The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 21, 1887, Image 4

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A Big Oiptnre.
'flio most oxprrt and dangerous gang
of burglars that ha ever figured In
I'hiladf Ipliirv'o criminal annals Iim bt-on
uaged by Chief of Detectives Kelly and
liis fmlatnnts. Tho muinberi, four In
number, bad established tniuporai-y
headquarters in tho city and had made
preparations tor iiogintun woik on an
oxtensivo ecalo. During Oclobor nnd
November InH ntimerom robborles oc
curred in tho Tenth nnd Eighteenth
police districts in tho north-eastern
section of tho city. They wero man
aged so adroitly that the pnlico wore
completely bnflled. On tlm night, of
Dwcmber C Le.i Brothers fc Co.'s silk
Importing oflioes, on tho second floor
of 003 mid 010 CheHtnit street, were
entered by means of n fnlao key and
thoimud f dollars vvoith of sdk stolen
Oa tho following day D.'tet!tive Tate
nnd Miller arrested William Brooks,
alias Ben Stevens, an English ex con
vict, who is known as the most expert
key fitter in tho country'. Hn was com
milted for trial, pleaded guilty in uourt
and was remanded for pcntcnee.
The detectives had several interviews
with him and succeeded in extracting
from him tho names of his companions
in crime and the headquarters of the
gang. On tho following day tho hoard
ing house of Mrs. l'oacock, at No. 8
Harrison street, was visited and tho
stolen goods rccoveicd. Mrs. lVacock
was arretted for receiving (.tolcn goods
and Frederick Sell, ono of tho board
ers and a member of tho gang, was
captured. They wero both indicted by
the grand jury. Last week Detectives
Bond and Doiiauhy went to New Yoik
and caused tlm arrest of George Cava
naugh, a tinted bnrtrlnr with a host of
aliases. His pal, Frank McCoy, alias
Big Frank Burn, eluded tho officers
nnd wont to Philadelphia. Hh was
located in a houo at Front and Norris
streets and Detectives Donaghy, Bond,
Miller and Tat surrounded tho prem
ises. Tate saw him approach tho house
and slip up a sido alley, and ho walked
up to him and laid his hand on his
shoulder. Tho liurirlar resisted and
drew a pistol, and would havn shot tho
detective had it not been for tho timely
interferenco of tho others.
Brooks, McCoy and Cavanaugh are
three of tho most expert, daring and
desperate burglars known in the police.
McCoy was captain and leader of tho
gang, and planned all the robberies.
Brook" wm his riuht-hann man becnne
of Vs skill in lnek-filt'ng. Both Mc
Coy and Oavnnaiiijh havi- served thiee
terms of imnrisonment in Philadolphia
and in IRS-t robbed a j velry Hore in
West Philadelphia. Thev were stu
prised by tho police nnd McCoy crap
ed, after firing seviral shots al. his pur
suers. Cavnriauuh was not so fo'tn
nate and was captured with a bullet in
his ankle. Ho was sentercod to eich
(eon mo"th in the Eistern Penit-n-tiary.
B th iir" known in New York
as dangerous tMcves. Wrieu tho enner
began operating in the city MeCov
passed as a Ca'holio priest. This dis
guise enabled him to "pipe off'' places
which the gane intended robbing with
out dinger of detection.
Ono if th"ir first ihs was the rb
berv of Mr K-tte Lodno's boarding
house, at 532 Mister street, on October
21, where they secured $500 worth of
Vwelrv and clothing. Th rob' erv of
David H"tzel's shoo slore, at 3020
Frankford road ; John Daizelv's cigar
store, at rrankford road and Bngrad
street, ani numerous other smaller job
have been fastened noon tho gmig
Tho deteatives have secured a lot of
keys which Brooks bad fitted to secure
entrance into a number of big business
houses. Chief Kelly has also receive:
information from Inspector Byrne, of
New York, stating that the place wln-re
the stolen goods wero disposed of has
been located.
A Man Who Defies Boles and la Healthy
and Happy.
Prof. George Cromwell is probably
one of l he busnst nun in tbe busy luv
of New York, writes a Biooklyn cor
respondent. Ho is a profes-or of music
in the intervals between his exhibition
on the stage, and has other various
avecations, arlistio and literary. Will
all this arduous occupation of his b dy
ana mind, in whicli "rest seems to
actually only "change of work," ho
eats meal one ro called eqtiart
meal a day. Yet his health is good
beyond the average. There was
tune, he sas, when he was tho abject
slave, however, ot a case ot chron
"And how did you get rid of ill
he was aeked, in tho interest of thou
sands ot suffering fellow-mortals.
"I came across an old crank of
physician who told me never to eat
unless when I was hungry, and alway
then, wherover I might Ik-, and at any
time, day or uight. '
Tho professor, a3 ho spoke, was at
Fulton Market ensconced at one of
Donon's tables, behind a series of dish
"This is other people's lunch hour.
I fe't like dinner. 1 havo ordered one
and shall cat it. It is my last meal to.
day. I have no doubt it will suflico
until midnight. Should I feel hungry
1 will eat then, but not otlierwiso. 1
follow the old physician's advice. I
havo eaten at midnight, at 2 and
o'clock in tho morning ; in fact, at any
and every hour in the tw enty-tour whe
appetite demanded. You see the rule
agrcta with me."
His appearance did not contradiot his
words. What he said. btarted train of
thought as to tho curious exceptions
which some people aro to tho ordinary
laws ot health and nature liut at
thee laws what we believe them to be!
A here is tho physician who would
prescribe anything but regularity of
meals and a schedule of diet for the
professor's quondam ailment t But
what do the foM Is of tho air or iho
animals of tho forest know of ueh
sjBtem! The wild horso of Tartaiy
leeiling as he lists or can, outlives in
handsomer body the docile creature
which man has domesticated to his
Acrvico and to his three meals a day.
Water fur Btook in Winter.
A laigo proportion of the food of our
animals is used to Ki ep up tho tempera.
turo of the body to about one hundred
degrees. Uold weather, damp biru
yards, cracks in the barn or shtdc
want of bedding and exposure
storms, greatly increase tho cousmnp
tiou of food to no gond purpose. Muei
mora regard is now paid to the comfort
ot our stock in these respects than term
erly. We think, however, many fail
to realix- the lo-s ot food sustained iv
compelling animals to drink icit cold
water. Water as it comes fresh from
the well has a temperature of about
fifty fivo degrees. When allowed to
stand until frozn over and the ice th n
br ken, and pieces of ice suffered to re
main in tho water, the temperature
speedily falls to thiity-llve degrees.
ICiperimetits are reported which se in
to show that it pays to artificially
warm the drinking water for milch
cows, lie this as it may, no one can
doubt that water at fifty-five decrees
is cold enough for health. The water
that an animal drinks has to bo raised
to the temperature of llr body, say one
hundred degress. And, of course, it
requires much moro fuel in food to
raise a pailful of water fiom thirty-five
degrees to ono hundred degress than n
pailful of fresh water from llfty-fivo de
grees to one hundred degrees, n me
heat rcqutred to warm tho pailful of
water twenty degrees was derived
from hay, or ftrnw, or grain, the lo
would not in many casi-s bo severely
felt. But, as n matter of fact, this
heat is obtained from tho consumption
of fnt and tleh, or butter nnd checm.
This ii expensive fuel We nro well
nwnro thai it is not nlwas easy to fur
nish animals water free fiom ice. We
fill tho trough with water, and tho cows
and sheep, and horses do not drink oh
muoh as w expected, and the next
morning there is a thiek layer of ice up
on tho water. In such n cise, break
tho ico in as large pirces as possible
and pull them out with a potato hook
or rake. D not leave them to melt in
the water Pump plenty of fresh water
for tho animals.
With horses there is Htle trouble
because they aro accustomed to drink
at once if they need water. But cows
and sheep may be very thirsty, and you
may fill tho trough with water and vet
they will require tyii-itl rab'c tini" bo
fore they will all dr'nk. Sheep especi
ally seem to b very fond of running
water as it comes fresh from tho spring
or pump. In capes where a small
trough conducts tho water from the
pump to tho tubs or troughs, whilo you
nro u nping you will sec tho sh-ep
drinking with avidity from the rnnntne
wntcr in the small trough, while they
will scarcely touch that -dilch has been
standing for some hours in tho water
ing trough. There is a great, difference
in water, anil sheep kno it jnt as well
as wo do. American Agriculturist,
One Kind of Heading.
And how few persons who can devote
but nn hour or half nn hour n dayto read
ing and study tnko duo thought as to how
they can limko the most of their little leis
ure. They read in ft desultory way what
ever comes to ltttiul, nnd think that If they
had more time for books they would soon
becomo much better Informed. But tho
half hour a day, If used In tho wisest man
ner, would mako a vast dlilereiico bi one's
mental growth us the mouths and years
glide by.
An incident occurs to mo that well 11
lutrntes this. A pretty maiden hair fern
growing in n flower pot was given to a
youug girl hopelessly 111 with spinal dis
ease. It proved a thing of beauty nnd of
inexhaustlblo Interest, as tho delicate,
graceful fronds came up one by ono nnd
slowly uncurled. There was n littlo pot
beside the fern and under Its spreading
fronds In which grow nn uloc. By nnd by
tho sick girl noticed In tho littlo pot somo
tiny ferns scarce nn inch high quite un
Uko the maiden lintr. Wlicnco came they?
Her Interest was aroused. She was no
botanist, but sho winded to learn some
thing about ferns. She could use her eyes
for rendiug but five ndnutes at a
time and not more than twice n day. A
book on ferns came to her, nnd another
and another. Friends, knowing her In
terest in ferns, brought them to her fresh
and green from tho woods or sent her
pressed specimens of rare vnr.etiee gath
ered i n distant lands. Sometimes a visitor
would rend to her from ono of her precious
books, but only for four or Ave minutes.
"I cannot remember more at u time," she
would suy, "and you have read enough
for me to think about for a long time."
It is now some years since the maiden
hair fern was given to her, and sho has be
come an authority as to the species and
culture of ferns and is an enthusiast in
regard to them. It is tme that she has
becomo edcuutcd in one direction only,
and is not particularly well informed in
other respects. But is it not a great gain
that she should talk about her fems and
their wonderful method of reproduction, .
awakoning her listeners' interest and
teaching them many things worth remem
bering rather than to dwell chicllyon her
pains and pilvations? It is muny years
since she was ublo to step out of doors,
but when you nro with her you do not
think of her as an invalid so interested
and interesting is she.
In the atttmpt lo sivini tho Niagara
Whirlpool Rapids is no more reckless or
dangerous than to trifle with dkcane
width each dav tecum a stronger hold
and a hublens the end ol life. This is
specially true of rlieiitiiastiiin, neuralgia,
sciatica, and nervous headache, which
though peihaps slight at (hit are ex.
trcinely danpirous, and fctcadiiy secure a
firmer grip until at last theugeny is unen
durable and stuUlin death brings relief.
These diseases can be cured by die use
of Athlophorns uhiih, in connection with
Athlophoros I'ilN, never fails' when prop
erly used. Bead tho following irotu these
who have tested it.
C. A. Steward, Kelson, I'a., savsi "Ath
lophoros lias saved my mother's life. Last
spring, two of tho lust physicians in the
county,said sho could not live two months.
Sho had been helpless fur a year, had to lu
lifted off and on the bed, limbs nil drawn
out of shape, cords contracted, flesh sore 10
the touch, could not be lifted or touched
without screaming aloud. The soreness li
all gone, the cords relaxed, appetite goot:
and gaining every day. and 1 think a few
more Upltles will cure her."
New Haven, Conn.
I had tho neuralgia for thrco months in
my face. Went to tlio doctor j ho gave mo
some medicino to tako internally and a
preparation nf chloroform to put on the out
side, but it diil not do nnv good. Could
not sleep night or day. Had suflem! to
much and so long that I was afraid it
would drive nia crazy, AVa.1 told lo try
Atldophoros by a patty it had cured of the
rheumatism. Alter taking part of a bottle
tho pain all left us by magic, and now I am
well, with not a sign of ccuralAia about me.
Mamiu DiLTiiicii, It) Jludson St.
Every driiggL-tshoiild keep Atldophoros
and AtMophonu l'ills, but wliera they can
not be bought of the druggist the Atldo
phoros Co., M Wall St., XCcw ork, will
send either (carriage paid) pn leciipt of
regular price, which is fl.00 per bottle
for Athlnphonw and ',0c. for I'ills.
Kor liver ami kldnev ilUrnsM, djcpcT'la, In
digestion, ui'sknish. u.'rvom del tlity, illnsttj
ol women, ennstiputinrj, liettdacrip, Jaij'tiro
Hood, ie., A tlili'i Jjoroa fills are unrqualed. t
octJ-.'-kS ems.
Gpjy BfyJsfj Fjctohy
Ho. 3 North Canal St , Near L. V,
It, K. Depot.
John Ha
I-ar Will call on dealers
once. In six
octl ly
weeks. 8avo your orders
DT7A VTvTTTOC Its causes and a new and
UAf JNJvOi successful CLUCK at jour
own home, by one who was twenty
el?ht )ears Treated by most of tho noted
specialists without benent. Cturd Mmttf In 3
months, andslnce then hundred of others. Full
partlcuiarsRcnt on application. T. S. l'AOK, No.
Wml aist M., New York city. JanTdlt.
can live at home, and make more money at
work lor us (tan anjtulDt; clso In this
world. Capital not needed; j on arc started
frel Ilolh hPiPMt nil avpA. A,iv ntiH emi ltd
tho work. Larcre earninirs suru from first atari.
Costly outfit and terms Ireo. Uetter not delay.
Costs you notultK to send us sour address and
uuuuui; ii juu aie wise ou win ao &i aionce. it.
jiAuiTT & vo., jonuuio. roam. ge xisu-iy
For a check for f.'Owewll nrlnt a tin. linn ad.
vertlseinenl In occ million I sues of leadlnir Amer.
lean new spapera. TlitsUatttie rale of only one
nttli ofacenl allDe, for 1,0 ki circulation i 'j lie
advertisement will be Placed beforo ono million
itUertiit newspaiierpurchiser': or Fivs iiiLLiON
Kmdiik. Ten line, will accommodate rbout 71
woras. Aa'insswun
Address w lib copy of Adv. and chevk, or
bend to cents for bulk
01 l.M pages.
UEO V. ho.vm CO., 1
-jiruce bi., rew
i I I Ik li Clears head, and
luuf from nasty mucous.
Sweetens tbe breath. Cures seierent cularrli
nuiu ail uiult irt-HLmi,n9 inn. M.nn ilk- .
hend lOc.stamns.
for free haliplut sample
-eLoueli to relieve
:USV. lr. DTlftSCJf
Co.. HH 11 road way, N. V,
tlen. McCUlliui's Opinion of llll I.Unten
nnts rs Expressed In Ills llnotc.
Phil Kcurncy received a brigade) but
though ho stood high ns n remntkably
daring man nnd good cavalry captain in
tho Mcxlrn'i war, I had not sufficient con
fidence In his brains to give him oho of
tho first divisions, t have slnco some
times thought that I would havo done
well had I given Mm command of the
Sumner was in California when I as
sumed command: ho returned not long
beforo wo took the field nnd nt onco re
ceived a division. Ho was an old and
tried oftlccr, perfectly honest, as brave a
man as could bo, consclontlousa'nd labori
ous. In many respects he was n model
soldier. Ho was a mnu for whom 1 had a
very high regard, nnd for his memory I
hnvo tho grentcst respect. He was a very
vnlunblo man, and his soldierly cxnmplo
was of tho highest valuo In a now army.
A nation Is fortunato that posiessos many
bucIi soldiers as was Edwin V. Sumner.
Krnnklln wns ono of tho best ofllcors I
had; very powerful. He was a mnn not
ouly of excellent Judgment, but of a re
markably high order of intellectual
ability. He wns ofton badly treated, nnd
seldom received tho credit ho deserved.
Ills moral character wns of the highest,
nnd he was In all respects uti admirable
corps commander; moro than that, he
would have commanded nu army well.
The only reason why I did not tend him
to relievo Sherman Instead ot Buell was
thnt I could not spare such a mau from
tho Army of tho Potomac
Vltz John Porter wns on duty with Gen.
Patterson ns adjutant general when I as
sumed command. As soon ns posslblo I
had him made brigadier general, nnd gavo
him the command vacated by V. T. Sher
man. Tako him for nil In all, he was
probably tho best general officer I had
tinder me. no had oxcellont ability,
sound judgment and nil tho Instincts of
a soldier, lie wnsperfectlyfamlllarwltli
all tho details of Ids duty, tin excellent
organizer and administrative officer, and
one of tho most conscientious and labori
ous men I ever kuew. I ncvor found It
necessary to do more thnn give him gen
erol instructions, for it was certain that
all details would bo cared for and nothing
neglected. I always knew that an order
given to him would be fully carried out
were it morally und physically possible.
He was ono of tho coilcst nnd most im
perturbable men In danger I ever know
like nil his race I shall havo occasion
to revert to him hereafter, und will now
only add that ho was treated with tho
grossest injustice, chiefly, I fear, because
of his devotion to me.
To Sedgwick I gave a brigade. Not
knowing him well I did not ntllrst appre
ciate his high qualities, but soon discov
ered them and gnve him the flrkt vacant
division thut originally commanded by
Stone. Ho wns one of the best und most
modest soldiers wo had. Possessing ex
cellent ability and Judgment, the highest
brnvcry, great skill lu handling troops,
wonderful powers In Instructing nnd dis
ciplining men ns well as in gaining their
love, respect and confidence, he was with
1 so modest and unobtrusive thnt it was
necessary to bo thrown closely in contact
with 1dm to appreciate him. He was
thoroughly unselfish, honest and tme as
steel. His conduct during tho b.ittloof
Chancellorsvlllo In storming tho works on
Marie's Heights, and nfterwnrd holding
his own ngalnst tremendous odds, was
remarkble and most brilliant feat of
Hancock received a brigade early in the
formation of tho Army of the Potomac.
Ho was a man of tho most chivalrous
courage and of a superb presence, especi
ally in action j he hud a wonderfully
quick and correct eyo for ground nnd for
handllug troops; his Judgment was good,
and It would be difficult to find a better
-orps commander.
John Reynolds was commandant of the
corps of cadets when tho war broke out.
Ho gained a high reputation in tho Mexi
can wurasan officer of light artillery, and
was among the llrst whom I caused to bo
appointed brigadier general. Ho was a
splendid soldier and iwrformed admirably
every duty assigned to 1dm. Constantly
improving, he was, when killed at Gettys
burg with Mende und Sedgwick, tho best
officer then with tho Army of tho Potomac.
Ho was remarkably brave and intelligent,
an honest, true gentleman.
Meade was also one of my early ap
pointments ns brigadier general. Ho
was an excellent officer; cool, bravo and
intelligent; honlwnysdld hlsduty ndmlr
ably und was uu honest man. As com
mander of an army ho was fur superior to
either Hooker or Burnside. Gen. George
B. McClelhm'. Book.
To All Wuntlnsr Employment.
We want Live, F.tierifetic and Capable Aqrents
in every county in the United Suteiand
.U, to sell a intent article of em, i'N
. I s MBRlTs An article ha vine a laree sale, pay-
ni uvcr ianitr cent prolit, having no inuipe-L
tillon, and on which the agent is protecud itti
the exclusive tale by a deed given tor v.n.h until
every county lie may secure iron, u;.. iti:i an
these advantage to our agents and the fail that
it is an article that can be sold to ecery li.n:c
owner, it miht not be necessary ta unite an
"ex f k aoroinarv offbr" to secure good agency
at once, but v,e have concluded to.make it t'.
shuA, not only our confidence in the merits nlT
our invention, but in its Shlabihty bynny.tgents
that will handle it with energy. Our ngcuthL
now at work are making from $t$o to a'
month clea,' and this fact makes It safe fur us to
mike our otTer to all who are oul of cintloy
incut. Any agent that will give our business ,
thirty dtys trial and fail to clear at least . k
ii this time, abqvs a 14. exfen'ses, can reiur'
all goods unsold to ps and we will refund tr.e
money paid for tnem. Any agent or central
aent who would like ten or more counties aim 1
work them through suo-agentl lor ninety (lays,
and fail to clear at least $750 auom; all ks-i
pbnsks. can return all unsold atul get tliclr
mjneyback. No other employer ofageutsf vsr
nreu to mane sucn oners, nor wouiu v.c 11 we
Hd not know that we have agents now making
. re than double the amount wu guaiantred;
id but two sales a day would give a prufit of
.cr $12$ a month, and that one of our aenti
aok eighteen orders in one day. O ur 1 1 ru d
.criutlve circulars exotain our otter fully. luul
tlieaewe wish to send to everyone out ot cm-
ptoyment who will send us three one cent,
stamps for postage, bend at once and secure I
the agency in time forthe boom, and go to work I
nu the terms named in our extraordinary offer
We would like to have the address of all the I
.'gents, sewing maciiue solicitcrs and carpen
lers in the country, and ask any reader of the
plP'-r who reads this'otTcr, to send us at one
t;,1 naiue an addrvss of ull such ttiLy k uw
Aodrjs at i.iitu ur you will lose the h stc.iiui
-roif-ndt tli.wv luitnfvinployni ntt 1 k
. uiey Hkn .r M cnui'ac iiui ..Co.,
1 0 rs.i.uaiicid bt., l'llt- ji r P
oilorccl for aalo rqprosonted
ns good as tho Famous
Anil 11 ko nil Counterfeits luck tho
JteiNurlcuhlo I,AST!.(; quulitioa
ASK F"03?t TI-I1S
TatOct. 30.1S83.
Iiunufitrtur'4 UKlaY by
lUTTsSIiUJCtill, 1,V.
dec 3 66 nc&co.
in crop wm
111 I 1 l I i 111 .
' I lift
liitii-a .1
1 t-J t. VI
SHAW (A t 4
sftAKL W
...ill. - sw. --t:-
(' AM VI 1 t TfP 41 It
' 1 m" .j,v tl V .
r . u- .1 rim- 11 1
.1 1- 1 it sU i i it 1 .el 1 Litii)ktt , i,
.1 t-i t . 1 j,- tv "- II n (!!,. ,ni
it k t (.f 1 iit,iHl: n t vi Ineil It tti'Txi-wli i,
' ' "i ti tut nurk t u4mlf ct iru',
Ri'' : t uti it.'. 1 4I. raiii.ur lu u tt I tuii
. r t au.tfr j-r tn A". Uu.i'ft. licntf.kait Hut
&ui au.vk tstru but mil rn tb hnii
AfTivr rriuit mint, riiKAP
RAW BOtlE I (lulr Jlsaurjfliiifri,
ely's Catarrh
Cream Balm
tvfrf relief nt omr onrt
Cold in Head
Sot a Liquid, Swiff or
lntler. I'reeronx In
jurious Imigt ami Of-
Jlvsltv odor.
, A lmrtlcle ti applied Into each noil tit and Ii
aRTft'Ablo. 1'rlcoMi ctrt'siit druggists: by mull,
reirlsterrd.cncenK firculara free, Kl.i linos,
DruKBlsls, owe o, N, Y. JnnTdlt
m:Atiii'Li. luiiin,
It fflvtlheiftr.CUALC
Intid liatlmial el Lveri
rtiwcr MtJ Jtirab, MUOlf
(11 Mr re 1H Klti'l.
It ion utih Ci jt, rimet.
HiHdkcrckltttROrsi. It
In (he MBit com&lctindTl;
Hit Kiawi Rnltiel Flirt.
I of tlip klinl vwr !- '
OnlnTn lnin lor
& Baniplf copy, ithu cur
1 pricv 10 BKrui", auruin
MCAH PU3. CO., 17 north IttM Stmt. FMIad'l, Pa.
n ntitnl awtrvwltstrt. Ail.
iiSMi-A l".UAtj' TitlAh.
'4 C-BAS' TltlAl.
1 A Full Set of
3.J Atlnclimrnls.
m SLIT B n A Full Net of
3S V JKil AHnclitin-nls.
V!! r "Von-X'M. .send fo
tJ A 1J Clrcnlnr.
A cJ i'mN.0tUUt,,I,IUlis..'o,
Apr. S I7y.
tm the Best'
PoreuntlTfl po-vc? and e!T3tlTene,h0ivl
ioff QiiaUUcB, and quioknesa of action, they
stand without an ttiial. Baiontlfloally pro.
pared from approved ve-etablo aeonti, vlrtuca
of Fresh Hops, a urns, Dals-vms and Hemloak,
Pri tlioroucWr mbduo p.1! mlnn and achga that
tcrm?n6 uw r.amaa uooj, vitaiiz? trorA-out
niuaalriflftndBtro!iT'hn n't nirt.i. Aiwavn 8
raady fcrmsta-tcpplioatJon. Cloaa, ai;rant As
and novpr-iiUlns. Iiop riasters Boldbydruc- l
-wU and Country tstorcn, 23 ct3M C f jr C1.07.
Hallctl fir prloo by proprietors
Hep I'laslrr Coinpauy Ronton( Mi",
iyjJriMi fit imitation. Bee what you bur. M
jjook lor nop-nno wreaui ana signature cf I ?
nor tlabteh company, on beck cr plan- w
tsr ana on ojretuar nrouna piaiter, --i
Patent Safety
trill lint
Gives a Li cm
eual In lirilliancy
Is tlio lleitt,
Clieapoist and
Surest Lamp
for Cliurrhi'S,
ioou nciei, or
Gas Burners.
il.islj the most
roenut und
JIalls. or
Family Use.
Send for
ever made
lit 031 OIX.
Catibe used on Tour
e!l Gas or Oil Chande
liers or brackets, and
t ill increase Your
so Di at,
Sole Owner
of 1'ateuU
oct 8 Cms,
Adams' Patent Met
SI.75 per rod &nd upwards.
All kinds of Iran Fence), Giles, Fire Esc !
jfr sn. annninBli
Hi y ii
1 1 11
fi riw: cscad
pliiiMi til i
rinc ciCAsr;
Iron Work in all styles.
Coal Screens a specialty.
Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting.
Blaesimlthlng In til branches. Estimates furnished.
Cor. Union & Canal Sts.
march 12-80-Jy.
Prevents Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre
vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eating,
Prevents Laying Soft
Eggs, Makes Hens Lay.
Simon, iraeiciE
It Sella for live Cents Per Pound,
in Boxes,
Chlclt-chick-er-rc-kee 0
poultry food and pre.
vent ve cf disease for doi
iltry). the; yre-t clc
food, produces tecs nioJicioitilv and l com tur
the health of the fowling It Is the firt,t article of
Its kind ever Patented In the United States,
Canada and England, 'lry It, It costs only
Ave cents per pound. It is no powder Chick
en ill cat it, Iliat ought to convince you
VftH cav ii. Dugni io convince you trial
ii yood l( your Grocer, Drupel, Hard
are or Country Storekeeper vv'ir net iret it
r you, send me one dollar, and 1 will shin
lor you, send me one dollar, and I will shin
yuuatttcnty-pound box by fi eight, or one hundred
unus icrnve aotiars. A large box Mil ecu you
no more freight than a small box. Attend to 'our
poultry, if ) ou want to make a profit cut of them,
mil the sameasou attend to your land. Vniess
you manure your land It will not pay you Just
so uith poultry; jem must give tnem something
btsldes feed. They must have material to
answer f r erlnders, and material for the egg,
f you feeif Chick. (rgl; fouS)
oerydavyou will never hac any tick chick,
eps, and your hens will hy tegs YvhfnotherwvS
they would not. Vou will never do without It
after a fair trial. Do not pay twenty.five or
fifty cents a pound for medicine to fcrd our
poultry when you can get a better article from
your storekeeper at five cents a puund. Don't
ieaclam; try it Manufactured in the United
jUtes only by
S. S, MYERS, Patentee,
iag N. Vtonx 8t., PHILAD'A, PA.
Fo Bale by
Ulormsbmv, l'u,
farmora' rroduce Ewhans
l btalned and all patent business attended to tor
moderate fees.
Our omce Is opposite tho U. 8. Patent Offlce, and
wo can obtain patentsln less tlrao than those re
mote from Washington
Hen1 model o drawing. Wn AflvliA ulnmi.
entablllty tree of chargo, and we make no charge
unless patent Is secured.
Wereterhere.tothe Postmaster, the Supt,of
loaey Order lilv., and to ouiclals of the U. 8.
l'atent omce. For circular, advice, terms and
rcicn-nctsvp actual clients m your own state or
liounty, write to i
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposltn Patent Offlce, Washington, o O
an 9-tf
Working Classes Attention.
We are now prepared to furnish all classes with
emplnyuient at Ii me, the wholi ot tho time, or
lor their spa'e momenta, nuslnoss new, light and
Srontablo. Person-sot Itbersei easily earn from
I rents to JiU) r eienlng, and a nronortlonal
suoihy deiotitig all their time to the bunlt.eis.
Itoys und girls earu nearly as much as men. That
all who see this may bend their address, and tet
the busluesa. we maVo thu o cr. To such as are
not well salUfled we will send one dnliur to niv
i?.'.SM JI0"6!.0.1 wne- 'ull particulars and i
(ThtOnlr ntllsbl. Mood furlflfr.)
Scrofula. Salt Rhoum,
Nouralgla, Ring Worm
Ami all other Skin and lllooil Diseases.
Curr. Iiidcc.tlon .tid .11 dl...... .rUlnr rr.m
Hit enfeeble c.mlltl.n of the ej.tem.
I IT Ask yoar DrucgUt for En. TA HDEE'8 HEME.
Ur anil tak. no oUier. Frlou tl. rer bottlo or .tx
bottles for SB. lf.nufaetrcd by th.
RoohoetTr. N. Y.
with mctllclnos you know notlilntr nbotit.
Neatly every no-citllctl retnetly for'ltlicumn
tUm (tnil NeurHlnln now oircred to tlm
public contHtnn powelfu! tintl poisonous
nicillcltiia tlmt Injure tlio Btonnrli nut
leave tho patient worse oft than before.
Do not usu them, but take "tho old re
liable" ono that has stootl the lest for
twenty-live years. Is free from anything
Injurious to the system, composed wholly
of roots nod herbs.
Dr. Partlee's IU'tnetly useil by old nnd
young nlth beneficial results. Fivo hun
dred dollars will lie nald for nnv ense where
Dr. Pardee's Itemedy has In any wny ln'
jtireu too patient.
nov. 2e 81 ly.
from n common Hlntcli, or flriiptlou.
to tlm worst Srioluia. Snllrlsoiiin.
"Fever-ftor,' Scnly or Hotisrli Skin,
in 6liort, all iliM'ii caust-il hy bad blood Hie
conquered by this powerful, purifying, n
lnvliroratlmr medicine, firent RatliiK I -corn
rapidly heal iiiuler Its lienlgn intliici
Especially has it maiiiftcil lt potent-)
curlmr 'roller, Ito.e Hnt,li, Itoll., ("ii .
bimelcH, Sore Ilje., .ScrortiloiiH Mir 4
niul Mvclllntif., IIIl-Jollil UliniM',
Will to Ssvolitiiu., (iollie, or Tlililt
Necli, and Ilulm-Rcii ClaiiiU. Send Un
cents in stamps tar a tnt-src tivatlse, with col
ored plates, on klu Diseases, or the satii9
amount lora trrntisi- on Scrolnlntis Affections.
"nil! mi.ooii is Tin: i,in:.
Thoroutrhly cleanse It bv nsiiiir lr. Pierce',
(lolilcu .Hectical Dlncovery, and iiii t
dlge.tlon, n fnlr akin, buot nut t)
It., vital treiiRlli, and xiiiiinlii t
countltll Hon, nlll no t'ttnl,;,-. .
ilcli is Scrut'tiliniN k-l.ieaNo .f the
.iiim, Is piouiptly utat eittiilnly uiiested
nnl 'cured by this Ood-trlvi n remedy, if talcen
beforo tho last stnfrcs of the disease arc reached,
l'rom Its wonderlul power over this terribly
fatal disease, when (lUcrlngr this now cet.
cbratcd remedy to llio jiublic. Dr. 1'ierci
thouirht serloinly of nilling. it his "'on.
uiiiilloii flu re." but abandoned tlmt iiiiin
as too limited lor i. ltn ilieine which, fiom It.
wondfrflllconiMihitlonar tonic, or MrcliRl lien
Irnr. itltciatlvc. r,i'
pectoral, ami nntiili'
not on)' s u rctiio.
lungi, but lor till
f" -cicniisiiiK, niitt-iiiiions.
M-ll!lll!MI,K, illlll-IMIlOIIH.
i'oM.iticb,isuneitial 1,
I'll' COllJUIIipilOU oi t
or THE
Liver, Blood, and Lungs,
If you feel dull, drowsy, tlcblllttted, hT.
sallow color of skin, or yclloivUh-bronrn spot
on fueo oi- liody, frequent headucho or dlzil
ness. Iiad tato In mouth. Internal heat or chilli,
alternatimr with hot Hashes, low spirits end
gloomy borcbodlngs, lrtcirular appetite, and
coated tniifrue, you tiro cutferlntr from Hull.
Kcstloii, l)yicpKln, and Torpid Lit er,
or "Itllioti.iiem." in many cws only
part of theso symptoms nro experienced. Al
a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce
(olden JUodlcul Iliscovorr bu do
ForlVenk Xjiiiiu
i Oplltliijr of Dlood,
......I iiiv-- ui uri-uiii, uruiSCIBlSS.,
Severe Cough., Coiisumplton, and
d affections, It is u soverelirn remedy,
ten cents In stamps for Or. Fierce!
n Consumption. Sold by Druggists.
book on (
PRICE $1.00, KonfSE&gi
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, 663 Main St., BrjrrALO, N.T,
eastvvt TrTfT
Sold by llriiggl.t.. 25 cent a vial.
is offered by the proprietors
of Dr. bage's Catarrh itemedy
for a ease of catarrh which they
cannot cure.
1 1 you have a discharge from
the nose, offensive or other-
ortiearintr.vealjeyos.dnll pain
or pressure In head, you havo Catarrh. Thou
sands of cases terminate in consumption.
Dr. Sage's Catahhii Uemeiiv cures tlio worst
isesof Catarrh, "Cold in tho IIoad,
.1 "-r,rrhal IS't.'-daclio. 60 cent.
Almost as Palatable-as Wflllc.
Tlio only preparation of COll I.IVEIt Olb lluit
can be taken rciullly aud tolerated t ur a lonjr. time
Ly delleale stomachs.
AKII AS A IIKMI'DY 101 f flVSt''!rTmV.
Ki minim AiIhiiiiw. avu:iim, i;i:..
Hill, bt.nii.ny. tonlus ami iiutotT At.
rtlnilxh, anil nil WAMIMI IHMlllllHiS Uf
IIIII.DItt.X It I. niarrelloos In Us rifco'n,
arcscrlbcd and enilorduo by the Lett I'liyslclani
intboeouiitries of tho world.
DOLliAltH pay. for
nut) cbtitut ft, I'ti'iMftii.
positions for Oraduates.
Time required a to -1 mot.
Tlio Dost Equipped. Best
Course of Btudy. Dest Bv
rytbine. Writ, for Circular.
,, Lackawanna..
,.Vtkt Plttston,
a.m. a.nup.m.
6 10 B 15 3 05
15 0 80 3 10
6 80 6 2 15
8 87 VS4 3
81 9 41 3 SO
0 40 9 41 8 SS
A 45 Q ft3 mi
f.m. p.m.
00 11! 31
8 88
8 64 n it
8 48 11! ii
8 40 13 IS
8 tl
8 10
8 10
8 03
7 68
,7 54
I 50.
7 41
8 S3 la 08
8 87 12 03
8 w 11 68
8 II 11 64
8 14 1160
..Maltby 8 49 9 6(1 3 41
8 63 0 O13 47
8 on u 4T
8 ou it 4t
.Kingston ....
7 47
8 68 10 05 3 60
T 03 10 10 8 65
7 07 10 15 3 OU
7 13 10 808 05
7 15 10 85 3 10
7 83 1083 S 87
7 37 10 413 Stl
7 60 II 13 &J
7 67 11 OSS 68
8 Ol 11 13 4 05
8 10 II 804 18
8 14 II 35 4 18
'18 11 89 4 80
8 0.3 11 43
7 69 11 as
i 61 ii ai
7 43 Plymouth Juno
7 an ....riymoutli.,,,
t 31 ....Avondale. .
7 30 .. Nantlcoke...
7 83 llunlock'g creek
7 18 bhlcksblnny.,
I 00 Hick's Kerry,
A SI ..lieachllaven,,!
8 41' llerwlck.,,.1
8 41 .Urlar Creek.
8 38 ..Willow Orove,.
6 34 ...Lln elUdge..
7 60 11 80
T 4.3 It ii
7 SO 11 1
7 18 II 00
7 11 10 61
7 05 10 47
68 10 41
6 61 10 38
6 M 10 31
t 43 IC 87
t 38 1Q 81
6 80 10 16
6 86 10 It
8 08 II 611
00 9 4t
6 65 45
6 40 Si
JI .......Espy 8 85 11 8(14 31
31 ...Uloomsburtr ,. ' 8 ao it 41 4 84
414 .11
If... ltupert..... 8 3S 1 60 4 40
; ii Catan l'a lirldge 8 41 11 65 4 4
5 6i. Danville.... 8 68 18 13 5 01
. ,.,i..i...i. ,. ii'iii
K a I amurnn I Wiui.ioKft
...I 9 08 1 856 11
v ot.tiwituuuiuoriuuu. v jto iv sua a3
a.m. I a.m. a.m. n.m
6 83.Northumberland, 85 18 40 5 85
n.w. am.
mm m JL
Tbe dim NarcLvmi flick. rs In his dreams.
And fulsome lilies cast a veined shade
Across his lids; a murmurous maclo braM
Ot lljlits and sounds nd yellow purplo glesms
Ot pansles rains about him; nnd men-ems
Tho rich llp-d popples have hint all tlio vbile,
A Itrrmes nand doth touch bis Hps to smile,
And angle In his soul's street water streams.
Ills brow? a sleep-fraught seashore where a sea
Of dreams breaks, lulling, on a land of smiles,
Tho violet candelabra of wan DI
Ulao tllumloo all the maglo Lsles
Ot slumber In him; aud in troops they flee
The shadowless dreams-aud as they flee, they
Idss. The Critic.
Clerical After Dinner Talkers.
tftuif entertaining after dinner talkers
aro found among the clergy. Tlicro Is
but ono Dccclicr, to bo sure, but tlicro nro
novcral other ministers lu New York and
Brooklyn wlio enjoy tlio creaturo coin
forts of a public banquet and wlio can
supplement tbelr feast of the body with a
flow ot soul that Is oftentimes rich In
thought and anecdote. Tlicro is Robert
Collyer, for Instance. Ho Is nn enthu
siastic banqueter. Ills broad, bcnljnnnt
countenanco beams with plcasuro from
the tlmo ho dips his spoon Into the soup
until lie dons Ills overcoat nnd hat to go
homo. Ho Is uu Interesting talker nnd Is
always cngerly listened to. His favorlto
theme Is tho nobility of honest labor, and
ha Beems never to tiro of recalling his own
early struggles with poverty wheuho wns
nn Illiterate blacksmith.
Tho courtly Assistant Bishop Henry C.
Potter and the scholarly Dr. Storrs, of
Brooklyn, nro occasional participants In
public dinners. Tho energetic Do Witt
Tulmago Is ns orlglnnl and amusing nt
tho dinner thblo ns ho Is lnhlsotvn pulpit.
Tho ltev. John II. I'nxton, the ltev. It.
Hebcr Newton and the Hev. Charles S.
Eaton nil young meu aro always wcl
como guests at a banquet, and their post
prandlul efforts will, two rnlo, stand com
parison with thoso of tho secular speaker
for liberality of thought nnd vivacity of
language. Dr. Paxtou Is n particularly
vivacious speokcr. Now York Times.
The French l'rlzes for Virtue.
Tho annual Bitting of tho French Acad
emy for awarding the prizes for vlrtuo
and literary merit was hold Nov. 25. JI.
Caro read the report on tho virtue prizes,
tho chief of which (3,000 francs) wns to tho
Abbe I.cmolne, wlio hns brought up 750
Alsatian orphnns and tended 1K0 hospital
patients. Mile. Antoliietto Lnfont of
I.ectoure hns 2,000 francs. Sho hns for
fifty J em's dvoted herself to tho distressed
family to which sho was originally serv
ant. Pierre Nicotic, n peasant, tins 1,000
francs for having mado his cottngo a per
tnnnent inilnnnry for eight persons visited
with tetrlble maladies, and Sister St.
Gnuthler tt llko sum for thirty years of
unbroken night nursing in a Vcndcan
Of tho fourteen medals of 1,000 francs
ono N assigned to parents named Itnbaud,
who on their child being bo horribly
burned In tho stomach thnt only epi
dermic grafting could save him, immedi
ately ollered themselves. Fivo large
grafts wero taken from tho father and
twenty two smaller ones from tho mother,
the child recovering nftcr fourteen
iiiniillis. M. Caro nlsii dwelt on the ex
ceptional a waul of n.OOO francs to tho
l'nstetir Institute, which, though resolved
on home months ngo, wns not ofllclnlly
nuounccd till tho other day. Ho pro
nounced tt glowing panegyric on M. Pas
teur, and quoted his reply to his family
on their pressing him to tako a rest!
"When I tint not working I seem to my
elf to bo committing n theft." Pall
-Mall Gazette,
Tin- Doctors' Great Mlatake.
Tito bill appropriating $75,000 for tho
medlcnl and burial expenses of President
tiavlleld was not passed without opposi
tion. Senntor Vest was especially severa
ou tho surgeons, who did not know tho
structuto of tho human body, and who
hud treated ono part while the wound tva
in another, like tho carpenter who cannot
tell garret from cellar, or tho shipwright
wlio knows not mast from hull. For
eighty days James A. Garlleld lay nnd
sweltered, and agonized and suffered.
Bulletin after bulletin went to the anx
ious hearts and ears of the Amcrclan
people: "We have probed the wound; wo
have found the bullet; the electric
machinery responds under tho great laws
of nature until we havo located the bullet
ton hair's breadthl" And ho died with
'ho far off look in his eyes across tho dim
and distant ocean, nnd the autopsy showed
that they never came within a foot of the
bullet, and that they doctored and probed
and lanced tho pus cavity for eighty long
days; a curious exenipllflcation of scien
tific skill. Ben: Pcrley Poore.
AVonu n Who Wear Tight Shoes.
"Women whoposoas models have, as a
rule, poorly shaped feet," said an artist
to nreportcr. "If their feet aro not poorly
shaped thoy nro apt to bo out of propor
tion by being too small. Tho reason is
obvious. Women nro ambitious to havo
small feet und hands and at nn early ngo
they begin to wear tight shoes. Tho
result is that their feet aro cramped nnd
do not grow with tho other members of
the body. Of course there nro somo pro
fessional models who began early in life
and never cramped their feet with tigtit
shoes. They have correct proportions. I
upeak generally of the mass of women
who becomo models after they aro 18 years
old. Women imngino if they have small
feet and hands they havo all that is neces
sary to give them a shapely appearance.
A worse mistake was never mado. Women
who nro largo should naturally have large
feet in proportion; from an artistic point
of view they look better. But you cannot
mnko them think to." Xew York Mall
and Express.
ltuKBiige In England.
The American baggage car und the
system ot checks tiro not generally used
in England, Every passenger must needs
look after his own baggago. Tlio small
stuff is placed In the car with the passen
ger, and trunks (which are in England
called boxes) aro stored in a compartment
in passenger cars. To bo sure porters
abound in English railway stations, and
every person with any considerable bag.
gage puts it in their charge. So far as I
could see, thoy were very Intelligent,
faithful nnd prompt. It is customary,
however, to pay them for such service.
Arrangements may bo made by which
express companies vlll deliver your bag
gago at hotels or private houses, but wo
saw none. Indeed, the express business
as it exists in America Is not widely if nt
all known in Great Britain; the roads da
the express business for themselves.
Whether this Is an advantage we havo no
means ot knowing. II. W. Beecher in
New York World.
In Great Demund.
It Is said that Gen. W. T. Sherman Is
lu great demand among tho dinner givers.
He has already enough invitations to oc
cupy his dluner hours from now until
neit September, with a few dates still
The fumilyof a well-known antl-saloonlst
were gathered around a subuiban supper
table one evening recently when little Tommy
suddenly remarked: "Say, do folks eat
horsest" "In Paris they do, my dear," said
his mother. "Well, I guess thoy do in Bos
ton, too," Tommy went on. "Pa does, any.
way," '"What do you mean, Thomasf asked
his father, sternly. "Well," said Tommy, "I
heard yon tell Uncle Charlie that you took a
pony with your coffe every day at your Uln
ner at Young's, and it braced you up lots
for the cause P Boston Record.
UtUe Johnny Q., S years old, has a gift for
studying tho eternal whys and wherefores of
tilings that Is winning him distinction among
his ft lends. The other day he heard some
one use the expression, "God, in Ilisowu
good time, will bring it about." This caused
Johnny to speak up. "But Ood geU in an
awful hurry sometimes, don't Hel" sold he,
"Gets In a hurry I Why, how is that, Johnny "
Ob, Cousin Edith's got a Jlum cat, ono of
the kind that hasn't got any tail, 'chum tlmt
must have got la a hurry and dld't finish it; j
and Uude Hiram's got a cow that God didn't
nave any time to put any horns tou
,-47 nu
Winter Exp:suro OauEos Ciughs,
'ViiTH111?' imeuraatUm. Pneumonia. Neural
Sciatica, Lurubigo, llaikacho aud other all
menU. for Which llanahnv I'.m..i,i, "'
admltie.1 to be the best remedy knowo7 Tuor re!
Here and cure m a faw hours when no other aimll.
catlonlao! the least beneUU Endorsed Ly
vyw I'ui sii'iaim uuu orugKtst8. liowsre or
luillatlnnd iinriu.ilmii... n..7.i.. v.iu.v u.
Imitations under similar bouudlug names, such
wauBituui," "uapucin," "Lapslclne." Ji
I MaiisNsoit'sAKDrisajNooTuska: tmiii..
"Capsicum," "Capucln," "t'apslclne: ' ifi
..h.7 i.V'."..".!' ixamme care-
m"f " JVU UUI
1 1 1 Tk' I.
NO XAliSn.
No m
that the most powerful stomach will bear.
anil all derm Diseases.
HellCTue IIospltal1N.Y.,"Uunersiilli successful."
"1 'Kvei y pa 1. 1 e n t
H. Franc, Hospital, N. Y. ,1,'
Dr. L. It. Whlto U A Hxanilnlnt; surgeon,
Wines: "Kasklno la the best medicine made."
Dr.l-M.tll'ssner. aon ast ISIS' st. New York
City has cured over inpatients nllh Kasklne al
ter rttilnnn nnd all other drugs had railed, lie
says: "It Is undoubtedly tho best medicine ever
Prof. W. V. Unicornis. M. I)., l.t Eat SStll M. N.
Y. (lato Prof. In N. Y Med college) writes: Kns-
kino Is superior to qulnlno In Its speclflc power,
auu never prouuecs luu sutfiucsi ini
hearing or constltirlon."
ltev. sames si. Hall. L'hanlaln Albany Peniten
tiary, writes that Knsklno hascured his wife af
ter twenty .icarasuffeilnir train malaria nnd nerv
otiHdjspepita. WM ohjtn for particulars
Thousands upon thousands write that Kasklno
has cured them after all other medicines had
failed. Wilto for bookot testimonials.
Knsklne can tie taken without any special rncn
lcal advice. II i0 per bottle
r-old by MtiYKll II OS , Illoorasburff, I'a., or sent
by mall on receipt ot price.
this K asking CO., 61 Warren St., New York.
IVrli"l!lHIA. ItsNaturo. Causes, I'revcL
llon and cure. IlyJohn II. McAltln, Lowell
Mass., 14 j cars tax collector. Mnt free toany ad
dress. iu" '"d
for Infants and Children.
"CstorI Is so well adapted to children that I Ctutorla cures Colle, Constipation,
Irecommendltassuperiortoanr prescription I So,ir Stomach, Diarrhma, Eructntlon,
known to me," IL A, Ajscmr-, M. D., I Ksu0c.T,' ei" tiXP' l'comoU "
111 Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y, Without Injurious medication.
Tns Cscaius Cohpiht, 183 Fulton Etreet, N. T.
TO Bffiffl lnb WONDERFUL
Combining a Parlor, Ubrary, Smoking, nrcllnlns or Invalid
Price $7.00 TVffi.a'w.'r1.' I TJ:l"l'r.Vn ,n
i our wi.oie.aic Pr ; ;..
t al
A Large and
IfttRg, fteBBtmeieB. to
Call and be Convinced that you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
?Iai Clolhiag mam
B loomsb ii rg, Pa,
Foreign. andDomestte
i wm
Vliolcfalinntliic i ll diuletB In
HcaOquarters for
tr Street,
llavinjr at rturclrtl 30 years between Ufa m
de. th with asthma or cm Dixit, treated M
eminent physicians, nn I recrlvlnft no k-heht
iwnscompcucii aurinir iiieinst, jears or tnr In
tiCKS lo sit on my chair dav and tilir' t can iut r
brenlh M)' sUflerlngs weto beyond iWi ntlrm
In tlesp.ilr 1 c.xpeiliurnte.1 or, myself bv com
1 pounrtlni! roots and hrtbs and Inluilinir th'p inMi
' cine thus obtained. I forttinatnif tllscoieted thu
. WONDKl.Kl'b CI' B l'OH ASIHMi AN i P."
TAIIHII, warranted to tellovo the most siubbnri.
case of ASTHMA IN FIVK MINI TI,M, so tl,,Vt tJ5
pitlenl lledownto rest sndsU'epcomforiabiT
Please read tho following condensed extracts from
unsolicited testluv ntals allot recent date-
oilier V. It. Iloli es, Han Jose. CaL, writes' w
nndlho remedy nil and even moro than rerim.
scnted. I receive instantaneous relief." 1
IC M. Carson, A. M Warren, Kansaa
writes: "Was treated by emlt.i nt physicians of
this country and (lermanyj tried the cllmato m
different states-nolhlng atloriled relict like your
T. K. dates, County Treasurer, I'hlladetnhts
Jllss., writes: "llavo used tbe Itemedy. WouM
not live without It. Kvcry one that uses It re.
commend" It."
U U. Phelps. r.M..OrljfBS, Onto, writes: "sut.
Icred with asthma 40 years. Yourrrediclm-ln a
mlnttt es dH's moro tor mo t linn I ho most eminent
physician did for me In three years."
H. V. I'lumpton, Jollet, 111., writes: "send Ca.
tarrh Itemedy at once, cn nnot iret along wit hont
It. 1 nnd It to be tho most vnluablo medicine I
havo ever tried."
oeo. W. Ur tly, Nelson Co., Ky., writes: 'I m
using the remedy, (lalneds pounds In 3 week?
would not be without It." ''
flartln For, Uttlo Falls. N. . writes: "rind
Itemedy excellent. Could not llvo without It."
Wo havo many oth' lieatty testimonials of euro
or relief, nnd In order that all sufferers from Asth
tna.catanh Hay Fever, nnd kindled diseases may
havo an opportunity ot testing tho valupoftho
Itemedy o will send to any nndrissTHIALl'AiJK
Wholesalo Druggists, Wooster, Wayni Co., o.
r'ull blcbox by mall 1. mavT-ly.
on .!am"s liner. Va., In Clarcmont
Colony. Illustrated circular tree, i
1'. JIANCHA, Clarcmont, Virginia,
nov.10 8ty.
All fumUhwl with tl,o A,, r,. n. " 7 T".7.
- - , v,; fnr.i, "rs
145 N.PhltahjS:
October 22 86 syrs.
Varied Stock of
si X$