The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 22, 1887, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1887.
romicr RiunoiD Tin Tint.
Trains on tho Philadelphia All II, lcavoltupcrt
is follows I v
NORTn. Bocin.
7:14 a. ra. 11:87 a. m.
3:10 p. m. 6:30 p. m.
Trains on tho D. I h W. 11. II. leave Dioomsburc
follows i b
Till a. m. 8.31 a. m.
11.1B a m. 1S:m a. m.
ii,Sl p. in. 4:18 p. m.
C:H0 p. m. 8:47 p, m,
Trains nn tin N. & W. II. Hallway pass llloom
10:4a il.m. 11:54 a.m.
S:l p. m, 4 l p. m,
l.SO p. m. 6:30 p. 10.
10:10 a in o:39pm
Foil Sai.b. Agent's sampla wagon, with
top anil ui-uku, puiu anu suaits, splendid
....In. ill" mill liVfllillli.n tn n nnnil I ,
U I 11 1. W ..... AV.U...'U .... 1,1UII u,,ftbjT
J. It. A; Co,
July 39. The ndmlnlstrutors of David
Lowcnberg, deceased, will sell personal
properly consisting oi a pair or ponies,
.-noinn hnrnnaa alnniffi X'r, nn lln. ........
HttUBi iiuiin.ngi uwuiu, VI. .u JI V Jll
Iscs In llloomshuri!, nil o'clock. Sec post
A I'lnc RCHliIcucc For Hale.
Tho executors of Mary N. Harman, de
ceased, oucrai pnvaio saio a Handsome
residence on Market street nliove Alain,
Bloomsburg. The houso Is of brick, large
pleasant rooms, Bienm ucnt, gas, water,
sewcrairo. and all modern Improvements.
There Is a largo framo barn, Ice house and
outbuildings. ' One of tho most desirable
locations In the town, 'lcrmscasy.
They also offer for salo thlrly-sevcn acres
of land on Normal hill, adjoining P. Dil
lon's ana mo iioyt caiaic. u be
divided into desirable building lots. For
terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mc-
Kelvy, one oi tuo executors, or Uco. K,
Elwell, attorney, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf
imn iiicnx.
For Balk on Kent. Tho Music Hall.
formerly Eureka Rluk, Is olTcrcd for sale
or rent on reasonnuic terms uy me new
manager, fames wisuing to hold rest!
vals will do well to sec the manager.
J. I). Shaffer, Manager.
Wanted. A first-class laundress at the
Sanitarium, Bloomsburg.
Shipping tags, with or without strings
at tno Columbian OI11CC. II.
Ilcmocrntlc County Convention.
Tho Democratic voters of tho several ills
tticts of Columtiia county will meet nt the
usual places of holding elections, on Satur
day July 23, between tho hours of 3 and 7
o'clock, p. m , and elect delegates by ballot
to represent tho districts in Hie County
convention, to oe nciu in me upcra tiouse,
nioomsbure, on Tuesday, July 20. at 11
o'clock a. m., to placo In nomination one
person for Assoclatu Judge, one person for
Prothonotary, &c, one person for Register
and Recorder, ono person for County
Treasurer, two persons for County Com.
mlssloncrs, and two persons for County
Auditors, and to transact such other busi
ness as tho interests of tho Democratic
party may require. Also at the samo time
and places, and in the samo manner, the
Democratic electors in each district will
elect ono person to serve as a member ol
the Standing Committee, which will meet
immediately after the adjournment of the
Iiy order of Standing Committee,
Collectors' receipt books and notices lor
sale at litis oillcc. tf,
Apportionment of nelcKutcH.
The following apportionment of Dels,
gates has been made by tho Standing Com
mittee, In accordance with tho Revised
Rules, viz: Rule 2nd. Tho representation
of Districts lu County Convention shall be
in proportion to the Democratic vote of
each, as at the most recent election for
uovernor, but tuo whole number of dele
sates shall not exceed clehtv.flve. and no
district shall bo allowed less than two, nor
more man lour delegates.
Rulo 3rd. Delegates shall be allowed to
districts upon u rails of sixty votes for a
delegate, allowatico being made for the
largest traction oi a vote:
District?. Voto for Oov'r. Delegates,
Heaver, 108 it
Ilenton, 218 4
Berwick, E., 41 2
Berwick, YY., 00 2
Bloom, K , 242 4
Bloom, W., 170 3
Briarcree'c, 129 2
Catawissa, 273 4
Centralia, 297 4
Centre, 140 2
Conyngham, N., 140 2
Conyngham, 8., CO 2
Fishlngcrcek, 257 4
Franklin, 07 2
Greenwood, 180 3
Hemlock, 117 2
Jackson, 123 2
Locust, 222 4
Madison, 144 2
Main, no 2
aumin, 107 3
Montour, 72 2
Mt. Pleasant, 80 2
Orange, 115 2
line, 03 2
Roarlnecrcek, 73 3
geolt, W., 71 2
Scott, E , 03 2
Hugarloaf, 100 3
During July and August tho Columbian
office will close every day at six o'clock, tf
Warren Eycr returned from tho South
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Harlmaii went to
Ocean Qrovo on Monday.
Mrs. Charles Unangst.of New York City,
la visiting friends In this placo.
Col. S. Knorr Is much improved In health.
Ho was in his olllce on Tuesday.
Judge Shuman and wife, of Catawissa,
spent the past week at Atlautlc City.
Mrs. J. K. Lockard Is seriously ill. Sho
has been confined to her bed for several
Mr. E. W. Elwell, of Townnda, has been
visiting friends hero tho past week with his
Mr. H. W. Kllno and wife, of William.
"Port, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law,
I. F. Weiss.
Mrs. Frcas Brown went to Ocean drove
nn Thursday, where sho will speud tho
next six weeks.
Miss Wells, who has been visiting nt II.
W. Sloan's, for several .months past, went
homo on Tuesday.
Dr. W. O. Hanson, who left hero somo
time ago to engage lu his profession at Puts visiting In town.
Mrs. Judge Rupert, Mrs. E. Mcndcnhall
ml Mrs. I. K. Miller returned from their
western visit last Friday.
Isaiah Rupert, telegraph operator at
Montoursvlllo, near Wllllamtport, spent a
few days in town last week.
0. 11. Bobbins had a slight attack of sick
ness tho first of the week, but is again
bout attending to business.
John Q. .Conner, of Berwick, who recent,
ly graduated at Lafayette college, has been
ltcted priucipal of tho West Nottingham,
Mil, Academy.
Tomatoes are ripening.
Uolden Hod la In bloom.
Watermelons are now In the market.
TITR nOTTTivmTATvr atvtti
Tho trout nt,. ... .. . ...
day, tho 15th: 08011 IMt F"'
Communion services were held In tho
Whcran church Sunday lasL
nlht?r!!'?ly,0!;CcntrftllttdIc,1 on
night from the effects of tho hcaL
J)" Williams offers his services as an
auctioneer. His address Is Bloomsburg
EXClirSlnn Iffilna ,lll "T
, . -" m run irom licnlon
AiiS? aroVo0amPmng. July 31 to
PrlnLl0108'8 0,E" cun'y" o lire.
Tho Postnfiw n., ... !
..,. ..nt,,,, lTU, 80oni8-
I. W. Hartinan & Son aro Improving their
tore property by building an addition to
tuo north enrnnr
Tho Sanitarium Is rapidly filling up with
Summer guests. Tho season Is backward
CVCn ttrliPrn will. U..,
rf "nn uiiiuuicr resoru.
Another lawn tennis club has been or.
ganlzcd In town. A court will bo laid out
n r. v. w. Miller's lot on Fifth street.
Tho boy who expects lo set the world on
.re win never do it by smoking cigarettes,
Ho will simply burn out his own energies,
Thero will boa Parlsh-gallicring of 8t.
1 iu o tuugrcgauon at UaH Grove Park, on
Thursday, July 28. All aro cordially lu.
Rev. A. V. Bower, of Berwick, will act
pasior 01 uraeo M. E. Church, Harris
burg, during the absence of Rev. Dr.
Thomas Oorrcy U erecting a dwelling
house for tho Water company, mar tho
pump house. It will be for Ihe uso of tho
A Bethlehem fruitgrower claims to have
successfully grafted a peach shoot on a
sassairas tree, and a now fruit of high 11a
vor Is expected.
A canipmcetlng will be held at Rupert
Orovo by tho A. M. E. Church of Blooms
burg, beginning Saturday, July 30, and
cununuing until August 8. (4t.
Mrs. Hannah Zarr. wllo of nnt,.l
of Franklin township, died on Thursday of
last ween. Her ago was sevcnty-elght
years, and she was an estimable christian
A terrible lire occurred at Millnrsl.nwn.
Juniata county, hist Monday, by which a
hotel was destroyed and several adjoining
buildings damaged. The loss Is estimated
at a,iw.
Prothonotary Snyder has received a lnt
tor from the Secretary of the Common
wealth stating that the Pamphlet laws aro
promised by tho printer and binder the
nrst or August.
Tho commencement cxeiciscs at State
College, Bcllefontc, were of an Interesting
character. H. V. White, Esq., Is one of
mo trustees, and can glvo any desired lu
lorniation concerning tho college.
John Herran. n Wilkcs.Baire man. nt
tempted to commit suicide by throwing
Himself into the Susquehanna last Sunday,
He was prevented from so doing by an of
fleer. It is thought that he Is demented.
Tho B. & 3. railroad entered the farm of
N. Hulinc, deceased, Monday morning.
ltie sills and tracks aro being rapidly laid
so that it will bo but a few days until the
whistle of tho steam engine will be heard
in Benton.
Picnic parties from towns up the river
aro beginning to come down hero and en
joy n pleasnnt day In Oak Grove. A party
from i'ittston was thero Thursday of last
week, ono was there Monday, and others
are expected shortly.
Several families from town are leaving
this week for Mountain G'ovo, to Bpcnd a
few days camping out before tho opening
of tho campmeetlng, which takes place
August 3rd. Among them are K. C. Ent's
and L. T. sharpless' families.
Tho appropriation for placing head stouts
at unmaiked soldier's graves has been ex
hausted, nnd tho quarter master general
gives notice that no requests received
since iUurcli SjIIi will bo tilled until ten
grcss makes another appropriation.
The attempt of some farmers in Tioga
county to raise tobacco is not meeting with
success. Tho cut worms have destroyed
several crops, and some men have become
so discouraged that they havo given up the
crop entirely, planting their patches with
Joseph Albright, who at ono tlmo resided
at Danville, has been confined In the prison
at Fort Reno, Indian Territory. Ho was
convicted of murder in tho first dcgrce.hay.
lug killed his wife, a Creek Indian woman,
and was sentenced to be hung on July 15
last Friday.
The Cumberland Valley was swept by a
disastrous tornado last Saturday and great
damage was done to property in Carlisle
and points near there. At the Carlisle In
dian Schools tho damago done amounted
to about $4000. Buildings wero unroofed,
trees leveled and general destruction done,
Tho Bradford Ilnitw defines a picnic as
'a placo where peoplo go from homo and
spend several hours trying hard to dccelvo
themselves Into tho Idea that they aro hav
ing n good time; where the festive ant
gambols iu tho sandwich, and tho spider
and tliu trco worms make a toboggan slido
of tho picnicker's spine."
Mtincy has a musical organization called
The Junior Cornet Band." It Is composed
of boys under the ago of 18 years, tho
youngest and leading musician, a cornet
player, being only ten years of ago. Tho
boys made a street parade 011 the fourth of
July, and astonished tho citizens by tho
oxcillcnco of their music.
Harry Houck.WIll Rishton, Will Drinker
and Sam Harman started up tho creek
Tuesday morning on a camping expedition.
They went up on the B. & S. train, taking
with them J. F. Caldwell a large tent, and
oxpected to go Into camp on this side of
Orangcville, whero they will probably
spend a week in Ibis pleasing pastime.
Tho Kickapoo Indian Medicine Comp'y
for over a week wero encamped on tho va.
cant lot by Music Hall, tho old Rink. Tho
encampmcut consisted of an exhibition
tent, doctor's tent nud several Indian wig.
wains. Tho troupe, which Included tivo
or six Indians, gave n freo exhibition every
evening during tho tlmo they wero hero.
Tho hot weather of last Saturday and
Hundav was Bomcthlnir terrible. On Batur-
day, at the hottest part of tho day, tho
thermometer hero stood at liw uegrecs m
tbo shads, and on Sunday It reached 03.
Tho air was hot and oppressive, and It was
very difficult to breathe, no sunsiroacs
or prostration from heat havo been rcponcu
ivi rl.wn nut rertnin Hoes of weddlne in
vitations a number of bargains aro offered
At this nlllco. Those wanting sma'.l lots,
from 10 to 25, will lavo money by ordering
at tho CoLPUUUN oiiico. 1
A band Of traveling Tlntlnna illcrminn.l
musto on our streets for several dnvn In.t
week upon a harp and two violins. They
secmca well pleased with the town, as they
remained hero longer than tho general run
of traveling musician do. Their muito was
not of tho highest order, howover, nnd thoy
wouiu navo been parted with much sooner
wan no great display of sorrow.
Isolah 8nydcr and another prisoner nam
ed JonCS CSCancd from lall Inst Rnlnr.lnu
evening. With tho aid of a bench they
forced the wnsh room door and broke tho
bars from tho window, and from thence
they left thcmsclvM ilnwn from tlm tn11 litr
bedclothes. The jail Is not secure, ns thero
nave uecn n number of escapes since Its
erection, without any fault on tho part of
tho sheriff.
A number of D. L. fc W. officials from
Now Vork went over tho lino of tho
Wllkcs.Barro and Western a lew days ago,
and It now looks ns though It will bo a
lively contest bclwecn tho Pennsylvania
and tho D. L. & W. for tho control of tlio
road. If the D. L. & W. gets il, It will be
mado a link In a new lino Into the soft coal
flel ls. Tho Pennsylvania will uso It as n
feeder for the new Schuylkill Valley line.
Shlckshlnny Mountain JHi.
Persons having unsettled accounts on tho
books of the lato David Lowenberg, uro
earnestly requested to moke prompt settle
mcnt of the Bamc, as tho administrators de
sire to closo and settle tho cstato within the
year. Attention to this notice nnd request
will greatly aid them, nnd savo trouble, an.
noynnco nnd costs. The administrators
will bo In attendance at the old placo of
business for this purpose, with the books
and accounts.
8. LoWENliKUO,
81 Administrators.
Mr. mil Mrs. George Fenstcmachcr, of
Philadelphia, are visiting friends In this
Mr. Fenstcmachcr is just recovering
from n serious Illness. Last winter he was
attacked with rheumatism which rapidly
developed serious June disease. He went
to Florida, but grew worse and was advised
to return home. After all hope of recovery
had been abandoned he resorted to the new
gaseous encmata treatment the latter part
of March, and after Ihrce weeks uso began
Improving and has so continued. His many
friends wish him yet a long lease of life.
Wesley McCormlck, a former brakeman,
was arrested at Tamaqua on Saturday
charged with complicity In tho robbery of
freight cars on tho Catawissa nnd William,
sport Railroad. With tho exception of ono
man, who is suspected of having rccoivod
somo of the plunder, tho detectives are
confident that they have all the guilty par.
ties. One of the informers has been placed
under bail for his appearance at Court as a
witness. The recovered good9,which were
shipped to Philadelphia, tilled ten dry goods
boxes and twelve two-and-a-half bushels
Chautauqua Day will be observed at
Mountain Grove on Wednesday, August 3,
the opening day of Mountain Orove Cnmp
meeting. The exercises of the day will bo
conducted byChautauquans and everything
possible be done to interest and instruct all
who will avail themselves of this privilege,
whether Chautnuquans or not. Edward
Everett Hale, one of Chautauqua's proml
ncnt counselors, will lecture In tho fore,
noon. Subject "The Education of an
American Citizen." Dr. Hale's fame as n
lecturer has extended over the United
States, and all who enjoy an iutellcctual
treat should not fail to hear him.
Tho Huntingdon ImoI Sims of Saturday
tells this suako story: A peculiar snake or
dragon was killed by Richard Roper, fore
man of tho Star Ore Mine, near Shade Gap,
this county, a few days ago. The reptile,
wo are creditably informed, was seven fcot
eight Inches long, of a bluish color, and
had two lego three Inches long and t wo
feet ono inch long, shaped like a human
foot. It was Impossible to capture the
strauge creature alive, as it showed fight,
and Mr. Roper was obliged to kill it. Wc
learn that the snake was photographed, so
that doubting ones may have an opportun
ity of veiifying the truth of the Simla
Mr. J. II. Maize, Esq., left for his farm
in Clayton, Kent county, Delaware, last
week. Mr. Maize was one of our nctlvo
citizens for over twenty years. After serv
Ing three years In the war of '.ho rebc.llou
he came to Bloomsburg in tho Fall of 1805
and soon after opened a grocjry store,
which he conducted very successfully until
1879. As early as 18G0 .Mr. Maize seems to
havo determined to choose tho legal pro
fession, as he then registered as student
with M. E. Jackson, Esq., of Berwick.
Ills business of merchandising so occupied
his time that ho partially abandoned tho
thought of legal profession. Wc find,
however, that In 1875 ho registered with
Robert F. Clark, Esq , of Bloomsburg; and
again, In 1879, with Hon, C. R. Buckalew,
of Bloomsburg. About this tlmo ho quit
merchandising and devoted his time to
reading law and was admitted to the Bar
of Columbia county lu February, 1881. Ho
continued practicing In Bloomsburg until
the tlmo of departure and had a wide cir
cle of good substantial clients. Mr. Maizo
was active and determined nnd mado a sue
cess of whatever ho undertook. Kent
county has gained a good citizen and Co.
lumhla lias lost one. Wo wish him success
In his new locality.
The abduction of Frances Slocum by tho
Indians In 1778, an account of which wo
are now publishing, brings to mind tho
fact that she had a brother, Isaac Slocum,
who at one time owned most of the laud
upon which Tunkhannock borough now
stands, nnd tho mansion houso which ho
erected on his largo farm Is now owned and
occuplod by Mr. William Benedict. It Is
ono of tho most substautial wood struct,
urcs In town, Its frame work being nil hew.
cd from white oak timber, with which tho
farm abounded at that time, aud is to-day
as sound as the day tho building was erect
ed. It Is ono of the old landmarks of tho
placo and ft connecting link between tho
past ane tho present. The father of Isaac
Slocum was ono of tho pioneer settlers of
the Wyoming Valley, and ho lost his life
at tho hands of Indian savages who shot
him down upon his own premises while
engaged with his farm work. In tho days
when Isaac Slocum owned the farm upon
which this borough now stands wo had
Imprisonment for debt and Isaac, In order
to save himself from tho annoyance of nr.
rest for debt, had a placo built In tho loft
of tils dwelling whero ho could sccrcto
himself from tho officers of the law; but
owing to tho changes and transportation in
tho building, no trace of tho hiding placo
Is now left. And tho law of Imprisonment
for debt brings to mind another fact, that it
was William Elwell, formerly Judge of our
courts here, who in 1842, whllo a member
of tho legislature, secured the passage of a
law abolishing tho baibarous custom of
imprisonment for dibt, and thus did away
with tho necessity of bulldlug hiding placis
to prev cut tho enforcement of so obnoxious
a law. Judge Elwell Is among the foro.
most thinkers of his time and has left the
impress of his great mind upon Mho pages
of tuo jurisprudence 01 our oiuic. n yom.
inj Dftwxraf.
In fancy I visit tho homo of my childhood,
HecMllnK tho scenes of my earliest clays.
Around tho old houso In the midst of tho wild wood,
With lender emotions rny memory plays.
I Mill boo tlio Boats of my Father and Mother,
Where they Bat In the cool when tho Bhadows wero
I Btlll hear tho voleo of a Ulster or Brothor,
As they warblo a tuno of somo favorite song.
I Btroll through tho meadow and gather tho flowers
or Bit In tho shade of tho old orchard trees,
I WBtth tho bright hlrda building ncstn tn tho
And hear their sweet songs noatlng out on tho
1 stand on tho bank whero tho brooklet Is flowlnif,
or play, with my feet, in tho o'go of tho stream,
Agnln I'm a child, and seem not to bo knowing,
That all Jhls enjoyment Is only a dream.
Ah.only a drenm. from which to awaken,
linnga back all tho Borrows that mado my heart
My loved ones, tho homentend havo long slneo
And homo, my old homo, Is not homo any more.
Deep allcnco, I1I1 reign, overall hns aaierted
No voices or footste respond to my calL
Tho crickets tho old-fashioned hearth havo do-
And hushed tho old clock that hung on tho wall.
My mother has long In tho church yard been
, Bleeping,
Hut lately my father was laid by her side.
Kor many long years had ho vigils been keeping,
And ninety-four years was his ago when ho died.
Now all that li left 1 tho beautiful picture.
This sweet mental drcora of my home In tho past,
nngraved on my lieart as a permanent nxturo,
I'll hold It while reasoi and memory last.
Thero Is hope In tho future, this comfort Is given,
When earth and Its fast taillDg scenes aro ail o'er,
I will Join with my friends In tho kingdom of
And dwell In that bo.iutiful homo evermore.
KulKlilH ol tlio Oolilen liiiKle.
Tho first Castle of this prosperous Order
In Columbia county has bcon organized nt
Centrnlla. It will be known as Centralis
Castle, No. 100.
Grand Chief Charles H. Huston and stall
will institute It on Saturday evening, July
23. Delegations will bo present from tho
following Castlcsi Pioneer, No. 85, of
Ashland; Mammouth, No. 130, of Glrnrd
vlllc; Anthracite, No. 74, of Shenandoah;
Eureka, No. 80, of Mahanoy City; Moun.
tain, No. 48, nnd George Washington, No.
125, of Pottsville; Tamaqua, No. 08, of Ta
maqua; Hosack, No. 87, of Audcnrlcd;
Lansford, No. 00, of Lansford; Spring
Mountain, No. 120, and Hazlcton, No. 72,
of Hazlcton; Entcrptisc, No. 115, of
Wcathcrly; Trcmont, No. 107, of Tremont;
Falrmount, No. 122, of Paxlnos, and Wal.
lace, No. 140, of Bhamokln.
Tho application for charter contains tho
names of tho most prominent citizens of
the borough and vicinity.
The following officers will bo installed:
Past Chief It. M. Lasliell.
Noble Chief Charles B. Spurr.
Vice Chief James Thompson.
High Priest-Charles H. Green.
Venerablo Hermit Jamc3 W. Beck.
Master of Records John Bcnlleld.
Clerk of Exchecqucr George W. Davis.
Sir Herald Benjamin J. Dyke.
Worthy Bard Wm. II. Smith.
Worthy Chamberlain W. W. Hefner.
Ensign Lewis Rcb.
Esquire John H. Browcll.
First Guardsman Wm. Battcs.
Second Guardsman Wm. A. Evans.
Trustees John Bray and Geo. Browcll.
C'urlouH I'aclH lu Hiinkc I.orc.
From Walford'a Antiquarian.
Thu marvelous stories told of serpents
aro Innumerable. There isouorcplllo about
a yard In length and as thick as tho upper
pait of a strong man's arm, which haunts
dry wooded places. It Is so venomous, cs.
pccially iu May, that not only will tho first
person it bites in that month dlo himself,
but any ono who stands besldo or cornea to
help him will Miare tho same fate. If ho
falls beneath n tree that, too, or If It bo
very largo nt least one-half of it will bo
killed. Again serpents of all kinds arc
very fond of milk. In tho eld days, before
the railway was built, a coachman who
used to dilve on the road between Floggla
nnd Naples onco fell asleep outside n littlo
Inn while his horses were baiting. His
mouth was open and a snako crept down
his throat. After this he felt unwell, but
did not kuow why, and none of tho doctors
could tell what was the matter with him.
At last he consulted tho professors of the
University at Naples. They hung him up
by his feet and placed n great bowl of milk
beneath his head. The snake, attracted by
the smell, crept out to drink, but still kept
a great part of Its body In the raomth nnd
throat of the concilium. A young doctor
sprang forward, pulled it out and threw it
away, when it was killed. It was about
two feet and a half in length. After this
tho patient was well as ever.
Candidates havo bees somewhat numer
ous of late.
Lloyd Farrhlng, of Black Creek, spent
th I J week In this township, putting away
his crops.
Tho hand festival, on Saturday evening,
was a success, both for tho band and tho
Petitions havo been numerous of Into.
Kn old saying is that "Foolish people do
foolish things."
H, L. DeWItt, of Bugarloaf, spent Bun
day with his brother, W. O. DoWltt.
Minor Wagner, formerly of this place,
diod at Hazlcton on the 1.1 th Inst.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. II. Freeman, of Blatrs-
town, N. J., aro visiting relatives at this
Tho Sunday school at Zlon's will hold a
picnic In Frymlrc's grovo on Saturday
Supt. Grimes held nn examination at this
place on Saturday, the 10th.
Father W. H. Kclchner Is Btlll In the fur
nlturo business.
A Kc-ntllUK Wiccli.
At an early hour on tho morning of July
14 a serious wreck occurred at Arter's.near
Snydertown, about seven miles east of Sun'
bury, on tho Bhamokln and Lewisburg
branch of tho Reading Railroad. At tho
point stated, Conductor James Taylor's
mixed train broke in two, and beforo a Hag.
man could be sent back, a train following
dashed into it with such forco as to
throw tho engine, of tho broken train and a
number of its cars down thu bank into
Bhamokln Creek, Tho engineer, whoso
nanio wo wero unable to learn, had ono of
his legs crushed, and a brakeman was
moro or less Injured. Conductor Taylor
was seriously hurt and was sent to his
homo at Catawissa. Ho formerly resided
at Watsontown, and Is an old and popular
railroader. It requited nearly a wholo day
ta clear thu track for other trains. Tho ac
cident is regarded as the most serious of
tho long list which has occ tired on that
load In the recent past.
The starlit evenings of July will bo full
of beauty for those who delight to study
tho wonders of tho heavens. Venus will
shlno like a young moon In the west. Jup
iter will shlno on tho meridian at sunset,
Saturn will pass behind tho sun and com.
ruenco his course as morning star. Mer
cury, llko Venus, will reach his eastern
limit and becomo a rooming star.
Coil Liver Oil, Willi llrioilioiiililirn.
Fur Lung 7oubli mid h'astiwj DuatMi.
Dr, J, SImonaud, New Orleans, La,,
says: "Scott's Emulsion is tho llnest prep.
aratlon of the kind, In affections of tho
Lungs and other wasting diseases, wo may
consider it our roost reliable agent. Iu a
pctfcctly elegant aud agreeable, form."
Tlic I'.iiuIIhIi Himrrow.
Many years ago wo first mado tho ac
quaintance of tho sparrow, nnd wo wero
fascinated by his saucy, contented drollery.
It was In Loudon, nnd just outsldo tho
window within which our studies wero
supposed to bo carried on was n leaden
roof whereon could bo observed nt every
hour tho domestic manners nnd social cus.
toms of theso restless little animals. Wo
wero never tired of their antics their
tcmpostuous love making, their lndcfatlg.
nblo housekeeping, their petulant quarrels,
sharp longucd and sharp-bcaked too;
and they cast shrewd little ilanccs from
tlmo to tlmo at us with much thu express,
ion of n party of savages making merry
near the great Idol of somo divinity. Since
those day, like most other Americans, wc
havo heroine rather blaso on this subject,
less icsponsivo to the sparrow's ndvances,
and havo finally como to consider him no
better than a winged rat. In fact ho Is ono
respect a good deal worse, for he Is do'ng
what tho rats cannot do: driving our song
birds from their former haunte about our
homes to distant nnd unknown resorts,
whero thoy can bo free from his chattering
persecutions. About our home thero nrc
fowcr song birds than over within our
recollection. Not a slnglo catbird came
last summer, norcouhl wo hear of ono
about tho neighborhood; not n wren; not
even tho valorous llttllo bluebird; not a
tanager; not njmartln; not nn oriole. For
merly there wero many, nnd tho groves
morning and evening resounded with their
mingled notes; last year they were fewer;
this year there wero none. A pair of scar,
let lanagers and a pair of orchard orioles
were indeed seen for a week or so, but
wero soon killed or driven oil. Only tho
robins and tho spotted thrushes hold their
ground nnd who can tell how long Ihey
will do so? These three posts, siarrows,
red squirrels nnd strolling cats, have among
them ilono tho mischief, nnd every lover of
birdsshould give orders to havo all such
vermlnshot at sight. From "Some ICnqlhh
Wayside Birds," by lhcodore IT. Mead, in The
American Magazine.
Colliding mill ninltic.
New Cowmhus, Pa., July 20, 1887.
Eds. Columbian:
Tho retired statesman, Ex.Scnator Conk-
ling, recently spoke in prnlso of Grant at a
clubmccting in Chicago, and the ubiquitous
reporter got in some how, and onco more
wc havo the illustrious gentleman photo
graphed by those who don't like lilm, be
causo he said in effect that ho liked Grant,
and didn't say ho liked Blaine, for tho past,
present, or future.
Now, if you will permit a word in liU
favor from an ardent admirer of manli
character and scholarly attainment, wo
would be pleased to say out loud that there
aro still those In the land who like Conkllng
(dignity, bangs aud all,) much better than
cither Blaine or Grant, or Blainu nnd Grant
combined. And we would be pleased to
say further, that It were wed for us if moro
of our public men were plagued with the
pride and d'gnlty characteristic of Mr.
Conkllng. Since his retirement from pub.
lie life from tho hypocrisy and treachery
he found where friendship In any fairness
should have prevailed; from the revengeful
Indignities nud humiliations sought to be
put up him, openly and by stealth, In order
to clear the way and gratify a bitter hatred,
tho outgrowth of tho disappointed ambl.
tion of James G, Btaiue, who was then the
Influential premier of an administration
that was saved from defeat only through
stalwart effort,we say that since his abrupt
retirement from Ihe sennte for the more
congenial and profitable calling of his legal
profession (for ho never nbused his trust
to steal himself rich), rattier than remain
and submit to the lash of of Bhilueuver the
shoulder of President Garfield, tho Repub
lican party lias been adrift in n sea of hall
brcedism so sweetly blended with Catholic
ismits very spinal column us to mako
Its future success extremely doubtful,
Now this is the case in spito of tho brill
iancy of thcUuplumcd Knight, in spito of
his merited applause from the lobby and
the monopolist and thu papist. With nil
these and perhaps still moro In Blatuo's
favor ,as nn available candidate for tho
Presidency It is plainly written on tho wall
of fato that "virtue alone survives;" and
wherein lies the strength and virtue of the
Unplumed Knight, wo beg to Inquire?
I. J. J,
No Honor nt Home.
As water seeks Its level, so do cs tho vil
lage Instinctively tcud to maintain a certaiu
moral and intellectual uniformity. Tlio
man of exceptional ability Is sooner or later
expelled by the body politic Ho Is mU.
trusted, disliked and finally ostracized.
Nor is he himself slow to taliu tho hint tn
depart. He perceives that thero Is nothing
for him to do at home. Ho forges restless
ly about for awhile, trying this nnd that,
and effecting ouly mischief: everybody sur
mlses an ovll destiny for him; ho puts on
his hat and departs, in despair or anger;
and presently the world recognizes and
celebrates his genius. But his natlvo vil
li never swells tho chorus of praise.
Thoy havo known him from a baby; lit
cannot humbug thcinl Did ho not steal ap.
pies from Farmer Hoyt's orchard? Was ho
not tho slowest hand at n spelling-match iu
school? Did ho not jilt Mary Jane after
everybody had agreed that ho would marry
her? Go to, then! Can such a fellow ns
that Invent a navigable air-ship, or write
n classic book, or creato n successful rail
road? Ho Is only Jack Smith, after all Is
said and done, and, among thoso who
know him, will always have a Jack Smith
reputation. From Village Types," by Julian
Hawthorne, in 1 he American Mnyatine.
HolcllerH llcnclHtonc-H,
Tho following letter, received by Lieut.
U. II. Ent, recently, will explain Itself:
Offiob of National Ckmbtkiiies, )
Washington, I). C, July 14, 1837. f
U. II. Est, Esq, Bloomsburg, Pa., Sir:
By direction of the Quarteimaster Gen.
end, I have to acknowledge receipt ol your
nppllcatton for headstones for soldiers'
graves at your place, but regret to Inform
you mat mo appropriations granted uy
Congress for tills purpose aro only suffic
ient to enable thu Department tn till thu re
quests rccelyed prior to March 25, 1887.
our application, with all others received
auer mat uate, lias been placed on tile, and
will bo given prompt nttentlon whenever an
other appropriation for this work shall be
mauc, mil in any event, it win not bo pos
sible to supply tho stones until tho Spring
nt lOOO ...... 11..
Your Obedient Servant,
J. G. CllAKIlLKlt.
Deputy Quartermaster General, U. S. Army.
"Tlie UcHt of Aciuleiiili'H."
Under tho abovo complimentary hcadlni:
tho Media American of a recent dato has the
following editorial notlco of Bwlthiu C,
Bhortlldge's Media (IV) Academy for
yountr men and boysi
"Wo this week glvo much 6pnco of tho
American to mo commencement exercises,
fluid sportt: and annual banquet of the
fehortlldgo Academy for Boys. Wo do this
because It bus becomo a great educational
institution, with a success so marked aud
widely kuowu that It drawB students from
ull paits of tho coutlnenl- lmpioved
methods of fducutlon, piact cal and cana,
blh Instructors, careful and preparatory
work for college life, combined with tea.
Bonablo charges aud c try means for the.
promotion of physical health, nircr.gth and
good habits aiu thu features which dlstln.
gulsd this academy for boys abovo otlieis.
Media Is proud of It and of lis enterprising
founder, Mr, Bwllhln O. Bliortlitlgo-''
nASR hall.
A largo crowd gathered nt Athletic Park
last Saturday afternoon to witness ft gamo
of ball between Bloomsburg nnd Berwick,
which was begun nt3:45 nnd continued
until half.pnst flvo, when, with tho scoro
standing 13 to 18, tho Berwick nine left
tho grounds, being afraid they would miss
tho train, as they unlit, but as they had
nenrly an hour left, and plenty of llroo to
play another inning, It wns rather a lame
excuse. Tho gamo was thcrcforo declared
by the umplro to stand 0 to 0, in favor of
the Bloom boys.
Berwick did good batting In the
second Inning, hut tho Bloom boys did not
get on to the Berwick pitcher until tho
fifth Inning, when they did somo heavy
batting. Ent knocked n threo bagger and
Sylves mado a homo inn, knocking tho
ball out to tho fence, at tho opposlto end of
tho grounds. Lnno nnd Buckingham, of
the Berwick nine, ench knocked tv.obng.
gers. Other good plays, and somo very
poor ones, were mado on both sides.
In tho fifth Inning Lcary, of tho Berwick
club, while at tho bat was struck by tho
ball and knocked senseless for a fow mln
utcs. Sherwood took his place.
A slight rain at thu beginning of the 0th
Inning scattered the spectators. A great
many had umbrellas, however, which they
had brought along to keep oft the sun.
The spectators were much disappointed
that tho same was not finished. It wns jus'
getting interesting.
Quito n largo number nf ladles from
town attended the game.
the Park now presents a ftno appear
ance Tho grouuds aro wndl laid out. When
a grand stand has been built, nothing
moro will hi needed to mako It equal to any
ball grounds around hero.
Tho lame afternoon a gnmo of lawn ten
nis was played between a team of the Bo
nltn club nnd ono of tho Danville club,
WHICH resulted in tho defeat of the Bloom
club. Quito a crowd, mostly members of
the Bloom club, gathered nt tho grounds.
and the game was begun at 5:80 and flu-
Ished at 0:30 o'clock. The teams were the
samo ones that played nt Danville not long
ago, and tho Bcoro stood ns follows:
Danville. Bloom.
0 3
0 1
G 2
Tho winning of tho game deni .ulcd on
the beating of 3 out of 5 sets, aud a9 Dan
villo took the first thrco sets tho gamo was
theirs. As the Dnnvlllo club has hnd two
oi three years expcrlenco and ours but a
few months, It is not strango that Danville
Leats them,
Tho Danvillans drove up In nn omnibus.
and stopped at the Exchange, returning In
tho evening. A few ludles of the club ac
companied them.
The lllHlorfcnl Journal.
The Histoiiioal Jouknal for Aueust Is
an Interesting nnd valuable uumbcr. Its
leading feature is a biographical sketch,
with portrait, of Governor John Andrew
Sliulze, including a history of tho mirchase
of the large farm at Montoursvlllo, which
leu to uis tininclMl ruin. This is followed
with tho journal of John Hamilton, of
Clluton county, who mado a yoyago In n
cannl boat rrom Pine Creek to Philadelphia
v'.a Uuiou dual, In 1830. Tlio duliy in
cidents of tho journey nro clven in a rnr.v
and piquant style. Edith C. Daily contilb-
utes a cnarming article on "Local History
Its Interest and Importance." Tho storv
of a prolific family that emigrated from
urceno county to Ohio in 1810 is ono of
tho odd features of the monthly, which is
followed with an artlclo on curious grave
stone Inscriptions. Some valuablo Infor
matlon is given of Huntingdon In early
time. Rml lllll Inmr Awnnraliln nf tl.n
& ' ... .... (i w llwillu-
stead occupied by Hon. J. Simpson Africa
a Biiunii, uiu unit uirnaces in itutlcr
County and the Hist mall toFrnnklin make
m.MuuS miuuiuiu9. j. icuer irom
Secretary Bayard shows that old Henry
Harris, of Muncy, did not purchase his
freed om, as he claimed. The department
of old persons living is quito full, ns well
aS that Of ni'n.ll tlpp!16fl An nnnnnnf nf
the centennial anniversary of n Waehing-
iuu vyuuuijr iuuj euiiies mo reauer uacK to
pioneer days. Although but four months
Old. TllR lllsTniMilAr. .imniv.t !. rnnnllr..l
. .-ww. .....
a good circulation and Is rapidly gaining
w i".iu.iiu muuug muse wuo wish lo see
,,ui moiuiy inuaurveu. ii is printctl
ui. uiuvjr niii;r, in magnzino iorm, anu
twelve numbers mako n magnificent llius.
(rated bound volume of over 400 paces.
Send 3 In .Tnlin t.' .!,
Usher, at Wllllamsport, and secure it at
umju iui u year, ijiick numuers still sup
Can't Make Anything; Uk-e It.
I havo been practicing medicine for 20
years, aim navo never uecn nolo to put up
n vegetable compound that would, llkn
Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly nnil
effectively move the liver to action and at
tho same time aid (instead of weakening)
the dlge8tiyo nnd asslmllativo powers of
tho system. No other remedy within my
nuuwiuugu UUI1 1111 13 piacc.
L, M. Hinton, M. 1),, Wnshlngton, Ark,
Buried in a (Uve.
Klmlra Special to tho Now Vork Sun.
Several chambers excavated in the
solid rock havo been eliscovcred on
hillside in Catou, thin county. Thero
was a little opening in tlio hillside
whioh was known to tlio children who
played ttioro an tlio wolf's den, but
tney never ventured into it, as it had
tho rcnutation of harboring r.itlln.
snake?. It remained for Gits WVman
to uiano mo discovery, no was unnt
inn rabbits, and ono took rufutro ii
this cave. On crawling into the cave
xur. wyinan saw an opouing to tho
right of him, which ho uutored, and,
iigtiting u tuaicn, ho saw ho was in
a elianiher excavated in tlio rook.
Ho notified Mr. Dwight, on whoso
farm tlio cavo is, and with a lantern
tnoy entered it. Their attontion was
nrst attracted to tho bodies of nine
men, laid in regular order at one eiilo
of tho chamber, their heads to tlio
north and their bodies resting on carv
ed blooks stone, aud aitiatiually carved
StOtlO llilloW4 Rlltmnrllllfr llin
- --- , &
V ari'ius ornamonts of metal were found.
Tho bodies will avorago six feot in
length. Tho wero covered with cloth
winch crumbles at tho tcuoh. Another
chamber, In llin mm .InanrSl.n.l
is connected with it by a broad arch
way ; it also contains bodies. Tho
uuiiiiiueru uru iiuruy natural aim partly
artificial, thoy having been greatly en
larged. Tub. marks of tlio tools of
tho ancient workmen mny bo overy
where scon.
It is not known whether tho uodies
wore embalmed or wero preserved b'
tho atmosphere of tho caverns. Everv
thing remains as it was found and il is
the intention of Mr. Dwiirht tn Imun
the placo oxamiueii by a scientific per-
euu. mo iiiiiiics aio not mucn attenu
ated, the skin is brown and tho ilebli
apparently nani. tho hair iu i
cabo is black, coarto and long. It
. has
been ilibcovercil tlmi tlm mitrntun
tho caverns was foimurly much largir
and had been cntirelv covered uith
oarth. It is believed Unit the rains of
year had the effect of wathtng tho
earth away, thus cxposiug tho upper
portion of the entranoo to tho Bubter
raucan ohmnbwy,
JJ.LJL- - . UJ.JiliJl.A-J. -J.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of
flco nt Bloomsburg for week ending July
10, 1887i
Willie Browcr, F. II. Eycrly, Elizabeth
Jlngcnbuch, Miss Stisio Dayman, Mrs. L.
I). Itartman, Miss Dora E. Pierce, Mr. II.
A. Shaffer. J. M. White, Lewis Williams,
John W. Wilson, Geo. Blglcr.
S. E. Bocttlngcr, I. II. Bwcnk, B. E.
Persons calling for theso letters will
p'easo say "advertised."
OtonqgA. Clahk, P. M.
Trnile UollnrH.
Trado dollars will not bo received at par
by cither of our hanks after July 25th.
Those who yet hold trade dollars must get
them iu beforo Monday If they wish to get
one hundred cents for them. After that
time they will bn taken only ns bullion.
rnn.ADti.riiM, Monday, July 18, 18ST.
Store closed at i P. M. on
Saturdays during the Summer.
Near the wind-up for Mat
tings. Weve about 150 rolls
of low grade fancy Mattings
which shall co at a wind-uo
price 14 cents a yard, &k for a
40 yard roll. Another grade 1 5
cents a yard, $5.30 a roll.
We ve taken an importer s
large invoice of fine quality
Seamless Matting. Been sell
ing like it at 45 cents, this shall
go at 30 cents, or $1 1 a roll.
An invoice of Seamless Dam
ask Matting shall go at 45 cents,
or $16 a roll. It has been 65
Oil ClotU Remnants, too, in
sizes large enough for vestibules,
small halls and kitchens. Lass
than cost.
Embroidered Picmcs. Many
kinds ; some with narrow to
match. Not a fault except that
the lots are little. A quarter
drops from the price, just the
White were $1.20 to $2.60 ;
Now 95c. to $2.00.
Buff were $1.38 to $2.00 ;
Now $1.05 to $1.50.
When you see a new Book
announced look for it on our
New Book Table. It'll be there.
It came to us on the day of pub
lication. They all do ; light or
heavy or between.
I lie biggest collection you
can find of light Summer read
ing. Paper covered Novels by
standard authors, 9 to 18c each.
Soft, thick, close, Bleached
German Table Linen, 56 in., 50
cents. Napkins to match.
Cream German Damask, 2
inches more than 2 yards wide,
85 cents. To look at it you'd
say ltd "wear like iron. It
won t, but it 11 last till you tire
of it. Napkins too.
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs,
woven colored borders, $1 a
dozen. You've paid 25 cents
each for no better.
Unhemmed Linen
chiefs for boys and
cents a dozen.
girls, 50
Fine, filmy, eflecy fancy
Shawls and Wraps for piazza,
seaside or evening wear. All
the exquisite tints of the season
Cashmere Shawls, soft and
dinging, $1.25 to $4.
Delicate Cashmere Scarfs,
embroidered and pktin, a dozen
shades, 50 cents to $1.
Plush Scarfs, 6, $8 and $10,
Pancy Shawls ; barege, silk
and satin in stripes ; may be 50
styles. Light and lovely, $1.50
to $s.50.
Special lot of Silk Shawls
cream, black and blue, $8
Coquettish, graceful, airy.
The way Crazy Crepes are
going is a caution. Pulling,
i ... 11 1 1
picKing, cutting an day long.
Neat, dainty figures precisely
put on a loosely woven, lumbled,
tumbled surface of fine why
threads. A careless stun no
worry in the makinir, none in
the wearing, none in the doing
'IM. 1 . .1
up. ine wonuer is not mat
it goes, but that the price is
1 2 y2 cents from 16.
Jersey-weave Silk : corded
like Faille Francaise, but lieht
er. Delicate shades, beautiful
patterns, 25 Vz in. A stuff that
drapes gracefully and won't pull
apart at the seams ; but you
haven t taken kindly to it. Mas
been si. 50, now 75 cents
much less than cost of making.
You can sling a Hammock a
most anywhere. If there'
shade, an easy conscience and
health, there 11 be hannmess too,
Mexican Grass, $1.25, $3.50 and
$10. Palmer Hammock, piHow
and spreader combined, o
$2 and $2.50.
Oxidized Jewelry. Belts,
girdles, chatelaines, vinaigret
tes and dozens of nick-nacks
for personal ornament. Neat,
strong, novel ; why shouldn't it
have jumped into popular favor?
We are selling more Hosiery
and underwear than m June,
The stock is here. Anything
from a 4 in. Sock for Baby to a
12 in. Half Hose for men : from
an infant's 16 in. Shirt to a 50
m. one lor a man. hvery grade
worth keeping.
2 cent Sateens. Ameri
can of course, but when before
could yon see such a 12)4 cents
worth' in Sateen? 'There's
witchery in the blended tints, in
the odd torms aim in the soft S
shiny finish. Twenty, may be
fifty'pattcrns ; new, neat, varied
to suit every taste,
Unthinc Suits for Misses And
Children, sizes 4 to 16, navy
blue flannel, $2 to $3.75 ; sizes
2 to 16, black flannel, $4.75 :
same, Jersey cloth, $5.
Write and say what you want,
and how von want it sent.
Samples or goods.
John Wanamaker,
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Atirkct' streets,
ana .iiraiiu nqunrtl
Sido boards and mirrors nt Corcll's. SU
Tho best Rlack Hl'lk Warn Henriettn
Cloths at Clark & Sou's.
The boss nlnco to buv
shoes Is at J. W.
Ylngcr's, Rupert-
For bargains In furniture, go to Corcll's.
Rarcalns in
nil kinds of remnants at
Call soon.
Clark & Hon's.
New notntOCH anil Hirlmr rlilft-pria Inlsnn
In trade nt J W. Ylngcr's, Rupert. 3t.
Having lust
received a cylinder for fin-
1 clnlllft. T nm in
Ishliig silks nnd cloths, I
clean and dyo ucnts' clolhinir. ladles'
cloaks, snciiues, Bilks, dresses. shTiwls. &c.
Feathers dyed and curled. ' Packages for
warded bv express will recnlvn nrnmnt At
tention, according to directions. Call or
nddress, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Uloomsburg
yooicu Aims.
'I kinds Of Dress Honda nl Plnrk ,t:
Parlor suits, chamber suits, dlnlnrf ronm
land library furniture all styles and prices
at uorcirs. ;jt.
Call and examine our prices on sucar.
tcaB and coffee. All goods sold at bottom
prices. Oivo mo n call. J. W, YIngcr,
Rupert. 3t.
Cnmp btools 30c. at Clark & Son's.
Willow chairs lust the thine for warm
weather at Corcll's. 3t.
You will find some extra moil hnrr-nlin
In Illacli Khadamcs Dress Silks also gro-
grains at Clark & Son's.
M.'KILLIP7Photograpl ler
ayon Artist, Jjloomsbunr. Ta.
ine Cabinet Portraits, only So
a dozen. Instantaneous Process
littdlcs you should not fall In sen nur
bargains in Stockings especially in tho
chlldrcns goods, Clark & Son's.
Oak. cherry nnd walnut fnrnUnrn nt C.n.
roll's. 31.
A perfect washinc machine has never
been Invented, but n perfect washing soap
has. Drcydoppol's Ilorax Soap is ns near
perfection ns it is possible to attain, nnd
the price is very reasonable.
A peculiarity of Hood's Snrsnimrilla in
that while it purifles tho blood, it imparts
new vigor to every function of tlio body.
To Pukbekvk Natuuai. Pi-owkks Din
the flowers in melted parnfllue, withdraw
Ing them quickly. The liquid should bo
only just hot enough to maintain lis fluid
ity and the flowers should bo dipped ono
at n time, held by the stocks and moved
about for an Instant to cct rid nf air bub
bles. Fresh cut llowers. freo from moist
ure, make excellent bpecimens in this way.
If you would preserve your health ami In.
vigoruto your enure system use l'crrine's
Puro Rarley Slalt Whiskey. Kor enlo by
D. Robbins, Uloomsburg, Pu. cow.
Give Tiibm a Ciianob ! That is to snv.
your lungs. Also nil your breathing ma
chinery. Very wonderlul machinery It is.
Not only tho larger ah passages, but tho
thousands of little tubes aud cuvillcs lend-
ing from them.
When theso aro clouded anil plirmlfnil
with matter which ouuht not to hn tlmm
your lungs cannot half do their v ork. And
wnal uiey no, tuey cannot do well.
lall It cold, coucli. cronn. nneumnnln..
catarrh, consumption or any of tlio family
u iniuai. uuti iiusu ami iie'llll nun lung 01)
structlons, all aro bad. Alt ought to bo
got rid e. There is just oue sure way lo
get rid of them. That Is to take lleifcheo'a
German Syrup, which any druggist will
sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even If ev
erything olso has failed you, you may do-
pemt upon tuis lor certnln.
A good apnctlto is essential to irnrwl
health; but ut this season is olten lost, ow
ing to the poverty or impunity of tho blood,
derangement of the digestive organs, and
tho weakening etteel of the changing sea
son. flood's Sursnparllla is a wonderful
medicine for creating an appetite, toning
tne digestion, nnd giving strength to tho
whole system. Now is Ihe time lo talto it.
Ro sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilln.
Wkon lUbj vu lick, wa giro her Cwtorli,
Vhon the tu a Child, ihe cried tor ctori.
When ihe became Miu. the clnnt? to Riiiri.
When she bed Children, them Mtorla,
HllTIVVVVVPU. nil f.tfilfsn II . ..... Tin . ......... ..
CuiiKD uy Hit. Haines.'
GeLDKX Sl'EoiFio. It can bo given in a cup
ui coueo or ica wiuiout llic knowledge ol
the person taking lit Is absolutely harmless
and Will effrct n liurnvinnnt unit
cure, whether the imlieut U n modcrato
diluker or nn alcoholio wreck. Thousands
oi drunkards liavo been made tcmperato
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their cnlTl'll wlllinilt thrlr bnnu.1,.,1,,,. nn,l
to-day believe they emit thinking of their
own freo will. IT NEVER FAILS. Tho
system once Impregnated with tho Spccifio
it becomes nn utter Impossibility for tho
llnilOr lllllllt tn lixlsl Pur lull n.i.llm.1...
ddrcss Golden Specific Co., 185 Rnco St
uiuuiuuaii, uuiu. uecooUty.
VI. VB OI'l'A ll it i T ir
wntntns no injurious druy una has no ojtensli'
Hay Fever C ATA R R H
Unttfnrirf1 tx- nn In
named condition o.
tile lining tnembrawl
of tho nostrils, tear-
ducts and throat, al-9
feeling tho lungs. Au
acid mucus Issecieted,!
tho discharge Is acconi I
panletl with a palufulf
burning Mmutor.
Thore are ueveres
spasms ot sneering,!
frequent attacks otg
blinding headache, aS
wawry ami mnaiiieuu AVaCCUCn
state ot the eyes. fl' fcJE V C- K
1 not a IItuIiI, hhuT or iHiinifi'. .ivvtlfil (iifcj
notlrlli Is iuUkl ii!sovlil. It i'mimshi VinKaH.
Mlai9 fiJfimirifiiVfi. Itrnln tttv wii'ii. Jiesturea
tti fitiH nf Umtif mill unfit,
50 it llin ui (ini'.ft".'; t mull, injIrhH til, no ns,
Offlco, 23.1 Grceuwioh St., N. Y. City.
All people Ot P;pptl4
fihoulYlturn ta lengthen
out tlittr dart,
vvhtn Indirection mikes
u cull,
Or tiuilpfitloa, wort
i thin all,
llakdi Ue afcnnlfen, but
.-jK?WlK....T?r. . .