THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The O0W. Viollm. A TKHKIIIU: DTOIIT HtOM Iir.At. 1AtK 1IIB KAHT IXIMANAKTn.KMKNtS, IN On n boiling hot day, aach rw ono often crpcrlcfirxn In iho Hint Indies, tho sun wan pouring down ito fiorco ray upon tho scorchintr. earth, writci Mr. H, A. Crawshay in tho Hn Fran onco Jif.amiMr; lifo wmel to bo ex tinct, all wm ho cairn anil nilont, find oven tho few tno'j employed arountl my hotiw moved noiselessly about, ai If to ho in keuplnjr with tho rcit of nature. My hotine, nllinVcd n llttlo dhtanca from n my town, wai built of stone, with a veranda overgrown with croep ern nil around It, such ai noon in most Anglo-Indian reildenco, and surrountl- od ly n Htnill irardim in which nil tho iMMtiliu of a troiiical climate ilotirinh ed. During lhli afternoon I wan resting myfclf In an eaiy bwnboo chair alonii in my room the blindi were drawn down to keep It ai cool ai poiiiblo, hut novcrtheiletn tho heat was intense, male, ing mo feel restless and irritable. Novel after novol I opened, and after reading a fow page llun tho book aside f and having tried for a few rmnulcs to sleep, I got up and went to ono of tho windows Drawing up tho blind quietly, I daw on tho vorarda my litllo daughter Ulvliz. She wai adored by my wifo and my self, being our only child, and I wai nbout to tap thu glau in ordor to attract her attention, when I noticed that she wai carrying a bowl of what appeared to bo bread and milk, and Hceirifd to bo looking for Homo ono. At tho Hamo tlmo I haw, to my horror, a huge Miiako of tho moit venomous kind cobra creeping from thoxidoof tho Iioiibo along tho veranda toward her. Hlio went Hlowly to moot it. I know that it would now bo im poniblo for mo to go out or to mako tho slightest sound without attracting tho snake's attontion, and then I shud dered, for when onco it wan alarmed tho connequoncei might bo fearful, no 1 had to watch what wai going to happen in a cold presmrntion of foar for tho Hafety ot my child. Tho cobra, on reaching tho child, roared its loathiomo head in tho air until level with tho bowl, moanwhilo darling its tonguo backward and for ward and casting fiorco glancoH around to see if danger wan near, while it de voured tho broad and milk. Oladiz Htroked its hoad gently and called tho roptilo "lier pot," "her pretty snake." I watchod tho food gradually din appear, and could have cried for relief when I nnw the snake had finished itH meal, which I inwardly vowed should bo lU last. It then crept Hlowly to ward a holo in tho sido of thu Iiouho, to which it disappeared. I rushed from tho room, nnd, moot ing Gladiz coining into tho hall, picked her up in my arms and kissed her frantically, exclaimed: "Oh, Gladiz, Oladiz, tho Hiiako 1" Tlio child bogan to ory, knowing thon I had neon Tier with her pet. Nor nurso, coming up to hoo what was tho matter, I gavo Gladiz into hor ohnrgo, nnd went to find my wife, to whom I told all that had oc curred. My wifo learned from Gladiz that hIio had licon aooiiHtoiniid to feed tho Hnako twice a day after breakfast anil during tho afternoon for thu last three mouth, and often, If hIio thought h)io wai being watched, sho would leave tho bowl on tho veranda, fetching it away at nnothcr time-. Wo, my wifo and myaolf, arranged that tho bowl should po put in Its placo i.h usual to-morrow morning, nnd that I hIioiiIiI nhoot the nnnke from tho win dow of my room while it wnH eating. Wo also thought it boHt that Gladiz Hhould not bo told that her pot wait go ing to ho killed. llroakfatt wan rath or hurried next morning for 1 wan anxious to gel thin dnngerotiH net killed ni hooii as possi ble. Tho bowl was temptingly put iu itH tilaco. an directed by Gladiz, and I took up my portion with n jjun at thu window of my room, completely hid ded from tho outHiilo by tho Vonetian blind. Tho child was taken bv my wifo to tho nursory, as arranged bo- twocn ui the evening before. All wnH ready now, tho Hiinko alone was want iug. It did not keep mo long waiting. boon I h;iw Uh head appear out of tho nolo. 1 Himko looked around with itH glittering eyi's, nnd Booing tho bowl era leu out on to tlio veranda and mado its way toward it. It Bcemod friglilened j onoo or twioo it turned round uh If to return ,.J"V timo had como ; tho cobra was oa aitllday by V-"",, blading to I . Sydney bmitQ as riC-Oilhesplendid 2 8'a.r8-- carefully I Tnnifiiv uiiinriT bringing the gun to my shoulder, hred. Tho bruto rolled over, quivering and wrilhinc on tho ground. I began o pull up the blind with the intention of going out and giving tho cobra tho death blow, when I heard a fearful scream and a moment after saw Gladiz run past tho window her golden hair loose, her dress torn to ward tho wounded snake. Heforo I could prevent her she had thrown herself on her knees before it, nnd lifting its head in her hands pressed it. nuainst her check, weepinz bitterly while sho did so ; instantly the cobra buried its poisoned fangs into her deli cate flesh. Sho screamed and unclasp ed her hands from around the snako. A cry escaped my lips as I saw what hnnrinried. and takinir Gladiz in ray arms, carried her indoors. All that mprfinal skill could do to savo our child was done, but of no avail. In less than two hours sho was dead. Years havo passed ainco then, but I never can forget tho ovents ot mat iearnu uujr, Damon and FytnJas. A ROI1IIII) KETIIOIT (lllOCF.B WHO TAKES NO STOCK IN IIOMANTIO TAI.F.8. A very liard-up looking man cnlcrod n grocery uh x'un. onuw nv cr day and said to tho proprietor. "I havo como to gtvo rayselt up. MV name's Damon." "No ono want's you that I'm aware of," replied tho grocer. "Hut my partner, Pythias, stolo a cako of maplo sugar hero tho othor day, and I'vo como as a hostage until you oan catch him. Kxouso mo if I slioo oil a bit of this checso and take a fow crackers.1' 'Hut I haven't missed any sugar.' "I'erhnps not, but l'ythias took it all tho saiuw. I saw him an hour ago, and I told him I should wait hero until ho surrendered himself. Beg pardon, but I'll tako a herring to go with my crack- nru nml I'ltnpsG." "What did vou say your name wast'' 'Damon, hip, and there's nothing mean about me! When I pass my word nothing on earth will mako me brink it. Is this sweet milk in this i.if Ah! there: but vou'll excuso ino ;f I tako u L'lass." T.nnk here. VOU old beat, I want you to get out of this!" exclaimed tho fjroier, who oegan io nco ui i.inn In tin i fnnnn corner. "I don't caro a copper for Pythian or you, cilhnil Tliero' the door. "I promised I'yth. I'd wait here. What will ho nav when ho find that Damon hai lied to hiinT" "So you won t go! Well, you will I Now, yon come along, and tako that and that and thatl" Tho iroccr pulled him to tho door nnd beitowcd three hearty kick on his coat-tails. Tho man received them meekly and kindly, and when tho per formance was over ho walked across tho road and turned nnd said: "All riiiht. If Pvlh. comes atone just oxplain how it was. Tell him old D.tinon is waiting for him down in tlio saloon al tho corner. JHlroll J'Vce J'reti. Boycotting in India. Itoycoltiug, dilTering in somo par ticulars irom the way In which it is dono in tho land where the Knirlish term originated, has been practiced for n'loi in Inilit. nays a Hindoo writer in tho i Jamti Oazette: Thcro is great difference between Irish and Hindoo boycotting. Tho lormcr is based mainly on political, scml-politlcal or fiscal reasons; whereas tho latter is practiced on purely social or religions grounds. Then tho Irish is sevorer than tho Hindoo method in this senso that no tradesman will sell anything to tho boycotted man, who is mora or less like a prisoner in his own house; whorcai a boycotted Hindoo can buy anything anywhere or go to any placo he likes, only people will not iro to his house or aisociato with htm or his family in any way. On tho other hand, tho Hindoo is sovercr than tho Irish boycotting in that tho latter may bo only temporary, and rises at the caprice of the boycot tern whereas tho former is ofton per manent, or can bo dono away with only by going through certain expia tory rites or costly ceremonies, which como hard, ovon on tho richer olasscs. A man may bo hoyoottod in Iroland for no fault of his own, but in India boycotting follows upon a breach of observance of somo time-honorod cus tom, or by any public offenso against traditional notions of propriety. In dian boycotting is allied to outcastlng, bat is quite distinct from it and not half so scvoro. A man may loso his casto only by breaking onq of iu well definol rules, which are quite different from mcro customs for observances. An outcast man is nccossarily boycot ted; but a boycotted man koeps his casto nil right as long oh ho docs not act against its rules. Again, a man may bo outcast, but not his family for that reason; yet his relations will bo boycotted if thoy associate with him. Let mo now cito some examples: Somo years ago a loarned I'undit gavo his daughter in marriago when hIio was a fow years older than tho pronoribod marriageable age among tho Hindoos; and tho olTcnso was rendered doubly heinous by tho pornetrator being a Brahmin of high ordor. Ho was strict ly boycotted accordingly;and,I beliovo, notwithstanding his great reputation as a scholar and a benevolent porson, and in spito of his endeavors to propitiate tho Brahmins in many ways, no is still avoided by orthodox Hindoos. A wholo family has bcon boycotted for rocoivlng nnd associating with ono of its members who returned from Eng land and had lost his casto through eating with Englishmen. Ono gentle man has boon boycotted forover for gotting his widowed daughter married. If anybody's son or daughter-in-law associates with non-Hindoos publloly tho offending Individual is outcastcd and tho wholo family is boycotted. If a son does not mourn for his deceased fnlhor in tlio prescribed manner ho is boycotted. In Homo parts of India men aro boycottod for wearing trous era of European fashion or, indood, any dress that was not worn by thoir ancestors of a thousand yearn ago. A well known historical oxamplo of Hin doo boycotting is that of the Joyporo royal family, which was boycotted for hundreds of years by tho other Itai pool royal families for being tho first Hindoo family of princely rank who offored a daughter in marriago to n inogul Etnporor. In Itnjputnnn wholo tribos nro often boycotted if Homebody does not properly observe tho tradition al customs or forms n connection with a lower casto or with non-HindooH. lint nowadays boyoottlng can bo raised in India by a judicious usu of tho almighty gold. I may mention n well-known case. A distinguished Hindoo gontlomnn and merchant of a largo Indian town was boycotted for reforming propensitloa n nli orlho- ,!nw nit...Miiin ill thin rwiir thnrn am I sonae as certainly seems to be the qase, T ""V - -""Who lived in tho country, on the occasion of a religions festival directed tho servants as usual to distn- bote offorintrs of rice, frnits nnd sweet- moats among tho Uraumlns ot tno i neighborhood. To a man they refused n nnnniit thn OQmn nn MIR frmUIHl L11UL I her son was deserting her caste. The jumpin' mineral claims, uv course. Rip in the Uiblo. Gold was used on fcoio old lady was deeply chagrined and bo- 'em up tho back an' tramp on 'em 1 mon's temple. Tho Chinese beat gold can to bo mortally airam 01 vno uuau- notion nt linr until after death. On I hom-lnn- thia W snn went down to bis country house and ordered the servants I l !.n 1,n nFFnrlnrra nrrdln to tllO Hrlll- I I IU VafVU UMWI..' "5 . m'ma. this timo Dlaciiic fivo rupees on each of tho plates. The oxpedient answered wonderfully well, iho very ltmhmina. who a fow hours oeioro nau turned away the servant, ignominously now eamo runnins to tho merchants house and literally scrambled for tho presents. Tins story seems 10 jusiny ..; f nr,nti,ar rinli Hindnn that uiu Boyiiiu v. ((."v..w. -- . 0 . , . i . HDiatn wna in nin lriin uiiusl. Unvontiintr nnd outcastim? aro maao " J - - ,tu,. !.rM(ion in irindno nmcii. UUUUI1 limitvoanu . and for tho most trilling reasons. i marrind woman not nuttinK thosinuoor n,nrS nn thn llflrt lnrr Ot Her hair is boycotted. In tho country if a mother-in-law eats or lives in tho lioueo mony at, mo uinu 01 uer umm. muu ,n;n I,!j moIh lur inrrnrmilir Ilia uau ivaiK ino i.jvj j j.w. o expiatory rites; but an outcast woman, especially if sho has broken away from tho zonana or assoclatod with non- Hindoos is novor taken back to hor casto. Tho Granger's Inning. wakes tho echoes, nod causes Ananias m turn in his irravo and t-roan. We nvorhcard a conversation tho other day which sneaks for itsolfi "apoaking hnaw rains." remarked ono farmor anotlier recen wo had last in tho yard with rain water Just ton ininutoi by ' K'n 'f mil. f. ' t P.! i.nnr. n... with both A.."' , ". ' . .1 r u out and overflowod at the bung." 7SSKd each other agnd mi -o ,,mna u,i,nn tlm Milpst liar liolit fawn-oolored overcoat; nearl-uray " lumu mu iiiuvd ........ ..w . ..p. - , I , i i I II. 1 .1(1. 1 l.ri. ..I. I.n...,nr trdlldiilia Willi t lin I M ai'f'.l has to nang up ins huuio uuu ioun wuu iuo, inuvi; uumjn.ij ...... n,t.a i,nn thn hnrnv handed trraiicer. creaso down tlio sides; pointed shoes, .i :.t.,.ii.r i..iiu n litiln nun thai with rraiters over them, and, carried hev spring. I WiU, . im . t .T' ".l T ,,r.n'"l.1nV tnnn wi'. , Dung up, aim iv w w v :, ,,, m. u , , of through tho bung in barrow Willi 00111 uanuv, nun, iiinuy uu) ucuid t , FertlAn Unntoim. MllllAI. (OHMS IN TUB I.ANIJ OF Till! SIIAII Tho seal of honor was triven to me. thn brido sitting on my right, her elder aunt (her unslo had two wives) on my loft. Persians think a (rent deal of appearance and outward show, and all tho ladies wcro decked in their gaud lest attire, and wcro blooming in nil thu ficticious (dories of painted woman hood. Fair hair nnd eyes aro not ad mired by them, but n fair skin nnd florid complexion aro greatly nought alter, nnd call lorth tho tribute of gen cral admiration. I'.ven when nature has distributed her gifts with no nig uard hand thoy will furvlsh up tho com plexion with quantities of rougo nnd powder until they look like full blown rosc. Many nn old woman of hideous forbidding aspect, whoo appearance would bo Invaluablo in melodrama, U mado up into tho bad semblance of a young woman; tho furrows Timo with his ruthless fingers has traced, are fill ed in with powder, not artistically faced as tho European belle many of whose charms might not bear closo overhauling often sets off her loveli ness with artfully arranged aids to beauty, but laid on in thick layers. Although tho brido was very young, having at the most seen sixteen rum mers, rouge, nlas, was no stranger to her pretty faccl Her hair, which was jot black nnd verylonir, was plaited in to a number of tiny tails, tho ends of which peeped forth from under tho chngat of folded white linen sho wore on her head. Nothing can oxeced tlio ugliness or iinbecomingncss of this head gear; it is merely a squaro pieco of muslin or cotton folded corner wise, and tightly fastened with n pin or tiny brooch under tho chin, with two ends hanging down tho hack, and tho re maining two falling over tho breast. Over this again is worn tho hotiso veil which envelopes tho wholo figure; it is a largo square or rounded pieco of muslin or gay patterned chintz and is not fastened on hot simply kept in its placo by tho arms. Her voluminous skirt wan of whito and pink striped satin, handsomely trimmed with gold lace, and roaohed only half way to tho knoo; tho logs wcro baro. Uttcn as many as twenty yards of silk or satin are employed for those skirts, which aro gathered into a hand at tho waist, and nro worn over four or fivo fino petticoats very much stiffen ed. Tho rnoro a skirt stands out tho moro fashionable it is. Tho bodice is a loose sort of jacket of silk or velvet, trimmed with gold lace,tho hIccvcs aro long and terminate in a pointed caff that turns back, reaching nearly to tho elbow. This is worn oyer n calico or linen shirt. Although all degrees agreo in thoir loading features, and tho fash ions never chango in tho East as thoy do in tho West, yet thoy differ to a great extent in detail, nnd afford a scope for tho peculiar tasto or fancy of tho wearer. Tho contrast between indoor dress and walking nlliro is very striking. Advico for tho Minister. Krom tho Dakota IlclL A younir man who recently uradu- ntcd from an Eastern theological school wont out to Murray, in Ciuur d'Alono country, to tnko chargo of a church. Tho largest gambling hnll in town was cleared for his accommoda tion to first Sunday, ono table on which Spanish monto was usually dealt boing loft for him to stand behind. A largo stock rcgistor book was laid on this, which was supposed to reprcsont a bible. Tho wholo town turned out nnd tho young divino preached a pow erful sermon. In it ho Htromrlv de nounced onmblinir, horse-r.icimr. drink ing and profanity. That afternoon ho was oallod on by a committco of lead ing citizens, ono of whom said: "Pardnor, thar's a littlo matter wo'd likoto talk over with yo. I nm tho chairman uv tho vigilanco committee.1' "Is it possiblo ?" "Mighty poss'blo, cnpl'n, tho cussed cst possiblo thing yo over seed. Wot wo como hero to Hay is that wo don't approve o' yor preachin'." "I nm very Horry that such is tlio case, but I can't boo how I can chango it.'1 "Can't hoy f Well, I reckon yu'll hoy to. Yo vo got 'or let up on hoi lcrin' agin gainbliu', nn' horso-mcem', an' swoarin', an' ticker. Them things air all 'iowablo here, an' air highly ro commended by tho leadin' citizens, an' tho olergy has got 'or fall inter lino. As a committee wo mosoyod tip hero to warn ye, an"taint r ---.-, ,,. I nAmnmnnf. thnn thn fran fliwl Mr.Hn.' ed manifestr',', -r ...... ... "''. , ,,. - -J Rut mv dear sir.what can I preach against I must denounce something ?" "What can yo preach agin 1 wen, t swar I Hain't thcro wi wickedness n0ugh in this country thont gcun outer yer way to jump ontor sich . . . i ftliinrva 7 I'raonH arrln linflS.HT.PH III !lll Then there s oriental sin leou inav up ;nn mliilo .Tna rnnfino verself in thoon thinna nn' thn bovs will ies' orowd a to hear an' choor yer every mnVo n nnnil n'inf '' iluu j u l gvvu (' ....( Applauding a Dudo. THE CONSIDKHATH ACT 01' AN EXQUISITE 01' THE MOST EXTRAVAGANT TYI'E. Tho Boston Transcript listener, as 1 .1 1 Wnnl.lnr.tntl alma! it 1 .1.- 1 . r n.i.;n i,,i ndonrvod n I1H IIUnRUU UIUI11Z 1 T (.-,11(11 LHIII u,.., v, 1 Ui J luut 111 uuiiiiiiii, ((wi. 1 . . . , , , , . n.i 1 n.miAKd iiav wnn linn iruiiiiiuu iiu UIIWW. H WJ , .. ..w ,lnn,li. ulinolhtirrnw into (Jornlill . I ct,ni n,.n,nnt nml linil i'a. IUVCI 1IIU DllKl'V it, wiuvh, Bayed to get it up from the gutter thn sidnwalk. Tho barrow was I ...,l..,.l t,nol-a nvlrlnnll V nn thoir way t0 0I10 0f t10 bookbindories on tjie 8trt.0t, It was a very big barrow i Bcemed, until no nan uecomu ijuuu ma - . I nn,l u. ..,!.. n littlo nrnuil uuuiauii miw, dwk. ....... - gathering to look at his vain efforts to movo ),, Blau j yohicle, tho bov burst int0 teara. Just at this luncturo thero camo up a dudo of Uio most oxtrnvagant type; an oxejuiaito fellow, with quite an Kn frlish Derbv hat, vou kuow, straight- triramod and low in tho crown, spotless pearl-gray level 111 0110 hand, a bijj cane, It aeeinea to taKo tins oxquisuo s)een ii hut an inBtant to tako 111 tlio situation ot xnen no sioppe'ii 11 to Uio curbstono in to front of tho wlieelu; arrow, dainuiy anu nl thn atnnwa IK "Now.niv littlo man, uivo mo tho i. ...ii .ir n,.,l ftinn vou can said tho dudo to tho boy, wlio, tnougn looking Rratoful.put hb hd. to J - 1 if.t.. ..,,,,i bi.t nhvia. fnvo 1 .ninninu'U nuv 1 inn iiuiiuuu v -v., .1... " j i. I ni. .ii. Iii.l.i't .l.,.r .In it. kaa 1 .1 i-i. 11 .r 11 1., i AMU r t ,f at t it Tiiiriv 11111111 1 tin 11 11 i ) 11 hsu 1 1 n i: n uunu 1 v, 1 11 V vv uwii - CJ ' w ' article, and moved nway without n word. Thcro was n murmur of something like npplatiso as tho dudo Flnrti-d along up tbo street. Gold Leaf. now, wiicrr, ani nr whom it is manu- KACTUnEI). Gold leaf is manufactured In about twenty shops in New "York and its subutb', says the Now York livening Sun. It is estimated that 20,800 ounces of gold arc consumed annually hero in making gold leaf. Gold can bo beaten so thin that it will takn 12,000 leaves to equal tho thickness of tho sheet upon which this paper is printed An ounce can bo beaten down to 2,fi00 leaven 3b inches siiuarc. At a establishment in Hudson street a reporter was told that tho gold is bought of of brokers in small ingots, winch nro melted into bars about quarter of an inch thick. Thcso aro rolled into a ribbon as thick as nolo paper. After passing through tho hands of tho beaters it is put in books interleaved with manilla tissue, nnd twenty books are put in a package. Tho ordinary wells for 7 a package, and tho best S7.o0 to $7.7.5. No dross comes from tho gold as it is beaten, but thero nro tagged edges which drop off. Tho leaf is used by gilder, book binders, dentists, and sign painters. "Tho wages of gold-beaters aro $11 a week. A piece nand nets $5 a beat ing. A good ono can possibly do two a wrek and ns many as nino in a month have been dono. Extra is piid if tho workman beats tho irold below fivo grains to a book. Some can do four and a half, and oven four, grains per book." "How thin can you get itT a beater in Broome street was asked. "It is beaten to ono three-hundred thousandth of an inch at fivo grains to tho book. If it gets down to four grains it is ono threo-hundred-and-sixly-thousnndthi of nn inch. Tho Wow i ork system omploys men only, with L'irls to do tho cuttintr. The Gor man Hystem employH children of 8 to 0, which system Hastinijs, of .Philadel phia, tried to introduce here, but his workmen struck, gnd ho lost his lead. On that system men do tho baating and girls do tho priming and filling. "How is tho fjold bcatoui "It is beaten in molds mado in Lon don from tho intestines of cows, clean ed and varnished with a secret prepara tion manufactured by Puckndtro & Nephew, of London. Tho skins aro put in packages of 900 skins each, aud three of theso molds go to a beating." "How much cold is thero in a beat- ing?" "I1 lftv tennvwpit?ht in a linalint. The ribbon of solid gold is divided in to 170 or 180 pieces, each about an inch square. These aro put into a cutcli mado of French paper foui inches square. This is beaten until wo get tlio gold to tho edges. It is hand ed with pincers at that time. It is boaten half an hour. Tlio pieces aro thon piled twenty on top of each other. Then thoy aro cut in four and doubled over, making 720. Thoy aro then put in a 'pchodcr,' or finer mold cut down. Wo fill tho schodor with IhcHO leaves in tho middle, nnd break it out to tho edges. Wo beat it about two hours, until wo draw about ten pennyweights off the schroder." "Does it havo to bo kept dry! "Wo havo to keep tho windows shut; but tho cutches, Bchoders, and molds take up ho much inoisturo that they have to bo put in a hot mold to press tho inoisturo out. "Don't that finish itT" "Oh, no. Tho leaves aro cut nway again into four with a tojl called a wagon, making 2,880, but tho molds hold only 2,700. Tho molds aro beat en lour hours,, at tho end of each hour thero being what is called a close, when thoy nro heated. Thon tho beat er is through with it and tho cutter takes it. This is tho only work dono by girls iu New York. Thoy can cut lrom thirty to sixty-four books a day, at !!J cents a books. Tho leaf, when it gets into a hook, is so thin that it is handled only with tho breath.'' "How is tho work tested? "Only with tho oyo. Thoro is no rulo nbout thobtisiiicH8,but it is surely a matter of skill and ludBment. Tho best is tho kind used on class, which shows all imperfeolions." "I notion that cold boaters usually work in basements. ements. Why is thatt" ..JiUl'.Ieran cliuroi. -n blow can 1qV ,ll.?'?n. Sft'wr.e a good I . tnt l'M I picked up a stick of 'A firmer .1. . i. . "3 ,ven. If on Jiranchdil.-Vuero is a jar, which "'.!.', .irinratPH tho oualitv." "Is thero any adulteration in uiu businesst" . .. . "The Germans beat what is called a metal leaf with nn alloy. It u sold vnrv nliPfin. It is the oleomarnarino of irnld leaf and will tarnish. Much of it p : . is used by bookbinders." "When did the trauu start, i It is very ancient. It is mentioned icai, inn it cuuuui, uuuiiio m .r.....vj with American leal, homo ot Chinamen had trouhlo with their ployor, but thoy soon ended it. They irnt tlinir ninillnVCr illtO tllCir loilUO v...- 1 f I 1 room nnd then ono nflcr another a bite out of his ileab. The Downtrodden Negro. Fr om tho Detroit Frco ITcss. "Yes, I ditl find onu colored man in Alnliama who c aimod tliat no was , - .... . I nniirrKscil on account of his color and 1 - , . , . , I :., rt,.wi;iln If. wnq fit. tho do- 1 inuviuun luiiuihwh " .... , 11 . . .., 1 not 111 be ma. 0 two weiu uiuiiu 011 1 thn tilatfonii. and as wo driftetl to I , . 1 oil hOAV llll was Cellini! Oil "Poorly, sab, very poorly, no an sworcd. ... ", im.!... 1l. Minn L IMOV UIVU VUU u uiai.u i LUlnQ 1 - , no " litttn lima to think, "dc . , , ' , '11 1 t II our rights till. Onu nignt las :nn freo of 'cm como to my Iioiibo at mid- night an' dun woko up au lugged me oil to iail." "What fort" "Said I had dun stolo a liog.'' "Tint's eonl. And vou wero an in nftp.otit. man l,f Sail 11 I was. an' U tlev tiadii oil mv honso wrdotit hovin warrant or de fclitjlitost authority I'd proved it,' 'Hut why couldn't you after Uio search t" "ICas dry dun found de pork iiniter '.ho lloor, sahl II I had bin a white man do jou reckon dey would hav' outrage ley lout a Ho hnln'i iot noiio. Dat nork was stole in tho nlttht, and I didn't leave a single track behind, an' yit doy cum an" suan an uu w"," .1 . de rcst of de cull 'd people had mov Quser Bt&kn. "I havo hoard of queer stakes in my time, remaked n I'aciiio coast mm, "but I think I cm discount anything of tho sort in my own experience. I wai playing cards in Goorgia somo years ago, and becamo involved in n dlspnto with a nativo that sent him to tho hospital and mo to tho jail. Thcro was n strong prejudice against gam blots in the vicinity, and my lawyer told mo that I was In a very tight fix I mado tho best of tho situation, nnd managed to get on good term! with tho sheriff a typical Georgian, nnd, by the way, a pretty trood fellow. One day I discovered by accident that he was a great fnro bank heed. It seems that he had been qiiilo wealthy at one time, but ho had lost nil his property ogainct tho game, and would walk ten miles through a swamp to get to play. That just suited me. I chalked out a lay-out on my cell floor, and got an old deck of cards and dealt faro for him. Wo used buttons for chips, and ho would squat outside my grated door and tell me whore to nhico his bets. In a fow days I had all his ready cash. 'pi,,. i... 1:1 i , . . .i t. lui-ii ne num u irjuiu anu lost luai. 11 is too tedious to tell in detail, but head by head his slock all vanished. Then ho put up his watch and chain and suit of clothe. I won them, nnd mado him poko them through tho grates. In p week my cell looked like a country store. I had boots, hams, a pair of scales, all tho sheriff's office stationery, a barrel of flour, a saddle, and a feather bed. At last ho came in and said: "John, III tell you what I'll do. You havo won overvthinc I can move except tho kids and tho old woman, and now I'll play a gamo of seven up for all I've lost acainst vour libertv." "It's a go." "Wo plavcd throutfh tho prates. I tell you it was excitine. It was neck or nothing with me, nnd you could near me old sheriff breatho clear over in the next lot. Wo got six a piece, and it oame my deal. I turned a jack. "That puts you out," said tho sher iff, unlocking tho door. "Now get out.'' Ho claimed that tho conditions of tho game didn't bar him from taking a shot at me, and as I went over tho fenco he loft off a vouni' cannon in mv direction. 1 guess, though, that laHt jack mado him nervous, for tho load went over my head and crippled a darky in a cornfield. I didti't stop to inquire how badly ho was hurt." A Itatural Mistake- THE MANN Kit IN WHICH TUB I.AWYKIt HC0I.I1K1) IN FItONT OK TUB JUICY TUB ritOllAIII.B CAUSE. From tlio Merchant Traveler. Littlo Nellio was in tho Court room where hor undo was a witness, and found much to interest her there. Sho ws especially struck by tho impress ive manner of tho lawyer who was har anguing tho jury. "I'apa, sho inquired, "who is that man that is talking so loud." "That is tho lawyer for tho defonsc, ray dear." "And who is tlio man with tho scar over his eye, that just sits and never Bays a word!" "I hat is tho defendant.' "And who are thoso men that tho awycr is talking to?'' " They compose tho jury." After a moment's silenco Nellio re- nowed thu attack. "Papa!" "Weill" "What has tho jury been doing'" Mitigating Oircumatanoos. "It's nil his fault, vour Honor 1" m. claimed a wifo, as sho was nrraigned iu tlio police court the other day. "Whoso fault V "My hiisband'H." "How's that T" "Well, sir, ho camo home half titrlit. just as 1 hnd finished a hard day's work and was makinc? mv siitmnr off of cold potatoes. I felt mad nnd des- perate, and ho began to arguo about iiuaven. "What did ho nay t" "Ho Slid thoro wasn't no Hiich nlaeo. nor Uades neither, and ho argued tho case so well that I belioved him." "And then what !" "And then, sir, tliinkinc that if was tho case, I miclit as well waltz in timo on cu. ..,) up a suck ot woou ana run uio old mau ail over tho neighborhood and mado him roar lor mercy.' Sentence suspended owing to miti gating circumstances. to bo made. Cut this out and return to us, and we will send ynu free, some thlBg of great value and Importance to you. that will start you in business which will bring you In more money right away than anything elso in this world. Any one can do something new, that ust coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This Is ono of tho genuine. Important chances of a lifetime, 'inose wno aro iuuuuiuus uuu ciii:, pil ing will not delay. Grand outfit free. Aldrcas, Tku fi Co., Augusta Maine. decs(4-s,ly. S WARTHMORE COLLEGE SWAimiMOHK, PA, Hniad St. station, I'hlladelpala. Under the care of Friends, but all others admitted. Full collego oourso lor both sexes; Classical, sclentino and Lit. crarv. Also a Manual Tralulng and a Preparatory school. Healthful location, largo grounds, new Opens eth montn. iQtti 'rtitrti' mlniitPQ frnm ami cxtenslvo buildings and apparatus. For cat- aloguo and full particulars, ntnuo and full particulars, addi rebs KDWA1IU 11 MAUILL, LU 1). mays,bT-Ki ADVERTISING AGENTS bJio PHILADELPHIA C'nr. t' nml liliihlUMj. llei-plic AilvrrtliteiiifnU fo- tU'.s Fir, til IMA i tint Unwait Oaei Rates" ntC ,(. 1 'ii- in n v . 'i t till... I' , 1 r A HANDSOME WEDDING. If THE WONDcRrUL LUBURG Combining a Parlor, All furnished at our WliolaIe 1 BMHww THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. 145 N. 8th St.. Phlladel.. Pa. for Infanta "Cutorla U so welt adapted to dilldrea 111 Bo. Oxford Bl, DrooUjo, N, Y. KASKINE (THe:new quinine.) Gives Good Appetite, Now Strength, Q'jiot Nerves, Happy Da)s, Sweet Sleep, A POWERFUL TONIO that the moat delicate stomach will tear. A SPECIFIC FOIJ MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Oerra Pleases. THE MOST neiENTIl'IC ANU St'CCEWiFUL ULoon I'lntlMlt. Suocrlor to ntilnlnc. .... Vr elurit rears I had dumb ague IntotTablr. fSS?.". ? ,n.w!!cln.e. Wl)rth th0 b0ttl8 fat held It, uni 11 1 tonic Kasklne. That was n happr day ror me. It C-Airn tno annAflfA ami, ..... t nnK sleep like a top. 2 stanl ij- every word ot this. Ihos. Toole, Schuylernile, N. Y. .Mr. jonnu ncarrjorougti, felma, N. C, writes; I trot malaria In the Southern Armv nmf tnr a d07cn years suffered from Its dcbllJtitln? effects. I was terribly run down when I heard of Kasklne, the new nulnlne. It helped me at once. I iralned 35 pounds. Have not had such go jd. health In ai reara Mrs. Caroline Astcn. Astorli. v. v.. rv "Lut. winter I ran down so rapidly from malaria that I would faint away slttlni? id my chair. I heard of KasKlne. the new quinine. Using- It three weeks I was well. It caused a (feneralfcttlnir up of my nature. I think but lor Kankinn f hr.iii,i V i. dead. Letters from tho above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special mcd. teal advice. IDiOrwrbottlo. Hold by ilOYEll linos., Illoomsburg, I'a., or sent by mall on receipt of price. THE KAbKllsECO., H Warren St., New York icui idl R Alii B.O AD TI XVI XI TAB LU M. JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN llAlUlOAn. BLOOMSBTJRG DIVISION. Nonni. STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p.m. e 10 15 2 05 0 15 9 20 2 10 20 9 28 2 15 6 27 9 SI 2 22 6 31 9 41 2 30 40 9 47 2 SB P.m. p.m, a.m 00 12 30 8 61 12 S6 8 48 12 22 8 40 12 19 8 83 12 08 8 27 12 03 8 22 11 &8 8 IT 11 54 8 12 11 60 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 41 8 03 11 42 7 59 11 38 7 54 11 31 7 50 11 30 7 41 11 23 7 30 11 12 7 18 11 00 7 11 10 54 7 05 10 41 5 58 10 41 8 51 10 38 6 50 10 31 42 10 27 8 38 10 21 6 SO 10 18 8 25 10 11 08 56 00 9 49 5 55 9 43 5 40 9 32 p.m. am. s 30 8 28 ...wanton.... ....llellovuo.,.. ..Taylorvlllo... . Lackawanna.. ....rittBton .West I'lttston. ...Wyoming.... ....Maltbv 8 22 8 1 8 10 8 03 7 58 6 45 9 52 2 41 6 49 9 56 2 41 6 53 10 00 2 47 6 58 10 05 2 50 6 58 10 05 2 50 7 02 10 102 55 7 OT 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 203 05 7 16 10 25 3 10 7 S3 1032 3 27 7 37 10 41 3 39 7 60 11 11 3 52 7 57 11 00 3 58 8 04 11 13 4 12 8 10 11 20 4 05 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 2U 8 25 II 30 4 27 8 30 11 44 4 31 7 54 7 50 Dennett.. .. 7 47 ....Kingston .... 7 47'.... Kingston .... 7 42 riymouth Juno 38 ....riymoutu.,.. 1 31 ....Avondale. , 7 30 ....Nantlcoke... 7 23 Hunlock's Creek 7 12 ..MilckBhlnny, 7 00 . Hick's Ferry.. 6 51 ..Ucachllaven.. 6 47 llcrwlck.... 6 41 .llrlar Creek.. 6 38 ..willow drove.. 8 SI ...Llmelildgc... 6 27 Espy c 21 ...Illoomsburg ... 6 16 .... llunert 6 lliCatawl'n Brldgo, 8 41 11 65 4 46 SUi. -Danville.... 8 58 12 135 01 5 49 ....Chulasky.... 9 05 12 SOS 12 5 451.... Cameron.... 9 08 12 25 5 n s 32Northuraberland 8 25 12 405 35 a.m. 1 'a.m. a.m. p.m 11 504 40 Superintendent's office, ucranton, Feb.lst.182 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M , .... T"yE TABLE. In effect Jlay 29. iw. Trains leavo Sunbury. EAHTWAltli, 9.46 a. m.. Sea snoro Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrtsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.15 p. m. : New York, 6.20 p.m.: Baltimore, 3.10 p. m. s Washington, 0.59 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all uaaeipnia ioran Bea Philadelphia. snore points. Through passenger coach to 1.1M n. m- Tlnr pnrew dally except Hunday),forIlanlsburg and lntcrme dlato stations, arriving at 1' h f 1 a d o 1 p h la 8.S0 p. m. ; New York, 9.3.1 p. m. ; llaltlmoro 8.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and llaltlmoro. 7,45 p. m. llenovo Accommodation (daily for Harrtsburg and all Intermediate (stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 1.55 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 4.15 a, m. ; Washington o 05 a. m. ; Sleeping car accommodations can bo woured at llarrlsburg for Philadelphia nnd New York, on Hun days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this tralnfrom Wllllamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can remalnlnslcepcr undisturbed untt 1a.m. !.roa. m. Erlo Slall (dally except Jlonday, for llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arrvlng at Philadelphia 8.S5 a, m. New York, 1I.Sj m. ; Baltimore 8,15 a, m. ; Washington, 9.S0 a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Ualllmoro and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and llaltlmoro. WESTWARD. s.loa.m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to, Erie arJ all Intermediate stations and CanandaL gua ard Intermediate stations, Hochcster, liuffa lo and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erlo and Hoch cster. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.5a p. m. Niagara nxpress (dally except Sun .1 yjforKano andlntermedlatostatlons and Can amalgua ana principal Intermediate stations, lt"chestcr, lluffalo and Niagara Falls with tht ough passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carto Wllilamsport. 5.30 p. m. Fast Line (dnlly,except Sundaylfor lle novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat kins and Intermedlato stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and walklns. 9.'J0 a. m. Sundar mall for ltennvn anil intArmfx. ! statlOD- n . i TIIAINH ,KOH HUNHUItY FItOM THE fcvft.'htafi brought it. into viiriuu" nnritv molt lpnven I'hlladelnhla 4. SO a. m AASl AilUOUUlU. r narrlsburg 7.10 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Vill- NewB Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m. llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.S0 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, ,12.52 p. m., with through rarlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Phlladel nhla and Baltimore. , Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladel- pma,ii.5oa. in., huuhiukiuii, , more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, p. m.. ilu mruuKu juo3ouki.-i .n.nh, mm ptiltAriplnTila and llalLlmore. Brie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Phlladel- inore, 11.20 p.m.. (dally exccpt.saturday) arriving I at sunbury 6.10 a. m., wllh through I-ullman nhtn 11 n. in. Washluirtcn. 10.00 P. m. ; uaitl- Sleeping cars irom 1 -nuauciimiu, iioomLKwinmj Baltimore and through passenger coaches lronj ulitlnrfplnhtfL. HIINIII1RV. IIAZI.KT1IN .t WII.KKHIIAKKE UAII.llOAl) ANI MlltTIl AMI WHIST llllNI!ll U4II.WAY. (Dally except sunuay.) uMiv-deiiArrti Mull leaves sunbury 9 55 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.4S a. m., Wllkes-barre itl in n. m. Wllkes-Harre accom. leaves Sunbury 2.55 p in, ar rivini. nrltlnnm VprrvHr.VI; Wllkes.llarrc. b.00nm. Express East leaves sunbury 6.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry e.2 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.55 p. ra Himhnrv Mall leaves Wl lkesbarre 10.25 a. m. arriv ing at Bloom Ferry li.54 a. m., Bunbury 12.45 p. m Express West leaves Wllkes-barre2.50 p. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., bunbury MOp.m uaiawissa accoiu. it-uves ni-scuiw.-ri u:w v w, ui rlvlng at Bloom Ferry 5:S0 p m; Sunbury, 0:25 p m. KIINDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m,, arriving t. ninom Ferrv 10:1B a. m.. Wllkes-llarre 11:45 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:10 p. m., arriving at uiooia r erry, W p. iu., ouuum, 1:: :S0 n. m. CUAS, E. PDOII, eieu.Manager. .T. 11. WOOD. god. Passenger Agent BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. mi Library, Smoklnp, Ilrcllnlng or Invalid mwt CHAIR tllAlit, iMunuu, in,.', ur luui.ii. Ti.;.i t."y flft anaun. hcnafctampl Wi-SIIII'lT-I) lo all Jtrl tlV p 4 ttfll for C'alaluKue. purln or Hie vurlil. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES wllh the Aiilomallo Coach llrnUc. and lutnllril Prices. Send stamp for Cataloguo and miutiou canlages. ucioocr ! sq ayrs. and Children. that I Catorta cures Oolle, Conntlnatlon, ' I Without Injurious medication. I To Ceiticb Courasrr, 183 Fulton Buy, N. Y. &0Vl3.l)r I'KNNV 0001)8(1 A SPECIATry. 'I Alexander Bros. & Go, W1I0I.KSALE DKAI.K1IS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AOKNTH FOIt HENRY MAILLARDS HECA.NDIES. FKKBH KVKItV WEEK, Bloomsburg, Pa. (01.1 A01HTS roR F. F. ADAMS CO., FINS OUT CHEWING TOBACCO sole agents of tho fol lowing' brands of Cigars. ItENlir CLAY, LONDIIES, NOllMAI, INDIAN I'HINCESS, SAMSON, H1I.VKK ASH. I PERRINE'S .iKv 1)1 stii.i.M) from selected Ilarley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically rum nnd tree irein Injurious oils and icldsollcn contained In alcoholic llnuors. liu eieclally adapted topeions requiting a ,, C'ontuh.plrtrs beimr greatly benelltled by its me. lioiommi iidfd by leodlng I'hysMnns ut, a Diuretic Nervine, Tonic nnd Alterative, lor eoiikumpiues It Is Invaluable. rHtniNE;s Pl'HE IIA1II.KY MALT Vt 1IISKEY Insures ft return of. vigor to the stomach, u good nnnctltc, a rich and abundant blood nnd lncreoicd flesh ni.d inuiculorUvtue. fctltnulantmlldnndgentloln tflect. Iijsrepsln, Indlgtfllon nnd nil wasting dls. canes eat' 1 o entirely conquered by the ute vr I oniric's 1 tire linl( y alt Whiskey. It Is a tonic nd diuntic and a powerful strcngthener to tLe entlro system, l i.ii. HINF.'S 1T1IH I1AHLEV.MALT Wllls-KEi has proud a medicinal protection lo thoao who pursuo their aocnllnns In the open air n lid whose dally work calls It exceptional powers of endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or grocer for lor l'KlllllNE SI'UllKllAllLKY JIALT WI11SKM revives tho energies of thoso worn out with excesilvo bodily or mental effort nnd acts as a salegunrd against exposure In wet and rigorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases from the si stem. DvRnrnHlft nnd In Malt Whiskey a powerful and helnt-r tn digestion. I'l-ltE hAHl.KY MALT nara worKcrsoi every tuuuuuu uuu in-iamm ....m . n .... j uminmrni proneto n..n.n.i. nnri in Itn.Hh.'a Ihtm Itnrlpv (VlHBEXnMHMHMaMtaM ffS without unduly ftlmutatlng tho kid W)n Increases their flagging activity, counteracts tho eftccts of fatigue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesome Bnd prompt diuretic. Watch tlio label I Nono genuine unlets bearing tho signature Forsatonyail druggist and grocers throughout tho united States and Canadaa. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A. FOU SALE BY DltUaaiSTS AND ALL DEALERS. Jan im ' ECONOMY TIIJG PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR TIE SEASON CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAFIM THAI A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE OP Call and be Convinced that you have the LARBEST SELECTION IF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT ' The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE OF BIooiubur9 Pa, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG PA. ritisT PRCMOU. rmLADiins. Ornml I'rlii'JIi iliil, Iurl. I17N. y'lirflriw-vrfurU. Win. l.rcyilitpiiel.Mrr. .SurlU 1'lvu.blrwt. I'lllI.AUKLl'llIA, I'A. lunl-so-iy-aprltc. WILKES-BARRE C17Y BrJsrj Factory MANTFAOTl'lilill OF All, KINDS OF BRUSHES. No. 8 Korth Canal St., Near L. v. It. It. Depot. John H. Derby, I'HOPltlETOK. t?TVlU cull on lUalers weeks. Save your orders. -f . onco In six $25,000.00 IN GOLD! MILL 1IK 1MID FOU ARBUCKLES COFFEE WRAPPERS, 1 Premlumi 2 Premlumi, 6 Pronilumt, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, 81,000.00 $500.00 each $250.00 " SIOO.OO " 850.00 " 820.00 " 810.00 " Forfullportlcularaanddlrcctloni see Circu lar la every pound of AnuccKLu' Come nurl.rijr ANT OlIDEIl FOIt KKSTIVAIi will bo BUl'l'MKI) wiril the LOWKST ;t Prices, AS FOLLOWS 1 OKANGKS, LKMONS, UANANAS, PKANUTS ENOMSII WALNUTS. CKKAM NUTS, JMirtlUW JJH, POP COIJN HALLS. MALT WHISKEY. Invlgorant The analysis as It nnnears bvthni o PEIIIllNK'stbelon ctcry liottle: 1 havo carefully an WHISKEY llVZCd tllOPl'KE IUKI.F.Y MlLT Ulna. Jkrt mado by M. J. K Perrlnoandlltici 'It entirely free from fusel oil. furmrni ! metals nnd acids nnd Is nbsoluteh nnro K'lrrntut rVimlrfn J,I...m lr..iI Sdrnauale Qftii Unlnrttlln or Munich (leneta and Welsbaaen 1Y11LL Varied Stock of Q wr m, 1TI1IN C. SHOItTLIDOE'H ACADEMV, FOIt YOUNG MEN AND HOYS. MUI1IA, l'A. miles from I'hlladelnhla. Fixed nrleo covers overy expenso, even hooks, &e. Nocxlra charees. Ho Incidental expenses. No examination lor ad. mission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to ndvanco rapidly, special drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may bo- leci any studies or cnooso the regular Kngusti, m.i entitle, llusluess. Classical or civil Eniilneerlng course. studentB ntted at Media Academy aro now In Harvard, Yale, I'rlnceton and ten oilier colleges and l'olytechnlu schools. 10 students sent to college in is3, is in iBtti, 10 In iws, 10 m lBfO. A graduating class every year In tho com mercial department, A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, tlymnoslum and Hall Ground. 15 vois. added lo library In lbS.1. l'bytlcal apparat w doubled in ltM. Media has sei en churches and it leraperanco charter which prohibits the Halo ot all Intoxicating d links. For new illustrated circular address Hie Principal and Proprietor. SW1T1I1N e KlioinxiUUK, A.M., (llarvaid Graduate,) Midli, Penn'a AUg.U,bfi,l". Working Classes Attention. Wo aro now prepared to furnish all classes with employment nt home, the whole of tho time, or lor their sparo moments. Business new, light aud Rrontable. persons of either bex easily earn from I cents to 13.00 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting all their tlmo to tho buslrcas. lloj s and girls earn nearly as much as men. 'I hat all who see this may send their addi ess, and test the business, wo maxe this oner, Tc such aa am not well satisfied wo will bend ono dollar to pay for the trouble of wrltlni.'. Full nartlcularsan putnt free. Address Uiobob bTlssoN it Co., l'or tana, Maine. dec3l--iy. 171 CO 3 P. inmHiHaaBBBi rsfi an g mm Wm. E. Warner, Dealer iu surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bat teries, Crutches, He. COAL EXCUAHUK UDILDINO. S0BANTON, PA, opm-cms, "But I airoed to welt for Pytbtas." Jrovo on. uarrow, wwr