THE COLUMBIAN AJI)" DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, No Groat Criminals, BOMU ltOMANTIO llll'.AS MSl'Kl.LIU) I1Y AN I'.Xl'UUIKNCUl) "cilOOK." I hnvo been reading and I supposo cverylxxly lins been reading too, about great criminal!) in llio newspapers. Tho boastfulness of the deteotivo and tho imagination of tho reporter havo com bined to raak'o Homo interesting read ing, but if you recall what you 'havo read you will find that very fow great crimen havo been committed. Ono or two professional forgers, a half score of burglars, a cluster o (.confidence men, and tho whole list is exhausted. Tho foot is thora is no such army of crimin als fcrtilo of expedient, ready of do vice, watchful of every chauco to break in and steal, as tho polico would havo you bollove. I was looking oyer tho criminal list tho other day ot tho convtotcd pro fessionals confined in Now "V ork state. Thoy wcro uumorous enough, but tholr crimes wcro contemptibly small. To make your Yidocq, you must hnvo first your great criminal and his great crime Tho American VUlocq, makes himself with theso two essentials left out; and having opportunity to talk with ono of tho alleged great crimin als, ho confirmed my belief in tho vis ionary character of these shrowd and clover rascals with no greater effort than revealing his own stupidity. I hunted up another, a professional who bas rcpoated his offenses sufficiently to entitle him to any other distinction than that of an honest man. I would mention that ho wears stripos now, ex cept that it might draw from tho valuo of his statements in tho minds of some who are too easily prejudiced. Any way ho is better authority than the po lice, whoso vanity in their own capac ity may bo a proper pride, but leads to so'mo mighty tall lying. ''Tho fact is that professional thioves and rogues are not numerous in any locality, and if crimo wore tho sole source of support for tho few hundreds who aro so classed most of them would bo hungry many times every year. Men who steal whenever thoy get a chance always have some other occu pation, and it is a fact tbst tho legiti mate one is moro profitable than tho illegitimate one in nine cases out of ten." Thus began my informant, "Wesley Allen, the pickpocket "But in this city there is a ast army of professional criminals," I said, "men who aro classified and whose industries havo special forms, implying cunning and originality." "My dear sir, you havo been reading tho newspapers or talking to detectives. Thoro isn't a dozen. If really olover men if men with a modicum of brains that belong to clever people wore to devoto their talents to roguery sooiety couldn't exist. Tho methods employ ed by thioves, for example, to attain tholr ends look very cunning and well planed to ono to whom they aro first revealed. But tako any ono of them and examine it and you will seo how flimsy it is. A sneak thief wants to got into tho till of a corner grocery. Ilis accomplice comes with a tape line and begins to measure tho sidowalk in front of tho door, or to measuro tho wall, or comes In a wagon and begins to throw out a lot of boxes. Tho gro cer steps out to inquire; is hold in con versation, asked to hold the oud of the measuro or pass back tho boxes; the sneak is in and away, and tbo trick is off. A saloon keeper is known to keep a pocketbook stuffed with money in tho inner pocket of his vest. The pick pocket knows it is a difficult place to touch. Two accomplices como in when ho is alone, both of them laughipg heartily ono with a tape measure. 'Well, that was a dead loss for me,' says ono. 'Set-'em up.' They laugh, ask tho saloon keeper to drink and ex plain that thoy were betting on tho girth of a neighbor The saloon keep er becomes interested; the more so as tho rounds are being called and then the loser wants to get even. A bottle of wine is staked and the victim asked to measure, the new bet being on his girth. Objection is taken to the vest; off it comes and the sneak thief a third party soon has the leather." "Now, that's t-rtful, certainly," said L. "No such a thing, it is most trans parent and simple. It couldn't succeed if it wero not that the victim is a fool. But theso are exceptional cases of such good planning as crooks can do. But, after nil, suppose a man of brains real brnius, such as you know plenty of wero to devoto himself to tho plan ning of ways to get other people's mon ey without an equivalent, and went at it with tho onorgy that men givo to the practice ot their profession or to tho pursuits of commerce, wheio would such schemes as this be? Nowhere. You hear of a great burglary. "She newspapers which report it dwell noon tho fact that it bad been carofully plan ned and that the house had been plot ted, for a diagram, which tho rascals had left in their flight, was found. What's to hinder any mau from learn ing every room and every door in New York city? There's tho builder's plans, the insuranco companies' plots and the building department's open files. A littlo watching and a good deal of guessing makes up tho rest of the burglar's knowledge. Of course, his 'tools aro of tho finest workmanship.' Haul Tho chances are ten to ono that thoy consist of a bar of iron, which be ing carried by a burglar is called a "jimmy;" a daik lantern, a copper ham mer, a chisel and a flask of powder and a handkerchief with holes in it to see through for a mask." "But thero are cases whero men have gono further than tnako a few hasty preparations; havo hired adjoin, ing stores and tunneled and burrowed into banks and vaults with infinite patience and labor."' "Bah! How many? You say ton and I trny one. Whatever yon say I will allow 10 por cent. off. But can on recall any?" "Well, tbo Covington, Ky., bank." "That's ore. You can't gq on. But thero havo been probably twenty rob berirs committed in that way In tbo last thirty years and nono of them amounted to very much in tho way of returns, outside of two or three. You tnako up your mind to this fact, that tho returns oi robberies aro vastly ex aggerated." Philadelphia Timet Intervleic. Two laborers met upon a street cor ner and ono of them with kindlv inter est snld: "How aro you doing, 1'at?" ''O, finolv man; nover did bettor in my life." "What nro you working nt?" "U, jra a real estate conveyancer. "And what in honor's name is that!" "Why, I'm driving a dump-cart, man." "Our Now Navy" will bo desoribed nml illustrated in tho September num ler of The American Magazine by Jiicni. w. r. iiiigtiw, v, b. is. I'rora the acuuratu detail given of tho capac ity and power of our new shins, tho reader will be enabled to judge, for him Belf how far thoy may servo in solving the problem of our naval dofenco. .Death Caused by Ethot. M. nKKBK DIM, EXrillF.S ON THE Ol'F.nAT 1NO TAD I.E. Milville IlecRO Dill, a prominent business tunti of Somerset county, and Lrothcr of United States Marshal, An drug II. Dill, died nt tho Bingham House, rhllapelphia late Wondcsday nltcrnoon of lost week. Ho had como to tho city on Tuesday from his homo nt Aleyersdale, oomersot county to un dergo an operation by Dr. D. Hays Aguew for the removal of hemorrhoids lrom which bo had an tiered lor several years. Mr. Dill had been treated by Dr. Agnew n year ago for fissure. An operation was pcrlormod and tho patient experienced no bad effect from tho other which was administered. Dr. Agnew had mado an appoint ment with Mr. Dill lor two o'clock on Wcdnoiday afternoon, and went to tho botoi nt tbo timo agreed upon, accom panied by Dr. J. William White, who lias been his surgical assistant for many years. Thoy commenced work about a half an hour later. Tho patient was laid upon a table in Ins room and ur, Whito administered tho anrcsthetlc. Tho other used was known as "Squibbs" and is considered tho purest and best that is made. It was administered in tho usual way from a towel folded in tho shapo of a cono. In a fow mo ments Mr. Dill became unconscious nnd Dr. Agnew began tho operation. After the first hemorrhoid bad been tied and while the second was being operated upon respiration suddenly' ceased. Both physicians at onco turn ed their attention to restoring tho patient. Artificial respiration was cm ployed, electricity was used, tho body was flagellated with wet towels and all the usual methods to resuscitate were used. While tho patient had ceased to breatho the heart continued to beat and tho physicians workod untiringly until all nope was gono. Dr. Agnow said that in his ex perience of forty years as a physician and surgeon ho had administered ether in thousands of coses and never had an accident before. Ho considered other tho best and safest amcsthetia known and said that the patient's sudden death was something that no human fore sight or caro could havo avoided. Dr. Whito was much distressed over tho affair and stated that this was tho first instance in his practice that tbo admin istration of ether had terminated fatally. Mr. Dill had been successfully oper ated upon by Dr. Agnew one year ago for fissure. Ho took ether at that timo. His sufferings for some months bad imperatively demanded an operation ; thero was no other; way of relieving him. Tho operation was impossible without an anaesthetic ; tho safest known anrcsthetio was selected and was given in unusually moderate quantity, less than !ix ounces having been adminis tered altogether. It was given in the usual way and ono which has been em ployed by Dr. Agnow and Dr. White in hundreds of cases for many years without an accident of any kind. Tbo etherization was sufficiently complete in from ten to fifteen minutes to admit of his being placed in the proper posi tion., and the operation was begun. Within a few minutes he suddenly ceased breathing, having beon breath ing treely a moment before, no was at onco turnod on his back, his tongue brought forward, his throat explored for possible obstruction, movements of artificial respiration begun, flagellation and cold wet towels employed, upward friction of tho limbs used, electricity applied and the usual methods of re suscitation put into operation, but without effect. Although his heart continued to beat for thirty or forty minutes it was impossible to bring about the natural movements of breath ing, although efforts at resuscitation wero kept up unremittingly for an hour, or for some time after tho heart ceased to beat. It is evident in this that death was not from heart failure. The proportion of deaths that occur during etherization is variously estimated f rom 1 in 1,050 to 1 in 20, 000 cases, the actual average probably lying botween the two, and have hap pened in the practice of the most distinguished surgeons of all countries, although this was the first instance of the kind in the experience of Dr. Ag new or Dr. Whito. Colonel T, J. Gri meson, a prominent -I?....- I T LI! cuuuiuutu tur uiu vuiiuuiiuau uuinuia tion for State Treasurer, and an inti mato personal friend of Marshal Dill and his brother, was in tho room dur ing the operation. Marshal Dill re mained in the offico of the hotel await ing with sorao anxiety, but with no thought of danger, the result of tho operation. As soon as his brother be gan to sink he was summoned. He was terribly shocked and distressed, and had hardly reoovered his compos- uro when he left the city yesterday morning wun nis brother's body ao compamed by Colonel Grimeson. He blamed the surgeons and Dr. Aenow said that ho had received a severe letter from Marshal Dill, which under the circumstances, he did not attach any importance- to. It is only a fow weeks since Marshal Dill's father, an eminent Methodist clergyman, died and tho sons were much distressed by that ovent, Coroner Ashbridgo was not notified of tho death of Mr. Dill until Thursday afternoon. Dr. Whito called at tho of- fico and stated that Dr. Agnow had granted tho certificate of death under tho apprehension that as tho deceased had been under their care at tho timo of his death a Coroner's inquest would not bo required. Tbo (Joroner said that as tho death was not due to nat ural causes it was a caso that should be investigated by his office. Mr. Ash bridgo wrote a letter to Marshal Dill in whioh ho stated that while ho deep ly sympathized with him in his nfllict- lon ho was compelled to order a post mortem examination, and Dr. Formad was dispatohod to Lowisburg on the midnight train to make the autopsy. Melville- Heeso Dill was 40 years oi ago and leaves a wifo and two child ren. For many years ho managed large business interests in Union county, and of lato has been engaged in extensivo lumber operations in aley crsdale, Somerset county. Ho was master of his Mosonio lodge and ap parently strong and in excellent hdalth, and had no physical trouble except the ono whioh required the operation which resulted in bis death Better Than Vacation. This is pro-emincntly the vacation month, when thousands seek rest nnd recreation. But to those who Buffer tbo depressing effects of summer do bility, tho disagreoablo symptoms of scrofula, tho tortures of biliousness.dys popsla, or sick headache, thero is more pain thnn pleasuro in leaving home. To 6uch wo say, givo Hood's Sarsapa rilln a trial, it will purify your blood, tono np 'and strengthen your body, ex pel every traco ot soroiuia, correot biliousness, and positively euro dys pepsia or sick headache. Tako It be fore you go, and you will enjoy your vacation a thousand fold. , The Brandon Tamily- AN OI.1) INDIAN Kll.t.KIl WHO WAS TIIK KAT1IEH Of TI11RTY-TIIREK CIllt.tlRKN. When Western l'onnsylvnnia was tho frontier nnd the Indian fighter wns tlio most important and Indispensable person in tho Bcttlcmtnls, Charles Brandon wns ono ot tho best nnd most daring of all tho active foes ol tho red men, says tho New York Sun. At tho ago of three years, in, 170-1, ho was captured by tho Indians, who killed his lather nt tbo samo lime. This was on tho banks of the Ohio river. For twolvo years tho hoy was kept among tho savages, but ho disliked them and escaped when ho was fifteen years old. no lound n white settlement nnd learn ed to talk his nativo language From that timo on ho gavo his lifo to Indian killing. In 1790, when tho Indians wero get ting scarce, Charles Brandon married a young woman named Mary Movers. tjho boro blm two children nnd diod, Ho thon married Fannlo Slasher. Sho boro him eighteen children, nnd died in 18S0. Brandon was then nearly seventy years old. When ho was five years older ho married Sarah Barker, who was only sixteen. Sho was tho youngest of sixtocn children. Sho lived with him twenty-ono years, bear- 1- . I . .! lfi ing nim in uio meantime niteen cuuu- ren. t hen alio got a divorce lrom blm, ho being ninoty-six. Tho separation lrom his wifo broko bis heart, and al though at tho timo ho was as agile, Btrong and aetivo as ho was when ho wns married bo pined away and died tho samo year tho divorco was ob tained. Ho then bad thirty-throo liv ing children. His divorced widow had hod tho caro of all of them, nnd she raised all that wcro young enough to need rais ing. Brandon had beon tho father of thirty five ohildron, but two died, ono a child of his first wifo and the other ono of the eighteen his second wife had borne him. The divorced widow moved to Moundsville, W. Vo., and tbo most of the thirty-three children went with her. Among them wero two Johns and two Charloses. Ono of the Johns nnd ono of tho Charleses wero tho third wifo's ohildron. Thero was a James who was old enough to go to tho Mexican war, whero ho was wounded in tho neck. When tho war of tho rebellion broko ont tho two Charleses, Sim, Evans, Josephus, Hi ram, James, Van Burcn, Jaoob, Abra ham, Alexander, David, Androw nnd Iteeso, of tho sons enlisted in the Union army, nil in Ohio and Virginia regi ments. Tho third Mrs. Brandon's John and Charles wero taken prisoners at Chickamauga. They were both put in Andersonvillo Prison. John died in nine months ; Charles was there twenty ono months and escaped. Peter was killed at Shiloh while his regiment. the Soventy-second Ohio, was making a charge All the other sons served through the war and camo home. Tho third wifo of the remarkablo old Indian killer, and mother and step mother of his remarkable family, still lives at Moundsville. Sho is seventy years old. Until three months ago sho was in destituto circumstances. Then she got a pension and $2,500 as her claim against tho Government. Sho is six feet in height, as straight as an arrow, as strong as a man, and cxceling nino out of every ton mon in powers of endurance. Only a few days ago sho walked to St Clairsville, twenty miles, in five hours nnd back again in tho samo time. She has only one eye. The other ono was shot ont about thirty years ago by ono of tho second wife sjboys. She had occasion to cor rect him. ne got his bow and arrow and shot her, putting out her eye. This remarkable woman knows tho where abouts of only nine of tho thirty-threo children. They live near her. "Bnt, takin' them, an' their children an' their children's children, thero mnst be nigh to a thousan' on 'em by this time." How Indians Poison Their Arrows. From the Omaha Republican. It was a long time before Friday orao and I began to think ho was go ing to disregard my suramons, and was getting angry, whon ho suddenly put in an appearance. I explained to him what I wished to know, and without tho slightest hesitation he said to tho venerable arrow-maker: "Tell my brother all about tho poison ed arrows." "Well," said tho old man, "first wo tako a bloated yellow rattlesnake in August, when ho is most poisonous, and tie him with a forked stick to a stake then we tcaso him until he is in a groat rage. This is done by passing a switoh over his body from his head to his tail. When ho threshes the ground with bis body and his eyes grow bright add sparkle liko diamonds, wo kill a deer, antelope or somo other small animal, and, tearing out the liver throw it to the snako whilo it is warm and tho blood still coursing through it, Tho reptile will strike it again and again and pretty soon it will begin to turn black. When he tires, the snake is teased again and ho is induced to sink his fangs into the soft flesh until all tho poison has been extracted from him and tho liver is reeking with it. lie is then killed and tho liver lifted with a sharp polo, for so dangerous is it no ono dares touch it, Tho liver is left lio for about an hour, whon it will bo almost jet black nnd emit a sour smell. Arrows are thon brought nnd their i'on heads pushed into tho liver up to tho shaft. They are left sticking thero for about ono hour and a half, when thoy aro withdrawn and dried in tho sun. A thin glistening yellow scum adheres to tho arrow, and if it but so much as touches raw flesh it is certain to po'non it to death." I asked if Indians still used poisoned arrows. "No," ho replied "no man, Indian or whito man, for years past has been shot with theso arrows and thoy nro no longer made." He Signed His Hamo Backward. A gentleman in Washington who has had business relations with Oscar J. Harvey, tho Treasury forger, tolls an interesting story of Harvey's pecu liar signnturo. He says that Harvoy, in signing his name to oheoks and oth er business papers, invariably writes backward, beginniug with the word "Harvey;" ho next writes tho letter "J.," nnd then comes tho name "Osoar," which ho writes backward, beginning with tho letter "r." Tho gentleman says ho has seen Harvey sign his namo in that way moro than a dozen times, and that on each occasion tho not was accomplished with the rapidity of lightning, it boing plainly apparent that its owner had been in the habit of writing it thus for many years. Tho business man onco asked Harvoy for an explanation of his peculiar signa ture, but was rewarded only with a smile and a knowing shake of tho head. NoweiaperB aro tho schoolmasters of the common people That endless book, tho nowsnapcr, is our nation's glory. J Ho Walked Away. Tho door opened with that lengthen od screnk which bespeaks oxtrcmo carofulncss on tho part of tho one who is entering, nnd n tall, thin man stood in the presence- of (he superintendent of tho great Continental Air Lino. "Well, sir," said tho superintendent. Tho visitor bowi'd profoundly, and said : "It is not in n spirit of haughtiness that i como to you. 1 mako no preten sions, ndvnnco no claims to recognition but simply submit mv caso. "I don't understand you," said the superintendent. "It will not tnke mo long, sir, to ex plain inyBcH. I am a pumped out hu morist. "Ah?" "I nm inclined to think sir, that it is ah I" "What is your namo ?" tho supcrin tondent kindly asked. ".Napoleon T. U. liuoklohold. "And you wero n humorist?" "Yes, sir." "I hnvo never heard of you." "Ah, my dear sir, thero is many n humorist who is pumped out beforo anybody hears of him. Mark Twain spoko recently of endowing n homo for mo and my oxhaustcd contemporaries, uut as usual bo seems to bo taking ins own timo." "What do you want me to do ?" "Givo mo a pass. Remember that I do not como haughtily." "navo you beard ot the "Yes, I know nil about tho Intor- Slato Commerce imposition." "Then you know that wo can not givo passes except to employes." "xcs, but you can say that 1 am an employe" "Hut nono only thoso who are on tho regular pay roll aro to bo recognized as employes. ' "1'loaso do not lot that stand in your way. i'ut mo on tho pay roll. "It would still bo a violation ot tho law unless wo actually paid you monoy." "Well, then, pay mo money." iho superintendent bestowed a searching look upon him. "I fool sorry lor you, said he, "and perhaps may givo you employment. Are you good in mathematics?" "I fear not, sir. Tho ninth lino of tho multiplication tablo is my mortal onomy." "Uan you measuro cord wood 7" "No 1 fear not." "Mark cross tics ?'' "I nm not artist enough." "You say that you aro a pumped- ont humorist? "Don't I look liko ono ?" "I suppose you do. Let mo see," ho said musingly, "if thero is not some thing i con givo you to do. van you currv a horso ?" 'No, sir." "Let me Bee. Pumped-out humor ist." The superintendent mueed for a moment, then springing to his feet, ho throw his nrms around tho visitor. 'Thank Heaven that you havo como I" ho exclaimed. "I can givo you em ployment nt an enormous salary. I want you to answer tho funny letters tho editors writo whon they return their passes." I he pumped-out humorist disengaged himself from tho superintendent's em brace, shoved him back with an un gentlo hand, cast a look of deep re proaoh upon him, and without speak- ng, slowly walked away. Arkansavs Traveler, Hireling the Telephone. At-Fernbank, ten miles from Cincin nati, is the workshop and labratory of Harry B. Cox, a young electrician, who, though known to but few, is at tracting tho notioo of scientists and clectrioians in this country and Europe by his inventions, in which he is as prolifio and ingenious as Edison. ' His atest device is a trumpet to be used for telephoning at sea, on which he has been at work for some months. Tho invention is the outgrowth of his dis cover of the great distance an euboed or reverberated sound will carry, and tho discovery that Bpeaking trumpets, if made to givo tho samo fundamental noto would vibrato and produco the phe nomenon known in acoustics as "sym pathy." With this trumpet conversa tion in an ordinary tone of voico was carried on botween pirtioi four and a quarter miles apart. People sitting at their windowe or on their porches a mile away conversing in an ordinary tone could bo distinctly beard, and in two instances they wero told tho na ture of their conversation and admit ted that suoh had taken place. By listening to tho whistlo and tracing it to and beyond Fernbank to Law renceburg, Iud., it was found that the instrument has a well-defined range of twenty-six miles, that is, a load sound like a locomotivo whistle or the rumb ling of a train can be distinctly heard at a distance of thirteen miles m every direotion. Conversation was readily carried on between two men on high hills on opposite sides of the Ohio river, about four and a half miles apart. Tests made on tho wator showed that tho trumpet was even moro available than on land. Tho instrument will bo patented as soon as perfected. A namo has not beon chosen for it. Mr. Cox has a groat many other enrions nnd valuable device, both electrical and mechanical, but none as curious as his sea telephone, litigation Over Ifrs- Cleveland's Picture, Tho common uso lately of Airs, Cleveland's picture as an advertising oard is likely to load to several law suits against tho firms putting them out. Tho originals of tho pictures common on tli9 market wero copy righted by two .Washington photo graphers shortly after Mrs. Cleveland's marriage At first tho only advantngo reaped was from tho local sale of tho cards. Gradually, however an outside demand sprang up, nnd before this could bo mot orders commenood to pour in from nil parts of Europo for them. They have proved to bo tho most popular selling pictures of the day. To supply tho foreign demand, leading houses in London and Paris aro now striking, off copies of tho American originals without regard to tho rights of the Washington artists. Tho Washington Photographers havo no remedy for tho foreign griev ances, but they havo ono for tho in fringements in this country. The to bacco houses, cigarette manufacturers and soap dealers who havo been making Mrs. Cloveland's foaturcs com mon in hideous lithographs nnd chro raos are to be called to a legal account and thp prosecutions will hnvo tho moral sauotion of tho Whito House, wheio tho practice has caused much offenso. Thero is no dec Iro on tho part of Mrs. Clevoland to give tho Washington dealers a monopoly of her features, and she is not nvoreo to copies being madi) for private sale, uo or ornament, oven if she should bo oom polled to givo onUide artists a special sitting, but Bho will not givo her con sent to tho uso of her pictures for an advertisement. Boyal Lovo of Mnslo From an Interview with M. strakosch "Tho bomb-ridden Czar of Russia beguiles Iho interims of time whilo ho is not dodging Nihilistio mifsilcs by playing on tbo 1" rcncli horn, with which Instrument ho is nn adept. On ono oco.isojn, whilo ha wns tho Cr.nro witz ho played n Fronoh horn oblignto to a song given br Almo. JMIlsson. When His Imperial Majesty last visited Copenhagen ho attended a oonocrt in which miiNaun sang uiu nanju nir, anu ho wns affected to tears by tho memor ics of a timo when ho could loot his horn in pence, undisturbed by revolu tionary subjects and tho cares of gov ernment. When tho lato King Victor Emanuol visited tho small cities of his realm one of his first questions always was regarding tho condition of tho opera-house If thoro was nono he would suggest and aid in tho construc tion of one, oven in towns having no greater population than thrco thousand inhabitants. I always feel an nffection for tho King, for ho gavo mo this deoo ration tho cross of San Maurizio de Lazzaro after a series of coneorts giv en by Patti in Florence Victor Eman uel was a protector of Verdi, nnd made tho composer a Senator, although tho composer had "no longing for political honors. His son, King Humbert, pays a subsidy of 10,000 francs a vcar out of his own personal incomo to tho Apollo Thcatro of Rome Ex-Queen Isabella of Spain used to sing very well, but, her voioo being no longer fresh, sho now has a preference for instrumental music Tho Queen of Belgium is very fond of music, nnd by her efforts sho has contributed much to tbo progress mado in musical nrt in Belgium of lato vears. Tho emperor of Austrih disburses over 1.000.000 francs a year to tho Vienna Opera House, it boing his idea that liis capi tal should havo an opera-houso to rival tho Grand Opera of Paris. A Hint to the Ooroner. "You gavo n tramp something to eat yeiterday, didn't you?" Jtoung wife "Xcs,poor fellow! "Gavo him oorae of vour sconce cake, didn't you?" "xes, yes, 1 did. Why?'' "Nothing. Tho paper savs tho bodv of a man who had evidently died in great agony was found in tho willows this morning." Dr. W, F. Hutchinson will continuo his lively sketches of Venezuelan scen ery and travel in tho coming number of The American Magazine. Cur acao and Marncaibo aro visited, and an account is given of a very curious villago of aboriginal lake dwellers, whoso structures and raodo of Hying connect tho present with prehistoric ages. J.R. SMITH & CO, LIMITED. MIITON, Pa., DBAmns IN PIANOS Bythe following wcllknown makers: Checkering, Knabc, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. .Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Pric Lists On application. SCpW-80tf. For, Comtlpntlon. It onola the Blood ( It glTM delight. It fiharpens up tho ftppo. tlte. It aids tha llrer do Iti part And stimulates tho t beart. For Sick Headache, Py.p.piln, augiant. FRAZERfM, BEST TN TI1E WOULD U ItCHOb'i uti i:iu ueuuuiu. Doiafiverywoero. augi2r. TOTJ.TJ,A.TtR para tot Lira BoaoiiABuniFin BUSINESS COLLEGE 1109 Cbtitmt El, riiliidftk Positions for Oraduatei, Time required 3 to 4 mos. The Beat Equipped. Beat Course of ptudy. Best Ev erything. Wfiui fur Circulars. PATENTS t btalnod and all paUint business attended to tor moderate fees. Our offlce la opposite the U. B. ratent Ofllco, and we can obtain Patents In less timo than those re mote lrom Washington. Send model or drawing. We advlso as to pat entability tree ot charge, and we make no oSargo unless patent Is secured. We refer here, to tho rostmastcr, the Sunt, of Money order 1)1?., and to onictals ot tho U.K. Patent Offlco. Kor circular, advice, terms and rcferenccstoactualcllents In your own hutoor County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, wshlnifton O (3 can llvo at home, ana mako more money at work tor us, than anything clso In this world. Capital not needed; you arc started free. Iloth sexes: all arcs. Anv ana can do the work. Largo earnings sure from nrst start. Costly outfit and terms tree. Better not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and find out; If sou aie wlsoyou will do so at onoo. 11 IUllxtt $ Co.. Portland, Maine. qooi,-64.l- " S WA NT fin (samples free) CJ for DR. SCOTT'S beautiful 40 miJIKIU UUKStlS, BHU3H18, BIITS, ETC. J" ruik, quick bales. Territory uivt-u, tAlta'tuTou euar antecd. 1I1C. SCOTT, K 11 llrouduiij , N, V Z3F-A HAHOSOME WEDDINQ, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. - THE LUBURC MANF'CCO.. for Infants I riSc1f,iWcU Ta to ctndren ti I CutorU cures Colio. Constipation. I recommend t oi superior to any jireacrlpUon I Bow Stomach, Plarrhtea, Knictatlon. Uown to me." O.X. Ancnii, M.D., 1 Kills Worau, firm tloep, and promote 1I, Ul 00. Oxford Bt, BrooUyn, , y. Wuf Sft'gj, MWIhl. tin CtoTAM Cowmr, ISO Fulton Street, tf. Y. KASKOTE (THE NEW QUININE.) (lives Good Appetite, Now Strength, Quiet Nerves, Happy Days, Sweot Sleep, A POWERFUL TONIO that tho most dcllcatOBtomach will boar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, find All norm Tllivnara. TIIK MOST srinNTItrin anu siwirouwrn. j'uiur inu. Euucnor 10 nuiDioo. CatnrrhnI nolRnnlnir trnva mn rivannnein nn malaria followed. I trot no ml nml rl tn lui carried up and down stairs. Kverybody thought I would dlo. Threo months' uso of Kasklno gavo mo now Ufo. 1 nm now perfectly well. I owe my re covery nnd llfo Itself solely to tho uso of this SaJStX nNl.TMy-Wra- A' Comslock' 'Tour jeara of malaria nnd dyspepsia greatly reduced my wifo's btrcugth and destroyed her noaith. A trip to Florida nnd every known rem edy COUld nor. rPHtnrn liPr. 1 lintt1 nt Unoblnn nn four months' uso broke up the milarla, cured tho dyspepsia, restored her strenglh nnd hoalth, nnd six months repaired tho waste of four years. Chauncer I. Titus. Alhunv. N. v. Letters from the ahovn npranniL nlrtnr- full iIa- ntwMim uan w uuven wunout any special med ical advice. l.on nerlmtiiA. Sold by MOVKll linos.. Woom9bure, Pa., or sent nv moll nn rnnnlnt a " TIIK KAKH1NKCO..M Warren St., New York LOUCIdlJ RAILROAD TI1VIH TABLE JELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN HA1LROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Noirrn. STATIOKS. 80TJTII. p.m. p.m. 00 12 SO 8 (4 12 26 5 48 13 23 8 40 12 15 8 33 18 08 B 27 12 0.1 8 22 11 53 8 IT 11 54 8 12 11 60 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 0.1 11 42 7 59 11 38 7 54 11 31 7 50 11 30 T 43 11 21 r-so 11 12 7 18 11 00 7 11 10 54 7 05 10 47 6 58 10 41 6 54 10 33 6 50 10 31 6 42 10 27 6 3(1 10 21 6 30 10 16 6 25 10 It 6 08 0 56 6 00 9 49 5 55 9 45 5 40 S 32 p.m. am. a.m a.m. am. n.m. S 30 8 26 ....bcranton.,.. liellevuo.... ...Taylorvlllo... .. Lackawanna.. IHttotnn 1U v IO Edit 16 9 20 2 10 6 SO 9 26 2 15 6 27 9 34 2 22 S 22 8 16 10 6 31 9 41 2 30 40 9 4T 2 36 8 ai ..West Plttston. 7 58 ....Wyoming, 0 45 9 52 2 41 6 49 9 56 2 41 I 01 7 60, -7 41 7 47! Maltby ...nennett.. . ..Kingston... ..Kin its ton ... 6 5.1 10 00 2 47 6 68 10 05 2 50 6 58 10 05 2 50 7 02 10 10 2 55 7 07 10 158 00 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 1 032 3 27 7 42.1'lymoutb. June 7 38 ....Plymouth.... 1 34 ....Avondale. . 7 30 ....Nantlcoke... 7 23 llunlock'a Creek 7 12 ..unicKsninny.. 7 00 i. Hick's Ferry.. A 51 ..Beachllaven.. 6 47 Berwick.... 0 41 .llrlar Creek... 6 38 ..Willow arovo.. 6 31 ...Ltmoltldge... 6 27 Ksnv 7 37 10 41 9 89 7 50 11 11 3 62 7 67 11 00 8 68 8 Ol 11 13 4 12 8 10 11 204 05 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 6 si'...nioomsburg... s ia .... ltUDert 8 25 11 36 4 27 8 30 11 44 4 84 8 36 11 604 40 8 41 11 55 4 46 5 60 1. .I)anvllle....l 8 58 12 135 Ol A fTntrtwI'fi tlrtrtfn 5 49 ....Chulasky.... 9 05 12 205 12 0 45'.... liameron... (O 12 2.1 s II 6 32 Northumberland 9 25 12 405 35 a.m. 'a.m. A.m. n.m Superintendent's W. X. UAl.01.ftA LI, nUpU onice. Scranton, Feb.lBt.182 Pennsylvania Railroad. Bxl Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml , , TIME TABLE. In effect Way st. 1887. Trains loavo Sunbunr. EASTWARD. ' 9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Express (dally except ouuunj, lurimrjiHuun; uuuiuiermeuiaicstaiions, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; New York, 6.20 p.m.; llaltlmore, 3.10 p. m. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.13 p. m Day express dally except Sunday),for Harrlsburg and interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. j New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Ualtlmore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, T.45 p. m. Parlor ear through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and llaltlmore. 7,45 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing ai, rnuaaeipma4.23 a. m. ; Kew York 7.10 a. m. imiumore, 4. n. m. ; Washington 6.05 a. m. Bleeping car accommodations can be secured at narrlsburgfor Phlladelphlaand New York. On Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on thn train from Will lamsp't to 1'hlladelphla.phtladelphla passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed untl 4 a. u. 2.60 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations, tt. -lug ub i uimucipuiu o. u. ill, rtuw xorki 11. So u. ra. : llaltlmore 8.15 a. m. ; Waarilnirt.nn. a Mr a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on tuis iram iu ruuaaeipma, uauimoro ana washing, ton, and through passenger coachosto Phlladel. pbla and llaltlmore. WESTWARD. 5.ioa. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to Erie arl all Intermediate stations and Canandal' gua ard Intermediate Btatlons, Kochestor. Uuffa. lo and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal- uco cars ana passenger coacnes to Krie and Koch ester. 9.63 News Express (daily except Sunday) for t ock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.52 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun i y) for Kano and Intermediate Btatlons and Can- amaigua ana principal intermediate stations. irancster, nurraio and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carlo Wllliamsport. 6.S0 p. ra. Fast Line (delly,oxcept 8unday)for lte novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmirn, Wat kins and Intermediate, stat ions, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor ltenovo and Interme diate statlon- TUKOUUU TRAINS FOR SUNBURY FROM TIIB tsunaay man leaves I'nnaaelphla 4.30 a. m Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with AAOl AIXU QUU1 11. buiuuKu Bii-vpiuKuur irum ruuoaeipma to W l Itamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia a. m. narrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday aiitiuig av uuuuuij k (i. III. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j Baltimore a. m. (dally with through Parlor car from Philadelphia bul, tuiuupu umih,uj uutwuuB irum rniiaaei phla and Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ! Phlladel w.u, ...uu u. ,u , ., WUIUfjluU, V.OV U. ill. , UaHI more, 10.45 a. m., (dally oxcept Sunday) arriving at coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. uriu -mini luuvt'B rtow x one coo p. m. : Phlladel phla, 11.25 p. m. : Washington, 10.00 p. m. : Baltl. more, 11.20 p. m.. (aally exeept;saturday) arrlrtng at Sunbury 6.10 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and it?..? . "... iiuaouuKur cuacnes iron? Philadelphia. HUNIIUllV, IIAZI.KTO.N fc Wlf.KKMIlAHKU UAinnurti, Ann ,-iiill-ril Anil tVKNT llirN(!ll lit 1 1, WAV. (Dally except sunuay.) Wllkcsbarre Mall leaves sunbury 9.55 a. m. arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.16 a. m., Wllkes-barre 1. lil U. Ul. Wllkcs-Harro accom. leaves Sunbury 8.51 p m. nr. riving atUloom . Ferry 3:51; Wllkes-Barro, c!:0o vi m. Express East leaves Bunbury 5.35 p, my arriving Sunbury Mall leaves Wl lkcsbarroi0.25a.m. arrlv. ing at Bloom Ferry 1 1.54 a. m Sunbury 12.45 p. m Express West leaves Wllkes-barre2.50 p. m.. ar. riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., Sunbury 6.1O0 m Catawlssa accom. leaves Nesoopeck 5.05 p m. ar. riving at Bloom 8f,j$Jivhunuury, tss p m. Sunday mall leaves sunbury a'ss a. m., arrlvlnc at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m., Wllkes-Barro 11:15 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre5-10 p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry, e.39 p. m., Sunbury. 7:30 p.m. " CUAS. E. PUGII, J, It. WOOD, Gon.Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent THE WONDERFUL All m WW LUBURG GHAIR Combining a Purlor, Lllirmrr, Smoking, Ilrclliilnir or inr.11,1 . CIIAIIt, MIUNOE, IKn,o'r COUCH. or Il"1" uniu.UKt.SM CARRIAGES All furnished with the Automatic Coaeli nroliti imi rWholMnIs Prices. ScmUtamn rnrnJi.I .f S9. tHei 146 N.' 8tiT St, PhtotarK October a syrs. and Children. I'ENNY OOOD3 A SPECIALTY BOl.I ArJINTfl roR V. F, ADAMS & CO., PINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of tho fol lowing brands ot Cigars. IIKNIty CtiAT, tONDRES, NOI1MAI, INDIAN ntlNCKSS, SAMSON, HILVKIt ASIL Alexander Bros. & Go., WHOLESALE DKALEIIB IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND' NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOlt HENRY MAILLARDS SHC AN DIES. FKE811 EVEItr WEEK, Bloomsburg, Pa. PERRINE'S ruiiE HAIiLEY DiaTiLi.iD from Bclcctcr! nna rreo from injurious ons am rnneelnllp nilnnf fil Innefkonn greatly benefitted by its use. liecommended by leading pliynlclana os a DlnfetS? Servlno, Tonlo nnd Alterative. For coiiswnpmes It Is Invaluable PFimiNM i Till il i in w i , 1' u-ittuumr limimw n rotmn nf vlirn I n lh. " 9 appetite, a rich nnd abundant blood and Increased flesh nnd muscular Urmio a stimulant mild nnd centlo In rflect, Iospepsla, IndlRCBtlon nnd nil waMlnir dh raws can bocttlrely conquered ly tho uso nr Perrlnc's line llatley nit WhlSkev It Is n tonic una diuretic and a powerful Mrenftthencr to the entire system. 'vl iL lllNE'H PUI1E DAIILKVMALT Wlllt.KKI has proved a medicinal protection n thoso who pursue their avocations in tho open air nnd whoso dally work calls It exceptional powers ot endurance. Ask lour nearest druggist or crocer fortn? PEllllINK'S PUllK 1IAHLKV MALT WlllNKhY revives tho energies of thoso am out with excessive bodily or mental ertort and actn as a safeguard ogalnBt exnosurn in wet and rigorous weather. Kwtll drive all malarious diseases from tho bj stern Dyspep9la find In ltrrlno's Pure Barley Malt whiskey a powerful Invlgornnt and helper to digestion. PKItlilNK'S PUliK BAULKY .MALT WII1SKKY without unduly stimulating the kid neys Increases their flagging activity, counteracts tho effocta of fatlguo, has tens convalescence nnd Is a wliolcsomo nnd prompt diuretic, n atch tho label I Nono genuine unless uoartng tho signature nam w oncers or every vocauon anu rersunn w num n Kim-m nry mo renders Drone tn ltv,nn.l, Hnri In TNHnaa IMim Itftrlov v ' u Por sine oy all druggist and grocers throughout the united States and canadas. 37 NOETH FRONT ST. 38 FOIt SALE DY DRUGGISTS AND ALL DEALEtlS. ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR THE SEASON CAN BE BOUGHT CMDEAJPJEE TEAM EWWL A Large and Varied Stock of CL0THIH6, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE OP CSIftftltg, CassimereB, Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF. THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT ' The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE arm wi OF 1A111 &OWBK Blooinsbiu'g, Pa, C JB. JffibBBINS," DEALER IN Foreign and Homes tic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG PA. PHiuoiis;e. Clrunil rrlm Mrilnl, l'nrU, IN7S. 505 AikrourGrucerforlt. H'ra. Hrf,,l0.,,cl,SHr. MS North Front BlrcoU I'lIILADKLl'llIA, I'a, lunl-66-ly.aprHc. WILKES-BABRE Cirr BJsfj Factory MANVFACTUnifl! Or All KINDS OF BRUSHES. No. 8 North Canal St., Near L. V. It II. Depot. John H. Derby, riiorniETon. nVM call weeks. Havo your orders. roctl lv $25,000.00 IN GOLD! will be rim ron ARBUCKLES COFFEE WRAPPERS, 1 Promlum, 2 Premiumi, 6 Premiumi) 29 Premiums, 100 Premiumi, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiumi, 1,000.00 8500.00 etch 250.00 " 8100.00 " 830.00 " 20,00 " - 810.00 " Fpr full particular and direction! see Circu lar in ovcrj- pouud ol Arbvcklka' Come man.rir At,Y OltDRU POlt FESTIVAL; will ha HWJ'LIUt) WITH TIIK LOWEST i J ab follows: OttANGliS, TilSMONS, UANANAS, PEANUTS ENGLISH WALNUTSJ C RKAM NUTS JilUtJ(MUa ror corn BALLS. MALT WHISKEY. J Barley Malt and (ruaranteed to bp chcratcallv nm. and icldsoilcn conlnlnrd In alcoholic llouori it rS ins rcfiiminif a Bttmulallnir tonic, ConsumpliTes bfiri Barley Malt and iruaranteed to Tho analysis as It nnncars bv thn i ,.i uei uii every uuuiut l navo carefully at alV7Cd tho Pukh Baulky Mii.t um. i , . . . . . . . i -- - - . kKT made by M. & J. s. Perrlne nnd una viuvw iiiiui iuiivi Vlti IUI1UIUI, metals nnd acids nnd Is nDsolutch pure." A'owd, Camilla Arthur Hater. uraauaie o Unlvcrtuiei of Munich vftwto ana n eisuaaen NORTH WATER ST., PHILA Jan Sm t AuBjiranu Aznwltoral Woris, York, Fa, ftTAKjiiir 1 EUijird Igjuti 4 Bit Iiili n rrrrr mitt t iwtuiiAB. York. YO octK-tald Working Classes Attention. now Prepared to furnish nil classes with ;P2I!l0.mcnt at "orno. tho wholo ot the timo, or i'I 8pa.r0 momenta uuBlncss now, light and fSiS.1.0- "sonsot elthernox easily earn lrom MimhJft5-.1?0 per evcnlnir, nnd ft proportional fto?. eY0.tl1"'' a11 tlielr timo to tbo imslr.oss. oiviiJ K'rls earn nearly na much as men. mat fhV. ,6ue thliroay send their ftddrcbs, and tes wiS r."nne we ma';0 Ullf oner. To such as aro SS. .hS".8atfeflcd we WIU ami ono dollar to ray f.n.m?I0UW.e!.0' writing. Kull particulars an sf0?- Address GKouaa brinsoN & Co., 1-or land, Maine, dec34-s-ly. 171 3 o CD Wm. E. Warner, Bonier In Surgical Ustrumcnls, liusses, liat terlcs. Crutches, 4o. COAL EXCllANCIK UUILDINfJ, apm-ems. tc"il,T0M- Vx- N.W.AYE8I&SQH ADVERTISING AGENTS buYKo PHILADELPHIA Cor, Chestnut and Eighth Nl, Itccclvo AdverlUeiiieuln for thl rfr. ESTIMATESSVLSIJFREE AVER & SON'S MANUAL.