The Columbian BLOOMSBURG, PA FHIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. roomer ii.hoid tikk Tim. Tratniinntho l'hlladclpliia&K It. Icavolliipcri MiollonBt kortii. sortn. IiU a. m. ll:if? a. in. :10 p. m. 6:80 p. m. Trnlnson tha D. L. & W. It. It. loavo Bioomaburi follows! north. Bnctn. 7IS a. m. B:SS a. m. U.trJ a.m. 12:in p. in. i t'l p. in. 4:18 p. in. CM p. in. S:4? p. m. i Trains on tlio N. & W. 11. Hallway pass Illcon rrrv as follows MIRTH. ii:M a. m. IMS p. m, p. ra. SCNDiT. SOUTH. 11:M a. m. 419 p.m. 6:3t) p. m. NORTn. .ocm. io:lo a m ft:3u p m hai.i;h, AuousT 0. J. 8. Mclirlilc, administrator of Frederick Dorr, deceased, will sell cows, pigs, farming machlucry, wagons, sleds, household goods, grain, harness, Ac, on tho premises, In Madison township, at 10 o'clock d. m. July 29. The administrators of David Lowcnberg, deceased, will sell personal property consisting of a pair of ponies, wngous, harness, stocks. &c , on tho prem ises In Dloomsburg, at 1 o'clock. 8eo post ers. A Fine Resilience For Hale. The executors of Mary N. llarman, de ceased, offer at prlvalo sale a handsome residence on Market Btrcct above Main, Dloomsburg. The bouse is of brick, large pleasant rooms, steam heat, gas, water, sowcragc, and all modern Improvements. Thero Is a largo frame barn, ice house and outbuildings. One of tho most desirable locations In tho town. Terms easy. Thev also offer for sale thirty-seven acres of land on Normal bill, adjoining P. Dil lon's ana mo lioyt estate, on be divided Into dcslrnblo building lots. For terms nnd particulars apply to I. V. lie. Kelvy, one of tho cxicutors, or Geo. E. Elwcll, attorney, Dloomsburg, Pa. tf VoR RENT. Fob Balk on Hunt. Tho Music Hall, formerly Eureka Hlnk, Is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms by tho new manager. Parties wishing to hold festi vals will do well to see tho manager, J. D. Siiaffek, Manager. During July and August tho Columbian olllco will close every uay ai six ociock.iu personal. Mrs. J. D. Wilson and daughter, Allco, nro at Ocean Urovo. Miss Dcsslo Mnrple, of Philadelphia, is Visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ducknluw arc at Ganoga Lake for the summer. Mr. II. II. Qrolz returned from a trip to Eaglesmere on Wednesday evening. O. II. Drown, tbodown-town grocer, has boon very sick the past week, but h lin proving. Hcv. Stuait Mitchell and family left town last Tuesday to spend a few weeks at Chautauqua, N. Y. Will Steele, of Ashland, manager of the Ashland DasoDall club, was In town last week Thursday. Miss Margaiettn Scott, the African mis. slonary, spent a few days last week visit ing at Mrs. M. E. Kill's. D. L. Drown left town Tuesday morning to tako a short summer vncation. lie ex. pects to visit friends a few days at Allen town, and will probably go to Atlantic City to get a whiff of sea uir before returning home. Paul E. Wirt, Esq., will sail from New York on Tuesday for England, by the steamship Arizona of the Onion line. He goes to exhibit bis fountain pens at tho American Exhibition in London, nnd will bo absent several months. Wo wish him a ssfo and pleasant voyage. As ten months of our fiscal year have ex pircd, our collector will call next wcok on all subscribers in town whoso subscription expired last October. He hopes to meet with prompt payment. Peaches will soon be In the market. A teacher's examiuation will be held nt Bcrcno, July 29. Tho town was quite lively last Tuesday tho day of the Convention. Bqulrrols may bo lawfully shot from Dcpicmucr 1st to January 1st. The pitcher, whether in a base ball club or noi, is very popular nowadays. New fall shapes In dark straw hats this weoK at Kebccca Carmen's, lienton. Thirty car loads of rail? were received uus weeic oj tuo u- & a. 11. 11. company Governor ItaAVPr linq nrwpntpil nil fnvltn tlon to attend tho Sullivan county fair this year. Mess. Brld frnnR nnrl IIllfvhr& nrr nt wnrk on a contract for grading tbo D. & S. road irom lienton up. The beat still continues without mtii-h abatement and will probably do bo until the uoj nays are over. Tho selection of John P. llnnnon for Member of tbo Democratic Stato Commit. tee Is it good one. A man selling microscopes drew lari-o crowus around him in front of the post. oulco all day last Friday. Susquehanna county will celebrato In an appropriate manner tho one hundredth an nlversary of Its founding. Beechnuts, acorns and chestnuts promlso to bo abundant next Fall, and pleuty of mem promises n plentiful crop of pigeons, A campmcetlng will bo held at llupert Grove by the A. M. E. Church of Dlooms burg, beginning Saturday, July !50, aud continuing until August 8. (4t, Tho condition of tbo applo crop, already low on June 7, baa still further declined during tho month in almost every slnte.and tho prospect Is generally the poorest for years, The plcnlo excursion on tho D. & 8. rail road to Stillwater that was to havo taken placo on Tuesday, was postponed, the heavy rains having made tbo woods too oamp for pleasure. Tbo members of tho Democratic Stand, Ing Commtttco met Immediately after tbo adjournment of tho convention and elected t. It. Little Esn. as chairman and E. M, TcwkBbury, secretary. Tho H. & B. bildge across Fisblngcrcek ftt Denton Is ncurly completed. Tho road Is now laid within threo or four miles of Denton, which will piobably be reached nmo time lu the beginning of next week, Three Ilullan musicians discoursed sweet muslo on a harp and violins on tho streets this week. Their playluc Is much better than the ordlnarv run of travelling rnusi. clans. They furnished muslo for tbo dance i juuua nail on Wednesday evening. THE COLUMBIAN AND A second lifion t.n i . I i... ... ",uo 18 orBn. ... VWTVU. I I - iho depots on tho H. AS. road will lm seventeen feet wldo nnd thlrty-two feet long. Tho nlntff.rm m .i...i . " v-tniiii iwrntv. i vul "u"i me uuiKiing. Thoy will present a neat appearance r,t ... . , lucre will bo nn . . iVDVum UU1IQ .it D.ry , Cb"rcU ln 0mnK town- smp Saturday evening, July sioth. AH arc n, ai.yiiivncdto attend. Tho proceeds nro for tho benefit of said church. Thero has been no adlustmnni t n, liltch In tho school board over tho appoint ment of a principal. Thero nro eleven ap plicants, II. I), Walker, formerly nf the Normal school, tn-lnir among the number. A party from Dunvlllc -trove un horn in tliron nmll...,. I.... . 1 ,, rrmiiy nnu spent the I ,luu UY;,UK ,n W11K urove. They wcro unfiirtunnto In the day thev chose however, as It rained nearly all the even. Ing, and rained hard, too. , , , ": . - ...... v ., ,, piuOTro mniiKi 10 mv I i tnnnt. r-t...l. I .1 ... ' I Iwmi) . , " , J"""aDu I" 1 T3"'",,1:"1 l,ml 1 al.all ww .rBn.,i Jlmr nwrai support Willi great 'ur. UKfJlKlE W. Rr.livm. A compositor on tho lluekt Cbunlu InUUL gmcer has worked continuously nn iimi n rtr... . 1 1t iur miy-nvo years, lie entered the nf. flco when twelve voir nf a,.n nn,l worked outaldu nf IL A. un.i t u,,'..u. habits"' Ducks county can challengo Con- ...... ncctlcut, A Salvationist held forth on .Market Square last Tuesday evening, upon an 1m. proviseupiairorm, consisting of two planks laid across trestles. After sncndlnir some tlmo in singing, shouting nnd oravlns. and noi succeeding In making any converts ho gave up and retired. , Col. Ent Post No. 2.10 G A. H will hold their annual camp firu in Music Hall and Hnvi1i.r'o Pl, .!... 1.1 i a i., niuci, muuiuauurg, on irnlayand Saturday, August G and 0. Thero will bo an excursion train from Den. ton to Dloomsburg and return on the D. & a. railroad on Saturday evening. During tho week ending July 10th the fiChlgh nnd Susquehanna division of tho Central Hallway of New Jersey hauled 05,. 375.08 tons of coal to tido water: 53,710.03 tons to local points, and 13,003 tons over tho Lehigh Canal a total of 112,148.11 tons, an Increase of 149,035.11 as compared with tho Bame week of last year. Mr. C. W. Ncal has Just erected In Hoso. mont cemetery a handsome monument to the memory of his wife. It Is of metal and was supplied by John A. Owens of Lewis- burg. A large number of these monuments havo been put up hero by Mr. Owens, and they aro as beautiful as any granite, and far mote durable. Some that havo been up for seven years have changed color but little. And now the mosquito Is getting In his best work. Now is the season of the year when wo lie awake all night fli'htlnc mos- lUltos and heat, and then, tired as when wo went lo bed the night before, wend our weary way to the sanctum, to spend the dav in wiehlinir the nen and scratching the. mosquito bites, all the time vainly endeav- oring lo keen off the ales. And vet there are people living on this same earth to-day who think newspaper men lead an easy llfel G. A. 11. men have been notified to look out for an alleged "old soldier," who has been operating in New Jersey, and repre sents himself as a prUoncr, and from a sol dier's home, md about to leave this couu" try for Germany. Ho has numerous papers and documents referring to his past record as a soldier, which be shows to the party from whom he seeks aid. He also claims that he will rccelvo a pension tho following day. Ills nnme Is Uargkopt. lie la a fraud, and every old soldier should look out for htm and glvo him a warm reception. A picked base ball nine from here played with the Athletics at Dloomsburg last Sat urday and wero defeated by tho umpire's unfair decisions. Ilerwick Imleptmknl. Wo beg leave to diller with the IndtpeiuU ml. The decisions of tho umpire through out tho whole gamo wcie given promptly and no pnrtiality was shown to either nine. When Dcrwick refused to play after the score was lied, although they had plenty of tlmo to play another inning, tho umpire justly decided tho game in favor of the Dloomsburg club, with a score of 9 to 0. Persons having unsettled accounts on tho books of the late David Lowcnberg, aro earnestly requested to make prompt settle, meut of the same, as the administrators de. sire to close and seltlo the estate within the year. Attention to tins nouco ono request will greatly aid them, nnd save trouble, an noyanco and costs. Tho administrators will be In attendance at tho old placo of business for this purpose, with "0 books and accounts. S. I.OWKNIIEUQ, L. LoWENllEIiO, lit Administrators. Do not exposu yoursolf too much In the hot sun or work too hard while the tempera, ture is so high as at present. If it is pos sible, stop, at least for a few moments, whatever work you may bo engaged at. "A breathing spell" will do any one much cooil. Cases of sunstroke nnd prostra- tlous from heat are occurring quito numer- nnaivr In tho cities aud we even hear of some In the country towns. Persons who are not entirely well are much more liable to such strokes than nro people who nro ln good physical condition. Dut It behooves all who can do so to heed our Injunction, to tako just as good care of themselves as possible. he To the 147 Independent Democratlo vot. ers of Columbia County, who do not by their voles coutrary to the general expres sion given endorse Rings, Doodlo and tho "B'. " free use of liquors to Inlluenco voters al our uiieenic r.iccuuu, "'''"' . . f,.l , -nlnil In ... o for Register aud Itecorder. I deslro to re- turn my thanks to them, for thus express. liic their manhood aud independence. Although tho number is lew comparcu 10 the general vote.yel It suowb mai mere are a few Independent voters who daro voto for their friend and cannot be controlled by Pnililml Rosses. Doodle and free use ot liquors. M. V. Eykiilt. Dloomsburg, Pa., July 28, 1887. Andrew Rtidroskl and Michael Pctel are young men employed at tho Alden mlno at Nanticokc, boarding In tho same house and occtinvliiL' the same room unit ucu 111 a house kept by a Polish family near tho de pot. Last Friday night one pi the young men attempted to murder the other. About ileven o'clock Rudroskl returned homo somewhat under the Influence of liquor .,.,1 rnmirl 1'i'tel sound asleen iu bed. Do ,i amiilnnlv nosscssed of somo Insane Idea bo determined to murder the Innocent sleeper, and procurlug u club dealt Pctel several deadly blows ou the head, face and body, ctujhlug Iu hH skull, dUttlguriug his face, fracturing several uus, ami luiiicuug other eciious injuiles. The cries and shouts of the Injured mau aroused tho household and Rudroskl was bound and held until an olllcer arrived, Tho offender was then tak. cn Into custody and placed lu tho Nantt coke lockup. Thirteen cat. loaded with rock were he. . - - 1 '"K 'uwcrcu uown a steep grade near tlio mmul10' " of thoOld Forgo Col- "cry ftt Hllslon lftSl wl. Wednesday, whc tbo engineer lost control or Ilia hoist. mgci.glncs nnd the ears rushed down tho . lncllno nnd plunged henillotii! Into the shaft, which Is neatly 500 feet deep. They I i. uvuiiv uw lUVfc ui-lli. 1U "' lUUIIIlUUb iuu iini cr!tB which lined tliu slmft, snmnlitriR tbc B'ird ami pump pipes and generally wrecking the Interior of tho shaft. Wo one was hurt. A yast mass of debris was piled-at the bottom. Work wns suspended nnd a largo forco of men st to work re- palling. game oi inso uui was Hived at Ath letic Park Iait8.iturd.iy, between Dlnoms- htirir nml tVintolMn ,.,1.ll. ......I.... I 1.. .1oi..ntnf ii, ..i. i..i. i... .1.. i. - ku"J' .U.IUII.H score: Danville, 028012000 7 Dloomsburg, 20400170 14 Somc bits were mado on both shies. Ilousel and Shaffer of the llloom club nnd Ammerinan of the Dinvlllc, oach knocked irn l.n,..... 0..1..1- u... 1.. - n oivia uiui x.111 iiiiiuu n iu smp ami throwing It to But on flrst, Ihiii pt,ttlUS tho batter and the man on first out There Was gieat deal of wrangling In the seventh and throughout tho game. e!MU lnmnE3 1,10 C11"0 w fctoppcil nnd I"yors on both sides gathered around tho mhin nlrtln ntwl tlltn.l ll.n l- ...1.1. I ",u " '' ,nC 'or llvu or tl'11 minutes, when B"'"0 m resumed. This kind of tlliD.g shoul(1 bo slul)l,tll M '3 decidedly lilt. aon. In II... .n.nll.. . . ..Mjj.ufii.u. iu iuu Diii:utitiuip, Willi pay 10 see ball playing, and not to listen to loud nnd quarrelsome talk. Tho party of boys that went out camp ing last week was rather unfortunate. Af- ler spending several days In the rain nnd I,elnS aimo3i drowned out, tuey ilccldiil to Pack UP their outfit and return home on Friday night. Accordingly, thev collected CVCrvthiniT. Anil, nmlit tlm tnrrrnlo nf rnln convoyed all tho paraphernalia of tho camp .......... . . . to the bildge below Yanco's, thero lo await the coming of tho down train on the D. & 8. road. After waillnfr there several hours, their patienco wns rewarded and their spirits raised by the sound of the whistle ln tho distance, and in a few minutes tho train npproached them. They frantically waved their arms aud yelled themselves hoarse, but Imagine, their consternation and despair whin it passed on and was lost to their view in tho dislaucc, leaving only a long line of smoke behind it to re mind them that it had passed. Drenched to the skin and with sorrowful countenances they wended their wny to Orangcvllle, and thero, ntter luuch trouble, they succeeded In procuiinc a team and wagon, which con veyed them to Dloomsburg the same even Ing, a sadder yet a wiser crowd. I'lre nt KlngHtou. Tuesday of last week a devastating fire occurred at Kingston that did a great amount of damage and at one time threat. ened the destinctinn of the town, hut luck lly aid came and the llames weru chicked. A planing mill was completely destroyed, together with nil it contents, which con sisted of valuable machinery, and material for new buildings. It was a frame structure and two stories in height. " ""nieu on rage wreci, aim as uwueu uv Jolln Kc"lr' 01 'vtneston, ami mo mm wns owned by Johu Dcrfch, Keller's son in-law. There was no Insurance on the structure or contents. Tho boiler houso or fire room, was Incited in the building and here Is where the fire is supposed to have originated. Fine shavings wire burned In tho boiler fires in place of coal or culm. The fireman lilted up the Arc box with a large quantity of shavings and when he closed the door of the same tho gases In the Interior caused a slight concussion, as is often the case, nnd fuircd some of the lighted shavings outside of tho fire-box. The lighted shavings, onco on the Ulterior, could but fall amidst dry shavings, saw dust and other tlamable materials, usually lying around loose In nn establishment of that kind, and ignite the same. Tho fire spread with the rapidity of the wind, and everything was as diy as tinder, and in a few minutes the whele place was enveloped ln llnmcs. Several buildings near by were greatly damaged. The whole loss footed up iSOOO and the insurnnco was only i500. i:iibt Hemon. The extremely hot weather dried up the uews as well as vegetation. The thermometer registered, a week ago last Wednesday, 02 degrees in Ruben Gib- bons' spring-housc and on tho following 8aturdy afternoon 100. Lightning struck Wellington Hughes' barna wcek aKolast Sunday afternoon. Not belug filled no damage was done. Hay and grain housed before tho wcek of rain, nre In excellent condition. A great deal of hay, mowed early last wcek, lies which will not be worth hauling iu. The harvest is uot yet all cut. '1 he corn prospect was never better here abouts. An abundant oats harvest may be oxpected. Tho swarm of candidates being hived, ending mo season 01 lugicui iuvu uy uwcu .. .. - 1 ! I 1 .... ,11 1. 1.1 1 .i.u r.. i "eeaera, u limy .eum .. v.. bo approached and buttonholed uy uiese. friendly pcoplo who wish jou all the good luck In tho world and care ior noiuing eiso -but only your vote. Jesse Albertson, near Cnmbra will be 00 years old tho coming November and looks to be only 70. II ucliliorn. The recent ralus brighten tho prospects for a good corn crop. Derry picking is engaging tho attention of many of our townsfolk. A mountain party consisting of seven Ilartmans, four ...... Purscls and two Ulrtons leit town ior mo Slbcrt pain lasi niesuay morn ng. ' rn ll.nM VVOIIIIf-KHHV f'Vrilllll- Willi HI!VI!rUI j bushels of berries. All report a boss time. John Harlmau and wife, and Clecs Kis- ,icr- an 0( Nauticoke, but formerly of this piafCi wcro ),omo on a visit. I)o, to meeing passed off quietly and n order. The oats aro being harvested as rapidly as tlmo and weather will permit. Tho Lutheran bunday school will hold their annual plcnio this Saturday in Mas. teller's grovo, along Flshlngcrcck, below John Howell's. Teachers' examination took placo last Thursday. Blx applicants wero present. C. M. Terwilllger sells tho best washing niachino out. Manufactured ut Dlooms burg. Give them a trial. List of letters remaining In tho Post Of fice at Dloomsburg for week ending July 23, 1887i Ilev. T. M. Cooner. Miss Ummii Cadv. William Glrton. Nora Glrton. MUs Nellie Hlrch, Harvey Miller. I'nlah Owen, Miss Jeau wait, juss siciie minimis. CAUDS, Isaao Curupbcll, John Utilizer, J. Ntff Suiouse. l-ACKAOES. Lottie Gazette. Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Ugoitait A. Clauk, P, M. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i nctiiocrntlc County Convention. The Democrat lo County Convention wns called to order Tueday morning, July 20, nt 11 o'clock by It. It Utile, Clmitmnn. Mr. 11. (I. F. Kshlnkc, of Ilerwick, wns elected Chairman, nnd E. It. lltcler, Eq , of Dloomsburg, and John P. Hannan, of Ocnlralla, Secretaries) F. P. Dlllmoycr, Heading Clerk. The list of Delegates weru called and responded as follows: DRt.EnATRfl. Hkavku P. J. Shunmii, Daniel Miller, C. A. SlMiman. Dkmon G, W. Hirlcman, J. II. Cole, Ell Mcllenry, O. . Kasc. Hkuwiok, K. II. M. Powell, A. P. Young. Drrwick, W. W. A. Hoss, A. M. Frens. Dloomsiiuihi, E. Churles Ilousel, A. V. Dower, Harvey digger, John Fry. Dloomsiidiki, W. J. O. Freeze, E. R. Ikelcr, Peter Gross. RniAitonsRK R. (1. F. Kshlnke, 8. E. Moycr. Catawisia Wm. Sehugh, Lloyd Ycnger, Samuel Fajloy, Mahlon Hamlin. Crstiiaiia James Qnlgley, Owen Daley, John Curry, Michael Hughes. Comtnoiiam, N. Joseph Weiss, Charles Hartman. Convnoiiam, 8. Henry Ocrrlty, John P. Hnnnan, substitute for N. Ditchoy. FismsnoiiKKK Geo. Labor, 1). P. Rein bard, P. D. A pplenmn. Fhanku.n O. L. Auley, P. O. Camp bell. UimiiNwooi) Wm, P. Robblns, Wm. Eyer, Johu Glllcspy. Hemlock A. D. Hartman, Perclval Foulk E. C. Dundy, tubstltuto for Pcicival Foulk, on account of sick. ness In tho family. JacKsos 11. J. Hurlcman, Wortman Parker. LoonsT Peter Fettennan, Daniel Morris Jonathan Reaver, G. V. Ycnger. Madison-Jiio, J. Kramer, Kob't -Manning. Main-D. R. Yetter, A. J. Campbell. Mifflin E. Bchwcppcnhclscr, A. J Hernlngcr, M. M. Hartzcl. MosTomi--Elmer Runyan, Jonas Glrton. Mt. Plbabant R. C. Howell, Levi Ikelcr. Okanoe-E. L. Snyder, P. V. Gilespy. Pine Samuel Stnckhouse, Wm. Swartz Roai!1nooi!Eek--Euos Fcttcrman, Wm. Zmcr. Soott, E. -D.inlol Snyder, Ell Schneid man. Pcott, W. Francis Heck, John Wanlch. Suoabloaf Jacob II. Fritz, J. M. Long, Z. L. Kile. The list of votes cast for each candidate was read. The table appears In another column. According to tho voto cast tho following are elected members sf tho Standing Com mittcc- Deavep. Ij'vI Mirhael. Denton E. M. Lmbach. Drkwiok, E. A. D.Secly. Dkhwiok, V W. A. Ross. Di.ooMsmina, E. U. II. Ent. Dloomsiwho, W. R. R. Little. RitiAitoiiKEK A. D. Croop. Catawisia E, M. Tuwksbury. Cestkalu Jonas Mcltrenrty. Centre A. 1). Droder. Convnoiiam, N. John P.ulilou. Convnoiiam, 8. Patrick Haley. FisniNOCitEKK D. F. Edgf. Franklin J. F. Rceclcr. Greenwood C. M. Dlaker. Hemlock Samuel Glrton. Jackson Franklin Dcrr. Locust Christian Small. Mauison Miles Smith. Main J. W. Kclchner. Mifflin S. Snyder. Montotk A. 0. Slongc. Mt. Pleasant Amo3 Wanlch. OitANOK John Hoffman. Pine J. R. Fowler. RoAKiNocisRRK D. W. Rarlg. Soott, W.-C. D. Ent. Scott, E. T. W. Harlman. Sdoarloaf John Kllnger. Convention then adjourned for diuncr, to be reconvened at 2 o'clock. AFTEHNOON SESSION. Convention called to order by President, as per adjournment. Col. Freeze stated that at last Convention a committee wns appointed to revise mo rules in reference to delegate elections, and that the committee had acted and wcro ready to report. On motion it was ordered that the report be read before considering any other business. The following is the report: ItEl'OKT ON AMENDMENT OF HOLES. The undersigned, members of a commit. tee to whom tho last annual County Con vention referred a proposed change In tho rules of nomination, make tho following report: The resolution referred to then proposes a pUn or plurality nominations'bascd upon to abolish delegate conventions, ami adop: a popular vote for candidates; In other word", to substitute what has been called the "Crawford County plan" In placo of the plan of Instructed conventions estab lished bv our existing rules. Diieily stated, the proposed plan Is, that the voters shall vote Uireciiy ior me canuiuaies; uiai tlv I return judges (ono from each election dis trict,) shall meet as a return board to cast up tho votes, and the candidates highest In vote upon the returns shall become the nominees of the parly. The arguments in favor of this plan arc, that It is simple iu form and gives to the voters a direct volco in the nominations. Hut, on the other hand, to those who have well-considered nanu, 10 muse wuu nvo ncii-uumuciiu ihn n nn. nml havo observed lis practical -r -. --, ,, , ,r,,, ,( bo opc t0 vcry Be0U3 olj. iectlons. Thoso ohjectiou3 thu commltteo will now proceed 10 bibic: , , nr t7 oiTlrini m0 ,nulorUv to vote for candidates to whom they are opposed, to retrain from votlm?. or to support other candidates in opposition to tho laws of their party. It win verv common v uappen, w iieru mere aro several candidates ior nomination to tho samo olllce, that tho vote will be so much divided that the candidate highest In vote on the returns will have less than onc-half of the whole vote cast. His voto mav be as low as oncthird of the whole. or even less, and yet he will becomu tho nominee of the patty, isut sucn minority nominations arc unreasonable,, and are eu- iirnlv onuosed in snlnt. form and effect to Dt.m0cfatle principles, which support and sanction majority rule. Their inevitable cUTT.t 19. in i) rod 11 co uissaitsiacuou uuu iu weaken tbo parly luai auows mera 10 uo made. Such was tho case In Northumbor- laud county some years ago. This plan was ndontcd there, bv tho Democracy, anil nominations mado under it for nn Import ant election. It turned out that many ot the nominations wcro mado by minorities nnon the nomi ar vote. lUls ract, in con. nectlon with the practical working of the plau In other respects, prouuceo general dissatisfaction; tho whole uckci mus nom. Innted was beaten nt the Dolls, nnd tho Kc milillcan minority of the county had a sic. nal trliimnh. Instructed by this experience. tho Deniobrats of Northumberland county abolished tbo whole plan, and relumed to the plan or aclegalononnua'ion, won some Imnrovemeuts sucitesled by experience. Dpjn this subject some persons havo been entirely mlsltd by tho fact that, gen erally, our election laws allow n plurality vnio to elect to olllco. The uuestlon occurs lo therm If a mere plurality vote may elect a man to an olllce, why may not a plur. ality vote nominate him to tue same otucc? The answer Is, because tho primary or nominating election, and tue legal election afterwards, stand upon viri different erounds. Tho former Is to concentrate tlm naitv vote and cct lid of surplus candl. dates; tho latter is to test the relative strength of political put ties, and give thu olllce to tho party tint polls the most votes for He nominee. And ln most cases the most voles, or plurality of votes, ut the le. sal clettlon, Is also a majority vote. In fact. It ls to carrv out and secure tho nrlu. ciplo of majority rules at legal dictions, that nartv nominations are mado, With. out them a legal election would become a pcruli raco for ofilcc, nnd majority rule would disappear as tbo conlroling princi ple of elections. ll is uiurcioro necessary, ami nccoTumg to sound principle, that n party majority should nomliinlo lu olllce: either by direct popular vole, or thtongd n delegalo con vcntlon, or by both mep.ns combined M provided for by the Columbia county rules. Iiiiisniuch then, as tho Ciawford county plan, In many cases, ileleats mis principio nnd aires minority nominations, It Is to be coiuicmucii nun icjccieu. Again, tho plan felvcs great opportunity for Intrigue nnd management In nomina tions, a canuldato lor nomination m.iy know ho Is In a ralnotity In tho county and cannot succeed upon his own sticngth nt merits, but he ran succeed by gelling oul another candidate to inn and divide up Un vote in n section of Die cimuly where la himself Is weak. This can bu managed thiough nfilend, or by incurring some ex pense, and thus a nomination bo obtained lor himself upon, perhaps, one-third of the whole vote. Upon this plan nlso, by an adtoll combination of the popular vole In a few heavy districts, the whole list of nominations may be controlled, and other parts of the county deprived of their due share of nominees. An additional aud Insuperable oblicllon to the plan Is. Its tendency to produce trnitdulent nnd corrupt elections. So strong Is Hits tendency that some years ago luc Legislature was appealed to for sovcre taws to protect tlio Republican prlmaryelccilons ln Lancaster and somuuthercoiinilcs where tho plan prevailed. Those laws, (since. Hindu general;, nave not, However, been lounu suiucicni 10 nrcveui demoralization nnd fraud, as Is shown by newspaper re ports of the last Republican nominations made In Lancaster county, ln fact, u plan 01 nomluallou in at must lenu upon tue criminal law as us main n support, must be . 1 a bud one. The teiuptu ur' turned votu ufun election dtutilct, lu the interest of a favorite candidate, will always bu alrone miner iuc urawioru couuiy plau. anil expenenco uus shown mat 11 will oltcii bo lesorleii to ami 111 raosi ones wun 1111, tiunity. There are no leady nnd conven lent meuus for Investigating u wrong ot this kind, nor time for doing so before re, turns are counted. An additional and important considera tion Is. that by our present rules of nomi nation we fairly secure all tho advantages of the Crawford county plan without Its evils. There m a direct vote by the peo pic for candidates, and ln every case where caiidl- a majority upou instructions tor (late is llius seen red, the nomination Is complete and is announced luuuneeu us a innuer ui course in convention. Ami in mo case 01 any olllce where no candldnto has a malor. Ity of tho whole convention voto by in- structions, such majority is procured by delegate voting in convention, but under a stringent rule inai no candidate cau bu de prived ot any one ot tuo convention votes 10 wuicn no is cnitueu uy instructions, so Ions as his name remains before the con vcntlon. We have thus, under our present svstcm. a popular vole plau 01 nomination. carried out aud enforced lo tho fullest pos slble extent compatible with majority con- trol. It is rlglit mill large minorities in the several districts should bo represented ln convention, and tuey are so represented upon instructions; but it is equally right ami proper mai iuu majority suouiu rule 111 tlio ultimate decision made. It is also evident, that our present plan ul nomination has a cieat advantage over the Crawford county plan In furnishing a fair nnd well constituted convention, (Instead of inire return judges) for the appointment 01 Senatorial auu iougre&siouxi cunicrccs, delegates lo blatc and .National conven Hons, and for the transactiun of other bu.4 ues. For tlioto purposes, the party in this county is tully aud properly represent ed under tho existing rules. the present rules bom out no incentive or encouragement to u Iiaudulcul !ni:rui-c 01 swelliu,' ot district votes, as does Hie Crawford county plan. Such false increase will add nomiii ' to ILe power 01 auy dl trict lu convention. Its convention vote is fixed by tho number of lis delegates, aud cannot ue increased lor any immediate pur. pose by swelling the ictuin of its popular vote. In view of the foregoing reasons, it it the opinion of the committee that it would be highly inexpedient to adopt the Craw- ford county plan tor the making ot nomi nations in tlii.4 r.nuntv. anil thev Mroimlv and coriustly advise that the resolution submitted at tho last cuuvcnlion shall not be adopted. All which is respccllully submitted. MuKIIECAI MlLLAltD, Jno. P. Hannon, C. R. Duckalkw, R. O. F. KsiILSiCK, On motion the convention adopted tho report, and the rules were left as hereto fore. A resolution was then offered lection to the time of holding the delegate election to tho Saturday preeeedlng tho second Ijcs day of August, and that the convention bo held on the TusiUy following, being the second Tuesday in August. Mr. A. M. Fieus, of Derwick, Introduced a resolution providing that scaled returns of the delegate elections shall be forwarded to the president of the convention. After n little discussion the resolution was tern poriaraly withdrawn and the reading clerk Instructed to proceed to call tho roH of delegates. iflcr the delegates wero all called the convention proceeded to nominating can. didates with tho lollowing result: ASSOCIATE JUPOK. Cyrus D. Mcllenry 08 Jacob Woolevcr 7 Mr. Mcllenry having received a majority of all votes cast was declared the nomineo of the party. I'ltOllIONOTltY. Wm. H. Snyder being the only candidate, he received tho enllro convention vote. A lnollon wa8 therefore mado that he be ,,,.,, ,. .,!.., i nominated by acclamation. 1IEOI3TEI! AM) llKOOKDElt. C. H. Campbell 38J O. W. Sterner 34J N. P. Moore 2 Mr. Campbell having received tho major ity of votes cast he was declared the nomi. . .. nRriv COUNTY TBEASUIIKB. G Herring 43 D. Croop 23 II C Kelchner 9. Mr. Herring receiving the majority tho convention voto ho was declared tho uomlnce. COMMISSIONEHS. Firtf IMot. Wm. U. Glrton 48 Jesse Rlttcnbouse 49 U M. Crevellug 22J Stephen Pohc 12 Washington Parr 12 Ellas Howell 5 Win. Rhoilot 1 W'heu two candidates are to be nominat. cd it require), mure than two-thirds of thu voto lo nomlnalo. No candidate receiving more than two-thirds tbo name of Win. Rhodes was dropped, and i'ic ilelegato 01 Pine where Rhodes received his voto wire Instructed to cast this ballot. It was given to Jesse Rltteohouse making it as follows, f 1 .. 11., "" Wm, G. Girton 4SJ Jesse Rlttenhouse 50 L. M. Crevellug 22) r.f.1!!1?." f.oh?;'::: t ph.. ii,..,.n i The name of Kllas Howell wasnoxt drop- ped and the vote ca.t a, follows; 'J Ami Jlallot, Wm. O. Glrton 60) h. M. Crevtillng 83) "i.u.ZZr' r.k J "'"""""- " topben Pohe 12 Stopb Washington Parr (3, Wm. U. Uitton uua Jesse Rlttenhouse, having received the ueceesnry vole were declared the nominee of the convention. The conven.! u then piocceded lo iiamo candidates i r county auditors, A, W. Mart mini, Ki ll bhius and K. M. TwUt- bery wcro uuiui'i t pon cad of thu roll, A. W. Hurlmau nnd K. M. Tewksbery huv ing received tho highest number of votes were declared elected. Mr. A. M. Freas then offered the follow ing resolution Wmf.-That Rulo IV of Chapter I of rules governing the Democratic Party of Columbia county bu so amended that here after the returns of voles of each district shall be properly signed anil dollveted lo tho delegates elected or one of them nndnn exact copy thereof shall bo enclosed, scaled nml by registered letter sent to the cbalN man of Ihu Democratic County Committee who slinll deliver thu same to the proper tec J olllcerj ut tin. nullity convention upon the enlivening ul the same to be by them open ed, compared and counted. Col Frcezo nroso to a point of ordot which provides that no iitnctidment can br made except by two-thirds nf the delegate1, nnd ns there were not two thirds present, no notion could bs taken, but tbnt a com mittee should bo appointed to consider the resolution and report nt next meeting. The following committee was appointed: Col. J. U Freeze, J. P. Haunou aud Mahlon Hamlin. The following were uamed ns delegates to tho Stato Convention 1 E. M. Tewks bury, K. R. lltcler, C. D. Jacksou and F. M. Parker. Mr. E. R. luclcr nominated Wm. Krlck- baum as member of the State Central Committee, Mr. J. P. Hannon was also nominated. After a little discussion the name ot Wm. Kilckbaum was withdrawn mid Johu P. llnnnon nominated by acclamation. To close out ccrlnln lines of wedding In viiauons n numuer 01 bargains arc oucreu .., . .. ... , ,i hll,1,Bm!: wanting small lots, from 10 to 25, will save money by ordering at tho Loliimiiian office. tf IHltlCH Of COIIHtUblCH. WHAT TIIKY AUK OOMl'ELLBn TO DOfSDKIt TUB NSW LICENSE LAW. Tho new license law went into cited so far ns tho duties of constables are concern ed, the moment the governor signed tho law. It Is well, therefore, to refer to tho J"llcs of 11,0 constables under the act. Tho sccllon ot the law which applies strictly to luem is as iouows: It shall bo the duty of each constable In the county to visit at least once In each month all places within their respective I jurisdictlonshcro any liquors are sold or kept, to ascertain If any provisions of this or any act of assembly relating to sale or furnishing of such liquors have been or are being violated, and whenever any such vio- latlon, it shall bo his duty to forthwith make written returns of the same to the court of quarter sessions with the names of tho witnesses, nnd to do whatsoever shall bo in bis power to brim? tho offender to jusllrr; and upon any neglect or refusal of I olllcer to perform the aforesaid duty, tho Slid court slinll impose the same penal tics provided in section 11 of this uct. The penalty Is severe and imposes a line of not moie than $M)0 nnd imprisonment for not mere than two years, or both, tit tla discre tion of thecourt. Constables will be obliged to make return us follows: Iudcx boards; gambling houses; roads and bridges; sales of oleomargarine; deer killed outof season; tippling aud disorderly houses; persons sell- ln-r Honor nn Snnilnv. nfrhnna furnUlilnir " ' 1 1 liquor for ale, gift or otherwise, to minora persons of Intemperate habits, the innnonr those intoxicated; persons violating the act 'high license) of Miry 21, 1897; persons who sell without license, even if Ihey have not violated the law. At the same time the constables nro en- Joined lo report violators of the sections of the law which provide against wholesalers or rectifiers selling less thau a quart, or bottleis allowing liquor to bo drank on their prcnihe3 or at auy place provided by such sellers for that purpose. SCOTI'S EMULSION 07 PUBS Coil 1.1 rr Oil, Wllh HyiioiiliOBiilillm. Fur Imiuj 'lYoublo and WasUny Disease!. Dr. J. Simonaud, New Orlcaus, La., says: "Scott's Emulsion is the finest prep- aratlou of the kind. In affections of the I liungs nnd otber wasting diseases, wo may I !.,.. 1. ..t.i . t consider it our most rcliablo ngent. In a perfectly elegant and agreeable form.' R. R. Dildgent, Win. Hughes, the engi neer boys, Cyrus Jacobs, Messrs. Caunon ad Jo'lcfl. L'apt. the bridge architect, and many others have taken up board in this towu nnd arc pushing the R. R. as fast ns possible. The grading is done up near the place where the trestliug will bo made for tho R. R. biidgc. The track is laid up be tween Stillwater and Denton. Several shanties aud houses aro filled with work men, the hotels are kept busy and Denton lias tho bright prospect of making a town yet. 1 ne Fair Association will enlarge tho lrttck t0 k tM lia,f mlle-tho mandates "B'iS to pay $100 towards that object. M. W. Mcllenry Is getting the chopping ilrtnn lmtwr.n V. Petite aiiH .T. K PMann'a Joel Roberts clears tho trees and under brush on his own land where tho line crosses his place. A. C. Didleman is selling plenty of bread in Benton. II. D. Low, Jesse Freas, Wess. Reldl- moycr, Chas. Turner, J. O. Hughes aud W. 8. Flcckcnstlne were at Ganoga Lake tlsk. ing last wcek. Mr. Andrew Delias while making a lift on athrcshlutr machine sprained his back so badly that ho was unable lo walk Into tho house and a doctor was Bummoncd. He is getting better at last accounts. The election of delegates passed off O. K. Ono of our leading politicians was forc ed to mako his choice when the delegate election caino off before ho swung from one to thu other. Miss ICreamer of Pottsgrovo, a sister of Mrs. Al. Mcllenry, Is visiting Denton for n few days. We presume to say she Is en joying hi r visit. Keller Dros. have a 3rd story to reut 40 x 40. Tvruoiu, Soaiilet and Vbilow Fkveiis, .Measles, Dii'iitiiekia, Small-1'ox, Choi.eua, &o, Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will de. stioy tho Infection of ull fevers and all con tagious and Infectious diseases. Will keen . I II... ., f ...... -I..I. . .l " ' i""" ""' w'"oh, uusoruing and ilesiroyiug un '" -"'"via ami caniagion resulting Herefrom. Will neutralize any bad smell I 1..... 111... .ill 1 1 . i.t wuuiuver, noi uy uiscuis nc t. out Ov de. ,... ,-.. ". .. . l,uJlub i-6 iaruys rropii) menu r iuw ' ' room. T ii..i...t,..,.. m .1 i- i.roaohor at Parkendiu'rir. w.'va.. bn, JUBt Ijt'tn convicted of murdor, and '"" wnn in mo pent, tontiary. mnCnX 7 . "v." . while iutoxicatcd, ho took a Bhottzun and goiug to oiiurch, he ilrod into tlio audience, killinc two men. When his present term expires liu will bo tried for another murdor. . marriedT .N !."ir.uuJ' uVTSlSSlt On.tipevilli, by Rev. A. ll aiu., Mr. Ma mies r, 01 fcugarKi.r t wuoiiip io Miss Ellu M. '.i'ry, id New Cul imbUb, tu zeine county, I'u. VH1TEMUHT-HIPPEN8TIKL. - On Katurday, July 2a, 1687, ut the Reformed parsonage, Dfoomsburi!. Pa., by Rev, J. 6. Wagner, Mr. Harry Wbltenlght to Mlts wraiiii luppeinlltl, both of near Mord&ns. vtlle, Columbia county. ThurHtlay of last week n liorriblo ac cident occurred on the Erie railrond be tween Allendala and Holiokus near Nuw York city. A kmb of Italian laborer wcro nt work ballasting, when tlio Chicago oxprcw, which wan dno nn hour bofore, dashed Into thom mid fifteen were killed and many wounded. no Hiiricks) ot tlio victims wero benri- rcnilintr, nnd when tho train slowed up the track irescntid tho nickcnlng sight ot tKing covnrud with mangled bodiCH, tho rails bcinj ppattnred with blood nnd broken limbs and pieces of ragged flesh being scattered in nil directions. Tlio blame ro.l on tlio foreman of tlio A bronzo equestrian statue, of Gun. Meade, which !h to adorn Fairraount Park, Philadelphia has been completed. WANAMAKEK S. I .in.ADii.rnu, .Momlur, Juljris, 18ST. Store closed at 1 P. M. on Saturdays during the Summer. Preserving time, to do the work Ma Lnlnc more Helps quickly and easily and well than your mother had. The Enterprise Fruit Press grinds and squeezes the juice irotll OerriCS, trrapes and tile , . . lik(, jn a tw7nkHnK. $ 2.75- Simple, strong, certain. Porcelain-lined Iron Kettles, 2 to 24 quarts, 35 cents to $1.60. A dozen sizes. Granite ware, lighter and easier tO handle ; 2 to l8 quarts, An nnnto in 1 1- 40 cents to 2.25. Preserving Spoons, agate . . 1 . i ware, 14 to 30 cents; WOOden handled, 5 cents ; Wood (maple Qr lQy 5 to I 5 Cents 1; i u" u.ul! 45" "oz- , iNClt, reauy-printea laDeiS, OC a doz. Preservinir work can be well -n, ,..,ciK? rlnnr. nn nn OM Qtntrn P"d C.tSlly done On an Oil btOVe. Thought we had Oil Stoves enougllfor the season. Hadn't. rii TVTnnlfnr- in ,, cfmo fr. ,. I Sell tWO more. YOU came SO fast for them that the Stock gave OUt. Line complete again. How long can we keep it so ? Mak to$i5 o . , r- - 1 crs worneu, 100. si without furniture. Have VOU ever Seen Black , 01 1 1 1 Cashmere Shawls as good-cheap as the Colored ? We never , ' , r , s navu uciuic, uui 51,.1 iu Blacks are as Well made and ex- 1 r . 1 . qUISltely line as the Same COSt creams or cardinals or blues or pinks. Filmy, thistle-downy Lace Shetlands, $1 to $3. "Iced Wool, like spun snow- ilakes loosely looped, 4. Plain white Linen Lawns, 1 8 and 20 cents. Cooler than cotton ; sheer, thin, strong. 1 he 1 8 cent grade s as good as you 11 find elsewhere lor 30. White Turkish Toweling for Bathinsi Robes. 60 in., 75c. a yarcl ; 68 in., 85c. and Sl.IO. l 'r,,i.:0i, i?ti, I i UrlSll JjtUIl Sheets rough with massed short thread-loops, like the toweling $2.25 each linen, $3.50 each. Oat Meal Bath Towels. Soft ...... 1 r. , but Substantial. buck lip water jn a sponge-like way. 25M5 in., ib cents. Barnsley Table Linen, 21 yards wide, $i6v You'd ex pect to pay $2.25 or $2.50. Woven colored bordered Handkerchiefs for the little folks, pure linen except the colored threads, 50 cents a doz. Usual price 60. bame, men s size, $1 a doz., rnmiT,nn1v cn I J It J Bordered Veils. Silk-and-wool and all-wool. il4 to 2l yards long, $2 to $9. They'll be in all the bier stores the world over before snow flies now thev re here only. You see how close we are to the mak ers ? Women's Hosiery. Two very notable items : One lot at 25 cents One lot at 37J cents Both black, and perfectly fast color. The best value we have ever offered in this class of croods. Extra heavy Scarlet Blankets ior camners. Lotton warn. - .....4. rJ 7 ana s lbs., 5. 50, S0.50 anil $7.50 ; all wool, 6, 7 and 8 lbs., $6, $7 and $8. Made to stand ,.l. t 1.1 u..v.-vi.....u..u .v-. The lersev-weave Silk corded 1 111-ji-iai.) Hi-avi- oiiiv iuiulu like Faille Francaise didn't i;o ancaise uicin t go at $1.50. There's life in it now, .11 - 1 though, at 75 Cents. Cost llllich . . . 1...:.. iiiuiu iu iiuiki: u . At the Silk Remnant Counter. Some pieces big enough for a dress pattern. No matter ; the price sags Olteil Hall Or more " wften the stutls get there. White and cream Ruching, 3 rows of lace-edged goffered mull ; 1 1 cents a yard ; 6 yards in a ho, fio cents nlmiit linlf. .' rn lOlir'SlS UUIllintr, lu neat. yard boxes ; is, 28, 50 and 80 'f ' Pi. .1 5 ""'I 60 cents and $ for lace edge. ll you write lor what you want our trained Diiyers win ' select it for vou. i;oetiaui,'imruniauiaaiukiiim;is, and Clty-Uall squaro. LOCAL NOTICES- You will find n full line ot Dlack Dress Goods, Shawls, Veilings, Ac, nt Clntk & Son's. The boss place to buy shoes is nt J. W Ylngcr's, Rupert. J2-3t If you want Llrcsi Goods of any kind it wll pay you to go to Clark & S011V. Having Just received a cj Under for fin ishing silks and cloths. 1 am prepared to clean nnd dyo gents' clothing, ladles' cloaks, saeques, silks, dresses, shawls, &c Fenthcrs dyed nnd curled. Packages for warded by cxpri-M will receive piompt at tention, according to directions. Cull or addnss, J.O, Caswell, dyer, Dloomsburg Woolen Mills. eep24-tf. Call nnd examine our prices on sugar, teas and coffee. All goods sold nt lottom prices. Give mo u call, J. W. Ylngcr, Rupert. 8t- Shipping tags, wllh or without strings at tho Columiiian ofilcc. tf. You will find some special cnod values in Dlack Dress Silks nt Clark & Son's. New potatoes and spring chickens taken in trade ut J W. Yitigcr'x, Rupert. 3t. Collector' recc 6alo ttt U ofllco. Collectors' receipt books and notices for ir. M'KILLIP, Photographer & Crayon ArtiHt, Uloomsburg, Pa. Fine Cabinet Portraits, only $3 a dozen. Instantaneous Process used. Have votl seen those bargains ln stock. tngs at Clark & Son's ' BUSINESS NOTICES. A perfect washing machine ha never Imnn I n imh t nl 1tit a rwrfit m nclilnrr crvor has. Droydoppel' Rorax Soap Is as near perfection as it Is possible to attain, and the prlco ls vcry rca80nabi0. , , Do you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or other humors ? Take Hood's aarsana. rllla, tho great blood purifier. 100 doses $1. Aueeioan Wink. No American wlno has received Ihu endorsements that baa been accorded to Bpccr'a Port Orapo Wine. Inquire about it ut your druggist's. For sale by druggists. QUEEN VIOTOlilA'S CItOWN. The crown of Queen Victoria consists of dl a9) t,8 rilbl(;9 8npplurCll Btla 5 dwt. ty.h" The number of diamonds are 3,352; pearls, 273; rubles, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It krutal crown of perfect health nnd peace of mind through the curative effects of Per- rlnc8 Pure Darley Whiskey. For sale by C. D. Dobbins, Dloomsburg.Pa. In Diuef, anii to the Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver U misery. indigestion is a loe to good nature. Tho human dlcestivo apparatus is one ot tho most complicated and wcndciful things in existence. It Is easily put out of order. Oreasv food, touuli fond, slonnv food. bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, lr- regular balms, aud many otber things wSicU 0UgUt ,'10t l0 1)C fmve m(Uiu tE0 American pcoplo a nation of dyspeptics. lul Green's August Flower has dono a wonderful work In reform nir this sad bus- iness and muklng the Amcifc-m people so 1 liuuiuiy 111:11 Mml ho happy, ucnmiy 111:11 iney can enjoy ineir mcais Remember: No happiness without health. Rut Urccn's August Kluwcr brings health nod happiness lotho dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a bottle. Bevecty-flvo cents. An important element of tbo success of Hood's Sarsaparilla h the fact every purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The familiar headline, "100 Doses One Dollar," stnleu by imitators, is oilginal with and Hue only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This can easily be proven by any one who 0my, buy only Hood ocsircs 10 lesi ibe matter, tor real ccon- s Sarsaparilla, Sold a druggists. Warn IWby u rtcfc, ,. tin CMtnrln, Wh the ina a Child, the cried for Oantortm, When ibs boai UIm, tbo clani: to UMtorU, Whoa the uid CUldron, sbo gTo them Cutoria, DlUINKENNESSOlt Llql'OK IlAlUT PofUTIVEI.V CllllBP HV ADMINlSTEIilNO Dll. HaINKS' uuwra nruiiiiiu iv cun uc bivcu in a cup of coffee or tea without the kuowlcdno of the person taking It; is absolutely harmless and will effect a pcimancnt and speedy cure, whether tlio patient is u inoderulo drinker or nn alcoholic wrick. Thousnnds of drunkards havo been made temperate men who have taken Uoldcu Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit diinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. Tho system once impregnated with tho Specific it becnmr.3 an utter Impossibility for tlio liquor habit to exist. For full particulars address Golden Specific Co., 18.1 Race St Cincinnati, Ohio. dcc8 801y. A LliUMS, HIOTOCIHAI'II, AUTOflHAPIl ANII V heran. a lnrce anil rnmnlfin llnn nt .1. ir. ilercer's U uvjanu 1100k store, Kvans'BlOfk. ALL THE FINFhT KXTltACTS COLOGNE bachets. Tommies, Hair Dyes anil Bay Hum ut J. 11. Mercer's Drug nml nook blore, Kvans' block, opposite Episcopal church. ALL 1'HOPltILTAUY ANDI'ATENTMKDICINES al J. 11, Jlcreei's Driiir ana book- htoie, onpo. tlte Episcopal cnurch. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND WALL I'AFSIL A fine stock at Jlercer's Dmj and Hook store, oppoblto Episcopal Church, lllooinaburfc', 1M. CAST1LLE. TOILET AND MEDICATED SOArS, a full line at J. II. Vercer'a Drue and Hook fetore, Upper ilalu trect. . COMUS OP ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED, AND at very low piled at J. H. Sleiwr'8 Uiuu and book More, third door above Iron btrctl, HlooniH burs, Pa, CONDENSED SllI.K, COXfS, NELS-ON'8 AND Cooper's ticlattuo, Taploea, saire, Arrow Hoot ana an 1110 picpanxl foods for children and in valids at .MeuerVi Druir and Hook htoro, nrtt dJrir nkni.u ncaa uwi uuu ouucoiorc, uiooiniiuuru, riu riANAHV. llr.Ml 1I1'W IMIIW (A,u,XTt. JSiS f. wrf iu. "",.'""" " I ' ww wviv n ViMia a IINE WHITINO 1'ArEUS. UY I10X, UX)3K OH 1? ln Tablet form, nt .1. 11. r'u iir,i .. Uook btore, Blooinsbunr, Viu MUHhINCI HOTTLES. NIl'l'I.KS. IM'IIIIKU HIT. IT ilea, leeililni; lout's and ull requisites ot tlio Aurserr Hint ulll poritiTtitit,. in itiu h,i.v. i,ar.t. I S'8 at.J' iLMerter unuraLd nook More, iwo doors abovo Evans i Fjer's Clothing Store. . )HYhICIANS' 1'ltESCIIllTIONH AND FAMILY iecipis onreiuuy tireparea at all noura ilen-cr's Urus and hook Moiv, Uloomsburt', Fa. ivvcipis cnieiuii) iirei'area at all noura at fl'OII.ET AND INFANT FOWDEHS, HOFUE, J Coaioetlu and sold and fclUer Diamond Dubt, al J. II. Mereer's Drue aud Hotk fcloie, No cs Main street, WooinsburB, ra. WALL FAI'SH-MANY KINDS AND MANY . pi1e-at Mercer'B Druif and Hook storo. "'',u-c,.l"'" tuu,v"' Iffl KllW.nnill f'lllir, li lllruMnultiiH- t... ' PAT EWTS. l btalned and all patent business attended to for . I our omce Is opposite the l'. H. I'att'iitonice, and uiwiciniv in-H. O - wecanoeiamrttientsiu less uir.o man tnose ro- mote Irura Wastunxron. send inurti i or druvMn(t. We advise a'topat enianlllt' life ot clmue, and weinuke no charge Uule-vS .nti ul l SKuivHl. l. ! Ill U'lT. I.i tUi. l03Ui.Mter, ' L Sjpt.ot Mi ti'.y omrr Hiv., and to om.:U. ..; r t u. r I'i teut omoe Kor oireulur, auvieo lenna and redrei.. e-1 v .1, 1 ulellvnik ir , i u,... .siateor c, A. SNOW & CO.. oppobiw i wu wri. waniuirton'D I ri'iiv OOl lUllinu I Hill LUl.UalDlMS,