The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 18, 1887, Image 3

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The Columbian
-HIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1887.
rilRltlCT BtlMtOlD Till Timt,
Train on tho Philadelphia & n 11. Icavo Rupert
is follows I
NOKT1I. .booto.
0:38 ft. ra. 11:19 a.m.
3:12 p. to o (:13 p.m.
Trains on tho 1). I W. It. It. leave Uioomsburg
follows t
4:15 n. m. 8.29 a. m.
10:30 a m. 11:41 a. ra.
2.11a p. m. . 4:1.) p. m.
t:M p. m. 8:4? p. m.
Trains on tho N.AW. U. Hallway pass Illoom
crry as follows'
noktii. sorj-rn.
to.14 a. m. 11:31 a, m.
l.lO p. a. 4 111 p. in.
10:18 am 6:39 pm
Mahcii 0. Will bo exposed to public sale
nt tho rcsldenco of John llnntz, (Mason)
In Jackson township, commencing at II
o'clock sharp, valuable pcrsoual property,
horses, cows, wagons, &c.
JlAlioit 12. I. A. Dewltt, executor of
John 0. Moore, will sell real estate In
Greenwood township nt 10 a. m. Also, n
ticnd power threshing machine.
Maisoii 8. A. W. Mclleniy, of Flshlnc
creek township, will sell valuable personal
property, on the premises, near Zlon's
church. Horses, cows and general farm
Implements. Bale to commenco nt 10
o'clock a. m.
March 10. D. K. Sloan will sell his pel.
snnal property, on premises, one mllo from
Fed. 24. 1 8. liruglcr, nilm'r, Ac, of
John Springer, deceased, will sell real es
tnto In Hemlock townBhlp at one o'clock
p. in.
Feu. 22. Frank Bomboy will sell per.
sonal property on the premises of Hlinm
Iteeco In HcielocU nt 10 o'clock.
Foil Balk. A good piano for sale very
cheap. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf.
At Piiivatk Sale. Sevcrnl lots In
Ulnomsburg, belonging to AI. U. & L. As
sociation. S1000 In very easy payments will buy
a ono hundred ncro farm, good new bouse,
largo new bnnk barn, excellent spring
water, convenient to rail road. Apply to
Foil ISkxt. Ono room, second floor,
Moycr building gas nnd water in the room.
Heated by Bteam. Apply to
febl8tf. . Motkr linos.
For Hbnt on Sale. Two store rooms,
and dwellings with the same, situated on
Main street. Also, a stable suitable for
livery, In liloomsburg. Inquire of Dr. J.
It. Evans. "J31.
For ItKNTt The third floor of tho Col
tjmiiiak building, now occupied by N. S.
'llngley. Heated by sit am, water on hc
ond floor, all conveniences. Possession
Arrll 1st. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf.
West, via Pittsburg or Erie tickets sold
by Moycr Hros.
Sir. William Webb 1ms been on the sick
HA the past week.
P. E. Witt nnd C. C. Peacock went to
Hew York on Wednesday.
Wllllnm L. Manning, of Iirighton, New
York, was In town last week.
Kev. W. C. Lcverett held service In St.
John's church Catawissa, on Tuesday even.
E. A. lUwllngs Is Improving, nnd has
been up town several times, but Is quite
lame yet.
Miss llartlin Wells has been suffering the
past two weeks from a severe attack of
Dr. T. J. Swisher nnd Mercantile Ap
praiser Fruit of Jerseytown were In town
on Wednesday.
Hon. C. It. liuckalew and Capt. il. J.
Conner went to Philadelphia on Wednes
day on railroad business.
Tho familiar fare of Judge Shuman was
seen in tho Court room last week. It
seemed odd to see him sitting among the
spectators Instead of on the bench, which
he graced for ten years.
Kx.AssocIute Judges Dcrr nnd Kiick
bamn were in attendance nt court last
week, as witnesses in the Hess case. While
in town thcyjnade a friendly call on Judgo
Elwell, wllh whom they once occupied the
bench, '
Joseph Knelly will take charge of Parr's
mill, In Franklin, on April 1.
Persons contemplating having sales the
coming spring will clu well to consult our
prices for hnnd bills.
Tlieie will be appropriate exercises ut the
Third street school on tho afternoon of
AVashlngton's birthday.
Hepresentativo Fritz will please accept
thanks for n copy of Iteport of Superintend,
cnt of Public Instruction.
Tickets to till points west at lowest possi.
ble rates. Apply to W. 0. Dougherty,
onicc of United States Express Co.
Looal Institutes. 'J hero will bo a lo.
cal Institute held nt Cunby February 10,
and another at UucUhorn, February 20.
Parties having snles this spring, in the
vicinity of Berwick, should secure the ser
vices of John G. Jacoby, Esy., as auction-
The New I'Deal stori is now conducted
by Mrs. M. E. Ent. A line line of hosier),
embroideries, white goods and fancy goods
are kept in stock.
A cmps of Engineers left town on Sun
dav afternoon for tlin nortli inniinlnln.
whero they nro surveying the uppfr dlvls.
lun oi uie u. ca b. roan.
Fred Hoyer, proprietor of the CroBs Keys
Hotel at Berwick, has sold out to Mr.
Ituch, aud will return to his former occu.
cation, locomotive engineer.
A. child of Win. Ferguson died of diph
theria last week. They lost one wllh eroop
the week before. This Is a sad nflllctlon
for them. They aro left with but one, n
Harman & Hasscrtare overcrowded with
their orders for mine cars. It will take
several' months to fill their present contracts
nnd still they nro getting Inquiries In regard
to tlllingoiders every day. They havo now
employed all tho men they can uso In thilr
Uentral Manngcr Halsteai, General Lam
Agent Storrs, Superintendent Bognrt, am
Chief Engineer Hose of tho D. L. & W. It
It. Co. were In town on Tuesday, In con
sulfation with tho ofllcers of tho II. & S
concerning the grade cioislng of the two
rJUUS uclow towu.
0. H, llrown, who cinductedn halrstoro
Here a couple of years ngo has at length
met Ids just deserts, and Is now In jail at
Willlamsport, for practicing tho same
methods that lie used hero In swindling
many people. A term In the penitentiary
would do Mm good.
Mrs. DeBheppard, mother of Mrs. Dr. I.
li. Habb died Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock, aged 08 years, lira. DeBheppard
nas been an Invalid for somo time, Mrs
llnbb who Is tho only dangler, brought In
lieru about tho holidays, and did all posil
ble to giro her rcllif but the gradually de
clined, and has gone to her rest. Funeral
services will bo held this (Friday) nftcr.
noon at 2 o'clock.
Ho I for tho West I Moycr Hrof. sell
tickets via. l'onna. n. H.
I. AI. Crcvcllng of Flshlr.gcrcek town,
ship has been mentioned as a probablo
candidate for counly commissioner.
Our Llghtstrcct packago did not reach
there until baturday. It was mailed hero
nt tho usual time, and must have been car.
rlcd on up the creek.
Tho entertainment nt the Hectory last
Friday night was well attended, notwith
standing tho glo that blew during tho
cvctlng. The proceeds were nearly nine
liloomsburg would ho a flrst.clasl loci-
tlon for a good dress. making establishment.
Thcro Is a good deal of ni'jncy curled to
UntivlIIoanil Wllkesbirre oueht to bo
kept at home.
!I. Axp, nf I.llllilnn. Mlrh . fnrmnrltr
I , ...V. tj
tills COtlntV. Writes I14 llllllnr itnln rr
February 11, that where hols working In
1110 wiillc l'lno wortls tliey cut trees con-
talnlng from (iOOO to 7000 feet each, and
that one log scaled 1204 feet.
Ij. liurnhard will move his jewelry storo
next door to Hendershott's drug store,
about tho 22d where liU many friends
will find blm ready to Berve them. He
will this month sell hit stock of watches
and jewelry, silverware, &o.,at cost. Glvo
Mm a call.
Wo Were mistaken Irtat Voi.t In snvtnn
" ""J 'b
that there Is but one express olllce In town.
I lie United Slates Express still continue
under the management of W. 0. Dough
erty, at tho old stand, first door above Ex
change Hotel. Parties having packages to
go to any points that Dougherty can reach
win una mm ever ready to servo them.
The Kcystono Minstrel (Jo. U already ns-
itred a full bouse this Friday evening, ns
large number of tickets have been sold.
company Is composed entire v of
home talent, under the management of J.
. Moycr, nnd those who have been pres.
1 at their rehearsals sav that thev will
give a good bIiot. Encourago thu boys by
patronizing them.
On Friday afternoon the cases
that were held over were dliposed of by
tho Court. Licenses were granted to Lem
uel Drake, of Benton, nnd M. W. Brennan,
of Centralla and G. W. Miller of Urlar
creck. The application of J. M. Long,
of Orangcvllle, was refused. Testimony
was heard In each cue, nnd there was no
objection made to those that were granted.
David Lowcnberq has recently purchased
an Ingenious machine for use In his tailor
ing establishment, It is a button maker,
and wllh It buttons can be made to order,
and covered with cloth to match, any kind
of a stilt. Two sizes of buttons can bo
made, and ladles who desire buttons cov.
crcd with the samo material as their dresses
can obtain them at Lowcnbcrg's. These
machines fill a long felt want, and as Mr
Lowcnbcrg always keeps up with the times
of course ho secured them at the earliest
The Clinton Democrat Bays: Hcv. John
Hewitt, pastor of the Episcopal church at
Fremont, Nebraska, but formerly for sever
al years rector at Bellefonte, has returned
from Europe, but had a rough time coming
over. The steamer he was in, the "Ari
zona," left Q'teenstown on Jan. 23d, and
did not reach New York until February 2d.
The storm caught it tweaty-four hours out
from Quecnstown. During its prevalence
two of the seamen were dashed against the
bulwarks and killed, and several others
seriously 'njured.
Tho Phi'ologlan Society will glva an
entertainment in Normal Hall next Tues-
day evening February 22, consisting of a
drama entitled, "Enlisted for the War,"
and select music under the leadership of
Prof. Nlles. Tickets 35, 25 nnd 15 cents.
Reserved seats secured at Clark's book
store. The drama is pronounced a tlrst.
class ono nnd should be well patronized.
Tho excellent music usually given by Prof.
Nlles orchestra ought to Insure a large
house for the society. Proceeds to be used
in supplying needed furniture in '.he so
clety room. Give them encouragement by
your presence.
We print elsewhere the icsult of tho
Town election held Tuesday. There was
but little Interest manifested. Tho chief
contest was that of members of council
and tax collector. By referring to the
table it will be noticed that the democratic
ticket received tho smallest vote ; this was
because of an error in printing tho tickets !
they should have read two votes each
thus cvcrytlmc an elector cast a ballot it
would have counted two for the member
Instead of one. Only one hundred of these
tickets were printed at this ofllec, ami they
were a special order to be printed like copy
given, and the copy was. that of a ticket
prlutcd at another olllco where the tickets
were printed lor tiic uelealeu canuiuaies.
A bill was i'Uroduceu in the Penusyl-
vanm Legislature changing tho marriago
license act. When beforo the Judiciary
General Committee Mr. Fritz suggested
that the bill bo so amended as to allow any
near relatlvo or friend of the contracting
parties to appear before tho Clerk of the
Orphans Court, or any Justice of the Peace
and make application for license, Parties
living a lone distance from the county scat
can, If the proposed bill becomes a law,
cither by themselves, or through a near
relative or friend, make application to a
Justice of peace, who will forward the
necessary papers to tho Clerk of the ;Jr.
plans Court. The licenso can then be
made out by tho Clerk nnd forwarded by
mail to the said Justice.
W. H. Ollmoro met wllh an accident
Tuesday morning nt Lockaid's car shops,
He was driving his team between the two
buildings for the purposo of reach
lug tho wood department. Just as he en
tercd between the buildings a ladder fell
frlchteniiig the horses. Ho turned to look
at tho cniiBO of the fright and then checked
up tho team, but not until ho had come in
contact wllh a steam pipe, crossing ue.
tiveen tho two buildings. Ho was caught
by this pipe aud squeezed between it and
the wagon seat so forcibly as to break ono
or his libs. Mr. Ollmore frequently drove
iu that way for saw-dust for his Ice but
never used tho high wagon before he
usually went with aisled.
William Hulmoof Ileuton died Febru
aryl4, aged 74 years, 2 months and 5
dayB- Ho was sick but eight days, his
disease being pneumonia. Mr. Hulme was
born December Otli 1812 in Jelterson town
shin. Morris comity. New Jersey, from
whence bo removed lo Luzerne county In
1833. He remained there until December
20. 1857. when he moved to Benton town
ship. He was twice married, his first wife Marv Buss who died Ap'll I, 1833
nnd his second wife being Phoehe E. Hob
bins, who survives him. He leaves ouo
son, Hllbcrt II.
Mr. Hulme was successful li life, and
owned one of the finest farms In the county.
He vos a member of tho Baptist church,
and the funeral services weru conducted
iiv iikv. J. P. Tuslln at tho rcsldenco on
Wi.,1uesdav mornlnc at 0 o'clock In the
presence of n largo number of sorrowing
mends. me reuwiu wri ,
crno county for Intermeni.
JnlniHtoTTii'H Gas 'Well
nut! tlio l'ortiincM It linn Mntlc.
When trains on tho Pennsylvania r illrond
pass tho llttlo hamlet known ns Urapcvllle,
thirty miles cast of Pittsburg, passengers,
unless they havo been over the road beforo
within n year, Invariably look around for
tho causa of n noise, not unllko tho sound
of escaping steam, that nrlscs apparently
from tho sldo.of the track, nnd, for n few
seconds, drowns tho din of tho fastest
trains. Tho strange sound enmo suddenly
In tho night almost n year agu,and U shows
no .sign of diminishing yet. It has tnndo
life In its Immedlato vicinity uncuduinblc,
but less than one-third of Its power sup
plies tho heat In manufactories forty miles
llstant that support a population of 10,000.
It has proven 11 gold mine to Its owners,
and n revelation of unknown power lo
thousand!. It Is n natural-gas will and the
most famous In the world.
Tho well Is tho property of tho West.
moreland and Cambria Natural Gns Co. It
s neatly 2,600 feet deep, and tho pressure
at Its mouth Is 7S0 pounds to the square
Inch. When the well was "drilled In," and
until the gas was controlled, It came out
of tho ground In n solid column, appar
ently, and with a roar that soon compelled
persons living In tho neighborhood to re
move to other quarters. As it comes from
tho well the gas Is so dunso that It can bo
seen. It has tho appearance of blue smoke.
Six feet from tho mouth of tho well tho
color Is almost white. At that height also
the column closes firm nnd the pas spreads,
but in the shape of an umbiella turned In
side out, and Is lost to tho eye. Tho pro
duct of this well Is from 10,000,000 to
20,000,000 cubic feet dally. For a tlmo nf-
ter the well "came In" Its owners did not
know what to do with It. Every nttempt
to control It for 11 long time was futile.
Plugs that weighed many tons wero blown
out of Its mouth ns If they wero pieces of
paper. Finally an Ingenious nppliance for
div'ding the pressure was Invented, and
the trouble was over.
At an expense of 81,000,000 the West.
moreland bnd Cambtla Gas company con
structcd a lino of pipe connecting tho well
with tho busy llttlo city of Johnstow,',
whero aro tho works of the Cambria Iron
company,tho most extensive combined Iron
and steel plant 111 tho United S'ates. The
pipe Is ten Inches In dlamct er for a dis
tance of 18 miles from the well; then there
Is 10 miles or 12-lnch pipe, 8 miles of 10
Inch and 4 miles or 24-tnch. Only a little
over oncthlrd of the uas produced by tho
well is turned Into this line, but the volume
of gas that reaches Johnstown Is more
thnn sufficient to furnish fuel, not only for
every department of the Cambria Iron
company's mills, but for every other manu
factory and private residence along the
pipe line.
The experiment of tho managers of tho
Id'cwild Cninpmectlng Grounds, about
mldwny between the well and Johnstown,
wilt illustrate in some degree the force of
the pressure of 280 pounds of gas. An
Inch plpo wns connected with tho main
line 1000 feet from tho entrance to the
ground. At the gate the size of tho pipe
was reduced to Mine fourths of an Inch.
From this pipe branches ot halMnch wero
carried In all directions, and nt a hundred
places through the grove were run Into the
air fifteen feet, the purpose being to secure
a good illumination for eight meetings. A
turn of a quarter of an Inch to the valve
which allowed the gas to enter the distrib
uting pipes from the luch main wns suffic
ient to cause the flame to shoot five feet
In the air from each of the hundred Btand
pipes, ns the branches intended for lllu
mluatlon are c dled. One evening while
religious services weic in progress the
valve broke and Ilia full pressure of gas
was turned into the s mn'ler pipes. Its
force blew out the Haines instantly and
from each of tho hundred pipes which but
a moment bjfore bad spread a mellow light
over the worshippers there came a sound
that resembled the shrill notes nf a factory
whistle more than anything else. Nothing
could be done before morning. The cot
tagers were afraid to light candles or lamps,
because, for all they knew, their houses
were filled with the gas and a speck of fire
might cause an explosion; they could not
talk to each other without shouting them
selves hoarse; could not sleep for the In.
fcrna! noise on every side, and, on the
whole, the nlulit was most miserable.
What the Introduction of gas has done
for Pittsburg cau hardly be stated Iu words.
In addition to hnvlng furnishul constant
employment for from 0,000 to 8,000 men at
the wo-k of pipe-laying during thu last two
years, it has kept eleven iron mills, em
ploying 7,000 m'.-n, nt work night and day
In the manufacture of pipes. The aggre
gate product of thesu mills during 1880 was
240,000 tons. Taking the average size of
the pipo manuf.ictiifed to be six Inches In
diameter, weighing twenty-eight' pouuds to
the foot, If tho product of these mills was
put together it would make a lino of pipe
3.000 miles loug. With these mills making
nothing but pipe-Iron, with tho quality of
tho product of all improved by the use of
gas for fuel instead of coal, and with the
cost of production greatly decreased, Iron
and steel manufacturers do not like to tell
exactly how much they have been bene-
filed. They aduilt, however, that tho total
output of the mills ot the district during
1880 was from 25 to 40 per cent, greater
thau during tho year 18S5, and that the
prospect for the present year Is equally
good. It Is an open sccict, too, that the
price of bar Iron was not advanced at tho
inciting of the Western Iron Association
in that city last week, because, with nat
ural gns as fuel, there is more profit In Iron
mado In that district at two cents a pound
than manufacturers in tho East can mane
selling nt two and cue-tenth cents a pound.
It may be said: "A pretty picture ; but
will this natural gas last?" That is a ques
tion that geologists and experts of every
description confess they cannot answer.
Tho men who have Invested if 14,000,000 In
the business of supplying natural gas In
Pittsburg and tho men who havo Invested
an equal sum In Nortwestcrn Pennsylvania
and tho men who during this year will In
orcaso tho total sum Invested In tbese
districts to probably $40,000,000, believe
the new fuel has come to stay. It Is true,
as has been widely heralded, that some
wells In tho Tarentuin aud other fields have
given out. But It Is a so true, and this
fact has for some reason not been so wide
ly published, that In every case tho failure
of a well has been found to bo due to somo
causo purely mechanical. It Is also true
and this Is another phenomenon that
staggers expert" that in the Westmoreland
and Washington county fields wells nrn
constantly growing stronger. Gauges tak
en last week showed that two wells In tho
Washington Held that showed a pressuro of
125 pounds a month ago now havo a press.
uro ot 250 pounds. New territory Is also
being discovered. The most Important
strike this year was at Lattobe, on tho
Pennsylvania Hallroad. Latrobe Is eleven
miles further east than the derricks aud
drillers matched last year. Slnco tho 1st
of January two big wells haio been struck
thcro and It Is believed that tho Lutrobo
Held will bo as rich ns any yet discovered.
' Even If tho supply of natural gas should
give nut," said ouo of the gentlemen, who
has at least $1,000,000 at stuke, "Western
Pennsylvania will never return to the use
of coal for fuel, I believe natural gas will
last for ages, but u substitute Is at band to
.bo utilized It tho necessity should ever
arise. 1 rclor to Iho gal from the 10,000
coke ovens In thcConnellsvlllo coke region.
Hundreds ot millions of feet ol gni am put
out dally from ibeso ovens. It costs notlw
lug, because the coko yields n good profit
on tho coal consumed, nicro never nns
been any question about tho practicability
of transporting tho coke-oven gas to Pitts,
burg and further If necessary. Tho chief
reason why this gas was not utilized for
fuel beforo tho valuo of natural gns was
known was that coal has nlways been chenp
nt Pittsburg, and tho plant for Iho distribu
tion of coke-oven gas would. have Involved
nn outlay otmllllons. Now the pipes aro
in tho ground, nnd 111 addition to the ml
vaninge In price, wo know how vastly
Biiperiur gas Is to coal ns ft fuel."
l'lilladclplila, February it. 189T.
A very fine imported ladies'
broad cloth lor tailor-made suits
and spring jackets. A touch is
enough to tell its extra good
aualitv. Red. brown, olive.
bronze, black ; 2 shades each of
mahogany and "green; 3 each of
dark brown, light brown, blue,
mode, heliotrope and drab.
Colorings as delicate as a sun
tinted cloud. 56 in. No, not
$3.50; the price is $2.75 a yard.
As a rule 6 yards for a suit.
Diagonals and squares troir),
the late great auction sale ; blues
and blacks, 54 in., $2 and $2.50.
But a few cents more than the
manufacturer's price by the case.
By the ground-hog rule,
Winter's back is broken. Before
the grass comes there'll be
thoughts of a carriage for baby.
Most of the newness this year
is in the body. If the upholstery
doesn't suit go up stairs, choose
what of silk or satin you like
and we'll fix it as you wish. So
of the bodies and running gears.
Pick those wheels, these springs
and that body, if you will ; we'll
put them together build your
carriage to your mind in fact.
You'll see all our cushions are
tied in. Take them out and lay
a pillow on the all-over carpet
ed bottom if vou care to. Can't
often get a carriage built that
way. Losts more to us but not
to you. Special coaches, up
holstered in satin and plush,
trimmed with good quality of
ribbon and fitted witn satin par
asols, $14-50, $16.50 and $18
A good coach, $6. Wicker
body, strong and neat ; service
able rnnning-gears, comfortably
upholstered, some fancy work
and $6. That's the lowest.
Price climbs then to wherever
you say ; some first babies take
the price pretty high.
Nainsook Embroideries. Pret
ty little trifles unless you try to
fdilow the ins and outs, the ups
and downs, the twirls and curls
of the design. Pretty still but
not so simple. You begin to
wonder how it can all be and
but o to 30 cents a yard. In-
sertings to match.
Not much of a dress hat. vou
think, for Wronir. Perhaps
a trick of curl lacking in the
brim, mav be not nuite so fine.
but how can most of you tell it
from one for r ust as limit,
iust about as eood to wear. If
you pay the other $1 you pay it
mostly for style. Plenty, are
glad to; plenty more are glad
not to. For them the $4 silk
liat. After it's routrhed a little.
harder than ever to tell that it
isn't one of the finest.
And a trood black Derbv for
S2. INot the luenest note ot
goodness, but dressy and ser
viceable. A little liner, a little
better all around. S2. ;o. The
standard $3. A number of last
falls importation of Henry
Heath's best London Derbys
down from $5 to $4.
Printed India Silk. The
simplest and plainest of hand
woven silks; always better than
it looks. You like it when old
and familiar ; you'll like it better
in the new and pretty designs.
Like stepping into a flower gar
den to pass near some of them.
And very modest figures also
Light and dark ground, 24 in.,
75c; 27 111., $1 to $2.
Bead trimmings will be the,
fashion. We've never before
had so much in bead things to
make a lady wild; never so much
in the grass mixtures, or in any
of the other somethings and
nothings that give the last
touches of loveliness and tone
to a costume. New things till
you tire of counting ; strange
things till you weary-wonder
what next.
There's a whisper that the
braid trimmings in Vandyke de
signs (all the pointed braid pat
terns are "Vandykes") will have
a run this season. They de
serve it. Hard to make a
worsted dress look so dashing
in any other way.
A taking newness is the grass
and tape fringe with marabout
heading to match. All the grace
ol the "grass ' (made in a loom
as very narrow tape and given
a satiny sheen) both in the
heading and in the fringe, $2 to
$4 a yard.
Write and say what you want,
and how you want it sent. Sam
ples or goods.
John" Wanamakeu.
Cbostnut, Thlrtoontli and Market btroots,
ana Cttjr.Uall square.
'Th OlTfttfifrt Cunt nn hrih for win h win I
ruji unrumiiiiim, rtenrnifn.
Jturn, ftcdlds Cutu, lJimha-1
1 j -iinT putt. rmr uitrv,
irVftrhn. On In V. Nnm 1 hrmit
Hrin!trfi Wminil. IfffuUrhA.I
Toothache, f-pralns fte. iTIcel
tscti. a (miilA. Hohl hy all I
'rlmccM. ('jtuttrm. .Tim mn
fo-ftmti tiffnntnr. A. d. llrj-er & 60., flolol
1 Toprietom, Jialtimor, Ud., U. H. A, B
Forthe cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Acthma, Ercnchltb,
Vliooplng Couh, incipient Con
sumption, and for the relief cf con
sumptive pcrson3 In Advanced ctagea
of t'.:e Disease. For Silo by c'.l Dru.
gists. Price, 25 cents.
List of letiers remaining In the Post Of
flcoiit liloomsburg for week ending Feb.
115, 1887i
ThoTias Crclghton, Miss Sarah J.'.Dodder,
Mr. Oeorgo Graul, Dora Iluthirakcr, Mr.
Jacob Mtissclinan, Mr. William licnu, Mrs.
Baruh O. llhone.
W. .A. Allebach, liloomsburg Coal Co.,
David Peel, llerklu rt & Shcllhamer, Mr.
Smith, John Umstead.
Frangero Damlco, Jltsvan Oarcsar,
Ggnrty Imrickn, Mrs. KrUtlne Strnbtc,
Mlhaly Toezlmak.
Persons calling for these letters will
nlensc say "advertised."
Okoiior .V. Ci.aiik, P. M.
Shipping tags, with or without strings,
at the Cot.UMiilAN olllce. If.
Full weight carpet chains only at I. W.
Hartman it Son's.
Ask for 'lark's'"77" French Sateen
corsets, double back.
Extra good linen crash 10c. yd. nt I. W.
Ilartinun it Son's.
New sattcens at Clark & Son.
Having Just received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, t am prepared to
clean and dye gents' clothing, ladles'
cloaks, pneques, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed ami eurled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, liloomsburg
Woolen Mills.
lilg barcalii in Hamburgs just opened at
Clark & son's.
Every day In the week brings new goods
to 1. W. Hartman & Son's. People who
go theie to trade seldom fall to be suited
not only In tho poods but in the prices.
Careful selections not only in qualities but
style of goods.
New prints, muslins, tickings, &c. at
Clnrk it Son's at old prices yet.
Several hundred pair new, good, medium
priced shoes, sure to please at 1. W. Hart
raau & Son's.
New spring dress goods and cloths nt
Clark & Son's.
When you come to Moom drop in nt I.
W. Hartman &, Son's and see If they can't
sell you a better pair of hoc than you are
accustomed to buy for say 2"c. to 50c.
Sec "Clark's 77" satteen corset.
It is a Cumous Fact. That the body is
now moio susceptible to bent-tit from medi
cine than nt any other season. Hence the
Impoitancc of taking Hood's Saisnparllla
now, when It will do you the most good.
It Is really wonderful for purifying and en
riching the blood, creating an appetite, and
giving a healthy tone to the whole system.
Be sure to get flood's Sarsiiparilla, which
is peculiar to itself.
The ciown of Queen Victoria consists of
diamonds, penrls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds, set in silver and gold Its grost
weight is 80 o.. G dwt troy. Tho number
of diamonds are 3,352; pearls, 273;
rubies, !); sapphires, 17; emerald', It. It
is an old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is oetter to wear the
ciown of perfect health and peace of
mind through tho curative effects of Per
ine's Pure Ilailey Milt Whiskey. For
ale by C. 11. Hobhlns, liloomsburg, Pa.
Mi'sioai. Instiil-mksts. An instrument of
value. 25 els. buys the best nun most 1 111
cleut plaster ever known, Hop plasters for
any kind of pain -act instantly never fail
hops, Gums and Iliirgundy pitch coin
blued, superior to all others. 25 cts.
WiiatTisuk Mekit Will Do. The un
precedented sale of lioschce's German
Hymn within r, few ycart, has astonished
the world. It is without doubt the safest
and best remedy ever discovered for the
speedy and effectual euro nf coughs, colds
aud the severest lung troubles. It acts on
an entirely different principle from the
usual prescriptions given by Physicians,
as It dues not dry up a cough and leave tho
dlscnse still in the bystem, but on tho con.
trary removes tho rause of the trouble,
iicali the pints affected and leaves them In
a puiely healthy condition, A bottle kept
in the house for uso when tho diseases
make their appearance, will save doctor's
bills and n loug spell of serious illness. A
tiial will convince you of the facts. It is
positively sold by (ill druggists and general
dealers in the land. Price, 7-1 cts , large
bottles. Jan 281j87eow.
Two great enemies Hood's Barsapar
111a nnd impure blood. Tho latter is utter
ly defeated by the peculiar medicine.
TTien Bby u ilck, w jt her CmUkI,
WTiep. ihe iu Child, eha cried for Cutori,
When aha becune Ulta, (lie clang to CutorU,
ffhta ah h4 Children, aba gara them Cutoria,
See Mlul the Secretary of the IntcrUate Poultry
and l'et block At.ocutioii, of Cubdcn,
Illinois, says
August i. 68,
llRAttblK -I have used some of ynurChlck.
Chick. er -ekes (Poultry Food). .amiatUf.ed
lliat il Increases llie etfz production cf my fouls.
Wk Thu. You Positively that Simmons
Liver Keen ator w ill rid vou of dyspepsia.
purify your system, enable you to sleep
well, ' prevent malarial diseases mid glvo
you a brisk ami vigorous feeling. It acts
'directly on the liver and kidneys, cleansing,
iHinfvlnir. Invicorallng and fortifjlng tho
system against disease. It will break up
chills and fever and prevent their return-
yet enllrly treo trnm calomel or quinine.
CvfitKU iiy AUMiNisimtiMi Die. Haines'
Golhen Si'Kcino It can be given in a cup
of colli c or tea wltuout the knowledge of
tho person taking It, effecting a speedy nnd
permanent cure, whether the patient Is n
moderate drlnlier or an alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of diuiikurds haye been Hindu
tcmnerato men who havo taken the Golden
Specific In their coffeo without theirkno.
edge, and to-day believe they null orlnk
lng of their own free will, No liarmf")
ellccts results from us administration
Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and
full particulars. Address It. contldenco
Golden Specllio Co., 185 Haco St Cincin
nati, uiuo. ilcoiJBUly
No other &r"lK medielno lias won for
Itself elicit universal t'onlldeiieo us Ayer's
saisapuruni. r is me most poweuut com.
blnatlun of vegetable alteratives ever offer
ed to the public, and Is acknowledged by
the medical profession lo bo iho best blond
A. I). Beely was unanimously rcnomln
ated for the ofllco of High constable by the
voters of llerwlck.
The proceeds of the supper given, at the
rcsldenco of Mr. J. A. Funstnn, on Wed.
ncsday evening, by the Young Pcoplo's
Guild of 81. Paul's Church, wero nearly
Mr. Samuel Nollon of Alt, Pleasant town
ship died suddenly at his home, Sunday
last. Air. Nollon was a rcsldcnlof lllooms.
burg many years ago, nnd moved from hero
to Alt. Pleasant township. Ho was one of
tho foremost clttr.ens In tho township, ft
member of tho At. 11. Church and served
the people as Justice of tho peace. He was
burled In Kitchen's cemetery Thursday.
The ofllcers of tho State Firemen's Asso
ciation held n meeting In Hnrrtsbiirg re
cently to consider legislation In thu interest
of firemen. A communication was receiv
ed from tho Firemen's Union In Heading,
niklng the committee to consider the pass,
age of a law creating tho olllce ot Ore
marshal In all cities and Incorporated bor
oughs, it wns referred to the Law Com
mittee The Law Committee was Instruct
ed to work In unison with tho Insurance
companies' committee at present In attend
ance In the Legislature, and mako tho
Alattcn Firemen's Belief bill conform, If
necessary, with the Insurance bill.
Tho suit of Joseph Hess' executor against
Frank Hess brought a largo number ot
persons to town ns witnesses last week, and
occupied three days of the court. It was
n suit brou nh t to recover land In Jackson
occupied by tho defendant, aud his defense
wns that the land was given to him by his
father, whose representatives sought to
eject him from It by this suit. After hear
ing the testimony and thu. argument of
counsel, Judgo Green directed the Jury to
render u verdict for tho plaintiff, with six
cents costs, and six cents damages, on tho
ground that the parol evidence was not
sutllclent to establish a tltlo In tho defend
ant. In this case It Is n great hardship for
Frank Hess, who has put considerable
money Into tho property, supposing It was
his. but the rule of law that n contract for
the sale of land must be in writing, Is In
flexible. The moral Is that when one be
comes possessed of land, cither by gift or
purchase, he should be sura that his title Is
all right before he puts improvements on It.
A Hnzleton paper says: "Tho Tide
Water Pipe Line, which Is supposed to be
un attribute of the Standard Oil Company,
several years ago built n line fiom the oil
regions to Tamancnd, near Tnmaqua, on
the Philadelphia & Heading railroad, where
thousands of cars havo been loaded a ith
the crude material nnd taken to New Yoik
nnd Philadelphia refiners. Thc'Tamancud
station will be abolished shortly as the com
pany Is now extending its p'pe line from
the latter named place to tide water. The
route cxti nds over the Ilroait Alountain to
Munch Chunk where It crosses to the Nortli
lirauch of the Lehigh river along which it
runs to the Delaware river at Easton, from
which place "Y's" will go in the direction
of New York and Philadelphia. There
will he steam pumps placed at Intervals of
fifteen miles apart to assist In giving press
ure to the oil. The undertaking is an im
mense tiltair, costing about $500,000.
Large gangs of pipe litters numbering in
nil about 200 men, arc employed along the
line. The laborers receive 5-2 per day and
board. Tlio pipes used aro five incnes In
diameter nnd dragged up the mountain
sleeps by teams of horses. It is expected
ttint the entire contract will bo completed
inrly next summer.
on to Mlllvlllc.
Weather permitting continuous work at
tiack.laing, nnd no other unforseoo cir
cumstances oeeuring to prevent, the first
passenger train to Alillville, over the
Wllkcsbarre & Western Hallway, will be
run about Tuesday. February 22d,or soon
thereafter, on which occaslou'a largetnum
her of people will enjoy the trip. The com
pletion ol the road to Alillville is anxiously
looked forward to, and tho arrival of the
tlrst passenger train will bo hnlled with de
light by the people of that community.
Millon Argus.
For a time my life wns despaired of. Aly
trouble was wilh the kidneys, liver and
bladder also constipation. Finally I used
Dr Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and In
my opinion it saved my life. I mako this
statement to save those who suffer as I did.
A. J. Gilford, Lowell, Alass. Druggists;
SI. Send 2 cent stamp to Dr. David Ken
hedy, Kondout, N. Y., for his hook on
KUney, l.lvtr and lllood disorders. Alen
tion this paper. febl8-4td
Envelopes, letter beads, noto heads, bill
heads, statements, business cards, and nil
minis oi commercial printing at tlioUoLUM
niAN olllce. tf.
The Town Election.
Premltmt of Council.
F. C. Eyer,
Peter S. Harman,
F. P. Drinker,
Douglas Hughes,
Member of Cbunci'f.
E. Y. Total.
94 CO 100
240 218 4.18
1 1 1
1 1 1
185 ICS 353
100 145 341
100 103 209
359 205J 0241
b24 180 50 li
205 2901 001
205 283 488
187 210 402
193 232 425
220 181 401
155 44 . 199
08 88 150
105 179 344
170 95 200
230 271 001
113 12 125
12 109 121
2 2
4 47 81
105 A 108
298 249 547
165 82 237
75 93 108
114 122 230
Clinton Sterling
James C.,
diaries llusserl,
F. D. Dentler,
11. dark.
L. S. Wlntcrsteenf
It. II. Hlngler.
James Cadow,
School Directcrt.
J. C. Brown,
Wra, Itnbli-,
Peter Jones,
Stephen Knorr,
O. T. Wilson,
Collector of Tate.
Itlchard Stiles
U. II. Ent,
K. C. Ent,
Isaac Yost,
Charles Itabb,
IT. II. Ent,
William Clulsman,
Charles Housel,
AI. C. Woodward,
Milton Cox,
Yvm. Uarrctt.
AI. K. Appleman,
Judge of Election. ,,a
G, AI, Locknrd,
Harry f ornwnlU.
John Penman,
J. Fctlerman,
C. H. Furmau,
James Stavcr,
O. P. Sloan.
J, Sharplcss,
Inspector of Election.
John Kellcy,
Jerninn Woodring,
a aro elected.
i. r. vannatta,'
II. II. Vaiiualta,
Wm Hodemoyer,
W. E. Knorr.
F. AI. Everett,
O. P. Sloan,
Those marked with
A correspondent asksi "Where can wo
send to get Peck's Patent Ear Drums, an
invention for enabling peoplo to hear who
arc deaf, slightly or otherwlso? Writo to
F. IIUoox, 819 Uroadway, N. Y., stating
cause and particulars of your deafness and
bo will glvo you nil Ihe points de'lrcd.
Head the following from thu Medical htcordi
"A lecluier Iu ouo ot our hospitals, while
iiiustraiiug progress tn medical science, In.
traduced a deaf patient whoso case bullied
all medical skill and waB considered hone.
lets. Hut an invention belongiug to F.
HUcox. New York. havlui licen rppnm.
mended It wns uned with very satisfactory
results, as it fully restored the hearing- It
wus lesieu in otuer cas;s anil lounil to bo
more successful than anv known ilevli-.u fer
tile relief of deafness, as hearing lost tor
many years was fully restored by it. Tho
Invention Is all tho more satlitactory as It
is out of sight and iIocb not require to bo
held lu position. And whllo It can bo
readily removed or Inserted by tho patients
themselves It Is withal curative In action
unit com lor table to wear, febl8-4td.
Absolutely Pure.
s'rcnstth anil wholcsomcness. Moro economical
than ordinary kind, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition wlilithe multitude ot low tcst,short weight,
aium or puospnaio powueis. poiu only in cans.
JtOTAl. JIAKlNtl 1'UWDBK V U,. WailDU,!. X.
I'.nHl ilc-ntoii.
On Friday evening, February 4, Harmon
8. llelshllnc, of Cnmbra, slipped on the Ice,
fell, nnd broke his right arm, both In tho
right arm and wrist.
Tommy Seward's dwelling, nenr Cambrn,
was consumed by lire, Including $00 cash,
ou Friday, tho 4th. Insurance on tho
building, i&COO furnlttiri', &c.
Frank 1, Holies, ot Fishtngcrcck, is se
riously 111 at present writing. He recently
purchased a farmln Jackson or Greenwood
Howard Woolevcr Is running his steam
saw mill on full time on Charles Kcefcr's
timber tract.
Joe and Frank Ash have the contract for
furnishing timber nnd lumber for the rail
road bridge across Fisbingcreek, near Hen-
ton, at $20 per thousand feet.
Cotut rrocecttliiics,
Court convened nt 0 a. m. February 10.
Judge Green presiding, Associates Murphy
and AlcIIcnry present.
t'lark (Jallemler, executor of Joscnu
Hess. vs. Frank L Hess. Case tried. Ver
dict for plaintiff directed by the Court.
Henry won appointed guardian or Ltz
zle AI. Heescr and James AI. Heeser. Bond
In $200 In each case and surety approved.
Exceptions filed to Auditor's report in es
tate of Win. Patterson.
Iteport of viewers in favor oi a road In
Flshingcrcck near Samuel Shlvcs and John
Zahncr's confirmed nisi.
Hcnrv Anncl sworn as a citizen of the
United States.
In matter of the license application of J.
M. Lone. L. Drnke. t.. W. .Miller nnd AI.
W. Urennan, the associate judges heard
testimony in the- grand jury room and all
were granted except that of J. AI. Long.
F. IL Eaton appointed guardian of Clark
U. Eaton nnd Aland W. Eaton. Iionds
Citation to executor to flic account award
ed In estate of Alatlhcw Wynkoop.
Estnte of Alargaret J. Eaton, a lunatic.
Court direct C. C. Evans, committee, to
pay costs of proceedings iuluuacy-
balc ot real estate ordered in luc estate
of A. It. ltutan.
Lizzie Arncr vs. Milton T. Arner. di
vorce decree.
Auditor's report in estates of Jackson
Leihy and Elizabeth Shuman, confirmed
William H. Yorcv vs. Locust Alountain
Water Co. On trial Wednesday afternoon.
Sheriff ucknowledeed followlne deeds:
Land In lleaver, sold B9 property nf AI. F.
Eytrly, to Catharine Weaver, for $20; farm
In Hrinrcreek, sold ns properly of D. F.
Scybert, lo Susan E. Cooper, for $tG0.
For scrofula, improverlshcd blood nnd
general dubtllty, Scotl's Emulsion of pure
Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphltes, has
no ciiunl in tlio whole realm ot medicine.
Head tho followlne: "I enve ono bottle of
Scott's Emulsion to my own child for scrof
ula, and the effect was marvelous." O.
AI GitAY, AI. I., White Hall, Ind.
Get your wcdolne invitations at the Cc
LCuiiiAN olllco.
WOOLF HOWELL. On Saturday.
February 0, 1887, In the study of thi Ev.
Lutheran church, Rloomsburg, Pa., by
Iter. F. P. Alanharl, Wm. J. Woolf and
Liiziic uov ell.
ctluiulcifsi Sarthciirc.
Bloomsiiukg, Pa.
A very pretty piece of work
we have 111 silver is a spoon hoi
der and call hell combined ; best
quadruple plate, ornamental,
miuly and not liitrh priced.
Carvine knives and forks in
sets from 75 cents to twenty dol
lars, with or without cases.
If you want somethiti' hand
some lor the ttthlo we havo it in
it dozen pearl handled, heavily
plated dinner knives in a blue
plush case lined with satin; a lit
tle expensive but worth all we
Our trade on silver is increas-
inc ; advertising and a larce lino
of reliablo ware to select from is
what causes it. Wo iust receiv
ed 50 dozen spoons and forks in
a variety of patterns and have
some moro of those lower priced
casters on tho way. Lower
priced because thev aro plain
but just as heavily plated as the
more expensive patterns.
Handsome tea and coiTeo pots
in solid brittania, bright as sil
ver and will wear a lifo time
and always keep their color.
lea kettles in galvanized iron
agato iron, copper, plain am:
fancy, polished and nicklo plat
ed, light and durable
Ono of tho handiest things
about tho kitchen is tho now
combination Hour and sugar sif
ter; answers lor a measuro am
scoop, egg beater, rico washer.
lnut strainer, ion buy it ot
; agents at soventy-nvo cents, wo
sell it to you for 25 cents.
Sign of tho big Yale Lock
1 .1. R. SCHUYLER & CO.
From Jn. 11, 186, toJtn. 10, IBS!.
JOHN K. UltoTZ, Treasurer.
To bat In treas hands Jan It, tt
Cash ree'd on Ulooin dup M .....
" 'm5.,..
" "(ircenwooddup'sl
" " scott dup MS m
" Huearloaf ilur IKS.
" "liloom dup Hi.. ..
" orernwood dup 'M
' " Scott dup 'Rfi......
11 huearloaf dup....
" "llarrlneton Judetnt
" of A sterner.
" on unseated land.....
of Catawissa Twp..
t S7M 73
Iiy orders of si and H redeemed
" " M redeemed
Iiy money refunded to N. lioon
Iiy postage
Iiy Treasurer's salary.
lly balance In Treasurer's hands
t 4i tn
en n
is m
103 00
4.13 54
I C734 73
Dup. 18 5. Paid.
Hleom S893 57 SI87 Z
HCOtt 1W3 33 Ml 2-1
40S El
473 It
t SO 44
Duo. I'M. raid.
Illoom 8B 70 'Mil 51
1M4 IS
B9f 75
301 3-2
Scott 1159 09 781 34
. Wood 10.1 7J JIS 4J
sugarloat 3 70 80 (X)
Less exonerations and ner cent.
S92 70
t VOU 93
3119 IS
lll 07
49K 01
I S410 M
6184 90
rn m
1494 07
4919 M
outstanding orders Jan 11 BO.-,
Orders Issued to Jan 10, K7....-
Orders redeemed to Jan 10 87. .
Orders outstanding J an 10 87..
Outstanding orders Jan 11
uraers issued rrom Jan n, r,io
mn iu,cr ,. H..M
Orders redeemed to Jan 10, R7
unu-ru uuiuianaing oaa iu,
t M10 K
stato llosnltal for the Insane.
Oeorgo Fox I 101 21
Mary Huelies. S3 73 Kelly lot in
L Z Kahler 1M 28
Jno. liojer 103 43
431 99
372 49
Sundry bills tor mercliandlso for
family and paupers I
Auditors' & Clirks' nay for Jan.
11,8ft. t 5 00
John il Clark-, orders of relief... 7 00
Kitchen AWattA, orders of relief 8 75
(luy Jacoby. orders of relief 8 to
i- ruz k uiuuacn oraers oi reuci i w
M o Woodward and Dr Itcdo-
Kcr, ror arresting Jno uoyer
snd taking to Dunvlllo- 4 51
-M C Mcuollum, extension ladder 8 oo
Expenses Willi llosv lxxlson . 3 49
Thn-e papers publlsh'g stalem't 30 oo
u il nice, uwi lor poor uoiise. . , o o-
Digging grave ior uuin uoniy . if uu
Expense taking It Stout to 1' 11. if 6U
Wlls. Wanlch.llmo. 18 12
A solleder, shoemaklog. 2 S3
1' Unangst, ' 2 13
Express on book- 30
ax aim repairs ior uoivg nouso a u
aul K Wirt, ror oaths 1 00
,1 11 Mercer tax bookn 1 oa
Kxpenso with Loyal Maustellor. 11 40
u ltlnk, binding twine 7 50
T Mcllrlde, combined binder.... 170 00
Smith & Ueckcr. fertilizers 36 on
Dienenuacu, nrooms 3 bo
Terwllllger, orders of reUcf. . 8 CO
" comn for Km coolc 12 23
Grant Herring, cost on tax test 2 50
.11 uiaric, coti on a. urcTennc
case. 8 50"
Tax on Martha llrown house 2 M
woodward, attending tramps.. 10 co
Mrs c 1'axion, intercut 81 SO
u jirown, engineering on res
ervoir. - 11 a
.Mover IItoh. medicine 4D 13
OAKlelm, 12 93
11 Mercer " 9 in
l'ofitaen and sfAtlnnprr. 4 IK
h'eal Bro. coal. 4 SO
smitu work. si 17
J liachman.eontract onresv'r.. ruu co
Kshletnan Co, plumbing l-'i 3
Repairs 141 81
K Brown, Insurance. 43 w
t 1S7 OS
Thomas Mcnrlde, steward.,
J H McKelvy, Mil
630 00
50 00
SO 00
73 0
73 00
75 00
II V Mclteynolds, M D
Heece Palrtnan
Dr J Schuyler.
A Kieitn
I 150 00
Tramps .
13 20
out door mi.m.
Jackson Karns ins on
Matthias Shottz. 159 93
Lucv Mertman. lot no
At. Cadow 194 40
Mareaiet Dawson 79 S3
Its Young. 79 50
rrea euner 3j n
Manerva . ly. 49 00
Hester iiomooy. ibj oo
Emma Hertz co IU
Sarah Jones 46 C3
viartus cox m 53
Wm shoemaker 13 50
Mrs C Hamilton 75 0J
Kllen and Hannah Kinney C2 00
Daniel lngold 13 73
Samuel Karver 15 50
Levi Hall v oo
Martha Brown 0 50
Oeorgo H Brown, (colored) 8 08
ltobert Stout 3 33
Cat Halfpenny 5 04
Mrs Aleman. 1... 27 72
Daniel uarman. 2 00
Kllen Oreen, (colored) 31 50
John llenscl r, a
Mrs Jones, of Espy 9 89
.MrgLttvi irvusy H ,, , kj
Ueorge Samuels. 3781
Sarah dross. 1 76
Mrs Hiram Long 2 10
Kmma cook 1 isn
Clara Hcldebrand 54
jannMcMlchael 3900
George Applegate 9 62
$ 15S3 24
! 91
We. tho undersigned. Auditors of tho townahlrM
comprising the Bloom I"oor District, met at the
l'oor House on Monday, January 10. it7, examined
tho accounts ot the Treasurer and Directors from
Jan. 11, ISO?, to January 10, 1837, and the Touchers
ur luu auiuw, unu uuu tuem correct, as set lortn
JOSKl'H GAlimsON, J-Auditors.
C. II. IllLDINi; J
Value of Heal and Personal Property, belonging
to Illoom Poor District, Jan. 10, 1887.
j a,, ul iiuuui uuji., n., ,t,,.H.. y 4"S 3-,
nn 11U1 18
SCOtt " '85 478 13
tt ,i '86,,.,,,,, 3!r7 75
Greenw'd" 'sn'.. ..',"'.'. 30132
sugarlof" '( .. 292 70
t RllO U
Less estimated exonoratlons
and commissions SJt CO
Farm and bulldlncrs. lxvw m
Judgment on Dennis' property.. 100 oo
iaiuk progeny sau Ul
3 horses. M 375 00
nead caltle .. wa oo
shoats 40 oo
brood sow 15 ul
10 chickens. 27 to
'arm lmnlements am no
Furniture In i-oor House. 923 00
" Weward'H llnusf QiYI on
220 bushels wheat on hand 1W 00
1 ousuen rye on nand 10 00
ICO bushels rotMlnes fa mi
500 heads cabbage 23 no
5 bushels turnips. 1 50
13 tons hay iu 00
1050 sheavueorn fodder....-. 6300
825 bushels oats 7 n
ii 75 bushels corn ears too 00
4 ousneis onions. 4 00
2-200 lbs pork and la.xL 132 00
400 lbs beef s OO
3 tons coal 9 75
souibsnour. 1125
8 bbls vinegar. 15 00
2 bushels beans. 2 00
1 Doi sauerxraut uu
10 bandies rye straw s 50
iuu ius packca outter 23 co
20 cans tomatoes 2 to
11 ncres grain In ground 112 CO
1.- uusui-ig apples 7 00
I 37 77
1ST 00
irsi ot
M3 4.1
4SI El
44 OS
' VHt IS
T18 4S
ri m
to ou
so tt
St ot
A tO
IS 40
$19574 SO
rxonccTS riisco on riau.
3u3 bushels wheat
237 S3
268 20
101 sa
90 75
4 0O
19 00
2 90
173 20
132 25
28 00
220 00
93 00
37 50
II 50
94 50
1! W
DO 00
15 m
11 75
e oa
9 00
12 50
t9t corn ears,
291 " oats ,
165 " potatoes
" beans.
30 11 apples,
" beets
31 " rye
29-Jl lbs pork and lard.
aw ius miner uisae.
400 lbs beef
20 tons hay
15-.U sneaves corn roaaer
750 beads cabbage ......
50 bundles rye straw ., , ,
a-,6 dozen eggs
6 bbls cider
16 snoats .
2 calves ralsed...w
5 chlckeDs raised
1 bbl Baurkraut
SO bushels turnips
50 cans tomatoes
8 ousneis onions.
6 It
No. of paupers remaining last
Admitted during the ycur
Discharged during the year....
ineu during 1 no year
lteinalnlog Jan. 10, 'ht.....,.,,
Jan. 28, '$7,
t JPrivsite Sale!
Tho following opcrtlea aro offered at lTtrata
Sale by the Mutu .llulldtng and Loan Association
ot liloom.sburr, d will bOBo:d cheap, tbey
must bo sold 0 .close out "Series B" of said Asso
ciation: 1. -A lot on East street, adjoining prtmlws of Mr
Geo. Lockard, la the town ot Uloomsburg.whereoa
aro erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling,
a barn and outbuildings.
2. A lot, situate on Main street, In the town cf
Espy, v hereon are erected a good two-story
Frame Dwelling,
a barn and outbuildings, and now occupied by
Henry Waples. Apply for terms to
doc.3l.6t, Atty, (or Aarocuiog