The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 02, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian.
3. B, Elwall, lrit.
J, Ei BltteaSoadsr., (
Tho Democratic Stato Convention
nomtnnlcd J. Robs Thompson of Erlo
for Supremo Judge, ami B. J. Mo-
Qrann of Lauoastor for Stato Troaiur
cr. This nows Is rocoivod as wo go to
Tho I'rosidont last week appointed
Alexander juoutic or now xork pres
ent Solioltor of tho Treasury, t"bo
Commissioner of Fish and Fishorics,
to suocood tho lato Professor Baird.
When uov. Jorakor ot Ohio is so
ashamed of tho action of his political
mends that ho attempts to apologize
for, and explain away tho insult offer
. od tho President at Wheeling, as an
accident, and ono of those "unfortunate
occurrences" for which no ouo is to
blame, tbo public may feel suro that
something pretty bad has boon done.
If Democratic members of tho G. A.
R. had refused to march under tho
portrait of a republican President, and
bad trailed tho American Has in tho
dust, as did tho republican G. A. R.
men at Wheoliug, Va. last week, tho
columns of their party organs would
havo teemed with denunciation of tho
act as disloyal and treasonable. If tho
organization permits an opon insult to
bo ottered tho (Jhiol JSxecutivo ot tuo
nation becauso ho is a Democrat, the
sooner it disbands, the better, for it has
then becumo a mcro political orsaniza
tion to bo run iu the interest of tbo re
publican party. If suob things are
permitted tho democratic veterans
should organizo a loyal G. A. R. which
will respect tuo 1 resident of tho United
states without regard to political par
The difference betweeu the soldier
and tho brawler who is steadily bring
ing disgrace upon tbo veterans of the
country, was sharply defined at tho re
union of the Army of West Virginia
in "Wheeling on Friday last. Among
the street decorations for tbo occasion
was a larce portrait of President Glovo
land suspended across tho street from
tho Register offioe, on which wero tho
words "God Uloss our Prosident-Uom-
mander-in-Chief of our Army and
Navy." When the front of the column
of soldiers reached the flair, they turn
ed from tho street to tho pavement and
drooped their flag.- exhibiting their
pnrposo to display the utmost contempt
for the President as advised by lirawl
er Tuttle. Fortunately for tho credit
of the veterans, the column of Encamp
ment No. 1, of tho Union Veteran Lo
gion, of Pittsburg, came up and march
ed squarely under the banner with up
right flag-staffs and showed their self-
respect as soldiers by saluting tho
Cleveland banner.
Tho fact that a lot of brawlers were
responsible for this disgraceful conduct
of a fow soldiers, is evinced by the
crowd of fellows who met tho march
ing column in the Btreet and violently
importuned them to refuse any semb
lanco of respect to tho president, and
it is not surprising that many soldiers
in tho procession tore off their badges
and loft the ranks. No self-respecting
soldier would have either oommitted
such a breach of decency or advised
others to do it. And the occasion very
distinctly drew the lino between the
soldiers and the brawlers of the veter
an organizations, Mr. Hart, editor of
tho Jntelliaencer, tho ltepublican or
gan of Wheeling, delivorcd an address,
expressing regret for tho dispute and
said that tho Democrats of Wheeling
had contributed liberally of their time
and money to give a generous welcome
to tho soldier guests. Times.
From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington. D. 0., August 29, 1887.
It seems to mo that the public land
policy of this administration oommonds
it to the favor of the people far more
than any other measure it has adopted.
Thero has been no cessation in the
great work of overhauling the swin
dling manipulations of hungry land
sharks and the poweriui railway cor
porations havo also been made to dis-
gorgo much of a free people's birth
right, ruthlessly given away by Repub
lican Administrations. Under the
swamp land law, passed by Congress
in 1850, authority was granted certain
states, with pubho lands in their bor
ders, to drain and reclaim all swamp
and overflowed lauds, preparing them
for purposes of agriculture; later, acts
woro passed granting to tho States
with Biich lands an indemnity of $1,25
per aero for each aero pi swamp land
sold by the Government after the aot
of 1830 and up to tbo date of the in
demnity act of 1855. Then in 1857,
Congress passed a law securing to each
Stato the titles to such tracts as wero
condemned by the several States as
swamp lands. Now, so far as can be
ascertained Louisiana is the only State
that has m ado any attempt to reclaim
these lands, and that was soon abandon
ed. You cau at a thought eeo what i
vast field of fraud was invitingly open
ed by the Government, full advantage
of which was taken by thousands of
unscrupulous persons who falsely
sworo away millions of acres of tho
most fertile lands tho settlers and tho
United States land agents often making
a "combioo"' against the Government
in their nefarious work. As tbo swamp
law was passed thirty-seven years ago,
if tbo law had been carried out in good
faith, tho States would havo long sinco
reclaimed all such lands ; but, still,
"swamp land claims'' aro being almost
daily presented, rno malicious attack
made upon Commissioner Sparks aro
solely duo to his eitorts to check and
correct this gignntio swindlo for
which he is entitled to tho highest
Civil Servioa reform seems to bo mak
ing protty fair progress undor tho now
regulations requiring clerks in ofiice to
be examined. A low days ago tuo
Civil Service Commission received
from tho Secretary of Navy a request
lor the certitioatos ot 212 eligibles all
males from which 53 selections may
bo made to till existing vacancies. To
supply this, the largest requisition ever
made on the Commission, at least four
ocrtilloates wero mado for each of tho
States and Territories. The Civil Ser-
viuo Commissioners aro divided in
opinion in regard to tho power of dis
missal, Mr. Edgcrton, holding that tho
appointing authority has absoluto pow
er of ilinninl, while his colleagues
contend that such power is restricted
by tliu Civil Service Law.
'Tho Inters'tato Commeroo Law seems
lo bo steadily growing in popular fav
or. Senator Butler of South Carolina
who opposed tho measure, lias bcoiM
won over by Ins recent oxponenco in
a railroad collision, and in oonseqiionoo
bo proposes to iutroduoo amendments
to tho law, regulating tho spcod of
trains and limiting tho timo of railrond
employees to twolvo hoars consccutivo
scrvlco in a day.
National Hank depositories now noiu
a larger sum of Government funds
than over beforo tho amount being
Ovor soven million and a halt trade
dollars havo been rodoomed to date,
moro than half of whioh havo been ro
coined into dimes.
Tho testimony in sovon oontosted
election oases has been reocived and
printed by tho clerk of tho Houso of
Representatives, which, I bcllove, Is a
muoh smaller numbor than usual.
At tho last Cabinot meeting, for tho
first timo during this Administration,
all tho raombors wero absont, oxocpt
Secretary Bavard tho other portfol
ion being represented by Assistant
As it is regarded as praotioally set
tled that PrcBldont Clovoland will- be
renominated, somo interest is boing
manifested in tho nomination lor
Vico President, and both Post mastei
General Vilas and Commissioner
Black havo beon often mentioned
Manv loner headed Domocratio states
men and politicians are understood to
to favor a soldier lor second piaco,
and it is probablo tho President is of
tho samo oninion.
Although tho International Medioal
(Jon cress does not meet tin noxt wceic,
delegates havo already begun lo arrivo
and tho programme has beon formnla
a' i - .l. .s.i r ,i .i:.,.,!,.i
leu. oimpiy uiu uues ui mu uwijuioi
tions to be read and the names of the
authors mako a column of nonpareil
in an evening nowspaper. Among
tho diversions of theso learnod scien
tists will bo excursions to Alt. Vernon
and Niagara Falls.
A pair of good Republicans, ono a
olaim Attorney, and tho other a Gov
ernment clerk wero arrested a few
days sinco for stealing public rocords
from tho Ponsion office. For suoh a
crime tho punishment is fivo yoars in
tho penitentiary.
An act to authorize tho commission
ers of the several counties of this Com
monwealth to discharge from pnson all
persons confined in jail, without pro
ceedings under the insolvent laws.
Section 1. Jie it enacted, Sc., That,
from and after tho passage of this act,
the commissioners of the several count
ies of this Commonwealth shall be and
they aro hereby authorized, upon the
order of the court of quarter sessions,
or, in vacation, of a law judge thereof,
in tbo exercise of its or his discretion,
and upon suoh terms as said court or
nidge as ("foresaid may impose, to dis
charge from prison, without the delay
and expense of any proceedings under
tbo insolyeut laws ot this Uommon
wealth, overy convict who shall haye
served out his or her term of imprison
ment, or who shall have been commit
ted for non payment of costs only, not
withstanding if ho be a oonviot and
shall not have paid the costs of prose
cution, fine, or made restitution, or
paid the costs of prosecution, fine,
or paid the value of stolen
goodB or property: Provided,
That in tho opinion of said commiss
ioners such person is unable to pay or
restore tho same ; and, provided, that
such discharge shall not prevent the
Commonwealth, or any person interest
ed In suoh payment or restitution, from
proceeding by action to reoover the
samo from the property of such person ;.
... , , ,, , . ,r,
dui no sucn persou snail do so aiscnarg
ed until he or she shall have made, un
der oath or affirmation, duplicate
schedules ot all bis or her property,
real, personal or mixed, bo far as ho or
she can ascertain the same, one of
which shall be filed among the papers
of the said prison, and tho other with
tho clork of tbo court of quarter sea
sions : Provided further. That noth
iug in said proceedings shall either add
to or take from tho liability of said
county for costs, under existing laws
ot this Uommonwealtb.
Section 2. All laws or parts of laws
inconsistent horowith aro hereby re
An act to prevent tho mutilation, de
struotion, tearing down, or removing of
any show bills, placard, programme,
poster or other advertisement.
Be it enacted, &c, That any person
found guilty of willfully and malicious
ly mutilating, destroying, tearing down
or removing any show bill, placard,
programme, poster or other advertise
ment, posted upon any rail, fence, bill
board or other structure, in or looated
upon any pubho highway, in this Com
monwealth, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and npon conviction
shall bo fined not less than twenty-five
dollars nor more than one hundred dol
lars : Provided, The penalties of this
act shall not apply to those tearing
down or removing show bills, play bills,
posters, programmes, after the perform
ance therein advertised, or to tho own
er or tenant of any building, fence or
other struoture, when the same has been
poBtod or pat up without his or their
consent, except such owner or tenant
be the bill poster putting up or employ
ed to put up the same.
An aot to amend clause two, of sec
tion thirty-one, of an act, entitled "An
act to provide for the incorporation
and regulation of certain corporations,"
approved the twenty-ninth day of
April, Anno Domini ono thousand
eight hundred and seventy-four, pro
viding for increased ratos of tolls upon
bridges in certain cases.
Jie it enacted, &c, That clauso two,
of section thirty-one, of said act, which
reads as follows, namely :
"When tbo said corporations shall
havo erected and completed a bridge
over any oreek or river, under tho
authority of this act, tho property
thereof shall bo vested in tho said oor
poration, and it shall have tho power
to erect gates and to demand and ro
ceivo tolls for crossing said bridge, at
such rates as tho president and direc
tors thereof shall, from timo to time
determine, not exceeding the rates fol
lowing, namely : For every scoro of
sheep or swine, oight cents ; for evory
Bcore of horned or niuloy cattle, twenty,
five cents j for overy mule or horse,
driven or led, firo cents ; for every
horso or mule, ladened or unladened,
with rider, fivo onts ; for overy two
wheeled vohiolo and ono horse, six
cents ; tho same with two homes, ten
conls for every four-wheeled vehicle,
with two horses, fifteen cents i for
cither of tho last named vuhloleg, with
four horsos, twenty conts j for overy
foot passenger, two cents. And they
shall cause to be put up aud kept in
some conspicuous place at tbo gato of
said bridgo a list of tho rates of toll,"
bo and tho samo Is hereby nmondud to
road as follows, namely i
When tbo said corporation shall have
erected and completed a bridgo over
anv creek or river, under the authority
of this act, tbo property thereof shall
bo vested in tho said corporation, and
it shall havo tho powor lo erect gates
and lo demand nnd recelvo lolls lor
oroosing said bridge, nt such rates as
tho president nnd directors thereof
shall, from timo to timo, determine,
not exceeding tho ratos following,
namoly i For every scoro of sheep or
swino, oight conts , lor overy scoro of
homed or niuloy cattle, twenty-fivo
cents t for oycry mulo or horse, driven
or led, fivo cents j for every horso or
mulo, ladened or tinladoneu, with rider,
fivo conts t for overy two-wheeled
vchiclo and ouo horse, b'ix cents t tho
samo with two horses, ten conts i for
ovory four-whoeled vohicle, with ono
horse, ton cents j for overy four-whoel
ed vohiolo, with two horses, bttccn
cents ; for cither of tho last named vo
hiolcs, with four horses, twenty ceuts j
for every foot passonnor, two cents s
Provided, That nuy bridgo, not wholly,
or in part, within tho limits of nny oity
of tbo first or socond olass within this
Commonwealth, that shall hereafter bo
constructed or reconstructed, and tho
cost whereof shall bo increased boyond
the minimum by rewion of tho demands
and requirements of navigation, Iho
corporation owning tho samo may do
mand nnd receivo tolls not exceeding
fifty per centnm in excess ot tho nbovo
rates, in Bny case, where such increasod
rates do not produce n net rovonuo in
excess of six per centum per annum
upon tho capital stock of such corpor
ation: Provided further, mat no
such increased tolls shall bo charged
in any case until tho samo shall havo
been authorized by tho court of quarter
sessions of tho proper county, or if n
bridgo bo located over a stream divid
ing connties, then by the court of
quarter sessions of tho county "wherein
tho office of tho company may be situ
ated, and in all cases said corporations
shall cause to bo put up and kept in
some conspicuous plaoo at tho gate of
said bridge a list of tho rates ot toll
And provided further, That all chil
dren going to and from school shall
havo freo passagn.
Prohibition Convention.
Tho prohibition convention was bold
at flams burg, Thursday of last week
and plaoed in nomination candidates
for judgo of the supreme court and
state treasurer.
Simon B. CLase, tho candidato for
judgo of the supreme court, has been a
political prohibitionist for nineteen
years, and possesses considerable
ability. In 1872 he ran for governor
on tho Prohibition ticket, and in the
san year presided at tho National
Prohibition convention at Columbus.
O. For five years he hold the position
of grand worthy chief templar of the
Order of Good Templars of Pennsyl
vania, tie has been since be espoused
the cause of Prohibition an active
worker in the past He is about 60
years old.
Capt D. C. Irish, the candidate for
state treasurer, was a soldier of the
late war, aud at its close ho did somo
good fighting on the plains. He is a
farmer and real estate dealer. Iu 1882
he supported the Independent Repub
lican Btate ticket.
The Northumberland Democrats-
lhe democratic county convention
met at Sunbury on Monday and nomi
nated tbo following ticket : Sheriff,
J. n. Zimmerman, of sham ikin : pro
thonotary, H. F. Mann, of Sunbury ;
treasurer, R. C. MoWilliams; of Points
county commissioners, W. W. Deetz,
of Tnbert, and Daniel Kauffman, of
Lower Augusta i coroner, Dr. F. D,
Raker of Shamokin ; auditors, Moses
Band Lewis, H. M. Rhoads and Z.
State Treasurer Quay fWens.
Stato Treasurer Matthew S. Quay
sent wovernor ueaver his resignation
dated August 21, to tako effect npon
tho qualification of his successor. Im
mediately thereafter, the governor ap
pointed fix-atato Treasurer Wm. Lav
sey to fill tho unexpired term of Mr,
Quay, which will be next May. Mr.
Livsoy will filo his bond aud assume
the duties of the position in a few day?,
ft is oxpooted that tho only chango in
tho department will be tho appointment
of Henry C. Greenawalt as cashier, the
position which Mr. Livsoy vacates. Mr.
Greenawalt is at present a olerk on the
hill. Tbo bond wbicb Mr. Livsey
must turnish is in tho sum ot ifouu,
"Poors Railway Manual" for 1887,
just issued, shows that during the past
year over u.uuu miles of new railway
was added to the already enormous
railway mileage of the country. Not
less than 5,500 miles havo beon added
since January 1, 1886, making 14,500
miles in about twenty months. If this
long line of new road absorbed capital
at the moderate rate of $20,000 per
mile the total investment would roaoh
tho sum of $290,000,000. The expen
diture of this vast sum has Bufliced to
make business brisk, but it has also
contributed to make money a little
scarce and iu good demand. In other
words, the capitalists cannot invest
thoir monoy and have it, too, and the
nearly three huudred millions that havo
been absorbed by tho now railway
building of tbo last twenty months is
just so muoh money drawD away from
the money contres and distributed to
the workers and thoso who supplied
the materials. It is of more uso to the
publio at large by being thus distribut
ed, but it makes the amount available
for call loans in the money oentres
just that muoh less. Ex.
It U an ttlalllthed fact that Hood's Sir
saparUU has proven an invaluable remedy
In many severe cases ol rheumatism, effect
lug remarkable cues by Its powerful action
In correcting the acidity of tbo blood, which
is tho causo ot tho disease, and purifying
and enriching the vital fluid.
It U certainly fair to airume that what
Hood's Sarsaparllla has dono for others It
U1 do for you. Therefore, If you suffer
tho pains and aches ot rheumatism, glvo
this potent remedy a fair trial.
A Posltlvo Core.
"I was troubled very much with rheuma.
tlsm la my hips, ankles, and wrists. I
could hardly walk, and was confined to my
bod a good deal ot the time, Being rec
ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I
took four bottles and am perfectly well.
I cheerfully recommend flood's Sarsaparllla
as ono ot the best blood purifiers In tho
world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, 111.
For Twenty Yoars
! have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before
1(83 1 found no relief, but grew worse. I then
pegan taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did
me more good than all the other medicine 1
ever had." H. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass.
"I suffered from what the doctors caller,
muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Bat
saparllU and am entirely cured." J, V, A
I'jtotroi-ooT, letter carrier, Chicago, 111.
We shall bo glad to send, free ot charge
to all who may desire, a book containing many
additional statements ot cures by
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Bold by all druggists. 11 1 six for i. Mado
only by O. I. HOOD t CO, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
Absolutely Pure.
This DOwdcr novcr varies. A marvel of trarltr
strength and wholesomeness. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold In compe
tition with tho multltudo ot low tC9t,short weight,
mum ur pnuspuaiw puwueia. ooia amy in cans
iiuriL miwu runpsii tu,. na.iBU.ft. x.
Fon Associate Judge,
Of Fisiilngcreck.
Fon PnoTiioNOTAnr and Clerk op the
Severai, Courts,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Treasurer,
Of Bloomsburg.
For IIeoister and Recorder,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Commissioners,
Of BloomBbarg.
Of Beaver.
For Auditors,
Of Cntawissa.
Of Fishingcrcck.
Among tho records and proceedings of the Court
ot Common Pleas In and for sold county and stato
It la, inter alia, th as contained:
No. May Term, 1887.
To nenry Cramond, hla nelre and legal repro-
sen t A vesr
You aro hereby notified that Jonathan Ifartman,
ot Greenwood townshln,sld county.baa petitioned
tbe Court of Common Tleas ot aatd county, repro
rcsentln? to said court that on tbe 20th day of
NoTember. A. n. 1S4. a certain mortgage was ex
ecuted and delivered by Nicholas Colo, of Green
wood township, aforesaid, to Henry cnUFond.
ot Philadelphia, said state, on a messuage and
tract of land, sltuato In said Greenwood township,
bounded and descrPXHl as follows, to-wlt: Beitn
nlne at a stone heap corner, thenco by land ot
Michael ltantz, north Keventy-four degrees west
one hjndred nnd seventr-threo perches to a post,
tbenco by the Galbreth & Co. land, north eighteen
nnd one-halt degrees east one hundred and
thirty-five and flve-tenths perches to a whlto plnej
thence by other lands of su'd U. Cramond,south 74
degrees east, two hundred nnd twenty-seven
perches to a poft by tto road: thence along same
south sLtty-nvo and one-half degrees west tef-enty-thrco
perches; thence along same south thlr-ty-nlne
degrees west thirty perches: thence along
same sodtn Htteen degrees west forty perches;
thence south eleven degrees west fifteen and
nve-tenths pe xhes to tl a place ot beginning, con
tatnlngone hundred and nay-one acres of land,
more or less, to secure tho payment of a certain
bond or writing obligatory, daxl tho day and
year aforesaid in tho penalty of live hundred and
sixty-two and eighty one lmndrW ths dollars, con
ditioned for tho payment In three InstaUments as
follows, ot tho lust sum ot two hundred and
eighty-one and forty ono hundredths dollars, via
One-thlrd on the first day of May, 1810, one-third
on the nrst day of May, 184", one-third on the nrst
day of Mav, 1S1S, with legal Interest on tho same
from the said soth day of November, A. . 1843,
which said mortgage 1 recorded In the ofllce to
the recording of deeds, c, at Bloomsburg, tn and
for said county of Columbia, In Mortgage Book S,
page 178, Ac.
The petition further represents, That the said
Nicholas cole died Intestate on or about the 29th
day ot June, A. D. 1870, and that all the money
due on said mortgage, principal and Interest, was
paid by said Nicholas Crle, during his lifetime, to
the said mortgagee above named, and who Is Btlll
the legal holder thereof nnd who has neglected
to satisfy the same, and continued In such neglect
for more than Bis months last past.
And that since the death of tresald Nicholas
Cole, his heirs, by d,d duly executed, and dated
the SOth day of March, 1886, and recorded In the
sold above-mentioned oalce, in Deed Book Vol. 40,
page C24, conveyed tho said above-described pleco
ot land to l'eter W. Cole, who, by deed dated April
2, 1857, with his wife, Martha K. Cole, conveyed
the said premises to your petlUouer, (see Deed
Book, Vol. ) who Is now the legal owner of said
premises, ana by reason ot tho sata mortgage on
said premises remaining unsatisfied, thero 13 a
cloud cast on Bold Utle of your petitioner, and
praying that notice ot these facts may be given
to the said Ilenrr Cramond. his heirs or lecal
representatives, requiring him or them to appear
iti, uio next icrm ur saia uoen, una answer vuis po.
tttlon, and In cose proof shall be made that the
amount or said mortpaire.and the Interest thereon.
has ecn paid as aforesaid, that the Court wlU or
der satisfaction to bo entered on the record of the
samo by the Recorder of said county, on payment
ui tue cosls uue relative- la me entry ui saiu mort
gage, o. any Droceedlnirs thereon, and that such
other orders may bo mado In tho premises
as Dy me act oi Assemmy in mat, nenau, passea
and approved the 11th day of June, A. D. 1879.
You are therefore required to be and appear at
the next Court or common Fleas, to be holden in
Bloomsburg, tn and for said county, on Monday,
the 2eth day ot September next, and answer the
petition aforesaid, and show causo, If any you
have, why the said mortgago shall not be marked
satisfied, according to the prayer of said petitioner,
Ikelkr & ntRBiNO, Arty's for Fctloners.
Sheriff's ofllce, Bloomsburg, 1'a., Aug, so, 1887.
Bg virtue of sundry writs, Issued, out of tho
court ot common Fleas of coiumma county, Fa.,
and to me directed, will bo exposed to pubUo Bale,
at the Court IIouso, In Bloomsburg, on
MONDAY, September 26, 1887,
at S o'clock p, m., all that certain messuage or
tract ot land, situate in Locust township, comm.
bla county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north
by land ot Benjamin Beaver, on the east by land
of Jonathan Beaver, on the south by land ot Ja-
cob it Long and on the west by land ot Catharine
Uelwlg, containing five acres, wood land.
Seized, takon In execution, at the suit of Peter
swanlc vs. John Oliver, adm'rof John Boyer, dee'd.
and to be sold as tho property ot John Boyer,dec'd,
IxxLxa Hkrbiko, Attys. Flu. VL Fa,
All that certain tract ot land, situate in Centre
township, Columbia county, Fa., bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by lands
ot Charles Whltmlro, on the west by lands ot Levi
Alkman, on the south by lands ot Widow Fetter,
and on the east by lands of Simon Lowry, contain
lng two acres, more or less, whereon ure erected a
two-story framo house, stable and other outbuild
ings. Also, a lot of fruit trees.
Seized, taken In execution, UTO to bo Bold as the
property ot Jacob Lynn and Levi Lynn.
Zabb, Atty, FL Fa.
All that certain messuage or tract of land, situ
ate in Brlarcreek township, Columbia county, Fa,
Beginning at a post tn line ot land formerly Abra
ham Adams, thenco north flf ty-nlno and one-halt
degrees east sixty nine and seven-tenths perches
to a stone, thence north seven degrees west twen-ty-elght
perches to a Btone, thenco by a publio
road south forty-throe and one-halt degrees west
IS and S-10 perches to a stone, thence south forty.
nine degrees ten mlnutos oast forty and three
tenths perches to a stono, thence south fifty-four
degrees west, twenty perches to a stone, thenco
south seven degiecs oast, thirteen andnlno-tenths
perches to the place of beginning, containing
eight acres and eleven perches, on which aro
erected a ono and a half story frame dwelling
house, etablo and outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the
property ot Alfred Smith.
Jacksom, Atty. FL Fa.
All that certain messuage or tenement and lot
of ground, sltuato In tho town of Bloomsburg, In
the county of Columbia, and stato ot Itnnsylva
Dla, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows.
to-wlt: Beginning at a corner ot on alloy, on the
Boutn side of Fifth btreet, north sixty-four and
one-eighth degrees east Ufty.nvoand a half feet,
thence by land of Isaac 8, Kuhu south twenty.
nine and a quarter degrees east one hundred and
fifty tire feet to Fcarle street, tbenco along the
same south tlity-one degrocB west, fltty-slx and a
halt feet to the alley aforesaid, and thence along
said alley north nine degrees west one hundred
nnd fifty-eight feet to the plaoo ot beginning.
Belted, taken In execution, at the suit of Abra
ham IUce, executor ot John ".oats, d:c'd, vs. Chaa.
Ahleman, with notice to Charles Krug, tcrro ten
ant, and to be sold as the property ot Chaa. Able,
man, with notice to Chaa. Krug, terro tenant.
Knoub if WiNTxasrKiN, Attys. Al. Ler. Fa,
llciftl Estate!
Tho .undersigned, ndmlntitrator, with tho will
annoxod, ot the ostnto ot Samuel Mellick, dco'd,
under tho will nnd by authority of tho Orphans
Court of Columbia county, wlU expose to publio
sate, on the premises, in Orango township, on
SATURDAY, Soptembor 24, 1887,
at ono o'clock p. m., tho following doscrlbod real
estate, to-wlt! Beginning at a whlto oak stump,
thenco by lands ot Cyrus Mellenry, north twenty-
fivo degrees west forty-soven perches to a blacK
oak, thenco by land ot Cyrus Mellenry and Hiram
K. Bowman north clghtoon degrees oast twenty
ono perches to a stone, thenco by land of Hiram
E. Bowman north clghty-elght and ono-half de
grees west sixty-seven and six-tenths perches to a
stono, thenco by lands ot Samuel Nolton, south
eighty and ono-half degrees west fltty-ono and
tight-tenths perches to a chestnut, thence by
lands of Samuel W. wrath thirty and ono
half degrees east thirty-four perches to a post,
thenco by lands of Andrew Crouso north seventy
seven degrees east Boventy-thrco porches and threo
tenths, to tho placo ot beginning, containing
of land, strict measure.
TERMS OP HALE. Ton per cent, of one-fourth
ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down ot tho property, the one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and the re
maining three-fourths in ono year thereaftcr,wlth
Interst from confirmation nlsL purchaser to pay
for drawing deed.
See bills for personal property.
Bepj With the win annexed.
a lbums, rnoToaiiArn, AuroaRArn and
JY 8crop, a largo nnd complete line at. J. U.
Mercer's Uiug and Book Store, Evans' Block.
Sachets, Pomades, Hair Dyes and Bay Rum
nt J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book Store, Evans'
uiuck, opposite jtpiscopoj vuurcn.
at J. II. Mercer's Drucr and Book Store, onno-
site Episcopal Church.
nno stock at Mercer's Drucr And nook Htore.
opposite Episcopal church, Bloomsburg, Fa.
J a full lino at J. 11. Ucrcer'a Druir and Book
Store, Upper Mam Hreet,
at very low prices at J. II. Mercer's Drug and
Book store, third door above Iron street, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Cooper's Gelatine, Tapioca, Bage, Arrow Hoot
and all tho prepared foods for children and In
vallds at Mercer's Drug and Book store, nrst door
above Bess' Boot and Shoe Store, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Mixed Seed for tho birds, at J. II. Mercers
Drug and Book Btore, first door below Creasy's
Grocery Store. -
: In Tablet fo-m, at J. II. Mercers Drug and
Book store. Bloomsburg, Pa.
tlcs, Teething Itlngs and all requisites of tho
Nursery that will contribute to the baby's happi
ness, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book More, two
doors above Evans Eyers Clothing store.
J receipts carefully prepared at all hours at
Mercer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, Fa.
X Cosmetic aud gold and silver Diamond Dust,
at J, 11. Mercer's Drug and Book Store, No cs Main
Btreet, Bloomsburg, Pa.
prlces-at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposlto Eplicopal Church, Bloomsburg, Pa.
WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwjsll
President Judge of tho Court ot Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail DeUvery,;court otQuar
ter Sessions ot the Peace and the Court of common
Fleas and Orphans' Court in the !Cth Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot the counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho lions. C. G. Murphy and C. II.
Mellenry, Associate Judges of Columbia county
have Issued their precept,bearlng date the 14th day
of May in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-seven, and to mo directed for
holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, tn Bloomsburg, tn the
county of Columbia, on the fourth Monday, being
tno soth day of Sept. next to continue for two
Notice Is hereby given to the tho Jus
tlces ot the Peace, and the Constables of the sal J
County ot Columbia, that they be then and therein
their proper person nt 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of
said SOth day of Sept, with their records lnqut
Bltlons and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to be done. And
those that aro bound by recognizance to proseeute
against tho prisoners that aro or maybe in theJaU
of the said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there
to prosecute them as Bhall be lust. Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
,1 the S4th day of August In the year of our
Us. i-Lord one thousand eight hundred and
i I eighty-seven, and in the one hundred and
eventh year of the Independence of the United
Sheriffs Omce, SAMUEL SMITH..
Nollco 13 hereby given that the following ac
count has been died In the Ornimnv (!mirt nr
Columbia county, and will bo presented to the
tttuu luurt uu me luunu Aonaay oi septemrjer,
A. D. 1887, and connrmed nisi, and unless excep
tions aro filed within four days thereafter, will
be connrmed absolutes
. . ..wwuuv v. w. ... liv.u-l, illUWC. UUUCI UIO
last will and testament of Henry G. Miller, lato ot
Columbia county, deceased.
WM. II. SNYDER, Clerk of O. C,
Clerk's office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Sep. 2, 1887.
To Joseph Ilendershott, husband ot Malvlna nen-
ucrsiioLi, aoceosea, oi iiioomsourg. ia.: norman
Ilendershott, Annie Sloan, wlto of IL W. Sloan,
of Bloomsburg, Pa.; Lavllla Jamison, wife of
AiireujiuuttAJU, Aiuerbr.iieiiuereiioiL, oi wasn
lngton, li. o children of said Malvlna Render.
Bhote. deceased: Maria Sutherland, wife of
Sutherland, Akron,Ind.; O. A. Jacoby.ot Blooms
burg, Pa.: Crank M. Crawford, phlladelphla,l'a.,
Irani I). Crawford, Macon, Go., Bradford Craw.
iotu. wiiKfH-uarru, ro., noan scnuu urawrora,
Davton. Ohio. John Crawford. Macan. floor!.
and Lulu Crawford, Wllkes-Barre, Pa., children
Bloomsburg, Pa, and Martha Cross, wife ot
Aurttm l(UH9, Ul HUUIUUI, imiuuis.
Tako notice, that In pursuance of an order ot
the Orphans' Court of Columbia county. Pa., an In.
nuest will be held, on the premises, on real estate
ot said decedent, situate on Main street, ot the
town of Bloomsburg.belng Blxtyslx feet four inches
front and two hundred and fourteen feet deep, on
Thursday, September 15,1887, between the hours of
9 o'clock a. m. and 4 p.m , for the purpose ot mak
ing partition of the said real estate to and among
tbe children and legal representatives of said de
cedent, if the some can be done without prejudice
to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to value and
appraise the samo according to law; at which
time and placo you can attend. If you think
liauglt. Sheriff.
ISttaU of Sarah lloats, late of Beaver TmmtMyi,
Letters testamentary on the said estate having
been granted to Hie undersigned executors, all
persons Indebted to said estate aro hereby notified
lo pay tbe same, and those having claims against
P. 11. FISII1IR,
J. T. FOX,
sep.'et. Executors.
Columbia County, sa:
Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Frank
Rarlg, John Rarlg, Daniel llarlg, Washington
iiarit;, parau, inieruiarnoa wua josiaa itnoaas,
Susanna, intermarried with Urlas Fetterman,
a.i iviuutuK iu i4jiuuiui& uuuuijr, Alary, ill
tcrmarrled with Adam lire Ish, residing at ltlng.
town, Schuylkill county, Fa.i Elizabeth, Inter
married with John blngerly, Zloa'a Grove,
Schuylkill county, Po-t Peter Swank, Locust
township, guardian ad litem of Ida, Emma,
Mary K., Clara and Morris ltboada,mlaor&, lineal
descendants of Danlsl ltartg, deceased, and to
all other persons Interested, greeting:
You and each ot you are hereby cited to be
and appear before the Judges of our Orphans'
Court, lo bo held at Bloomsburg, on the fourth
Monday of September next, then and there to ac
cept or refuse to take the real estate of Bald Dan'l
Rarlg, deceased, at the appraised valuation put
upon it by the Inquest, duly awarded by the said
Court, end returned by the fhorlfr, or t how cause
wuy it Bhall not be sold, And hereof fall not.
Witness tbe lionorablo William Elwell, President
of our said Court, at Bloomsburg, tho ittb day ot
... .., i-yj, iv ai. ii. on i unit.
Clerk ot o. O.
WETNESS, ie., and all disorders brought on by
Indiscretions, excehbcs or overwork ot the brain
and nervous system speedily and radically cured by
a purely vegetable preparation, tbe most BUcceas
ful remedy known. Send for circular. Price $1
per box; six boxes, ts, by mall. WINCHESTER
CO., Vhowbia, m tomiaio St., Now York. tsd.4t
TION proponed to llio ctl Izcnn of this Com
inonwealih for their npprova I or rejection by the
General Assembly of tuo Commonwealth of lTnn
sylvanla. Published by order of the secretary of
tue commonwealth, In pursuancoof Artlclo XVIII
of the constitution. ..
Joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho
constitution of tho commonwealth:
motion 1. He II rrwlrwt tu the Fmate ana.
ltotise of llevreeentallvrt nf the Comiiumtcealth of
l'rnn.iytmntatn Ventral AMembltmet, I hit tho
following Is prop sed as an amendment of the
constitution of tho commonwealth of IVmnvlvo
nla In accordance with tho pro, felons ot tho
eighteenth article th'n'of:
KtMirn nut from wetlnn one. of article elaht. tho
four qualifications for voters wblcli reads as fol
lows: "it twenty-two years oi ago orupwaras,no snnn
have paid, within two years, a state or county
tax, which shall have been assessed at least to
months, nnd poldnt least ono month before tho
election," so that tho section which reads as fol
lows: "Every mole citizen, twentv-ono years of aire.
possessing tho followirg qualifications, shall bo
entitled to vole at nil elections:
First. He shall have been a cltlzf n of the United
States at least ono month.
Second, ho shall have resided in tuo stato one
vpflr tor if. havlntr nrevlmislv been a nualltled
elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall
have removed thereform nnd returned, tten six
months) immediately preceding thoclection.
Ihlrd. He shall nave resided in tho election
district whore he slull offer to vote at least two
months immediately preceding the eiec;ion.
Fourth. It twenty-two years of ago or up.
wards, ho shall bvo paid, within two years a
ntato or county tax,whlch Bhall have been nsscssed
at ieo3t two monms. ana aia at least ono montn
before tno election," shall do amended, so as TO
read as follows:
Every male citizen roars of aire.
possessing the following qunllflcallons, shall be
entitled to voto at the polling place of tho election
district of which bo ihall at the timo bo a resident
and not elsewhere:
First. lie shall have been n citizen of the united
States at least thli t days. .
second. He Biall havo resided In the ntAtn ono
year (or if, having previously been a qualified
elector or native born of the Rtnto. ho Bhall
have removed tl-eretrom and returned, then six
months) Immo'lntely preceding tho election.
Third. He shall have resided in tho election dis
trict where re shall offer to voto at least thirty
days Immediately preceding tho election. The
legislature, at the session thereof next alter tho
adoption of this section, shall, and from timo to
time thereafter may,cnact laws to properly enforce
Fourth. Every male citizen of tho airo of twen.
ty-ore years, who shall have been a for
thirty days and an inhabitant of this stato for ono
year next preceding an election, except nt munlcl-
iai ciccuona, ana tor me last tnirty aays a real
ent of tho election district in which he may offer
his vote, shall bo entitled to vote at such election
tn the election district of which ho shall at the
time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers
that now aro or hereafter may be elected Dy tno
people: Provtaea, n-nt In time of war no elector
In the actual military service of the Stato or of
the United Mates, in the nrmr or navy thereof.
Bhall bo deprived ot his vote by reason ot his ab-
lo ce irom suca election aisincx, ana tno ickisio
tr esha'l have power to provide the manner In
which and the Un-e and place at which such ab
sent electors may vote, and for tho return and
canvas of their votes in the election district in
which they respecUvely reside.
fiun. or me purpose or voung,no person snau
be deemed to have gained or lost a residence by
reason of his presence or absence while employed
in the service of tho United states or the state,
nor while cnuacrcd In tho navigation of the waters
of tho stato nor of tho high seas, norwhllo a stu
dent of any college or seminary ot loarnlng, nor
while kept nt any almshouse or publio lnsi tuition,
except the Inmates ot any home for disabled and
inaigentBoiaiers ana sauors. wno, tor tno purpose
of voting, shall be deemed to reside In the election
district whe.-o paid home Is located. Laws shall
bo mado for nscertjlntng, by proper proofs, tho
citizens who shall bo entitled to tho right of suff
rage hereby established.
a true copy oi tne joint resolution.
Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
TION oroDosod to tho citizens of this com.
inonwealih for their nnnroval or reflection hv the
ucu:iui ABsiniuiy ui mtj Kuuuiunweauii oi reun
sylvanla. I"ubllslied by order of the Secretary of
the commonwoaiih, in pursuance ot Article xvill
of the constitution
Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the
Constitution ot this Commonwealth:
section i. no it resolved by tho senate and
Hoose of Representatives ot the commonweilth
ot Pennsylvania In Peneral Assembly met, That
tho following amendment Is proposed to constltu.
Hon ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
wa:viuaiiuj mm uiu nigiueenm Article mcreoi:
There shall bo an additional artlclo to said Con
stitution to be designated as Article XIX, as fol
THnmanttfnntnn da,, n.l-uwln. ,nan1nn tn.
to.ilcatlDL' llnuor to bo' used as a beverage. Is
hereby prohibited, nnd any violation of this
prohibition shall bo a misdemeanor, punishable as
cuaii uo iruviuou uy mw.
The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ot In
toxlcatlnir llauor for other ournosesthan as a bor
e-age may be alloweu in such manner only as may
be prescribed by law. The General Assembly shall,
at the Bret session succeeding the adoption of this
uiucieui tuu constitution, enact laws wim aue
qunto penalties for Its enforcement,
A true copy of tho Joint Resolution.
aug3ms. Secretary ot the commonwealth.
Came to the premises of tho underslcmed. in
Greenwood township, a rod heifer about a year
old. Tho owner can have tho same by proving
property, paying my costs for keeping same, ana
tor this advertisement. It not taken up within CO
days, the cstray wlU bo disposed of according to
law. it. ruuuj,
4taug2G Rohrsburg, Fa.
The underslgnef, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Columbia trake distri
bution of the balance In the hands ot Samuel Ney
hard, adm'r, as per account nied, will attend to
tue auties oi nis appointment at nis omce in
mu,Mu,uuiij, uu ciucduu, ncpiviilut;! 41, ISO), HI,
0 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties having
claims against said estate must appear and prove
tbe same, or bo forever debarred from coming in
uu&umiuuu. ii, t, liiiu,
seps Auditor.
Wholesale. Rctal
Wheat per bushel.,
Ryo " " ..
Corn " "
Oats " " .,
Flour " bW
Dried Apples
Lard per lb
Vinegar per gal
Onions per bushel.,
Veal skins
Wool per lb
60 05
33 4S
4.C0 to 0
24 20
10 18
12 10
03 OS
07 10
00 18
10 12
03 10
20 SO
CO 76
5 to 7
Coal on Winnr.
No 0 $2.00: Nos 2.3, & Lump $3.25
No. 6 3.00 Bltumlnuf $3.25
New Yok Ikets.
Now York, Aug. 27, 1887.
ihe week just passed lias been a most
uuouiisiatiury ono to an receivers and deal,
ers of small fruits, such as grapes, peaches,
pears. &c. Bhipments have been heavy,
especially of inferior grades, which havo
ellected tho salo of other fruits of better
quality. The bright, cool weather, how.
ever, Is welcomed by all and v?o havo
every indication to expect u better market
from this time. Fruits. Cho'co apples in
demand and selling Cravenstein Blush, etc.
from $175 to $3 per bbl., other varieties
i j m i uu; inicrior rruil 70c.lo $1, Gran
Concord, 0 to 7o per lb., Hartford bi
Champion 8 to 6c; Del. 10 to 15c. Martha,
Lady and other fancy varities In Httlo do.
mand and prices ranging from 7 to 10c per
,u. rau ti iu Heavier receipt nnd choice
jvnun uuiiucmm irurn qsi to 100
basket! nthnr nrnrlna ROn tn Al.
Jn , v 7I tuns SO
40c. Watermelons, gems. $11 to sia r
100; black Bpanisu $8 to $10. Barlle
icr its io a per urn., common 75o tol
ntuurumg io tiuamy. i-iums; choice,
tO 7 tier bill. MlllVmnlnna 1 ki .1
5 60
i.t.'i " ' ,."7" "Y
1 ,.. , "KB. oggs ratherqu et,
ulthougU strlclly fresh stock in demanj
and selling from 10 to 17c, with fancy lee
horns at from 20 to 25c. Butter, Tho
siuio ui iruns nave ciicctcd somo.
what tho price nf butter, nnd selling fancy
creamery 24 to 25c; select tubs anil nir.
22 tn 24 n. rmml 1Q on 1 -r.
; . ( t UUK micrior
grades, which show eome improvement.
HPllin,, fxltn IK , n 1fT ,11. . '
v...utl ,u iu i ib, lyugeso lancy, lSc:
primo to good 10 to lljc Meats, choice
uicsacu vcaiso to isc; lair to good 7 to 0
Spring lambs, live 6 to 7c per lb. I'oullr;
ib "r ' 1 1 10Ji '"WIS 12
. "'""cu spring cuickens, largo, 17
1, fnu a 111 In I t. rn , '
,u ,.lu, i iimeys, ciiotce,
per Id. Game, woodcock tellinc from
, 14c
io i sa per pr., tame squabs, .white, $3
2 25 ner Hnren P,iluioo ii.
- - , iuu must 1 II.
porlunt feature In the price of Irish pota.
toes, which aro selliug from $3 to 2 25 per
bbl., choice stock. TJwcet potatoes also
SrS fmo wl'lig fDcy stock to day nt from
75 T Vacuole, tomatoes
25 to 30c per bushel. Corn $1 to 1 60 per
100. Choice cabbage scarco and worth
from $7 to 8,8 nor inn. ni., ..nJ;i; i
J0.8. Is ? W-'.h 1 75 to 3 23." Km plant
i m to i ou rt ouj. Mtna beans $3 to 2 25
per bag, I'ickles 60o to $1 per 1000. Beans,
ThcrnTsa ilerlilnl lmnrn., . ,' ..
"i: ' , ,i ,''ul n tuo
on ucuus nun cuoice marrow br ntr.
Imit frnm Q Ol ,rt O O .
Vui I. .1 7 .,,..' -,'u,um to
ilium Kiuuvy i bo io i uu; rod 1 85.
1 00 to S2. MlUfifilllini.nii. TJ. ,
85 to OOoi good 75 to 80c; ofhe'r grades
iu iou. nju uiruw uo io uc, Jsvun rasn.
Health and Strength Regained
Knowledge is Power : Read!
The above cot represents the obverse and reverse sides of the OOLD and JKWKfXED JtKDAI,
ptwent! to Dr. W. H. Parker by the NATIONAL MKDIOAli ASSOCIATION, In recognition of
hUmuterly Medical Treatise, entlUed the SCIENCE OF LIFE O SELF PRESER
VATION, which treats npon Nervous and rbyslcal Debility, Premature Decline, Exhsuited
Vitality, and the ten thoniand IDs that flesh Is heir to, whether arising from Errors of Tooth, lmprnd.
tnee. Over TaiaUon, Excowcs, Accidental or ConsUtntlonal rrcd!poiltlon. It Is an lnvlnU trcttlw
for ths Young, the Mlddle-Agcd, and even tie Old, whether In health or disease. No other work eqml
to it has ever been published. It has been highly prsli ed by the newspaper press throughout th country,
and even In England. Three hundred pages, substantially bound, embossed muslin, fail gilt Contains
m extraordinary prescriptions for prevoning diseases, either ono of which Is worth Ave times the pries
of the book, while some of them are absolutely lnvaloable, and should be In the hands of everybody.
Guaranteed the best work npon the above named sabjects, or the money retained In every lnstinee.
nmnc nUIV nllC tinil ID by mAnpostr&Id, and conceded in pUIn wrapper. Illnstritlve
rnlut UNLT UHt UuLLAI1pampWt.P'Osptns,fr,lfyonsdnow. Cut this out, is
jon msy never see It again. Address IB. W. II. PAUKBR, N. 4 BUMttNCH ST., BOSTON,
INSTITUTE, and may be confidentially consnlted on an iluutt r squiring skill and experience.
Wo are offering great inducements to personsjfdes inner to
purchase rianos, Urgans and oewing iuacmnes.
Among the Pianos we handle are the IVEBS & POND,
String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-clnso
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated J2STJZY, MILL
ER, UNITED STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE,
ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest and best
Rotary Sewing Machine in the world.
Beforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Offer special inducements to farmers
Wo keep constantly in stock nt our GRAIN 1TOUSE, and will deliver frco
of charge to any station on tho D. L. fc W. or B. & S. railroads, tho celebrated
"Economy Bono" and "Good Crop'' brands, both high grade, standard goods,
mado from puro materials, freo from sour acids and heavy worthless fillers, aud
guaranteed as good as tho best.
IMFimi MAW,1R,Y. !
Wo have tho agency for tho Traction, Portable and Stationary Engines
Threshers, completo with lever power, in six sizes; Clover Ilullors, Saw Mills!
Grain Drills and Corn Shellcrs. All standard goods, just what farmers will
need very soon. Sprout's
GHnds'weir6 farmor noetl8- Can
Wo havo in stock, ready for inspection, tho O'Brien Wagons, in nny sizo
desired, for farm or road, and invito tho publio to call and sco them.
In addition to thn rihnv'n wa Vnnn'n fnll linn f TTl..- 1J ht:;m.!1 Pl.At.
and J cod at lowest market prices.
Salt for land and dairy use Speoial
.",v., uuumy mm mnoy grass seeas. uonl in all sizes. .Delivered to any
part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from us for their dis
tncts and themselyes.
All kinds of Gi aiu taken nt highest market prices.for cash, or in oxchango
at any tunc. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly,
rA x rn H. V. WHITE & CO.,
August 5. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Orders May fre Left With Albertson & Hulme, Benton, Pa.
Kttate of Lyaia ltcHMnt, late of FitMnacreelc
toumiMp, aeeeawa.
h v. huuiiuuvi uwuu uu mo saia cstsia uS-Tlni?
saia estate present tUe same to "auus "tH""".
VI , Itnnmvn . .
liuoyan 1', o., Vi.
n. .. . '". ur HrnlNQXR. DKO'D.
8 "nAerslgnea, an Auditor aDDolntii hvthA
irpiians' uourt ot Columbia county l'a. tnmt
barred from donii in oriSidtS'ncT
"2. luuuurs
VB. A. Ciimeell. Ikveaved.
jaw estate wm nt tifflffiS
i, rr
for tho noxt six weeks on tho following
attacU t0 anv horse-power. Runs easy
prices to dealers on job lots.
Theunaeni'Buixl Auditor, appolnttxl by tho Or
phans' court ot Columbia county, To., to distrib
ute the balance In the hands of U N. CrevtUof,
executor, as per account mod. will attend to mo
duties of hla appointment athUofllco In lllooms.
burtr, Wednesday, September 14, ItW, at 10 o'clodc
a. in., when and whero all parties baring claims
against said estate must appear and prove the
same, or bu forever debaned from coining In on
said fund. augs L, K. WAIXK1I, Auditor.
l'roposals wlllbo received, up to September 3d,
1687, for the building of a bridge across 1hp;
creek, to have a clear wldtli of if foot, and a , ctoj
span of loo tect, or mado up ot two Bpans or M fwt
each. Tho bid must Includo tho building of all
masonry abutments ana piers and necessary f p.
preaches and bo sublnct to the acceptance of too
ltoad supervisor ot bugarloaf Twp., and enou a
have at least tect clear of low water marH. W
bridge to bo, located at or near naoon 1 leas', abouv
one-halt mile below Cole's Creek V. O. contract.
ore win rurnlkU their own plans. Tno right is re.
nerved to rejoct any or all bids. Dlda ihui1 if
marked, "l'roposala for Wagon Bridge,"
dressed to Engineer's omce,inoomsbunf suiuvan
It. It, Box 34,1, Ulooinaburg, l'a. Necessary in of;
matloncan bo obtained at Engineer's PBco.13
s. it, it, Beaton, l'a.