PROFESSIONAL CARDS. tovlng relatives swell Its cry ' "You incntrthtttyourBh-sorcnj l hunted down," ho said, bluntly. "II I mean nothing except '.hat the persist ent suitor on tho xit often das n licllcr chanco than tho lover nt a dbjicc, however dear ho may ho." Then Mr. Tloi. If 1 took his lenvo. Florenco watched him wnlklng down the garden patlu "I nm glad Jeremy shook you soundly,"sho said, aloud. "Poor Evn I" TO lltt OONTIN0KD IS OUIl NKXT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Onion Kront lloom, Over Poutoflloo. M.OOMSHUUU, PA. t K. WALIilili ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, onlco over 1st. National Bank. ' -vt U.' FUNIC, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. DLOOHSBDaO, Vk, orco In Knt's Building. I OlliN M. CI.A.1UC, ATTORN IC Y-AT-L A W AND JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE. HLOOMSatmO, PA o ucu over Moycr Uron. Drugstore. n W. MILLER, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAWi Offlcoln llrower's bulldtng.second No.l Hloomsburg, I'a. "fkank Z VHR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. B. Bloomslmrg, Pa. o nice corner of Ccntic and am siitHe.cmtl t Building. Can bo consulted In Gorman. G 1 KO. E. ELWELL - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMsnURO, I'A. Ofllcc on First floor, front room of Col rMniAN Building, Mum street, below Ex thntigo Hotel. T)AUL E. WIKT, Attornoy-at-Law. omco in Colukbian Bdildino, Koom No, 9, soconil Ur' DLOOMSBURQ. PA. jj V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BL00MSBURQ,PA. Office In Ilrowcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf H INOKB WINI1BBTI1N. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-at-Law. OlUeo lu tat National Hank building. soconil 1 floor, nrit dior to tbo leic. Corner of Mam and Market street Uloomaourg, Pa. tfl'ensumt and Bounliet Collectid. Y P. HILLMEYER, '(MSTBICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. iHTOfllco over Dcntlcr's shoo store, llloomshtrrg.J'a. rjipr-ao.80. yir. H. iuiAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlsta. fa. of Third and MatnBtreeta. jyjICIIAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LKOAL ADVICE IN TI1K. HI.TTLKIIENT OP ESTATKS, AO. ir-cmce In rentier's building with F. r. Bill u.ijrr, ottoruey-al-law, front looms, and Door Uloomsburg, I'a. (apr--g. 2. SMITH, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, I'a. D It. HONOHAA. HOB11INS. onice and rebldcnce, West First street, Ulooms burg, Pa. " l- JB. McKELVY, M. DSurgeon anil Phy , Blclan.north side Main street.below Market D R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN BUHdKON, Offico, North Market street, BloomBbare, I'a DR. WM. M. REBEU, Burgeon and PhyBtclan. Offlco cornor ot Kock and Market Ireet. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOovisEtma, fa. Ol'FOSlTB COOIIT nOUSB. Largo and convenient sairplo rooms. Ilalh room, hot and cold water; and all modern conveniences. B. F. HAHTMAN BlrUKSlNTS TUI FOIXOWINO AJIKIUOAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American or Philadelphia. Franklin, " " I'eansylvonla, " " Vork, at Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. Y. oueeua, ot London, North llrttlah, ot London. Omco on Market Street, No. 5, Bloomaburg. oct. 14. 1- JjURE INSURANCE CimiSTIAN V. KNAPP, BLOOM BBC lid, PA. HOME, OP N. T. M ttltUMANTS', OF NEWAKK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PEOPLES' N. Y, KHAIMNO, PA. Theso old corporations are well seasoned by e and riKi tested and have never yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets aro all Invested In solid secdrities are liable to tbo hazard of kike only. Losses promptly and tionestlt adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Cukistun r. KNirr, special Aoent and Adjpster Blooiisbcro, Pa. The people of Columbia county should palron U9 the agency where- losses It any are settled and pall by one of ther own citizens. PH0MPTNK8S, KOU1TV. KAIH DBA LINO. EREAS iBHOWN'S INSURANCE AdKNOY. Moyer's new building, Main street, misburg, Pa, A sscts ;Ktna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn'O ltnyat or Liverpool I3,600,ooo Uncashlro 10,u),ou0 fire Association, Philadelphia 4,16.1,710 l'hoanlx, of London 6,att,m London Lancashire, of England 1 ,Wi,K6 Hartford ot Hartford. 3,273,050 bprlnfjneld Fire and Marine 2,082,580 As the agencies are direct, policies are written or the Insured without delay In the office at iiloomsburg. Oct. 88, '81. AINWHiailT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia, Pa. TEAS, feYHUIB, COFFEE, bltiAlt, MOLASBES KICK, 6IM0BS, 11ICA1III BOIU, ETC., KTO. N. E. Corner Second and Arch Bts. '""Order will receive prompt attention. Y II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bi.ooMsiivito, Columbia County, Pa AH styles of work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Teeth Extract d without pain by tho use ot oas, and froeot charge when artinclaltoelh are Inserted, 0!llco In Barton's btilldlnir, Muln street, below Market, llvo doors lielow Klclm'a lrug store, first floor. lobe open at all houri during the dat NOTiS-ly pURSEL'S BARBER SHOP, Under Exohango Hotel. 2'lio Toneorial Art in all its brauclies. HOT AND COLD BATHS. IIahkik IS. I'uuski., Iyinar2r3 Proprietor. Benton Hotel, LEMUEL DRAKE, Prop'r. ,.JJ''a.well-known hotel lias been re-opened and S i "PPro.einentsmado for the accommodation simV? 'deling public Tho bar and tablo are ll,r M 11 u tl,e t the market anords. A large hSn,ict"!i.moaluus stable Is connected with the S0. ';, ItTliw always reasonable. tWl LEMUEL DltAKE, Proprietor. fiUBSflUIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, 3 E BITTEKBEltLEn, ;Pr0Pr!ater. Bittcubcmlcr &. Co., "WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, No. V2G & 128 Franklin Aw., SGUANTON, PA. Ixoix and. Steely nprlll-ly. J.R.SMITH&CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., in PIANOS Hytho following wellknown makers; Chickeriujjf, Knabc, "Weber, Hallet & Davis. Ciin also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not huy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. JOHN II. IIAIUilS, Ph. I)., Principal. A icliool for both sexes. Location heallliluL Injunction thorough. Discipline ttrlct. Expeiihcs moderate. Property cost tS'i.wo. Building of brick. Warmed by steam. Campus so acres. Library, 3,000 volumes. Apparatus worth 11210. Prepares for College, for Iluslnets, for Teaching For catalogue, or Information, address the Principal at FactoryMlle, Pa. 3mjunl0 TO CLAEK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE uitu;, I'a., for circulars. The l-ept pcliool In America. Fall term begins Aug. SO. Mention thU paper. June2ldlt. IRES' "lioor" BEER. IM '""-"I' mi inn mm H PackaL'o. 2:. ct nls. makes 5 irallons of a delicious. sparkling, temperance beverage, strengthens and purines tho blood, lis puilty and delicacy commend It to all. bold by all druggists and storekeepers 2IJuncltd. DTJ1 A 'GWTTGC! Hs causes and a new and Jjiir INOO successful C'I'Ui: ut your oh 11 home, by one who was deaf twenty, eight j eai s. Treated by most ot tho noted bpeclallls without benefit, fund himself In 3 months nndslneu then hundreds of others. Full partlcularssent on application. T. B. PAGE, No. 41 West 3ist St., New York city. Juueiiatt. Tho l:t-ht Cure Tor Cuuirli", Vitc Liiniri, Adthina, Imll. ui-ptlna, InMarit I'nlli.. lAliniiHtinn. I'umbiiunirlho imibt aliuU,lo lueaa'liiL'.ltllJaiuiu'U(ilner,ILes;itiaciln tlVO )OAI'r UIT dl-H'HHO UllkllUUII IO OllttT IVJIII-UU'S. Weak l.iiti(r.. ltlieiminti'.m, IVninlu Comilaliit., aiid the ilbtlvwiikrlllseItltvstoiiuit'li,I.l,cr,Kliliiv).ttii(Ill.wi'U nre JrAirmir ttiniiHnndrt I,i tliH irrnii v- lio woulil reeovur tlielrlit'iUllil llicliiti(l 11 ot rthkMt'atilv.LRlitMU. Ittsiu'W lifiiiuiil pic iiflh to tho nireil 60c. ut 1'lUtf gLtd. IIucox: Co., lw Wliilam stiutt, N V. junejultt. StSl Chlorides TUP HOUSEHOLD D ISINFECTANT An iHlorleMS colorlcM liquid, powerful, ettlelcnt and tihtap, Immediately Uestroj. all bud odors, purine. o ery Impure ppot and chemically neutralizes a.1 inrecllous and ilUeane-prmlucing matter. INVALUABLE in tlio tick room, Sold by Drag jlsta every here, liuart bottles 60 ceuu. ; lunoSIJit. TO CONSUMPTIVES USE WINPIIESTEIPS IiypOI'IIOSPIIITra OP LIMKanii.soiia. For consumption, Weak Lungs, coughs. Asthma. Bronchitis and (leneral lieblllty It Is an acknowledged speclrlc remedy. 1H IT. Prepared only by .VINCIIEbTElt CO., Chemists, joj William ht ev Vork. Bold by DruggUts. Bond for circular. Julya-lt-d. YOUNU MEN satisfaction or money refunded. Address Y. M. ALLEN, WUllamspoit, Pa. )ul)8dlt, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly itiilinu artificial hhIcmiih. Any iMiolt It'iiriietl In one reaillni; Iteeomtnended by Mak Twain, Kiciiakd Pbot tob, tho Kdentlst, Ilons.V. W. ok, Jui.aii '. HKSJAUiK, l)r,.MiN0ii, tc. t'law ot i col imbm latw students; two classes ot suieach at nle too at University of l'enn., I'lilla, and Hi nt Welleslcy college, .tc, and engaged at Chautamiua Uuher. BUS'. 1 rOMlCt'tUS I'OHT IKKK flOIU PliOl'. 1.0lShTTH WI l lHh Ave., Now ork. julytsllt. fosnswaiii Agtitulliiral Wofb, M, h iS-Tt .'A W-? It . 8J ter "Ad dre.' AUt(IIAl. York. Jt'a. octK-tMald PATESMTS, ( btalned and all patent business attended to for Worromce iSopposlto the U. 8. Patent onice, and wo can obtain patents In less tlmo than those re. nK'Sffihg. W. advise as to pat, ontabllltyfieoot charge, and we make no charge "MirWrS t?u5iwmrt. the Hunt. of Money order Blv., and to olllclals oftheU B. Patent Office, for circular, advice, terms and reference" to actual clients In your own state or county, write to C. At SNOW & CO., opposite Patent offloe, vUltigton , D can live nt homo, nno make moro money at work lor than anMhtng elao tu this world. npltal uot iieeilid; jou arebtarled --- ireo. iiom . .i-b"; ,". costly outfit and terms int Uetter not delay, costs you nothing 10 send us your address and find out: If you ate wlso you will do so at once. II UAiiKTT 4 Co., Portland, Maine. decM-sur r9 Williamsiiorr Commercial' College. 7 A ''I iinlicsilntinrily niltl my It'stiniony to thu great lien rlils to bo (Iciivetl from Sim moiis LivtT lit'giilator. I wan nlllietml for pu orsjl ycarR with ilisortkretl liver, which resulted in :i oovero attack of Jautidicr. I hail good inedi cal ntttniknof, hut it failed to rt sioiu 1110 to tho enjoy ment of my former health. I then tried tho most ro nowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky., but all to no pur pose, whereupon I was in tluced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I found innnedi ato benefit from Us use, and it ultimately restored mo to the full enjoyment of health." A. II. Siinti.r.v, Richmond, Ivy , . . ."I most cheerfully ru commend it to all who utiffef from bilious attacks or any disease caused by a disar ranged state of the liver.". . . . V. H. Bkhnaui', Kansas City, Mo. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL bp Almost asPalatabloas Milk. Tho only preparation of ('On MVKlt OIL that can bo talten readily and tolerated for a long tlmo by delicate .tomarlH. am as a iiKMrnr inn rovsntPTinv. si lion 1,111 s Aim miss, immiu. Hit I, IlKlill.lll. III! (ills AM) IIIIIIHT At'. H.I HONS, anil all WtMI.MI fllMHIIIHIS UV (IIH.IUQA It l m.inrll.wn In It. rinpltil. Prencnbed and enilonied by tho best I'hyslclana In tho countries of tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-i-.'-ly klJUFACTUHED OSLyil! GEO.MMAGBETiH & GO. TOR SAL dec 3 s n c S co. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING -:o: G. W. EERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gent Finishing Goods, Hats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit always guaiaiiteed or no sale. Call and examine tho largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Store next tloor to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, BlootHslJtirg Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST Clt WKOUGIIT 1HON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following shows the Picket (lothlc, one of the sovcral beautiful stylesof Keuce manufactured by the undersigned. A, m for Heauty and Durability they arettnsurpass ed. Met up by experienced hands and warranted to give satlsfuUlon. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address $. sl mmm, BI.00MSBURG PA- May-tf BSMlWGJUNINIi mill The undersigned having put bis Planing Ml on Itallroad street. In ttrBt.ciass condition. Is pre pared to do all kinds of work In his line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisned at reasonable rices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS urnlshed on application. Plans and specllica ons prepared by an eiperlenced draughtsman G'll.illl'US KIIVG, IlIiioitiHbiiri?, I'a M. C. SLOAN & EDO., UIiOOMSRURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAOES BUDDIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS AC First-lass work always on hand, JiEPAUlWQ NEA TLYDONh. Frtut reduced to mil the timet. LAMPHi!49NEY ! P I V SEE THAT THE ' O - If EXA0T l-AOl-E IS ON i fe If EACH CHIMNEY A3 'A g I BH ,HnTm mm BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 15, THE WITCH'S HEAD. By n. IUTjEII HAQOAItD. uovcr answered Krnest's letter. Onoo slio liegatt nn answer, but Mhought her of Horettco's sago ndvleo, and clmngeil her mind. "Ho will wi Ito ngnln," tlio said to her self. Bho did not know Krnest; ids was not n nature to liumblo lilmself lforo a woman. GuM slio lmvo seen lr lover hanging nlwut tho steps of the Ataritztiurj; postollleo when tho Kngllli mall was Liliig delivered. In onler togolim-k to tho window when tlio icoplo hnd dliixTsoil, nnil esk tlio tlreil clerk If tin was "sure" that thero were no more letters for Ernest lleyton, mul get severely snubbed for bli pnlii, lierlinjis lier heart would Lao relented. Ami yet It was n iwrfornmnco which poor Einest went through onco n week out llieio in Natal. One mail tiny Mr. Alston went with lilm. "Well, Ernest, Iia9 it codiel" lie nsked, fts ho camo down tho steps, a letter from Doro thy in his hand. "No, Alston, and nover will. Bho has thrown 1110 over." Jlr. Alston took his ami, and walkort nwny with hint across the market square. "Look here, my lad," he said; "tho woman who deserts n man in trouble, or m soon ns his hack In turned, h worthless. It is n shnip lesson to leant, hut, as most men have cau&u to know, tho world is full of sharp lessons and worthless women. You know that she got your letter 1" "Yes, sho told my friend so." "Then I tell you that your Eva, or what ever her name is, is more worthless than most of them. Bho has been tried and found 'wanting. Look," bo wont on, pointing to a fhapely JCnfTer girl passing with a Jiot of na tive ticor on her head, "you had Iwttcr tako that Intombt to wife than such a woman ns this Eva. Bhe at any rnto would stand by you in trouble, and if you fell would stop to be killed over your dead body. Come, bo a man, and have done with her." "Ayo, by Heaven, I wlUl" nnswered Ernest. "That's right; and now, look hero, tho wagons will bo at Lydonburg in a week. Let us tnLe tlio post cart to-morrow and go up. Then we can havo a mouth's widerbeesto and koodo shooting until It is safo to go into tho fever country. Once you get among tho big game, you won't think any more about that woman. Women are all very well in their way, hut if it comes to choosing lietween them and big gnmo shooting, give 1110 tho big "amo." CHAPTER XX. JERKHV'S IOKA OV A SHAKING. Two months or so after Ernest's flight thero came n letter from him to Mr. Cardus in answer to the one sunt by his uncle. Ho thanked his uncle warmly for his kindness, and more esiiecinMy for not joining in tho buo and cry against him. As regards money, ho hotied to bo able to mnko a living for himself, but if ho w anted any bo would draw. Tho letter, which was short, ended thus: "Thank Doll and Jeremy for their letters. I would answer them, but 1 am too down on my luck to writo much; writing stirs up so many painful memorios, and snakes mo think of nil tho dear folks at home nioro than Is good for 1110. Tho fnet Is, my dear uncle, w hat lietween one thing and another I never was so miserable in my life, and as for loneli ness I never know what it meant before. Some times I wish that my cousin hnd hit 1110 instead of my hitting him, and that I was dead and buried, clean out of tlio way. Alston, who was my second in that unhappy nfl'air, and with w hom I am going up country shooting, has lieen most kind to me, and has introduced 1110 to a good many people here. They are very hospitable ; every body is hos pitable in a colony; but somehow a hundred now faces cannot innko up for one old ono, and I should think old Atterlcigu a cheerful companion IkUo the best of them. What Is more, I feel myself nn imiiostor Intruding myself 011 them under nn assumed nnmo. Good by, my dear undo. It would be diUlcult for mo to explain how grateful I am for your goodness to 1110. Love to dear Doll and Jeremy. Ever your alToctionato nephew, "E. IC" All tho party at Dum's Ness wero much touched by tills letter, more especially Doro thy, who could not liear to think of Ernest all alono out there in that strange, far off land. Her tender little heart grow all allvo with lovo and sorrow as sho lay awako at night nnd thought of him traveling over the great African plains, Bho got all tho hooks that were to Ik) had about Hotitli Africa nnd read them, so that sho might bo tlw better nblo to follow his Ufa In her thoughts. One day w hen Florence camo to see her sho road her part of Ernest's letter, and when (.ho had fin ished was astonished to see a tear in her visi tor's keen eyes. Bhe liked Florenco tlio bet ter for thut tear. Could sho have seen the con flict that was raging iu the (lerco heart of tho woman lieforo her sho would havo started from her ns though sho Lad lieen a poisonous snake. Tho letter touchal Florence touched her to tb.9.quick. The tale of Ernest's loneli ness almost overcuins her resolution, for sho alone know why he wus so utterly lonely and what it was that crushed him. Hnd Ernest alouo been concerned it Is probable tbnt sho would then and there havo thrown up her crue) gamo, but he was not alono concerned. Thero was her sister, wlio hud robbed her of her lover her sister, whoso loveliness was n standing affront to her as her sweetness was u standing reproach. Sho was sorry for Ernest, and would havo been glad to mako him happier, hut us that could only lio done by foregoing her rpyengo upon her sister, truest must continue tu suiter, And after all why should ho not suffer) sho argued. Did not sho suffer! When Florence got homo sho told Eva nliout tho letter from her lover, buCsho said nothing of his evident distress. Ho was rank ing friends, he exiected great pleasure from his shooting altogether ho was getting on noil. Eva listened, hardened her heart and went out district visiting with Jlr. Plowden. Time went on, and no letters camo from Ernest. Ono month, two months, six months passed, and there was no intelligence of him. Dorothy grow very anxious, and so did Mr. (Jardus, but they did not epenk of tho matter much, except tg remark that the reason, no doubt, was that ho was away on bis shooting excursion, Jeremy also, In his tlow way, grew intensely preoccupied with tho fact that they never heard from Ernest now, and that his-llfe was consequently a blank. Ho sat uku tho stoul in his uncle's outer olllceand luado preteliso to copy deeds and drafts, but In reality occu pied his timo in assiduously polishing his nails and thinking. As for the deeds and drafts hogavo them to his grandfather to copy, "It kept tho old gentleman employed," lie would explain to Dorothy, "and from indulg ing 111 hail thoughts about the devil." llutit was one night out duck shooting that ids great inspiration came. It was a hitter night, a night on which no sano crea ture except Jeremy would ever have ilreumed of going to shoot ducks or anything else. The marshes wero partially frozen, and n (toivoenst wind was blowing across tlienij butllttcily legnrdlessof tho cold, thero sat Jeremy under the leo of a diko hank, listen ing for tho sound of tho duck's wings as they passed to their feeding grounds, and occa sionally getting a shot at them as they crossed tho moon ahovo him. Thero were uot many ducks, and the solitude and silence wero iuducive to contemplation. Ernest did not writo. Was he dead) Not probable, or they would havo heard of it. Where w as he, then) Impossible to sny, impossible to dis cover. Was it Inqiossible? "Swish, swish, Imngl" nnd down camo a mallard at his feet, A quick shot, that I Yes, it was impossible; they had no mentis of Inquiry here, The In quiry, If any, must bo made thero, on the other side of tho water, but who was to make it) Ah, an idea struck him. Why should uot he, Jeremy, make that Inquiry! Why tliould he not go to nouth Africa and look for Ernest) A (light of ducks passed over head unheeded, What did he cam for ducks! Ho had solved the problem which hail lieen troubling lilm all these months. Ho would go to south Africa and look for Ernest. II Mr, Cindus would not glvo him the money, he would work his way out, Anyhow ho would go. He could bear tho suspense no longer. Jeremy roso in tho now found ttt cngtli of his purpose, aud gathering up tho slain there wero ouly three whispored to his re triever, and made his way back to Dum'i Ness. He found Mr, Cardus and Doroth"' lire In tlio sitting room. Hard riding At. lerlt lBh was thrro tno, In Ida plnco In tlio Ingle-nook, n tilling whip In Ills Ink stained hand, Willi which he was tapping his top heel, Hii'V luinttl if Ic mlt tttl, txtpt his grandfather, who did not henr hlo ?" "What sport linvo you had Jcrcmmy. nsked his sister, with a snd llttlo smile. Hef faco hnd grown very sad of Into. "Threo duck," ho answered, shortly, Jad. vnnclnghls powerful form out of tho shad ows Into tho firelight. "I enmo homo Just as they were lieglnnlug to fly." "You found it cold, I supiose," said Mr. Cnrdus, nbsently. They had lieen talking of Ernest, nnd ho was still thinking of him. "No, I did not think of the cold. I enmo homo liecnuso I hnd nn Idea." lloth his hearers looked up surprised. Ideas were not very common to Jeremy, or It tiioy wero ho kept them to himself. "Well, Jeremy)" said Dorothy, Inquiringly, "Well, it is this. I ennimt 8taiiil.tlils ubout Ernest any longer, and I nm going to look for him. If you don't glvo mo tho money," ho went on, addressing Mr. C'nrdus almost fiercely, "I will work my wny out. It is 110 credit to ine," ho added; "I lead a dog's life while I don't know uhero lie Is." Dorothy flushed a jialo pink wllh pleasure Rising, sho went up to her great strong brother, und standing on tlptoo managed to kiss lilm on tho chin. "That Is like you, Jeremy, dear," sho said, softly. Mr. Cardus looked up too, nnd after his fashion let his eyes wander round Jeremy before ho spoke. "You shall hnvo as much money ns you like, Jeremy," ho said presently, "and If you bring Ernest bnck safe, I will lcavo you 20,000'' nnd lie struck bis hand down Umn his knee, an evidence of excitement which it was unusual for him to display. "I don't want your '.'0,0001 want Er nest," answered tho young man gruflly. "No, I know you don't, my Ind; I know you don't, liut find lilm and keep him safo, you shall havo it. Money is not to lio sneezed at, let mo tell you. I say keep him, for I for got you cannot bring him back till this nc cursed business has blown over. When will you go!" "Ily tho next mnll, of course. They leave overy Friday; I will not waste n day. To day Is Saturday. I will sail next Friday." "That Is right; you shall go nt once. I will glvo you a check for W)0 to-morrow, and mind, Jeremy, you are not to spare money. If he has gone to tlio Zambesi, you must fol low him. Nover think of tho money: I will think of tkat." Jeremy soon made his preparations. The consisted chiefly of rifles. Ho was to 1 Dum's Ness early on tho Thursday. On Wednesday afternoon it occurred to him u ho might as well tell Eva Ceswlck that u was going in search of Ernest, nnd ask If she had an- message. Jeremy was tho only person, or thought that ho was tho only per son, In the secret of Ernest's affection for Evn. Ernest had asked him to keep it secret, and he had kept it as secret as tho dead, never breathing a word ot it, oven to his sister. It was about 5 o'clock on a w indy Mnrch afternoon when bo set out for the Coltago. On tho edge of tho hamlet of Kcsterwlck, some 300 yards from tho cliff, stood two or threo littlo hovels, turning their linked faces to the full fury of the sea blast. Ho was drawing near to theso when ho came to a stllo which gave passage over a soil wall that ran to tho eilgo of tho cliff, marking tho limits of tho village common. As ho approached tho stilo tho wind brought him tlio sound of voices a man's and a woman's engaged nji parently in angry dispute on tho further side of tbo wall. In'tcad of gottlng over the stile, ho stepped to the right and looked over the w nll and saw tho new clergyman, Mr. Plow don, standing with his bnck toward him, nnd, apparently very much against her will, hold ing Eva Ceswlck by tho hand. Jtremy was too far off to overhear his w ords, hut from his voice It was clear that Plowden was talking in nn excited, masterful tono. Just then Eva turned her head a little, nnd ha did hear what sho said, her voice licing so much clearer: "No, Mr. I'lowden, nol Let go my hand. Ah, why will you not tako nn answer)'' Just nt that moment she succeeded in wrenching her imprisoned hand from bis strong grasp, and, without waiting for any mora worus, scion lowamivcsterwick almost ntn run. Jeremy was n mm ot slow mind, though when onco his mind was made up It was of a singularly determined nature. At llrst ho did not quite tako iu the full signiflennco of the scene, hut when bo did a great roil flush fprend ovir his honest faco and tho big gray rpaikled dangerously. Presently Mr. I'lowiku turned nnd saw him. Jeremy noticed that the "sign of the cross" was re markably visible on his forehead, and that hi- Ineo vtoro an expression by no means pleasant to behold anything but Christian, in shoit. "Hullo!" ho said to Jeremy; "whit are you doing tin l'Ol" llvfoie nusivir.ig Jeremy put his hand on the top of tho ,od wall, and, vaulting over, walked straih'' up to the clergyman. " I w 11s waU nlng you," bo said, looking him straight in the yi. " llfclret' ' - ail bonornblo employment; eavesdropping 1 think it is generally called." Whatever had ;iosmh1 lietween Mr. Plow den and Eva Ceswick, it had clearly uot im-pz-oved tho fornur's temper. "What do you mean)" " I mean what 1 say." " Well, Mr. I'lowden, I may ns well tell you w hat I menu ; I nm not good nt talking, but I know that I shall bo able to mako you under stand. I saw you just now assaulting Miss Ceswlck." "It is a lie!" "That is uot a gentleman-llko word, Mr. Plowden; hut, as you aro not a gentleman, I will overlook it." Jeremy, after tlio danger ous fashion of tho Anglo-Saxon race, always got wonderfully cool as a row thickened. "I reiieat that I saw you holding her, notwith standing her stliiggles to get away." "And what is that to you, confound youi" said Mr. Plowden, shaking with fury, and raising a thick stick ho hold In his hand hi a suggestive manlier. "Don't lose your temper, and you shall hear. Miss Evn Ceswick is engaged to my friend, Ernest Kershaw, or something very like it, nnd as ho is not hero to look after his ow 11 interests I must look after them for him." "Ah, yes," answered Mr, Plowden, with a ghastly smile, "I havo heard of that. Tho murderer, you mean I" "I recommend you, Mr. Plowden, In your own interest, to lie 11 littlo more careful iu your terms." "And supposing that theio lias been some thing between your your friend)" "Much better term, Mr. Plowdtn!" "And Miss Eva Ceswlck, w hut, I should like to know, is to prevent her having changed her mind!" Jeremy laughed aloud, it must bo admitted lather Insolently, and in a way calculated to irrltato people of meeker mind than Mr. Plowden. "To any one, Mr. Plowden, who has tho privilege ot your acquaintance, and who nlso knows Ernost Kershaw, your question would seem nbsurd. You see, thero are some people between whom thero can bo 110 comparison, Jt Is not lwssiblo thut after caring for Ernest, any woman could earo for you ;" and Jeremy laughed again, Mr. Plow den's thick llpn turned quito pale, the vcluous cross uin his forehead throbbed till Joremy thought that it would hurst, and his eyes shono with tho concenti iitod light of hate. His vanity was his weakest point. Ho controlled himself with an effort, however, though if thero had been any deadly weapon at hand It might hnvo gone hard w ith Jeremy, "Perhaps you w ill explain tho meaning of your Intel ferenco und your insolence, and let me go on." "Oh, with pleasure," answered Jeremy, with refreshing cheerfulness, "It is just this; it I catch you ut any such tricks again, you shall suffer for it. Ono can't thrash n clergy man, and one can't light lilm, Iwcauso ha won't fight; but look here, one can shake lilm, for that leaves no marks, and If you go on with tlieso games, so sure as my name is Jeremy Jones, I will shako your teeth down yourthroutl Good night!" and Jeremy turnod to go, It was not wise to turn one's liack upon an infuriated animal, and at that moment Mr, Plowden was nothing more. Even as ho turned Jeremy remembered this, nnd gnvo himself a slun to one side. It was fortuuato for him Hint ho did so, for at that moment Mr, Plowden's heavy blaclthoru stick, directed downward with nil tho strength of Mr Plow, den's ; wciful arm, iasscd within a few inches of his head, out of which, had ho not 1887. turned, It would havo probably knocked tho J nrnms, as it was, It struck tho giound witn such force tbnt the Jar sent It Hying out of Ita owner's baud, "Ah, you would!" was Jeremy's reflection ns ho sprung at his assailant. Now, Mr. Plowden was a very pow orf ul man, hut ho was no match for Jeremy, who In after days caino to be known as tho strong est man In tlio east of England, and so ho was destined to find out. Onco Jeremy got a grip of him, for his respect for tho church prevented him from trying to knock him down, ho seemed to crumple up like a piece of pnicr tu his iron grasp. Jeremy could easily have thrown him, but lie would not, ho had his own ends In view, So ho just held him tight enough to prevent his doing him (Jeremy) any Rciious Injury, nnd ltt him struggle frantically till ho thought ho was sufllelontly exhausted for his purpose. Then ho suddenly gnvo lilm n violent twist, got lio hind lilm and set to work with a will to fulfill hlspromlso of n shaking. Oh, what a shako that was! First of all he shook him bnck ward and forwnrd for Ernest's sake, then ho alternated the motion and shook lilm from sldo to sldo for Ills own sake, nnd finally ho shook hint overy possible way for tho sako of Eva Ceswlck. It was n wonderful sight to see tho great burly clergyman, his hat off, his white tlo undone nnd his coat tails waving llko stream ers, bounding und gamboling on the breezy cliffs, his head, legs nnd arms jerking In overy IKissiblo direction, llko thoso of a galvanized frog, whllo liehlnd him, hLs legs slightly apart to get a lietter grip of tho ground, and Ids teeth firmly clinched, Joremy shook away with the fixity of f ato. At last, getting exhausted, ho stopped, and holding Mr. Plowden still, gnve him a drop kick only one. Hut Jeremy's leg was very strong, nnd ho nlwaj-s wore thick hoot, and tho result was startling. Mr. I'lowden roso some inches off tlio ground nnd went 011 his faco Into a furze bush. "Ho will hardly liko to show that honorable wound," reflected Jeremy, as ho wiped tho perspiration from his brow with overy sign of satisfaction. Then ho went and picked his fallen cilemy out of tho Imsli, whero he hail nearly fainted, smoothed his clothes, tied tho hito tlo as neatly as ho could and put the wide hnt on tho disheveled hair. Then ho sat him down on the ground to recover himself. "Good night, Mr. I'lowden, good night. Next tlmo you wish to hit a man with a big stick, do not wait till his back is turned. Ah, I dare - vnur bead aches. I should ndvho you no and havo a nlco sleep." y departed 011 his way, filled joy. 1 cached tho Cottago ho found 1 a state of confusion. Miss Ccs- 1 appeared, lieen suddenly taken very neimusly 111; Indeed, it was feared that sho hud got n stroko of apoplexy. Ho managed, however to send up n message to Evn to say that ho wished to speak to her for a minute. Presently she enmo down, crying. "Oh, my lwor nunt is so dreadfully ill," sho said. "Wo think that sho is dying. Jeremy offered somo awkward condolences, nnd Indeed was much distressed. Ho liked old Miss Ceswick. "I nm going to south Afsica to-morrow, Miss Eva," ho said. Sho started violently, and blushed up to her lialr. , "Going to soutli Africnl What for! "I am gcing to look for Ernest. We aro afraid thut something has happened to him." "Oil, don't say that!" sho said. "Perhaps lio has amusements w Inch prevent his writ ing." "I may as well tell you that I saw some thing ot what passed between you and Mr. Plowden." Again Evn blushed. "Mr. Plowden was very rude," she said. "So I thought; but I think that lie is sorry for it now." "What do you mean!" "I mean that I nearly shook his ugly bead off for him." "Oli, bow could you!" Eva asked, severely; but thero was 110 severity on her face. Just then Florence's voice was beuid calling imperatively. "I must go," said Eva. "Havo you any message for Ernest if I find him!" Evn hesitated. "I know nil about it," said Jeremy, con siderately turning his head. "Oh, no, I hnvo no message that Is oh, tell him that I lovo him dearly!" und sho turned find fled up stairs. CHAPTER XXI. VLOnEXCE ON MARRIAGE. Miss Ceswick s scizuro turned out to bo even worse than was anticipated. Onco sho appeared to regain consciousness, and began to mutter something, then sho sunk back Into a torpor, out of which sho never woke again. It w as fortuuato that her condition was not such as to require tlio 6en ices of the clergy man, for Mr. Plowden wns for somo days after tho o cuts described in tho last chapter not in a condition to givo them. Whether it was tlio shaking, or tho well planted kick, or tho sllbck to his system, it is impossible to say, hut ho was in tho upshot constrained to keep Ids bed for several days. Indeed, tho first service that ho took was on tho occasion of the opening of tho ancient Ceswick vnult to receivo the reul.lins of the recently deceased lady. Tho only territorial )osessloii which remained to tho Ceswlcks was tlislr vault. Indeed, as Florence afterward remarked to her sister, thero was a certain Irony iu tin? reflection that of ull their wide ncres thera remained only the few square feet of soil which for centuries hail covered tho bones ot tho race. When their aunt was dead und hurled tho two girls went bnck to tho Cottago, arid wero very desolate. They had both of them loved tho old ludy in their separate ways, more es pecially Florenco, both because she possessed the deeper nature of the two and because she had lived tho longest with her. Hut tho grief of youth at .the departure of age is not inconsolable, amtjSfter n month or so they conquered the worst of thoir sorrow. Then It wus that tho question what they wero todocaiuo prominently to tho foro. Such littlo property ns their aunt had possessed was equally divided between them, nnd the Cottage left to th"ir joint uso. This gave them enough to livo on In their quiet way, but it undoubtedly left them iu a very lonely and unprotected position. Such ns it was, however, they, or rather Florence, for she managed ull tholiusiues.s, decided to liuikotho best of It, At kestcrwiek thov were, nt nnv rate, known, und It was, they Mt, better to stay thero than to llo,at away and U-cotne waifs and strays on tlio great sou of English nie. no ttiey settled to sUy. Florenco hnd, moreover, Kt own reasons for staying, Bho hnd como to tho cmiHu.lon that it would lw desirable that her sister Evn should many -Mr. Plowden, Not that sho liked Mr. Plowden her lady's instincts roso up in rcliclllou against tho man but if Eva did not umrry him, it wus probable that she noma in 1110 mug 1 tin marry truest, and Er nest, Floivnco swore, sho should not marry. in prevent meh a luuniugu was the main purpose of her life. Her jealousy nnd hatred other sister had become n part of heistif; the gratification of her revenge was the evil 6tar by w hleli she shaiKsl hercoursn, It may seem a teriible thing that so young n woman could give tho best energies of her life to such n purpose, but it was 110:10 tho less the truth. Hers was a wild, strange nature, n nature capable of violent lovo and violent hate; tho same ieiidulum could swing with equal caso to eacli extt cine, Eva had robliod her of her lover; she would rob Evn, and put the ptizo out uf her reach, too. Little she recked of tlio wickedness of her design, for whero In tho long record of human crime is there n wick eilness to fcuriwu tbo deliberate separation, for no good ruasou, of two peoplu who lovo oath other with all their henrUI Surely theio is none, Sho knew this, but she did not hosltnto on that account Sho was not hyiociltlcal. Bho made no excuse to her self. She know well that on every ground It was nest that should morrv Ernest, and pursue her natural destiny, happy iu his lovo nud iu her own. Hut sho would have 110110 of It. If 01110 they should meet again tho gamo would im out of her bands, fur tho weukest wnm.111 glows strong of purpvo when sholias hi r 1' m 1 V nrm to lean mi. Florence realised iniN ui it thiy should never h tries on each othir until an Impassable harrier In the shano of Mr. Plowden bad been luUsI lietween the two, Having thus Anally determined on tho sacrifice, she set about w nulling iuo kniio. Ono day. a month or so niter Miss Ceswlck THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXI.N0 28 COLUMDIA DEMOCRAT, VOL.LI, NO IT was burled, Mr. l'loSvden called at the Cot tago on sonfu of tho endless details of which district visiting was tlio parent Ho had hardly seen Eva since that nover to bo for gotten day, lvlien ho liad learned what Jeremy's Ideas of shaking were, for tho very good reason that sho had carefully kept out of his wny. Bo it camo to pass. that when, looking out of tlio window on the afternoon in question, sho saw tlio crown of n clcuVnl hnt coming along the road, promptly gathered up her work and commenced a hasty retreat to her boil room. "Whero nro you going to, Eva!" asked bcr sister. "Upstairs hero ho comes." "Hoi who is 'ho!'" "Mr. Plowden, of course." "And why should you run nwav because Mr. Plowden Ls coining!" "I do not llko Jlr. I'lowden." "Uenlly, Evn, you oro too had. You know what a friendless tiositlou we are In just now. and you go and get up a dislike to one of the few men wo know, it Is very selfish of you nnd most unreasonable." At that moment tho front door licll rang. and Evn fled. Mr. I'lowden on entering looked round tho room with n soman hnt dlsapiioiuted air. "If you aro looking for my sister," said Florence, "sho ls not very well." "Indeed, I nm afraid that her health ls not go il; sho Is so often indl"iicod." l loreiico smiled, ami thoy dropiiod Into the district visiting. Presently, howover, Flor enco dropped out again. "Ily the way, Mr. Plowden, I want to tell you of something I heard tho other day, and which concerns you. Indeed, I thiuk that it Is only right that I should do so. I heard that you wero seen talking to my sister, not very far from the Titheburgh abliey cottages, and that sh she ran away from you. Then Mr. Jones jumped over tho wall and also be gan to talk with you. Prescmly he also turned, and, so said my informant, you struck at him with a heavy stick, but missed lilm. Thercujion n tussle ensued, and you got tho worst of it." "He Irritated me beyond nil endurance." broko in Mr. Plowden, excitedly. "Oh, then the story ls truer Mr. Plowden saw that he had made a fatal mistake, but it was too late to dny it. To a certain extent," be'said,, sulkily. "That young rufllan told mo that I was not a gentleman." Ileally I UI course that was unpleasant. But how glad yon must feel that you missed him, specially as his back was turned. It would have looked so bad for a clergyman to bo had up for assault., or worse, wouldn't it!" Mr. liowdeu turned tuilo aud bit his lip. no liegan to feci tbnt ho was in tho power of this quiet, dignities! young woman, aud the feeling was not pleasant "And It would not look very well If th'o story got round here, would It! I moan even If it was not known Unit you hit at him with tho stick when ho was not looking, because, you bee, it would sound so absurd! Wio idea of a clergyman, more, than six feet high, being shaken llko n naughty child! I sup pose Mr. Jones is very strong!" Mr. I'lowden winced Iwncath her mockery. and rising seized his hat, but sho motioned him back to his chair. Don't go yet," sho said. "I wanted to tell you that you ought to l much obliged to rao for thinking of all this for you. I thought that it would be painful to you to havo tho story all over tho country side, so I nipped It In the bud." Jlr. Plowden groaned in spirit If theso were tlio results of a story nipped In tho bud, what would Its uninjured bloom bo like) "Vt ho toldyourhenskod brusquely. "Jones went away." " 1 es. How glad you must be, by the way. that ho is gouol nut It was not Mr. Jones; it was u person who oversaw the difference of opinion. No, never mind who it was. I have found means to silenco that person." Little did Mr. Plowden guess that during the w holo courso of his love scene and tho subsequent affair with Jeremy thero had leaned gracefully In an angle of the sod wall, not twenty ynnlsaway, a liguro uncommonly resembling that of an ancient mariner in an attitude of tho most intense and solemn con templation; but so It was. "I nm grateful to you, Miss Ceswick." "Thank you, Mr. Plowden, it is refreshing to meet with truo gratitude; it is a scarco flower In this world; but really I dont deservo any. Tho observer who oversaw tho painful scene between you and Mr. Jones nlso oversaw n scene preceding it that, so far as I can gather, seems to havo been hardly less painful iu its way." Mr. Plowden colored, but said nothing. "Now, you see, Mr. Plowden, I am left In rather a jwculiar position as reganls my sis ter; sho is younger than I am, nnd has al ways been accustomed to look up to mo, so, ns you will easily understand, I feel my re sponsibilities to wolgh mion me. Conse quently I feel hound to ask you what I ara to nnderstand from tho report of my in formant 1" "Simply this, Miss Ceswick: I proposed to your sister and slio ref used mo." "Indeed! you wero unfortunate that after noon." "Miss Ceswlck," went on Mr. Plowden, after a pause, "if I could find means to in dueo your sister to change her vcnlict, would my suit hnvo your support!" Florenco raised her piercing eyes from her work and for a second Uxcd them on tho clergyman's faco. "That depends, Mr. Plowden " "Iamwell off," ho went on, r jSny, "ami I will Ul you ft Secret. I U'avo bought the ad vow son of this livings I hnpjieiiud to hear that it was going nnd got it at a bargain. I don't think that Halford's llfo Is worth Ave years' purchase." "Why do you want to murry Evn, Mr. Plowdeu!" asked Florence, Ignoring tills pioco of information; "you aro not lu love with her!" "In love I No, Miss Ceswick. I don't think that sensible men fall in lovo; they leave that to hoys and women I" "Oh! Then why do you want to marry Eva! It will bo liest to tell mo frankly, Mr. Plowden." . He hesitated, and then camo to tho conclu sion that with n jierson of Florence's pene tration frankness was tho liest game. "Well, us yop must know, your sister is an extraordinarily beautiful women." "And would therefero form a desinrblo ad dition to your establishment!" "Precisely," said Mr. Plowden. "Also," he went 011, "sho Is a distinguished looking wo man, and quite tho lady." Florence shuddered ut the phrase, "And would theref oro glvo you social status, Mr. Plowden)" "Yes, Bho is also sprung from an ancient family." Florenco smiled, nnd looked at Mr. Tlow den with an air that said moro plainly than any words, "Which you clearly aro not?" "In short, I am anxious to get married, and I admire your sister Eva more than anybody I over saw." "All of which nro very satisfactory reasons, Mr. Plowden; ull you havo to do Is tocon vlneo my sister of tho many advantages you havo to oiler her, nnd to win her affection." "Ah, Miss Ceswick, that is just tho point Bho told 1110 that her affection wero irre deemably engaged, and that she hail none to give. If only I have the opportunity, how ever, I shall hope to be able to distance my rival." Florenco looked at him scrutinizing!)- as she answered! "You do not know Ernest Kershaw, or you would not lie so conlldeut" "Why. urn I not us good as this Ernest!" ho asked; for Florence's remark, Identical as it was with that of Jeremy, wounded his vanity intensely, "Well, Mr. liowdeu, I do not want to ho rude, hut it is Imiiossible for me to conceive n woman' affections Uing won away from Ernifct Kershaw by you. You ore so very different" If Mr, Plowden wanted a straightforward answer he had certainly got It For somo moment ho sat lu sulky silenco, and then he saldi , "I suppose, If that G tho caso, thero Is noth ing to 1 dono." "I never said that. Women aro frequently married whoso affections aro very much engaged clow here, You know how thoy win their wives Iu savago countries, Mr, Plowden; they catch them. Marriage by capture 1 (tie of tho oldest Institutions In tho wot Id." "Weill" "Well, tho snmo Institution still obtains in England, ouly wo don't coll it by that name. Do you suppose that no women aro bunted down uowiylayi! Ah, very many aro; the . would ho huibaBl hoods tho pack, and ull tho The Street Car Conductor Talks. Tho callow conductor poked his head Into tho car nnd said In n loud, distinct tono, "Fourteenth strwt station." "When that young fellow know hi busi ness ho'll say, 'Fourteenth street,'" com mented tho veteran of the nnd, who had Just informed tho unwriigera that tho street they had reached waa "Tceiilb." "Know any funny stories) Bco that gentle man In tbo second sent there! He's 11 broker, nnd a great covey for practical Jokes. Ho'a getting fat now, and will dlo of nmplexy ono of theso flays laughing over his own fakes. When ho goes from Ills bouse or ofllcu to tako a train, he w 111 walk very leisurely until ho Is within a few ) nrds of tho station, when ho will suddenly break Into n run and rush up the stairs. If there's ono thing more than an other that n man hates to miss it Is an ele vated train, anil when tho fellows behind him see tho broker begin to run, overy Tom, Dick nnd Harry of them within llvo blocks rusben pellmell to tho station. Tho broker opjicnra to enjoy it. Pvo hennl say that running was good exercise; hut it seems to mako somo men swear a great ileal. Haven't thoy got onto it by tills time) Young man, when you havo llvod as many ytara In tho world ns I have, you will find out that nothing that appeal to tho gullibility of human nature ever liocomos a chestnut "Yes, I'm somowlint of a philosopher, but It was tbo profession thnt mado mo so. You will notice that u woman never gets out of this end of the car. It doesn't matter oven if sho is in tho rear seat, w hen sho w ants to get out slio will push her way right through tho car, though it is aeked llko n sard I no liox. Is it superstition or fashion) Well, that's bard to say. In a horse car sho will always walk out tho other way, but perhaps In that caso sho ls afraid of tho horses." Now York Bun. The Diver In Torre Mrnlt. No white diver ever tried ;icarl fishing in Torres strait who could liegin to fill tho plnco of tho amphibious natives. They work f r hours at a time, nt depths of W to 100 feet under water. They are moro venturesome, too, than tho white divers, nnd think nothing of sticking their hands into nil tho holes In tho coral, although tbo marine monsters they And nt theso depths aro not always pleasant acquaintances to stir up. Tho white divers wero found to be useless as soon as tbo shallow waters around tho 'island were worked out When the flshers had to go out to sea for shell, the black fel lows proved that they could stay under longer and go deeper than the whites. Tho result was that they drove their w hito competitors out vt tho business. Tho supply of divers for the purposes of tho first class icarl shell trado is not abundant oven among the natives, and the rivalry for their services is so great that they command enormous wages. Many of them get S100 a month and n good jiercent ago of the pearls they flniL lllack fellows who can stay belosv many hours in ninety feet pf water often earn from ?2,000 to $2,500 a yiar, though In any other business they could not command $4 a week. After eight or nino months' hnrd fishing they usually strike work, whether tho bosses liko It or not, and off they post In parties of flvo or six to Sydney, whero they lead riotous lives for a month or six weeks until nil their money Is sjient. Agents of tho white employers always go along to induce them to spend their cash as fast asiiossiblo nnd get back to work again. New Ycrk Bun. An Artist's Dunce Everybody knows of Edwin A. Abbey, the clover artist whoso drawings for Ilurtier'sof "Sho Stouiw to Conquer," "Sally in Our Al loy," and this month of "Kitty of Coleralne," aro so much admired. His friends say that it is ono of Mr. Abbey's littlo eccentricities that whenever somo piece of work just fin isbed jiarticularly pleases him, he gives vent to his feelings in some utterly unconventional way. Not long ago n lady called on him just whiloho was finishing tbo liest of the Kitty of Coleraino pictures "Tho Devil n Pitcher was Wholo in Coleralne." He w as just iu the working mood, so he bogged her to sit down for n few minutes until ho had finished. Sho sat down, and presently Abbey forgot all ubout her. Ho worked and worked, and finally he completed tho picture. He stepjied back, took n good look, then gave a long drawn whistle of satisfaction. Tho next moment tho whistlo brightened up into a rat tling melody, and Abbey "did" ft first class jig that would havo done honor to a profes sional. Thu lady, surprised, but not to lio out done, commenced to "pat," hut that recalled the artist to himself. Ho turned nnd saw tho lady, flushed slightly, and upologized. Uut tho apology was't necessary, for it isn't ovory 0110 who has tho honor of seeing ono of America's leading nrtists doing a littlo "pa seul." Bjltlmoro American. Tho World' Commercial Center. Occasionally ono meets somo New Yorker who has philosophically studied thu futuio of this great metroinlis. Such n man is Simon Stevens, tho nttorney, who says: "It Is n curi ous thing hi tlio study of thu world's history to fceo how tho commercial center bus shifted from tlmo to tlnio hi u general courso around tbo globe. You can go back to a tlmo when Antwerp was tho center of tho world's com mcrco. Next Amsterdam held tho threads of commercial venture Then tho center was shifted to Llvitqiool. Now it is Loudon, nnd next it will bo Now York. A careful study of tho orld'o coi.iinerco ut tho present timo gives suro indications that tho power and prestige of England iu her commercial rela tions is beginning to be shaken, whllo tbo commercial empire is drifting urross the At lantic to tho uu troiiohs of tho now w orld." New York Tribune. ' An Onti-ur uii the Hun. The city marshal of Portsmouth, Iis.15 itirtCd fO' to trniiWno 'lay reJ5ntIy and had to ran for it Half a hundred persons seeing the olllcer run supimed ho was after a crim inal und started iu to help him, and by tbo timo tlio ierspliing marshal had reached tho depot two or threo hundred men nnd boys wero close at his heels. Thero wero a great many persons In that crowd who felt liko having themselves kicked when tho marshal told them what ho was running for, Chicago Times. An Kxtruordlnury Accident. An extraordinary accident is rejiorted from tho neighborhood of Maldenstono, England. A lad 8 years of ago was flying n kite when bo stepped lmckwurd intooforty-footquarry, to tho great hoi ror of tho bystundein. For tunately for tho littlo fellow tho string of tho kite was tight around his wrist, and the kite, acting as u iiaracbute, effectually broko tho violence of tho fall and he wus only slightly bruised. The (letlyaliurg Oration. Edwnrd Mcl'berson denies thut ho told nn Interviewer he rodo with Lincoln to Gettys burg and urged him to prepare 11 siieceb, nnd that in consequence of the urging Lincoln wrote his greut speech on his knee. He ex presses tho lielii-f that Lincoln prepnn hi great speech after ho reached Gettysburg iu a lied room, but utterly repudiate tho car story, Dion liouclcault says that ono reason why ho retains his youth is liecnuso "drink write no wrink'es" on hi3 brow, lio never woj tliy lu his llff. i;hii)lii the Knock Out Illnw. "'fho reason why so many pugilist are breaking their arms in lights," said n local boxer, "is found iu their crazy recklessness to get lu u knock out blow. This blow ii nimod at tho jugular vein, and tho pugilist, in attempting to uecompllsh till feat, ofteu strike too high, driving his hand with ternfia foi-co against hi opponent's skull und simp, ping the big Iwue Iu his wrist as though it were a pljio stein. It often happens, too, that tho pugilist essaying tho knock out blow drives his hand ugainst his opponent' elbow, which bus been thrown tip ua n guard. This prove almost as disastrous tu tho aggressor m tho cranium hit It is time that this swing, iug knockout blow wus discarded. A straight punch from the shoulder was good enough lor tho old timers. It ought to bo good enough iiow."-Cblcugo Herald, A Group of "I.itrtliiiimkes." At a fancy dress lull iu Paris the greut suc cess of tho evening was accorded to a group of "carlbquaken,," a utrty of young men who were attired ill overcoats, crush hats and nightgowns, while each of them carried n black leather handbag. The realism and ap propriateness of this disguise called forth much luufihter und applause. Chicago Time. Mary Cleimiier' Contract. ' Mary I'leiumer once enterwl into u eoutrovt to w lite u column u day fur three yeurs, 011 any subject assigned her. Bho no er f ailed for u day to fill Ull her task, which Included eery sort of subject, from book review uud iolitlcul article to a minion udvertlslug (mr ugruph. During tho lust year of the contract sho received a salary of, l'hllo.'CaU, j