The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 21, 1887, Image 3

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The Columbian
i'ltlDAV, JANUARY- 2171887.""
rimaicT riilhoid tim Til tK.
Trains on tho riilladciuliTa & It It. Icavo Rupert
is follows i
.loiiTii. soorn.
0:35 a. in. 11.4D . m.
thlip.m. l:p.u,
Tralnson tho I). L. W. li. It. leave Bloomsburg
j:15 .1. m. 8.S1I a. m.
10.40 t m. Hs41 ft. m.
;S ! " 4:1j p. rn.
: P-ra. B:47p. tn.
Trains on tho N. W. lT Hallway pass Uloom
erry at follows-
north. Bocrn.
10.41. u m. ll:Ma.m. p. a. 3 1 p. m.
NOKTII. .on.
10:1 u III 8:S9 B m
FEnniMiiT 12 llarmau Fahrlmtcr nod
Isntali llowci. Administrators of the cslato
of ltcubcn Fnhrlnger, deceased Will sell
TiilunMc property on tho premises In Lo.
cust township, tit ono o'clock p. m. See
Fkii 1, Gen. W. Farvcr, administrator
of Ciillmrlnc Farvcr, .will sell real estate In
JackBon township at 2 p. m.
Jan 22 Jefferson Fritz, trustee, will
sell real estate of Joshua Savage, deceased,
In Jrckson, til 2 p. m
At Piuvate Sale. Several lots In
Bloomsburg, belouglng to M. 1). & I As
sociation. Jan 22, 1887. David Yost commlttcoof
11. 0. Iless, will tell valuable real estate In
FIMilngcreek township
Foil bALK Thrcn Scotch colllo pups
A!?n i. fm in In re't Itxpilre of J. How
ard Kllni', OrMngevllle, Pa.
$1000 In very easy payments will buy
!i one hundreil acre farm, good new house,
large new bank barn, excellent spring
waterj convenient to rail mud Apply to
lldllf K.N011II& WlNTEIlSTEBN.
Foit Kent Store rooms nnd prlvnto
dwelling;. (2l) S. C. Smivk.
Foit Hent ok Sale. Two storo morn",
and dwellings with the same, sltttati-d on
Main street. Also, a stable sultabhi for
livery, In lihiomsburg. Inquire of Dr. J.
H. Evans rj2l.
Foit Kent. The third floor of the Col.
OMiitAN building, now occupied by N. S
'Jlnglev Heated by steam, water on sec
ond Hour, all conveniences. Possession
Aptll 1st. Inquire ot Geo. E. F.lwcll. If
Foil Hent.-J. II. Kelm, of Light
street, offers for rent, on 'lasonablc term,
his dwelling house, blacksmith shop and
tools. Applj at once as above. I4j3t.
For Hest -Store room for rent, llrst
door bilow Court House. Call on M. K
Ent. . jan 14.
Lost. A tur collnr on Dec. SOtli, tlthcr
In Blonniidiuig, or betwicn Bloomstiurir
and Liglitstrci't. Tin- finder will confor a
favor by tiotllylng J. S. Grimes, Light,
stcct, I'll
B. F. Sharpli'ss wants a good fresh cow,
and has ii horse for sale -cheap. 14-31.
Goon Boaudixo at Low PittoKS liirors
orolhirs iiltimling court will find It to
their advantage ti call on or address the
undersigned, and make arrangements for
Wm. Breus,
Corner of Main & West Sts ,
Uloomsburg, Pa.
ClublilUK KntcH.
We offer the following club rates for
1887 : Colcmiiian and N. Y. Weekly World
ono Jinr, with History of the World,
$3.43: worth Ij4.00.
CoLUMniAN and Philadelphia Weekly
JYnim one-jet r, $2,70; neuiar price $3.00
The lmfncin Faimer will be sent one.
year, or the N. Y. Weekly liorM six
months, free, to all old subsciibers who
pay up back ml scriptlon and one year in
advance, and lo new subscribers who pay
in nth twice. This offer la goi d only for a
tliort time. Avail yourselves of it at once.
Dr. W. C. Itanson, of Pittsburg spent
Sunday In town.
S. P Hauley Esq. of Berwick was in
town on Monday.
O. E. Savage lias purchased the Menagh
property on East street.
Steward Buckle of Washlngtonville,
visited his sislcr in this place last week.
J. L. Girton, proprietor of the St. Elmo
went to Philadelphia on Monday on a bus
iness trip.
N. U. Funk Esq. has been confined to
his house for the past week, with an ulcer
ated throat.
Mrs. Daniel Stcck and daughter, of
Ilughesville, visited L. 11. Hupert during
the past week.
E. A. Hawllngs is still confined to his
home with rheumatism, although consul
crably Improved.
Miss Mary Ejer assisted as pianist at h
conceit (;iveii at tho Danville Asylum last
Tuesday evening.
L. M. Kclclmer of Lightstreet was in
town Saturday. He Is the finest pensman
in this secttoi and should devote his en
tire time to the art.
D". Ed. Jaenby who with his wife and
chlldr n has been visiting his father, Enos
Ji.coby, returned to his homo in Elinlra,
N. Y., on last Friday.
Hon. William Elwtll and Mrs. O. E
Smith of Wlaeousln, son and daughter of
Judge Elwcll, and Miss Lucia Smith are
visitlm: relatives here.
G M Quick, the Deputy Prolhonntary,
left for Hiirrlsburg on Tuesday evening, to
attend the meeting of the Democratic Statu
Central committee, of which lie Is n mem
ber. Leases and notices to quit at the Colcm.
niAN office.
Paul Fortni r of Berwick, died on Tues
day mornlug.
West, via Pittsburg or Erie tickets sold
by Moyer Hros.
Mr. Hurt Itankes, near Mainvllle, Is
about bulldintr n largo new barn.
Five.bottlo trlple.plated castors $3.00.
Other goods In proportion at L. llcriihard's.
Persons contemplating having sales tho
coming spring will tin well to consult our
prices for hand hills.
Owing to the olllclal duties of Mr. Wol
vcrtoti, the Hosier case, now on tho tr al
list, will be continued.
It is said tnal an entertainment will be
given In the Opera House soon, by a mln.
strel troupe composed entirely of homo tal
ent. A new brldgo Is talked of across the
river at Wilkes-liarre. It will afford unln
terrupled communication with Kingston
nt nil limes.
The protracted effort In tho Methodist
church of lltontnsburg, which lias contin.
ucd over flvu weeks was brought to a close
on Tuesday evening.
There will bo a meeting of the Chatauqua
circle at tho resldenco of I, 8. Kuhn on
Centre street, Monday evening, 24th Inst,
All the members are requwted lo be In at.
tendance. Au Interesting proeuiu lias
been prepared.
Get your wedding Invitations at the Co.
i.tmnuN offlco
F. I), Dcntlcrliis put up a wooden celling
In his store room,
Ho I for tho West I Moycr Bros, sell
tickets via. Pcnna. II. It.
A warrant was Issued on Wednesday for
the arrest of Mrs, Ella Drum for keeping a
disorderly liouie on Seventh Btrcct.
Tho V'oung Pcoplo'd Guild, St. Paul's
Church, will give a Longfellow evening at
Dr. Bhattuck's Friday evening, January
28th. Admission 10 cents.
Constables are required to glvo notice
of the spring election by band. bills. The
necessary blanks nrn for sale nt tho Colum-
bias office at 10 cents a'dozon.
St. Columba's church will hold a festival
n Evans' Hall, BlooinstmrtT, commencing
Baturdpy, FebG and continuing the 7th, 8lb
and Oth. The public Is cordially Invited.
F. D, Dentler has ml the necessary re
pairs made to his building since the recent
fire, and has his stock nil replenished ready
for his numerous patrons. Call and sec
tho fine stock.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P Kllno celebrated their
fifteenth wedding anniversary on Tues
day evening. Upwards of forty Invited
guests wcro present, and partook of the
bounteous repast furnished.
Dr, J II. Moore, the specialist on the
cyncnr, and throat was here last Saturday
and was rushed wMi patients. He will bu
here regularly every two weeks. Next
visit Saturday Jan. SOtli. from 11.47 to 0 30
The Cntawlssa Brldgo U complained of
by travelers because It Is not lighted at
night. Surely the dividends on the stock
of this corporation are large enough to al
low of an Improvement In this direction.
A course of Instructions has been arrang.
ed by the pastor of the Lutheran church,
for old and young who may need further
knowledge of the doctrine of tho church.
Saturday afternoon Is the time fixed for
the meeting.
Isaac Campbell a young man about 23
years of age, died at Catawissa very sud-
ienlv last week. He went to the rooms of
the P. O S. of A., and whllo there com
plained of a pain In tho head, and In a
short time was a corpse.
Mr. nod Mrs. L II Hupert celebrated
their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary Wed
nesday evening. There were present n
few of their most Intimate friends and all
wished that they might live to celebrate
their diamond wedding.
Glnscne Cameron lost an Infant bny Sat.
unlay of last week- The child had an at
tack of the measles, which soon covered
its body on Friday, hut tho followlnc day
he was seized with a congestive chill re.
suiting in his death. It was about five
months old.
Clinton Crawford, ono of tho school di
rectors of Montour township, returned
lat week from an eight days trip to Dela.
ware. Ho visited Dr. C. W. Ammerman
and others who went from our county, and
reports them as nourishing physically and
Rev. M. L. Ganoe, Presiding Elder of
tho Danville district, preached in the 3rd
Street M E Church on last Friday even
Inc. His text was taken from the 2nd
chapter of Acts and was an ablo presents,
tinn of the belief of the Mctlmdut Church
as to tho baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Thomas Hawkins who had n stroke of
paralysis a short time ago, died Thursday
morning of last week. He had partially
regained his speech, after his first stroke,
hut his left side rcrvalncd paralyzed On
Wednesday ho received a second stroke
r 'suiting In his death Thursday. He was
53 jvars of age and had always enjoyed
good health.
Somn Idea of the cost of tho building of
the Bloomsburg & Sullivan Itailroad may
he formed from the knowledge of the fact
that there has already been expended over
$42,000.00 upon the first section which ex
tends to John Zincr's property, a distance
of fourteen miles. The forco of laborers
employed on this section numbers two
hundred men.
On Saturday night Wallace Herring, son
of Calvin Herring, and Will Cadman, son
of John Cadman, of Orangeville, were
coasting on Pine street at that place, when
they ran Into a horse and sleigh coming up
the street. Herring had one ot his legs
broken and Cadma. was badly cut In the
head. At last accounts it was feared ids
skull was fractured.
The warm weather last week took off
nearly nil our fine sleighing and threatened
us with a general break-up, but the sudden
change of Monday sent, the mi rcury down
about zero, and leaves us excellent wagon
travelling and a fine ico bildgcfnr those
on tho south side. Now is tho first for tho
Winter that tho ico on tho river has been
sufficiently strong to carry heavy teams.
A Teachers' Institute for Greenwood,
Pine, Madinn, Hemlock and Mt. Pleasant
will lir hold at Mlllvllle Jan 22; for Den-
ton, Siignrlonf, Jackson, Fishingcreek and
Orange at Benton Jan 29 Special efforts
havo been mado to make tho exercises
Interesting nnd instructive. Tho morning
session will open at 10 o'clock A cordial
invitation to bo present Is extended to all.
A party of about eighty young people
went to Danville last Friday night for a
sMch ride, under the nuspices of the
Youne Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Epico.
rial church. Thov were entertained at tho
resldenco of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strieker,
and returned home in the early hours of
tint morning. It was a pleasant occasion,
antJ the financial result was very satlsfac.
tnry. The money goes into tho Onapel
Tho Phllologlan Society lias mado ar
rangements for tho appearance of the Hock
Band Concert Company at tho Normal
Hall, February Oth, 1837. Ono of the spec
lal features of tho concert Is tho Hock Har.
monican, cnmpised of 00 pieces of rock.
with compass of flvo octaves, and produc
Ing the finest music Geo. A. Foxcraft,
manager Boston Star Course, Tremont
Templci thus says In reference to a con.
cert givin at Boston December Stb t
"Tho Bock Band Concert Company np.
peared in me star i.ourse, iromoni Tern
pie, last cvi-nlng to au immenso audience
every seat being occupied, and gave gooi:
satisfaction Tho Hock Piano Is a remark.
nbln Instrument, and under their skillful
manipulation produces delightful music."
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of.
flee at Uloomsburg for week ending Jan,
18, 1887t
Mrs. Marg'l Fenstcrmacher, W, II. Gear.
hart, Mrs. M. Graw, Francesco Oricllo
(ship), Mr. Joseph K. Palmer, William
Saul, Mr. Frank Shoemakers, Georgo
Trump, James W. Wllllamj.
William Dowees, Mrs, Jacob Omen,
Persons calling tor these letters will
pleaso say "advertised,"
UeouoK A, CLAitw, P. M
Shipping tags, with or without strings,
at the Colombian office. tf,
Tho third annual report of tho Slato Hoj.
pltal for Injarcd persons ot tho Anthracite
coal regions of Pennsylvania, at As'i'and
shows that 023 cases wcro treated during
tho year, Thcro were 24 deaths. Tho
dally averago number of patients was 08.
Tho hospital Is overcrowded as tho capac
ity Is 00 beds, whllo there arc 70 beds In
use. The nvcrago cost per patient a week
Is $7.60, which is lower than most other
hospitals. Dr. J. C. Blddlo Is the Supcrln.
Mario Louse, wlfo of Harry Illnkley of
Cntawlssa and oldest daughter of Charles
W. nnd Deborah J. McKclvy of Blooms
burg, died nt her home In Catawissa on
Sunday last, aged 20 years. Her disease
was congestion of the brain, and tier Illness
was accompanied with much suffering,
though her death was peaceful. She leaves
her husbnnd nnd three children. Sko was
n faithful Methodist, nnd tho funeral took
place In the M. E. Church nt Catawlssn on
Wednesday afternoon, ltcv. Barottz ofil.
elating. The church was tilled, and tho
many tears shed showed that tho deceased
had many warm friends. Tho bereaved
family have the sympathy of the entire
Mr. Samuel Mclllck of Orange township,
lied Friday night of last week, of
old age, nftcr being confined to his house
aboul five months with a low stago of ty.
phold fever and general decline. Ho would
have been 00 years of ago tho 10th of Feb.
ruary. Ho was raised on a farm adjoining
Lightstreet, and spent most of Ids years In
that section with tho exception of the few
yearB ho lived In Bloomsburg, Ho owned
at.d sold tho llrst tiro land In this section,
believing it would develop a new industry
nnd make the balanco of Ids land more vnl.
liable. Tho sale of that and other lands
Induced the organization of tho Irondalo
Company. He was a member of the Be.
formed church for many years. Ho was tho
father of Mrs. J. A. Funston and Mrs J.
. Barkley.
'rs. Cleveland gave a luncheon nt the
White House one day last week In honor
of Miss Mary Hastings, tho President's
niece, who formerly resided In Blooms
burg. The following account is taken
from a Washington despatch !
The luncheon was served In the family
'dining room, which was beautifully decor
ated for the occasion with flowers. Tho
menu was ono of the best efforts of tho
White House chef, and was heartily enjoy
ed by tho happy maidens. Miss Mary Has
tings, the principal guest, Is the daughter
of the President's sister who married Hov.
Dr. Hastings, n Presbyterian divino and
missionary. She was born In India and,
upon reaching her teens, was sent to the
United States for education. Having fin
islied her courso of Instruction nnd being
of an Independent spirit like so many of
our best American gills, she determined
not only to make herself useful but to rely
upon her own exertions for her support.
With that view she is now one of the teach.
ers at the Houghton Female Seminary at
Clinton, New York. Miss Hasltings is
about twenty-three years of nge, of fine ap.
pearanco nnd marked kindmss of manner.
A catalogue is in preparation nt this of
flee that " 11' be of value to the members of
the bur of this county. It will contain a
systematically nrrangel list of all the law
books in tho county, with the names of the
attorneys in whose libraries they can bo
fouud. When tho lawyer wishes to con
sult an authority nut in his own possession!
he can enily ascertain win ther the book
is in tho county, and who has it. It will
not only be of much assistance In this way,
but if proper attention is paid to it, much
money will be saved in the purchase of law
books. Several hundred dollars are spent
each year In buying books and very often
several attorneys purchase the satno work,
where one would be sufficient for the
whole bar. There are many text books
that are indispensable to lawyer,-and yet
each attorney may not have occasion to
consult them more than onco a year. Law
books arc expensive, and if each ono would
first ascertain whether any one else has a
particular book beforo buying, it would
save unnecessary duplication, and tho
same amount of money that is now spent
would furnish a much wider scope ot au
Much labor Is Involved In the proper
preparation of this catalogue, as a list has
to bo made of nearly thirty libraries, and a
classification made afterwards. It will be
completed in a few weeks, If sufficient in.
tcrest Is shown to warrant its publication,
A Joytul Asssmblage.
IIavbnoiieek, January 17, 1837.
Deak Columhiani Last Saturday, the
10th intt., a large number of neighbors
nnd friends astonishingly suriiisedS. I
Krlckbaum and wife. Their spacious
house was taken possession of, and occu
pied from cellar to garrett. When seated
at the table, growing under tho weight of
all tho good things that heart and appctito
could ciavc, a dozen chickens included, a
small book-form slate, in which was writ
ten in their order, the names of families
represented at tho party, was presented to
the head of the house, from which we copy
the following, to.wit: "J. C. Wcnncr and
family, John Ituckel and family, Charles
Iveeter and wile, jviias anuuz, a, it. Dime
and family, 1. K. Iv, hautiacli and family,
l'eler Laubach and wife, C. C. Albertsou
and family, I. P. Belles and familj, Mrs.
Joel Keefer. Mrs. T F. Belles. Miles W.
Moss anil family, Miss Clara Ivearhoot and
Thomas D.. Mrs. Win. Hoover and dauch-
ters, Mrs. Peter Shultz and boys, John
Drcsher, Mrs. Nathan Tubbsand hoy, Miss
Conner, .Mis. llowman urnwiord and
dauirhter. Chas Ivase and witu and F. G.
Shultz and family," 09 in all. The amuse
ments were h'ghly gratifying, and a lovely
tiaturcoi me occa-ion was mo seating oi
10 little urchins around tlx- third table,
who did ample justice to tho dainties pre
pared for them, chickens Included. Who
could not but look with pleasure and prldu
upon a scenellke that? Several pciBnns
displayed excellent music on tho organ, but
the climax was not reached until O. G. Al.
bertson's little 8-year-old daughter played
the National air, "Bally Around the Flag,"
in unslon with a chorus of half a score
of Juvenilo voices that seemed to thrill and
enthuse the patriotism of all present. All
retired In good order, it being Mrs. Kilck.
baum's OOtli birthday.
Peter Crevellng, near VanCamp, aged
about K3 years, died at uls homo last SJt.
urday, about midnight, and wan burled at
St. James tho following Tuesday, Mrs.
Crevellng, who is some older, and a sister
to tho late Samuel, Abraham, Isaac and a
surviving brother, Matthias Kline, of Still
eater, is very feeble in body and mind and
may drop into the embrace of death at any
lMitUDiamu, Januarr is, 1837.
The trade current that is
sweeping through Ladies'
Wraps and Suits is carrying
thousands of those garments to
homes in and about the city.
Eacli one a welcome comer.
Valued more as known better ;
something to talk over and
compare. When is the com
parison ever against the Wan
amaker garments ? Take one
of ours and any other at same
price. Balance them ; material,
style, finish, price against ma
terial, style, finish, price. That's
cnongh. That's what we want.
You tell the verdict when you
come here again and again and
bring your friends.
Hlack Velvet, with l'OHScmenterla and .tat Trim.
tnlnirs, Silk lined,
u mil injui i"u id in.
IttAclt Velvet, with rasscmentcrlo Trlmmlnirs.
HatlD lined.
Down trom so to its.
Wile tlrocndea. with Hatln I.lnlnus and Chenille
uown irora 943 10 ju.
Hllk Brocades, with Matin Unlntrs and Feather
nown irom vro 10 9111.
Astrakans. lioucles. .Friezes. Dlsironnls
find llrocades.
Down rromiiio to 110.
lllark lllfiironAls. bound nil around 1 aLso. lttack
.Marked down to w.
A beautiful line ot Fngltsti fluids n 1th Cape,
Down to s,
lUaek nnd Urown Dlnironal.s. wltn Astrakan Col
lars and Culls,
Marked down 10 3.
Black Diagonals, with Black Fur Cape and Cuffa,
Marked down to $1,
A tew garments lett.
Marked down to1.
Sharp lteductlons-strllsh Kngtlsh-Cut Walking
Down to 11.
storm Coats, in Black and Urown llouclo,
Down to ti
Bo'jclcs with Hllk Facings,
Down Irom H73 to ti ti.
Black stockinettes
Down from ft to It.
Black Diagonal, with Astrakan Collar and Cuffs,
Marked down to (.1 ts.
Brown, Black and Dark Blue stockinettes,
Marked down to $-1.20.
Second floor over Arcade
People near and far are tak
ing advantage of our very low
prices for Men's Ready-Made
Clothing, lhc goods are ot
our own design and make, and
there is no guess-work in our
Fur Beaver Overcost.
was j.10; now 120
Black Astrakau Beaver. Corded Edges. Welt
was not now no.
riald Frlezo Ulster.
Was U'l; now 115.
Black Fur Beaver Ulsters, alt Wool,
Suits and Trousers al way-down prices,
Near Thirteenth and Market streets.
Our Paris Robes are among
the most elegant offerings of
the kind we have ever made.
At old prices they were very
desirable to buyers ; much more
so now down nearly half.
Tarts Embroidered.
were (taw, now 25.0).
Farts Embroidered.
ere nvtio. now 130,0(1.
Camclf-Halr, v. I li effect ot Fur Trimming,
Wco a00, now fis.oo.
Chenlllo Fringed Itobes.
were$2V(l. nowiu.oo.
Chen llle Mrtpo with Balls,
Were IJS.00, now u.oo.
Wero 25.00, now 115.00.
Weret20 no, now 113.00.
wero tM 00. now $15 00
serge Itobes with Fttse Krnbioldcrcd Panel Over
skirt, colors (Inrnct, Brawn aid (ireen,
Wero lis, nowm.
Serge Itobes with Wool Frlse and Heads.
Were mi, now
Canvass Itobes 11 n Fringe,
were f 18, now is.
Wool Embroidero 1 cloth itobes.
Were 115, now S".
bilk embroidered Cloth Itobes, I
vvtre JI8, now fj.
Goods of this character are
scarce. They are imported ;
remarkably lustrous and com
bine admirablv with other ma
terials. In making over an old
costume these goods will im
part a surprising cast of new
ness and style.
Camel's Hair Boucle,
Down from S1.S3 to 15c.
Camel's-Halr lioucles,
Down trom 11.50 to SI.
Camel's-Halr Boucles,
Down trom $1.8! to$l.
Camel's-Halr htrtped,
Down from SI. JO to $1.
Camel's-Halr Wlck-strlpe,
Down Irom to SI.
For some garments Home
spun is a favorite with many
ladies. It wears well and al
ways looks well. It will take
say .8 yards of either of these
styles for a dress cost $3.20.
Cheap for a stylish, durable
4-lncu All-wool IIomcsDun In Plain. Solid Col-
ora anothnror-best offerings: well-wade goods
ot excellent j-aluu ; originally sold a' very much
higher prlces,and one ot the best telling articles In
our house, at &o c ; now sOc.
Another Homespun 54 Inches wide and all good
wool; reduced trom 75 cents to S5 cents. Six
yards, coating (3 80 will be enough for;a dress. I
About 8 yards of either of
the following would be needed
for a dress. It would cost you
from $4 to $5.20.
it-u silk and wool Persian Stripes down from
?5C. to sue.
41-in All-wool Bourette Side Bands down from
75c. iq jiQ
14 lo. Halr-LUelChecks down from "so. to 50c.
41 In. Mlka'id Wool Ualr-Llne stripes down trom
$1 to C5C.
41-in. silk andlVYool Halr-Linc Checks down trom
f 1 to rsc
4Hn. All-wool Fancy Wick strlnes down from
ft to 6fc
southeast of center.
You can buy standard qual
ity Brussels carpets at the
price inferiorgoods are common
ly sold at. The first lot we of
fered at cut prices went very
rapidly and we have made an
other selection from our regular
66 patterns of Brussels, com
prising over 200 pieces, at
$1.15 a yard.
Second tloor, Market street.
Women's Suede Gloves, S
button, Mousquetaire, tan
shades, handsomely embroider
ed, 1.25. These, with 4-but-ton
black kid at 75 cents, and
finest kid 4-button tan and
blacks at $1.25, are perhaps the
three great glove offerings of
the season. Lots large ; assort
ment of sizes complete. You
can order by mail within ten
days without risk of disappoint
ment. Arcade, nlDth counter from Chestnut street.
Still some handsome, well
made and finely finished Ma
hogany, Oak and Sabicue
Chamber Sets at two-thirds re
cent prices.
Pine Parlor Suites below
market value. Every suite
different; coverings of Silk Plush,
Satin Damask, Brocatelle, etc.
becondnoor, Juniper street, centre.
Shawls, such as Paisleys and
Broches, do not usually get in
to the swiftest of the price-cutting
current of a Sale like this.
But here are some we got cheap
and they shall go cheap ;
BUek Centre Paisley Long Shawls, with border
ot mlxe.l colore, Dark Blue wlih Black, White and
adashot lied sometimes called l'alo-Eud Pau
leys, Usual price jj.oo, now .0O.
Same stylo finer,
Usual prlco f.moa now tio.oo.
vtuue leniro rm&iey uings,
Brocho bnuaro tiliaw Is, smalt Black centre
Usual price ;Uio, now tm.uo.
New Velvet bhawls, tor heavy w raps.
Usual price US 00, now till 00.
Blanket Lone shawls, warranted MX Wool,
weight W ounces.
Wero It W, now 3 50,
Blanket Long bhawls
Our quickest at 13.00, now (I on.
teconj noor, near (llrard Window,
John Wanamakeu.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets,
una Cliy.tull square.
"T Ortrt Cnr rn Enrtli for run." Willi
rU.T mnrt qukklr thim Imr oliif r lil.own lm
Htllln. Milt hrrk, Bralwu'l
Illimi. KruJil. f?til tnmld!l
Hrlfltlca. tvWK J(eliirhe,
Tool both. mint, rtc IHeoi
Met iv Vol ft Hold by
idmira-frt. t tutJon. Tli own I
nine Mfpoffofi Oil latfl onrl
rrglstcml Xr MMark. aiwl mir
foe-t!m11f fieri tons.
iift'i umj tniri
A Ctt, Aolol
iTCprietorn, ItaUlniorft, Md., U. K A.
For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Couh, l.iclpicnt Con
sumption, nnd for the relief of cen
outrptlve persons In pvonced stages
of Disease. Kcr Es!o Ly t!l Drur;-.
gists. Price, 2.1 cents.
clniiilfi;'!! Jjnrdiuare.
Bi.oomsiiukg, Pa.
A very pretty piece of work
wc have in silver ih it spoon hol
der and call bell combined ; best
quadruple plnte, ornamental,
handy and not high priced.
Carving knives and forks in
sets from 75 cents to twenty dol
lars, with or without eases.
If you want something hand
some tor the table we have it in
a dozen pearl handled, heavily
plated dinner knives in a blue
plush case lined .with satin; a lit
tle expensive but worth all we
Our trade on silver is increas
ing ; advertising and a large line
of reliable ware to select from is
what causes it. We just receiv
ed -50 dozen spoons and forks in
a variety of patterns and have
some more ot those lower priced
casters on the way. Lower
priced because they are plain,
butjust p heavily plated as the
more expensive patterns
Handsome tea and coffee pots
in solid brittama, bright as sil
ver and will wear a lite time
anil always keep their eo'or.
Tea kettles in galvanized L'on
agate iron, copper, 'ilain and
fancy, polished and nickle plat
light and durable.
One of the handiest things
about the kitchen is the new
combination Hour and sugar sif
ter; answers for a measure and
scoop, egg beater, rice washer,
fruit strainer. You buy it of
agents at seventy-live cents, we
sell it to you for lo cents.
Sign of the big Yale Lock
renialo Help Wnnted. Thousands of
shop girls and sales women who suffer
irom weak bacU anil side ache to apply a
nop i-iastcr anil note ine immediate relief.
strengthens tinu braces up the weak parts.
Dom everywhere, lioc,
Man, worn in or child attacked with
Ilrlitht s disi nse. diabetes, crave! nrurinurv
complaints, should use the best wea, on
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Hoot. Kidney, Liver
and Bladder Cure. It right to the
spot, race -jc., iji.
Catakkii is a very prevalent and exceed
ingly dlsagrcenblo disease, liable, if neg.
leuicu, in uuveiu inio serious consump
lion. Belnc n constitutional disease, it re.
quirt s a constitutional leim-dv like Hood's
Saraaparilla, which, acting through the
blond, reaches every pull nf the vM-ti'in,
ellicllng a lailltal nnd pi riiinr rot run- of
ciila 1 1 li in even Hn iiki-i severe fornix.
M de only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,
When lieby wm elck, we rstb her Ctori,
Wlion Ue wj a Child, ihe. cried for t'Mtorl,
When bo becime MUs, she clnnj to L'utorla,
Wheu the lied Children, ahe gf thorn CutorU,
See hil lhc Sri.rct.iiy 6 is i.erttate Poultry
and t'et Slotk Akoiuiwii .,( Cub ten,
Illinois, hjyi
AUUt 1. 1636.
IIbak Sik: I have use J fcoi of or Chick. (Poultry Foe
ttut il increases the roUuc n ff my f wl
Ihe distressing disease, salt rheum, Is
rn.Klllt, fillruil ,, Inm 'u K,...nt.... U . I.
.u..j .,,,, uj , "ll rwi'lll Hill, IIIO
nrnut 1.1,.. I .....lllnp CI. I I... ..II .1
t,,vb uiuwu (Minim. uwiii i.j uil uiugiyi
CnilKIl I1V ADMIMSlKltl.Ml Du. HaINKS'
Uouikn Si'Euifio It can li" given In h cup
of enllio or lea without tin- knowledge of
the person taking It, effi-cllng nspeedy and
permanent cure, whether t ho patlmt Is a
moderate drinker or an uleohollu wn-rl.
Thousands of diiinkards have been made
temperate men who havo taken lhc Golden
opecinc in liiitr couee without tlielrknowl
edge, and to-day lielicvo they null drink
Ing of their own free will. No harmf"l
effects results from its administration.
Clues giiaranlced. Send for e-Jreulnr ami
full particulars. Addu-ss It, ooiitldent'n
uoiuen speclllo to., loa Hurt) 6I Clnctn
uan, uiiio. dcoa80 1y
Ladles will llnd relief from headache,
coellveness, swimming In thu head, colic
sour ptnmacb, reMlessncxs, Indigestion,
constant or Periodical alr.k 1h,ii,Iiii,.,o
weakness in tho hack or Mdnevs. nuln til
the shoulders and different parts of tho
iiouy, ii leeiniz in lassi-iiui- anil iletpond
enev by taking Simmons Mver Hegulator,
It Is not unnh aanl. Is mimlv w...i.i.i,.
and It Is not injurious to the most delicate'
When tho eyes become weak or tho lids
iim iiMiii nun Bine-, ii iiiiorni roil system or
a seroiuious cotutiiion of tho blood is ludl
cateel. lor winch Aycr's Bnteaparilla is the
best . rumcdy, It Invigorates and vitalizes
mo tuooii anil expeu all humors.
IlimilitKor li Ilrenkcrnt IMytuoulli.
The Boston breaker of tho Delaware and
Hudson Canal Company nt Plymouth was
hunted Sunday morning. Tho building,
which wns n structure of wood, 00 feet
wide, 209 long, nnd nt tho highest point
ovtr 100 feet high, was Used to prcparo for
market tho coal taken from the Hudson
Mine. Tho (Ire stnrtcd about 2 a. m. in the
loner part of the breaker, It Is believed,
from a stove. When discovered the Uames
had ol, tallied such a start that any clTort to
xtlnf ulsh them was out of tho question.
Thu Intense heat prevented any ono from
coming v llliln 000 ynrds of tho binning
building. The tiro was plainly visible up
and down tho valley as far as 1'Ittston and
Nanllroke. About live hundred tons of
coal were stored In tho building, which
iiddculy burst through the bait-burned
timbers and poured down to tho ground In
veritable avalanche .of living lire. Tho
building was totally destroyed, with all Its
costly machinery. The total loss will be
bout $100,000, which Is said to bo about
two-thirds covered by Insurance. About
COO men and boys will bo thrown out of
Hemlock M. H. Convention.
Last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
(Jan. 16th.) tho Hemlock Sunday school
convention convened In tho M. E. church
at Iluckhorn. A goodly number of Sun
day school workers being present, The
meeting was called lo order by A. Smith
V. P. Opened with singing. Prayer by
Anhur Spear. Tho following topics were
taken up In the afternoon session t
1. Who should not attend Sundayschool?
2. Who Is mojt responsible for tho
moril nnd religious training of children?
J. Ought tho Superintendent havo a
regular class ?
The visiting speakers present wcro Re.v.
.Mnnhart, A. W. Spear, Win. Heldlcman,
W. C. Hichart.
Hio sentiment prevailed that every body
should attend Sunday school, unless sick
or otherwise necessarily prevented. Par
ents are moil responsible for ch'ld training.
1 he Superintendent should not hive a regu
lar class.
A. W. Spear gave a ucneral statement of
the workings of the county. Adjourned
until 7 o'clock p. in.
Evening session wns well attended.
Opened with singing. Prayer by H.
Hodge. Topics discussed x
1. Why do not more of our Sunday
school boj s become Hunday school men ?
Is not the difference lu tho support
and attention of Sttuday schools and day
schools too great lo be justifiable ?
3. How can temperance best be taught
in our Sunday schools ?
Tho evening topics were faithfully . de
bated by W. O. Hichart. H. Hodge, ,A. J.
Beasle, C. II. Bomboy, O. h, Hnrltnau, A
Smith. Jinny reasons were given why
Sundayschool boys do not become Sunday
school men. Fathers don't, their boys
won't. Quite frequently, but not always
through the neglect of parents, superinten
dents and teachers.
Olflerenco in the support of Sunday
schools and day schools is too great.
Temperance may bo taught Incidentally.
Whenever au opportunity is afforded.
O. H. Bomboy read a well prepared essay
on "Young Men in the Sunday Schools.'"
All ptcsent seemed well pliased with the
Closed by singing the Doxology.
A. Smith, V. P. C. F. Olrton Sec.
ItlHtrllctlou 111 HuhIc.
Mrs, M. A. Smith gives lessons in vocal
and Instrumental music. Site will be pleas-
il to oall on any one ueslrlnz Information
as to terms, who will notify her, or can bo
lound tor tho present at J ml ire l.lwilra.
Slio hns had many years' experience as n
achcr. and hns had charkc ot the music
department in high grade seminaries. 4w.
How to CJiilii Flenli Had StrciiKtli,
Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion : It
Is as palatable as milk and easily digested.
ucltcato people l r.prove rapidly witu us
use. ror Consumption, throat anconeus
and Bronchitis il is unequaled. Dr. Thus.
mm. Ala. sas: "l used scolla emulsion
on a child eight months old; he gained four
pounds tn a month."
'rite icmiiih nncl Travclinir Men.
The Pennsylvania Rail-oad has acceded
to the request of the Travelers' Protective
Association ot the United States and have,
notified President Pickering that they will
piaco on sale tit luu prominent sintinns
West of f ittstiurg tho "week end tickets."
't hese tickets are sold at half theruund.tiip
fain and are tor commercial travelers, tn.
ailing them to visit their families on Sun
days. The Baltimore and Ohio granted
the request ou December 21.
"Wo arc ofl'criug great
Sowing Machines.
S t
S u
S h
fee v a
5C 68
Among tho Pianos we handle are tho IVERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS,
BAUS & CO., SCHOMACKEft Gold String and Opera Pianos. These
Pianos are all first-class and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are tho celebrated ESTEY. MILLER, UNITED
STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sowing Machines are
Machine in tho world.
Heforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J.SALTZER'S PALACE OF
G1113AT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Cntitt ProceuclltiKfl
In the nbsoncJ of bis honor. Wm. Elwcll,
the adjourned court on the 18th was held
beforo tho Associate Judges, Hon. Cyrus
I). Mcllcnty nnd Hon. O. Q. Murpby.
I'Vltcrmnn vs. Iloblson. On motion of
attorneys for defendant, rule granted to
showtnuso why a new trial In tho case
shall not be had.
In rn estate of llcubcn I'ahrluger deed.
A plurles order of sale ordered to be Issued,
of tract No. 1 returnable to May term.
Joshua Davis etux vs. Archibald Patter
son ct ux. No. 144 Sept term 188U. An
Inquest having fixed the real estate npprnls
ed nt the sum of $735, rule granted on nil
patties in Interest to come In nnd accept or
refuse tract at tho valuation. Returnable
to May court.
On petition of Catharine Lake, Wm. J,
Hldlay and Thomas Crevellng appointed
nppraWers to set apart $301) out of estato of
James Lake deed, for widow.
Estate of Abraham Kline, citation award
ed. I'ctlllon nt Abia P. Wilson minor child
ot Kate It, Wilson deed, tor guardian pre
sented nnd David Wcnncr appointed.
lVlltloii of Myrtle K. Wilson, minor child
ot Kale It. Wilson deed, for guardian pre-'
scnted nnd David Wenner appointed.
Theo. I-'. Craig vs. Malinln Craig et al.
No 293 Sept. term 1891 On application,
and by consent of counsel on both sides,
coutt order that euopoenas be returnable
on Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 0 a. tn.
Catawissa Deposit Bank vs. Adam Marks
with notice &c. No. 84 Dec. term 1884.1
Judgment for plaintiff by consent of coun-
ficl for 2G2 20.
ORDERED, January 18, 1887,that causes
for trial lit the second week of February f
term will not bo called for trial until ;
Wednesday morning, the 10th day of the
month, at U o'clock a. in. Parties, jurors
and witnesses need not attend until that
Court will convene Tuesday, the 13th,
for motions nnd tho argument of such cases
remaining on the list as may be undis
posed of. By the Court.
Commonwealth vs. it. C. Frcas, Chief
Burgess et al. No. 0 Feb. session 1885.
Bench warrant issued against A. S. Philips
to bring him to court for senteneo as per
verdict ot jury, Iteturnnble Febry. 7, '87.
Commonwealth vs. Daniel F. Seybert.
No. 1 Oyer and Terminer Sept. term 1885.
Warrant of arrest ordered.
Bond of Harmon Fnhilnger nnd Isaiah
Hower Admrs. of Heuhen Fahringer filed
in the sum of $2000 and W. H. Blllcg ap
proved as surely.
On petition of Emma Osman Admrx. of
L P. Ojman, court decree sale of tract No.
2 and approve bond of petition in penal
sum of $1000 with Geo. B. Dechant and C.
Kills as sereltes.
On petitions of Emma J. and John Dyer,
minor children of John and Sarah Dyer
deed. Daniel W. Unrig appointed their
guardian nnd required to give bond In $150
in each case.
Esther Kelchner et al. vs. John Fester et
al. On petition of attorneys for plaintiff,
record allowed to be amended by adding
the name of Udilla Kelchner as one of the
parties plaintiff.
John M. Bobbins vs. Johu Lore ct al.
No 237 May turn- 1883. Leave granted lo
take certain eleeds and ngi cements from the
tile belonging to the plaintiff.
Adjournment to Feb. term.
Envelopes, letter heads, note beads, bill
I heads, statements, business cards, und all
ninds of commercial printing nt tho Colcm
iiian oilier. tf.
Clilirntm a net tlic Auclltor'H Applets.
While the audit of the accounts in Ihe
Commissioners' office was In progress, one
of tho auditors went out nnd bought a 25
lb paper bug full of fine apples, for ths use
ot himself and fellow auditors. Epliraim
Parks happened in about that time, and
seeing the apples, Inquired whether ho
might be permitted to appropriate three of
them to his own use. "Take all you want
Ephtalm," ri plied the owner of the apples,
whoso back was turned at the lime. "Thank
you, sail," said Ephralm, ami thereupon he
picked up tho bag, put It under Ids arm,
and walked out with all Ihe apples. Ho
was out of sight before the auditor discov
ered what hud happened. Meeting Ihe old
African next day tho official asked him
what lie meant by taking all of his apples.
"Why, sab,'' said Ephralm, "you told mo
to lake all I wanted, nnd as I wanted 'em
all, I took 'em, and I'm very much obliged
to you, sah Them was very comfortable
apples, sail," and lie walked away with a
pweet smllo on his countenance, ready for
the next sott snap that fell in his path,
(3- JR BAT
iiulucenietits to persons desiring
tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW
ing Alacliinc,
W fi royal nwij Ji
r Win) 11
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vatles. A marvel of purltr,
s'rengih and wholeaotnencss. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition with the multitude of low test,short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans.
KoTiL lliciNa 1'owdsb Co.. UallhU.N. Y.
POU AM., l'ermanent employment,
ghen to energetic men and women ev
erywhere. I.TO a week nnd exno'iaefl
paid. Hamples worth $1 and all particu
lars Be.1t treo. Address at ome I'. o VIOKMtY,
Augusta, .Maine. ;twi' tiifn thtt ihanre. Hrtte
to-aai. JanJldtt.
B, Meeker, of Orangeville, lias just re
turned from the city with a full line of la
dles' and gentlcmcns' gold ami silver
watches. jan7-tf.
Wo have just Improved our new Grain
House on south side of railroad above the
de-pot, and arc daily receiving nil kinds of
grain at highest cash prices. New scales,
easy place to unload, und money always
Wheat 8.1
ltye, so
Corn so
Uats si
We keep constantly on hand n large and
choice stock of Flour, Middlings, Bran,
Chop, Salt, Coal, nnd Timothy and Clover
Seed nt lowest market prices for cash or
grain. Special terms on car lots of Feed,
Corn and Coal. Don't fall lo give us a call.
H. V. White & Co.
Having just ree-elved acjllnder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, I am prepared to
clean nnd dye gents' clothing, ladies'
cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg
Woolen Mills.
B. Meeker, suctlonecr, Orangeville, Pa.
Charges satisfactory. jau7-tf.
.VKrlciiltiinsI Society.
The annual meeting of tho Agricultural
Society was held In the Opera House last
Saturday afternoon nt 2 p. m. Samuel
Camp called the meeting to order, and ou
motion the following temporary officers
were elected : Chairman, U. A. Becklcy,
Secretary, H. V. White, Heading clerk, F.
B. Harlmati. The roll e-Jll showed 52 per.
petual members, and 73 members on the
list. The minutes of last meeting wero
read and approved. J. C. Brown read his
report as treasurer showing balance in
band of $400 82. The report was accepted.
Tho salaries of all officers except secretary
were fixed the same as last year ; the Sec
retary was voted an increese of $25- Elect
ion of officers being next in ord- r tho
chair appointed C. L. Sands and Isaiah
llagenbuch tellers. Mr Wintirsteen notn.
lnatcd Samuel Camp tor President. Tho
nominations closed and the votu of the so
ciety was cast by W. W. Barrett and Mr.
Camp was declared elected. William
Shaffer, J. M. Dewitt, ualtts Sterling and
Jerre Koitenbaudcr wcro nominated for
Vice-Presidents, and there being no other
nominations .they were elected. II. V.
While was elected Secretary ; Thomas
Webb, librarian ; Jas P. Freas, John Ap
pieman and Dr. A. P. Heller, Executive
Committee j K. C. Ent, J. P. Sands und
Geo. Conner, Auditors, nil without any
Chandlee Eves moved that the Executive-committee
be authorized to make tho
necessary arrangements for the Farmers'
Meeting. Carried. Mr White stated that
he had received a letter from Mr. Edge,
secretary of the State Board saying there
wns every reason to believo that Gov.
Beaver would be preseut nt that meeting.
On motion adjournetl.
Wedding and party invitations, dance
programmes and visiting cards, cheap at
till, rtnl ITMllI A V n01r. if
I ?
lo purchase Pianos, Organs ant.
tho linest nnd best notary bewmg
j g
B g
S s