The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 13, 1887, Image 3

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    The Colum bian
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1887.
Trains on tho l'hlladolphla & II It. leave Iiuncrt
as follows I '
:36 a, m. lt:49 a. m.
3:13 p. m. gas p. m.
Trains on the D. L. A W. 11. It. leavo Dloomsourn
follows! "ouurg
71S ft. m. 8:33 ft. m.
11:07 ft. m. lfcon a, ni.
3.U p. m. 4:18 p. m.
6:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains nn tho N, V. 1). Hallway pass Bloom
erry as follows
10.48 ft. m. 11:54 a. m.
I.S0 p. si. 4 1U p. in.
10:18 a m 6:tu p m
KCdllCCll ItlltC'H.
llcrcnftcr tlio prlcu for publishing Exc
cutors. and administrator's notices In the
Comjmman will bo $2.00 lncluillng n note
and receipt book. No other paper lu the
Dountv makes so liberal no otter.
Auditor's notices also reduced to $2.00.
Foil Salb. Pair of hnndsomo bay horses
six nnu seven years ow, large nnu strong,
cood drivers nnd will wont nnvwbere.
Warranted sound ami free from faults or
blemishes nro .offered for sale solely for
want oi use. j. it. eoitrmEit.
A lMnc HchiiIcucc I'or Hale.
The executors of Mary N. llarmnn, de
ceased, oiler at private sale a nnmisomc
residence on Market street nbove Muln.
Illoomsburg. The house Is of brick, large
pleasant rooms, steam neat, gas, water,
sewcraec. and all modern Improvements.
There is n largo framo barn, Ice house and
outbuildings. Ono of the most desirable
locations In the town. Terms easy.
They also offer for sale thirty-seven acres
or land on .normal mil, adjoining r. uu
Ion's and the Hovt estate. Cm be
divided Into desirable building lots. For
terms anu particulars appiy to i. w. ile
Kclvy, ono oi tno executors, or ueo. is.
twcll, attorney, iiioomsuurg, ra. tt
Van KF.NT,
Two rooms on second floor of the Co
lumbian building, together or separately.
Steam heat. ens. water on same floor.
Kent low. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. 3t
Wanted. An apprentice boy to learn
harness making. Must be well rccom
mended. M. L. Kline,
1 w Orangeville, 1'a.
WANTED I 1.000 boya and children to
buy New Spring Suits. New In style and
low In price, at David Lowcnberg's.
Col. S. Kuorr Is able to bo out again.
Mr. U. S. Lutz took a short trip to Fhlla.
dclphla last week.
Mrs. N. C. Pitrscl of Laurel Hun, Is visit
ing her son Harrlc.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E.Wlrt spent n few days
In Philadelphia this week.
Miss Carrlo Brown, of Danville, has been
visiting Miss Annie Ent thU week.
Miss E. llarkley went to Philadelphia on
Monday morning to select goods.
Tuos. W. Edgar of Espy has gone to
New York for medical treatment for a
nervous disease.
Miss Gilbert of Catawlssa, spent a few
days visiting Miss Lou Jameson at the Ex
change Hotel last week.
Mrs. O. It. Buckalew has been seriously
111 for a number of days, but is slowly im
proving now and hopes soon again to be
fully restored to health.
E. F. Smith, who has been attending
Bellevuo Medical College of New York, re
turned to town last Saturday and will re.
main hero during the summer.
George Fcrrec, who has been teaching
school at Hazel Brooke, Luzerne count,
has returned to his home at the Normal
school, and is now studying medicine with
Dr. Gardner.
An elegant line of SPUING OVERCOATS
Just received at D. Lowenberg's.
Kcyptono Minstrels to-night at the Opera
P. E. Wirt is putting steam pipes in the
McKinncy building.
Sweet Potatoo plants, 33cts. per 100 at J,
Garrison's, 6th street.
Wall paper hangings and handsomo ceil
ing decorations at Clark's book store.
The annual examination of tho seniors at
the Normal School begins on Tuesday,
June Hth.
Mrs. Martha Hartman mother-in-law of
Frank Jones was burled from tho Lutheran
church on Tuesday.
Window shades, plain or dado, either
mounted or without fixtures as you prefer,
at Clark's book store.
Peoplo are not all through moving yet.
We still see loads of household goods pass
ing through Main street at intervals.
The rush has commenced for Spring styles
in Neckwear. Call and see the beautiful
stock, now iu at D. Lowcuberg's.
Mr. James II. Mercer, tho popular up
town druggist, has purchased a new soda
fountain. Call and seo It. It is a beauty.
Trunks . I - Trunks I
Trunks I
Just received a large stock.
Cheaper than over atD. Lowenberg's.
The Keystono Minstrels will give a per.
formanco at the Opera House io-night.
They give a good show, and desorve liberal
James Heilly has given up the barber
uusiness in Benton. Ho moved to this
place last week, and has bought out Will
Dennis' shop.
This has been a lino Spring for tho
growth of grass and grain. The grass
looks better than It has for many years at
this season of tho year.
Trout fishermen aro about as numerous
as tho trout this season. Unless tho streams
are restocked tho flue sport of catching
trout will soon bo a thing of the past.
Candidates aro beginning to put in their
active work. Wo have already announced
tho names of Jesso Ulttenhpuse, Elias
Howtll and W. G. Glrton for tho office of
County Commlssloncrs.wtth more to follow.
Delegate election will bo held this year
on baturday, July 23, between tho hours of
3 and 7 p. ra. Convention on the Tuesday
following, belnit tho 20th or the lastTues.
day In July, accordlug to resolutions
adopted at the last convention.
There will bo an exhibition of running
nnd trotting at the Fair Grounds Blooms,
burg Wednesday next, by tho Hunulng
Combination. They exhibited at Wilkes.
Barro last week, wheu Miss Myrtio Peek
won tho running race in 2;03, Seo adver.
Tho Merchant Tailoring Department Is
now repleto In Bprlng styles. Call and seo
the largest stock of Cloths, Cusstraeres.&c,
to select from, Suits made up In City Stylo
at 1). Lowenberg's, Merchant Tailor.
Snipping tags, with or without strings,
M tho COLDHUIAN OftlCC. tf.
H. V. Fruit has completed his duties as
Mcrcnnlllo Appraiser, and tho list is pub.
llshcd this week.
Judge Mcllenry expects to begin tho
work of grad'ng on tho B. & B. railroad be.
tween Btlllwatcr and Benton, next Monday.
The grounds of tho Lawn Tennis Club
n tho rear of the Episcopal church havo
have been completed, and playing will
soon begin Thoro aro about thirty mem.
bcrs In tho club.
Tho agents are delivering the new his.
tory of Columbia and Montour counties.
They have completed the delivery lu Mon.
tour county and expect to complete In this
county next week.
1 Invito the attention of parties who In
tend papering or decorating their walls or
ceilings to the hrgest and most complcto
lino of wall hangings or celling decorations
in town. George A.
Mrs. Spots, living on Third street, who
moved from Danville. April 1st, gave birth
to twins Sunday morning, a boy and girl
tho girl suivlved but a short time, but tho
boy nnd mother are both doing well.
A lino assortment of ladles' trlmmn.l
nnd untrlmmcd hats nnd bonnets of tho
latest nnd most popular shapes, trimming,
notions, &c., now open at Miss E. Bark,
ley's, nnd nt tho most reasonable prices.
Call and see.
The O. A. U. Post of Illoomsburg ate
making arrangements to properly observe
wccorntlon day tho cimliic 30th of Mnv.
Kev. M. h. O inou Is expieled to be the
orator of tlio Hay, A full program will be
announced to the public in duo time.
Since tho chaneo in tho time table of tlm
D. L. & W. II. II. the noon train south
will no longer make connections with tho
Philadelphia & Beading road at Itupcrt.
Thoso wishing to take the Beading train
must reach ltupert by Buckalew Bros,
Mr. Zcbulon Bobbins who recently pur.
chased tho property on corner of First and
Market street has mado many Improve
ments about tho place, notably the removal
of tho barn from obstructing tho sidewalk.
Tho residents of First street aro elated over
the change.
Bicycling received a check nt Pittstnn.
when Chns. Graham, while riding near
tuo fair grounds at Wyoming, took a
"header", nnd struck with such force on
one of his hands, that he broke a wrist
bone, forcing It through the flesh. The
Injury is of a strious nature.
The Keystone Minstrels will appear to-
morrow Saturday; evening nt Urnngevillo
with a program which can not fall to please
any audience. These young men gave nn
exhibition at Illoomsburg Opera House
some time ago which was equal to that of
most of tho traveling troupes. Secure
your seats early.
Rowdies who rldo on railroad trains and
try often times to run them to suit them
selves will be surprised to learn that the
House has passed tho bill arming trains
men lu Pennsylvania and giving conduct
ors nnd Btatlon masters police powers. Tho
bill is designed to preserve order on trains
and about stations.
Hon. J. B. McColIum has dispatched
business In court this week rapidly. He is
very quiet in his manner, but he is quick
at seeing points, nnd his decisions aro
mado without hesitation and with reason
ing that shows a thorough acquaintance
with tho law. Tho Judgo is a democrat,
but was elected In a republican county.
He has been eight years upon tho bench.
Mrs. Kramer, wife of Mr. John Kramer,
of this town, died at her home on West
street last Friday morning. She had been
sick for somo time, and her death was not
unexpected. She leaves her husband and
live children to mourn her loss. Services
wero held at tho house on Monday morn.
ing, nnd tho remains afterward taken to
Mt. Pleasant township and there interred.
Prof. Vocht met a number of people in
tho Lutheran church Saturday of last
week to organizo a class in music. They
will meet again Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. A course of ten lessons will be
given for tlio small sum of 75 rents. When
an opportunity is thus afforded to receive
Instruction in music at such a moderate
sum a great many should take advantage
of it.
Down in Bucks county they are lining
farmers for adulterating milk sold to the
creameries. A Chalfont Justice of tho
Peaco fined n farmer $50 for putting water
into his milk that was afterward taken to
tho creamery in that place. Patron3 of
two other 'creameries wero also made to
pay a line for a like offense. This is right.
The farmer that waters his milk should bo
made to pay for It.
Urand House Decorative Art Exhibit,
Main street below Market, from May 13th
to 18th inclusive. Finest display of plush
and lace portlcrrcs, imitation oil paintings,
framed pictures in silk etching, draperies,
scarfs, lambreq'tlns, etc. ever seen in
Bloomsburg. AUo a lino display of organs
and pianos can be seen at the same time.
Free to all. J. Saltzku,
2t Geueral Agent.
David Lowenberg, our enterprising
clothier, now has ono of the prettiest
store buildings in town. The entire front
of his building has been painted. Tho
store front is finished lu black and gold,
and across each window Is his uamu lu
large gilt letters. Tho whole elves a very
plcusiug effect and makes ono of the hand
somest buildings here.
The gilding was done under tho super,
vision of Mr. William Brobst, aud shows
him to bo a real artist.
Tho Callleplan Society entertainment
given at Normal Hall last Friday evening
was a success. Tho characters In tho
drama, "The Danger Bignal," wero well
taken with few exceptions and tho drama
was carried through very smoothly with
few breaks or hitches. Prof. Melherell's
orchestra rendered somo very pleuslug
piiccs beforo tho drama and between the
acts aud played them very well indeed.
There was a fair-sized audience present,
who seemed well pleased with tho enter
tainment. A murder occurred at Hazelton last
week, which is ono of tho most brutal
heard of for some time. Antonio Gatz, an
Italian, was found in tlio street with sever.
al wounds about his head and neck. A
terrible, wound was found on tho right side
of his faco made by a largo stiletto, nnd
another deep wound In his neck, besides
several smaller wounds. Two men wero
seen quarreling with him, and ran away
from the body at tho approach cf a Hazle.
ton mau. Bcaich has been mado for tho
A number of Important changes were
mado In tlio tlino table of the D. L. & W.
It. B., which went into effect Monday, May
9. The early train nrrlves ono hour later.
Tlilc will Insure u recular delivery of our
morning mall, as wellas certain connection
with tho train nt Northumberland when
coming up from Philadelphia. The 10:20
train is changed to 11:07 and the afternoon
to 2:21. In going south tho noon train ar
rives at 12:03. Instead of 1 1 :45 as hereto.
foro. For correct time tablo seo head of
local column.
Wall papor hangings nnd celling deco.
rations to produco almost any effect dc.
sired. Call nnd examlno our stock and bo
convinced. Clark's book storo.
Tho trout law for this season la tho samo
as last year, to-wlti From tho 15th of
April to tho lfith of July. Thcro was an
effort mado in tho Legislature to shorten
tho season, but tho bill which passed tho
House was killed In tho Senate. Thero
havo been conflicting statements about tbo
same in a number of papers, but tho abova
can bo relied upon as being correct.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of.
flee nt Bloomsburg for week ending May
10. 1887i
George W. Bason, Mr. Bobcrt Beers, Mr.
O. M. Bcrtsch, Mrs. W. O. Bornard, Miss
Kate Boyer, Mr. William Cllue, John U.
Jnmes, Bev. J. P. Shultz. William Smith,
Snyder & Co., Hov. Harris Snyder.
Michael O'Laiighlln.
Persons calling for theso letters will
oleaso say "advertised."
UbohqbA. Claiik, P. M.
Now Is the tlmo to get your Confirmation
Butt. A full stock on hand at D. Lowcn.
Mrs. F. M. Everett, died at her home on
Third street Tuesday evening about 8
o'clock. She has boon a patient sufferer
for somo time, living on hopes but grnd.
ually ncarlng tho end. Tho immediate
causo of death wa9 perhaps dropsy al.
though she had a complication of diseases.
Sho was the oldest-daughter of I. W. Hart
man, and had a wldo circle of friends In
this community. A loving husband Is thus
bereft of a kind and affectionate wifo and
two little girls, ono twelve and the other
ten, nro left motherless. Tho funeral will
take place tills (Friday) morning at ten
o'clock. Deceased was about 35 years of
Window fixtures, spring balance 01
spring top, lower than ever before, at
George A. Clark's.
Tho case of Albert E Cidow against tho
D. L. & W. 11. it. Co., which wa3 tried be
foro Judge Dreher last week, excited con.
sidcrablo Interest. Plaintiff broke bis leg by
stumbling on tho railroad track nt tho
crossing at East street on Jan. 28, 1881 The
morning was dark, and ho could not seo
the track. Ho claimed that ho was hurt
through tho negligence of tho defendant in
not laying planks so as to protect the rails.
The Judgo refused to tako tho casa from
tho Jury, nnd left It entirely In their hands,
and the result was n vtrdlct for plaintiff
for SISOO. William Chrlsman and Ikcler &
Herring wero counsel for plaintiff, nnd Col.
Frieze nnd Geo. E. Elwell for tho railroad
company. A motion has been mado for a
new trial.
HO I FOR THE vEST 1 -Don't miss
seeing tho large assortment of Trunks,
Satchels nnd Bags at D. Lowenberg's.
The case of John L. Brumbach against
tho D. L. & V. B. R. Co. occupying two
days of court this week resulted In a vol
untary nonsuit on motion of the plaintiff,
the court having indicated that they would
take the case from the jury. The plaintiff
was injured at Blnghampton N. Y. by
having his hand crushed when coupling
cars, alleging that ho stumbled on a draw
head negligently left In the way. Tho do
fendant contended that plaintiff was not in
its employ, and even if ho was, ho could
not recover because the negligence was
that of a fellow-servant. The court accept
ed this view of It, and plaintiff's .counsel
took n nonsuit. Messrs. Rhawn, Boblson
and Ikelcr were counsel for plaintiff, and
E. N. Millard of Scrnnton nnd Geo. E.
Elwell for defendant.
The soldiers desiring a license to peddle
must, undirtho recent Act of Assembly,
file an application with the Prothonotary
of the Court setting forth that he is unablo
to procure a livelihood by manual labor
and is desirous of procuring license to ped
dle, finder the Act of Assembly of April 8,
1887 entitled: "An act to permit disabled
soldiers to pcddlo by procuring a licenso
therefor, and, also, that he Is the bona fide
owner of all the goods, wares and mer
chandise which ho proposes to hawk, ped
die or vend, and that he will not engage to
sell the same for any other person what
ever." It Is then required that he be ex
amincd by n United States surgeon, tho re
suit of which, together with his discharge
from service, must be filed with the Pro
thonotary, and at the next sitting of the
court thereafter his application will be
passed upon by the Judge.
Men's, ouths,Boys and Children's
Tailor Fitting Clothing.
Leading in quantity, quality and style.
Perfect satisfaction always the motto of
Tho editor of tho Sentinel last week, as
usual, attempted to misconstrue tho action
of the grand jury wheu it said: "Beforo
adjournment, a voto was taken as to
whether Prothonotary Bnyder should have
a second term, but it failed to carry."
Now theso are tho facts, tho general busi
ness having been transacted it was moved
by a member of tho jury at his own in
stance, and possibly being a warm friend
of Mr. Snyder, that a vote bo taken for
prothonotary. The following letter sent us
shows tho result of tho vote taken:
Messrs. Editors: Tho article. In last
week's Sentinel In regard to tho Grand Jury
voting on tho Prothonotary question is not
true. Tho voto stood as follows, 10 for
Snyder and 5 for urickbaum, two not vot
ing. J. F. Mknglk, Grand Jurymau,
Orangeville, Pa.
Wall paper for 1887. Tho newest, best
colored and most artistic designs at Clark's
book store.
II. tic 8. It. II. XolCH.
Tho work on tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan
is progressing finely. Rails havo been laid
as far as Fourth street, and the work of
laying rails will go on as soon as more grad
ing is done on Railroad street.
A derrick has been put up, and a stono
wall Is being built about half way between
Flihlng'crcek bridge nnd Iron street.
Railroad street is still filled up with ties
from Fourth street west to the bridge
Many peoplo visited tho railroad last
Sunday afternoon.
Several feet of rock have been blown out
at Fishlngcrcck bridge, both from the cor
ner of the rocks, and from the largo rock
between tho railroad and tho creek.
A stonewall has been built on Railroad
street from Fifth street to a tboit distance
above Fourth, and stakes erected above,
separating tho road bed from tho wagon
Several hammers wero stolen from the
tool-houso last Thursday night.
Hcles havo been drilled In readiness for
blasting all along tho foot of the rocks.
Tho wholo of the old Iiondalo road bod
will bo blown out next week, making tho
new road bed in some places five or six
feet lower than the old road.
Latest shapo in hats, Dunlaps, Youman,ct
Correct in style,
Fine In quality,
Lowest In price, at Lowenberg's.
Council lroccelliiK8
Bloomsburg, April 28, 1887.
Special meeting. Council met at 8 o'clock
p. ra. Moved that tho Town Engineer
glvo such grado In Second street from
Leonard west, as will require tho least ex.
penso to cqunllzo tho surface of tho ground,
until such tlmo aa a permanent system of
drainage shall bo ndoptcd to dtsposo of tho
water. Agreed to. Moved that property
owners on Second street from Leonard
west bo notlllcd to pave within sixty days
from date Agiccd to. Treasurer B. P.
Vannatta'a bond was presented, read nnd
on motion approved and ordered filed. On
motion adjourned.
May C, 1887. Regular meeting. J. G.
Freeze Esq , haying been Interviewed In
rcgnrd to extending Rose iillcy through his
land to tho Llghtstrcct road, mado tho fol
lowing proposition through Elias Mcndcn
bait, viz; That ho would release tbo right
of way for the extension of said Rose alley
through and over his land to tho Light,
street road, frco of charge, on condition
that tho town build n fenco along the cast
sldo of said alley from tho estate of E. B.
Brower to tho said Llghtstreetroad. Mov
ed that pioposal bo accepted. Carried.
Messrs. E. Mcndcnhall, John Townscnd
nnd Douglass Hughes appeared and nsked
council to erect the lamp post, which was
ordered by council on the 8th day of May
1834. On motioned it was ordered that the
Commissioner of Hlghwnys erect one mid
way between East nnd Penn streets. On
motion It was ordered that the Street Com
missioner order tho owners of all trees
obstructing light from street lamps to trim
them, and if thoy neglect or refuse to do
so, the Commissioner of Hlghwnys shall
proceed to trim them. The oaths of sever
al officers were presented andordercd filed.
The Town Engineer reported that he bud
worked on Second street from Leonard
strec. west ns followt. On north side from
present grade at Leonard street a minus
grade of two-tenths of a foot per 100 feet
for S50 feet; and on the south side n mtn
um grade of .0288 ft, per 100 ft. for 450 ft
to bo considered a temporary grado until
a permanent sj stem cnu be laid out and
adopted to dralu water from Second street,
from tho railroad westward. Samuel Ncy
hard was unanimously elected Superin.
tendent of bowers. Mr. Clark gavo notice
that he would propose a five mill tax rate
at next regular meeting. Tho following
bills and accounts were read and on mo
tion approved, and the Secretary directed
to draw orders for same, viz:
Peter Blllmeycr, Com'r Highways $7.87
E. V. M. Low, team on " 3.00
J. Garrlsun, " " " 1.70
Wm. Shaffer, " " " 3.00
" " labor " " 1.25
E. Shutt, " " " 1.09
Wm. Webb, " " " 1.25
Wm. Casey, " " " 1.25
Bill of Wm. Krlckbauin, publishing
annual statement, 15.00
Bill of Elwell & Blttcnbcndcr, 15.00
" " G. E. Elwell, rent of council
room to April 1, '87, 15.00
Bill of M. C. Sloan & Bro. repairing .
buggy of Buckalew Bros., broken
at cayc-ln sewer trench. 4.50
Bill of Samuel Ncyhard, services as
sec'y in April, 10.00
Bill of Wesley Knorr, Chief of Police
for April, 4.50
Bill of Nathan Chromls assistant for
April. .50
Bill of Daniel Laycock, police for
April, 1.00
Bill of Bamuel Neyhard, services ns
Town Engineer, 3.50
Bill of Samuel Neyhard, paid for
cleaning council room, 1.00
Total 01.01
On motion council adjourned.
Samuel Nkyiiakd, Sec'y.
CloHliilf Day ICxerclNCH.
A largo crowd guthercd at tho Opera
Houso last Monday, both afternoon and
evening, to witness tho closing exercises of
tho public schools of Bloomsburg. The
exercises of tho nfternoon were given by
all the schools, with the exception of the
High School. At ubout half-pist twelve
o'clock tho scholars assembled at their re
spective schools and marched to the Opera
House. Tlio afternoon exercises passed off
very well and showed great zeal and inter
est their preparation, both on the part of
teachers and pupils. Mcthercll's orchestra
rendered the overture In very pleasing
style, and the other music of the afternoon
was well rendered.
For tho evening a very interesting pro.
gram had been prepared, and was well
carried out by tho scholars of the High
School of Bloomsburg. Long before eight
o'clock, at which time the entertainment
began, the houso was filled with people,
and they continued to come, until there
was scarcely standing room left. At eight
o'clock Superintendent Grimes, Principal
Bcckley and tho Pchool Directors of
Bloomsburg tiled upon tho stage, and the
exercises wero opened.
Tho opening and closing choruses and
all tho music of tho evening was well
given. A duet, sung by Eflio Hartmnn
and Ed. Ent, was especially well rende'ed,
and they fully deserved tho encoro they
received j the solos were well given
and the quartet of boys also sang well.
The dramas were well acted,and altogether
tho wholo entertainment passed off very
creditably Indeed.
Indeed tho exercises of this year are
among the best school exercises wo havo
over had tho pleasure of witnessing. Ev.
crythlng passed off smoothly, and tho ex.
erclses throughout showed thorough prepa
ration and great interest in school work.
Itllitc illunHlcr.
Last Thursday another mine disaster oc
curred at Swoyer's Hill, near Plainsvillc,
that cost ono human life and endangered
two others. In some manner a large
quantity of gas took lire, and an awful ex
plosion took place, that caused great dam.
age and consternation.
Several wero near by when the explosion
took place, and wero all knocked down. A
rescuing party at once set to work, and,
succeeded by proceeding cautiously in
reaching tho scene of the explosion, where
they found tho bodies of thrco men pros
trate on tho ground.
Tho men wcri quickly removed to a
place of safety and afterwards taken to the
surface. Ono of tho thrco was dead, and
tho other two wero injured seriously. They
wero all badly burned and tho dead man
was somewhat disfigured.
Tho dead man was James Munley, n
miner living at Swoyer's Hill. He was
married and tho father of seven children.
The body was taken hemo and a fad sccno
ensued. Tho Injured men wero also taken
to their homes and placed under physl
clans' caro.
Few Pkoi-le Esoai-e the taint of scrofula
lu tho blood. With many It is hereditary;
but it may also bo acquired from want of
air or lack of exercise, trom Improper food,
or any cause which brings about weakness
of tho body and Impurity of tho blood,
Tho disease Is characterized by running
sores, abscesses, swellings, enlarged joints.
f ore eyes, etc. No medicine has been so
successful In curing Bcrnfula as Hood's
Barsaparllla. Tho most terrible running
sores graduallydlsappear under tho purify
ing and strengthening Influences of thl
great medicine. If you aro a sufferer from
ecrofula, and desire moro evidence as to
the wonderful success of Hood's Barsapa.
lilla, send to O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,
Mass., for a book containing many remark
able cures,
Ilnrtt tin the CIrciiR.
Tho season has come, remarks on ex
change, when tho rural population revels
in tlio pleasure of tho circus. But It looks
very much as though this Spring's cron of
clowns nnd trick mules would bo very
short. Tho Intcr-stnto Commcrco law has
had a depressing effect on tho circus In
dustry. This Is unfortunate Tho deca
dence of tho circus would bo a national
calamity. When tho elephant no longer
stalks about tho ring nnd the Circassian
girl has retired to prlvato life, when tho
great tents nro laid away forever and tho
strawberry nnd vanilla funny man no longer
sings his moss-covered ballads, then In
deed will tho ruinous Iconoclasm of an lr.
revcicnt century bo laid bare In all Us hid.
eons cruelty. No man who has over bal.
anccd himself for hours on a narrow plank
with ono arm around his best girl and tho
other thrust Into n pocket filled with pen
nuts, but will feel a sentimental sadness
creep over him as ho learns that tho circus,
as an institution, is at present under a most
unwelcome cloud.
ruaADEM-nu, May , lssi.
We'd rather you'd come to
the store, but if you can't, write
for what you want.
Are you a judge of novelties?
Then you know how some mer
chants fix the bait for you.
Novelties made low price, but
no plain to match. If there's
plain, then the Novelty'll be
old. Or the desirable Nov
elty'll be in lots too small to
serve you.
In nearly every instance we've
plenty of plain to match every
Novelty we show plain made
of the same wool and the same
dye and at the same time as the
Do you realize the fact? You
will when you see the things.
We've made the price so you'll
want to see them.
Silk Polka Dot, Satin stripe,
from $3.50 to $2.50.
Pompadour Silk Stripe, from
Pompadour Plush Stripe, from
$3.5o to $2.50.
$2 tO $1.25.
Beige Wool Plaid, Broche
figure, from 2 to $1.25.
Plush Plaid, with chenille dots,
from $2.35 to $1.50.
Plush and Silk Checks, from
$2.25 to $1.75.
Silk Plaid Grenadines, from
$2 to $f;5o.
Combination, Bayadere can
vas, from $3 to $1.50.
Plush Stripes, with Jardiniere
spots, from $3 to $2.
Camel's Hair Grenadine,Lace
and Plush stripes, from $3.50 to
And a hundred more styles
on which the reduction is as
great or greater. Prices of the
plain have been reduced from
25 to 50 cents a yard.
The Novelties were bought
for this season, some of them
haven't been in the country
thirty days.
The Camel's Hair Stuffs in
light shades and light weights
are desirable for Spring and
Summer costumes. Always
liked, always fashionable. Plain
twilled surface or self colored
plaids. Various shades of tan,
gray, navy blue and brown, 42
in., $1, $1.25 and $1.35.
Foules, like the Camel's Hair
in weave and texture, but no
scattered surface hair. Same
weight and width and as good
for wear. 75 cents to $1.25.
A little coarser, a little nar
rower, 45 to 65 cents.
Cheviot all-wool check suit
ings. 3 styles and 33 colorings.
36 inches, 373 cents. New,
serviceable, stylish stuffs. Look
for them among the 50 cent
things in any other store.
A little more body perhaps
but equal relative value in the
45 cent all-wool suitings at same
counter. 2 checks, 1 melange;
more than jo colorings.
The 40-inch Tricots get a
catchy prettiness from the con
trasting silk thread which forms
the check. A new thing. Should
go quick at 75 cents. We make
it 65.
Baby carriages. Anything
you care for. For $6, for $75,
if you choose. Or you may
pick out the running gears you
like, the springs you prefer, the
body that pleases you, and have
the upholstering done to your
mind. The silk, the parasol.the
ribbon, the fixings and nick
nacks are where you can see
them. We'll do the work as you
They say we sell twice as
much Rattan and Reed stuff as
any other house in America.
Look along the north side of the
Basement and you'll know why.
The things are there. Every
thing we think you'll like from
the two great makers of the
country. About 2,000 styles.
Light, strong, air-inviting, rest
giving, cooling wicker-work.
Croquet sets, 90 cents to
Pure Silk Gloves for women's
wear; all the new shades, 38
cents a pair. We did not match
them last season for 50 cents.
Book News for May, with a
portrait of Bret Harte, now
ready. It tells you of all the
new books (50c. a year; 5c. a
John Wanamakeu.
Ccestnut, Thirteenth and Jarket streets,
ana Clly.ball square.
ICnHt ilciitoii.
Reuben Gibbons planted a field with
corn last Thursday anil Friday.
'1 lie first week In May was devoted bv
our farmers to sowing oats.
Tho budding of fruit trees has lust com.
menccd. Peaches In somo localities aro In
full bloom.
Mrs. Peter Laubach. of Ravencrcek .was
struck by paralysis last Friday morning
and Is In a critical condition.
Miss Laura Btlno is sorelv afflicted with
Inflammatory rheumatism and lies In a
ncipicss conilltlon.
Rev. Wm. Mather expects to localo at
Bculon In tho near future and occupy tho
Presbyterian charge, consisting of tho
uuorsburg, ilcnton and Bavencrcck con.
Mr. Wm. Dotv of Ilentnn tnwnshln Inst
a valuable horso last Friday night.
What mleht havo resulted In n serious
accident happily passed off with nllirlit
damage, was a partial runaway, caused by
iiasumg somo water against Mrs. Miner it.
Smith's horse which was tied to a lillrhlnir
post nt ono of her brothers In Benton, and
ran over Al uantz's horse, nnd making for
tho MIssesFullmer's millinery shop,and,was
prevented from entering by closing tho
door against tho frightened nnimal.
a very comprehensive nnd Instructing
sermon wbb preached by Rev. A. Houtz
last Sunday from a text selected In Exodus
from 11th chapter and 0th verse.
Rev. T. H. Ttibbs passed through this
place last Saturday, gathering up his
scattered furniture. H! Intends locating
nt Llghtstrcct. On account of throat nf.
fectlou ho is obliged to retire from active
pulpit duties.
Some tlmo ago Charley Moore, of Van
Camp, had some more experience with a
sick horse.
Previously ono died for htm on tho high,
way and much anxiety was felt for this
one. The proper medicine soon restored
It to health, and ho was permitted to re
turn from .Shlcksblnny with tho animal
safe and sound.
Hon. James Mcllenry, Cambra, has re
plenished his storo with new goods.
Tho song of a reptile chorus arises from
every frog.pond.
Tho wet weather has brought corn.plant
ing to a stand.
Tho oats nro doine well. Somo fields
that wero sown broadcast are slightly
streaked. Wm. Everett has the most near
ly even sowing of any that we havo seen.
Hemlock is well satisfied with tho re
election of J. S. Grimes for Co. Supt.
Anthony Swartz has purchased the farm
and farm Implements of Perclval Foulk.
Consideration $4500. Mr. Bwartz comes
from Nantlcoke. Ho took possession May
4th. P. Foulk moved to Wedgetown In
tho Miller house.
Chas. Harris Is homo on a visit
Dr. Montgomery has rcpapercd his office.
It presents a neat and handsome appear
ance. C. M. Tcrwlllleer has improved the frnni
of his store with a coat of paint.
H. W. Appleman is enlarging his fljh.
pond. He lias somo very fine German'.carp.
It is worth one's while to look at them.
Clark Roat is turning his attention from
potatoes to buckwheat. He now has a
new kind different from nny buckwheat
known in these parts. Wc wish him suc
cess. H. Recce has exchanged horses.
Hemlock Was paid another rnmnllmnni
last week at court, the creck-road called
It rortb. If those upper fellows don't stop
complaining about that road our supervisor
will get at and tlx it some of these days.
We hope tho new railroad will even all
differences. When our road becomes 1m.
passable they will have an excuso for a car
What a Boy Tlilnka About Dogs.
For the Colciidijn.
Dogs are nico animals. TWa urn nf turn
kinds cross dogs and tame dogs. Dogs
io very useiui animals. When you can't
sleep, dogs help you to stay awake by
barking nil tho time in tho night, I know
dogs that will bark nt tbo moon, but tho
moon don't mind it a bit. Dogs is useful
to chase cats. I don't like cats, they cat
rats dogs, don't eat rats. Dogs catch foxes
too, and thats a good thing for foxes eat
chickens I like chickens myself. Dogs
pays a tax leastways they charge 'em,
and the dog has to pay or run away. Dog
skins mako first-rate leather for shoes.
There ought to be more dog skin leather.
I know a good many dogs that would
make first rato leather. Wm.
Consomitiom Can m Cured I Not by
any secret remedy, but by proper, health,
ful exercise, and tho Judicious use of
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophosphitea, which contains the heal
ing and strength-glvlng virtues of theso
two valuable specifics in their fullest form.
Prescribed by physicians. Take no other.
Book cases and secretaries at Corell's 3t
Just received nt P T' R.n... ,i..
w, . u-.nji.oauUOllUO
of silverware the latest designs, also spec-
Plain largo parusols at I. W. Hartman &
ExtenKlrin tllnlntr tnltlna rn...
stands, hat racks and sideboards, at Co.
-" at.
Always remember that G. W. Bcrtsch,
tho artist tailor, is the place to get yourself
n perfect fit in a Spring suit of clothing or
a coat. A full and complete line lust re.
celved fresh from tho city.
Cottago chamber suits, all prices, at Co-
Combination Suitings, for Bprlng Dresses,
at I. W. Hartman & son's.
Handsome parlor suits, in cherry, up
ho'stcrcd in silk plush. t nnreii'o ti,...
store. ooa,
Money saved by going to A. S. Trucken.
miller's, Catawlssa, Pa for wall papers
and window shades. Largest stuck at low.
est prices. atmO.
Now stylish parasols at I. W. Hartman
& Bon's.
All kinds of watches, clocks and Jewelry
neatly repaired and warranted at O. &
Savage's. . 3 doors abovo first national
bllDk- . 2w
G. W. Bcrtscb.the clothier and furnisher,
always has a full nnd complete lincrof gents'
furnishing goods on hand. All tho latest
styles In neckwear, &c. Call and seo them.
Chamber suits In ash, oak, antique oak
and cherry, at Corell's. at.
For ft Rnrlnir nnil UiimmD..itff 1 ....
hat call at O. V. Bertsch's who has just
received a full and completellnc all of tho
latest styles and shapes. Prices lower than
Ladles' flno hand. turned and hand-welt
Icr's comrortable, at Dent
Mackerel In 1 barrels. barrels. 10
and 15 lb. buckets, at 1. W. Hartman &
Don B,
For tho most complete linn nf rMl.lrnn'
and Infants' shoes, lino and medium grado.
call at F. D. Dcntlcr's.
I. W. Hartman & Son offer White Dishes
(best Oranito Ware,) for 3,75, set of 40
Bargains in pianos, organs and sewing
7'" "u irucKCbiuuier s, lata.
wiss, ra. otmO.
Picturo frames nt Corell's, St.
Absolutely Pure.
strength and wholesomeoess. .More economical
man ordinary Kinas, ana cannot ve Bom in compe
tition with the multitude of low tcst,short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Bold only m cans.
Bloomsburg Fair Grounds,
Champion Lonir Distance Illder of tho World
llUflllSU UU.MUl.NA'ilUK.
RUNNING IlACE-rurse, $30i).
M-lb Bkeleton wagon. Mis Myrtle l'eek names
her running team Ullto Allyn and Ulue strtnir.
Stlss V Ivle Lnmont names her running team Eulo
gist and Duck Murphr.
tUtconD llAca. Trottlnj, mile heats, best 3 In B.
Purse, J20U.
8. Nevlne, Mk. ,M., "Lady Independence." a T.
heat, best amis. "
Miss jmie reek rides "Ohost." Miss Vine La
mont rides "Dcbarrr."
" jiacus cauea at 3 o'clock. Admission, sscts.
togi'smlici a n l
Crayon Artist,
iflooiiisbursr Psi.
Fine Cabinet
Portraits, only
$3 a dozen. In
stantaneous pro
cess nsel.
Don't full In null nt n n.nnnta
SCO tlm inrtvpet linot nrwl tlnnM Mnnl. nf
shoes ever brought to Illoomsburg, at
HttVirif? Ills! rnrpvnA n nvlirwln fn- fln.
lab 1 til? SllltR nnil nlntfia T -m -r,inrnA n
O viumu) Ulll Jt)Jfll,ll
clean and dyo gents' clothing, ladies'
tiuuiio, suuqucs, siiks, dresses, shawls, t&c.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt nt
tcntlon. Hppnrfltnfr tr illrnfitlnn. nnil A-
oddress, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg
n uua-u luiua.
Wide and nnrrnur lnrwa lit, Hw. nt,.n
yard, at I. W. Hartman & Son's.
instead of leavlni? the linen velln. nr
with brown spots all over it, like common
rosin soap, Droydoppel's Borax Soap makes
it whlto as snow, aud purifies and cleanses
thoroughly. 4tapr20.
Ono Jlop riaster will kill pain quicker
and is a better strcnuthener than a dozen
other kinds.
Tf thn llvnr nnil L'lilnnva nn cli.r.i.11.
inactive, Hood's Sarsnporilla will rouse
them to prompt and regular action.
Coiio. Persons, nnd especially children,
are subject to this agonizing complaint,
which often comes on suddenly in the
night and without any previous warning.
Simmons Liver Begulator should always
bo at band. A single dose, will generally
allay the pain. It never fails in giving re
lief. It is harmless, and can be given with
safety to a child of ihe tcndeiest ago.
Iu the spring hundreds of persons stiller
from boils, carbuncles, and other eruptive
diseases. These aro evidences that the sys
tem is trvinc to nureu lUelf of lmnnrltl,...
and that It needs the powerful aid which
is uuorueu uy me ute oi Avers oarsapa
The r.TOwn nf Ollff.n Vlnlnrl.. oAnolc). r
diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires and
emeralds, set In silver nnd gold. Its grosf
wcieht is 89 oz. li dwt. trnv. Tlm nnmli...
of diamonds aro 3.W2: nrnrls.
rubles. n annnlitroa 17. .,.w,r.,KlD 11 T.
Is an olu saying-Uneasy lies the head that
crown of perfect health aud peace
uuuu iiiiuuuii uiu curative eiteuts oi r
salo by C. B. Bobbins, Illoomsburg.l'a.
AATOVIflHIKfl Kmv.?a.i It ta II, .!.... f
- "..o. ,a .w unit ui
every person who has used ltotchet't German
Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be knowu
to their friends in curing consumption, se
vero coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia,
uu iu iiiti an mruui anu lung diseases.
No person can use it without Immedlato
relief. Thrpn flnapa u'Nl rlln nn
-" " "... w.wu "it, Liiav,
and wo consider it the duty of all drug.
6 m icwiuiiicuu ii iu iue poor, uying
consumptive, at least to try tno bottle, as
80,000 dozen bottlea were sold last year,
and nn one nnsn wlinm it rlln.i ...aa
ed. Such a medicine ns tho German Syrup
Muuwb uu luu niiii-iy KUuWIl, ASK yOUT
druggist about it. Sample bottles to try.
sold ill ID rnnta If. mm. I,,,. .U 1 ,
Sold by all druggists and dealers, In the
uuikju oiuiuauuu banana. iiyiany.
It is a Coitions Kaot. That tho body Is
nOW morn Rltappntlliln tr, ImnnOl .nr..1t
clno than nt any other season, llenco tho
imporianco oi taking Hood's Barsaparllla
now, when'it will do you tbo most good.
It iS rPAllv Wnnftnrfnl fnw .1 f ..I .. n...l ....
richlng tho blood, creating on appetite, and
r . j miiu iu iuw iviiiiiu system.
He suro to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
is peculiar to itself.
n Vibj wm sick, w. f T. her CutorU,
WT,. b wm a Child, .he cried for CMtorU,
Wh.n b Ucune MIu, ih. done to CMtorU,
a U hl ChlldMu, the gi thsio CMtorU,
Drunkenness, oit Liquou Haiut, can be
Golden Ht'Eomo It can bo given In a cup
of coffee or tea wltuout tho kuowledgo of
tho person taking it, eirecting a speedy nnd
jicrmancnt cure, whether the patient is a
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of dtunkards haye been made
temperate men who have taken the Golden
Bnecltlo In tbtdr cofteo without thclrknowl.
edge, and to-day believe they quit drink.
Ingot their own freo will. J'o harmful
effects results from its administration.
Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and
full particulars. Address lu confidence
Golden Speciao Co,, 185 Haco St Cincin.
nsti, Ohio. deo8 801y,
j$tlui"Jlfiffl garter.
Hot weather is fast njinroach
ing. Sharp competition among
the miiiiiiiiicturers havo brought
down the prices. Yon would bo
astonished to see what a nice
refrigerator wo can sell you for
a very little money. It will pay
for itself in one season's use.
Ice Cream Freezers.
Our leading freezer is tho
"llapid" and has only to be seen
in comparison with others to in
sure its sale. Every one guar
anteed, and the ricc nlmost as
low as some ot tho other makes
we keep.
Water Coolers, witli atnnrlg nr
without for family, hotel or fact-
ory use, nanusome goods ; sizes
and prices to suit every body.
It is almost an impossibility to
keep a yard in nice order with
out a mower. One of the great
objections heretofore has been
the price, but like everything
else, they have declined so as to
brine them within the ranch nf
all. Our "New Model" wo
claim to be the best mower made;
runs the lightest and price as
low as tlio lowest.
J. R. SciIUYLEIt & Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
la Tarrant'a Seltzer you
A certain euro for younic
For Connilpatlou will
Ana Indigestion quickly
start t
Sick Headache, too, will
aoon aubxtde.
yvlien Tarrant'a Beltlcr
Isk, quick aalea. Territory l'ivcu, eaustactiuu imar.
:d. UU, SCOTT, 811 Uroudituy, N. y.
AnCMTC llMNlXD tocanvaoitur una oil
HUbil i u nnu ld ine largne. oldest
nst&bunnod. betu-ltDcmn uracrli'n la the coun
try. Host liberal terras. Uoeqaaled Ihc ilities
Priowi low. irneVR Nnrnery. i:Ntnbliitlipd
IHIII.lV.if.T, mSiitII, Ornrin, N.V.
Established pY'S ,800'
Takoa tho leadi does not corrode liVetin rr iron, nor
decay likeshinRiefi or tar composition; easy to arplJt
rtronit tnt dnrhlet at half th cont of tin. Is alao
Cr. ;AIU,J;T" and ltU;s of lama raatJml,
mill inn
f latalrvmn nnrl umnla
Y. U. FAY Sj i (.. CAMUU.N, .. J.
WEAKNESS, &c., ana all disorders brought on by
Indiscretions, excesses or overwork of the brain
and nervous system, speedily and radically cured
a purely vegetable preparation, the most success
ful remedy known, hend lor clnular. l'rlce fl
per box; six boxes, 3, by mall. W1NCHKSTEK &
CO., Chemists, 163 William bt., New York. ml3d.
iiiXso& hMOn
Highest Honors at all Oreat World's Exhibitions
since ls67. loo styles, 22 to J9oo. For Cash, Easy
I'ayments, or Itemed. Catalogue, 40 pp, 4to, free.
The new mode of piano construction Invented
by itason & llnmlln In ibK! has been fully proved,
many excellent experts pronouncing it the "great
ctt Improvement mado In pianos oi ilio century."
For full information, bend for Catalogue.
Mason & Hamlin Organ & Fiano Go.,
Boston, New York, Chicago.
WANTED WflMW Actlv0 and Intelligent to
nnuiiJii nvji.1,1 represent established bus'
ness In own locality, i'ermanent position and
good salary. Heterences exchanged. Gay life.
Co., 10 Barclay St., N V. aprtWU.
lly DR. Lvman Abbott, editor ot tho Christian I'm.
u, (lieechcr's Funeral sermon was preached by
Dr. Abbott). -Mr. lieecner aided In this book up to
his death. Much Is uutubluijraphtcal. A largo
amount ot (mermtriicpniimKitvln tio other. This
Is tho right book, A. UOUTON I: co.,I'hllada. (is
ires' ROOT BEER.
1'ui'kiiKe. 2;. cents, makes 5 canons of a delicious.
sparkling, temperance beverage, btrengihena
aud purines the blood, Its purity and delicacy
commend It to all. bold by all druggists and
storekeepers mprttd.
DTT A T7TvTTTCC its causes and a new and
EiJAS iNiiOD successlut CUKE at your
own home, by one v. ho was deaf twenty
eight ears. Treated by most ot the noted
bpeclallts without beuent. Cured himself In 3
months and since then hundreds ot others. Full
partlcularasent on application. T. 8. l'AUE, No.
41 West 3ist bt., New York City. apraatt.
Aching backs, hips, and sides, kidney
and uterine pains, weakness and Innani.
I matlon, rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic,
sudden, sharp and nervous jialns, coughs.
it in? lk;r'u""uu,'"rt'lu'll'oiimln.
V,,..T . ' "''"' elegant auu lnlulllti a
a .i J? r." a anJ '"ll'iumatlon, tlio Cuticiirii
Autl-l-alil l-Uster. 1!5 cts. i 6 for f 1 : al all drug.
Kim or Totter JJrug- ud Chemical CV, Uostou.
i.,''iSi?.ir!'.,',t'0USh."' "7k Lu"lfi "luiia, llldt
F . .V Inwr1nMain,'.!'IllJlu,,tl"nt -oiiihluuiirtliem6
I Billable mailt Itiw llli Jamadal.lngcr, It MUssnn!
Vl-,lV,?r tr disease unknown to other lemed!..
V. ik 1 junrs. llheuiii.tUm, I'tmalo Complaint, and tha
dUnnntaif ilUnf theMoliuich, Uver. Kkliiejs and hoell
are dnwiflM tbouaiidf to the irrai e liu onld reeoier
ltlsnewllfuaud Btreilirtli In ll.u In. ... I....I
-11 11 iiis ' -
ElstJ. IlUCOX Co.. IU William Kl rZ. I s v." " "
This .Mngiuiuo portrays Amerl
enn thought nml life from ocenn to
ocenn, is tilled with puro high. elms
llternturu, aud cnu bo tnfoly wel
comed In any family clrclo.
Samplt Copy of eutrent number mallei upon re
ceipt c IS eti.i back numbers, 15 tit.
Premium List with either.
Aiirett I
B. T. BUSH & SON, PublislMJ,
130 Si 133 Tenrl St., N. Y.