THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian blooibbtooTpa" FRIDAY MARCH 2S, 1887. comicr aiiuuiD Tim tiu. Trains on the rblladeiphla 11 It. lea re Rupert s follows I NORTH. SOOTH. .:39a.m. 11:49 a.m. 8:43 p. tn. t:l p. m. O Trains on tbo D. L. W. R. it, lcavo Bloomsburg follows i HORin. BOCTTI. a. m. 8:!9 a. m. 10:90 a.m. 11:44 a. m. im p. m. 4:ia p. m. e:ao p. m. ty.ti p. m. Trains on th N. ft W. B. Railway pass Bloom nrrv nn rnlloWfl wnaTll. 80CTB. 11:M a. m. 419 p. m. .oura. 6:89 p m 10:44 a. m. t.v p. m. NORTH. 10:18 am 80NDAT. ArniL7. Joliii Zauer will sell 30 horses at Ills Ihnii In FlshltiRcrcck township at 1 p. m. tie lias some Una stock, good car rlage and team horses For Balk. A good piano for sale very cheap. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf. $1000 In very easy payments will buy a one hundred acre farm, good sew house, large now bank barn, excellent spring water, convenient to rail road. Apply to ddllf KNOim & WlNTKBSTEKN. A Flue Residence For Hale. The executors of Mary N. Harman, de. ceased, offer at private salo a handsomo residence on Markot street above Main, Bloorosburg. Tho house Is of brick, largo pleasant rooms, steam heat, gas, water, sewerage, and all modern improvements. Tl ere Is a largo frame bnrn, ice house and outbuildings. One of the most desirable locations In the town, 'lermseasy. They also offer for salo thirty-seven acres of land on Normal hill, adjoining P. Dil lon's and tho Hoyt estate. Gin be divided into desirable building lots. For terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mr. Kclvy, one of tho executors, or Geo. E. Elwell, attorney, Dlonrasburg, Pa. tf FUR RENT, Fob Rest. One room, second floor, Moyer building gas and water in the room. Heated by steam. Apply to febl8tf. Motkb Bboh. Fob Rknt. The third floor of tho Col tjmdiak building, now occupied by N. B Tlugley. Ilestcd by steam, water on sec ond floor, all conveniences, rossession April 1st. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf. Men's, Toutbs.lloys and Children's Tailor Fitting Clothing. Leading in quantity, quality and stylo. Perfect satisfaction always tho motto of DAVID LOWENBEUG. personal. Mr. A. K. Walter, of Ashland, was In town on business on Tuesday. Miss Lottie Kuhn went to Philadelphia Friday of last week, for the treatment of her eyes. John Herring, Matthew McKcynolds, and Frank and Fred Ikelcr, aro home from Lafayctto College on a short vacation. F. P. Blllmeycr, C. G. Barklcy and E. R. Ikeler, Esqs., are in Lewlsburg this week, trying D. F. Beybcrt's case. G. W. Miller, of Berwick, is one of the charter members of our valuable list of subscribers. He was in town on Monday and gave us a friendly call. C. E. Rclcc and wife returned Friday of last week. In the evening a reception v. as given them at their home, which was at' tended by a large number of Invited guests. Henry W. Lutz of Benton township started for Bcloit, Nebraska, on Tuesday morning, where he will make his horuo with his brother. Judge Krickbaum came down to seo him off. Joseph RcUsnydcr who has been study ing medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Phlla., returned home last Baturday. He will stay hero until tho beginning of the Fall term, next September. David Brown, of Hetlerville,was In towu on business Monday. Ue dropped in our office as usual. Mr. Brown has been subscriber of this paper for over forty years, and thinks it almost a member of his family. Mrs. Gardner went to Philadelphia Frl day of last week. Sho expects to attend tho Doctor whllo he Is in the hands of the physicians at Jefferson Medical College. The Doctor is slowly improviug, but yet it is as rapid as could bo expected under nls severe affliction. Edward B. Brugler of Butler, Mo., grand. son of J. J. Brower, assisted In reading the services at Bt. Paul's church on Sun day. He Is a divinity student at tho Gen oral Theological Seminary in New York, and expects to be ordained next June. when be will enter upon his duties as assis tant at Ciirlst Church, Bt. Louis. Latest sliapo in ha.s,Dunlaps,Youmnn & Co, Correct in style, Fine in quality, Lowest In price, at Lowcnbcrg's Tbo new town council will be sworn in on April 4th. Willlamsport Is mating arrangements for an exposition. An Increase of pension has been granted to John Farver, of this town. An elegant line of SPRING OVERCOATS Just received at D. Lowcnbcrg's. The new armory at Nanllcoke was open, ed with appropriate exercises on Monday, Now is the time to get your Confirmation Hint. A full stock on hand at D. Lowen berg's. Rev. Nolton of Lewlsburg will preach in tho Baptist church next Bunday morning and evening. Wall paper for 1887. Tho newest, best colored and most artistic designs at Clark's book Btorc. A bill wbb Introduced In the Senate last week fixing the poll tax at the nominal sum of 10 cents. Harrio B. Pursel's barber shoo is creatly Improved by tbo recent refitting. Hot and cold baths at any timo. The Perfect Washer, sold by O. Mears & Son, Is on exhibition iu one of the Bhow windows at the post office. Robert S. Howell has moved from Espy to Lightstreet, where he will continue his profession, as attornoy-at-law, WANTED 11,000 boys and children to buy New Spring Suits. New in stylo and low in price, at David Lowcnoerg's. Uenry O.. Vost Is erecting a veranda around (lis house, on the comer ol fifth and Iron streets. Tha appearance of the properly will bo very much Improved thereby, The grading of tho B. & S. railroad, along Railroad stieect, Is being rapidly done. Tho road bed Is almost ready alongside of tho D, L. & W. track as far as the depot. The Congressional Apportionment bill, now pending before tho Legislature, makes this district composed of Columbia, Mon tour, Northumberland, Wyoming and Bui. Uvan, and will bo known as tho Seven teenth district. Barntim's great show will be In William- sport May 18th. Wall pancr h&rnrtnira and hamlsnmn mil. log decorations at Clark's book store. Last week's issue of this naoer closed tho fiftieth year of the Columbia .Democrat. Trunks I Trunks I Trunks I Just received a largo stock. Cheaper than ever atD. Lowcnbcrg's. Beats for tho concert this Friday cvcnlnir by the Lafayette College boys aro being rapidly taken and thoy aro suro of a full house. In this Issue will bo found tho card of Bupt. Grimes, announcing hisname as can dldate for re-election to Ihc ofllco of County upcrintcntlont. A letter from Judao Elwell on Tuesdav states that he is Improving, and tho doc-1 tors tell him that ho will soon be ablo to resume his scat on tho bench. Wall paper hangings and cclllne deco. rations to produce almost any effect de. sired. Call and examine our stock and bo convinced. Clark's book storo. Go by tho popular route to all points west. Baggage checked through and de livered free to depot. Best accomodations and rates lower than tho lowest. Call on W. C. Dougherty, olflco U. B. Express Co. Clark & Bon's new show window Is very tastefully arranged, and attracts much at tention. It gives ft line view of the inter ior of that side of the store, and when il lumli.atcd at night presents a brilliant ap pearance. I havo Just repaired and painted up tho storo all nicely and I am now In Philadel phia laying In a trcsh and now stock of goods, which I will Bell low on close mar. gins. I will bo pleased to watt on all. Give me a trial. Silas Young. Lightstreet, Pa. The following artlclos wcro chanced off at tho U. S. Express office on tbo 17th for tho benefit of Bt. Columba's Church : A photograph album, drawn by Miss Mary 8hoaleiberg of Catawissa, a gold ring, drawn by Mrs. John Galllgan of Blooms- burg Those articles wcro left over from tho recent fair. 110! FOK THE WEST I Don't miss seeing the large assortment of Trunks, Satchels and Bags at D, Lowcnbcrg's. Tho ladles of tho Sewing Society of the Union Church, In Orangevllle, will closo the Winter season at Mr. DeLonij'a buck building, on Saturday afternoon and even ing, March 20, with a public Yellow Lunch eon In a Dutch Klthcn. Chicken nod waffles will be served to order. Terms easy. AH invited. West! via Pennsylvania R. R. Shortttt Line. Quickest Time. LOWEST FARE. Baggage chicked from the door. Passcn. gers delivered to depot free of charge. Ap. ply to Motkb Bbos., Agts. E. A. Rawllngs killed a Holstcln steer two years and seven months old, on Mon day, that wclgbcd 1.840 pounds. It was raised by Dr. E. W. Low. The forcquar. tcrs weighed 320 pour.ds each, and Silas Mastcller took them out of the wagon, car. ried them in the shop and hung thcru up without any assistance. I invite the attention of parties who In tend papering or decorating their walls or ceilings to the largest and most complete line of wall hangings or celling decorations in town. George A. Clark. Messrs. Taylor & Rhodcmoyer are mak lng rapid progress toward completing their contract for erecting tho new desk works in the timo specified. Thoy were delayed in getting the largo timbers and have hal very bad weather to contend with, but nevertheless, they arc about ready to raise the building, after which they can soon complete It. Tne governor has signed tho following bills, and they havo become laws : To preserve tho health of femalo em ployes in manufacturing and mechanical establishments; for the protection of livery stable keepers; increasing tho number of clerks employed in the Btato Treasurer's office; relating to Judicial sales and prcser vatlon of Hen of mortgages. The Merchant Tailoring Department Is now replete In Spring styles. Call and see the largest stock of Cloths, Cassimeres.&c., to select from Bults made up in City Style at D. Lowenberg's, Merchant Tailor. The "Ranch King" was played here in the Opera Houso ou Monday evening, with Miss May Treat and Mr. Harry Clifton In tho loading characters. The play was yery well rendered by an efficient company. and was deserving of much better patron ee than it received. 1 ho audience was well pleased,as was shown by the frequent "uproarious outbursts of applause." Tho company went to Nanticoke on Tuesday to open the new Opera House there. List of letters remaining in the Post Of. flee at Bloomsburg for week ending March 2J. 1887: Miss S. J. Dodder, Hiram O. Glrton.Miss Myrtle Gumm, Miss Hannah Hampton Mrs. Hester Kroora, Rov II. Rlehl, Helen Tachman, (ship) Mrs Jano Taylor, J. P. Thompsou. E.q.. B. F. Weaver , J, F. Weld, Esq. OAiins, Leo & Cohen, Miss Ella Lewis, Mr. Jo seph Walter. Persons calline for these letters will please say "advertised." Gkoboe A. Clabic, P. M. J F. Maulnncs, of Willlamsport has issued the prospectus for the Uialorical Jour nal, to bo issued on the 1st of May and monthly thereafter, and to bo devoted to the preservation of tho early history of tho West Branclf Valley of the SusqueUanna, tho Juniata rettion'anU the northwestern p.nuntlea of tho Btate. Each number will open with a portrait and biographical sketch of some prominent historical person It Is a most commendable enterprise, and there is no part of tho State so replete with romantic Incidents of tho early settlements n Dm rei-loii to be covered by the new periodical. The rush has commenced for Bprlng styles In Neckwear. Call and seo tho beautltul stock, now In at D. Lowenberg's. The State Normal School at Bloomsburg, Pa,, will begin the Spring terra, Tuesday Anrll 6. 1887. A still further Increase of tho corps of teachers will be made to meet the needs of tho comlnc term. Tho new building, containing twenty-slx recitation rooms, gives great satisfaction as to ventilation, llplit. blackboards and furnl lure. The last class was tho largest ever grad uated from the school. Full professional standing comes to every teacher with the diploma. Manv students are prepared for college, Tuition Is almost free to those gradual lug within two yt ar. Industry, persever. anco and patience will carry one through For catalogue, or for half.faro on the D, L. & W., L. V, aud r. it. its., stuuents should address tho Priuclpal, Rev. D. J. W-iler.Jr. t-- Window shades, plain or dado, either mounted or without fixtures as you prefer, at Clark's book storo. The work at David Lowcnbcrg's clothing storo is progressing. The walls have been kalsomlncd, tho wood work repainted, and the front will be decorated In black and gold. Winter goods havo been replaced bp Spring stock, and in a few days tho store will present a very bright appearance. Window fixtures, spring balanco or spring stop lower than ever beforo at Ocorgo A. Clark's. Friday afternoon, March 11, the dowlllng houso of Susan Faws, tn Pino township, was destroyed by Arc, being a total loss, with the exception of a little furniture la ken from tho first floor. Tho property was Insured In tho Brlarcrcck Farmer's Insur ance company. The company received no- tlco of tho fire nn the Wednesday following and adjusted tho loss the next day. "I believe," said a property owner, "that a good tenant should bo retained at a rea sonable prlco and when you get such a party In your house, keep htm, If possible, as It Is far moro profitable to retain a good tenant at a llttlo less rent than to havo wotthlcis parties moving In and out and destroying tho property, making It unfit for renting at ovcry such removal." Danville Is rejoicing over tho prospect of new steel plant. About tho first of March ground was broken for tho erection of buildings for a company to bo known as tlio North Branch Stoil Co. They havo the possession of the old Co-operative Mill property, and will erect buildings covering over three acres of ground. It will bo some time beforo tho works aro completed, but when finished It will givo employment to many hundreds of workmen. In tbo Legislature at Uarrisburg on Fri day last Mr. Woodward offered a resolution that larger and moro handsomo buildings bo erected for Stalo Capital buildings and that the location bo Bellefonte, Centre county, because of its being more ccn' trally located in the Klato and its being tbo homo of many of our Governors, and large and suitable grounds being tendered by some of tho public-spirited citizens of Bellefonte. The resolution was tabled and may not be called up again. It however, brings out tho inquiry a9 to Uarrisburg be ing tho proper placo for tho Capitol build logs. Tho entertainment given at Normal hall, Friday evening of last week by the Model school children, was a decided success. The drama was the best yet selected and its rendition showed thorough and system atic training on the part of the In structors. The music, under the di rection of Prof. Nllns, was very entertain' lng. The attendance was not as large as should have been, but the condition of tho weather and the many entertainments pre ceding this ono was tho probable cause There is some talk of the Model school giv ing another entertainment in the near fu turo when it is to be hoped that tho houso will bo filled to overflowing, as the proceeds will be used in furnishing apparatus in the rooms of the new building, for tho better instruction of the children. Humanity')) Ills. Humanity's Ills can only be measured by ) uumanlty's wants lienco tbe wine press I of wralh, so universally trodden by human depravity, and from whicn flows Into tho wino cup of human misery, which deprav ed humanity craves to driuk to tbe very dregs, was founded by their own errors, and is the work of their own folly. Mani- fold am Jtho ingredients that ndd to tho gall of Its bitterness. Legalized and licen sed debauchery are criminal links to chain slavish misery to every heart. Incarnate demons havu their workshops in every sultablo placo for human prostitution, spreading their nets at every corner. Tne innocent once iu their meshes, their ruin is almost a certainty. The lesson of ex. perlenci once learned and the cup drained Its repl Ition is but the result of the on moving column to the common end. Violation of law, (a natural Impulse of the heart,) against health, society, state, or Deity contributes to the enormity of Its penalty, for which atonement must be made through punishmxntor reconciliation, eltber In timo or in eternity Reform Is on the match, hut its progress is impeded at every step. Tho path before it, on either side, Is strewn with human wrecks. Every. where tho obstructions are fortified by human depravity. Everywhere the wheels of public councils are clogged by the cry ing demands of folly against reform. Naturally humanity seeks Its own degra dation and exerts every influence to main tain its sinking condition. Lint there Is a sphere of nobler, higher, social relation, aspiring to holier emotions. A higher plune of life and morality; a mountain of peace and happiness, n source of Joy and gladness; free from contaminating guilt and crime, without accusing consclenco and sublime: to which tho Savior of men will lift all tho world who como to Him, Study but tho golden rule and comply with Its requirements and you will already havo won tho battle of life, found the truo aim of your mission and formed a connect ing link that will rally and ralso fallen humanity to a higher and a better destiny. Anon. Important to IimurerH. A DECISION lit THE SUl'BEME COCItT CONCERN ISO ASSION'ED POLICIES. Judgo Paxton dcllveied an opinion in tho Supremo Court Monday which is of general interest and Importance, the case Involving a question which frequently arises In the life Insurance business and which has never before been decided in this Stale. Bertolct Grant took out a $3, 030 policy in tho Union Bcnovolent Mutual Aid Society of Pennsylvania, in March, 1883, and shortly afterwards assigned it to his brother-in-law, Jacob Kline, to whom be owed about $300. In addition to this $300 loan, Kllue had paid out about $400 for Insuring Grant's life In other compan ies, which had become Insolvent, so that his Insurable Interest amounted to about $700. Grant died In November, 1883, nnd tho society paid tho Insur ancc money to Kllue. Grant's admin istrators :then brought snlt against him to recover back the amount, less his debt and the premiums ho had paid, claiming timt the debt was so dlsproportioned to tho amount of tho Insurance as to make tho latter a wagering contract. Tho lower Court decided against them and tho Su. premo Court affirms the Judgment. :olu to KiiuHuu City. J. 0. Yocura, Esq., of Catawissa, will remove to Kansas City, Missouri, after Maj Court, where ho will reside perraa ncntly and contlnuo In the practice of law. Mr- Yocum bus acquired a large clientage In this county, und enjoys a high reputation as a lawyer of honesty and ability, and his many friends wilt bo sorry to lose hlra. We understand that O. E. Geyer, Esq., will take entiro charge of the law practice of the late firm after Mr. Yocum's depart ure. Envelopes, letter heads, uote heads, bill . ,ieiuU 8Uieraents. business cards, and all kinds of commercial printing at the Coluu. .mw olBco. cnta laan'n Trouble. Tho Reading management has dovertcd tho freight traffic from the Catawissa rail road to West Milton, and will take It over the Shamokln, Bunbu'ry and Lowisburg branch. Tho new schedule went Into effect last Bunday morning nt 8 o'clock. Homo of tho crews havo been removed to Bhamoktn and Tamaqua and others to Newberry. Thcro will bo but ono freight train on tbo Catawissa road between West Milton and East Mahanoy. Tho Catawissa car shops avo employment to nearly COO workmen, most of whom wcro men with families, and a, great many wcro purchas ing houses in Catawissa. Unless somo manufactures aro started, these workmen will movo away with their families. 'efcmnmltcr'B. Philadelphia, March 91, 1811. A letter's as eood as a visit to get anything we ve got. We don't keep the cheap and mean valises. You can pet them of stuff that looks like leather and wears like paste board but not here. Our cheapest is of split leather or canvas: $1.50 for a 14-inch Valise. The tip-top is of grained leather, leather-lined, brass-trim med, 14 to 24 inches. $8 up. Lots and lots between them. The latest in Valises is the Cabin Bap with a top like a double shed roof. When open, all mouth. Not a waste inch inside. An appetite like a tramp. drained leather, 12 to 18 inches $6.50 to $10; alligator, $13.50 to $18. Ordinary shape, made of one piece of grained leather is another newness. No seams to rip. 12 to 16 in. $5 to $7. English carryalls of water proof Mcintosh cloth ; wallet shape. Next to no end to the stun they'll carry. Little or much always just full. 18 to 26 in. $2.75 to $11. The new Bed Spreads that look like Marseilles and weigh like Honeycomb are going with a bang. A happy medium at si. 50. Marseilles ranpe from $1.75 to $9 and Honeycomb trom 90 cents to $1.65. Boys' clothing. Small boys' clothing. If we don't make this the place which you will prefer to all others lor your boys cioth inp purchases it will be because we don't know how. The Spring things are coming; bright, beau tltul. lhe place in which you see the POOds pay With dav- ltghtall the day long. fc.ase, comlort all about. Why not clothe your boys here ? Why not? You II have to give it up and come. Spring and Summer comfort ables: cheese cloth filled with pure carded cotton. The cost a trifle : better for you at this season than twice the money in blankets; Si. 75 ior white: $2 for pink, blue, red or yellow I ufted with contrasting colors JNltne-tenths 01 the stores only dabble in linen. They buy at dabblers' prices, and even then not wisely. How can they? They don't know what to look for and what 1 ril leave, mere are crooa linens and bad: cotton-and-linen sold for linen. Buying linen without knowledge, either sell or to use, is a lottery. You can depend on getting good pure linen here. You may make a poor choice lor a specia purpose, but you'll not pay too much lor the material. It you ask you can get linen hints that' keep you lrom going astray, Glad to have you ask. Stop over the flannels. Dainty wools. Do you know bimonis batiste the hghest Woolen stuffs for men? They are known in the tropics. Many another woolen manufacturer has nearly gone crazy with envy ol bimonis, But the bcotch with these nan nels have almost canght the Belgians. Gingham colors toned down by the wool. Strong. That's due to cotton in the chain. You couldn't find it if we hadn't said it. You might suspect it when washing told you of the little shrinkage or none. Plaids, overplaids and stripes. Wish we had the whole column for these flannels, but other things are clamoring. 30 inches. 50c. to 80c. Next. Scotch ginghams twilled zephyr ginghams. Look sharp. Could you tell them from En glish dress worsteds? Don't believe you could all by your self. They are just nothing but cotton, only they have had a Scotch training, and that's usu ally thorough. Cotton like worsted. 30 inches. 40c. Refrigerators and Ice Chests are ready. Ahead of the sea son, of course, but there are plenty of wide awake buyers. This from a letter to the makers of a scouring stuff: "Why do you charge 15 cents for Electro Silicon when Wana maker asks but 8 cents?" Sure enough, why? Peep into other mails and you'll find plenty of such queries. No matter why ! John Wanamakeu. Cbsatnut, Thirteenth ana Market strtets, art Clty-kall iquir. W OVALfltt'njl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills nowder never vailes. A marvel of nurltv. s'rfngth and wholesomencss. Moro economical than ordinary klndi, and cannot bo sold In compe tition with tho multitude of low test.short weight, alum or phospliato powders. Bold only in cans. KOTAL 1IA K1NU 1'UWDKK I.U.. waum..?!. X. LOCAL NOTICES. Bro the decorated dinner set in window of I. W. Hartman & Son. Tho most comnleto line of Jet Trim wo havo ever 05-c. buttons mtns, New Buttons, etc , shown. Call and see them, for 12c. at Clark & Bon's. Fresh garden seeds nt C. C. Marr's. Another lot of those 121c. Satlnes at dark & Son's. Also, the best 8 0. yard wtdo Bleached Muslin ever sold In this county. Try them. SO patterns of Now Combination Suits. from S3 apiece up nt I. W. Hsrtman & Son's. For Sale. Pair of handsomo bav horaca six nnd seven vears old. lareo'and strne. good drivers nnd will worn anywhere. Warranted sound and free from faults or blemishes are offered for salo solely for want of use. J. R. ScitBYLEii. Buy your Muslins of I. W Hartman & con nnd save money. Tho best Syrup for 10c. at C. 0. Marr's. We are now ready for business all the improvements are completed. All depart ments full of New Goods nt lowest rrlccs. H. J. Clark & Son. You will And full lines of curtains at Clark & Son's Good bargains In lace cur tains. Also, feather pillows cheap. C. O. Marr wants butter, eccs. chicken?. lard, sine, suouiiier ami nam, pitted clier rics and raspberries. You will And full lines of Spring Dress Goods nt UlarK son's. Go to C. C. Marr for wool and cotton car. pet chain. Sec boys extra heavy and lone ribbed stock! nits for 25c. a pair at L W. Hart. man & Bon's. Every day brines new goods to I. W. Hartman & Son's. Havine lust received a cylinder for fin- lshlug silks and cloths, I am prepared to clean and dye cents' clothing, ladles' cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c. Heathers aved nnu curled. 1'ackaccs for warded by express will receive prompt at tention, according to directions. Call or address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomiburg woolen .Mills. 600 trade dollars wanted at C. C. Marr's this week. Try "Clark's 77" corset. BUSINESS NOTICES. Lost. "I don't know where. I can't tell when, I don't seo how something of great value to me. nnd for the return of which I shall be truly thankful, viz: a good uppc tltc." rouND. Health and strength, pure mood, an iinnctitc like thai 01 a wnir, tee mar digestion, nil by taking that popular and peculiar mcdicliu'.uood s earsapariua. I want everybody to try It thin season." It Is sold by all druggUts. 10n doses, $1. How's your back? lion Flatten curt- weak back, rheumallsm, and s rengthen tired parts. To I'uesekve Natuuai, Flowep.s. Dip tho Mowers In melted parntllnc, withdraw ing them quickly. The liquid should be only just hot cnotiiih tn maintain Its fluid tty und the flowers should bo dipped one nt a time, held by the stocks and moved about for an instant to get rid of air bub bles. Fresh cut llnwtrs, tree from moist' lire, make exoellent specimens in this way, If you would prciervo your health and in viunruto your entire system uoe rerrlne' Puro Barley Malt Whiskey. For sale by U. 11. Koliulns, llloomsburg, fa. cow. If you require a spring medicine, if you aro sultfitng with languor, ticuiniy, pun ph s. boils, catarrh, chronic pores, KTOfula or loss of iipprtitr, or any disease arNIng from Imnuro blond, take Avers parsana rilla the safest aud must economical of all blood purifiers Bore or Inflamed eyes speedily cured by the use or uatuya rrnniiyiactlc rluld, J allays the inflammation and irratlon and Is peculiarly efficacious by reason of its power in cleansing and destroying all poU. onous matter. Cliall nir. brulsci, humors eruptions, bolls nnd sores and those more serious aud tenacious maladies, scald Head salt rheum and erysipelas, are speedily cured uy the fluid. It la ik Uukat Favoii. Physicians em ploy Speer's Port Grape Wine In their prac tice In nil cases whero a pure wine It called for. nnd do all In their nowcr to fos' terand encourugu Its production. It is in great favor among tho mnst wealthy In New York and Wellington Cities as family wine and forevening entertainments. h ot sale by druggists. What vou need Is n inedlcino which Is pure, efficient, reliable. uch is Hood Barsiparilla. It possesses peculiar curative powers. FituK Tiiadb. The reduction of internal revenue and tho taking oil of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Especially is this the caso wiiu urr en's August t lower and iioscuec'i Gertkan Syrup, as tho reduction of thirty six cents per dozen, has been added to in crease the sizo of the bottles containing theso remedies, tiiercliy giving one-nrtu more medicine In the 75 cent slzo. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver uompiaint, and tlio uerman syrup tor Cough and Lung troubles, havo perhaps the largest salo of any medicines In the world, Tho advantage of increased size of tho bottles will bu greatly appreciated by the Btck and ullllctuj, iu every town and viuago in civinzeti countries, uampii uotiics ior iu cents remain tne samo size. jau 23, 1 y, 87, 0 0 w TTliea Ctby wm tick, wo gn hr CutorU, Wiu she wai k Child, tb cried for CutorU, When becim. Itltt, tat clans to CutorU, Vhui bi ChlllrtD, ih its n C-ttorU, Drunkenness, oit I.iguoit Uaiiit, oan he 1 vised nv AiiMiNisTEiusa Haines' Oouien Si-Eoii'io Il cuii bo given iu a cup of colli e or ten witnout the knowledge of tho person taking it, eltictlng a speedy and permanent cure, wneiuer tuu patient is t moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of diunkards liayo been made temperate men who have taken the Golden ppeciuc in tncir coueu wiiunui inetrttnnwi edge, ami tii-uay m nevo uiey nun orinK Inutof their own fieu will. Nu harinf1 eliecls results from its admlnlstiatlon Cures uuarantetd, Bend for elrcular and full particulars. Addrtss In confidence Golden Specific Co., 185 Itacu fit,, Clncln natl, Ohio. dco8 801y. r.nst nentoti. Our publlo schools havo closed for the season, "Wfhtcr still lingers In tho lap of Spring." Samuel Savage, near Orangevllle, died the 15: li Inst., and was burled at Zlon's cemetery the 17th, aged about 45 years. Fearing tltit tho central railroad route would be adopted by the Wilkcs-Barre & Western It. R. Co., Bcndcrtown waked up last Thursday night and had a railroad meeting. No doubt Impressed with tho Idea, "as noes Ilcndertown so coca tho Union," and why not tho railroad t But tho Mountain Echo said last week, that "Jonestown allowed others to mako hay whllo thoy slept," and Bondertown may also realize that nocturnal darkness Is poor time to make railroad bay. Mean while thcro seems to bo a fearful and ex citing suspenso concerning these competing routes. Tommy Chapin, of Benton, dentist, Is in a critical condition. Frank Baker, a young man of Benton, may he rcudercd a cripple for life. From child he has been more or less allllctcd with bono erysipelas or whlto swelling. Miss Susie Ulllman and an Invalid sister aro visiting their uncle and aunt, Judgo and Mrs, Krickbaum. A largo load of household furniture passed this placo last Baturday cn route for Carey & McUenry's furniture emporium at Benton. A broad hint for new beginners In tho art of housekeeping, A largo assortment of one and two-horso wagons, buggies and other vehicles of a substantial make-up, can bo seen and bought at Wllllo Appleman's shop at Bon. ton. For beauty and stylo they aro not easily surpassed. The manulacluro of farming Implements would, wo think, bo a safe and profitable Investment at Benton. Tho question of all Importance and up permost In everybody's mind at the mtet ing of every gathering is, "Where will tho railroad go f" The company will settle that question by consulting its best Interest. It docs seem rough that a community should be under tribute to a company or town. No one can enter Bhlckshlnny from the north 'by means of conveyance, bur dened freighted or otherwise, without pay ing from 5 to 24 cents turnpike toll. Hun dreds of teams dally pass through tlo toll gate. Tho W. & W. railroad via Cambra will settle the turnpike toll. A spirited contest for tbo various county positions may be looked for, from the tone of tho Sentinel last week. Clubs, daggers and pen, as weapons for assault, battery and defence, enter the fight at an early day. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF FUSE Cod I.Iyit Oil, With Ilypophoapliltet. For Children ani Pulmonary Trouble: Dr. W. 8. Hoy, Point Pleasant, W. Va., says: "I havo made a thorough test with Scott's Emulsion In pulmonary troubles and general debility, and have been aston Ishcd at the good results; for children with rickets or marasmus It is unequaled." Funny Thing-. "How do you llko Bernhardt ?" he asked. "Well, I don't exactly know; I've only seen her once. "But sho has a wonderful repor tolre." "Has she? Well, I must say the one sho bad on when lsaw her didn't fit her at all In the back." And then It was as still as a'store that never advertises. A clerk In a St. Louis storo fell 111 and was likely to die, and a telegram was sent to his relations In Springfield, 111., saying that he was uot expected to live long. Tho answer that came back was: "Can't come at present. When he dies ship body to us." Ho stood under the window and sane: HowCau I Leave Thee?" But he did leave so suddenly that tho dog went behind the house and wept. "May I bo married, ma ?" said a llttlo beauty to her mother. "Why do you want to bo married?" returned the mother. "Why, ma, you kno. tho children have never seen unybody married, and I thought it might please them." "Isn't It pretty lonesome out In the country ?" he said to the boy whose pa rents moved out on a farm last Fall, guess not," was the reply. "Pa and have just as many discussions as they had In the town, and us children get licked about the same." Mrs. Jenness Miller, of dress-reform re. nowu, vlll confer a great favor on bu manit) if she will invent a pocket for a woman's skirt which can bo found by the average husband when tho dress is hang lng in the closet. Oray hairs will turn ra ven again, and Mrs. Miller's monument will grow ilgljt out of the ground itself. A dress-coat owned in Mobile, Ala., has been worn by seventeen bridegrooms and has done duly at forty-thrco weddings. "the New south" works half as baid for a living as a Mobile dress-coat must do. the time Is not far distant when tho smoke of manufactories will temper the heat of the sun on cotton-pickers. I had kidney disorder and sav for tin good of others that Dr. Kennedy's Favorite liemcuy curcu mo. uev. a. u. ua"d!cr Lebanon Springs, N. Y. I had stone in tho bladder and eravel in tbe kidnevs. used Dr. Kennedy's Favorito Remedy and am now well. E. D. Parsons, Rochester, N Y. Price $1. Bend 2-ccnt stamp to Dr. Kennedy, liondout, N. Y., for a book on kidney, liver and blood disorders. Men tion this paper. rnl8dlu Charles Dudley Warner is represented in the April Harper's by the first article of short seriis of "Mexican Papers." What ever Mr. Warner touches Is certain to bo como attractive, and from so fcrtilo a sub ject as this wo shall expect a raro treat, es pcclally as be begins uy saying, "To me Mexico Is one of the most Interesting coun tries 1 havo seen, ana so novel on every hand that I enjoyed lu a way that which is disagreeable almost as much as that which Is pleasing. It is novel, and yet, now nnd again, strangely familiar; for in Its life It is a patchwork sort of country, with a de graded civilization, constantly suggesting lu a second-hand way a half dozen other countries and peoples." This paper de- scribes the journey from El Paso to the City of Mexico, and abounds In bnctit, flashing pictures and droll turns of de scription like tho followtngi "At all the, stations aro crowds of boys, meu and wo men, who offer for salo oranges, sweets, and queer looking fruits which aro out of season and do not tasto good, and thoy mako a tremendous clamor. At Irapuato wo bought a llttlo basket of this fruit Jfor fifty cents, uot ripe but still sweet. Th basket was solidly filled with cabbage leaves; and disposed on top neatly, so as to hide tho leaves, were a couple of dozen berries. Theso people havo nothing to learn of Northern markctmcn. We have struck a very old clvlllsmlion." Aud ngalni "Wo passed thiougu tho famous deep cut or canal of Nochlstongo, This cut was first made by tho Indians as drain (or tho valley People havo wonder. id what they did with tho excavatt earlbj acquaintance with the Indians Bug. gesta tho explanation that they kept most of it ou tht'lr persons. They are no longer attached to the soil as peons, but thu soil Is attached to them, and most of luctu uro dirty enough to be called real estate." I'ny Tenchera I.Hierntljr. Tho bill requiring school directors and controllers to pay teachers for tho lime pent attending annual county institutes, passed tbo House finally Tuesday. Tho bill Is a proper ono nnd tho only objection that can justly bcralscd against- It in its prescntform Is that the amendment limiting tho compensation to two dollars a day fixes tho sura too low, Tho compensation should cover tho regular salary as well as actual expenses of teachers. As a matter of fact there Is no clement In a community so generally deserving and poorly appreciated as the school teachers. They have tho present as well as tho future f tho country In their hands. As t.iey aro Industrious, Intelligent nnd deserving, tho schools aro prosperous and efficient, and just In proportion as tho schools aro perfect tho community Is safo morally and hopeful Intellectually. Tho churches aro efficient and necessary agents In moral re form movements, but tho schools lay the foundation of moral as well as material prosperity. Tho reasons that recommend tho law In question to favorable consideration are nu merous and obylnus. Tho teachers whllo attending tho Institutes, nro adding to their qualifications to tench and multiplying their usefulness when they return to their labors. I That of Itself should dccldo the question affirmatively. But when to that is added the other fact that tho attendanco is com pulsory and not voluntary, tho Injustice of leaving them without compensation be comes apparent. Patriot. Shipping tags, with or without strings, at the Columbian office. tf. Uucltliorn, Chewing-gum and trading kulvcs nro tho leading industries at present. The loafers In ono of our stores were fa vored with an old-time hop by ono of our heaviest citizens one evening of the week, which caused much laughter. Mr. J. E. White and family spent a few days at Cambra. D. It. Stroup reached hero from Sullivan on Friday, walking most of tlio distance. Tho young folks gave him a surpriso on Tuesday evening. He returns next Mon day. H. B. Ohl will movo this Thursday on tho Unnngst farm, formerly occupied by Hiram Sterling. Rev. Beishllne will not preach at this place for two or three weeks yet. Ilcv. Tubbs will occupy the widow Girton house for a short time. The Lutheran people are still without a pastor. A number of this placo are employed ou tho canal at Rupert. All the schools will closo this week, ex cept the Valley school. It docs beat all for quillings this Spring. Mrs. Tcrwilligcr leads off this week. Yes, and surprise parties. Thero is ono next Saturday night. I would llko to ask you to come, but I don't do tho asking. Don't tell anybody about It. INDUCEMENTS! We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Among the Pianos we handle are the I VERS 8f POND, C. C. B BIGGS, BA US CO.. SOHOMA CKER Gold String and Opera, Pianos. These Pianos are all first-cla&o and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEY., MILL ER, UNITED STd TES and other makes. Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE, ME W DA VIS, NE IV DOMESTIC, NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary Sowing Machine in tho world. Beforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLI 10SNTS TOR F. P. ADAMS - CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents ot the fol lowing brands o( Clgar- IIKNKV CLAY, LONDHES, NOIlilAL, INDIAN PKINCESS, SAMSON, S1LVEU ABE. Mcxandcr Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEALKI18 IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. feOLE AGENTS l'Olt HENRY MA1LLARDS IMCANDIES. ritESIl EVEltV WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. eissuppufs My new lllus, Cntaloguo and Prlco List, containing valuable Informa tion for Creamery men and all Interested In BUTTER Factories, sent Free on application, estimates civen for complete outfits. DAIRY FIXTURES Buttor Workors, Butter Printers, "" Buttor snipping Boxes, etc. A. H. REID, 1635 Barker St., Philadelphia, Pa r mrll.U-TI Argument Court. March 22, 1887. OrtfrJ, that cases on tho Argument list, tor the adjourned Court on tho 2fllh Inst., which shall not then bo submitted to the President Judge without oral argument, .bo laid over for hearing at an adjourned special Argument Court, to bo held on tho 111th day of April next, at 0 o'clock a. m. Wm. Elwell, P. J. RARE CHANCE. Sunday Grit, the best Sunday paper print cd In tho Mate, and being sold by agents In over 400 cities and towns, wants an ngent In every town nnd hamlet whero 't Is not now being sold. Any man or boy, well recommended, can secure the exclusive agency, and make from f0 cents to $5 00 every week. Good profit; no loss of timo or money; no capital needed. Adver tising rantter furnished free. Everybody will buy tho paper regularly after onco see ing a copy. It publishes the complcto local news for every section of tho State. Only ono ngent wanted In each place. Write at once for terms and Instructions to Gmr PcnusillNO Co., Willlamsport, Pa. DIED. SAVAGE. In Flshlngcrcck township, on the 15th Inst., Mr. Samuel Savage, aged 44 years, 0 months nnd 23 days. PETS Having received his Spring stock of Carpet-tigs, is now ready to show a large stock of At prices which cannot help but please. Call and examine them at the old stand, BLOOMSBURG, PA. iit'tii . ivt'i. un. .1 &r$$ IlCtvpnthi-UIICIIACf nnd Siallnenl tl Cvm riowtr Shrab. liniJO kind-. ai-mhII mih kow Poind rum. tlf villi Clovt, Pltllul, Haattcrthlcl nrn. It UHiearnt ccmpliti woik ol the kind vtr pnb llrlwt. s"ud I'lnrrn fvntMnn siftrnm foe a nauiple rapj. car pne 10 ,i.ii". jsrii iBtSICHH TUB. CO.. H Unit Tinlh tmcl.Hlin'l, ft. s!lsc.rv R1I, DATS' TUMli. A foil Net of Atfnplimonts- 5WAIUIAHT1;" "Voars- Bend for Clrculnr. 33 N. OtU St., VllUi.. I'a- Sewing Machines. ANYOItDElt FOIt FESTIVALS will bo SUPPLIED WITH TIIK LOWEST 1 as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH I WALNUTS, CUEAMNUTS, I ALMONDS. POP COHN ) HALLS. CAB nun fissm mmSr " ' Z 1- Chums, Cabinet Croamorlos,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers