SUP Hi NT TO T Bloomsburg, Pa.. January 21, 1887. HI GOLUMBIAN. The bills granting ticnsiona ol So,. OOd yearly to Mrs. Logan nnd Mrp. Illnir, widow of General Frank P. lilair, twero defeated in the House committee on invalid pensions. There wero two almentces Messrs. Pid cock aud Ellshury when the com mittee met. The mombers were ar rayed on party lines seven Demo crats voting against and livo Repub licans in favor of the bills. The ad verse majority report on the Logon and lilair bills will bo made by Messrs. Swope and Taulbco respect ively and the favorable minority re pot tH by Messsrs. Conger and Morrill. It is uudirstood that tho b.iais of the opposition to the bills is a nine lance on the pait of the majority of the cnrainittce to tho continnance f the poiioy of grouting high pensio i to widows of officers who did not die from injuries incurred in tho service. The only precedents for passing suoh bills are found in the cases of the widows and families of Admiral Farragut, Generals Hancock, Thomas and Grant, and tho majority of the commit believe that it would be bad policy to follow these precedents, in view of the fact that there are about one hundred niii viving widows of offi cers who would then be entitled to penninus who are now excluded by the general law. It was dark in the depot one day In December when tho evening train camu in. An elderly farmer was backed up ngidnst the partition, watching in open-mouthed wonder tho big puffing engine and the yellow cars as they discharged their pasen uers, when a handsome young girl in a sealskin cloak dashed forward, and, throwing herself upon the honest granger's manly breast, imprinted a kiss upon his sunburned oheek and exclaimed : "You dear old pa, I knew you would bo wailing for mel And bow's mother and bow's John t And, oh 1 I'm bo glad to get back and whero's my trunk aud let's hurry.'' The granger was old aud dried up and he had never known what it was to have a wife, much less a daughter Ho mistrusted the young lady in the sealskin cloak had made a raWt'tke, but, instead of stammering Mid limn living and havs'itig. lie came gallantly up to the scratch, and throwing bntli arms around tho fair creature, he mid a up his mind to bo a father to her or die in the nltumpt. Imprinted a kis, like tho report of a pistol, on h:r cheek, he enthusiastically ejacu lated : 'Oh, yer mother's well, an' John, an' Henry, an' (sitnek) an' .Tatip, nu' Susan (smack, smack) an' Hoiaie, an' Helindy, an' Calvin (smaek) ; oh, they're all smart and hearty, an' By the timo the young lady's friends could get to her she had slid into a stone faint, and they had to big her h ime in a hack, " while the aged granger, ac he finished the third round with her outragtd young man and saut.tercd out of the depot, leaving him with a black eye and a ruptured coat, chuckled to himself: 'Tho old man's getting old an' stiff ao' caroless like, but when any young fpmales want to play any o' Copenhagen they'll find him right to time aud I shouldn't be g'prised if it rained 'fore 0 o'clock. G'lang,Katel" B. F. 1IARTMAN RKPRBSHNTS Till rof.LnwINa AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American or Philadelphia, franklin. " " Pennsylvania, " fork, or Pennsylvania. Ilanorer, of N. V. oueens, or London. North British, ot London, onioa do. Muket street, No. , Bloomsburg. oct. 34. 1" EREAS BROWNE INSURANCE AGENCY. Meyer's new building, Main street, msburg, Pa. A sscts JlStna Insurance Co., otnartford, Conn $T,07S,2iO Itoyal or Liverpool 13,500,000 Lancashire 10,000,000 Fire Asoetatlon. 1'hlladelphia 4,161,710 Pheanlx, or lndon 6,808,370 London Lancashire, of England 1,I09,9T Hartford or Hartrord 3,a73,uw Sprlngtleld Fire nnd Marino 8,083,6p As tho agencies are direct, policies aro written or tho Insured without delay In tho ofllce at lilonmsburg. not. 28. 'Si. rrtRrAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM, JL 1SW. Fred'k Mossier to use fic vs 1) II & W it 11 Co. John Water and wire va M (J uoodward. William II Ynrgey vs Locust Jit Water Co. John lllnlerllteretux vs Lloyd Urundouctal. Joseph Hess' ex'rs vs Francis L Hess. Albert E Cadow vs J L W K It Co. Theo K Craig vs Mahala Craig et al. Charles W McKeliy et nl vs O II Biockway. -Idas Doty s ndmrs et al va John Bull. Patrick Burns vs . lllley & Co. u u s-evbert va H M Hess o II Millard vs John Snyder. C B Brock way vs roluinbla County. A K Mnlin vb Samuel tirugler. J B Patlon vs A P Heller. Eleanor Loekard's heirs va sara'l V. Wiley's Eir. ' urtls MW Co vs Clark I Thomas. David Jones vs John Wbltcnlght, Wn Krlckbium vs John II Casey. Columbia County Trctti vs Wm Krlckbaum ct al. L II Fowler vh C I) Fowler. Columbia co.imyTreas.vs Wm lirlakbaum ct al. Andrew Fowler vsc 1) Fowler. J II llovtvs lioroor Berwick. Franklin Yocum, guardian vs Wm Zahner et at Hathlns Kindt va chailes Sands et nl. Jonas Hawz va Isabella Ha in 7.. William Kilokti mm vs Columbia tounty. John o Yocum vs Mis in Hrumbach. Sarah .1 Hosier, trustee, va Oldeon .MIchaeL Peter (food's Kx'rs s Nelson Freas et aL Maud A llartinan vs Win F Welllver. J. 1). Fisher vs Z.iclmrlfih Krelscher. K w Adams s A B cioop. M A Mamie vs Berwick Borough. Wo.r and S.hlve vs J W Wlnterstceu et ux. f 1 HANI) JURORS FOR FEBRUARY 7 TElt.Nt, 1837. liloom Jonathan Cromls, Albert nerblno, Fred Be iver lacob Loiigeuburger. S. P. Johuson.John A. Brelsch. Benton Joshua Hess. Berwick II. X. Bower, Mathlas Frantz, Levi Brcdbenuer. Brlarcreek Lahinan Martz. i alawli-sa Jacob HaUice. Conyngh nn. James Knstenbaudcr. Flstilngcreek- Jnie Hide. loeu-a J. s. Mine, Wm. Uelwlg, Augustus Koons, Franclj Ithodes. JiudUon-c. it. Fruit. M In u. w. bhuman. Jliniln J. (J. bwuuk. .ML I'leastnt John Johnbon, B. Whttcnlght. bcolt Wm. tchecbtcily. rpTt AVERSE JURORS FOR FEURU- JL AllY'lElt.M, 1SS7. Blooiii James C. sterner, D. Lowcnberg, Chas. Tittle, Wm. (Jigger, Nathan Cromls. II. w. lc ltej nolds. Benton Cyrus B. Hrss, Alfred Hantz. "Berwick 0. II. Zehuder, C. 0. Fowler, Chas. llrader. BHarcreek II. M. Evans, Isaac Itcece, A. B. Croop. centre Andrew Lunger, Samuel Crevellng, FMilngcreek- John 1'enler, wm J. Knouse. (Ireenwo.d Hugh Fall man, Joseph itedllne. Hemlock lllrmii Heece. . 1K-usi- -Oeo. (Jetty, Samuel ItclnbolU, Andrew Bojer. Clinton llower. Madison Allison Esslck, a. 0. Kunyau, J. M. Clrton ' Jlimin Samuel Snyder. Orange-Henry (Jetty, Kcott Wm. Pettlt, David Whltmlre, Geo. Kelch ner. bugarloaf Thomas II. smith, AL Harvey. . SECOND WEEK. Bloom B. V. fJltmnre, Wm. Shaffer, J. Saltzer, C. II. Hoi. bins L- U- Ease, Freas Brown. Bearer John llouck. Benton William Ash, Dsnlel shultz. Berwick Wm. J. Knorr, B. F. Crispin, Jr., Sam'l K. Heller, Catan Ksa-Wm. O. Yetter, David Oimn, Allen Barndt, F. P Kiefer, Amos line, Jacob swank, chas. Kielgh. centralla Henry Steele. conyngham-Pat, vrDermott,8ylvesterlIonman. 1-lslil Kcrcek A. I cnapln. Franklin-Wilson ltlder. Greenwood Kyer Allen. Samuel Parker. Hemlock Wm. Miller, Jr. Jackson Michael llartman. Locust James Bird. Madison John Cox. Mimin I. K. Sclnveppenhlscr, J. D. Houck. orange AmosNeyhard, 11. Mellck. ltoarlugcrt-ek Abraham Winter, Sugarloal-Cllntou cole. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOM SBURQ, PA, Olllco In lirowcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf ICHAELi F. EYERLY, v Convoyancer, C:llo:t;r of Claims. AM LEOAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, &C. tw-.inico In Iieut'crs bulHIne with F. P.Bill m;y)i-, altonioy-ai-laiv, tiout looms, !!nd tloor uioo usnurg, ra. iapr-9-sa, 3. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. D It. UONOItA A. BOBBINS. onico and residence. West First street, Blooms burg, Pa. uoviO b(l ly. I) It. J. II. MOORE. EVE, EAR AMD THROAT; A SPECIALTY. FITTSTON, PA. Will bo at Exchange Hotel, In Bloomsburg, every two weeks, ou saturdiy, from -:o p. in. to 3 p.ra Dec, 4 and 13, Jan, 1 nnd 15 and -."..Feb. 13 and S6 March 12 and 26. nov b ly. DR. J. R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and I'uyblclan. O.ilce and lesldence, ou Tulril mieeU JB. McKKI.VY, M. D.,8urKeon and Phy .slclan, north side Main streot.below Market 4 b. P'itrZ. Attornov-t-i.HW. OIHc rv 0 Front room over Post Office, R. J. 0. BUTTEB, PnYSICIAN eSCIIGBON, Office, North Market street, amomsburg, rt rH. WM. M. REBER. Snreeon and U Physician, ontco corner ot Bock and Market i WEEKLY PRESS THE BEST OF ONLY $ioo PER YEAR. The Kost Literal and Varied Fremhm List Ever Before Offered FAVORAIJLE COMBINATIONS wrnr all the popular LITERARY AND CLASS PERIODICALS. THE WISRKf Y PltE-iS Is printed In bold, clear typo. It la staunchly Itenubllcan In politics. WEEKLY CONTENTS : An elaborate digest of all the news of the week, oood original st rlea tro-n the best authors, spec ial nrlkles on Interesting topics The F rin and (larden ticpartmcnt, Beasonablo and edited by a practicsl farmer. The Helping (land dovnted excluslvlv to tho Interests of women In their household work, liter ary culture,nrl '1 advancement and entertainment outings and Innings caters lo tho pure and healthful entertainment ot youog p opleor boih sexes In every station or 11 e. Tho Market Deports come from every Important pminen-i ii eentro nnd mav be relied unon as ab- kolutelr correct up to the hour ot going to press. me war micies ina' uavo auruciuihu uiuen attention for their Interest and aco racy will be continued thioughout the coming year. A SAMPLE COPY FREE ot both the WEEKLY PHESSandlts magnificent --re nlum List will uewnt 10 any auiin-His upon ap plication. Be suro sou aro gelling Hie most und boat tor your money before joiiBuuiciibe. Auurera; THE PRE33 CO., Limited, d 2-1-4 1. Philade phia, Fa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES M. FRITZ, V T TO R N E Y- AT-L A W. pmco with C. O. Batklcy, Esq., In Wirt's building. decSI-eo. E. WALLER, J' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa office over 1st. Nat tonal Bank. j- U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tle In Vs Biitldtng. BL00HSBUR0, VJl. J OIIN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Bloomsbdrq, Pi. oncx over Moycr Bros. Drug Store. Q v. miller, ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, Offlco la Browor's bulldlng.seoond No. 1 Bloomsburg, Pa. LJ FRANK ZARB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. q rriee corner ofCentre and aln 6tietp.cia:k Building. Can be consulted In German. G 1KO. E. KLWE1.L ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLooMsuiiiiO, Pa. Olllcc on First Uoor, front room of Col dmiiian nulldlnt', Muln street, below Ex change Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. 0m tw CoLD1,I,UN Bcildino, Boom No. i, second BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. IHOUB. t, g. WINIIKSIMK. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. JlUce tu 1st National Bank building, second floor, arstdoortothelrt. Corner of Main and .Market streets Bloomsburg, Pa. VafPenawnii and Bounties ColUcttd. J II, MAIZE, " ATTORNEY AT-LAW trice In Make's bulldlrg cverBlllmeyer'sgrocery. JL7"PT HILU1EYER, " MSTJIICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. aroilico over Rentier's shoe store, Bloomsburg, Pa. upr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCUM. C. E. OEY2H. YOCUM & GEYER, Attorneys-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, PA. (Ofllce front suit of rooms on second floor of Nkws Itkm building.) lrCAN BE CONSULTED IN Members ot Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Banker's Dlrectoiy and the American Mercantile and collection Association, w HI give prompt and careful attention to collection or claims in any part or the United Mates or Canada, as well as to all other professional business entrusted to them y. H. RHAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlco, cornorot Third and Malnstrceta. '