The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1887, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Thin nnwricr never vnt len. a tnatvAl nf nnpit
strength and wholcsoineness. More economical
than ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold in compe
tition wllhthe multitude of low test,snort weight,
alum or phosphato powders. Bold only In cans.
The Columbian
cornier RiiLHoiD Tim tiulk.
Trains on tlio Philadelphia & It It. lcaro llupert
as follows I
6:36 a. m. 11:49 a. m.
3:12 p. m. 6:13 p.m.
Trains on tho I. L. A W. It. It. leave Bioomsburg
follows i
n.U n tn. H;2l II. in.
10:20 a. m.
im p. m.
6:36 p.m.
ir. a. m.
4:l p. m.
8:47 p. m.
Trains on tho N. &W. II. Railway pass Bloom
erry as follows t
10:41 a. m.
9.81 p. Si.
10:1 am
11:54 a. ra.
3 19 p. m.
6:39 p m
Fkhiibaht 12. llarman Fahrlniscr and
Isalnli llowci, Administrators of the eslatu
of Itcuhcn Fahrlngcr, deceased will sell
valuahlo property on the premises in Lo
cUBt township, at out) o'clock p. in. b!cc
Fkb. 1. Geo. W. Farvcr, administrator
of Catharine Farvcr, will sell real estate in
Jackson township at 3 p. m.
At Private Sale. Several lots In
Bioomsburg, belonging to M. I), & L. As
sociation. For bALB. Threo Scotch collio pups
Also a farm to lent. Inquire of J. How.
nrd Kline, Ornngcvillc, l'a.
$1000 In very easy payments will buy
a ono hundred acre farm, good uew house,
large new bank barn, excellent spring
water, convenient to rail road. Apply to
d31tf IvNOItlt & WlNTBHSTBK.V. '
Fon Kent. Store rooms and private
dwellings. (2t) S. O. Siiivb.
For Hkst or Balk. Two storo rooms,
and dwellings with the same, situated on
Main street. Also, a stable suitable for
livery, in Uloomsburg. Inquire of Dr. J.
H. Evans. TJ21-
For Rent. The third floor of tho Col
umman building, now occupied by N. S
'llnglcy. Heated by steam, watnr on sec
ond lloor, all conveniences. Possession
April 1st. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf.
Lost. A Mr collar on Dec. 20th, either
In Bioomsburg, or between Bioomsburg
and Lightstreet. Tho finder will confer a
favor by notifying J. 8. Grimes, Light
steet, Pa
B. F. Bharpless wantB a good fresh cow,
and has a horse for sale cheap. H-3t.
Good Boardino at Low Prides. Jurors
or others attending court will find It tr
their advantage to call on or address the
undersigned, and make arrangements for
Wm. Beers,
Corner of Main & West Sts ,
Bioomsburg, Pa.
Clubbing itntcH.
Wo offer tho following club rates for
1887 i Colombian and N. Y. Weekly World
ono year, with History of tho World,
$2.40; worth $4.00.
Columbian and Philadelphia Weekly
Timet oncjear, $2,75; regular price J3.60
The American Farmer will bo sent one.
year, or tlie N. Y. Weekly World six
months, free, to all old subscribers- who
pay up back subscription and one year in
advance, and to new subscribers who pay
in advance. This offer is gondjonly for a
short time. Avail yourselves of It at once.
Judge Elwell is slowly improving In
Guy Jacoby, Esq., spent last Sunday in
Gen. St. Clair A. Mulholland is register
cd at tho Exchange.
Rcv.W. C.Levcrett attended convocation
at Willlamsport this week.
1. W. llartman is still confined to his
liouso with sciatic rheumatism.
C. K. Ileice has his brother John of
Phllade'phia, helping him in the butcher,
ing business'
Mr. Fritz did not go to Harrlsburg this
week until Wednesday, as ho was suffering
from a scvero cold.
Mrs. A. A. Marplc, of Bridgeport, Is
with hor sister, Mrs. llarman, whoso phys
ical condition docs not Improve.
James M. Fritz,Esq.,who was admitted at
last term of Court, has concluded to hang
out his shingle at Nanticocke.
Edward Rawlings, who has been laid up
for somo weeks past with inflammatory
rheumatism In his lower limbs, Is improv
ing and at present able to Bet up.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bruglcr, Missouri,
aro visiting relatives hero. Mr. IlrugUr
read law with Col. Freeze many years ago,
and shortly after his admission went west,
where ho has acquired a largo law practice.
A. E. (Jbaptn, Esq , who read law with
lion. O. 11. Uuckalew and wot admitted In
this county, visited Bioomsburg ou Friday.
He is loca'cd at Nanticokc, where ho holds
tho office of Justico of tho Peace, and Is
building up a tlno practice.
U. W. Bertsch's storo room is being
tastefully papered and painted.
Flvchottlo trlplo-platcd castors tS.00.
Other goods In proportion at L. Bernhardt.
Passengers going to Rupert or Catawissa
in tho mornings hereafter please leave their
orders at United States express olllce.
Tho revival services, which closed In tho
M. E. Church ou Tuesday night of last
week, were rc-commenccd on Sunday and
liavu been in progress all week.
The gutter in front of Wirt's building
caved,m on Monday morning during the
win. The water rapidly ran Into Gil.
more saloon, but was diverted by a tem
porary wooden substitute.
Passengers ;&ad baggage delivered free
(o persons buying western tlcke s of Meyer
Bro'i. Agti. peuna. R. R.
Finest scenery going West by Ponna. U.
It. Tlckots at Moycr Bros.
The Ico broko up In the river Monday,
and passed oft without doing any damage.
The contlned story, "Retribution" cam.
mences with this Issue. It will run for
aoveral weeks.
Tho Mite Society of tho Lutheran church
will glvo a lunch sunner nt tln lm,,.n
Mr, J, (). Bnyacr on East street tht(Frlday)
The "Battle of Gettysburg" which will
bo exhibited nt the Opurn Houso next Moo.
day and Tuesday will be for tho benefit of
Ent Post.
Constables nro required to give notice
of tho spring election by Imnd.lillls. Tho
neccBsary blanks aro for sale nt the Colum
niAN ofllcc at 10 cents a dozen.
Our supph mcnt this week Is enlarged to
a quarter sheet. Should our advertising
patronage continue to Increase, a half sheet
supplement will bicoivu necessary.
All the members ot Winona Flro Com.
pany aro requested to bo present at the re.
guhir monthly meeting on Monday evening
February 7 nt 8 o'clock, In their hall.
On Friday nfternu n of last week Mrs.
Ucrnard Stohner struck her foot on a
raised stono In the pavement In front ot
tho Central hotel and tell, receiving scvero
injuries in her face.
Tho Post Master General has Issued an
order that hereafter nil Postal Notes shall
ho written payable nt "any Money Order
office." Postal notes may now he sent to
any post olllco and redeemed at tho nearest
Money Order olllce.
Tho body of a child of Marshall Moore,
formerly a resident of our town, was
brought hero for interment In Rosemont
cemetery on last Saturday and burled at
noon. Rev. Bridcnbaugb, of tho Reformed
church, read the funeral service.
B. I. Price has opened nn olllco In the
Columbian building where he can be con.
suited by persons needing spectacles or eye
glasses of any kind. Prescriptions for
special glasses are filled by htm. He also
takes orders for watches and jewelry.
The Young Ladles' guild of St. Paul's
Church will give an entertainment at Dr.
Shattuck's this Friday evening at half-past
seven o'clock. 'I ho programme will con
sist of recitations, music, tableaux, &c.
Admission, 10 cents. All arc welcome.
Prof. Nlles has purchased a new tandem
that carries two persons. He and his
daughter, Mlsa Dora, made their first ap
pearance on It on Mam street, on Tuesday.
When the roads settle In the Spring no
doubt they will get a vast amount of
healthful enjoyment out ot their vehicle.
Tho musicale given at the residence of
P. E. Wirt, Esq., last Thursday evening by
the Young Ladles' Guild, was a very pleas
ant affair. There was some excellent sing
ing and instrumental music. This was the
flrst of a series of similar cutcrtninments
to be given before Lent. The proceeds
amounted to ten dollars.
Tiio crusade against high hats "worn by
Indies at theatres is being carried on vigor
ously in the city papers. If the press suc
ceeds in abolishing the wearing of thesn
obstructions nt places of amusement, it
will be entitled to the gratitude of those
who want to sco what Is transpiring on the
The quarterly meeting of the Ancient
Accopted Scottish Rite was held last week
lu Masonic Hall, on Thursday and Friday.
A large number of Masons wero present
from a distance Tho degrees wero con
ferred on fifteen new members, and twenty
eight others were elected. This order is in
a nourishing condition.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Gospel Temperance Union will be held in
the Baptist church Tuesday evening at
half past seven o'clock at which time Miss
Natcissa E. White, national lecturer of the
W. 0. T. U, of the United Stalls will do.
liver her lecture "Save the Boy" Every
body is invited as the lccturo is free.
The sacred cantata of "Jcphthah and Ills
Daughter" will bo presented at tho Ber
w Ick Y. M. C. A. Hall on Friday and Sat.
urday evenings, and Paturday afternoon
January 28 and 29. A chorus of one hun
dred voices supported by a select orchestra
will render tho music, in handsome cos.
tunic. Admission 15, 25 and 35 cents.
A meeting of tho stockholders of the
School Furnishing Company, called for the
purpose of electing officers to serve for tho
ensui ng year, was held at the Secretary's
olllce in Dentler's building on last Friday
afternoon. Tho meeting, however, failed
to elect. A number of committees were
chosen and the election was postponed to
February 4.
Saturday morning, M. M. Adams, of
Goldshoro, while leaving tho Exchange
Hotel for the purpose of taking tke early
morning train north, slipped upon the ic
on the steps nnd fell, striking tho back part
of his head and receiving a severe gash.
Tho wound bled profusely hut was prompt
ly attended and Mr. Adams enabled to
start homo on tho next train.
The farm house of William Wltchey In
Beaver lownshlp was wholly destroyed by
fire on last Saturday afternoon. It Is sup.
posed to havo caught on tho roof from the
chimney which was defective. Before aid
could bo afforded not only the building
but nearly all of the household goods wero
consumed. Tho Iobs to Mr. Wltchey is
about $800 nnd no insurance.
Col. Geo. W. Bain, of Kentucky, who
lectured beforo our county Institute, lu
speaking of the lecture of Miss Narclssa
White who speaks at tho .Gospel Temper
anco meeting in Baptist church Tuesday
next says t "Let ine say of Miss Wnlte's
addrets that 1 nover heard a subject more
effectually covered In one lecture, nor more
common sense talked in the same length
of time."
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of.
flceat Bioomsburg for week ending Jan.
25, 1887i
J. W Barton, Wm. B. Christ, Miss Mary
A. Evans, James li. Hess, Shambaugh &
Mentzcr, Mrs. Molly Shultz, Mr. Charles
Wlllio Tower.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised,"
U solid k A. Cuke, P. M.
Willie Samuels, aged ubout seven years,
whllo sliding on the Ice In the race above
the Irondalo furnaco on Sunday afternoon,
broke through, nnd ns tho water is both
swift and deep, would have been drowned
hail ho not reoelved Immediate, help. John
Fisher, or as he is better known by his
nickname, "Plymouth," a lad of twelve
years, jumpedln and succeeded In rescuing
Samuels. When ho got hi pi to tho bank
Samuels was unconscious, but was soon
brought to by the vigorous exertions of
FUher and Eugene Hlckey, who came to
his assistance.
Persons contemplating having sales the
coming spring will do well to consult our
prices for hand bills.
Tlckots north, cast, south, south west,
west, north west at lowest posslhlo rates-
llaggago checked from your door. For
full Information see W. 0. Dougherty, Agt.
Mr. Jeremiah Hess has a Plymouth Hock
hen that Uycel an egg Friday of last week
which measured eight Inches around tho
long way and six Inches around the narrow
way. Who can beat this?
Tho cntcrprlslne citizens of Llehtstrcet
are taking steps to loduco manufacturers
to locato there. At a meeting held there
last Saturday night over $5,000 was sub
scribed, to bo taken la stock In n nail fac
tory. Tho Omaha Daily World thus describes
Rev. Louis Znhncr's church:
The new Episcopal church of All 8alnts,
at 25lh and Howard streets, approaches
completion, nnd tho Roosevelt organ Ib in
course of erection, Within a month tho
church will bo ready for service- It Is
built after a quaint but attractive Gothic
stylo, tho roof slopiug to the caps of tho
windows, which are headed In trefoils.
The large windows at tho chancel end and
at tho west end of the church aro rich and
ornamental. Tho bodies of tho windows
at tho sides arc composed of square pancB
of stained hammered glass in yellows and
blueB and jeweled. Tho wainscot and roof
aro composed of yellow pine, tho walls
painted a terra cotta and tho organ case
and pews are carved oak.
The northwest corner has been tempor
arily fitted up for a robing room for the
surplice choir, hut next season it is pro
posed to build a rector's study and a school
at the southwest of the church, which will
Include robing rooms. The exterior of tho
church is painted a dark myrtle green, the
roof being relieved with a band of dark
Tho rector has been on the ground for
somo months, anil tho choir has been re
hearsing for a long time, consequently
when the church Is open thero will be next
to no organizing to do.
Tho Water company his been censured
for not furnishing a stronger pressure of
water at the two recent fires. At Dentler's
the stream harel) reached tho second lloor
and at the School Furnishing Works it did
not reach over thirty feet. Either there
was not sufficient water in the reservoir nt
the time, or the pipes wero blocked with
mud, or the firemen did not turn on a full
head at Ilia plug. If tho first be the case
the company Is justly censured, otherwlio
the lack of pressure was not their fault.
One thing, however, Is certtnln, and that
la that the town is raying for fire protec
tion that it does not get, and the reason
why should be made a subject ot immedi
ate investigation. At Dentlet's a greater
pressure was not needed, and at the School
works it would have been of hut little use,
as there was but ono singlo plug within
reach, bo that only one stream could be ob
tained. But the time may come when all
the pressure and ill the water will bo need
ed, and it will be too lato then to stop to
Inquire what Is the matter. The Town
Couucll should refer this subject to the
Committee on Water, who should glvo it
their immediate attention. In the mean,
time all censure should be reserved until it
is definitely ascertained where the difficulty
is. From tho best information at hand,
what Is needed is better co-operation be
tween tho town authorities and the Water
company.more thorough knowledge on the
part of the firemen as tn the use of plugs
ahd a better observance of the regulations
of the fire department so that every man,
woman and child will not attempt to glvo
orders at a Hie.
The Investigation should bo conducted
for the purpose ot ascertaining what Is for
the best interests of the town In securing
tho most complete flro protection, and not
simply with the object of censuring somo
one for alleged bad management.
Dealt Factory Hurtled.
About five o'clock on Tuesday morning
it was discovered that the desk factory
works were on fire and in a little over an
hour they were entirely swept away by the
fury of the conflagration. Hie Friendship
ar.d Rescue fire apparatus were promptly
on hand foon afttr the alarm was raised
but could render but little assistance ns
they had not sufficient hose, and but a
single plug to attach to. The loss Is about
fifteen thousand dollars, covered by an in
surance in the neighborhood ot $8000 mak
ing the actual loss to tho company $7000.
Tho caUBC of Ignition is shrouded in mys
tery. Mr. Antes, a reliable man was the
watchman of the works nnd divided his
attention between them and tho Woolen
Mill by the owners of which he was also
employed. We aro informed that there
were three stoves lu the foundry depart
ment the pipes of which, Instead of being
continued up through the roof, stopped
short of it and discharged the smoke in the
building and the inner surface of the room
being lined with sheet Iron, no danger was
apprehended. It is evident from the testi
mony of thoso first present that tho fire
originated in the foundry department cither
from tho Inside, from theso stoves, or on
the nuUlde through the act of an inrend-
iary. Tho directors of tho company held
a meeting on Tuesday evening and passed
a resolution to commence tho work of re
building at once. The Winona Hose car
riage was not out. as the company bad not
enough hose to reach tho Are, and owing
to the difference In size, was unable to con
nect with the leather hose, no reducers
having been provided by the town authori
Envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill
beads, statements, business cards, and all
Binds of commercial printing at tho Colum
bian office. tf.
nrocknay iiimiruiice Case.
Argument was heard in the U. 8. Circuit
Court at Pittsburgh on the 2lst, in tho case
of C. B. Brockway, administrator of li. B.
Brockway, against the Connecticut Mutual
Life Insuranco Company. The case has
been In Court In various forms, being flrst
taken there by D. F. Keyhert, who took out
$10,000 of insurance on the life of B. B.
Brockway. Beybert was defeated because
he had no insurable interest, and he tried
again on a forged note, and subsequently
ou a forged will to set up an insurable In.
Many allegations were made at the trial
and the jury, after a long- and wearisome
bearing, decided in favor of tho Insur
ance company. Tho case of Beybert
against the Insuranco company was
thus ended. A short time ago
Charles B. Brockway, as administrator ot
bis father's estate and representing his
heirs, brought suit against tho insuranco
compauy to recover tho amount of Insur
anco. The defendants filed u demurrer to
the suit of tho plaintiff, and in the Circuit
Court an argument was held upoc It. Tho
Court took the papers and reserved decls.
iiiNlriictlfiii In Mimic,
Mrs. M. A. Smith eives lessons iu vooal
and Instrumental music. She will bo pleas
ed to oall on any one desiring Information
as Vi terms, who will notify her, or can bo
found for tho nrescnt at Judge KIwcll's.
S'jo has had many years' experience as a
teacher, and hag had charge of the music
department In high grade seminaries. 4w.
Brave, hi art, (rood Bight, the evening shadows fall,
silenced Hie tramjlng feet, the walling dirge,
The cannon's roar! I lnt dies the bugle call,
lights outl the sentry's tread scarce waxes the
Good sight.
Swift flows the river, murmuring as It flows,
Hoft slumber-giving airs Invite to rest;
Pain's hours of anguish fled tired eto-llds close
Lore wishes thee, as oft and oft before,
Good night.
Tho stars look down unon thy calm reposo
As once on tented field, on battle ere;
No clash ot arms, sad hcralder ot woes.
Now rudely breaks tho sleep ood's peace enfolds,
Uood night.
The silence speaks, and tells of honor, truth,
Of faithful serr ce, generous victory,
A nation saved. For thee a nation wrens,
Clasp hands again, through tears! our Leader
Bleeps l
Good night,
Sergt Clins. F. Boettger, formerly of tho
Regular Army, played "Taps" so feelingly
nt General Grant's burial as to draw tears
from the eyes of all tho vast assembly nt
the grave. The above poem was written
on tho subject nnd published in tho Century
Mayatine. Tho Scrg't has charge of the
music and will perform at tho Battle of
Gettysburg at tho Opera Houso ou Monday
and Tuesday next.
Weather prophets aro saylug there will
be no more sleighing; but weather proph.
cts do not know how soon we'll get anoth
er snow.
Last Thursday Dennis Purscl took n load
of married women up to Lightstreet to
visit Mrs. Annie Hcnrle. "We had lota of
fun but my, I was afraid on tho ice up
the creek. I stood up nil the lime, ready
to leap oat."
Hemlock Grange was favored with n
visit from Bloom Grango in the persons ol
Wm, Illdleman and Geo. Correll.
'Tis pleasant sure to see one's name In
print; although sometimes there's nothing
in It. Fur this reason wo will omit the
names of this event. Fil.lay evening two
of our young men were coasting on tho
public road known as Winner's hilt, which
was in prirn-i order for snch sport. They
occupied their sled after the fashion of
cord-wood, one stick upon an another,
Their heads ahead, nway they flew at a
fearful rate. Apprehending danger at the
foot ot the hill tho occupants concluded
they had better stop, so they steered lor
the snow at the side, when their slid he
came stubborn and sudden! stopped, but
its load went on, injuring their nasal or
gans to such nn extent that they arc
asharccd of theui. Boys see no danger
until It Is too lute. Both might have been
Saturday evening a Danville party on
their way to Fred Miller's, upset near
Jacob Harris' and broke a wheel all in
Mr. Samuel Hutchings. Sr., was buried
last Sunday afternoon Death caused by
the burstinc of a blood vessel In the act ot
coughing. Deceased has suffered some
time with consumption.
Rev. Man hart preached an excellent ser
mon In Lutheran church Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Berlch, the Valley teacher has or.
ganized a Literary Society in that district.
Much interest is manifested and good
meetings reported. Mr. Bcrtch halls from
Snyder county.
Election Is coming, Hark! tho candi
date Is humming. We have not yet heard
of the bosses, as to when they'll hold their
The Buckhorn schools will hold joint
rhetorical exercises on this Friday after
noon. A cordial invitation is extended to
Rev. Mr. Sahm, of Boalsburg, Centre Co ,
Pa. will preach at the various points on
the Espy charge as follows: Feb. 12th. at
7 o'clock p. m. at New Columbus. Feb.
13th, at 10 o'clock a. in., Buckhorn; at 2
o'clock p. m., Mt. Pleasant; at 7 o'clock
p. m. Espy.
Mrs. ChaB Shaffer is lying dangerously
Local iiiHIltutc.
Pursuant to an announcement J. S.
Grimes Supt. held an institute at Millville,
Jan,'22d for Madison, Pine, Hemlock, Mt.
Pleasant and Greenwood townships.
Institute whs p.illed to order by Supt.
Grimes. H. W. Eves was appointed sscre
tary. Prol. 11. Clark of Berwick conducted
Die devotional exercises including reading
from 7th chanter of Matthew and prayer.
Address of welcome tn the teachers by
Frances M. Eves, an excellent essay sub
ject "Special Preparation of Teacher" by
Miss Ray Shultz, next essay by Mr. Eyre
Allan subject "Progress of Education in
Business. Recitation "The Bells" by Mr.
John Bruner. Remarks by H. W. Eves on
school work.
The chairman announced tho following
question for general discussion. Resolved.
That the minimum school term should be
six mouths. Messrs Cbandle Eves, Rich
ard Whltmoyer, Ezra Eves, R. L. Rich
and ProfebSorsNoetllng and Clark partici
pated. Institute adjourned until 1:30 p. m. The
chairman requested those in attendance to
be punctunl.
Tho first period of the afternoon was
occupied by Miss Edith Culler of Green
wood Seminary in a class exercise In his
torical, physical and descriptive geography
ot some of the N. E. states, followed by
Miss Lizzie Ambler of the same institution
In class exercise In language.
Annie C. Dorlnnil, principal of Greenwood
Seminary then read an essay, subject,
"What Constitutes True Education." This
was the most uble paper read before the
Institute. It was tho ripe xpcrience and
observations made by a veteran in the
work, the true aim and line of thought ex.
pressed, being the training of tho physical,
moral and the intellectual, neither to bo
developed at the expense of the other.
After a recess of several minutes Prof.
Clark of Berwick addressed teachers and
directors on their combined duties. His
remarks were timely and well chosen and
enlisted the attentiou of tho entire aud
ience. Recitation, "Excelsior", by MUs
C. M. Turrell. Prof, Noetling with his
personal faculty of being always Instant
and in reason as an educator next dwelt
upon the many advantages ot a thorough
education. Miss Candace Brown road an
essay upon Language. Reading was dis
cussed In a brief manner by Henry Rote.
Then the discussion upon tho resolutions
offered In the morning was resumed and
the sentiments expressed preponderating
In the ncgatlvo. A very lurge attendance
of teachers and friends of educators wero
present. The Millville choir furnished
choice music at frequent intervals.
II. W. EvErt, Sec.
Hweet Ctrl Grows n Trifle Hour.
Prom the Omaha World.
Sweet Girl "And so you have been on
the plains for ten years?"
Handsome Cow-boy "Yes, this is tho
flrst lime I've been back into real civiliza
tion." "Now, pleaBe tell me, in that lonely llfo
so tar removed from the refining intluences
of civilization, you know, what did you
miss most f"
now tu uniu I'U'uli mill Htr:iiKii
Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion i It
Is as palatable as milk and easily digested.
Delicate people Improvo rapidly with its
use. For Consumption, Throat allectlous
and Bronchitis H is unequaled. Dr. Tbos.
Prim, Ala., says: "I used Scott's Emulsion
on a child eight mouths old; he gained four
peunus in uuiomu,
Iltillc-y Local Itintlttite.
A local institute was held at llldley
church, Saturday, Jan, 15th, Though tho
weather was cold nnd unpleasant, yet n
largo number of teachers nnd pupils were
present, nearly nil taking a patt in the ex.
crclacs of the day,
Mr. J. C. Grimes was elected chairman,
and Miss Kate Larish Secretary of the
Tho exercises began with singing, Miss
Alkman presiding at tho organ, followed
by reading from the scriptures nnd prayer
by Rev. Pharctls.
Prof. Grimes spoko of the object of the
Institute. Air. Alkman wan called upon to
address the Institute which he did lu a
very able manner, extending n welcome to
nil persons from other townships who
kindly came to help with thccntcrtntnmcnt
of tho nudlcncc. lie spoke of tho object
of the meeting hoping all would be benefit
ed by coming together. After singing by
the Institute an essay was read by Miss
Tenbrook, subject, "Tho Preparation a
Teacher needs," wldch was well read and
greatly ci Joyed by all present, A gymnas.
tic song was sung by n class of little boys
and girls, pupils of Miss Lnrlsh'B school.
Institute adjourned to meet at 1 p. m.
Institute reopened with singing, after
which Supt. Grimes gnvc somo very good
thoughts on reading. ' Miss Emma Howe
gavo a very pleasing recitation followed by
a recitation by Miss Roberts w hlch was
highly entertaining to all present. The
ladles were both pupils of Mr. Gcarhart,
teacher of Espy town grammar school. A
committee of threo was nppolnted to select
words for a contest In spelling. Supt.
Grimes also appointed as judges to decide
the contest In reading, Rev. Sharrets, Rev.
Buck and Miss Sadie Hagenbuch. Prof.
Grimes spoko of tho benefit of school vlsl
tatlon s he thought the best way to induce
patrons to visit schools was to have care
fully prepared exercises In reading and
speak'ng j also the difficulty the teachers
experienced In having her or his pupils get
up before an nudience, when they were
not accustomed to It. Music wns then
called for. Miss Minnie Fester nnd Sadie
Hlppensteel pupils of Miss Hick's school
gave recitations. MUs Edith Barton read
an essay. Subject, 'The Relation of At
tcnllon nnd Retention." The subject
chosen was well read and carefully pre
pared. The thought was well brought nut
showing how attention Is the power which
the mind Im of directing Its thoughts, pur.
posely and voluntarily to some ono object,
to the exclusion of all others. A leading
contest wns then conducted in which the
following pupils took part :
Miss Emma Howe, Miss Buck, Mr.
Groh, pupils of Mr. Gcnrhnrt's school,
Espytown. Miss Blancho Mann, Mr.
Thomas Brobst, pupils ot Miss Edith Bar
ton's school, Lime Ridge. Miss Minnie
Fester, Miss Sadie Hlppensteel pupils of
Miss Illck's school. Miss Bauchman.pupll
of Mr. Bidleman, Lightstreet. Tho spell
Ing contest then came off, words being pro
nounced by Mr. W. Hldley.
After n few moments of rest the Insti
tute was called to order and singi.ig by the
Institute was called for. Fivo llttlo girls
entertained us a few moments with a song.
An essay was read by Miss KreBslcr, Espy,
subject "Girls' Trials." Recitation by
Miss Eflle Fnrran. An interesting essay
wns also rend by Miss Buck. A veiy pleas
lug dialogue was given by tho Mlsse3
Kressler and Farreu. "Tho Curfew," was
then recited by Mis9 Edgar which was
beautifully rendered, showing that the lady
ha3 good elocutionary pov crs. Rev.
Sharetts, chairman of committee to decide
which school won in the reading contest,
stated briefly the merits nf each reader,
leaving the Institute lo decide for Itself.
The committee on spelling contest then re
ported Ridley school stood flrst, Lime
Ridge school second. Rev Buck then de
livered a short address, in which he spoke
of the superiority in our public schools of
to-day compared to former times. Miss
Edgar was called upon to give a recitation
which was well rendered. Rev. Sharretts
then gave us an address showing the duty
of parents regarding public schools, which
was appreciated by all. Prof. Grimes gave
us a very earnest talk on school work.
Prof. Heck was called upon to nddress the
Institute to which he readily compiled.
The subject of gestures was brought before
the Institute. Should they be taught in our
public schools ? Adjourned.
Kate Laiiisii, Secretary.
Get your wedding invitations at the Co
lumbian office
Proprietary Metllclnca.
A visit to Dr. Green's Labratory, at
Woodbury, N. J., ha9 considerably chung
ed our views, ami especially our preju
dices in regard to what are generally
known as "Standard Patent Medicines."
Of course we are getting to that ago In life
when wo are forced to believe llfo itself is
a humbug, and naturally distrust anything
that has not withstood long and tried ex
perlences. Being a physician I bad the
curiosity to know how such n sale of two
medical preparations cook1 be sustained
for so many years. Tho perfict system
upon which the business is conducted, and
'he pharmaceutical arrangements for the
manufacture of tho two recipes with which
we were made acquainted, aro sufficiently
convincing to us tliat the August Flower,
for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, and
Boschce's German Syrup, for Throat and
Lung Trouble, were for the complaints
they are recommended, most excellent
remedies, and only regret that in much ot
our practice, medical ethics prevent us
from prescribing tliem without making the
formulas public. When we wero shown
the great quantity of voluntary letters hnv-
Ing been forwarded Dr. i.recul from all
parts ot tho country, and from all classes
of people, lawyers, minister and doctors,
giving a description ot ther ailments, test!,
monlals of their cures, etc., I feel liko en.
dorsing Ur. Green's suggestion that the
Government accept such valuable formulas
and license them tor general use by giving
protection to tho inventor samo us patents
generally. Oopied from .V. 1". DrvggUW Cir
cular of Oct. 1880.
IluucocU'n I.ant better.
The following Is tho last letter written by
Gen. VY. S. Hancock, three days before his
death. Geucial Mulholland referred to,
commanded a regiment at Gettysburg, and
will delineate tho "Rattle ot Gettysburg',
at the Opera Houso next Monday and
GovEitsoii's, N, Y., Feb. 0, 1880.
Mit. Matt. Moboan,
Studio Burnet Wooils Park, Cincinnati, O.
My Deau She: Your favor, althouch
dated January 17, was only received by mu
on the 80lh ultimo, and my couflucment to
tlio Mouse since mat tlato liy a temporary
indisposition, has further delayed this ac
knowledgement. In answer to your Inquiry I would sue.
gost as your, military Adviser and critic
Uencral bt. Clair A. iuuiiioiianil, of I'Dilu
dulnhla, who was an officer of distinction
during the civil war aud is a pulnter ot
somo repute.
He has just returned to this country from
a residence of several years abroad in Lon.
don and Paris chiefly, aud Is encaged. I
believe, lu writing somo war papers for
"lue ucuiury," At tins moment I can
think of no one who would be freer from
bias or more useful to you.
I am, ve
;ry truly yours,
W, B. Hancock.
Leases and notices to quit at tho Colum
jiun office.
Curw CongM, Col), rtftfinM'f''!. Crrnin, Arthruft,
BroncliKK Whoor!"? Cousb, Indi lent Coniump.
tlon, fincf reHoTm coommptit
Knent in tdTArcni ftatrff of
tlotu.lkn Oem.lna Zr. tili
rrijMTei 1rtv!Inrkii to wlli
una or
folmlleSiffTi'itareioftMfi W
I Top's Uoltlmore, Mi, U.B.A.
(luU it A.V.Jitevtr tt
"The Oreattit Cum on Earth for Pain,"
Will relieve more quickly than any
other known remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swellings, Drulse9, Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost
bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache,
Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by nil
Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Dottle.
The Ounce of Piievkstioji. The satis
faction of feeling safe from catching any
dlscaso from drinking water, from Impure
air, from a sick person, from contact with
foul clothing, infection or contagion lrom
nny souice. is complete and all nnxtety
nllaycd by tho use of Darbys Prophylactic
Fluid. A bottle will give more safety,
comfort nnd confidence than all the doctor
lug In the world.
KELLER. In Ornngcvillc. on Jnuarv
8, 1887, Samuel Keller, nged about 70 yrs.
MELICK. In Orange township, on Jan
uary 14. 1887. Samuel Mcllck. aged 80
years, 11 months nnd 4 days.
CRAWFORD In Centre township, on
January 11, 1837, PhilllpSamuel Crawford,
aged 2(3 years, 1 month and 4 days.
jdui!)leiff), nnhiwc.
Bloomsdurg, Pa.
A very pretty piece of work
we liuvc in silver is it spoon hol
der and call bell combined ; best
quadruple plate, ornamental,
handy and not high priced.
Carving knives and forks in
sets from 7o cents to twenty dol
lars, with or without cases.
If you want something hand
some for the table we have it in
a dozen pearl handled, heavily
plated dinner knives in a blue
plush case lined with satin; a lit
tle expensive but worth all we
Our trade on silver is increas
ing ; advertising and a large line
of reliable ware to select from is
what causes it. We just receiv
ed 50 dozen spoons and forks in
a variety of patterns and have ,
some more of those lower priced
casters on the way. Lower
priced because thev are nlain.
but just as heavily plated as the
more expensive patterns.
Handsome tea and coffee pots
in solid brittania, bright as sil
ver and will wear a life time
and always keep their color.
Tea kettles in galvanized iron,
agate iron, copper, plain and
faney, polished and nickle plat
ed, light and durable.
One of the handiest things
about the kitchen is the new
combination Hour and sugar sif
ter; answers for a measure and
scoop, egg beater, rice washer,
fruit strainer. Yoa buy it of
agents at seventy-five cents, we
sell it to you for 25 cents.
Sign of the big Yale Lock
Iiemunerallre employment offered enenretk
and reliable men. Aaams, '
Security itual Benefit Society,
novl 1st.
Dl BT1I.LID from selected
and free from Injurious oils and icldsolten contained In alcoholic lluuors. ills
espec ally adapted to perbons requiring a ttlmulallng tonic, lon&umpllves ling
greatlv benefitted by ts use, Hccoramended by leading physicians as a Dlure let
taeniae. Tonic and Alterative. For'tonbumrtlies It la invaluable. l'EliiilNK'S
l'l'HK llAHLEV SIALT WHISKEY Insures a return ot vigor id 1 the btomach " good
appetite, a rich aud abundant blood and Increated neth and muscular tissue. A
muuuiuiiii una ana geuuo in enect. uispepsla, Indigestion and all wasting dls.
eases cat "bo entirely conquered by the ubu or I'errlne's l'uio lh-rley alt Whiskey.
ir..?.?..; . .....?u,.ul!1"c aim a poweriui suengiuener 10 tho cntlro system, run.
1 INK'S I'UHE DAltLUY MALT WHIsKKl has proied n medicinal proicctlon tb
those who pursue t heir ai ocatlons In the open air and whose dally work calls it
exceptional powers of endurance, Ahk jour nearest druggist or grocer for inr
l'EltltlNK'81'l'HEllAliLEY MALT WllISKhY leilics tholuerklei 5tThose o?i
out with exeessUo bodll or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rtrarous w cm her. it mil ririvnnii maiiH,,ii,iiS.n?7.. .i.r!... "
Hard workers of every location and persona horn a sedentary hib renders Drone To
Dspci)sianndln I'errlne's lure Darley WMaanMLCr.
jiiuu uisj.c- u powenui
and helper to digestion.
without unduly stimulating the Md
nys Increases their nagging activity,
counteracts tuo rnects of fatigue, has.
tens convalescence and Is a w liolesome
and prompt diuretic Watch the label I
Bone genuine unless bearing the signature
For sale tiy an druggists
and grocers throughout
the united States and
China. Glassware Lnmns. Ac . nt nteas.
Ing prices, at I. W. llartman & Son's.
We have lust lmnrnvcd ntir niw drain
Houso on south side of railroad ntmvn thn
depot, and are daily receiving nil kinds of
grnln at highest cash prices. How scales,
easy place to unload, and money always
Wheat,... ,. M
lire, . ao
e'orn, w
Oats, ., 3j
We keen constantly nn hand a Inrce nnd
choice stock of Flour, Middlings, Bran,
Chop, Salt, Coal, nnd Timothy and Clover
Seed nt lowest mnrkct prices for cash or
grain. Special terms on car lots of Feed,
Corn nnd Coal. Don't fall to glvo us n call.
H. V. White A Co.
Bargains in Coals. Dress Good. Bilks.
Lnces,EmbroidcrIe8, Lnco Curtains, Woolen
nose ami oilier uoo Is. lliat we ilo not care
to carry over n season, at I. W. llartman
it; Boirs.
Wedding and party invitations, dance
programmes and visiting cards, cheap at
the Columbian ofllcc. tf.
a. .T. urn iiiitiu tfe nuu nave immsnnua eu
un.,1. tf...1l HMl.t... Ul.l..l.. t
T W IT...... t. u. 1 .1
ji.iua vi muslin, 1 luitlllg'', OllKUUgP, l.lg!ll
and Dark Calicoes and other Cotton Goods.
rlM. . ... . . .. .
inu wmrKci prices nn incsc goons are very
iu hi, vviiu iuuii;tiiiui3 ui nigiier prices.
You can nnd will save money by buying
Having Just received n cylinder for fin
ishing silks nnd cloths, I nm prepared to
clean and dye gents' clothing, ladles'
cloaks, sacques, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed nud curled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bioomsburg
Woolen Mills.
One of the best places to buy rccularlv
most of your coods is at I. W. llnrtmnn .fe
Shipping tags, with or without strings,
at the Coluuiiian ofllcc. tf.
If you have numbness In arms or limbs,
heart skips bents, thump9 or flutters, r.r
you are nervous and irritable in donger
of shock Dr. Kilmer's Ocean-Weed regu
hues, relieves, corrects and cures.
The FntsT Keen Twi.noe. As tho sea
son advances, the pains and aches by
which ihetimallsm makes itself known,
are experienced nfter nvery exposure. It
Is not claimed Hint Hood's Sarsiipanlla Is a
specific for rheumatism we doubt if there
Is, or can be, such n remedy. But the
thousand benefited by Hood's Sarsanarlllu
iwnrrant us In urging others who suffer
i rum rneiimnusm lo taue u before the first
keen twinge.
men IUby wm alok, gare her Caatorla,
Wlep. the wm a Child, she cried for CMtorla,
When ahe became Uln, aha clanj to CMtorla,
When aha had ChUdran, ahe gara tham CMtorla,
Ete what Hit Scctrtaty cf lh lnter.t.ite Poultry
and Pel Stock Aa.'H.lation, of Cobden,
Illinois, ays
S.S.MVERS. Ai.t,.,lM.
Oban Sir: I luv-u,fdsoniof yourChlck. (Poultry Food). am.amfied
that it increaies the e production of my fowl,
A. A. cowi)i:ry.
TtllPlimattatn If n.lmn.lli, noMsn,! 1... t,l
ity of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla puri
flcs the blood, nnd thus cures the disease.
Imnortnnt tiprflnnnl. Ihtnpmlir,i il,n vir.
tues of hops, Burgundy pitch and gums
nrn pnmliinml In llm nlnan D, .,n,l
quick-nctlng Hop Plaster. Hop Plasters
DnnSKKWRSfl. nil T.TOTlni; T! 1IMT mu ttw
Golden Si-koifio It can be given In a cup
or couee or tea witiiout tlio knowledge of
the person taking it, cAecting aspeedy and
permanent cure, whether tho patient Is a
moderate drinker or tin ulrnlinitn wn,r1
Thousands of diunkards hnye been made
temperate men who havo taken tho Golden
Specific in their coffee without thelrknowl
edge, and to-day believe they quit nrlnk
ing of their own free will. No harmM
effects results from its administration.
Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and
full particulars. Address ir. confidence
Golden Specific Co., 185 Hnce St., Cincin-
uuu, unio. uecdc-uiy.
Mr. Sneer, tho Nevv Jersey producer of
Port Wine, has nn offer fiom certain
capitalists to purchase his wine for ship,
ment abroad. They claim Mr. Specr's
wines nie unexcelled by nny production lu
the woild. Orders from Dresden and
other parts of Europe, have been tilled by
Mr. Speer during the past year, and they
have became very popular on tho other
Bideo. account of their valuable medical
properties. Mr. Spoer refuses to sell bis
wines to ono firm or Bell out his business,
his being the only Oporto grape vineyards
in this country. He claim" that as he has
spent twenty-six years of his llfo In bring
Ing these grapes to perfection in this coun
try and to mature a wine, that he will not
at this lime of llfo let go out of the family,
one of tho handsomest vineyards in the
world that will be a boou for generations
to come. For sale by druggists.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla is prescribed and
recommended by eminent physicians, and
Is taken wltli perfect safety by old aud
young. Its cleansing and vitalizing effects
are sure and speedy, and it U universally
conceded to be the most effective of all
blood purifiers.
tho flowers In melted parafllnc, withdraw,
ing them quickly. Tho linulil should he
only just hot enough to maintain its fluid.
ity nnu mo nowers should bo dipped one
at n time, held by the stocks and mnvnl
about for an Instant to gi-t rid of air bub-
uies. r rcsn cut iiuwi rs, Iree rrom moist'
tire, mako excellent specimens In this way.
If you would ureserve vour health nml In.
vlgorate your entire system Use Perrine's
i-uro nariuy Jlall Whiskey. For falcby
C. B. Bobbins, Bioomsburg, l'a. feow.
Fkee TitAiiE. The reduction of internal
revenue and the taklue oft of revenue
stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no
doubt bus largely benefitted the consumers,
as well ns relieving the burden of home
manufacturers. Especially is this the case
with Green's August Flower and Boschce's
uermau syrup, as tho reduction of thirty
six cents per dozen, has been added to In.
crease the size of the bottles containing
II, ..on ....,n,lla .l.n...l... t..t .I...0
.uioi, iiiiiimiB, lui-iuuy jjiviuj;
more medlcino In tho 75 cent size. The
August Flowcrl for Dyspepsia and I.lver
Complaint, and tho German Syrup for
Cough and I.ung troubles, have perhaps,
tho largest sale of any medicines in the
world. The advantage of Increased size
of tho bottles will be greatly appreciate!
by the sick and afflicted, in every town and
vlllago in civilized countries. Sample
bottles for 10 cents remain the same slzo,
jan 28. 1 y, 87, e o w
Hurler Mali
'I ho annlibla aa it unncaru iv ti, 1
bel on eiery boitle: I hui e carefully an
ily zed therein iuhlet milt u'nu
iikv made by M.t j.s, ivrrlneandnno
U entirely free from fusel oil, furfurol,
uc-iuia uuu uviua uuu IS UU-OlUieil
pure." HiantiS, Camilla Arthur Hater,
t'rnuuuu! ur ine utuwi tines of Munich
G'eneru and Wehoaien
ItOUUINS, Iiloomsbuiv, 1. '
From .In. 11, 18. to Jan. 10, IW,
JOHN K. OHOTZ, Treasurer.
To bal tn treas hand. Jan II, "ss
Cash trc'il on Liluom dup 'M .....
" 'M3....
" 11 Greenwood dup 'si
" ' -colt dup n
" "SuffArloaf dcip'M,
" "HloonidupH.1.. ..
" 11 Greenwood dup 'ss
" ' Hcolt dup "8$
" "huicarloaf dup..,.
" of A Sterner, ....
" on tinxe.tti'd land
" of catawissa. Twp..
I 87
I it oo
1711 (17
4.11 11
41 n.)
2041 I
IIS 41
T01 M
.10 01
30 M
2 f
40 HI
IS 40
i oi rs
f 410 ss
571 Vt
IS fit
100 00
43 84
lly orders of Rl and a redeemed
" na redeemed
Ilf money refunded to H. Iloon
Uy poitatto
Mr Treasurer's salary
lly balance InTrcauirer's bands
f S734 i A
Dup. IS 0.
uiom W! 87
NCOtt 1023 IS
Ml 21
4iS 2H
472 12
(W0 40
llll IS
89T T5
304 32
G. Wood
320 76
11E9 (n
10M TT
2042 SS
701 31
111 4J
I-ess exonerations and per cent. 3119 S3
outstanding orders Jan It 80 . $ 14M 07
Orders Issued to Jan 10, (7..... 491(61
f 0410 to
0184 30
29 2S
t I10 68
1421 07
Orders redeemed to Jan 10 S7 ... .
Orders outstanding Jan 10 ST.. . .
Outstanding orders Jan 11 Ml.....
Orders Issued from Jan 11, 84, to
Jan 10, 07
Orders redeemed to Jan 10,
Orders outstanding 6an 10, 67....
t 6410 62
sxrBNSES ron tu bndino jin'y 10, 'S7.
Mate Hospital for tho Insane.
George Fox t lot 21
Mary Hughes. 3S 72
.lease Kelly 104 22
I.. Kamcr i4 ia
Jno. liorer 103 43
t 431 22
Sundry bills tor merchandise for
lamlly and paupers
Auditors' Clerka' DnrforJon.
t 372 40
11, 84 t 23 OO
John M Clark, orders of relief... 7 00
Kitchen Valtn, orders ol reuef 2 73
Guy Jacoby, orders of relief a f 0
Fritz 4: Laubach orders of relief 1 00
11 c Woodward and Dr Itede.
ker, for arresting .Ino uojer
ond taking to Djnvlllo . 4 61
M C siccollum.pxtenslon ladder 8 ou
Kxncnses with Itosr Dodaon 6 49
Three papers publlsti'g stalctn't 80 oo
O II nice, beet for poor houw... s 3s
lugtri g grave mr itmn uumy . v iu
Kxnenso lakln? It stout to 1' II. 2 60
Wlls. Wanlch, lime. 18 12
A Mlleder, snocmalclng ! s
r unangai, " v 13
Kxrrc&8 on book 30
Tux and repahs for Long houso 11 43
l'aul K Wirt, for oaths 1 Od
J II .Meicer tax books 1 in
i:xenMi with Loral Mausteller. 11 40
u Hltik, binding twine 7 t.Q
T .Mcllrlde, combined binder.... 171 0.1
smith A- Decker, fer.lllzerd 3su
J blericnbuch, brooms 3 50
J lcrwilllger, orders of relief. . 3 CO
Grant Herring, coat on tax test 2 SO
J.M Clark, cest on A. Crevellng a 10
Tax on .Martha Brown house... 2 63
woodward, attending tramps., lo oo
Mrs C l'axlon. Interest Ht to
J C Drown, engineering on res
ervoir. 11 23
Moycr jiros, medicine, 40 i;i
O A Klelm, ' 12 03
J II .Mercer " .... II 01
l'09tago and stationery. t is
Neal ,t Ilro, co.iL 120
smith work 'Ol it
J liachmau, contract onresv'r.. ruo oo
Eshleman -; Co, plumbing 122 63
Uepulrs 14T 81
V Drown, Insurance 43 st
, 010 C)
60 00
60 Ot)
73 01
73 Od
73 CO
Thcmas Mcllrlde, stewam ,
J u McKclvy, M D
H W Hclteynolds, HI)
Kceae Falrman
Dr J Schuyler.
C A Klelm. .
I IBM 00
13 20
Jackson Kama 103 00
Matthias snouz. 15a ua
Lucy wertman 101 so
Al. Cadow J9I 40
Margaret Dawson. T2 66
It 3 Young 72 60
Fred elmer 33 04
Matierva M ly. 43 00
uester uomtxiy ii 00
Emma Hertz so on
sarah Jones 43 e.)
viarlus cox 82 61
Win Shoemaker. 13 60
Mrs c Hamilton. 1301
Kllen and Hannah Kinney 62 00
Daniel lngold 13 Tt
Samuel Farvcr 13 60
Levi Hall e 00
.Martha Drown 60
George II Drown, (colored) B on
iiuueri, niuui, .1 32
Cal Halfpenny 8 04
.Mrs Aiemar ct 73
Daniel oarnian 2 10
Kllen Green, (colored) 31 oo
John Dense) t S3
Mrs Jones, of Enr. n so
.Mrs Levi Creasy T kj
ueorgo samucis. 37 81
Sarah Gross. 1 70
.Mrs Hiram Long 3 10
Hrnrna cook 1 10
Clara Heldebrand 64
Jane Mc.Mlehael 39 (id
ueorgo Appiegate n 62
2 1323 24
491( 61
We. the underslirned. Auditors of thn townshim
comprising the Dlnom Itwr District, met at th
I"oor House on -Monday, January 10 87, examined
the accounts ot the Treasurer and Directors rrom
Jan. 11, lbso, to January 10, 1837, and tho vouchers
luruiegame, anu nnu mum correct, as set rortu
JOSEPH (JAlirtlSON, Auditors.
Valuo of Heal and Penonal l'rooertr. foetoniMncr
DaL of Dloom du
lu iiiuuiii uui uiabiiii,, .mi, 4U, 1001,
'85 ,
, t 4"8 2S
1244 13
472 12
3W 73
301 S3
211 TO
Sugarlot "
I 3119 31
Less estimated cxonoratlons
and commissions
221 fO
I 297T
Farm and buildings.
15500 00
Judgment on Dennis' property,.
Long property
3 horses,
250 (0
375 OU
203 00
40 00
13 00
27 60
600 OO
225 OO
am 00
10 00
65 00
21 OU
1 60
1C5 00
13 00
900 10
4 fO
132 00
28 in)
9 T6
11 2.1
13 10
2 00
5 Ol
2 60
25 till
2 '-0
112 00
7 head cal t o ...
9 shoats
I brood low
110 chickens.
Farm lmnlements
Furniture In roor House
" steward's Houso..
220 bushels wheat on hand
si bushels ryo on hard
1(0 bushels potatoes
son heads cabbage
I bushels turnips.
la tuns nay
1030 sheaves corn foCder
lit busrela oats
618 bus'elscorn cars
4 nusneis onions.
2200 lbs pork and lard.
400 lbs Uet
3 tons coal ,...
ouu ids nour.
3 bbls vinegar.
2 bushels beans,
1 D01 sauerkraut
10 bandies rye straw
iw ics packea Dutter
.u cans tomatoes
It acres grain in ground
12 bushels applej
7 00
. 111374 i
mourns kiibso on nun.
313 bushels wheat.,
Mil " corn ears...
291 " oats
145 " potatoes...
4 " beans,
so " annles,
5 beets
31 " rye
8220 lbs pork and lard.......
629 lbs butter made.
400 lbs beef ....
20 tons hay ,
loxjsneaicscorn roooer
T60 heads cabbage
60 bundles ri e straw
aozcu eggs ,,
0 bbls cider
II shoats
2 calves raised
73 cnicxens raised
1 bbl aaurkrnut
so bushels turnips
60 cans tomatoes
8 bushels onions. ..
' I 1476 76
No. ot paupers remaining last
Admitted during the year
Discharged during tua year....
Died during tho year...
ltemalnlng Jan. 10, W.. .......,.
C. A. K.LK1M,
Jan. 28, 's7,
Ai Privsitc Sale!
The follow mg properties are offered at Titrate
Sale by the Mutual. DulldlDg and Loan Association
ot Uloomsburg, and will beso:d cheap as 'they
must be sold to close out "series fi" ot said Asso
ciation: 1. A lot on East street, adjoining premises of Mr
Geo. Lockard, In the town ot Dloomsburr.wlwreo n
aro erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling,
a barn and outbuildings.
2. A lot, situate on Main street, In the town 0 1
Espy, whereon are erected a good two-story
Frame Dwelling,
a barn and outbuildings, and now occupied bl
Henry Waples, Apply for terms to
N. V. FUNK,, Atty. (or Assocutitb