The Columbian BLOOMSBURG, FA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1887. CoaSLCT StlLIUin Till T1B11. Vinson tho Philadelphia It 11 loaTftltnpcrt ii (allows I hortb. . sooth. :IUH 11:27 a. rn. 8:10 p. m. 0:80 p. m. Tralnson the D. L. ft W. It. H. leaie Binomstrarg (allows I NOHTIt. SOUTH. Till a. m. 8:3s a. m. tl:0T a. m. 13:05 p. m. 2.24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. C:M p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on tha S.tW.ll, crry an follows ! north. lo:4 a. rn. 3:49 p. m, p. u. SOKDA NOiirn. a m Railway pass Bloom BOOTH 11:14 a. to. 419 p. m. t:30 p. m. r. .OCTB. 8:89 p m 8AIJBS. John A. Funston, administrator of the estate of Samuel Melllck, deceased, will sell vAluablo real estate on the premises In Orange township. Saturday, September 34th at 1 o'clock p. m. A Fine Rcntacucc For Male. Tho executors of Mary N. Harman, de ceased, offer at private sale a handsome residence on Market street above Main, Uloomsburji. Tho houso Is of brick, large pleasant rooms, steam heat, gas, water, cewcrago, and all modern Improvements. Tl'cro Is a large frame barn, ice house and outbuildings. One of the most desirable locatlouB In the town. Terms easy. They alio offer for sale thirty-seven acres of land on Normal hill, adjoining P. Dil lon's and tho Hoyt estate. Ca be divided into desirable building lots. For terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mo Kelvy, one of the executors, or Geo. E. Klwell, attorney, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf FOR RENT, Fob Balk or Hint. Tho Music Ball, formerly Eureka Rink, Is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms by the new manager. Parties wishing to hold festi val! will do well to tee tho manager. J. D. BrurFKB, Manager. Farmer 'Wanted. A. farmer of experience and character may obtain a five-years' lease of a small farm (111 acres) upon advantageous terms on tno uirara jsstate lianas in ine vata wissa Vallcv between Brandonvllle and Olrard Manor. The farm Is provided with a new. uandsome and convenient House, new barn and outbuildings, and Is well tUDDlied with good water. A man Is wanted who can furnish his own stock andcqulpment,and may become a permanent tenant Also, a farmer wanted to occupy liouso on larm at wages, ucicr. enecs requested. Address, Uehki! 8. Tuompbon, Engineer Qirard Estate, 12aug8U Pottsville, Pa. A Rare clinnco for a Lively Stun, The Centralla Hbtel is ottered for sale cheap and on easy terms. It is well locat ed, large and commodious and affords tho right man a eood opportunity to make money. Apply or address to Mna Wm. Pfmpfbh, Centralla, Penna. WANTED I Two Apprentices to learn paiiWmakme. Apply at Low enberx'a. augss To close out certain Hoes of wedding in vitations a number of bargains arc offered at this office. Thoso wanting small lots, from 10 to 25, will save money by ordering at the Columbian office. tf personal. Mrs. Nusa will start for Wichlta,Kansas, Monday next. Miss Jennie Taylor of Nowark, N. J., Is visiting Miss Annio Beckley. Miss Itunyon, of Plainflcld; N. J., Is vUItlng at Mr. Layton Ilunyon's. Hon. Jas. T. Fox and P. H. Fisher were In town on Tuesday on legal business. Miss Jennie Bailey, of UughcBvllle, Ly coming county, is visiting Mrs. Elnney Fund. Mies Sallio Schoch, of Seliusgrove was the guest of Miss Eliza Kuhn during tho past week. O. C. Marr is much Improved In health, and Is ablo to bo in tho store, but not to attend to business yet. Mr. C. Mears started Tuesday morning for the Grangers picnic at Williams Grove. He expects to exhibit bis "Perfect Wash er" there. Rev. Dr. Mitchell returned from Chau tauqua last week. Ills little daughter, Margaret, has been very sick, but is now much improved. Mr. Davis Brooks returned from Georgia last Monday evening. Ho brought with him twenty young mocking-birds, which he caught tbero himself. E. M. Tewksbuiy, 0. B. Jackson, F. M. Parker and J. F. Caldwell attended tho Democratic State convention at Allentown on Wednesday, the latter going as a substi tute for E. It Ikeler. Squirrel hunting is now in vogue. The coal trade Is beginning to boom. Lakeside dwellers aro returning to their homes. Quails and partridges will bo plentiful this year. Jacoby opened with shell and tub oysters this week. To icmoye egg stain on silverware, rub with damp salt. Tho hand organ and ba?-plpc men wcro in town last week. A handsome line of Fall Overcoats just received at Lowenberg's. A largo crowd was present at the Chau tauqua picnic last Friday. Merchants are beginning to lay In their Btock of fall and winter goods. The pear crop this year Is abundant and the fruit of an excellent quality. ltemnants of Casslmercs just tho thing for boys' pants at Lowenberg's. 0. E. Rico has had his meat market painted io bright, attractive style. E. Jacoby opened his "Oyster Bay" -and fish market on Thursday, September 1. W. B. Allen has a trio of pug docs about as flno ones as can be found anywhere. Tbo yield of potatoes is better this year than It has been for a number of years. Students who attend schools and colleges at a distance will soon be leaving town. Mrs. M. H. Clark is Introducing steam heat Into her residence on Market street. An elegant line of FALL HATS, Just received at Lowenberg's. The stack at tho eneine house of tho lteam heating company has been repaint. td. 50 dozen more of the Wonderful nnite b'njrt at fbc, each at Lowen berg's. A number of people, mostly picnickers, were In town last Saturday afternoon and evening. The farmer who reads the newspaper) regularly doesn't often get fooled by con THE COLUMBIAN AND Underclothing-great uargalns-rmisl bo I iu. uaii and see. At Lowenbcrg's. The Normal school m .. m.... I nay. Ilicro aro good prospects for a largo . oiuucms mis year. Mrs. Hiram Broaili tm. i , " ""IXUYIUK resiucnco on Blxth street by building uuu,UUiHiui!noriueotnef. It Is eald that a weak solution of ii .1,1 i ,0l.".ll0a 01 catboll "v p 'iivu ua urnn t. v hrtn.i .n.... Nearly every department of business has us own Journal. Tho Grocery HVW Is a impcr now puuiisiioj In Philadelphia. An Interesting article by a correspondent unaY&iaauiy crowded nni 11,1. but will bo published In our next Issuo. As wo go to press wo learn of tho death ui air. jonn uruber of this town. Ho died av naniicoko on Wednesday at midnight. Tho monthly meeting of tho Gospel Temperance Union will bo held In ine Uaptlst church on next Tuesday evening. W. L. Fornwald has seeurod ,h "eirert, of Heodlng.ln hlsshavln .... w" lives parlors. Will is bound to keep up with tho iimes. Phillip Foust bought tho undivided In- tcrest of Ellas Baylor, deceased. In real cs. tato In Montour township on Tuesday for .uM-raunvj surveyors aro all worn cslabllsuing the boundary lino be- tween Wayne, Busquehann and Lacko- wanna counties. A full line of FALL AND WINTER SUITINUS. Call and sec tho new styles nt .Lowenbcrg's. Perfect fit and perfect satisfaction always guaranteed. jir. i. jv. Miner moved bis family on Monday last, from his father-in-law, L. B. Kupert's, to tho rcsldenco lately occupied by John Qruber on First street. The business men of Bcranton nro Jubl- mm over me announcement that tho Penn. syivania ranroaa win soon cllect an en. tranco to tho city by building a lino from Wllkcs-barre. Tho fall trotting meeting at the Lee Driving Park, Wllkcs-Barrc, Pa., will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, September 6th, 7th and 8th, 1837. 1000 In premiums are offered. Miss Besslo Monroe gave a largo party last Friday evening at her homo at ltupcrt. Tho guests from hero went down on the 8.47 train and returned about three o'clock In omnibuses. Everybody had a good tlmo. If the kind of weather that we havo been having tho last fow weeks continues, things will bo evened up pretty well. Borne of the evenings have been bo cool, that overcoat wus yery acceptable. Mr. J. It. Townsend, the popular cutter for Lowenberg, went to Philadelphia yes terday (Thursday) where he expects to buy new stock for the fall trade. Look out for the latest Btylcs on his return. 1. W. McKelvy Is making somo repairs at his store. Tho book-keeper's olllcc will bo fitted up for a coat room, and the books will be kept In tbo prlvato office. New paper and paint Improve the appfaranco of both rooms. The Willlamsport bicycle club held their annual meet there tho latter part of last week. C. W. Funston rode over to Williams- port, a distance of nearly fifty miles, on Fri- day and returned Saturday afternoon, Ho reports a good time. James H. Mercer has given his store room a thorough cleaning and has all In readiness for the opening of tbo schools. Ho has received a full stock of blank booko, pencils, tablets and everything necessary for the school children. Col. Ent Post G. A. R. will go to Shen- nndoah on Sept. 8th to attend Grand Army Day. The Bloom Band will accompany them. Train leaves Rupert at 7.14 n. m., returning will leave Shenandoah at 10.30 p. . Faro for round trip $1.09. Mr. John Klechncr moved his family to Nantlcoko Monday morning. Mr. Lloyd White of Hughcsvlllo moved his family to Bloomsburg tho same day, and occupied the house made vacant by Mr. Kelchner, corner of Centre and Third streets. Boyd Cadman, tho young and expert bicyclist or our place, went to Willlamsport with his father last Saturday to attend the blcyrlo meet there. They returned the fore part of tho week. Boyd received a fine cold medal whllo there for his skillful riding. Improvements still continue about Phil lips' Domestic Bakery. The last one is, tearing down the old barn and rcplaclne It with a largo and moro convenient new ono. The old one was removed last week and the carpenters commenced on tho new one Monday. It is a very careless thing to let a horse stand In the public streets untied. No mat ter how centlo a horso may bo, ho is liable to be scared almost at any time, and a ser ious runaway may result, endangering other peonlo's property and lives, as well as your own. An entertainment was given at Miss An nio Ent's last Tuesday evening and attend ed by a large number of young folks. Tab leaux were presented in the beginning of the evening, and the remainder of tbe tlmo was spent in dancing. A very pleasant evening was spent. A spclmen of fine penmanship can be seen at the United States express office. It was dono by a professor at tho Wilkes- Barro Business College and left thereby him last Saturday. It is certainly a beau- llful piece of work and shows that ho Is a master of tho art of writing. A festival will bo held In tho yard of tho Ifpfnrmeil church, corner of Third and Iron streets, next Saturday evening, Sept. 3rd. Tho ladles of tho congregation will welcomo all callers, and servo them In tho best style, with Ico cream and other 6eason- ablo delicacies and refreshments. Tho members of St. Columba's church will plcnio at Oak Grove on Saturday, Rent. 3rd. An Invitation is cxten-jeu vo their friends to loin wuu mem in spenuing tha dav pleasantly. Metherell's orchestra has been engaged. Refreshments on the crmmils. Frie admission to the grove. The P. O. b. of A. of Berwick held aplo- nn ri Oak Grovo last Saturday. iuo majority of them came down three ex. - curslou cars on the first train In the morn ing, and a large number camo down on the noon train. 'i6 oiy wm ikui,iu u.UWus and other amusemcm. uu.. orchestra furnished tho music. Mrs. M. A. Smith Is ready to begin her fall term In mus e. Pup Is can begin at tan term in luuou,. 4 ..., any time, ami can tuo a week, either at their homes, or nt tno teacher's residence, as It suits their conven. fence The prices aro tho samo as charged , Jt.JZl For reticulars call at by other teachers, for particulars tuu residence, Mrs. Ent's house, next door to flood cheap Casslmercs sold at great bargains, by tho yard, at Lowenbcrg's. Q. V. Ilcrtsch has received the finest lot of hats ovor brought to this place Ho arranged his windows In a very tasteful w...... " uv' " lmaa-. A brilliant irnmn of 1ml I nui,i . 1,10 Pfttk on Thursday afternoon between tho Lawyers and Merr.hanU nf lnn. Arm- I desnerato pnmn .Intlnrr n brllllant nlms wnrn mn.ln. nn.l .nmn i,nr,i ballln8 dono, tho scoro upon being count- cd up was found to stand U0 to 87 In favor of tho Merchants. Quito a number of spec, tutors ylowcd tho gamo. II. IJ. Clark and F. T Ikelcr started on their bicycles last Saturday rooming for Eaglcsmcrc, tho beautiful summer rciort In Hulllvan county, wlicro they remained several days. Eaglcsmerc has been booming this summer, and It has been al. m08t 'mPoasib'0 10 obtain rooms thero dur- MD8 the season, although It has largo hotel CttPaclllc9 - They returned on Tuesday, Tho slcara hcatln8 company had a forco of men at work tho past week laying tho steam pipes from Main street to tho Opera Houso. The pipes had already been put In the building and connection with tho street plpo was madu on Monday. During tho digging of tho trench, tho men struck tho foundation of Phillip Unangst's old residence, which used to stand at that point. Dlctrlck Lamade, business manager of ni , .onions,! u.i afternoon by Judge Furst, nt ficllcfonte, to pay a fine of fivo hundred dollars. This ends tho famous Lamadc-Rlanhard libel cae. Hcports from Bcllcfonto are to tho cllect that there wasmucb surprlso ex pressed In that place, by tho people, at the scycrlty of tho flno Imposed by the court. Tho lawn tennis tournament of the Bonlta club, held at their grounds last Tuesday and Wednesday, was the first ono they have had, and was a success. Playing continued throughout both days, single and doublo sets being played, between ladles and gentleman. A number of spec tators wcro present at the games. We havo not yet learned by whom tho prizes were won. Tho country is experiencing a super- abundant run of railroad accidents this summer. Destiny or bad management Is giving death a strong support in theso af fairs. Tho most horrible were tho break ing down of tho brldgo near Boston under an excursion train, which occurred this spring and the burning bridge at Chats- worth, 111., In both of which upwards of ono hundred lives wcro lost. There Is a queer phenomenon to be seen in Llghtstrect, at the old McDowell property In tho upper end of town. It was discov ered only recently that a sunflower stalk was growing out of a maple tree in front of tbe building and It blossomed only a few days ago. Tho seed was probably tak. en there by n bird, or it may have been car ried by the wind and lodged In the tree. It Is certainly a strange freak of nature. As a young son of Jacob Keller's was ploughing on Mr. Keller's (arm near Light- street last Saturday, a serious accident oc curred, which resulted In the necessity of killing ono of the horses that he was using. A check rein broke, and the horse sudden ly started up, giving tho plough a sudden jerk. It Btruck a stone, and flying up struck tho horse in tho leg, breaking tho bone aboyo tho joint in tho fleshy part of lee. It was only kindness to tho animal that it should be shot. It is feared that another epidemic is about to visit Plymouth. When tho last victim of the great epidemic of two years ago had been burled, the public demanded that tbo town bo sewered and other improvements I in the sanitary condition should bo made. But this was not done, and tho streets re malned In the same filthy condition. Sever. al have already died of fever, probably re suiting from the unucaiiuy conuiuon ui tho town, and more cases aro reported. Great apprehension exists among the citi zens of the borough. Tho Btato Normal School, at Blooms- hurir. will beein Its nineteenth year on Tuesday, September 0, 1887. Candidates for the Senior ClaBS will pre- sent themselves before tho t acuity on Monday, Aug. 22, and tho State cxamlna- Hon will begin on tho 23d. Tbo class al ready promises to bo the largest ever en. rolled here. Many prepared hero have taken hlch standing In college. The I school gives thorough training in tho com. mon branches. Bend fnr catalogue. 4tal0 List of letters remaining in the Post Of. flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Aug. 30, 1887i Wm. F. Andrews. J. Bates, Mlsa Cora Crawford. Frank Clark, Roderick M. Don. achy, D. OroseppI Fuscco (foreign), J. W. Gordner, Nettie Mears, Harvey Miller, O. U. Remlev. Gcorco Trump, Miss M. Van, Tassel. OAItDS. t Bertha Chrisman, Phillip ilawley. PACKAGES. Mrs. Martha O. Kustcr. Persons calling for theso letters will please say "advertised." Ueobqk A. Clare, 1 . M. Hiram Hess, proprietor of tho Exchange Hotel at Benton, died last Saturday morn. ing,agcd about 00 years, and was buried on Tuesday. Ho had been ill for sovcral months and his death was not unexpected. Ho was a sou of John Hess, and was born In Brlarcreek township but lived most of his life In Fishlnccreck and Benton. For fifteen years or moro ho has kept hotel at the latter place. B Industry and economy bo accumulated considerable property. Mr. Hess was a quiet and unassuming man, and a good citizen. His widow, a Bister of the Hon. E. J. McHcnry, and two sons. F. M. Hess and W. W. Hess, survive him, Tho latter are prosperous farmers at Btlll- water. Tho funeral was largely attended and tho services wero conducted by Rev. D. 3. Waller Jr. George Uarman, a grand child of Doug. las Hughes, died Saturday evening from In- iurles received by tho kick ol a pony, un Thursday of last week he was leading one of Mr, Hughes' ponies to tho pump at tho head of East street. After drinking water lue pony turned and commenced grazing, The child holding to the end of the halter, tue p0ny playfully kicked up behind, strlk. taa him In the abdomen. A scream was . - uitnrnil and tno pony ran up tuo m iuwru thfl chUj(oUowlng. Boon after ,,. ,vn in hi. I TGIlCIillJL; lllV UWUeW MM of grat An nxamlnatiou RIIOWCU mat mero wero un outwiml bruUea Bml luat the Injuries wero . A physician was sent for, and Uvnrvihlnf done to relieve tho little surfer- er but t0 n0 BVBii. Ho lingered In great pain during 7 and Saturday ana died ..... eaiuruay uvu.uK ..... , , .rirpa wero held at the bouse of Doug. jM Hughes Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, . J . CaUwls8a burlai and interment in tuo ivbwwimo uunai grounu. no w v - -6v, and had been living with bis grand parents ,.,. ,ia ior a u -j j. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Many peoplo llvlne right In this town . i i,i..i.C.i r..i nuuw yury uvtiu ui uiu ui-nuwiiui ei'uvo imv beautiful sccnory wo havo around us, and many who do know It don't realize that it as beautiful as It really Is, and that lllooms. burs Is ono of tho prettiest towns and Is .i,.,,i .,i, i.,., .. i .n...imuiim ...u ,....1.......... this section of tho coulry. We havo pretty and well mtcd.up picnic grounas at Uiner. - Po'nt " k Orovobclr.c a remark. able pretty piece of woods, and well adapt- cu to nil tlio wants ami pleasures oi pic- . . . nickers. Tho Susquehanna rlyor, altuougu 80 Dc lu0 town u vcrV" 8oldom vllllod by town people, although nt this point it Is surrounded with beautiful scenery) it is rather far to walk, but tho delightful boat- Ine and scenery to bo seen from tho river Bftcr the arrlvnl thero aro well worth tbo long walk. Fishlngcrook, our other neigh- boring stream Is beautiful from Its origin Is the point whero It flows Into thoSusnuohan. Ina below ltupcrt. The. view from tho top of tho river hill li really nrnnd. tho whole valley being spread out before tho vlow of the beholder. Thero aro other high points from which beautiful views may be seen. From tho Normal School tho whole town can bo distinctly defined by tho observer. On a moonlight night It is particularly beautiful, tho furnaco's red glaro adding much to tho scenery. Far In tho distance Is seen tho Catawlssa railroad bridge crossing tho river. Tho Normal School and Its surroundings picscnt beauties in themselves. There are pleasant drives all about tho town, uotably tho drlvo up tho Espy road and tho ono along tho rivor and homo by Hupert grove along tho banks of Flshlngcreek There are many others, al- so, which all have to bo seen to bo appre ciated. It Is hard to find within a radius of many miles a town that has Buch surround ings and as pleasantly situated as ours. lllooniHtMtrK vh. Nniitlcoltc. The second came of tho Bloom and Nantlcoko scries was played Saturday after. noon last at Atblcttc Park, Bloom winning for tho second tlmo to tho tuno of 14 to 0. The attendance was below what was ex pected, the price of admission keeping great many lovers of tho sport away. Let tho managers of tho club consider tno fol lowing prices of admission, gents 15c. ladles 10c, and report their decision on their next posters. If tho above prices are adopted they will have twico tho attend- anco they had at last Saturday's game, pro. vldlng they continue to play good clubs, Why can't we have prices within the reach of all and havo good attendance, rather than high prices and poor crowds. Our boys won tho game in tho second Inning through their opponents' errors. Bloom played as good a game ns has been played here this summer. Uays, tho new catcher, won much applause and many friends by his good catching and magnifl. cent throwing to bases; with the stick ho pounded the sphero wbencver at the bat, lifting It each timo far out Into tbo field Tho work of Heist in the box was as usual admirable, striking out four men; tho hits made on him wero nearly all of the "scratch" kind. Sylvls at short stop did noble work, covering a great deal of ground and making only one error, muff. Ing a dew drop. Tho basemen, Ent, Shaf. for and Hagenbuch,, played to win wltu a vim which has heretofore characterized their playinir. The out fielders had little to do, but when called upon to act, did so n a creditable manner, Winner) and Boice gathering in flics, while Housel throw in his "canton balls." For the visitors nothing much can be said. McCoy was a llttlo wild but ho did well in his pitching; his 'support by Gib. tons was poor; if better supported ho could havo been moro effective. The play lnc all around was rather loose. The Bloom club has been playing good ball so far this sumroor and It takes a good strong team to down them. BLOOMBBUliQ. it In r.o. A Hays, c 2 3 5 1 Ent, lb 2 3 0 1 Hairenbucb. 8b 12 2 1 Sylvls, ss 2 4 2 1 Siiaffer,2b 2 4 4 2 1 Heist, p a a l u Housel. 1 f 1 1 Bolce, r f 12 11 Winner, of 3 2 1 Totals 14 22 27 14 NAXTIOOKB. 1! ID l'.O. A E Kennedy, s s 3 1 0 1 llort'ells. oh i o Gibbons, c, 1 f 15 15 McCoy, p 118 GUday, 1 f,' c 4 Clark, lb 110 1 Donouue, 2b , l 4 i Absalom, c f McElwcc, r f 2 1 Totals 0 8 23 12 15 Bloomsbure 1 5 0 2 0 1 4 1 x 14 Nantlcoko 00000202 20 Threo base hits Shaffer 1, Doublo plays Sylvls and bhiller 1. liaso on balls Kennedy 1. Hit by pitched ball Winner 1, Jtiebiwee i. intcriering wuu uaueu uau -Hays l. BirucK out uy neisw. iiyjic- Coy 2. Wild pitches McCoy 1. Umpire Bloan. B. E. F. OrauKCVlUe. The Masonic Hall In J. B. Harman's new building Is ticarly completed, and will soon bo ready for occupancy. It Is a fine k large room with banqueting hall adjoining. M. L. Kline keeps on hand a good stock of light and heavy harness, whips, rugs, saddles, and everything else In his line. Thoso purchasing from him uro sure to be satisfied, both as to quality and price. The Orangevlllo shoo factoy Is now in full operation. It employs about fifty hands, and makes COO pairs of shoes a day, Each workman has but one particular thing to do, and each shoo passes through many hands beforo It Is completed. Mr. Pitts, the Superintendent, understands his bust. ncss thoroughly. This enterprise Is a fine thing for our town. Tho railroad thus far has not dono tho business mon much good, as tho freight rates aro too high. Deltcato children, nursing mothers, over worked men and for all diseases where the tissues ore wasting away from the Inability to digest food, or from overwork; should tako Ecott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphttes. "I used tho Emulsion on a lady who was delicate. I put her In such good health and flesh, that I must say it is tho best Emulsion." P, Wappsll, M. D., Hugh's Mills, S. O. MIclilKUii XtciiiH. Tho many relatives nnd friends In Blooms burg of Claud O. Chapln, son of Dr. nnd Mrs. J, F. Chapln, of Bchoolcraff, Mich., will be sorry to learn that ho has been dan. gorously 111 tho past fow days. At this writing it Is thought he Is slightly on the ii. i imnrove. Mr. A. It. Cbapin, of Schoolcraft, (for. raerly ol Columbia county; anu miss nor. 1 - . f lfll. mom estimable "Join, . uple have the best wishes of a host of friends, Tim llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ram sey Arthur, of Schoolcraft, died recently or dinntnoria, aeeu j years nuu u luumuo, August UU, itxii. i. mm i I I had kldnov disorder and say for tho . . . . Tr ..t. II. firt r.n.iltf rwroA mo. Hov. H. O. Chandler, T.Mmnnn Hnrlnira. N. Y. 1 bad stono In tho bladder and gravel in the kidneys. I used Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and am . well. E. D, Parsons, Rochester, N. y irce 1. Send B-ccnt stamp to Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y.. for a book ki,n i vr ami hinnrt dUnrdors. v 1 Hon this Paper. sepSdit. TUT? STTflART HA 17 WPP1 uuumujuni v J m. u. Tim CIlAnfJH OF 1'IIAL'I) COM- FI.ItTKI.V HICI'UTUn. Tho RtjmlUcan of last week states "on rcllablo authority that tho returns of Sugar loaf wcro detained in Orangevlllo on Tues day morning of tho convention for thrco or four hours, and that there tho truo re turn papers wcro abstracted and that a fraudulent onn was made up and substi tuted and tho wbolo result of tho conven- .tlon chnn8cd thereby! that this was secured by tho payment of two hundred dollars." Wo oro ablo to say from our own knowl edge tli ft this story bears strong marks of Improbability upon Its face. The return sheets wcro all printed at this office, and no onejrom Sugarloaf or Orangcvlllc had a duplicate sheet that could bo filled up and substituted In tho manner alleged. Tho allegation that tho whole result of tho convention was changed thereby Is cal. culated to shako confldenco In tho "rcllabll ity" of tho IUpvhlicaWt Informant. It did did not chango tho result of a single nomina tion, and tho only ono that It was thought might bo effected by It was that of Hcgtstcr & Recorder. Tho convention voto for Camp bell wns 33 and Sterner had 84. It the Sugarloaf voto wns reversed, giving Btcrner two delegates Instead of Campbell tho con vention voto would havo stood Campbell 87, Sterner, 85. Under the facts a suc cessful effort could not havo been mado to throw out tho south Conyngham vote, which gave Campbell two delegates, but granting It could havo been dono, it would havo mado a tio vote of 85, and under the rules Campbell would havo been nornl natcd, having received a majority of tho popular vote. Moore's two votes, wo are Informed, would havo been equally divided. Wo print below several cards from the persona interested, and from all tho evi dence, direct or circumstantial, the chargb of corruption Is entirely annihilated. The "Republican" now must either substantiate Its charge, or admit that Its article was en tlrely false. WIIAT OTHERS SAT OP XT. Mess. Eds: Tho rumor printed in tho Revvltican of last week, that tho voto of Sugarloaf had been changed In my favor, by the payment of two hundred dollars, Is I nwium.ciY .(.lav. au .a. a aiu buuuiucu. absolutely iaise, so tar as i am concerned. No chatge in tho return was mado by me, I nor by any ono for me, nor was any money or other valunblo thing offered or paid or MrtnTan4 lt win nm anir Ann Alan vtritli promised by me, nor by any ono clso with my knowledge or consent, to any delegate or delegates or olhcr person from Sugar loaf or elsewhere, for such a purpose. This malicious falsehood, no doubt, originated n tbe fertile brain of a defeated candidate. who, I am Informed, has been conferrlne lately with tho editor of the Rpt$ i'w,and who would not hcsltato to do all in his power to disintegrate tho party and defeat tho wholo Democratic ticket, in order to Batisiy nis inirst ior revenge. xours, &C-, V. li. UAMPHBLL. Con's Crkbk-, Aug. 81. 1887. The chareo of the Bloomsbur? "Repub. llcan" of, last wcck against the delegates of Sugarloaf townshp to tbe late Democratic convention is utterly untrue. It was with reluctance that I accepted the position of juugeoi Elections, alter being chosen by tno .Democratic citizens, who wcro present at tue delegate meeting. Alter me election board waa organized somo of my friends proposed to use my name for delegate. I consented, and was elected. When tbe polls closed and the tickets were all counted tho sums total were carried out by the clerk and 0. U. Campbell received thirty eight votes and G. W. Sterner received thirty-six votes. Tho return naner was then handed to me and I out it In mv pocket. and it was in my possession, and no one saw it from Saturday evening of tho dele gate meeting, until It was taken from my pocket on tbo morning of tho convention and handed to F. P. Billmcyer, at his office in liioomsnurc. The result or tho election was announced to tho bystanders on Satur day evening as soon as the tickets were all counted, and it was understood by all that u ji. uampocu naa two more votes than G. W. Sterner. The return paper never was enanged or altered by any one, and It uuuuvu hi .uv willlAlfl VI IUS LV11IGU- lion as written out by tho clerk at the dele- oS the1 morning obconcntionl did nt stop at Orangevlllo. Thu wholo article In tue "iiupuuncan," wnicn nuuoes to tue Snirarloaf retnrna. In n mnllnin,,. fnl.-lmml of the deepest dye. jatoh ii. fkitz. I was elected delecato to tho Democratic VfUlll O ViliUlln, aUU UI. IDOli rnnrmilnn. W w ni oi . , n. ihnTi.ti rnR of tbe htto dclegato. meeting; had left for homo about lour o'clock, f rom the inior - mation that I received, tho Sugarloaf re - turns were made out correctly and an nounced on the evening of tho delegate meeting that O. H. Campbell had tbirtv- elght votes, and G. W. Bterner, thirty-stx votes, 'lhat tho returns wero never chanced or altered, and wero handed to officers of tho convention as mado out at the delegate meeting. On my wny to tho convention I did not see tbe other delegates until I was In Bloomsburg. Tho article published in the "Republican" of last week. In reference to tbo Sugarloaf returns, is a malicious libel, and tho people of a township lhat has al ways conducted their elections, perhaps, more honestly than any other in tbo county, win not rest unucr sucn a charge. J. Ju. LAHisn. Colo's Creek. Aue. 81. 1887. Tbo charge in the Bloomsbure "Renubll can" of last week that the Sugarloaf dele. (rates to tuo Licmocratic convention were detained at Orangeville for thrco or four hours and that thero tbo truo return pap. era were abstracted and lhat a fraudulent one was made up and substituted, is a base falsehood. I he wuoie article which allud ed to the Sugarloaf returns Is a malicious lie made out of the wholo cloth. I was elected by tho citizens as clerk at tbo dele. gate meeting and In tho evening after tho tickets wero counted nnd tho sums total for each candldato wero carried out It was found that 0. H. Campbell had tbirtv-elzht votes and G. W. Sterner had thirty-six votes. The returns wero true and correct wcro never changed or altered at Orange. ville or any other place and were handed to tho officers of tho convention as mado out at tho delegate meeting. I did not see tho return paper at Orangeville neither did I see tbe other delegates at that place. Let tho "Republican" name his "reliable authority" and have Aim answer for Au wll. ful and deliberate falsehood. Is It true that the strong Imagination of a defeated candidate conceived tho Idea of fraud which was nursed and matured by an op posite party uni ii it crew into a uaso rabri. cation? Can a Democrat afford to Join with tho opposite ranks in tbo diversion and overthrow of his own party? & Ll. KILE. . We the underslcned citizens of Bucar loaf township wcro present at tbe lato Democratic dclegato meeting and saw the return papers during tho counting of the nonets anu alter tuo sums total carried out tor each candidate and wo took a copy of the result from tho return paper after tho sums total nau uecn carried nut. u. ii. Campbell bad thirty-eight votes and G. W. Sterner had thirty-six votes. 'Iho article in tho "llcpubllcan" of last week In refcrenco to chancing of the re. turns is a baso lie. Tho returns as handed In at tho convention wcro the samo as we saw at the tlmo tho count was completed anu tuo pons cioseu. ALBKKT UOLE. Aug. 81 , 1867. Noiiman Cole. Mess. Eos: The Republican of last week surprised everybody by endeavoring to create tho Impression that at the lato Dem ocratic delegate election in Sugarloaf town shp thero was a fraudulent return. The RcDublitan should endeavor to get at the tacts before it publishes the imaginations or dercatcd candidates. Tho voto ol hu- garloaf was honestly counted and honestly returned by honeit Democrats, which the editor of tho Republican could have easily learned, If ho wished to. But ho grasps at groudless rumors with a great relish and I gnnnla nf tlin A Ml 111 ('nntinnlinm fnlni-n oa fraudulent." This assertion Is falso and this same edl. tor who evinces so much concern Democratlo politics (even though ho prominent factor In tho dlsgracefu was a Esq., that tho south Conyngham yote was Ur.lueeuingsoiinoiaioitepuoiicauconTenuon; ,...,.. ' wrtand wliU P. ;fc. Dty. l'. llarrlsburg, on oojld havo learned from sucb citizens as I JOHN) VVANAMAKEK, 1 LiTilaven, Broporlura, Warren, cony and Krle. r n. I Hon. O. Q. Murnhv and John I. Uannon. I nheatnnt. Thirteenth and ilarket streets. I w. v. iiaithad. lien. Van.. counted fine by tbo election board In tho I fircsenco oi witnesses ami twin limes toi led tho same, to.wlti 21 for Sterner and 68 for Campbell. But tho Republican does I not snow any desiro to get nt wo exact I facts'ln regard to Democratic primaries. If it would do so. not only thu Democrats, but Hcpubllrans as well, would place tnoro I rciianco in us columns. f air i lat. Mess. Eds: It Is alleged that while tho delegates from Sugarloaf were In Orange-1 vino on Tuesday morning, mo day oi uic Democratic Convention, the original return Bhcct of tho primary election was abstracted I and anoincr return suusiuuicu in us place, giving two delegates to Campbell and ono to Btcrner. How absurd this charge Is f Tho abstraction of tho original and subtil-1 union oi a iraudulcnt return, in llio man ner alleged, could only liavo been success fully accomplished by the collusion of tho thrco delegates and thu Judgo and Clerk of tho primary election, and then with the risk of detection from having given out tho returns on tno Saturday, Bunday or Mon day previous. Odskiiver. Republican of August 25, Is an article under the caption of "Is It True," (and right horn lnt tin rniv vn rln not linllnvn Iha rrlltnr A-.O. UVbUMUIAD 111 ,UU 1BDUU V. IUU of tho Republican thinks It true) charging the delegates of Sugarloaf township with falsifying the returns of Sugarloaf town ship. The article charges that tho returns irom Buganoai wcro detained at urangc vlllc for threo or four hours and then and thero tho truo returns were abstracted and falso ones substituted, and this was dono by the payment of two hundred dollars. rri.n I, II: A1U. I. I. -All.Kln ntl.nv IUV A.rj'UVlHUr. -iailUO lit UliaiUI.UlU Ull.llV- I ltyasa bans lor mcBO allegations, wny do they not say who paid tho two hundred .Inllor. nml rJUl.,,,,1 II? Wn thlnlr I beforo they aro through with this matter I mey win nnu tiieir authority mo reverse or i reliable. There is no foundation at all for mo report. The truth is no ono in urange knew then that the result of the primaries depended upon Sugarloaf township, and so no one In particular interested them selves in the returns from that township. The dclegato from Sugarloaf, carrying the returns irom mat townsmp.tmsscu tnrougu our town about, but did not stop at urangevilio at an. Tho article is falso and untrue, from be. ginning to end, and tho only marvel is why a rcputauie paper, sucn as mo llcpvMican claims to be, would publish such a sense less and ridiculous article. For they must not suppose the voters and their represent atives iom ouganoai are 1001s and do not know the law in the case and the penalties. Erovided tho article Ib a reflection on tho oncsty and. character of tho delegates irom uugarioai and mo menus oi uamp bcll from Orange, and as ono of the latter, wo pronounce the charge n malicious lie. no iuiuh nuun nuvio L .1 . icihiu we minK we Know wucre m report originated and have only this to say, that jPethns, "if such wero possible," only low- ered himself, In tho estimation ol tho vot- I .a tt HrsnffA lin tVin miKllnntlnn r9 iVitd era of Orange, by tho publication of this article, alter oeing lairiy dercatcd in me convention. A SoBsomnxit. Orangevlllc, Pa., Aug. 29, 18S7. Pacta Abont Oysters. PltOMlSB OF AN UNUSUALLY 8UCCSSSFUL SEASON. Tho oyster season, which opened Thurs day, promises to be tho most successful In the history of oyster culture. Reports from tho oyster beds Indicate a supply never beforo equalled and planters expect a rich harvest Tho best kind of oysters to mako their appcaranco within the week are the Shrew burys, fat, plump, and delicious; Uocka. ways and Frceports. The season for Blue points does not open until September 15, as there is a local law prohibiting the gath crlng of oysters from Great South bay be fore that date. It may be remarked that the namo "Bluepolnt" Is used by dealers for convenience as a term for any small oysters to bo eaten on tho half Bhell; but tho real genuine Bluepolnts from Great South bay, when In good condition, aro considered tho finest for eating on tho half shell. Prices for oysters will remain about the same as for tho last few years. The esti mated number of oysters used last year was 4,000,000,000. Of theso 05 percent, was from tho Maryland and Virginia oys ter beds, the remainder from New York. IUU UUU1UCIU UVOKID UID UU, UH LiUUU The Southern oysterB are not as good as ,i,oao lhat ow in Nor,hem water It la thoso that grow in Northern waters. It Is customary every year to transplant yourrg oysters from Virginia to Princo's bay, but tuo improvement is scarcely perceptible. Ll... ,f ....j. . , .' . 1 ' '! " tnu J ,iwii ""H" allv in tho Pacific, but ovat trnnsnlnntr.,1 " ...7 7 .. . .f mrivo as well asou e Atlantic. 1 uespito tne large incrcaso or oysters 1 within tho last few vears.duo to tho method of planting oyster beds, tho supply is steadily decreasing In proportion to the demand. This is one of the problems at present engaging tho attention of planters. North Carolina promlsco to bo tho great oyster producing centre of tho future The legislature of that stato has adopted laws bearing upon their culturo similar to those of New York. The climato and natural advantages derived from tha large number of Inlets, bays and sounds, which Indent that coast, aro regarded as very favorable for oyster culture. A new association, called Tho Oyster Dealers' and Planters' association, has been Incorporated, its object being tho protec- tion of oyster dealers and oyster beds, as well as to decide and arbitrate difficulties between planters regarding the boundaries of their respective beds a subject about which they are always quarrelling. It is a stato association and Its province extends over tbo oyster beds of New York. Its membership numbers about 8,000 dealers and planters interested in oystrr culture. The association will seek also to regulato tho market price of oysters, and the size of oyster baskets, making a uniform scale for all. In the last competition has been sharp, and dealers have cut prices right and left, thus making the profits from tho business very small as a rule. A CIcnr Complexion, How can you expect a clear complexion when the blood is full of impurities and tho stomach clogged ? Tho blood becomes Impure becauso tho liver does not act prop. crly and work off tho poison from the sys tem, and tho certain results aro blotches, pimples and eruptions. Purify the blood with Simmons Liver Regulator, and regu late the liver, stomach and bowels, and then tho skin will becomo clear. MARRIED. 8IIELHAS1MER POTTS. On Satur- day, August 37. 1887, at tbe Reformed par- sonapeiu Orangeville, by Rev. A. Houtz, Air. w. a. encinammcr to juiss jane roils, bom oi Jfowiersvillc. DIED. MAHTZ. In Orancevllle, Sunday, Au. gust 23, 1887, Mrs. Mary Martz, aged 70 years. WANAMAKEKS. I'uiucEP'nu, Monaajr, August 89,1587, What is Eroinjr on at Wana- maker's ? More than you dream if you watch the ther mometer. Bargains bring buyers. Don t foreet that the btore '' .P'0: will close at i P. M. on Saturday. YvJ'S&Si and Clty.haU squarv, mm "The Gmtct Cars on Earth tc rain." .Will 1 knpini rrrra-B trajHiy mAn mxtj diner flwplliig--, utm fleet. It Ilurns, Bfidm Cut I, I JimKA.1 kx, m innniJi rem iM'tmche, Sptntj, Bon Tbroat, I ?etAt1ca. OOthACfH utiit-im iioumis. innapnii.Bi Wet bwtle. gbW by kill fdnifrrlptn. Ouitvtru Tb (rtv flmtl rirnittnro. A. d.Mricr A (t floki I'roprletorfl. Jbiitlmora, U(L, U. tC A. nR-.RUII'fi finilflH fiVQUP For the enre of Contrhs, Colds, Hoarse ncss, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping; Cough, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Drug; Cists. Price, 25 cents. LOCAL NOTICES. Just In at I. W. Hartman & Son's 8500 uuw ..a . . n u.ku.t.u vw UVI, B Wlf yus moro oi mat cucap biik velvet riuoon, 2 Inch 10c, 1 Inch 8c., 1 Inch Oo , Inch fin.. 4 inHl 4ft. f'i ju ruueivcu i. ujuuucr ior uu- Ishlng silks and cloths, I am prepared to Having Just received a cylinder for fln- ciean and dyo gents' cloibing. ladies' cloaks, sacques, silks, dresses, shawls, &c. Feathers dyed and curled. Packages for- wnrucu uy express win receive prompt at- tentlon, according to directions. Call or address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg sep-tr. Bhipping lags, with or without strings I. W. Hartman & Son's new dress goods department is now open with the finest line mi oi casnmcre, Henrietta clotbs and all tbellNO trOUOie 10 SHOW COOUS. Collectors' recolnt books and notices far I saio at mis owce. tf. 2000 yds best dark calico in pieces of 4 yds to 15 yds at Oc. at L W. aartman & Son's. I Al L llll..lll 1 . 1 lit, 111.' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 V I pPnuflri A rtlc-t R1nnTnoKifr P "J , . , ""'-""s FillO Cabinet Portraits, Only $3 1 - a dozen. Instantaneous Process used. BUSINESS NOTICES. preparation when vou call for Hood's Rar. sapnr na. ua sure to get uooa's, which is vnnr lnnira. Aln nil vmir hnthlns. ml chincry. Very wonderful machlncrv It is. : . J r Not only the larger ait -passages, but tbe I thousands oi mite tuuea and cavities lead ing from them. When theso ara clogged and chocked with matter which ouchl not to bo there. your lungs cannot half do tbelr v ork. And what thev lo. thev nnnnot rln writ. Call It cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family oi mrcai anu nusu unu iieuu ana lung od- structions. ail are bad. aii oueht to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even If cr - pend upon this for certain. men Baby na ilek, w gTa her Cutorta, When (he was a ChD.4, eho cried for CMtorl, When she became ehe clone to Cutori, Wbea tbe hod Children, she gare them Cutorla, 1181. , , , . t. vl . . .V . .. . E "PJ" has. Dreydoppel's Borax Soap is as near perfection as it is possible to attain, and I " " "S'E" JF ing them quickly. Tho liouid should I -f . . - . - . . . . ?u.'y just not enougu to maintain, its now "y anu me iiowers suouiu oo tnppeu one at a time, held by tho stocks and moved about for nn Instant ; ic . get . rid of air bub blcs. Fresh cut flowed free from moist- lire, make excellent specimens in this way. ii juu vvuum prcacrvu yuur iiuuuu uuu in vlgorute your entire system uso Pcrrine's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey. For sale by 0. B. Robblns, Bloomsburg, Pa. fcow. A good appetite is essential to cood health; but at this season is often lostow ing to tuo poverty or impunity or mo blood, derangement of the digestive organs, and tbo weakcnlnc effect of the chanclnc sea. son. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a wonderful medicino for creating an appetite, toning the digestion, and giving strength to the wuoia system, now is uic time to taKc it. iso sure to get uood's sarsaparilla. Drunkenness on Liouon Habit Positively Cubed by Aomikistebikq Du. Haines' UoLBKSBi-EoiFio.-Itcanbegivenlnacup nf rnfTon nr Inn wlthnnt thn Cnnlmln tea wltnout tho knowlcdgo 'he person taking it; Is absolutely harmless and win cllccl a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbo patient Is a moderate!" n drinker or an alcohoho wreck. Thousands SLVoJtfW! their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day bellevo they quit drink'ng of tbelr own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. Tuo system ooco Impregnated with tho Specific it becomes nn utter impossibility ior liouor habit to exist. For full particulars auuress uoiucri opecmc w.t 10a uace &t Cincinnati, Ohio. deo8 861y. QELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND W&aTttUIH JIAIJ-JIUAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. BTATIONS. ru Noitra. F U 1 K 1. K. 1 NORTIICMBIRLiND S 40 Cameron. .... 5 63 Cliulasty ,., s oo Danville s OS Catawlssa 23 10 10 10 S3 10 TO 10 SS 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 15 11 SB 11 III 11 SO 11 37 11 44 11 4 11 63 IS 08 13 16 li V) 13 ! 13 80 li 87 13 41 13 45 li 60 13 65 1 CI 1 11 1 1U 1 S5 1 30 r u 1 63 2 14 1 19 8 21 2 W Huert.. a si) utoomsburt; 6 3S Kapjr. s 42 Lime llldge, 6 60 wiuow itrovu-. , dm .... llrlarercel: s 64 Her wick 7 03 S 4S ueacn navel 7 ii s w Hick's Verrv 7 19 S 63 Hlilckshiany 1 HO 3 on 1IUDIOCK s ym i Nanticcko 7 60 8 SO Avokvlale. 7 M 1'lymouth 7W 8 35 nymouiu junction,,... i" o Kingston B 01 3 43 Bennett H la .... .Malay 8 17 Wyoming 8 l 3 63 3 54 4 01 west iiitsum b s, l'lttston .... 8 S3 Lackawanna ... s u Taylo-Hlle...... 8 liellevue 8 64 BCKIA'TON . . V oo 4 S3 r a AM r u STATIONS. AM SOUTH. m 3 03 i'i'i 2 21 11 13 : si 8 30 247 2 60 2 61 2 5 S 03 8 04 3 19 SCK1NTOK S 10 lielloYue s 16 Taylorvllle. e so 8 60 9 65 10 00 10 08 10 IS io n 10 S7 10 30 10 31 10 M 10 ii 10 47 10 61 10 65 11 01 11 li 11 ti 11 tt) 11 87- ll'i'i 11 63 11 tu . 12 05 12 10 U 19 VI 30 UVI 19 65 Y 11 Ijiccawanna. " l'lttston 6 an west ltltsto i 8 ii Wyomlui: o " Maltby . J fl neanf a Kingston 8 ts l'lTuioutn Junction..... 7 ufi l'lyrnoutb 7 10 Avoudale 7 14 NanUcoke 7 is uuniock's bblckablany J 8 9 3 99 3 43 3 61 3 57 .4 01 4 05 4 13 4 18 4 21 4 4 43 4 64 6 00 6 15 r u iuck-b l'erry lieacli Haven, 8 01 nerwicK ,,,,, Unarcreclc..., 8 13 Willow orovo, ........ 8 l IJuiollWge. 8 20 lipy. 8 Hloomsburs ; j ltupcrt S; catawlssa , ? ' Danville 8 67 Chutaaky .. 03 camerua w NOKTUfMBtHlNU-... g connections at lluiiert with rhlladelptUa 4: FOOTJEAR. In buying Boots, Shoes, Slip pers, or any other kind of foot uenr, people will go wlicro thoy can find tho largest assortment to select from, and whero thoy can get the host goods for tho least money. Such advantages can bo found at the best in an establishment that deals exclu sively in foot wear. Almost ev ery general store keeps a few boxes of boots and bIiocs, but at Dentler's shoo store the stock consists entirely of this lino of foods. liools, Shoes, Slippers, Wns, Rubbers, Sandals, Gai ters, &c., for Men, Women and Children, occupy shelf after shelf, and even tho floor of tho largo room is stocked with boxes. Here the customer can find all styles, nil sizes, all prices, from . tho heaviest cow hide, to the finest kid, with prices as low as I .it call 00 IOUlHi aiiywiiere iur uiu , Xn,1a AVn nvo SaUlO ClBSS OI COOtlS. WO UXf provided with implements for - ,ryl ,,n llr removing pegs, and lor reoCttlllg I luiffnna crv t int mir onnr r nrfi , ' . . , V i made COnitortaulC, ami maUO tO f t nnv thnt nl . Among the special IlllCS aro tuo Wi Douglas Bhoe ior sen- tlcnien. Curtis & Wheeler's La dies' Fine Shoes, the celebrated I Tnwnmin Rnnt fnr mon find bnvs. J-OWantia UOOt, 10r men anu UO a. F. D. Dentler, BLOOMSBURG, PA. lau?3ms. PAPER PJLATES AND NAPKINS Just the thinff for picnics and PNVate parties, neat clean and cneap; avoids tlie annoyance or IIL1A UJiAjU UUVL IKJOV W l.J 11 t ! 11 11 1111 1 1 1.: i.j. i mi. I n-IIJb, UU WUtlTUl, LU tail IV. illltoU i . . - paper plates are largely used for pie . baking, and overcome the objection some people have to pies because the under crust is I SOSCVI the Crcatest decree of heat I StPJ ' . Will not SCOrcll I greasinc them a them and by pie may be I r -i j ,i . , ,i baked on them better than on tin or earthen ware; the under Crust Will be found perfectly uard and crisp similar to the top. Napkins are soft and pliable as linen and will not fade unless washed. We carry the most complete line of Builders' materials in the Country. Iron, Steel and Wire I f. . , BUS, --OCKS in eilUieSS Variety, Door Butts, plain Or Ornamental, Catches and Latclies.WllitO Lead I ATivpil Pninta ntwl P,rlrvrc I J.U1XCU JTlliniS SII1U VOlOrS, ijUl' seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish, be Ull JniUSll. 1' reiicll and Allien . - cau Window Glass. Piittv.Build- . ',.," Hie; 1'uper, all 01 WHICH we Can - gell at iccs tlmt wiU umke jt cul1 a l'La llm "lu v11, KO il iv I your interest to deal With US. . . . ..l. !. . .. . I I -. . . I . 1. . n - I PARAC Bite' Hardware; ON GOAGH VARNISH We have taken the agency for J. A. Sheppard's Paragon Coach Varnish, patented in 1884 and wish to call the attention of con sumers to its merits. It is mado ii.. e ... i i i R(,MV from W,l o-m of I f B"11V "UI" K"'", U very heavy body and dries hard oa l.,, ...,.. w:.. ter, one gallon covers 4o0 80. fcet of new work first coat and GOO ft. Second COat. it is warrant- I ,i ni. tn i. r, ' i . , I not tO CrttCfc, Spot, blister Or turn white, and to Outwear any tuo I ... t ! 1 or -tviiiuricaii YUllusn, is especially suitaDlo lor carnages I ,i , .u , 1 to the weather, it is warranted to rub clown in oil or water, and pumice stone in from 3G to 48 hours without sweating out and 'nn can bo brought to a dead finish. S 30 8 31 b or tho interior hnish ot lino s 5 residences, public buildings, ns bath-rooms, it has no ea unit hot 7s? or cold water, soap or grease will 7 si not affect its lustre or spot or ? " stain its surface; wiping with a 1 w sponge or damp towel will keep 8M it looking fresh and new. If you s 33 are especially desirous of a hand s' some and permanent finish, s S specify Sheppards Paragon Coach 9 w varnish to your painter and tako 9 17 no other; put up in i and one 9 S3 n , An tr ii 9 so gauon cans at ; per gauon. 9 35 I 1 T "1 1 ami very xvusu. J. K. Schuyler & Co., Bloomsburg, Pa. AGENTS WANTED to sell tho New Book, SAMANTHA SARATOGA. FUNNY niTSl QUICK8ALI3! FUNNY OUTS I Lid 1'llOFlTM I r m &30 8 25 6 30 8 37 S 41 C 60 6 53 e 59 7 03 7 07 7 11 7 IS 7 21 7 85 7 43 7 61 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 ST 8 31 One agent made In threo weeks Iisx cno in t days 194.50; 1 In 10 days 1145; I In 3 days l.'iMi: 1 In 3 weeks ttui.50-l5i0 In 1 weeks I IL fakes orr Rara. toga lollk-s Ulrtatlom etc.. In the author's s. 1 low nects, Quuts,puu aogs. In the author's inimitable uilrth-,,iovkUig 8 31 style. The 100 comic cuts aro "Just killing 8 41 Mo erazr io ret it- Trice (by mall or acoutl 13.1,0. 8 47 B 62 Apply lor sgviioy (and make f 50 to 175 a w rekj to M.'PiUll UUliliAUU DUOS., f hlladelnhta, l"tt. 6 67 9 19 9 23 9 28 9 13 r u r.ri.T-'j-.rnT.-. I . u : i - 1 GERMAN ASTHMA CUKE 3 IcktAntitf h1mtivi ili.i mint oVnt ut't-k .nil 5 Ingres CfimfjrttW'i fclii ftulTfTiKi i. pi hlLKslUilnt u.HtyiQlulitijii it. t i.t I?i Iruault Id i carotJe .. A chuW irUi oou tiqmm ttiiuottk(lUcAl, Mow fria. luxd $1.00 ol tuiy arattyUt, or f mlt, hAiuitlj l-'rini fur Urop. i lr. IL Vt'lll MSI A.N N. U J U Miw. hi oaenoe men. n. Wll ills' nffloo. " .u,v v - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers