call at tho
undersigned for boarding at moderate
prices. Wm. Bxkks,
sep9. Cor. Main and West Sts.
WANTED I Two Apprentices to
learn Apply at I.ow
cuberic'H. aug2o
The price of envelopes has been recently
advanced by the manufacturers, but wo have
in stock 40,000 that will bo sold Just as low
as ever, with your business card printed
on the same, Ask tor prices. tf.
Miss Bade Bloan went to Eaglcsmcre last
Paul E. Wirt, Esq., will sail Ior borne
on the 34th.
Hon. Iram Dorr was ln town on Wcdnes
day, looking hale and hearty.
Mr. and Mrs. Freas Brown returned from
Ocenn Grove last Friday evening.
Mr. B. F. Hartman will start on Monday
next for Michigan, on a visit to friends,
Miss Mamo Bcboch has been visiting
friends at Belinsgrove the past few weeks,
Miss Lottie Powell, of New York, was
tno guest ot Mrs. L. B. Winterstcen last
Mr. C. F. Knapp is away from homo
this week, on a tour relating to insurance
Mr, Robert Stiff started last Monday for
Dakota, where be goes to visit bis daugh,
ter, Mrs. Lake, and her family.
Mr. W. N. Multer, Secretary ot tho Ber.
wick Y. M. O. A., was in town on Tuesday,
on business for the Association.
Mr, Caleb U. Uollenbeck, ot Minnesota,
spent a fow weeks hero visiting his sister,
Mrs. K. B. Walkor. He left for homo on
Messrs. Ikclcrand Rcifsnyder, of Blooms,
burg, came over last Monday on their bl.
cycles and cleaned up our tennis players,
Catawlssa Item.
Mrs. Nuss.wlth her two daughters,Laura
and Mamie, lelt last Tuesday evening for
Wichita, Kansas, where she will continue
to teach music
Mr. Camden Mears started tor tho State
Fair at Philadelphia on Monday, where
ha will exhibit the eood features ot his
"Perfect Washer."
Mr. J. O. Wlegand, of Hazleton, Mr. G,
M. Tustln. Miss Eliza Kuhn and Miss Hat-
tie Fettcrman ot Bloomsburg started Wed.
neBday for a trip to Ganoga Lako, Eagles
mere and other points.
Tho year is on Its last quarter.
Tho yield ot crabapples this year is very
Darkness comes
First class cider barrels for salo at O. B,
Robblns'. 0scp4t
Do not let stale flowers remain in a sick
The days and nights will be equal on the
23rd Inst.
The publto schools at Berwick opened
last Monday.
The wise merchant now advertises his
fall attractions.
For school supplies go to Mercer's drug
and book store, sepu-i,
A handsome line ot Fall Overcoats Just
received at Lowcnbcrg's,
Thcro aro four lawn tennnis courts und
two tennis clubs lu town.
Books, bags, book straps, school compan
ions, at Clark's book store. sepO
Bloomsburg Is to bavo a ten-cent circus
next week.
Tho Brown family held their second an.
nual reunion In Oak Grove Park yester day
(Thursday). Quito a largo number wcro
Stcckel & Co., bakers and confectioners
have had their delivery wagon repainted,
and it now presents a very handsome up.
U. B. Clark, of II. B. Clark & Bon,ls now
ln New York buying goods for tho fall
trade. He expects to lay in a larger stock
than usual.
The season for bass fishing extends from
Juno 1 to January 31, a period of 8 months.
It Is the longest time allowed by law for
catching fish.
Mr. J. Baltzer has placed a very attract
ive sign across Main street in front of his
musical and sowing machine warcrooms.
Shlckshlnny Echo.
A full lino of FALL AND WINTER
SUITINGS. Call and sco tho new styles
at Lowcnberg's. Perfect fit and perfect
satisfaction always guaranteed.
a little earlier every
60 dozen more of the Wonderful
llL.'J- ill J 1 . -I I
finm omn ai toe. eacn ai Lowen
A newspaper reporter was discussing ad.
vcrtislng methods with an cxtcnslvo soap
advertiser recently, and remarked that ho
had never seen any of his advertisements
on rocks and buildings. The Boap maker
replied: "I havo confined my advertise-
ments entirely to newspapers. Tho man
who docs not read a newspaper does not
use soap."
The Normal school opened Tuesday with
a greater number of strange faces than has
bicn seen at tho opening day ot the Fall
term. The indications are that the attend
ance will be greater than it has ever been
in the history of the school. The addition
of tho new teachers was a wlso act, since
so many new scholars have put in an ap
Jlr. uscar Liowcnbcrg hai accepted a
position In a retail clothing store at Charles
ton, now tne capltol of West Virginia.
Ho went to Philadelphia Thursday of last
week and from thcro went to Charleston
arriving in tbo latter placo early Monday
morning. Oscar had a wido clrclo of
friends in this place who will miss his gen
ial company.
Mrs. M. A. Smith is ready to begin her
fall term in music. Pupils can begin at
any time, and can take ono or two lessons
a week, cither nt their homes, or at tho
teacher's residence, as it suits their conven
lence. Tho prices are the samo as charged
by other teachers. For particulars call at
residence, Mrs. Ent's house, next door to
Dr. Wlllltts' office. tf
The tennis tournament spoken ot last
week was not finished on Wednesday,
and playing thcrcforo continued all
day Thursday, and until Friday noon.
Prizes wero awarded as follows! Slisses
Mary McKclvy and Jennie Evans re
ceived tho prlzo for ladles' double,
Messrs. Ikcler and Thorn for gents'
double, Miss Mary McKclvy and Mr. W. B.
Rishton for ladles' and gents' double, and
Mr. Rishton received tho piizo for gents'
single. No ladles' singles were played.
The tournament was well attended every
A castlo of tho Knights of tho Golden
Eaglo was organized at Centralla July
33d, with 40 members, and $150 Invested.
Mr. R. M. Lashcll is the Grand Chief.
These organizations aro being formed In
all counties of the state. Thcro nro now
over 300 castles with a membership ot near
ly 35,000. Philadelphia alono has nearly
10,000 members and an Investment of near
ly 8100,000. Jay DecBarncB, B. E. Cor.
Marshall and Urccne streets, Philadelphia,
is tho Grand Master, who will gladly glyo
any information In reference to organizing
now castles.
slons of the proper county may upon com.
plaint In writing of any six taxable cltlzcoi
of the district, and on duo proof thereof,
declare their scats vacant and appoint oth
ers in their stead, until the next annual
election for directors."
A case was recently decided by Judge
Pershing in Schuylkill county, whero tho
board failed to organlzo becauso none of
its members could obtain a majority of
weavers of Europe. Cheap la
bor, cheap raw material, and
the best machinery make it possi-
Die to sell tnese stuns lor so
little. You will wonder as you
Saxony Plaids. Fine, hand
some, rich. 1 he sheen ot silk,
Woolen Mills. sep34-tf.
The 5-ct. dark calico ln short lengths, at
L W. Uartman & Son's, is tho best grade.
Shipping tags, with or without strings
at the Columbian office.
Havo you seen the new dress trimmings
ai i. vv. uartman & eon s t
M'KILLIP, Photographer &
votes for president Tho court held that the blending of exquisite tints Crayon Artist, Bloomsburg, Pa.
this was such neglect of duty as to justify jn every pattern. 50c. Fine Cabinet Portraits, only $3
tho court in declaring their scats vacant, rwv. PlnJrlc c:mnu fimirPO a dozen. Instantaneous Process
modest. A soft and clinging used.
and to appoint others in their stead.
Many people refuso to take Cod Liver stuff that drapes like camels'
Oil on account of its unpleasant taste, hair. 1 3 colorings, 27lA cents.
This difficulty has been overcome In Scott's pjaids Qf 35 or 4Q styles 0n
phosphites. It being as palatable as milk, " yicci, uiuwu, navy.
and the most valuable remedy known for garnet, blue.
the treatment of consumption, scrofula and good to Wear.
r irm, strong,
You will look
I. W. Hartman & Son's new dress roods
uepanmcnt uoes sell tne dresses, uo and
see their twcnty.flvo styles, of cloth. 81c.
10 i$i,4u per yara.
"business noticesT
bronchitis. Physicians report our little
patients lako it with pleasure. Try Scott's
Emulsion and bo convinced.
twice before you know
from expensive goods,
substance and service.
tum Economy and strength aro peculiar to
UU.U1 In,l1, Siro.n.,111. Ih 1,. l
i " -ol'l ...... wu IU.J IUIUIUUU ui
run Ol which "100 doses one dollar" 13 true.
Aro you going to school ? Then exam
ino the tablets at Clark's book store. s9.
NURSiNrt bottlks. Nirrr.ES, hubbeiiiut.
ties, Teething Kings and all requisites or tbo
Nursery that will contribute to tho baby's happi
ness, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book More, two
doors above Evans Ejer'8 Clothing Store.
PUYsiciANb' ritEsaiirnoNs and family
receipts carefully prepared at all hours at
Mercer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, Pa.
cosmetic and gold and silver Diamond Dust,
at J. li. Mercer's Drug and Book Store, No 68, Main
street, Bloomsburg, fa.
ortces-at Mercer's Druir and Book Btoro.
opposite Episcopal Churcn, Bloomsburg, Pa.
dtu)lcifa gardiuarc.
Just the thing for picnics and
private parties, neat clean aud
cheap; avoids the annoyance of
broken and lost dishes and nap-
The Methodist Bunday school held a pic
nic at Oak Groye Park on Thursday of last
week. A laree number wero present, and
very pleasant day was spent.
The Klckapoo Indians seem to bo flood.
Ing tho country with their medicines.
Thero are said to be many bands ot them
traveling through tho United States.
Many of our merchants aro arranging
their show windows in an attractiye man
ncr in order to show to tbo best advantage
tho fall and winter goods they are receiving.
Cards aro out for tbo marriage ot Mr. J.
II. Mercer to Miss Mame Brtigler. Tho
ceremony will take place at tbo home ot
the bride next Thursday afternoon at 4.80
We are sending out statements to all
who are indebted to us for subscription for
year or more, and wo hopo that the no-
Hues will meet with ready responses during
the present month.
Tho O. L. S. O. will meet at Rov. P. P.
Manharfs study Monday, Sept. 18th at
80 p. m. All Chautauquans and all who
desire to join tho circle aro cordially in
vited to be present.
Rev. A. B. Ilooven, of Orangeville, nnd
Rev. S. P. Booue, of Benton, attended the
campmectlng at Patterson Grove, at liar.
A largo number of people, Including
many from n distance, attended the open.
inc of tho St. Charles Hotel at lierwlck on
Thursday night of last week. A flno sup.
per, containing many delicacies of tho sea-
son, was partaken of with great enjoyment
by the guests. Mr. Klase is the proprietor
and he knows well how to cater to tho
wants of the public.
Father Thomas McGovcrn, of Danville,
is said to have been selected by the Sacred
College ot the Propaganda at Rome, as a
successor to the lato Bishop Shanahan, of
Harrlsburg. Ho has been for fourteen
years rector of St. John's Church, Danville.
This Bishropic has been vacant for nearly
a year and Father McGovern's friends will
be glad to hear othis appointment.
Two employes on tho B. & 8. road were
badly injured last Monday. Will Lcary, a
tralnmar., whllo coupling cars on tho early
morning train before Its depiirturo up tho
road, had his left hand caught between
the bumpers, and badly crushed. Dr.
Wllllts dressed tho hand. James Woods,
another trainman, had his hand caught in
the samo way at Benton in tho ovonlui,be
foro the return trip. Ho was brought to
town and his wounds were dressed by Dr.
McKclvy. Fortunately no bones w5ro
From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, D. C. Sept. 5, 1887.
Pres't Cleveland's "luck,"which was such
a nollceaolo feature ot nis cany career
that is, from the time ho was elected Sher
iff till his elevation to the Presidency has
gnrd the great Reformer of tho Democracy I colorings,
nrptrv ton c rpntt The crown of Queen Victoria consists of
l..-' . . . 1 rflamnnila nrmrlo rnlilna innnlum. ., ,1 I 1 . ..! Ja 1. . MM .
Homespun. Good, quiet col- heralds S ! in silver and goiS: its gross ivlut" , T B 1 3 7
ors (; of them). Good, quiet weight is 39 oz. Gdwt. troy. The number paper plates are largely used for,
stuffs. Stand-bys, without pre- ?' ,edMVr2. iM. . 27?i P.i(r kiS and overcome tho
shnm n epntc is nn old saying Uneasv lies the head that Objection Some people have 10
tense or sham. 2s, cents
Of the 124 cent things a
great variety Beiges, Brocades,
Cashmeres in all the Autumn
Serviceable and good
wears a crown. It Is Dctter to wear the
crown of perfect health and peace of
pies because the under crust is
mind through tho curative effects of Per- soggy; the greatest degree oi heat
SSLoS scorch them and by
us a veritable ''man of Dcsllny," nnd they l00.infr Si.cq for a I2-vard
consider the fortunes of tho party safe
while entrusted to his uniformly successful
leadership. As rcmcmocr tne uurcnaru
alliteration, tho rainy day in Now York and
the victory won by somo twclvo hundred
plurality I Blnco his inauguration all of the
President's Democratic rivals novo ncen re.
dress ! Heaps of the Cashmere
sold. for foundation skirts.
Book News for September,
tVlcn Bby wm sick, wo kto her CMtorta,
When ih wu a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When ihe became Mies, ahe clung to CwtorU,
When ihe had Children, ihe gars them Cutoria,
be all right again.
' " I'' I 'WUV O iUHUWIItUU WVVS .W- . . . -TV T t
broken, and tbo bands will both probably I moved by deatb.uudhisformercompctltors 1 WltH portrait OI jOiin LJUrrOUgnS,
iiuyuuuuu uuiuiuk iu luuuuvu i.uuu iiittuwa i niifhrrnrrl occur cf ic nrnr moHtr
true, Blaine his kissed the Blarney stone, aiitnoranu now ready.
but he has since forfeited tho support of I 5 cents, 50 cents a year.
LA?T&ZX5,e In this number appears the
ularity. first of
Butler lias placed himself nn record as
favoring tho wholesale pcnslonlng'of sol
diers, including even tho Ex.Confcdcratcs;
St. John has had enough and declines
another nomination. But last, though not
least, Belva Lockwood must be considered.
She is a resident of Washington, and shall
bo permlttedejo tell her own itoiy, which
she docs ns follows: "To quote sovcral 11-
11 ' t. . ' 1 mrM.C VtlcClin imit .fill finH in nnaa anJ malfln. 4h. A . -! 1 ..
now. 'lho Woman HuUraze Party win I v"iJi,"' yuu "", ; , . . A "w iwi
greasing them a pie may be
baked on them better than on
tin or earthen ware; the under
crust will be found perfectly
hard and crisp similar to the top.
Napkins aro soft and pliable as
linen and will not lade unless
Tho annual meeting of the Woman's
Home Missionary Society of the Presbytery
of Northumberland will bo held at Jersey
Bhore, on September 28 nnd 29. Tho fol
lowing ladles ot Bloomsburg are officers of
the society! Mrs. Wm. Neal, vico presi
dent; Mrs. S. Mitchell, treasurer, and Miss
Eva Rupert, corresponding secretary,
This is tbo fourth meeting of tho society,
The Evangclicol church on Fourth street,
having recently been renovated by painting
the interior and neatly frescoing the walls,
will bo reopened for divine service on next
Sabbath afternoon. Sorvlces will com.
menco at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. A. B. Buura,
gardncr of Dnnyillo will preach ln the
The Fourth Annual Reunion of the 10th
Pennsylvania Cavalry will meet at 8unbury
on Wednesday, Beptember 28th. It is ex
pected that it will bo tbo best reunion ever
held by this regiment. Many officers and
men have already signified their intention
to be present: among them will bo General
Gregg, General J. K. Roblson, Major
Robinson, Captains Rush, Rcsslcr, Caugh-
cy, ulllings, swann, lieutenants uunn,
McDowell, Ball,' Backus, and others. Or
ders for excursion tickets over roads within
tho state may be had on application to the
Secretary, F. D. Garman, Miffllntown, Pa.
S. B. Stillwell, a State fish commissioner
living at Scranton, has received informa
tion in regard to tho fish pirates on the
Susquehanna between Beach Haven and
Berwick, and tho Btato Board of Fishery
Commissioners will now take tho matter
in hand. Against John Chamberlain, of
Berwick, special complaint is made; ho is
said to havo no less than seventeen flsh
dtmsln operation. All ot these illegal
dams havo been destroyed tlmo nnd again
by officers, but they have been as often re
built by tho lnw breakers. A barricado
for tho dams has been erected on tho river
above Berwick, and it will now.tako a
strong forco of officers to remove them.
In Brief, and to the Point. Dyspepsia
i drcndful. Disordered liver Is miscrv.
a series of "Studies of "E T.urc;
1 rominent Contemporaneous the most complicated and wonderful thlncs
Novelists." by Mr. Maurice wr?
1 hompson, a cajlStlC yet (lis- bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, ir
criminating critic
with Count Tolstoi
Builders' Hardware.
lust I
be in the field, however, you can depend Mr. Thompson's article much
upon that, for wo will never givo up the r j i. u...i.i. c .:ii
fight until tho victory is won. Now, I d for thought. So you Will
thinK wo ougnt to nominaio tne most p,op. also in a dozen other articles in
m c .. i r
new features in this
We carry the most complete
line of Builders' materials in the
He deils resular habits' and mY otlier thl"K9 v" f i " ' ii T
u.c,ui' which ought not to be, have mado the Kails, Locks 111 eiltlleSS variety,
this time. American people a nation of dyspeptics. TWir Tlntta nlnin
vnnr vipur nf tho in Uut Owen's August Flower has done a , 1 f , i t i
your view oi tne ia- W0Dderfui work in reformine this snd bus. Catches and Latches.White Lead
uooks, ol course. May save
you the price of a year's sub
scription on a single volume
fPliA lllnnvnolittf r lioon ttnll Stlilrt Wont tfk
veyvUlo, Luzerne county, last week, and a ternoon and evening, and sing some f Nantlooko last Baturday, and played tho
took part in the services.
James Pender was arrested at Easton,
on Monday, for car robbery. Ho was for-
merly a brakeman on tho D. L. & W. rail
road, lie is regarded as a dangerous mau,
and the worst tramp thief on tho road.
Tho Agricultural Society havo receivod
their posters for tho coming fair, and they
have been put up at different places in
town and through tho county. They are tho
handsomest ones they have ever posted up.
his sweetest solos. aU arc cordially invit
ed. Rev. J. F. Shultz, pastor.
Tho grounds at tho Normal now present a
beautiful appearance, aud It can safely bo
said that there ia not a prettier Normal
school ln the State. Tho bandsomo build,
ings, the finely kept lawns with the foun
tain In tho centre, and bordered with beau
tiful flower beds, tho flno situation and
view from tho grounds, all comblno to
make It one of the prettiest and most de.
Blrablo schools In Pennsylvania.
Nanticoko nino on their grounds, the game
resulting In tho defeat ot tho Nantlcokcrs
by tho following score:
Bloomsburg 2 1 0 8 1 0 3 1 023
Nanticoko 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 5 4-13
Tho Nanticoko club had better givo up
trying to beat our nine,
time they have played them this summer,
and every game resulted in tho total defeat
of Nantlcokc. Wo heard recently that they
wanted to bet $300 they could beat
the Bloom nine with the samo club that
xr: ,i T:.,i .1 ri
lip.llliv flint tW nn nW .,!- "1ACU J.U1IUO ilUU VyUlUi,
Hnd bo happy. 4 seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish,
herittT But" aertArBStriowei brings UlS ch an(i Amc
health nnd happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask Can Window GlaSS, Putty.Build-
your druggist for a bottle. Beventy-flve jng papel. aU 0f whicll e cml
GrurE CuLTDitB antTpokt Wink. Mr. A. So11 a5 l)ricCS thai. W.iU m.ake itt0
Bpeer, of New Jersey, ono of tho largest your interest to deal With US.
grape prnuueers in ino r,asi, commenced,
but a few years ago, in a small way, now
controls larjio vineyards of tho Oporto
Grape, from which his famous Port Grape
Wine and Burgundy aro made, which
chemists and physicians say rival the
world for their purity and beneficial effects
on weakly and aged persons and tho con.
sumptlvc. For salo by druggists.
An Important clement of the success nf
IT ,H u..AnnAbtlt.. 1- .1.- i- -.
t'wliis'kr. aan'd nafroWnltin S""g jf warranted, and It does g $ A. Sheppard's Paragon Coach
n,n .ton, .li.iiea nn tho nenessitie. nf not bind the .ink r. New stvlp. 5??c,?'.. Tu.? '."pillar headline, "100 Doses Varnish, mtented m 1884 nnrl
&rt?Pm&T& just here. Fine call, hand-welt, with and t,ue wBlX wish to call tho attention of con-
Uonol ""SuctlS. innduties. ft. s n easily bo proven byaewbo 8umera to Us moritfJ lt ;g fnaJo
'nZVl "For a handsome, knock-about 93 solely from hard gun,,, has a
child and Mr. Mills, who is regarded ns tho shoe we know of no other for 1 utubb"- Ycry licuvy body and dries hard
w!5MBS 3 equal to "the Wanamaker" ta.o.ii'SrtM.rf.n in 24 hours in Summer or Win-
conference next week. I am convinced A new lot of French calf uK1IU " Administebino Dit. Haines' ter, OI10 gallon covers 450 SCI.
that at Iho comtne session tlio whole lnllu- i i j iir..i u Golden Si-eoifio. It can be given in a cup .'.?. i . . i
enco of tho President will bo exerted In be- c w u u vv tutvciijjua&i, of couco or tea without tho knowlcdgo nf ui iiuw wuin, iireu coat uiui
1 TTin nnrenn lab nn I, I. . ,.n i. inut J'l. . . , ' -. i
uiar woman in me couniry ior rresiueni in i o I r M... T-l
ifm. i have been looking over the list of beptember Book News. I here
candidates, and I havo como to tho conclu-1 are many
Nominate Mrs. Clevclandfor President and issue. I he "Wanamaker Ue-
we win sweep the country, she is my scriptive Price List of New
tho samo nomination, and so between
Cleveland and Cleveland tho Democratic
regime should bo prolonged for another
term at least.
Speaker and Mrs. Carllslo aro the guests
n fi .i.iA. nr..,i n..i.
Ul I iusiucui uu lino. U1UIVIUUU ub uan . . 111-
View, and rumor has it that the visit is not 1 here is no handier shoe for
entirely of a social cnaracier mat, in tact, i a vounrr man than the Crnorf"5!
a tariff scheme is being formulated, the fl- J Jou"b mdn "Y lne congress ,
nancial features ot which nro the abolition uressy too. i ne
We have taken the agency for
This is the third ha,f ot a conservative re-adjustment of the every pair warranted, $7
pect of success.
Secretary Bayard expresses the hopo that
tho solution ot tho annoying Canadian flsh.
cries dispute, which has been a bono of
contention between tho United Btates and
tho person taking ltj is absolutely harmless G00 ft. SCCOlld COat, it is Warrant-
1 uuu wm tiii-i;i u I'liwuucub iiuu specuy 1 1 ,1 1 , 1 i .
euro, whether tho patient is a modcrato "Ol 10 cracK, spot, uusicr or
r w,,i r T aiC0U01' wrccK-, "an" turn wlute, and to outwear any
of drunkards bavo been mndo temperate tti t 1 a i
men who uayo laucn uoiucn cpeclllc In I -uugwo.i ui jimuiuui viuhibii, ia
Yesterday (Thursday) being Grand Army
Day, Col. Ent Post G. A. R. went to Shen-
andoah to attend tho celebration ot lt tucro.
Mr. Conrad Blttcnbcndor returned from
Lincoln, Nebraska, Friday evening of last
TTn li.a nnnv frnm Ttlnnmil.
m. . .. ... I.. .1... I-.. lt.A l.nn.l I . 1
luey iciv cany m mo uiuimug, burg nearly two years. Lincoln is now
accompanying mem, iuBv,iuti n.u u- m03t d rowng clly n tbo west.
Another surprise in Black
Cachemire Silk. From the
looms nf Vnn Rfrkprnth. "-'!"" enffco without their knowledge, and paiw!nllv Riiifn hlofnr nnvtMnrroa
tho llloom nine wltu the samo ciuo mat 1 Kngland nearly n hundred years, Is now at I ti 1 1 . . to-day bellcvo they quit drinking of their 1 . 1 T ...nvM
nlRVi-.l lat Ratiirdav. If thev havo that Miami, ns an International Commission of 1 hOrOUEfh lf the make, natural own frco will. IT NEVER FAILS. The Or OMUOOr WOl'k wllClO OXPOSOll
sumofmoneyon hand, and are anxious the abl $ - -iP"B
to get rid of It, they can't lind an easier I oC acllljcr.itt ne unon that vexed nuestlon. $1.5, SI.6S, and SI. 75- We linuor habit to exist. For full particulars rub down in Oil 01' water, and
way to uo 11. I If tho President and his advisers can settlo I think these nrices are in tier
ber ot citizens.
A Harvest Home will be held in the M.
B. church yard at Llghtstrcot on Baturday,
the 10th Inst. Dinner and supper will be
served, and addresses will bo made by
several ministers. Proceeds to go to re
pairing the church.
The price of land increased during the two
years from $50 an aero, as high as $1000.
Tho city is but 15 years old and has a
noDulatlon of over 50,000. Mr. Bitten.
bender expects to remain in the cast
Iuie uispuicu wunauiuu uuuuuury uqu 111 u 1 . 1 - r i,
satisfactory manner. It will certainly bo tho cent under those Ot any Similar
died at Nautlcoko on Wednesday, 30th greatest triumph of American diplomacy silks within your reach.
, . ... , ,, . . of tho present century. I '
John Wanamaker,
nddrcss Golden Specific Co., 185 Race 8t
iiincinnaii, umo. dec B Billy.
On Thursday afternoon of last week
Miss Lulu May Keller and Charles W.
lust. His death occurred at the homo ot
his son, Mr, Georgo Gruver, at that placo,
about 12.80 a. m. Mr. Gruver has suffered
from klduoy affections tor two or thrco
years, and this it was that caused his
give up his hotel business at Nanticoko
and remove to this town, whero he has
. i ..w.i. i.v n,i Miller, both of Mlllllnvllle, wcro united in lived since. Ho boro up bravely until a
w,i,...rr'i . 1 . . ,i, .n.i.pnnn nf thn lirliln'a I tnw .lava I
all necessaries for school work at Mercer's.
Business on the canal now Is ycry differ,
ent from that of a few years ago. Then,
driving along tho heavily load
ed with coal wero to be seen only short
distances apart. Now, It Is rather the ex.
ceptlon than the rule to see a boat.
Slates I Blatcs I Largo assortment of
lntns. sinirlo or double, book slates. All
lies and nrices at Clark's book store, e0,
marriago at tho residence of the bride's fow days before his death, when bo gavo
father, Mr. William F, Keller, of that up nnd took to his bed. Mr. Oruver had
place. Rov. J. D. W. Dcaver, of tho M.
B. church, tied tho nuptial knot, before a
largo number of friends and relatives.
Numerous costly presents wcro received
by tho happy couplo, who, after tho wed
ding supper, departed fotWilkes-Barro,
where Mr. Mlllor Is engaged ln business.
Underclothing great bargains-must be
sold. Cull and eee. At Lowenborg's.
Tbo doctors have captured tho Capital:
they aro hero ln full force from every Btato
auu Territory ot tho Union, and from
nearly every foreign nation, and their Med
ical Congress meets to-day. Perhaps lt
wmiM nnt ltn tnn murli tn nnv til n t thp ra
it was illness that causcdNhlm to suits ot this meeting will mark the begin-
nine 01 a uew era in tue uisiory auu prac
tice ot the healing art. Many of tho largo
drug Arms ot tho country aro utilizing tho
occasion as a vast advertising scheme, and
somo of tho exhibits ot drues and medical
appliances would do credit to au interna
tional exposition. Ono houso, it Is said,
has expended $1U,U0U lu such a display,
Tho doctors will probably agrco with the
opinion of tho novelist, Wm. Howcils. who
pronounces Washlncton tho "most charm
ing city in the world." Although they
visit the city where malaria most prevails,
still, it Is believed, tho doctors will not
mind a trifle Uko that.
many friends here, as well as ln Wilkes,
barre and Nantlcokc, and was highly es.
teemed by all whokuowhlm. Tho funeral
took placo at Nanticoko last Baturday af.
ternoon at ono o'clock, and was largely at
tended. Tbo remains wcro taken In charge
by the Masonic fraternity.
Collectors' receipt books and notices tor
salo at this otlico, tf.
Cbestnut, Thirteenth ana jUarket streets,
Him 1.117. mm Bi4 ultra.
Ifliuiicsota and
It. K.
netween Chicago, Bt. t'aul and Minneapolis anl
between Chicago, Dobuque and Des Moines, Iowa.
Two Umltoj Trains each way Dally. rvtu
Mm Tr:;l i Mm bj'y,
HENATOlt INUALLH, . . . Prebtdent.
irm xionan ui eastern kbc.
ns payable at the Chatham
You'll tail It good to ngn-
The org&ni of both I mill
ana great.
It cbtcki btck Btadacht,
and the woa
That tad Djriptptlci (Mr
Bl Jf -ill pleaunt to th
Bo bona need gulp U down
la hute.
Rules, pens, InkB, pencils, pads, tablets,
drawing books at Clark's book store.
Oflers truarantcod Farm Honda ot Eastern Kan,
gas. emi-annual coupons 1
National llank, Mew York,
Eastern office: 187 Ueoidwiy. New Your.
II m. MiKur, uen'l M'n'r. bend for l'arupbiet.
pumice stono in from l6 to 48
hours without sweating out and
can ho brought to a dead finish.
For the interior finish of fine
residences, public buildings,
bath-rooms, it has no equal; hot
or cold water, soap or grease will
not afi'ect its lustro or spot or
stain its surface; wiping with a
XYT ANTED, LADIES for our Fall and SpOIlgO Or (lamp towel Will KCOP
iiinsuaaa iTuae, to taiio neat pleasant 'Z l i i1 l 1 tf
work at their own homes. 11 lots per day can be lt lOOKllliT Il'CSU tllHl HOW. lt VOll
quietly made. Work sent by mull any distance. " 11 l i 1
Particulars ireo. No canvuSins. Address SoncS t'0 especially UCSirOUS Ot II hlliul
UltEbUENT AUT CO., HTMllk BU. llobton. Masai 1 . l
uoxsiro. ' BU' Mvt1,"3- somo and permanept finish,
NO Cure.-Kstau,. .-UoPaV T -yf fPrcisiaragoncoacn
ww x aJ' Varnish to your painter and take
wm euro MALAniAnrriiii.rr.triJfi? ijttllon cans at fc3.00 nor uallon.
wj or uuu v imi ior lu Bena si cu. in sumps,
and wo will tend you the medicine on crodlU
When jcu aro cured send us f l.oa. Write for Ux.ll.
wonlaU Addreea UJOOlUS CO., 1803 Columbia
Aye, I'hllaaelphU. auglst.
Very liosi).
J. R. SCHUYLElt & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.