The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 15, 1887, Image 3

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i i i
ne uuiumoian
Trains on the rniiaaoipma it 1L lcavo Itupert
lOllunn I
8:36 (urn. 11:49 a.m.
3:43 p. m. 6:18 p. m.
Trains on the v.h.svf. It. It. leavo Bioornsourg
t:ll a. m. 8:29 a. m. a. m. 11:41 a. m.
S.M p. m. 4:to p. m.
6:39 d. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains nntlw N. ftV. 11. Hallway pass Bloom
erry as lungw-
J0:4S a m.
11:M a. m.
4 19 p. m.
CIO p. 21.
noktti. .otrrn.
10:10 a in :S p m
Reduced HdtcH.
Hereafter tho prlco for publishing Exc.
Columman will bo 3.00 Including a note
1IUU 1 1 . . UUw. - -, ..
Auditor's notices also reduced to $2.00,
Amu. 10. H. O. Phillips will sell at his
residence on Welsh 11 111 personal properly,
consisting oi stoves, cnnirs, ucusteaus, car
pets, etc, at 3 p. m,
Foit Balk. A young bay horse will
work doublo or single. For further infer.
matlon apply to Drown Bros,, opposite
Aimul 80. David Yost. committee of B C.
Hess, will sell real estate In Fishingcreck
twp. nt A p. m. occ nuvcniBemcni.
ArniL 14. B. I. Prlco will sell a bueev.
harness, household goods, Mason & Ham
lin organ, White sewing mucbino and other
articles nt residence oi o. Reynard, on
Soutli Tinra sircei, nt, i p. m.
Arita 80. William DcLong ndmlnlstra
tnr of Bumuel Keller, deceased, will sell
real cstalo in Orango township, at 10 a. m.
gee advertisement.
W. 8. Hess, administrator of the estate
of George Kelchncr deceased, will sell val
uttblo property on the west end of '.he
premises In Centro township on Saturday
April 80tb. commencing nt ono o'clock.
A tract of 412 acres will positively bo sold
cither ns a wboloor in parts to suit pur-
$1000 In very easy payments will buy
a ono numircu acre larm, goou new nousc
largo new bank barn, excellent spring
wuter, convenient to rail road. Apply to
ddltr l-NOmti). WINTHKSTKKN,
A Fine Residence For Hale.
Tho executors of Mary N. Ilnrman, de
ceased, oiler at prlvaio Bale a handsome
resilience on fiiamit street auovo Main
Bloonisburg. '1 he bouse is of brick, large
pleasant rooms, steam neat, gas, water,
sewerage, and all modern Improvements,
Tl ere is a large frnraebam, ice bouse and
outbuildings. One of the most desirable
locations In the town, 'terms easy.
They also offer for sale thirty-seven ocrcs
of land on .Normal lull, adjoining 1 . un
ion's and tbo Hoyt estate. Gin be
divided into desirable building lots. For
terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mc
Kelvy, one of tho executors, or Geo. E,
Elwcll, attorney, Blonmsburg, Fn. tf
Two rooms on second floor of the Co
lumman building, together or separately,
Steam heat, gas, water on same floor.
Kent low. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwcll. 8t
Uood lioAKDiNO ciikat. Jurois an
otheis attending court will find It to thel
advantage to write to tbo undersigned and
secure Hoarding uurlng tlic titec Uiey re
main In Bloonisburg. Wm. Beers,
Cor. Main and West streets,
Wall paper hangings and celling deco
rations to produce almost any effect de
sired. Call and examine our stock and be
convinced. Clark's book store.
Judge Elwcll writes that his health Islm.
Dr. 11. W. Buckingham returned from
Jefferson Medical College Wednesday.
Miss Millie Knorr, of Vasssr College, Is
spending the Easter vacation at home.
Mrs. L. N. Moyer, Mrs. Wm. Fornwald
and Miss Lettie Eycr aro visiting friends
in Nanttcokc.
Mrs. Frank Everett is much better thl
week, nnd some, hopes of her recovery aro
now entertained.
Isaiah Itupert, who Is in tho telegraph
olllco at Excolsior, below Shamokin, spent
Monday In town.
Miss Mamo Schoch, who attends school
In New York City, is at homo spending
the Easter vacation.
Peter Gross was confined to the house n
couple of weeks with lame feet, but Is now
ablo to be out ugain.
Mr. Hohr McIIcnry of Benton, started
for Phlladclpht Tuesday to' lay In hU
spring stock of goods.
Miss Lou Jameson returned homo on last
Friday from Easton, where she spent tbo
last few weeks under treatment for her
Dr. Gardner returned from Philadelphia
Jefferson Medical College last week, con
slderably Improved. He Is ablo to walk a
short distance by means of supports.
E. B. Tustln, who is attending College
at the University of Pennsylvania, spent
the Easter vacation at home, lie returned
to the Collcgo tho early part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Foulk of Nanticoko
spent Easter with Mr. nnd Mrs. Enos
Jacoby tho parents of tbn latter. Mr.
Poulk Is foreman of breaker No. 5 of the
Susquehanna Coal Co.
H. E. Welllver, who graduated at the
College of Pharmacy, Phlla., a short lime
ago, spent a fow days in town last week.
Ho expects to go to Savannah, Ga., where
he will engage In the drug business.
0. M. Vandcrslicc has repainted his store
building on Market square.
Oct your orders In mrly
tho tailor, for a Bprlng suit.
with Bertscli,
Wall paper hangings and handsome cell
ing decorations at Clark's book store.
Tho Lafayette boys, who Bpent their va
cation at homo, havo all returned to tho
college. ,
Now Is tho time to get your Conflrmallou
Suit. A full stock on band at D, Lowcn
Catawlssa will present another petition at
May court asking to be Incorporated Into a
A teachers' examination will bo held In
tho Foiks school house, Fishlngcreek,
April 10.
wsjl paper for 1H87, Tho newest, bcBt
colored and most artistip designs at Clark'
bpok store.
Mrs, M. E. Ent has added a number of
new goods to her already largo stock ot
lancy goods.
Blauk petitions for tavern, restaurant
and bottler's licenses, with bonds, for sale
nt this ollce.
Window shades, plain or dado, either
mounted or without Hxturcs as you prefer,
m Mark's boon store
Charles Krug Is rrcctim: n verandt'ln
trout of tho residence of Douglas Hughes
on North Main street.
Latest styles In neckwear lust received I
uy iichbcii, tho tailor.
Homo Improvements havo been mndo In
it.- i... H.ii ... ..
u uuuumg occupied uy u. h. Hound s
grocery on East street.
Tho evening services. In tho various
churches havo been changed from seven to
alt past seven o'clock.
n. ..i .i.iZ . .. .
........... s nivi'i using car passeu inrourli
this place on tho 0.80 train Wednesday of
i.. . . I
msv wcck, en route for Scranton.
- i a
i yuu wnm a nice, neal liril tnnm I
you want a nice, neat bed
kitchen, parlor or sitting room, paper It
wiui paper irom Jlcrccr'ii si lections.
T-Jcnty-ono new fonts of tho latest lob
typo at IliUnfllon. All
of job work done nt the lowest rntcs.
wah itA) 11,000 b(ys and children to I
buy New Spring Bulls, Ntw In stvlo and
iuw id price, ni uavm l-iowon'icrg's. ,,;. . T , rr , .
lumu. m in iihs nioveti ins nmco irom
the second floor of the Colomman building,
tho chnnso being necessary In order to glvo
mm more room for his largo business.
ni.M.t , , , .
Clmrlis Krug has on hand a largo stock
f. i i ii i b I
t.' ' . ' 7 ' ' R"
n, TZTll . b"' d,D
( - - - f, mil iu VISIV U13 111111,
Tlio Bloom ferry is now in operation,
Jas. Commons has been retained ns ferry.
man mr iuo present year, lie is a very
accomodating man, nnd has hosts of
Iuo floral decorations in tho Lutheran
church Easter Sunday wcro the most cla.
liorate for some lime. Tlio many and
beautiful lilies wero commented upon by
An elegant line, of Sl'IUNG OVERCOATS
Just received nt D. Lowcnbcrg's.
Mrs. B. A. Snyder has moved her mllll'
ncry storo Into tho building of J. T. Fox,
formerly occupied by Miss E. Pcterman.
Sho displays somo very pretty things In
Her snow windows.
I invito the attention of parties who in
tend pnpering or decorating their walls or
ceilings to tho largest nnd most complete
line of wall hangings or ceiling decorations
in town. Gcorgo A. Clark.
The Merchant Tailoring Department is
now replete in Spring styles. Call and sec
the largest stock of Cloths, Cassimercs.&c.
to select trom. Suits mado up in City Stylo
at D. Lowcnberg's, Merchant Tailor.
Iuo Normal opened-Inst week, with
bright prospects for the coming term. Tho
Spring term Is always tho fullest ono of
tlio year, nnd this ono promises as many
students ns any of tlio preceding years.
Men's, Youlhs.Boys and Children's
Tnilor Fitting Clothing.
Leading in quantity, quality and stylo.
Perfect satisfaction always tho motto of
Sunday was an extremely warm day for
this season. Tho thermometer registered
as high as eighty-flvo degrees in tho shade,
It was but a warm wave as the thermome
ter dropped about eight degrees Monday.
Latest shapo in hats, Dunlaps, Youman, ct
Correct in style,
Fino In quality,
Lowest In price, at Lowcnberg's.
1 tie D. L & W. H. H. company havo
laid a largo iron pipe for a drain nt the
lower end of the depot. By this arrange
ment they havo cobbled all about the build.
tug and make an easy way of access to the
rur moo w i;uriains, either nam or
Dado, Spring Hollers, Wall Paper and ceil.
ing Decorations, go to Mercer's. Cheap for
Sheriff Smith says tliero aro no prisoners
in jail at present, and if it should continuo
so during tho year, he thinks Mr. Krlck
baum will not have much trouble in count-
Inir un tho board nnd wash bills at the ml
" '
of the year.
seeing tlio large assortment of Trunkf
Satchels and Bags nt D. Lowenberg's.
The Methodist church was among those
tastefully decorated on Easter day. Tho
windows wero filled with flowers which
presented a beautiful appearance. In tbc
morning a children's service was held, and
In tbo evening the regular service.
window nxtures, spring balanco or
spring top, lower than ever beforo, at
George A. Clark's.
Jacob Labour of Fishingcreck town-
Bblp, son of Isaac Labour, died at his home
on Monday morning uf consumption. Tho
remains wero brought hero and tho funeral
services were held In tho Heformcd church
on Wednesday. Burial In Itosemont ccmc.
Trunks 1 Trunks 1 Trunks 1
Just received a largo stock.
Cheaper than ever atD. Lowcnberg's.
An exchange says many farmers arc talk.
ing of engaging in other business owing to
the low prices of farm produce, nnd
friend said to us tlio other day that ho
thiuks of going to farming because owing
to tlio high prices of farm produce it must
be a paying business.
Beo cur Ceiling Decorations, both
plain and gilt papers, beforo you buy.
J. II. Mehoxii.
H. V. Howtr, son of J. M. Hower, gracl
dated at Baltimore College of Physicians
and Surgeons last month. Ho attended
the colleire for two years, and wus a stu
dent In tho ofllcc of Dr. J. O. Kisner of
Conynaham, Luzerne county. Dr. Hower
has hung out his shlnglu ut Conyngham
and Is ready to minister to tlio sick,
Embossed Gilts, Plain Gills, Single
Prints, Mica, Satins, White Back nnd
Brown Back Paper for your parlor, sitting
room and hall, at Mercer's.
Last Filday evening a pnrty was given
at the homo of J. IC. Lockard nn I iftb
street, by his daughter, Miss Annlo Lock.
ard. About thirty j'ouog peoplo of town
were present, and the evening was very
pleasantly spent In dancing, card playing
and music. Refreshments wero served
about half past ten and the party departed
late In tho evening, nil having enjoyed
themselves exceedingly.
The rush has commenced for 8prlng styles
In Neckwear. Call and seo tho beuutltul
stock, now In at D. Lowenberg's.
Mrs. Stiff, wife of Robert Stiff, died at
her homo on Fourth Btrect, last Monday
ovenini! about sevpn o'clopk. Sho has
been sick ami confined to her bed. for a
long time, ant, no hopes were entertained
of her recovery. Tho funeral services were
htjd In tho Methodist church on Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'plock and Interment wa9
mado In Ro'semout cemetery. A large
number uttpnded tho funeral,
The result of Q, W. DoMsch's recent trip
to tho cities now appears In his store, In
thu sbupo of handsome spring suitings,
hats and caps, and an ilegaut Hue of
neckwear and furnishing goods.
For Wall 1'apor go to Mercer's drug anil
book store
On Tuesday afternoon about two o'clock
a corner of tbo stono stack at tho furnaco
of William Neal and Sons fell, down bul tin nnA mil lutrt. At lpnilt inn
inn. nf .innn mi. n l. .unienlt. tn rtl.
rnato tho damano. During the winter four
pw nnii, .,i nthnr machinery bad been
added to tho works, and every thine was
, , . ', , , . i
l flno 8Uape ,or mR.Mn.g lr0n Thta T
ilonl mnv tint afnti tlm rnrnfirn Tnnrn llln
, . '
iuw uttjru.
.i.i n ji..ti.i inc.... r-l.-ii
Aiuen .-cncuic. aim ui. -iiiuuiu risvu
company played In tho Opera
House last
Thursday evening to a talr-slr.ed house.
Tllc P1" WBS wtl1 rcn,I(!retl nnu" JIr- lknc'
"let was well supported, but ho wns (lifter
ln8 from tt "cvro col(1 wll,cu rendered his
articulation dllllcult, ana that was a great
drawback to tho performance However,
the audience seemed to enljv tho plav.
and broke forth Into loud npplauso on
several occasions,
Tho Indian reservation ot tho United
States contain 200,000 square miles, and
their population is about 200,000. Twenty.
BIA iiiuiinnuu BUimiU UIIIV9 1VUUIU 1UUUIU
L..i. . u " i.w ,..i
tucu 11111111 uuli a linn scuiiuu vi iuuu,
living a surplus of about 170,000 square
miles, which would produce annually,
ARft OAO Thla amount r.Vff..,1a W nlimit I
' ' 'I
$600,000 the entire sum appropriated for I
me payment oi ineir suusistence nnu cm.
llrallon, Chicago Herald.
List of letters remaining In tho Tost Of
fice at llloomsburg for week ending April
12, 1887i
II. W. Albertson, O. It. Holland, Mr. A.
II. Massteller, W. O. Ilbynlander, Mr. W.
C. Ilbynlander (ship), Thomft9 W. Itllcy,
Mrs. Mary J. Sherman, Mrs, Hannah Slant
er, Miss Cora Walter, Mr. A. r. wniic,-
Miss Mnggie Williams, W. J. Williams,
George Zciglcr.
Mr. J. S. Dinning.
Persons. calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Ugonas A.. Cla ilk-, P. M.
llnlcu of Irelilit ana Ticket l'arc
Over D. I.. & W. K. K.
In accordance with the provisions of
the Interstate Commerce Act which went
into effect April 1st, the D. L. & W. II. K
have placed In conspicuous places In tho
depot their schedules of ticket faro and
trciebt rates. Tho schedule of ticket fare
embraces regular, special and excursion.
It gives tho price for ticket from Blooms-
burg to every point on the road and its
brauches. The rates of freight aro also
t i . . , i . i, n , i
uuuspii-iuusiy ouv. uo u
Besides these two schedules is also a large
book of general 'nformallon, giving a list
of articles usually shipped by fre.ght and
bow tbey aro classified. Inns any
vldual may ascertain for himself the price
cKe' 'o aty P'i "e roau, nno. tne
ruin rT l(fitilil 1 rw nnT nrf iiln lin m u trjlnli
tn lrc.nor.nrt Tl.r. if frll,l nrn I
Alinut the samo na heretnfiirn forlarpd ahln-
pcrs. Tho reduction is noticed by those
having few articles to forwird; as tho rates I
are now mauo on a scale oi uunureu
pounus wuue ncrcioiorc a special was i
1 I
given to those shipping ono thousand I
Pounu3 or muru- 'n
nnnniH nr morn. rill! nn V nartles nlinliuts ill niai. ivvm
are a few who had a special rate per car
to Uupcrt station. By such nn arrange.
ment they were enabled to load an excess,
lvo amount and still only pay for the
price of one car. By tho new arrangement
30 feet cars are limited to 20,000 lbs. while
cars over 30 feet are limited to 24,000 lbs
and for any excess of these amounts tho
shipper must pay by the rate per hundred
pounds. There Is but one special rate of
freight and tint is for mining products,
such as coal, limestone and iron ore.
I' ire Nenr Ilerxvlck.
Between 10 nnd 11 o'clock ou Tuesday
evening of last week several nersons. who
--. ..-- .
wcro on their way homo from Berwick,
nll,l ll.t PMtv'n llnnrir .r, mill. In flrlnr
c.ek lownsbin. about one mii from Ber-
wick, was on lire. The alarm was quickly
given, but beforo any steps could be taken
to fight tbo (lames the mill was consumed,
together with Jonas Crissman's resldenco
and barn. While the old homestead of W.
H. Petty and various outbuildings wero
also destroyed, Tho destruction was com
plete and tho fire did its work in less than
ono hour. All of the contents of Mr.
i, ...... ,.i .1 i i... i.
n.;. Mr n.m.a .nmH W linnllv
: " . "7,7...
lime ill chcuiju iruiu lueir resilience aim iuw
nln-la r.1 H... r.llr. l,ll,1ln nu!ill it r
" .
those of the mill, were reduced to asnes.
nearly all the contents ot air. v,rissmans
barn were also destroyed, and about the
nnlit It, r.00 a.u.rc tlio linroM anil
. . .1
cattle. Tho mill and Mr. Crissman's barn
and residence wcro devastated In about
thirty minutes. Another barn narrowly es-
caDcd beinc burned down. Tho loss Is
very heavy and tbo Insurance extremely
light. The mill was owned by Mr. Petty,
but has been leased by Mr. Crissman, who
operated it. Tho Petty homestead was
one of the finest In Briar Creek township,
Tho night was hitler cold and a stiff wind
was blowing. Two daughters of Mr. Petty
are students at tho Normal school.
A Married wotuaii's Contract.
BCl'llliME OODIiT.
The supreme court has just decided a
Berks county case wiilch affords a good
illustration of the present defective condl -
HUH Ol IUU law III una niniu l vljai uiug ui
contracts of married women. Mrs. Sarah
Kuabb owned an improved farm in Berks
county, on which there was a growing
crop. Blie lilreil win. lions 10 uurvesi,
bouse anu maraei iuo crop, uui mucu 10
i.i... . i.i. .-el, ei, l. ..,ii
nay llllll IUI ma "win.
tbo county court non-suitcd him, the judgo
saying . "A married woman is not liable
at common law upon her contracts, and as
no statute according to the construction
elven to our married women's act, covers
the cuso of the rlalntlff, It must be dccl-
ded that ho cannot recover, although hi
claim is one that it seems ought, in good
conscience, to be paid" The-decision of
the supreme court in the cuso Is accompa
nied by an elaborate opinion, delivered by
Judge Slerrett, who says i "It appears
that tho non-sult was entered on the broad
grouud that a married woman, owning lu
her own right n Improved farm, Is Inca-
puble of binding her separate estato by a
contract for service necessarily required
n,l rnn.Wd In linrvcsllnir. houseimr and
markctlnir. for her benefit, tho growing
crops on said farm. As a legal proposition
this tannot bo sustained, in view or tne
express provisions of the apt ot 1848 as to
the separate ownership of property by mar
rled women, and Implied powers neces
sarily Incident to such ownership,
the authority of Mrs. Kpsl)b to make
the pontrapl In question appears to be so
manifest that it scarcely admits ot any
doubt, While, perhaps, tho precise qucs.
tlon now presented hits never beeu dls.
tlnctly ruled, tho underlying principle Is so
conclusively seltled, that It Is ot easy ap
plication to the undisputed facts of this
case. The judgement Is reversed."
rnit.iDii.rnu, April 11., I8ST.
If vou write for what you
want our trained buyers select
it for you.
On the 4th of April we made
a grand occasion in Dress Ma
terials. We surprised our
selves as well as our friends.
Our experience has taught us
more ol our own orcanizanon
than we ever knew before. The
array of our own Dress and
Silk Goods, when fairly brought
out, like an army in review,
taught us the power of our own
It has been already said that
only here can be found such a
Dry (joods Museum, its true
bevond doubt or nuestion. vv e
know naiu.
Here are bits from a few of
the newspapers:
The Record:
Mnrfl llkn fin PXIKlsttfon than & btore. It's a
l,k , A..nn.,An fnp n unman In Innlr Drniinrl Ifict
tnwo the drapery, the color combinations and the
Ti10Mllent1 fact I is "'that Wis 15 prc-emlhentlr
Dry uoods store.
7'hc Times:
Tho illsnlAV was made regardless ot oxnenso.
ana experienced luutfea siyinai, no huuu uxuiui
tlon has ever been nlven. either in this country
or in Kuropc and that tl oxuxju would not cover
IQH vaiuu ui inu Ka i'i BigUW
The Daily Ncivs:
An unnrecedentiNl dlsnlav of dress eoods took I
place yuslerday at Wanamaker's, and thousands
oi womn crowuea ids Kreat csuiuiisauieui. un
dar lone, looklnc at the nnest nroduc s from
tno looms oi n score di naiiuns. iiit-ru wtrru biiKn i
and woolens 51 a hundred textures and hues, and
the total value or tlio oods in signt was over n,
noa wa. Tha nnttm lirst lloor of tho hulldlmr. In-
cludlnz tho arcade, four acres ot flooring In all,
was mica wiin tno snow,
Tht Inquirer:
crowds of nconlo sureed throuch the avenues
that twine In and out around tho Brail masses
ana puiars or mcrcnanaise an uay lone, ana wun
th rlnnlntr hour r.nmn tho Vfrtllct of every one
was that tho Easter Openlnc at Wanamaker's
was tne greatest event yet in iuo lino or mercan
tile display.
The Herald:
To Wanamaker's is due the credl t ot the erealest
exhibition or dress materials over presentea.
lncre seems to be but one
opinion : tne like ol wnat we
show in Dry Goods can be
found nowhere else on this side
the Atlantic.
The exhibition of las.t week
demonstated beyond question
. i
t stnre IX first, and. above
, a Drv Good Store- and
aU, ?se a, 'J .,Ua.S, a"t
although VUich besides, tha it S
(fa's dfy and first of all the Re-
,, rjyv (,00Hs Houses HI
Millinery, too. We opened
our new trimmed Millinery Par-
nn VVfrlncHnv bit men
f f -r- - ,,. I r lfnrli n nrn mil.
1 . i--i. ui a v-uv'" it
tlint- i-onn-i lvnrhinrr
" "
else On tlllS Continent. We
mean tnat nownere else Sliail
t 1 11 I
you find such a gathering of
4-ltnn 4"a-,'r-
llllllllicu uiuiua iui
women s
How is the fashion drifting ?
Let us look about a bit. Smaller
shapes, they say. The Bonnets
are small : the Hats are mostly
ii -.i I n . i.:
imall. Close round Hats ; chip-
per little lionnets, bits ot bright
ness and sauciness, tricked out
with ribbons and flowers.
The dead bird craze is becom-
intra memory, nutty ostnen
ni rn 1 I
t;ns bunches of brilliant hackles.
.c . ' .
' ' r..i t .l .1
stray ieauiers ntrre unu uiui c,
, 'f , , , ,. ru- j.
wine's a stronger ieaiure,
Kibtons. You shall see them
till you tire of looking, and a
new tint or a new form at every
- r I
fnrn Hmvir ftnnnn nnn.
.ui ... "" r
edged, and the most delicate
gauze effects; a bewildering va-
riety between,
inere are new names Willi wc
1"! , .
new tllltS Crevette, AubllSSOn
ami:, n,nrmw qP7 rwini-
i .tv-, x-..t.v--, ww.--. .
I Pn m o Qomont Mnnni Qi.
""" v-v-",
Une, Boreal, and a dozen Others
, .. ., nn nn1v l-nnw lw cPP.
"ldC y"U . .nl' ,7 ,
1 mill HatlimmiK aiidMJ, 0111.11
. r-. rf 14 o or., no tin cv chir enrll
I . . t
as you mient imagine in an
trancincf day-dream.
Gauzes, Crapes, large Meshed
Nets and Velvets, also, in these
beautiful colors,
Jet in every form will be very
utaiiiiuic, iJuiiig ui mi. mi -i.i.iv.oi
bonnets are freely trimmed with
-,r 1,1 ,i- 1 1
It. i Oil II ininK you never ue-
tore Saw let
I ... . . .
Mowers Will be prime favor-
ites. l'orm and tints nearer to
, ... ...
nature than ever. Lilacs, wild
roses, pansies,
C 1
and all the sweet
blossoms of
Sprinrr fit to tempt a bee.
1 r
I . Ill I'll' Ml
The Ulltrimmed Millinery Will
not escape VOU. JNeVCr before
so much in straw to please the
eye. The little turban shapes
- i,. !,,, tl, ...not.
cvuyivnuii, wii-y ui - mv. iiniij.i
I . - . . .
and one extreme. Gainsborough
effects; they are the few now
tjle other extreme. Between,
ror children, "Hats as well;
and the "Russian Crown," odd
as pretty.
A novelty ot the novelties
you'll see best in the un
trimmed. Not French, Yankee.
Seems the lightest of all the
bonnets, almost the pertCSt.
Crocheted stuff. Stiffened as bv
. h c ,j ;t ,,R ; H ;
. . .,
AllllOSt 3S near tO nothing as
the OIU time "Neapolitan Ol
braided horse-hair. Ulack and
colQrs. both beaded and nla n.
John Wanamakeu,
cnestnut, Ttilrteentn antl Jarket streets,
ana City-ball square.
IR'.I latest ana
K tno most Illustri
ous American
Volunteer soldier,
Sen, John I Logan
Tbe volunteer service detemlod and upheld.
can I'enonat Itemlntscences or Army Life. Large
Octavo Volume, ueautltully Illustrated, uuisells
11 rant's Memoirs two to one. Agents wanted at
once, iircmu:
irsfree, UUCKLKY,
m Area ui., i
W Croyal tsa'flt Jn
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vatles. A marvel of Durttr.
a'renirtn and wholctJomencRS. Moro economical
than ordinary klndv and cannot bo sold Id compo
mion wiinino muiiuuuo oi low iest,mort weigni,
aium or pnospnaio powueis. toifi oniy m-cns.
Gentlemen: In pursuance ot tho forty-third
sect Ion ot tho Act ot 8lh ay, lM, ou aro hereby
noiniea 10 meei in convention ai me uourt uouso
In liloomsburg, on tho nrst Tuesday tn May, A. D.
IKSt. nt one O'clncK In Ihe attcrnoon. belnir
Hi" third day ot tho month, and select, ran
tv" by a majority of the whole number ot
directors picent, one person of literary andscl
entinu aiiiuircmcnts, and of skill and experience
in mo ari. ui ii'acuinK, uunir puinr nit-nucnt,
lor me inrcesuccecuinir yen; ana 10 ccniiyine
result to tho state fcuperlntcndent at llarrlsburK.
as required by tho thirty-ninth and rortieth sec
tions or said ACl. u. n. II ill .m u?.
apmst county Fupc oi Columbia co.
Foil County S intkndhnt,
J. S. GItlMES, 51. E.
You will find full Hues of Hamburg Em
broideries and White Dress Goods at Clark
& Son's, and some tinri;ains In same.
I. W. Ilnrttnun & Son show this week
now licht wcicht ladles' lackets, nt SI 00
to $3 52. Moru new Combination Dress
Patterns. Decorated Curtains, nliUsnrlnc
nxiurcs, uuc. isew wiuie uoous irom luc,
yard un. Hew Kmbroiilerci1 Itoucs.
New French Sateens. Cull nnd see.
Wc now show tho largest lino of Linen
Co ars nnil uults, irom iuj in. to lu in
4vn iuu new oil its. lyi'imio iiuiii uu nun
it .i i,. rll r..n k 1
nn. Alan. Mournim Co bars and Cuffs.
RucUlngs, Mull Tics, &c. Clarke
at Clark
Fori Sale. Pair of handsome bay horses
six nnu seven years oiu, largo and string
eood drivers and will worn anywhere
Warranted sound and free, from faults or
blemishes aro offered for sale solely for
want of use. J. K. Sciidyleh.
Wo now havo open
full lines of Ladles'
Jackets and Shnivls
Clark & Son.
nt popular prices.
Havinc lust received acilinder for fin-
MshiiiL' silks and cloths. I am nrcnured to
clean anil dyo gents' clothing ladies'
feathers ilyeil anu curled. 1'ackagcs tor-
WUIIlL'll UV I'AUItSS Will U'tl'IVU UlUllllH 111-
tention.. ncenrdlnir to directions. Call or
kvoSien'juiu Ca8we11- Jy", uioonwburg
I '
See tho Sateens ut Clark & Son's.
You will find the best lino of Spring
Drcs Goods and Trimmings at Clark &
Do not fall to sec the new Corset at Clark
& bon's, at 89o.-as good ns any
corset so u. a so "uiarK's i ."
That tired feellnoj and loss of appetite
aro entirely overcome uy noou's snrsapa
rilla,the popular medicine. Try It nnd see
A 1,en." cvrtllinty! T'ie PP Plaster Is
morn acivo iimu any ouier piaster on earin
iuiis pain
Pebsosal. Dear llro. Meek. Ed.
Ccntrul Methodist," Callettsburg, Ky.
i see in the last "Uentrai" that vou
want a sick headache remedy. I sulli-red
from sick headache, almost from infancy,
nnd tried almost every remedy I could get,
but never found anything to do mu cooil
I ..nt.l T C.MMn..n I 1....- I) 1...
imiu 1 mm oiunuuui unu m-iiiiiBiur
feel for anyor.o that suffers with that terri-
ble disease, and I hopo you will civo it a
trlal- u 8- Moms """vnsvuic, w. va,
Confidential advice to roamed men. If
, JUL ..Ullh II'UI ,u L.LV, 1WW ,11111
smile on wnsh.dav rthe most trvinrr dav
of the week), send home a box of Drey-
'ioi,pe'siiora!Honp- npr'
Tho nf 0 Victoria r-nnal.U nf
diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphire, and
emeralds, set in silver and gold Its gross
weight is S9 oz. 5 dwt troy. The numbci
I . c .11 o nie.v , r.w,
ui iiiiiiutiuus nro pcuns, sio: n- o.innl,!r,.a 17. nmnrnbla 11 ll
i3"a oli snySna-Unensy lY tbni
wears a crown. It is oetter to wear the
crown of perfect health and peace of
mind through the curative effects of Per
rine's Pure Barley Mi It Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Bobbins, liloomsburg, l'a.
11 HAT 1 HUE JlEUIT ILL 1JO. Tlio Un
nriccdi'iited sale of Bus-chee's German
a run wtllitn r. lew years, has
S) run within ft few years, has astonished
'" rui. it u without doubt tin sntest
and best remedy ever discovered for the
Hieoily and cm-ctual cum of couirhs. colds
sou um wwh nmi; iii'iiiiiM. ii nets on
I nn nnlili'lv r.ilTi-rent lirli,r!t1j finm tl,
usual nriscrli.lions am-u l.v Phvslclans.
. 11 (1,y i cnugn ami icavo me
illsinsf sllll In lliu B btiiii, hut on tuo con
trurv removes tin. cause of tin- trouble
lleH '" P',rls allerleil and leaves Ihem in
a purely htullhy condition A buttle kept
in the house fur use wl.e'.i thu diseases
make lhcr appearance, will suvo doctor's
bills una n mm: enell ol serious i lness. A
trial will convince you nf thu facts. It Is
positively sold in nil (IniL'UlsIs and rmnrru
dealers lu the land. Prlee, Ti cts . lame
bottles. Ian !i3187eow.
UOS'T UKT UAUOIIT llll S-pilIlg Willi your
blood full of Impurities, your dlgisllnn lnn
paired, your appetite poor, kidneys and
liver lorpiu, anu wnnie y;it m liable to be
prostrated by iii'i-nse but get yourself
into irnod condition, mul ready for the
rhancliii: nnd warmer weiilher, by taking
Hood's Sarsaparllln. It stands unequalled
iui inn iijriiiK urn iiiihmi, givmu nil uppeiue,
unu lur a general ppriug mciucinc.
ffhta IUb in tick, t gato her Cutorlt,
Wlep ho u a Child, the cried for L'MtorU,
Whta aha becuna MUi, iha clan j to CMtoiia
Whan ha had Children, aha gava tham CaatorU,
DllUNKKtiXESd, OK l.lylOU lUlUT, OAN 11 K
Ooldkn Si'koifio It run be given in it cup
of coffee or tea wltnout tho knowledge hf
the person taking It, effecting u speedy and
permanent cure, whether the patient is a
moderuto drinker or un alcohoilo wreck.
Thousands of diunkarils hayo been made
temperate men who have taken the Ooldcn
Specific In thvlr coffee without their know),
edge, and to-day belluvu they quit nrlnk.
Ing of their own fnu will. No harmful
ciiecis results irom us administration.
Cures guaranteed, bend for circular and
full particulars. Address lr. confidence
uoiucn Bpccltlc Co., loo llaco St., Clnctn
nan, uiuo. ileoUHOly,
A perfectly sound body and a mind un.
impuiied ure nosalhln imfy with pure blood,
Leading medical authorities indorse Ayer's
Sursupurillul us thu best blond iiurlfvlmr
medicine in exlsleuoc. It vastly iacrenses
tbe working und productive- powers of both
unuu unu uruiu.
Council I'roccctlliirtn.
llLooMssuiia, April 4 1887.
1'. 8, Hnrman, President, and U. B,
Sterling, James Catlow. L. ti. Wlntcrstccn,
E. B. Clark, It. II. Mnglrr and F D, Dont.
Icr, members, elected town council of the
town of Uloomiburg, on tho ICth day of
February, 1887, met In Council chamber,
and after being duty sworn, adjourned to
meet on Frld y i-ycnlng, 8th Inst.
April 8, 1887.
Council met, All present It. II. lllng.
ler was elected Secretary, pro tem. Tho
first business In order was to Ox tho salary
for Secretary, It was moved that tho sal
ary bo fixed at ten dollars per month, same
as last year. Carried. President declared
nominations for Secretary In order. Mr.
Clark nominated W. Clark Sloan. Mr.
Itlngler nominated Samuel Neyhard. Jas.
S. Wilson. 11. A. Bchoch, W. M. Cum
mlngs nnd J. H. Maize, wcro also nomi
nated. Eleven ballots being cast and no
choice, it was passed and council proceeded
to tlio election of treasurer. On motion
tho compensation was fixed at ono and a
half per cent. Mr. Wlntcrstccn nominated
B. P. Vannatta nnd Mr. Sterlhie nominated
A. N Yost. B. P. Vannatta was elected,
receiving 5 votes nnd A. N. Yost, 2 votes.
The election of Commissioner of Ulr-b-
ways was next in order. On motion of
Clark and Dcntler tbo compensation was
fixed at $1.75 per day. Mr. Clark
nominated P. Blllmcycr and John Penman.
Mr. Dcntler nominated Chas. House!, Wm.
J. Bldlemau and Levi Cox, and Mr. Win-
terstcen named Elijah Shutt and M. K.
Appleman. On tho sixth ballot Peter Bill-
meycr was ilcctcd. The election of Town
Solicitor was next In order. On motion of
Clark and Cadow tho compensation was
fixed at 25 per annum. Clark nominated
Mr. Barklcy and Dcntler nominated Mr,
Chrisman. A ballot was taken and Mr.
Barkley was elected, receiving four votes
and Mr. Chrlsmnn, three. On motion, Mr.
WIntcrstcen was elected vice-president of
tho council. On motion of Clark and
Wlntcrstccn, the compensation of High
Constable wus fixed at fifty dollars. Mr,
Clark nominated M. O. Woodward and Mr,
Dcntler, Milton E. Cox. Woodward re
ceived five votes and Cox, two votes,
H. W. Mclteynolds, C. A. Kleim and U. J
Clark were then elected a sanitary com
mittee. Nominations for Chief of Police
were declared In order. Wesley Knorr.
Dauiol Laycock, S. W. Shutt and B. B,
Freas were nominntcd. Wcsloy Knorr was
elected. Tho following policemen were
nppnlntcdi B. B. Freas, Daniel Laycock,
3. W. bhutt, W. W. Barrett, W. Itlngrosc.
John q, Barkley, Clark Shoemaker, F. P.
Baum, E. O. Jones, George Martin, II. D.
Harmlg, Nathan Chromis, Levi Cox nnd
Thomas E. Gcddcs. On motion tho com
pensation for laborers and teams wero fixed
as follows: Laborers, 81.35 per day; one-
horse teams, 3.00; two-borso teams, $3.00.
On motion another vote for Secretary was
ordered, which resulted in thren votes for
aioan, two for Neyhard and two for
Sihoch. Council adjourned until Thurs
day, April 1G.
Ciikonio Couans and Colds and all dis
eases of tho throat and lungs can be cured
by the uso of Scott's Emulsion, as It con
tains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites in their fullest form,
"I consider Scott's Emulsion tho remedy
par-excellence In tuberculous and strumous
i affections, to say nothing of ordinary colds
and throat troubles. W. II. S. Conneli.
M. I)., Manchester, O.
Aricunicut Court.
Court convened on Wednesday morning
at 9 o'clock, Judgo Green of Pottsvllle pre
siding. Associates Murphy and McUcnry
present. Tbo argument list was taken up.
William Masteller vs. I. Heller and G.
Wbitcnight was marked oil tho list.
Bertha Burnetts vs, Charles Rink, rulo
Estato of Benjamin Bomboy, exceptions
to auditor's report, argued by Scarlet for
exceptants, Funk and Barkley for L. It.
Bomboy. This was a claim made by L.
It. Bomboy against his father's estate for
substltuto money which tho decedent
agreed to pay him In 1801 when bo took
Ids father's place In the army. It was In
writing under seal at tho time, but tho
paper was lost. Benjamin Bomboy'a decla-
rations a short time before bis death that
ho owed Leonard, wero proven. Tho aud
itor allowed tho claim, and other oredltora
filed exceptions Decision rcsorved.
Joseph Hess' estate vs. Frank L. Hess.
Hule to show cause why a new trial shall
not be granted. Argued by Buckalew and
Scarlet for defendant, Herring for plaintiff.
This case was tried at February court and
won by the plaintiff. It was an action of
ujccimeni ior tanu, anu tuo ilelcnse was
that it was a gift to the defendant by Joseph
Mess, ills fatlicr. The court directed a ver-
diet for tho plaintiff. Decision reserved.
W. U. Gorgey vs. Locust Mt. Water Co,
Rule for a new trial. Papers submitted.
All other cases ou tho argument list were
Estato of Gilbert Fowler, on petition F.
Fowler and A. Fowler executors, are allow.
cd to bid at sale of real estato.
L. M. Pettlt appointed Director of Bloom
Poor District In plate of It. Falruian re-
Gideon Nuss nppolnted guardian of John
am) Lyillu Nuss.
Sale ordered In estate of Eliza Nuss.
S. C. Jayno appointed guardian of Viola.
cua anu 1'ettr Adlcman.
1 recommend Dr. Kenneth's Favprllu
Kemidy or gravel. It cured me. S. J
Mccormick, U. 8. Dep. Mlnerul Surveyor.
Bliss Station, Idaho. My head and luce
was a mass of purification. Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy purlRed my blood and I
am now well, J. A. Psrker.Sunderllnvllle
ra. rnce ijl. Send 2-cent stump 10 Dr,
Kennedy, llondout, N, Y,,fnr book on kid
ncy, liver ami blood disorders. Mention
this puper. daprig.4t,
Trade llollarw.
Trade dollars are slowly finding their
way to the banks, from which they nro
shipped to tho redemption ofllcc. From
the number already received at tbo bank It
Is estimated that there wero about twenty
thousand (SO.OOO) in this county. The six
months In which thoy wero to be redeemed
is rupidly pus.lug uwuy. It would be well
fur those yet holding them to bilng them
to the banks aud get their credit of ono
hundred cents, because wbcnlthe tlmeonco
expires there will bo no further provision
mude for them except to re-coin, In which
event their value Is about 81 cents. Thoy
will bo received at this office for one bun
dred cents, but wo would urge all to bring
them lu as soon as possible.
A first-class paper hanger will bo fur
nished to bang your paper, If you llko.
James II. Mbhceii.
CiiEArxii anu Bkttxh Than Wall Pai'eii,
Johnston's Kalsomluo and Fresco Paint Is
handsomer than ordinary paint and moro
durable; will not rub or scale from tho
wall, can bo mixed In five minutes ready
for use, by tho addition of water only, anil
n given number of pounds will cover more
surface than any paint known to the trade,
Wo especially commend to our readers tho
card which which will bo found In another
column, aud would advise them to send
for sample card, prlco list, ete.
Knntcr Humlnj.
Last Sunday morning at 0:30 o'clock St.
Paul's church was filled from chancel to
entrance with a congregation that had come
together to participate lu tho scfvlccs ot
tho Easter festival. Tho chancel presented
most lovely appearance. Upon tbo
rcrcdos wcro tho words, "Christ Is Illscn."
Tho super-altar wns covered on tho top'
with n mound of beautiful, cut flowers,
and on tho front was tho word "Alleluia."
Tho largo, bronzo cross stood In tho center
with tho whlto rcrcdos as n back-ground.
Tho altar was clothed In Its festal cover
ing of whlto with eltborato embroidery in
bright colors. At tlio top wcro tho words,
Glory to God In tho Highest." la tho
chancel wcro palms and lilies, nnd every
window In tho church contained potted
plants. Tbo young men of the parish de
voted their lime to gathering up the plants,
and a commlttco of ladles displayed ex
quisite taste lu arranging tlieii In tho
Tho prayers and lessons wcro read by
rector, Uev. W C. Lcvcrclt, In a very Im
pressive manner, and tho musical portion
of tbo services' was of a very elaborate
character. The programme as printed last
week wns fully carried out. Tho choir
consisted of Mrs. L. S. .Wlntcrstccn, Miss
Annlo Fox and Miss Calllo Ilcndcrshott,
soprano; Miss Ella Fox, Miss Mary liar-
man, alto; P. E. Wirt, U. E. Elwell, tenor,
and h. ti. Wlntcrstccn, bass. Mr. B. P.
Vannatta, who is a member of tho choir,
did not sing, as he was prevented from at.
tending rehearsals by a throat difficulty.
Mrs. M. A. Smith brought volumes ot har
mony out ot tho organ, and her skillful
playing was tbo subject of much favorable
At tbo second service, at 10:30, an ablo
discourse was preached by tho rector, and
the Holy Communion was administered,
Most of tho music at this set vice was new.
At 7 p. m. tho church was, ngmn filled at
tho Sunday school celebration. Tho scr
vices consisted of carols, responsive read
ing, catechizing by the rector, and tho col
lection of Easter offerings from the classes.
Tbo total amount contributed slnco tho be
glnnlug ot Lent was $02.23. This sum
will bo divided equally between Diocesan
missions and Western missions.
Farmers are all plowing, and anxious to
put In tho oats. Samuel Ohl sowed some
on Saturday, being tho first put in.
Housewives aro busy cleaning yards
bouses, nnd planting gardens.
Quito n few of our boys nro ntlending
the Normal at Bloom. Education is run
ning high just now.
Tho loafers aro terribly afflicted with
that dread disease spring fever.
Austin Ohl came home on Saturday with
a new buggy. Now look out I
Uev. A. Kcster preached In tlio M. E.
Church last Sunday evening.
Kcv. Sahm willpreach;for tho Lutherans
on tho 22nd of May.
"Lovo Hollow" will turn out a wedding
in a short time. Say a month or more,
maybe two of them.
Tbo taxable valuation ot Hemlock real
estate Is 379,910. Tho number of houses
assessed is 215, their taxable valuation be
ing $14,535. Number of cows, 240, with
a valuation of $3,908. Tho occupation
column foots up $13,720. Tho number of
dogs reported is 110.
Sblpnioc tags, with or without strincs.
at the Columbian office. tf.
Caleb Creasy moved to Blnomsburg and
Emanuel ;8tandlz to Reading. Tbo two
families will bo missed very much.
O. P Kllngcrman lost a horse lust week.
Just a week beforo S. C. Huffnoglc lost a
flno gray formerly owned by E. Standt.
Silas Glodfelter who was burned out has
his new bouse up.
Pamuel Snyder, tho coal miner, mado
another unsuccessful attempt to draw tho
bit and rod from the rocks in the moun
tain and has now given them up.
Schools have all closed except No. 3.
A number of wild ducks havo been
brought Irom the river tbo past week by
some of our hunters. Roasts followed.
W. P. Johnson, Cal and Pardee Swep-
penhelscr started for the Normal school at
Blooomsburg last week.
John E. Creasy nnd Dorothy Heller of
Hetlcrvillo wero married at Berwick on
Tuesday 29tb. Joy, pcaco and prosperlly
to all such.
We are offering great inducements to persons desiring
purchase Pianos, Organs und
- o
a c
Among tho Pianos wo handle aro tho IYERS cS" POND,
String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos arc all lirst-clas0
and fully warranted for fivo years.
Our leading Organs are tho celebrated ESTEY,
, UNITED S TA TES and other makes.
Our leading Sowing Machines aro tlio celebrated WHITE,
ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best
Rotary Sowiug Machine in tho world.
Before purchasing writo for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DEPOT, Main St., BloomsLurg, Pa.
to Tint south ron
No medicine Is so universally used In tuo South
ern States as SIMMONS LtVKIt ItEQULATOlt. It
won its v,ay into every southern homo by pure,
sterling merit, H thera tales tho placo of a ddctor
and costlr prescriptions. It Is a
Purely vegetable; gcntlo In its action; can bo safo
ly given to any person, no matter what age.
It promotes Digestion, dissipates tasty Sick
Headache, and gives a strong, full tone to the Sys
tem. It has no equal as a Preparatory Mcdlclno
and can be safely used when a doctor cannot bo
called In.
Endorsed by persons ot tho highest character
and eminence as tho
It the child has the colic, It Is a Bure and safe
rcmed. It will restore strength to tho overwork
ed father, and relieve the wife from low spirits,
headache, dystwpsla, constipation and like Ills.
"I have been a user ot blminons Liver Regulator
for many years, having mado It my only l-'amlly
Medicine, It Is a pure, good re-table medicine.
My mother before mo was very partial to lu
"1 nnd the itegulator very sate, harmless and
reliable as a family uudlclne, and have uacu a
for anj disorder or tno system and found It to act
like a charm. 1 believe if It was used in tune It
would provo a great preventive ot Blckncss. I
have oilen recommended it to my friends, and
Bhall continue to do so.
"raster M. E. Church South. Falrneld. Va."
rluiiilcif!. gardicarc.
Among the new goods lately
received U a new door lock;
works like tho old ones, only if
your arms are full of things
you do not want to lay down,
push on the knob and the door
llies opcu. Handy and cheap.
"Wc have more tinware than
we care to keep in stock, and if
you come in or loolc at somo 01
tho goods hanging out, the price
will strike you as rather odd for
such goods.
We have the handsomest and
best carpet sweeper ever made,
tho "Gold "Medal;" every one
warranted, and only $3.00 If
this was a tool for a man we
would sell dozens of them, but
somehow a man will put ii wo
man off, thinks a broom is good
enough; don't be put off, this is
worth the money, and saves dust
and carpets, and lots of back
aches. Wo are opening our Fishing
tackle; such a lot of stuff, just
to catch fish; rods, from 20c. to
10.00; reels of all kinds, and
lines to suit all fancies; hooks in
all shapes and flies of all descrip
tion. The new "fluttering fly"
is pronounced by expert fisher
men the best trout deceiver yet
produced. Baskets and rod
mountings, etc., etc.
Shovels, spades, forks, hoes,
rakes, trowels, in endless variety,
for garden aud farm use, at any
price you want to pay.
Fine Kentucky lawn grass
seed mixture, for beautifying
your lawns or yards, by tho
quart and pint.
J. 11. Schuyler & Co.,
Bloonisburg, Pa.
rrHENn roil
'UDiicauons, whu
iP3,aescnuing inn-
nchota.Nnrth llakota.
Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, tho
Free Government Lands nnd Low ITlce itallroad
Lands In the Northern 1'acllln Country. TUB
LANDS now open to tetilcrs mailed tree. Address
CHAS. 11. LAMIlOltN, Land Com. N. V. K 1L, BU
I'Ml, Minn. maneott-ulit.
Sewing Machines.