COLUMBIAN AJSD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 The Columbian 0. E. Elwell, I J. S. BlttabWar., S "" BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1837. Slnco' tlio publication o tlio letters ot tlio sugnrloat Udogatea concerning a r.orrunt chnnira of votoR nt Oranao. vllle, it was alleged that thcro was a fraud Bomowhcro as the tally sheet con lainod ninety nino votes for rcgistor and recorder whereas thoro were but ninety soveu names on tho list of voters. As soon as Jacob II. Fritz and Z. L. Kile, tho election board, heard of this, they came down at onoo and brought tho tickets with them. A hasty ro oount by them In tho prceonoo of chair man Littlo gavo Catnpboll and Stcrnor eaoh 0G vote?, but a subsequent care ful recount by F. P. Billmoyor, Grant Herring and Guy Jacoby iu tho olllco of Mr. Littlo showed 33 for Campbell and 34 for sterner. Tlio tmstako on the tally sheet was thcreforo in Stern- er's fayor. It is unnecessary tofsay that it was only a clerical error, as Jacob II. Fritz would not bo a party to any intentional wrong. Ths Democratlo Convention. Tho Democratic State Convention at Allentown was called to order at noon on Wednesday of last week, by Chairman Dallas Sanders of tho Stale Committee. Tho roll was called, and there was not a amnio contested seat, Hon. John B. Storm nominated Con gressman Georgo Post, of Susquehanna, ana Air. 1'ost was elected by acclama tion. Upon assuminc tho duties of the chair Mr. Poet said : "Gentlemen of the Convention: For this manifestation of your esteem and confidence 1 tender my cordial N. thanks. To preside over so intelligent and patriotic an assemblage of my lei- low-citizens is indeed a nigh honor, and one which I appreciate at its full value, wo iiavo met as tno represent tatives of the democratic party of Pennsylvania, a grand body of sturdy citizens, desirous ot iioneat economic crovernment. to name thoso who shall bo our standard-bearers in tho coming state campaign, and declaro anew our fealty to the principles of democraoy as well as to define our position upon questions immediately affecting our state. Wo are not uore to register tho will ot arrogant bosses, lor there is no room in tho democratic party for boss- . es. Wo do not follow at the heels of men, but battle for tho maintenance of . principles. A state convention of democrats is not called to givo formal ratification to a prearranged pro gramme, but for tho purpose of a full, free and candid interchange of opinion and sentiment, and 'as to tho bcBt course to pursue to advanco tho interests of our party, and to ar rive at conclusions ' satisfactory to all, to tho end that wo may go forth nnitedly to do vigorous battle in be half of puro government. It has al ways been my lot to livo in a Bcction sA tho country wherein tho democracy has been in tho minority : but no mat ter how black the gloom of defeat has settled about us in our Jocal contests, I have ever been proud to proclaim my self a democrat, and havo never.abated one jot nor tittle of my confidence in tho uitimato.saccess ot its forces. To day, as I look upon this magnificent assembly of democrats, I am prouder than over that I early enlisted in tho democratic ranks. Thoy tell us that our party is in a state of deoay. If this grand gathering of earnest, intelli gent men, who havo come to this beau tiful city and thronged its thorough fares and taxed its capacity for enter tainment to tho utmost, and that in what is commonly known as an off year, is a sign of decay or disintegra tion, then uod speed the work ot do cay. It was tho lato W. II. Soward, I believe, who once said that the last democrat had been born, but despite that same prophecy, I should say from tho youthful faces of many of the dele gates to this convention that democrat ic babies bad been putting in an ap pearance in largo numbers in every city, village and hamlet in our com monwealth ; and 1 havo no doubt thoy will continuo by tho thousands to come to fill up the racks as the old warriors fall from the ranks, full of years and honorable scars. As democrats we have evory reason to be of good cheer, and we iiayo the strongest possible grounds npon which to baso our claims for popular support and confidence. In 1882 wo named for governor Robert E. Pattieon, and pledged tho pooplo that if elected the affairs of our state would bo prudently and honestly ad ministered, tho knifo applied to all kinds of jobbery, and a check put up on monopolistic aggression. How well he fulfilled those pledges is known to all men, and he retired from the exe cutive oftio honored by every citizen of tho state. Under a democratic ad ministration of our state affairs thore wcro no useless offices created to mako placo for hungry heelors j thoro was not a traoo of corporation intluenco about the executive office, thero was rigid economy in publio expenditures and thero wero no attompts to evade the mandates of the constitution. Tho democratic party of Pennsylvania had no hand in tho outrageous juggelry whereby tho revenue bill was lost, in which every county in tho ttate was vitally interested, and tho failure of which was surely not In the interest of tho masses. And in tho tederal ad ministration at Washington evory demo crat lakes pride, in President Cleveland a demooratio president, the country has found a man of brains and pluck, inllexiblo intocritv. natriotio imnnlsen. conservatism and sagacity, in whom trio people novo implicit oonhdenre. Under his administration thoro is au era of great prosperity, and all tho diro prophecies of disaster foretold by our opponents havo come to naught. In some quarters thoro is an evident at tempt to convey the imureesion that Prusidont Cleveland is inimical to tho wounded and decrepit veterans of the lato war, and yet ho has approved in tuo past two years more private pen sion bills than wero signed by republi can presidents in twclro years, and all pension legislation which was calculat ed to afford reliof to cripplod soldiers or to widows and orphans ot deceased soldiers has beon gladly approved by him. And tho pension bureau under democratic supervision is adjusting pension claims more speedily than over uciorc, and over io.uuu more pension certificates have been granted during tho two years of democratic rule than wtrn granted in the last two years of republican control." Chairman Post then announced that tho Clair m us leady to reccivo any proposition irom tho convention. Mr, Btortn offeicd u resolution that tho i ules of tho state, house of loprcsenta- lives bo tho rules to govern tho conven tion, and that nil resolutions bo roforr- cd to tho committee on resolutions to bo horcaftcr constituted. This tuopo sition was adopted, and on motion of Mr. Jircnnan, ol Allegheny, it was ro solved that a commltteo on resolutions and a committee on permanent organi sation be constituted. Tho members of which to bo selected one from each senatorial district. by tho dolcgatcs of such senatorial district. J. J. Koardon of Williamsport was tho member of tho commltteo on reso lutions for this district. A permanent organization was effcot- cd by tlio election ol o. It. 1 eaio ot Lock Haven os.ohairman. After a fow remarks by tho chair tho following names woro presented as candidates for J ml go of tho Supreme Court: Mr. William McShorry, cf Adams, named Hon. William S. McLean. Mr. Zoiglcr, of Butler, presented tho namo of Judgo Johu Mcjlichael. Mr. James MoLaird of Westmoreland, nominated Ex-Governor Robert E; Pattison. Mr. J. G. Fisler, of Carbon, presented tho namo of Mr. W. M. Rapshur. Mr. Dallas Sanders, of Philadelphia, that of Judgo Michael Arnold. Judgo Walker, of Schuylkill, named lion. James ltyan. Congressman Scott that of J. Ross Thompson of Erio. Harman Yorkc a of Buoks, that of Robert P. Allen of Lyooming. The clerk procooded to call tho roll. At tho close tho contest had been nar rowed down between Judgo Arnold and Mr. Thompson. Boforo tho result could be announced tho delegates be gan to change their votes from tho various other candidates to either Judgo Arnold or Thompson. Then followed an exciting raco between tho Philadelphia and tho Erio candidates. That soon plunged tho convention into a fever oi excitement. Votes wero changed in such rapid succession that tho clerks becamo involved in inextric ablo confusion, and tho chair was com pelled to announco that thoy bad lost all record of the oount and had to order a new ballot. Before tho call of the roll on this ballot was begun McLean, MoMichacl, Yerkcs and Pattison wore withdrawn. Tho ballot then proceeded, tho vote .being taken by counties announced by the chairman of the county delegations and resulted : Thompson, 186 ; Arnold 171. Amid applause tho chair an nounced that Thompson had received a majority of tho vote of tho conven tion. Mr. Thompson's nomination was then made unanimous and the conven tion proceeded to mako a nomination for state treasurer. A delegate moved that tho conven tion nominate Bernard J. McGrann, of Lancaster, by acclamation, but several members objected, desiring to know who tho candidate was. Mr. Reiley recited tho well known career of Mc Grann, and his service to his party. At tho conclusion of his speech tho con vention nominated Mr. McGrann by acclamation. The convention then adjourned sine die. The Platform THE PRINCIPLES OF THE rAKTY. ENUNCI ATED BT THE ALLENTOWN CONVEN TION. Tho resolutions are as follows : 1. That we renew our allegianco to the principles and declarations of tho platform adopted at Chicago in 1884, which Cleveland, the nominee of the party, heartily endorsed, declaring in his lotter'of acceptance ; "I havo caro fully considered the platform adopted by the convention and cordially ap prove the same. So plain a statement of democratic faith and the principles npon which that party appeals to the suffrages of the people needs no supple ment or explanation." To these prin ciples he has faithfully adhered in all his publio utterances. We further af firm that tho platform adopted by our state convention of 1880, and in view of the existing condition of tho publio treasury wo demand with emphasis that tho large surplus already in the treasury shall be used to pay the pub lio debt, and that thq current and un necessary increaso going on beyond the needs of government shall bo im mediately prevented by wise and pru dent reduotion of internal taxation and of duties on imports in accordanoo with the foregoing declarations. 2. That we fully endorse the admin istration of President Cleveland, as wise, sagacious and patriotic. He has restored confidence to the business in terests of the country in tho democratic party, has directed the financial affairs of the government with apt ability, has strengthened tbo publio credit, and thereby given us a period of great in dustrial and commercial prosperity. Tho apprehension in the minds of some that the advent of our party to the control of tho federal goyernment woma bo dangerous has been dispelled. Our people are more contented and well-to-do than in years ; is moro re spected than evor by othor nations ; his period of administration has been pure, economical, cool and fearless, and meela the approval of all fair minded .and conservative citizens. 3. Wo recognize tho material bono fits which this country has received from immigration. Wo endorso tho legislation of contract labor and to compel tho return of paupers and crimi nals. Wo commend tho national ad ministration for its efforts to rigidly enforco these laws, and whilo we are opposed to any illiberal restrictions, wo fayor such additional measures of reg ulation as may bo found necessary. 4. Wo favor liberal pensions to do servingJUnion soldiers and sailors and refer to tho action of tho preeont ad. ministration in adding to the pension rolls a larger number than was over before placed on within a correspond iDgly period, whilo at tho same time protecting the treasury from fraudulent claims as proof of this fact. 5. We point with prido to tho fact thbt since tho democrats havo been in power, in any branch of the federal government, not ono acre of tho publio lands has boon granted to corporations nor has any land grant been revived or extended. $. Tho failuro of tho stato revenuo bill after it bad been carefully perfect ed and nearly unanimously passed by I.. II. 1 .1. f il. ,-. , ' uuiu uiauuuvB ui iuu lugisiaiurft was a crime against tho majority of the com monwealth, whurebv the nnonle mint pay a million dollars annually that should and would have been paid by the corporations, and tho failuro of the stato administrations to attempt any correction of' the wrongdoing or ex. posure of the fraud or orlmlnal ncgloct nomioncu a crime against both author ity and people, and confessed the su preraaoy of ring rule in Pennsylvania. 7. That we reaflirm our declaration in favor of tbo passago of suoli legisla tion as will properly enforco tho pro visions of act seventeen of the consti tution relativo to corporations to pre vious improper discrimination, and to equalize taxation. 8. That wo donounco tl o action of the last republican legislature in the defeat of the bill for tbo tcliof of pro. duccra and refiners of oil In the oil district of tho state, known as tho Bllliugsloy bill, as being In tho interest of monopoly and Against tho interests of tho pooplo of that largo seotlon of tho state. 0. Tho democratic parly sympa thizes with the oppressed of all nations and In all movements having for their object tho attainment of tho blessings of local solf-govornmcnt such as are en joyed by tho pcoplo of this Union as tho result of tho enforcement of tho democratic poliov. Tho granting of homo rulo to Ireland is duo as tho ac knowledgement of a sacred inherent right, and tho gallant strugglo for tho accomplishment of this- long delayed aot of justico tindor tho magnificent leadership of Gladstone and Parnoll commends itself to tho moral support of tho American people It is our oarncst wish that tho offorts of thoso distinguished statesmen may soon bo crowned with success. Wo still hold to tho ancient dootrino of tho party that the preservation of tho rights of tho pooplo demands that wo should look jealousy upon monopo lies and restrict corporate power with in its proper sphere and wo heartily approvo tho action of tho national ad ministration In reclaiming nnd throw ing open to tho pcoplo for the settle ment of 100,000,000 acres of land, which through arttflco and fraud were wrongfully hold by corporations hav ing beon forfeited to tho peoplo by failure to comply with tho conditions of tho grants. COMPOUND HTHACtX Tho Importance ot purifying tho blood can not bo overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this mson nearly every ono needs a good medicine to purity, vitalize, and enrich tho blood, and we ask you to try Hood's DafMillov Barsaparilla. It strengthens reisUlldl ana bnUd, up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used giro to Hood's Barsaparilla pecul- -r- lcolf tar curative powers. No ' I loci I othermedlclnehassuch a record ol wonderful cures. It you havo made up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparilla do not bo Induced to tako any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence Hood's Barsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by O. I, Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosos One Dollar DEM00BATI0 TIOKET. State. Foit Judqh ok Supreme Court, J. ROSS THOMPSON, Of Erio. For State Treasurer, B. J. McGRANN, Of Lancaster. County. For Associate Judge, CYRUS B.McHENRY, Of Fisliingcrcek. For Protiionotary and Clerk ov the Several Courts, WILLIAM H. SNYDER, Of Bloomsburg. For County Treasurer, GEORGE A. HERRING, Of ,Bloomsburg. For Register and Recorder, CHARLES H. CAMPBELL, Of Bloomsburg. For County Commissioners, WILLIAM G. GIRTON, Of Bloomsburg. JESSE RITTENHOUSE, Of Beaver. For Auditors, E. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Catawissa. A. W. HARTMAN, s Of Fishingcreek. T RIAL LI8T FOIt BEIT. TERM, 1887 Frederick use.4:c,vs D II & W. K.R. Co. Citizens sate Demist hank ot Mahanor City va Joslati Phillips. iyum Jtouums' num r va jacoo is ewitur a aumT, II K lleacock vs Wm Hosteller. John Hlnderltter, et ux, vs Lloyd Drandon,et ux. Theodora p. Ura'g vs Mahala Cratg et at, Charles W McKelvy et al vs 0 B Brockway. Jonas Dory's iu" n'ra et al va John Suit. Patrick Burns vs L A Riley & Co. C 11 Brockway vs Columbia county. J U Patton vs A P Heller. Curtis Mfg Co vs Clark I Thomas. Wm Krlckoaum vs John II Casey, L H Fowler vs O D Fowler. Andrew Fowler vsO D Fowler. J II Uoyt vs Iloro of Berwick. Frank'ln Yocum, guardian vs Wm Zahner et at. Matulaa Kindt vs Varies sands et ah Wm Shannon vs Ch Ties Gearuart. Itobr Mcllenry'u use vs K J McUenry's adm'x. Catawissa Deposit Bank vs Isabella Woaver. Ira Hessvs John V. CUapln. Peter Good's Ex'rs vs Nelson Freas et aL James Pollock vs Wm II Vandcrsllco. Maud A Hartman va Wm F Welllvor, J. D, Fisher va Zacharlah Krelscher. 8 W AdamB vs A B Croon. M A Martle vs Berwick Borough. M (1 Hughes et al vs catawissa Clrc't M K church B F Gardner vs Bloomsburg B & B L Co. A Gordner vs a. W ltobblns. Louisa OrimtU vs John Kress. Louisa Cirimtu vs John Krcjs et ux. Henry C. Snyder vs Jackson & Woodln Mfg Co. K B Brower va Goorge Strieker. Daniel Kudy, receiver, va. Cordelia Klaner. G RAND JURY FOR SEP. TERM, 1887. Beaver Blmon Rtttenhouso. . Berwick Geo O Fenstermacher. Bloom Wm Kramer, James it Walter, David Fisher, Jas Lcnon. Hrlarcreck s J Conner. Catawissa Frank McKelvy, Luthor Kyer.Toblas Benslngcr. Centre Pierce Ilagenbuch. Fishingcreek Chaa Kramer. Greenwood 1' II ulrton. Jaokson V I. Hess, Ezra Stephens. Locust 0 li stine, Samuel Camp, A U Walter, Jladtson-U W Murphy, Mimin-Chas steely. Mt Pleasant Thos Oman. orango-oohn Kltcheu, A W AUabach, Harry rpRA.VER&EJUllORSFOR8EP.T.,1887, "Berwick John n arm an. Bloom B H Vannatta, Joseph Garrison, Robert JHV1J11UU, AVUI1 (JUliCO. Catawissa O W ltelfsnvder. Jacob Shumnn John n Delmer, Lloyd Miller, Wm Bernlnger, ' ' ceutralla j vt Fortner. Centre Isaiah Hartman. C'onyn&rhain Andrew Donahue. Patriek- HrennAn Flshlngcreek-John M Buckalew, W W Sutllff, 1 Ullt,l A1)J1HU1U, UI,, .UUU UBliiCU Greenwood bamuel Mcllcnry, Ezra Thomas, At bert lleacock. Locust L 11 Daniel t, Cornelius Feltcrman. Maln-BOTd A Hawk. Mimin-J W Wlnleretoen. Montour Wm Trowbridge. Mt Pleasant-G M Ikeler. bcott-Jacob BUultz. KUward Hartman. llearjr sugarloat John Kile, Geo Moore, SECOND WEEK. Beaver-Jacob Baker, Isaac Lohr, llenj. Michael. IKinivi-wiwiuurunwr, ljurv UUIT1BUU, A Bloo.n Thoa Oorrey, A C Drown. Brlarcreck Moaea Markle. Catawissa Samuel Fairley, John Brclsch. Ceutralla Henry Coddlngton. Centre II II llcmley, TD Itobblns. Conyngham-John J Bourlce. Fishingcreek Henry Fulmer, Stephen Dresner, Frankm-Jerrr KoatcnbauJcr. Greenwood-A M Kramer, Nehomlah Kitchen, David Brady, IiOCUBtllanslo George, Joseph filebcr. Madison cyrus Demott, iboinas Mordan. Malu-J A IUrtzel. Montour Isaiah Uiller, OrangeNathan Fleekenstlne. Pino Wm Greenly, Jacob Long. Itoarlngcreek Daniel Itarlg. BcoU-4 It Purwh u 1' Itclcbart, Goo W Tronso, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholcsomcncas. Mora economical than ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold in compe tition with tho multitude ot low test,shcrt weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. HorAI. lUKlNd 1'OWDEIU'O,. WallSt.,N. V. J-OTICE TO 8A.TISFY MORTQAQE. Stats op Pkknstivama,County op Columma, ss: A mong tho records and proceedings ot tho Court ot Common Pleas In nnd forsnld county nnd stato tt Is Inter alia, thus contained: No. May Term, 1887. rBTITIOH to satispt mohtoaob. To Hoiry Cramond, hl3 heirs nnd legal repre sentatives: , You are hereby notified that Jonathan Hortman, of Greenwood townshtp.iii Id counly.has petitioned tho Court ot common Pleas of said county, repre rescntlng to snld court that on tho soth day of November, A. D. 1S45, acertaln mortgage was ex ecuted and delivered by Nicholas Cole, ot Green, wood township, aforesaid, to Henry cramond, of Philadelphia, snld stato. on a messunge nnd tract of lard, situate In Bald Greenwood township, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin nlng nt a stono heap corner, thenco by land ot Michael Hnntz, north seventy-four degrees west nnn hundred Rnrt MPventv-three nercheqloa Post. thence by the Onlbroth Co. land north eighteen and one-half degrees east ono hurdred nnd thlrty-flvo nnd nvo-tcnths perches to a whl'O pine; thenco by other lands ot said II. cramond.south 74 eKrees cosi iwo uunareu nnu iweuu-au eu perches to a pof t by tto road: tberco along samo south Rtxtv-nvo nnd one-half deirreea west sev enty-three perches; thenco along same south tblr-ty-nlno degrees west thirty perches: thenco along samo south fifteen degrees west forty perches: inenco bouiq eleven apgreea west niu'eu uuu five-tenths perches to ths placo of beginning, con taining one hundred and llfty-ono acres oi land, moro or less, to secure tho payment of a certatn bond or writing obligatory, dated the day and year aforesaid In tho penalty ot flvo hundred and sixty-two nnd eighty ono hundredths dollars, con ditioned for the payment In three Installments na follows, of tho lust sum of two hundred and elghty-ono and forty ono hundredth! dollars, viz: One-third on tho first day ot May, 1818, one-third on the nrst day of May, 1817, ono-thlrd on the first day of Mav, isis, with legal Interest on tho same from tho said soth day ot November, A. I), l&n, which said mortgage la recorded In tho office for the recording ot deeds, ftc., at Bloomsburg, In and tor said county of Columbia, in Mortgage Book s, page 178, o. The petition further represents. That the said Nicholas Colo died lntestato on or abojl tho S9th day ot June, A. D. 1879, and that ail tho money duo on said mortgage, principal and Interest, was paid by snld Nicholas cole, during his lifetime, to tho said mortgagee aboro named, and who Is still the legal holder thereof, and vrho has neglected to satisfy the samo, nnd cont'nrcd In such neglect tor more than six months 'ast past. And that slnco the death ot the said Nicholas Cole, his heirs, bv died duly executed, and dated the soth day of March, 1880, and recorded In the said abovo-mentloned office, In Deed Book Vol. 40, page 621, conveyed tho said above-described piece ot land to l"etcr W. Colo, who, by deed dated April 2, 18;, with his wlfo, Martha U. Cole, conveyed the said premises to your petitioner, (seo Deed Book, Vol. ) who Is now tho legal owner ot said premises, and by reason of the sala mortgage on said premises remaining unsatisfied, there Is a cloud cast on said title ot your petitioner, and praying that notlco of theso facts may bo given to tho said Henry Cramond, li la Heirs or legal representatives, requiring him or them to acpear at the next term ot said court and answer this pe tition, and In ease proof shall bo made that tho amount of saldmortgage.and tho Interest thereon, has been paid as aforesaid, that tho Court will or der satisfaction to bo entered on the record ot tho same by tho Itecorder ot said county, on payment ot tro costs duo relativo to the entry of said mort gage, or any proceedings thereon, and that such other orders may be made In the premises as bv the act of Assembly In that behalf, passed and approved tho llth day of June, A. 0. 18IH. You are therefore required to be and appear at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be holdcn In Bloomsburg, In and for said county, on Monday, the soth day of September next, and answer tho petition aforesaid, and show cause. It any you have, why the sa'd mortgage shall not bo marked satisfied, according to the prayer ot aald petitioner. SAMUEL SMITH, sheriff. Ikelf.h ,t Hebrino, Atty's for Petloners. Sheriff's omce, Bloomsburg, Pa, Aug. 86, 188T. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs, Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, will bo exposed to publio salo, at the Couit House, In Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, September 26, 1887, at S o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage or tract of land, situate In Locust township, colum. bla county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by land of Benjamin Beaver, on the east by land of Jonathan Beaver, on tho south by land ot Ja cob U. Long and on the west by land ot Catharine Helwlg, containing flvo acres, wood land. seized, taken In execution, at tho suit of Peter Swank vs. John Oliver, ndra'rot John Boycr, dee'd, and to bo sold as tbo property ot John Boycr,dec'd. Ixelzr IIkbkino, Attys. Plu. FL Fa. ALSO, All that certatn tract of land, situate In Centre township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: On tbo north by lands ot Charfes Whltmlre, on tho west by lands ot Levi Alkman, on tho south by lands ot Widow Pelfer, and on tho cast by lands of Simon Lowry, contain ing two acres, moro or less, whereon are 'erected a two-story framo houso, stable and other outbuild ings. Also, a lot ot fruit trees. Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold as tbo property ot Jacob Lynn and Levi Lynn. Zarh, Atty. FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain messuage or tract ot land, sltu- ato In nrlarcreek township, Columbia county, Pa. Beginning at a post In line. of land formerly Abra ham Adams, thence north fifty-nine and one-halt degrees east sixty nine and seven-tenths perches to a stone, thenco noi th seven degrees west twenty-eight perches to a Btono, thence by a publio road south forty-throo and one-half degrees west 18 and 8-10 perches to a stono, thenco south forty nine degrees ten minutes east forty and three tenths perches to a btone, thence south fltty-four degrees west, twenty perches to a stone, thence south seven degiees east, thirteen and nine-tenths perches to the placo ot beginning, containing eight acres and eleven perches, on which aro erected a ono and a halt story frame dwelling houso, stable and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the property of Alfred Smith. Jackson, Atty. FL Fa. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs, Issued out of tho Court ot Common Plcaa ot Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, will be exposed to publio sale, at the court Houso, in Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, October 1, 1887, at J o'clock p. ra., all that certain pleco or parcel ot land, eltuato in Owen's Addition to tho town ot Berwick, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by Fifth street, on tho east by land of Mrs. Fay, on tho south by an alloy, una on tho west by land ot K. KUnger, being torty.nlno and a halt feet on Fifth street and ono hundred and alxty-Hvo feet In depth, on which are erected a" two-story framo dwelling and outbuildings. Seized,- taken In execution, at tho suit of Julius J, Hoft vs. Adam C, Heller, and to be sold as tho property ot Adam C. Heller, Jackson, Atty, Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain messuage or tenement and lot ot ground, situate In tho town ot Bloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia, and stato of Pennsylva nia, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows. to-wlt: Beginning at a corner of an alley, on the south aide ot Fifth street, north sixty-tour and ono-elghth degrees east nfiy-nveand a halt feet, thenco by land ot Isaao a Kuhu south twenty- nine and a quarter degrees east ono hundred and titty flvo feet to Pearlo street, thenco along the samwithtlxty-one degrees west, nfty-slx and a halt feet to tho alley aforesaid, and thenca along said alley north nine degrees west ono hundred nnd fifty-eight feet to the place ot beginning. Belted, taken lu execution, at the suit ot Abra ham lllce, executor ot John Uoatt, d o'd, va. Chaa. Ahleman, with notice to Charles Krug, terre ten. ant, and to bo told as tho property ot Chaa. Ahlo. man, with notlco to Chaa. Krug, tcrro tenant. Knouh Sc Wintihstssn, Attys. Al, Lev, Fa. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. OTIOE. Notlco Is hereby (riven that the following ac count has been riled in the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, and will bo presented to tho said Court on the four 111 Monday ot btptembcr, A. D. 1817, and connrmed nisi, and unices excep tions are tiled within four days thereafter, will be continued absolute! 1. Account ot J. IL Heller, Trustee, under the lost will and test amen tor llvury u. Miller, lato ot Columbia county, deceased. WM. IL HNYDEll, Clerk of o. c, Clerk's ortlco, Bloomsburg, Pa., Hep. , isct, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE ltcMl E state! Tho undersigned, administrator, with the will annexed, of tho estate of Samuel Melllck, deo'd, under tho will and by authority of tho Orphans Court of Columbia county, will cxposo to publio sale, on tho premises, In Orango township, on SATURDAY, September 24, 1887, at ono o'clock p. m., tho following described roal estate, tu-wltt Beginning at n whlto oak stump, thenco by lands of Cyrus Mollcnry, north twonty flvo degrees west forty.soven perches to a black oak, thenco by land of Cyrus Mcllcnry and Hiram K. Bowman north eighteen degrees cast twenty ono perches to a stone, thenco by land ot Hiram E. Bowman north eighty-eight and ono-half do grces west slxty-soven and Blx-tenths perches to a stono, thenco by lands ot Samuel Nolton, Bouth eighty nnd ono-half degrees west fltty-ono and tight-tenths perches to a chestnut, thenco by lands ot Samuel W. B4uth thirty and ono- halt degrees east thlrty-tour perchos to a post, thenco by lands ot Androw Crouso north seventy seven degrees castseventy-threo perches and thrco tenths, to thd placo of beginning, containing 33 ACRES ot land, strict measure. TEUMSOF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property, tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation absolute, and tho ro. malnlng threo-fourths In one year thcreatUr.wlth Interst from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for drawing deed. Seo bills for personal property. JOHN A. FUNSTON, Adrt'r, sepj with tho will annexed. 0 OURT lMlOOIlATiQN" WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwei-i President Judgo of tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, court ot (juar tor Sessions ot tho Pcaco and tho Court of Common Pleas and orphans Court In tho soth Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia nnd Montour, and tho Hons. C. G. Murphy and C. H. Mollcnry, Associate Judgos ot Columbia county have Issued their precept.boarlng date the I4th day of May la tho ycarof our Lord onothousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and to mo directed for holding a Court ot Oyer andTcrmlncr and General Quarter Sessions of tho reaco, Court of Common Picas and Orphans Court, In Bloomsburg, In the county ot Columbia, on the fourth Monday, being tho Mth day of sept, next to continue tor two weeks. Notice is hereby given to tho tho Jus tlces of tho Peace, and the Constables of tho salj County of Columbia, that thoy bo then and there I n their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said soth day of sept, with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances,to do those things wnicn to tnoir offlces appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognizance to proscaute against tho prisoners that aro or maybe In the Jail of the saldcounty ot Columbla,tobo then and thcro to prosecute them as shall be )ujt. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual lu their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated atBloomsburg (",) tho 2tth day of August tn tho year of our L.a.y Lord ono thousand eight hundred and (' ) eighty-seven, and In the ono hundred and eleventh year of tho tndenenrtpnen nf irmfiri States of America. buenrra oruco, SAMUEL SMITn.. Sheriff R, ULE ON HEIRS. ESTATK OP D1NIXL BARIO. nKCASKl. Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Frank ..a,,, uuu italic, uumei iiang, woamngion Itarlg, Sarah, Intermarried with Joslah liboads, Susanna, intermarried with Urtas Fetterraan, all residing in Columbia county, Pa.; Mary, In tcrmarrlcu with Adam Bre ish, residing at ltlng town, Schuylkill county, Pa.; Elizabeth, Inter married with John slngerly, Z'on's Grovo, jchurlklll county, Pa.; Peter Swank, Locust township, guardian ad litem ot Ida, Emma, Mary :., Clara and Morris lthoads,mlnors, lineal descendants ot Daniel Itarlg, deceased, and to all other persons interested, greeting: You and each ot you are hereby cited to bo and appear before tho Judges ot our Orphans' court, to be held at Bloomsburg, on tho fourth Monday of September next, then and there to ac cept or refuse to take tho real estato ot said Dan'l Harlg, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon It by tho Inquest, duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff , or I how causo why it shall not bo sold. And hereof fall not. Witness the Honorable William Elwell.Presldent of our said court, at Bloomsburg, tho !5th day of May, A. D., 1SS7. WM. H. 8NYDEH, itfaug. clerk of o. C DMINISTRArOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Lyata r.obbins, late of Ftshtnacretk Uwtishtp, deeensed. Letters of administration on the said estatohovlng been granted to tno undersigned persons Indebted to said e3tato are hereby rotiaed to pay the same, and those having claims against. ELI BOBBINS, Adm'r, liunyan P. o., Pa. 6augot UDITOR'S NOTICE. KSTATB OP J0.IN SriIINOBR, DRO'D. Tho undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' court ot Columbia county. Pa., to mako distribution ot balance tn handset I"ctcrS. Brug ler, ndmlnhtrator, c. t. a., of said deo'd, will sit ber 18, is8T, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties having claims against said estato must appear and prove tho same, or bo forever do barred from coming in on said fund. ai9 KOUEKT H. LITTLE, Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE! istatk op isaao crcvklino, pec'd. Theunders'gned Auditor, appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county, Pa., to distrib ute the balanco In tho hands ot C. M. Crevellng, executor, ns per account mod. will attend to tho duties of his appointment at his otllco In Blooms burg, W ednesday, September 14. 18S7, at 10 o'clock a. m.. When nnd where nil nnrtlea hnvlnrr .1.1m. against said estate must appear and prove tho same, or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund. augl L. E. WALLER Auditor. UUITOR'S NOTICE. KSTATB OP THOS. CBKVKI.IKO, JR. DECEASED. Tlio undcrslgneJ, an Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' court of Columbia county, to make distri bution ot the balanco In the hands of Samuel Noy hard, adm'r, aa per account filed, will attend to tho duties ot his appointment at his omce In uiuumsuurg, uu eaneuiay, Nepicmuer 81, 1SS7, at " o'clock a. m., whentnd where all parties having claims against said estato must appear and prove tho same, or be forever debarred from coming In on said fund. il V. WHITE, aP-' Auditor. TIDOW'B APPRAISEMENTS. TV, a fn11n0ln 1ITI.1 ........ , ... iu. iuiiu.iuk UIUUWB flljurmunmoniU Will DO presented to tho Orphans' court of Columbia county, on tho fourth Monday of September, A. D. Iss7, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four days thcreafter.wlll bo contlnned absolute: ileuben Bogart, Est, Hemlock. Fersonalty.MOO. IMnldl BOttinan. Est.. Hlnnmahnn. ftorennaltv Anton behwnitz, Est. Hemlock. rersonalty.WOO. EE?.erlcK. nerr Khl- J'adtsqn. Personalty, Vioo. Wl Ham Wuitcnlgut, ut,, Fishingcreek. lor sonalty, moo. Samuel Beck, Est., Miniln. Personally, 1300. jjId lowenbcrg, Esu, Bloomsburg. Personalty, James Everett,- Est,, Greenwood. Personalty, Noah Arndt. Eat , Montour, rersonalty, tl2i 81. Healty, $ Total, noo. .WIS? Wertman. Est., Montour. Personalty, J143 70. Healty, iim sa Total, taoo. imam jiiensinger, Est., iieaver. rersonalty, 114.75. ltealty. tJs5.75. Total, f3M. Ihos. Polk, Est,, Madison. Healty, gnu, ! , JM- " hnydbk, Clerk of o. a Clerk's offlco, Bloomsburg, Pa., Sep. , 18J7. XKCUTOR'S NOTICE. A''8 of S. A. Cawtl, Deceases. Letters testamentary on tno said estate having been granted to the undersigned Executor, all persona Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay the samo, and thoto having claims against sold estate will present tho same for settlement -u i;. tAbrtt.i.u Eiocutor, saugct," Bloomsbuig, Pa. WANTED, Wc want a fow Hyc men to tako orders for a full lino of choice nursery stock. Our stock is all selected and guaranteed first-class. Vo furnish a hand- somo Outfit Free, also fruit Samples in Season. A Worker never fails with us. Don't de lay but write at ouco for terms, (&c to EDW. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, wpB-iot, Rochester, N, Y. a mendment to the conbtitu. t TION nmnoml In llinrattzens of this Com monwcallh for their approva I or rejection by tho Ocnoral Assembly of tho Commonwealth ot Ponn. sylvnnla. Published by order of the secretary of tho commonwealth, In pursuanooot Artlclo XVIII ot tho constitution, , Joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho constitution ot tho commonwealth: motion 1, lie It refxeeii on the SrnflH am Uoutte of nefirttentaUeen of the Commonwealth of J'ennmlmttln In ttenernl Ateinblunift. Tint tho following Is prop fed as an amendment of tho constitution of t ho commonwealth of Pennsylva nia In seconlaneo w th tho provisions oi tno eighteenth artlclo thrruof: AMKNl'IIKN i . , Mrlko out from section one, ot artlclo eight, tho four qualifications for voters which reailsssfol lown: "It twenty.two years of ago orupwardMio shall havo raid, within two yearn, n stato or county tax, which shall have been assessed nt least two months, and paid at least Ono month before tlio election," bo that tho section which reads as fol lows: "Every male citizen, twrnty-ono years of ago, poewing tho following qualifications, shall bo entitled to voto nt all elections! First. I le shall have been n citizen of tho united States nt least ono month. second. Iloshnll havo resided In tho state one vear for if. havlnff nrevlmislv been a nuallfled elector or native born citizen of the state, ho shall havo removed thereform nnd returned, then six monlhB) Immediately preceding thoeleclton. Third, lie fhall have resided in tho election dlst rlct where ho sh..ll offer to voto at least two month Immediately preceding tho election. Fojrth. If twenty-two yea of age or t'p wnrds, ho shall I-avo patd, within two years a Btato or county tax,whlch shall havo been nssossed at least two months, nnd paid nt least ono month before tho election, shall bo amended, bo as to read as follows: Every male citizen twenty-one years ot age, possessing tlio following qualifications, shall bo entitled to vote at tho polling place of tho election dlst t of which ho shall at tho tlmo bo a resident and not elewhere: First He shall havo been a citizen of tho United states at least inirt aavg. second. He shall havo resided In tho state ono year (or If, having previously been a qualified elector or nattvo born iltlzcn of tho state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) Immo'lately preceding tho election. Third. Ho shall have resided In tho election dis trict where r e shall offer to voto ot least thirty days Immediately preceding tho election. Tlio legislature, nt the fesslon tnereof next niter tho adoption of this noetlon, shall and from tlmo to time thereafter may.enact laws to propcly enforco this provision. Fourth. Every mnlo citizen ot the ago ot twen-ty-ono yonrs, who shall havo been a citizen for thirty days ntd an Inhabitant ot this state tor one yenr next preceding nn election, except nt munici pal elections, and for tho last thirty davs a resi dent ot tho election district In which ho may offer his vote, shall bo entitled to voto at such election In the election district of which ho shall at tho time bo a resident nnd not elsewhere for all officers that uow aro or bcrentler may bo elected by tho people: I'roetaed, That In tlmo of war no elector In tho actual military servlco ot tho Stato or ot the Unlteo states, In the army or navy thereof, shall bo deprived of his voto by reason of bis ab se ico from such election district and the legisla ture shall have power to provide tho manner In which and tho tlmo and placo at which Ruch ab sent electors may vote, and for tho return and canvas of their votes In tho election district In which they respectively reside. Fifth. For the purpose ot person shall bo deemed to huve gained or lost a residence by reason of his prcsenco or absenco while employed In the servlco ot tho United states or the State, nor whilo engaged In the navigation of tho wators of the state nor of the high seas, nor whilo a stu dent of any college or seminary ot learning, nor whilo kept at any almshouse or public lnai Itutlon, except the Inmates ot any homo for disabled nnd Indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for tho purposo ot voting, shall bo deemed to resWo In tho election district where paid home Is located. Laws shall bo made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, tho citizens who shall be entitled to the right ot suff rage hereby established. A truo copy of tho Joint resolution. CHAHLES W. STONE. Secretary ot the commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONaTITU TION proposed to the citizens of this Com monweallhfor their approval or rejection by the General Assembly of the commonwealth of Penn sylvania. I'ubllshed by order of the Secretary of tho Commonwealth, in pursuance ot Artlclo XV11I ot the Constitution Joint resolution proposing nn amendment to tho constitution of this Commonwealth: ssction l. Be it resolved by tho Senate and Houso ot lieprcsentatlves of tho commonwealth ot l"ennsylvanla In General Assembly met That tho following amendment Is proposed to Constltu Hon of tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, In nccordnnco with tho Eighteenth Artlclo thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall bo an additional artlclo to said Con stitution to be designated ns Arttnln XIX. ns fnl. lows: ARTICLE XIX. .uuiuiuiuiwi.uiv, DUIl, UI nCl')JIUK 1VI D.IO Ul lit- toxlcatlng liquor to bo used aa a beverage. Is jicieuy piumuiu-u, mm nay vioiauon oi ima prohibition shall bo a misdemeanor, nunlshablo n3 shall bo provided bv law. j uu manufacture, sale, or Keeping for saio oi in toxicating liquor for other purposes than as a bev el, go may bo allowou In such manner only aa may bo pretcribed by law, Tho General Assembly shall, at the tlrst session succeeding the adoption ot this nrtlclo ot the constitution, enact laws with ade quate penalties for Its enforcement A truo copy ot tho Joint Itesolutlon. CHAHLES W. STONE, saugsms. secretary ot tho commonwealth. S' TRAYE1) COW. Came to tho house of John Monroe. South crm- ynghnm, August '8. 18S7, a dark brown cow, largo horns, white star on forehead, whlto spots on hip. owner can have same, by proving property and paying damages, nnd fortius notice, otherwise it wlube disposed ot according to law. JOHN MONROE, sops.St Ashland, Schuylkill Co., Pa. jSTRAY. came to tho premises of the undersigned, In Greenwood township, a red heifer about a year old. Tho owner can have tho same bv Drotintr property, paying my coats for keeping same, and for this advertisement It not taken up within CO days, tho estray wUl bo disposed of according to ibJ, fUKvib 4taug20 Hohrsburg, Pa. BLOOMSBUKG MARKET. Wholesale. Retal Wheat per bushel 80 Rye " " flfl Corn " " .... 00 05 Oats " " 2 Flour " bbl 4.10 to 0 Uutter 24 a Eggs 10 18 Potatoes CO unms 12 ig Dried Apples 03 on Side 07 10 Shou'dcr 09 12 Chickens 10 12 uccso Lard per lb 08 10 Vinegar per gal 20 80 unioQS per uusuei GO 75 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb sk Hides 5 to 7 Coal on Wiurf. No 6 i$2.00i Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.25 No. 5 $3.00 bltuminus $3.25 neportea by a. S. Palmer, Wholesale Commission New York, Sept. C, 1887. Tho week opens with a holiday, which is a discouraging start on tho week's busi. nes9, ns It gives us double receipts to handle to-morrow nnd the shippers of per. ishablo produce must therolore sutler to more or less extent, aa thev hnvn thrm,r.i. out tho summer from tho effects of tho Saturday halt holiday. Tho weather is most favorable now, being cool and dear, nnd as our citizens nro dally returning homo from the country, wo havo every reason to expect au increased demand for fruits of all kinds, as well as produce Iiartlelt pears continuo in heavy receipt nnd selling choico stock from $3 to 3 50 per bbl, other varieties 175 to 2 25 ac cording to quality. Urapca a'so la very liberal supply and prices show a falling oil! selling choice Del. from 0 to 8c per lb., Concords 3 to 4cj Martha 4 to Oc and in. tcrior varitiis2to 8c. l'caches continuo in good demand, especially choico yellow truit, which Is selling nt from 1 25 to 1 50 per basket; red nnd white 81 to 1 25 nnd medium grades 60 to 75c. Tlums contlnu o to do well audellng to-day choico green gago from $5 to $0 per bbl. l'urplo gaeo 3 60 to $lj Lombard $3 to 3 60; crates 76o to 1 60 according to slzo and quality. Watermelons still in abundance and prices lower, aud selling choico stock from $8 to $12 per 100. Strictly fresh eggs in good demand nnd near by stock selling from 18 to 10c; fancy whlto leghorns 20 to 25c. Choico country dressed veals 0 to 11c; fair to good 0 to Oc. Livo spring lambs 0 to 7c. lb. Live spring chickens selling at 12o and fowls 10 to 11c. Dressed poultry sell, lug from 10 to 18o for large spring chick, cus; fowl. 11 to 12c. Ducks 60 to 70o psr pr., geeso 125. Game, woodcock, 125 perpr. Orouso77c, prlmo partrldgo $1 to 1 25 per pr. Market on butter shows no material change and prices remain about the same; fancy creamery 24 to 25c; select dairy, tubs and palls, 23 lo24c; good 21 to 22c; Inferior grades J5 to 17c. Cheese, fancy, 12:; prime lOJtolllc; skims 0 to Oc. Owing to heavier receipts of potatoes prices aro somewhat easier, aud choice stock from Jirsey, and L. 1. bringing $2 per bbl. Bwcel potatoes, however continue iirm and selling nil choico grades at from 2 75 lo $3 per bol. Choico red onions $2 to 2 25: yellow 2 CO. Egg plant 81 to 1 60 per bbl. Choico cabbage In light supply and selling Long Island from $G to $7 per 100. Corn 1 to 1 60 per 00. I'lckles $1 to 1 60 per 1 ,000, Tomatoes 40 to 60o per bushel. Lima bonus 1 50 lo 1 75 per bag, Choice marrow beans 2 25. Medium Si). While kidney 1 00 to 2: red 1 00. I'es, choico S.2. New lots of evaporated frulu uow coming In and evaporated laspbcrrlcg worth 25c l'caches, cvap,, peeled, 25c. lllackbmlts 8 to 8Jc. ChcnUs 18 to 20c. Hay 05 to 00c, according to quality, Rye straw 05 to 70c. - GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! "Wo nro offering great inducements to personBldcairing purchaso Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines. Among tho Pianos we handle aro the IYEBS Se POND, C. C. B BIGGS, BA US Sf CO., SGEQMA GKER Gold f7.r? Clriovn. Wn.nnss ThfiRft Pianos nro Jill firaf-nlntt KJll VlViS KVIVW S VI IV and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY. MILL ER, UNITED STATES and other makes. Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE. NE W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest and best Rotary Sewing Machine in tho world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PAT.AHF, OF MTTSTHANT) CffiTCAT fiTCWTNft M A DRTTJ"!?. DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, H. V. WHITE & CO. Offer special inducements to' farmers for tho next six weeks on tho following list: . FERTILIZERS I Wo keep constantly in stock at our GRAIN HOUSE, and will deliver frco of chargo to any station on tho D. L. & W. or 13. & S. railroads, the celebrated "Economy Bono" and "Good Crop" brands, both high grado, standard goods, mado from puro materials, frco from sour acids and heavy worthless fillers, and guaranteed as good as the best. IMJPIIE WA(CMII1EM Wo havo tho agency for tho Traction, Portablo and Stationary Engines, Threshers, completo with lover power, in six sizes; Clover Hullers, Saw Mills; Grain Drills and Corn Shelters. All standard goods, just what farmers will need very soon. Sprout's Wmmh Mmkw f3kif I Just what every farmer needs. Can attach to any horse-power. Runs easy. Grinds well. 1 ' ROAD Alii FARM WACO! ! Wo havo in stock, ready for inspection, the O'Brien Wagons, in any sizo desired, for farm or road, and invito tho publio to call and seo them. OUR STOCK ! In addition to tho abovo wo keep'a full lino of Flour.'Bran, Middlings, Choir, and I ecd at lowest market prices. " Salt for land and dairy use. Special prices to dealers on job lots. Clover, Timothy and fancy grass seeds. Coal in all sizes. Delivered to any part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from us for their dis tricts and themselycs. All kinds of Grain taken at highest market prices for cash, or in oxchanL'o at any time. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly, r. . rn H. V. WHITE & CO., August 5. Bloomsfourir. Pa. Orders May fre Left With Altortson & Hulme, Benton, Pa. TOOTJIR. Ill buying Boots, Shoes, Slip pers, or any othtfr kind of foot wear, peoplo will go where thoy can find the largest assortment to select from, and where they can got tho best goods for tho least money. Such advantages can bo found at the best in an establishment that deals exclu sively in foot wear. Almost ev ery general store keeps a few boxes of boots and shoes, but at Dentler's shoo store the stock consists entirely of this line of goods. Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Pumps, Rubbers, Sandals, Gai ters, &c, for Men, Women and Children, occupy shelf after shelf, and even tho floor of tho largo room is stocked with boxes. Hero tho customer can find all styles, all sizes, all prices, from tho heaviest cow hide, to the finest kid, with prices as low as cut bo found anywhero for tho same class of goods. We aro provided with implements for removing pegs, and for resetting buttons, go that our goods aro mado comfortable, and mado to fit any foot. Among tho special lines aro tho W. L. Douglas Shoo for gen tlemen. Curtis & Whfiolor'H T,n- dioa' Fine Shoes, tho celebrated lowanuu boot, ior men and boys. No trouble to show goods. F. D. Dentler, " BLOOMSBURG, PA. lsaugains; JgXKUUTUU'a NOTICK. Estate of Sarah Uoalt, late of Beaver TmonililD Jneaiw4, ' Utters testamentary oa tho saM estato laavlnir neriVKAi?. Ue. uodenilgDUeieoutore. aft wrujns ludebtea to said estate ara hereby not Qtd said estate present tuo 8amo tQ nuiuiv r. ii. KiHiiEit, to vyjo Pa. J. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEU.VRS in PIANOS Dythe following well known makers: Chickcring, Knabe, "Weber, x Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists septs-sat 0naw15cat--' th?10 unilerslSnM' ocr(!rB ir sale, on cosy tents Planing Mill, Dry Dock, Lumber Sheds, Etc., (with excellent wharfage racllltlesjlocated on tlia hanks of the Pennsylvania canal, within ono nuartcr of a mile ot tUa l. L. & w. Depot at Beach ZOOS?: fJJf5"18 county, l'a. A good ferry alo connects this placo with the country on the op- cWryTor&t4"6 Ant' Wa' LARG EPLANER, moulding ana matching machine, turning lathe, vertical, bracket ana circular saws, allln good working order. Unas a 10-Horss Power Watsr Wheel, ?Sle,r a 8tf00t 1,0IUJ- Tho mill Is 3S x w foet with two large lumber Bheds, one I x W feet and bneman!113 18 B opohlns for an energetto For further particulars apply to . . ' BAHAII llRAPKIt, Eiecutrlx of tho Est. ot Dan'l IJrader, DocM. augneow4t. unci! IUvik, J S WAHT1IM0RE 0 0LLEGE r. ... swArnliuoitK, fa., "Pons Oth month, mh. Thirty mlnutea froni lirpad st, Rtatlon.I'hlladelpuln. Under the caro of friends, but all othora admitted, Full collegj couroo tor both toxos; Classical, Bclentlflo and Liusrary. AlaoaAlanualTralnlng and a lwpara. tory school. Healthful location, large grounJ new and extensive buildings and apparatus, i or fratv'.0KV?.atul ""l particulars, address KDVVAW U, MAQILL, LU I)., Vres't. uiaya.l6t-sept-M- SUBSOUIBK FOR THE COLUMBIAN,