The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 05, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian
0. E, Elwsll, 1 -jii.,.
J. K. Blttonbandor., f E41"'
Hie Constitution
rnm.LMiNAUV l'ltoei-.KinNoa relative to
FESTIVAL or 1788.
The subjoined history of proceedings
Sremnmary to too colouration in l'iula
elnhin of tho Ccutonnial Annivor
arv of tho Frnmiiur and Promulgation
of thoCoiistitution of tho United Stales
is timoly.and will bo read with interest,
as well, perhaps, as tho reviow of the
original celebration in 1788. Tho
Legislature of Now Jcrioy on tho 2d
day of Juno, 1880, paaseil resolutions
inviting tho Uovornor and itopresccia
Uvea of tho thirteen original States to
assemblo in Philadelphia to consider
tho propriety of a national celebration
of tho centennial anniversary of tho
framing and promulgation of tho Con'
stitution of tho United Slates. In ao
ootdanco with this invitation a oonveu
tion of tho Governors and Represent
tives of the thirteen Colonial States
and of citizens, was held at Philadel'
phia, September 17, 188G, in the Hall
of tho Carpenters' Company. Thoro
woro present tho Governors of Dela
ware, Georgia, Marvland, New York
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
Carolina and Virginia.
In consequence of resolutions adopt
ed at this mooting letters woro ad
dressed by tho Hon. Fitzhugh Leo,
Governor of Virginia, as chairman of
tho Committoo of Governors of the
Colonial States, to the Governors of all
tho Slates and Territories of tho Union
inviting them to appoint commission
era to be present at a convention to bo
held at Philadelphia, December
In response to this request commiS'
sionors were appointed by tho Govern
ers of the following States and Terri
tories, viz. : Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,. Mary
land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missis
stppi, Missouri, Now Hampshire, New
Jersev, New York, North Corolina.
Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhodo
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir
ginia, West Virginia, Dakota, Idaho,
This Convention of December 2,
188C, elected Hon. John A. Kasson, o.
Iowa, President, and Hampton L. Car
son. Esa.. of Philadelphia, Secretary,
A sub-commission was selected, of
which Amos R. Little, Esq., was made
Chairman, tho President aud Seoretary
of the Uonvontion being added as ex
officio members. . A committee of citi
zens was also formed, of which Thomas
Cochran, Itsq. was selected as chairman,
.The name of "The Constitutional Cen
tennial Uommission' was adopted as
tho namo of the Commission, and it
was resolved, in regard to the proposed
" -1-1 ' i Tl 'I 1.11 C .
uuieuratiuu air jruuauuipuiu iu Septem
ber, 1887 :
First. That there bo an Oration
and Poem in commemoration of the
Signing of tho Constitution.
Second. That there be a military
display, in whioh the United States
shall bo invited to bo represented by
each branch ot its military and naval
service ; that tho several Stales and
Territories, and tho District of Colum
bia shall be invited to be represented
by their militia and volunteer service
that tho President of the United States
be requested to designato ofheers to
command tho same.
Third. That there bo an industrial
processional display.
iwurth. That invitations to par
ticipate in tho celebration be extended
to tho President of tho United States
and his Cabinet, the Federal Judiciary,
Congress and the representatives of
all departments of the National Gov
ernment, to the Governors of each State
and Territory, to the Judiciaries and
Legislatures of the samo and tho rep
resontatives of the several departments
thereof, to the Commissioners of the
District of Columbia and to the various
civio organizations and associations of
the Union, and that the.resident rep
resentatives of foreign governments
having friendly relations with the
United States be invited to participate,
Jbitth, That there be created i
suitable memorial in the City of Phila
delphia, commemorative of tho signing
and adoption ot the Constitution and
of the progress of the nation sinco that
Tho chairman ol the committoo ap
pointed by the convention to prepare
an address to the people of tho United
States, made a stirring and patriotio
report, which was adopted, as follows ;
'The Convention of Delegates ap
pointed by tho several Stales and Ter
ritories to take steps towards the cele
bration of tho signature of tho Consti
tution, feel it their just duty to call the
attention ot tho country, aud ol both
press and public, to tho approaoh of
this great anniversary.
"It becomes us, also, to recall tho
characteristics of the chango in the
government of btates effected by tho
tranquil adoption of a system of checks
to the heated impulses which political
strifo has always aroused. Tho barrier
to hasty legislation effected by an or
ganio law, unchangeable except bv
processes involving delay, and so se
curing an interval in which reflection
might resume its sway ovor passion,
waB to all practical purposes a novelty
a century ago.
"The success of the great experiment
depended eventually upon tho rover
onco with which men might be brought
to regard the fundamental and supremo
law, aud upon tho determination to
consider it, in the naturo of things, in
violable, oxcopt by the surrender of
pvery respecUblo attributo of an up
right people,
"Upon tho oxistenco of this rovonuo
tho statesmen of 1787 relied, and to its
existence and preservation their de
scendants owo wliatoyer is valuable in
tho Institutions they inherit. To
strengthen and quicken tho senso of
tho sacred ness of this principlo and tho
paramount duty of observing it, and to
admonish our countrymen that only by
intelligent perception of its transcend
ent importance can bo assured a con
tinuance of tho blessings whioh make
ns tho admiration of tho world, seem a
prominent duty of this commission.
ii-OBucccsiui lorinaiion oi tue
Cobslitutiou was the roost momentous
event in the history ol tho American
people, mid marks an epoch in tho his
tory of the civilized world. Under tho
Constitution .this great nation has
grown up and prospered, and on the
continued fluoooss of our Bystom of con-.
slilutlonal govcmmohl depend, iu
largo measure, tho futuro welfare and
happiness, not only of our own people,
but ol mankind. Wo beiiovo that mo
pooplo appreciate, in a solemn and
cratolul spirit, tho character ot tins
colobratton, mid that thoy will givo it
that ltcartv support throughout tho
length and broadth of the land which
will mako it in all ways worthy of tho
occasion and tho event,"
That tho pooplo do appreolato tho
oharaotor of tho oomlng oolobration is
evinced by tho hearty support which is
now bolng givon to tho Commission,
both by tho sovcral States and tho citi
zens of Philadelphia.
Tho Stato of Pennsylvania has ap
propriated $7.5,000 for tho purposes of
tho colobration and tho entortainmont
of tho representatives of tho nation, of
whom our Commonwealth will bo tho
host, Tho appropriations from other
States and from prtvato citizons of
Philadelphia can bo reliod upon great
ly to inoreaso this sum, and, consider
ing tho magnitude ot the undertaking,
a generous' inoroase will bo necessary.
An outline has already boon given
of tho naturo and extent of tho ooming
celebration. A comparsion, howovor,
with tho past may bo useful, lest by
want of patriotio zoal and forvor wo
permit tho joyful and magnificent
pageant of 1788 in honor of tho adopt
ion of the Constitution, to oxooed in
any manner our commemoration of its
centennial anniversary.
On July 4, 1788, tho citizons of
Philadelphia colobrated both tho Dec
laration of Independence and the es
tablishment of tho Constitution, pro
posed by the late general convention of
the states, tlion solemnly adopted and
ratified by ten of thoso Statns. Tho
colobration began by a saluto to th
rising Bun, by a full peal from Christ
Church steeple, and a disohargo of
cannon from tho ship "Rising Sun,"
anchored off Market Street. At the
same time ten vessels, named in honor
of tho ton adopting States and superbly
decorated, could bo seen arranged tho
wholo length ot the harbor, in tho tot
lowing order : New Hampshire oppo
site to the Northorn Liberties ; Massa
chusetts opposite to Vino Street ; Con
necticut, to Raco Street Now Jersey,
to Arch Street ; Pennsylvania, to Mar
ket Street ; Delaware, to Chestnut
Street ; Maryland, to Walnut Street ;
Virginia, toSpruco Street ; South Caro
lina, to Pine Street : and Georgia, to
South Strcot
Tho several divisions whioh we
to composo the grand procession, bo
gan to assemble at 8 o clook in tho
morning at and near the intersection of
Third and south streets. At this
point the lino of march commenced,
and continued along Third Street to
Callowhill Streot, thenco up Callowhill
Street, to Fourth Street, thenco along
Fourth Street to Market Street, and
thenco to Union Green, in front of
Bush Hill, William Hamilton, Esq.,
having kindly offered tho spacious
lawn beforo nil houso, nt Bush Hill,
for the purposes of the day. About
0.30 the grand procession began to
move in tho following ordor :
First. Twelve axe-men, dressed in
white frocks with white girdles round
their wa'iBts, and wearing ornamented
caps, and beaded by Philip Pancako.
Second. Tho First City Troop, com
manded by uaptain Allies.
Third. Independence, represented
by John Nixon, on horseback, bearing
the staff and cap of Liberty ; under
the cap a white silk flag, with these
words, "Fourth of July, 177G," in largo
goia letters.
Fourth. Artillery, commanded by
uaptain juoroiand Fisher.
Fifth. French Alliance, represented
by Thomas Fitzsimmons, on horseback,
carrying a flag of whito silk, bearing
tnreo neur-oe-iys and thirteen stars in
union over the words, "sixth of i eb
ruary, 1778," in gold characters. The
horso on which ho rode was tho same
on which Count Rochambeau rodo at
the siege of Yorktown.
Sixth. Corps of Light Infantry,
commanded by Captain A. G. Clay-
pooio, witn standard ot tho irst Hegi
Seventh. Definitive Treaty of
Peace, represented by Georgo Clymer,
on horseback, carrying a flag adorned
with olive and laurel ; the words,
"Third of September, 1783," in gold
letters, pendant irom the stall.
Eighth. Col. John Sheo, on horse
back, carrying a flag, blue field, bearing
an ouve and laurel wrealh, over tho
words, "Washington, tho friend of his
country," in silver letters.
Ninth. The City Troop of Light
Dragoons, Captain vV. Bingham, com
manded by Major VY. Jackson.
Tenth. Richard Bache, on horse
back, as a herald, attended by a trum
peter, proclaiming, "A Now Era," the
words "Now Era ' in gold letters, pend
ant from tho herald's staff, with an ap
propriate verso.
Eleventh. Convention of tho States
represented uy reter Muhlenberg, on
horseback, carrying a blue flag, with
tho words, "Seventeenth of Soptomber,
itai, in Biiver letters.
Twelfth. Band of Music.
Thirteenth. Tho Constitution, rep
resented by Chief Justice MoKean and
Judges Atleo and Rush, in their robes
of ollice, seated in a lofty ornamented
car, in the form of a large eagle drawn
by six white horses, the Chief Justice
supported a tall staff, on tho top of
which was tue cap ot liberty, under tho
cap tho new Constitution, framed and
ornamented, and immediately under
tho Constitution tho words, "Tho
Poople," in largo gold letters afiixod to
the statt.
Fourteenth. Corps of Light In
fantry, commandod by Captain Hey-
sham, with tho standard of tho Third
Fifteenth. The gentlcmon repro
scnting the States that bad ratified tho
bederal Constitution, each carrying
small flag, bearing tho namo of the
Stato ho represented in gold letters,
viz. : Duncan Ingraham, Mow Hamp
shire ; Jona. Williams, Jr., Massachu
setts ; Jared Ingersoll, Connecticut
Samujl Stockton, Now Jersey ; James
.Wilson, Pennsylvania! Colonel Thomas
Uoliinson, Delaware ; lion. 1. 1. How
ard, Maryland j Colonel Febigor, Vir
ginia i W. Ward Burrows, South Caro
Una ; Georgo Meado, Georgia.
Sixteenth. Colonel William Will
iams, on horseback, in complete armor,
bearing on his arm a shlold emblazon
ed with the arms of tho United States,
Seventeenth. Tho Montgomery
Troop of Light Horde, commanded by
Uaptain James Morns.
Eighteenth. Consuls and Reprcscu
tativos of Foreign Slates in alliance
with America.
Nineteenth. Hon. Francis Ilopkin
son, Judgo of tho Admiralty, wearing
in his hat a gold anchor, pendant on a
green riband, no was preoodod by
iho register s clerk, carrying a green
bag, filled with rolls of parchment, tho
word ApMiitAi.ur In largo letters on tho
lrunt of tho bag.
James Read, Register of Admiralty
Court, wearing a silver pen in his bat,
Clemont Biddle, Marshal of tho Ad
niiralty, carrying a eilvor oar,
Twentieth. Wardens ot Iho Port
and Touiiago Oiltoor.
UoenH-irsl. Uolleotor ol Uusloms
and Naval Ofllocr.
loentv-sccond. Peter Baynton, as
n citizen, aud Colonel Isaao Molohor,
dressed as an Indian ohiof, in a carri
age smoking tho ualumet of pcaco to
Zoenty-Uurl. Tho licrka Uounly
Troop, commanded by Captain Ph.
Uwcnlti-tourth,. Tho now lioot, or
Grand Fcdoral Edifice, on a car ri ago
drawn by ten whito horses. This
building, thirty-six feet high was in tho
lorm of a dome, supported by thirteen
Corinthian columns, raised on pedes
tals, tho friozo deooratcd with thirteen
stars. Ton of tho columns woro com
plete, but throo left unfinished. On
tho pedestals ot tho columns wcro in
scribed, in ornatnontod leltors, tho
initials of tho thirteen American States.
Round tbo pedestals of tho edifice
theso words : "In union the rubric
stands Jinn."
Tho Grand Edifico was followod by
a corps ot oyer 45U carpontcrs, saw-
makers, filo cutters, &o.
Iwentv-Jifth. Tho Pennsylvania
Society of Cincinnati and militia of
Twenty sixth. Corps of Light In
fantry, oommandod by Captain Rose.
Twenty-seventh. Tho Agricultural
Soeioty, headed by thoir president,
Samuel l'owol, and Major tiodgdon,
bearing a banner representing industry.
Ttoenty. eighth. Farmers lieaded by
Messrs. Riohard Peters, Richard Will
ing, Samuel Meredith, Isaao Warner,
Georgo Gray, Charles Willing, and
others. Ono of tho plows in this de
partment, drawn by four oxen, was di
rected by Riohard Willing, in tho
dress and character of a farmer.
Ttoentu-ninlh. The Manufacturing
Society, with spinning and carding
maohines, looms, ceo. Tho carding
machine, workod by two men, carding
cotton at tho rate of 50 pound weight
per day, was placed on a carnage ao
feet long, 18 feet wide, and 13 feet
high, drawn by ten horses. Also sov
eral other machines in full operation.
Tho carriago was followed by a largo
number of weavers.
2'hirticth. Corps of Light Infantry
commanded by Captain Robinson.
Thirty-first. The Marino Sooicty.
Ton captains, fivo abreast, followed by
tho members of tho society, six abreast.
Thirty-second. The Fodcral Ship
Union, mounting 20 guns, commanded
by John Green, thrco lieutenants and
four boys in uniform. The crew, in
cluding officers, consisted of 25 men.
Tho ship was 33 feet in length,
width and rigging in proportion. Her
hull was the barge of the ship Alliance,
tho samo which formerly belonged to
the Serapis and was taken in tho mcra
orablo engagement of Captain Paul
Jones, in the Bon Homme Richard,
with the Serapis. Sho was mounted
on a carriago drawn by ton horses.
Boat-builders in a boat-builders' shop,
18 feet long, 8 wide, 13 feet high,
drawn by four horses. Seven hands
wero at work building a boat 13 feet
long, whioh was actually set up and
nearly completed during the procession.
Then followed largo deputations of the
different trades, sail-makers, ship-carpenters,
ship-joiners, ropo-makcrs, and
ship-chandlers, merchants and traders,
ana others.
Thirty-third. Tho trades formed
an important featuro of tho procession
and were followed by officers of Con
gress, Supremo Executive Council of
Pennsylvania, Justices of tho Court of
Common Pleas, Sheriff and Coroner,
Board City Warden, City Treasurer,
etc., members of the bar, tho clergy,
physicians, tho county troop of horse,
commanded by Major V. MoPherson,
bringing up the rear. Tho length of
the line was a mile and a half, the dis
tance marched about threo miles, and
time consumed ovor threo hours.
Francis Hopkinson, who himself
participated in this procession, wrote
that it was "an exhibition which for
nyvelty, splendor and decorum juBtly
merited universal admiration and ap
plause. If, beside the magnifioence of
the thing itself, we take into consider
ation tho important oocasion that in
duced it, it must bo acknowledged to
have been an object most interesting
and truly sublime."
It is of course but natural to expect
that the celebration of 1887 will sur
pass that of 1788 in respect to grandeur
and magnificence in every detail. To
surpass it, however, in tho joy and en
thusiasm of tho participants will not
be such an easy task.
The Stato of Pennsylvania has ap
propriated $75,000 j citizens of Phila
delphia have subscribed oyer $20,000,
The following sums have been appro
priated by other States, viz. : Connec
ticut, $18,000 ; Rhodo Island, $2500 ;
Delaware, $2000 j Massachusetts, $10,
000. New Jersey has authorized the
Govornor to send its militia at the cost
of the State. Maryland, Virginia, and
South Carolina have arranged to send
troops. Up to July 1st tho Governors
of theso States, as well as those of
Maine, New Hampshiro, Now York,
North Carolina, Oregon, Nobraska and
Texas, had accepted tho invitation of
the Commission to oome to Philadelphia.
Tho Governors of all tho States and
Territories have boon invited to tho
celebration as tho guests of the Com
mission, and have been asked to send
representations of their militia. It is
expected that in a vory short time ac
ceptances will have arrived from every
Governor who is not, for some good
reason, inoapaoitated from coming, and
that tho majority of States will bo rep
resented also by somo portion of their
troops. Tho great family of States
should and there is ovcry reason to
hopo will, appear at their gathering on
this historic occasion, without tho ab
senco 'of a singlo membor.
President Cleveland will preside at
tho ceremonies, and General Sheridan
will bo designated by tho President
to command tho combined forces of
Stato aud United States Troops which
will tako part in the grand parade.
Tho Civib and Industrial display will
bo marshaled bv A. Loudon Snowden,
Mr. Justice Miller, of the Supremo
Court of tho United States, will de
liver an oration, and it is oxpeoted that
a poem will bo delivered by a national
All indications point to the great
success of tho eclobration.
The Woolly florae.
a 8touy about the orioin ok (1enrral
Fremont's strange souihuquet,
Tho nickname "Woolly Horso,'' ap
plied to General Fremont in tho cam
paign of 185ii, rccallod to my mind a
story told mo by an old Washington
ian about tho origin of tho strango
soubriquet, writes a correspondent iu
tho Philadelphia liecord. It seems
that after Fremont had first announced
to the world his discoveries in the
great West, a. Philadelphia showman,
of a tricky and speculative turn, un
dertook to exploit Lieutenant Fre
mont's discoveries and at tho same time,
mako n liltlo money for himself. So
ho caino down to Washington. Con
gress then being in session, nud hiring
a snop on tue avonue, proceeded to ad
vortlso and exhibit "Lieutenant Fro
mont's woolly horso, captured by tho
gallant oxplorcr In tho very height of
the Rocky mountains at tho risk of his
lifo.'' Of course, it was only an ordi
nary, ovory-day horse, with patches of
wool stuok on. But it took, and the
showman began to mako monoy on it.
Ono lino day Senator Benton, Fro
mout's father-in-law, heard of tho
humbug, and sin tied out, vowing to
drivo it out of town boforo ovening.
Taking a brother Senator with him, ho
marched at once to the enemy's Bhop.
Tho showman, who was standing out
side tho door, and who know him per
fectly well, had Iho impttdonco to go
right on with his lecture Ho oven
went so for as to say to tho crowd:
"Hero is Lieutenant Fremont's father-in-law,
Sonator Benton. Won't you
walk in, Sonator, and tako your friend
with you t It won't cost you n cent."
"Como inside," said Benton stonily,
handing him ono dollar, and striding
in with his friend; "whero is this ani
mal V
"Horo ho is, said tho showman, bo
ginning at tho beginning of his lecturo
"Stop I" said Benton, in a tono that
had often made tho Senato chambor
ringj "if you don't take that fraud out
of town boforo dark I'll mako you
wish that you had novor boon born."
Tho impudence of the man was
frightened out of him by Bunton's se
verity and earnestness. "I'll go," ho
said, and went that evening.
Charles II. Reed, tho lawyor who
defended Guiteau, jumped from a
forry boat in tho North River at Now
York last Saturday. Ho was rescued
and taken to Bellevuo Hospital. It is
thought that ho is insane.
lha Importance) ot purifying the Mood can
not tie overestimated, lor without puro blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ono needs a
good medlclno to purity, vitalize, and enrich
tho blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's
DaniilioH Barsaparllla. It strengthen!
reivUllcU BUnas up tho system,
croates an appetite, and tones tho digestion,
while It eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
ol the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Barsaparllla pecul- -p.. 4-cof
lar curative powers. No 1 W lloCII
othcrmcdlclne has such arecordot wonderful
euros. It you have made uu your mind to
buy Hood's Barsaparllla do not be Induced to
tako any other instead. It Is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence
Hood's Barsaparllla is sld by all druggists,
rrcpared by C. I. Hood fit Co., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
For Associate Judoe,
Of Fishiugcreek.
For Protiionotarv and Clerk of the
Several Courts,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Treasurer,
Of Bloomsburg.
For Register and Recorder,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Commissioners,
Of Bloomsburg.
Of Beaver.
For Auditors,
Of Catawissa.
Of Fishingcreok.
Etttatt of Isaac Bower.
Letters testamentary on the said estate
havlnc been crramed to the unden-'trnod ex'r.
all persons Indebted to said tstate are hereby no
tified to pay the same, and thoso having claims
uvuiusL sum t'biuie pruuem, inu same 10
)Sr 1SAIAII no wkr, Executor.
Dealbks in
lly tho following well known makors;
Ilallet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of tho
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices. Do not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Pric Lists
On application,
Dickinson Seminary,
A live FChool ot high grade tor both sexes.
Abreast ol tho again over respect. Ilest lacllltlea
In languago. literature, uclenco, mathematics,
music aud art. Degrees conferred; elcctlt e courses
provided: commodious buildings, heaied with
fctcam; all modern appliances for health and com
fort, tlsi per year for board, waslilng,hcat,llgUt ard
furnished roomidlscounts to ministers, teachers, and
to two Jrom samo tamlly. twth year bogins Aug.
so. catalogues free Address E. J. OKAY. D. v.,
President. JyaKt,
can live, at home, ana mako more money at
work (or us, than anything elso In this
world. Capital not needed; you are started
free, lloth sexes: all aces. Any one can do
the work. Largo earnings sure from first, start.
Costly outnt and terms free. Hotter not delay.
Costa you nothing to send us your address and
rind out; if you ate wlso you will do so at once. 11
IUllktt 6 Co., Portland, Maine. dom-ss-ty
Bend for circular
Satisfaction Or monev rffiindM. Arlrlrraairu
Abbcuif iuituuayurt, ra, (auguCu
ihd BOHA Is a matchletg remedy for consump.
Hon In every stage or tho disease. For coughs,
weak lungs, throat disease, loag of flesh and ap
petite, and all forms of general debility It la an
iinenualed sneclno remedy. luo sure and get
WjKciIESTKR'bM'reparatlon. II and J per bottle:
Bo d by druggists. WINCHESTER 4rU0, 163
William Street, new Tort, taugdiu
sv- I
Commercial College
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholcsomeness. .Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition with the multitude of low tcst.short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cans.
KOTlLlliKlNU l'OWDKKt'O,. Wall St., N. V.
JOHN II. HARRIS, Ph. D., Principal
A school for both Rexes.
Location healthful. Instruction thorough.
Discipline strict. Expenses moderate.
rroperty cost t5),0O0. Ilulldlng ot brick.
Warmed by steam. Campus so acres. Library
3,000 volumes. Apparatus worth 11200.
Prepares for College, for Business, for Teaching
For catalogue, or Information, address tho
Principal at Factoryvllle, Pa. 3mjunl0
RcsrI Estate!
rureuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho undcslgne d,
administrator of Ellas llaylor, latoof Limestone
township, Montour co mty, deceased, will expose
to publlo salo, on tho premises, on
TUESDAY, August 30, 1887,
at 10:30 o'clock a. m tho undivided one-half Inter
est of said decedent In n tract of land, In Mentour
townshlD. Columbia countr. bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning nt a stone In a
public road, thenco along said publlo road and
land ot ll. volkncr south eighty. ilvo degrees cost
forty-six and three-tenths degrees to a stone,
thence south sixty-eight degreca oast, thirty-two
and six-tenths degrees to a stono, thenco along
land ot Frederick Stongcr south two degrees, scv-
eiitet-u minutes t-ust, miny-iurco anu suveiiu
llve ono hundredths ncrches to a stone, thenco
nlong land ot John It, Elfert, north eighty-two
and one-half degrees west, forty-four perches to a
cbestnut.north eurhtv.ono and ono-rotirth decrees
west, uurty-inrcu ana lour-icnins percneti w u
stone, tnenco niong iana ot .i.icou nariman ana
llenrv christian, north tlirco .1ei?reos and twelve
minutes east thlrtv-cltrht and slT.tenths ncrches
w a siono, tue piaco oi Degmnmg, containing
and 1S7 Derchos. Thcro la a cood vein of hard ore
on the land. Tho purchaser cau dlvldo tho land
wnii reter uayior any time niter tno saio.
TERMS OF SALE: Twentv-flvo ner cent, of tho
purchase monoy to be paid at tho BlrlMng down
of tho property, one-half tho balanco on the rio-
uveiy ui uiu ueeu, uuu mu uaiiincu in uiie-yt-ur
thereaiter, with Interest from conllimatlonnlsl,
to bo secured by bond and mortgago on the prem
ises. au5 PETER CLEMENS, Adm'r.
jstlwiitciffl Ijardronrc.
Just the thing for picnics and
private parties, neat clean and
cheap; avoids tho annoyance of
broken and lost dishes and nap
kins: no weight to carry. These
paper plates are largely used for
pie baking, and overcome the
objection some people have to
pies because the under crust is
soggy; the greatest degree of heat
will not scorch them and by
greasing them a pie may be
baked on them better than on
tin or earthen ware; the under
crust will be found perfectly
hard anu crisp similar to tho top.
iNapKins are soit anu piiablo as
linen and will not fade unless
We carry the most complete
lino ot uuiklers materials in the
Country. Iron, Steel and Wire
Nails, Locks in endless variety,
Door Butts, nlain or ornamental.
Catches'and Latches, White Lead
Mixed Taints and Colors, Lin
seed Oil, Turpentine, Varnish,
Oil Finish, French and Ameri
can Window Glass, Putty .Build
ing Paper, all of which we can
sell at prices that will mako it to
your interest to deal with us.
Wo have taken tho agency for
J. A. Shoppard's Paragon Coach
Varnish, patented in 1884 and
wish to call the attention of con
sumers to its merits. It is made
solely from hard gum, lias a
vory heavy body and dries hard
in 24 hours in Bummer or Win
tor, ono gallon covers 450 sq.
feet of new work first coat ami
GOO ft. second coat, it is warrant
ed not to crack, spot, blister or
turn whito, and to outwear any
English or American varnish, is
especially suitable for carnages
or outdoor work wliero exposed
to tho weather, it is warranted to
rub down in oil or water, and
pumico stono in from 3(5 to 48
hours without sweating out and
can bo brought to a dead finish.
For tho interior finish of fine
residences, public buildings,
balh-rooms, it has no equal; hot
or cold- water, soap or grease will
not affect its lustre or spot or
stain its surface; wiping with a
spongo or damp towel will keep
it looking fresh ftnd now, If you
aro especially desirous of a hand
somo and permanent finish,
Bpecify Sheppards Paragon Coach
Varnish to your painter and tako
no other; put up in I and ono
gallon cans at $3.00 per gallon.
Vory Resp.
J. R. Schuyler & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa. j
Builders Hardware.
Bittcnbcntlcr & Co.,
No. 120 & 128 Franklin Ave,
Ircm and Steel,
Xttnte of Itylln ttntMnt, tat nr rtthtngcrcek
towtiWn, thtvatntl.
letters of ndmlntsl rati n on thoaald estalohavlnif
been granted to the unite rsiifned ndmlnMrator.all
persons Indebted to raid cstnto aro hereby notified
to pay tho name, nnd those having claims against,
said rstalo present tho samo to
Batigct' Runynn l. o., l'a.
Kslale of lUHiert Ftnntv, lalf of Ulierlv Tirp.
Notice Is hcreb given lliat letters ot adminis
tration, do bonis non., w Ith the will annexed, on
the estnto ot Robert Finney, lato of Liberty Twp.,
deceased, havo been granted hy tho lleclstcr of
Columbia county to John O. I'ree?e, to whom all
claims against said cstato,p-operlyauthcnt'c.itcd,
must bo presented, and all debts duo tho same bo
paid. JOHN (I. FREEZE,
July Mt. llloomsburir, ra,
Notlco Is hereby (riven that lotlcrs ot admlnlstrn
tlon on the estate of David Lowenbertf, lato of
llloomsbunr, In Columbia county, deceased, havo
been granted by tho Register of Wills of said
county, to Sarah Lowenbergnnd Louis Lowenberg,
to whom all payments on account must bo made,
and all claims to settlement.
Juno 25, 183T. 8ARA1I LOYVRNIIKRO,
johm n. Fhkkzb, Atty. Jniyl-ct
Kstale of Frederick lierr, of italtson Twp.
Notlco Is hereby given that, letters of adminis
tration on tho estato of Frederick Dorr, lato of
.Madison townshlp.deeeascd, havo been granted by
tho register of Columbia county to J. H."JIcDrlde,
to whom all debts duo to tho said deceased, must
be paid; and nil claims against tho estate, prop
erly authenticated for settlement, mus t bo made.
J. R. McIllllftH,
or to Whito Hall, in.
John G. Fkkezk, Bloomsburg, Va. Jy8
AWnro of 8. A. Oiichv?;, Deceased.
tllLctters testamentary ontbnsald cstnto having
been granted to tho undersigned Executor, all
persons Indebted to said ehtato are heieby notified
to pay tho samo, nnd thoso having claims against
said estato will present tho samo for settlement
to E. U. CASWELL, Executor,
Saugeu iiloomsburg, ra.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' court ot Columbia county, l'a., to mnko
distribution of the balance In accountant's hands,
will sit at hlsomco in Hloomsbtirg on Tuesday,
August 80, 1SS7, at nlno o'clock In the fore
noon, to nttend to the dutleB ot his ap
pointment, when nnd whero all patties having
claims against said estate must appenr and prove
tho same, or bo lorevcr debarred from coming In
on said tuncl. au5 II. v. WHITE, Auditor.
Tho undcrs'trnod Auditor, nnnnlntr-rt hr tlmrtr.
phans' court ot Columbia county, l'a., to distrib
ute tho balance In tho hands of (). M. Crovellng,
executor, as per account riled, will nttend to tho
duties of his nppolntment at his onice In llloom3
burg, Wednesday, September 14, ls--, at 10 o'clock
a. m., when and whero all parties having claims
against said estato must appear and prove the
same, or bo forever debarred from coming In on
auiuiuuu. l d. WALLmt, AUllUOr.
tion nropotcd to tho citizens of this com
monwcalth for their npprova I or rejection by tho
(lencral Assembly or tho Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. I'ublluhed by order of tho Secretary of
tho commonwealth, in pursuancoof Artlclo XVHI
Joint lesolutlon proposing an amendment to tho
constitution of tho commonwealth:
ection 1. ne tt resotcen Vv Vie Senate and
House of nepresentattiva of the Commonwealth of
following Is prop scd as an amendment of the
constitution of tho commonwealth or l'cnnsylv-
... .u ..ww.u.i.. nun i.iJ OI LllB
eighteenth artlcio thereof:
A l 1'XT nXWVlTl
Strike out from section one', of artlclo eight, tho
four qualifications for voters which rends as fol
lows: "It twenty-two years of ago or upwards,ho shall
havo paid, within two years, a stato or county
tax, which shall havo been assessed at least two
months, and paid at least ono month boforo tho
election," o that tho section which reads as fol-
JlJZ SPJX -''oronrsof age,
Arf.TTiS. . 'ii'uuucmions, Buau do
entitled to voto nt all elections:
rjnu. iiubwuiiiuyb open a citizen of tho United
States at least ono month. - u""-uu
Second. Uo shall have resided In thostatoone
w 'i ..u.iiiK piu.iuusiy uuen a nuauiicu
elector or natlvo born eifzen of tho stato, no shall
moans) immediately preceding t.oTlectlon.
dlst,l ctWe $ rsiuii otter0 iTv"oS aHcaT UvS
Fourth. If twenty-two years of ago or up-
,.u.u. ...j .uuu .u.,u iiuiu, vuinn uvo rears n
utato or county tax,whlch shall havo been assessed
reS'Ss follSw n' f-ha" 1)0 ameni0(1.
Every male cltl7cn years ot age.
possessing tho following qualifications, bhalllS
cntlt ed to voto at the polling placo ot tho election
district of which ho shall at tho tlrao ui) a resident
and not elsewhere: iiu
.V0 H'? !' havo bcen a cltla!h of tho United
States at least thirty dava.
..?!0f2?,ifHhS5fu havo folded In tho stato one
' w "anus muvtuuHiy ueen ii nufllinfvi
f'ector or native ibora citizen of tliotato.Ye shaU
"r,me;la,;1, Preceding hoTlScVon?
trV, USi,nUB wJJF ''"e resided In tho election dis
trict whe.-o ho shall orrerto voto at least thirty
days Immediately preceding tho election. Too
leglalatvre, at thobesslon thereof next alter tho
adoption ot this section, shall, nnd from time to
IWs'proviSon!' may,cnact la"'8 10 Properly enforc6
Fourth. Every male citizen of the ago of twen.
K;???ars' h0 ?"a" have bven a citizen for
r D f-M "-u-unaiit ui ims stato for ono
.i'S',8".0" to , titled to vote at bitch &tion
In tho election district of which ho shall at the
t mo bo a resident and not elsewhere for all officers
that now aro or herruttcr may ben electrii hv ' thi
Er'.."" war efecto?
uXZ!P2Z?cm.a dl8tric'-an" 'o leglsia.'
Eanvas-oUhelV votes Tn the e ec Ion district l2
which they respectively reside. "" m
nli1?- wr V'0 PurPOSo of person shall
IS.n'U0 lmve tralnccl or lost a residence Sy
reason of his presence or absenco while employed
hJS, r?Hco " Voltod States or Vto state:
i ti n ; .Si; .', navigation or mo waters
SSl'nMiP.1 a,l,1Ss'i0us. or publlo iMtltutlon,
r., rr' B; i Vi Wfl,1 J ur uisaDitxi ana
ah iiu copy or tno joint resolution.
Secretary of tho commonwealth.
wl,'i N proposed to tho cltlzenB of this Com-
oen oral Xksembly of Xco'S Z 7ein!
svlvanla. rubllslicd by order of tho Secretary of
of the Constitution' """UB ' ' "
joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho
Constitution of this Commonwealth:
ot Pennsylvania Tin Oeneral VVi,m' lwa, l".
f lO'o'JowlnB amendment Is proposed to Coustltu
tlon of the commonwealth ot l'ennsilvnnla. In
accordance with tho Highteenth Ai tide ? thereof s
Thorn in, .TJ sy.K;v."vii
stitution to bo dOTSffiaifiTOI:
.i V,ti u'"'urc. saw, or Keeping for sale of In.
toilcatlng liquor to be used as a boverage la
l?.V.M':ii.Vb?K'5' ""V.. anr vlSlauonrSPlhlS
shall & provided by Taw'. "uvauul V"
toil,-,, n." SSS.ff or keeping for sale of In.
KiTl law- TmJ (,eneral Assembly shall.
quatoyenamt ftuo-
i-twwwj' ut uiQifuiuL iiuwiuiion,
ii!irl21iL ry onho'commonwealfu.
wl m, cumi." ckuhS curw nffi 10 dSso'rnopay'
. aiiiiirixr.
Wo aro offering great inducements to persons desiring 0
purchase Pianos, Organs nnd Sowing Machines.
5 mm
Si K
s c
Amonc; the Pianos wo handle aro tho IVJE21S $ POND,
a a jbrIggs, ba us $ co., sciioma ckeb Gou
String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos arc all first-class
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY, MILL
ER, UNITED STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE,
ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best
Rotary Sowing Machine in the world.
Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZEIl'S
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
OiTcr special iiuliicenicnts to farmers for tho noxt six weeks on tlio following
Wo keep constantly in stock at our GRAIN HOUSE, and will deliver frco
of charge to any station on tho D. L. & W. or B. it S. railroads, tho celebrated
"Economy Hone" and "Good Crop'' brands, both high grade, standard goods,
mado from puro materials, freofrom sour acids and heavy worthless fillers, ami
guaranteed as good as tho best.
Wo havo tho agency for tho Traction, Portable) and Stationary Engines,
Threshers, cotuplcto with lever power, in six sizes; Clover Ilullors, Saw Mills;
Grain Drills and Corn Shellers. All standard goods, just what farmers will
need very Boon. Sprout's
fsea! IMte fBbop in 1
Just what every fanner needs. Can attach to anv horse-iiower. Runs oasv.
Grinds well. " 3
Wo havo m stock, ready for inspection, tho O'Diien Wagons, in any size
desired, for farm or road, and invito tho public to call and sco them.
In addition to tho abovo wo keep a full lino of Flour, Bran, Middlings, Chop
and Feed at lowest market prices.
Salt for land and dairy uso. .Special prices to dealers on job lots.
Clover, Timothy and fanoy grass seeds. Coal in all sizes. Dovcred to any
part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from us for their dis
tricts and themselyes.
All kinds of Grain taken at highest market prices for cash, or in oxchango
at any tunc. Soliciting a fair share of trade, wo remain, Very truly,
August 5.
By vlrtuo or a writ or II Fa., Issued out ot tho
Court ot common l'loia of Columola County, l'a.,
ana to me directed, win bo exposed to publlo salo,
at the Court House, in Iiloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, August G, 1(?87,
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain measuagcploce
or parcel ot land, situate in Franklin tow nshlp,
Columbia county,Va.,Nd. l bounded and described
asrollows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point In a
yuui.u mini leauing irom catawissa to Itoarlng.
creek. In Franklin towrmhin. nrmr tho imn.. m
John (Uassmelcr. thenco north iwiiitvj.iM.t nri
a halt degrees east thlrty.two and Blx-tenths rods
ma jreiiow pine, oown; thenco north onodegreo
east ono hundred and stxty.four and tbrco-tenths
rods to a post; thenco south clghty.tnroo degreos
west ono hundred nnd sevcnty.nlne rods to a hick,
ory; thenco south eight degrees west, ono hundred
and twenty nnd threo-tcnths rods to apolnt in tho
publlo road: thenco south Kiiriiiv.i.iir unm, ....
one hundred and thlrty.rlvo and nine-tenths rod3
to a point In tho road to Itoarlngcreek road; thenco
Bouth twenty degrees east, eighteen and nlno
tenths rods; thenco Beventy-Bovcn and a halt do-
biuvo riut, sixteen roas; thenco south thlrty-slx
degrees east, twent v.
place of beginning, containing ono hundred and
"' '"-res ana nineteen perches, on which
are erected a framo dwelling houso,bank barn and
A right Ot War from RAM hnnan aIaik. tt.
bank of ltoarinccrock tlirniit-h iiivteinn o
publlo road sold to Jacob Schuyler by John W.
Hoffman, High Shcrirr ot Columbia county, deed
dated March 1, 187B,and conveyed by Bald Schuyler
to J. n. lioblson.
Seized, taken In execution m tim i. . .n., .
Trench vs. James Boyd ltoblso'n, and to bo sold as
mo inupvriy oi oaraes uoyd lioblson.
mm, Atty. Shciin.
Common Pins Kn to,,..
Murtiletol'wiipi'oitft "au
orpwncriotViidmortJa" " wm lu"ow"
Wnnrnna I. nn.,nn M ...P. .. .
., iVr ' . iuq rocortis, in tho onico
of thpltocorderof Deeds. 4c, at Uloomtbire that
f jrtain mortgnge, dated tho loth day o : March
SSV.r?n.the Wmont 01 rt"1" money, viz: iw
with Interest, lo., l-ecorded In Slortga-'o liiokW
J. page 4 17 aud 4.1a, remains unsatiened
And whereas,lt is alleged that ail tho moner duo
on said mortgage was paid, and a legal presumD.
tlon now exists ot tho payment of mU mortmf
froui lapso of time. And whereas, Wra. Wirtsman!
ffiu1; SSI a1 "B jaiUctfonto en.
ieam iii iiiSSf iS .""". rower discharge and ro-
hoMi.iV nfISH ?l'1,?rMn8 "'terested as owners or
Sertftl'MKP' ale fflU'red, by an or.
!llu'" SAMUKLSMITII.bhcrlH.
i..iiT,lX.t,h?.'frt'1l'1'J Best Eoulnncd "
In tho United btateT 1
l'rlcea 1 ftB2 .n'.,1?!1 bUm' Nw W.
encci ' Hall3lacom:uaramocd. Best rof.
Bloom.sburjj, Pa.
Wholesale. Ilctal.
Wheat per Imshcl 85
Kyo " " 00
Corn " " .... no 05
Oats " ' 35 45
Flour ' bbl 4.C0 to C
Butter io 18
Egtca u 18
I'otatoes co
Hams , 13 jg
Dried Apples..., 03 05
Side 07 10
Bhoulder 09 13
Chickens io 13
TmtH per lb OS 10
Vinefrnr per gal o0 go
Onions per bushel fit) 75
Veal 8k ins 07
Wool per lb an
"Ides 6 to 7
vt CoAL 011 Wiuiip.
No 0 3.00: Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.35
No. 013.00 Bltumtnus $3.25
IMatepf Anton SchioarU, deceased, late of Item-
t.. fc 'wimWj. ColumbUi Countu, lu
'"crs testamentary on tl e sildestnto having;
been granted to U'O unders'g.ied administrator, all
prsons Indebted to said cstr o aro hereby notified
i ft1? 1 1 Hair e, and thoso having claims agalnat
said estato present tho samo t'i
i,u P,.L1J;y13 SCHWAH'ra, Administrator,
mya3-ft I1, p., uuckho.-n, Columbia t'o,, l'.i.
Thounderstgnol, an Auditor appointed by tho
orphans' couit of Columbia county to make dMrl.
outionot thofundintho'handjof tlio oxocutora.
aJf!;ownbyUii)lrllrsland llnal account, will sit
at tho onico of Knorr Wlntcrsteen, In Illooin'
burg, on Friday, August so, issr, at ten o'clook a.
in., when and whero all parties having claims
against said ottalo must appear and provo the
same, or ba forever febarred from coming in on
said fund. IJyii'jj I. a. WINTKltSTKKN, Auditor.
Tho undersigned, Treasurer of tho town ot
Blooirsburg, hereby gives notlco that he Is pre
pared to recelvo tho Town tax ascertained for ua
car itw. oa and after Augustl, ISS7, nt tho law
ofllceot IL llucllngham, Ksq., la said town, ard
all taxpayers aro hereby required to pay tho same.
Irom tho said first day of Auirust. shall be pd
wuu t per centum artdul to tlm amount Ihereo..
Juiyaj-4t. ii. r. vannaita, Town Tieas.
tobomads. cut this out and return
us. and wo will hand you free, wino
thlsg of great valuo and Importance to
,. )uu, mat, win siari you in uui-j
whlch will bung jou In more monoy right away
than anything elso iu this world. Any ono can da
the work and live at homo. Klthcr sex; all ages.
something new, that lust coins money for all
workera. Wo will stun you; capital not needed.
1 his la ono of the genuine, Important chances of a
lifetime. Thoso who ai o ambitious and cnterprl
Ing will not delay, (irand outnt free Addrcsxi,
THPiico., Augusta Maine. dAi-,ir.
BWAitTUMonn pa., .m
Opens Mh mouth, i.,tn, Thirty minutes trW
lirpad St. station, riuludolpalo. Under the fare ot
Friends, but all others admitted. Full co lew
courso for UuUi sexes; classical, Si-lcntlUo and ui;
erary. Also u manual Training aud a rrepiatory
school. Healtbtul location, largo grounds, new,
and exlonslvo buildings and apiiaralm. WJ w.
loaue and full particulars, address WW'.'iViJi
MA (I ILL, LU P., Vica't, majS.SM"