COLUMBIAN SUPPLEMENT. Bloomsburg, Pa., Friday, February 18, 1887. Raising Strawberries- now to mci-AHE the ground von CULTIVATION OK, THIS LUS CIOUS FRUIT. J. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. My first advice in regard to straw berries is to Ret them out immediately almost anywhere except upon land ho recently in grass that tho sod is still undecayed. " This course is Better than not to havo tho f rnit at nil, or to wait for it. A year without strawberries is a lost year in one serious respect. Whilo tbero is a wide difference be tween what plants can do' under un favorable conditions and WDatthoy can bo made to do when their needs are fully met, they will probably in any event yield a fair supply of delicious fruit Seouro this as soon as possible. At tho samo time remember that a plant of a good variety is a genius capable of wonderful development. Iu ordinary circumstances it is like the "hiutc, inglorious poets" wboso en forced limitations were larneotcd by tho poet Gray ; but when its innate powers and gifts are fully nourished it expands into surprisinc proportions. sends up hundreds of flowers, which 1 aro followed by ruby gems of fruit whose exquisite flavor is only surpass ed by its beauty. No such concentrat ed ambrosia over graced tho feasts of tho Olympian gods, for they wero re stricted to tho humble Fragaria vesca, ' or Alpine species, in discovering the New World, Columbus also discovered the truo strawberry, and died without Iniowledgo of this result of his achieve ment. I can imagine the expression on tho faces of those who buy tho "sour, crude, half-ripo Wilsons," against which tho poet Byrant inveighed so justly. Tho market is Hooded with this fruit, becauso it bears ttanrportation about as well as would marbles. Yes, they aro strawberries ; choke-pears aud Seokels belong to tho samo species. There is truth enough in my exagger ation to warrant tho assertion that if wo would enjoy tho possiblo straw berry wo must raiso it ourselves, and pick it when fully matured ready for tablo and not for maikct. Then any man's garden can furnish something better than was found in Eden. Having started a strawberry patch without loss of time wherover it was handiest, wo can now give our atten tion to iho formation of an ideal bed. In this instauco we must shun tho shade of trees abovo and their roots beneath. Tho land Bhould bo open to the sky, and tho sun free to practice his alchemy on tho fruit tho greater partof tho day. Tho most favorable soil is a sandy loam, verging toward clay, and it should have been under cultivation sufl'uieutly long to destroy all roots of grass aud" perenuial weeds. Put on tho lortilizer with a frco hand If it is barn-yard manure, the rate of sixty tons to the acre is not in excess. A strawberry plant lias a largo appo- tuo anu excellent, digestion, it pre- lers decidedly manure from U'o cow stablo, but that from the hore stable answers very well, but it is not advis able to incorporate it with the soil in its raw, uufertnenttd state, and then to plant immediately. The ground can scarcely be too rioh for strawber ries, but it easily can bo over healed ami stimulated, in leriiiiziug ever keep in mind tho two great requisites, rao'i9ture and coolness. Manuro from tho horse stable, therefore, is about double in value as well as bulk if com posted with leavorf, muck or sods and allowed to decav before beintr used. Next to enriching the soil tho most important step is to deepen it. If a plow is used, sink it to tho beam, run it twice iu u furrow If a lilting subsoil-plow can follows all tho better. Strawberry roots havo been traced two ftet below tho surface. If the location of the plot docs not admit the use of a plow let iho garden er bogin at one side and trench tho area to at least the depth of eighteen inches, taking pains to mix tho sur face, subsoil and fertil zr evenly and thoroughly. A small plot thus treated will yield as much as one three or four times as large. Ono of the chief ad vantages of thus deapening tho soil is that the plants aro insured against their worst enemy tho drought. How often I havo seen beds in early Juno languishing for inoisturo, tho fruit trusses lying on tho ground, fainting undor the burden, and tho berries ripen ing prematurely into littlo more than diminutivd collections of seeds! When ground has been deepened, as I havo said, tho drought must bo almost un paralleled to resist tho development of tho fruit. Even In tho most favorablo seasons hard, shallqw anils fjivo but a brief period of strawberries ; the fruit ripens all at once, aud although the first berries may bo of good size tho later ones dwindle until they are Boarcely larger than peas, 15o euro to havo a deep, mellow soil beneath tho plants Ji, '. Jloe, in Jfarjier's JIagaxme. MIL, TO, Pa., Dkalbiis m PIANOS By Iho following well known makers; Cliickering, Knabe, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists sepw-satf. On application. ttireas unoWN's insurance JTJ AaKNCY. Mover's new building, Main street, BToomsburg, Pa. A SSC 1 S Btna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn $7,078,220 Uoyal of Liverpool 13,500,000 Lancashire 10,000,000 Klre Association, Philadelphia 4,16.5,710 l'hconlx, of London ,. G,S66,370 London Lancashire, of England 1.709.V76 Hartford of Hartford 3,273,030 Springfield Flro and Marine 2,082,580 As tho agencies aro direct, policies aro written or the Insured without delay In the offlce at liloomsburg. Oct. 28, '81- I. C. SLOAN & BHD., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUQQIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQONS AC. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TLYDONb. Prica reduced (0 tuil the limes. piRE INSURANCE CHRISTIAN V. KNAPP, BLOOMSBU G.KA, HOME, OF N. T. M KllCIIANTS, OF NEWARK, N. J. ' LINTON, N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. READING, PA. Thcso ld coRroHATioNB are well seasoned by aJe and fire tested and liavu never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested In solid secgkitibs are Uable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly" and iionehtlt adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Christian f. KNArP, BFKCIAL- AGENT AMD ADJUSTER BLOOMSBURO, Pa. The people of Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses It any are settled and pall by one of ther own citizens. PHOMPTNESS. EQUITY. FAIR DEALING. B. P. IIARTMAH REPRESENTS TnB FOLLOWING AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania. Hanover, of N. Y. uueens. o London. North British, of London, omce on NUrket street, No. n, Bloorasbum. oct. s. 1- E. B. 8R0WER (PLUMBING, GAS FITTING & STEAM HEATINU DEALER IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. nrsttlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., 31oomsburg, Pa. ENNY GOODB A SPECIALTY. SOLE JOINTS FOR F. F. ADA11S & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing: brands of Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDUES, NORMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, HILVElt ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEA1EHS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CAKBIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. bOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MjULLARDS HMCANDIES. FRESH EVERY EEK. Bloomsturg, Fa. ANY OllDEIt FOR FESTIVALS will be SUPPLIED WITH TUB LOWKST ! as roi.Lows: 1 OliANGES, ! LEMONS, i BANANAS, 1 l'EANUTS, ! ENGLISH WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, 1 J'Ol' COHN i BALLS. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CH WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds The following shows the Picket Gothic, one of the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. km wimiiMfla i saSSvt,. ... ...,,,, wmm , w v.. For Heauty and Durability they are unsurpass ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to giro satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address 1. m wmm, BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, G3- IR, EAT INDUCEMENTS ! Sowinc Machines Wo are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs anu -ins) S A S V S h E bf) c - a S3 "O e 3 3 9 c o i 2 0 ft ft 2 Among the Pianos we handle are the IVERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS, BAUS & CO., SCHOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos aro all first-class and fully warranted for fivo years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated KSTEY, MILLER, UNITED STATESand other makes. Our leading Sowing Machinesaro Iho celebrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STANDARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary Sowing Machine in tho world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZEll'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACIIJNE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsurg.Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARPI. f E. WALLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, D loomsburg, r Offlce over 1st. National Bank. VT U.FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. nice In KaVn Uulldlng, Bloomseueo, Fa, J OHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. BLOOiiaBcaa, Fa. omce over Jloyer Bros. Drug Store. p W. MILLEK, " ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, omce In Browor's bulldlng.seconil No. 1 Bloomsburg. Pa. B, FRANK ZAKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. o rfite corner of Cenlie and aln tlitni.cisiv Bullmng. Can be consulted In German. Gr EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloombbuuo, Pa. Odlco on First floor, front room of Col ombian Uulldinir. Main street, below Ex change Hotel. pAUL K. WIHT, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Columbian Bcildino, llocia No. 9, second iioor. BLOOMSBOUQ. PA. H. V. WHITE, ATTOR NEY-AT-LAW, BEL 0 0 MS B U RQ, PA. Office In BroTvcrs' Bulldiog, 2nd floor, may 1-tf Xm b. winteesteen. KNORIt & WINTEBSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. omce Iu 1st National Bank building, second floor, nrst uoor 10 me it'iu corner ox .nam ana Aiareei streols Bloomsburg, Fa. SSrJ'ennotui and RourAia Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW nico lo Malzo'sbulldlit, orerBlllmerer'sgrocei7. jP P. BILLMEYEB, (DI8T111CT ATTORNEY.), ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CtTOfllce over Dcntkr's 6hoe store, Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-30.86. JOHN C. YOCUM. C. E. GETZB. YOCUJI & QEYEB, Attorn eys-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, FA. (Ofllce front suit of rooms on second floor of NewsIteu building.) WCAN BE CONSULTED IN GERMAN.. Members of Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Banker's Directory and the American Slercantu and collection Atoocltttion. 111 give prompt and careful uttentlon to collection or claims in anr partof tuo United States or Canada, is well aa to all other professional business entrusted to tbcin y. H. RHAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlss, Fa. OfEce.cornerof Tblrd and Main streets. jyICIIAEL P. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN T11EJ.SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, SiC tr-offlco In Rentier's building with F. P. BUI meyer, altorney-at-Uw, fiont 100ms, 2nd floor liloomsburg, J'a. (apr-j-s. w E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. D It, 1I0N01IA A. ROBBINS. oraco and residence. West First street, Blooms burg, l'a. nova i ly. I) It. J. II. MOOHE. E7E, EAK AHD THEOAT, A SPECIALTY. FITT8TON, 1 A. WlllbeatEicbangolIotel,ln Blcomsburg, ererjr two weeks, on baturdiy, from 8:30 p. m. to 1 P-U Dec, 4 and 18, Jan. 1 and 15 and SV, Feb. 13 and March 1! and 2c. novi6ly. TU. J. U. EVANB, M. D., Surgeon and I f l'byslclaii. Offlce and residence, on Third hiroet. B. McKELYY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phj .elclan, north side Main street.below Market L. FRITZ, Attornev-at-Lw. Office Front room over Foot Offlce, D R. J. 0. BUTTER, FUYUIOIAN &BUHOBON, Offlce, North Market street, Bloomsburr, Fa R. WM. M. REBEH, Surgeon and Fhyslclan, omce corner of Bock and Market treat. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR ELC0U3BUSO,FA. OFFOS1TBCO0UT HOUSB, latr ennd convenient sample rooms. Bath room .1. .1 .1 L . J.-.JH j 'HiniSLtf