The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 03, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. E. SI wall, I tju...
FllIDAY, JUNE 8, 1887.
In tho raco on Lako Calumet, near
Chlongo, on Monday) between ltanlnn
tlio champion oarsman and Gandanr
tho Missouri oarsman tlio latter won,
finishing tho raco by five lengths ahead
thus being tho champion of America.
Tlio pureo was 85,000 a side, tho gato
rooeipts and tho championship bolt.
Mkssks Editors.
1 notice In your last week's issuo tho
narao of M. F. Eyorly among tho list
of candidates for Kcgister and llccor-
tier. Mr. Jiyerly lias always been a
faithful and consistent democrat, and
hit long oxporienco in a law office has
mado him familiar with tho duties of
tho office he asks for. Besides this ho
can talk German which is a groat ad
vantage in a public officor. Ho has
boon a candidate boforo and when de
feated he heartily supported tho tick
ok I think his timo has come now,
and it would bo no mora than fair for
tho democrats of Columbia county to
tnako him thoir candidate Ho is well
qualified for the office, and would
tnako a careful and competent official.
i,et us try mm.
Yours &o.
Tho Itovenuo bill passed by tho
legislature has tailed to become a law,
becauso the governor discovered as ho
was about to sign bis namo to it, that
the siguaturo of Presidont pro tern, of
tho Senate, George Handy Smith, was
missing. Tho constitution provides
that all bills must bo signed by tho
presiding omcers ot botn brandies bo
foro thoy arc sent to tho governor, and
if this bo not done, within a certain
time tho bill docs not become a law.
Tho responsibility of this failure has
not been ascertained, but it is allegod
mat, it was tno tauit ot tho message
clerk of tho Houso in not returning the
bill to tho Senate for Presidont Smith's
Under the Rovenuo act of 1885, tho
corporations wero ozempt from con
siderable tax by a ruling of tho Supreme
Court which refused to construe "per
sons" to mean corporations,'' but tho
now aot cured this defect and the larger
tax would have been collected in tho
next couple of years. Tho now aot
turned into county treasuries one-half
of the tax on personal property, and
it was estimated that this would divido
up 81,000,000 oach year among tho
Should an oxtra session bo called it
would cost the stato nearly 150,000
at tho least figure. The bill could be
passed in six days, but tho compensa
tion for extra sessions is 8500 and un
der tho law members and senators
would each bo entitled to that amount.
Whether tho passage of the revenue
bill would be worth so much to tho
state is a question for tho governor to
consider in calling an extra session.
(Prom our Ilegular Correspondent. J
"WAsmNaioN. D. O. .May 30th, 1887.
The past week has been a very lively
and interesting one in Washington.
Tho National Drill has been tho great
event of course, and the programme
was so arranged that each day of tho
week had some important event of its
own, so that there was variety and in
terest all tho time. Today(Decoratkn
Day) is a legal holiday. The Depart
ments are closed, and the Government
employes aro free.
Unusually elaborate memorial ser
vices havo been arranged to take place
at Arlington, Soldiers' Home cemetery,
tho Congressional Cemetery and at
General Logan's tomb.. The soldiers
who have participated in the National
Drill will join tho Grand Army of tho
ltepublio and tho Army of the Potomao
in processions to these places, and
there will be musio and oratory and
prayers and poetry and flowers.
The contests of tho Drill are over,
but the Encampment docs not break
up until this ovening. Tho military
companies which went through the
ordeal of the. competitive drills, after
their duties were ended, gave them
selves up to fun, sightseeing and the
enjoyment of camp life. Tho soldiers
from Maino and New Hampshire think
it is protty hot weather in Washington
and on some of the parades a few of
them were overcome by the heat each
day. But the lads from Texas and
Louisiana think it is very sold for May
and shiver and put on their overcoats.
Altogether the health of the camp has
been good, considering thero are so
many soldiers hero from various cli
mates who havo been subjected to
changes of different kinds and to un
usual exertion and fatigue. Still the
hospital has proved an indespensability
of the camp and there has been con
stant demand for the services of tho
Red Cross Society, which lias charge
of it.
When tho rain and wind amounting
almost to a cyclone struck tho city of
tents on thieo successive afternoons,
making havoo with camp paraphernalia
of every kind and buffeting and dronch
ing tho soldier, the latter felt that
tliey wero haviuc a tasto of the reali
ties of military life on a war basis they
had hardly anticipated. Tho rain
norms wero quite disastrous, too, to
the hnances oi tlio Drill. Besides un
roofing the grand stand and causing
other damage9 which represented actual
ouuny, tney caused a postponement of
tuo pyrorama performance on two
evenings, depriving tho Drill Commit
teo of receipts from that source, and
thoy also cut out a portion of each day'i
program, as for instance tho dress
parade, at fivo o'clock P. M. which
would havo attracted manv sneotators.
General Greeley visited headquarters
shortly after the first storm and in re
sponse to sottio jocular reproaches
nbout tho weather promised that it
Bhonld bo good for tho rest of tho week.
The General of the Virginia Brigade
and the members of his staff expressed
themselves as much pleased with tho
results of tlio encampment so far as
their men wero concerned. Thoy said
it had been a camp of instruction to
them, many of whom needed such ex
perience. 'J ho strictest military disci
lino has been maintained and the
troops have been required to attend to
every camp duty with as much fideli
ty as tnougti tuey wero actually in sor
vioo in the field. Ono of tho officers
also said that tho encampment had
been of great benefit to mauy ot the
officers. Thoy were good drill officers
in their own armies but knew little of
the duties required of them in the field.
Some- of tbo captains havo had their
men up in lino at fivo o'clock in tho
morning, and no point has been neg
lected to givo them all tho bonofit ol
instruction tlio camp Mtonls.
Tho chief interest of tho drill lies in
that which nobody has yet found out,
namely : now tlio various companies
stand in tho competitive drill, nnd
which will got tho 85,000 prizo. Tho
announcement of tho awards will bo
mado by tho imltrcs at three oolook
this afternoon at tho drill grounds,with
duo ceremony, nnd until this formal
. . 4 ' 1 ... .1 - 1.. 1 Ml
presentation no ono out tno juugus win
know who aro tho winners. General
Sheridan selected tho array officors
who aro tho judges of tho drill nud he
will present tlio prizes to tlio success
ful competitors.
Tho famous Lomax Hiflis of Mobile,
it was thought, would bo dangerous
rivals for first honors, and ltidecd thoy
woro a superb oompany of men and
drilled finely. But thoy themselves
do not oxnect a vorv hlch nlaco now.
as thoy labored under soma disanvan-
tages. Thoir captain, it is said, on
account of tho illness and death of his
wifo has not been able, to drill his men
of late, and ho had accidentedly omitt
ed a wholo page of tho program in the
drill contest which will injuro thoir reo
ord. In tho gossip of tho camp tho
prizes no flomowlicro between tho Mus
catine Hillep, the two Sanantonio com.
panies, tho Toledo Cadets, Company I
ot tno 1st Minnesota and tho Wash
ington Light Infantry.
London, May, 14th, 1887
Tho ovent of tho week has been the
opening of tho much-talked of Ameri
can Exhibition, which occurred on
Monday last. InvitPtions had been
sent to all the nobility, including tho
members of several clubs, amongst
them tho "Savage," tho Press and Gar
rick, the members of tho Houso of
Lords and tho Houso of Commons, tho
members of the Couucil of Weloimo
and all tho prominent Americans in
London to tho number of nearly 15,
000. No admission was given under a
guinea, and notwithstanding this tho
turnstiles registered tho admission of
nearly 30,000 people.
The timo of beginning tho exorcises
was set for S.30, and for nearly two
hours before that time all the omnibus
es and underground railway trains
wero packed with fashionable well
dressed and good natured pcoplo strug
gling for places tho cab ranks in tho
West End woro entirely deserted tho
private carriages completely blocked
every street leading to tho Lillie Road
and for some distance each sido tho
main entrance. At 2 o'clock two hun
dred members of tho press sat down to
luncheon in the room of the Art Gal
lery. Mr. John Gilmer Speed, an old
Journalist and Secretary of tho exhi
bition, presided nnd amongst the Com
pany was George Augustus Sala,
Lewis J. Jennings, the correspondents
of tho American newspapers, and a
representative of every important paper
in Groat Britain. The lunoh was quite1
informal, with tho exception of the1
laot tnat tho Uhairman spoko a few
words of welcomo, and Mr. Townsend
Peroy, on behalf of tho Executive
Council and himself personally, in a
brief and pointed speech expressed his
thanus to the gentlemen present for
kindness, courtesy and hospitality with
whioh the American Exhibition had
been treated by the English press. At
3.30 o'clook promptly, the members of
the Executive Council and of tho Ex
ecutive Staff assembled on tho plat
form erected outside of tho main en
trance to tho Art Gallery, fronting the
L ,-T- .t ITT I 1 TTT , 1
uriugu trailing to tne vy nu vv est and
the open spaces in tho vicinity, which
afforded sitting and standiug room to a
mass of people. The sight, as I emerg
ed on tho platform, was a most extra
ordinary one. It was a fine day and
tho bright colors of the ladies' toilets
made the onormous gallery look liko a
boundless parterro of flowers. It was
literally a sea of heads, and tbo sub
dued hum of conversation, which never
was still during any part of the cere
mo nes, was like the distant roar of the
sea. To the left of tho platform was
stationed Dan Godfrey nnd the band
of the Grenadier Guards, who opened
tho ceremonies by playing "Yankee
Doodle j" then tho Very Rev. Canon
Farrar, Arohdcacon of Westminister,
who was selected not only on account
of bis eminence in bis profession, but
on account of his partiality for Ameri
ca and Americans, proceeded to ask a
blessing upon tho enterprise about to
be inaugurated. Lord Ronald Gower,
brother to tho Duko of Sutherland,
then delivered a brief address of wel
come on behalf of the Council of En
glishmen formed to givo practical ex
pression to thoir hospitablo desires to
wards tho American guests. This was
replied to by Colonel Henry Russell,
President of tho Exhibition, and ho
was followed by Mr. John Robinson
Whitley, Director-General, in an ad
dress in which ho detailed tho history
of the enterprise. In tho intervals
during theso speeches tho band played
"Yankee Doodle" aud "Dixoy."
Madame Nordica electrified the audi
ence by her rendering of the "Star
Spangled Banner" and "Rulo Britan
nia i" jn faot, it was remarkable, tho
easo with which, when sho took hor top
notes, she filled tho enormous structure
known as tho main building.
Colonel Russell thon in a few words
declared tho Exhibition open. It had
been arranged that ho should start the
machinery whioh had been attached to
tho shafting at tho lower part of the
building, the hugo engine brought
from Amorica being in perfect order ;
but at the last moment the boilers, tho
contract for whioh had been iven to
an English firm, broke down, and it
was only by word, and not by deed,
that tho opening was accomplished.
As soon as tho exercises were over tho
crowd surged across the bridge leading
to tno grand stana oi tne wild West
this enormous structure has a seating
oapacity of over 20,000 porsons and
standing for half ns many more, and
tho wholo placo was densely packed.
To attempt to tell you who was there
would be an impossibility, almost as
raucn so as to tell you who was not
there. All tho beauty of brains, title,
money and position that London could
furnish were distributed over tho vast
I am quite suro that no one that waB
present will over forget tho roar of ap
plauso whioh broke from a surprised
multitude when, from behind the am-
busaade of rooks, Buffalo Bill, followed
by tho Indians and Cowboys, swept
like a whirlwind around the track, It
was hard to snv whluh had the bust of
it, the yelling Indians, the wboonine
Cowboys, or tho applauding multitude
of spectators. Tbo ierformanco is too
well known in Amorica for mo to dilato
upon it. It need only bo said that the
enthusiasm steadily increased from
start to finish. In tho evening tho illu
minated gardens, which aro very ex
tensive and charming, woro thronged
with pcoplo till tho closing at 10.30.
After having nil this multitudo of
patrons on Monday it would not havo
bcon ft matter of surprlso if tho busi
ness on tho following day had not been
good, but although tho weather was
" !.!.. 1 f rrr l .!.
uuprumuuiiB, uvur iu,vuu jicupiu wit
nessed tho entertainment.
On Wednesday no pcrformanco was
given in tho afternoon t Buffalo Bill
having already received Gladstopo, tho
Princoof Wales and thePrincess, ilonly
romaincd for him to havo tho patronngo
of tho Queen to havo accomplished
more than any other celebrity has yet
dono In tho world, and happily on
Tuesday tho Queen sent word com
manding a privato pcrformanco for her
benefit on Wednesday afternoon.
The arrangements wero made by tho
Marquis of Lome, and evoryono ex
cept tho members of tho Council nnd
Staff was rigidly excluded from tho
Every precaution was taken to pro
tect Her Majesty from any possiblo
draught. Tho box was extended to
tho edgo of tho arena, and tho open
space in front filled with a magnificent
collection ot orchids.
Jn order to avoid a crowd it had been
given out that tho Qiicun would enter
through the main entrance, in the Lillie
Road, but as a matter of fact, shortly
nfter 5 o'clock sho drove in nt Earl's
Court entrance, in tho Warwick Road,
which leads directly into tho Wild
West Arena. The Sioux Indians had
been drawn up on both sides ns a guard
of honor, and as I stood directly in
front of theni I was enabled to notico
tho look, first of surprise, nnd then of
pleased amusement, which overspread
Her Majesty's face as bIio caught sight
of this novel guard of honor. Sho came
in a double Baroucho drawn by four
magnificent bay horses, riddon by pos
tillions and with four outriders ; be
hind wero two Scotch gillies curlv head
od and fall bearded ; with black and
whito tartans, bare, stalwart and mus
oular knees ; they wero remarkable
looking servants indeed. Two other
carriages followed, bringing tho rest of
tho royal party, who wero driven slow
ly through the stables, affording the
li'iecn an opportunity to look in
through tho open door at tho 200
Mustang horses ; then tho cortege swept
around tbo arena and draw up in front
of tho royal box. Hero tho party woro
received by tho Marquis of Lome, who
presented Col. Henry C. Russell, of
Boston, president of tho Exhibition,
Mr. John Robinson Whitley, director-
general, and Mr. Vincent A. Applin,
tho secretary. Tho reception commltlco
consisted of Lotd Ronald Gower, Mr.
Burnet Landreth, John Priestman, Col.
Griffin, William Leo Thornton, Sir.
John Maxwell Horron, John Gilmer
Speed, Frederick C. Penfield, Town
send Percy, R. M. Smith, Alfred Pick-
ard, and other members of tho Execu
tive Council and staff. In the adjoin
ing boxes of the grand stand, wero
Mrs. Russell and tho Misses Russell,
Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. J. R. Whitley aud
Mrs. Whitley, senior, Mrs. Priestman,
Miss Applin and a few other ladies.
The Queen took her seat in the cen
tre of tho royalboxin the arm chair. The
Princess Beatrice sat upon her right,
and on her left was Princo Henry of
Battenburg, who remained standing
during the performance. To the right
ot tne I'rincess iieatrice was tbo Mar
quis of Lome, and behind tho Queen
was the Dowager Duchess of Athol.
Sir Henry nnd Lady Por.soby, Colonel
Sir Henry Ewart and General Gardiner
Equerries in waiting, and the Honor
able Miss Cadogan, Maid of Honor
were in tho adjoining box. About
two thirds of tbo usual programmo was
then given for Her Majesty's benefit,
whioh from the expression on her face
afforded her great pleasure.
At tho oloso of tho exorcises she
spoke a few words of praiso to Miss
Lilian Smith and Annie' Oakley tho
girl shooters, and then Colonel Cody
was presented, and Her Majesty ox
pressed ber great satisfaction with the
performance, and in response to his
question as to whether the entertain
ment was too long, Her Majesty re
gretted her timo was limited, but sbii
hoped to be able to arrango to come
and see it again. Red Shirt tho ohief
of the Sioux, on being presented to
Her Majesty, replied to Her Majesty's
greeting by saying that ho was very
glad to see her, and that ho had come
a long way for that purpose. Mr. Nato
Salsbury tho Director of tho Wild
West then had tho honour of being
presented, and as he remarked to mo
afterwards in a burst of confidence,
said "when I took hold of Cody, I said
I would land him at tho foot of tho
throne, and by Jove, I havo dono sol"
Tho queen and suite then drovo to Pad
dingtou station and departed for
Windsor by special train. Her majesty
has commanded her sccretary(Sir Hen
ry Ponsonby) to mako full report of
the proceedings.
This is the seoond entertainment tho
Queen has attended in the twenty-two
years that havo elapsed sinco tbo death
of the Princo Consort and no greater
honour could possibly havo been con
ferred upon the American Exhibition
or tho VVild West.
On Thursday the attendanco was
larger than on the opening day, and
this, with the magnificent newspaper
notices and the general tone of pnblio
comment, enables mo to predict for the
American Exhibition tho greatest
financial success ever knowu in the
Tliero Is living id Plymouth probably the
smallest man In the country. Ills name is
Hecs Wittier. Ho is thirty-four years old,
stands just thlrty.slx inches high and
weighs fifty-eight pouuds. Ho is a native
of Wales and came to this country In 1875,
since which date ho has lived In Wilkes.
Barre, In Danville, and in Plymouth.
The Importance ol purifying tho blood can
sot bo overeiUmated, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
M this season nsarly every one needs a
good medicine to purity, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and no ask you to try Hood's
DoniiIIoh SanaparlUa. It strengthens
rcbUllai md builds up the system,
createi an appetite, and tonei the digestion,
while It eradlcatel disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
ot the vegetable remedtet used glr to
Hood's SanaparlUa peeul- T oolf
lar curative powers. No 1 v I19DII
other medicine has such a record ot wonderful
cures. If you hare made up your mind to
buy Ilood'i Sarsaparllla'do not bo Induced to
take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confldenee.
Hood's Sariaparilla li told by all druggist.
Prepared by O, L Hood & Co., Lowell, Um.
. IOO Dow Ont.PoUnr
Awarding tho National Drill Frlica
Tho following prizes woro awarded
Monday nt tho oonolusion ot tho JN atlon
al Drill nt Washington :
Company prizo, first, Lomax Rifles
second, Company I), First Minnesota i
third, Belknap Rifles, of Texas fourth,
National Rifles, of Washington t fifth,
San Antonio, Texas, Killos.
Battalion prizes, first, Washington
Light Infantry second, Louisville, Ky.,
Light Artillery prizo, first, Indian
apolis Light Artillery t second, Milwau
kco Light Battory.
Zouavo prize, first, Chicago Zouaves;
Bccood, Memphis Merchants.
Cadot prize, first, Michigan Military
Academy i second, Marylacd Agricul
tural College.
Regimental prize to First Regiment,
Virginia tho only competing organi
Machine Gun prizo to Battery A,
Ohio ; Battery A, of Louisvillo Legion,
The names announced under this heading aro
subject to tho decision of tho Pcrrocratlo County
Convention, to bo held In Bloomsburg, on Tuesday,
July us, 1H87. The Delegate Election will bo held
on Saturday, July S3, between the hours o: s and
i y. 1U.
Foit Associate Juihik,
Of Fisbiugcreek Township.
tub Courts,
Of Bloomsburg.
Fon Register and Recorder,
Of Bloomsburg.
For Register and Recorder,
of Hemlock Township.
For Register and Recokder,
Of Bloomsburg.
For Register and Recorder,
Of Bloomsburg.
Fon County Treasurer,
Of Briarcroek.
For County Treasurer,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Treasurer,
Of Scott Township.
For County Commissioner,
Of Centro Twp.
For County Commissioner,
Of Franklin.
For County Commissioner,
Of Fishingcreek.
For County Commissioner,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Commissioner,
Of Mt. Pleasant Township.
For County Commissioner,
Of Beaver Twp.
Scrap, a largo and complete line at J. II.
Mercer's if, us ana Boole store, Evans' Block.
an.h.l. 1nmnna ll.l. ........ ... M.H.l..-.
at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Jlook store, Evans'
Block, opposite Episcopal Church.
at J. II. Mercpr'R Drue nml llnnlr Mfntrv nnnn.
Blto Episcopal Church.
nne StOCk at Mercer-A Drue find Ttnnlr titnra
opposite Episcopal Church, Bloomshurg, Pa.
a full lino at J. II. Mertw'H llnitr nnrt nnnt
Store, Upper Main Hreet.
Book store, third door above Iron street, Blooms
burg, Pa,
Cooper's Gelatine. Tapioca, sage, Anow Root
and all the prepared foods for children and In.
vallds at Mercers Drug and Book store, first door
above Ilesa' Boot and Shoo store, Uloomsburg, Pa,
Mixed Seed for the birds, nt J. II. Mercer's
Drug and Book Store, first door below Creasy's
Grocery store.
In Tablot form, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and
Book btore, Moomaburx, Pa.
tlcs, Teething Kings and ail requisites of the
Nursery that will contribute to the Biby's happi
ness, at J. II. Mercer's Dru and Hook More, two
doors abovo Evans & Eyer's Clothing store.
receipts carefully prepared at all hours at
Mercer's Drug and Bookstore, Bloomsburg, Pa.
J ciosmetlo aud gold and silver Diamond Dust,
at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, No 63 Main
street, Bloomsburg, Pa.
prlces-at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposite Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg, Pa.
By virtue of a writ of vend Ex., issued out of
the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, will be exposed
to public sale, on tho premises, on
SATURDAY, Juno 18, 1887,
at s o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage or lot
ot ground, situate In the Borough of Berwick, In
Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Beginning sixty and three-fourths feet
from the corner of Second and line streets, thence
along line street sixty feet, thence forty-nine and
one-half feet, parallel with Third street, thence
along lot number titty, sixty feet, thence parallel
with Second street forty-nine and one-halt feet to
the place ot beginning, said lot being part ot lot
number torty-ntne, as laid down In the plot ot Ber
wick, being Blxty feet front on pine street.whereon
are erected a two-story f lame dwelling house and
Seized, taken In execution, at the suit ot George
W. Smith vs. Jacob Fisher, and to bo sold as the
property of Jacob Fisher.
Evans, Atty, Sheriff.
By virtue ota writ of Vend. Exlssuei out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county,
Peon'a, and to me directed, will bo exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, on
MONDAY, June 20, 1887,
at l o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage or
tract of land, situate In Locust township, colom
bla county, l'enn'a, bounded as foUows: On the
north by Itanslow George, on the cast by land ot
Itanslow George, on the south by lands of David
Lelby and Jacob Artley, and on the west by land
of Edward Ithoads, containing eleven acres, more
or lei b, whereon are erected a one and a half story
dwelling house, a stable and a blacksmith shop, a
lot of young fruit trees on the premises.
Seized, t aiien In executlon,at the suit of Itanslow
George, adin'r ot Ellas George, deo'd, vs. Daniel
Ithoads, and to be sold as the properly of Daniel
Faultless Family Medicine.
"I have used Simmons IJver Regula.
lator for many years, having made It
my only Family Medicine. My mother
befiremowasvery partial to It. It Is
a safe, good and reliable medicine for
any disorder ot tho system, and it used
In time is a great preventative of sick,
ness. I often recommend It to my
friends, and shall continue to do so.
"lisr. Jims m. RotUNS,
"Pastor M. E. church, so. Fairfield, Va."
by always keeping Simmons Liver Regulator In
"I have found Simmons I tver Regu
lator the best family medicine 1 ever
used for anything that may happen,
have used it Id Indigestion, colic, Diar
rhoea, liiliousnes.1, and found It to re
lievo Immediately. After eating a
hearty supper, If, on going to bed, I
take about a teaspoonful, I never feel
the erfects of the supper eaten.
Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga."
J. H. Zeilin & Co.
Pl'.ICE, (1.00
The undera'trnart Auditor. Annnlntj-rt tir tho Or.
phans' Court of Columbia county, Pa., to distrib
ute ,uo uuiaiicu in wo oanaaoi u. vann,aam r.
to and amonir tho names entitled thereto, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his
omce, in tno Borough of Berwick, on Saturday,
June 11. 1887. at 10 a. m.. when and where all Dirt
ies having claims against the said estate must ap-
uvur mm uruvo mo Bame, or do lorever aeoanua
from coming In on Bald fund. C. 11. JACKMON,
mw Auditor
- liMI Jtl.Mi 1st, 1887.
Tax rato 4 mills for school purposes and l mill
iur uuuuing purposes on tno aouar vaiuaiion.
M.C. WOODWARD, Collector, DR.
To balance on dupUcato '53-fl (1500 00 11600 00
By additional exonerations on
on dupUcato 1883-eieas com
mission it 70
By amount paid treasurer HSi 30 1600 03
RICHARD STILE;), Collector. DR.
To duplicate tor lsss-7 83l 91 ssol 9j
Kept 15, 'ss, by amt paid treas
urer .... t)216 SB
By 8 per cent abatement sso 50
By 2 per cent commission US 17 5C09 50
Jan 15, 'S7, by amt paid
treasurer 8J3 04
By 5 per cent commission 41 vo 697 HI
By exonerations errors
In Assess 48 C2
By returned to commis
sioners 7 so
By exonerations 47 70 Iff) 62
By amt paid treasurer 8C1 46
Balance on duplicate 687 13 8361 91
STEPHEN KNORR, Treasurer. Da
To amt from former treasurer 430 B5
" " . !' " collector !4ss 30
To amt from present collector C933 89
To amt from stato approprla- 817 96
To amt from C W Eves 149 63 9SiJ 63
By orders redeemed 6934 98
By coupons paid (133,00 less
state tax (8.C0 125 40
By Bonds Nos. 66, 57, (-8, 59. CO,
61, 63 and 61 paid 2100 00
By Interest on same from July
1, 188i until paid less stato
I" 13 4S
By treasurer's commission S
per cent on (9173 84 1S3 47
Balance In treasury. 405 SZ tr92l 63
To tax levied for building pur-
POSOS 1533 48
To balance from former col.
lector 230 00
10 oaiance irom rormer treas
urer: .
To amt from C w Eves balanco
on Welsh II1U property....
To amt borrowed from school
. Kund ..
149 63
'3 83V2 07
By amt ennnnna
less state tax (6.60 123 40
By bond No. 66 due July 1, 80
ald 600 00
ndNo. 57 duo July I ,'so
Paid BOO 00
By bond No. 68 due July 1, '86
paid SCO 00
By bond No. 59 due July l, '80
Paid 100 00
By bond No. 60 (uo July 1, '6
a'd 100 00
)nd No. 61 due July 1, "86
paid... ioooo
By bond No, 63 due July I, '87
paid 600 00
By bond No, 65 due July i, IS7
paid. . ioooo
By Interest on same from July
1, 1886 until paid less state
tax 13 46
By treasurer's cornni!slon on
(223S.86 44 77
By discount for prompt p y.
ment 50 10
By exonerations on duplicate
18S6-7. 9 75
By returned to commissioners i 50
uy exonerations tor erroneous
By collector's commission.
9 74
31 S3
S392 07
To amt levied for school pur
poses. To arnt due from former col
lector. To amt ree'd from former trcas
To state appropriation.
By amt paid 16 teachers
By amt paid 2 Janitors.
a during
By amt paid Auditors
" " illoom Water Co.
" " Republican, nd
vertlslng state in t,blanks,eto
By amt paid sentinel adver
tising statement, etc
By amt paid columbtan.nouce
to teachers.
By amt paid P P Davis, wood,
" Thos Infold, work
" " ECJone cleaning
and repairs.
By amt paid A W i cj cleaning
and repairs.
By amt pd E A Searles, et al,
inside painting, Third St....
By amt paid P K vannatta,
outside palntlng.Flttn fet....
By amt paid Casey & Dawson,
repairs to blackboard, and
walling In boiler
By amt pa'd Creasy & Wells,
By amt paid II (I Gshlcman &
Co, plumbing.
By amt pd D A Creasy.supplles
C W Neal & llro,ool
" " P 8 Moyer, repairs ..
" " NY silicate slate Co
" " Davis Brooks, organ
By amt pd Win Rabb, supplies
" E U Brower, repairs
and extensions to steam
heater.Thlrd street
By amt pd J R Schuyler & Co,
By amt paid Fred Schwlnn,
By amt paid C M Drinker, key.
" ' l"eter Jones repair
" " C L Rupert, clock
" ' OMJKLockard
By amt pd School Fur. co
" ' L E Wharey.repalrs
" " Bakor, Smith A Co,
grates-... ....
By amt paid M J Williams, re
pairing 8 organs.
By am t paid J A Cox, brick. , , ,
" Wm Neaic sons,
fire brick. !
By amt pd II Yost & Son, repairs
" rt B M Hes8,sgt,grates
" "OA Clark, supplies,
" " J J Brower, '
" " O A Jacoby, coal ... ,
" " OA Klelm, supplies,
" " JHMercor,
" " II. o, Eshlcman,
By amt paid Moyer Bros,palnt,
materials, etc
By amt paid Jos Decker, fence,
' collector's commission,
" treasurer's "
" secretary's salary
By exonerations allowed...
By returns to commissioners,
By erroneous assessments.. .
By exonerations duplicate
1883-e, less commissions,
By discount for prompt paymt
By amt due irom collector.
By amt loaned to building fund
Balanco In treasury
C829 43
1260 00
390 14
817 96 9S91 63
6160 00
400 00
20 00
8 00
21 00
31 25
21 00
1 00
7 60
6 00
S3 87
41 00
118 SO
87 00
SS 67
19 83
47 17
1 23
204 30
13 11
9 45
2 00
230 70
SO 24
5 15
1 50
1 87
31 20
13 40
18 29
40 00
2 73
a 68
12 12
10 77
10 25
3 23
1 85
St 81
7 45
69 30
7 00 6809 98
125 72
133 70
125 00
37 95
6 00
38 M
14 70
224 40
S8T 18
419 71
465 U 3163 65
(293 63
7l9 15
By loan to building fund
l.tU JUKKl, 187.
No 62. Bond Issued to D Btroup
uug dull It loot , , OU.J uu
Int from July June 1,'87 27 to
No 64. Bond Issued to Creasy
& Brown, due July 1.18SI,... too 00
Int from Jau I,U7, to June 1,'87 6 to
No to. Bond Issued to J J
Brown, due July 1, '7 too 00
Int from Jan I, W, toJunel67 6 00
No 67. Bond Issued to It W
Smith, due July I, '87 100 00
Int from Jam, Uj June l, vr, 9 50
Bonded Indebtedness.
527 50
205 00
205 00
102 50
(1040 00
Amt due from collector k is
Amt In treasury ,,, 4b5 34
1352 45
Bonds, and Int due on same till
June 1, '87 1010 00
Assets in excess ot liabilities.. 312 43
Atteat. JOHN J, LA WALL, Pre.
JAB. O, BROWN, Reo'y.
Wo. the undersigned auditors, having examined
the above accounts, statements and vouchers as
presented by the treasurer and secretary, find
them correct, and herewith approve the same.
Bloomsburg, May ao, iw.
V. D. DENTLElt, 5-AudIWra
j&Iutnlfiffl Snrduiiiit,
Hot weather is fast approach
ing. Sharp competition among
the manufacturers havo brought
down the prices. You would bo
astonished to sec what a nice
refrigerator we can sell you for
a very little money. It will' pay
for itself in one season's use.
Our leading freezer is the
"ltnpid" mid has only to bo seen
in comparison with others to in
sure its sale. Every one guar
anteed, and the price almost a3
low as some of the other makes
we keep.
"Water Coolers, with stands or
without for family, hotel or fact
ory use. handsome goods ; sizes
and prices to suit every body.
It is almost an impossibility to
keep a yard in nice order with
out a mower. One of the great
objections heretofore has neen
the price, but like everything
else, they have declined so as to
bring them within the reach of
nil. Our "New Model" we
claim to be the best mower made;
runs the lightest and price as
low as the lowest.
J. E. Schuyler & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Opens 9th month, 13th. Thirty minutes from
Broad St. station, rhlladelpala, under the caro of
Friends, but all others admitted. Full college
courso for both sexes; Classical, scientific and lit
erary. Also a Manual Training and a lTeparalory
School. Healthful location, largo grounds, new
and extensive buildings and apparatus. For cat
alogue and full particulars, address EDWARD II.
MAGILL, LL. D., I'res't. mny3,S7-15t
will bo let, near tho resldenco of Joseph Ash, in
Benton township, on Thursday, tho nth dav ot
June, A. D. 1&S7, at 10 o'clock a. m., a new bridge
to bo erected over Haven creek, near Joseph Ash.
In said township, to be a wooden brace co ered
brldgo. 30 ft. between abutments, in feet wldi
from out to out. Abutments to bo built by con.
tractor, so as to admit ot skew back three feet f roai
top ot wall plate and 9f ft. high above low water
mark to top of wall plate, wing walls to bo 6 feet
long on east side and 10 feet long on west side of
brldgo and to bo 2 f:et above grade of road.
At the resldenco of Bmco Sutllff, In sugarlonf
township, on Thursday, the 9th day of June, A. I.
1S87, at 2 o'clock p. m., a new bridge to bo erec rt
over tho cast branch ot Big Fishingcreek, a r
Brucitsutlltr.ln said township, to!bo a wooden brai o
covered bridge, cs feet between abutments, 10 feet
widofiom out to out. Abutments to be built by
contractor, so as to admit ot skewback three feet
from top oj wall plato and 9 feet high abo?e low
water mark to top ot wall plate, wing wnlls to bo
16 feet on west side and 12 feet on east side of
bridge and to be 2 feet above grndo of road.
At tho resldenco of Allnas Cole, In Greenwood
township, on Friday, tho 10th day of June, A. D.
Is87,at ten o'clock a. ra.,a new bridge to bo erected
over Little Fishingcreek, near Allnas Cole's, be
tween Greenwood and l'Ine townships; to bo a
wooden brace covered brldge,57 feet between abut
ments, 10 feet wide from out to out; abutments to
be built by contractor so as to admit ot skewback
three feet fro n top of wall plate and feet high
above low water mark to top ot wall plate, wing
walls to be l fceton east side andlO feet on west
side of brldgo and to be 2 feet abovo grade ot road.
At the residence of David Iteeder's, In Franklin
town'Uilp. on Saturday, the nth day of June, A.
D. 1N7, at ten o'clock a. m., a new bridge to bo
erected over Roarlngcreek, near David Iteeder's, In
said township, to bo an arch covered bridge, 100
feet between abutments, 16 feet wldo from out to
out; abutments to bo built by contractor so as to
admit of skewback three feet from top of wall
p'ate and 8 feet abovo low water mark to top of
wall plato, high w lng walls to be 12 feet on east
side and 12 feet on west side of bridge nnd to bo 2
feet above grado ot road. All filling at the aboe
bridges to bo done by the contractor. Tho com
missioners reserve the right to reject any or all
bids. Plans nnd specliicntlons for tho abovo
bridges can be seen at tho orilco of tho County
Washington pa nit,. County com'rs.
Attest: Jno. b. ca-ky, clerk.
Com'rs offlcc, Bloomsburg, ra., May S7, 18s7.
List of Dealers of Columbia County.
i hsuuj udi.j iuhuwiu jist, ut aeaiers,
taken, returned and classified by me, in accordance
year iw. Is correct, to tho best of my knowledge
and belief.
Samts & Business.
o p Drtesbacn, store
J 1' Smith, hotel .
Tv1 11ehnpl . Mom
Class, license.
. 11
, 6
. 11
. 14
, 11
7 00
50 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
15 (HI
7 00
T J Khuman, store !.'
I U itlUUSOU. btu.-u.
WTMVlinnla rtlctltla..
Meagley & lteesc, store... ...".!.'.,'!!,"."','
THrnm TTnca hfttpl
J J Mclienry, store.! . 1
, 6
, 13
CO 00
10 00
7 00
7 Oil
7 DO
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
50 00
50 00
7 00
7 00
a Mcuenrv,
Mpllpnrv M-nrnv fnrnlfiiM ,
, 11
. II
J K Kdson, store, 14
nonr mclienry, store.
, 14
1 vj .-iivjieury . uuruwrro ana drug..
CM Smith, store
.Tnhn llfmrwlr ctnrn
j4-rauei unite, uoici,,
pmuei urike. notei
J B Mclienry, hotel. n
Keller Brothers, tin and stoves. 11
Holland Aicllenry, Btoro 11
P h Dlstlehurst, furniture 14
Ice Cream tars.
7 00
7 00
20 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 60
10 00
7 ro
7 00
30 no
60 00
7 (O
to on
7 00
7 00
20 on
211 on
7 1 )
7 0J
7 00
7 00
T (K)
T 110
50 00
60 00
7 O0
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
is or.
7 00
50 00
CO 00
40 00
23 00
7 110
7 00
lo to
7 HO
7 00
7 00
7 O0
7 00
10 O)
10 (10
50 (10
7 DO
20 00
7 m
1 DO
12 60
7 00
20 00
7 O0
10 00
50 Itt
7 00
15 00
10 110
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 dO
7 00
itru,e & msuier, urug 610 -e 14
It Burger, restaurant,, 5,
R II Htrayzo Co., store 11
iiJi uocKinao, conecuoner 11
ltd Crispin, store j
H R lower, store 13
W It Freas & Son, lumber dealers. , 14
B V Unesbach, organs and machines. . . 11
Samuel K Heller, pool table I
Jackson & Woodlu Mfg. Co., store 0
(i A Buckingham, Btou-s and tinware.. 14
W u Rook, hotel, I
Theodore F Berge, shoe store .'. 14
M Levy, clothing store 14
Benjamin sponenberger, restaurant.. . 6
M A Markle, restaurant, ,,
T o McMi-rtrle. clothing storo 14
, . biuco uuu tinware 14
T J btllea 4 Co., drug' btorcC'.'!
IWlKmlth Blnro
J I' Freas Co., storo".'.',!.',, ',',',","7!
ufft'u joney. notei
August Hlelil, bottler,
J H Gou'd, druggist,
(1 1. Reagan a: Co., notions
W J Mansfield, merchant
Smith Brothers, merchants..,,.,,
o K, groceries
O W Ash, distillery.
I'ctor Jumper, grocery.
0 w Miller, hotel.......,,;.:..:.."
J LGirton. hotel
1 w McKelvy, storo
I W Harunan & son, storo
!! 9 !!? "man, carpets and boots.,
(i A Klelm, drugs'
JV J coreii 4; Co, furniture, , . ,
J K K)er, siore. ' '
. hii. iuud, grocery ,
1 h K Wherey, stoves.
J Saltier, organs. 0 ....
I i ,"' ,Uescli, clolblng store .,
ItiZi .'"""V", ,9 H,KI BUUO 13
KftAi btoro- 13
J FCaldwelUconiecUone'r!.'.:.'.',','.:'.'.':'.".'.' 11
II Ntohlipr rttul.npnnr :
SA Wilson, grocery ...'.'..'.:.''.'.".'.'.:".'.'.'.'.': 14
H J Clark & Son, store
Louis Bernhardt Jeweler
Jacob Keller, rinftnna
.... li
.. 11
John S l'h llips, confect'ioner
yuuu b i n inns, coniectioner ..,: 14
tlnvlil liuonfn, nt,, 1. 1.... ,,f ?
EEOadman, furniture. ! ,?
J It Schuyler & to, hanlware, ,""'' if
Charles w ltunyan, ' !i
o N Wilson, grocery. , ?
J I) Wilbou, leather, o. .' " IS
Josi'Ph Decker, coniectioner. ii
oosiarr, store, . !J
WOItelchart, Hour and feed.. . " " 11
BvuMEyer,.lo,l4ng,irr;,. . . ji
Wo are offering greAt inducements to persons desiring (0
purchase Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines.
tat trt
ta mi
m ft
- 5
Among the Pianos we handle are the I VERS $ POND,
Siring and Opera Pianos. These Pianos aro all lirst-clab,,
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY, MILL'
ER, UNITED STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE,
ARD ROTARY Saving Machine, the finest and best
Rotary Sewing Machine in the world.
Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
A Hess, boots and shoes 14 7 00
-III Mercer, drug 14 7 00
D creasy, store 14 7 00
Andrew and shoo findings 14 7 m
B H Vannatta, agent, wallpaper 14 7 CO
singer .Mfg Co, sewmg raaculnes 14 7 00
Mrs W B Allen, storo 11 7 00
Hartman i; Edgar, stoves 14 7 110
Henry 14 7 00
fi.Mt.lli liCcknid, coal 11 7 00
Win Glgcr, hotel. 6 511 no
c W Kcnl Ilro.,coal 11 7 CO
Ilarman K Hassert, coal 14 7 (0
O A Jacoby, liquor store. 13 25 10
" " coa' 11 7 0)
Farmers' Produce Exchango, store 8 80 00
" " " coaL 14 7 00
I'eter Gross, bottler, 5 co CJ
Simon o halve, agl Imp. ... 14 100
Bloomsburg Iron Co, More 11 15 00
c 11 Bobbins, liquor store 13 25 00
F .M (illmorc. restaurant 5 20 00
W II Gllmoru, restaurant 5 20 00
" " bottle D 2000
OMtJK Lnckard, store 1.1 10 110
II W Sloan, dry goods and notions. 14 7 00
N J nendershott, drugs 14 7 00
Lewis Gross, clothing 14 7 00
J J Brower carpets 14 7 00
Moyer Bros, wholesale drug store 7 40 10
Alexander Bros Co, tobacco. 11 12 00
II V Whites Co, grain dealers 12 1250
Charles Krug, lumber, coal and slato. 11 7 00
Joseph Ofrrlson,tlojr and feed 14 7 00
W E Kno r, tobacco 11 7 CO
C W Brown, grocery it 7 00
C K Ilornd, grocery. 11 7 00
J H Stecker, Bto.t; 14 7 00
Creasy Wells, lumber 14 7 00
-lohn Wolf, dealer 11 7 00
D (llrton, 4 billiard and pool tables. s CO Oil
Geo O Breece, grocery,.-..- 11 700
c E Clcwcll, grocery n 7 00
M A Swank, acore 11 7 to
I II seesholtz, store, is 10 00
Hester Klstler, hotel 6 60 CO
s II lthawn, stoves and tinware 14 7 00
Stephen Kaldy, store 11 15 00
John R Dlemer, storo 13 10 00
Geo Manhart, store, 14 7 00
A s Truckcnmlller, organs and machines 13 10 on
TDllernlngcr, furnttt'io 10 7 00
J K Miarpless hon's, store 14 20 00
T K Harder, furniture 13 10 00
Win John, stoves, Sc. 11 700
J M smith hardware and drugs 12 12 50
SI) ltlna.d, btore 14 700
G W Iteirsnyder, storo 13 10 00
O c Wlllets, drug store 14 7 00
c c Mendenhall, stoves, &e 14 7 00
David cimn, coal - . 14 7 oj
A Truckenmllle.-, restaurant 5 20 no
Wraon Itaup, coal 11 7 co
W A Vetter, 1 oeL 6 co 00
Joseph A cutterman, store 1 j 10 00
Clark 1' Harder, lumber. 11 700
J H Blbhy.llqi or store 18 25 00
" " bottler. 6 co no
C W Harder, lumber 11 700
J C 1' Brown, btore 11 700
David Lcvlne, O store, 11 700
J II Kelter.hotel 5 r,o 00
K i: III le. shoo store 11 7 00
Lew Kclbnydcr, billiard pool tables, s to 00
Mmons co, drug store 14 7 00
A Iiiiolshue, stoic 11 700
E M Tewkbbury, agent, fertilizers 14 7 00
J K lthawn, restaurant. 5 2000
t-linon .Miller, boots and shoes . 11 7 00
D F Curry, hotel 5 50 00
o II Millard, store. 12 12 50
A 11 Fort ier, stoves and tinware. 14 1 00
Irvln Bro3, store 13 1000
Johanna O'Conner, liquor store 13 25 00
John Goldswo.thy, hotel. 5 c 0 00
t, pool table a no 00
Mrs Wmrelter, hotel o mci
David C Black, ttore 14 7 00
Andrew Lenlnan, grocery 14 7 00
O W Darts, drugs 14 700
00. Murphy, store is 1000
Thomas Colllns,llquor storo b 2oo
LA ltliey co, store , 3 100 00
1-dward McFadden. restaurant 6 2000
James Mclirearty, hotel .. b 50 00
L Fetternun, htoro 14 7 00
Robert Farrell, restaurant 6 20 00
II C Michael, lurnlture. J4 700
Charles Fetterman, restaurant 5 2000
Thomas Boran, restaurant 5 20 00
Geo Malcr, restaurant b 2000
John Nurtney, liquor store. 11 25 00
E J I lnnerty, drug store, 14 7 no
o H octchey.btore 14 7 00
M W Brennan, restaurant b 20 00
A J .McLaughlin, liquor store, 13 25 00
Low Bros Co, store ,, 11 700
llllKiwiiialn imi i. i
Thos Urobst son',''g'r'oVe'ry"'.T.'.'.'..'.'.:.'.'..'.'.: 11 7 to
Z T Fpwler.graln dealer 13 10 00
u u n uiveuuu, store 14 7 no
John Monroe, restaurant 5 2000
Wm IIerbert,btore ..11 7 03
John L Kline, hotel .. b boo!
SS miman, notei 5 cooo
Lyons, store jj 700
n MAi2erm,an,.Btoro - I- 7 00
M Vlllpnnf 1, l lly
Jl;' Mclienry, store i! 7 00
luueiiium uros, store,,, n to,
Jones Walter, stoi 0 . 14 7 00
..a, iu nuuu, store 11 7 1,0
Natuan Drlesbach, btore 11 700
Si h?".' Co' aWUlery ..... 0 15 00
Abla Louis, store " it 7 00
L Buchcr, store 14 7m
A J w Artley, store ., 11 7 00
A J Derr, storo u Tm
1' H Black, store 5 ,5
Ems evis lire's, store ... . .:..:::,;: i? IS $
1 1; 'IX10- 'irniVufe:;::: .: U li SS
W M 2ve3 jfKn'i'Z ! Z W
J E WelllverTsWre1 "Z '.rV." V" 14 7 00
j i. johnTTtoro Jf I S
EE l'aiker, Btoro , JJ
q H Deltterlck, hotel 6 60oo
OM Terttllltger jj co, stoie";::::;:.;.,. 11 7 to
B 1) Cole, store iv.. 11 7 00
Yocum lire's, store 14
Aaron odcr,rebtaurant....... al !J!
Daniel F Knlttle.btoTe " u ?m
V ,,10rn.,' btore 11 Tm
LH Daniels, stole, .,...!. . ,, ly
Nathan Knorr, ,.'.'." "' i m!5?
Jacob eager, store ,.
E II Whlincr, Store .. ." il
Snyder B.o'Swre . ;:::: ? IS
MaVsl jS
WmGlncles, storo , ,n(n
Kramers son, store, ...,.,,,..: JSJK
a k fcmith,i7otei...,,;:,':;:::;:;::::;;; woo
II It Yettcr.hotel , Mnn
w ?i mpn- Bio " .IV. .3 1 So
v.:,;;", Aft
A WSnyder, storo. ...i II 700
AW Hess, hotel 5 Wit)
" " coal..... it 7 (HI
N 11 Creasy, store 11 7w
A c Millard, bloes and tlnwaro 14 700
R.I Berulngcr, furniture 11 700
HJ Uearhait, store.. 11 700 Snyf cr, storo 14 7 ui
DA Hess, coal 11 700
o B Ilosster, storo- ,...11 "on
Samuel llaeldlne, hotel 5 50 10
I'axlon Hariniin.blore 14 7 00
Clinton M Itcece, grocery II 701
Joseph Ylnger, btore 13 too
J r sands, Btoro 11 700
DeLone isro's, stoves and tinware It 7 00
Geo Ileckman, hotel c 60 ou
o I' sttner, storo 11 7(0
OH Fleckenstlne, storo 11 "00
G N Smith, stoves 14 7 00
hlte, Conner bloan, Ag'l Imp 14 7 to
A BSiewart storo 14 7 111
A M Ucwltt, btoro 11 7 00
J 11 Ilarman furniture 11 700
C W Low hon, lumber, c : 13 10 m
Snyder sleppy.btoro 11 7(0
J M Turner, bote' 5 CO 00
It W Lyons, storo 11 70.1
Clt Parker, btoio 14 7 00
O W Cherrlngton, btoro 11 7 00
Samuel Lelby, restaurant . 5 20 00
Moorehead Kline, btoro 13 1000
N lllchart, store ,,,,11 701
w KDelttcrlck.storo 11 7(0
Theodore Heck, store 14 700
J 1) Wo rkhelser, storo 11 700
smer rfprlns itiariyCo,storo ,. 13 1000
hllas oung, storo 13 1000
A 1' Hon ell, btore,, 11 700
A B White, store ,. 11 7 00
J L Crawford, sto -o 11 7 ui
McKamey Kerstetter, storo 14 7 00
. " " " co.l 14 7 on
Jacob Blosser, hotel 6 50 00
A J Thrash, hotel 5 cooo
Norman Cole, store, .,.. 14 700
A Laubach son, store 14 7 on
J W I'ciry, hotel b bom
A M Harvey, store 11 7 00
An apperl will bo hold at tho Commissioners'
omce in lilooinsburr, on the 1st day ot Juno, A. 1),
is-,,,betwecn tho hours of u a. in. and 4 p. ra.,wheru
all part'es who may feel aggrieved by tho abovo
classification may appear and be heard.
Way 9, 18S7. Mercantile Appraiser.
' Wholesale. Itctai
Wheat per bushel 78 80
Hyc " " co
Corn " " .... CO 63
Oats " " 3Q .15
Klour " bbl 4 to 0
liutter 20 23
Kks 13 14
Potatoes 00 70
Hams 13 0
Dried Apples 03 03
Side 07 10
Shoulder 00 13
Chickens 8 10
Lard per lb 08 10
Vinegnr per gal 20 30
Onions per bushel 00 7'1.
Veal skins 07
Wool per lb 85
Hides 5 t0 7
. Coal on Whaiif.
No 0 3.00; Nos 2. 3, & LumpJ$3.23
No. 5 43.00 mtumlnus $3,25
New Yofk iVIKEys.
neportea bu 0. S. mimer, miolesali Cvmmtsslim
,vv .,,UUc 4 ,
Niw York, May S 18S7.
Tbn wnrmi. I...- t- ....... 1.-lt,,
forward very rapidly heavy shipments of
nnd a, Heavy Importations ot Ilermuda
onions, together with liberal receipts from
Nmv Orleans, havo seriously weakened
pricesi selling New Orleans to-day at $2 50
per bbl, and Ilermuda from $1.85 to 1.00
per crate. Peas $3.60 per bbl. Btrowbcr.
ries ranging from 7 to 12c per ijuart, ao
cording to (juulity, Epgs selling to-day,
btate and I'enn. Iresli, from 18 to 13c.
with fancy wlillo leghorns from 10 to ltfc.
liutter In heavy supply and prices ranging
for fancy creamery from 19 to SOcj choice
dairy, state, pulls, 18 to 10c nnd good 10 to
17c. Cheese, fancy, 10 to 10. o., good 0 U
Djc. Spring chickens, live, 30 to 85c and
fowls 0 to 10c, Dressed spring chickens
JO to 50cs fowls 0 to 12c. Dressed pork 7
to 8c. Dressed veals, choice, 7 to 8c.
Dressed spilug lambs 7 to Oo, Potatoes,
rose, burbauk und hebrou 8.60 to 2.75 per
bbl. New cabbago 2.60 to 5-3. ltussla
turnips 1,25. Hermuda. onions 1,50 per
crato. Aenaragus Jersey and Long Island,
Apples, baldwlus, choice, 3 to 3.60 ptr
lum bonus 1,75 to 1,80. Marrow $3 to 2,10.
White kiducy 1.70 to 1.70; red 1.03 to l.W
Pea 1.70 to 1.80. Kvaporated apples Hru;
and funcy selling 15 to 10c, with nin-drlcd
from 4 to Oc. Cherries 8 to 10c. Jtaspbcr
rles 21 to 23c. Dlackberrles 0 to 10c.
ilaple sugar, clioico 7 to 8o per lb,, syrup
05 to 7c per gallon. Uecswux 81 to 23c.
Honey, wliltu clover, 10 to 12c. Tlio mar.
ket on bay coutlnucs high owing to tho
argo amount destroyed by flro nt tlio Man
hattan Market last week, and selling to-day
fi om CO to OOo per cwt., according to qual
ity,. Straw GO to 05c. ,
1 uero aro no special changes wortby of
note In tho market ou.f urs. ,