THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hawaii' Mountain Fiend. triiK kino's mstkk BAcnmoics iiehsklp TO TUK OODCKS9 I'KLK. Thero weeping and wftiltng among llio tnlld'eyol Kanakeo in this fnr off kingdom oi tho Sunset Sea, Hawaii. Alt that la mortal of tho well beloved Prinoens Llko Like, tho youngest sister of His Majesty King Kalakaua, will be dispositcd on tho 28lh Inst., side by sldo with thoso of tho other personages who bavo gono before to their last resting place In tho royal mausoleum. Tho prin ocps was a woman of more than ordinary intelligence, and had im proved herself by much reading and study. Her manners were easy and graceful. She was tho wife of A. B. Cleghorn, at one time a member of tho king's cabinet, and by him had one child, a little girl now nine years of age. Tliis little miss, provided she lives, will in all probability tako on im portant stand in tho tffairs of tho kingdom, sbo being in the lino of suc cession to tho throne. But notwithstanding tho intelligence) of Like Like the constant intercouivo she bad had with tho foreign popula nuu iur j earn aim yuura iuu.u was el a strain ot natural superstition in er conposition of whiob she could not rid herself, and;to this, if reports be true, wo may now attribute her un timely taking off. For oenturies back, or as far as run tho Hawaiian annals, there has been a belief among the Eeople thatjthe eruptions of Mauna oa and Kilaaea wero the means taken by the goddess Fele to Bhow her dis pleasure of mortal events. It was also hold and the resurrected order of Ka hunas and soothsavers enconraeo tho beliof that the only moans to appease the goddess' wrath was by the sacri fice of some of the royal family. Timo and again, when those awful volcanoes have deluged the surrounding country with their fiery flow and shaken tho coral islands to their centre, has this human sarifice taken place, whether witD.tnodesiroa ettoctor not tho ohron iolers say not. The' volcano of Manna Loa recently broke out, as dispatches to the Jlerald nave already stated, into a violent eruption. This eruption, the first in 'twenty-five years caused the supersti tious natives to believe that Pele had put her war paint on and was showing her anger at the things that be. The natives from their huts watofaed the lurid light that shone upon the mount ain top and knew that the goddess was reaching out her fiery arms for a vic tim of the royal blood. The Kahunas, who have lately gained once more the lavor ot the king, declared that fele must be appeased to arrest the fearful doom whion they said must come. Tbey had not far to search for one who would make the fearful sacrifice, and while the rumbling of the volea no made awful thunder the Princess Like' Like announced to the people that she, the sister of the king the nearest to the throne would lay down her lite to stop tne awtul now. one open ly proclaimed that she gloried to make a martyr ot nerselt tor her country and her people : and though, in the prime of life and with the prospect of a crown before her, sho made ber final preparations and lay down to await 1 1- J T. i !j . I .1 i uio cuu. it is nam uiaii in hub nnai proceeding, the Kahunas played no un important part, and that while acting .as her guardians and advisers they were, in fact, practicing their dark arts upon her and hurrying her onward to the ond. For days and days she lay among these people, and daring all that time sot a particle of food was allowed to pass her lips. Death was not sneedilv coming to one so full of life and vital ity as sue nan Doen, dui starvation did its work at last, and while Kahunas sat about and their incantations went on tho spirit of the princess left her body and the sacrifice was at an end. For twenty days her remains aro to lio in state, and on the 28th the iron portals of the mausoleum close in upon them them forever. That this good woman was cruelly sacrificed to the superstition of the Kahunas is an open secret at the islands but the strangest part to tell is this, that upon the day of her death Mauna Loa' the Awful ceased to belch the lava forth, and for days after was in per fect quiet, and then the hoary old soothsayers went about among the people with many a nod and mystic sign, as who should say, "Didn't we foretell all this t" and to day their pow er is greater in the land than since the days when Captain Cook laid bones upon their sandy beach. Betrayed by His Horse- The Chicago Herald tells this St. Louis story: "A horse has played an important part in Frank Bowman's do mestic drama," said a man from St, Louis at the Grand Pacifio last nielit. "Mr. Bowman once owned a horso which lis first. wife was very fond of driving. One day Mrs. Bowman rat tled down a quitt street in her coupe. The old horse trotted along at a good gait until he came in sight of a little brown cottage sitting well baok from the street, when he suddenly swerved out of the roadway without any guid ance from the reins, and camo to a dead stop beforo the gate. Mrs. Bow man thought this rather strauge, and, whipping up the old horse, started home. "Three or four days later she was driving along the same quiet street when the horse again swerved out ot tho roadway ond stopped before tho little cottage. Her curiosity became thoroughly aroused. Mrs. Bowmau alighted from her coupe, walked up wo painway to the house and rapped at the door. A very pretty woman re sponded to the knocking. " Will you be so kiud as to tell me who lives here V asked Mrs. Bowman, survoying the pretty cottager from head to feet. " Oh, certainly, replied the woman. 'Mrs. Bowman lives here.' " Oh, is that so t ' said tho first Mrs. Bowman, turning to leave. 'Pardon my intrusion. "A few months later tho Mrs. Bow man who rodo in the coupe "ot a di vorce from her husband and now the Mrs. Bowmau. who lived in the oot- tage has been making things torrid for WW UIM -w U U ( TT J VI Dr. Riegler of Pesth has just made a very curious experiment in photo graphy, and one that to many peoplt will appear almost incredible. lie has photographed a bullet after it had been fired from a rifle, and while it was pro ceeding with a velocity of HQ metres rather rooro than a quarter of a mile a second. . A Worn'd) ,jnfantry riflo was the weapon- used (or the purpose of con ducting the expeiiment, which was in every way suooeMful, a perfect repro duction of the bullet being the result. A borso at full gallop, a swallow in its flight, and oven a flash of lightning, htve succumbed loathe photographer's art but bis last triumph Is still more tearvcloua.Tjtt Mall Qwttttt, , A Boundor's Life. I was risking a "rounder" tho other day how ho managed to keep his head abovo tho water, and after a moment spent in reflection ho replied ! "To bo a successful vagrant and dead beareqnires twico the planning it does to get rich. I dtvido my lift; oil into two poitions, as It wore. Tho first idea Is to get clothes. These I bog of old time frleuds. Tho next is to get tnonoy. I must havo about 2 per week to run me, and I do moro sohemlng nnd planning to get that amount than any worklngmau does to get $11). I can livo on twenty cents per day. Ton of this must go for tho night's lodging, and two nlckles will get mo two glasses of beer and two freo lunches. Tho third Idea is to con ceal my identity. Not my name, but my charaotor. I am jttst as anxious to prevent strangers fiom looking upon mo as a dead beat ns a man can be. By hook or crook I see tho dally papers every day, nnd I post mysely on all tho nows. "l can talk therefore intelligently. I make fifty excuses per aay lor not neing better rtrtsscd, and for having no overcoat. "I Bhould think you would bo collar ed oy tne police." "I tako precautions against that. I have maoo it a point to giveaway shady' pcoplo when I can do so, and the polico would bo ungratefnl to run mo in. I have to patronize the poor est lodging houses and am obliged to hang out at disreputable places, and 1 keep ray eyes open. I can tell a 'fly' man as soon as the next, and 1 loso no time In tipping somo detective the wink." "If a situation paying, say 810 per week, was "No, sir I I havo no ono dependent upon me, nnd all i oaro for is to get through the day as it comes. In spite of the occasional suffering and kicks and contempt, 1 get along first rate. shall be found dead some morning, the city will bury me, and my tramp will be o'er. That's all, and if you could lend me ten conts until Saturday, I'd'' "Certainly. JJetrou Jbree 1'reas Persian Musical Criticism, In Persia, story telling or poetical recitations take tho place of our spell ing bees and acting charades, says a writer in London Society, and often as soon as the repast is finished music commences, or, pnhapa, a vocalist will vary the programmo by favoring the company with a song. His repertory may consist of ono song only ; but no matter, ho will sing it over and over again, with as much prido as though he could boast of an unbroken descent from Orpheus himself j over and over again, without any apparent sign of weariness, and what seems more strange, to tho unfUcging interest of the listeners, although it sounds weird nnd uncanny to the unaccustomed European car. "Bah, bah, bah, good in tho extreme.'1 is echoed from one to' auotber, while the singer pipes from the very top of his high voice, and shakes his bead to bring out tbo quavering sounds to their fullest extent. "Exactly like the bulbul" (nighlin- gale), says the host. "When it sings to the roses in the spring," puts in a third. "xes, Allah s works are wonderful,' exclaims the fit at, sententiously, as he puffs away at the kalian, his turn hav ing by this time come around. In f ersia, a foud, high voice being equivalent to a good voice, tbo singer wno can sustain a note the longest is pronounced the best, for the skill of tho vocalist depends upon the length of time upon which ho can trill a note. Ho Was Married. VUV AN OMAHA MAN SEARCHED HIS grocer's STORE FOR COOKED THINGS. Customer Have vou any corned beef I Fancy Grocer Best kind, Mr. : any thiug elso I "Any canned tongue already boiled!" "Yes," J "Canned chicken, already cooked !" "Yes." "Let's see. They don't out up broiled beefsteaks, do they !' "Uh, no.' "Nor roast beef t" "No." "By tho way, what are these: look like fried potatoes !'' "that s what they are Saratoga obips." fa 'Well, I'll take a bushel of them. Hello I What's that!" , "Canned corned beef hash." "Just the thing. Gimme a lot of it. Got any baked beans t" "Yes. Boston baked beans; three different brauds." "Let's see what else there is here. How are the-e used V "Those aro soup essences, and need nothing but thinning with hot-water." "Well, I'll try those, and throw iu a lot of other things you think good, no matter what, only so they're cooked. I'm tired of starving." "Is your mother sick, Sir. 1" "No, she's well, but I don't, live wiih her now. I'm married." Omaha World. Slave-Huntine in Africa. There seems to ho reason tn fnr that slave-hunting is again largely on the increase in central Africa. Tnat Was. of COUrse. forptnM (is n i-nrfntn consequence of the abandonment ot me p 'uu.iii. jnow we hear that the station at Stanley Falls, on the upper Coiil'O. has been iimW tha pressure of Arab hostilities, instigated, I. io ucuuvcu, uy uiu veteran bia,V6 hunter, Tippu Tib, whose operations in this very recion havo been by Mr. Stanley. That gentleman came op with a single caravan of 3,800 slaVcs, mostly women and children ; and he calculates that for avhi-v olnvn caught six had been killed in the foray. ine icrnuio snuerings ot the desert marcnes, wuicu too caravans havo com monly to make, cause, of course, a friirlitful u-nuln nf I if.- S-ill tlm .ISfll -- . - .. .J -.11 ,UW UI1U- cutty remains as to what becomes of theso vast droves of human beings. Ono centleman states thnt "II firm slates passed his house on their way to me east coast in a single year. The east coast is closely watched bv our suing, and onlv a channn enrtrn in' mn. posed to esoapn their vigiUncx. 'Whore um me l-u.uuu go to I HI. James Gazette. According to tho Washington Critic ei-Congrefsman Harris of Virginia ro ceutly employed a brick mason to whom ho remarked one day: "I fay,. John, you are not laying those brick jn a workmanlike manner." "I ainl. alnt 1 1" replied the mason. ""Well, I don't make uo claims for velocity uer nice-' osity, but fur subi-tantiablenrss on' dur iability I don't turn my bau' to uo mason in thu whole State of Vlrctnoy. Jedge, and ef you don't like my stylish noes you better git somebody else." The Judgo accepted the apology and tvuicuuu wa worn u mua closer. Costly Peaoe, From a rlnanolal point of vlow tbo cost ot maintaining the armed peace now existing In Europo is almost as oalaraltous as actual war would be. According to tho statistics of tho Al manac lc Ootha tho txpondltiiro of the governments In Europo In 1884 for their armies and navies was dmiblo tho annual expenditure of thirty years ago. Iu 1881 this war oxpondituro amounted to $915,050,000, It is estimated that In consequonco of tho recent increase of fleets and armies the annual expen diture of Europe lor war purposes is already moro than double this amount. sinco It ts impossible to extort theso enormous sums from tho peoplo every year by tho most oloborato system of custom bouse taxation, it is necessary to borrow more money ) and It is shown by tbo authority already quoted that tho debts of tho governments of iMiropo aro rising with tho increase oi expenditure required to preservo 'ho public pence. The total debts of tho European nations amounted In 1884 to the gigantic sum of S24,UUU,UUU,uuu, which is more than double their total debt of thirty years ago. It is estima ted that tho present public debt of Europe is nbout $25,000,000,000. Tho amount seems to bo increasing at the rato of SI. 000.000.000 a year. At a per cent, tho annual interest on the present fdebt of Eurono amounts to $700,000,000, and much of it pays a higher rale. The peoplo of tho United Slates can bo thankful that they aro so situated that tho peace they enjoy is not an armed pence. That sort of tranquility is rather expensive. Oare of the Teeth- An expericticcd dentist directs his patients to care for their teeth as fol lows: Always brush them in tho .morning before breakfast first with water only, then with powder. Pow der should bo used at least onco a dayj without it teeth cannot bo kept clean. To brush effectually place the upper and lower rows of teeth parallel to each other, tho points of tho fronts touching, then use your brush up and down the teeth between tho gums, brushing tho gums at well as the teeth, thereby toughening tho one and cleans ing the other. Your hack teeth need more brushjug than your front ones. You will bo wise to show a partial care for the back and .outside of the rearmost teeth abovo and below. After .each and overy meal uso a quill tooth pick or waxed floss silk, and rinse the mouth with moderately cold water. Tho intention is to remove food fiom among tho teeth. Decomposed acldi- tied lood, animal or vegetable, is tho worst enemy of he teeth. Bill Nye on Southern Olimate- This is a great country for lung dis- ease9. feople with fractional mugs come here from every quarter of the globe. Thero are eo many peoplo here with lung diseases that a man who is simply baldheaded does not at once obtain recognition: The water is very good for drinking purposes and I have always beard it highly spoken of. Tho weather is sometimes varia ble and then again for a little while it will be very uniform. One day you win Bee me playing lawn tennis in a jaunty suit of flannel, which shoivs to great advantage my easy movements and heaving chest, and on the follow ing day you may find me coiled around a red-hot stove, waiting till the clouds roll by. A School Boy Who Knew too Much. Ono day recently tho following amusing incident occurred in one of our district schools, unfortunately at tne teacher s expense: A olass in the second reader unapt in ornithology was reading about tho "golden robbins"' and their peculiar habits. After they had finiohed reading the teacher asked the class if anyone could tell her tho color of tho golden robin. All were silent. Thinking to enlighten them upon the subject she took a handsome nnd apparently costly ring from her finger, and. holding it up before the class, said: "What does this look like?" Up jumped a prcoocious youth of Beven years and shouted: "Brass I" jSrie Observer. Prof. Seikie, writing on earthquakes in itooa woras, says: Undoubtedly tho most curious earthquake district in tho British Islands is that of Comrie of Perthshire. It lies on the southern edge ot the Highland Mountains, which aro marked off from the region of the low-lands by a great line or fracture in the earth's crust that runs across the island from sea to sea. Toward the close of lact century the earliest record ed underground movements of that lo cality wero observed. In the year 1889 the shecks begau to bo moro frequent and violent, and they continued with suoh vigor that no fewer thau 247 were oounted in the two years that followed the 3d of OetobeK 1839. Since that time there has ben comparative quiesccno?, though every now and then another tremor occurs to reraiud the inhabitants that tho rocks below have by no means come to a final condition of equilibrium." The Detroit Tribune says: Dear Canada : Don't be foolish. Don't talk about licking the blarsted Yankees, for they cawut bo licked, you know. Jmt stop and think for a moment. Cana da's entire population in 1881 was 4, 325,810 souls, big and little. You may havo added a dozen or two since. Tho census of 1880 gave Pennsylvania 4,. 282,891 and her population now far exceeds yours in 18SJ, We can uame three good fighting states near by with a combined population nearly three times that of Canada. This you seo leaves a great many hick towns to hear from. Then don't bo foolish. Hand over our fish like a little man, and promise hereafter to play fair. That's tho way to do. At tho sfego of Steenwick, in 1581, leaden cannon balls were used, each weighing about five pounds. These were hollowed out on ono side ; and a letter or other missive was placed in the cavity, which was afterward closed with a lead capsule. To the other side of tho ball wai attached a pitce of tarred rope. When ono of these balls was HrCd from a cannon Into the town the blazing rope, in a messenger from the camp of their allies, informed tho inhabitants that the ball contained letters j and It was then opened. Sim ilar projectiles were used to convey messages during the Biege of Turin, A. D. 1040. Learning a trade: Blacksmith (to young man) You think you possess the necessary qualifications for a black smith t Young man Yes, sir. I was a member of the foot-ball team at col lege. Bhcksmith (dubiously) .You may be strong enough, young mau, bet this business demands brains as well as strength.- Chicago Journal. "It's a solemn thing, young man," said the broken-hearted father, to como into tho homo of an old man and tako awny his only daughter, tho light of hia houpohold and the prop and solaco of his declining years but you havo my blessing, and 1 wish you every joy and " "But I won't tnko her away, I sir," interrupted tho young man, Inox prssibly affected) "wn'11 both stay right here." Young husband (to wife) "Didn't I tclograph you not to bring your mother with you." Young wifo. "I know. That's what sho wants to seo you about. Sho read the telegram." HEARTLESS CRUELTY it ! to delude a poor suflerer Into the belief that somo worthless liniment will cure rheu matism and neuralgia. Honesty Is the best policy in the manufacture of proprietary ar ticlesas in all other matters, njul the fact that tho proprietors of Athlophoros have never claimed for it ercnall its merit would war rant lixi not a littlo to do with its wonderful popularity, ami tho thousands of grateful testimonials received by them sliow tliat their policy has been iha as well as right. Experience hat amply demonstrated that mere outward applications aro worth ies. Tho disease has its seat in tho btood. an-1 any remedy to bo successful must deal with the obstructive acid which poisons and Inflames it. Athlophoros acts on tho blood, muscles and joints directly. It takes the poison out or the blood and carries U out of tho system; it invigorates the action of tho muscles and limbers tho stillness of the joints. It reaches tho liver and kidneys, cleansing then) from Irritating substances, and, if followed up after tho rheumatic conditions cease, it will restore theso organs to regularity and health. West Chaiy, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1880. Yours of August 14th, is at hand, and In reply would say that Athlophoros proved the most effectual remedy for neu ralgia in the case of my son that I ever tried. After using half a bottle ho was not troubled any more for six months. Hcsnv llAiims. Jtt. Pleasant, Pa., Aug. 10, 1880. I am thankful that I tried Athlophoros. I had rheumatism seven years, part of the timo could not move: but to-day I am well and hearty. I write this hoping somo other sufferer may try it. W. S. Fuanso. Every druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist tho Athlo phoros Co.," 112 Wall St., New York, will send cither (carriago paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 60c. for Pills. For liver end kidney diseases, dyspepsia. In digestion, weakness, nervous debility, dbe&scs of women, constipation, headache, Impure blood. &c. Athlopbona nils are unentitled, a 0Ct2!-S6-6ms. feHtoa, Jnnartl Tains. tUhaorttnn. Comblniruthemost tlrb power oer dUcwie unknown to 'otlwr remedies. .. m. m. . m vuniBiiBin, r rinruo ompuums, ana me dUtntnpllljiof thebtomch,Uver(KldieyinlDoweU are drannnsf thousand to thefrrnre who would recover their rwaith by tliettmwI.T uoI PAttSKH'sGlYGEnToina. It Is mvw life ami rtrenth to the turvU COo. at lnw Cists. Uiaoox&Ca.lM wimam6trct,N.Y. martdlt. PIANOFORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TbNE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. WILLIAM KNABE CO., Km. 904 and 300 WettBalUmoriBt., Baltunora. Mo. 113 Fifth ATenu,Nw York. u mar4dtt. "WATVTf F"H ladies TO WORK FOH . --A A. CiU rs, to $lo per week can be quietly made. No photo palntlne; no canvassing. For full particulars, please address, at ouce, CRESCENT ABT CO.. 18 Ceniral street, Boston, K ass. Box 8170. 4maxd. DT5!APTTT?C!C! Its causes and a new and UAf.JM fjdd successful CUltE at your own home, by one who was deaf twenty elcht Team Tn-fltjl hr mnat. nf tho nntnt kpeclallts without benefit. Cured Mnwe'f in 3 months and since then hundreds oi otheri. Full Jartlcularesent on application. T. 8. 1'AGE, No. 1 est 31st St.. New York- City. mariaiL. ir-FlUT Q WANTKTI trample. free) a k, quick sales. Tcrrliory riviii, MtislactTon I-oar- aatec inttiui, Kirui, eaueiacuou fmar. Ull. 8COTT, 811 Ilrondwoj, S. Y. m arldit. T arllPC Enamel yonr JJAUlCo Kanges twice a year, tops once a week and you have the nnest polish ed 6tove in the world, ror sale by all grocers and mariedlt. E TO CONSUMPTIVES TJSB WINCHESTER'S IlTTOPnOSPniTE Or LIMB and SODA. For Consumption. Weak Lungs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and General Debility It la an acknowledged spectno Kemedy. TRY IT. Price si and t2 per bottle Prepared only by WINCllESTEU CO., Chemists, lea William St., New York. Bold by Druggists. IdmiMtJ Send tor Circular. CURE ?SB DEAF. Feet's patent Impronl csstioited Ear Drams Serrectly restore the heartrjg. no matter whether eatness Is caused by colds, fever or Injuries to the natural drums. Always In position, but Invisible to others and comfortable to wear, .Music, con versation, even whispers heard distinctly. We refer to those using them, bend for Illustrated book of proofs free. Address F. 111SCOX, H Broadway 853 N. Y. maris 4 wd EiUMUlied FAY'S I860. mniUA ROOFING! Tikes tha leai : doe not corrodo hk tin or Iron, nor doosj Jite ihtiifiieus or tar orm position euy to applri rtrorur awl JarMt at halt tn cnet of tin, la auo a Mm ntp4al t Hnirtha italrwrniAiMi umnlM mar' 84 til MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike Artificial Sritin Car of Mind Wandering Any book learned In one reading. QrtnX inAwxmcnUtaCorrnpondenttClattu. FroepectQi. with opinions In full of Mr. Richard A. Proctor, Hons. W. W. Aaron, Jcdiii P. Uuiuin, Dra. MmoB, Wood, Iter. Fmjicia B. Dihio, Mask TwaiUjand othen, aentpoat free by oo- ...PROF- LOI8ETTE, S37 Fifth Avenuo, Ne e'w York. mlSdltJ Beautify Your Homes. UOHNSTON'S KALSOMINE. READY FOR USE. White and choice colon. Climper and nnirr than wal paper or oil paint Purine. ll urfarra and kllla arrun of dliaue. Any one can nta It. IT IS THE BEST. field Medal nnd lllgheal A word., Bewara of Imitation.. If not for aale In your town, aend for sample card and prlcea, Dry Kalsomine anil Fresco Painl Works. 25 & 27 John St., Brooklyn, N. Y. marlSdU Aikyou rtuller forth Jameilleant' 3 8hoe. Htutloii home dealers recomntend Inferior gut!. In order to make a Larger pront. This U in nrlalual as&lioe. UewareoMmUatlonl which c knonleOeiLelrcwnluferlorllybr attempting to IiiiIWI ui-uu I lie reputation of the original. Nuuo (lenulue unlna bearlualhla ritamp, JAMES MEANS' :rce5u.aft, o cutne iLaoo. JUtl Cu(r Unei icellod In Dura&liu, V(mfoi Idt Mada In llatton. (Vinnui n.f Apvtaranu. a poatalrard BtflltlOUlWLll Lrlnirvr.ii In. Is fl. rorinatlon now to tit (idj Vllajl, J, Meani & Co .luneolnst. ix-auuvLau. BtirroM . HS'.S'iyi? ri"V.,7 Produce, a larierouanilty of hoc of ihU rratle than any otter factory Iu the "f I'd rrad than any otter factory Iu t . Thoiuatul. who wear Ihem will tellyout ,J',,?l.V1.U'em- JAWKS ItlKAVs' . K forlluj.U uaapjroacho4 la iuruiuy. in Full Uses of the ebot e shoes for Hie by I. W. HARTMAN & SON, Bole agtnu for BlooMVurg, I't, few j.jk, KNABE Ki We jay. . . . -vvf m DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY, (TttOalyBtlltbU Bleed Farlnrr.) A SPECIFIC FOH KHEUMATIfHM, Scrofula, Salt Rheum. Neuralgia, Ring Worm And nil other Skin nnd Blood Diseases. IT MatTLATM TIIS LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Care Iaactla Baa all 4ttM4 arl.l.a Tram cafeVlfrl eadUIa f ta. .y.tea t VA.k your Dmtftri for DR. PABSXE' HXMZ DT and taka no other, rrloe fi. per bottle or 1 bottle for la. Ifannrastaredby the PARDEE MEDICINE CO., aoon.n.r, n. t itocnssTiiR, N. Y. (.knis: For tho past Winter I havo been very badly allllctcd wltli rheumatism. About six weeks ago Was confined to my bed, and whenever I was ablo to got around was obliged to uso crutches. All the timo I had the best modlcnl attendance. After ono week's uso of Dr. Pardee's Rotnedy 1 was ablo to walk with a cane. I continued its uso nnd can now move around without asststnnce of any kind, and nm belter In health than I havo been for vears. It has effected a permanent cure and I tako pleasure in recommending it J. It. FINNEGAN, Sunt. Fire Alarm Tclecraph, City build ing, Front strei t. nor. 26 85 ly. X.AXX.XOAD IIMI TABZiXI ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILKOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. a.m. p.m. 6 10 8 15 2 03 8 15 9 SO 2 10 p.m. p.m. a.m 9 00 18 so s 30 .... wanton, a M 18 29 h 2:,,...Believue.... 8 48 12 22 8 28 ...TaylorrlllO... 8 40 12 15 8 15 .. Lackawanna.. 8 S3 12 08 8 10 PlttSton..... 8 27 12 03 8 03 ..West Plttston. 8 23 11 58 7 58 ....Wyomlnc.. . 8 II It 54 7 54 . ..Walt by..... 8 12 11 60 T 50 Bennett.. .. 8 08 It 47 7 41 ....Klnirston .... 8 03 11 4T 7 47 ....Klnirston.... tsusai 2 is 6 27 9 84 2 21 81 9 41 2 30 40 9 41 8 8 6 45 8 52 2 41 6 49 9 50 2 44 6 53 10 OH 2 47 68 10 05 2 80 8 03 11 42 7 42 Flymoutn Juno 7 02 10 102 55 7 59 11 38 7 38 ....Plymouth.... 7 07 10 153 00 7 54 11 34 1 34 ...'Avondale. . 7 12 10 20 3 03 7 50 11 30 7 30 ....NantlCOte... '7 15 10 233 10 7 43 11 S3 7 23 Uunlock's Creek 7 23 1032 S 27 7 30 11 12 7 12 ..fhlckshtnny.. 7 37.10 44 3 39 0 5(1 10 039 50 7 18 it oo 7 00 ..Hick's Ferry f. 7 50 11 It 3 52 7 11 10 61 8 54,..BeachHaven.. 7 67 11 06 3 58 7 03 10 47 6 4TI Berwick.... 8 01 11 184 05 8 68 10 41 6 41 .Briar Creek.. 8 10 11 204 12 t 54 10 88 6 8S.,'1U0W Grove.. 8 14 11 23 4 16 6 50 10 34 6 34 ...Llmeltldge... 8 18 11 294 20 6 42 10 27 6 27 Espy 8 25 11 39 4 27 6 36 10 21 6 81 ...Bloomsburg...! 8 30 11 44 4 34 30 10 16 6 16 .... Rupert 8 So 11 50 4 40 6 23 10 11 6 11 Catawl'a Bridge 8 41 11 65 448 6 08 9 66 6 Mi. .Danville 8 5812136m 00 9 49 5 49'.,.CnUlasky. ..I 9 05 12 20512 5 63 9 43 5 45i.... Cameron.... 9 08 12 23 5 17 s 40 9 32 8 S2Nortnumterland, 9 25 12 40 6 33 p.m. am. a.m. I (a.m. a.m. p. m W. T. HAL8TBAD, Sopt, Superintendent' omce. Bcranton. Feb.lst.182 Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. tlxJl In effect Jan. so! 1887. ?Jlfi leave sunbury. EASTWARD, 9.40 a. m., Sea Hnore Express (dally except Sunday), for narrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m.; New York, 6.20 p.m.; Baltimore, 3.10 p. m. i Washington, 6.60 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia tor all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. l.43p. ra, Day express dally except Sunday),for narrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.60 p. m. ; New York, 9.33 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally for Uaniaburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.23 a. m. j New York 7.10 a. a, Baltimore, 4.55 v m. ; Washington 6.05 a. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at II arrlsburg for Phlladelptl a and New York. On Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from Wllllamsp't to Phlladelphla.l'hlladelphla passengers can remain lnsleeper undisturbed untl 7 a.m. 2.50 a. m. Erie Hall (dally except Monday, to- Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, ar'Tlng at Philadelphia 8.23 a. m. New York, ll.v m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.80 o.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Phlladol. phla and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.10 a.m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to. Erie ar Jail Intermediate stations and CanandaL frua ard Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffa o and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Roch ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.58 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun. i y) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can. a algua and principal intermediate stations. It-Chester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carlo WllilamsporU 6.80 p. m. Fast line (df ll.except Sundaylfor Re novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat. Una and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to Renovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mail tor Renovo and Interme diate statloD- TUROUOU TRAINS FOR SDNBURY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m narrlsburg 7.40 arriving at sunbury 9.20 a. m. with through Bleeping car from Philadelphia to Wil liams port. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a.m. narrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except' Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. , t. ... Niagara Express leaves Phlladelohla.7.40a.m. BAitimorfl?-ton. m. Man except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 12.61 p. mT, wuu luruuga rarior car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. in. ; Phlladel phla,u.50a. m. ; Washington, 9.50 a. m.: Balti more. 10.45 a. m.. fdallv excnt Rllnilavt nrrfvlno- nt sunbury, 6.30 p.m., with through passengei coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. r.:ia.-a an waves new vorkK.uup.rn.: Philadel phia, 11.25 p. m. Washington, ib.00 p.-m.j Baltl more, 11.21' p. m., (dally except Saturday) arriving at Sunbury 6.10 a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. M UN II I) it V, IIAZI.KTON 4! WII.KKHTJAKKR IlAILllUAU AM) MIRTH AMI WEST ItlraNlill lt I.IVAV. t (Dally except tsnnuay.) WlUcesbarre Wall leaves sunbury 0.5S a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry law a. m., WlUes-barra 18.15 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 8.33 n. m.. arrtvtng at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p.m., Wllkes-barre 7.53 p. m Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.23 a. m. arrlv lngat Bloom Ferry li.6t a. m.,Hunbury 12.43 p.m Express West leaves Wllkes-barre2.50 p, m.. ar riving at UoomgjJyjAyog-L- sunbury 6.iop.m Sunday mall leaves Kunburv o.m a. m nrrivim. at Bloom Kerry 10:16 a. m.. Wllkes-Barre 11:45 Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 6:10 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.39 p. m.. sunbury. 1:30 p. iq. " CHAS. B. PDQH. J. R. WOOD, OeaManager. Oon. Passenger Agent can live at home, and make more money at wSrK. ,0i "ft JUan "Whlng else In this world. Capital not needed; you are started uuMcjt nuatfru. Anyonecanao r..i.0.f;,LarBi' ,earn'09 sure from first start. coaw you nothing to send us your address and nnd Out If TAIl n,ft WloM vrtl, u.411 Hn t.. I , mm bciuui nee. jictier not neiar. Hallktt Co., Portland, Maine. PERRINE'S S n,5Vi'?.ueT..41"aha guaranteed to be chemlcaliv nnr u mo liuw IIIIUIIUUSU IB BDQ ei'S?S,7t,m.llS f,I1(11Kenlle eaica ca, .be ei tire ly conquered lSw,?J?.fJau.,VinS???AW ?rett I1 i;eln,P,S,.l0.rfrwn "QOI'lfe a stimulating UMcVCouurnplrtw rvin.Sf liW'. !.ls uf- Mtwomn'MHim by lending phj slclans as a Wuretlc? PURK ilATi?rKv fid.if,VJ5Vx??r -0hwPlles It I Invaluable. phuhnB i.Tfi.5AHIriy ALT WHIhKEY Insures a return of vigor to the stomach i 5 appetite, a rich and abundant hioon ami inpre,.eri n.Vfi lis Vi..r:r.SS?' tt. Soa SSntinn. ,u"""" . Li; ."L an.a ose dally ivorkcalla it tboee who nursue iLelr bi wntlAM Tn m h nwn r P'?n u Linii iiAiiLn 1 a 1 A 1.1 i?.tel'i,n?lgrol"' w eather H v. Ill di U 0 all malarl uVdliaMi from the iTm Hard woikent or every ocatlon and ncrsnna i hnn, iwi.hi. i. J'Aitr. Dyspepsia find In Perrlne Pure Malt WhUkev a powerful Invlgorant ?d helptr to digestion. l'KltlliNK's PUB BARLEY MALT WU1HKKV rrltbout unduly stmulatlng the kid. ny Increases their- rugging activity, counteracts the t-flects of fatigue, has tena convalescence and la a wholesome and prompt diuretic Watch the label I genuine unless bearing the slgua- For sale try ail druggtsTa andgroceni throughout the United Bute and 87 NORTH FRONT ST.-38 NORTH WATER ST., PHILA F08 8AU BIDllUaoWTa and ait. r,Tuu ' A ..M1 Farm Notes. An Knglluli Rardcncr ri(vtes trap ping ants with bono upon which et mo moat has been loft, nnd dipping occa sionally in hot water. For "slugs nnd wlno-wormB" ho uses pieces of potato or carrot. , It is a mystery to many farmers how crop grown 011 a still can linpait to it moro than It takes from it. To under stand this It is enough to s'ato that but a small portion of tho olovor phut comes from the soil. It is folly to uso poor ninrra for breeding purposes, mares that aic not well devclopi-il or havo vicious tenden cies, or aro lacking in common ecuse, aft they, as well as their sires, have the power of ttansniitting suoh qualities to their offepring. Parker Karlo thinks thero has ben I yet no abeoluto overpiodtiotion of good fruit, nut tho causo of low prices is defective distribution. When fruit, by cheap nnd rapid transportation, is brought within tho reach df everybody, thero will bti none too much. All good breeders make it a point to test the capacity of their cows, and do j not depend uwm color marks or other ' outward Indication. If dairjm-n would pursue tho same plan th.-v would soon weed out all tho unprofitable stock, nnd in a fow years thu wlitilo herd would improve and the average yield increased. Ono of tho most satisfactory methods of growing young vogetablen or lower plants Is to plant ono seed in a half oggr. shell or in a hallowed pieco of turnip or beef filled with a Kttlo earth. Tho plants can bo transplanted by simply breaking the shell, or, if in turnips, the recuptaolo will rot away, supplying nutriment to tho plant. This practico is followed to a consider able extent among small gardeiiers. Plants grown in thin manner aro sure to live when transplanted. If tho farmers of tho country who own worthless dog? curs without any breeding iould he induced to destroy them, and substitute ono well bred shepherd pup, uot moro. to each farm, the wealth of Pvery farming community would bo vnstly increased in many ways. Fanners soon find the colho saying them many a step. Easier snd ansious to learn, the young doij needs only a wise and patient restraint arid intelligent direction to becotno tho uicst uselul hand on the place. A.corrcspondent gives the follow!" g uuouv 1110 poaeu treo oorer. "Tlio beautiful bltn rly, resemblincr a wnsn. which lays its eggs juet at tho surfaco ot me ground in the stem of tho tree, may be seen occasionally at this timo pursuing us auoieil task. The sim plest remedy, or rather preventuro of its attack, is a piece of stout wrapping paper a loot wide wound arouud tlw stem of tho tree Hist abovo tho nrotind (A littlo dirt should be drawn around the bottom of tho paper, while the top tau ue iicu wnn a cauon string. ' Colored Financiers. "Abraham Johnsing" had possessed cuuugu uinii, mat quality so seldom Dresent in his racn. tn nnn-lmao 1 ,,nnii . J 'H...UUUW 1. .1,11.11 grocery in a southern town and run it uu ins own account. Harrison Smiler hasn't, a very cood reputation lor uayiug his bills. Tho colored grocer is quite familiar with his failings, to his hnrrnw Harrison walked iuto tho store last week and with a very courteous bow iii j j . , . - vjrooo oay misiati Johnsing.' "Good day yer self." "Got any rale nice bacon t" "Reckon I hah.1' "How muoh yo' cha'go fo' dat ba- uuti 1 11 iiiiKiu -coin Diiyin' bacon to day." "Baoou hab bin coin' up fur do las' ten inenutcs, so tlat it's wuf eijjhty cents a pound, s'curity required of bought on credit." Harrison was stacgered, but after luiuiuug u minute inquired : "Any discourt for cash t" 'Yes, sab.'" "How much !"' "Bout 60 pussent." "Ginirae half a noun' ainliorl tt0. he scraped through his clothes jur inj necessary iour cents. Winter Exposure Causes Caughs, c?i!!.WRburaa,l,'mtrneumonlo'Neural SwTr,,. YX. i7kT "auuo ana oiner au- 5S5iSi2r. "A'SS lesson's Capclne Plasters are tie oVwi ZT.Z. iZr. . T.. '. ""'"J: "ou. . 1 nor ro. MtiSn ,ovl" '."i? "uu "2 nootnerappu. trim uet. iiaorsea oy nslcum,;--capucln?; cZ2j vSSJSftS' idffi."".?.0. 5ft l Exlne care- PHABURY jouRson, I ropHetois, New York, nov.i4-s6-ms.d RAUGH'S S25 PHOSPHATE f RAUt WHnr An,mU Booec GIHUP, W Tf HKklABLE. L.A8TIVO BAUGH&SONS. UlnnflritrmM ' PHILADELPHIA, PA. War R1 l.v C. V I l-. xnriBiisuro mi. OranBevllle. Pa. O WITHIN a SHORTUDQE S ACADEMY, VilT' VfinVn UDV avn ,,nva ........ . U miles from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers o incidental expenses. o examination for ad mission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men. and all graduates. Special opportunities forap students to advance rapidly, b'peclal dri I for dull lect any studies or 1 hooso the regular KnUsh, Sci entific, Business, Classical or civil Enu-lneerlnir course, students fitted at Media Academy are now in Harvard, Yale. lTlnceion and tn other colleges and l'oljtrchnlc schools. 10 studenu Tit. . v tt to m ikh, 10 in iti-o, iu in . A Fatu"tlnKcLUA every J ear In the com mercial ctepartraent. a t'tyucal and Chemical I Jl I (OT 11 1 nrv flPlnnachim nnA lill 0 .. rtS,f.,,,a.rt'1.,L0.'lbKn;.lnJ1!a I1rlcal apparatus ternperance charter which prohibits the sale of all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular Si 7 V nn'y0.0??1 aSa Proprietor. SW1TII1N c. hliinU'LllJUK, A. M., (Harvard (iraduate.) Jledlaj AUK.u,M,iy MALT WHISKEY; iriOSOIIt-n fHIilHtrel In a1.r.t.ll ' . . . , Hispepsta, dlgF4tlon aid all vTasttair dlf by the ute or 1 erilte'k 1 urn 11. n?r -ft vi P,?L- to the entire system, pkh. uii kKhi no a in oa ,-,1.1 1 . . to winnk-i v reViKJf Ar.u??i",'r JWM.1W or 11 ' 1 i-ronein hi ;.7eX"r., ri i" ThR unnl ala no If nnr.nn..,, . . . Ulyzuj tlie Pr UiKWY Malt Vma- IkY inkliH I.V U k. le..lnu . it entirely free from fuwl oil,turfuroi inftala and acids and U aUolutelj Qenna mid We UbaOen KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) AO BAD EFFECT. SO HEADACHE, SO XAUSEA. No MQLG EARS CURES QUICKLY. PLEASANT, PURE. a pow mvm, tonio that tbo most delleato stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, nndnllOerra Dlseasoi FOR COLDS KA KINK HAS IIIIKN 1'OUNIl TO BE Al.MOvr A SI'rt'lFIO superior to uulnlno. was cured hy Kasltlno ot extreme mBlarlat pros tration after seven years suffering, lie Imd run down from Its pounds to 97, began on KaaKlnn in June, wo, went to work In one month, regained hi lull weight In six months, (ulntno did Mm no ifo d whatever. Mr. Clinrles axter, architect. 1M East H6tli St, New York, was cured br Kssklne of dumb Aguo In three months after quinine treatment tor ten years Mrs. J. Pawson, 141 Hergen street, llrooklvn.was cured ot malaria and n- rom dyspepsia or many years standlnj by Kasklne, tbo quinine treatment hsvlny wholly failed. Her. James I Hall, Chaplain Albany renlten Mary, writes that Kasklne hascured I1I1 wire. af. ter twenty j ears suffering from malaria nnd nery ous drspepsia. Wrl.o him ror particulars. Letters from the abovo Persons, giving lull de tails, will be Rent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special med ical advice. II 1 oner bottle Sold by MOYKit u os., Uloomshurir, l'a., or sent by mall on receipt of price. TUB KASKINKCO., 64 warren St., New York novs&tdly. N-lor,-T- AMPLK THEATMENT Tf-roo I 'd. Wo mnllenouirh to eon. JlCC ivlnce 11. S. I.aodkrbacu & Co., I"3 liroad v- street, Newark, N.J. Marchidlt. for Infants and Children. , "Cutorla Is so well adapted to ehlldnm that I Oaatorla cures OoUe, fjonstlpatlon, I recommend It as superior to any proscription I Bout Stomach, Diarrhoea, EructaUon, known to me." H. A. Ancnn, H.D., I Kuu Worms, elves sleep, and promotes dfc 111 Bo. Oxtord Bt, BrooUjm, N. T. WuSoultajurioua medication. Tea Ckxiivh CouraxT, 183 Fulton Street, N. Y. ETA HANDSOME WEDDINO, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PKESEST. -3S 1 mt WDNDFUiri 1 rn. rn ro ft ncm. THE WONDERFUL LUBURG a --y-i. anrvrhnii; n'l.'S rue 1 mSiira . LI THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. 0 IBnHiinBnBW. ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOE TIE SEASON CAN BE BOUGHT CMEAJPEE TMAN EVER. A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A JiAlidV. A STt CI?I urvri T IVTTJ Tl. "i Call and be Convinced that you have the mmi mmm m an rvl rnr LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT - The Lowest Possible Prices AT T III ? w&wm 1? fkmnr'v Rlooiiisbiarg, Pa, C JB. JBOBMIi DEALER IN Fareigu auet BaxaesMo WINES AND LIQUOR AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG PA. Bitte lib end or WAGON MAREK89 AND BLACKSMITHS' MERCHANT JR0N & STEEL. ter Strctt, SCR ANTON, PA. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AN)) CATARRH REMEDY, BOM) UY MA, DittaOlaTS. .''"M.?.,rL,?.Jc.'!nV,cn 'if m ui-hiii wii" i"-ui"n iiiiiiirn,, ireniecl bv eminent physicians, and receivlntr no benent t wascompclled dutlnif tho lasts rears or my tn. ncss to sit on my chair day and nljiia casnirii fnr breath My sulTerlnirs were bnjond d.-wrlDrion. In denpilr 1 expcilincntcU on myself by com pounding roots nnd herbs and Inhnlinif the medi. cine thui obtained. I fortunatnlv diseoiered thu WONIIHlirUl. Ct'IlE FOH AM1IJH ANll IA. TAUIIII, wnrrnnted to relieve the most stubborn casnot ASTHMA IN FIVK SUM TKH, so IhntihS pallcnl can lledowntorestaiidslcepcotnfortnbiv l'leaie rend the following condenwd extracts from unsolicited testimonials allot irocnt dale- Oliver V, It. llolncs, San Jose Cat, writes- '! rind the remedy nil and even moro than renre. scnted. 1 receive Instantaneous teller, 1 K. M. Caton, A. it., Wnrren, Kanwa writes: "Was trefltpd by eminent physicians ol this cotittry and (lermanyj tric-ltho cllmato of different states-nothing ntlorded rellet llko your preparation.'" . T. E. ostes, County Treasurer, Philadelphia Miss., writes! "Have uml the itemedy. Would" iiul 110 iiiiwm. in uiu who mm, it re commends It." . , , L. 11. riielp. P. M.. tirlggs, onio, writes: "suf. lered with aahtna 40 years. Your iiiedlclm- in 3 minutes does more formoilinn the most eminent plnslclan did for mo In Ihreo years." 11. v. l'lumpton Jollet, III., writes: "send Ca. tarrh Itemedy at once. Cannot get nlong without It. I nnd It to be the most valuiblo medicine I havo ever tried." (iro. w lir df, Nelson Co., Ky., writes: 'lam ulngtho remedy, (lalncds pounds In 3 weeks would not be without IU" Martin Pox, Little Kalis, N. Y. writes: "Finri Ilemedy excellent. Could not llvo without It." We havo many othi-hearty testimonials or cure or relief, and InnrderthatnllBurfcrrrsfrom Asth ma, t atarrh Hay Fever, and kindred diseases may have an opportunity of tcstltiK tho value ot tlm Itemedy c will send to any address TUIALPACK AQEFItEEOK C HAl.dK. Address. J. Z1M.M HUMAN Co., Proprietoi-a. Wholesale Druggists, Wooster, N uyun Co., o. Full slzebox by mall tl. lmaT?-ly. on James nivcr, Va., In Claremont colony. Illustrated circular ftee. j. F. MANCI1A, Claremont, Virginia. 4mar4td. ill inlng or .vull,l mi. JPrice $7.00 "eiHP- ,f;',na'e,ami' aliippb to u k ' . . . . ' ' ' tor Catalogue. parts nf the -i orlil. "iMREW'S CARRIAGES raef and Ilct.llrd "-"uuii 'lori-aiaiogue anumenuon carriages. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October 8S83yiu Varied Stock of ijl 11. ur SUPPLIES. I mm JMl M,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers