The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1887, Image 3

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    The Columbian
FRIDAY, JUNK 21, 1887.
Trains on tho Philadelphia & K it, leave Itupcrt
7M4 a. m. 11:27 turn
3:10 p. m. 6:30 p. m
Tratnson tho D. L. & W. K. II. loavo Uloomsbunr
T:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
ll:07a.m. l:o.ia.m.
I!:Q4 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
(WW p. m. out p. m
Trains on th N. tW. B. Hallway pass Bloom
erry as iumuws :
north. sooth.
1.1:16 a.m. 11:54 rum.
3:46 p. m, 410 p.m.
I. SO p. si. 5:30 p. m.
10:10 a in 6:31) V ui
Kob Balk. A very lino driving mnrc,
also a good Jersey Cow. Apply to
junlO Clifton Kxoiut.
A l'lne ItCBlrtcnce For Hulc.
The executors of Mary N. Harman, de
ceased, offer nt private sale n handsome
residence on Market street above Main,
Bloomsburg. Tlio liouso Is of brick, large
pleasant rooms, sicnm ucai, gas, water,
sewerage, and all modern Improvements.
There Is a largo frame barn. Ice liotise and
outbuildings. One of tho most desirable
locations in me town, icrmscasy.
They also offer for sale thirty-seven acres
of land on normal mil, adjoining l
Inn's and tho Ilnvt catnip. Oin Un
divided Into desirable building lots. For
terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mc-
Kelvy, one oi ino executors, or ueo. is.
jsiweu, attorney, uionmsuurg, in. u
Two rooms on second floor of the Co-
I.TJMUIAN building, together or separately.
Steam heat. gas. water on same floor.
llcnt low. Inquire of Oco. K. Elwcll. 3t
Fon Balk on Hunt. Tho Music Hall,
formerly Eureka Hink. Is offered for sale
or rent on reasonable terms by the new
manager, i'arucs wishing to hold lestl
vals will do well to see tho manager.
J. D. SitAFFiiit, Manager.
Wanted. 81x or eight men to mine soft
ore. Apply to w. . iiaicr, jnow (Jolum
bla, Union Co., I'n. 20m0t
II. V. Sloan has been visiting friends at
Lockport, N. Y.
A. M. Wlntcrstccn is the happy father of
a fine 8 pound boy.
Sirs. Fulton and Miss Schrelder arc visit
ing friends In town.
Miss. Helen Ilarmuu is visiting her rela
tives and friends here.
Miss Martha Wells is Improving In
health, and Is able to wall: about the house.
Miss Annlu Jameson returned last Fri
day from Detroit, whero sho has been visit
ing for some time.
Hov. "W. O. Lcvcrctt wa3 confined to his
bed on Sunday last and there was no scr
vice at the Episcopal church.
N. S. Walker and wlfo aro spending
their summer vacation at the sea shore,
and with friends In the Eastern states.
Samuel I). Marman possesses a handsome
Eold medal which was awarded him by the
school at Cheltenham, near Philadelphia,
where ho was it student during the past
year, for good behavior and high standing
In his clas:cs.
Tuesday, tho 21st Inst, was the longest
day of the year.
Collectors' receipt books and notices tor
s&lo at this office, tf.
Philadelphia will celebrate the Fourth In
grand style this year.
Tho ShlcKshlnny Mountain Feho has como
out in a new dress, and is much improved
in appearance.
Mr. William Webb has taken the tobacco
store in Mrs. Ent's bulldlt g. formerly kept
by W. E. Knorr.
School boards can obtain at this oQlce
printed blanks for making out their finan
cial statements to post up. !K
A church festival was held at Qrovanla
last Saturday night. Tho proceeds amount'
cd to $140. Tho Bloom band was In nttcn
Tho Watsontown Star says that tho man
who was to publish a newspaper to suit
everybody fell out of Noah's ark and wos
There will bo a grand reunion at Milton
on tho Fourth of all tho firemen who came
to tho aid of tho Milton firemen at tho time
of the great lire.
81111 another mino horror is reported.
Fivo men wero much Injured by a gas c.v
plosion In tho Twin Colliery at l'ittston
Junction last Saturday.
A young son of Charles Fornwald fell out
of I. W. Hartman & Son's delivery wagon
on his head and shoulders and hurt him
self severely last Monday.
Tkero will bo a festival in tho grovo of
Mr. E. M. Laubach's near tho new R. K.
bridge, Forks, on tho afternoon and even,
lng of Ba'.urday, July the 2d.
Children's services wero held In the lie
formed church Sunday morning, which
were attended by a largo audience. Mr. A.
N. Yost was the conductor of tho services.
Veterinary Winner Is kept busy waltiug
upon tho horses now atlllctcd with epi
zootic. He has somo twenty cases now,
and is usually successful lu tho treatment.
Tho residence on Hock street now occu
pled by Mr. John druvcr Is for sale. Mr.
Uruvcr expects to movo with his family
into Mr. J. II. Maize's rcsldcnco on Fifth
A saloon keeper in Wavcrly recently re
fused to sell liquor to two young men who
woro red badges, as he did not proposo to
be a party to their violating their woids of
J. K. Locknrd lost a valuable horse Mon
day, It hud been sick nearly u week with
epizootic. Ills other hnrso has been simil
arly atlllctcd but a few weeks ago and fully
From present appearances liloomsburg
will havo a quiet Fourth. A big crowd will
go to Orangevillc, uud many will Join the
excursion from Berwick to Ulcn Ouoko and
the Switchback.
The Milton Fconomitt bulldlug was struck
by lightning during a hard storm one even
iut( last week. Tho only damugo It did
however, was to knock a chimney off and
displace a few bricks
To closo out certain lines of wedding In
vitations a number of bargains aro offered
at this office. Those wanting small lots,
from 10 to 25, will suvo money by ordering
at the Colvmwan office. tf
The sentence of I.amade, editor of the
Wllllainsport Sunday Qrit, has been defer
red until August on account of the sickness
of his wife, and his friends have hopes that
lie will never bo sentenced.
Justices can obtain marriage license
blanks at l'rothonotary Snyder's office.
The Wllkcsbarro Illcycl7cTub aro mak.
lng great preparations for their Fourth of
July meet, wheelmen from all parts ot the
S ate Maryland and Washington have slg.
nificd their Intention of being present anil
entering tho races at Uo Park.
The Italy Communion wilt be celebrated
in tho Reformed church ot this placo next
Sunday at 10:30 n. m. There will bo no
service in the evening, In order to allow
ho members tho opportunity of attending
the llaccalaurcato services of tho Normal
Mrs. J. K. I,ockiud has been seriously 111
during tho pan tvuk. Sunday afternoon
sho was taken suddenly with nervous pros
trillion and for a time her life was despair,
cd of. Through the application of stlmu
lantsimd healed objects the blood was
again Induced to circulate and life restored.
After a few hours sho began Improving
and has continued until sho is now almost
as well as usual.
Hy tho act of Assembly approved May 13,
1887, the bounty allowed hy tho act of 1835
for the destruction of wolves, wildcats
foxes, minks, hawks, wcaslcs and owls',
lias been limited to wolves and wildcats,
ten dollars each for tho former and two
dollars each for tho latter. Tho fee of the
Justico has been changed to twenty-flvo
cents. Tho method of procedure for ob
taining the bounty remains unchanged.
The Mlddleton and Morphet company
gayo their entertainment In tho Opera
House hist Friday and Saturday evenings
to very, very small houses. They glvo
however, qulto an Interesting program and
deserve better patronago than they rccclv
ed here. The performance of tho marlon
cttca Is very amusing, and other parts of
tho performance aro good. Saturday ev
ening there were hardly twenty.five people
present. Probably tho warm weather had
something to do with It.
Wo read In tho Milton Daily Argus of
Saturday the following:
"It Is asserted that a rcd-hcaded girl and
a white horso go together. If you see a
red-headed girl on the street look out for
a white horse. He will certainly be not
far away. If you think there is nothing in
this, glvo it a trial." As we finished read
lng this article we glanced out of tlie office
window. There was a rcd-hcaded girl go
ing by, and lu front of the building was
tied a white horse.
Tho School Furnishing Co. have all their
machlnciy in placo and and have made
their first castings this week. Many new
machines havo been added, which aro ad
mirably adapted for the manufacture of
their now desk. A track is bclug laid on
tho north end of the grounds and contln.
ucd througu the mill, so that rough lum
ber may be easily and conveniently carried
to the planer. Several cars of cherry and
maple lumber have been received from
Ilinghampton. It will bo but a short tlmo
now until the works will ho run to their
full capacity
About thirty thousand persons participat
ed In the celebration last Friday ou the his
toric battlefield of Valley Forge. The cele
bratlon was held under the auspices of tho
Patriotic Order Sons of America. Wash
ington's old headquarters were gayly decor
ated. A business meeting was held, at
which Henry J. Stager, of Philadelphia,
presided, and addresses were made by
Congressmen Ilrumm and Curtin and oth
ers. A national saluto of thirty-eight guns
was given, and the ceremonies also includ
ed tho singing of patriotic hymns uud
anthems by a chorus of 100 voices, exhibi
tion drills, &c. Thirty bands of music
wero on tho ground. Congress will be ask
ed for an appropriation to mako the histor
1c battlefield a national park.
Tho programme for commencement week
at the Norma! is as follows:
Sunday, Juno 20, 7:30 p. m. Baccalau
reate Sermon. Lutheran church, by Rev, 1).
Thos. MacC'lymont, pastor of First Baptist
church, Willlamsport, Pa.
Mouduy, June 27, 8 p. m. Entertain
ment by Juniors. Institute Hall.
Tuesday, Juno 28. Examination of un.
dergrad nates.
Tuesday, June 28, 8 p. m. Address be.
foro tho I.ltcrarj Societies, by Prof. J. II.
Harris, Ph. D. Institute Hall.
Wednesday, Juno 29. Examinations
Wednesday, June 29, 2 p. m. Re-union
of Class of 1885.
Wednesday, June 29, 4 p. m. Class-day
Exercises. Campus.
Wednesday, June 29, 8 p. m. Callleplan
ifo-nnlon. School Parlors.
Thursday, Juno 30, 9.30 a. m. Cora
mencemcut exercises.
Thursday, Juno 30, 2 p. m. Alumni Re
union. Dormitory chapel.
Thursday, Juno 30, 3 p. in. Alumni din
ner. Thursday, June 30, 7:30 p. m. Senior
reception. School Parlors.
Next school year begins Tuesday, Sept.
0, 1837.
Mst ot letters remaining In the Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending June
21. 1887:
.Mr. Wilson Acer (2). William Auspach,
LI77.I0 liordy, Annio Cressler, Samuel
Hardy, Vincent Mathews, Miss Myrtlo
Wilson Ager, Patrick Hyncs.
Persons calling for theso letters will
nleaso say "advertised."
UsokokA. Clakk, P. M.
IllOHIIIHlMtrK' & HlllllMIII ICllllOIKl.
Excursion trains will bo run on July 4,
1887, to afford those wishing to attend tho
celebration ut Orangevillc, au opportunity
to do so.
TIMBTAlllB FOII JDI.V 4, 1887.
P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
4.00 9.30 7.30 D.L.&W Dep 0.10 2.40 6.40
4 04 u. 11 7.34 Miiinsti;ros'i!li.uu a au 0 uu
4.23 9.63 7 08 Llghtslrcct. 8.47 2.17 fl 17
4.40 10.10 8.10 Orangevillc. 8.30 2 00 5 00
Round trip tickets, from Itloomsburp, .15
cents; from Llghtstreot, 20 cents.
Tickets on sale at I). L. & W. R. R. de
pot and tho Western Union Telegraph
olllcc, Bloomsburg, und at White's store,
Passengers aro required to purchase
tickets before entcrlne the cars.
John Jameson, Ucu'l Manager.
The l'ourtli at OriuiRCvllle.
Tho celebration at Orangevillc on the
Fourth will be bucIi a one as has never be
foro been witnessed lu Unit village. A
saluli) will bo fired In the early morning,
and at 0 o'clock a parado will tako place,
in which five brass bands, drum corps,
firemen, soldiers aud 38 little girls repre-
scntlns tho states will participate. Ad
dresses will bo delivered by Grant Ilcrriug
Esq. and Prof. J. II. Harklns at tho grove.
.V company of fantastlcs will create much
Excursion trains will be run for tho first
time on tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan rail
road. A time tablo appears elsewhere.
A perfect washing machine has never
been Invented, but a perfect washing soap
perfection as It Is possible to attain, and
the prico Is very reasonable
ma. iirnviinnnura uorax noan is as ueur
Htntc Itxniiiliintlou nt ttic IIIiiuiiih.
urr isoriniit Hclioot, June 14,
IS mill in, 1887.
The commlttco consisted nf Dent. Hunt.
J. Q. Stewart, of tho Btalo Department,
rrincipal T. B. Noss, of tho California
Normal school, Bupt. I,. O. Fooso, of Uar
rlsburg, Bupt. J, 8. Grimes, ot Columbia
county, and Principal D. J. Waller, Jr., of
me uioomsuurg Normal.
Seniors Supt. L. O. Fook.
1. What Is English I.itcraturo ? What
docs It cmbraco ?
2. Olvo any synopsis of different perl
ods, or any analysis that voil mav havo
1. Whht can you say of the lltcrarv
and personal peculiarities of Hhakcspcaro ?
vnicti or His plays do you prefer, and
why ?
4. Glvo tbrco contemporaries ot Milton,
and tell In what respects ho especially ox.
celled as a writer.
5. Walter acott lived when and whero ?
a. Mention four of his personal pecu.
b. Name four of his contemporaries.
c. Name any of his wrlttnes.
II. Who wrote Canterbury Tales, As
You Like It, Deserted Village, Prisoner of
Chlllo, Talo of Two Cities, Hanging tho
Crane, Enoch Ardcn, Cotter's Saturday
Night, Autocrat of tho llreakfMt Table,
Marble Fawn ?
7. Tell of tho substance, stylo and liter,
ary excellence of any selection you havo
studied critically.
Juniors Dept. Supt. J. Q. Stewart.
1. Write your natno nnd home address.
2. Your age.
3. How long (In weeks) have you at
tended this school ?
4. Have you taught public school ? If
so, how long ?
5. Write a letter of application to the
secretary of a school board.
juniors. '
U. S. UiitorySupt. J, S. Grimes.
1. Glvo a brief account of Columbus
and his voyage to Amcrlia.
2. Name tbrco English explorers nnd
the regions they visited.
C. What was tho "Hartford Conven
tion ?" Tho omnibus bill ?
3. Give an account of tho Dutch set
tlemcnts In the New World.
4. Who were the Six Nations ? What
Influence did they have on the surrounding
tribes, and what pnrt did they play in tho
history ot the colonies ?
0. What settlement was made of tho
Alabama claims in 1872 1
7. Name four wars of the U. S., their
causes, the most decisive battle in each,
and the men who won greatest renown as
warriors or soldiers.
8. What was the original extent and
limit of the U. 8., and how bus her present
territory increased slnco ?
9. Give a brief account of any five of
the following: Hamilton, Arnold, Mar
quette, Braddock, Oglethorpe, Clay, Ben
ton, Webster, Sumner, Sherman, Bucka
lew. 10. What were the prominent events of
Jefferson's Administration ? Jackson's ?
Monroe's ? Grant's ? Any three of these.
Natural rhUosophy Principal 1 I!. Noss.
1. Name the essential parts of the tele
phone, and explain Its operation,
2. Define the terms specific gravity,
solar spectum, latent heat, centre of grav
ity, resultant motion
3. How Is sound caused ? What is tho
difference between noise and music ?
4. A stono has fallen 9 seconds: find Us
velocity and tho distance passed over.
How far would It fall tho next second ?
5. Name and diagram six kinds of
lenses. Mention some practical uses ot
0. Whr-tis a machine ? What are the
elements of machinery ?
Juniors Supt. L. O. Foose.
1. Define a sentence, u clause, a phrase,
a letter.
2. What parts of speech aro lollected ?
What Is the purpose of those inflections ?
3. Distinguish between the uso of
KiTiiRU and any; each other and anotheh.
4. Write a compound sentence; change
It to a complex; and change this again to a
sentence having a participial phrase.
C. I shall go to Cambridge to-morrow
aud will go to Lowell. Why is shall used
In tho ono sentence and will in the other ?
0. Discuss adjective elements and Illus
trate each kind,
7. Analyze:
"Tired nature's sweet jikstohei!, balmy
sleep I
He, like the world, his ready visit pats.
Where fortune smiles; the sketched ha for-
sakes, swift on his downy pinions flees
from woe,
And moiits on lids unsuixieb by a tear."
8. Parse underscored words.
9. Make an analysis of any ono of tho
following subjects, and write an essay
upon, of a page of your paper:
1. Tho observanco of Decoration day.
2. Tho observance of Christmas day.
3. Tho observanco of Easier day.
4. The observance of Examination day.
Seniors I'rinciiMl T. B. Noss.
1. How do root nnd Btcm differ in mode
nnd direction of growth ? Mention all tho
uses of roots you can.
2. Draw some kind of a plant, as well
as you can, and point out root, stem, leaf,
terminal bud, axillary bud, &c.
3. Namo all the organs of tho llowcr
and their parts. Define a complcto flower,
a pcrfict flower, a regular flower.
4. Define tho terms endogen, embryo,
catylcdon, perennial, plumulle, perianth,
plstel, peduncle.
5. How do plants differ from animals In
relation to the atmosphere ? Explain how
sap rises In opposition to gravity.
0. Show mo your practical work in bot
any for tho term.
Seniors Dept. Supt. Stewart.
1. What do you understand by a men
tal faculty ?
2. What is the difference, if any, be
tween the mind and the intellect ?
3. Name and classify tho Intellectual
4. Define clearly the terms Intellect,
sensibility, and will.
5. What faculties aro earliest developed
In tho child, and how may these bo properly
cultivated ?
0. What direct or special exercises can
bo used in tho cultivation of attoutiou,per
ceptlon, memory ?
7. What Is tho relation of attention to
memory ? Memory to imagination,
8. Name and illustrate tho laws ot tho
association of Ideas.
9. Namo tho senses, and explain the
functions of each one.
10. Wnat Is tho difference between
reason and reasoning ?
Juniors Iincijal 2', II. Noss,
1. Discuss In a page (or less) tho effects
ot alcohol on tho human system.
2. Diagram as neatly as you can tho
cyo and name Its parts.
8. Glvo namo und uumbrr ot tho teeth.
Discuss briefly tho euro of tho teeth,
4, Distinguish fully between veins and
5, Name tho following organs la the
order In which food passes through them;
lungs, liver, brain, stomach, heart.
0, State thrco or more facts concerning
tho spinal cord.
Seniors Dept. Supt. J. Q. Stevart.
1. Wrlto your namo nnd homo address.
2. Your ago.
8. How many terms havo you attended
this school i
4. Havo you taught public school ? If
so, how many months f
Juniors Principal T. B. Aoji.
1. Given y plus x equal Gxy and fiy
minus 3x equal xy, to And x nnd y.
2. It thrco pipes can fill n cistern In n,
b nnd o minutes, respectively, In what tlmo
will It bo filled by all thrco running to
gether 1
3. Show that a equal 1.
4. Add tho square root ol one-half, tho
squaro root of bhiiit, and tho squaro root
C. Expand (m minus n) 6th power by
tho binominal theorem.
0. Given the dlftcrcnco ot tho squaro
roots of two quantities (tho first, x plus
the square root of x; tho second, x minus
tho square root of x) equal to threo halves
of tho squaro root of a fraction whoso
numerator Is x, and denominator x plus
the squaro root of x to find x.
7 Factor xlO power y8 power.
Seniors Supt. L O. Foose.
1. What do you understand by tho
Helvetian war ?
2. How nro tho conjugations distin
guished from ono nnothcr lu Latin ? Illus
trate. 3. Name tho Irregular Verbs, and glvo
n synopsis of ono of them, In threo moods,
In both singular nnd plural, giving only
ono person.
4. Translato: Ea res ut est Hclvelils
per Indicium cnunclata, morlbus suls Or
gctorlgem ex vlncults caussam dlccrc
cocccrunt. Damnatum poenara sequt
oportcbat, ut Ignl crcmaretur.
5. Give mood and tense of each verb.
0. Govern morlbus, caussam, dlccrc,
7. Translate; Turn demum Llscus ora
tlono Cicsarls adductus,quod antca tacucrat,
proponlt; esse nonullos, quorum auctorllas
apud plobcm plurlmum valcat;qui prlvatlm,
plus posslnt, quam ipsl magtstratus.
8. Construe, oratlonc, esse, nonullos,
9. Wrlto four English words which are
derived from Latin words, or their roots,
found in this exercise.
Pedagogies Dept. Supt. J. Q. Stewart.
1. What Is teaching 1
2. Name somo ot the essential qualifica
tions ot a cood teacher.
3. Enumerate the moro lmportaut duties
to be performed by the teacher In the or
ganization and classification of the school.
4. Name three of tho moro Important
objects of the recitation, and state what
special preparation on tho part of tho
teacher Is necessary for each exercise.
5. What means would you employ to
secure proper expression and distinct ut
terance In reading, correctness in spelling,
and legibility In writing ?
0. Explain what Is meant by the devel
opment of Ideas.
7. What Is the method of developing
thought, nnd how may children be truincd
to express their thoughts in good langage ?
8. Mention some of the more Important
means 10 bo employed at school In the for
mation of good habits.
0. How would you secure, as far as
possible, regularity and punctuality on tho
part of your pupils, and interest in your
school on the part of the parents and di
rectors ?
Seniors Principal T. 11. Noss.
1. Prove the Bum of the interior angles
of triangle equal to two right angles.
2. Length of this room, 43 feet, width,
33 feet, height, 14 feet; what is the dls
tance from the N. E. upper corner to the
S. E. lower corner ?
3. Prove that if four quantities are In
proportion, they are In proportion by di
vision. 4. Stato five propositions concerning
the intersection of ono line with two
5. Show that a square on tho hypothc
nuso ot a right angle triangle Is equal to
the sum of the squares on tho other two
0. What is the chief benefit to bo de
rived from the study of geometry?
Juniors Supt. J. S. Grimes.
1. Name the most ancient and celebrated
country of Africa, its capital, boundaries.
products, peculiarities of soil and climate,
describe Us people, government, famous
2. How many degrees from the tropic of
Cancer to tho Arctic circle ?
3. Btatc the proofs that tho earth Is
spherical. What causes tho seasons 1
4. What is climate ? What aro the four
principal conditions that causo variations
in climate- ?
5. What aro isothermal lines ? Why are
they not parallel to the Equator ?
0. Why is it colder In Winter than in
Summer ? Why are the days longer in tho
Summer thau in tho Winter 1
7. Locate tho following and tell what
they are; Malapan, Mobile, Cabul, ;kah
bool), Indus, St. Helena, Shetland, For
mosa, Labrador, Morca.
8. Say what you can of the Arctic ex
plorations, 9. Namo our principal exports; ten im
ports nnd tho countries lrom which they
10, Name the states that touch tho Miss-
issppl River, and their capitals and largest
Name tho ten largest cities of tho United
States, their situation and principal in
12. Namo tho Fivo Great Powers of Eu
rope, their capitals, language, government
and religion.
13. What European powers havo pos
sessions in Asia ?
14. To whom docs the West Indies bo-
long ?
15. Draw a map ot Brazil,
10. Which Is tho farther from Albany, n
point 10' north, or ono 10 west of It ? and
why 1
Seniors Supt. L. O. Foose.
1. What Is tho province ot Rhetoric ?
2. Glvo the essentials of style.
3. Stato four ways In which purity of
diction Is violated.
4. Tell ot tho origin and use ot figures
ot Rhetoric.
Q, Define live of tho principal figures of
Rhctorio and Illustrate each,
0. How can energy be secured 1
7. In what respects does wit differ from
humor ?
6, Namo and discuss briefly each of tho
four kinds of poems.
0. Namo and designate figures In the fol
lowing: 1 Tho depth said, It Is not in me;
and tho sea salth, It Is not with mo. 2. He
pmoto tho city. 3. Streaming grief his
faded cheek bedewed llko the moisture of
tho morning. 4. Cool ago advances.
10. Wrlto an answer In proper form, to
tho following, covering all particulars ask
ed for; WanUd A young man 10 or 17
years ot ago as an entry clerk In a whole-
salejdrug Btore. Must write a good hand, be
quick and accurate at figures, hayo had
somo experience In business, and resido In
or near tho city with paronts. Apply to P.
O. box 6183, Boston, Mass,
Juniors-Supt, It. O. Foose.
1. Do you prefer alpaca or gingham for
an nprun?
2. A hordo of savages rushed through tho
3, Tho dyer while dyeing n piece of cloth
met with dlro disaster.
4. The ascent ot tho Allcghaiilca tests
both muscle and mettle.
C, Tho It. It. faro from Tcrro Hauto to
Keokuk ;is half a sovereign. Mackorcl,
fane, bicycle, quinsy, dclcblc, Indelible,
cinders, manacle, bilious, Chautauqua,
hygiene, Lackawanna.
1. Define government, laws.
2. What Is a state? A Constitution?
3. Namo and define tho different classes
of colonial governments.
4. How old must n Representative be?
What other qualifications aro necessary.
How are the vacatclcs In tho Reprcscnta-
tlon from any stato to bo filled.
G. Repeat tho clauso which relates to
revenue bills.
0. Qlye tho different processes by which
a bill may become a law.
7. Define Habeas Corpus, Ex-post-facto
law. Bill of Attainder.
8. What powers are granted to Congress?
9. Repeal, tho clauso of tho constitution
which defines the qualifications of tho Pre
sident. What are the powers and duties
of the President?
10. Who would bo president In case of re
moval, death, resignation or inability both
of tho President nnd Vice President?
11. Constitutional Amendment how pre
pared anil how ratified?
12. Where is the Judicial power of tho
U. 8. yested?
1. What can you say of the pronuncia
tion nnd accent of Latin words?
2. What can you say of tho gender of
nouns of the first, nnd second declensions?
3. Decline caput, acus, In both numbers,
also fcllx and hlc, bacc, hoc In all genders
In singular number.
4. Geneva est oppldum proxlraum Helve-
itorlum llnibus. Translate, compare proxi-
mus, and glvo case and government ot op
pldum nnd tlnibus.
5. Give first person singular of possum
In Indicative and Subjunctive moods.
0. Dioit kegnum In clyltatc suaoocuPATUM
esse. Translate and parse underlined
7. Translate and govern underscored
wors; Dixit gnllos Romanis jusjurandum
Caesar gravitcr cos accusat. Mons, quern
a Lablcno occupaiu yoluit, ab hostlbus
tenetur. Hoc facllius els persuasit, quod
uudlquo loci natcra Helvetli contlncntur.
1. What do you understand by n history
of pedagogy, and of what yaluc is a knowl
edge of the subject In teaching.
2. Namo three prominent educators, and
ouillno briefly the sytcms, methods or prln-
ciplcs advocated by each
8. What reasons enn you glvo In favor of
a public school system over which the state
must exercise general supervision?
4. Discuss briefly tho teacher's employ
ment by the board of directors, his dismis
sal and legal qualifications.
C. Certificates Kinds, and value of In
0. Scholars Age, residence, suspension
or dismissal from school.
7. School term Maximum and mini
mum. 8. School year Beginning and ending of.
1. How many directors in rural districts.
2. How many votes must a teacher have
to be elected?
3. Could a smaller number than four
directors dismiss n teacher?
4. Can you name any other nets of tho
board that require a majority of the whole
5. What do you understand by tho legal
qualifications of the teacher?
0. How does a teacher procure a perman
ent certificate?
Is a provisional certificate obtained in
one county valid In another? Can it be
made valid?
8. How long Is a professional certificate
9. For what length of tlmo can n pupil
bo suspended from school?
JUNIORS PR1N. T. n. N03?.
1. Nnmo somo of tho moro common errors
readers are apt to commit.
'. How is expression brought out?
3. What do you consider good reading.
4. What Is your opinion of counting at
tho punctuation points in order to secure
proper pause?
C. How would you correct tho habit of
rapid leading.
0. How would you correct reading in too
low tones to bo distinctly understood.
7. How would you correct Imperfect
articulation? Pronounce hosts, delinquent,
8. Mention some ot the qualities ot a
good teacher of reading.
9. Would you attempt to correct all mis.
takes at once, or would you do It by dc.
grccs? Pronounce duty, attribute, element,
elements, route, consume.
10. Namo tho vowels.
11. Has tho letter a moro than one sound.
12. Niime several of them. How would
you distinguish them.
J 3. Suppose we should differ upon the
pronunciations of fast and calm, how could
wo reconcile our difference?
14. Pronounce cands, tents.
10. Can you recall any ctrors In your
reading to which your teachers have called
your attention?.
10. How do you distinguish different
sounds of the same letter, In the dictionary?
17. Is tho selection you read similar to
those read by tho others?
18. What do you mean by rhyme?
19. What do you call poetry that docs
not rhyme?
20. Pronounce blots, arguments, dill,
gence, tenements,
21. Pronounce hundreds.
22. "Ho made easy things difficult to un.
dcrstand," Read this so us to compliment
thn person referred to.
22. What aro somo of the difficulties
peculiar to tho reading of poetry? How
would you overcome them?
23. How do you pronounce of, from,
where, clients, silence.
24. Where, In the dictionary, would you
expect to find a key to tho sounds of tho
25. How many sounds has letter a? How
many has 0?
2U. Pronounco dew, err, error, thousand,
27. What kind of production is tho one
you aro about to read?
28. How would you pronounce exper
iment, experience.
29. Pronounce possess, possessed,
30. Why do you emphasize words In read,
31. How do you pronounce ruffian?
Find tho amount of 000. 00 from July 21,
1881 to Dec. 20, 1883, ut 7J per cent.
2. Distinguish between true discount,
bank discount, and commercial discount.
8. What per cent Is gained on quinine
costing $3 an ounco and sold at 3 cents a
grain r
4. Find tho valuo of flOJ minus J multl.
piled by 0 divided by 41. plus 2J dlviiUd
by 1.3 minus l-0j dlv'ded by ,02J to three
decimal places,
6. If stock bought at 113. navs 0 tier
cent on the money Invested, what per cent
will It pay tf bought nt 84?
0. Find the cube root of 27818137, and
tho square root of 81.018001.
7. What Is tho cost of 8 pieces of paper,
each 18 1.5 yards, at $1,75 per piece ot 11
Tho examination In vocal muslo was
In drawing, each member ot tho class
was given a familiar object to sketch.
1. What Is book-keeping ?
2. What do you understand by tho eel
enco of accounts ?
8. What Is meant by tho art of recording
nccounts ?
4. What do you understand by single en
try book-keeping ?
5. What Is meant by doublo entry book
kccplne ?
0. Which Is tho moro apt to bo correct;?
7. What aro tho principal books used In
singe entry ? Uso of each ?
8. Which is the most Important book ?
Why ?
9. How would you open a set of books ?
Closo ?
10. What do you understand by posting?
11. How do you test posting ?
12. What Is meant by resources ? Lia
bilities ?
13. How do you find net capital at close?
Wet gain ? Net loss ? Net Insolvency ?
14. Can book-keeping be taught to
any advantage in the public schools ?
One hundred and fourteen students wero
presented to the Commlttco for examina
tion, and of this number ono hundred and
four were passed.
Twcnty.ooe members of tho class exhib
ited their skill in teaching, beforo tho ex
amining committee, and received compli
ments for tho caso nnd ability with which
they performed their work.
Court I'roteuclliiKH.
Court convened on Monday afternoon, at
2 p. m. Hon. J. A. Sltscr President Judge
and lion's. 0. G. Murphy, nnd C. B. Mc
Hcnry Associates 3a the Bench.
Petition of Wm Chrisman presented nnd
filed for tho satisfaction of mortgage. Ruto
granted to show cause, &c.
John J. Creasy vs B. & 8. R. It. Co. Ex
ccpllons filed to report of viewers for dam.
ages. Rule granted to show cause why nil
proceedings shnll not bu set aside, tho rule
to bo returnable at next term of court.
Bond of 8. C. Jayno guardian ot Adlc
man minors filed and approved.
Wm. E. Davis appointed tax collector of
Ccntralla Boro.
Samuel Baura & Co. vs Jacob L. GIrton.
Petition for interpleader filed.
Estato Peter Uelwlg deceased. Petition
for sale of real estate. Sale ordered.
Solomon II. Bredbcnner vs Louisa Bred,
benncr. Subprcna In divorce nwarded.
Road In Jackson nnd Sugarloat town
ships near Elijah Peterman's. Exceptions
to review sustained aud report set aside.
Pcaler estates. Petition for citation filed.
Citation to show causo why money shall
not be paid as reported.
Road In Jnckson township near George
Remley's. Hugh Fairman, August Staud
cr and I. A. Dewltt appointed reviewers.
John Zancr vs B. & S. It. R. Co. B. F.
Fruit, Wm. GIngles, P. A. Evans, William
Rabh, Rohr Mcllenry, I. K. Krickbaum,
nnd Frank Derr appointed viewers to assess
damages to meet on premises on July 9,
1887 nt 10 a. m.
Samuel Shive vs B. & S. R. R. Co. W.
M. Monroe, G. W. Crevcllng, Wm. Kram
er, Jacob Fritz, I. Erastus Patterson, J. G.
Swank aDd M. B. Hetler appointed view,
ers to meet on premises on July 11, 1887
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Estate John B. Stockcr deceased C. C
Evans appointed auditor.
In rc-appllcatlon for tho appointment of
guardian ad litem for tho children of
Benson Crevellng, for making sale and re-
leuse of said minor's lands to B. & a. rail
road company for right-of-way, E. II.
Little Esq.. appointed with bond In sum
of 5000.00.
In rc-execptions to recount ot adminis
trator of estato of Geo. W. Strausser dee'd,
Wm. Chrisman Esq., appointed auditor.
James S, Lewars Administrator ct al vs
Fayen Weaver and Isabella Weaver. On
motion tho namo of Fayen Weaver was
stricken from the records, ho having died,
Estato John Keefer deceased. B. F. Zarr
Esq., appointed auditor.
Jacob E. Wintersteen vs Wllkcsbarro &
Western R. R. Co. Rule granted to show
cause why report of viewers shall not bo
set nsldo at the cost of plaintiff.
L. M. Slcppy, I. K. Dildlno nnd Cyrus
Mcllenry of Orango appointed viewers for
a road in Lightstrcct from tho house of C.
C. Trench to B. & S railroad.
Lloyd Bergcr appointed guardian of
Charles E. Walter minor child of William
E, Walter deceased.
Estate Geo. Masters dcceiscd. Specific
performance of contract with Isaac M.
Lyons deceased.
Application for dissolution of tho Odd
Fellows' Hall Association of Berwick filed.
Objections to dissolution filed. Proceed
ings continued to August 1st, 1837.
A charter was granted to the Bloomsburg
Athletic Association.
A charter was granted to tho Bloomsburg
cornet Band.
Argument court to be held on August
1st at 9 a. m
Fourtli or July ICxcurHlou.
Tho Berwick Y. M. O. A. will give
grand holiday excursion on the Fourth to
Munch Chunk, and tho faro for tho round
trip Is so low that everybody can afford to
go, being only $1.50. A special train leaves
Nescopcck at 8.15 a. m., and returning
leaves Munch Chunk at 0 p. m. The fol
lowing points of Interest can bo visited!
Glen Onoko, Lower Falls, Switch Back
Mount Pisgah, Upper Falls, Mauch Chunk
'I he D. L. & W. trnin connects with tho
excursion train both morning evcning.and
giving people at all stations below Berwick
a good opportunity to attend the excursion
A good time generally Is expected.
Tickets can be obtained of I. W. Hart
man & Son, S. C. Creasy, W. L. Fornwald
and Howard Uidleman.
On Thursday, Juno 10, 1887, at tho resl.
denco of tho bride's sister. Mrs. W. O.
Krumm, near White Hall, Montour county,
Miss A. fllnra Hlmllz In Wm W IT,.,,,!.
ot N. Y. Early In tho morning about fifty
guests assembled to witness the ceremony,
which was performed at 8 o'clock, by the
Kev. Mr. Hunsickcr. Tho bride was very
tastefully attired In a light grny travelling
suit. They wero tho recipients of many
iiscnu mm ueuuiuui presents, including
silverware, classware. linen, etc. A lioiin.
tiful brenksast was served Immediately at.
tcr tho ceremony. Tho bridal party met
tho 11 o'clock train at Danvlllo for their
iiomo in JNow York via Philadelphia and
uiuer points.
In ireneral dcMlitv. pnmrlnil nn fiAnaiim
tlon and wasting in children, Scott's Emu!
slon Is a most valuable fnml ml mi,IiI.,
It creates an appctlto, strengthens the ncrv.
uus system uuu uuiius up 1110 uouy, "Uavo
been highly pleased with It In consumption,
scrofula, and watting diseases, bronchitis
nnu mroai irouuies." A. JONKd, M, JJ,
Cornerevlllc, Tenu.
For a tlmo mv life was desnalred of. Mv
trouble was with tho kidneys, liver and
bladder also constipation. Finally I used
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltcmedy, and in
my opinion It sayed my life. I mako this
statement to save tnose who sutler as 1 dld-
A. J. Gilford, Lowell, Mass. Druggists,
$1. Bend 2-cent stamn to Dr. David lvnn.
ncdy, Hondout, N. Y., for his book on
ivuinoy, iviver and uioou disorders. Men'
lion this paper. unel0d4t
Tho ci own of Queen Victoria consists of
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds, set in silver nnd gold. Its grosi
weight Is 39 at. 6 dwt. troy. Tho number
01 diamonds are !i,:i3.': pearls. 273:
rubles, 0; sapphires, 17 emeralds, 11
Is an old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is uettcr to wear thn
crown of perfect health and peace of
mind through tho curative effects of Per
rlno's Puro Barley MUt Whiskey. For
aio uy v. u. nouDlns, lNoomsburg,Pa.
nui.AOtt.rniA, Juno !0, 18ST.
Yon can write for anythinir
we have. If you ask lor samples
and don't know exactly what
you want, give a hint that'll
lelp us to select wisely.
A tumbling in Dress Goods
prices, borne ol the staple,
seasonable stuffs that you're
buyincr every day for half,
two-thirds or three-quarters
what they were last week.
Not the common time to
drop the price of Seersuckers
when everybody's buying Seer
suckers, or of Crazies or of
Ginghams, when half the wo
men who come to the btore
want Crazies and Ginirhams.
But the cause is not a com
mon one.
The overcrowdintr volume
of the Mustin and Elliott whole
sale stocks forces us to make
room. The pressure comes
on the Summer Dress Goods.
We put it there because
they're the things you'll want.
They are hard pressed. How
lard you may guess from the
prices. Here are some or
them :
Cream Seersucker, 60c. for 10 yards.
Cream seersucker, Oe., from sc.
I.lRht Ntrlpo Seersucker, (W ; lrom 1SXC.
Knickerbocker Check, lSa. from ssc,
Fancy seersucker, lsc, from S5c.
crepe Canvas Cloth, 4 colors, 37X0., from Wc
tiaugllcin, all wool, 3 colors, S5c, from we.
Cream lioucle, 37xc, from 05c.
Canvas lioucle, 9 colors, ssc, from 60c
Hair Line tttrlpes, colors, noc from $1.
Satin DlneonaL 4 colors, Be,, from lac.
Half Wool Boucle, striped, loo,, from ssc
German Strinra anil fMifvkfL klllr Anil wnnV
37.KC., from Bsc
Bmecn nones, piain, wim emtroiaerea panel
and trimmings,, from ffl.
Clmmtjrav Ilobes. rjlain. with embroldfirnd nnncl
and trimmings. f3.50 from is.
Chambray Hobes, wldo and narrow embroidery
I1.S5 from I1.7S.
jocquaru combination Iiobcs, $10, from lis.
These are all standard stuffs
and the season for them has
been just begun. We've put
them forward at the counters
and in the Arcade so you can
see them at a glance. See
and compare. Don't buy them
with your eyes shut. The price
marks are in big figures, the
light is perfect, the stuffs are
where you can touch them.
There's no chance for mistake
if you use your wits.
Camels' Hair with side bands
of contrasting colors. Told
you of it the other day, and
the price story back of it 75,
65, 50 cents, and a scramble
for the bits and ends. Never
thought to see it under 50. It's
here now for 371 cents. Per-
tect, iresh, all wool, 42 in., 3
grays, 3 browns. 8 yards
(S3) lor a dress; no trimmincr
Women's Wash Dresses for
less than the stuff in them
costs ! New, neat, seasona
ble. There'll be a chill on the
Wash Dress trade all over
town while these last.
Crinkles. J i.eo ; regular tx
Percale, la.K); regular two.
Sateen. 3 ; regular $0,
Embroidered Zepnyr, tt ; regular I.
Ktamlne. lace trimmed, f5; regulartlO.
Hat late, lace Iront, K ; regular 112.
WUlte Lawn, la ; regular H.
Whlto Plnuo it : recutarM.
White Muslin, embroidered all over. rt ; moiiinr
Whlta Embroidered Wrappers, $2.50 to $5;
The Special Laces will aver
age about two-thirds. If there
were mean, slimpsv dimes in
tne iot mere a oe little to won
der at in the price. But there
are none. Everv inch of this
.i i. ....
Lace is choice. The patterns
are new, the widths and styles
are right. A third off the price
means a present to you of that
Hlack Chantllly Flounclngs, 40 la, l to $1.75.
Medlcls Lace, a to 2 In., 8 to 15 cents.
Torchon Lace, x to 3 fn., 4 to is cents.
Oriental Lace, 7 In., 15 cents.
More Men's Clothing coming
in. The kind you want, the kind
we want, bummer stuffs, of
course. What do you think
of an English Serge Suit, blue
or black, lor $io? A good,
comiortame, well appearing
suit. The best English Serge
we nave is sio.
Those $3.50 Blackstone Cas-
simere lrousers. All wool,
Honest, neat patterns. You
may hear of others like them,
but have you ever seen any?
seeing is tlie test.
A this year novelty for bath
ers : Black Jersey Stockings,
wun canvas covered cork soles
$1.25 Bathing Hats
Caps in variety.
Rvprv nrnnfir Rlino f-f inn
body's wear, whether we say
so or not. They're always
nere. 1 ne nnest anu the com
monest that it's wnrth
wllilli tn ntlt- mnnmi intn
. - . . - w..w . . . V J , V-i4
.11- r. 4 . .
taiK is more ol outdoor bhoes
because your thought is there
Women's Check Canvas, high cut, $1.43.
Misses" Check canvas, high cut, 11.45.
l Uses' Mack Canvas, low cut, 11.00.
Children's Mack Canvas, low cut, 900.
ltoy's Check Canvas, lnw mir ti hi
MenH llmwn rh-t '
irusseuj, solid solo-leather Insoles ; high cut fl.S3 1
Bcastde and Mountain Shoes, fulUtnes :
Women's ti oj and H.M.
Misses' 11.15 and fiuu.
Children's li.ia and $1,50.
1 here s novel neatness
the just-out Imperial Kid I
tent-Leather Tinned Shnni
Women; lace, $3.50; button,
All the crack nlavers
at the
Tennis Tournament last
used the new "Beeckman
KacKet. 1 ney say it's tl
No other dealer in town
; the
has it.
John Wanamaker,
Chestnut, Thirteenth and .Market streets,
and City-hall Bquaru,
Hop Plasters soothe, stlmulato and
strengthen weak and tired muscles, Cure
Sco tho 7c scrim lor curtains nt I. W.
Ilartmnn As Son.
Henry Hosenstock will sell without re
serve his homo on 8rd, Catharine and East
streets In Bloomsburg, Pa., on Saturday
tho 20th Inst, at 1 o'ciock p. w. unless soiu
prior to that nt nrlvato sale. Terms easy.
Sco hand bills.
Boo tho 3c calico at ! W. Hartmun A
Havlnir lust received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, I nm prepared to
elenn nnd dyo gents' clothing, ladles'
cloaks, sacques, silks, dresses, shawls, Ac
Feathers dyed und curled. Packages for
warded by expresB will receive prompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg
Woolen Alius. scpui-u.
Phllllns' Domestic Bakery having put In
nn lmnroved Seamen iee cream vovxr rater
enn now furnish parties, picnics nnd festi
vals at tho very lowest rates. Only cream
ery cream used. Otvo them a trial.
Sco tho Sc laco buntings at I. W. Hart-
man & Bon's.
You can't tlnd In all tho countv as flno a
lot of dishes as at I. W. Hartman & Bon's.
Call at Ylngcr's for bargains In merchan
dise. Hupert, Pa. 2t
Don't forget I. W. Hartman & Bon's, tho
place for white dresses nnd embroideries.
J. W. Ylnccr. thn Huncrt merchant.
keeps a full lino of dry goods and groceries
at bottom prices. 2t
4th of July white and parasols
at I. W. Hartma & Bon's.
togriigKicL an l
Crayon Artist,
ISIoouisburg Pa.
Fine Cabinet
Portraits, only
$3 a dozen. In
stantaneous pro
cess iised.
Distress after eating, heartburn, sick
headache, and Indigestion are curod by
uood's oarsaparllla. it also creates a good
Dhunkknness on LiQBort IIaiut Positively
OtmKD bv Administering Dit. Haines'
Golden Specific It can bo given In a cup
of coffee or tea without the knowlcd'go of
tho person taking it; Is absolutely harmless
and will effect a permanent and speedy
cure, whether tho patient is a modcrato
drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands
of drunkards havo been made temperato
men who nave taken uoldcn bpecmc in
their coffee without their knowledge, nnd
to-day bellevo they fiuit drinking of their
own free will. IT NEVEK FAILS. Tho
system once Impregnated with tho Specific
it becomes an utter impossibility for tho
liquor habit to exist. For full particulars
address Golden Specific Co., 185 ltace St
Cincinnati, Ohio. dec 3 80 ly.
yrktn Htx wm tick, wa gTe her Cwhwti,
Wbtn she wm a Child, ths cried for CutorU,
When ihe became Ulu, ths clang to CMtorU,
When the had Children, the gave them Caatoria,
Vicor and vltalitv are uuicklv civen to
every part of tho body by flood's barsapa
rilla. That tired feeling Is entirely over
come. The blood Is purified, enriched and
vitalized, and carries Health instead or dis
ease to every organ. The stomach is toned
and strengthened, tho appctlto restored.
i he Kidneys and liver are roused and In
vigorated, luo Drain is rclrcsued, luo
mind made clear and ready for woik.
Astonishing Success. It Is tho duty of
every person who has used Boschec's German
Syrup to let its wonderful qualities bo known
to tiicir menus in curing consumption, se
vere coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia,
and In fact all throat and lunc diseases.
No person can use it without lmmcdtato
reller. Tlirco doses will relievo any case,
and we consider It the duty of nlf drug
gists to recommend it to tho poor, dying
consumptive, nt least to try one bottle, as .
80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year,
and no one caso where It failed was report
ed. Buch a medicine as tho German Syrup
cannot bo too widely known. Ask your
druggist about It. Bamplo bottles to try,
soiu at lu cents, itcguiar size, 70 cents
Hold by all druggists nnd dealers, In til
United States and Canada. riylan33.
H. J. Clark 6 Soil
A lot of Silk Velvets, striped,
at 75c. a yard: cood value at
$1.25 a yard.
A lot of Children s Black jer
sey Ribbed Hose, sizes, 6 to 8'.
2 pairs tor 25c. A bargain.
A lot of 4 -wool Plaid Dress
Goods, 10c. a yard; former
price, 25c.
A lot of Flouncing Laces in
Beige at 65c. a yard; good val
ue at $1.00 a yard. Also, nar
row to match.
A lot of White 45-in. wide
Embroideries; also, 20-in. at ex
ceedingly low prices. Call and
Another Ribbon Bargain just
opened satin faced. All sizes,
5 to 12, all colors, at 8c. and 10c.
a yard. Call soon if you want
them. Lot limited.
We have been making a bus
tle among the Bustles this week.
25c. Bustles, 20c, 35c: Bustles,
25c. Call and see them.
We have plunged the knife
through a good many Dress
Goods not the goods, but the close them out quickly.
Melanges, 10c. a yard, was 25c.
All-wool Lace Buntings, 15c.,
was 40c. Plain all-wool Buntings,
I2jc., was 2 5c. a yard, and lots
of other goods. Call and see.
All the new styles in Collars,
Cufis, Chemisettes, Ruchings,
Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Silk
Mitts, &c. now open at lowest
prices. Silk Ruchings, t2c. a
yard and up. A lot of Children's
Lace Collars at 25 cents would
be cheap at 35 cents.
If you want White Dresses,
come and see us. We can save
you money.
We show extra good values in
Dress bilks in Black and Col
ored. Call and see.
Lawns,3i cents a yard;Batiste,
10 cents a yard; Seersuckers, 5c
a yard, Prints, 4 cents, and all
kinds of dress goods equally low.
We invite all to call and see.
Hi J. Claris $ Son
pains auu acues,