MOFEWINAL CAKII. a L.FIUTZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Front Room, Over PobIoHIco. BLOOMSBURG, PA. LB, WALLER, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, lMoomsburg, Fa omce orer 1st National Panic U. FUNK, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOIU1CM, PA, Oico In Bnt'a BnHdlfig. "t OHN M. CLAUK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AMD JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE, Uloomibcki, Pa 0mc OTcr Morcr Proa. Drug Store. p W. MILLER, V ATTOKMSr-AT-LAWi Offlcoln Brower' No. J Uloonsbarg, ra. B. FRANK ZARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsbure, l'a. O nee comer ol Ctntt atd alt a Buiimnir. Can be consulted In German, QEO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. . Bloombuubg, Pa. Office on First floor, front room of Cot DMniAH.BuUdinK, Main street, below Ex. change Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attornoy-at-Law. Office In CoLomiAM Bdildimo, Uoom No. , second B00r' BLOOMSBURG, PA. jj V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office In Browcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf ' 8 IICOBB. I S.WINTJRSTMH. KNORR & WINTER8TEEN, AttornoyB-at-Law. omoe In lKliationai Bank buUdlng, second noor, nrstdoortothelelt Corner ot Main and Market atreeta Bloomaburg, Pa. fVl'ennom and Bounlia Vollectid. P. BILLMEYER, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, STOfllco over Dcntlcr's slioo store, llloorusburg, Pn. apt-30.80. ry. a. RIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlua, Pa. oace.oorner ot Third and Matnatracta. M ICUAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. LEGAL ADVICE IN TBE. SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, C nromce' in Dcnters building with P. P. BUI roeier,, front looms, snd noor Bloomabunr, Pa. apr--M. yy- s. smith, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. n It, UONORA A. R0BBIN8. Offlce and residence, West First street. Blooms burg, Pa. noTMsair. B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and Fby . Blclan. north aide Main strcet,below Market D R. JVC. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN &8UKGK0N, omce. North Market street, Bloomsburg, Fa r. n wir' u i) vlllM? Rurtrnnn and l'WOclan. Office oorner ot Bock and Market ireei. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBtratJ.PA. OrrOSlTK COBRT HOCBB Large and convenient sample rooms, lmth room, hot and cold water; and an modern conveniences. Tl F. HARTMAN BJOTBSIMTB TOT rOtlOWIKO AMERICAN 1NBURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Pranklln, ". " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot PennsylTanla. turnover, ot N.-Y. i queens, ot London. NortUBrttlsh. ot London. Ufflos on Market Btreut, No. t, Bloomsbnrg. oot.14, 1- F IBE INSURANCE CfirtrsTIAN V. KNA1T, BLOOMBBDKO.PA, m bhcii ants', of nkwabk, n. j. olinton, n. v. Peoples' n. y. r hading, pa. . Tbeee old coki-obationb are well seasoned by ae and ma xasTan and nave never yet had a I oss settled by any court of law. Their assets are au Invested In solid skocwtii are liable to the b'utrinlj and honwti.t adlustodand oaldas soon as determined by cuhistian r. KKirrVar-KUL Aflam and awbtm bloomsscbo, Pa. The people ot Columbia county should patron Ue the agency where losses u- any are settled and call by one of ther own citizens. P PROMPTNESS. EOUTTY. PAIR DEALING. 17REA8 BROWN'S INBURANOE X? AGENCY. 'Moyer'a new building, Mais street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Assets fitna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn fJ,OM,w) Koyal of Liverpool il'mtam Lancashire iu,uuu,uuu Plre Association. Philadelphia i'lK-IiS Phcnnlx, ot London. London Lancashire, ot England J-ffiS llartfordot Hartford...... MMS Springfield Eire and M arlne. .......... . S.ufW! 'as the agencies are direct, policies are written or the insured without delay In the office at Bloomsburg, oct. vs, ai- -TTTAINWRIGHT &CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PllILADKLl'llIA, PA. DUB, fcYHUIB, COrFBE, bfGAll, M0LA6SE& iUOB, BPIOKe, UIOAKB bODA, ETO., ETO. N. K. Corner Second and Arch bta. tarordcrs will receive prompt attention. jy II, HOUSE, DENTIST, BLooMSBUita, Columbia County, Pa All styles ot work done in a auperlor manner, work warranted aa repreaented. Tiarn Eitbact id witbodt Paim by the use ot Gas, and freeof ohargewbenartmclalteetb are Inserted. Offlco In Barton's building, Main street, below Market, live doors below Kleims drug store, tlrst floor. 'Jobe open at all hour$ during the da NovM-ly pURSEL'S BARBKR BHOP, Uudtr Exohango Hotel. Tho Toneorlal Art in all its LranebcB. HOT AND COLD BATHS. Haruie B. Purskl, lyinar25 J'ropriutor. Benton Hotel, LEMUEL DRAKE, Prop'r. This well-known hotel has been re-opened and many Improvements made for tho accommodation ot the traveling public The bar and table are supplied v, Ith the Lest the market affords. A large ana commodious stable Is connected with the uuuu, 'renoa always reasonauie. imayb7 LEMUEL DRAKE, lroprletor. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE, COLUMBIAN, 3. E.ELWELL, - . . , J K BITTENBEHBEB. f r8Prietor. NO ONE NEED Remain A DYSPEPTIC. "I have been mlTering for over two years with Dyspep sin. For the last year I could nottako a drink ot col. I water nor eat any meat with, out vomiting it up. My lifo was a misery. 1 had had re commended Simmons Liver Regulator, of which I am now taking the second bottle, and tho fact is that words cannot expicm the relief I feol. My nppuitc is very good, and I digrbt everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I ined to bo very rtstl-8. I am fleshing up fast; good strong food and Simmons Liver Regulator have done it all. I write this in hopes of benefiting somo ono who has suffered as I did, and would tako oath to these statements if dcBiied." E. S. Baixou, Syracuse, Neb. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LITER OIL OS Almost asPalatabloas Milk. Tho only pirparatlon of COI MVKR OIL that can bo taken readily and toleratod for a long time by delicate Ktoinarh 1KB AS A 11KMEDT FOB f0SiaPT10y, sutoni.ois un.nio.w, a.muih, ia.. KKAI, Ul.lUMrV, t ill (IMS AMI III1I0AT At'. H,Cfll)NS anil all HAMIXll DLMIKl'l.llS II? Cllll.imt.N It l martellon. In I la rrnnlli. lroticTlbed and omlorscU by tho bee, Physicians in the countries of tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-M-iy MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ABE oflorod for salo ropresentccl as good as tho Famous PEARLTOP DOT THEY ARE NOT! And llko all Counterfeits lack tho Uemarkablo LASTING Qttulltici OF THE GENUINE. ASH FOR TIZE MLTOP And Iris 1st THIS Exact ABEL on Each CHIMNEY PatOoU 30 . 1S83. The PEARL TOP is Manufactured (ISLV by GO,A,MAC0ETH&CO,, riTTSBUltaU. IA. dec 8 66 n o 4 co. CLOTKINGlo CLOTHING G. W. BERTSOH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. ients' Furnishing Goods, Bats Si Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice and a fit alway s guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine tho larnest and beBt selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, filoonisburg Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OK CAST Oil WllOUGHT HtON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o; TuerouowiDgsnowB iuo i ic. ..u.m.v, -u u. the several beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured by the undertJgncd. For Iieautr and Durability they arounsurpass ed. sot up by experienced hands ana warrantee; to give satrsiaction. Prices and specimens of othor do signs sent to any addross. Address a m. Hi! BLOOMSBURG PA- BLOOMSBURG MING MILL tha nnrlnr-Hfirnnri hnvlntr nut hlB Planing Ml on Kallroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is p'e pared to qo au ainus oi wura. m u FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnisued at roasonablerrlces. All lumber usea la woll soasonod and none but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOE BD1IDJNGS nrnlslied on application. Plana and srecinca ons prepared by an eiperiencca uraununumu CIIAULES KUUfi, niooiusbur?;, 1'w M, C, SLOAN & BRO RL00MSBURC4, PA. moufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUDGIES, PHAETONS SltlCKS, WAGCNS &C FlrstrClass work always on hand, SEPA JllWQ NEA TL Y D OHh. Prict rtduccdto tuit the timu. npon fmSm thm V&Um1K!C7 Wm mmm THE WITCH'S HEAD. y h. niDER nAaoAim CHAPTER XXXVI. tNTnOSPKOTIVB. Eva reached her homo, nfter tho mrftlnff on tho Hoo, Jurt beforo luncheon 11 mo, Her imsuanci was now acting as locum Unions for tho rector of ono of tho Plymouth parishes. They had moved thui from place to ploeo for years, waiting for tho Kesterwlck living to iau vacant, ana Eva likal tho roving life well enough It diverted her thoughts. Presently sho heard her husband enter, bringing somebody elso with blm, and sum moned up tno sweet smile, for which she was remarkable, to greet him. In another Instant ho was In tho room, fol lowed by a fresh faced subaltern, whoso ap pearance reminded her of tbo picture of cherubs. Mr. l'lowden had chanced but little shico wo saw him Inst, with the excep tion that bis hair was now streaked with gray, and tho whole face rather stouter, Other wise tho cold, gray eyes were ns cold as ever, and the countenance of Plowdon was what tho countcnanco of Plowden had alwnys Imen powerful, Intelligent and conrso looking. "Lot mo introduce my friend, Lieut. Jasper, to you, my dear," bo said, In bis full, strong voice, which was yet unpleasant to tho ear, "Wo met at Capt. Johnstone's, nud as It Is n long way to go to tho barracks for lunch, I asked him to come and tako pot luck with us." Tho cherubic Jasper bad screwed an eye glass Into his round eye, and through it was contemplating Evn with astonished ecstasy; but, like most vory beautiful women, she was used to that sort of thing, and it only amused her faintly, Mr. Plowden, too, was used to it, and took It as a iicrsonal compliment, "I am delighted," she murmurtxl, and held out her hand. The cherub, suddenly awaking to tho fact, dropped his eyeglass, and, plunging at it, seized it as a piko does a little fish and shook it with enthusiasm. Eva smiled again. "Shall we go to lunch C sho wild, sweetly; and they wont to lunch, she sailing down In front of them with tho grace of a swniL At lunch Itself the conversation flagged rather; that is, Mr. Plowden talked witli nil the facility of an' extemporary preacher: the cherub gazed at this pale, dark eyed angel; and Eva, fully occupied with her own thoughts, contributed a great many apprecia tive smiles and a fow random remarks. Just as they were, to her intense relief, Hearing tho conclusion of the meal, a messenger nr rivcxl to summon Mr. Plowden to christen a dying baby. He got up at once, for ho was punctilious in the performance of his duties, and, making excuses to his guest, departed on bis errand, thus forcing Eva to carry on the conversation. "Have you been in Plymouth long, Mr. Jasper!" she asked. The eyeglass dropped spasmodically. "Plymouth? oh, dear, no; I only landed this morning." "Landed! Indeed! Where from? I did not know that any boat was iu except the Conway Castlo." "Well, I enmo by her; from tho Zulu war, you know. I was invalided borne tor lever," Tho cherub suddenly became intensely ln tcrcstlng to Eva, for it had struck her that Ernest must have come from tbero. "Indeed! Ihopeiyou had a pleasant pas sage. It depends so mucn on your ieuow Dassencors, does It not!" "Oh, yes, we uad a very nice lot ot men ou board, wounded officers, mostly. There wen a couolo of very decent civilians, too, a giant of a fellow called Jones, and a blind baronet, Sir Ernest Kershaw." Eva's bosom heaved. "I onco know a Mr, Ernest Kershaw; I wonder If it Is tho same? Ho was tall, and had dark eyes." That's tho man: ho only cot his title month nco. A melancholy sort of chnp, I thought; but then, ho can't see now. That Jones is a wonderful fellow, though could pull two heavy men up nt once, ns easily n you would lift a puppy dog. Saw him do it myself, I knew them both out there." "Uhl w hero did you meet menu "Well, it was rather curious. I suppose you heard of tho great disaster at that place with an awful name, wen, i was ni beastly holo called Ilelpmakaar, when a fellow camo riding liko anything from Ilorke'B Drift, telling us what had hapiiened, and that tho Zulus were coming. Bo no ail set to and worked liko mad, and just as we had got the place a Uttlo ut tor tueni, some body shouted time UO saw tueni coming. That was jibt ns it wo3 getting dark. 1 ran to the wall to look, and saw, not the Zulus, but n creat bli fellow carrying a dead fellow In his arms, followed by a KafTer leading tbrco horses. At lonst 1 tnougut tno ieuow was dead, but ho wasn't, ho had been struck by lightning. We let him in, and 6ucu a sisht as they were you never saw, all soaked with blood from top to tool" "Ahl And how did thoy como UKe tuati ' "Thev were tho only survivors of a volun teer corns called Alston's Horse. Thoy killed nil tho Zulus that wero attacking them, when the Zulus had killed everybody except them. Then they camo awny, and tho blind fellow, that Is, Bir Ernest, got strucK in a storm fellows often do out there," Eva nut further Questions, and listened with breathless interest to tho story of Ernest's and Jeremy's wonderful esenjio, bo far as tho details wero known to mr. jasper, tjuito regardless of tho pitiless flro that young genllemnn was Keeping on ucrbeu luiuuu his eyeglass. At last, reluctantly enough, ho roso to co. "I must bo ofT now, Mrs. l'lowden; I want to go and call on Sir Ernest at tho hotel. He lent mo n Derringer pUtol to pmctlco at a bottlo with and I forgot to give It nackv Eva turned tho full battery of her beauti ful eyes uiion ldin. Sho saw that tho young gentleman was struck and determined to make uso of him. Women aro unscrupulous when thev bnvo an end In vlow. "I am so sorry you must go, nut i nopo you will come and fceo me again and tell mo some moro nbout tho war and tho battles." You aro very kind," ho stammered, "I shall lio deliirhtoiL" Ho did not think It necessary to add mat be had not bad tho luck to suo a shot fired himself. Why should lie? "Ily tbo way, if you aro going to soo Sir Ernest, do you think you could givo him a private messuiro from mo? I have u reason for not wishing to lo overheard." "Oh, yes, I daro pay I can. Nothing would clvo me irreater pleasure." "You aro very good." Anothor glance. "Will you tell him that I avlsu ho would tako a Ily and come to soo mo! I fchall be in all this afternoon." A pang of jealousy 6hot through tho chenibla lnvsom. but ho comforted himself with tho reflection that a fine woman liko Hint could not caro for a "blind fellow," "Oh. certainly. I will try." "Thank vou." and she extended her hand. Ho took It, and, intoxicated by those superb nves. ventured to press It gently. A mild n onder took posmssIou of Eva's mind, that anybody so very young could have develoid such an astonishing amount of impudence, but sho dIJ not resent tbo pressure. Wliat did sho care about having her hand squeezed when it was a question of seeing Ernest! Poor, deluded cberubl CHAPTER XXXVII. AFTE11 MANY DAYS. - Within an hour after the departure of Lieut. Jasper, Eva heard a fly draw up at tho door. Then enmo njx interval and the sound of two jieoplo waiting up tho steps, one of whom stumblul a good deal; then n rlne. "Is Mrs. riowden at home!" said a clear vnl. the well remembered touos of which sent tho blood to hor bead, and then back to ber heart with a rush. Y. sir." "Oh I Watt here, flyman. Now, my good clrl. I must ask vou to givo mo your hand, for I am not In n condition to And my way nlmiit stramro nlaces." Another pause, and tho drawing room door opened, and tho maid camo In leading Ernest, wlm woro a curious, uruwii i"u ui moiuvu. "Howdoyoudol''sho said, ill n low voice, imimr and taking him by tho baud. "That will do, Jano." ... He did uot apeak till tho door closed ; he only looked at ber wilb thoso searching blind "'xlius they met again after many years. Bho led bun to a sofa, and ho 6ut down. "Do not leave go of my hand," he paid quickly; "I have not yet got used to talking to people iu tbo dark," BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, Bho sat down on tho sofa besloo him, reeling frightened and yet happy. For nwhllo they remained silent; apparently thoy could find nothing to say, and nf tcr dil tllenco seemed most fitting, Sho had never thought to sit hand in hand with blm again. Sho looked nt him; there was no need for her to keep n guard over hor loving glancos, for ho was blind. At length sho broke (he silence. "V cro you surprised to got my inessngoP , sho asked, gently, i cs; it was iiko getting a mossngo from tho dead. I never expected to 6eo you again. I thought that you bad quite passed out of my life." So you hail forgotten mor "Why do you say such n thinglo mo! You must knotv, Evn, that It is Impossible for mo to forget you; I almost wish that it wero pos sible. I meant that you pnssod out of my outward life, for out of my mind you can nover pass." hung her head and was silent, and yet hh words sent a thrill of happiness through her. So sbo had not quite lost him after all. "Jjliten, Eva," Ernest went on, gathering himself together, and speaking sternly enough now, and with n straugo suppressed energy Hint frightened her, "How you camo to do wlint you havo done you liest know," "It Is done: do not let us speak of It, I was not altogether to blame," sho broko in. "I was not going to sjieak of It. IJut I was going to say this, now whilo I havo tho chance, liecauso time to short, andlthinlclt right that you should know tho truth. I was going to tell you first that for what you havo dono I freely forgive you." "Oh, Ernest I" "It Is," ho wont on, not heeding her, "a question that you can settle with your con science and your God, Hut I wish to tell you what It is that you havo dono. You havo wrecked my lifo, and inado It an unhappy thing; you havo taken that from mo which I can never havo to give again; you havo em bittered my mind, and driven mo to sins of which I should not otherwise havo dreamed. I loved you, and you gavo mo proofs which I could not doubt that I had won your lovo. You lot mo lovo you, and then when tbo hour of trial came you deserted and morally de stroyed mo, and tho great and holy affection that should havo been the blessing of my lift has become Its runm" Evn covered her face with her hands and sat s'Jent. "You do not answer mo, Eva," ho said pres ently, with a littlo laugh, "rerhaps you find what I bnvo to say dillicult to answer, or per hniis you think I am taking a liberty." "You aro very hard," sho said in a low volco. "Had you not better wait till I have dono before you call mo hard! If I wished to bo hard I should tell you that I no longer cored for you, that my prevailing feeling toward you wns ono of contempt. It would perhaps mortify you to think that I had shaken oir such heavy chains. Iiut It is not tho truth, Eva. I lovo vou now, passionately as ever, as I always havo loved you, as I always shall love you. I hopo for nothing, 1 asK tor nothing; in this business It has always been my part to give, not to rccclvo. I despise myself for it, but so it is." Bho laid her hand upon his shoulder, "bparo me, Ernest," sho wbisiiered. "X havo very littlo moro to say, only this: i bellovo all thlj I havo given you has not been given uselessly. I bellovo that tho lovo of the flesh will dio with tho flesh. But my lovo for you has been something moro and higher than that, or how has it lived witnout hope, and. In snito of its dishonor, through so many years! It is of the spirit, and I bellovo that its lifo will bo liko that of the spirit, unend ing, and that when this, hateful life is done with I shall In somo strango way reap its fruits with you." "Why do you bellovo that, UrnestP "Why do I lieliovo It! I cannot tell you. rerhora it is nothing but tho mocking fantasy of a mind broken down with brooding on its grief. In trouble wo grow toward tho light llko a plant in the dark, you know. .As a crushed flower smells sweet, so all that is most beautiful and aspiring in human nature Is called into life when uod lays bis heavy band upou us. Heaven is sorrow's solo am bition. No, Eva, I do not know why I bellovo it; certainly you have given mo no grounds for faith, but I do believo it, and it comforts mo. By the way, how did you know that I was here!" "I passed you on tho Hoo this morning walk ing with Dorothy." Ernest started, "I felt jou puss," bo said, "and asked Doro thy who it was. Sho said sho did not know." "Sho know, but I mado a sign to her not to say.' "Oh I" "Ernest, will you promise mo something?" asked Evi, w.ldly. "What Hit?" "Nothing. I havo changed my mind nothing nt nil." The promto that sho was about to ask was that he would not marry Dorothy, but her better nature roso In rebellion against it. Thou thoy talked awhile of hrncst's life abroad. "Well," said Ernest, rising after a pause. "good by, Eva." "It is a very cruel word," sho murmured. "Yes, it U cruel, but not moro cruel than tiniest." "It has been n happiness to seo you, Ernest." He shrugged his shoulders as ho answered; "Has it? For myself I am not sure if It has lwen a happiness or a misery, I must bnvo a year or two of quiet and darkness to think it over lieforo I mnko up my mind. Will you kindly ring tho boll for tho servant to tnko me away!" Half unconsciously sho obeyed him. and then she camo and took his hand and looked with all her eyes and all ber soul into bis face. It was fortunate that ho could not see ber, "Oh, Ernest, you are bllndl" sho cried, scarcely knowing what sho said. He laughed a hard littlo laugh, "Yes, Eva, I am us blind now as you have been always." "Eruohtl Krnestl how can I Hvo without seeing you! I lovo you I" and she fell into his arms. Ho kissed her, nnd then somehow, bo never knew how, found tho strength to put her from him. rcrhajis it was becauso bo heard the servant coming. Next moment the borvant camo and led hli.i awny. As soon as ho was gone Evu iiung herself on to tho sofa and sobbed as though her heart would break. CHAPTER XXXVIII. HOW IT ALL CAME ABOUT How did it all como about! Let us try and discover. Sometimes Dorothy and Ernest would go out riding together, for, blind as ho was, Ernest could not bo persuaded to givo up bis riding. It was a pretty sight to seo them; Ernest mounted on his towering black stal lion, the Devil, which, In bis hands, was as gentle as a lamb, but with everybody else fully justified his appellation, and Dorothy on a cream colored cob Mr. Cardus had given her. holding 111 her right band a stoel guiding rein linked to tho Dovil's bit. In this way thev would wander all over tho countryside. and sometimes, wbon a good piece of tuff presented itself, oven venture on a sharp can tor. And so from week's end to week's end Do rothy was ever by Ernest's sldo, reading to hlin, writing for blm, walking and riding with blm, weavlug herself into tho substance of his lifo. And at last there came one sunny August day, when they wero slttiug together iu the shade of the chancel of Titheburg Abbey. It was a favoiito siiot of theirs, for the gray old walls sheltered them from the glare of tho sun and the breath ot the winds. It was a spot, too, rich iu memories of the doud iwst, and a pleasant nloco to sit. Through tho gaping window places cama tbo murmur of tho ocean and the warmth of the harvest sunshine; jmd gazing out by tho chancel doorway, Dorothy could seo tbo long lights ot the afternoon dance and sparkle ou tho emerald waves. Hho had been reading to blm, and the book lay idle on ber kneus as she gated dreamily at thoso lights and shadows, a sweet picture of iicnslvo womanhood. Ho, too, had re lapsed into silence, and was evidently think ing deeply, l'rcseutly she roused herself. "Doll, will you bo angry with mo if I say something!'' "I supposo you can say what you like." "Yes; but will you listen!" "If you siieuk, I cannot help hearing." "Well, then, Doll now don't bo angry, dear." "Oh, Ernest, bow you aggravate inol Can't you get It out, and have dono with it!'1 "AU right, Doll) I'll ate-ani straight al,ead tilts time It Is thist 1 nnvo sometimes laio ly been vain enough to think that you cared a littlo about me, Doll, al though I am as blind as n bat I want to ask you if it is true. You must tell mo plainly, Doll, becauso I cannot soo your eyes to learn the truth from them." Sho turned qulto pale at his words, and her eyes rested upon bis blind orbs with a look of unutterable tenderness. So it hod como at last. "Why do you ask mo that question, Erneetl Whothcr or no I care for you, I am very sure that you do not caro for me." "You ore not qulto right there, Doll, but I will tell you why I ask it; it is not out of mere curiosity. "You know all tho history of my lifo, Doll, or nt least most of it, You know how I loved Evn and gavo her all that a foolish youngster can givo to n weak woman gave it in such a way that I ctn never havo It bock again. Well, sho deserted mo: I have lost her. The host happiness of my lifo has been wrecked beyond redemption; that Is n fact that must lio accepted as mucn as tno lace ot my iiunii ncS3. I nm physically and morally crippled, nnd certainly In no fit state to ask a woman to marry mo nu the ground of my iierwinal ndvaiitagex. Hut If, my dear Doll, you should, as I bavo sometimes thought, happen to care about, any thing so worthless, then you eo tho nffalr assumes a different nspoct." "I don t quite understand you. What UO you mennP sho said In a low voice. "I mean that In that rnso I will nsB you if you will-tako mo for it husband." "You do not lovo me, -lirnost; l suouid wenry you." Ho felt for her band, found It, and took it in bis own. Sho mado no resistance "Dear," he said, "it is this way: I can never givo you that passion I havo given Eva, be cause, thank God, tho human heart can givo birth to it but onco in a life; but I can anil will givo you a husliand's tenderost love. You are very dear to me, Dull, though It is not iu tho snmo way that Evn Is dear. I bavo always loved you as n sister, and I think that I should mnko you n goo I hus band. But, lieforo you answer me, I want you to thoroughly understand about Eva. Whether I marry or not, I fear that I shall never lw ublo to shako hor out of my mind. At one tlmo I thought that jwi haps If I mado lovo to other women I might lio nblo to do so, on tho principle that one nail dl Ives out another. But it was n failure; for a month or two I got tho better of my thoughts, then they would get tho better of me again. Besides, to tell you tho truth, I nm not quite euro that I wish to do so. My troublo nbout this woman has become n part of myself. It Is, as I told you, my 'evil destiny,' and goes whero I go. And now, dear Doll, you will seo why I asked you If you really cared for mo, before I asked you to marry me. If you do not caro for me, then It will clearly not bo worth your whilo to marry me, for X am about as poor a catch as a man can well bo; if you do, well, then it Is a matter for your consideration." Sho paused n whilo and answered: "Supposo that the positions wero reversed, Ernest; nt least supposo tills: Supposo that you had lovod your Eva all your lite, but sho had not loved you except as a brother, having given her heart to some other man, who was, say, married to somebody else, or in somo way separated from ber. Will, supposing that this man died, nnd that ono day Eva came' to you and said: 'Ernest, my dear, I cannot lovo you as I loved him w ho has gone, and whom I ono day hopo to rejoin in heaven, but If you wish itj'aud it will mnko you tho happier, I will be your true and tender wife, and the mother of your children.' What should you answer ber, Ernest?" "Answer! why, I supposo that I should tuko ber at hor word, and bo thankful. Why, to hear her volco day by day would In itself bo a happiness. Yes, I think thus, I should tako her at her word." "And so, dear Ernest, do I tako you at your word; for as It Is with you about Eva, so It Is with me about you. As a child I loved you, over slnco I havo been a woman I bavo loved you moro and more, even through ull thoso cold years of absence. And when you camo unek, ahl then It was to mo as It would bo to you if you suddenly onco more saw the light of day. Ernest, my boloved, you nro nil my lifo to mo, and I tako you at your word, my dear. I will bo your wlfo." Ho stretched out his arms, found her, drew her to him, and klssod her on the lips. "Doll, I don't deserve that you should lovo me so; it makes mo feel ashamed that I havo not moro to givo you In return." "Ernest, you will givo mo all you can; X mean to make you grow very fond of mo. I'erbnis ono day you will givo mo every thing." lie hesitated a Uttlo whilo lieforo bo spoko again. "Doll," ho said, "you aro quite sure that you do not mind nbout Eva?" "Aly dear Ernest, X nccept Eva as a fact, and make tho liest of hor, just as I should if I wanted to marry a man with a monomania that ho was Henry VIII." Doll, you know I call her my evil destiny, Tho fact is, I am afraid of her; she over powers raj reason. Well, now, Doll, what I am driving at is tins: Supposing not that I think sho will that she were to crop up again and tako it into her head to try and make a fool of mel Bho mlghtsuoceed, Doll." "Ernest, will you promlso mo something on your honor? ' "Yes, door.'; "I'romiso mo that you will hide from mo nothing that passes between Eva and your self, If anything over should pass, nnd tlint in tins matter you mil nlwimi consider mo not In the light of a wife, but of n trusted friend," "Wliy do you ask mo to promlso thatr "Becauso then I shall, 1 hope, bo ablo to keep you both out ot troublo. You aro not lit to look after yourselves, either of you." "I promise. And now, Doll, there Is ono more thing. It is somehow fixed in ray mind that my fate aud that woman's are Inter twined. X lieliovo that what wo aro now passing through Is but a single phase ot inter woven existence; Hint we have perhaps already fussed through many stages, and that many higher stages and developments await us. Of courso it may l fantasy, but nt any rato I bellovo It. Tho question Is, Do you caro to link your lifo wltb that of a man who holds sucli a belief I" "Ernest, I daro say your belief is n truo one, nt any rato for ycu who beliove it; for it seems probable that ns wo sow so shall we reap, as wu spiritually imagine so shall wo spiritually inherit, since causes must in tlmo produce effects. These beliefs aro not im planted in our hearts for nothing, and surely in the w lde heavens there is room for the realization of them all. But I too liavo my beliefs, and one of theia is, that in God's great Hereafter every loving and deserving soul will be with the soul thus loved and desired. For him, or her nt any rato, the other will bo there forming a part of his or her lite, though perhaps it may elsewhere aud with others also bo pursuing its own desires and satisfying Its own aspirations, bo you see, Ernest, your bullets will not interfere wttli mine, nor shall I bo nfrnld of losing you In another place. And now, Ernest, my heart's lovo, take my hand, and let mo lead you homo; take my hand as you have taken my heart, and never let go of it again till at last I die." And so hand iu band they went homo together, through tho lights and shadows of tho twilight, CHAPl'ER XXXIX. THE WITCH'S head. A littlo wedding party stood beforo tbo altar in Kesterwlck church. It was a very small urty, consisting, Indeed, only of Er nest, Dorothy, Mr. Uidus, Jeremy and a fow Idlers, who, setlng the diunli door open, had strolled in to soo what was going on. Indeed tho marriage hail been kept n pro found secret, for aluco ho hod been blind Ernest bad developed n great dlsllko to lielng stared nt. Nor Indeed bad bo any liking for the system under which u woman proclaims. with loud nud unseemly rejoicings, that sbo lias found u man to marry her, and tho clan of her relations celebrate ber dejiarturo with a few outwurd und visible tears and much inward and spiritual joy. But among that small crowd, unobserved by any of them, qulto closo up iu tho shadow of ono of tho massivo pillars, sat a veiled woman. Bhe sat qulto quiet and sun; 6no might bavo been curved in stone; but as tbo service went on ho raised ber thick veil and Usui ber keen brown eyes upon tho two who stood lief oi n t he altar. And as she did so tho lips of this duutou y lady trembled a little, and n mist of trouble roso from the unhealthy marshes ot her mind and clouded her lino cut features. Long und steadily she gazed, then dropjiod tho veil again and sold beneath ber breath: "Was it worth whilo for this? Well I bavo 1887: seen blm." Then sho roso, did this shadowy, noblo looking lady, an'd glided from tho church, bearing nwny with her tho haunting burden of her sin. And Ernest! Ho stool there and said tho resHinse3 In his clear, manly volco; but oven as ho did so there roso lieforo hlin tho sem blance of tho littlo room In fal away Pre toria, and of the vision which lie bad hod ot this very church, nnd of n man standing whero ho himself stood now, nnd ft lovely woman standing where stood Dorothy, bis wife. Well, it was gone, as all Visions go, as we, who aro but visions of a longer life, go too. It was gone, gone Into that awful limbo of tho mst which Is over opening its insatia ble maw and swallowing us nnd our Joys nnd our sorrows making n meal of tho atoms of to-day, that It may support Itself till tho atoms ot to-morrow nro ready for Its nppo tlto. It was gono, and ho was married, and Do rothy his wlfo stood there wreathed in smiles and blushes which bo could not sue, nnd Mr. Halford's volco, now grown weak and quaver ing, was formulating heartfelt congratula tions, which were lielng repented In the gi gantic echo of Jeremy's deep tones, and in his uncle's quick, jerky utterances. Bo ho took Dorothy hi wlfo Into his arms and kissed ber, and she led him down the church to the old vestry, Into which so many thousand nowly married couples bad inscil duiing tho courso of tho last six centuries, and signed bis name where they placed his pen upon the parchment, wondering tho whilo if ho was signing it straight, and then went out, and was helped into tho carriage nnd driven borne. Ernest nnd bis wlfo went upon no honey moon; theystopHil quietly there at tho old house and liegau to accustom themselves to their now relationship. Indeed, to tho out sider ntuny rate, there seemed to bo littlo dllieicnco between It nnd the former one, for they could not bo much moro together now than they bad been before. Yet In Dorothy's face there wns a dllterence. A great tieaco, on utter satisfaction which had been wanting beforo, came down and brooded ujioii it nnd made it beautiful. Bho both lookod and was a happy woman. A month passed. Mr. Cardus had been busy from morning until night. Ho was always n busy man, writing daily wltb his own hand an almost incredible number of letters, for bo carried on all, or nearly nil, his great alfalrs by correspondence, but of lato his work seemed to ha o doubled. One Saturday Mr, Cardus' business seemed to como to a sudden stop. Ho wrote somo letters aud put them to go to post, and then bo went to admire his orchid. "Lifo," lio said aloud to himself , "shall bo i uichlds now; my work Is dona I will build a now house for Brazilian sorts, and spend 200 on stocking It. Well, I can af ford it." This was about 5 o'clock. Half an hour later, when be had well examined his flowers, ue strolled out ntneuurg abbey way, and there ho met Ernest and his w ifo, who bad oecn sitting m tueir tavorlto spot. "iveu, my dears," ho said, "and how aro you?" "1'retty jolly, undo, thank j-ou, and bow aro youi" "X? Oh, X am very jolly Indeed for an old man; as jolly as an individual who has just bid good by to work forever should bo," bo said. "Why, Reginald, what do you mean!" "Mean, Dorothy, my dear! I mean that X havo wound up iny alfalrs and retired on a modest competence. Ah, you young people should be grateful to me, for let mo tell you that everything is now in apple pie order, uud when X slip oil you will have no trouble ot all, except to iay tho probate duty, and that will bo considerable. I nover quite knew till a week ago how rich I was; but, as I said the other day, everything I havo touched has turned to gold. It will bo a largo fortune for you to manage, my dears; you will And it a great responsibility." "I hopo you will live many years to mav ago it yourself," said Ernest. Alter dinner tho conversation turned upon that fatal day when Alston's Horse was n iped out at Isaudhlwaua. It was a painful sub ject both to Ernest and Jeremy, but the for mer was gratifying his uncle's curiosity by explaining to blm how that last dread struggle with the six Zulus camo to determluo itself in their favor. "And how was it," asked Mr. Cardus, "that you managed to get the better of tho fellow you rolled down tho hill with!" "Xlocauso tho assegai broko, and, fortunately enough, the blade was left In my hand. W hero is it, Dour (for Jeremy had brought it homo with him). Dorothy got up and reached the broken as segai, which had about eight inches of shaft, from its place over the mantelpiece. "Now then, Jeremy, If you will be so good as to sprawl upon your back on tho iloor, 1 will just show my undo what happened." Jeremy compiled, not without grumbling ubout dirtying his dress coat. "Now, Jeremy, my boy, whero aro you! Oh, tbero , Well, excuse my taking tho lib erty of kneeling on your chest, nnd holloa out if tho assegai goes into you, If wo aro going to havo a iierformance at nil, it may a3 well bo a realistic one. Now, uncle, you seo w hen we finished rolling, which was just as this assegai snnpjd iu two, us luck would havo it I was uppermost, and managed to get ray kneo on my friend's left nrm and to hold his right with my left. 1 hen, lieforo he could get looso, I drove this bit of spear through tho sido of his throat, just there, so that it cut tho jugular vein, and ho died shortly afterward and now you know all about it," Hero Ernest roso and laid the spear upon tho tablo, and Jeremy, entering into tbo spirit of the thing, began to dio as artistically a regard lor uis uress coat would anow. Just then Dorothy, looking up, saw her grandfather Atterleigh's distorted faco peer ing round tho wall of tho inglenook, whero bo was sitting in the dark, and looking at tho scene of mimic slaughter with that samo curious gazo that ho had worn on several oc casions lately, lie withdrew bis head at once. Get up, Joremy," said his sister, sharply, "and stop writhing about there liko a great snake. You look as though you bad been murdered; it ishorrlhlol" Jeremy nroso laughing, and, bavlug ob tained Dolly's permission, thoy all lit their pipes, and sitting there in tho fading light, fell to talking aliout mat sad scene ot slaugh ter, which, indeed, appeared that night to have n strango fascluation lor Mr, uardus. Ho asked Ernest and Jeremy aliout it again and again bow this man was killed, and that did they dio ot once, and so on, Tho subject was always distressing to Ernest, and ono to which bo rarely alluded, full as It was for blm ot the most painful recollections, especially thoso connected with his dear friend Alston and his son. Dorothy knew tms, and know loo mat Ernest would bo down on his luck for at least a day after tho conversation, which sho did her best to stop. At last sbo succeeded, but tho melancholy associations connected wun tho talk bad apparently already dono their work, for everybody lapsed Into tho mo6t complete silence, and sat groupod together at tho top end of tho old oait table as quiet as though they wero cut In stono. Meanwhllo tho twilight deepened, nnd littlo gusts of wind arose, and gently shook tho old fashioned window lat tices, making a 60und as though feeble hands were trying to throw them ojien. i uo ouu ovenlng light crept from place to place, and threw great shadow s about tho room, giancou upon tho armor on Its imnclod walls, and at last liegau to dio away into darkness. Tbo wholo sceno was eerie, ana tor seme unknown reason it oppressed Dorothy, She wondered why everybody was so silent, nnd yet sbo herself did uot feel equal to nreaking wo si lence; there was a load uKn ber boart Just then u curious thing happened, jvs tho reader may remember, tho caso contain ing tao wonderful mummied bead, found by Eva Ceswlck, had years before licen placed by Jeremy upon a bracket at the end of tbo room. Round about this caso bung various pieces of armor, and among others, above it, suspended by a pleoo of string from n pro jecting book, was a heavy Iron guuutlct For many years twenty or moro It had bung from tbo book, but now nt last tho string was worn through, and oven ns Doro thy was wondeiing at tho lloncc, it gavo way, Down came tbo boavy Iron band with a crash, and, as it passod, it caught tho latch of the long, air tight case, and jarred tha door wide open. Everybody in tho room sprung to tbelr feet, and as they did so a last ray from tha setting tun struggled through ono ot tbo windows and rested upou the oiicnod caso, stulnliis it and all about it tho huoot blood, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL XXI.N0 83 COLUMBIA UBMOOll AT, VOL. tl, ROM and filling tho fearful crystnt eyes witmn with n lurid light How thoy glowed and shono, to bo sure, after their long years of sleep for the caso had scarcely been opened for years while tholr tremulous glanco, now dull, now Intense, according as tbo light played upon them, apiwarwl to wander round nnd round the room, ns though In search of somebody or something. It was an awful sight that that ray of sun light showed, as it ployed upon the trembling crystal orl, tho scornful deathly features, and tho matchless hair that streamed on either sldo. Together with the sudden break in tho silence caused by tho crashing fall of tho gauntlet, It provod, as It bad dono many years before, altogether too much for tho beholders' nerves, "What is that!" asked Ernest, with a start, ns tho gauntlet fell, Dorothy glanced up and gavo a littlo cry of horror. "Oh, that dreadful head I it is look, ing at us." They all roso to their feet, and Dorothy, seizing Ernest by ono band, nnd covering ber eyes with the other, retreated, slowly followed by tho others, toward tho swing door. Soon thoy had reached tho door, wero through It, down tho passage, and out in tho peaceful stillness of the evening. Then Jeremy spoke, and his language was mote forcible than polite. "Well, lam Mowed!" ho said, wiping tho cold iicrsplratton from his forehead. "0, Reginald! I do wish you would get that horrible thing out of the house; there has been nothing but misfortune over slnco it has been here. I cannot bear It, I cannot bear Itl" said Dolly, hysterically. "Nonsense, you superstitious child I" an swered Mr. Cardus, who was now recovering from his start "Tho gauntlet knocked tho door open, tlint was alL It is nothing but a mummied bend; but, if you don't liko it, I will send It to tho British museum to-morrow." "Oh, please do, Reginald," answered Dorothy, who appeared qulto unhinged. So hurriod had been tho retreat from tho sitting room that everybody bad forgotten "Hard Riding" Attcrlclgh sitting in the dark In the inglenook. But tho bustle in tho room bail attracted blm, and already, before thoy bad left, be bad projected his large head covered with the tangled gray locks and bo ,gun to stare about. Presently his eyes fell upon the crystal orbs, and then, to blm, tho orbs appeared to ccaso their wanderings and rest upou his eyes. or awnue tno two neoos stared at each other thus the golden head without a body in the box, and the gray head that, thrust out as it was from tho Inglo wall, seemed to havo no body either. They stared and stared, till at last tho golden head got tho mastery of tho gray head, nnd tha old man crept from his comer, crept down tho room till ho was almost beneath the baleful eyes, and nodded, nodded, nodded at them. And they too soetned to uod, nod, nod at him. Then ho retreated backward as slowly as ho had como, nodding all tho while, till ho como to whero tho broken assegai lay upon tho tablo, and taking it, thrust It up his sloovo. As be did so, tho ray of light failed nnd tho fiery eyes went out It was as though tho thick white lids and long eye lashes had dropped over them. Nono of tbo other four returned to the sit ting room that night When ho bad recovered from his fright Jeremy went into his little room, tho samo in which ho used to stuff birds as a boy, and busied himself with bis farm accounts. Mr. Cardus, Dorothy and Ernest walked about together in tho balmy moonlight, for very shortly after tho twilight bad departed tho great harvest moon camo up and flooded tbo world with light Mr. Cardus was iu a talk ative, excited mood that night Ho talked about his affairs, which he had now finally wound up, and about Mary Attcrlclgh, men tioning littlo tricks of maimer and voice which wero reproduced in Dorothy, Ho talked, too, about Ernest's and Dorothy's marriago, and said It was a comfort to blm. Finally, about 10 o'clock, ho said that be was tired and was going to bed. "God bless you, my dear; sleep welll Good night I" he said. "We will settle about that now orchid houso to-morrow. Good night, good night" Shortly afterward Dorothy and Ernest also went to bed, reaching their room by a back entrance, for thoy neither of them felt inclined to come under tho Are of the crystal eyes again, and soon they wero asleep In each other's arms. Tho minutes stole on one by one through tho silence of tho dead night, bearing their records with them to tho archives of tho past. Eleven o'clock camo and fled away ; inidi light camo too, and swept on batliko wings across tho world. Everywhere on land, sky and sea there was silence, nothing Cut silence, sleeping In tho moonlight Hark I 0, heavens what wus that! One fearful, heart rending yell of agony, ringing all through tho ancient house, rattling tho casements, shaking tho armor against tho paneled walls, pulsing and throbbing In hor rible notes out mto tho night, echoing and dying far away over tho seal Ami then sllcuco again, sllcnco sleeping in tho moonlight They sprung from their beds, did overy living soul beneath tlint room, and rushed in their night gear, men and women together, Into tho sitting room. Tho crystal eyes seemed to bo awako again, for tho moon was up and played upon them, causing them now aud then to flash out In gleams ot opalescent 'ight Somebody lit a candle, somebody missed Mr, Cardus; surely bo could never bavo slopt through itl Yes, lie bad slept through It. They rushed nnd tumbled, n confused mass of white, Into tho room where ho Iny. Ho was there, sure enoug'-, nnd ho slept very sound, with a rod gash in his throat, from which tho blood fell in heavy drops down, down to tho ground. Thoy stood aghast, and, as they stood, from tbo courtyard outddo there camo a sound of galloping hoofs. They knew tho sound of tho galloping it was that of Ernest's great black stallion. A milo or moro nway out on tho marshes, Just before you como to tho well known quicksands, which have, tradition toys, swal lowed so many unfortunates, and which shudder jmlpably at times nnd nro unpleasant to look on, stands a lock house, inhabited by ono solitary man who has charge of tho sluice. On this very night It is nocessury for him to open his sluice gates ut a particular moment, and now be 6tands awaiting that propitious tlmo. Ho is an ancient mariner; his bauds are in bis jiockets, bis plpo iu his mouth, his oyes nro fixed upon tho son. Wo bavo met him before. Suddenly bo hears tbo sound ot a powerful borso galloping furiously. Ho turns, and his balr legtns to ilsoupon bis bead, for this is what he sees in tho bright moonlight: Fast, fast toward him thunders a great coal black horse, snorting wittf mingled rago and terror, and ou its liaro back there sits, with n grip ot iron, a man an old man, for bis gray locks stream out behind blm, who waves above his head tho fragment of a spear, On thoy come. Ileroro thcra is a wido sluice; if they are mortal they will turn or plunge into it No, tho great black horso gathers himself and springs Into tho air, By Heaven, ho has cleared Itl No horse ever took that leap before, or will again. On at whirlwind speed toward the shuddering quicksand 200 yards away I Splash I borso and man nro in it, making tho moist mass shako and treniblo for twenty yard round. Tho bright moonlight shows It all. The horse shrieks in fear and agony, as only a horso can; tho man on its back waves tha spear. Tho horso vanishes, tho man vanishes, tho s)K-ar gllttera'an Instant longer in the moon light, and then vanishes, too. They havo all vanished forever. They bavo all vanished, and again tbo por foct silence sleeps in tho moonlight. "Bust me," says tho ancient one aloud, and shaking with n mortal dread, "bust me, I bavo stood still and seed many a queer thing, but I nover sood n thing liko that I" and ho turned and fled as fast as bis old legs would carry blm forgetful of Dutch cheeses und of slulco gates, forgetful of everything except that demon horsu and man. Thus ended "Hard Hiding AttcrlelghV muddest gallop, and thus, too, ended tho story of Mr. Cardus aud his lovcugo, CHAPTER XL. DOllOTIIY'S THUWII. Many yean passod lieforo Eva l'lowden re turned to Kesterwlck, and then sho was car ried thither. Alivo tbo did uot return, nor during all thoso years did sbo and Kmest over moet Thoy burial bw, in obedience to her last wishes, there In the churchyard where lay generation upon generation of her ancient race, and the daisies grew ftboro her head. Twice hail they bloomed over her lieforo Hlr Enjest Kershaw stood by tho spot, hallowed by the presence of what had held the spirit of tho woman ho had loved. IIo was a grizzled man of nearly BO now, nor were streaks of gray wanting In Dorothy's balr, as they stood that summer evening by Eva's grave. Many things had happened to tbo 'pair slnco Mr. Cardus' trnglo death. They had had children omo they had lost, some remained honest English lads and lam, with their father's eyes. They hod enjoyod great wealth, and siient it royally, giving with both hands to all who needed. They bad drunk deep of tho cup of this world's Joys and sorrows. Ernest had gone into parliament, nnd mado something of a name there. Then, lmtlent for the active lifo of earlier days, ho hail accepted a high colonial appointment, for which, notwith standing his blindness, his wealth and parlia mentary reputation eminently fitted him. Now ho hsd Just returned from tilling tho governorship of one ot the Australian colonics. "Not qulto cured yet, Ernest P said Dorothy, interrogatively. "Yos, Dorothy," he answered with a little sigh. "I think I nm cured. At any rate," ho went on, at sho took his hand to lead him away from tbo grave, "I havo lenrnodto ac cept tho decrees of Provldonco without mur muring, 1 havo dono with dreams, and out lived pessimism. Life would, It Is true, havo been a different thing for mo if wor Evn had not deserted me, for sho iioisoncd its waters nt tbo fount, and bo they havo always tasted rather bitter. But happiness is not tho end and object of man's existence, and it I could I do not think I would undo tbo past Tako mo to tho old Hat tombstone, Dolly, near tho door." Bho led blm to it, and be sat down. "Ah," bo went on, "how beautiful she wasl Was there ever woman liko her, I wonder! And now her bones Uo there; her bounty Is all gone, nnd there live of her only tho unend ing Issues of what sho did. I have only to think, Dolly, and I can seo her as I raw her a score ot times passing In and out of this church door. Yes, I can seo her, and the jieoplo round ber, and tho clothes sbo wore, and tho smilo in her beautiful dark eyes for her eyes socmed to smile, you remember, Dolly. How I worshiped ber, too, with all my heart and soul and strength, as though she were an angel I and that was my mistake, Dolly. Sho was only a woman a weak woman." "You said Just now that you were cured, Ernest; ono would hardly think it to hear you talk," put In Dorothy, smiling. "Yos, Doll, I am cured ; you have cured me. my doar wife, for you havo crept into my life and taken possession of It, so that there is littlo room for anybody else, and now, Do rothy, I lovo you with nil my heart." She pressed his band and smiled again, for sho know that she had triumphed, and that ho did love her, truly love her, and that his passion for Eva was a poor thing compared to what It bad been twenty years beforo more Indeed of a tender regret, not un mingled with a starry hopo, than a passion at all. Dorothy was u clover littlo icrson, and understood something of Ernest and tho human heart in general. Sho bad thought long ago that sho would w In Ernest altogether to ber in the end. By what tenderness, by what devotion and nobility of character sho accomplished this tho reader who knows her con well imagine, but in the end she did ac complish It, as sho deserved to. The contrast between tho conduct of tho two women who had mainly influenced bis life was too marked for Ernest, a man of u just and reasonablo mind, to altogether ignore, and when onco ho camo to comparisons tho natural results fol lowed. And yet, though he learned to lovo Dorothy so dearly, it cannot be said that he forgot Eva, because there are some things that a man can never forget, slnco they are a part of his Inner lifo, and of theso first lovo Is unfortunately ono. "Ernest," went on Dorothy, "you remem ber what you to:a mo when you asked mo to marry you in Titheburg Abbey, about your belief that your affection for Eva would out last tbo woi Id, and find a continued expres sion In tho lives to come. Do you etill be lievo thatP "Yes, Doll, to a great extent" Ills wlfo sat and thought for a minute. "Ernest," sho said, presontly. "Yes," dear. "I havo managed to bold my own against Eva in this world, when she hod-all tho chances and all the beauty on her side, and what I havo to say about your theories now is, that when wo get to tho next, and are all beautiful, It will bo very strange if I don't -manago to hold It there. She bad berchanco and sho threw it away; now I havo got mino nnd I don't moan to throw it away, cither In this world or tho next" Ernest laughed a little. "I must say, my dear, it would bo a very poor heaven if you wero not there." "I should think so indeed. Thoso whom God hath, joined together let no man put asunder, or woman either. But what is tbo good of our stopping hero to talk sueh stuff about things of w hicb we really understand nothing? Come, Ernest, Jeremy and tho boys will bo waiting for us." And so hand in baud they went on home ward through the quiet twilight THE END. A Ynung ltepurtvr'B Wit. I onco know a boy reporter on a daily in the interior of the stato who was mado of tho right sort of stuff, and was a success from tho word "go." I recall an instance of his pluck and foresight. He was sent to tho county jail to reirort the hanging of two criminals. Ho visited the cell of the con demned men, with the minister, etc., and wroto out a detailed reiiort on tho spot Then ho met with an appalling setback. Tho re porter of a rival daily said to the sheriff: "This young man is not of nge. Tho low does not allow a minor to witness an execu tion." The sherill was surprised. "Stuart, aro you not of agoP ho nsked. "I am not," frankly replied tho boy reporter. "Then you cannot witness tho execution," decided the thei ilt, and ho locked blm up In his private room. Was this tho end of It! Not with him, you can Just bet .He called to u boy through the grating, handed him n quarter, bis premred copy and a noto to tho editor Informing him of tbo predicament be wns In. The ofllco wasn't far oil and tho boy was fleet footed. The editor ran up stairs, distributed tho takis of copy among tho compositors, hurried to tho Jail, witnessed tho execution and left tho jail with tho rival reporter, who had his re Jiort still iu hand. Ktuart's quick wit cn ubled his paper to bo out nn hour In advance of thf other and to absorb much of tbo mar ket Theyoungreportor soonowned nnofflca of bis ow n, built a largo establishment, over taxed his energies (probably) and was called to a premature grhvo. He hadn't mistaken bis calling. "Observer" In Philadelphia CulL TIib Word or a West I'olnter. Cadets preserve order anj quiet In tbo bar racks, as thoy do in ranks, under an organi zation which makes certain cadet officers rc sK)nsibIo. As will bo at onco seen, mi or ganization such as this must depend for its porf ectlon on the character of tho students, and, aliovo all, on their honesty nnd vera city. These nro, and must be, unimpeacha ble. The word of a cadet is never questioned by the authorities, and, as a consequence, a cadet of uuy experience at the academy has never been known to tell a falsehood, or to try to deceive. For every detected violation of tho regula tions, the cadet is reported. If bo has uu ex planation to offer iu filiation of the. offense, or If, as is sometimes tho case, ho is rerted In error, it is only neceary for him to make tho explanation, and unquestioning credence Is given to bis statement No action is over taken by tho authorities which reflects in any way upon the honor of u cadet, unless It Is well assured that his honor is involved, when, by tho action of a court martial, or tho more summary jstwedure by tbo secretary of war, the guilty one's connec tion with the academy is severed. Oen. Wesley Merrit in Y'outh's Companion. ruttenlni; In a Cellar. My Amerlcau friend tells mo be has what might bo called a corner on oysters. It seems to bo rather a unique Idea, and so I give the publlo tho benefit of It. He goes down to Billingsgate und buys 100 Blue Points in the shell for about a Ho places them on the floor ot bis coal cellar at homo und then feeds them on corn meal or somo such stuff until they aro as fat as it U possible fur an oyster to get, and "all very line und large." I had somo hesitation about believing this story; it soemea vo me ratuer strango that ovMeni could bo reared iu tho cellar llko so many chickens; but he assures me it is true. He says, after tho wetted com meal is strewn rouiid the oysters, that If you return to their lair you will find tho shells that wero cKmuI all wide open, and that If you touch ono of them it will Instantly close, whereupon tho other ninety-nine will shut up shop until won leaft Luko Bhurp Iu Detroit Free lYem. "I tt,ii,k iic cream is delicious, uoorgi, bin' uh ; "J juel Ioo it. 'Hut don't yt.u know it's very daiit;i'iouhT" iiKjuiied Gm igc, untuHly. "Yes, I suppoie it is dai ytrous, but l'txi i'o lowaid, ticoige."