Vle dolturkLkr. I asuiit Weekly, every 1'rlilnj .Horning, at UL00M9BUIUl,:0I.UMlHAC0.,r. At tt.50 per year. To subscribers out of the conn, trliii fnnsaro strlctlyin advance. trsa p.ipor discontinued except at the option of the piibllilieM, until all arrearages are paid, but Ions- continued credits will not bo iflTon. All p.ipers sent out of thu stato or to distant post otlcos mint bo ptlcl for Inadranco, unless a rosuon. Bible person In Columbia county assumes to par me subscription duo on demand. tVTB3 Of ioVEIJISINQ lit H w 1 i n t :n m 1 (0 t 00 8 25 2 00 S 75 IN SW S 60 4 60 3 S3 4 60 t 60 !M i M RW IT 5 60 a 10 4 60 1 00 4 00 4 TS 7 60 it CO 6 00 ft 60 10 00 10 CO 7 00 8 00 18 00 t 00 8 00 9 61 14 tO SS 00 mm ir nn so oo 40 ot I Inch 9 " a " 4 " tol column s oo H oo is oo coi 5 60 7 00 0 00 ST, 00 SO 00 40 00 BO (0 Ycarlr adve rtlsements payable quarterly. Tran. stent adteitlsementg roust iw paid for before ;i scried except where panics hae accounts. Legal adtertlscments two dollars per Inch It) three Insertions, and at that rate for addition Insertions without reference to length. Eiecutor's. Administrator's, and Auditors n JOB PRINTING-. TheJob Printing Kepartment of the coitmstAM li fery complclo. it contains the latest new typo an! nudilnery and Is tho only omco that runs lob presses by power, g Ing Us tho best facilities. Es- tlces threedollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg 3. E, ELWEIiIi, I- J S B1TTEHBEKDEB,P,,et0,' ular advertisements bait rates. ' Cards In tho "lluslness Directory" column, tno dollar a year for each line. BLOOMSBTTRG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1887. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXI NO 4 COLUMBIA DKMOOKAT, VOL L, NO 45 Ik EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF. A Orcit Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and riiyilcal Debility, Premature Dccllno In Mon, Uihauited Vitality, 4c., it, and the untold mis eries resulting from Indiscretion or cxcohcs ; loo fajof, tubstantlally bound In slit, juutlln. Con Ulnsmore than l!5 Invaloablo prescription!, em bracing every Tegetablo remedy In tho pharma copeia for all acute and chronic diseases. It U emphatically a book for every man. Trice only II rj mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IIXUSTIIATIVIC 8AMPI.lt 1'IIEH TO ALT, Tonng and middle-aged men for tho next ninety days. Bend now, or cut this out, as you miy iic er see It again. Address Dr. W. 11. PAItKEll, Hal 'nnch street, Boston. Mass. fcb.,5-d. ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOM3B0HQ, PA, opposite oonitT nouns, Larg esand convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms hot and cold water and all modern conveniences AiNWirialTF&cbM WHOLESALE GROCERS, l'lULADEl.l'HU, Pa. TKAS, SYIIUI'S, COFFEE, BUOAll, OLASbES 1I1UK, SPICKS, II I OA 1111 SODA, KTO, , K1U. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. wrordcra will receive prompt attention. YY n. house, DENTIST, Buiousuuita, Uoi.umuia County, Pa AllBtyles of work dono In a superior mannor, work wnrranteftaH represented. Tskth JSxtkici bu witboci Pain by tho use ot Oas, and treoof chargo when artlflclal teeth lire Inserted. Ofl'.oc In Burton's building, Main strctt, below Market, live doors below ICleltu'a drug store, lirst lloor. Jo be open at all hnuri during the dat, Novai-ly ffl. C. SLDA & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL Y DONE. Pricet reduced to tuil the timet. mmmmim mill Tho undorslgned huvmg put his Planing Ml on ltallroud Street, In Qrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all Kinds ot work In bis line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furmsnea at reasonable prices. All lumber useo Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlBhed on application. Plana and Bpeclflia. ons prepared by an experienced draughtsman CIIAKLSS RRllCj, Uloomtiburfr, Pa ORNAMENTAL B0 FEMCKS OF CAST CU WROUGHT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following shows the Picket Gothic, one of the several beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. umuuwmt ,;r,-vVfl-5-.i For Ueauty and Durability they are unsurpasa ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de signs Bent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf E. B. 8R0WER GAS FITT1NU & STEAM lIKATJNtt DEALElt IN STOVES &TIN WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof iug and Spouting promptly attended to. t"Sitlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., SBloomsburg, Pa. CLOTHING CL0THI1TG G- W. BSRTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Denis Fmisliiiig C::i;, Eats it OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mivlo to order at short notic and a Htalwijs guaranteed or no sab-. Call nud examine tho largest and hc.-t seleoti'd stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. talTiaii Amnliuil Works. Yak. Pi 1 tu !UulrtU4 ooa 66 4UUald. i ELY'S Catarrh I Cream Balm U(mt rellrf at wire ourt tures Cold in Head, OATAMH. WFEVER HAY FEVER, i .Vo( a I.tiuli!, Hwur or I tombr. tree from In-' Jurtmu bntgianit ( Sensh od,m. HAY-KEVER A jurtlcle Is applied Into ench nostril and Is agreeable. 1'rlceto ccn'snt dn-fglsls: by mall, registered, on cents, circulars free, i:i,t linos Druggists, owo.o, N. V. Jamdtt WILKES-BARP.E MANtlFAOTUHEIt OF ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES, No. 3 North Canal St., Near I V. It. It. Depot. John H. Derby, rnoi'METon. CjTW'IH call on denli-rs once In six weeks. Have your ordcis. octl.ly DT? A WTtTTTCC 113 onuses nnd a new and JJXir IN .'VOiJ successful L'Ulii: at jour own home, by fine who was rteit twenty Oltrllt fars Trpiltfil hi Tnnt. nf Ihn nntor! specialists without benent. cured Mmae'S In a months, and since then hundreds of othtrt. Full KimcuiarsHPnt on apiuicullon. T. s. r.KIR, nu. I west 3ist St., New Vorlc city. Janrdlt. QTT P 1? CATARRH CURE. l ) I J I J jii Clears head, ihroat nnd Sweetens the breath, cures severest catarrh when ull oilier treatments fall, fcend 10c.,stampi, for free half pint sample prepaid enough to relieve viist. nr. rvriMSLN & co., mi itrouaway, is. l. JanTdtt. iVro CONSUMPTIVE. you TlftTnyoiiroTttrb, PnmrMttit, Artllma, Indlj-wtion! Use PARKER'S TONIO without deny, H hn cart-1 iriRiiy ot Hie s orn vamm and In the brwt pf mrtlj for all atTvcllonfloC the throat and lungs, ami tllm-owa arinlntr Irom Impure blotxl and exhaustion. TJiefecttlo and Bicli nrvatfth to Uie atfeu audlaaito. $1 St UniffEUtd. Janrdlt Please Don't Jorg;et it that Dr II. James Gnnnaof Inaica Is prepared In Calcutta, India, from the purest and best Native Hemp, and Is tho only remedy, either In lhat couniryor this, that will posltltely and perma. jn-uLij Luiu tuuMiiiipuuu, uruiiriiiiis, aginnia, na sal catarrh and nervous debllltr, or break up a treh cold In S4 hours. J.bo per bottle, three bot tles. Id. 0. Craddock Co., 1 roprletors, 1033 ltace St. l'hlla. lanTdlt. ".T ... -f, T orliocj tnnmel your l-ttulCo llanges twice a 5 ear. tops once a week nnd ou have the nuest polish ed stove In the world, tor sale by all crocers and Jan2idlt. can live at home, and make moro money at woik for us, than anything else In this world. Capital not needed; you aie started frtv. Itntti cavna. nllnmu, Ant. mm tin i,n the work. Larce earninca suietrom llrst start. Costly outfit and terms free, better not delay. costs you notmng to send us your address and nnd out; It you aie wise you will do so at once. II. 11AU.BTT & co., loninna, Maine. ae lii-so-iy TO ADVERTISERS I For a check for 120 we will print a ten-line ad vertisement In odo million If sues of leading' Amer ican newspapers. This is at the rate of only one mtli of a cent aline, for l,Ono circulation 1 Ihe advertisement will be placed before one million awerent newspaper purchasers: or Fivk .Million Kkidkhs. Ten lines win accommodate ebout 75 words. Address with copj of Adv. and check, or send SO cents for book of IN) pages. OEO l. hOWELL & CO., lo upruce St., New York. lanlt It Working Classes Attention. Wo are now nrenared to furnish all classes with employment at In me, the whole ot tho time, or for their snare moments. Business new. light and profitable. Persons ot Hither sex easily earn from 60 cents to fj.oo per evening, and a proportional sum uy nevoiing auineir iirao to mo uusiness. lloys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address, nnd test the business, we inako thuiofier. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to piy for the trouble of writing. Full nartlcuurs and ouiflt free. Address Osokok Stinson Co., Tort- iuuu, ,iamu. uccii-bb-iy. A Morthte" I ) lor LadlPsln each county, and hlgtie&t coinmlton paid (often tl5u a month. NRW ltoniv n.n?.irtvnn WONDERS In North and South America, at the Ice-liound I'ole3, over the land ot the Jlldnlght Sun, under the Fqu itor, through the Dark Continent, among the Old Temples ot India, In tho Flowery King doms ot China and Japan, amid the ruins of lncas Aztecs and Zunl, within canons, curt llulldlngs and Gardens of iheoods on the Isles of thebea. and In all parts of the globe. 3no engravings. ujw price. uuicKfaiea. renu loriircuiar. v.. zikui.i:ii i: CO., -'jo Chestnut St. Philadelphia, 1'a. dec 17, 2tt, fJa9 B e illy, j PROPllIETOU OF Exchange Barber Shop Bath Room At the old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA. PAT t btalncd and all patent business attended to for moderate tees. our olilce Is opposite the U. S. rati nt Ofllce, and we can obtain Patents In less tlmo than those re mote from Washington. sen'i model o drawing. We advise as to pat entability free of charge, and we rnako no charge unless patent Is secured. vte reicr hltw, lo me i usimusicr, inu nupi. ui Money order Dlv., and to onicHls of the V, s. Patent ofllce. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own Mate or County, write to C. A. SNOW &. CO., Opposite Patent Ofllce, Washington, r 0 s WITHIN C. SIIOKTLIDOE'S ACADEMY, F01! VOU.NU MKN AND UOV.8, MEUIA, PA. 12 miles from Philadelphia. FUed prlco covers every expenso, even books, ic. Noextra charges. no inciaeniai expenses. o exainiuuiiuu toruu mlsslon. Twelve experienced teachers, all men. and all graduates. Sneclal onnortunltles for ant students to advance rapidly. Special drill for dull ana oacKwnra uoys. rairons or siuue nis may se lect any ttudles or c hooso the legular Knillsli, Scl entlllc, Iiustneas, Classical or civil Knglneeilng course, students fitted at Sledla Academy are now In Harvard, Yale, Princeton and ten other Colleges nnd Polytechnic schools. 10 students sent to college In 18), 15 In 1881, 10 In ls-a, 10 In 18sa. A graduating class every j ear In thu com mercial department. A phjucal and Chemical Laboratory, Gymnasium and Hall Ground. IMS vo.s. added to library In 1W1. Physical apparatus doubled lu IM Media has seven churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sale ot all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular address tho Principal and Proprietor, SWITIUN C. HlloitiLIliUE, A. a., (Harvaid Graduate,) Media, Penn' Aug.6,sa,iy. gmiitSJrfe ) MORTGAGE CDMEANY. CAPITAL, - - $600,000 DEBENTURES 1HD Guaranteed Farm Mortgages OFPI0B8. NKW YORK, Kt ttr4IT, BOSTON, S Court fclM.t. rillLAPtLHItA, III S.tlk BL LANSAS Clir.llk A D.I.6U. lll'I'KIll'VCKS. ririih.i. But, Niw roat Ho.un Ntt Kuik, SOSION. lihN.I. Ilk., I'lllLAI'LLrilli. Am. N.I. LUnk, KANSAS CITY For ratrs of Interest, and full lnformatloa eB.U I'OH .'AMl'IILUT To J. II. MAIZE, Attoruey.at.Law, Agt,.HIooms burg, Pa, JauH-auiK. III.NI II ' I lH 11,1 IM ASTHMA CURE 1 f uBIEUll rcllWTUa IDS IDUfct T mi nknll l I rt,Uftinf uwmI by fobaUtiou, action in lui tuivliita. direct and rt'Nnlllt r"l cur U tlx Iol Aoy druAjifUt, or by mail HrDil. Frt't of I HUmp. Jlr. lt.M'lin,rMANN.UlW,Ni.l nor.'O WSms.ais. wmftm um&s&fr' 1 sraHM.'-t'I.iS0.,.! f.KiucnHfj8,co..i7Motii tA 'mm dealers, 1 GENTS enev ft iKta It k'v. llu-Lf.rjSUtCC ami Stflttmtflt l Tv.r riiwtr d Shrsb, miotl rrnt klnfln. Al' m,H llif Knows Ral.l of Fllrls. His ivlin Clm. PiniM. Histfktictlilsssris. II litllicmoil csmslilsxM'ik I of the klliil ct r pub IMml.CHnd I'lflrrn Onlnnii stiniis for a snniple ropy, hIbh onr I price u HRrin. s111 untttril ivfrtwlitrfl . Ad. I Tislk tlr,lt,nilld'l,fl. SINGER TJIIH HTYI.K il I- .DAYS' TllIAI. g A 1'isll Net of IV Atlnrliinoins. 5WAltItA.Mi;il Vonrisi. KchU for Clrculnr. , isikiVR Af en.. isaN.otUHt.,riiiiu A'n. Apr. S4?w, CHAMPION rosravKiT Kon-Exploslv rtent Safely KXT1NOUISIII.U IVIli not "TCleanly. IJUIIAK jft IIDttimHE or OIL. mm. Gires a Lichi tut mMFICI equal In Unlllancy I. thn llest. loouanaics. or KU Gas llurncn. Tiiii it the most Cheapest and Harest Lamp for Churches, I'owerful and For feet LIGHT cror mnda Halls, or Family Use. Send for Illustrated Circular. l itOM OIIm ha u.erl nn VOirf t,U Gal or Oil Chande A. J. WEIDENEB. liers or bracked, and i'l Increase your light 30 B, 2d St., 'AllltUl!.- Ul-AJ. 11UIA, Bole Owner of 1'MtenU oct 8 cms, AQENTS WANTED Adams' Patent Metallic P.CKET FENGS. SI.75 par rod and upwards, SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. All kinds of Iron Fencai, Gstcs, Firs C:c ff t rr,i. y. !t.nT717 lien Wcrk in all stylos. Coal EcreenB a specialty. Iron ladders, 'Wheels & Cresting. Blitkimithlng In all branches. Estimates furnished, EAGLE .RON WORKS, Oor. Union & Caual Sts. WILKES-BAHRE. PA march 12-80-ly. TRCC CUAHQ Stt-oMci-er-re-le ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ASK YOUR SRUGGIST FOR IT. Prevent Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eating, Prevents Laying Soft Eggs, Makes Hens Lay, It Sella for Fivo dents For Pound, in Eoxos. Chlckchlck-er.rekee (poultry food anil pre ventlve of diseae lor poultry) the great e"g food, produces eggs prodigiously and it good lor the health of the low ling. It Is the first article of its kind ever Patented In the United States, Canada and England. Try It. It costs only five cents per pound. It Is no powder. Chick, tnsvtill eat it. 1 hat ought to convince you tlut it is good. If your Grocer. Druggist. Hard ware or Country Storekeeper wHr not get it lor you, send me one dollar, and 1 will ship you a twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars, A large box will cost ou no more freight than a smalt box. Attend to "our poultry, if ou want to make a profit out of them, just the same asjou attend to your land. Unless you manure your land it w ill not pay you. Juu so with poultry ; vou must give tnem something besides feed. They must have material to answer for grinders, and material for the egg. If you fcciT Chick-chick-er-re-kee (egg fooil) every day you wilt never hae any sick chick ens, and your hens wilt lay eggs whenotherwUe they would not. Vou will never do without it after a fair trial. Do not pay twenty-five or fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed jour poultry when you can get a better article from your storekeeper at five cents a pound, Don't be a clam j try it. Manufactured in the United States only by S. S. MYERS, Patentee, oag N. Front St., PHILAD'A, PA. re sale by Farmers' J'roduco Excliang Blo?msbursr, l'u. Sep-3-s)-era3. 'I . 131 MUFAOTURED ONLY 9 V GEO.RilNflAEBETH qc EO. VlPITTSBUROH f?V roR wuErtc dec 3 to nclco. n Important Question FOR THE FARMER TO CONSIDER, a. What manure iU1t I buy to Insure 1stk lO crops sud laiUokf lmiroement u th sollf It Is Tcry iHvtr erououiy tu rt-imlu uuinf orma of the quality sud cbsrsttvr of BAUCH'S RAW BONE MANURES, and to risk untried suit couipsrstltelr unknown rtlclttf. lieu tku. oldut sliil MUtillsko. M.Dure. n.v. ft strvnirtb and iruUQ.uc. tttcstttl br on and continual us.. Vher ar. off.rtJ witli th ulrnoat confiilsnc In thalr lrlsct adaitatlon to all crops. Stnd for "llamVi I'hwplnteUsldt," I'rlrca.tlc THE ORIGINAL Manufacturers of RAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHITE BAUGH & SONS Msnofaclurrri A Importers. PHILADELPHIA, PA. USE BAUGH'S CELEBRATED $25 PHOSPHATE GATES ja. 1 1 ' in -v 1 p 4 I p i li f o u gS k SEE THAT THe , A n 3 a ffi EXAOT LAnLC 19 ON A j It EAOH CHIMNEY A3 , ' j S Z g I't SHOWN IN PIOTURE. M iifffilis THE 0ESTT0M10. This medicine cntnMntns Iron with puro YCRctftMc tonics, quickly ft rut oiiilttely Cures I)'sirpaln. I:itlUratlnfit Wrnk lirsM, Impure lilriod. lalarlu. Lhltlij and Vt rrs, mtd Aeitrnlf;tn. It ii an tjnfaliltiif lumc-dy iur Jilseascs of ilia ICIilnry mitt Mvrr. it i fnftluabio lor IIcn?ei pcctilUr to Woinrn. nnd nil v lend nctlcntry U c. Ild(csnotln,luritliotrrtU(murchCfiilfti:he,f f prmttico i'on.t3ittl mi a I n rfUcn th. It rnrlclic unci imrUU- llic Mood, ctlintiliiiostho npni't tc, ivU I o n milntlon of fiHHl.relli'Vi h lltnrUMirti niul ililiig.iind Ktrcnetlit'in tht tiiitycl niul ticrxf . IV ir Ititrrniltti nt Irrr, I.nsilttii1rf Lack of lUirrayt t U, It lias no iiiinl, tf Tbe genuine lins nbnvo trnde murk nii'l crowicil rtd lines on wnipt-ur. Tak no tit her B.l. oalfcr UHOH.1 tlttXIHL tO r.lLTlOUL, HDl. CUBES ALL HUMORS, from a common lllotcli. or Iuiitloii to tho worst Srrof ilia. Tlio licst lllooit Purl flor over disco vcrcil. HyJ)rugs'lil PRICE $1.00, ?on0BToos. HOW'S YOUR LAME BACK? STRENGTHEN AND RESTORE IT BY WEARING. A Hop Plaster Why suffer with n aching back whtn a prompt I and poaitlvo relief Is at handp Tho Hop Fl&atersl completely and speedUy cure Backache.Bldeacho, i Painful Mooli, Kidney Weakness, HhcumiwE tlsm, Bolatlca, PUurlsy. Chest Pains, Bore Luncs, 1 Coughs, Crick and all Budden, Sharp or Nervous I pains. The SMthin47,paln-kmin: and strengthen I lnff Tlrtuoa of Hops, Hemlock, Salaams and aunts I comblnod. Bweet and clean. Bold everywhere, 2ocU.,6for1.00. Matted for price by proprto-B HBii nop I'iaster i?onpanj- oten, Mm, tVLook for tho hop-vine wreath and slfnaturo I of HOP PlaABTUn CO., on every cenulne plaster. I uewmrs or uniiauona ana suMUtauona. A Corrector, Ecmtlator, ITcrve-Eest. a "The Heart Utlie Stat of Life." ... ciuj 11, U U IIK-Vl.lllt M'lllUllllll of llmrt llknw, nndU in rnmtant 1U11 ger of Apoplexy or Sudden Donthl SVJfPTOTI.Snnd WISRASi:. For which tills Ilcmcily klioiilitlio Hilton IIeurt-piilD3 lMlpltntion llcurt-dnnwy Pkli-I)cat3 Throlibltijt 8pnn(rlta) Niunbiu's.s I'urplcLlpa I'oor-liloml Shiiky-Ncrvcs Hjiitopo 1'alnt-ipclli llot-lliusln'3 rurulysia llcart-symputhctlo J!m?inJJtn,Ifotli Jlewl, rcrhle-ctrcHln- iA'm,oiM-)infr!(loi!, ' Heat t-thatouittsm A'rtimffht and Valmlar lltera'. One Klctllclna M 111 not L'urn nil Linild of rilwAflffl. this itt:mnnY is A si'ucii'ic II 1 rt'l vnl. 1'ular. r,boik, uouvll Ileum. Every InirrcdlrntUfmm venctnlilo pro. 1 ducts w hli li ktow In Blubt of oery unlor-B iiunniobuiicier. Jtcouiains no .nor 1 opium or injurious (I rues. tT a fVslnr. orimuurt Jllooil ran ttcapt lit lurtrnltt Inttutnrt, l'lticr. 1.000 bottles 5.00. mroilntDr. Kllmcr'a Dispensary, I iiiKiiiunion, n. i ., u. r. j. Inralltl' (liititetn Jlutlth ISnit lyre). 1IY A 1. 1. IllCITCtilSTS. loctiy. curea of RHEUMATISM by using RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE. It is not a cure-all. It cures nothing but lib euro a tlsm, but it Is a safe and sure cure fur tbattliwaBti. Thousands who hare been cured will tcttty to its re liability, Mr. O, II. Ulutr, of lrci N. 12th St., ViiiUdu , wrote four mouths after bs bad been curd by tbe KuKiian Hheamstism Cure (waitlofr to nee Hlictlir it would not return), sayinfr be was bedridden v. ith tbe disoatje, snd thought he would lone hid rcjison from tbe agony ho had to endaret and inside of two weeks be as rured by tbis remedy, altbongh he had his hoiteo fibjlcinn, and used other remedies without result, prtviuu to trying this wonderful remedy. Mb. OniB. A. Coi. American and Mnrri Bt . Pbilt, saidt "My wife was bedridden, and bereunditlonninde rnedeapa.lr. Doctors and everything elo failed Tho icussian UDeamatlKui unnt rurca ner in oue Heeif." tus voxa n IrUAUG MARKS 1 BUtUMATISM CURE. AND SIONATUItE 1vicet his Six? Kon(itniua wltbootlliURIf For complete Information, DrMrripllve rum pblelt with tofitimouialrj, free. For sale by all dru km UtM. If ouo or tbe ether is not In position to furnish It to you. do not bo icr. uaded to take anything else, but apply direct to tho General Afrentt, l'KAI.I.ZIUt IIKOS. A: CO. V1U tm Alarkvt totrettt A'hlludi-liJbiu. murcU y-ly.a 683 Mala Street, JJutfalo, H. Y. Staff of 10 Physicians and Surgeons. I'sperlcuroil spoclalUtx fur every 'lu ot lllu'lui'N (rt'lltod I iiIhu. Iralneil, experltiii'L'il uud ohlliiliiir .Viir.iH. I.lKht, voll vciitllnlcil, clocnntly f uriilhlieil privutu ruoum, lor iu. IlKlltN, lluuao fiirnlnlieil with rievntor, Siiiiiiii.IiimiI, Spi'iildiiK-Plpeai, l:lec. Irlu lloll, niul nil iiindrni liu priivviiiiMUH. 'la I) I o tvell aiiiiplird with Iho lie.t of tuotl. In not n llixpllnl, Inn n plritsnnt Itiiiueillul Homo. Open ilny unit nlfc-lil. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. whether reiilrliir for Ihelr euro medical or nurtslcul ulil, uUlllfull) AiipnratiiN, tho iuot iipiirovril lllvt'lrli'ul iniirliliiei. niul iliitlrr Ion, Inhalation Appurnliia, nud all Iho inuat valiiablo reiiieillul nppll niirun known to nieilleal aclinie, (Hill, or aeml 10 renin In stiiinpn for our IiivnlliW Uiilde-llooli (1U8 linsek), which kIvch all piirtltu. In r. .tililrvnx a aliovv. WorU'a PL'SCDUrr llnllral Asaoctallou, Prop's. sunsnuiuu FOR THK COLUMBIAN, ISlJil 11 3 Ml fc - 1 E rirrei m I Im-atil a.A9l. J WM A? ' hvalids' Hotel wq Surgical Institute Jills INNTI-rUTIOIY lu nupplleil Willi TiirlilHh Uutliti, .lliinrlenii niutonieiil 'rroaliiii iii, or .Heeliuii. leiil Illuabiiue illiii'lilucry, ViluIN Jl RT I! I BUTTON. BY "THE DUCHESS." CHAl'TKll I. Tho rolTre mill tonst aro mifTerliiK, the CKH9 nnd kUliicyn nre kvowIiik cold, the butler Is lookliiK (llstltictly uRrlcvcil, nnd Sir Thniimi, llflliiK his licnd from his well nlred Times, pizea across tho table cloth, with n bolemnlty even moro pronunncd than usual, ut his stepson. Oranlt Iloylp, "Your mother U lato again this moni lnu," he Hiiys testHf. "This Is, Indeed, tho third time this wnk she has been be hind tlmo." "Old iiko bcRlns to nsert Itself," sitg gestH tho joinder man carelessly. SometliliiR In tho IndllTircnco of his tono netlles Sir Thomas. Ills brow con tracts, and ho stares anRtlly nt thoother, botrnyliiK how very llttlo lovo Is lost between them, "Age has nothing to do with It. Your mother Is not fnllluK In any way, however much thut thought may llnd favor with you! Your entrance Into your kingdom will not bu yet, I bono nnd be lieve." This rcfcrcnco to his Inheiltance of n considerable estate on his mother's death raises u smllo upon Iloylo's lips and a contemptuous movement of his shoul ders. "I seo no disgrace In old ago myself," ho says. "It has Its drawbacks, perhaps" with a look of Btudli d Insolence at Sir Thomas "but Its privileges too." Ho laughs slowly. "As jou keo, my mother is late her privilege Is to oversleep her self." "Your mother, sir, 1ms not been tho name woman since tho robbery of her Jewel case, a month slnca. Tt has prejed upon her cruelly, as any 0110 who who" In his odd, fuming manner "had a spark of feeling In them might have seen. Hut you uro too devoted to your racing, your cards, your town dissi pations, to spare n thought for one of tho best women, the best mothers, who ever" Ills indignation is cut short in a very summary nianuer. Tho door Is flung wide, mid Lady Valworth, entering, tot ters to tho nearest arm chair and sinks Into It. "Oil! Thomas! Ohl good heavens!" she cries. "The diamonds!" Sir Thomas, flinging down The Times, starts to his feet, and turns to her. "Why the deuce can't you speak, I.u clndaf" says he. "They are gone! gone, I tell you! I've searched everywhere, and they nro not to bo found. This Is the second rob bery anil whero Is tho fault to bo laid? What on earth Is to bo doner" The poor woman, growing quite hysterical, covers her faco with her hands, and bobs aloud. "Your diamondsl The family d!a mondsl llless my soul! Has the world come to an endf" cries Sir Thomas. "Hut thero must be some mistake. When" putting on his most magisterial air "did you see them l&sU" "Two nlghtd ago. I woro them at the fivers' dinner. You remember, GranlM You came Willi us." "Yes, I remember," says Granit. "H is absurd. It is outrugeousl Is theio no law In the land?" fumes Sir Thomas. "Have you sent for tho police a detective" "Of what use was the detective tve got down from town about my emeralds?" nsks Lady Valworth despondlngly. "No; it is a conspiracy a deeply rooted onel" "Nonsonsel" growls Sir Thomas; "it's burglars. D'yo seo your mother's con cern, Granit what do you think, eh?" "Servants, I bhould say," laconically. "Oh, my dear Griiuit!" cries his mother. "Hut which amongst them would you flrtt suspect? We have had excellent characters with them all; and Johanna, ns you know, has been with me for twenty-eight years in fact, over since you were born. Her character is surely established." "It is the people with established characters who Invariably enrich them selves nt the expense of their employers. In the long run, they reward themselves for the years of correct living that they havo endured. Take my advice, and keep your eye on Johanna." He laughs cynically. There Is, indeed, what one might almost believe to be an under current of amusement in his tono. "Tills Johanna bhould, indeed, be well known to you!" breaks In Sir Thomas; "sho was your nurse, I believe. She, as I huvo learned, Is devtoed to you has glvon you almost a mother's love." IIo is gazing at tho younger man with a slow scorn in his old, but yet brilliant, eyes. "Surely all thnt is no reason why I should seek to defraud justice of its due," says tho young man, with an In dolent uplifting of his brows. "You, as n magistrate, would surely not suggest such n course?" "What d'yo mean, sir?" cries Sir Thomas, turning upon him so fiercely that Lady Valworth, who has had causo to dread n collision between them, rushes into the breach. "Pray reserve discussion, however amicable, until later on,' bho Implores excitedly. "I cannot listen to It now, I um so unstrung so wretched. Tho emeralds were bad enough; but if noth ing conies of tho loss of these diamonds I don't believe I s'mll get over it, If they had been my own, I shouldn't en much havo cared; hut being yours, Sir Thomas, and expected by your heir I" She breaks dowu again, and subsides into tears and her handkerchief. "Now I must beg you will not so allude to tills ur.foitmiato nlTalr," say Sir Thomas, n strong direction underlying tho pomposity of his manner. "I.et nothing ouUile tho loss Itself distress you and, besides, thero may bo no loss; nil yet is mere conjecture. Recovery of these jewels (if, indeed, they nro gone) is euro." "Positively certain, " says Granit Doyle, Willi his Inscrutable smile. "In tho meantime, ns you nro so un strung, I shall recommend you a change," says Sir Thomas, laying his hand very kindly upon his wife's. "Go to town for n month or bo, to your sister, Jlrs. Brand sho always does you good nnd leave mo here to light out this mystery." But though ho fights it out hardly, so far ns money and perseverance can go, nothing comes of his exertions. Tho family diamonds have vunlshed ns en tirely, as mysteriously, as did the emer alds belonging to his wife a month before. CHAPTEIt II. Lady Valworth had been rather glad to avail herself of Sir Thomas' suggestion to spend n fow weeks lu town with her bister, Jlrs. Ilrand a fashionable woman of tho world with a very kiudly heart, who, childless herself, had adopted tho daughter of u dead sister, now a charm ing girl of seventeen, nnd engaged to Granit Boyle, her cousin. Sho is, how ever, linrdly to bo regarded as n young lady fnlrly luunched upon tho" world, as sho Is still undergoing a course ot study with various masters, nnd reading lu German three times n week with a gov erness n girl of about her own age, who had lived so much abroad as to bo an al most naturalized Prussian, Nadlne Itocho counted herself lucky when she sought and found employment in tho home ot Mrs. Brand, She had drunk sufficiently deep ot tho waters of nllllctlou to be almost on tho borders nt despair, when Fate, who Is not always unkind, shunted her on to the lino that led to, at least, a glimpse ot prosperity. Her pupil blossomed into her friend. Mrs. Hrnud took a special fancy to her. Her feet teemed tu have diopped into the primrose way, ami she felt ut last, poor little soul, that sho could lift her head to j heaven with the linn assurance that sho could walk, without fear of fulling, upon tho earth beneath. Her pupil, Mllllccnt Grey, is almost as pretty as she Is, If not quite, A tall, stutely girl with fringed lids, from which the brown eyes look out us if In wonder ment at the world outside, nnd soft sleek hulr of a dark shade, that contrasts oddly with her retrousso nose, and that is so altogether put in the shado by tho charming Grecian featuro that Ulstlu- gulshes her governess, to many people, Indeed, Nndlnc's merry mouth, and fair dancing locks, nnd eyes bluo ns a cav crncd sen, would havo hnd their objec tions; but tho child herself is no sweet, bo gay, so suggestive of all things good and pure, thnt It would be impossible to re gard her lu any light except a kindly one. With only the memory of n denr father who had been a general in the Prussian nrmy, although nn Kngllshmnn nnd a inothor, very dear, but very dependent, to sustain her, Xadine, up to her connec tion with Mrs. Brand, had been com pelled to look at life through anything but rose colorod f pectaclcs. And of lnte a chance of still surer escnpo from hor dreary surroundings has suggested Itself to her. Into her life (how, sho hardly knew) a young man has fallen, who, while declaring his love for her, haa nt the snmo tlmo repelled her nlmo3t as much ns ho attracts her. Thero had been a slight touch of romance in tho manner of their meeting, but yet nothing very worthy of comment. A dull Janu ary night, ignorant of stars a crowded crossing a young man who had kindly come to her rescue in the absence of th necessary policeman, and who hnd piloted her across, through the tangled mnss of vehicles, nnd landed her snfely on tho pavement at tho other sido. Ho hail laughed nsldo hor thanks, and when she had insisted on them, had demanded largesso In the shapo of permission to es cort hor to her homo. "The night was so dark, so stormy, bo destltuto of com fort In any form, and she was so evi dently timid about the conquering of thoso terrible rublcons, tho crossings, and he was so entirely master of his time for the next four hours." It hardly took him one, however, to guide her to her home. Sho had steadily declined his offer of cabs or hansoms, but had felt It ungracious to refuso him further when he said ho would trnvcrso tho distance with her oil foot. In truth, she had been glad of his escort, and not altogether blind to tho beauty of his faco; nud yet, ns I have eaid, thero was a re pulsion ns well as a fascination ovon then in her feelings toward him. Thei owns one other thing thnt puz zled her. Had she seen hint before? Those marked features, those soft bril liant eyes were they familiar? It seemed to her that somewhere in the rather im mediate past sho had Been him; but yet when he so kindly came to her aid on that crossing, just as she left Mrs. Brand's house, sho could not connect him with any place or period, and after n while felt thnt her Imagination had played her false in tho matter. When ho had taken her homo that night ho had stood lfugeriugly upon the door step, until at last, In nn uncertain way, half reluctant, half longing, half desirous of his departure, half eager to Bhow some gratitude to ouo who had been so courteously kind, she hnd nsked him to como in and let her make him known to her mother. The invitation was accepted with alacrity. Mrs. Roche, a gentle, tender voiced woman, received lnm with a little soft dignity that aston ished htm; nnd two hours later, when he left llicm, as they fondly but erroneously believed, on his way to his bed, he Umg'ie.l aloud to himself on the deserted pavements of that anything but aristo crat!:! neighborhood, ns he called to mind how ho had indulged in ten nud toast at that hour, nnd enjoyed them too. What eyes that girl hnd! What a mouth! How gentle, how sweet, how lovablol Yet thtro was n ilro about her too, that sug gested many things, and made tho pulses beat, and udded ten thousand chnrms to thoso she already possessed. Well! He had lost his dinner, certainly, gazing nt those beaux yeux, but there was al ways ono's club, the gods bo praised I and a supper that would be undeniablo. The acquaintance, thus opened, had been followed up with nn ardor thnt per haps nstonbihi d no one so much ns the young man himself. He soon astonish ingly soon, as It appeared to Mrs. Roche mastered tho hours of Nadine's days. Knew when sho was oft duty nnd when ou. Never put in nn appearance on the Tuesdays, Thursdays, nnd Saturdays on which sho gave her German lessons to Mlllicent Grey, Mrs. Brand's niece; but Invariably dropped in on tho nfternoons of Monday, Weduesday and Friday. On Sunday his visits wero uncertain, but ho enmo even on that day moro than he stayed away. Mrs. Roche was troubled a little about him nt llrst, but grew accustomed to hkn later on, and admiring him intensely as she did (regarding him, Indeed, ns a breath from that old world in which she once had moved, but which had proved cold nnd forgetful when fortune's sun went down upon her life), was openly glad and gratified when one day her daughter came to her nnd told her how Mr. Annerley had asked her to marry him, nnd how she had given him "Yes" for hU answer. Tho girl had not seemed either elated or, indeed, moved In any waj when tell ing her story, but had sighed rather, nnd been a llttlo petlunut and impatient a most strange thing for her during tho remainder of tho evening. Paul Annerley had followed up his proposal by a graceful word or two to tho gill's mother that had moro than pre possessed her In his favor, nnd tho court ship had run ever since very smoothly, nil things considered the man being passionately in love, tho maiden cool, if always gentlo nnd sweet, nud as adorable In manner as in face. From the llrst Mr. Annerley hnd been extremely open nbout himself and his prospects. He would talk continually of "our olllcc," nnd wns always positively eager to enter into nny question that re lated to his status in life, his "business," as ho called It, or Ids Income. "It is neither big nor small now," he would say, with his charming smile, thnt showed all his beautiful teeth, and lit up his hnndsoiae eyes. "But it will im prove, I havo mauy irons in tho lire, and ono suro thing, should ull clso fail, No, I never tempt Provldenco too far. I despise tho man who puts his nil upon the die. I woUld havo a reserve fund somewhere, however small It might be. Not that I should speak despairingly either" with another brilliant smllo "of tho llttlo I can really call my own. It Is sulllclent to glvo brend and butter at least to not only one, but two per haps, Indeed, three, Bhould tho desires be modest." Hero tho handsome eyes fall mean ingly upon pretty Miss Roche bending over her knitting, and thon pass on to Mrs. Hooho with an even more meaning expression in them, thnt the good lady would cntch nnd dwell on afterward with a maternal delight. Ahl if her Nadlne could but be placed beyond the fear of poverty beyond the hateful drudgery of teaching. If her dally bread might bo earned for her, in stead of tho dear feet being press 1 every day into the tollsomo path of laborl Yes; certainly Paul was very open, very explanatory about his prospects; though, perhaps, after all, tho explanations did not amount to much. IIo had an ofllco som'owhero. An extraordinary press of business somettmesi Ho was ut terly destitute of relations his father and mother having died when he was "quite a llttlo fellow," and he was an only child. Ills sisters, his cousins and his aunts had no resting placo upon the faco of the earth he was, us he would remark often in his deep pathetlo tones, "alone in the world." Ho had friends, ot course. Oh, yesl Every man had friends somewhoro; but ho found friend Bhlp a cold affair when all was told, and in fact he was a rather shy fellow about making acquaintances, lie hod never been so happy as since his fortunate meeting with Miss Roche, which had en abled him to gain an entree into a house where, etc., etc. Perhaps this was truo. Of his love for Nadlne, indeed, thero could be no doubt at all. His eyes seeniod never at rest except when followng the girl's movcmonU, and drinking in each expressive glance of the exquisite face. When away from her he would laugh aloud to himself at times at tho vague, wild, but unconquorublo longing, thut never left 1dm, to go to her, to bee her, to touch her hand, to hear her volco again. His loe was a passionate one un Idolatry I He reoogulzed it as such, and, whilst marveling at this strango feeling that bad tek&u auh autira luwiiilcm at him. gloried in Tt, nud clung to it with nil his might. CHAPTfin III. "I am tired to-day," says Mllllccnt, with n little, pretty, weary gesture, throwing her arms above her head and laughing softly. "And Idle, too. I shan't do any German, so you may ns well sit down and gossip with me. In stead." "But" begins Nadlne feebly. Sho is plainly delighted ut the chanco ot scamping the German. "I'vo told auntie I'm going to look nt n book to-day, so you may rest yourself lu that chair with a quiet soul. I wouldn't be as conscientious ns you, Na dine, for a king's ransom. Not that that would bo much nowadays, with all these Nihilistic doctrines gaining ground as they do. Are you comfortable in that overgrown chair? You look n trifle lost." "I nm quite happy," says Nadlne, with a sigh of content. Sho Is feeling fagged aud nervous, nnd is glad to rest in Mllllcent's pretty room with no chance of being allowed to move for an hour at least. "Lucky youl" says Miss Grey, dropping down upon tho hearth rug and taking her knees Into her embrace. It is only April yet, and vory chilly. "I'm not. Oh, yes; I knowl You needn't finish what is on the tip of your tongue. I have everything the heart of girl can desire the best of aunts, plenty of money, a season before me (a llrst one, too), a lover, and pretty much, my own way and still I um not happy I I say, isn't it a shame keeping mo at my lessons, when in another month I shall be eighteen, and presented, and all the rest of it?" "Well, I certainly think they might as well havo let you off the mouth." "It's downright mean of auntie and as n rulo sho isn't that, eh?" "I think she is the kindest woinnn I ever met," says Nadlne, with sudden fervor. Her English is exceedingly pure, but thero is just n suspicion of n foreign ac cent in her tone when sho grows in any wuy excited. "She is thero isn't a doubt of it," de clares Miss Grey, who likes to hear her nuntlo praised. "But, like the rest of us, sho has her llttlo weaknesses. Well, never mind. I dnro say thero are inoro unpardonable things in the world than M. Liero nud Professor Vrcdenburg. Nadlne say that's n sweet llttlo frock you havo on. Whero did jou get it?" "I made it. You really liko it?" Sho stoops forward, and her lovely faco grows pink with n pleased surprise. "I confess I thought it well not bad, myself but to hear you praise it!" "It is tho nicest thing I hnve seen this many n day. I congratulate yon on It. Next month, ns I have told you, I shall be uu emancipated being free of even monsieur und the professor with per mission to order my own gowns; nnd then I shall b 'y myself tho exact fac-simllo of tho ono in which you aro now looking so fetching. It will be n sort of satisfac tion to you to seo how exceedingly badly it will become me." "Ahl probably I shan't tee," says Na dlne. Quick tours rise in her eyes. It is not only that the loss of her engagement will be a serious lessening of the grist the brings to the mill, but sho is fond of Mll licent; and to lose her tho pretty, saucy, kindly friend that seems very bitter. "Won't you, though? What do you mean by that, pray?" "Why, that I shall disappear with monsieur nnd tho professor when you Btep upon the world's stage." Miss Grey, bringing herself nimbly to her feet, drags Nadine from her chair, nnd compels her to stand in front of her. "Now that I have brought matters to the correct point now for the stage effect," sho says airily. "You see, we are both very stagey in our sentiments to-day. Now, listen to my arrangement, and be warned in timo that if you object to it murder will be done here, In this' very quiet room in Tsrk lane. Auntie is of opinion that I am unfit to go about without n keeper, nnd you aro to be np polnted such. See? According to nuntie, you aro a very model of propriety, and I nm exnetly tho reverse. You nro to tnke mo in bund, and make me altogether such a ono ns thyself." "Oh, Mlllicent! impossible! I could not do that." "And why , then? What n tono! what a volcel Is it possible you are going to say 'No,' to my proposal? Have you for gotten that the consequences of such folly on your part will mean death? My dear Nndine, renlly, though, what is it that you object to?" "I shouldn't do at nil ns your compnn ion" "Why not, you ridiculous mouse? Well, there! let us Bay no more nbout it Just tow. I never think myself, but I nm always sure it is nn excellent thing for other people to do when n llttlo per plexed. However, before you begin to think, tell me ono reason for refusing to bo my guide and mentor." A quick flash rising to Nadine's brow dyes her face crimson. "You nre going to bo mnrried?" says Mllllccnt quickly, noting the signal of distress. "It is true yes." "And you never told mo!" Thero Is a strong reproach in her tone. Then see ing tho pallor on tho fnco beforo her (the strange, sorrowful whitening of tho beau tiful face), that has chased from it tho unwilling rose3 of n moment since and as sho marks the mournful drooping of the Hps, und the look of terrible depres sion, nay, fear, that betrays itself in the shrinking form pity overcomes her sense ot 111 usago, and some sharp Inner sense conveys to her tho truth of it all. "You are afraid of something! You do not lovo hiinl" bho cries Impulsively, slipping down on the ground beside tho lounge on which her friend has sunk us though unnerved and exhausted. "Come, you shall toll It ull to me now, I nm de terminedlate in the day ns it is for your confidence. Is he old, ugly a veritable Bluebeard, with coffers lined with gold; nnd nre your people compelling you to morry him for the s ke of his money?" Her tono is hnlf playful, hnlf serious wholly winning. Nadlne gives up to It. "No. It is not that," she says. "My mother would be the last to nrgo me to mch u marriage. And nnd ho is not old, or ugly, or overburdoned with wealth." "Am I to think, then, that he is young, and handsome, and poor, nnd that you are still bUnd to bis attractions?" "That is it," returns Nadlne faintly. "I when he Is with me, talking to me, looking so kindly at mo (ho is very kind) I tell myself that I do love hlrul But when he Is away from Ahl" with a quick shudder, "I know then that my thought is vain." "Romance Is deadl" declares Miss Grey. "Handsome ns an Apollo, and poor, nnd yet yon cannot bo touched with the eternal fire. Fie upon you, then, you degenerate glrll After nil" with a sud den change ot tone from the melo dramatic into the distinctly common place "you are just liko me. My young man (phruso borrowed from Mary Jane, you will perceive) is quite ull you have described yours to bo barring tho pov ertyand yet I like him quite as llttlo as you do yours." "My dear Mlllicent! And I always understood that" "It was to be a true love match I A very Ideal niarrlagol A veritable cooing affair I Disabuse your mind of that at once, my good girl. It Is a match loved, indeed, by my aunt and my other aunt: but by nobody else, so fur as I can see. He Is to have me and auntie's money; I am to havo him and his mummy's money. That's the arrangement. Fancy being flung upon a scion with such a Btone around one's neck, and expejted to en Joy ono's self 1" "It is your cousin?" "Yes; Grnnlt Boyle. Yon have never seen him; so I may as well say he Is as good looking as any girl could desire, savo me. I nm bent on an ugly man, Nadlno be sure of that. Simply because he is handsome, I dislike him so, much. And yet" she breaks off, nnd a little angry laugh widens her lips "when you said a moment since that so long as loyr lovr. was with you you Ukliini. nuttnatwuvn ne nus gone you relt the full weight of his dlsngreeablltty prem upon you, you said oxactly what I should have sald.hnd I been the first to explain." "That is strango a coincidence. But but why innrry him, If you feel so to Mr. Boyle?" "Captain, nn' it please you, madnme. He is one of her majesty's men. 1 am not so sure that I shall marry him. But I have been prcsseB Into the matter be cause of auntie's desire to Bee mo Mrs. Boyle (there is a remote title somewhere in tho family, that she believes will sotno day descend upon me, and make mo 'my lady') So I nm supposed to bo willing to barter my present for the snko of my i future. But I nm notl So thero!" She Bomcwhnt nugrlly rnttles tho poker ngnlnst tho bars of tho grate as sho speaks. Thon sho looks up sharply at her companion. "Why nro you marrying Mr. ? You did not mention his name, by tho by." "Paul Annerley." "A masterful name nearly ns bad ns Granit Boyle that sounds liko tho resist less rock ns tho wave bents hopelessly ngalnst It." Sho pauses ns though sunk in n light reverie, "I nm not n hopeless wnvc, however," sho continues presently, her pause being so slight as to bo nlmost imperceptible. "A rock myself, rather. Yet I look to frail so fragile I" Sho gets up nnd turns to a mirror, nnd pushing back tho soft silky hair from her low brow examines her face critically. "Yes n rockl" sho says decisively. "So, if my dear cousin does not Improvo on ac quaintance, I warn him I shall not be dragged to the altar to suit his whim. I'd cut off my hnlr first! It was by the hair the medlroval parent dragged his child, eh?" she asks, turning to Nadine with a sudden smile. "I bellevo you like your cousin, under it all," says Nadine, laughing. "Well, I do, uud I don't, as I hnve al ready said. Just now, I don't. But thero nro few men in town so hnndsome. So much I know, though 1 hnve not as yet como out." "Describo him to mo." "Ho is tall, dark, earne it in expression. That is disappointing, I know; the mod ern villain being always tall, fair, insou ciant. But variety is charming. My villain is as I havo said." "Paul is dark too," says Nadlne, arch ing her brows. "Hal Sol Tho plot thickens! Two villains in ono drama is extravagant. I wish, however, Paul had been of tho fair, die away order, if only to make a diversion. Nadlne, tell me, why nre you going to mnrry your unloved villain?" "Ho isn't n villnln," begins Nndine; but Mllllccnt interrupts her. "Oh, yes, he isl" she says. "You take my word for it. Well, go on." "I am marrying him because becnuso I think I do like him, nnd that my nbsurd repulsion when nbsent from him is a menn feeling only to bo conquered to dis appear forever. And and mamma will be happy if I marry him. Sho is so afraid that I may aver como to real want." "IIo is rich, then? A man of property?" "Xo. IIo has a clerkship somowhere in the city." "Somewhere? Vaguo Icallthatl Well, my good child, I'd seo nbout that clerk ship, if I were you, beforo putting my foot in it." "Well ns a matter of course," says Nadlne. Then sho breaks into n merry laugh. "Nnturally I should bee It beforo putting my foot in it. But you need not be uneasy nbout that. Mother has made nil inquiries, nnd ho hns entirely satislled her." "After all, my warning was absurd. People nowadays don't go nbout mns querading," says Mlllicent. "Tell me moro of him." "Thero is bo llttlo to tell. His eyes are a very dark brown." "So aro Granit's. I hate very dark brown eyes." "His mustache is brown too." "So is Granit's. I like a mustache myself." "And I liko a man with no mustache," says Nadlno softly. "You don't say," cries her friend, with affected interest. "Tell mo who he is." Her shnft is a random one, not meant to striko home, yet Nadlno shrinks from it ns If hurt, and her cheeks grow deadly white. She clasps her hands together with a llttlo impulsive motion upon her lap clnsps them so closely that her nails grow white. Mlllicent, who though frivolous in a certain sense, is neither unobservant nor wnnting in affection, marks these signs of emotion, but with a strange reticence, for her, refrains from taking nny notice of them. "A trace to lovirsl" she cries gayly. "I, for my part, nm sick nnd tired of them. Here is n second piece of news I would impnrt to you. Undo Timothy you know my Uncle Timothy? well, denr old mnnl he is going to give me, on the occasion ot my 'first appearance,' the most exquisite set of diamonds and sap phires thnt nre, I hear, iu the United Kindgom. I am to be his heiress as well ns nuntto's, you know; nnd theso jewels uro to bo worn by me on my coronntlon, 1 was going to say but I suppose 1 meant on my presentation. They tell me 'her most gracious' will pale with envy nt the bight of them. Going now, Nndine? Nonsensol You must hnve your tea first. I'll havo It served here, and It will keep you worm nil tho wny home. Poor little catl You look tired I Have a glass of sherry Instead It will b6 much bitter for you." TO J1K CONTINUED IN ODB NHXT. Mrs. Cath.tri ne V. Woite, of Chi- csgo.hns commence!) the publication of tho Chicago Law Times. Mrs. 'Waltii n herself a lawyer, an active business woman and a very able one. rn:. r r t.i i , xuu vjuixn ui nuiy uistriuuiuu nur Christinas presents last year by lottery. Tho Prince of Naples and thu Queen 1...1.1 kii.,.1 . ..:i. M lieu, mum viiLiB uuu iiiiuu wiiu uuuien 1 ,t .i i. uuu iuu uiuur uuiuueis. Since President Cleveland has in vited tho Washington nowspapcr cor respondents to all his receptions they have forgiven hint for hw uncompli mentary allusions to them recently. Minister West is of opinion that there will bo no war in Europo this year, Thero lias been so much talk that thoro is now nothing to tight about. Thero is a lady school teacher at Os ceola, W. T., that weighs a 25 pounds. II thero aro many such women out thero it is easy to understand w by Wy oming Territory was tho first to recog nize tho political rights of woraor. His tickle judgment. Willie Jlsm. ma, you ain't going io gito nil lhat chicken to Tommy, nr you t M uuma No, Willio de'ar; it is for jou. Willie Oh, what a littlobit 1 Judge. Historian Bancroft has been singu larly unforlunate in his dinner parties at Washington this eeaeon. Deaths or sickness havo caused many of them to be postponed or entirely broken up. Congressman Ilenloy, of California, says that between August and Decern her ho made S15,000 practicing law, and ho will bo glad when tho -1th of March comos to relievo him ot his duties. lie thinks Congress does not Pay- P r over a century tho wealthy plaiittrs of Marylana lived in ignorance of the deliciousness of terrapin, ind only their slaves ate tin in. Now tl oy atu t-lad to get them at fifty cenli jor plate.