COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURQ, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. WATOH TUUR WORDS. Keep watch on your words, my children. For words aro wonderful things; lncy arc sweet, like tho bees' fresh honey L'Vo bees, they have terrible stings; They can blcsa llto tho worm glad sonshlno, And brighten tho lonely lite; They can cut In tho atrtto of nn jer Like an opon two-edged knlto. lt them pass through your Hps unchallenged, It llielt errand bo truo and kind If they come to support the wcai, To comfort 4ud help the blind; It a bitter, revengeful spirit prompt tho words, let them bo unsaid; They may flash through tho brain like lightning, or fall on the heart like lead. Keep them back It they're cold and cruel, Under bar and lock, and seal; Tho wounds they make, my children, Are always slow to heat May Christ guard your lips, andeTer, Prom tho time ot your early youth, May the words that you dally utter llo the words of the beautiful ttutb. Selected. Prohibition In Maine, a iruviar.ii kinds from kxpeuiknce THAT IT IlOKS NOT EXIST, A ooiToapotuiont of tho Phllnilolpbia J'ress tells hia experionco in Maino iu tlio following letter : It f.ceniH rather gtalo to talk nliout prohibition in Maine. That Bubjeot gets so thoroughly overhauled during every political campaign and ia men tioned bo often that at first thought it would seem hard to add anything to tho qucatiou. Yet, aa a matter of fact, Maine's prohibition in its practical, ovory-day aspects, is not known to tho pubho to any extent. Ultra-temperance writers produce figures to show that there are few if any saloons in Maine, and that it is so hard to got a drink here that drunkenness is practically an unknown offense On tho other hand, tho anti-prohibitionists havo produced figures showing how many saloonb really are in oxistenco, showing the enormous increase in prescriptions for spiritus frumenti of lato years and tho added number of criminals in tho jails and penitentiary. Both sides orr, while tho latter aro more nearly correct. It is not necessary to go to drag stores for a drink, becauso there aro plenty of accessible bar rooms. It is practically as easy to get a drink in Portland as it is in Philadelphia. There aro screens to tho saloons, but not screens that deceive the observer. Those who know tell mo what is trne here is truo in all tho large towns and in nine-tenths of the villages throughout tho stato, and I don't doubt i. There was a prominent Newarker in company with me when wo arrived, and he proposed, after supper, that wo test for ourselves tho accuracy of the reports we had so often heard. We were at a leading hotel, where it is im possible to evado the law openly, and whore a spy could walk in andsee all ho wanted for detectivo purposes in two minutes. Yet no precautions were taken. Wo were directed to the bar room at once and others were bound thither without any directing. They had been there before. Tho Tar was large and spacious, well lighted and with an exit directly to tho leading thoroughfare of the city. The bottles wero displayed with all the brilliancy of the average saloon. A lino of males wero in front of the bar disposing of various beverages., No questions were asked and no suspicions were manifest ed. You got what you asked for and no bones wero made about it The man in charge talked freely on the sub-' lect, tie nam notntng could suit tbe liquor men in Maine better than the Prohibition law. Tboy sold as openly and freely as ever and had no license to pay. They got all tho benefit of freedom, while, the state got none of tbo revenue from tho restriction that license always produces. Others said thesame thing. You need not go a block here in any direction before hnd ing a saloon. Yet a Prohibitionist, whom I ran across this morning, near ly told me I lied when I said liquor was plentiful. He said a man couldn't buy ix drink hero without resorting to tue rmeest suuteriugo. I ran down to Old Orchard Beach from hero. It is the Ocean Grove of Maine. People in New Jersey, who told mo so much before I left and know so little, said no matter what tricks might bo played in Portland and the large cities, you couldn't get a untile at uia urcnard. "well, as newspaper man, about the first thing 1 investigated was mat statement. Walking into the largest and most con spicuous hotel an utter stranger, asked one of the bell boys where the uar-roora was. lie answered very promptly: "Fourth door to your right, sir, down that oorridor." I went down tho corridor to the fourth door, opened it and found mvself in a neat and natty bar, with all the paraphernalia ot the protessiou in lull bloom and the regulation coterie of imbibers scat tered around tbo room. That wasn't all. In the few moments I was there, drinks of the various sorts, lemonade excepted, were put on trays and con veyed publicly through the corridors and up stairs to tbe rooms ot cucBts. Old Orchard bad all the liquor it needed and it was bought right and left without any concealment or apparent evasion, in tact, my preconceived no tions about prohibition in Maine were annihilated inside ot an hour. 1 never havo believed that prohibition could prohibit, but I really thought there was somo pretense m that direction up here, but tuore isn t. It is a mighty good thing tho mana gera ot tho 1'rohibition party nevor bring any of their oonvcrta to Maine and allow them to ask for tho nearest saloon. If they did they would loeo every mother's son of thera. It's all very nice to sit on a cushioned seat aud hoar a rose-colored picture about tho way prohibition prohibits in Maine, nud how all that is needed to banish tho bottle and the bar is to mako tho Maine law national, but you musn't take too muoh for granted in this age, It is apt to givo you a worse than eleo trio shock when you happen to oomo to Maine and tumble against a saloon in full blast beforo you have learned tho name of tho street you are on. L S. M, Olffarette Smoking. One of tbe most abominable habits which a person can acquire and es pcoially a youth is that of cicaretto smoking. Thoso who aro addictod to it not only injure their health moro than they realize, but they also render themselycs unpleasant to almost overy ono thy meet while practicing it, for not ouo person in a hundred likes tho .smell of a cigarette, and to tbo major ity of the people it is simply intolcra bio. Tho general impression is that cigoretles nro tiarmlepe, wlioreas they aro a n Hunt source of evil. Tboy aro so dry, the nicotine ix thrown oil from tho moment tho tobacco begins to burn, aud tho smoke being inhaled and com ing in contact with tho delicate lining of the air passages, the poison is at once absorbed, and produces an im mediate effect, which can be felt even to tho tips of tho fingers. A Noblo Btanil. Tho tcmpcranco cause in tho town of M was in Us infancy. A very fccblo infancy, too) for thoro was a drinking saloon at almost ovorv .cor ner, and tho reeling, intoxicated men wore so common in tho streets that no ono ever glanced at them. Tho liquor sellers boasted that more money was paid by them for licenses than in othor towns three times tho the of M . No drinking man sank in publio esti mation unless he lost his credit, and had no money to stand treats. A terapcronco lecturer, n very ejo quent man, found his way to M s and tho people liatoned, langhed, ond at tho oloso of his lecture, hooted him oil tho stand. But a band of noblo women, tho wivos and mothors of somo of tho prominent citizens of M , took np tho work, and set forth on a hopolcss crusado against tho demon of intemperance, who had Bot his mark on tho forehead of tlioir friends and relatives. Thov wero too well known, too high in position, for tho pooplo to treat tbom as they had dono tho lcctur on but they failed as signally in reform- g their bearers. Thorn was a larcro uartv given in M , whoro all tho young pcoplo of both sexes had assembled. Among tho refreshments served were, aa usual, a variety of wines. A sweet-faced mod est girl, a great favorite with hor com panions, lUKHlgll WIUU I.IOO, iuid liuiu her Boat, hor fair face flushing and pal ing alternately. "Friends," sho said, in a firm, clear vnlr.p. "wo havo all of us boon brought up together, and whon trouble or bless ing has como to one, tho others wero ready with their condolonoo or their re joicing. Therefore if wo havo a com mon enemy, wo wouiu untiu ugmusv it, would wo notV "Yes, yes!" from all hor astonished hearers. "AVell, then, I say wo have a com mon enemy; ono that menaces ciiner directly or indirootly our happiness. Hero it is," holding up tho wino glass, and throwing its oontents out of an ODen window. "This niglit I tako my stand openly against it, and those who range thomseives with tne evil ining aio no longer my friends. Surely you will not leave mo alone in my resolu tion!" Under that roof that night thirty young people took the pledge. hook at Al to day, ana ten me what has become of the saloons and tho topers. Thoso who wero too old to reform are no longer found reeling through the streets, a wholesome shame keeping them within doors. Popular opinion, led by the onthusiastio young reformers, was too strong for them. All this was tho work ot ono young girl of eighteen, neither very handsome nnr exceptionally intelligent, but filled with a high purpose, and a fervent faith, and tho magnetism of youth to influence hor young companions. esei. A Mew Use Tor a Dog. rASSENQKB WHO WAS WIM-INO TO BE TUT OFF THE TRAIN WHEN HIS DOO WAS. Tho other day a man got aboard of a train on tho Detroit and Lansing road, accompanied by a big dog, and in duo courso of time tho baggago man 1 1 i i i. . i. - i : j . wai&ea dock iuiu iuu uur uuu bbiu: "Mister, that dog must go into the baggage car." "X guess not. "Bat I gaess ho will. No dogs are allowed to ride in passenger cars." "Well, we'll wait and hear what tho conductor says. Ho is a friend of mine, and if be says tbe dog can t rido ncre that will settle it. It was half an hour later beforo the conductor, accompanied by tho bag gage man, got around to tbe man. "That dog must como out o norei ' announced the conductor. 'For why! lie isn t hurting any body." "Because no dogs aro allowed in the cars. ' "And if I don't tako him to tho bag gage car you'll " "fat him on" "If you put him off," replied tho man, after taking a look from the win- oow, "i anau go wiin mm. mj uog is i . , ,t i ii .i i ar 3 ; just as good as 1 am. "Win yon taice the dog torwardi "No, sir." Tho train was stopped and the dog led out and pushed off the platform. "Aro you going, tooT queried tho conductor, with his hand on the bell- rope. "Yes, I guess I will. I live in that farm-house over there, and if I go on to Howell, where I bought my ticket to, 1 11 have to walk lour miles back, Much obleeged to you, conductor. jast kind o' figgered to have tho dog put off at about the right spoil JJe- troil Jiree Jfress. Change in the Style of Watches- There has been a great change in the style of watches. Years ago big watches, with all tbe nowering mat could be got on tbo cases, were tho stylo. Tbon camo tho opposite, and plain watcbes wero tho demand, ihe lady watch came, a neat, delicate little thing, and then tho men thought the little watcbes wero tbe- no plus ultra And the jewelers began to bedeck the oases with pearls and other stones, and tho articles brought big pricos. After a time the neat silver watch got its hooks in, and it was all tho rage. rncea for watches have fallen re markably in the last ten years. I re member when people paid 8250 and $300 'for a hunting-case gold watch, that you now oan get for S50 or SCO, and sometimes for less. Tho change in price is due to tho effect that the makers, after a time, found tboy could make oases much cheaper than thoy had beon doing. Tho works were made much cheaper by the use ot machinery, and ot courso tbo price ion, being help ed along by competition. Remarkable Longevity. A remarkable caso of family lon gevity, and ono that is said to be sup ported by indisputable records, is re ported from New Holland, Ohio, a milo and a half south of whloh place lives Mrs. Margaret Arnold, who was 110 years old on the 4th of July. She was born in Augusta county, Va., July 4, 1777. Her maiden namo was JJar gartt Kiscr, aud 80 years ago bIio was united in marriage to Henry Arnold, who is as sprightly aa a man of fower years. Whllo Mrs. Arnold ban the np poaraoco of being remarkably old, yet klio is well preserved for one of her years. During the last month, how over, sho has been failing, and gets her ago and othor matters considerably mixed up. Sho has two sisters living in Iowa, ono of whom Is 110 years old and tho other, 107. Tho combined ago of the throe sisters, therefore, is 880 years, or an averago of 110 yoars each, The orow is tho most rational of bipods. It never makoa a noise with out caws. Farm Gleanings. Thcro aro ono million roso sold annually in this country. plants Tho ostlmatcd nrca of vino-growing laud in California ia 100,000 acres, tho proprietors of whioh number 4,000. Not every farmer can breed such oows as woro shown at tho Now York Dairy Show, but ho can imitate aud can uso tho best bull to bo found, A now invention, nn opparatus for tho testing of milk for its adaptability to butter-making, has been recently in troduced, and boars tho namo of "lao loritc." Savo tho wood ashes to vme aa a fer tilizer. It is moro profitable than to sell thorn to tho soap makers. Wood ashes never como nmiss on tho fatm or in tho gardon, Bean straw has beon fed to sheep with very gratifying results. Tho ani mals seem to regard it as a toothsomo articlo of diot, and In no better way can tho refuse of the patch bo utilized. A nractico of HOino Wcstorn farmors Is to apply petroleum to thoir seod corn for tho purpose of saving it from plundering birds and animals. -The grain, it is said, suffers no injury from tbe oil. Tho Jlural World says that tbe itrMt nrnfiis frnm Riinnn cannot 1)0 made by farmors who do everything in the grand wholesale way. No animal re quires belter care and closer attention than sheep. Tho product of the gardon will al ways find a convenient and profitable market on your own tablo. It is far moro healthy and moro desirable to livo principally on fruit and vegetables than bread and meat. Often tho sore shoulders of a horse aro occasioned by lumps and ridges in the collar, resulting from a laok of at tention. Horse collars should be oc casionally washed and pounded, to keep them soft and clean. Tho best manner of accumulating phosphate of potash, an invaluablo fertilizer, is to keep a barrel of lyo at hand for tho reception of all tho bones obtainable." In this way a supply of fertilizing material for immediate uso may be had. Experience teaches that the earlier in an animal's ago full feeding is re sorted to the better it is, both for its vigorous health and rapid growth. Thus will the best returns bo secured, whether the animal bo intended Tor early salo or for raising. Farmers would find it to their ad vantage to corn mutton in a weak briuo for homo consumption. Tho hams can be smoked and used like dried boef, or they can bo boilo 3. Tho oorned mutton will be found an agreeable change from sausago and spare-rib. There is no economy in keeping a cow that does not mako good butter and plenty of it. It costs as muoh to koop a cow that will make but six pounds ot butter a week as it does ono that will doable that amount. Any suggestions as to whioh sort should bo kept is unnecessary. Horses put to hard work will almost surely show puffy spots under the har ness, which will soon mako bad galls if neglected. Lift the harness and batho the spots with cold water when the teams rest and at evening. Mako suro that collars, especially, fit well and aro smooth and bard. Scours can generally be cheoked by shutting tho sow np and feoding-dry corn tor a lew days, raw Hour, or rye or wheat whole. If too young to eat, a lump ot alum the sizo of a walnut may be dissolved in a quart of water and a teaspoontul given morning and evening to pigs a week or so old. In gathering encumbers thoy should novcr bo pulled, but out instead, as one reason why so many vines die as soon as they begin to boar is that tho vines are injured in cultivation or in gather ing tho fruit. Cut freely and often, for as soon as tho seeds begin to in crease in bizo, the flowers cease to set. It is this early training in labor and responsibilities that gives to those who passed childhood and youth in farm houses an advantago in tho raco of life, it explains why so largo numbers of thoso who win the highest positions are thoso whoso early training taught them that whatever is worthy ot ao quisition demands effort, and is tho prize ot earnest, persistent labor, It may hurt tho cow somo to cut off her horns, says the United States Dairyman, but bo do her horns hurt others when sho goes at thera full drive. It is doubtful if the pain of de horning is greater than the hurt of having a pair of sharp horns run into the side. In caso of dehorning there is only ono hurt; but there is no end of hurts from hooking when tbe horns are left on. A Minnesota farmer has been ex perimenting on tbo cost of koeping sheep, and concludes that they aro an exceedingly profitable adjunct to his farming operations. He says that it is safe to say that the increase of his flock will cover tbo cost of keeping it, leav ing tho wool for dear profit: or tho keeping may bo charged against the wool, which will not exhaust it all, leaving tho lambs clear profit. Tho remedies for the protection of cabbages from tho green worm are nu merous, and among thom aro the fol following: Soatter Persian insect powder upon the plants and worms; another is to use a solution of ono ounce of saltpette in a gallon of water upon tho cabbages. Cayenne pepper is anothor useful application, and with hand-picking, ono or another of these used frequently will Bavo tho cabbages. A farmer was for a long time at a loss to.account for the dwarfed condi tion of his trees whioh wero nearest a piece of woods, until ho saw, just be foro night, a small tlock of partridges llying into tho trees and briskly en gaged in snipping tho buds from tho branched, uno partndgo would strip tbo buda from an ontiro branch at a singlo visit, and the' growth of a great number of trees had been almost en tirely ruined. When tbo hoofs of a horso aro hard and dry and brittle and shrink and dis tort tbo shape of tho foot, it indicates the existence of fever in tho feet aud inflammation of tho larainio or con ueeting plates which unite tho horn with the vascular part of the foot- To remedy this apply hot bran or linseed poultices to the feet, or mako the ani mal stand in a soft paddlo of clay up to tho coronet for soveral bouts. Then soak well with warm weather, and ap ply ulycorino without ilryinn tbe feet. Uivo tho horso twelve out) cos of epsora units and feed bum mask grass and clovor. and uroen A kind word novor yot harraod any one. Politeness in little things eases ono'a cares and lightens the burdens of life wonderfully. The Jubilee of Liberty. l'llIt.ADPXriltA'S (IHANU FETE IN SKI TKMllUR. Tho progress mado by tho Commis sion iu arranging tho details, and tho remarkablo unanimity with which tho different Stato Governments havo re sponded to invitations to partlolpato in the celebration of tho ouo hundredth birthday of tho Aincricaii-Constitiitlon, loaves not tho slightest room for doubt that tho demonstration will bo tho larg est nud most imposing ovont over hold on Amtrloan soil, barring only the groat celebration of 1870. The grand trades and industrial procession of September 15 will bo an epitomo of onr Industrial progress iu ono hundred yoais. It will comprehend all branches of industry, and in many instances tho advancement of particular branches will bo demonstrated by working mod ols of tho old contrasted with tho now way. Request) for assignment to po sitions in tho line aro pouting in on tho Chief Marshal from overy Hold of in dastry iu various parts of the country. Tho military demonstration of the 16th will also bo a most interesting And brilliant feature. Fifteen thousand troops of tho Various States, besides detachments of marines and regulars, will bo present and participate. A most striking feature of tho parado will bo the contrast offered by tho Rev olutionary soldier sldo by side with the guardsmen of to-day. Tho North Atlantic squadron will anohor in tho Dcla arc for tho occasion, and a grand naval pageant will form a part of the spectacular ceremonies. Tho principal event of tho 17th will bo tbe comtncmoralivo oxerclscs to bo presided over by tho President of tho Unitod States, and addressed by a Jus tico ot tho Supremo Court. Tho Pres ident and his Cabinet, the representa tives of foreign governments at Wash ington, tho governors of tho Statos.and distinguished people from all parts of tho land will bo presont during tbo celebration. In addition to tbe events mentioned a large number of other on tortainments, publio roccptions, and special features, will servo to mako the,, three days the most brilliant and inter esting ever known in tho history of tho Quaker City. For tho benefit of tho vast multitude of people who will throng to tho city on this occasion, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia, September 13, 14, 15, 10 and 17, good to return until September 20, inclusive, from all sta tions on its system at ono unlimited faro for tho round trip. Hay Fever CATARRH isaiwnuuu vy uu iu- naracd condition oi tho lining raenbranel of the nostrils, tear- ducts and throat. Ani acid mucus Is secreted, the dlschargols accom panied with a burning sensation. Thcro are sovero spasms of Rneez- lng, frequent attaCcs ot headache, watery ana lnuamea uyes. Try Ihe Cure Ely'n, Cream BalH AY-FEVER A naulclo Is amlled Into each nostril and "Is agreeable, lllco no cents at druggists: by mall. registered, oil cents. ELY UltOTIlEltS, 235 Green wich St., New York City. . auglOdlt nj 1 f ?- jT WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, No. 120 & 128 Franklin Ave., SCRANTON, PA. aprlll-ly. JOHN n. HARRIS, Ph. D., Principal. A school for both sexes. Location healthful. Instruction thorough Discipline strict. Eipenses moderate. Property cost IW.ooO. Building ot brick Warmed by steam. Campus so acres. Library 3,000 volumes. Apparatus worth tiwio. Prepares for College, for Business, for Teaching. For catalogue, or Information, address the Principal at Factoryvllle, Pa. 3mjunl0 to bo mado. Cut this out and return to us, and we will bend you free, some thing of great value and Importance to voj. that will start you In business which will bring you in more money right away than anything elso in this world. Any one can do tho work and live at home. Either box; all age. something new, that iut coins money for all workors. Wo will start you; capital not nooded. This U one of the genuine, Important chances of a lifetime Thoso who are ambitious and enterpris ing will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address, THUK Co., Augusta Maine. dec34-ss,iy. Dickinson Seminary. WIILIAMSFOHT, Pa. .A lire school ot high grade tor both sexes. Abreast ot tho age In every respect. Best facilities In language, literature, science, mathematics, musloandarU Degrrea conferred; clectUocoureos provided: commodious bi'Udlngs, beared with steam; all modern appl'ancja for health and com. fort, list per ye J- for board,waihlng,heat,llght and furnlshedroomidlscounta to ulnlsters, teachers, and to two from same family, suth year begins Aug. su catalogues free. Address E. J. UltAY, D. D., President, JyMt. "A HANDSOME WEDOINO, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. Combining a Parlor, CIIAIIt. 7iln Sfr'y JTI lists tj4 All furnished with at our WIioleMle Prices. THE LUBURG MANF'CCO., for Infants "Ciutorla la so veil adapted to children that t recommend It as nupcrlor to any prescription koowu to cia," n, a. Aaenxa, M. D., IU 0 Otford St, Crookln, N, Y, 5 7) WtATJ KASKIN1. (THE NEW QUININE.) Gives Good Appetite, Now Strongth, Quiet Nerves, Happy Days, Sweet Sleep, A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Ocrm Diseases. . THE MOST SCIKNTIKIO AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD TUMFIF.n. superior to qul-ilno. Catarrhal poisoning pare mo dyspepsia, and malaria followed. 1 cot so reduced I had to be earr ed up and down sfnlrs. Kvcrybody thouiht I would die. 'j hroe months' uno of Kasklne gave mo new life. I am no.v perfectly well. 1 owo my re coTory and llfo Itself sole'y to tho uso ot this and cniclent remedy. Aire. K A. Comstock, 139 Kast 7lKt SL. N. V. "Four years of malaria and dyspepsia greatly mil ecu my wlto's strength ard destroyed her hear.Iu A trip to Florida and every known rem edy could not restore her. I heard of Kasklne,and four months' uwj broke up the malaria, cured the dyspepsia, restored her strength and healO, and six moiths repaired tho wasto ot four years. Chnuncoy I. Titus, Albany, N. Y. Letters from the above persons, giving full do tails, will bo sent on application. Kaskino can bo taken without any special med ical ndvlco. per bottle. sold by MOVER uuos.. llloomsburg, Fa., or sent by mall on receipt ot pilco, TUB KASKINB CO., C4 Warren St., New York rotctdiy DT? A T?TvTT?C!C! its causes and a new and XX IN JiiUO successful ClUtE at your own home, by ono who was deaf twenty, eight years. Treated by most of tho noted k pedants without benefit. Cured Mimelf In 3 months and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on application. T. S. PAGE, No. 41 West sist Bt., Now York city. augiwlt. EalEaSEBEEflEH EV'TOTJTngK.rirmichltK AMlima, Indigestion 1 CM PARKER'S GINGER TONIO without dtUr. It Iiu cored uiMri'f tie .vratooan and lithe beet remolr for all i ora of tho throat and Iuhot, and dlimuea arising from Impure blood and eihauKUon. Tbe feebla and Mck, HrurvUnK against dlaearc, and ilowly dnftlnsr to the grAT. 111 in many roeoa recover their health by Ibo tlmelr no of Iarker'a Ulnirer Tonlo, but delay la dan (cerous. Take It In time. It U Invaluable for all liKi and dlsordcri ot noinaoh and bowela. too. at UrumtUtal auglMlt, PATENTS F. A. LKHMANN, Washlngton.D.C Send for circular YOUNG MEN Satisfaction or moner rMnnriivi. ALLEN, WUUamsport, Fa. Address F. M. saugdlt. Try tho Largest and Best Equipped riUNTEKS' ltOLLEllS ESTABLISHMENT In tbe United Mates. D. J. BEILLY li CO.. 331 and 3! I'oarl btreet. Now York. Prices low. satisfaction guaranteed. Best ret enccs. d5aug. DO YOU KNOW IT ? Winchester's nYroriiosraiTES op limb an SODA Is a matchless remedy for consump tion In every stage ot tho disease. For coughs, weak lungs, throat diseases, loss of flesh and ap petite, and all forms ot general debility It Is a uncqualed Biiecino remedy, tiriio sure and get WINCnESTKK'S Preparation. l and 12 per bottle. spm ny druggists. WINCIIESTfilt 4 CO, 162 vt uuuia street, xscw iorK. saugd4u HOLLINGSWOflTH'S ONE PACKAGE' L CURES MALARIA chills 'ANn ntvKrt. Send 30c. In stamps for packing and mailing and tl When Cured. CKI.OIIK cures in in rlnru t i nav Address CELOHK CO., 1303 Columbia Ave,, phlla-' uuiyuut. aaugisu PATENTS, t btalned and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. Our odlce is opposite the U. a Patent Offlco. and wo can obtain Patents In less tlmo than those re- inuie irum wasuingion. Send model or UrawlDL'. Wo advise natnimt- entanillty free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. Wo refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho Supuof Money Order Dlv., and to officials ot the U.S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual cllentB In your own State or C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent office, Washington D C WILKES-BARHE City BiiisH Fctoiy MANDFAOTDliER OF ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES. No. 3 North Canal St., Near L. V. It. it. Depot, John H. Derby, PItOPKIETOR. WW1H call on denlcrs onco tn six weeks. Bavo your orders. f tltST PRPUDK. Orand Prist) Dledal, Paris, 1878. Atk your Grocer for Iu Wra.Iirvytloppel.Mfr 3M North Front Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. unt-8e-iy.apritc. Working Classes Attention We are now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at home, tbe whole ot tbe time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and nrontable. Persons of either sex easily earn from &0 centato 15.00 per evening, and a proportional sura by devoting all their tlmo to tho business. Hoys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all wbo bco this may send their address, and test the business, we make this oner. To such as are not wen satisnea we win sena one aoiiar to pay luriuo iruuuiu vi wuuu:. iuu iiiuuvmiuBua outnt free; Address uiorok Stikdon Co., l'or and, Maine. docM-ss-iy. AT J TUS wilhamsport Commercial Uk luburg CHAIR Library. Smoking, Reclining or Invalid LOUNGE. 11KD. or COUCH fhfl and up. Send stamp I 4B-SIIIPPED to all tlLf f0r Catalogue, iarta of Ue world. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES tbe Automatic Coach II rake, nnrt ittii Bend btaron fox Calaloguo and mention c&rrluKes, 145 N. 8th St.. Phlladu.. Pa. October sjeasyrs. and Children. OutorU cured Colic. Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, glvcd alttp, uuX promote U Wluout lajurioug medication. Tn Gbtivu CokTAar, t&3 rulton Street, K. Y, can live at homo, and malio moro money at work for us, than anything elso In this wonu. vapuai nor. neeacu; fuunruBuuwu frm lloth amies: all acres. Anronocando the work. Largo earnings suro from first start. i;osuy ouini ana H?nns irw. irouer nut, uumy. cosu you nothing to send ns your address and find out,- It you aio wbn you will do so atonco. II 1LLVTT Uf. lruauu, xnniuu. uvuxi-oq-jj For Dllloumen, Constipation, It cools the loo4 1 It (Ires dtllght, It eharpens up Ihs appe- tt aidthe ltTr do IM rrt And stimulates tbe fotbl (wart. l'or Hick Headache, Dyspepsia, nugunt. EDITED AXLE rnA&EllftDCAeri BEST IN TI1K WfltttDWII "! V I mutt wnnt.n 1 nuglirlt, TJOT.T.ATIR pays ft liU'D SOUOIiABBllIPln y J T-TrVa$V BUSINESS COLLEGE W Chtrtnit Si, rhiMlplil Positions for. Oraduatot. Tlmoraquiroa a to mo. 1'n Co' 'he Best EauiDDed. Best Coutec of Study. DontEv- ory thing. $25,000.00 IN GOLD ! WILL 11E VXXD 1011 HBWLES' COFFEE TOPPERS. 1 Premium) 2 Promlumt, T5 Premiums, 25 Premlumsi 100 Promlumt, 200 Premiums, 31,000.00 6500.00 each 8250.00 " 0100.00 ' 850.00 $20.00 ' 810.00 " 1,000 premiums. lar In every pound of Anni osXEs' Comm. mari.riy PenasjiTiiu wriwltml Wit, York, h. turqaiu cuiaui unpiti o sun. Bad for rnnitratal IK- ocl2M9tald tii tl ba CD P. o CD Wm. E. Warner, Dealer In Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bat teries, Crutches, 4C. COAL EXCHANGE BUILDING, ' scrakton. Pa. apm-ems. . R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dealers in PI A By tho following well known makers; Cliickering', Iviiabe, Weber, Hallct Sc Uavis. C,ci n n 1 en fi i m . i cl i o t tr rf f li n h.y?S?K iorc getting our prices. . Catalogue and Price Lists On auiilicatioii. Sopt3-8Mf. 10 'mil B JfWIfC C G 3? rAddro89 . ii. l Auituuau. vorlu iJBilBfeaL Pennsylvania Railroai llxll Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In effect May !, 1887. f raina leave Sunbury. 0.40 a. m.. Sea Hhoro RXMrenn Mallv nTepn. Sunday), rornarrtsburgandlntermedlatcstatlons. aiiifiuji ub x uiiuuciiJUia o. is )i. Ill, : EiVYf xora, 6.20 p. m. : Baltimore. 3.10 p. m. : Waahlmrton. B.Mp. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea 81 ore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. l.p. m. Day express dally except sundayl.for llarrlsburg and lnterme dlato Btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 8.60 p. m. j New York, 8.35 p. m. , Balumore .4S p. m. i Washington, T.45 p. m. Parlor car uiruugii iu i iiiiuuciuuia nnu passenger coacnes through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. T,45 p. m. llenoro Accommodation (dally luLjiauiauuiu uu nn luivjuitumie bvuiiuris, arriv ing at Philadelphia 13 a.m.; Now York 7.10 a. m. wtlbUJlVlD, ..U. A. u.. . UUOUIUglUU D.UO U. Ula , Klceplng car accommodations can bo secured at llarrlsburg for PhlladclphlaandNowYork. onsun dara a through Bleenfnir car win be run- nn thin train from WUllamsn'ltoPhlIadelrihlii.ihiliuiainhia paasengen. can remain In sleeper undisturbed ui tl 2.W a. m. Eo uau (dally except Monday, for llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, ftrMlnf. or. Phlldlplnhla n -. a rt Uaxwr t it Ul. 11 At m. i Baltimore 8.15 a. m. :' Washington, n an a. m. Through l"ullman Bleeping cars are run on buia iraju w i -iiiuucipuia, iiaiumoro ana wasnmg. hju, aim luruuuu ytuiijur ooacuosko pnuaaei- puja auu iaiLiuuuru. J.B1 1VAUU. 6.10 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally eicent Rnnnavt tn Erie and all Intermediate stations and cananiiai. eua and intermediate stations, ltochester, Buna- aoa cars and passenger coaches to Erie and ltoch ester. u.M-news Express (dally except Sunday) for 12.52 0. m. Ntaeara Exnress (dallv eicent Run. a iy) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can. ai.ualgua and principal Intermediate stations. lncncaier. uunaio ana Niagara valla witti through passenger coaches to Kane and ltochester auu i uuur car wi n iiiiauiHDOix. 8.30 p. m. Fast Una (dally(except Sunday)for Ile- uuvu uuu uiwiiuctiiaiv BLUUUUH, una JtimiTa, Wat kins aud lntermedlaUi Btatlons, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo aud Watklns. nai a. m aunoay man tor Jtenovo and Interme diate station" TllHOUUU TUAIN8 KOK 8UNHDI.Y FKOMTHE aani anji nuu in, Sunday mall leaden Philadelphia 4.80 a. m Harrlsburir 7.40 arriving at Kunlmrv u on a m with through sleeping car from plilladolphla to WU- News Express leaves Phlladolnhla 4 nn a m llarrlsburg, H.a a. m. dally except Bundai arriving at Sunbury t.53. a. m. Nlat-ara Rinrnaa lnnvAa Philadelphia, 7,10 a. in. i Baltimore 7.o a. m. (dally exoopt Sunday arriving at bunbury, ls.62 u. m.. with throuch Parlor car frnm Phiiarft.ini.ia I and through passenger coaches from PhUadel. )Uiu nuu uuiiiuiuru. Past Lino leavett Now York n.on n. m. t Phiiariai. a. in. j Washington, 0.50 a. m. ; Balti more, 10.15 a. ui., (dally except Sunday) arriving at coaches from Phl'ladeWla and llalirmorn. Krlo Mall leaves New York am p. in. i Phlladel. phla, U.ssp. m. j Washington, law) p. m, : Haiti, more, p. m., (dally Bxcopt.Saturila.) arriving at hunbury 6.10 a. in., v.lili through l-ullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. HUNIIUKY, IIA.I.KTON .V WII.KKNIIAIIIIB aii.iiuiii nmw niill lll Anil VInT , irmiiii i..iitivall (Dally exceDt bunaav.i Wllkesbarro Mall leaes hunburv qu a m arriving at Bloom Perry 10.4a a. m., WUkes-barre wimea-uarre accora. ioaes snuury 8.53 n m. ar. Expiree Went U vt Wiikea-ba'frea.w p. in., ar- IIT.i4)(,v oiwiu furry iin ci Ntuiiiury o.lop.m riving at lil'win Kmiy 6-.) n mi bunbury c:2s p ru. Sunday mall leaves HunLur ""iff,?-25,4' m-. arriving . Nlllies-Barreii:4sa.ui. leaves Wllkes-liarre wo at uioom ferry iu:m a. m., Sunday accommodation V p. m arriving at liloom ferry, ,89 p.m., Bunbury, 30 v. m. ceab. b. pcan, OeruManagcr, j. it. woon. Oen. ruaenger Agent PENNY GOODS Alexander Bros. A" Go A SPECIALTY. oli taiNTS roil r. P. ADAMS CO., WnOLE9ALE DEALERS IK - CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. BOLE AGENTS FOll rtENRY MA1LLARDS SMCA.NDIES. FnESII EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. FINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Soleagentaot tbo fol lowing Dranas ot cigars. IIENllY CUV, LONDHKS, N011MAL, INDIAN HUNCfiSS, SAMSON, H1LVKH ASH. PERRINE'S S ptmiiMtn (rom BClrctfd Barley Malt and guarampen to no chrmlcally rum nnd.troo from Injurious oils and icldsoitcn contained In aiconolio liquors, it u especially adapted to persons requiring n i stimulating tonic, consumptives beint greatly liencntted by lid use. Hocommendcd ly leading physlclana na a Ulnretii Nervine, Tonic and Alterative. For loraumpilveB t s invaluablo. I'KimiNE'S ptniH l Aiil.KY MALT WHISKEY Insures a return ol vigor to tho stomach. 2 Ir.lTj.... ........ ii . ... mf t . . nf thoso who purauo their avocations In tho open air and whoso dally work calls it exceptional powers of endurance. Aak jpur ncarwt druggist or grocer for for l'KHltlNlfsrUllEliAHLEY MALT WHISKEY revives tho energies of those v,orn out with excerolvo bodily or mental effort and acts as n safeguard against exposure In w.) anil Htrnrnlifl rnnthrr. 11.WIU drlVO all malanOUR dl&eafiCB from thn ,fMMl Hard workers ot every vocation and pensonswhom a sedentary lire renders tirrmntn Dyspepsia find In I'crrlno's ruro Barley t"?!1 a ahan Malt Mall Whlsney a powenui lnvigorauvf imnumijnLBiMii nmars oytncLs and helper to digestion. l'KllHINK'8bel on evcrybottle: 1 havo carefully an TUltE llAItLEY MALT without unduly BtlmulHlng tno Kia nrys. Increases their nagging activity, counteracts tho effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label 1 Kono gcnulno unless bearing tbe signature For sain ov all druggist and grocers throughout the united states and 37 NOETH FRONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PHILA ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISE FOR Tl SEASON CAN BE (DMIUPIffi THAI ITEM, A Large and ' 1 010THIHQ, I JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE ANT) Sm.W.ffT T.TVTil nw Cal1 and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Fepta Clothing Store DAVID LOWElBESr Itloomsbiirg, Pa, DEALER IN Foreign &mMmmMe WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG PA. I Th doetof tod Ih UtUt-euritf wt &! Ulklac ibaul ftcau of lerioui Ilium. Tbf bavt Iwpl iiupndr4 work la dlicuii tb idkHi vf tbitr ibott. Tb utut. (4nir fyi tU Jaeuii Uhqi S nuot ii u I til la tb I aSre!lku.'k', t""auu'"'"'i 1 uo, Full I.iiieH of the Above Shoes for Sale by I. W. M&MTM&TX & SO EC, AUgli-13t ooie Agents ior ANY OltDBrt FOIt FEBT1VA tain WW nmrTit.r WIT LOWEST si m as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, W AX'Tlrrt. win VJ 10, ENGLISH ' iv l i Mirmni CREAM NUTS POP CORN BALLS. MALT WHISKEY. .h unci m)ic.i...ij" n nnwrrim nio'iiLTLiifiitrr iu iub hi ra bt.i.m .. in IttalrlM lina nrnin.1 n M.rilMn.i n WHISKEY kxv made by M. & J. K I'errlno and nna it entirely freo from fusel on. furfural jmclals and acids- and Is absolutely! puro." Signed, Camilla Arthur Slaler l uraawuaw wie tvnierrallief Qf Munich. UC7K1U UrH. rTCWWUCTI lam balk 11 vuuuuisit) anu alu umlhiis. jan cm BOUGHT Varied Stock of OF nottflti, Lt hnd Conffwn fihoei. Art yonr retailer for MKAH j BJIOK.aooorUlngtoyouriietdi. I'oiiiiTely "jj Beauln unkn our lUisp ftppui (lUtol oo ho totoi. JAMES MEANS 34 SHOE WH1 not wear u long aj the JAMES MEANS i S3 SHOE, CiSW " !' "aj'br nwn whom oectrparloai art me u "f ?,.KS MEANS 3 SIIOK. Our II Blioa hit t!lfy .'?..or '1'" prmannt repotaUon for comfort Ml5!,'ilK,,.,ncJ, M "to" h ' m""1 ta "! Wiiory of u trade. Mo eomwtitori an abU lo approaca . . I., iljilHaM Ui Shoe U light and lUUili, aiul It It at duratl ai any tboo of IU wUtt ever roarm raetureit. w coandintfy ir Uiat In verrvlfl f" pattuit Jamci Meant t Shoe li equal to trie 'nj-iewij thoei wldcli have hitherto been retalleij t II or IT. It Imallongolalopatulisamleil calfvimp. It bai a periuctlr imoolii bottom loilJe. II au Jli a atocklnj, ana requlrea no "breakln In," Uln IrfiaiBMjr the flrittlineltli worn. . , Jimei Maeni and C0.1 shooa were the Brit In.thll younirr tobeUnilTlr advtnlitd. If oa heve Ua oiiappolnted In othtr alrtrtlMl Shoei, your eiperlna iiuiM to teach you that H la eafer to buy eboei made by tike leaden Of a Iv.l.m. tr..n thX.u mull bv tho fjllowen. Theie ihoci are ioU by the belt retailer! throushoul the United 8UU. and we wUl placo theai 'r "u your reacb. la any bUta er Terrllory, If you James Means &. Co. 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mit. A . . m r vBiai varu. llloomsburg, Pa.