The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 19, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian.!
Twin Bobbers at Work.
An not to amend an not, entitled
"An not to prevent tho oxornptlon of
property on iaiiomont obtained for
fifty dollars or Icbb, for wagos for man- Between 2 o'clock and daylight last
ual labor," approved May soventoonth, Saturday morning about 1,000 worth Domini ono thousand eight hun- of goods woro Btolon from a Poipcr
dred and eighty-three, extending tho Uno oar ot tho I'hlladelpbia and Head
amount to ono hundred dollars. inn Railroad's fast freight. Tho rob-
Section 1. Be it enacted 0c, That bory was accomplished whilo tho train
section ono of tho act, ontlllcd "An not was running between Pottstown and
to prevent tho exemption of proporty Heading at tho rate of twenty-fivo
on judgment obtained for fifty dollars miles an hour. Fivo Tnim who had
or less, for wanes for manual labor," boarded tho cars below Pba-nixvlllo
nnnroved Mav seventeen, ono thousand nro suspected.
eiaht hundred and clohtv-thrco. which Hy moans of a ropo fastened to
provides as follows, namely ; "That no footboard they are supposed to havo
oxemption of proporty from attach, lowered ono of their number to break
mcnt, lew or salo unou execution, shall tho look at tho side of the car. Then
0, E. Elwsll,
J. g. Blttonbenaar., f
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1887.
1 ho ChaUworth disaster, now that
tho dead is rodnoed below ciorhtv. stands
sooonu in ino list ot Ainoncan railroad
uuuiueutB ivsnuiuuia, wuon im woro
killed elevon venrs auo on the Lnko
Shnfo. briniT tlin rrmat. tntnl nn f-l.n Hot
in mat case a long and high bridge uo n"owua upon judgments tor mty i"u uutvus bvoou guuru ou
collapsed, and firo was tho chiof canso dollars or lest, obtained for wagos for roof, whilo tho other fonr broko open
of the frightful fatality in tho pesont ra"ual labor," bo and the samo is hero- sovontoen oasos of goods consigned by
instance tho small sizo of tho onlvort bv amended, so that the samo shall Philadelphia houses to Harrisburg
pilod np tho death-roll. If it had boon road 08 follows, namoly ; That no ox- merchants. Jrlals, clothing, jowclry
larger, wider and dconer. tho cars omptlon of property from attachment, and hosiory in largo quantities woro
would havo pilod on each other, but as ,ovv or B0' uPon oxoontiou, shall bo taiton.
tho spaoo was narrow, car after car was 'owed uPon judgment for ono -hun- Tho goods wore, it is thought,
neatly stripped off its truok and tho dred dollars or less, obtained for wage turown out and gathered up afterward
uppor framework smashed and telo- ,or manual labor. by tho thioves. No arrests havo boon
I tuauu. umiuiz uiu economy scaru uun
An act relating to the indiclal sales winter tho railroad company cut
and tho preservation of tho lien of I down its polico sorvieo, and ovor since
mortgages. then tno trains havo swarmed with
Section 1. Be it enacted. &c. That tramps, and reoontly numerous petty
whtn tho lien of a morteago upon real oases of oar robbory havo ooino to
cstato is or shall bo prior to all other I'guV
sooped. Tho Boston and Providence
ltnlroad has settled claims roaohing
430,000 on tho Bussoy Bridgo dis
aster, where tho killed woro not a
fourth of thoso at Ohatsworth. and tho
total coat of that ono woak bridgo will
bo Over $500,000. On anything liko
tho samo basis tho ChatsWorth culvert
will bankrupt tho poverty-stricken
Toledo, Peoria and Western, whoso
gross earnings this yoar to Jaly 31
woro but 8-197,000. Tho Boston and
Providence, by way of locking the
noor wnen tno ciamagoa nro out, has
put $70,000 into tho now Bussoy
unage an ausuruiy large sum.-I'ress.
licDs upon the samo property, oxcept
oiuor mortgages, ground routs, pur
chase money duo to the Commonwealth
taxes, charges, assessments and muni
cipal claims, whoso lien, though after
ward accruing, has by law priority
given it, tho lion of suoh mortgage
shall not bo destroyod, or in anywiso
affected by any judicial or other salo
whatsoovcr, whother suoh salo shall bo
Taking up Estray Cattle-
Prom our Regular Correspondent.
WAsniNQTOs. D. O., August 15, 1887.
Ex-Congressman Brady, ono of tho
Republican leaders of Virginia, was in
the Capital a day or two since, and be
ing at sixes and sovens with little Billy
Mahone, the Republican boss of that
estate, air. urady gontly submitted to
an interview in which ho gives some
interesting information regarding the
According to tho present law in our
Stato stray onttlo can be taken up, and
if tho owner neglect or refuso to tender
reasonable satisfaction to tho party in
1 1 . . 1 . .
m-uln W oM.i.tif- Narea dv trespass, anu lor mo cost oi
"J aa vuu v a auiuuii.r va I l r i t . a i
order, decree of any orphans' 6r other r buoq injureu party snau
court, or of any Writ of execution, or Pot SP1. lh.e tda9h0? whl?h ma7
otherwise howsoeyer. Provided, That 1? BUa" U tbe. ,? Bno"
. . . ' ' .1 mil roil inrt f tr in n I- n immftHtnln n.
hifl .1.-11 .. 1 1 .. , .. f 111! hi ' n J w autaiw lUlUiVUlOVC M"
" . I nl nsitinn in thn mnnnni- dirnntfirt hv fhn
mortgages uoon unseated lands, or
sales ot the same for taxes.
An act for the proteotion of livory
staoio keepers.
section l. Me tt enacted, Ac, That
whenever hereafter any bailee, or bail
ees, for hire, or loan of any property
Act. In caso tho owner shall not
olaim his property within ten dayi
after, tho stray is takon up, it shall bo
tho duty ot the person taking up such
Btray to causo the samo to bo advertis
ed. And u tho owner don t appear
within sixty days after suoh advertise
ment, the person taking the Btray shall
mako tho application to a Jnetico of
ponucai s luauon in mo uw JJominion. 0f any livory atablo keener, shall, wil
uo savs mat Mahono in his Bind rln. I f11 i! j.
sire to make every other interest sub- or destroy the property of any ono u Jbo Pea?'.1w?0 8uo warrant
servient to his ambition to return to aforesaid, while the same is in the ous- a constable to make public sale of
y" . u , , oeuuie, uos auonaioa tody or possession of said baileo or "
allot his old lieutenants, inoludinir hnifpoa iiw, m on nrn a11 reasonable charges and damages
such men as Senator Riddleborger, Ex- ing shall bo taken and deemed guilty ?nd .08t PiDB, and tho surplus to
pernor Cameron and two of tho Re- of a misdemeanor, and, upon convict- tb. R,vcn J e county UreBBuror. If
publican Congressmen-elcot, so that ion in tho court of quarter Bossions. o owner shall appear within one year
omy Hswess apamy ana egregious shall bo punished by a fine, not exceed
blunders on the part of DomooratB can in nn aa ,iii. :
H 11 m I 'O vu 14 U U U I JKi UVIIMIO) Ul I1UUIIOVII'
secure iuanone s return to power from meDt not exceeding twenty days in tho
lViu. w 4 iramtu, Minntv ill hn h t llio Hionrotinn
That picco of monumental folly and of tho court, nnrt ohMl i linWn tn
pei ivepurmcan measure, tho Jilair owner or owners of said nronertv for
and provo his
into tho county funds,
proporty the surplus
shall be paid to him, otherwise it goes
Prisoners' Escape-
Educational Bill, has been sat upon in & VIta o7 tho nury done thi K i S
2?2A Z:yh ? " -"on of doVeither L wil, ttTE
The jail at Honesdale, Wayne county.
-secure, itcaa-
Rnnnnto hounnr. t n I 7 .1 .u u vMVu u uv, vur. WH ffm rcuuJin0er mai muraerer mc-
rr rw "-" VUUJ1U in mo court ot common n can. or ho Haho nr m wna n. DAnnMA r nnii.
I J - m I vuv) tii nun UUUUJ OOUtQUuC ui ucaiil
T rra a inohla ef hr nnnnn ni ibn I t . .
Hampshire House of llepresenUtivos, UmounVaro now bIa
throe, has la d o a,i -I. "r ... . . "w", i?"" """"'
on the table resolutions endorsing th ,"?JZ.r " i'V" "u'? a8r,es Da. ana "o?y wanan, who
i .. . . ---0 ---I luwuBiowm, uurowiiu are uereuy re- wero awaitmcr trial for
Enforcement of Two Weeks Pay Bill.
awaiting trial for larcenov.
escaped irom mat institution and no
trace of them has yet been discovered,
They filed tho iron links in two that
held their cell doors, and reached tho
corridor. Tboy thon entered an un
used cell, from whioh a prisoner at
bill. And this from
Blair b own State and party I "That
was the most unkmdest cut of all"
worso by far than tho Democrats could
beorotary Fairchild, a lew davs A lttrgQ mass meeting was hold on
clerks for consuming a portion of their street, Wilkes-Barre, on Monday oven- tompted to escape bo mo years ago, mid
valuable time during oflioo hours in ing to consider the enforcement of tho dg a holo through the ceiling. They
abusing the Democratic oartv. onn of new law known as the Two-weeks' then crawled icto tho garret, cut a hole
them being a brother of the brass- Pfly bilL The meeting was attended '? cl,P,la; mwe a rope of the bed
tiimyn A R a., n. bv nhnnt. 1.000 innlndinff lnWem. olothes, and fastened it to tho cupola.
venor. Congressman from Ohio.' The capitalists and prominent people. Tho Thoy next. shPPed f,rom tho roof Vy
Secretary well Bays that ho thinks it following resolutions wero adopted by raeaus 01 lne rope, ana made oft
too good m the Administration to keen a unanimous voto : I nio.,!. o.. nn. .
...jmu.ivi.uo ui miuh Jiouo, uu UIUl f V IIKUEA), o uoiu tuuso iacis to I
indocent critioism of the Dem joraov bo indisnutable : That labor nroduces irom the living church.
should not bo permitted. The senti- all wealth ; that the men who toil, An English surgeon claims to havo
mcnt ot the aoio and popular young olotho, shelter and warm all others, discovered tho causo of clergymen s
Secretary of tho Treasury will find a and that wages are not drawn from soro throat. No other speakers are
renuy ecno in tne nearts oi thousands capital, but are only a part of the aucciea in mis way, and he has come
of Democrats, with tho wish that there wealth that is produced (day by day ) to tho conclusion that tho mala ly is
1.. . - -. i .i i i... 1 i .
Dy tno working masses ; ano muuuuu uy npuatsiug uowu 10 a con-
Whereas, Tho system of pavmont greSa"oa. "om an ciovated pulpit,
that now prevails in violation of law lue,roy depressing tuo vocal organs
almost universally throughout our
State, robs the working masses, makes
IhA hntinlnfr nr tn-rt rrnnMntta onH thnu, I . . . . . .r - . . .
- . :? to tno best interests ot tho entire Uom
cruisers, auer u o most approved do- m0nwealth, therefore be it
r .u uuH Wu lCBt ao P-if,wr7 That vrhUo w nnnA
tno Semi-Montbly Pay bill as only a
partial recognition of the laws of natural
justice and the rights of labor, wo de
mand its enforcement as the recognized
law oi tne state, and
Jtesolved, That corporations whioh
are themselves only the creatures of tho
law, and wno owe their very existenco
were more Fairchilds intho Cabinet,
Secretary Whitney is pushing for
ward with the earnos tness and enthu.
siaara characteristic of him, his efforts
to re-habilitato tho American Navy,
naving just awaruea ino contract lor
to speeu una capacity that lull oom
plianoe with thoso conditions is guaran
teed. Another commendablo action of
the Secretary is his continued refusal
to furnish any funds for tho repair of
rotten hulks like tho Monocracy that
J L . . TV .
wuru luiidruuu irom tuo lato ivepUDlt-
cau regime.
Two Kenubucan chief nlnrkn nf thn
Interior Department have resigned dur w 118 toleration, should be foremost in
ing the present Administration thn obedience to that which creates them
successor of the last ono not yet having antl bnngs them into being,
uecn ooosen. i trust secretary i,amar Jtesoivea, xnat we demand ot tho
will be ablo to find BOino good and employing classes a Btrict observance of
worthy Democrat for the position. It tho spirit and letter of tho bill which
is a fact, perhap.i not leunorall v known, has lust become ono of the laws of our
that with a single exception, every State. And bo it further
ouiui citrK oi a ijepartmcnt under Jiesolved, That we hereby request
j. icdiucui, vicvuiuuuB jiumiimirauon an law-abiding oitizens to co-opcrato
ia u uuiu-uioi ivcuuuiiuau. uuuuui!ii witn us in rtnmfinrtinrr ( is nhiorviio
and causing irritation and conccstion.
If clergymen would hold tho head erect
and speak up they would never havo
throat troublo, and oven if already suf'
ienng to some extent they may oure
themselves by speaking in a right
position. There are bad habits of
phonation, breathing, etc., which a
good teacher can easily correct, but
the bending forward of tho head and
hanging over tho sermon while reading
it is worst of nil, aud any man can cor
rect uimseit in it.
thoso places aro not under oivil-servico
ruies. w ny mis is tuns, i navo, as
yei, oeeu unanio to discover, but, it
"overcomes mo like a Summer cloud
, In tho Washington Police Court tho
preliminary trial of the Crawford for
nication case, which I havo horetoforo
mentioned, still drags its slow longth
along nico a slimy serpent, owing to
tho fact .that it must give way oaoh
day to tho regular routine of casos.
Thero was a most exciting scene in this
scandalous oaso , ono of the defendant's
counsel told the- Judgo that tho United
St&tos Dlstriot Attornoy had said to
tho two associate counsel for tho de
fense, that tho Judgo would decide tho
case in tho Government's favor, re
gardless aiiKo oi argument and ovi
and enforcement of the Semi-Montbly
Pay Law,
Praying for Eiin.
Prom the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
I spont tho Fourth of July in a nart
of Illinois where the farmers hadu't
any rain for a month and wero praying
for it to come. I was in tho house of
one of these farmers, a strong beliover
in tho efficacy of prayer, and ho told
mo no thought that the Lord was send
ing them tho drouth to punish them
for their wickedness. After dinner I
denoo that, in fact, he had pro-judged went out ,nt0 woods and down
the caso This statement the Judgo "der a tree. Pretty soon a big dead
, . , -,. ... . . o
uaa rooucoo to writlug, and-as tho ven
erable Jurist read the charge in opon
Court, his anger and passion were so
overpowering that ho thook liko an
aspen loaf, as ho denounced tho nrraign
munt "as a falso aspersion upon my
character." Then, the District Attor
noy aud tho opposing counsol had an
unseemly wranglo tho former affirm
ing and tho latter denying. I fully
ngroo with ono of tho defendant's law
yers, who, in a toworing rago, declared
that tho way tho caso was being tried
limb dropped off a tree oloso to mv
head. I had lived in tho country long
enough to know that was a good sicru
of approaching rain. Thon, in a little
whilo more 1 heard a tree-toad cbiro.
Rain Bigp No 2 ! Thon I heard a rain-
crow caw and I sat up to listen. Sicn
No. 3 1 Prcsontly I heard a locomotivo
wmstio aud tho train rumblo ovor a
track I know was fifteen miles away.
Sign No. 4.1
I got up and wont into tho house
and told my friend that I had boon out
IOO Doses
(hut TVilbtr. TTnml'a arsiniH1li fa th. .!
. .VWH . J WU VUtf
medicine oi which this can be truly said;
I urn ii is an unanswerable argument as to
toe strength and posltlvo economy ot this
great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is mado
of roots, herbs, barks, etc, long and favorably
known for tholr powor In purifying the blood i
and In combination, proportion, and process,
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is peculiar to Uaelf.
"For economy and comfort we use Hood's
Sarsaparllla." Mas. C. Bbewstsu, Buffalo.
"Hood's BarsaparlUa takes test Urn and
quantity to show its effect than any other
preparation I ever heard of. I would not bo
without It In the house." Mjia. C. A. M.
Uvbsaso, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Dote
One Dollar
Hood's Sarsaparllla cures scrofula, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de
bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick he'adacho,
catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com
plaints, and all affections caused by Impure
uiooa or low condition of tho system. Try It.
" I was severely afflicted wlUi scrofula, and
tor ovor a year had two running sores on my
neck. I took fivo bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla, and consider myself entirely cured."
C. E. Lovbjot, Lowell, Mass.
"Hood's BarsaparlUa did me an Immense
amount of good. My whole system has been
built up and strengthened, my digestion Im
proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel
ing. I consider It tho best modlclne I have
ever used, and should not know how to do
without It." Mauy L. Fkbms. Balem. Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Bold by all druggists, ft ( six for ti. Mado
only by a I. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass
' IOO Dosos Ono'1 Dollar.
to bo made. Cut this out and return to
us. and we will send you free, some
thing of great value and Importance to
VOU. that Wfll Rf.irr Vfm fn Vtliotnnui.
Which Will brine vou In mnr. mnnav rltrht .uav
.uhu ""J tu.UK wov u. bUlll VVU1IU.
nun live ub uome,
OUT, l'a. mrw
Anv nun o i n An
tuo nuik a Liu nvti m, iinmp. Kirnpr rat u oerao
boraetlUnff new. that Just coins money ror ail
workers. Wo Will start vmi rjinltnl nnt ttosvinH
This is oneot the genuine; Important chances ot a
lifetime. Those who &rn imhttintm nnri pntoi-nHo
was "a (liPtfraco and au oiUr&ee on all prayiDff for rain to oorao buforo niKht. run Co., Amruita Maine. Siiv
T . , . I, a I --.I ..!... J . I. i T . t t I
conouruou in ii. i uuu uuucu mav i was conuuentoi n, - ,
RCtUntf what I wanted. He looked at JLf icitinsou
o .'i.i . m 1 1 ,i. , ? n . . imn mnipnin u nnrt n n i , i t n i, ibiAai uui.
DCUBlwe irOlBS JTiaiDIVOiaiea. ". di iu uuueras I a va pchool or hlL-h rAn fnr hnth u.
' I way thai no Guessed not. It wasn't! Abreast of thoagolnoiery respect, uest facmtiea
Tiwf lnnn n. o fnr n Irrnltfrinn. Tmo., f,, M. r ,0 !? ...,.V?"Mej. uraiuro, Bcienc, mathemaUcs,
who entertain an idea that thero are to come oat thero and out-pray all the
individuals in this world who nndor S00ll leoplo of that neighborhood. I
lha iarb of piety and bcuovoleuco cive took him ont in the yard aud showed
twenty dollars for ono dollar, gold hri tho clouds. "Oh," said ho, with
watches tor tilty cents, solid cud but- oiicerimnfss, that 11 pass around us.
tons for a uarter, grand pianos for ten We've had that to occur before" But
j maue mm maito evervuitna Bccuro
and biforo long thero came along a
ram that would havo drowned a man
if he had born out in it Tho fanner i
ivaa in testacies and would havo oano-
ntvnrl ,1(l ( tt liad IsnMir., Im n f li.f
W W f,v IfcHVJ n 11 ItVIT. A tVll. I T.HVV1R Rnll-1T lillnlnlat ..In.
whilo my laurels woro green, and Ijjuiymt v, o, Uuckuorncoiiunbiaco., a.
supjioso my friend hasn t yet dooided
whether or not I possess supernatural
music and art. Drgrees conferred; olectU e couraea
provided: commodious buildings, heated with
steam; all modern appliances for health and com
fort, tin per year for board,wahhlng,heat,ltght and
fumlahwl rooin;dbcounm to mlnl8tera,teachere,and
to two from samo family, aaih year begins Aug,
uiaiuKiKsj iree. uaress ii j, ukay, ij. I)..
Absolutely Pure.
This nowflor never tatIm. a mni-vfll nt nnHt.v.
strength and whotcsomcnoss. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition with tho multltudo of low tcst,short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Pold only In cans.
iWTAU I'UWVBH LO.. Vailbl.,. X.
Fou Assooiatr Judok,
Of Fishingcrcok,
Fon 1'noTiiONOTA.nv and Clerk ov tub
Skvbuai, Coukts,
Of Bloomsbarg.
Of liloomsburg.
Fon Hkoistku ani Recoudkh,
Of Bloouishurg.
Fon County CosiMisstoNKns,
Of Blooniibiirt;.
Of Beaver.
Fon AuniTons,
Of Cntawissa.
Of Fishingcreck.
Kciiil XDststtc!
rursiinnt tonn nrrtprnMlin nrnhnn' rnnrt.
Columbia county. I'cnnsvlvanla. tho undailirnea
Admlntstrainr of tfllnn llnvlnr. lntn nf I.iintHtnnn
townaliip, Montour co intr, accoosed, will expose
TUESDAY", August 30, 1887,
at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. tho undivided onn-hnir infer,
est of sntd decedent In n tract ot land, In Montour
luwnsmp, uoiumoia county, bounded and do
scribed as follows: Deirlnnm? at a stone In a
1UDUC road, thence nlonir nnlil nnhllft road iinil
and ot U. volkncr rtrtn-ppa rnt.
.uiij-aiA uuu Liirtv-tiuus ufgrwa 10 a SLono,
and slx-tentha decrees to
land ot Frederick Btonger south two degrees, sov
cnteen minutes east, thirty-three and seventy-
ii i u uuu ill uunxiLus
alonir land ot .lolin
and one-half dctriees west, rnrtv.fnur nprr.hna tn
chcstnut.north cli(hty-ono and ono-tourth degrees
west, thirty-three and four-tenths perches to a
Btone, thenco along land of Jacob Itartman and
a stone, thence along
perches to a stone, thence
It. Elfert, north eighty-two
Henry Christian, north thrco degrees and twelve
luiuuica cast, uiirv-ou7HL Ann Rix.tnnt iia npr
to a stono, the place of beginning, containing
and 1S7 ncrchen. There Is a cood vein nf hard en
on tho land. Tho purchaser can dlvldo tho land
kuu j-eicr uayior any time alter tne salo.
TEIIMS OP SALE: Twenty-flvo per cent, of the
Purchase monev to hn n.llrt nf. fhn hfrlk-fmr ilnwn
of tho property, ono-hall the balance on the de
livery of tho deed, and the balance In ono-year
vuvivoiiu, wuu luiuivbi. iivm i:uniinnaiion nisi.
to De Bccured by bond and mortgngo on the prem,
lscs. aus
T i jl .1- n .. i
dust tne tame ior lucmcs and
private parties, neat clean and
cheap; avoids the annoyance of
Droken and lost thshes and nap-
Kins; no weight to carry. These
paper plates are largely used for
pie baking, and overcome the
objection some people have to
pies because the under crust is
sggy; the greatest degree of heat
win not scorcn tiieni and bv
reusing them a pie mav be
baked on them better than on
tin or earthen ware; the under
crust will be found nerfeetlv
lard and crisp similar to the too.
Napkins are soft and pliable as
linen and will not fade unless
Builders' Hardware.
Ave carry the most complete
me oi uuuuers materials in the
Country. Iron, Steel and Wire
Nails, Locks in endless variety.
Door Butts, plain or ornamental,
Latches and Latches, White Lead
Mixed Paints and Colors. Lin
seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish
Oil Finish, I reyich and Ameri
can Window Glass, Putty.Build'
! T ii n i.i
ing .raper, an oi which we can
sell at prices that will make it to
your interest to deal with us.
We have taken the agency for
A. Shcpnard's Paragon Coach
Varnish, patented in 1884 and
ish to call the attention of con
sumers to its merits. It is made
solely from hard gum, lias a
cry heavy body and dries hard
in 24 hours in Summer or Win
ter, one gallon covers 450 sq.
feet of new work first coat and
GOO ft. second coat, it is warrant
ed not to crack, spot, blister or
turn white, and to outwear anv
nglish or American varnish, is
especially suitable for carriages
or outdoor work where exposed
10 the -weather, it is warranted to
ub down in oil or water, and
nimice stone m irom 36 to 48
lours without sweating out and
can bo brought to a dead finish.
or the interior Imish of lino
residences, public buildings,
bath-rooms, it has no equal : hot
or cold water, soap or grcaso Will
not affect its lustre or spot or
stain its surface; wiping with a
:)ongo or damp towel will keep
looKing iresh and new. It you
e especially desirous ofahand-
somo and permanent finish.
jecify Skoppards Parncron Coach
Varnish to your painter and take
no other: put up iu i and ono
gallon cans at $3.00 per gallon.
Very Reap.
J. It. Sciiuyleu & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
liars and ho on, than just bo long
'.' irn.oent imllviiua! be imposed
H i. Ii lliU ago ot thuar) uoWHimpcrd
hi-M all tifcuil4 arc quickly auil mio-
ctbafully exi-oeod to the jmblio (ho
Llamo tviU on no ono' but llo iutlelea
innocent who allows himscli to bo
opouly and deliberately cheated out of
hard, earned dollars by tho frauds of
tbe awiudlcr.
Ktlaleof Anton Bch'nartt, Oeetatei.laU of Hem-
Letters testamentary on tho snid r.Kf..if n h.ivinr
b(cu granted to the uudfrMgnej administrator, all
I persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified
IU Day thOIUUno. Alid tllUM llAVlns nlnlmj nrnln,.r
said t'utau) prebent the same I t
t btalned and all patent business attended to lor
moderate fees.
Our onico la opposlto the D. a l'atent omce, and
.w,S.0a.nt)t0,l0"uln '"M fa than those re
moto from Washington.
fQtxlel or drttwlnar. V advlao aatopat
eaUMllirtreo otcuaw and vie make ho charee
unloas patent la secured. '
We refer here, to tho ivutniaUer, the Supt.ol
Money Order Dlv and to omclaa oUheUs.
l'atent Ofllce. Kor circular, advloe, terma and
cottMrwrttito1 C"eM 'Dy?r wo BUt'
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
ino county commissinncrawill receive propos
als on Wednesday, tho 31st day ot Autrust, A. I).
18S7, at 2 o'clock p. m., to lay and furnish material
fnnnrn nmitnil f'nn rt. ItnncA I xtm rnchav nnpiim.
lars apply at I ho commissioners ofllct
HTEP1IKN rollK, 1
wasihnoton vmmS County com'rs.
Attests ,loim n. Casky, clerk,
com'rs omce, Dloomsburg, Pa,, Aug. 15, 1887.
To Jtweph Ilendorshott, husband of Malvlna Hen-
ucirnuLi, uiveiwu-u, oi uioomsDur?, ra.j Gorman
llendershott, Annln Sloan, wife of II. W. Bloan,
of Bloomsburg, l'a.i Lavilla .Iaml8on, wife of
Alfred Jaml9on. Albert F. llendershott, ot Wash-
.ugiuu, , r. v., iiiiiurcu ul nuiuiniTina iienaor-
SnOtt. deceiwed; Mnrla Hllf hprlnnrt nlfit nf
Sutherland, Akron.Ind.j O. A. Jacoby.of lilooms
burg, Pa.: Frank M. cranford, l'hlladelphla.I'a.,
ford, w Ukcs-Barro, I'a., Noah Schull Crawford.
Dayton. Ohio. .Tnhn Crnwfnnl Xfnvin
and Lulu Crawford, Wllkes-Uarre, l'a., children
of Aramlnta Crawford, deceased; KnoaJacoby.
liloomsburg, I'a., and Martha Cross, wife of
auiuui v.rusa, oi uunuwi, Illinois.
Take notlcn. thnt. In minimnra nf nn n,riw nf
tho Orplmns'court of columUa county, I'a., an to
ol said decedent, situate on Main street, of tho
town of Hloombburp, being slxtyslx feet four Inches
Jrontand twohundred and fourteen feet deep, on
Thursday. Sentemhnr IK mn7. hpiwH.nn,.),Ai,i,,
9 o'clock a. m. and 4 p.m , for the purpose of male-
. iu. .ii.uu wiu tiiiu ii-ni vsiuiH uj ana among
the children and legal rcpre sentatlyca of said do-
" in" niuiu viui ue aonowiinout prejudice
to or spoiling tho whole, otherwise to value and
iiinoo iuu duuiu uwuiuing 10 law: at which
ie and place you can attend. If you think
Opens sth month, 18th. Thirty minutes from
Broad BU station, rhlladelpala. Under tho care of
Friends, but all others admitted. Full college
course for both Bexes: Classical, srlpnf inn nrm iff.
erary. Also a Manual Training and a Preparatory
fechool. Healthful location, largo grounds, now
and extensive buildings and apparatus. For Cat.
alOZUe and full narttr.ulnr nnilrnaa vtiutaim, it
MAUILL, VU D., Prest. mays,b7-i5t
JOHN II. HARRIS, Ph. D., Principal.
A school for both sexes.
Location healthfuL Instruction thorough
Discipline strict. Expenses moderate.
Property cost IJO.OOO. Building of hrielr
Warmed by steam. Campus so acres. Library
8,000 volumes. Apparatus worth lisco.
Prepares for College, for Business, for Teaching.
For catalogue, or Information, address thn
Principal at factoryvllle, Pa. amiunio
TION proposed to the cltlicns of this com.
monwealth for their approva I or rejection by tho
cieneral AssoiLblr of tho commonwealth ot Penn
sylvania, l-ubllshrd by order of the secretary of
tho commonwealth, In pursuanooof Article XVIII
oi ine vonsutuuon.
Joint resolution propOTlng an amendment to tho
cunsuiMuon ot mo commonweaiint
hlCTIOM 1. M ff. rrn,wvf Im lh Kmnt ami
owe: of neprftmtallm nf the Commonwn'th nf
intwuivunui in tvntrai jiKsnnntyjnri inflltno
following la prop sod as an amendment ot Iho
consutulion of tho commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia In accordance with the provisions ot tho
viKiumiiui iu utiu me nvn
Strlko out from section one, of nrtlclo eight, tho
ads as roi
four qualifications for voters which re;
"if twent.v.t.wn rnnn nf Ann n ,, ra hn ahull
havo psld, wtthln two years, a slato or county
tax, which shall havo been assessed at least tno
months, and paid at least, ono month before the
yiiiuuu, nuvuut inescciion wnicn reousasfoi
"Kverr male eltlen. t, f,,it.r.nnn vn-imnf ftrrn.
tlOWSIllne the following nllnllllcnllnriu elm 11 Iu!
entitled to volo at, all elections:
First, llo shall havo been a citizen of tho United
Btates at least ono month,
second. Ho shall havo resided In the stato ono
year (or u, naving previously been a qualified
elector or native born clllzrn of the Hfnfiv shnii
have remoicd there foru and'returned. then six
months) Immediately preceding iho election.
Illlrd. lie Fhnll linvn mslitn in flm ntivllMi
district where he shall offer lo voto et least two
iiKinwia iiniMKuiiiicir preccuing tne election.
Fo'rth. It twenly-two years of nra c
We US. 110 Stall lave nn'il. wlfhtn Iwn vnnra a
BWto or coun.y tax.whlch shall havo been assessed
at n-asvvwo inumus, ni u .miilat least ono month
bcroro tne election," shall be amended, so as to
1 iwi (Ul luiiuna.
.every maio cill7en rdiira nf ntrn.
nOSRCSSlng thO following niinllflrnttnna alin1lMi
eniuicQ mi void ni mo polling piaeeof tho election
district of which he shall at tho time bo a resident
and not elsewhere:
nrst. J ie snau navo been a clth-cn of tho United
Stales at least thtrtj davs.
Second. Hesha" havnrp.idilM In thn tntn nn
year (or if, having previously been a qualified
elector or native born citizen of tho Blato. lio shall
imvo rvuiuvra inereiroin an returned, then six
months) Immediately preceding tho election.
Third, lie Shall Iiavm resMml In flinnlnflnndta.
trlct where be shall offer to voto at least thirty
days Immediately preceding tho election. Tho
legislature, at tho session thereof next niter the
adoption of this section, shall, and from time to
time thereafter may,cnact laws to properly enforce
this provision.
Fourth. Kvory male cltlren of tho aeo of twen.
ty-one years, who shall have been a citizen for
thirty days atd an inhabitant of this stato for one
year next preceding an election, oxcept at munlcl-
Sal elections, and for tho last thirty daysaresl
ent of tho election district In which ho'may offer
his vote, shall be entitled to voto at such election
In tho election district of which ho shall at the
tlmo ho a resident and not elsewhere for all officers
that now are or horeaftpr may hn nim-tmi hr tim
people: rrovtdea. That In tlmo of war no elector
In the actual military servlco of tho stato or of
the United States, In the army or navy thereof,
sl-all bo deprived of his voto by reason of his ab
sence from such election district, and tho leglsla
tuu shall havoDowcrto crovldn thn mnnnur in
which and the tlmo and place at which such ab
sent electors may vote, and for iho return and
canvas or their votes In tho election district In
which they respectively reside.
Fifth. For tho purpose ot person shall
be deemed to have gained or lost a rcsldenco by
reason or his presenco or absenco whilo employed
in the service of the United Mates or tho stato.
nor while engaged In tho navigation ot the watore
of the state nor of tho hlcrh n-ni. nnrwhtm a Bti.
dent of any colhxc or seminary of learning, nor
whilo kept at any almshouso orpubllc lnsdtutlon,
except tho Inmates of any homo for disabled and
Indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purposo
of young, shall bo deemed to reside In the election
district where eald;homols located. Laws shall
bo mado for asceruinlncr. bv nrnner nmnfa. thn
citizens who shall bo entitled to tho right otsuff-
lUKDiicitu; u-LUUUSUVU.
iruo copy oi tuo joint resolution.
Wo nro offering great inducements to persons desiring t0
purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
it Ji gj
Secretary ot the commonwcaltl
TION nronosed lo the rlfiTPna nf tMo r-nm.
monwealth for their approval or rejection by tho
utuwuiAoiKiiiuij ui iuu vAiiiiiuuuwuaitu oi i'enn
sylvanla. inibllshed bv order of thn spnmtnrynf
the Commonwealth. In Dursuanco of am inin yvti t
ol the constitution.
joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho
Constitution of this commonwealth:
SKCTtON 1. He If. rpunlvnil hp rhn Dnnntn
nouso of Iteprcsentatlves of the Commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, That
the following amendment Is proposed to constltu
Hon ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
accordance with the Klguteenth Article thereof:
Thero shall bo an additional artipin tn r.
stltutlon to bo designated as Artlclo XIX, as follows:
iiiuiiitiuuii,iuii;. ouiu, ur areiiiujj iursaieot in
toxicating liquor to bo used as a beverage. Is
hereby prohibited, and any violation of this
Drohlbltlon Shall bo a mtsdemrnnnr. nnnfalm hln no
shall be provided by law.
i no manufacture, saie, or keeping for salo of In
toxicating liquor for other Duroosesthan aa a hnv.
erage may be allowoj In i,uch manner only as may
prcscnDca Dy law. me ueneral Asscnbly shall,
,he first session Hucceedlni? adnntinn nr tnto
article ot tho constitution, enact laws with ade
quate penalties for Its entorcemoit.
a iruo copy or tne Joint Resolution.
Amonc the Pianos we handle are the IVJSRS & PONT).
U. V. JJllllrlxS, JLSJ1 Uti UU-, tiUll UMJl UJLMJIi Gold
String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-claw
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY. MILL'
EB, UNITED STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE
ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest and best
Rotary Sewing Machine in the world.
Before purchasinc write for Catalogues to J. SALTZRR'ft
JUJUJfUT, Main St., liloomsburg, Pa.
saug3ma secretary of the commonweal
lul doctor tnd tna LtUr-eirrl.r U9 Bol Ulalnff tbonl
a ctu of lerioul lllou,, Tbtr biv aiDip) n,iaatd
work to dlieuit lha nnrit of fbalr olio.. Tlia ltur.
carrier mto lb Jtoitt HrBi S sboa la tba bcallotba
world. Tba doctor da&laa It, and aara that tba Janaa
Uaa&a 4 Sboa la batter, fl?r' f"i"f hl Hftrtl rf lirb.
Uu.HhM.riil. - '
Bofton, teo and ConeroM Shwi. Art your rf taller for
SSSS?iIS?-?i,,OE'rcordlnl!lor0"'nil- lotlUyely
none ganolD onlen our tump appears plainly on too solta.
Wm not wear lo long u tin
33 SHOE,
lead tbtmto call for llfhter and more dreur ihoe Una
Kf.AST5?."8 83 SHOE. Our S Shoe had
eiUtiUihed for ltielf a permanent rerrataUon for comfort
aarioimy iacn ai no other shoe has ever known In ths
n a
fnclured. We conndentl aiscrt that In every vital re-
...s uMiitra jiftvniis op niioo is equal to ino
lisnd-sewed shoes which have hitherto been retailed at
18 or $ 7. It has a Dongola top and seamleis calf vamp.
It has a perfectly smooth bottom lnildc. It fits like a
atockinit, and rquirea no " Iii-eaklnfr im" bclns;
perfectljessy tho first tlmo n is worn.
Jsmes Means and Co.'s $hoes were the first in this
eountry to be extensively advertised. If you have been
disappointed In other advertised shoes, your eiperlenco
JutM to teach you that It Is safer to buy shoes made by
the leaders of a system, rather than those made by tho
followers. These shoes are sold by the best retailers
throughout the United Slates, and we will place then
rilttory of the trade. No competitors are able to encroach
ne dames Means 84 Shoo is lliht and aryllih.
It. T
and It Is as durable as an
shoe of its wcbjht ever mana-
Offer special inducements to farmers for tho noxt nix weeks on tho following
Wo keep constantly in stock at our GRAIN IIOUSE, and will deliver freo
of charge to any station on tho D. L. & W. or B. & S. railroads, tho celebrated
"Economy Bone" and "Good Crop" brands, both high grade, standard goods,
made from puro materials, free from sour acids and heavy worthless fillers, and
guaranteed as good as the best.
Wo havo tho agency for tho Traction, Portablo and Stationary Engines,
Threshers, complete with lever powor, in six sizes; Clover Ilullors, Saw Mills
Grain Drills and Corn Shollers. All standard goods, just what farraera will
need very soon. Sprout's
Just what every fanner needs,
Grinds well.
easily within your reach, la an Bute or Terrlfory, If von
Will send us a postal card.
James Means & Co.
41 Llnooln St., Boston, Mass.
Full Lines of the Above Shoes for Sale by
Cfl A T1 i -
augi2.i8t ouiu vcenia ior jjioohisoui'k, fa.
Tbe County Commtsstnnpra will mvlvn 'nmm.
??i2Uue!?lar' tn6 Wrd'Hay ot August, jJK
18S7, at 8 o.clocfc n. m. to e ell the court room ana
furnish all materials. At the na ne time p o.ioatla
will be rccelvea lorpalntlntr all wood work-and
bide walla In court room. Tho contractor t o fur
nLsh all material. Hans and f pecincatlons can bo
Been at their omen, 'tim rnmmiacinnn.j 1..,
the right to reject any o.- all blda.
A-u. jiiu.UfulllAlil I
KstntI at A . fft.ntit riaw.,,.,..
If ttera testamentary on the said cstato havlnir
been granted to the undcreltrnej Kxoeutnr, all
persons Indebted to said estate nro hert by notineil
to nay the same. unA thm-n iinvinv .,ni.u.
said estate will yinsent the samo for settlement
.... . r" Vl v.bvjii,u itxecuior,
1UB6'-' llloouibbutg, fa.
Estate of Isaao Iloirer.
Letters testamenrnrv nn flin b.u AD,n,n
having been granted to tho undersigned ox'r.
all persons Indebted to said estate aro hereby uol
titled to pay the same, and those havlnr claims
against said cstato present the same to
ji" jsaiah uowkk. Executor.
Can attach to any horse-power. Runs easy.
flZ'TV" Bt0ck' re,ady i.8lectin. tho O'Brien Wagons, in any sizo
desn ed, for farm or road, and invito tho public to call and seo them.
In addition to tho nbovo we kcep'a full lino of Flour, Bran, Middlings, Cho d
and 1'ecd at lowest market prices. '
bait for land and dairy use. Special prices to dealers on job lots.
Clover, Timothy and fancy grass seeds. Coal in all sizes. Delivered to an y
part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from us for their dis
tricts and themselves.
AH kinds of Grain taken at highest market prices for cash, or in oxchanco
at any time. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly
rA H. V. WHITE & CO.,
August 5. . Bloomsburg, Pa.
Orders May Left With Alfcertson & Hulme, Benton, Pa.
XSTaTK OPLVOfl PKTTRn nvpiiftsn
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
orphans' Court ot Columbia county, I'a., to mako
distribution Of tho halanpa In nwnitntAnt'a tifinitd
will sit at hla offlco in liioomsbunr on Tuesday,
August no, 1S87, at nine o'clock In the lore
noon, to attend to the duties ot hla ap
pointment, when and where all parties having
claims against said estate must appear and prove
luoHinui un luiuvcr ucuHrpm i rum coming in
on Baid lunih nui II. VwillTK, Auditor.
istati or iaiio cusvimko, ntc'n.
The undera'gnod Auditor, appointed by tho Or-
S-i.uwa uiuuiiriu muuij, i II., I U UlSinU-
uie the balance In tho hands ot U. M. Crevellng,
executor, as per account hied, will attend to tho
duties of his appointment at hla omce In lllooms-
uunf, n t-uuuttuay, rH-ptemoer 14, lttb7, at 10 O'clock
a. m.. when aud where all nartlen havtno- r.tntina
against Bald estate must appear and prove the
ui w auiunvT iiuuunttu irum coming in on
una. aug5 L. K. WALLKIt, Auditor.
JtSTATB or aanAH l, xlim, BICIASED.
The Utideraltrno 1. an Auriltnr nnr.nlntmt t.v ttin
Ornhans' Court, of Columbia mnk-n .iiatri.
.button ol the fund In the liana tot the executors.
Buunu ujr turir iirst, tuiti nnai account, will alt
the oftlre of Knorr k wintpmiMin. in nivMna.
burg, on Friday, August so, iss7, at ten o'clock: a.
m., when and where all parties having claims
"swuDt mm aisiaiv must, appear ana provo tne
nauiD, ur uo turevur aeoarrea rrom comirj
DauiD, ui UU lUIUV
sold fund, ijr-nj
from ramlncr In nn
L, 8. WINTKltaTEEN, Auditor.
HitaU of Ivata IMMm. late of FUlttiwcreet
toimihtp, detvaHed.
Letters Of admlntst rat inn nn thn Bn til nGtntnVinvitirv
been granted to the undersigned admlnlstraur,ail
prsons Indebted to said estate aro hereby noUfled
yaj iuu Dmiit;, nuu itiusu uaviDg claims aga usu
Id cstato pretcnt tho same to
vf.I ltrtttltrva amv
auget Kunyaa l". o.. l!a.
KSTiTtt of joim eraiKuxa, uxo'n.
Tha undi-rslgned, an Auditor apnolntol by the
Orphans' Coutt of Columbia county, l'a,, to mako
distribution ol balance In bauds of ItterH. liruir.
ler, administrator, o. t. a., of b,Ud doo'd, will sit
at hla omooln liloomsburg, on Wouday? Heptera.
f,r,1i?r.'at,, ,'c!oclo. m., when and where
all parties having claims against said estate must
appear and prove the same, or be forever do
barred rrom coming In on said fund.
M llOUliKT . I411XK, AUdlMr.
A Perfect Success. Price Only $CL
The nioBt practical and best selling article" over known.
V. ""' """" f o to ssaoo a month. Sells to ,, m;""T- r.
V J "'wnvi J 1UI
nything from a laco collar to a rac carpot.
Sold strictly upon its merits.
Wo do not ask you to buyT .,11,0 you' to y and I Myyol ZJ
Washing done free to exhibit machine. Washes anythinCm a ii
iSChcap, Simple and Durable.
01 OTinwn aS BCVC.ral Kannout11 ''0 washed at onco.
..1. . 4 .:, 111 utli BoaP nn "dp Guaranteed aa ronrranntPfl nr f...wi.i
tcr six weeks trial.
u niu ciuzens 01 U onmahni-o- n,l !!!. 1
, ""'fa "uwiiy wuoao names aro Oiven Ina rnfnronnnS l,n l.n.,!....
trials with StUlman's Defiance wJltor iT ' . . T
.jurchased or witnessed tho sovorest
abovo statements.
Ocorno Autand, Central
Hotel, '
Mrs. 0. N. Wilson,
" 0. W. Hassert
" W. Knoir,
," Bml. Potter,
11 J. II. Corbet,
" T. Oorcy. '
" H. f. HalfpeaDy,
" Win. Qlger, '
Mrs. I. B. Kubn,
" J. B. 0 rover,
", 0. L. Hupert,
" Cbas. Helco,
K. B. Kruin
" H. 0. Ort, '
J. H. Crawford,
N. J. Ileiiilersbott,
" U. H, Km. '
" O. A. Wilton,
Iraan's Defianco Washer fully concur with tho
Mrs, T, Metherell,
" 1'. Jones,
" v, riiiuins,
" Jas. Qullver,
" 0. Herring,
" J. Hurleraan,
" U. Jicllrlde.
" M. Reck,
IT a l a llttWICy,
Mrs. B. P. HoUllne,
" J. Gllllspc. ' '
" A. 1. Hoover.
" M. 0. Keller,
' J. M. Kanck,
" 0. Herring,
"A. B, Pblllips,
" J. 0. J.mes
" James Waller,
" D.rArmBtrong.
Agents Wanted in all PwQ r (if
IRA B. STILLMAC Patentee and ManufuTT
For Machines or Agencies in CofumbiaToiJnly, Address"
Rohrsburg, Pa,