The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 05, 1887, Image 1

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L. KltlTZ,
OrrioK Front Room, Over Pootofllco.
K. WAtiliKll,
... . x. Bioomrtnrj, ra
omco QTCt lBt. National Bank.
OBco la Ent'a Building.
oatce over Moyer Bros. DrngBtoro.
omco in nrower'sbuliatng.scoondnoor.roora No.l
Bloomstmrff, Pa.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
onicecorntr ofctnitc atid all) blittu.eiail s
Can bo consulted In Gorman.
IlLoovsiimio, Pa.
nm on First Door. Iront room tit Col
ombian ItulhUnjf, Main street, below Ex
cliango Hotel.
Oll)so in Columbia uoii.mna, Itoom No. J, socond
Office In Browcrs' Building, 2nd floor,
may 1-tf
omco lu 1st National Bank building, second floor,
m-Htdoortutholeit corner of Muln and Market
streota Bloomsburg, Pa.
tirl'entumt and BouKiUt Vollecttd.
HTOluco over
HloomBburg, Pa.
Dtnllcr'a shoo store,
Catawlflta, Pa.
onoo.corner of Third and Malnstroota.
Cpnvoyancor, Collector of Claims.
T cmco in Bentierjs building lth &
2nd. floor
Iiloomsburg, ra.
Berwick, 'Pa.
ill. IIONOHA A. I1011MN8.
omce and residence,
West First street, Blopms-
novuo ?q ij.
u u.ffPi.W M. T..Hnrireon and PbT
.slclan.north side Main stroet.bolow Market
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
omco. North Market streot,
Bloomsburg, Pa
n wu tiv.tvkr. Hurecon and
1 JpnVslctan. Office corner ol Hock and Market
i r.rn nnrt convenient sample rooms. Hath room,
hot and cold water; and an modem conveniences.
North American ot 1'hlladolphla.
Franklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, ot Pennsylvania.
Hanover, ot N. T.
Sucens, ot London.
ortuBrttlab, ot London. ,h,
omco on Mirkot Streot, No, 6, Bloomsburg.
oct.4. 1-
HOME, OF N. Y. ,
These u coaroRArioNS are well seasoned by
.u ma-on on, ll.Vf, FnVPT El Had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are
all Invested in solid BBOUMTixa are llablotoino
batardot rum only. iiArtanii
Losses rRoupTLT and donkstlt Jl""
nald as soon as determined by V.'SiJiJi'
Tho people ot Columbia county should patron
lie the agency where losses If any are settled ana
pall by one of ther own citizens. .,. ,
Tf-nii n T..n1trxT,Q I J WlTtf A Nf 1R
JO AOENOY. Moyer'a now building, Main street,
Mna. Insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn JJ.WSO
UncasUlre.....VT l5'?Mn
Flro Association, Philadelphia i'JSS'iis
l'hmntx, ot London J-SS'ft
Indon S Lancashire, of England I'SS'Ss
Hartford of Hartford S'So JSS
BprlnKtuld Fire and Marine............ 'j7,1
As the agencies are direct, pouelesawyrt"??
or the insured without delay In the office at
uioomsburg. -
Philadelphia, Pa.
N. S. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
WOrders will recetvo prompt attention.
BLooMsmma, Columwa County, Fa
Allatylesot work done in a superior manner, worn
warranted as represented, tmth kxtbaot
id without Vaim by the use of pas, ana
free of charge when artificial teeth
are Inserted.
Office tu Barton's building, Main street,
hclow Market, tivo doors below Kleitns
drug store, first floor.
loba open at all houri during the dai
Under Exohango Hotel.
Tho Tonsorlal Art in all its branches.
Hakuik U. PimsKi,
lyinar25 Proprietor.
Benton Hotel,
Thla well-known hotel has been re-opened and
manv lTrmm.ranif.nta mftrlft fnr the Of COnimOdatlOa
of the traveling public. The bar and table arc
Buppuca with the best the maruei auonu. a h
una commodious gtablo Is .connected with the
uoiei, leitai always reasonaiup.
I&MUKt. DlftKE, Proprietor.
'I unhesitatingly add my
testimony to tlio great ben
efits to bo derived from Sim
mons Liver Regulator. I
was nfllioteil for sovcrnl years
with disordered liver, which
resulted In a sevoro attack of
Jaundice. I had good medi
cal attendance, but it failed
to restore mo to tho enjoy
ment of my former health.
I then tried tho most re
nowned physicians of Louis
. vllle, Ky., but all to no pur
poso, whereupon I was in
duced to try Simmons Liver
Regulator. I found immedi
ate benefit from its use, and
it ultimately restored mo to
tho full enjoyment of health."
A. II. Smihi.kv, Richmond,
Ky. . . ."I most cheerfully re
commend it to all who sulfur
from bilious attacks or any
(lineage caused by a disar
ranged state of tho liver.". . . .
W. R. Beiinakh, Kansas
City, Mo.
Almost as Palatabloas Milk.
Tho onlr nrfrontlon of COK MVEIt Oil, that
can bo taken rc&llly and toloratod for a long time
uj ucucaui BMHHBC1W.
Kltil, 1IM1IMH, fIUillS All TIIIHMT At.
KkOriOS nJ all WAMIXI IILSOltDl.CS (ll
(IIILI)IIKN It U ra.rrplloM In lt milla.
Inscribed and rndonod by tho bust I'hvalclani
in tho countries of tho world
ollorod for salo roprosontod
as good 09 tho Famous
And like all Counterfeit lack tho
Bemarkablo LASTING QutUltlea
PatOct. 80 , 1883.
Manufactured ONLY lr
QtO, A. M AG0ETH & CO,,
dec 3 ss n o co.
Eenls' Furnlstiing Eoois, Hals Si Cap
Suits mndo to order at short notico
and a fit always guaranteed or no salo.
Coll and examine the largest and best
selected stock of goods over shown in
Columbia county.
Store next door to First National Bank,
Bloomsburg Pa.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds
v.Aiinurini-ahnws tho Picket Qothlc, one of
the several beautiful styles ot Fonco manufactured
by tno unaenuuuuu.
Korlieautyana Durability they areunsurp ass
(XL set SpfiV experienced hands and warrants
to give satisfaction.
Prices ana speoinicns of other do
signs sont to any address.
i. & Mills
Tho undersigned having put W8 Planing MI
on itallroad Streot. In flrst-ciasB conoiwou, i.
pared to do all xmaa oi wur m u. ..-v.
on application. rn eo
6ni prepared by an experienced orauBu.o.-
ItlnoniNbiirK, l
Manufacturers of
rt rat-class work always on band.
Prictt reduced to suit the timer,
And gj H ' 3
Atid now you wish, in order to gratify nn
unlawful pnsalou for n. shaldor of bloxl you
wUu to throw mo over, to trample upon my
holiest tuellngs, and to rob mo of tho prize
which I havo won. No, Eva, 1 will not ro
lease you."
"Surely, nurely, Mr. I'lowden," snld Eva,
faintly, for tho wua a gentle creature, ami
tho man's vlolenco overwhelmed her, "you
will not forco tno Into a marriage which I tell
you I? repugnant to mel 1 appeal to your
generosity to releaso me. You con never
oblige mo to marry you when 1 tell you that
I do not love you, and that my wholo licait u
given to Bnother man."
Mr. I'lowden saw that his violence woo do
ing it work, ami determined to follow It up.
Ho ralicd his voice till It was nlinnst a shout,
"Yes," he said, "I will I will not submit to
such wickedness. Love I that will come. I
am nuiU willing to take my clianco of it. No,
I tell you fairly that 1 will not let you olf
and It you try to avoldfulfllllngyour engage
ment to nio 1 will do more J I will proclaim
you all over the country as a Jilt; I will bring
an action for breach of promise of marriage
against you perhaps you did not know that
men can do that as well as women and cover
your namo with disgrace I Look, I have your
written promise of marriage," and ho pro
duced her letter.
Evn turned to her sister.
"Florence," the said, "cannot you say a
word to help mel I am overwhelmed."
"1 wish I could,, dear," answered her
sister, kindly, "but how can II What Mr,
Plowden says Is just and right. You nre
engaged to htm, and ore In honor bound to
marry him. Oh, Eva, do not bring trouble
and dlgraco upon us all by your obstinacy I
You owo something to your name as well as
to yourself, and something to me too. 1 nm
sure that Mr. Plowden will be willing to for
get all about this if you Will undertake nover
to allude to it again."
. "Oh, yes, certainly, Miss Florence. I nm
not revengeful; I only want my rights."
Eva looked fulntly from ono to the other,
her head sunk, and great black rings painted
themselves beneath her eye9. Tho lily was
broken at last.
"You are very cruel," shosaid,6lowly: "but
I suppco it must bo as you wish. Pray God
I may dio first, that is alll" and sho put her
bands to her head and stumbled from ttio
room, leaving the two conspirators facing
each other,
"Come, wo got over that capitally," said
Mr. Plowden, rubbing his hands. "There is
nothing liko taking tho high hand with a
woman. Ladies must sometimes bo taught
that a gentleman fans rights as well as them
selves." Florence turned on him with bitter scorn.
"(ientlemenl Mr. Plowden, why is tho
won! so often on your liisl Surely, nfter
tho purt you havo just played, you do not
presume to rank yourself among gentlemen I
Listen! it suits my purpose that you should
marry Eva; and you shall marry her; but I
will not stoop to play tho hypocnta with a
man liko you. You talk of yourself as a
gentleman, and do not "cruplo to forco nu in
nocent girl Into a nickel marriage, and to
crush her spirit with your cunning cruelty,
A gentleman, forsooth 1 a wttyr, a devil in
disguise 1"
"I am only asserting my rights" ho said,
furiously; "and whatever I havo done, you
hnvo dono more."
"Do not try your violence on me, Mr.
Plowden ; it will not do. I nm not niado of
tho same stuff as your victim. Lower your
voiro or loavo the houso and do not enter it
Mr. Plowden'a heavy under jaw foil a
little; ho was terribly nfrald of Florence.
"Now," she said, "lUtenl I do notehooso
that you should labor under any mistake I
hold your hand in this business, though to
hnvo to do with you in nny way li in itself a
defilement," and the wiped her dollcnto lin
gers on a pocket handkerehiof as sho said tho
woni, "because I havo an end of my own to
gain. Not a vulgar end like yours, but a ro
vengo, which shall bo almost divine or dia
bolical, call It w hich you will, In Its complete
ness. Perlmps it is a madness, iierhnps it is
nn inspiration, perhaps it is a fate. What
ever it Is, it animates mo Iwly and oul, and
I will gratify it, though to do so I hnvo to uo
a tool liko you. I wished to explain this to
you. I wished, too, to mako it clear to you
that I consider you contemptible. I hnvo
done lxth, and I havo now tho pleasure to
wUh you good morning."
Mr. I'londen left tho house white with
fury, and cursing In a manner remarknblo in
a clergyman.
"If she wasn't so handsomo, hang ma if I
would not throw the wholo thing up!" ho
Needless to say, he did nothing of tho sort;
ho only kept out of Florence's way.
Dorothy, in her noto to Ernest that he re
ceived by tho mall previous to tho ono that
brought tho letters which nt ft single blow
laid the hone and promise of his life in tue
dust, hail, it may lw rememlered, stated her
intention of going to !e Eva in onier to
plead Ernest's cause; but, what with ono
thing and another, her visit was coiuiui-r-ably
delayed. Twice sho was on'tbe point of
going, atid twlco something occurred to pre
vent her. Tho fact of tho mutter was, tho
orrand was distasteful, and she was in no
hurry to execute it. Bho loveil urncst ncr
self, and, hou over deep that love might bo
trampled down, however fast it might bo
chained in tho dungconi of her secret
thoughts, it was still there, a living thing, an
immortal thing. Sho could tread it down
and chain it; she could not kill It. Its shndo
would riso and walk in tho upper chambers of
her heart, und wring its hands ami cry to her,
telling what. It suffered In those subterranean
places, whl'liering how bitterly it envh-d tho
bright and happy lifo which moved in tho
free air and hail usurped tlio love it claimed.
It was hard to ignore thoso pleadings, to dis
regard thoso cries for pity, und to wiy there
was no hope, that tc musi niwuji uo tuning.,
till time nto away tho chains. It was harder
still to have to bo ono of the actual iiiIiiNtcra
Jo tho buffering. Still sho meant to go. Her
dWy to Ernest was not to lie forsaken becauso
it was a painful duty.
On two or threo occaslonssho mot Lva, but
got no opjmrtunity of waking to her. Either
her slitor Florence was with her or sho was
obliged to ruturn Immediately, Tho fact was
that, after the scene described in tho last
chapter, Eva was subjoeted to tho closest
espionage. At homo Florence watched her
ns a cat watches a moiue; abroad Mr. Plow
den soemed to be comtuiitly liqvci lnj on her
flank, or, if ho was not thoio, then she bo
came awaraot the pretence of the ancient
and contemplative mariner who tradod in
Dutch cbrchc. Mr. I'lowden feared let sho
should run nwny, and so cheat him of his
prlav, Florence, lost t-ho should confide in
Dorothy, or pos-lbly Mr. Cnrdtia, and sup
ported by them find tlio courage to assert
herself and defiaud her of her roveugo. Bo
thoy watched her eu'iy movement.
At last Dorothy mndo up her mind to wait
no longer for opportunities, hut to go and
seo Evn nt her homo, gho kuaw nothing f
the Plowden imbroglio, but it did strike lior
as curious that no ono had said anything
almut Ernest. lis had written it was
scarcely likely tho letter had miscarried.
How was it that Eva had not said unythlng
on tho subject? Llttlo did Dorothy guess
that, oven as thco thoughts wcro jiassing
through her mind, a great vessel was summ
ing out of Southampton docks, bearing tha-,0
epltres of final renunciation which Ernest,
very little to hla satisfaction, received in duo
course. , . ,
Full of these reflections, Dorothy found
i.nif ,, lnvolv snrln;: afternoon knocking
at the door of tlio Cottage. Eva was at
i.n,i. nn.l tint was at oilco usliercd Into her
prcsonco. She was sitting on n low choir
the same on which Ernest always pictured
her with that confounded Bkye terrier sho
was so fond of kissing an oin liook uin
lier knee, und looking out at tlio littlo gordon
nml tliA KUl lwvond. She looked pale und
and the sea beyond. She looked fiale
thin, Dorothy thought.
On her visitor's entrance, hvn row and
kissed her.
"I am w glad to soo you, sh ) bald ; "I was
feeling so lonely."
'"Lonely," niuw cred Dorolliy, in her
straightforward wnyi "why. I have been
trying to find you nlona for the last fort
night, and have never succeeded,"
Eva colored. "Ono may be lonely with
over so many rjeoplo round one."
aon icr a lnimna or so tney tantoa dbout
the weather; so persistently did they discuss
it, Indeed, that tiro womanly instinct of each
told lier that tho other was fencing,
After all, it was Evn who broko tlio Ice
"Hnvo you hoard from Ernest lately)" she
said, nervously.
"Yes; I got a note by last mall."
"Oh," said Era, clasping her hands invol
untarily, "what did he sayf"
"Nothing much. But I got n letter by the
malt beforo that, in which ho said n good
deal. Among other things ho said ho had
written to you. Did you get tho letter!''
Eva colored to her eyes. "Yes," she
Dorothy roso, and seated herself again on a
footstool by Eva's feet, mid wondered at tho
troublo In her eyes. How could sho bo
troubled when she had heard from Ernest
"liko that i"
"What did you nnswer him, dear!"
Eva covered her faco with lior hands.
"Do not talk about it," she said; "It Is too
dreadful to inol"
"What can you monnl He tells mo you are
engaged to him."
"Yos that is, no. I was half engaged.
Now I am engaged to Mr. Plondcn."
Dorothy gavo a gasp of horrified astonish
ment "Engogcd to that man when you were en
gaged to Ernestl You must bo joking."
"Oil, Dorothy, I am not Joking; I wish to
heaven I were. I nm engaged to him. I nm
to marry him In less than a month. Oh, pity
me, I am wretched."
"You mean to tell me," sold Dorothy,
rising, "that you nro engaged to Mr. Plowden
when you lovo Ernest!"
"Yes, oh yes, I , annot hclp"-
At that moment the door opened, and
Florence entered, nttended by Mr. Plowden.
Her keen eyes saw at once that something
was wrong, and her intelligence told her what
it was. After her bold fashion, she deter
mined to tako the bull by the horns. Unless
something wcro done, with Dorothy at her
back, Eva might prove obdurate after all.
Advancing, sho shook Dorothy cordially by
tho band.
"I seo from your face," she said, "that you
havo Just heard tho good news. Mr. PJawdeu
Is so shy that he would not consent to an
nounce it before, but here ho Is to receive
your congratulations."
Mr. Plowden took the cuo, and advanced
effusively on Dorothy with outstretched
hand. "Yes, Miss Jones, I nm sure you will
congratulate mej and I ought to be con
gratulated; I am the luckiest"
Here he broke off. It really was very
awkward. His hand remained limply hang
ing In tho air beforo Dorothy, but not tho
slightest sign did that dignified littlo lady
show of taking it On tho contrary, sho
drow herself up to her full height which
was not very tall and fixing her bteady bluo
oyes on tho clergyman's shifty orbs deliber
ately placed her right hand behind her back.
"I do not shako hands with people n ho play
such tricks," sho said quietly.
Mr. Plowden'a hands fell to his side, nnd ho
stepped bock. He did not expect such cour
age In anything so small. Florence, however,
sailed in to the rescue.
"Really, Dorothy, we do not quite under
stand." "Oh, yes, I think you do, Florence, or if
you do not, then 1 will erplaiu. Evn hero
was engaged to marry Ernest Kershaw. Eva
hero has Just with her own lips told me that
she still lovc3 Ernest, but that she is obliged
to marry that man," and she pointed witn
her littlo forefinger at Plowden, who re
coiled another step, "Is not that true, Eval"
Eva bowed her head by way of answer.
She still sat in the low chair, with her hands
over her faco.
"Really, Dorothy, I fall to see what right
you have to interfere in this matter," said
"I have the right of common justice, Flor
ence tho right a friend has to protect tho
absent. Oh, are you not ashamed of such a
wicked plot to wrong an absent man? Is
thero no way (addressing Mr. Plowden) in
which I enn appeal to your feelings, to induco
you to free this wretched girl you havo en
trnppodr' "I only ask my own," said Mr. Plowden,
"For shamel for shamol nnd'you a minister
of God's wordl And you too, Florence! Oh,
now I can read your heart, and see tho liail
thoughts looking from your eyes I"
Florence for n moment was abashed, and
turned her faco aside.
"And you, Eva, how can you become a
party to such ashameful thing? You, a good
girl, to sell yourself away from dear Ernest
to such a man as that;" and again she pointed
contemptuously at Mr. Plowden.
"Oh, don't, Dorothy, don't; It Is my duty.
You don't understand."
"Oh, yes, Eva, I do understand. I under
stand that it is your duty to drow n yourself
beforo you do such n thing. I am a woman
ns well as you, and, though I am not beauti
ful, I havo a heart and a conscience, and I
understand only too well."
"You will be lost if you drown yourself I
mean it is very wicked," said Mr. Plowden to
Eva, suddenly assuming his clerical character
as most likely td Ineffective. Tho suggestion
alarmed him lie had bargained for a livo
"Yes, Mr. Plowden," went on Dorothy,
"you aro right; it would be wicked, but not so
wicked ns to marry you. God gave us women
our lives, but he put a spirit in our hearts
which tells us that wo should rather throw
them away than suffer ourselves to bo de
graded. Oh, Eva, tell me that you will not
do this shameful thing no, do not whisper to
her, Florence."
"Dorothy, Dorothy," said Eva, rising a;id
wringing her hands, "it is all useless. Do not
break my heart with your cqiel words. I
must marry iiliu. I have fallen into tho
power of people viiio do not know what mercy
"Thank you," said Florence.
Mr. Plowdou scowled darkly.
"Then I havo done," and Dorothy walkod
toward tho door, Iieforo she reached it sho
paused and turned. "One word, and I will
troublo you no more. What do you all ex
pect will como of this wicked marriage?"
There was no answer. Then Dorothy went.
liut her efforts did not stop there. She made
her way straight to Mr, Cardus' office.
"Oh, Reginald!" she exclaimed, "I hnvo
such Dreadful news for you. There, let tno
cry a little first and I will tell you."
And she did, telling him the wholo storr
from lieginnlng to end.
It was entirely new to htm, and be listened
with some astonishment, and with a feeling
ot something liko indignation against Ernest.
Ho had Intended that youug gentleman to
fall in lovo with Dorothy, and liehold, be had
fallen in love with Eva. Abul for tho per
versity of youth.
"Well," he said, when she had dono, "and
what do you wish mo to dol It seems that
you havo to do with a bcurtlcss, scheming
woman, n clerical end, and a beautiful fuol.
One might deal with tho echemer and tho
fool, but no (lower on earth can soften the
cad. At least, that li my experience. He
sides, I think tho wholo thing is much lietter
left alone. I should I very sorry to see
Ernest married to a woman so worthless as
Eva must lie. She is handsome, it is true,
nnd that is about all sho is, ns fnr a I can
boo. Don't distress yourself, vy dear; he will
get over it, and after ho has had his fllnr out
there, and lived down that, duel business, ha
will como home, and if he Is w lse, I know
whore he will look for consolation."
Dorothy Ufcsod her head and colored.
"It is not a question of consolation," sho
said; "it is a question ot Ernest's happiness In
"Don't alarm yourself, Dorothy; people's
happiness li not so easily affected. Ho will
forget all aliout her in a year."
"I think thnt men always talk of each other
liko that, lleglnald," said Dorothy, resting
her head upon her hands and looking straight
at tho old gentleman. "Each ot you likes to
think that lie has a monopoly of feeling, and
that tho rest of his kind nro as shallow as a
milk wn. And yet it was only last night that
you were talking to mo nliout my mother.
You told me, you remember, that Ufa hod
been a worthless tiling to you since she was
torn from you, which no success had been able
to render pleasant. You said more; you said
you hoped that the cud was not far off, that
you had suffered enough and waited enough,
and that, though you bud not se-n lv: f.ue
for Qvo and twenty yeais, you level bu ss
wildly as jou did the day when sho ilnt
promised to becotuo your wife."
Mr. Cardus had rUcu, and was looking
through tlio glass door at tho hloomtng
orchids. Dorothy got up, and, follow iug him,
laid her hand Uwu bis shoulder.
"Reginald," sin ,Ud. "thjuk. Ernest is
aoftuTTblio fobTJKl oT till uhddr circum
stances curiously like thoso by which you
wcro roblied of yours. Unless Itis prevented,
what you hnvo suffered all your life that lie
will suffer also. Remember you nro of the
samo blood, and, allowing for the differences
bctwoon your nges, of very much the snm
tompornment, too. Think how different llo
would havo been to you if nny one had staved
off your disaster, and then I am sure you will
do nil you cau to stave off Ids."
"Life would have been non-existent for
Sou," ho nnswerod, "for you would never haVo
eon born."
"Ah, woll," sho said, with a littlo sigh, "I
am sure I should havo got on very well with,
out. I could havo spared myself,"
Mr. Cardus was n keen man, and could see
us far into the human heart as most.
"Olrl," ho snld, contracting his whlto eye
brows and suddenly turning round upon her, 1
"you love Ernest yourself. I havo often sus
pected It; now I am sure you do."
Dorothy flinched.
"Yes," sho answered, "I do lovo him; what
"And yet you are advocating my Inter
ference to secure his marriage with another
woman, a worthiest creature w ho docs not
know her own mind. You cannot really care
about him."
"Cure about him!" And she turned lier
sweet blue eyes upwnrd. "I love him with
all my heal tend soul and strength. I lrve
always loved him; I always shall love hlnu
1 lovo him so well that I can do my duty to
him, Reginnld. It is my duty to strain every
nervo to prevent this marriage. I had rather
that my heart should ache than Ernest's. I
Implore you to help mor
"Dorothy, it has always been my dearest
wish that you should marry Ernest. I told
him so just before that unhappy duel. I love
you both. All the fibers of my heart that are
left alive have wound themselves around you.
Jeremy I could never care for. Indeed, I
fear that I sed sometimes to treat tho boy
harshly. He reminds ino of his father; nnd
do vou know, hit dear. I sometimes think
that on that point 1 am not quite sane? But
because you havo asked ma to do It, and be
ceuso you have quoted your dear mother
may peace be with herl I will do what I
can. This girl, Eva, is ot age, and 1 will
write and offer her a home. She need fear
no persecution hero."
"You nre kind and good, Reginald, and I
thank you."
"Tho letter shall go by to-night's post"
The letter was written. It offered Eva a
home and protection.
In due course an answer, signed by Eva
herself, came back. It thanked him for his
kindness, and regretted that ciieumstances
and "her sonso of duty" prevented her from
accepting the offer.
Then Dorothy felt that sho had done all
that in her lay, and gave tin matter up.
It was aliout this time that Florence drow
another picture. It represented Evn as An
dromeda gazing hoio1essly in tho dim light of
a ghastly dawn out across a glassy sea; and
far away In the oily depths thero was a rip
ple, and beneath tho ripple a form traveling
toward tho chained maiden. Tho fonn had a
human bead and cold, gray eyes, and its fea
tures were thoso of Mr. Plowden.
And so, day by day, Destiny throned in
space shot her flaming shuttlo from darkness
into darknoss, and the time passed on, as the
time must pasi, till tho Inevitable end ot all
things is attained.
Eva existed anil suffered, and that was all
she did. She scarcely ate or drank or slept
But still she lived; she was not bravo enough
to die, and the chains wero riveted too tight
round her tender wrists to let her flee awny.
Poor Nineteenth century Andromedol No Per
seus shall come to save you.
The suu rose and set in his appointed course,
the flowers bloomed and died, children wero
born, and the allotted portion of mankind
passed onward to its rest; but no godlike Per
seus came flying out of the golden east
Once more tho sun rote. The dragon
heaved his head ubovo the quiet waters, and
the was lost. By her own act, of her own
folly and weakness, she was undone. Behold
herl tho wedding ia over. The echoes of tho
loud mockery of tho bells havo scarcely died
ugion tho noonday air, and in her chamber,
tho chamber of her free and happy maiden
hood, tho virgin martyr stands alone.
It is done. There Me the sickly scented
flowers, thero too tho bride's white robe. It
is done. Oh, that life were done too, that she
might once press her lips to his mid die!
Tlio door opens, nnd Florence stands before
her. palo, triumphant and awu inspiring.
"I must congratulate you, my dear Eva.
You went through tho ceremony very well,
only you looked liS) a statue."
"Florence, why '! you come to mock mei"
"Mock you, Evn, mock you! I come to
wish you joy ns Mi'. Plowden's wlfo. I hopo
that you w IU be happy."
"Happy! I shall never be happy. I detest
"You detest him, and you marry him; thero
must bo some mistake."
There is no mistake. Oh, Ernest, my dar
ling!" Floronco smiled.
"if Ernest is your darling, why did you not
matry Ernestl'1
"How could I marry him when you forced
ino into lhlsi"
"Forced you! A free woman of full ago
cuunot bo forced. You married Mr. Plowden
of your own will. You might have married
Ernest Kershaw If you cho-e. He is In many
ways a mora deslrnblo match than Mr. Plow
den, but you did net choose."
"Florence, what do you mean! Youalways
said it was impossible. Oh, is this all some
cruel plot of yours!"
"Impossible! thero U nothing impossible to
those who have courage. Yes," and sho
turned uion her sUtcr fiercely, "it was a plot,
nnd you shall know it, you ioor, weak fool I
I loved Ernest Korshaw, und y ou robbed me
of him, although you promised to leave him
alone, anil so I have revenged myself upon
you. I despise you, I tell you; you are quite
contemptible, and yet ho could prefer you to
mo. Well, ho has got Ills reward. You have
deserted lilm when he was absent and In
trouble, and you havo outraged his love and
your own. You have fallen very low Indeed,
Evn, nnd you will full lower yet. I know you
well. You will sink till at last you even lose
the sense of your own humiliation. Don't
you wonder what Ernest must think of you
now? Thero is Mr. Plowden calling you
come, it is time for you to bo going."
Eva listened aghast, and then sunk up
against the w all, sobbing despairingly.
Ernest and Jeremy were seated together on
the veranda of the same houso at Pretoria
where they had Iwen living before they wont
on tho elephant hunt, and which they had
now purchased. Ernest bad been in tho gar
den watering a cucuinben plant he was try
ing to develop from a very slekly seedling.
Even if he only slopied a month in a place
he would start a little garden; it was a habit
of Ills, Presently he came back to the ve
randa, where Jeremy was as usual watching
the battle of tho rod and block ants, which,
after several years' encounter, was not yet
finally decided.
"Curse that cucumber plantl" 6aid Ernest,
emphatically, "it won't grow. I tell you
what It is, Jeremy, I am sick of this place; I
vote wo go away."
"For goodness sake, Eruest, let us have a
little rest You do rattle one about so in
tho! confounded post carts," replied Jeremy,
"I mean, go nway frora south Africa al
together," "Oh," said Jeremy, dragging his great
frame into an upright position, "the deuce
you dol And where do you want to go to
"England! no, I have had enough' of Eng
land. South America, I think. But perbais
.you want to go ho(no. It is not fair to keep
dragging you nil over the world."
"My dear ft'.iow, 1 like it, I assure you. I
havo no wish to return to Mr, Cardus' stooL
For goodness' sake don't suggest such a thing;
I should bo wretched."
"Yes, but ycu ought to be doing something
with your lite. It i all very well for mo,
who am a jioor devil of a waif nnd stray, to
go on with this sort ot existence, but I don t
seo why you should; you should bo making
your uy ii the world,"
"Walt a bit. my hearty," ald Jeremy, with
his slow smile; "I am going to read youo
statement of our financial affairs which I
drow up last night. Considering that wo havo
im .lnim- liothttic all this lime except en-
joylu-ourselves, and that all our investments
have been made out of income, which no
doubt your respectetl undo lancies wu
dissipated, I do not think tho total is bad,"
nnd Jeremy rendi
"Landed property In N'stal and the Trans
vaal, intimated value S,?iOO
This house 010
Stock wagons, etc., say 300
ltoco horses ,
1 havo left that blank."
"Put them at 800," said . Ernest, after
thinking. "You know I won 500wlth Endy
Mary on the Cape Town plate last week."
Jeremy went ons
"ftace horses nod winnings 1,300
Bundrles cash, balance, etc IPO
Total (.... 5,W0
Now of this wo havo actually saved and in
vested about 2,503, the rest we havo made
or it has accumulated, Now. I ask you.
whero could we have dono better than that
as things go I So don't talk to me about
wasting my time."
"Bravo, Jcremyl My undo was right;
after all, you ought to havo been a lawyer;
you are first class at figures. I congratulate
you on your management of the estutes."
"My system is 6lmple," answered Jeremy.
"Whenover there is any money to spare I buy
something with It, then you are not likely to
spend it. Then, when I havo. things enough
wagons, oxen, horses, what not I sell them
and buy somo land; that can't run away. If
you only do that sort of thing long enough
you will grow rich nt last"
"Sweetly simple, certainly. Well, ?,000
will go n long way toward stocking a farmer
something in South America, or wherever we
make up our minds to go, nnd then I don't
think that we need draw on my uncle nny
more. It Is hardly fair to drain him so. Old
Alston will como with us, I think, and will
put in another 5,000. He told mo somo time
ago that ho was getting tired of south Af
rica, with its Boers and blacks, In his old age,
and had a fancy to make a start in some
other place. I will write to him to-night
What hotel is he staying at inMnrluburg!
the Royal, Isn't it! And then I vote wo cleur
In tho spring."
"Right you are, my hearty."
At that moment their conversation was in
terrupted by the arrival of a Kaffcr messen
ger with a telegram addressed to Ernest.
Ho opened it and read it. "Hullo," ho said,
"hero is something better than Mexico; lis
ten: " 'Alston, Poter Marltzburg, to Kershaw,
Pretoria: High commissioner has declared
war against Cetawayo. Local cavalry ur
gently required for service in Zululand.
Have offered to raise small corps of about
seventy mounted men. Offer has lieen ac
cepted. Will you accept post of socond in
command! you would hold tho queen's
commission. If so, set about picking suitable
ret lulls; terms, 10 shillings a day, all found.
Am coming up to Pretoria by this post cart.
Ask Jones if he will accept sergeant major
ship.'" "Hurrohl" sung out Ernest, with flashing
oyes. "Here is somo real service at latt. Of
course you will accept."
"Of course," said Jeremy quietly; "but
don't Indulge lu rejoicings yet; this Is going
to be a big business, unless I am mistaken."
Ernest and Jeremy did not let the grass
grow under their feet. They guessed that
there would soon be a great deal of recruiting
for various corps, and bo set to work at ouco
to secure the best men. The stamp of mau
they aimed at getting was the colonial born
Englishman, both because such men have
moro self respect, independence of character
and "gumption" than tho ordinary drifting
sediment from the fields and soaiorts, and
also becauso they wcro practically ready
moilo soldiers. They could ride as well ns
they could walk, they were splendid rillo
shots, and they had, too, from childhood been
trained In tlio art of traveling without bag
gage, and very rapidly. Ernest did not Und
much difficulty in the task. Mr. Alston was
well known, and had seen a great deal of ser
vice ns a young man in tho Basutu wars, and
stories were still told of his nerve and pluck.
Ho was known, too, to bo a wary man, not
rash or over confident, but of a determined
mind; and, what is more, to possess a perfect
knowledge of Zulu warfare and tactics. This
went a long way with intending recruits, for
the first thing a would bo colonial volunteer
inquires into is the character of his ofllcers.
Ho will not trust his lito to men in whom bo
puts no reliance. Ho is willing to lose it in
the way of duty, but he has a great objection
to having it blundered away. Indeed, in nuiny
south African volunteer corps it is a funda
mental principle that the officers should be
elected by the men themselves. Once elected,
however, they cannot bo deposed except by
competent authority.
Ernest, too, was by this time well known la
tho Transvaal, and universally believed in.
Mr. Alston could not have chosen n better
lieutenant. Ho was known to havo pluck
and dash, and to be ready wittod in emer
gency; but it was not that only which mado
him acceptablo to the individuals w hoso con
tinued existence would very iwssibly depend
upon ids courngo and discretion. Indeed, it
would bo difficult to say what it was; but
there aro some men who nro by nuturo
born leaders of their fellows, and who inspire
confidence magnetically. Ernest had this
great gift. At llrst sight he was much liko
any othtr young man, rather careless looking
thanotherwise in appearance, giving tho ob
server tho impression that he was thinkins ot
something elso; but old bands at native war
faro, looking Into his dark eyes, saw some
thing thero wmcu tola them that this young
fellow, boy as bo was, comparatively speak
ing, would not show himself wanting lu tho
moment ot emergency, eitncr in courage or
discretion. Jeremy's nomination, too, as
sergeant major, a very impoitant jiost in
6uch a corps, was popular enough. People
had not forgotten his victory over tti Boer
giant, and besides, a sergeant major with
such a physique would have boon u credit to
any corps.
All theso things hehiod to make rocruitin;
an easy task, and when Alston nnd his son
Roger, weary and bruised, stepped out ot the
Natal post curt four days later, it was to bo
met by Ernest and Jeremy with the in
telligence that his telegram had been received.
tho opjiolntments accepted, and thirty five
men provisionally enrolled, subject to his up
provul. "My word, young gentlemen," he said,
highly pleased: "you ure lieutenants worth
Tho next month was a busy ono for Alston's
Horse. It was drill, drill, drill, morninc.
noon and night But the results soon became
apparent In tbreo weeks from tho day they
got their horses, thero was not a smarter,
quicuer corps m tsoutn Atrica, and Mr,
Alston and Ernest were highly complimented
ou tue soinier nice appearance ol the men,
and the rapidity and exactitude with which
they executed all the ordinary cavalry
They woro to march from Pretoria on the
10th of Jnnjjary, ond expected to overtake
Col. Glynn's column, with which was the
general, about the 16th, by which time Mr,
Alston calculated the real advance upon
Zululand would begin.
On tho Sth tho good people of Pretoria gave
tho corps a farewell banquet, for most of it
momtiers were Pretoria men; and colonists
are never behindhand when there isauexcuso
for oouviviiility ond good fellowship.
Of course, after tho banquet, Mr, or, as
ho was now called, Capt Alston's health
was drunk. But Alston was a man ot tew
words, am) had a horror of speech making,
Ho contented himself with a few lirief sen
teucos of acknowledgment, and sat down,
Then somebody proposed the health ot the
other commissioned and non-commissioned
officers, and to this Ernest rose to respond.
mak Ing a very good speech in reply. He rapiilly
sketched the state of political affairs of which
tho Zulu war was the outcome, and, without
expressing any opinion on the Juitlco or wis
dom ot that war. ot which, to speak tho
truth, ho bad grave doubts, he went on to
show, in a tew well enosen, weighty words.
how vital wero tlio Interest Involved in its
sucwuful conclusion, now that it onco had
been undertaken. Finally, he concluded
"I am woll aware, gentlemen, that with
many of those who aro your gueste hero to
night, and my own comrades, this state of
affairs and the conviction ot the extreme ur
gency ot the occasion has keen the cause of
their enlistment It is Impossible for ino to
look down these tables and soo to many fa our
rough and leady uniform whom I have
known in other wnUs of life as farmers.
storekeepers, government cleiks and what
not, without realizing most clearly tho ex
treme necessity that can have brought these
peaceable citizens together on such an er
rand as we are bent oil. Certainly it is not
tba ten shillings u day or the mere excits-
moot 61 savage warfaTo that haJ done this'
(cries of "Nol"), "becauso most of tliem can
woll afford to dosptse the money, nnd many
more have seen enough of native war and
know well what few rewards and plenty of
bard work fall to the lot of colonial volun
teers. Then, what Is it! I will venture a
reply. It Is that snnse of patriotism which is
a part and parcel of the English mind"
cheers "and which from generation to gen
oration has been the root of England's grwit
nnsi, and, so long as (he British blood re
mains untainted, will, from unborn genera
tion to generation, be the mainspring ot the
greatness that is yet to be of those wider Eng
land, of which I hope this continent will be
come not the least" Loud cheers.
"That, gentlemen and moti of Alston's
HorsB, is tho bond which unites ns together;
It is the sonso of a common duty to perform,
of a commou danger to combat, of a common
patriotism to vindicate. And for that reason,
because of the patriotism ajkl duty, I feel
sure that when the end of the campaign
comes, whatever that end may be, no one, be
ho Imperial offletr or newspaper correspond
ent or Zulu foe, will be able to say that Al
ston's Hons shirked its work.or was mutinous,
or proved a broken reed, piercing tho sido of
thoso who loaned upon it" (Cheers.) "I feel
sure, too, that though there may be a record
of brave deeds such as become brave men,
there will be none of a comrade deserted in
tho time of need or ot failure in the moment
of emergency, however terrible that emer
gency may be." (Cheers.) "Ay, my breth
ren in arms," nnd hero Ernest's eyes flashed
nnd his strong, clear voice went ringing down
tho great hall, "whom England has called,
and who have not failed to answer that call.
I repeat, however terrible may be that emer
gency, oven if It should involve tho certainty
of death I speak thus because I feel I am
addressing brave men, who do not rear to
die, when death means duty and life means
dishonor I know well that you will rise to
it, and, falling shoulder to shoulder, will pass
as heroes should on to tho land of shades on
to that Valhalla of which" no true heart
should fear to set foot upon the threshold."
Ernest sat down amid ringing cheers. Nor
did theso noble words, cominK as they did
straight from the loyal heart or an English
gentleman, fall of their effect. On the con
trary, when a fortnight later Alston's Horse
formed that fatal ring ou Isandblwuna'a
bloody field, they flashed through the brain
of more than one despairing man, so that ho
set his toeth und died the harder for them.
On tho 20th ot January Alston's Horse, hav
ing moved down by easy marches from Pre
toria, camped at Home's unrt, on the Uulralo
river, not far from a store and thatched
building used as a hospital, which were des
tined to become historical Here orders
reached them to march on the following day
and Join No. 3 column, with which was Lord
Chelmsford himself, and which was camped
about nine miles from the Buffalo river, at a
spot called Isandhlwana, or the "Place of the
Little lland." iiext day, tueuistor January,
tho corps moved ou accordingly, and, follow
ing the wagon track that runs past the Inhla
zatye mountain, by midday came up to the
camp, where about 2,500 men ot ull arms were
assembled under the immediate command of
Col. Glynn. Their camp, which was about
800 yards square, was pitched facing a wide
plain, with Its back toward a precipitous, slab
clued hill, o: tue curious iorniation sometimes
to bo seen in south Africa. This wax Isand
Tho camp was sunk lu sleep. Up to the
sky, whither it w as docreed their spirits should
pass beforo the dark closed In again and hid
their mangled corpses, floated the faint breath
of somo 1,400 men. Thero thoy lay, sleeping
tho healthy sleep of vigorous manhood, their
brains busv with the fantastic madness of
n hundred dreams,-and little recking of tho
lnovltablo morrow. I hero, in his sleep, the
white man saw his nativo village, with its tall,
wind swayed elms, and the gray old church
that for centuries had watched tho last slum
bers of his race; the Kaffer, the sunny slope
of f.iir Natal, with the bright light dancing
on ills cattlo'a horns, and tho green of the
gardens where for his well being his wives
and children tolled. To some that night came
dreams of high ambition, of brave adventure,
crowned with the perfect triumph we never
reach; to some, visions of beloved races long
since passed away; to some, the reflected light
of a far off homo and echoes of the hnppy
laughter of little children. And so their
lamps wavered hither and thither in the
spiritual breath of sleep, flickering wildly, ere
they went out forever.
Tno night wind swept In snd gusts across
Jsandhlwnna's plain, tossing the green gross
which to-morrow would tw red. it moaned
against Inhlazatye's mountain and died upon
Uplndo, fanning the dark faces of a host of
warriors who rested thero upon luoir spears,
sharpened for tho coming slaughter. And as
It breathed upon them tney turned, tnose
bravo soldiers of U'Cetywayo "born to b
killed," as their saying runs, at Uetywayo's
bidding nnd, grasping their assegais, raised
themselves to listen. It was nothing, death
was not yet; death for tho morrow, sleep for
the night.
A little after 1 o'clock on the morning of
the 22.1 of January, Ernest was roused by the
sound of n horse's Voofs ami the honeh cbal-
iongeof th9 sentries. "Dispatch from MnJ.
Dartnell," was the answer, and the messenger
passed on. Half an hour moro and the
roveillo was sounded, and the camp hummed
in the darkness liko a hive of beos making
ready for tho dawn.
Boon It was known that the general and
Col. Olynn wcro about to move out to the
support of Maj. Dartnell, who reported a
largo forco of the enemy in fron"t of him.
with six convpanies ot the second battalion of
tho Twenty-fourth regiment, four guns nnd
the mounted infantry.
At dawn tbey left.
At 8 o'clock a report arrived from u picket,
stationed about a milo away ou a bill to the
north of the camp, that a Ixxly of Zulus w as
approaching from the northeast.
At t) o'clock the enemy showed over the
crest of the hills for a fow minutes and then
At JO o'clock Col. Durnford arrived from
Rorko's Drift with a rocket battery and 60
mounted native soldiers, and took over the
command of the camp from Col. Pullcino.
As bo came up be stopped for a minute to
speak to Alston, whom ho know, and Ernest
uotlcod nun. no was a uanasomo, soldier
like man, with bis arm In a sling, a long, fair
mustache and restless, anxious expression of
At 10:SO Col. Durnford's force, divided Into
two portions, w as, with tho rocket battery,
pushed some miles forward to ascertain the
enemy's movements, and a company of the
Twenty-fourth was directed to tauo up a
position on the hill about a mile to the north
of the camp. Meanwhile the enemy, which
they afterward beard consisted of the Uudi
corps, tho 3okemco nnd umcuu regiments,
and the PikobaraukosI and irabonanmhl regi
ments, in all about 20,000 men, were reding
about two miles from Isandhlwana, with no
Intention of attacking that day. They had
not yet boon "moutled" (doctored) and the
condition ot tho moon was not propitious.
Unfortunately, howovcr, CoL Durnford's
mounted Basutus, in pushing forward, came
uin a portion ot tho Umcitu regiment and
fired on it, whereupon the Umcitu came into
action, driving Durnford's horso before them,
and thon engaged the company of the
Twenty-fourth, which had been stationed on
the hill to tho north of the camp, nnd after
stubborn roslstauco annihilating it It wus
followed by the Nokenke, Imboiianmbi and
Nkobtmakosi regiments, who executed a
Hanking movement and threatened the front
of tho camp, For a while tho Uudi corps,
which formed tho chest ot the array, held its
ground. Then it marched ot! to the right
and directed its course to the north of
Isandhlwana mountain, with the object of
turning the position.
Meanwhile, the remaining companlas of
the Twenty-fourth were advanced to various
positions In trout of the camp, and engaged
the enemy, for a while holding htm in check;
the two guns under Mnj. Smith shelling tho
Nokonke regiment, which formed his left
center, w Ith great effect. The shells could be
teen bursting amid the denso massos ot Zulus,
who wero coming on slowly and iu perfect
silence, making largo gaps in their ranks,
which Instantly cloxl up over the dead.
At this point the advance of the Uudi regi
ment t tho Zulu right and the English left
was reported, and Alston's Horse was ordered
to proceed and it posiiblo to chock it Ac
cordingly they left, and riding behind the
company of the Twenty-fourth on the hill,
to tho north of tho camp, which was now
hotly ejM'fied with the .Uigdtu, Durn-
fbrtfn WsiKus, wTio, fighting splendidly, wef a
slowly being pushed back, made for tho north
sido ot Isandhlwana. As soon ns they got on
tho high ground thoy caught sight of the
Undl, who, something over 8,000 strong, wero
running swiftly In ft formation of companies,
about bait a mile away to the northward.
"By Ileavcnl they mean to turn the moun
tain and seiie tho wagon road," said Mr.
Alston. "Gallopl"
The troops dashed down the sldpe toward a
pom in a stony ridge, which would command
tho path of JJ Undl, as they did so breaking
through nnd killing two or threo of a thin
line of Zulus that formed the extreme point
of ono of the horns or nippers, by merfPls of
which the enemy intended tp incloso the
camp and crush it
After this Alston's Horse saw nothing more
of the general fight; biit it may 1 as well to
briefly relate what liapienel. Tim Zulus of
the various regiments pushed slowly on to
ward the camp, notwithstanding their heavy
losses. Their object was to give time to the
horns or nlppus to close round it Moan
wlale, those in command reallred too late tlie
extreme BeriousncM of the position nnd liegan
to concentrate the various companies. Too
late! the enemy saw that tho nippers had
closed. He knew, too, thai) tho Undl could
not be far off the wagon road, the only way of
retreat; and so, abandoning his silence and
his slow advance, he raised the Zulu war
shout and charged In from a distance of 600
to 800 yards.
Up to this time the English loss had lx-en
small, for tho shooting of the Zulus was vile.
The Zulus, on the contrary, had, especially
during the last half hour bof ore they charged,
lost heavily. But now the Uibles turned.
First the Natal contingent, seeing that they
were surrounded, liolted, and laid open the
right and rear flank of the troops. In poured
tho Zulus, so that most of the soldiers had
not time even to fix bayoneU. In another
minute our men wero being assegnied right
and left, and the retreat of the camp had be
come a fearful rout. But even thon there -was
nowhere to run to. The Undl corps
(which afrerward parsed on and attacked the
post at Burke's Drift) already held the wagon
road, and tho only practical way of retreat
was down a gully to the south of the road.
Into this the broken fragments of the forco
plungtd wildly, and after them and mixed up
with them went their Zulu foes, mussacrlng
every living thing they camo acroMt.
So tho camp w-as cleared. When, a couple
ot hours afterward, Commandant Lonsdale,
of Lonsdale Horso, was sent back by Gen.
Chelmsfoid to ascertain what the (ring was
about, he could sea nothing wrong. The
tents wero standing, tho wagons were
there; there were evou soldiers moving
about It did not occur to htm thnt
It was the soldiers' coats which were moving
on the backs of Kaffers, and that the soldiers
themselves would never move again. So be
rode oft quickly up to the headquarter tents,
out of which, to liis surprise, there suddenly
stalked a huge naked Zulu, smeared all over
with blood and waving lu his hand a bloody
Having seen enough, he then rode back
again to tell the general that bis camp was
To God's good providence nnd Cetywayo's
clemency, rather than to our own wisdom, do
we owe It thot all tho outlying homesteads in
Natal were not laid in ashes and men, women
and children put to the aswegaL
Alston's Horse soon reached tlio bridge, past
which the Undl were commencing to run, nt
a distance of about S50 yards, and tho order
was given to dismount and line it This they
did, one mnn in every four keeping a fow
paces back to hold the horses of his section.
Then they opened fire; and next second came
back the sound of the thudding ot the bullets
on the Bhlelds and balies of Zulu warriors.
Ernest, seated up high on his great black
horse, the Devil, tor tho officers did not dis
mount, could see how terrible was tho effect
ot that raking fire, delivered as it was, not
by raw English boys, who scarcely know one
end of a rillo from another, but by men, all
of whom could shoot, and many of whom
were crack shots. All along the lino of the ,
Undi companies men threw up their arms
and dropped dead or staggered out ot the
ranks wounded. But tho main body nover
paused. By and by 'they would come back
and move tho wounded or kill them if they
wero not likely to recover.
Soon as tho raugo got longer tho flro began
to bo less deadly, and Ernest could see that
fewer men wero dropping.
"Ernest," said Alston, galloping up to him,
"I am going to charge them. Look, they will
soon cross tho donga and rcacli the slopes of
tho mountain, and we shan't be able to follow
them on the broken ground."
"Isn't It rather risky!" asked Ernest, some
what dismayed at the idea of launching their
littlo company ot mounted men at the mov
ing mass before them.
"Risky? yes, of courso It is, but my orders
wcro to delay tho cricmy as much as possible,
and tho horses uro fresh. But, my lad" and
ho bent toward him and spoke low "It
doesn't much matter whether we aro killtd
charging or running away. I am sure that
the camp must be taken ; there is no hope.
Good by, Ernest; If I fall, fight the corps as
long as possible, and kill as many of those
devils as you can; and If you survlvo, re
member to make oft well to the left. The
rcglmonts will have passed by then. Ood
bless you, my boy I Now order the bugler to
sound the 'Cease fire,' and let the men
"Yes, sir."
They were the lart werds Alston over spoke
to him, and Ernest often remembered with
admiration that even at that moment he
thought more of his friend's safety than he
did of his own. As to their tenor, Ernest had
already suspected the truth, though luckily
the suspicion had not as yet impregnated the
corps. Mazooku, too, who as usual was
with him, mounted ou a Busutu pony, had
Just Informed him that, lu his (Mazooku's)
opinion, they were all us good as ripped up
(alluding to tho Zulu habit of cutting a dead
enemy open), and adding a consolatory re
mark to the effect that man can die but once,
and "good Job too."
But, strangely enough, be did not feel
afraid; indeed, be never felt quieter In his
life than hd did in that hour of near death.
A wild expectancy thrilled his nerves, and
looked out of his eyes. "What would it be
like!" he wondered. And in another minute
all such thoughts were gone, for be was at
tho head of bis troop, ready for tho order.
Alston, followed by the boy Roger, galloped
swiftly round, seeing that tho formation was
right, and then gave tho word to unshoath the
short swords with which bo had insisted upon
tbo corps being armed. Meanwhile the Uudi
were drawing on to n flat plain, 400 yards or
moro broad, at the foot of the mountain, a
very suitablo spot for a cavalry maneuver,
"Now, men of Alston's Horse, there is the
enemy before you. Let me see bow you can
go through them. Chnrgol"
"Charge!" re-echoed Ernest
"Charge I" roarod Sergt Ma J. Jones,
brandishing his 8 wo I'd.
Down the slope they go, slowly at first;
now they ore on the plain, and the pacu quick
ens to a hand gallop.
Ernest feels his great horse gather himself
together and spring along beneath him; he
hears tho hum ot astonishment rising from
tho dense black mass before bun as it halts to
receive the attack; ho glances round and toes
tho set faces and determined look upon tho
'features of his men, nnd his blood boils up
with wild exhilaration, and for awhile he
tastes the flerco Joy of war.
Qulskcr still grows the paco; now be can
ceo the white round the dark eyeballs of the
"Crash!" they aro among them, tramp'.lng
them down, hewing them down, thrusting,
slashing, stabbing and being stabbed. Tho
air is alive with assegais, and echoes with tho
savage Zulu war cries and with the shouta of
the gallant troopers, lighting now as troopers
have not often fought before. Presently, as
in a dream, Emest sees u huge Zulu seize
Alston's home by tho bridle, jerk it onto its
haunches, and raise bis assegai. Then the
boy Roger, who is by bis father's side, makes
a point with his sword and runs the Zulu
through. He falls, but noxt moment the toil
is attacked by more, Is assegaled, and talis
fighting bravely. Then Alston pulls up, and,
firntng, shoots with bis revolver at tho men
who have killod his soil Two fall; another
runs up, and with a shout drives a great epoar
right through Alston, so that it stands out a
hand breadth, behind his back. Ou to the
Ixxly of his son be too falls and die. Next
second the Zulu's head is cleft in twain down
to the chiiL That was Jeremy's stroke.
All this time they are travelins; on. leav
ing a brood, red lane of dead and dying in
their track, ll-esently it was done ; they had
tmssed light through the Impl. But out ot
sixty-four men thoy bad lost their captain
and twenty troopers. As they emerged
Emest notlocd that his sword was dripping
blood, and his sword hand stained red, Yet
he could not at the moment remember having
killed anybody.
But Alston was dead, apd bo was now In
command ot what remained of the coi-ps.
They were in no condition to charge ngaln,
for many horses and some men were
wounded. So lie led them round the rear
of tho Impl, which, detaching a romiwny
of about 800 men to deal with tho remnants
of the troop, went on iu way with lessened
numbers, and tilled with' admiration at the
exhibition ot a courage iu no way inferior to
heir own.
A true frit ml is tho rarest of bktsings