The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1887, Image 4

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    Sli(ioful Abnto.
von ins ovr.H honesti.
Wm. En. Rodson, M. D., L. It. 0. S.
I., M. K. Q. a 1 I Into of tlio Itoyal
Navy of England, lias got into profess
ionnl troublo for writing tlio following
open letter to tlio editor of tlio London
Family Doctor:
"IboHovo it to bo tlio duty of every
physician to inako known any means
or ronicdy whereby sickness can bo
proventcd. nnd it is for this pnrposo 1
wnto to give my experienco both hero
and abroad. I ask tho publication of
the statement that pcoplo may bo warn
ed before it is too late, to say to them
thero is nt hand a means by which
ilioy may bo restored to perfect health.
It is well known to tho medical world,
ami indeed, to tho laity, that a certain
diseaso is making a terrlblo havooj
that next to consumption it is tho most
fatal, and that when fully developed
thero is nothing to bo dono for tho euf
fcrer." nTll ! .....
i iiysicians anu scientists have long
been trvinnr to tlirnu? liMit
cause, and if possible, to find in naturo
a meuicino lor tms latal malady. They
have shown, absolutely, that tho blood
imc auuwu, uusonuciy, mat tlio blood
purifying organs of vital importance,
nro tho kidnoyp. and that when they
Otlfin fail, ihr tiniann urli.nli lt.i. ..1.....1.4
1 1 r " " muv duuuiu
tako out of tho blood is carried by tho
wuuu uuu every part ot tlio body, do
volonintr diseaso.''
"In my hospital practice in England
India and South America, and also
whilo a surgeon in the Itoyal Navy of
Groat Britain, I gave a great deal of
attention to tho study of diseases of
tho kidneys and urinary oreans. and
found that not only was the euro of
enromo l.ngni s uiseaso hopeless, but
that kidney diseaso was remarkably
iirovalent : much mnrn an that.
ally known, and was tho oauso of tho
ItifiinriFw nf rt.ona nt A e
uuju j w wdoo ii DtuKiieuH, ana iur-tht-r,
that tho medical profession has
no remedy which exerts any absolute
control over ineso organs in disease.
-oumo umo ago when l had a case
which resisted all regular treatment,
which is very limited, complicated
with tho passing of Btones from tho
kidneys, much against mv will I ner-
mitted my patient to use "Warner's
salo cure, of which I had heard marvel
ous result. In his caso the result was
simply marvelous, as tho attack was a
Bovcro one, and development very grave
iur uu analysis Bnoweu per cent of al
buinen and granular tube casts.'
"The action of tho medicine was
singular and incomprehensible to me.
I had never seen anything like it. The
patient recovered promptly, and is to
day a well and healthy man. This
stimulated my inquiry into tho merits
oi uio remeay, and alter analysis I
found it to bo of purely vegetable char
acter, harmless to tpko under all cir
c u instances."
"Casting asido all professional preju
dice I gave it a thorough trial, as I
was anxious that my patients should
bo restored to health, no matter bv
...I. 4 ...J.1' T ......
wuut meuiuiue. i presenbo it in a
gieat variety of cases, Acute, Chronio
unguis uisease, congestion of the
Kidnevs. Catarrh nf thn RtnIW .,1
in every instance did it speedily effect
a cure.''
For this reason I deem it my duty
io give to me wona this statement re
crardint? the vnlun nf Wnrnor'a oofo ...,,
I make this statement on facts I am pre-
nanu to produce and substantiate. I
I anneal tO Dhvsicians nf Inrorn
who know how common and deceptive
diseases! oi too Kianoys are, to lay aside
professional prejudice, give their
patients Warner's safo cure, restore
them to perfect health, earn their grati-
iuue, anu inns ue true physicians."
X am sausneci mat raoro than one
half of the deaths which occur in
England aro caused, nrimnriu- u ;m
paired action of thn L-lMnnva nt,n tl,
consequent retention in the blood of
llin iifiiann na n!n .. .. J 1-!.! 1
uiDvuwua uiiu uuu jsiuney acia.
AVarners safo cure naiispu ihn Mnn
to expel this poison, checks tho escape
oi aiuumen, relieves tho inflammation
and nrevents illnpaafmm ;mtn;.j a
t I . - . . u , tuinm,u uuu
impoverished blood. Having bad more
muu seventeen years experience in
my profession, I conscientiously and
emphatically state that 1 have been
able to give more reiief and effect more
cures by the use of Warner's safo cure
than by all the other medicines aseer
tainablo to tho profession, tho majority
of which I am sorry to say, are yery
uncertain in their action."
"Isn't that a straightforward, manly
"Indeed it is."
"Well, but do you know tho author
n oeen urcaiuiiy persecuted for writ
ing it t"
now so 7 Vhat has ho dono to
merit it i
"Dono! He has spoken tho truth
'out ot school and his fellow nhvsi
cians, who want tho public to think
tllOV havo a mnnnnniir in nnrlnn .11
eases, are terribly angry with him for
uuiuHuny iroiessiouai luauilitv to
reach certain disorders.
'That letter created a wonderful
sonsation among tho titled classess and
tho public. This jarred tho doctors
terribly. Tho College of Surgeons and
ljueen s Collego, from which institution
no wan gruuuuiru, asiceu lor an oxpla
nation of his unprofessional conduct
ana notined mm that unless ho mado a
retraction they would discipline, him.
"Tho doctor replied that ho allowed
his patients to mako uso of Warner's
safo euro only after all tho regular
methods hadailed and when he was
satisfied that thero was no possible hope
for them. Unon thnir runnrnn- nfnl.
having used Warner's safo cure, he
was so much snriniicd that h
tho above letter to tho Famihi Dor.,
tor. Ho rOQTCtted that thn mill Ine I
found fault witli his action in tho mat., um uu uouiu not conscientioiiiilv I
retract tho facts
samuy jjoeior.
"iho laeultles of both colleges ro-
riiuii LiiiAb ill, rnirfininii Mian
.1.1 .... nr . . i . ' I
niiuuiu uuu uu, wnicn would natur-1
aljy debar him from again practicing
his nroiessinn. and alan nrwnni i.; I
seouring another appointment in the xr i'i
' t ' r " -Jl i'iuivii. uin i
Feaunnrr annthnr ntitiAinti,nit in tU I
.in . tn . .
ine illustrious doctors dilema is
cortamly an unpleasant one, empha
sizing, as it does, both his own honesty,
and tho contcmptiblo prejudice and
uigotry oi i-.ngllsh medical men. The
nmssef. however, having no sympathy
with their nonsense, koep on using th
rornedy ho so highly recommends and
get well, whilo tho noli nnd able do
DOnd UDOn tho lirnilldinfid ilnntnra nn1 I
die I I
After a long period in which only
girl babies wero born, Uismark, D. T.,
now rejoices in tho birth of a male in.
Japaneso orango trees aro being in
oduoed into California. Thev will
a new and excellent variety of
Jliss Cleveland says peoplo partake
of the uature of the food thoy eau
What piltB of veal tho dudes must con.
Bronoho Lou-
W1U) I.UE 01' THE l'K.MAT.K TEimoil OT
L Cruccs (N. M.) Letter In the N. Y. Sun,
't'hnillrh nmu. llita nnnnlrt. Im. l.M
" I J 1- UU-
como old enough to havo nn occasional
examplo of tho effects of heredity.
uronono liOii, tno woman desperado,
who not many years niro was tho ter
ror of Southern Colorado, has a son
who has just distinguished himself by
committing perjury in tho hono of hav
ing his mother hanged, so that ho
might inherit her property. Up U
1HH1 T.nn liplntirrnil In n lmn.1 nt
' i-, ' . " i. uiiiiii r I UUI
laws, which mado its headquarters in
Colorado. Sinco tliat timo and under
various names sho has lived on a ranch
in Lincoln count, in this Territory,
whero sho has considerable slock. In
her younger days sho was a dashing
WOmatl. with enmirrll nf nrnnn nn1
health, brightness of oyo and freshness
oi complexion to maito her pas as
reasonably good looking. Sho was as
queer a compound of ferocity and gon
iiuuuss, ueviiiBiuu's anu ueeonoy, bru
tanty and wonianlmess as was over
seen, olio rodo a horse like a man.
bhe was strong and lithe and could on
uu anytning. in spuo oi ncr Hard
Mo h I'guro was trim, her volco tnu-
B',C!l 9nd her hands deft. Sho could
Ic 1 1 1 n lilfln trilli rnvnli'or At blf .....1
kill a man with revolver or lcnifn riml
nurso a wounded or Bick companion
wuu equal uuxieruy. ono was an ex
pert in all games of chanco and on
more than ono occasion she figured as
dealer in gambling houses whero her
1.. I ..... 1 1 . i , ,
oiuutYuuusa miui uurvu urougnt ner Ulg
Balarics. An unerrint? mnrknmiin. nn
ono cared to get within ranao of her
!i, ill ' , i.i . ..V.
riuo. one is credited witn Killing two
husbands in (Jnlnrmln. nnd nnlimlv
knows exactly how many sho has made
away witn nere.
When the hand t.n whlnh aim
ed in Colorado became so troublesome
that tho settlers could put up with their
lawlessness no longer a posse was or
canized to rro in nnrsuit.. Tim ilunsr.
adocs wero encountered at an abandon
ed railroad camp, and after two or
threo men had been killed on both
sides four of tho outlaws including
nroncno J.1011, wero oouirod to surron
der, tho othors getting away. Lou was
not injured, but her threo companions
were all severely wounded. Although
it was tho intention of tho crowd to
lynch the fellows, Lou persuaded them
to desist, and on her suggestion all
wero conveyed to tne jau at las Am
mas. Hero tho feeling was so great
that no one would attend tho wounded
prisoners, but Lou dressed their Wounds
and brought them out all richt. As
little restraint had been nut nnnn hnr
she did not hnvn nuicli diflimilttr !.
making arrangements for tho escapo of
wiu euure party, ano ono morning the
l'aller found that .ill nrnrn nnim
If they had left tho country then it
n pruuuuiu mat tney would not have
ueuu juiauuu, um iuey remained in
tho southern part of tho State, commit
ting many depredations. When these
became intolerable another posse set
out, and a pitched battlo was event
ually fought with tho thieves, in tho
course of which several of tho latter
wero again taken prisoners. The posso
nau ropes reauy and were about to
lynch their captives, when Lon and
ono companion, well mounted and
armed.descendedon thn nnrrv with ennh
impetuosity as to stampede it and give
the prisoners a chance to escape. Go
ing south, Lou was never afterward on
Colorado Boil. Her old companions
scattered, and she married again and
settled down in Lincoln county tin
haven of Western tout-hs. makinc oc
casional journeys to the towns round
about, as the inclination moved her.
At that tune she was known as Mrs.
Yankers. though she vena fdmilinrlt-
designated by her wild acquaintances
ht, thn J. u-! -t
uj wiutuuu Duuunuuot oi
r i . t 1
uruueuu uuu.
She was m Socorro in 1883, and
whilo engaged in a gambling gam
with Robert Black she shot, him dnml
It was shown bv her associates thai.
diuuk nau ooen tne aggressor, and on
tho -preliminary examinntinn aim term
Ml. I 111
dismissed. Later on the grand jury in-
vesugtueu ner case out lound no indict-
... A 1 1! . .
wuuu jiuurHiiemiinrr nn mnrn trnnii ,
on '.his score, Lou went back to he
ranch and thero married Willi tra Daw
son, with whom sho lived on bettor
terms than had characterized
lations With any Of her nrnvinna hna
bands. But ho hpnnmn in .
quarrei wiin jonn u. wood and was
Kiued oy mm, and t,ou carao here to
prosecute tho murderer. Wniio in this
town word was receivnd hv hnr fmm
Socorro to tho effect that she had beer
indicted there for the murder of Black
and she at onco took stoim m im-natl.
gate the matter. It w.ia nnt Innn in.
fOre ShO discovered thflt. nnnmin. lio.l
been before thn frnnd inrr lint oho ,V,A
not learn tho full truth until last week
when her caso came on for trial before
Judge Henderson.
Besides the attorney whom she had
iciuuii-u, uruuciio LiOQ nai iur ami
young fellow named William Ifono
with her, nnd up to the minute that ho'
iuok tne stanu sue and he r friends sui
POSed that IlO was frinndiv In lioi-
Unco under oath however, ho proved
""V viwuuviuun miLIIL'nn 71iriiiTiir tin
flo sworo that Blank had
by his mother in cold blood, ami that
mo weapon lound in lm tinnnunn
was Placed in ms lianiu .aftnr h fll n
give color to the storv nf u,,ifUny
bo pointed was his testimony that for
u DUU1L L1IUU 1L Wflfl Tonrnrt that I .nn
was doomed, but her attornoy had not
gono far with the cross-examination
before lllO VOUIir? HCnnndrnl Imnotnn
vlvcd in contradictions, atid at lengtl
owned un to tho fact that. Im h ntinl In
swearing against his mothor to havi.
her hanccd or sent, t.n nrUiin fnr lif.,
s0 lllai I10 C0"II yet her property. Tho
u auriiuatico was very demon.
strative. and thn .Tud frn mnrn tlmn nnnn
let ran remarKs whioh Gbowed his ah--
Horronce ot tin conspiraoy so brazenly
vuivitu iiilu umi Nil i iiimiiinnr i v unii
fa,..J nri.!1 l. ' . .. .
'ww. u uo no was maKing this
confession, Bronoho Lou sat with her
hands to hor fann nrclnrf nnd uL.i
- j -'to1 " " "vii miH
was told to takn thn atnnd ir ,inii an.n..
umo betoro she oouhl proceed
first exclamation was :
"Ho is mv bovl"
Then she sobbed i n linfinnlrnllnhln
I grief, aud about fifty old fronliersmon
hitched up their trousers, tightened
ineir ueiis. c eared their thrnata
swallowed hard as they looked first
iiur anu men at tue vnnnm rnanni w
I 1 . L . . . . 1 ' .
I Was COWGrini' 111 a nnrnnr nnnr thn in
It W3S a loilL' tilllO befnrn hnr laurv
could induce her to answer a nuilon,
but when tho Judge admonished
in a kindlv wnv aim tnnt- m. 11.0
j ..... uiiw i u . . i uiu uujr I
narrative and denied it most emnlmtln
In his address to the inrv llm nrnan.
cutincr Attorney woa nnmiiHlInd tn ml.
rait his disappointment in tho way Ha-
icju teBiimouy nau turned out, and
tho counsol for Lou gye tho boy suoh
an excoriation as ono does not often
hear in theso parts without a rcvolv
accompaniment. Tho iurv took t
id a
caso and in five minutes returned
. j -rf '
verdict of not cniltv. wh nh wan
ceivod with wild cheering, As ioou
ns tho court room was cleared tho men
in town organized for tho purposo of
lynching Lou's hopeful son, but sho in
tercedod so eloquently in his behalf
that ho was permitted to escapo.
Precautions Against Oontagions and In"
fectious Diseases.
VAltlOI.OIl), TYl'llOIIl 1-EVEK, TVfllUS
fEVEll, MEASLES, CI10I.E11A,1)V8
Somo of theso diseases aro communl
cated directly from nurson to person
such aro scarlet fover, small pox and
measles. Others oontaminalo fluids
and solids which aro eaten by humai
beings and thus enter tho system; sue!
nro typhoid lever, cholera and dvsen
tcry, while others still pass from person
to person through tho air, (so far i.s
our present knowledge extends,) such
as typhus fever, small-pox, whooping
cougn and tnuuenza.
ft is fully believed by sanitarians
that most infectious and contagion
diseases could no "stamped out com
plctcly, could mankind be induced to
live up to tho light which wo now
possess concerning their nature. The
"plague," "tho black death." "thu
sweating sickness and "cholora," in
former years ravaged continents, carry
ing to tho gravo from one-fourth to
three-fourths of all tho inhabitants,
Their ravages havo been stayed j somo
of them aro unknown m civilized coun
tries. May tho diseases hero named
bo unknown to future generations.
It is believed that each of theso dis
eases is tne result ot a special poison
(contagium) working in tho bod)',
These enter tlio system in different
ways, and exert their main forco on
different parts of tho body.
Scarlet fever, small-nox and measks
and all eruptive diseases of the skin
aro probably propagated by a poison
discharged in tlio dead skin, as well,
also, as by means of all discharges
irom tno oowcis, bladder, nose, mouth,
eyes and ears. Tho disoharges from
tho skin (dry dust, scales, scabs, &c.)
as well as from tho noso and month,
aro believed to bo especially malig
In dipthcria, tho discharges from tho
mouth, noso and throat, as well os
from the bowels and bladder, are be
lioved to contain the poison, especially
those irom nose, mouth and throat
The same is true, of tho whooping-
cough. In the caso of consumption the
matter coughed trora the lungs prob
ably is a means of propagating that
disease. Typhoid fever, cholera and
dysentery havo their special poisons m
tho disoharges from tho patients bowels
which are disseminated in drinking
water. Tho same is probably true of
yellow fever. Puerperal fever may bo
conveyed irom patient to patient on
. ... -
tho persons ot physicians and nurse.
Parasitio diseases aro obtained f.'om
foods and drinks, and by actual con
tact of a healthy person with one dis
eased. Typhus fever seems to bo a
disease caused by over-crowding, and
by toul gasoa trom sowers and drains.
iho time intervening between ex
posuro to tho special poison and the
appearance of tho first symptoms of
theso diseases vanes greatly. It mav
be from only a few hours, as in the
case of cholera and yellow fever, to
threo or fonr weeks or even longer as
in typhoid fover.
As a general rule, ono attack gives
immunity from any second attack.
Scarlet fever, diphtheria; measles, and
whooping-cough prevail most among
children, but may attack all ages. Tho
other diseases named attack persons of
all ages. As a rule, the cleanly, tem
perate, well-fed, and well-housed suffer
less from these diseases than do tho ill
fed, intemperate, ill-olothed, over-work
ed, and ill-housed,- but this is not al
ways so. Tho intemperato certainly
Buffer raoro than other. Those who
havo beon successfully vaccinated
wilhm seven years do positively es
cape small-pox. Persons who are in a
"run-down and exhausted state of
body, aro more liable than others to
have the germs ot disease take root in
their bodies than are others. Typhoid
fevr especially attacks thopo in vigor
ous life. Diphtheria generally passes
nursing names.
Seo to it that your family and your
self are successfully vaccinated. Un
less your services aro needed, stay
away from all houses in which these
diseases aro present. Don't attend
funerals from any of these diseases.
Keep ohildren away from all houses in
which theso diseases prevail. If any
oi theso diseases, to whioh children aro
subject, are epidemic in a town, keep
y-mr children trom day and sabbath
Bchools, from churches, and all assem
blies, lia suro that the water vou
drink is pure : well water is alwuys to
oe suspecte-i. in traveling, it is safest
to drink only boiled water, such as one
gets in tea and oofleo When buying
or renting a uouso, aiwnys ask it it has
been free for tho past two years, from
all theso contagious diseases, aud de
mand a written auarauteo. Educatn
tho peoplo of your neighborhood as to
tlio nature of these diseases, and what
they should do when they occur. Aid
in establishing a local board of health,
and seo that your community has laws
in referenco to cleanliness, private
funerals, tho isolation of those sick of
contagious diseases, and the closing of
schools aud churches against those liv-
!ng in houses in which any contagion
diseaso prevails. Tho country privy
and tho city cess pool should bo abol
ished evoywhere absolutely. The
most scrupulous cleanliness munt be
enforced everywhere. When conta.
gious diseases prevail, do not send
your clothing to the public laundries.
i here should bo a notice on nvnrv
houBQ in which thero is a contamoim
disease, so that tho publio may bo warn
ed to remain away.
If one is renuired to bo about on
sick with a contagious disease, ho
should eat his meals regularly, tako
somo exerciso in the open nircach day,
yiu in usuui umuuui oi sieep, and dis
miss all oyer anxiety as to the danger
of contagion. But ho must avoid tho
special poison. Do not tako the breath
of tho sick ono. Do not touch with
tho lips any lood, drink, cup, spoon, or
anything elso that tho siok person has
touched, or that has been in tho sink
room. Do not wipo your faco or hands
with any cloth that has been on or
near tho sick person. Do not woar
any clothing tho sick person has worn
duriug, just before, or iust after his
siekuess. Keep your hands free from
any disoharges from tho body or skin
of tlio sick person, nnd if thev do bo-
come soiled, wash them soon as possi
ble in water containing a solution of
chloride of lime. Do not touch tho
ink with soro or scratched hands.
Particularly avoid receiving into the
body through tho mouth or nose, any
of tho scales or scabs from the skin of
those sick or recovering from scarlet
jovo or smau-pox. consumptives
should spit on rags and these should be
burned. This sputa should nover ba
j caton by chlokons or other tlomcstio I
I animals, ns thero is reason to beliovo I
that it will infect them, and thov in
turn, through their meat, other human
Whenever a placo is threatened with
nn epuemio ot nny contagious disease,
tho local board of health, or tho town
council, shpuld appoint a fow discreot
persons wno should go from houso to
1)01180 and instruct tho people in what
thoy should do to avoid tlio threatened
danger. This should bo dono without
creating an nlarm. Tho town should
bo thoroughly nnd scientifically clean
ed nnd uinniecieii, and tho condition
of tho drinking water examined by an
ritnOAUTioNs in the sick-room.
1. Tho sick chamber should bo as
large, airy, nnd pleasant as possible.
It should bo in a part of tho houso
whero as much quiet as possiblo may
bo secured. In contagious diseases it
is best to havo tho sick room in tho up
per part of tho house, so that tho air
from it will not minglo so much with
the nir of tho house. Tho room should
have moans for freo ventilation without
tho production of drnught. All un
necessary articles Bhould bo removed
from tlio room.
'J. Thn patient should bo isolated
in tho sick room from tho visits of all
except his nurses and tho physician.
(This does not apply to typhoid fever,
choloin, or dysentery.
3. All glasses, cups, or oilier vessels
used by the patient, should be cleansed
in boiling water befo'ro being used by
others. And old foods nnd drinks,
touched nnd not consumed by tho
sick, should bo burned or buried.
4. The disoharges from tlio bowels
and from tho kidneys should bo re
ceived on their very isstto from tho
body into vessels charged with disin
fectants, nnd, after thorough disinfect
ion, thrown into tho sewer, or, in tho
country, buried, at least ono hundred
leet trom any well or running stream,
in no caso snoum tnoy bo thrown on
the surface of tho ground or into
running stream of water. Hags and
paper, which havo become contamin
ated with any discharge, should bo
burned at onca in a strong firo. It
well, in all contagious diseases, to
placo a pieco of rubber cloth under the
patient to prevent the discharires from
soaking into tho bed.
5. All articles of the patient's cloth
ing, an siifet8, towels, napkins, band
agfs or sponges about tho sick, must,
oeiore being taken trom the sick room.
be thrown into a tub containing sever
al gallons of solution of chlorido of
lime, (8tandard solution, No. 1,) and
remain in it threo hours. Nevor carry
any dry clothes from the sick room
without disinfection. After disinfect-
ion, thoy should ho thoroughly boiled
C. Perfect cleanliness must bo en-
joined in thn room, tho nurse, and the
person ot the patient. Thero must
never bo a bad smell in the room.
. it is naraiv necessary to sav
luat in an contagious diseases tho pa
tient should bo under the care of i
skilled physician.
1 he patient should not minale with
tho publio until the physician certifies
that there is no danger of contagion ;
he will not bo well so long as the skin
is unhealthy or peeling off, or as there
aro any seres in the mouth, throat, or
nosv, or any symptoms of dropsy. He
should then, under tho direction of his
physician, tako several warm baths
and put on a new suit of clothes be
toro going in public. Ho will neoJ
to be caroful of exposing himself, for
some weeks, until his strength is fully
precautions in regard to uuriat.s.
After death tho body should at once
, . . . -
oo wrapped in a sheet saturated will.
a solution ot corrosive sublimate (stand
ard solution, No. 2) and buried as soon
as possible. Ine funerals should bo
private. Newspapers should, in notice
of death mention disease, that people
may remain away. Undertakers Bhould
not furnish chairs at funerals of those
who havo died from contagious dis
eases, and such articles as tbey regu
larly uso in their business, if taken to
such a house, should be washed with a
solntion of corrosive subliraato before
being used elsewhere. From Circu
lar No. 20 of the State Hoard of
'Tho Pilgrim's Proeress" has been
reproduced in Japanese and illustrated
by a nativo artist.
Tho noble ladies of tho English
court aro busy giving balls and parties.
Tho eud of the world does not trouble
Kins ICalakaua was presented with
fivo Bibles on his birthday. Ho thinks
of coming East next fall to gather
autumn leaves.
Sealskin mantles roacbinc to the feet
are very popular among tho London
ladies. Thoy aro generally trimmed
witn rich dark sable.
A man had his ear bitten off in i
fracas in New York the other ninht
Man wants but little ear below nor
wants that little long.
A returned missionary at San Fran
oisco predicted that Japan will accent
Christianity as its nntional faith by the
closo of this certury.
Thero wero nearly 300 moro divorce
suits begun in Chicago last year than
the year boforc, and 138 more divorces
wero granted.
It Ii not commonly known that a large
proportion of the rheumatism and neu
ralgia extant is traceable directly to tlio
diseased condition or imperfect action of
the kidneys and liver; therefore a remedy
which cures the resulting disease must
havo found and smitten tho first cause.
Many persons using Athlonhoros for
rheumatism and neuralgia have been
surprised to find that chronic disorders of
tin liver and kidneys have also been
Rreatly relieved and they have written
for an explanation. The fact is, that the
remedy acts directly on theso organs,
cleansing them from all Irritating sub
stances and rcculatlng their action. Taken
in connection with Athlophoros Pills this
is, without exception, the most valuable
kidney and liver remedy in the world, and
will cure a large proportion of those who
havo theso diseases.
Copake Iron Works, Copake. N. Y.
For tue last fire years I have been sub
ject to severe attacks of rheumatism which
would causomethe most excruciating pain
in my chest; was obliged to put myself
under the doctor's care for two or threo
months at a time, and even then it was
almost impossible to get any relief. The
last timo I was taken my sou was at home,
and I requested him to call the doctor,
but he said he had heard of a new remedy
for rheumatism called Athlophoros and
advised me to try It. I did and you can
imagine my surprise, was relieved of all
pin after taking one bottle and havo not
been troubled tlnce. It saved me ciiite a
sum of money, and what is better, I was
not obliged to endure weeks of euirering ;
would not be without it in the house. Havo
recommended it to others and it never falls
to give relief. L. II. rATTEitsoK.
Erery druggist should keep Athlophoros
and Athlophoros I'ilk but where thoy can
not be bought of the druggist the Alhlo.
llhnma fin.. 115 M'nll Ui M. v.i. 'in
i i., ' V via, wilt
eud cither (carriage paid) on receipt of
regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle
for Athlophoros and 60c. for Pills.
Far livar unit 1r1tn.. .it .1 i
PLj, y!en'. f?ai!l'tlnI,i headacUe, impure
Wood, At., AtUojJkwos lIUi ant uotxjuulcd.
(Tht Onl; BtllibU niod Parlfler.)
Scrofula, Salt Rhoum,
Neuralgia, Ring Worm
And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.
Carta IaJtutUa aad all dlatawa srlalas n-om
aa r.afMblea' eaadltlea or Ike iittai.
tVAak your SntrU for UU. PABOXa'8 BEMI.
pr ana tea no other. Prioe t. par bottle or U
botUea forts, afanuf&ctvred by tho
Hoohoet.r, N. Y.
with medicines you know notlilnir about
Neatly every so-called remedy fortRlicuma,
llsm and Neuralala now offered to tht
public contains powerful and poisonous
medicines that lnjuro tho stomach and
leave the patient worso oft than before.
uo not uso mem, but tako "the old re,
liable" one that has stood the test for
twcnty.flve years. Is free from anything
Injurious to tuo system, composed wholly
or roots nnd herbs.
Dr. Pardee's Hcmedy used by old and
young with beneficial results. Flvo bun-
drcd dollars will be na d tor any case whero
ur, i nruce b iiemeuv nas in anv wav in-
r t ,-- i. . . -
jurcu me patient.
nov. 20 56 If,
Vor "wom-our," "run-down." dublllhitod
Fcliool teachers, milliner, soamstrcsscft, houso-kecpn-s,
nnd over-worked women (cencrnlly.
Dr. i'lcif-o'8 Fiivorlto l'nwcrlptlon Is tho best
nf nil,ni,tr If la nnt n "Punal! "
lint niltnlrnhlr f tillllla n fttnirlenofia of rmrnow.
lwlnir a most potent Siieclflo for all thoso
s P0C1
women. It Is 11 powerful, general ns well as
uterine, tnnlo nnil nervine, nnd Imparts vlpor
nnd stremrth to tho whole system. It promptly
cures weakness of sUimnch, lndlirestlon, blont
lna weak back, nervous prostmtlon, debility
nnd sleeplessness. In cither sox. Favorito Pro
ficrlptlon Is sold by druwrists under our post
ftre miarantre. Seo wrapper around bottle,
l'rlco $1.00, or lx bottles for $5.00.
A lariro treatise on Diseases of Women, pro-
iusciy uiustrnicii wun coioreu piaies anu nu
merous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents in gtflmnfi.
Address, Woiilo's Displnsarv Medical
Association, 013 Jliun street, nuiraio, N. Y.
SICK IirADACIlT, lllllous Honda .'he,
and Constipation, promptly cured by
Dr. l'lerco's Toilets. 23c. a vial,
by druirelsts.
S.m. p.m. a.m
00123s S so ....ranton....
a.m. a.m. n.m.
8 64 la 25
8 48 18 22
8 40 12 19
8 S3 13 08
8 27 12 OS
8 22 II 53
8 17 11 M
8 12 11 50
8 08 11 47
8 OS 11 47
8 03 11 42
7 59 11 S3
7 54 11 31
7 50 11 30
7 43 11 S3
7 SO 11 12
7 18 11 00
7 11 10 51
7 05 10 47
8 58 10 41
6 54 10 S3
6 50 10 31
43 10 27
6 3d 10 21
5 30 10 10
8 25 10 11
6 OS 0 50
6 00 9 49
6 55 9 45
5 40 9 32
rm. am.
10 9 15 2 05
8 15 9 20 2 10
8 20 9 28 2 15
6 27 9 34 2 22
84 9 41 2 SO
8 26 nellevue....
8 22 ...Taylorvllle...
.. Lackawanna..
..West I'lttston.
. . ..Maltby
nennett.. ..
....Kingston ....
Plymouth .luno
.... Avondalo. ,
llunlock's creek
..Hick's Kerry,.
e 40 9 47 2 34
6 45 9 52 3 41
6 49 9 60 2 41
53 10 On 2 47
58 10 05 3 60
8 53 10 05 9 50
7 02 10 10 3 65
7 07 10 15 3 00
7 12 10 203 05
7 15 10 35 3 10
7 23 1032 3 27
7 37 10 44 3 89
7 50 11 118 52
7 57 11 00 8 58
8 04 11 134 05
8 10 11 04 12
8 14 11 254 10
8 18 II 20 4 tn
8 25 11 30 4 27
8 30 11 44 4 34
8 30 11 50 4 40
8 41 11 55 4 48
8 58 12 II 5 04
6 47
6 41
6 38
6 34
S 27
S 21
.llrlar Creek...
..Willow Grove..
...Lime Hldge...
0 10
8 11 Catawra Iiiidee
u do . .uanvilie....
5 49 ....Chulasky....
I 9 05 12 211 6 12
5 45 .... Cameron.... 9 08 12 256 17
5 32 Northumberland 9 25 13 40 6 35
a.m. I la.m. a.m. p.m
W. P. HAL8TEAD, Supt.
Superintendent's otnee. scranton, Feb.lst,l82
Pennsylvania Railroai
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
in effect Jan. 2nd, 1887. Trains leave Sunbary,
9.40 a.m.. Sea Shore Bznrpsa Mnllr arrant.
Sunday), for narrlsburg and Intermediate stations.
uimuK Ub I UlltWdpUltt a. ID p. m. ! ft6Wl 0rZ,
8.20 p. m. ; Baltimore, 3.10 p. m. Waablnirton,
5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia lor ah Sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.50 p. ra. Day express
dally except 8unday),for Uai
rrtsburgand lnterme-
dlate Btatlons, arrlvlnz at
l'nuaaelph la
8.50 p. m. j New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore
.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
buruugf 11 iu I'miaucipiiia una uammore.
7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally
iur jittrnauiirx auu uu uitermeaiaie stations, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. in. : New York 7.10 a. m.
uaiiimore, .u 1. m. : wasmnKton cos a. m.
Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at
Harrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York. On son,
days a through aleeplne car will be run: on thli
train trom Wtlhamspt to PhUadelphla.Fnlladelphl
passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untl
7 a. m.
2.50 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday,
fCT IlArrlRhnrcr nnd IntormpjUnfA atatlnna
arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York,
ll.Su a. m. j Baltimore ais a. m. ; Washington, 9.30
a.m. i nrougn i-uiiman sleeping cars are run on
this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing
ton, and through passenger coaches to Pnlladel-
puia ana uaiiimore.
5.10a. m Erie Vnll dnllv PYivmt flnnriftvl. fn.
Krle arJ all Intermediate station. and cnnanriai.
f:ua ard Intermediate stations, Rochester, Butfa
0 and Niagara Falls, wltta through Pullman Pal.
w;u can, ami passenger coacnea to itne ana uocn
ester. 9.53 News Exnress tdallr excent Sundae fnr
Lock Haven and Intermediate stations.
is.62 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
anyi for Kane and Intermediate stations and flan,
ar.dalgua and principal Intermediate stations.
It-chester, buffalo and Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester
and Parlor carto WlUlamsport.
4.25 p. in. Fast Line (dallyiexcept Sunday)for Re-
u , w uuu ium uivuuiiii biuiiuub, UUU J.llull.1, 1,111-
klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas-
rcuicci vumiico i-j ivcuuvu uuu WUI&111B.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor Renovo and Interme
diate station-
sunaay man leaves l'liuadeinhia a. m
Harrlshunr 7.40 arriving at sunburr 9.20 a. m. with
luruuKuuircpiugcar irum rnuaaeinnia to WU
llamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m.
llarrlsburff. S.10 a. in. dallr arrant, flnnlav
arriving at Sunbury 9.53, a. m.
w , Niagara Express leaves
except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 1S.5J p. m.,
ruii&utriUuiu. i.iu a. in. : iiaiLimora 7.311 a. m. rnniiv
wuu uiruugu ranur car irom ruuaaeipma
a.uu luiuugu ptMrciigcr uuovuea iruui inutiaei
phla and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New York 8.30 a. m. ; Phtiaiini,
nliln 1, Ma vn . U7n.lilnn.nii U in a . . nni,.
uu.u...... w. u, , .houubvvu, a,w u. Uu. uaikl
mOre. 10.45 a. m.. (dallv eiceDt fiundavl arriving nt
coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore.
ano Juan leaves new noric s.uip. ni. I pnuadel-
Phla. 11.25 D. m. : waahlnirtcn. laoon. m. itniti.
more, 11.20 p. m., (dally except Saturday) arrlvlnz
at Sunbury 5.10 a. m., with through IuUtnao
Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and
uaimuuro uuu iiuuuku uiujavuger coacues Iron)
itAiiiiiuAii Ami miu'ru Anu wxOST
(Pally except ounuay.)
Wllkesbarre Mail leaves Sunburr 9 .as a m
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.41 a, m., Wllkea-barre
.l u, u.,
Express East leaves Sunburv i.ta n. m.. arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.20 p. ra., Wllkea-barre its p. in
duuuui junu icavcn n iifccsuarre 1U..3 a. m. arnv
Ing at Bloom Ferry 12.51 a. m.,Hunbury 12.45 p. m
Express West leaves Wllkes.barrel.60 p. ra ar.
riving at Bloom Ferry 3.19 o. m., sunbury 4.lJp.m
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. in., arrlvlmr
at Bloom Ferry 10:1 a. m., Wllkes-Barre Jlns a.mT
Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 6:10
F-'ao1" 1n?VUl aV uloom ''"i P- ni., Sunbury,
uen.Majager. ueo. Paasenger Agent
Vol. t'Ualli.l 111..I UlllitUM.,
Itcctlte .tilirilix-uiviila r" 1U. 1'jf
Marrlgo in China.
"A Chincso lovo-lctler 1 Hnvo 1 nny
old-tashtonod Uliineso lovolcttcra I
mv trunk t Havo 1 n cill-cdccd Chi
nese billet-doux with n tnonoarnm like
n orow s trnok 7 Thero was novcr
lovc-lettor written in Chincso. No
Chinese maiden over ticnncd n billet-
doux or sent n vnlcntiiio."
Knthcr sadly was this said bv
romantio young uinunman, Mr. iiong
Wine, wno is noted amour? tho (Jm
neso for tho skill with whioh ho plays
on inn manuouu.
"In China." continued ho, "a man
novcr sees his wife until ho is wedded
to her for life, nnd soinetlmus he docs
not seo her then, for sho mny refuse to
remove tier veil until threo days huv
elapsed after tho wedding. If h
dosn't llko her ho cannot get ft divorce,
but ho may marry another wile, nnd
thon another nnd another, until ho lms
gono through tho blindfold lolttry
ottcn eiioni'ii to get (dio that suits mm
Somo of theso Chincso Cranusts have
hundreds of wives. Thero was nn old
bachelor who took it into his head to
get married ono winter, and ho married
200 wives before ho got through. Tho
last wifo is tho favoute, but tho first
one is the boss.
'If a man nover sees his wlfo before
their wedding, how does ho mako lovo
to herr
"Ho docsn t mako lovo to her. Hi
mother arrnuges tho match, nnd his
future mother-in-law makes lovo to
him. It is a sour courtship. Childrtn
aro formally engaged to other ohildren
that thoy havo nover seen at tho tend
er aco of 9 or lO.and after an entrant-
ment of ten or twelve years thoy get
married f
"Does a Chinaman ever marry bis
cousin V
no (a marriago ot cousins was
nover heard of in China. A man may
no moro marry his cousin in China
than in Enolaud a man mav marrv his
deceased wife's sister. Toil talk about
vour old families here, and your oldest
? !; . 1.. 1. . . . .
lainiueH are ouiy nvo generations Old.
In China families are soventy-fivo and
eighty generations old, and every mem
ber has n complete record of his an
oestors of ah theso generations. Tho
remotest kinship prevents marriacea in
ri.i 1 ir 1 1 0 ..
vallum, uuu 11 inu luiiiuics uuvo ine
faintest -imaginable kinship seventy
fivo generations back tho children can
not marry.
"What are tho most common fami
lies in your country'" ,
"Tho Chens, the Woncs and tho
Lees. Tho Chens aro the Smiths of
yii , .1 . .
inina, tno wongs aro tno joueses, and
tho Jiees are tho iirowns. A Mr.
Chen would marry a Miss Wong, but
ho wouldn't marry a Miss Chon. Per
haps that is tho reason why tho old
folks make tho matches. It prevents
tno Linens irom tailing 111 lovo with
ono another.
"Aro tho Chinese Indies cultivated V
"Oh, yes: they can read and write,
draw, paint and cmbroidor. Thoy
never go out on tno street with their
husbands. If a Chinese man and wo
man wero to walk on tho street arm-in
arm in their conntry, as American men
and women do, they would be mobbed.
Tho women stay indoors. If they wish
to visit their mothers they take con
veyances. Sometimes they may bo
seen walking in the park with their
"You are married ?''
"To a Chinese lady 7"
wo, to an American. I camo to
this country when a bov 11 vears old.
Though I was 9000 miles from China
my mother betrothed mo to a little
Chinese girl I had never seen. My
mother used to write to mo how small
her feet wero and how pretty sho was
and what a beautiful cat-liko noso sho
had. When I was 20 years old moth
er sent mo a letter savinr? I was nlil
enough to get married, and must como
Dack to thina and marry tho girl."
"vnai uid you think about it 7"
"I thought I was old enough, and
fell head over cuo in love with an
American cirl in Nevada, and
her. Wo had our pictures taken, and
I sont one to my mothor, together with
an account ot tno wedding whioh 1
translated from an American news
paper into Chinese."
"What happened 7"
"iho next thine I knew mv unr.ln
and four cousins camo on tho United
States and had me arrested for bigamy.
1 was taken before a Court nnrl trlnrl
My unole went on tho stand and sworo
that 1 had a wife in China."
"What did you do then !"
llT t 1.. T - .
1 uiuuuut i was in a doy. as vnu
Americans say. The judge asked tho
witnesses how old I was when I left
China. Thev replied that mv mntJifir
had picked her out for me, and that,
in vninese iaw. was tne samo as mar
riage. Iho Judge said that they
didn't havo any Chincso statutes in
this conntry, and my nnclo innooentlv
replied that he would send to China
tor some. h,vervnodv in tho Hnurt
laughed, and, as I had lived in the
town ever since 1 camo to Amnrmn. nil
Knew mat 1 had left China n littlo boy,
so tho jury acquitted me. My uuelo
told tho Jndge that ho would bo bo
headed when he went back to China.
wuion was a monstrous lib with which
no intended to ecaro the .Tudnn.
navo never been back to China, nnd
-mipiuu mo iiuio gin wnom 1 never
saw is a grnss widow. Poor child."
JSrooMyn Uttizen.
Tobocrean doesn't mako
rhyme for hugging, bnt well, it gets
mum jutu tnu same.
John B. Allev. of MassafiinidBtta
lunohes 011 bread and milk, price 10
cents. That is why ho is able to draw
his check for twenty millions.
"jnary Ann, won d von lio tmr.,1
unuuyu 10 pare tnoso potatoes 7' " Ves
ma'am ; pray excuse me till I reraovt
my rings."
t. . .1 er-
Mrs Randolph Tucker, nun nt dm
prominent leaders in WurIiI ntvtnn
society, was, in her youth, ono of Vir
glnta's most noted beauties.
A man at Paw Paw. Mich., wlm .n.
taken ono paper for fortv years, has al-
wnjfB ium iur it in W00d.
Tho wifo of Senator Sabin.of Ml mm.
sota, having no children of her own,
nan uuuiu-u a lumuy 01 nine.
,-ir u, wa
Winter Exposure Causes Coughs,
Colds, Pleurisy, Hheumatlsm, Pneumonia, Neural.
61a. Solatlca, Lumbago, Uaclt&uho and other all.
menta, tor which llonnon'B Capclne Plasters aro
admitted to be the best remedy known. They re.
Here and cure In a tew hours when no other annii.
cation Is of the least benenu todorscjr by
souo physicians and druwUm. llewure nf
imitatlous under similar sounding names, such as
"Capsicum," "Capucln," "Uaphlclne." Abi
jo USKSOK's m tais no otuihs. Examine care
fully when you buy. All druggists.
fiHABUKY & JOHNSON, IToprlelore. New York,
that the most powerful stomach will bear.
and all Oerm Diseases. ,
nclleruo ltospltal,N.Y.,"UnlTcrRallv successful."
S "Kvei y pa 1 1 e n t
ot iv.,,,1., i v v treal cdwltli Kftsklne
Bt, 1-rancls Ilosrltal, N. . jiag discharged
j cured.
Dr. I II. Whlto U. S. Examining Surgeon,
Vi rites: "Kasklno l the best medicine made.;'
llr. 1. XI. lllr-Rnrtfir. Urn nst 121AT St.. NPW0rk
City, has cured over too patients with Knklno ar-
irr quinne ana nil oincr urugsnaa num. no
says: "It Is undoubtedly tho best medicine ever
discovered." .. .
l'rof. w. F. Ilolcombe. JI. a. Bt Kasi sin bu n.
Y. (lato Prof. In N. Y. Sled, college) writes I Kas
kino Is superior to quinine In Its specldo power,
nnd never nroduces the slightest injury to tho
hearing or constitmlon."
Itov. samos M. Hall, Chaplain Albany Peniten
tiary, writes that Knsklno has cured his wire, af
ter twenty years suffering from malaria and nerv
ous dyspepsia. Wrl ohjm tor particulars.
1 nousantu upon luousanas wnie miii iuaniun
has cured them after all other medicines had
failed. Wtlto for book of testimonials.
KAsklnn r.nn he taken without any sncclal med
ical advice, f 1 00 per bottlo.
sold by MOYEII iihos., nioomsDurg, it, or senv
by mall on recelnt of rrtce.
iiiu UASiUNisuu., ivarrcu
8t., New York.
OVHl'ltPSIA. Its Nature. Causes, rrcveL
tlon and Cure. lir John 11. McAlvln, Lowell
14 years lax collector. &ent irro iouu nu
Jan7 4id
for Infants and Children.
"Caatorla la aowtll adapted tochndren that I Cantor) rares Ootle, Oonrtlpatlon,
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription I 8our Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
known to me." n. A. Ascmi, M. D.. I Kmia0TSs' cire3 lMp' nd Promo-
lilBOxrordBt..EkjTn,N.Y. Without Injurious medication.
Tn Comes Coufast, 163 Fulton Street, N. T.
E3F" A
Combining a
All furnished with
TUP air, unM aii..
A Large and
Call and be Convinced that yr
The Lowest Possible Prices
Bloom sburg, Pa,
Foreigu and&Qmestfe
VX fl M 1 Mi
AVLokmle urtl
Headquarters for
tcr Street,
llavmir BtrufKled SO years between lira
dentil with AS'lllMA or I'llTlllsiU, treated br
! eminent physicians, nnd rccclvlnu no benefit. 1
wns compelled aurinir uicinsi, vcnrs 01 my 111.
I1L-H11 IUB1K Ull mi i-iiiiii iij mm uillti KU
sping for
breath My sunenngs wero beyond descrlplion,
... nnnAl. 1 n . Mii I Innnt nA nn tni-u.1. l.-"wu
111 ur-linill . wnHv......... UJ COm.
pounding roots and herbs and Inhaling the medi.
clno thus obtained. I fortunately discovered thu
TAIlltll, warranted to relievo Hie most stubborn
cannot ASTHMA IN FIVU MINUTKS, so thatthe
patient can llo down to rest and sleep comfortably
l'leaso rend Iho following condensed extracts from
unsolicited testimonials, all of recent date:
Oliver v. It. Holmes, Han Jose, cat, writes- "I
nnd tho remedy all and even moro than rcpre.
sentcd. I rccelvo Instantaneous relief,"
K. M. caraon, A. M., Warren, Kansas,
writes: "Was treated by eminent phyRlclansot
this country and tiermanyj tried tho climate of
different states nothing aflorded relict llko your
T. K. oatcs, county Treasurer, Philadelphia.
Miss., writes: "Have used the ltemcdy. Mould
not live without It. Every ono that uses it re.
commends It."
I. 11. 1'helps.r. M Orlggs, onlo, writes: "Suf.
fcred with nsthma 40 years. Your medlclnn in 3
minutes does more for mo than tho most eminent
physician did for mo In threo yenra,"
II. 0. riurapton, Jollet, 111., v, rites: "Send Ca
tarrli ltemedy ntonce. Cannot get along without
It. 1 nnd It to bo tho most valuable medicine I
havo ever tried."
(ico. W. Ilmdy, Nelson Co., Ky writes: 'I am
uslDgtho remedy, Gained 8 pounds In 8 weeks,
would not bo without It."
Martin Fox, Littlo Falls, N. Y writes: "Find
ltemedy excellent. Could not llvo without It."
We havo many other hearty testimonials of cure
or relief, and In order that nil sufferers from Asth
ma, catarrh. Hay Fever, and kindred diseases may
havo nn opportunity ot testing tho vnlueoftho
ltemedy we will send to nny address TltlAL PACK
AGE Fltr.K OF CIIAIIGK. Address,
J. ZIMMEKMAN CO., Proprietors,
Wholesale Druggists, Woostcr, Vt ayni ca, a
Full slzebox by mall (1. mavT-ly.
on James Illver, Vs., in aaremont
Colony. Illustrated circular free. j.
F. MANCI1A, Claremont, Virginia.
nov.10 81y.
Afi!Sffl0.!' '
JrPlCG itCy.OO a?'1 UJ?- ,8'1 stamp I as-HIIIPPEI) to all
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145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa.
October S2 86 Syrs.
Varied Stock of
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