Ule Colttmton, wvuaviiuutuuij In nr.. Weekly, rrrry Frhtny Mornln. , nt nLOOMSUUIUJ(COLUMIJIACO..rft. it 1 ttn HAK MO .1.1. . . . . vi'v i'v vim luouuniiiuviBoui orinoeniin. y mo termi nro strictly in lulvanco. of tlio publishers, until all arrearages aro palf.but Inntf nnntlnund rrnl I ft w II nnt lui ..i.,. r 1 wufc All paiiors sent out uf the sutoor to distant post owhh miwtbo pilrt .orlnauvnnco.unlesiarespon. slblo person In Columbia county assumes to par JOB PIUNTING. TIui.Tob Printing Department ottlio Comjhman It very complete. It contains thn latest now trno aal m iihli.ery and Is tlio oily offlco that runs lob presses by power. B'Vlnu; us the best facl.ltles. IS. linites furnished on lariro Jobs. Catarrh vmmm cm map HAYFEVERl 2fe U.S.A. HAY-FEVER KLT8 CI! EMI HAT.lt Is not a liquid, snujf or powder. Applied into nostrils ii qtilckli absorbed. It cleanses thchcad. Allay) inflammation, Jlealstlie tores. Jleslorcs thesenses of taste and smell. 10 ecntt at TniO!jM! I'll mail, reyitttrnl, CO emit. ELY BROTHERS, Kruegists.Owcgo.NY. rcbldlt PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tlio toiular favorite for drcwlnsr tlio hair, ltcstoiinif color vhen f ray, nnit prorontlnn ItandniiT. t clennes Iho icalp, utop the hair full I tiff, ami U pure to jilt-ciM), IW ntul fil.W At l)rutrirI"K H1NDERCORNS. The m tot, purest nnd tot on re for Torn, Uunlnni. Btoi all pain. Kiiurpicotnforttotnofoft. NcTer falls to curt, la centi at I'ruiritMji, llucox & Co., is. Y, rebuilt. 1 1? A TT'IMTTCC! Its causes and a new and IJiiir IN J jOO successful (H'llR at your 1 own borne, bvnno who was no if twrnrv clKht years Tieated by most of the noted sp eclnllsts without benefit. Cnrva htmsef in 8 monllis. nndslnce then hundreds of other". Full nnrucuiarsscni on application. T. s. r.HF, No l nest.,isis..,ncw vorK city. Icutait. ,1'l'U. lilt. bt'OTT, SI 1 lllimillvnj, .. y. feblJit. T arlioo Enamel you r JJCvUlCO llnnws twice a 5 ear, tops onco a week and jou have tho iliiest. polish ed stove In the world, lor salo by nil grocers and dealers. FIBST-CLACS INVESTMENTS And LOANS. Fire hundred dollars and upwards. dciiu iui ii'iiiii'uiub iu uesi, iciurunees. PAUNllAM, I'KIIKirs .t CO., Uuluth, Jllch. tebldlt. can live at home, and make moro money at ivuih lur ui, man anviuinff eiso in mis world. Capital not needed; jou arestarled free. IlntllhPVnsf nllnirp. Anv nnA pun rtn um ttur i.uij;e earnings burerrom nrst start. Costly outnt and terms nee. liettcr not delay, costs you nothing In send us j'our nddrcss and llndout; It jou nio wise you will do bo atonco. li; ii a li.ktt &lo., l'onianu, .Maine. ae.2ib6.ty TO ADVERTISERS I For a check for tsowowil print a ten-lino ad verllsement In ot.o million f sues of leading Amer lean newspapers. This Is at iho rato of ouly one- lilt li or a cent aline, for 1,0 m circulation I The advert Uement will be placed beforo one million iflnni( uuwspanurpurciiHicr': or rivK .million Ukadf.km. Ten lines will accommodatn rlmiit. 7; words. Address with copy of Adv. and cheik, or UUCIUS lUr IMIUK U 1M1 pageft. (IKO. l'. liOWKLIi & CO., iu spruce Ht., New i ont. jani4 4t Working Classes Attention. Wo aro now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at li- me, tho uholo of the time, or for their spare moments. Iluslness new, light and protltable. I'ersons of i Ither tex easily earn from W cents to ta ao per evening, and n proportional Bum by devoting all their tirao to tho bus,lro. Hoys and girls earn nearly as much as men. i hat allwliohte this may tend their address, and test tho business, wo tnake this o' er. Te such as aro notwellsatlsiledwe will send one dollar to piy for tho trouble of writing. Full particulars and uuuii, iii-iv UUIt'W1 UUKUU QTINqUN X i-O., 1 Ort' land, .Maluo deon-sa-ly. K A Mortht. I I for Ladles In each c commission paid ( and Board Guaran. lteed. '8 Young Men .1 cuuuty, unu highest i ((men lau a inonin. rsi!. liuuiv aireauy on In North and south America, at the Ico-Iiound I'oles, over tho land of tho Midnight Sun, under tho Mpiitor, through tho Dark Continent, ii'rong tho Old Temples of Inula, In the Flowery King, doms Of China and .Innan. amid the riilna nf inpna Aztecs aDd Zunl, within Canons! Cliff llulldlngs bum iiuiuriiaui IUUUUU3 uiiiuc isies Ul lllu hea and In all parts of tho giolie. ano cngruMngs. Low price. Oulck nlcs. .-end for Ircular. 1'. . Z1EULEH & CO., T20 chestnut St, Philadelphia, I'a. dec 17, set. Re illy 2 PKOPIUETOIl OF E:;::::;: lark Shop ii Bath Room At. the old stand, under the .Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA. PATENTS, 1 btatuod and all patent business attended to for muuLTUie lees. Our oltlce Is opposite tho U. S. ratent Office, and wo can uuiain I'aieuiHiu less uiue luaniuosore. mote from Washington. Hem model o drawlntr. Wo advlso aHtnnat. entaolllty free of charge, and wo make no charge unless patent Is secured. Wo refer here, to tho Postmaster, the Supt. of Jloney Order Dlv., and to oniclals of the U.S. Pateutoniee. For circular, adlce, terms and references to actual clients In your own btateor vuuuiy, nrae iu C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office. Wishlniton, D 0 Capital, - - $600,000 DEBENTURES ASD Guaranteed Farm Mortgagos (irtirrH II l'FI'.Ill'M'1-H NfW TltKK, tui Uro.dw.f, llOSTO.V.Hl'ourlklrtil. HIILADlll'IHA, u,s. b El. riniN.i. iimk, nw ioac Holloa .t. h.nk, HUSTON, lib .N.I. Uk.,l'lllf.Am:LI'l!IA. Am. N.U Htuk, kANSAS CI! X jkAnBAs 111 r, ita a ihi.&u. For ratr. of Interest, and full Information SE.M) FOIt PASUMILUT To J. II. MAIZE, Attoruey.at-Law, Agt,.llInoms. burg, I'a, JanlWlins. HERMAN ASTHMA CURE Instantly rttlivvtH tho mutt t lulent attack, nrj ln-'irertcoruItjrtlli nl.p, MiUI.j fur- lit. I H l.i 1 NHelns ustwl by InhiiUtlon, it ncti-n h l.n medmj, aiwt nnf 4'4rlniu ond n cum h the rttKUlt in all cumUu riuw. A Fingta trill i on- lri mn uL. i.llal 1 l. u fju. A ia I iui at auy drugt, or !y mall ISampIg Trr for I norSd&6 3ms,as. . . nA fi.iAllj u i..rif .limit HArl 1i.'1ujniU4uryiiU"itJi;)t part n 1 inant.ra. U. ultuout it. Mo il i UU t to.) t aua'afli I'Wlit lift , ttituciil of nil tfwul land. 11 J 1J Mil IUIiriC IlC(JlT lii(tti(itrljlf crn ( I1 HU K WIAl lltNU. M-'ll (UIIH'IM I '1.11.4 Uo-i'Uorii) ArlJ aul tUey in turn jltia U to tin iui Ni fi o- e mi U , mr w IH..I.1 vul ii.i1,l.i In It4ifli Id 'llin nH'U li Hitanii .MHIUHI114 11 IUI 1 lin-i (rr Uartvci iroiu Auiuial lvnt 'JUuLiami v( nitami Aiiiniitiiii aiul I'lm-i h'ir c Aiti ... A.. .1 I ..I,.. It.... '1 1,.. 1., . f B HUGH'S $25 Phosphate h Animal rtiiiif . nd It I. ri l AmnmnUKd H'M 1.11 . r I'hn.i.tute. wliiih Vte prmliu'e b liteiiu. if .1 'I'liiluilvtuliwclu lunnuf.cturll'K. H 1 fur HtiiiutiU I'liu.pbule ilultlo nu4 funiier liiruriuiiilon niEORICJAL. I'i ulaauarsof RAW'BOHC SUPCP.-PHOJPHJTE 0AUG1! & SC'S M.iafln.cturr.t Iiuitorlfrk. PHILADELPHIA, PA. !) MORTGAGE COMPANY. Use the Original tough's $25 Phosphate. Iutf3 uhoabwav.new yohh. 3. Ei ELWELL, 1 - , . J K BITTEMBEMDEn, F EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KHOW THYSELF. A Urcat Medical Work on Manhood. Ncrous and Physical Debility, Prerantiiro Decline In Jlan, nxlianrtcd Vitality, Ac, Ac., and thonntoMmli. e:le resulting from Indiscretion or ctccmcsj WO pases, substantially bound In gilt, nmsllii. Con talat moro than IIS Inralnablo prescriptions, cm. bracing every voectablo remedy In tho pharma copffla for all acuto and chronic dlnoasc.. It Is rmpV.Ucnlly a book for every man. Trice only ft by ni ill, po.t paid, concealed In plain wrapper. ll.I.L'MTIMTlVK SA.1IPI.1S Fltl:u TO AM, Yonn? and mUldle-aed men for tho neit ninety days, r'cml now, or cut this out, as yn.i mny revet see It n:;a!n. Address Ilr. W. II. rAllKi::,', 4 llul finch street, Ilo'ton. Mas.. feb',5-d. ly 7V2ir r.V- u tfi I VII t-IT ri,t XfcrS?' COPY tl THIS II K ,i 1 It'll). IMKIK. ltKlVcnllicUNSUaCC and SeatlntMl tt lurf Dower rid khfuh. llV.mt dltlf rent khxlH, Aivni.ll tho Known rtutciel rilMs. lion witn Clove, firaiet. Hifidkirchlil andr&n. Jt In tli moil tomfttitiuorlc of tlie klhil t.f-r pule lMiPtl.OHftul I-Mriin EiRTiNC C'ciiIm in Mfttupi for a nam pie roy, &fd our price 10 HKin. Agmiq UAtitPii sirrvikira Atl. HUlZM PU2. CO., 17 fforth Tenth llreit, Hllid'i, Pa. SINGER jiih Hiii.i; Jt 1- -DATS' TK1AL. I !" A Fall Net of M.v Atlnctinieiils. 5ffAltlIAMi:il J?"oMrsi. Send for Circular. 1. U. AASIltK E VSJ., J N. Oth Ht.. l'lilln.. I'u. Apr.24"w. "YyT'AiNwniGur &co WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'nii.AUEi.niiA, I'a. TKAS, SYUUl'S, COFFEE, SUHAll, OLASSE4 ltlOK, BIMOES, ntOAIUI SODA, ETC., ETC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sta. reorders will receive prompt attention. ii. iiousk, DENTIST, Bl.OOM311UIt(l, Uoi.umuia Countv, Pa All styles of work done In a superior manner, worn wurrunieu as ronreaoniea. tkktu isztbact bd wimouT fain by tho use of (Ins, and free of charge when artificial teeth aro Inserted. Olllco In Barton's bulldinjt, Sluln street, below Market, live doors below Kleitn's drug store, tlrst lloor. 7o be open at all hours during the dai NOT2S-ly BLOOMSURtiJLANING MILL The undcrslened hiiTtni? nut hla Plantmr wi on ltallroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition. Is p'e pared to do all kinds of work in his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnisnea at roasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen re employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS arnlshed on application. Plans and spccWce ons prepared by an experienced drauchuman CHARL.GS KIIUG, IllouiiiNbnrc, I'a WILKES-BAERB CijX Btdsr( FCT0Y MANUFAOTtlltEli OF ALT, KINtlS OF BRUSHES, No. 3 North Canal St., Noar L. V. It. it. Depot. John H. Derby, ritOPMETOH. GiJ'WIll call ou dealers onco In six weeks. Bavo your ordeis. ocll.ly CLOTHING CLOTHING W. BERTSGH, THE MKItOHANT TAILOH. Gents Frnishing Coods, Hats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits maile to nrilpr .it. slinrt nnliV.p and .1 lit. ll wins enarnntepil or nn nl. Call and oxamiiio the largest and best aeieoieu stooK ot goous ever Bliown in uoiumma county. Store next door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, JMoomsburg Pa. CHAMPION rtent Safety Jion-Kxploitve EXTLNGUISIIiat WUnotW- BltKAK J A Cleanly. the i LSlMHtl. OIL. Cives a Lighi TNC CliBflCI the Itoet. equal In llnlllancy to ao Candle, or ltA Gas liurocrt. This Is the most Cheapest uutt haieiii Lamp for Church? a. J'owerlul ana l'orfect LIGHT ever made IlalU. or Family Use Send for Illustrated Circular. l'UOJl OIL. old Gu or Oil Cfuade- useJ on vour A. J. WIENER, tier or cracteu, and will increase your light SB b. 2d Bt., IllULC'l'UUJ. i'HII.A. tiol9 Otruer vf 1'uttiliU oct 8 & ins, AGENTS WANTED D?SlNES JSyrup cures CQUGH5 noyi9-t-ras. AGENTS" WANTED I iiuneratlvo employment orfcred enereetlo cllubloiuen, .itdrrts. Security Mutual befit Society, mm wsssv M- CJ 0 lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION HILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper, TAKE NO OTHER. Oiie Uintl of medicine will not cure all kinds of diseases : Dr. Kilmer's I'repara lions arc fpecllles n rnnidv for cich disease Tiny mo tlie result of a success ful pinclice since I8S9. loctly. HEUMATISff don't cure imytlihff but Hbeainatlsm, but It cnrei tint evory time it cuml Ram'l. Bcrnb LnucuBter. Pa. Mn. lUniMAN. 3n , in Mnus-bunr. Pa. Mrh, Key. H. II ItouiNnov; Staunton, V. 3Irs. Wm. MFiuno. WW Wlie St., PhiladelphU. J. F. Nf.wtos, Camdeti, N. J. Slits. Maht Caj-hon, Mfjorfbtown, N. J, FjUNZMakl. HauchOhnnlr P "RUSSIAN millE HAItKSV SHUIIUT16M C'JBE. AND SinXATLltK TieicethlsSlir. 5olstBuia'-wHtaitillhUBl( S C Pit Tor complete Information. DeMcrlptlTe i'nm phlct. with tetimonialii, free. Tor sale by all ilruaKl.tt. If otto or tha other la not In position to f unilsh It to you, do not be per. Biiaiteil to take anything elne. but apply direct to the (Icnerul Ari tito. I'l'.t:l.i:it IlltllS. ,t CO. 811) 821 .Market .-tii-i-l. l'lilliidelphla. march 9-ly.a CURES ALL from n emninmi ISIolcli, or Ilriipllon, to tho woiet Serin u lit. Siill-rlieii in, "lovor-Mire.," Seiily or l:ll(h hklli, in short, ull flisenbes eitused hy bad blood uie cowjueiiHl by this powerful, purlfylni;, nnd Inrlirnrntlnir medicine. Cireut llntlnir (' cei-ai rapidly heal nndir Its benign Inllucmu. Especially has ft inniiifestod Its potency In curlnp; Teller, Itoi.e ltat.li, llulln, Cnr bunclck, Mill' i:j r, Scrufuldii. Korea nnd hnolliiicii, III-Joiiu IJUeuse, While Swollluct., liollre, or TlilcU nock, nnd i:nlaruvil lilaiuU. Send ten cents In stamps tor ii lorijo treatise, with col ored plates, on rtkln Diseusrs, or tho saraa amount torn trentlw on Hcrotulnin Atlcetlons. "tiii: lti.ooii i! Tiu: mw ThorouBhlv clciiuso it by uslnir llr, IMerco'n Uoldoii aiodlenl Illxcover), anil sooil Wgeitloii, n fnlr kln, bnojiinl kiiIi-. II., t'llnl klreiielli, niul Kniiii,ii)eK of coiiitltiillou, nlll bo tvtablWii il. whlcti Is Sei'iiliiloiit, Jlleiihe or Iho I.iniX", U piiini.tly mid c nullity aruetod and eined by till lliiil-oh n n uieth, if tnken beloro tho l.tststjesnt ilieiliRinsonii; u ached, rroin Us wonderlul powi'i" over this terribly fatal dlseuso, when l.i"t ollciln? II, h now cel. cbiutnl reuicdy to tho public, llr. I'iriiCH thouirht BorUm.-ly of ilfiiiflr It his "'on miiiiilliin (lis ," but abandoned 1 1 . 1 1 1 luinio us ton liiiiiled lor u uiMlieliio which, liom ita wondoiful coinbliiniliiii ,il tiiuli-, iii'iiieiiill,eu Inp, nliciative, or b''j".t-eliat.sliiir,iii.t.billoua, liectonil.niidiiiilillivopiopiitli'H, lsiiimiiuiled, not only nt. n lemi'ij !. eoiuuiuptlon of tLo limes, but lor nil CHRONIC DISEASES or TUB Liver, ilood, and Lungs. If you foel dii'l, drowsy, debilitated, hays nllow color of skin, or yellowish-brown (poU ou tnvo or body, lremicnl litudncho or dlzil. nesx, 1m l tasto In mouth, Internal heat or chills, nltf rnutiiiif with hot Hashes, low spirits and, (rlooiiiy borcbodliurs, luvKiilnr oppetlle, and ennUnl toniriie, you lira cuileiing fiom I nil I. BC i.tloii, l)Bpoaiii,iiud 'roi piil I.Mer, or "I!IIIimi.ih." In man) l0Ma only part of theso syiupuiins nio erpirkiKid. As u riMiiedy lor nil eueh rnHt-s. lr. Pierce'! (iolilvn .'leillcnl UUcovery ha no louol. l'orM'oult I.iiiii.', OpllltllKof lllnod, IShiirlile.H or llrcmli, liroiieliltls. Severe Co null., Consumption, and kindred utfectlous, It Is n Eoyeielgu remedy. Cieud ten cents in stamps for Dr. l'lerces book ou Consumption. Sold by DruggUU. PRICE $1.00, PIVOTS World's Dispensary Medical Association, Troprk tors, 003 Wain St., UurrALo, N. Y. xgvcg's little oasa tx tt vkt? evxe fills. ANTI-IIII, tllllS and OATHAHTIC. Sold uy tirilKKlxU. M ceu( n lol, i$500 REWARD Is offered by tho proprietors of llr. bugo'a Cutarrh itetnedy fur u cute of cutarrh which I hey cunnot cure. II )ou huvi'Hdlsclinrire from tlio iiuc. Dtft'tisho or other Vlw' IMrt Iui loci of unell, taate. " orheuilnir. wrakejM,Uu)lpalu or pressure In Lead. ) on hi e Cntarrli. 1 tou. lands of cases teruilnatn In consumption. Dr. Basra'. Cataiiiim Hesikiiy cures tho worst rases or Cntarrli, "Colli In iho Head,' and Cutarrlial IKdaclie, W ccaU. Hi la-wi in I I vjl 1 HUMORS. milsOLW ' 60lk IL KJiTIUBUTtON. BY "THE DUCHESS." CHAt'TEIl IV. It Is qulto 0 o'clock ns N'ndltto ienves thu liouso In I'nrk Inno nnd turns her fnce lioinewnrd. It Is very tlnrk for oven nn April cvciiIiik, ntul tlio lnmps nio ull iiltlotr, ntnklup; her Imntoillnto world bo pretty Hint she is rather glml thnn otherwlsoof her limhlllty to meet with nn empty trntn cnr, nnd turnltiK Into I'iceii dllly, wnlks leisurely down Its pictur esque hill with n thorough nppreclutlon of tho charms mtrrouiulliiB her. It Is late, certainly, hut women unless they ten hnlf way to meet It seldom meet with Impertinence; titid Xiullno, pretty nnd dlMlngulshed In nppearnnco aa kho Is, pursues her wny In nn even, itnlntcr rupted fniliion toward Regent circus. A crent, htdky woman, loaded with parcels, coming somewhat abruptly against her, stops her progress for a mo ment, nnd compelling her to Bwcrvo aside, throws her almost Into tho arms of n tall man, who very gravely laid his hand upon her arm. A little shock runs through Jsmllno's veins. She stops dead short, and looks up at her companion In n dull, stupid wny. Sho grows deadly white, and her heurt feels as though it wero iiuuui 10 stop ueattng. "Ah I youi Mr. Uuran," sho soys i in iu i y. "iou you rrlgntencd ni I " she pauses. It Is imposslhlo to account to him In any natural way for tho emotion that is overpowering her. Ho Is a mun of grave exterior, hardly kuihi'iuokiiik, i, in wiin a strange, earn est expression, that goes far to redeem tho irregularity of his fentures. TTn Is about 35, hut looks considerably ouier mun nis age, as Borne men will. Grief, snld many, aged hira his wife having been taken from him when lie wns only 20, nnd when ho had seen but two anniversaries of his wedding day. But as usual, gossip was wrong; those two unhappy years of wedded bliss having convinced Mr. Duran that all was vanity, so far ns his wlfo was con cerned. In truth, he had novev loved her, but only learned flint fact too late. There is n suggestion of strength in his whole face, nnd specially lu his mouth und lower jaw, that inokos itself folt, nnd would perhaps be oppressive but for tlio almost womanish softness nnd gentleness of his largo hazel eyes. A heavy mustncho conceals n handsome mouth, and it nnd the hair about his brow aro slightly tinged with gray. "Clytle writes to me.to sny she misses you lerrioiv." .Mr. Duran says presently. They have ttirtreil. and uro now threnii. Itig their way slowly through tho ever increasing crowd. Conversation under mo circumstances Is difficult. "Dear littlo thingl" says Nadino warmly, and moro naturally than sho has yet spoken. This other littlo pupil of hers, this little daughter of tho grave man walking beside her, Is very dear to her. "Tell her I miss her too. Will you tell her that, Mr. Duran, please, when you write, and thnt I count every day to mo ono mat wui uring ler back to mef 1 "I shall tell her." Then ho looks at Nadino keenly. The girl seems to feel the earnestness of his regard, because presently bho throws up her head, as if In challenge, nnd looks stralcht at him. "You aro thinking'" she asks rather acuaniiy. "How impulsively vou cxnrens vnnr. self, nnd how tenderly and how uncer tain I am whether you mean it or not." "You givo yourself great ttouble to tnus study your daughter's governess," replies sho coldly. They hnvo reached a crossing and a tram car at tho snie time. "You will permit mo to see you homo?" says ur. uiirnn quietly. "Xo, thank you. There is no nceessltv. This" indicating tho tram car "will leave mo almost at my own door." "Still, if you will ullow mo" "You aro very kind, but I would not givo you so much troublo for tho world." There is a decision about her manner, gontlo as it is. not to bo mistaken. "As you will, of courso," eays Mr. Du ran, "and having see her carefully into the car ho draws back, and lets her pro- -cuu uii hit way nione. CHAPTER V. "It may be ns you say, but, my darling uui, ii you wouiu oniy listen to rea son. I" "I can't bear reason, as you ought to know by this time, and I don't think that is a very correcr, way to address a girl Yiv ip ciikukvu 10 uo mumeui" "A very correct way when she is en gaged to the wrong man." "Do you think you arc the right one'" demands the muclly. "I don't think it, I know it," mjs he. "Sticli 1 nowh'ilgo is, no doubt, full of comfort," retorts bho. 1)1 Ip ilrlp go tlio foiirit;;liis indoors, where lluynro hitting, behind the cool evergreens in tho largest conservators-. Plash plash go tho larger ones in the lll'imintited gardens outside. From Kime whero beyond conies to them tho Inst dying bars of a dreamy waltz nil nrtiuud them tho air Is heavy with the breath of sleeping flowers. Massavoenu, leaning forward, lays his linnd on hers. I wish you would think of It, Milll cent," he snys, in n low tono. "Of what My aunt's indignation my uncle's contempt' the combined wrath of my entire family)" "Xo. Of Hinging off the hands thnt now bind you, and of love and happiness with me." "Would it be happiness'" she sighs impatiently, und then shuts up her largo fan with nn angry click. "I tell you it Is not to bo thought of," sho says pres ently, "Tilings have gono too far for any chnniro tn ltd now mmln 1v ...ncKmn with my cousin Grunit Doyle is as much u mil iiecoiupii ns u wo nan bioou, no and I, befoie my Ixnd Dlshop. " "Ynn rim t.ilL v.r. .nullir I. t can't, after all, be so very displeasing to you, mis men ot mnrrying a man you profess not to love," says tlio young man beside her, regarding her with nlTronted eyes, He rises quickly from his seut nnd goes a good way from her, leaning against a marblu pedestal that stands in one cor ner. "Don't nne." envfl flro nt.AnnlmiH. - , , ........ ut.j V....II1J , "I'm not it photographer, And don't talk nonsense cither. I nm not ono of tho tlVSterlCAl Knrf. inil rnll r...t.ilnl.- 4r.ll- coolly of this marrliigo that is being forced upon me. I have hud time to grow tuiiii out iv, jou must remember, as w nciu ucirouicu to eucn oilier wiien was almost a llttln bnhv In wl,H .....di I and blue ribbons. It was in white mus lin then," says she with a littlo curious lnuch: "now I ouirht I.. l., I and ashes. I feel so bad." "And lie)" demnri'ln hnr r-nmnnninn with an effort. "Wears his KnerlflHiil ifMnii,. ...in. quite n jaunty air, I inn an heiress, I would have you reniBinber, my good sir. Oranlt liovlo la wlso In hla llri ..nam. tion." "Iln'fl A mlfflltV TlrtAl. trtf tn . ....... thinking," says Mr, Massareene, in high distrust. Rnnietlmpa ita irlel. makes it breach through his English edu- nuiuu, -iiim i nieiiiiou ins nuine to ino I can't bear to hear it," "I don't bellevn It wmiM fnt,.a ..... much of a pang weie I never again to ueur ii. iiiyseii," returns MIES lil'ey, who, if candor bo a vfrtnn. lu Hn extraordinary degree. iiuer mis n inno sllenco reigns bo (wcou them, then; 'Purely ypu nra not mad enough to think VOU Will bo lunn. will, I, In, HI says Massareene excitedly. "He'll bo the death of you. Iooks like a man who would break n wnnnin'a hnn-t a .,. all, supposing you do quarrel with your tionnln whnf. tbf.ii.il "I'hen J should not only forfeit their esteem, which, after all"-vth A swift glance at him from under her long lashes "means a i-i.n.l .I....1 in ..... ,... I should ceaso to be uuntlo's heiress, and have my name struok out of Uncle Timo thy's wll. All that, my dear fJeruld. .. ... ...u.. - piiuiun ur aiiii a lovely girl, no doubt" with a rather uuiisiuniicu luugu "uui as certainly a Rhn lift. I..r .f.i -i - ...... t -r i .-f.viuiuijr un mm Bays this, though It costs her something .uf ii., unu jmjKs jteeniy nt mm, li sno had expected any disappointment, or blank, or awkwardness on his decidedly ugly faco, sho is mistaken. Gerald aiasareeno looks, If anything, rclloved, in thnt now hove eeems to havo entered Into him. "My dearest girl, try to faco that uiuumii, nu nyn, leaving nis uistant position, nnd once more dropping Into tho keflt. nnnr l.of .1.1. .1. .... v" iitit.i fiifi.c. luin lime. "I'm not a Cncsus; but if you could iiiiinu up your minu to It, wo might bo nblo to make both nniln inept." "You have exnetly soven hundred a yeiu, rja miss urey, who disdains subterfuge. "I found thnt out long ago oy lunttlllg inquiries." Massarecnn lnimlin. "You nro worth a dozen of your sox In overy wny, but especially in ono wnv." lin nnvR "t-nn tioi-,.- .... I .. .in celt, however harmless, nnd you seldom U..nt l.n... .1.. 1 i. ' . . . . wuin, uouui, iou ousu, iet iou uoesu i exnggernto it, and ahem I there is ul ways, you know, tho chance of tho title when my uncle Ixird Dnllymoro" "Poufl" interrupts MUllcent, con temptuously. "When you havo slain nlll Ittinln vmi mnnn .I.h 1. 1 . young as yourself, nnd who is as likely no nut, m iiuiu nn neir ai any moment." "Xot nt any moment, my dear girl I Tiio last a third girl is only a fortnight oiu, unu scverui moments, nt all events, must elnpso beforo tho nrrivnl of tho heir. And if It shouldn't pnmn" Hut Miss Grey declines to listen to any nutii neini. luiugiiiiiius, nnu Air. Massa reene, a littlo crushed, rather falls out of LU1I) I'UUIIU. llplnr. n vnm.r. ..,... 1..... . r. juM.it, ......I, ..ui:,i:i, u. in- doniitnblo courage, and nn unbounded supply of perseverance, ho presently re covers himself, and returns to the churge valiantly. "I can seo I am hateful to you," says he. "Oh, nol Certainly" politely "you UIU I1U. Willi. "You rnn't emlnrn imp i "I can, indeed, without tho slightest biuuinc. "I'm nu ucrlv fellow. T fenn- " "Every one can't be as handsomo as union,, oemureiy. "Ohl to the devil with Granltl" says Mr. Massareene. losing his natlonco. "With all my heart," replies she, t.MllUUl "I don't bellevn ),n fnrna fni. vmt II "Jtydenr Geraldl What a very rude "Well, I can't help it If I thought utui'inui-, iota inougii i worship tho H.wui.ii .wii nuns on, i wouiu say notn ing." "Do vou renllr thlnV- lmfii ; "Thnt he doesn't vnluo you properlyf . ...in i no. "Xo. Thnt a time could ever arrive iicu you could 'say nothing') Ah I consider Iho cruelty of the privation," "There, now jou are laughing ntme as iism.il," snj-s Mnssnreciie, and (for fear she'd be lonely, perhaps) he breaks into a low musical laugh also. "That's a charming necklace J-ott have on," sajs he, after a littlo bit, that I re gret to sny was t-pent in ktaing the mum oi muuu iioyios betrothed, "Whist is it! sapphires)" "And I'tnmundn yes." "A irlft nf hint" lie looks really sorrowful now, as he leuuiuiieJi now impossible It Wcmld be for him to rival such a princely gift. He might give his honest love his whole nif io ner service ins very life; but there is no money with him to purchase SUell II llllll'llillcPtlt fPlVf-MW nu tl.la "Xo, silly hoy! Where would Grault K" oiieio iimotiiy solemnly pre sentcd it to mo on tho day ot my presen tlltiotl. Tllllt in filltln n tnnnth nr-.nr.... Ahl" with a quick sigh "how long ago it stcins: "You havo spent tho greater part of it iin niiii'" Air. Mllt.tinrpf.nn EAnrn. tn l,n- conquernblo difficulty about pronouncing his ilval's name. "That's exactly why," returns she, i.iiiiuj. -vnu so j-ou adtniro my bau hies)" "They are the llnest things I have seen this season or any other, for tho matter of that." He feels quite u rush of enthu siastic admiration nW ho knows that uucio Timoiuy and not tho detested Iioylo has been tho donor. "And how unique in shape! Ono could hardly for cet them, lmvlnrr nnnn nop,, tbp.r. fri,ne little heart-shaped balls falling from the uv-i-iviuv mine into ore in mis light." "There is a tlnrn. tnn nn.t n &in,rtnni,nw Hut I didn't feel like living up to theni yeu i es, ii was a vnluaUlo gift, but ono rather too elaborate for a debutante. Nevertheless, I wear it, if only to please him." "You seem bent on pleasing overy ono, save me." "And VOt 1 linvn nlplt.Pfl mnat nt nil II murmurs she, eoquettlshly nay, saucily ......iiiiiK lut.tiiu nun. Ho lays his hands quickly on her pretty rounded arms, and draws her to him. Her resistance is Indeed faint. Ho bends his head. Their cj-es meet almost their litis when tbn nnmifl nt a ,mlnn -, - vUllltl.Lj .Ull,- step causes both to start into a more re served posture. The caress, so nearly won, is lost! CHAPTER VI. Or.inlt ltni'ln .mNTl,,n t..nm V--, -..v.iiin Hum IJC11IUU un evertrreen. pnmpi lolcui-nn. fn-.n,nK.i inscrtitablo smilo upon his firm lips. ' wur uance, luiuicent," no saj-B, in the Blow drawlinD Innn tn wlilnl. 1 cn CUStOmetl. Anrl urbln). Bh. noa A hate so heartily, "I dare saj-," she soys, coolly, "Will vou dnnrn It. nt- ,mca thr, lr in tho gardens) thev pretty." " ' "That donenda nnnn nhnm T .i. CardenS With." nnva Blip rrlntinlnr. a, i.im ., f i hw"h WW iusolenty from under half closed lids.. ii mi uio, ui course. "Ahl then I shall danco it." "AS VOU Will mv nntin .....I. I, There is a touch of viudlcttreness In the smile he bends upon her. "Perhaps, even. VOU WOllM nrpffr tn ..nlll,... .1 nor go into the gardens with me, but Biieim ine unit nour another hnlf hour here with Mr, Massareene)" If fnr n mnm.nl ,n l.n.l .it.. could confuse or disconcert her, he finds wui. 1119 iuiBi.ln.t- Ul UUCO. "es, I should prefer that," sho soys. Massareeno nt rbu rnnbna Linn tn. 1 ...... ...HV0MDIVU llll.lUU her, but Grunit Boyle waves him back with a curious laugh. "No. nn. mv fripml n tn ct-. i-n- i i ..v ,n;g kguiuuv, "ion can not have it nil your own way. I would not give up this dance w'itli my cousin." He pauses, and then laughs aloud. "Do vmi lfnnur Atlllu I ,.. . nua itiv near Baying, 'with my wlfo;' hut that would nave been unlucky, chf Counting beforo tho linnnv tltnp nb. n... - ri'i v.. ..ni. ii.-uiiy, ypu know" turning again to Massa- leeue i wouiu not misstius dance with Miss Grey for a great deal." "It is nstnnlshiiirr hmv tniml. say in a little time," says his fninree with no in uiogmseii sneer, rising with deliber ate want of haste from her lm. c.,t "Well, if this thhiu lino rtnt tn l. .1. i . 0 n" w mu iiaiivcii let us go and do it." Sho lays her hand upon her cousin's arm, nnd moves away a step or two with him. Then she glances back over her shonlddcr at Mas sareene, who is looklug u little whlto, and comes to a standstill, "The next Is ours," sho Bays in a very sweet voice; i-uiiii, mi um no soon as you can, shall be glad tQ see you again." This as much ns to snv aTia will l.a nunMi lis : : ' . w uivijuiiiu When her ilnnrn with tlm ...... ...i... i- i ycd atllnnced husband lias drawn to a close. uranit, uoyie, Willi a smothered Impreca tion, moves nn no-niii. nn.l tlnn..in.. conipanles him but not to the ballroom. " Koiug to aanco this, nor am I coin 2 Into tho eanlens ii d,n ...i.i. decision. "I am going to sit in the Binaller hall, and criticise tho neonio while they come uud go. Thut will help to pass nway tho time." "Until vou can with .i.lli,,..o . .1.1 Of me." "Don't be rude, my dear Oranlt. nut an unpleasant truth tn Blaring c: To Wnnlfl mnnn tlinf r Blini,!,! I...-1 4, 1887. is niwnys n miMnKc. "I will bo mistnkeu twice, then, for your benellt, nnd to prove myself by no means a fool in your eyes. You will sit hero nnd criticise your neighbor until it is time for you to return once moro to the nrms I beg pardon the Bociety of Ger ald Massareene." "You hnvo an excellent wit," pays she, with an untroubled smile. "You cannot, however, deny the truth that lies In it)" "Why should I) You nro such nn ex tremely clover young man that ono must believe you can Bee through the proverb ial stone wall," Mr. iioylo bestows a glance that Is not altogether one of affection upon his fu ture wlfo. "Then j-ou don't deny it)" ho sajs. "Certainly not. I should wclcomo the advent of nny one who would rellove me I mean you of tho burden of your thnt Is mj' presence." Sho laughs ns sho gives voice to this little impertinence made all tlio more pointed by tho affectation of modesty that runs throniyh it. Grnnit frowns openly. If the day should ever como in which he might claim this willful ladv as his own If (It seems very improbnbio at this moment specially so) he will cer tainly teach her such a lesson in propriety ns sho will not be likely to forget for tho remainder of her days. "Don't trouble j-ourself to try to bo po lite, even In ridicule," he saj-s, in a voice that suggests a good deal of hidden wrath beneath tho forced calmness of his de- lnpflnnr. "Tint, ncn vnn nr.,1 M- If . .v. j .i u.ii. -in. .iiusaa- recne cannot dnnco together all night without laying j-ourselves open to un kindly comment. An effete civilization has so ordained it, thnt the world has grown to look on such vulgar exhibitions of affection ns indecent." Miss Grey lets her fan drop to her side, and brings her hands together with a sudden sharp movement. "How dure you!" she Bays, In a low tono. "Hahl At lost I havo touched you, my pretty cousin!" cries he, gnyly. "A little of thnt revenge, so wisely called sweet has fallen to my portion to-night. Why, you look positively pale! Come, pull yourself together; call upon that in domlnltablo spirit in which yon pride yourself, and givo mo back my blowl What still no words) no seething sar casm, no pointed barb environed? Pshawl I gave you credit for more go than you possess." Ills manner Is maddening. Miss Grey, rising slowly to her feet, with parted lips, through which tho panting breath comes hurriedly, surveys him with a glanco thnt would havo subdued most men. Hut not Uranit Doyle. Ho rises, too, and picking up her fan with a nonchalant grace, hands it to her with n slight bow full of mocker-. "You look charming so," ho says, "with that haughty expression on j-our handsomo lips. Flattery is not only vul gar, I know, but the crudest of mistakes nowadays; but j-ou will forgive me for it, when you see how feeling has carried mo away. I am a devoted admirer of ar tistic effects. This, of yours, is perfect. I hnvo always considered you pretty, my cousin, but never really realized tlio fact that you could be beautiful until now." "You run It very fine," says Miss Grey, in a voico so subdued to bo almost a whisper. "You are daring. It would hardly suit j-ou, perhaps, to be thrown over by tho heiress of tho season." "Tho heiress of tho season would not so servo a devoted lover," replies he, still with that light mocking laughter on his sneering lips. "If sho did why she might cease to be tho heiress of tlie sea son." Ho had dealt his little blow in a soft undertone, but it tells. It is all so truol Her uncle, Timothy Boyle, her aunt, Mrs. Brand, the two whoso wills make her an heiress, could ns easily unmake her, were she to go contrary to their wishes. And they have decreed that she is to marry Granit Boyle, tho son of their dearly loved dead brother, tho first hus band of Lady Valworth. A whim on their parts. A serious matter with the girl now standing palo with passionato anger with head down bent and n heart that madly fights with cold reason for a vlctorj-. To givo up this man and a fu ture that will land her on the world's stngo as one of tho richest commoners in England, or to resign tills man nnd cleave to that other, who can givo her only a very modest income nnd a heart all gold. "To be, or not to be)" This struggle is sharp, bitter, but short lived. Sho has been too well trained to willingly barter all for love. Cold reason wins the day, und tho heart, sobbing, rebellious, fades Into tho background. "As to the devoted lover part," she says at last, with a smilo as careless as his own, "I will let you off all that sort of thing. We shall fulfill our destiny, you and I we shall marrj-, and by such means gain money, and wo shall die in all probability In tho odor of sanctity but of love. I thnnle run. wn wilt eg. nothing." "An excellent arrangement. They BnV t1inn ll-hn W. ncnnonl r,n., lnnn. .- .. -u.u Oil IVIUb about It. Shall wo pose, then, ns friends)" "TllQ least nf nil " rnhi-n. c... ...us. ..., -v-.u.., d.ii;, ..fill an angry flash from her large eyes. ..mm iieiiiier iriena norioverf" "I have said so." "Xor friend, nor lnvpf .t.f l.... bandl" langhs he. "A very uniquo Ht- uu uiiuii- unugetner. "MISS (.rev. nt lnof T -nf.. tn rff -- - a ."".J ie.ulU IU you," says a low voice at her elbow. With a convulsive start sho turns, and. as if lnvnlmitfirllr l.nl.lo r,t i,. i ! to Massareene. There is something In mo luuu, irniu, ugiy lace tnat now at this instant when her soul is tilled with hor ror Of him WllOTll Rim ling nrnn.laf.fi ... marry appeals to her strongly. "Yes. yes nt last!" she murmurs, brokenly, and moves away with him Without SO 1111ie.il n n nuptlm. nl,,,,.. n , . T , , " 1 '"O Bwin,o nb Granit Boyle. CHAPTER, VII. It la mirlnloht. Tivoim s.f.... s been chimed by some great clock a mile away, the strokes falling solemnly on the Still air Of Ihft Riimma. r.lr.1.1 ... . Ammo has ceased, nnd only the sound of an oc casional carriago may be heard, tlie red lights from its lamps flaming upwurd nnd snmetf men nncllnr. B v.. i.i ni..i upon the bed where Milllcent lies sleep ing. The girl had appeared a little tired, a littlo ennuyee for the last day or two, and Mrs, Brand had decided upon her refus ing any Invitation for this ono night at least. She should go to bed oarly, so would Mrs. Urnnil tbn -l,l,. i,,.tL,., " MU.O llWUDCllUm, indeed, should retire at an abnormally early hour, and Granit, who was ac quainted witli all theso circumstances und urranL'ementa. wna fm-iirifif,n . u after six o'clock. Boom boom boom goes the big clock somewhere. Milllcent, as though d sturbed bv It. turn. n.,o0u,.i.. i.- ... , . ... -.vua.j ii, ui;! OCU, and, us growing consciousness gains on i ib" uei-iiiy. Aiasi there aro many reasons Whv shn. thn nntt.,.! .I..! - - - l .-vi. HBifiituiHu oi. tho year, should sigh profoundly. Her linilv tntlfinfl I- .nll f.i.i- .. .ui, .a vn vims seems rather a grievance than otherwise), but her heart IS Sick nnil enm wlll.1. 1. ni.i ....... nci, me horror of having to marry Granit whllo auixiiuu is nu concentrated on anotherl And yet, to lose her luhcrit ancel To a girl trained as sho has been as hundreds of others aro trained such a consideration is paramount. To bo cast from her throne, to be discarded bv her world, tn nlnlr ftwn .t supremacy to n sure mediocrity I lu that If only the matter could bo altered, and nrrnnoeil fnr lin,. nn ,t ' to her own llkingl She had thought of appealing to her auut had even hinted to her that Boylo was uot altogether so dear to her iui hn ubnnifi i,A n... w Brand had pooh-poohed all such hints as renin iiicro girusu. joiiy, and had told her thut 111 tlmn Hbn wmtl.l On. I 1 ... ... .. ,. uu, i4,lu HIT cuutun was far above the nvcragoof the young mm ono inci, una iuaj i,y jmtl K00(l reason tn IipIIava n flf....n. .in. . . . - - - - v Huvimui inn,-, iniii nail onco belonrred tn n lirnnnl, nt hf.i- Hy, would bo revived in his favor. iiuivquienne night hasgrownl Even In tho heart of this surging London, it seems as thniiiTh n iim. nt ..... . ' T. 7, q.- m.w v. .coi, tuu jcjirn; the stir, the roU of tho odd carriage or -" vuufAuvcai vuv cAirciU9 iieaiinau THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXI, NO S UOLUMLUA UKMOOHAT, VOL L, NO 48 of thecnlm. Milllcent turns wearily upon her pillow, and tries with passionato anxiety tj forget her woes In sleep. In vain sho courts tho wished for slumber; in vain Bho seeks to kill her cruel thoughts. Still they remain with her, growing ever moro persistent as wake fulness grows upou her. Impatient, and nngry with herself, nnd finding tho night insufferably wnrm, she half pushes tho bedclothes from her, with tho Intention of rising nnd Hinging wide her window, when it slight noise in the adjoining room arrests her attention. Is it a footstep) or one of those strnngo sounds that break tho stillness ot tho night) ghostly Bounds that wo nil know, coming from nowhere, apparently, yet loud enough to make tho pulses bent and suggest n covering of tho head with the friendly bedclothes. Milllcent, wide awake now, but uncer tain, listens intently. Sho has indeed drawn hack her foot Into tho shelter of tho bed, but otherwlso has shown no foar. Is it a step) It has stonned now. After nil, It might havo been auntie comlua for her cologno water, or ono of tho maldi for the neuralgia cure that lies on tuo manteipieco in her boudoir. In spite of these consolatory reflections, however, film rmmnf rnnnnnl frnni l,ah self that sho is growing frightened, nnd is regretting with ever increasing earn estness tho fact that sho is Bleeping alone, In n corridor cut off from tho -rest nt .1. 1 ui inu nuuse. Pshawl after nil, it wns nothing r SlllV Scare. Kllpnpn nnpn mnrn rntfiiu an prcmc. Xot even tho indomltnbln'inntisn is to be heard. Xo scratchlng3, no BqueaKS anywhere. Xot even a Good heavens! whnt wns that) That horrlblo stealing sound in tho room bo yond. It is coming nearer and nearer I Of that some horrible inner senso ns surcs her, though now sho enn hear noth IntT. Oh. how tlm mtnntna flrnrl Tl.n knowledge thnt even if sho screamed uuiu ma leiiv ner bho could not ho heard by any ono member of tho household adds ten thousand terrors to her already miserable situation. All, there! There it Is again that stealthy footstep; moro distinct now moro real. All in ono moment every shuddering recollection of peoplo mur dered, every ghastly detail that sho has ever rend or heard, recurs to her, nnd uiitwea mo oiuou ireezo witnin ner veins. Boon, perhaps, that blood will bo frozen eternally. Ami nnW n mnrtilnnlnf .nni.nl nn.nM tn .. .....uub....,n n.i.if u.ui. iu her. Tho belli why had sho not thought of that sooner) To cross tho room, to pull violently at it even if her effort failed to bring ono of tho servants (a iiiosi, iiKciy ining, as an the servants sleep at the very top of the house) at lca?t sho might have alarmed this mid night assassin, and sent him flying from tho sceno of his unlawful labors. But nOWl Is It tnn lntn vnt Almost paralyzed by fear a3 sho is, sho noes uuuiiuusiy upon ner oidow, and is lliof nlin,il . .. H..1.. - . , . , 1 . junw uwuui, iu uiiiau u rugn lor me ueji, when CHAPTER VIII. The door beyond opens slowlj', and a figure that looms largo and terrlblo in .nu iikiii, oi inu uira tamp it carries ap np.irft nnnn tlin tlit-nennlfl Milllcent, benumbed, fascinated, star ing wiin wiuo eyes, Bees a man dressed in tho Common rnnr.n fnutlnn suit nf nn n.- tlsnn. Thn fnnn la liMd an nvnr If n smnol- of black satin is drawn carefully. This Kivcn ii mat loucn oi terror to a presenco already big with fearful mystery in tho eyes of tho poor girl gazing at It, in a nifi-iiLfuiinii iiiiKuiiu, jroni over tno mned and dainty linen sheeting. It lS nn iniriOSSillln thtnr. tn anltn n nit wlso writers to tho contrary, to account iui minimi meuug io arrango lor what it will cause the owner of it to do or say on certain occasions and under certain circumstances. Milllcent, a moment ago more dead than alive, when her fear was hidden from her, now that it appears before her in flesh and blood and nn nbomlnably bad suit of clothes, feels her soul rise within her, her courago grow apace, and lifting her eyes though still tn a very agony of doubt and horror sho stares at the intruder with some small semblance of defiance. Tlio intruder, however, being no doubt a man of base mind, to whom lofty senti ments are unknown, returns her would-bo haughty glance through his mask with an air calm as a summer eve. "Get upl" ho says neither moro nor less, but just this concisely. It is n demand that Miss Grey in her newborn fit of courago sees fit to scorn. "I shall not I" she says from her strong hold behind the bedclothes. However ignominiously she behaves afterward, it must now be said of her that 6he is filled with a high courago. "Won't you)" says tho man in fust ian. His tono is remarkably high and squeaky; not as Miss Grey remarks, even nt this awful moment Hko tho voice of any human thing she has ever heard. "I give you just three minutes to get into j-our clothes: no more. Look sharp, and never mind your hair. That is a woman's first thought, Isn't it) But it must go for once." Ho laughs in so suppressed a fashion that she hardly knows what tho laughter Is like; but that It is wild and reckless, and decidedly mirthful, is apparent to her. It did not declare itself to her then, but afterward it occurred to her that his wholo air was hardly in accord with the fustian. "I shall not stir," sho says valorously. "Then I regret to Bay that I must assist you," returns he, advancing toward her slowly. This settles It, of course. Her high born courage fades, evaporates. Her spirit dies within her. With both hands she clings to tho bedclothes. "Xo, no!" she gasps. "I will get up only only" "Go) That, of course," says the mau as argeeablo as ho can in his squeaky ton. "I shall go to tlio next room, for precisely five minutes by my no, by the wny-your watch. Don't, let me ad vlso you, let it be longer." Ho strides towurd tho door by which he has entered, and then suddenly stops short. So docs her heart. Onco again Bho had dwelled upon tho hope of what a ringing of tho bell mlglit bring forth; but, as If tho mysterious being had read her inmost soul, Ito now turns to her. "By the byo," he says, "to ring your bell may suggest itself to you. You might ring a thousand bells lu this house, I verily believo, without result; but still I decllno to tako the chance. After all, I think I shall stay here, in tills remote corner, while you put on your dressing gown." "Oh, nol" The words break from Milllcent des peratelj'. "Xo) You would prefer not) But" "I swear to you I will not ring the bell," declares she wildly. "I don't know why you wish mo to rise; but yet I givo you my word I will not touch the bell if you will only go into that neifroom and givo me tho five minutes you have promised," "A woman's oath is not worth a half penny, to say nothing of her word," says the stranger pleasantly. "But still, I will grant your request with just this last word. If you play me false, if you seek to summon aid iu nuywnj-, I shall" drawing a revolver from his pocket and handling it tenderly "blow your brains The words fnll from him in n wnisper de Icntely so mildly, Indeed, that no suspicion of violence should rest with J ii" ? Slminti as tho door closes behind him, shudders vehemently, und her teeth chatter as though elm has been stricken with a sudden chill. With trembling hasto sho sprlugs from her bed, hurries on her clothes, and hav ing covered herself finally with a soft warm dressing gown, stands shivering with expectation upon tho carpet. She must havo got through her task with far greater speed than she had imagined In three minutes, Instead of the allotted Bve, iw a good while elapses from the time sho had flulshod her hurried dress. Ing to tho dreaded moment when again her foo appears beforo Iter. "You are a paragon," ho sayg. "Per mit me to congratulate you. I said Ave minutes I gave yon sevent tt upoeurs i w !w T u w it I inch i i it l to M no ito jno s iM oo ssj no US 7Mltl 3 3 00 S IS 3 60 & 00 ICO 1) 00 It W 4 110 ID IN 1 00 8 00 13 VO 19 W Vtol 8t34B0fW 8 00 M5g yt col 5 W TOO 8 00 14 00 17 00 WOO 40 W "coi-jin s oo la oo is no ss oo so oo 40 oo w to K.iAuptT.ftii. nnrnhln nu&rlerlr Tran. lent advertisements must bo paid tor before n scried except w hero parties uu ' Legal advertisements two dollars . pel ' Inch la i,..,.,tt.n. .mi at. nmt rate for additions. Insertions wltnout ixlercnco to length, r.jecutor'a. Administrator's, and Auditors no tlccsthrcodollaiB. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, If t ular advertisements half rates. Cards In tlio "Iiuslneas Directory" column, tne dollar a year for each line. tnree would have been sufficient. Bus now to business. Where aro those sap phlro nnd diamond ornaments thnt havo inado you tha envy of all beholders this season, and ndded n faint luster to the brilliancy of your charms)" Yes certainly his mnnncrs nro not la keeping with his clothes! ".My Bnpphlrcsl" gasps she feebly. "And diamonds) Dp not detract from their value. Cornel" sharply "let us have no nonsense. I know you keep them in this room or tho one bej-ond; but where) I nsstiro you I beg youtobcllove that I would not for worlds hnvo roused you from your happy dreams had not my failure to discover the Jewels com pelled mo to apply to you for ossistanco." "My undo always keeps them," begins tho girl, telling her lio without a regret in tho fond but vain hopo that It may snve her sapphires. All nt onco the suavo manner of the man disappears, and nn angry oath escapes him. "Look here, girl," he says roughly, though his voico Is fine nnd Bqucaky as ever, "no trlfllngl I know theso stones to bo in your keeping, and I shall have them to-night or" Ho pauses, draws the revolver again from his pocket, and Blgnlflcnntly clicks It. "Where nro tho sopphircs)" "Over here," says Milllcent, now fairly cowed. Sho moves mochnnlcally toward tho wall opposite, and raising her hand, touches a spring that Is evidently con nected with Bomo Becrct press In the wall n ptcbs concealed by tho papering. A Bmall door flies open, and not hav ing the courago to actually givo him her treasures (jewels aro nhvays dear to a woman, be she good or bnd), sho points faintly to the disclosed cupboard. Tho man In fustlon lifts his lantern, peers curiously into tho recess, and with a low cry of triumph seizes upon tho different eases that Uo sldo by sido upon tho wooden shelf. Cool, even in the mo ment of victor)-, ho opens tho cases de liberately ono by one, to make snro of the contents. Yes, they nil Uo thero tho beautiful glittering things, for which a girl is crying, nnd for which a man is bartering his soul! Lifting his head, after a sharp but hur ried examination of tho Btones that ap parently satisfies him, ho sees that Milll cent too, is gnzing earnestly nt the pretty baubles onco hers, so soon to be p hers no longer; nnd that as she gazes, her I soft ej-s are full of tears. "Seems cruel, eh)" ho says. "Well, that you may say iu tho future I wasnot ungenerous, I will leave you this out of your treasures for which you aro so ready to shed your tears. I wonder if they nre dearer to you than" ne pauses ab ruptly, as one might who hns been about to sny something better left unsaid. "Than your lover." Ho winds up with that low, suppresesd laugh again, that certainly does not belong to him, nnd thrusts into her unwilling hands n small but exquWto locket, heart shaped, glit tering with sapphires and diamonds. "Think it is a gift from the man you will marry," he says lightly, in that dis agreeable voice of his. "And now, fol low mo or rather, go beforo me to the door." It is the door leading to tho corridor without to which he points. Milllcent, still ns ono In a dream, obeys him and goes toward It. He opens it carefully, and backing outward on to tho corridor, always with his eyes on her, comes there to a standstill. " I bid good night, madame," he says mockingly. And then (sho can remem ber little about it nftcrward, bo swift it was) something wns flung over her face, and piesesd there; thero was n moment's Btruggle a moment that to her was an cternltj- and then a strange dullness; tho sound of a door hastily closed: the echoing of departing footsteps; a senso of suffocation, and nfteiward a ceasing from all knowledge, and o deadly blank. TO 11R CONTINUED IN 01R NEXT. The European War Cloud. Denials .mil contr.'irllntimni lini-n rained thick in Kurnnn sinnn tlm Tnn. don J)ailij tfexos published eight lines, pnoiciinn war oetweon Fiance and Germany. They havo convinced no ono. Out of all tho assertions, certain faotn appear clear. Get man v is mnt. intr nil tlio j c i -wr " """'j -v deal trance a eiulileu blow, tho French military authorities are hard at work i a ..-.w, utfiiiiis m i a and London, infliders believing that the declaration ot war will take sliapo in a Hidden iimilliiii' dinnnnii lur Rurmnnn for tlm disnrmanx nt of France. To una a demand, war will bo tho onlv possible auswer. For all the clamor of nnnimilintinn thee distinct di finite impressions are a vast advanco in the expectance of imminent war over the vague appre hensions of a month or six weeks ago. u Btiu remains as truo as over that ihe issues of peaco and war are so com pletely in the hands of two nr tlirp old men at Berlin that no one elso can nay whether tho Spiing of 1887 will tee the ureatist war or onlv thn nrnnt. est Bcaro of modern history ; but it is ;uso truo mat tne impressions radiat ing from tho Kai-er, bis groat General nnd his greater Alimnter steadily con verso tO A. inl Wnr. Wnr mnv nn. come -it is hard to believe that it will; but it is plain that the Emperor, Iiis- luiuuK nun von iuoiiKe preier to havo thu world believe that war is certain. Of this fact thern is now nn ruagnn. llllo lloilbt that it alnnn nrunllv in. -- - ..V.J ..." creases tho nroeuect of hntilitina Thin impression, it is true, may, by leading io a tjiitiuen serious cnange iu f rench politics, avert war. and it mnv bo apt. in motion for this purpose." It lias oeen ior some tune plain that General liolllaill.'lT vVUS lll.lvimr nnnn llin nnt i i". V ---" -I " "i- lonal desire for revenge , until ho was likely to bring himself to the danger ous lioillt whern wnr unnlil lin n mm. ity to maintain bis personal prt dom inance, iiiero nro aireauy siuiis that soberer men in French nffairs nro unit ing to curb bis pretensions and ovcr llirow the Ministrv nf whinli lw w tn. day the only consnictious member. Tho ..l..,n.,n . 1 . OI I'llBUUI. pe.lL'U WOUIU UO yreatly iiicreastd by such an event, and it would nrobablv be neentitod liv all Europe as iiroviin that Frnnnn hml fought her laid great war for many ears to come. liut tho sombre belief wlilnli nn. -i. 7 . . "f lirerscs iMlronn is thn nnnvintinn thnt tho aged men who rule Germany in- leim to cniMi rrnnco ueloro they die : and If tilt' V do. nn nniiilnnina tint mntlvo will turn this iron banded tri umvirate aside from tbo path of war. A vntinrv n'Am.n nv,lm.n.1 t.. n - - ".'limn .111(1111 1.14 111 1. millinery establishment had a painful fall n few days ago. Sho was stand ng on tlio top of a step-ladder putting the finishing touches on a litest stylo femininn Vint lelum aim climin.1 a.if1 ............. ...... ....v.. unu Rflfrvv v. II 1.1 fell to Iho iloor, a distance of iwolvo feet Johnson "Do vou know jouncr Jones t ' O'Kelly "Yis, nor i I know 'inn, Johnson "L'an a pcrt-on bo. lievo what bo sajst" l'at "Faith. an" it's jisl tbiii ways When ho tollH o the truth, yo can belavo ivory word ho says i but when ho lies to V7, y'o bolther havo no confidence in Mm nt all.'