The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1887, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUIJTY, PA. The Columbian. J.S. BlttentWsr.J E4lt0"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FItlDAY, JANUARY 28, 1887. Ex-governor Patlisori and Kx-Sccro-Inry of tho Commonwealth Stcnger havo formcJ a law partnership, and openid an ollico In Philadelphia. Sheriff Rowan of Philadelphia is hopeleBsly insane, and legal Btcps aro contemplated to romovo him from oftlcc. A thrco year-old son of Governor Reaver died last Satnrdav nicht of diphtheria, and was burled on Sunday. Ho was tho pet of tho household, and Mrs. isoaver lias been prostrated by tho blow. A little son of Paulson's died of tho same discaso soon after 1 altison s inauguration. Tho Harrisburc Patriot of lha 22d says that a Houso bill has been report ed favorably, from committeo provid ing tor an additional judge in Uolutn bia county. This is a mistake. No such bill has been introduced, and if it bad beon It would never havo cone through tho committee, as it would be clearly unconstitutional on several grounds. Superintendent Grimes' reply to a writer in tho Sentinet of last week who insinuates that tho surplus funds Ye oeived at tho county institutes has been appropriated by Mr. Grimes to his own use, seems to bo clear and sat isfactory, and ought to put a stop to tho annual repetition of this charge. Ho has thus far publicly accounted for uii luuuey id ma nanus. Legislative Committees. Senator Melzger is on tho following committees : Federal ltelations, Judici ary Local, Banks, Retrenchment and Reform, Congressional Apportionment, llepresentalivo .britz, is on tho fnl lowing : Coimrefsional Apportionment, 1 r cj.r.:-.!...; -! ai, uetrenenment and Kelorm. Representative Fox is on tho follow ing: Agriculture, Centennial Affairs, Judiciary Local. Democratic Statu Oommittee. The Democratic Stato Committee met at Harrisburg last week Wednes. day. Cairman Hensel having called the committee to order J. Marshall Wright Jisq., one ot tho original opponents ol Philadelphia, moved that Dallas San dcrs, Esq., bo elected chairman by ao cUmation. Colonel E. H Rauch, of Carbon, moved to amend by substitu ting the name of Eckley B. Coxe, of ljuzerne, and supported his amendment in a vigorous speech, lie was sustain cd in this by Mr. Burke, of Lackawan na. E. P. Kianer, Esq., of Luzerne, who is a close friend of ex-Senator Coxe was not a oandidate and would not accept an election under tho cir cumstances. Ho desired to withdraw Mr. Coxe's name, but this was not per mitted. A voto was then taken on the amendment, which resulted in ayes 15, noes 39. Tho original resolution was men adopted by an almost unani mous voto. The committee then took a recess until 7:30 o'clock. The committeo reassembled at o'clock, and at once prooeeded to elect seven members ot the executive com mittee. Thirteen names wero present ed, as follows : Allegheny, W. J Brcnnen ; Bedford, E. F. Kerr : Craw ford, James M. Guffey ; Erie, Vf. L, Scott : Elk, Harry Alvin Hall : Hunt ingdon, R. Bruoe Petrikin ; Lehigh, R j. Y right; .Luzerne, Eckley a. Coxe Mercer, James A. Stranahan ; North umberland, James II. MoDevitt j Ly- coming, j. nenry (Jochran ; Weslmore. land, Dr. II. L. Donnelly : Wayne. Georgo S. Purdy. On the first oallot Messrs. Brennen, Kerr, Soott, Wright, Coxe, MoDevitt and Cochran were chosen. The committee then proceeded to ur mo piaco tor tho next state conven tion. Harrisburg, Allentown, and Pittsburg were nominated, and the bal lot resulted : Harriaburir. 28 1-2 votes Allentown. 22 1-2 votes, and Pittsburg C votes. Tho fixing of tho date of the convention was left to be determined at tho next meeting of the committee, which will be held in Harrisburg in may. Mr. Huekenstein offered the follow. iug resolutions which was unanimously aaopteu. Resolved, That in Governor Patti son the democratic party has had a most faithful ofheer to whose adminix traiioh wo point with pride as h leaves tho gubernatorial chair, clean and pure at he announced when h took his seat and so endorsed by both partus, no lias served the peoplo in tho true meaning of tho constitution and has delivered tho government of tne commonwealth oncu moro from al' jouuors j ne has been the most earnest exponent of the peoplo's rights and has fearlessly and earnestly held sacred the trust put in mm when elected that private citizens navo rights that oven combined monopoly of corporations must respect. Tho same gentleman offered tho fol lowintr which was likewise adopted unanimously : jtesoiyeu, mat wo nsretiy express our feeling of unwavering confidence in i'resident Cleveland and proudly and gratefully refer to his faithful ap plication of tho dernocratio principles ut ruiurm ; to ma strict, auneranco to the platform of the last national demo. cratio convention held at Chicaeo. and to his wise and conservative poTioy of administering for tho best interest of tho peoplo of tho United States. Mr. Harlcy, of Schuylkill, offered the following which was agreed to : Resolved, That the committeo rec ommends an alteration in rule one so as to make it read, 'Tho state commit toe shall consist of one member from each county and in addition any couu ty mat is entitled to moro than one stale senator slmll havo an additional member for each additional senator The chairman of tho local organization shall bo vx-ollicio member cf the stato committee. Additional members in counties entitled to them shall bo ap pointed in sucli manner as the losal regulations of their respective county organizations may determine.'' Mr. Moran offered tho following: ittcolvtd, That tho county commit tee bo requested to mako a thorough party organization in each eltction dis trict in their respective counties and that they ho requested to report to this committeo through their chairman the condition of such organization at the next inciting to ho held ou tho 2d of May next Murray Runb, of Delaware, offered tho following i Resolved, That a committeo of seven bo appointed by the chair to recommend a unltorm plan lor making senatorial and congressional nominations through out tho stato i said plan to bo present ed to this committeo at its no it meet- Mr. Urown, of tJlarlou, oltercd tho following i Kesolvcd, That tho apportionment of dclogatcs to tho stato convention bo based on tho Voto cast at tho last pro ceding gubernatorial or picsidential election, whlehover Bliall havo last oc curred. John II. Sloom, of Philadelphia, offered tho following : Kesolvcd, That tho distinguished services rendered to tho democratic party of Pennsylvania by tho retiring chairman, W. U. Ilensef, of tho com mittee, merit an expression ot tho strongest confidence of this groat party in him both as an exponent ot puro dernocratio principles and as an honor ablo gentleman and useful citizen, thcieforc, further Resolved, That this body as Un representative of tho dernocratio party of Pennsylvania docs, in the namo of that party, tender to tho Hon. W. U. Hou8cl its thanks for laborious and tinincnt services, and accompanying tho samo with an expression of con tinued confidence and best wishes for his futuro prosperity. Tho work of tho committeo having been completed tho committee adjourn ed. Legislation at H&insbnrg. Tho following aro Bomo of tho bills i i t Y j l ! t mat nave ueen miruuuueu in iuc icjjio laturo during the past week ; a supple ment to the rovenuo aot ot ibtts. live. ducing tho tax on moneys at interest . . ii i troni turee to two muis aim piuuiug one mill in tho Stato Treasury one in tho treasury of a county or city of the urst class ;j eoaunug mvuiiuuica uuu laborers to file a lien ou a building con strutted on leased ground : authorizing married women to transact business, to suo and be sued, to sign mortgages or deeds, etc, independently of their hus bauds ; repealing tho three-mill tax ; to punish the making aud disseminating of obscene literature; appropriating 50,000 for tho erection of monuments to the memory of Generals Meade and Hancock, on the. battle-field of Gettys burg ; to authorize Registers of Wills and Orphan's Courts to rt quire secur ity lor costs, ana to apportion costs in cases of caveat and appeal ; allowing husbands and wives to testify for each other in criminal cases ; a Legislative apportionment. Identical with the perfected bills of 1885 ;1 providing for tho retirement on three fourths pay of Judges of tho Supremo Court who have served one full term and aro sixty-fivo years old, aud the Judges of other courts who have served twenty years or over and are sixty-five years ot age, Also a bill providing for an amend raeutto section lartiele 9, of the Con- Ntitution, to make it lead as follows "All taxes shall be uniform upon tho same class of subjects within the terri torial limits of tho authority levying the tax, aud shall be levied and collect ed under tho general laws ; but the General Assembly may by general laws exempt from taxation every farm not exceeding twenty acres on which the owner actually resides and which is nut situated in a city or borough, every building lot not exceeding 20,000 square feet in area on which the owner actually resides, public property used for public purposes, actual places of religious worship, places of burial not used for private or corporate profit, and institutions of purely public charity- provided that all taxes on land shall be specifio ;" a bill providing a tax for saloons, hotels, ions md other places whero intoxicating liquors are sold in cities of tho first second and third classes of $500, of which $300 shall go to the city, 100 to the county aud 8100 to the State. Tho tax for retail ing liquor in boroughs is placed at $200 and in townships at $150. Of the 500 in Philadelphia 100 goes to tho city and county and 100 to the State, a liquor license bill providing in ad dition to fees now paid a license tax ; to prohibit tho blacklisting of employes; a bill appropriating $80,000 to mark with memorial taLleta tho position of tho Pennsylvania commands at the battle o( Gettysburg ; a bill providing for the appointment of mercantile ap praisers by Auditor general, and the publishing of the list in two papeiB i a bill exempting bequests to churches and cemeteries from collateral inheri tance tax ; a bill to securo to laborers the benefits of the exemption laws ; a bill authorizing appeals by owners of unseated lands to court, flora the valu ation of county commissioners. Senator Wolverton, of Northumber land, introduced a bill providing that all deeds and mortgages of real eetate situated in this stato shall pass tho whole estate of the grantor or mort gagor, although there are no words of inheritance or perpetuity contained therein, unless it appears by word of limitation in the deed or mortgage that tho grantor or mortgagor intended to givo, graut or mortgago a loss estate. A bill providing for the biennial pub lication of the school laws and decis ious ; prohibiting non-residonlB from hunting and killing deer ; for tho bettor protection and collection of wages of iabor ; allowing hucksters and farmt rs to buy and sell farm produco without license ; regulating sales by samples ; relative to general elections. WABHIHGTON LETTEB (From our Itepilar correspondent. Washington. D. 0., Jan. 24, 1887. The present Congress has redeemed its reputation during the first half of this its Inst session, and it will now go down to history honored, oven if it should do nothing moro for tho remain der of its life. The enactment ot tho Presidential Succession bill has been followed by that regulating tho Electo ral Count, and bo a double peril is re moved. It is now pretty certain that President Cleveland a successors will bo ciecteu nnu inaugurated without any resort to partisan war a calamity that hitherto hus been averted only by tho toicranco ot mo people. But this is not half of what has been accomplished. The Iutor-stato Com merce bill, 'for hotter or for worse,' has gono through both houses, and only awaits tho Executive signaturo to be- oomo a law. Then a ngcrous Ann- Polygamy measure has at last been passed; an investigation of the Pacific Katlroad crookedness has been ordered aud the old Mexican veterans aro about to bo pensioned, At tho cud of this Congress, tho terms of one-third of the wholo num ber of United Stales Senators expire. Wiuio somo ot them havo been re elected, others will be succeeded by now mou. It is noticeable that Feder al soldiers aro getting scarce in the senate, iticro aro only seven men who fought on tho Union side during thu war, while thero aro sixteen whoso names cm on tho muster rolls of the Confederacy. It is probable that only three of the ox Federal wjl be left ' when tho Senato is called to ordor nt tho commencement of tho next session. These will bo Senators Hawlcy, Man- dorson and Plumb. Fifteen Republi can Sonators will bo sworn in on tho 4th of ncxtMaroh, but four of thim woro tho Confederate gray. This will leave tho Senato with twenty ex-Con-fedciatcs, and threo soldiers of tho Union. In regard to Lieutenant Emory's Arctic trip, Secretary Whitney has ex pressed himself in no uncertain lan guage Referring to tho report that tho Lieut, wanted to go North in tho "Thotis," ho said the United States had Bomethlng else to do with its vessels, naval officers and sailors hesides sond ing them off on Arctic expeditions. ..i" in . i. ,o,i' ,.t!n,,...i "1 Will UUl BilJ, UUITV.V., the Si'cretarv. "that thero will bo no such expedition under tho present Ad ministration, but certainly not wnii my consent. No ono will recelvo orders from me for such a trip in consonance with my wishes. Tho President is in good health again, but ho is careful to favor his rheumatic kneo on all occasions. He felt compelled to decline to roviow tho order of thu Mystiu Shrino which visit ed tho city during tho week, for fear of tho damp air to which ho would bo exposed, nnd ho could not go to tho top of tho Washington Monument with Mrs. Cleveland and Mr. Corcoran ac cording to appointment. This trip to tho clouds had beeu arranged for three o'clock, and at that hour everything was in readiness for tho distinguished visitors. The interior of the Monu ment was electrically lighted from top to bottom, a firo was built in tho boiler house, steam was generated, and sover al preliminary trips of tho elevator hud been made to see that everything was in completo running order for tho ex pected visit of the President Mrs. Cleveland was on time, and announc ing a disappointed tono that tho Presi dent was not able to come, graceful ly tendered her arm to the vouprablo Mr. Corcoran, and couducted him to tho elevator. Tho air insido the Monu ment is damp and chilly, and when the marble door swung open a blast rushed cut that almost took tho breath of those entering. The visitors looked down upon tho magnificent pauorama at the 500 foot level. Mrs. Cleveland took especial interest in tho White House, and tried hard to recognize it familiar figuro at tho library window. To morrow the prominent advocates of woman suffragti will begin their nineteenth annual conveulion in this city, and to-morrow Senator Blair will mako an effort to have the Woman Suffrage amendment to tho Constitu tion discussed in thu Seriate. Miss Su sau B. Anthony, who has been hero for SDmo weeks, is as grim and hopeful and resolute as ever, wearing her defeats of tho last forty years as cheirlully as other veterans wear plumes of victory. Sho doesn't thiuk at allt well of press reporters, however. Slie says, where women aro concerned, at least, tho re porters are sure to seizo upon some triviality and ring its changes to the exclusion of business. She mentioned that when she spoko in Chicago last week, a dog that came with n newspa per reporter ran across the stago aud springing up laid his noso on her shoul der. "I prophesied to tho audience then," continued she, "that that dog would figure in the press reports more conspicuously than anything that was said or done, and so he did." Miss Anthony does not change much as tho years go by. Tho opening of Bomo new avenuo for the employment of women, or some new gleam of Hope from a Stato Legislature always comes opportunely to offset the effects of years and labors that might otherwise bo adding new wrinkles to her brow. AN 0PN LETTEB. "Teachers' inquiry in the Sentinel of last week has called forth the fol lowing letter from the County Super intendent. Mit. KlUCKBAUM. Dear Sir: 1 notieed an article in your last issue in refer ence to the finances of tho County In stitute. Tho object of tho writer was not informati n, as tho statements must show that he knows that tho re ceipts and expenditures of tho Ins-ti tutu havo been carefully examined and approved by a committeo of teachers. I write, thoreforr, not for his informa tion, but for the benefit of those who have not given tho subject much thought, consequently may not bo fully ticquaintid with the law and tho facts in tho case. Before Ur. Higbeo's lec ture Monday evening Deo. 31, 1883, I publicly stated that the evening en tertainments were not required by law as a part of tho Institute, that they were gotten np by inytelf for the en tertainment and profit of the teachers and the publio ; that I was personally responsible for all of tho expense and if there was a deficit I must pay it, but the surplus money I would use for the benefit of the Institute. In many of the counties of thu stato tho Superintendents keep tho surplus monoy, which they havo a legal right to do. I know of no other Superin tendent who under similar circumstan ces uses it for tho benefit of tho In stitute. Thero is not a single town in this county which has a regular courso of lectures. It matters not ho a- much teachers may desire to attend lectures they cannot often do so in this county. Tho expenses of the, teaohers it ho at tend the Institute, so far as board, traveling, etc., are concerned aro tho samo whether they atttend the evening lectures or not. I have put forth all possible efforts to give tho teachers and the publio good Iiihtitutos and evening entertainments. The Institut es and evoiiug entertainments of Col umbia oounty now rank among the best of the state. An opportunity was given the teachers to enroll, hut they were not asked to do so. Tho enroll, ment card gave them not only reserved seats for the courso of lectures for fifty cents (ono dollar less than tho popular prio) but an opportunity to select a desirable seat threo hours in advance of the publio. The officers of tho Instituto have not been extrava- gantly compensated, hut they have re n ,i, ... !... i I wv.tvu uii iiiuv nua (iiuiijisfu tuem prior to their acceptauco of tho honors conferred. It might not bo uninteresting to givo a short sketch of tho hittory of our Institutes, but as this article is al ready lengthy, I will ouy ey that tho receipts from tho evening entertain- menis oi my nrst instituto wero only $00.75. At that time tho peoplo of liloomsburg did not patronize lectuios as thoy now do. That winter threo of the most active attorneys in tho town of Illoomshurg govo the citizens it courso of lectures. Thoy canvassed tho town and worked it up as I never knew any other committee to do and yet thoy did not meet expenses. I havo been in correspondence with most of tho lecture bureaus. I read carefully tho circulars and testimonials of each, and wheneter a lectin er that I think will please tho patrons of our Iuititute, speaks at Wilkeabarre, Dan- villc, Shamokin, or nt any of tho towns not too far distant, I go to hoar him, and, if ploascd immediately cngago him. In this way I havo secured lecturers that havo not only pleased tho patrons of the Institute, but added largely to Its funds. Tho surplus on hand, after dofraying nil tho expenses of every In stlluti', I applied to tho expenses of tho next one. During no vear of my Snperintendonoy until 1884, hnd I moro than $20 on hand. After tho Institute of that year I had $120.87 surplus. After all tho expenses of the Institute of 1885 hud been paid, I had $223.35 on hand, and tills sum I used in do fraying thn expenses of tho lato Insti tute. Had I not had this sum on hand of last year, I should havo been out of pocket moro than ono hundred dollars after pa) ing tho expenses of tho Insti tute of 188G. It will thus bo seen that I havo appropriated no monoy received from any of tho Institutes, to my per- snnal use, and I challenge any ono to show anything to tho contrary, it tho superintendent has no surplus money from the county treasury, enrollment fees, or evening lecture", nnd does not realizo Biifliciont from theso sources to defray the expenses of any Institute, ho is obliged to pay the balance out of his own pocket. This, it seems to me, should bhow tho reasonableness of keeping an unexpended balanco on hand whenever it is possible to do so. Should I havo any such money in my hands at the expiration of my offi cial term, I shall in accordanco with my publio. statement of 1883, hand it to my successor, to bo applied to tho expenses of his Institutes. A state ment of tho receipts nnd expenditures of all tho Institutes held by me can bo seen at my office. J. S. Giumes, County Superintendent. A Great Victory A Torriblo Caso of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tho winter ot 1879 I was attacked with Scrofula In ono ot the most aggravating forms. At one time I had no less than thirteen Urge kbscesses over and around my neckand throat, continually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It Is Impossible to fully describe my sufferings, as the cut was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After thrco years ot misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worso than ever. Finally, on the recommendation of W. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, alter having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelvo months, the scrofulous eruptions havo entirely ceased, and the abscesses havo all disappeared, except the unsightly scars, which aro dally becoming" smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know what It may havo dono for others, but I do know that In my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an effective specific Indeed. As an evidence ot my gratitude I send these facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verify tho authenticity ot this cure, by personal correspondence with any ono who doubts It." Cuaiiles A. lion EHTg, East Wilson, N. V. This statement Is confirmed by W. J. Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y who calls tho euro a treat victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla9 Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for (5. Mads only by O. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. , lOO-Doses One Dollar. 3 Day and Night During an acute, attack ot Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling In the throat, and an exhausting, hacking cough, aftllct the sufferer. Sleep is banished, and great prostration follows. This disease is also attended with Hoarseness', and some times Loss of Voice. It Is llablo to be come chronic, involve tho lungs, and terminate fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and cure In coses ot Bronchitis. It controls tho disposition to cough, and Induces retreshlng sleep. I havo been a practising physician for twenty-four years, and, for the past ',welve, have suffered from annual at tacks of Bronchitis. Alter exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedy cure. Q. Stoveall, M. I)., Carrollton, Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is docidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lung diseases. M. A. Rust, M. D., South Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs, lly night sweats I was reduced almost to askeieton. My Cough was incessant, and I frequently )it blood. My physician told me to give up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. S. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. For years I was in n decline. I had weak lungs, and suffered from Bron chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral restored me to health, and I have been for a long time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two years ago I suffered from a severs Bronchitis. The physician attending mo became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After trying various medicines, without benefit, he prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Logansport, ind. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Trtpirtd by Dr. J.C. AyerfcCo.,Lowt!l,iI... Sold by ill Drufglili. I'rlc. lj ili toitlei,l. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lims & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD I.IVKU OIL tlt can be taken readily and tolerated tor a long thus 1 delicate stouach. AND AS 1 riKUFPT FPU f0SrilPTI0X. K(ltl)ttl,IMS HHTIIi,, AVK)Ui, lt.N. mu, minuty, cuiiins ami tiiuoITTF: tH-l(')S, .nil all WthllSH bl-.C.Iibt.U.'i f lilll.llllt X It li nurrrllom in lt mall! freacnbeil aud endonied by the bel rhyalcUna In the countries of the world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-cs-ly E XEUUTOU'S NOTICE. In re estate of Qantfl Fvrct, late ty yt$h(ngcreek ittcre testamentary on the Bald estate all persons Indebted to said mtate are hereby 110- fltrillrikt Hlllii U.tlta nrusont ttiaanmacn . 1BAAO A. DkWITT. ElR., lecsj. lihorhburg, CoL Co., pa. to be made. Cut this out and return to us. and wo will send you free. some. ili Vila i tnmg oi great value and Importance to . , , "w. wh man jou m ouuness WHICH Wl 1 bnntr vntl In mnn mnimpriDhr . than an think else in this world. Any ono cun do ,4vi.uiuuuidiii uuuie. .uuer bex: an afireu. Homething new. that just coins money for ail workers. Hp will start you; capital not needed: This is one of tbe genuine. Important chances of a llfei Ime. 1 Host) wlio are ambitious and enterprla- tntf will rint rin e (i.n ... , . Tz. j- ..... mwv uwj uiuun uutuv uw. Ajuroaa. 'Jap Co., Augusta, Main Uec3-8,ijrP DAUGH'S 2R nt? LURK Oontalaa tb lita and Znct c ..MIL rnnii" Anlmii itaua nimin I' HKLIA1ILE, LAHT1NO BAUQH&SONS, I'UILAUEU'UU, PA. Vor 81 ti C. W. 1AV. Muauiuio um Oriw.vlll, Pa, iaV Fautless Family Medicine. "1 have used Simmons Liver Re gula latorfor many years, having made It my only Family Medicine. My mother bef re me was very partial to It. It Is a safe, good nnd reliable medicine for any disorder ot the system, and it used in time is a great preventative ot sick, nem. I often recommend It to my friends, and shall contlnuo to do so. "IUv. JimksM. Rollins, Tastor M. K. Church, So. Fairfield, Va." TIME AND DOCTORS' BILL SAVED h always keeping Simmons Liver Regulator In the house. "I have found Simmons liver Itceu lator the best family medicine 1 ever used for anything that may happen, have used it In In3lffCfUon, colic, lilar rhoca, Ulllousnem, and round It to re lieve Immediately. After eating a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a teaspoonful I never feel tbe effects of the supper eaten. rOVID O. SPARKS, Hi-Mayor Macon, la." J. H. Zeilin & Co. PHIUDELPHU, 1A. PRICE, 11.00 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue ot sundry writs, Issued out ot the Court of Common rieas ot Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, win be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, In Moomsburg, on SATURDAY, February 12, 1887, at a o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage and tract, piece or parcel ot land, Mtuato In the town ship of Heaver, In the county of Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wiu on the north by land ot widow Hosier, on tbe east by laudof Jonas Brcdbcnnor, on the south by Sunbury, Hazleton and Wllkes-Barre railroad, o. W. Fry and Nathan Bredbonner, and on the west by a public road,con talning about twenty-two acres, more or less, whereon are erected a grist mill and a good water power on the premises. Seized, taken in execution, at tho suit of Catha rine Weaver's uso vs. M. F. Kyerly, with notice to It 8. Cole and W. 11. Cole, tcrre tenants, and to be sold as the property of M. F. Kyerly. with notice to If. a Cole and V. B. Cole, terro tenants. Mill an, Atty. Lev. Fa. ALSO, AU that crtaln piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Brlarcreek, Columbia county, described In two pieces, but held and occupied as ono, bounded as follows: lieglnnlog at a stone, comer to land late of Henry Brlttaln's, thence north elghty.four and one-half degrees east eighty perches to a black oak sappling, in the county line of Luzerne and Columbia, thence by the same Bouth thrco degrees west one hundred and sixty five perches to land late of Bornard Seybert,thence west fortyfour perches to an oae sappling, thence north twenty-eight and one-half degrees west ono hundred and two perches, to land late of Henry llnttaln, thence by the same north fifty and one half degrees ea9t twenty seven and one-tenth per;her to a black oak, thecce north two degrees east, forty-nino perches to place ot beginning, con taining Kcventy.flve acres and one hundred and It perches, mere or less. Tho other piece of land, adjoining the above, la bounded by: Beginning at a black oak, thenco west fifty-two and six-tenths porches to a whltf oak, thence north two degrees east twenty-two and two-tenths perches to a I stone; thi-nce north nfty-threa degrees west, eigntcen ana two-tenths perches to astone;thence north twenty-one and a half degrees east, tbirtj even and eight-tenths perches to a stone; thence north forty-one degrees west seventeen perches to a stone; thence north fifty and one-half degrees east, sixteen and two-tenths perches to a stone; thence north twenty-eight and one-halt degrees west, ono hundred and two perches to the place of beginning, containing twenty-one acres, more or less, together nlnety-slx acres and one hundred and eleven perches, (excepUng out of the last do scribed piece two-thirds of an acre ot land, with the appurtenances, lying along the road, from FoundryvUle to the grist mill, on tbe premises oc pledby Daniel Miller,) on wblch are erected a large grist mill, a large bank barn, frame farm house and disuilery, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, by vlrtuo of divers Fa. Fas., and to be sold aa the property of Daniel F. Seybert. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at tho Court house, In Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, February 7, 1887, at 3 p. m., all that certain tract of land, situate In Pine township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded ana described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by land ot R. M. Bogart, on tne east by land of Jacob A, Chamberlain, on the south by land of C. W. Eros, and on the west by land ot Ezra Ilunyon estate, containing fifty acres, whereon are erected a two-story plank house and outbuildings. seizect, taxen in execution, and to be sold as tho property of John M. Chamberlln. IxiLia ft Uhbixs, Attys, FL Fa. ALSO, The following real estate of Rudolph Yeager. situate In Catawlssa township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by lands of 1'eter Luxenbeiger.on tbe west ny lands of Georgo Murray, on the south by pubUo road, and on tbe east by lands of Harry Hill, containing thirty acres, more or lesa.whereon is erected a story and a half stone house. Belied, taken In execution, at the suit of Henry IIoffmsn'B, adm'r, vs. Rudolph Yeager, and to be sold as the property of Rudolph Yeajer. yoccu c gitib, Attya. vend. Ex. SAMUEL SMITH, Jl Sheriff. COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwell President Judge ot the Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace and the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court In the wth Judicial Dis trict, composed ot the counties of Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and F. L Shuman, Associate Judgos ot Columbia county have Issued their precept.bearlngdate the lath day of Dec. In the year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, and to me directed for holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions ot the Peace, Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the county ot Columbia, on tho first Monday, being theTth day of Feb. next to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the the J ua tlces of the Peace, and the Constables of the sell County of Oolumbla.that they be then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot said T tb day of Feb. with their records inqul sltions and other remembrances,to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that aro bound by recognizance to prosesute against the prisoners tbataro or maybe In the jail of the said county of be then and thero to prosecute them as shall be lust. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg .fr--0 !h0 h day of Jan. In the year of our L.B. VLord one thousand eight hundred and 1-1 eighty-seven, and In the one hundred and eleventh year of the Independence of the United btutes of America. Bherlfl'somce, SAMUEL SMITH,. Sheriff T ICEN8E NOTICE. "Notice Is hereby given that the following named persons have filed with the Clerk o' the Court of Ouarter.riesi.lons of the Peace of Columbia cousty. ihelr petitions for license, which will bo presented to the said i ourt on Monday, the Betenth day ot February, A. D. 18ST, at s o'clock p. m i Illbby, James It Catawlasa, Liquor store ao, Brcnnan, M W Curry, Daniel F Drake, Lemuel (Ulmore, Fred'k M Giimore. Wm II (llrlon, Jacob L Heckman Geo lng, James M Monroe, Jotin Markle,M A McUrearty, James Mann, Jonn u Miller, Geo W uu. Centralla, do Benton, Bloomsburg, do do Orange, do Conynghara, Berwick, Centralla, Centre. Brlarcreek, t'eutraUa, Madlaon, Bloomsburg. An Bottler nesiaurani Hotel do I Restaurant Bottler liotei do do Restaurant do Hotel do do do da Liquor store WU TT EuVnpn nu-i. -i i . uuiei Clerk's office, Bloomsburg, pa., Ian. si, IM7, ' T AILIlOAn Rr.v.nTtnv OrlCIOrTtll a a 1L 1L CO. numuau'iin. I'. t January to, l&ST. ' . The stopkboldera of the lilbomaburg Sullivan Hu.vw viwuiuf nui meet at tne cmce ot tne i1?; 10 'Vy?"0 01 Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, f?SS,lAs.S' hruary, lt7, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day, to sleet a President and Dl. boi vuuiyauj lunue ensuing year, and for the transaction of other buainwu. ' ' I wl u. 4, vuanjut, secretary, J IDOW8 AI'PItAtSEMENTB. ThA follnwlnff Widow' Armrataempnta will b. presented to the Orphans' Court of Columbia Co.. on tho nrst Monday or February, A. D. 1887, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four data thereafter will bo confirmed ab Bolntei stout, Wra estato,Brlarcrwk; personalty. UOI.CO. santce John, estate, Flshlngcreok; personalty, I3OM0, Wagner David, estate, Locust: personalty, 1300.00. llartzel John J estate, Mlffiln; personalty, 1300.89. Weaver Faycn, estate, Catawlsna; personalty, I150VS. Georgo Rllas estate, Franklins porsonalty,$M0.0o. Forco Danlol estate, Flshlngcrccki personalty, 3 0,00. Mcllcnry Silas W., estate, Jackson; personalty, taav.oo. WM. II. SNYDER, Clerk Of O. C. Clerk's office, Bloomtburg, Ua Jan. !l, 1687. TO-OTIOE I "wtlco la hereby given that an application will bo made to tho Governor of the, stato of Pennsyl vania on Saturday.tho inn day of February, lmr, under tho Act ot Assembly ot the Commonwealth of lnnsylvanla, entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and Regulation of certain Cor porations" approved April 89, 1874, and the tup plements thereto, for thn charicrot an Intended corporation to bo ca'led "Tho silver spring Quarry Company." the character and object of which la to mine, quarry and ship limestone, nnd thn man ufacture and sate of lime or any other article of commerce manufactured from limestone, and do such other business as permitted In tho tsth sec tion ot second class, named In section J of tho Act of Assembly ot April S3 1974, and Its supplements. The names of the subscribers of tho certificate of Incorporation arc: n. w. Crevellng. Aaron Boone, C. M. crcvcilng, j. K. Boone and c. w. Miner. Jausi c. W. MILLER, Solicitor. PUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE Real JCstatc In pursuance ot an order ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to the undersigned adminis trators ot Reuben Fahrlngcr, deceased, there will be exposed to public Bale, on the premises, In Lo cust township, on Saturday, February 12, 1887, at one o'clock p. m., tho following described real estate of Bald deceased, to-wlt: All that certs In pleco or parcel of lai d, situate In Locust township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by lands ot Sarah Meare, on tho cast by land of Cornelius Fettormau, and on tho south and west by publio road and lands ot Uaclel .Morris and Abram Bltner, containing about 21 ACRES of land, more or less, on which aro erected fe Frame hllifig Houses, one two stories high and tho other one story. Also a good sized barn and other necessary outbuild ings, micro is also on tho premises a good APPLE ORCHARD and other fruit trees of all kinds, and also a good well of water. The said real estate lies along the publio road leading from Catawlssa to Ashland. Terms ot sale, will be announced by tho crier on the day of sale. All grain In the ground and personal property on i bo premises reserved. Deed at the expense of purchaser. Thero win also be exposed to sale, at the samo lime and place, the following described personal property of the wloow of the deceased: Two beds and bedding, one settee, one dozen chairs, one Iron kettle, two tables, one cupboard, one parlor stove, one wood chcBt, forty or fifty yards of car pet, a lot ot crocks, ono largo meat tub, grubbing hoe, shovels, hay rakes, one ladder, n lot of hay, by the ton, long straw and corn stalks, fifteen bushels of oats and a lot of rye and other ar Ucles too numerous to mention. IIARMAN FAHKINGER, JS1 ISAIAH HO'VEH, Ixelxb & Hikrino, Attys. Administrates. orphans" court sale OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Pursuant to an order of tbe Orphan's Cou't of Columbia county, the undersigned, administrator ot the estate of Catharine Farver, deceased, wlU sen at public sale on TUESDAY, February 1, 1887, at 1 o'clock p. m., a tract of land containing about 17 ACRES, situated In Jackson township, Columbia; county, bounded by lands of John Fritz, Frl ti Kelchner, Samuel Knouse and Washington Knouse.on which are erected a Frame House and other outbuildings, and an apple orchard. TERMS OF HALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down of tho property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute and tho re maining tnree f otutbs In one year thereatter with interest from confirmation nisi OEOitOK W. FARVER, Admr,, dccSl P. o., Dcrr's, Pa, l'OIt AI.I.. Permanent emnlnvment trhenlo enereetlc men nnd women ev. erywherc. 30 a week and expenses ymu. ouiupiua wurui auu aii parucu. mrasedv im:. Auures ai once r. 11. vickiiy, Augusta, Maine. Don't mfjj tMi chamv. Vrilt to-dav. Jamidlt, ATENTS. Hnrnm.ll tn ..a vance. balance when patent Is ob- references. Pactflo Building, (Bepi7.6m. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale. 7880 SO Iletai. Wheat per bushel, Rye " " , Corn " " .... 60 05 Oats " " 33 40 Flour " bbl 4 to 6 00 uuttcr 20 Eggs 28 Potatoes OS Hams 11 Dried Apples 03 Side and shoulder 10 Chickens 0 Qcese , Lnrd per lb 08 Vinegar per gnl 20 Onions per bushel 00 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 85 Hides 5 to 7 Coal on Viurf. No 0 $2.00; Nos 2 0, & Lump 8.25 No. 5 4.3.OO Bltumlnus $3.25 PHildelpHi fltiKETs. CORRECTED WEEKLY. UPffM. Wont Am TKlntn. V, . , FLOUILYrn exUaTOlJo-r &nK u.c.v, ,,w wuiu i-icur, (4 a.Bu winter jaunt 4.75 a 6.O0; l-enna. roller process 1.10 9 'wHKAT-Pennsylvanlared,No. 1,91 COKN, 50 M OAT& NO. 3 White (4 M NO. 2. BT HAY AND HT1UU' Itmnth iT' . ' ., and NewVoiCim falT to",.' n"l"5 fSJlS',,80?,1?; med'um Western and NTw - - t , v unj oq IU UUttUlT 14. M IB. i'OTATOKS.-New .40 a 60 per bbL CreameTyExtVaTMV I.IVEI-OULTRY.-FOW1S, II a.Klf DRESSED POULTRY.-Chlckcns, if 9 14 Reportea bv a. S. mimtr, Wholttale Commtttton New Yoi Jan. u, 1887, miwl nr nrauurvul an iitn - . 1 week to note any change in the market on poultry Should the mild weather ountlnue, with present receipts, we cannot look for any improvement in I prices. Fancy chickens, 11 tolSc: owla,8toUo: and selling from to 100 to KS5 per doz: tame i squibs, M so to f4 M per doa. live pigeons, too per Salr, wild d"Cka. red head, fa oi to per nalr ' allard, ft 60; rabbits, BO toaw per pair: choice diessed veals are scarce and Belling ui I8c: fair to good, 10 10 uc; dreed po'k, lWc u butler market remains unchanged ant) i aollin? fancy creamery from 3d to Slcj roll la to o. The ranging from $3 00 to w per bbli medium grades! so to IS 76. Florid oranges continue a gfutaa selling fancy Urlghta at W ou pei box, OolSen Rus Ml? 'li ,he 'W. 01 Potaties continues lib. eral and selling choice Rose, nurbank and Hebron trom li 60 to to f 1 76 per bbl sweet pStMcVifaSoy! K.f !?bL., Tne markotverynrmon drlejfnuu) Pitted berries are very scarce and selling trom n to uses evaporated raspberries 190 li sun dried 17c plums BC blackberries, 10 to lie; huckloberrlw. 8c,'- market shows an Improvement In the price of wblie kidney boans, seiUngtrom ti so to if uotred li 70 to li so-, marrow. w; medium, 11 ao to ii m. Hay. 76 to B6c per cwlj rye straw, ce 10 710. Furs: Heaver, to 00 to IK; otter, n 00 to 110 1, tai. 7so to 1 60! marten, l ,60 to it 00; muskrat, 1 1 to 1L0 coon.doctoll Wjtkuik.wctoiilai, ' w BATTLE OF OPERA BLfOOiriSBURO, ON- Miicby & Tuesday Evee'gs January 3 1 , and February 1 . H atiiice 3 0' FORiLADIES and! CHILDREN". The whole Battle from A STUPENDOUS WORK." The ten great episodes of the fight. Paintings in oil by the eminent artist, Frank D. Briscoe, and an able corps of assistants. Months of labor and an immense expenditure has enabled the Gettysburg Diorama Company to put on the stage the most extensive and realistic representation of the great victory, covering thousands of feet of canvas. Fig ures life size. f Scene First. Morning of the first day. Opening of the battle at McPher son's woods. Death of Gen. Reynolds. Cutler's Brigade fires the first shot. The Iron Brigade going into action. Scene Second. Afternoon of the first day. Retreat of the 1st and 11th corps. Scene Third. Evening of the first day. Gen. Hancock arriving on the field and assumes command and checks the defeat. Brilliant group of officers on East Cemetery Hill, Hancock, Howard, Doubleday, Warren, &c. Scene Fourth. Noon of the second day. The Devil's Den. Terrific fight ing. Near the Peach Orchard. Scene Fifth. Afternoon of the second day. Little Round Top. Terrible hand to hand fighting. 83rd Pa., 20th Maine, 16th Mich., Haz lctt's Battery, &c. Doath of Gn'ls Weed, Vincent, O'Rourk, Hazlette's, tkc. Scene Sixth. Evening of the second day. Brilliant charge of the Penn sylvania Reserves over the Valley of Death. Scene Seventh. Night of the second day. Rickett's Battery hurls the Lou isiana Tigers from East Cemetery Hill. Scene Eighth. Morning of the third day. The 12th corps driving the Con federates out of our works on Culp's Hill. Scene Ninth. Noon of the third day. The cavalry fight on the right of our army. Scene Tenth. Evening of the third day. End of the Battle. Pickett's charge and total defeat of the enemy. Five thousand prisoners, htteen thousand stand of small arms, Thirty-three battle flugs. VICTORY. Gen. StClair A Mulholland, will tell the story of the fight. Music by Serg't Chas. F. Roettger. Admission 50, 35 MATINEE Tuesday at 3 o'clock for Ladies and Children. Admission 25 cents. GETTYSBURG, HOUSE, the first shot to the lust. and 25 cents. dock Tuesday Afternoon.