The Columbian BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1887. eoiiiCT iiinoio tiii Tintx. Trains on tho inllaaelphla ll Ti. Icavo Unpen is follow b i yoRTitt eocrn. T:14 a. m. U:!7 a. m. 1:10 v. m. C:3o p. m. o Trains on tho D. L. W. It. It. lcavo Blooms burg followst NORTH. SOUTH. Mi a. ra. B-.n ft, m. 11:01 a. ra. 12:05 p. m. 9.81 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 6:80 p. m. 8:47 p. m. TrMnsnntha N. ft W. 11. Hallway pass Bloom crrjr as rouows : HOnni. 10:44 a. m. 3:44 p. m, 4-S p. ta. BODTD. 11:M a. m. 4 19 p. m. 6:30 p. m. NOnxn. .ocrn. lOiltara 6:89 pm HAI.l'.M. A Fine Rcsideuce For Hale. Tlio executors of Mary N. Marman, dc coanoil, oiler at prlvato salo a hanilsomo residence on Market street above Main, nioomsburg. The bouse Is of brick, large pleasant rooms, steam beat, gus, water, coverage, and all modern Improvements. Tl.ero Is a large frams barn, ice bouse and outbuildings. One of tbo most desirable locations in tbc town. 'Icrmscasy. They also offer for salo thirty-seven acres of land on Normal bill, adjoining i. Dll lon'i and tho Hovt estate Gin be divided Into desirable, building lots. For terms and particulars apply to 1. W. Mc Kilvy, one of tbo executors, or Oco. E. Klwcll, attorney, Bloomsburg, I'a. tf FOR RENT. Fon Kaijs on Rest. Tho Music Hall, formerly Eureka Kink, Is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms by tbe new manager. Parties wishing to bold festi vals will uo well to see tbo manager. J. D. BuAFmt, Manager. Farmer Wnntccl. A farmer of experience and character mnv obtain a five-years' lease of a small farm (111 acres) upon advantageous terms on me uiraru r.siaiu uanus in wo uaia wlasa Vallcv between Drandonvlllo and Girard Manor. Tbo farm is provided witb a now, handsome and convenient bouse, new barn and outbuildings, and Is well supplied witu goou water. A man la wanted wbo can furnish his own stock and cquipment,and may become a permanent tenant. References requested. Address, Ueber S. Thompson, Engineer Oirard Estate, 12aug8t. Pottsvillc, Pa. To closo out certain Hues of wedding in vitations a number of bargains arc offered at this office. Tboso wanting sma'.l lots, from 10 to 25, will save money by ordering at tho Columbian office. tf During July and August tho Columbian office will close every day at six o'clock, tf Personal. Mrs. J. R. Schuyler has gone to Ocean Grove. Mrs. 11. C. Ncal went to Atlantic City on Monday. Miss Annio Fox is visiting Mrs. Zahncr at Lancaster. Mrs. II. II. Grotz returned from Eagles' Mcro on Monday. Mr. Geo. Rosenstock has started on bis return trip from Ucimauy. Miss Florence Garner, of Ashland, is vhltlng Mrs. S. F. Peacock. Mrs. W. II. McKlnney and Mrs. Dr. Re bcr went to Philadelphia on Tuesday. Chas. P. Elwcll, our assistant local edi tor, is spending a few days at Towanda. Dr. Rcbcr. who is under medical treat ment in Philadelphia, Ifl slowly improving. Mrs. M. A. Smith has been visiting friends In Willlamsville, N. Y., the past week. D. T. Laycock has been shaking bands with his numerous friends here the past week. Paul E. Wirt arrived at Quecnstown on Monday after noon, safe and In good health, on tho steamer Arizona. Will Holmes, of this placo, has taken tbc agency at the L. & B. station at Catawissa, the agent there, Nelson Yeagcr, having re. signed. R. II. Hlnglcr has boon leader of tho Lutheran choir slnco 1850, and has been the organist nearly as long. He has mado excellent uso of his musical talent. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Broker arrived home on Wednesday, after an absence of several months In tho west. Mrs. J. H. Linglu of Bellefonte camo homo witb them. A dry fall Is predicted. Grapes will soon be ripe. One month mora of summer. Nobody over saw a fly asleep. Counterfeit postage etimps aro in circu. lation. But few fly-nets are worn on horses now. adays. Two million postal cards aro now print ed daily. A copy of tho laws of 1887 can be seen at this oftlco. It is said that onion juice will euro the bite of a mosquito. Green corn is beginning to appear In abundanco In tho markets. The wind Is blowing oyer the oats stub ble, and warm weather Is upon us. Rupert camp-meeting closed last Mon day. A large crowd was present on Hun day. A teacher's examination will bo held at tho Centra school house, Greenwood twp., Aug. 11. Tbo Reformed 8unday school will bavo a picnic at Oak Grovo on Wednesday, August 17th. An artificial lake at Laporte, Sullivan county Is to bo built by a party of Williams .porters. Tbs best teachers aro those that learn something now every day, and are not ashamed to own it. In upper New Jersey tbo farmers mow ed their bay by moonlight to cscapo tho lntcnso beat of the day. Tbo Camp-fire of tbo G. A. R. on Friday and Saturday of last week was well pat ronlzod and was a financial success, Bide hill fields wcro washed badly In many places by the recent heavy rains, and the corn and buckwheat crops damaged. Rev. W. n. namnhell. of Roanoko Va.. will preach In tho Presbyterian church on next Sabbath, Aug. 14, and Sabbath louow ingi Auj. 31. There will bo a festival at tho Hldley Union church In Centra township on Frt day and Saturday evenings. There will be a convention of tbo Colum bia County Prohibitionists in Corell's Hall Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. Louis VUreek, of Philadelphia, has bought Hwrlo Pursel's barber shop under tho Exchange Hotel, and taken possession. THE COLUMBIAN AND A representative of ttm PnrtiutitiM til o In Stillwater next week Tuesday and Benton on Wednesday If tbo weather Is uvurauio. Tho hlubcst between Saturday evening and Tuesday morning was C3 degrees, and tho lowest was o Ucgrccs. Tho excursion train over thn ll. a railroad on Baturday last brought a large numocr oi people to town, most of whom camo to attend tho camp.flro. The Buffalo Cbun'er declares that "It U safo to say there aro 75,000 pcoplo In Buf. falo to-day" that havo never teen Niagara raus nor ncartl their roaring. A church festival wai held lat Snturilnv evening at tho Albright church, Llghtstrcct. a. largo crowd attended, and about $50 was realized. Tho Llghtstrcct band fur nlslicd the music. Tho Interstate commerco commission have advised that nil railroads can sell mileage to whomsoever they please. Their decision will relieve tho lengthy dispute between the railroad companies. An oKchangu nske: "With microbes In tho drinklog water, tyrotoxlcon In lee cream, malaria In watermelon, Urlght's disease In beer and paralysis In Iced tea, wherewithal may tho thirsty soul refresh itself In summer time?" Tho Bloomsburg Agricultural Works re eelved a One piece of machinery, on Mon day, in tho form of a new band saw. It was manufactured at Wllllanisport. Tho machine was set 'up Monday afternoon, and 19 In nne working order. A parly of five boys started up the creek camping last Monday morning. The party conlstcd of Chas. Lawall, Frank Brown, Jiurray uri.wford, George Sloan and Ed Eycr. They expect to spend a week or two in this delightful recreation. Thcro will be a festival held at Canby (MUlcrslown) Saturday afternoon and evening Aug. 13. Supper will bo served from Ave to nlno o'clock. Proceeds for tho benefit of tbu Lutheran church. Music will bo furnished by the Light Street Cor. net Band. Tho 'dog days" began on the 11th of July and wMl last until the 20th of August forty-two days. During this time "Slrius," tho dog star rises and sets with the sun, nnd dogs are supposed to bo moro susceptible to hydrophobia than at any other season. Mr. Ira B. Stlllman, patentee and manu facturer of tho Defiance Washer has sold tho county light of Columbia county to Mr. 15. F. Redllne, of Orangey llle. Quito a number of these washers have been sold In this I'.cinlty and nil speak of them tbe highest terms. Look out for tho "pony man," who Is on tho rounds selling Shetland ponies from photographs for $5 a piece. The buyer selects a pony from a number of photo. graphs, "ponies up" $5 and waits for the arrival of the little animals, but tbey never turn up. About tbi'ty of Bfoudsburg's gulllblo citrons are waiting for their Shot lands. Joo Lowenberg who has been serving a three years' apprenticeship in N.J. Ilendcr- shott's dl ug store, finished bis time last week, and has gone to Philadelphia to at tend tho College of Pharmacy, lie is young man of excellent habits, a gentle man by nature as well as by training, nnd he is deservedly popular among all his ac quaintances. Joo will make a successful druggist. As there are an unusual number of poo plo suffeilng from rheumatism tbo present summer, they may be Interested In learn. lng that a leading medical journal says that oil of wintcrgrccn mixed witb an equal quantity of olive oil, applied externally to Inflamed joints affected by acute rheuma. tlsm, affords Instant relief and having a pleasant odor, Its use is very agreeable. The annual Harvest Homo Services of the Oragevlllo Reformed Cbargo will bo hold this year on Sundays as follows: Orangevillo Aug. 21 at 10:30 a. m.; St, James Aug. 28 at 10:15 a. m., and Zion at 2:80 p. m.: Hldley Sept. 4, at 10:30 and Brlarcrcck nt 2:30 p. m. "Thou shnlt keep the feast of tho har vest." The usual harvest offerings will be taken up. A. Hootz, Pastor. List of letters remaining In tho Post Of flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Aug. 0. 1887: Chas. Brown, John Buck, L. P. Case, E, Heath, Dr. Geo. B. Romroy, Geo. ltoylcr jcspc airrrcy, Jacob waltz. CIA11D3, Brown T. Nathan, William Christian, Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." GbokqkA. Claiie, P. M. It Is a well known fact among busness men Ihtt those whom they give credit tho longest nro always tbo loudest ones to complain when asked to settle their ac counts. They nro effended nt being "dun ned", and sometimes do not hesitate to a- busc tbc merchant who has accomodated them, perhaps for years, because be wants bis pay. The world Is made up of all sorts of people. If everybody would buy noth lng that they aro unablo to pay for, it would bo better all around. Tho placo to get your flno suits of cloth. lng is at G. W. Bertsch's, corner Main and Market streets. He has In his employ Mr. Fredeilck Zurl, a journeyman ta"or, of many years experience. Mr. Zuil Is a ua. tlvo of Switzerland, where ho served an nppicallceshlp with his father of live years. Afterward ho served his full tlmo in tbu regular army, following bis trade In tho meantime. About nino years agj ho camo to America and has faithfully followed his chosen trade, during the past nlno years, Mr. Zutl attends closely to his work, and puts up a suit in first class style. Tho wedding of Frank Moxio and Miss Ducklo Blrcher, says tho Dakota Hell, which wo announced last week, has not yet taken place, owing to tho fact that the groom is too busily engaged in a poker gamo at the Silver Star Club rooms. Rov. Hartshorn, who was to pel form tho cere mony, nnd who went to Inform Mr. Moxio that tho company was waiting, also got interested and took a hand. As wo go to press wo learn that tho reverend gentle, man Is kicking llko an elephant becauso thcro Is a limit to thu game. Ino law very plainly nffords ample pro tcction for loss or Injury caused by dogs. It saysi "If anybody Is attacked on tho highway by a dog, tho party has a right to kill tho dog, and tho owner can uo new uc countable for any injury lalilcted by tho nnlinal. Even on tbo premises of tho own or of a dog should a party bo attacked and lnlured. after endeavoring to protect him self, tho owner cau bo held responsible for damages tulllctcd, provided it can bo shown that at the tlmo ho was In pursuit of busi ness or on a friendly visit. If a dog by barklnc at passing horses or vehicles oc caslons any datnago, Us owner Is liable for tho loss sustained." William Hart has tho agency for tho Key. stono Dynamite Powder Co. Prices given on request. In ancient times kissing a pretty girl was a euro for tho lieada:ho. It Is dlftlcult to improve Upon Some of these old ttmo remo. dies. If you can get away for a summer va. cation It is best to go. If you can not, you will find great comfort In tho reflection that there Is no placo like home. Chautauqua day at Mountain Grovo on Wednesday of last week was well attended. Dr. Edward Eycrelt Halo delivered an ad dress. Among others Rev. F. P. Mntilmit and Rev. M. L Oanoe, of this place, ad uresscd tho a'sembly. Prof, 1, W. Nllts was on our streets last week with u tieiv wheel of t'io Rudge manufacture. It Is c.illoil the bl-cyclottc nnd has two wheeh of tho same size each about 3 foot In diameter. It Is operated by n ehnln gear, making a slow revolution of tlio pedal while the wheel movi s with rapidity. Tho movements of tho pedal of his machine nre the sainu as n 54. Inch largo wheel. Tho advantages claimed for this new machlnu are that tho rider sits over tho hind wheel, making it Impossible for him to bo thrown headlong over tho front wheel. Another advantage Is that ho can travel over hills where other wheels .can not bo run. An accident occurred at tho skating rink Frldny afternoon of last week resulting In breaking of the arms of two boys. The O. A R. wcro preparing for tho camp-fire nnd wcro arranging tho hall for a dance In the evening. The doors being open a num nor of boyB gatmrcd In there for sport. Near the ventre of the largo hall Is a sua. pended singe for tho musicians. A ladder was put up at tills stage nnd the bnys were climbing it. Seversl were holding tho low. cr end of it nnd n small b'iy of James Wal ter's stnrted for the top, immediately one of Charles Krug's boys followed. While in their haste to ascend and when near the top tho ladder began slipping and thu boys at tho bottom ran away leaving it como down. Krug's boy's arm was broken abovo tho wrist, both bones being severed Walter's boy had only ono bone broken but his foot was badly sprained and be will probibly fare tho worst. At present the boys are doing well. Wo lake pleasu.e in announcing that F W. Richards of Muncy, general agent for Cram's Atlas of tho World, is now with us prepared to furnish an atlas which is said to be equal, if not superior to any now be fore the public, and at a price which makes it a mai el of cheapness. An atlas in con nectlon witb history, or the cutrent events of the day, expressed through the med luin of the press will provo invaluablo to tho professional man, the merchant, the In tclligcnt farmer and tbc mecnaiilc. It full of geography, history, politics, statls. tics nnd general information, and whilo Buch works havo heretofore been beyond our reach because of their high price. Cram's Atlas is within the means of all, If bought for no other purpose It should bo bad for the use of children. Mr. Rich ards has sold 1000 copies In the lower end of Lycoming Co. and every ono should ex. tend him the courtesy of an examination of his work. Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, affords all the advantages of education that can be found nny where in the country. Tho buildings arc new, and constant addi tions are being made. A gymnasium was erected a year ago, and the corner stono for a Scientific building was recently laid. The college is beautifully located and when tbe plan fur tho entire structure is fully car ried out the college buildings wHl surpass anything of the kind in America. Liberal endowments enable tho Institution to put the cost of tuition very low, nnd nn econom ical student can live there at as low a rate us he pleases. This college was chartered In 1823 under the name of Washington College, and tho name was changed to Trinity in 1845. It is under the control of tho Piotestant Episcopal church, but is patronized by students of all denomina tions. Young men who contemplate a col lege education should consider the ments of Trinity. Any information concerning It cau bo obtained nt this office. Subterranean I'nHHnjje. The following from tho Mount Carmtl News, shuws to what extent the coal Is be ing excavated in the mining sections. This is but ono instauce: "Without doubt the longest subterranean passago In this re ion is hero In Mt. Car. mel township. You can enter tho Mt. Ciirmi'l shaft colliery, situated ono and a half miles from here, although some claim tho Reliance three miles away nnd travel into Mt. Carmel shrft, Locust Gnp cast water level and thence to the west water level which leads you Into the Locust Gap slope, Locust Gnp drift, Montour slope, Locust Spring, .Meriam, Keystone and two other collieries at Locust Dale four miles from here, thus travelling by tho shortest possible routo not less than fifteen miles and through portions of three counties, Northumberland, Columbia and Sehuyl- kill. Were a person to travel turougu tne collieries named for the puiposo of cxplor atlon and slght-seelng ho would have cov. crcd at least seventy-live miles before ho would ngaln como to tho surface. To this passage aro thirty two outlets through which they can escape from tho mines." The Flrtit Wultc. Tho researches of a German composer bavo been rewarded with the discovery that the first published waltz which wu possess dates Iroiu exactly u Hundred years ago. It was wi.tteu by a certain Vincent Martin, about whom nothing moro seems to bu known. Tho waltz itself Is, however, very much older than Martin's time, thero being good reason to Identify It with tho old Provencal "Volta," which Is known to dato as far back as tho twelfth century. Popular as the waltz has be come, it is curious that hardly any two na tlons in Europo dance it alike. Thero arc differences of rytbui, time and style, which cause no small confusion when partners of different nationalities 'dance it together. Indeed, a cosmopolitan waltzing party suggests a certain resemblance to tho fam ous chorus lu Bob Sawyer's room In Lamb street, which every ono present sang to tho tune he knew best. A linllroufl Conductor Killed. Daniel lleichcldcrfer,n well known freight conductor, met a horrible death on tho rail road, between Newberry and Wllllnmsport on Tuosday night of last week. After tak. lng his train to Newberry he went to Wllllnmsport, nudapeut somo time with a fow friends. After leaving them ho started to go to Newberry to Join his train, but was overtaken on a trestle, run over and cut In twain. Ills dcaUi was Instantan. cous. Ills remains were taken to his homo Tamnqua on Wednesday afternoon, and the funeral took place on Thursday after. noon. Intcrmcut was mado In the Dutch Hill cemetery, Deceased was about 40 years of ago, and leuves a wife and thrco young children. Uo was a brother of John llcl'ihcldcrfcr, of this place. JUm. Collectors' receipt books and notices tor gale at tins oince. u. DEMOCRAT, .BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA" COUNTY PA. JcrHcjrtowii. Tho farmers aro working at tlio oats which is a fair crop, Prospects nro exceed ngly good for largo crops of corn and buckwheat. Gen. Joseph Wagner Is repaltlng his house. Mr. John A. Funston's largo new barn Is nearly completed. Wo aro glad to note that N. Wclllvcr lias sufficiently recovered to bo about. E. Brugler, of Wllllanisport, Miss Anna Prleer, of Tamnqua nnd Miss llcltlo Mc- Collum, of Orangcvlllc, nro visiting friends In town. Mrs. Allen has cono to Lock Haven to spend a few weeks. n. W. Mo Collum, ono day last week, mido a flying trip to Knmp's Mills near the mountain. .Mr. McUollum Is about to build a largo bark shed and was looking for lumber &c. Miny excursions from Wntsontown nnd olsowhcto have been passing through hero over tho W. & W. road to tho picnic grounds at Mlllvllle. Mrs. Dr. Swisher will taka hor Sunday school class, and picnic nt WatBoutown on Wednesday. Thero will bo about fifty per sons, and a pleasant time Is anticipated Thero wl'l bo a festival In Kreamcr's Grove the coming Saturday evening. It la remarked that It would be well to havo a number of hocks running from the grounds to tho station to accomodate tho people who have signified their Intcntlou of com lng on the train. Saturday evening E. Wclllvcr entcrtnln cd bU friends with cream, watermelons, &c tho first melons of tho season. Mr, Wclllvcr has cream every week Wed. and Sat. evenings nnd Is glad to see his friend;. Mr. Wm. Glngles brought homo from Milton on Saturday, a now carriage- Miles Smith has moved into his father's hotel: and, wo understand, is to run tne establishment. Mr. A. K. Smith has been n genial and accomodating landlord hero for many years. We regret to hear of his retiring, but fuel sure Miles wl' accomodate the public with the usual hospitality. Saturday ono of our supervisors and a few men tested a Rnad Worker on the street In town. Four horses were attached to the machine, nnd it Is said tho work was well done. Tho price of tho machine Is, wo understand, $230. Notwithstanding the machine did nicely on n plrco ol road that needed no work, It would be wlso to dellb erato well before investing that amount ol tho township's money In a macb'no of doubtful utility. Jerscytown with the railroad is much tbo same as It was without tho road. For many years tho people have looked for. ward to tho time our village would have railroad facilities. We've got 'em now, and mora of 'cm, perhaps, than we've any uso for. The road affords many conven lenecs, but treat Improvements nre not mado by the tooting or an engine, nor nre many buildings going up so rapidly just becauso a passing locomotive rolls great clouds of smoke over the viliaco four or five times a day. A'l are awaro that our village is pleasantly located, possessing some advantages; and all havo become very conscious of the fact that something more is required ror too prosperity of a placo than pleasant location, some advantages, and even a railroad, Let us now hnvc the other requisites. A short time since, the operator at our station was taken away; and now wo hear that tho instiuments havo been removed and that we no longer have telegraphic conimunl- cation. However, it isn't far to Millvillc. Those here who so lustily proclaimed the advantages of a road, and prophesied the great Increase In our business bavo stepped back a little and arc musiug whilo other bands farther north are gathering in the persimmons. FROM ANOTHER BOUHOE. Jerscytown people hold a festival on tho 12th. Dcrry talks of ono on tho 20th of August. A Sunday school class picnic went to Wutsontown on tho 10th. Prof. Lloyd Sheep and family, of North Carolina, aro visiting his parents. Noticing tho dato of Madison township Tnx Receiver, tho sixty days will expire on tho 18th. Rev. Brownly preached n sermon on tem peranco at Derry last Sabbath eve. Tho house was filled with eager listeners. All were well pleased with the speaker, as be handled the subject admirably. Spoke of facts that no sane person could tako offence at. i Lower Hnunrloaf nnd Vicinity. The first excursion from lieuton, over tho B. & S. railroad, went lo Bloomsburg, ou Saturday, and was taken in by several from this vicinity. Tho extremely hot weather of tho past few weeks has nt hist come to an end, and we nro now enjoying delightfully cool nights, with just enough heat through tho day to keep corn and buckwheat growing. Many farmets hereabouts camo near losing their entire crop of wheat and ryo by tho long continued spell of wet weather after It was In shock, and the oats, which hap just been housed, Is an unusually poor crop. This seems to be n bad year for tho fanners. A testlvnl has bcen advertised twice to tako place at Coles' creek, for tho benefit of St, Gabriel's church, but both times It turned out a fizzle. Your correspondent wns leccntly shown n Btibslancu closely rcscmbllne amber that Is fouud ueur Towanda, In Bradford county. It is of u palo yellow color, entirely opaque, and burns with a bright blue llamo and pleasant smell, 1 nis Is all tho moro Inter. csting, becauso we have no account of am. bcr being found auywbero on this coulltiet except on tho cousts of Greenland. riles blind, bleeding nnd itching, posl. lively cured by Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Bathe with a little of the Fluid added to the water. A single application will allay the itching, sootho all Inflammation, de- odoilzo all offemiveness and staunch tho bleeding. Tetter and scald head are quickly cured by Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Tcucbci-H llxaiiiliinlloii. Supt. Grimes will hold teachers' examlu atlons as follows: At Ornngevlllo, Monday, August 1Mb At Grunge Hall, Centra township, Wed- cesduy, Aug. 17th. At Canby, Fdday, Aug. 10th. At Kvansville, Monday, Aug. 22nd. At Forks, Wednesday, Aug. 30th. For Benton, Jackson nnd Sugarloaf at Benton, Baturday, Aug, 87th. An act of assembly makes It a penal of. fence to work a horso that Is lamo or other. wlso disabled. Delicate children, nursing mothers, over worked men and for all diseases where tho tissues aro wasting away from the Inability to digest food, or from overwork; should take Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophospbltes. "I used the Kmulslon on a lady who was delicate. 1' put bcr in such good health and flesh, that 1 must say it la tbo best Emulsion." Ii, l Wadoiix, M D , Hugh's Mills, B. O, Ilnse null. m.ooMsnonu vs. nantiookk. Tho Bloomsburg and Nanllcoko baso ball nines crossed bats at Athlctio Park last Friday eftcruoon, and u lino gamo of ball was tho result. Tho camo was culled at 3 o'clock and plajlng continued until nenrly half-past five, during which tlmo tho follow ing scoro was madei nifloMgnurui. K. IB. ro. 1. K. NANTICOK1. K. IB. ro. A. . Knt, lb., s 0 11 0 0 Kcn'ctljrBa a i 9 1 3 iincnrj'MDO Wives, ss. 1 (lllssnn, lib 1 110W11S3D i Clark, lb.. 0 0 l 7 o 1 o l o a o a l l lo Absarm ct I hnnner, o. o llouscl, If. 0 llClHt. p.... 3 Doughty rto Klluay.lf. 0 iwnonoo sbn Mccoy, p. n iilbbonsc. o 1 8 8 o 1 0 m it Kereurfn rtt ttufrcy ct o Totals, "U ! Totals, 4 8 8J 18 7 1NN1K0S. nioomftbiinr. aooaoooa x s rtanncoKU, H luiuvviu u i Tho gamo was well playid all through, and was remarkably free from tho wrang ling which characterized some of tho prev ious camcs. Good pin lng was done on bold sides, nnd tho spectators were Inter. csted in tho game from beginning to end. Several innings tho Nnnllcokcs were re. tired in ono, two, thrco order, not a man getting to first baso. Tho Bloomsburg nine also retired lo tbo field several times wltli out scoring a run. Very little hard hitting wns done. Tho best hit was mado by Byl- ves, who mado a flno three-bagger, but was put nut whilo trying to get home. A flno doublo play was mndo by Gllsson and Ent Tho game wns pronounced by all to have been the best one played here this season, ni.ooMSiimiO vs. lmnu.cic. Baturday afternoon Bloomsburg and Her. wick ngatn played, tho game resulting In the total defeat of Berwick by a score of 18 to 0. Following is the full score: BMiOMsntma. r. ib. ro. A. K. MtniVICK. k. Ib. ro. A, Eat, lb. ... 3 3 V o 3 I.ltp .He, 3b 1 0 a o 1 intr ni) li ab s ItClUI. BS... 0 Lear),c. 1 Lnn", lib... 0 It sticrw'd.ltl Hnck'gli'mpl Knt, o f. .1 Sarley, lb.. 0 blierw'n.rt. 1 0 hv ves. (.. 3 1 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 a a a u o o (illssoasb.. 4 Sbatfcr, c.. i JIOWCU, ii. u Heist, p.... 1 Fei (ruaon.rt 1 far rcy, cr. Totals,.. IS 10 3 II 11 Totals, 6 s 21 11 8 1NN1N08. Bloomsburg 4 0 8 1 0 4 7-18 ucrmuK, h , 112 2 0 0 0- Two baso hits wcro mndo by Ent, Ha genbucb, Pnrfrcy. A flno thrco bagger wns knocked by Gllsson. NOTES. The games wero both well attended. At Saturday's gamo there were a great many present, who cjme down on the B. & S. excursion lo uttend the G. A. R. encamp. ment. Heist did very good pitching in both games. cry little Hard batting was dono by tho islllng clubs. Tho Bel wick first base man, Barley, had one of his hands disabled dining tho garni and was forced to exchange positions wlih one of tho other players. There are certainly somo cxcc"cnt bat ters on tho homo nine. Some heavy hit. ting has been dono during tbc games played hero in the hist fow weeks. I.iiwn TeuiiiH 'roiiriiiiinciit at cntawiHHa. Two lawn tennis teams from this place went to Catawissa lust Saturday, and play ed two terms of the Catawissaclub on their grounds. Quito n number, nearly all mem hers of tho llonltu club, accompanied them over. The teams that played against each other wero the following: Levcrott and Smith of Bloomsburg vs. Gclllnger and Randall of Catawissa and Ikeler and! uorn of Dloom vs. Gilbert and Gelllnger of Cata wissa. The score stood as follows, three out of five being necessary to win: 1st team. . Sad tcom. Bloom Cata. Bloom Catn. 0 2 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 The Bloom teams took cveiy set. Most ot the party returned on the G.30 train in tho evening, but a few drove up. A Clialn oflirlKlit IlcorlH,or wlilcli Hea INle City 1 a Hlilulue Link. Did you ever notice how many of the seaside resorts on tho New Jersey coast are on inlands ? From Suudy Hook to Capo May, n distance of one hundred and twenty-seven miles. Is a strlne of resorts. fully Beventy.flvc in number. For at least two-thlids of this distance tbc cities by thu sea aro planted upon Barmy ueacnes out in tbo sea. From Snndy llook to Bay Head the resorts are on tho main land. Thesu includo L0112 Branch, Ashury Park, Ocean Grove, Ocean Beach, Spring Lake and Sea Ulrt. and a dozen places not as well known From Bay Head, at the top of famous old liainegat Bay, it is possinie to sail all tlie way to Cape May without going outside the chain ot islands. First you will sail down Barnceat Bay. passiuc Lnvallette. Ortlcy. Berktly. Seaside Park and Island Bench. You cross Barno- cnt Inlet and skirt the shore ot Lnnir Beach fan island), passing uaiixcal uitv lieacli. Harvey's Cedars, lieaui . aven and bca Haven. Across Little Egg Harbor Bay, and you enter Absccon Bay, Brigantino Ism ml oclni; between you and inn ocean At tho sunken end of Brigcntino you cross the lamous inlet ami 11 mi yourselt at At lantic City. Through tho tboroughfaro and your boat lanes you 10 i.ongport at tlio end of tbo Island, Absccon, which has At lantic City nt tho northern extremity, Across Great Lgg Harbor Bay nnd you reach l'eck'a Beach with Occau City. An other tboroughfaro carries you past the Island to Corson's Inlet nt tho northern cud of Ludlam's Bench, liken Iso au Island, upon which ben Isle Oily is built. Then comes a series 01 bays and Inlets nlilch lead vnu bv Hollv Beach nnd Anulcscn In Howell's 1'olnt ui d Uapo May. Wiiut a lnnrve ous coabi mis is 1 And where can anything like it bu found ? And all these, resorts havo been mado possible nnd been developed by tne l'eunsylvnuia Itallroad. it louclies everywnere. borne syndicuto purchases a atrip of beach and improves 11. niexi wo near ot a 1'cnnsvl vanin uauroau uruncn peneirnung it, and lo I It blossoms forth Into a full-Hedged re sort with hotels and cottages. Before mauv years thcro will be a continuous line of rails from Sandy Hook to Cape May I'oint. with not a iniiooi unoccupied beach lauii. Among these resorts you cau rnako your choice Them Is tho fashion of Long Branch, ot Koy East, of Sea Girt and Spring Lake: tho less fushionablo but still gay and temperate Ashury Park) tho great Methodist camp at Ocean Grove; the rest- less, ciowdcd cosmopolitanism of Atlantic i:uy, anil tlio quiet elrganco of Uld Uape .nay. 1 neu mere is llie izraiul iislilm: und sailing of Barnegut Bay and tho resorts of 1110 neiciiuoriioou, nnd tuo equally good flsblug of the bays south of Atlantic City. Everybody goes to Atlantic, nnd rich and poor lostlo each other on tho beach and In tho hotel lobbies. Hut If you would be rid of nil that; if you would trafvel with a bau Instead of a trunk, nnd enlov a free and easy life frco from the dictates of faah. Inn, go to llarni'gal City Bench, Lougport, ucean uuy, 00a isio uuy, aim Anisicsea, uno 01 1110 newest places is sea isle, it is of easy access, and express trains over thu WeBt Jersey road tako you directly to it 111 two hours, ll is only about five years old, nnd yet It rejoices in several hundred cottages nnu various uotois. Many 01 ineso are bunt almost upon tlio very edgo of tho sea. belnc separated irom 11 only bv a sea wall live or six feet high. Tho beach Is as hard as a plank. It Is of peculiar quality. Tbo dazzllne white of so many beaches Is absent in this. Fine blao-i sand Is mixed with it In sucli Quantities ns to make It easy for tho eye. Ami thero Is no safer beach to bo ioumi any wncre, us sea wan is novelty. Tho wall makes it possible lor nouses to uo mini cioso 10 tuo water, some thing which is ycry rare Atlantic City and other resorts might tako an idea from Sea Islo. A llko wall at Atlantic would utilize many hundreds of acres. x ou can no as you pieaso at hea isle, for fashion will not dictate. If you aro tired of the l urly-burly and wish to escape tho crowd thero is no better placo- You cau bo comfortable and onjoy life by tho sea In Its purity, Fishing, sailing and crabbing will give you diversions on thu water, and excursion trips to uano May. Ocean City, Longport, and AtlanOo City win ucip you puss uiu ume, To Tent TIch nnd HiiIIh. INNSVI.VANIA IIAIUIOAD TO EXPERIMENT WITH KNOt.1811 INVENTIONS. Thero will soon bo mado on tho Pennsyl vania railroad a test of certain new feat ures In tics nnd rails which aro now being used on tho London and Northwestern rail. road. Tho tests will bo mado upon four sections between Pittsburg and New York, ono upon. a level, another upon a grado,tho third upon a curve, nnjl fourth upon a bee line. Steel lies aro to bo used, nnd tho rail will bo held by a key resting In a chnlr on tho tlo. Tho chair consists of thrco steel strips, ono of which is placed between tho tlo and tho rail, so as to stiffen tho lat ter locally and prevent tho weight from breaking through tho thin steel tie. Tho other two pieces of tho cbalr bold tho rail literally. Alter tho rail is dropped Into tbo chair the koy Is driven parallel with it and holds It firmly to the gunge. The engineer ing department of tho company Is having rails mado to weigh 100 pounds to tho yard, which nro to be put down as an ex- pcrlmcnt. They will bo twenty pounds to tho yard heavier than any now in use. The different plans of lighting, braking nnd propelling trains by electricity will pro bably all be consummated about tho same time. Electricity says tho hissing Btcnm and boiling water and noisy puffing and smoke nnd cinders "must go." On a train so equipped tho dangers In a case of a dis aster would bo greatly reduced. WANAMAKER S. PniLiBEunu, Monday, August 8, 1337. btore closed at i r. ivl. on Dar.uru.ays during uie summer, The old-time Calicoes. Heav- y, strong, -tough, nara-twisted threads. lMrmness m the, v" . v v weave, substance in the feel, , : fi, ri satisfaction in the wear. Like the degenerate, flimsy, slimpsy Calicoes' of to-day in little but name. We've three kinds Century Cloth Strong Cloth Old-time Calico Better than anv Calicoes ueiicr man any uancoes your momers or granamomers had. J eater m the printing, prettier in the pattern, mst as honest in the cotton. They're the first of the Fall stuffs to be opened. A Market street win dow full of them. 10 cents. 124 cent Sateens. Sure enough Sateens. The sheen and the printing are there he little cost comes from coarseness. And yet the 1 2 y cent Sateens are surprisingly 1 o J tine. ulack tanglier. Like can vas, but sotter and closer, ror seaside or mountain wear- damp air doesn t hurt it. 41 in., 25 cents from 4s. A little finer and heavier, 31c. Homespun. For all-the-year- round wear. Good width, well made. Medium weight. For sei vice, not show. i2ic. Women's white, hemmed, all men riandkerchiels. lixtra size. Si a dozen, the 51.25 grade. Roberts' Razor-steel Scissors lave long been lamous. uy chance we have a lot that shall sro for about half the maker's price 20 to 75 cents. A third of the usual store price. Colored Cashmere Shawls. The Wind-lip of an importer S stock. AU richt except that the assortment of colors is short AU .W., Mr,llnnl 1,1,. w.ou, v-i-iu, uuiui, uiuv-, nink. and wine. 1 hat makes 1 ' - " 75 cents to $2. Plenty- of creams in other lots 1.2? to 37. books that amuse and in struct. Books for wet days or hot davs that make you forget either. Paper covered, best authors, o to 18 cents. As much more for the you will. Dinaing as Book Mews lor August, with portrait ol Lucy Larcom, 5 cents, 50 cents a year. You are likely to save the 50 cents on the first book bought. For the babv. Chambrav , Still Hats, $1.50 ; made tO sel r 1 lor 52.50 ana S3- TIT 1 T . . muslin ups many siyies many 20c. to i- -about third price. If you want a Valise for more n the name don t lool with the leather-hash things We don t keep em. Our Va lise for least is of canvas (Si.o) or split leather ($1.60), either 14 in. urained leather, leather lined, brass trimmed, 14 to 14 in., $8 up. Any proper thing you want lor hand-carnage; high price or low price. NOW BlaCK bilk Jersey MlttS; . 11 - w exceptional values, 20, 2 S ana "uia. iiiat iiiuuv; ouuiw vet y fine Cambric Night Shirts; crow-stitch braid trimming. $i If there's anything of the kind nicer lor hot-weather we've never seen it. wear The Florence Lamp Stove, i r til i i. you u wonuer that so little a thing can do so much so well. Bakes, broils, boils and the like perfectly in a small way, uives light at the same time, 50 cents j regular price 85. John Wanamaker, incbinui, 1 uirceenin ana iiarm streets, ana Clti-UaU square. PHI POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nover varies. A marvel of nurlty. I strength and wliolcsomencaa. Moro economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In corapo- lltlon with tbe multltudo ol low teat,short weight, alum or phosphato powders. Hold only in cans. lWYAu IfAKINU 1 (JWDKK lv,i WUUSUtrt. I. LOCAL NOTICES. Having lust received n cylinder for fin- tshlng silks mid cloths, I nm prepared to r pun nmi iivn I'fnift' r.mimni. lames cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c warded by express will receive prompt nt- icntion, nccoruing 10 uirccuons. uan or address. J O. Caswell, dyer, Dloomsburg I Woolen Mills. scr24-tf. Shlnnlnc taes. with or without strines at tij0 columman office. tf. uriTrTT t Ti'V.rrrTT i ... e ' , 3 Sltoes, the celebrated a dozen, instantaneous rrocess used. BUSINESS NOTICES. 'I cannot D raise Hood's Sarsaparilla half enough," Bays a mother whoso son, almost blind witb scrofula, was cured by this med icluc. A Perfect washing machine has nover bcen ,nvcntcd but 0 pcrfect washlng soap has. ureydoppers isorax rioap is as near perfection as it la posslb'o to attain, and tho prico is very reasonable. mien Ilabj wm tick, yrt gar htt CulorU, When tho wm a Child, she cried for Cutorl, When sha becime Mlis, she clang ta CutorU, Whou h W Children, she giro them Cutori, and preparation of its insredicuts, Hood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes xurcs where other preparations entirely fall, I orooil name at bomb, whlc good name at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad." peculiar in tbo phenonv nnhl anlna It l.aa nllnlnnil llnrwl'a Maraann rllla Is the most successful medicine for purifying tho blood, giving strength and creating an appeiitc. InBkizf. anuto tub Point. Dvsnensia is urcaaiui. uisoruercd liver is misery. Indlccstlon Is n foe to cood nature. ino numan digestive apparatus is one of I the most complicated and wonderful thines I in existence, it is easily put out ot order. Greasy food, touch food, sloppy food. bad cookery, mental worry, lato hours. Ir regular nouns, and many other things t111H.ll UUJU, llUb IU UU, 1IUVU UIUUU bUU I American peoplo a nation of dyspeptics. uui urceu's August iiowcr lias done a I wonderlul work lu reforming this sad bus- iness ami maaing tuc American people so healthy that they can their meals and bo happy. iiuuiuiuucr: 110 Happiness wimoui health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the. dyspeptic. Ask juur uiuggisb lur u uuiuc. oever.iy-uvu cents. Enporsement op Si-kmi's w.nE v tue Faculty of N. Y. We. the committee of pbysiclans requested to oxnmino into tho Fpeer, havo given our special attention to mi?rilfi- nni! nmnrl nn llin n npnnf Alfri.rl his PortGrapo nnd Burgundy and report ean Window (Jiiiq Put! v Build upon these wine3 made from thu Oporto .'V ! J' grapo in his own vineyard as follows: Tho wlno Is strictly pure, acceptable lu flavor, paiuiaoio unu uas a ricn uouy. First Wc aro all satisfied of Its purity. having bcen through his vineyards, and warehouses and cellars during llin irnm seasons, and seen tho method of its pro- uvna 'tTi., Ml ,m.r,n,i foreign wines, and wo are all satisfied that "V""' "llu uu icuimimenuou to in vallds as an articlo well crlcr'atcd for thoi usu where wlno Is needed. I . i f a T r m v 11 . . . rrofessor Belle- jo Hospital Medical Col- lege, N. l . city. Health, n. y. citv.' D., of the Board of CiuittKS Sheuman, M. D., Medical Super WM. H. Haynks. M. D. House Phvsi, cian, rrcBoyicnan iiospuai, si. X. city. QUEEN VICTOIUA'S CROWN. Tho ciown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, peans, ruutes, sapphires und emeralds, set In silver and gold. Its gross of diamonds arc 8.352: pearls. 273: nuittiib 1a oi v j uvl. niv, 1 jiti iiuiiiiiHi J I1C Jl pearls, rubies o; sapphires, i7j emeralds, u. it is nil uiu Havuur uneasv lies mo neaii mai wears a crown. It is potter to wear the ciown of perfect health aud peace of mind tbrouirh thn r.nrnttvn ptTpi'ta nf l.r K0rr rincs ruro liarley Whiskey. sale by C. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg, Pa. Drunkenness on Liquor IIauit Positively Cuheu dt Administeuinq Dit. Haines' Golden Si-eoifio. It can bo given in a cup of colleo or ta without the knowlcdgo of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless 1 : v . ,,i . -...-.u.v.j u.....v,. aml wil PCimancnt and speedy cure, whether tbo patient Is n moderate drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands I nt i t-MnlMiH O Imtrn imnn vno.lA t,inn.n ""'Y. "VV. ,""v'.,'.'-,"'",".l'i !!!t!l!'..?0,?.w".,iouttl":!r knowledge, aud own frco will. IT NEVER FAILS. Tho bjtbikiu uuuu mi prcgnuieu wun 1110 npecinc It becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor habit tn exist. For full particulars address Golden Specific Co., 185 Haco St Cincinnati, Ohio. dcc8881y. Mil 1 I N I :o: Tfioundo; Urned. otters tor sal on oasvtonri. Planing Mill, Dry Dock, Lumber Sheds, Etc., banks ot the reunsylvaula uauai. within one. I ll UIU ICI ui II UUIU Ul lUC U. 1 & Y DcDOX fti ueiCu Haven. ..uzeine county ix A goou fenr also I l 11 Men LULSlhlH HI H. i niouuiuig ana matcuing m&cuiuo, turning lathe, I ;oKo?Sencuffsalrcular "aws,a" ta 'H iID-Iorb Power ta under a Si foot head. The mill Is 38 x ti feet with two larmi lumber sheds, ono lu x Ml tivt mil one g x til. 'l'hls Is a gooJ oncnlm; lor an eiierucUo lor runner particulars apply to SAllAItUIIHIKK, Executrix ot tbo INt, ot Dan'l llrador. lkv.'.l aunm-owlt. llKACU IUvxn, I'l, T El UNO. The County Commissioners 111 receive prono. sals on Tuexday, tlio 3id day ot August, A. 1). 1S7. all; o.ciocic r. m. to veil Ilia court room turnl&b all material.!. At the name tlmo pronoa .Is will uu iivcivcu iur UHiuiiur an ivuuu wore tide walls la court room. Tho contractor to nisn au matei iau nana and sprcincations can tie H'enat their onico. TUe ComuitaalonerH rwfrH uie rig!" rvjwi. ttuy ur nn uius niuriuvn I'tfiiit. WAsuiNOTON I'Aliu,. county com'rs. KI.IMHNUl'NllAI.I. f ' w., JSauif, FOOT IU1 In buying Hoots, Shoes, Slip- jiers, or imy oilier Kinti 01 loot wear, peoplo will go where they can find the largest itssorlinent to select from, and where they can get the best goods for tho least money, touch advantages can be found at the heat in an establishment that deals exclu sively in footwear. Almost ev ery general store keeps a few boxes ot boots and shoes, but at Dentlcr's shoo store the Rtock consists entirely of this line of foods. Hoots, Shoes, Slippers, 'uinps, Ilubbers, Sandals, Gai ters, cfec, ior Men, Women and Children, occupy shelf after i c i 4i.. n r anuii, nun umii uiu iiuui ui wii lnn rnnin la aitn'm tritli linu-na' largo TOOin IS SlOCI.UCl With UOXCS. Here the customer can hud all styles, all sizes, all prices, from ii. i .1 i.i.i.. ii. uie Heaviest cow mue, 10 mo finest kid, with prices as low as can be found anywhere for the same class of goods. We are provided with implements tor removing pegs, ami ior resetting DUttOllB, SO that OlirgOOdS are . ' , , i V i i . maue comionauie, ami mauo 10 comfortable, and .J JV,ul" Among tlio special lines are the W. L. Douclas Shoe lor tren- tlemen, Curtis & Wheeler's La- Towanda Boot, for men and bovs. XT. .-..i.i- 'i.... i . No trouble to show goods. F. D. Dentler, BLOOMSBURG, PA. liaugsms. Jsrlmtilq'n Ijaruiciirc. PAPER PLATES AUTD NAPKINS Just the thing for picnics and private parties, neat clean and cheap; avoids the annoyance ot broken and lost dishes and nap- ins: no weight to carry. Ihese paper plates aro largely used for nin Lrilriinr ilwl fn'irnnmn I10 Objection SOU1C people htlVU to p;eg jecause the Under Crust is soggy; the greatest degree of heat will not scorch them and by greasing them a pie may be baked on them better than on tin or earthen ware; the under crust will be found perfectly hard and crisp similar to the top. Napkins are soft and pliablo as linen and will not fade unless washed. T ' I 1 I iir .1 . 1 . We carry the most complete line-of Builders' materials in the 1 -. . i Ci 1 1 117 M-'OUlltry. Iron, Steel and Wire KNuils, Locks 111 ClldleSS variety, 1 -pw T) u 1 ' 4 1 jjuui jjuiis, in. 1111 ui ui uaiiiuuuu, Patches and Latclies,White Lead Mixed 1 ailltS and Colors, lrin- SPP(1 Oil Tiirticnt'nip VnrnUli I 1 I 7 .-f Oil Finish, French and Ameri- lllg i'ltpei", all Ol Which WC Can sell at prices that will make it to your interest to deal with us, PAB We have taken tho agency for J. A. Sheppard's Paragon Coach Varnish, patented in 1884 and wish to call the attention of con sumers to its merits. It is made solely from hard gum, has a very heavy body and dries hard in 24 hours in Summer or Win- ter, Olie gallon covers 450 sti. I n , n 1 , , 1 OI new WOl'K lll'St COilt JUKI GOO ft. second coat, it is warrant- ea nt tO CHICK, Spot, UllSter Ol' i , . ..... turn wlntn iinrl In nnfivmiv anu - 1 ... . . y English or American varnish, is especially suitable lor carnages or outdoor work where exposed touhe weather, it is warranted to rub down in oil or water, and pirnice stotio in from 30 to 48 . uii-iik muni: 111 num ou iu 'io witl.mir b,vWm,., rmt .,,,,1 llou WltilOUt sweatlllg Out and can 1)0 broilfcllt to 11 dead finish. I O ' I?,.-;.,(,.:,,,. fi;ai. ft.. residences, public buildines. UaUl-rOOmS, it llilS 110 cqiltll ; hot or COld WlltCl' KOllDOr fn ti'e Will . . 7 bo,ll,or c ill "Ot ailect US J listro 01' Spot Ol' stain its Rin-fnw winiiur witli 11 utin 1LS SUUllCC, wiping 1U1 11 npuuyu ur uiiiiip luwui win Keep it lonkiiif fvpsili nml now. Tf vnn ? .. , ' . "Jr are especially desirous ol a hand- I snmo. nnd nnrmsmoiit liniuli " r. ....... .......... BneCllVbilCniMl'dS 1 ItriU'On Loach Varnish to your painter and take no other: put up in 4 ami one gallon cans at $3 00 per gallon. Veiy Kep. J. It. SciiuYi.ini & Co., Bloomsburg, Pa. CHJLMPIOW VOSITIVKI.Y rtent Safety Nuu-Uxploslve KXTIKGUISIIUK Wilt not BUEAK the mum. Clcauly, ot OIL. Cirtt a Limn rjul in brilliancy It Uie lli-.l, Cheapest ami h.ifet lmii for ChurUiiiJ, to ou Linaiei, or XU Gil Cumtn 1 Willi thcmgtt 1'owcrful uil Ilulla. ur Fuiully One. Send for lllust.M'.sl Circular. Perfect I.KlllT rier mads I I l llOil OIL. nn.1 I flim I Iur. I Lan l utcd on vol c!d Ou or Oil CLii J. HU5FIEI, I I iers or trAckcti, nd aiuu:i!.i'Oij), increai voi 30 c, 2il Kt., 1'UlL.l. EU Owner ot l'ulcut. AGENTS WANTED ri 1 mm 11 Ul u ice YAIINISH Ml if x 3?