The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 21, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0, E. Elwoil, Dii,,,,
J. S. Blttonbnap.,f
There bio too ninny ministers of tho
Gospel who tnislnko tlio put poses ol n
fiiiuiil poriiioti. Ah wo umlurstuiiil it,
ii oil n (liHoniirno 1h ituonilt-d ni a lesson
for tho living, timl to afford consolation
to tho fricmlH of tho deeencii. Lnng
ui(jo cnlutilntcd only to harrow tho
fuelings nnd call forth tears is neither
instructive nor uonaottiii!. It ntruravntca
tho porrow of nioiiriiltif' relatives, and
1- I . i ., - .. a!-..
is unpieRsnni, 10 mo largest portion ui
any oonpregation. With some minis
ters tho effort to orealo a cciio in nub-
Ho over tho hier of tho iload seems al
most habitual.
In last week's Sentinel tho following
sentences appears : "rnlilltng out tho
moromtilo lit was t. feast upon which
they (tho oounty commissioners) could
fatten at tho oxpenso of tho people's
What docs this nvan ! If it is an
insinuation that tho papers that havo
printed tho mercantile list havo paid
tho commisssoncrs or appraisers or any
body clso a bonus for tho privilege, it
is utterly false so fat rn tho Coi.umman
is concerned. If tho Sentinel knows
of any ono who has offered or paid
anything for tho privilege, it owes jt
to Itself and tho puhho to tell all it
knows about it. If it cannot substan
tiate its insinuation, it must confess
that tho inference which it intends
shall bo drawn from the above, is a
very unjust one, Wh to tho officials
and tho newspapers.
Gen. W. II. Ilnzen, chief signal
officer of tho Army died at Washing-
ton on Sunday. Ho was at tho
President's reception on Thursday eve
ning and appeared to be in good health
but he caught a severo cold on his way
home, and died of congestion of tho
kidneys. llis family is in Europe, and
they wero infoimed by cable. Ho was
a graduato id West Point, and a cons
in of iMts. K. IS. lluyes. lie was ap
pointed a cadet at West Point from
Ohio on Sept. 1, 1831. He saw
arduous services in tho Indian cam
paigns until tiio late war, when in Miy
1SG1, he was appointed (J.iptam of tho
Eighth Infantry. He wa-t then maile
Colonel of the For y-first Ohio Inlantr
United Stites Volunte. rs. Ho wa
made Brigadier-General Nov. 20, 18G2,
brevettod Major G -neral and commiss
ioned Dec. la, taut. J to was given
tho brevet of M ijor General in the rog
tilar army March 18, 18G5, and given
tho command of tho Thirty eighth In
fantry with tho r-nk and grade of
Colonel July 28. 1SGG. He was madu
chief signal offic", with the rank of
Brigadier-General, Deo. 15, 1880, which
position he has held evr since.
Tho inauguration of Gen. Beaver
took pl iuo on Tuesday. Th-ru was a
lino military display, and about twenty
tivo thousand strangers wero in Harris
burg. Tno appointments bv tho Gov
ernor uro as follows: Secretory of the
Convnonwualth, Charles W. Stono of
Wwii i Attorney General, William
S. K'rkpitricU of Northampton; Ad
jutant General, Daniel H. H istings of
Joulie. Ueurgu 1 earsou wus appoint
ed private secretary.
Tho question has been raised as to
whether tho Governor cau till a vacan
cy in n judichl office without the an-
proval of thu Senate. The twenty-fifth
section of Article V of tho constitution
of 1874 is as follows: "Any vacancy
Happening oy ueatn, resignation or
otherwise, v any couit of record, shall
.. Oo until by appointment, by tho Gover
nor, to continue till the Grst Monday
of January next succeeding the first
general tlrctiou which shall occur three
or tuoro mouths after the happening ol
suoti vacancy. Under this section it
has been tho practice to till such vucaii
cies without sending to the Senate lor
approval. The lauuage is clear and
explicit, nnd stat-s by whom the an
poiutment shall bo made, and how long
tho appointee shall hold office. Tno
Souato has nothing to do with it, aud
cannot limit the time lor which the ap
poiutineul is made, by its refusal at
any tune o approve it.
Hut tho difficulty arises from another
clause in tho constitution. Article IV,
Section 8, reads as follows : "He (thu
governor; Mian nominate, anil by and
wun me advice aud consent ot two
thirds of nil tho members of the Senate
appoint gnei, olher 0f
lioes of tho commonwealth as he is or
may bo authorized, by the constitution
or law, to appoint j he shall have power
tojill all vacancies that may happen in
officers to which ho may appoiut, during
tho recess of the senate, oy granting
commissions which shall exnire at the
end cl their next session; he shall have
power to till any vacauov that may
happen during tho ncess of tho sonata
id a mdicial office or
in any other electivo office which he is
or may be authonz-id to till ; if the
vacancy shall happen during tho Bession
ot tue senate, tho governor shall norm
uate to the senate, before their final ad
journment, a proper person to fill said
vaoanoy." Here is a distinct conflict
between the two sections of the conati
tution. Ono provides for the filling of
a vacancy oy mo governor, without
tho ndvico and o msent, of the senate,
for a term that shall expire on a cer
tain d.iy, to-wtt, thu first Monday o
January. The other provides that tho
same appointment must bo approved
by the t-enatc, and that Mm commission
issued during tne recess of tho senato
sha'l expiro at the end of their next
session. Tho two sections are so in
consistent that they cannot bo recou
oiled. Which one, then is in force t
i noro aro nvo rules on tho construe.
tiou of constitutions tlm are applicable
to this case. One is that when two
sections are conflicting, cno of which
is new, nnd the oilier has already been
in force in a previous instrument, the
old otio shall stand. Section 2.. of
Article V of tho constitution of 1871
is copied trom aiction 2 of Article V
- .i t....!.... ..o .... i ,
ui mo uuiisiiiiiuuii oi loos, ami pence
comes under tliis rule, whilo Section 8
of Article IV is new.
Another rulo is, that the section that
appears latest in a written instrument
shall have precedence over what comes
before, when there is a condict, and
this inle fixes sectlou 25 as the oue in
force. This is the opinion of Cover-
nor Patlisou, Attorney General Cassidy
Hon. Q, R. Iiuokalt'w, and many ether
eminent law) ers, L mKr tins viev ol
the uiso, whioh is uii'lou'it-illv eoireot
the appointment of C. B MuIIeiiry as
assoctate-judge was properly made
without sending his name to tho Senate,
Cassldy Stops Out.
Tiir. cohforations suits iiejueatiiki
to tub tscoMiNfi ATroitsuv ni:si:iAi
Attorney-General Cnssldy'a prosecu
tion of tho commonwo ilth a suits
against tho coal and trunk lino pools
OBino to an end Saturday, and tho re
sponsibility for n continuation or sus
pension ol tho raid goes as a legacy 10
the now law officer of tho state, f he
examiners and lawyers interested in
tho cause, nut nt 10 o'ol ck in the
morning in parlor C of the Continental
hotel, Philadelphia, for tho last lime.
Mr. Cussidy, after a few matters were
nettled, made foimal announcement of
tho closing of his case, nnd said : "Wo
have come to tho point whore we shall
not, can any more icsiimony. in view
of tro fact that mv official term will
extiirj on the swrarins iu of my suc
cessor on noxt Tuesday, it is manifest
that even were the case closed 1 would
not havo tho time or rather tno oppor
tunity, to arguo it. It therefore seems
reasonable and proper that wo should
submit thu testimony wo have to tho
itioomlnii nttornov.ueni ral that he may
deoido whether ho will go on nnd take
further testimony or proceed to argu
mcnt with tho testimony nlroady pre
sented. I, therefore, ask the hxnnnn-
rs to suspend takiim farther testimonj
until they receive notice from the new
Attornoy-Ueiierni.' Alter mis stair-
tnc'it. Mr. CasHtily went among tue
lawyers and bade them a sort of affeo
tiouatc farewell, and whilo everybody
was in a good humor and harmony pre
vailed all around tho party separated,
and so, for the time at least, an end
camo to tho battle of tho state ofltecra
against corpoiato power.
Govornor Brisk oa Strikes.
The prominence gaint d by Gover
nor itusk, ol Wisconsin, m ino i.iuor
troubles of last May lends additional
weight to his comments on the strikes
made in his message to tho Legislature.
Some of the most exciliog scenes of
that turbulent period wero enacted iu
Milwauke?. The city has n largo
forcigu population, many of hom are
Poles ai.d advocates of the most ex
treme Socialistic doctrines. Tho strike
for an eijrlit-hoiir day gave them tho
opportunity for which they had long
been preparing, mots and violent acts
were at once boguu, nnd had it not
been for tho timely and oneri tiu
measures taken by tho autlu r lies to
suppress them, many lives aud much
ptoperty would havo been sacrificed.
The eourse of Governor Ruk nt this
crisis was much criticised hy the nip
porters of the strike.
auuicioiil time has now elapsed to
permit all feeling to subside and to en
able all participants to take a disoas
sionalo survey of tho events of lat
spring, and tho result of Uoverno-
llurks observations and retli-ctums
will be welcomed as a valuable contri
bution towards clearing up the contro
versy betwi en oipitnl aud labor. II,
states one fact too little considered in
the discusslou, which is that while
nlv a small minority of to- working
men of the country have taken part in
the labor disturbances the gi al ma-
jot ity, though not in sympathy with
these troubles, have been compelled to
suffer thiousih the interiuption of their
peaco and the violation of their rights.
All intelligent and unpreju lietd work-
ingmen will agne Governor Ku-k
iu the conclusion thai l his is uiijiiH
and that the peaceful maj i ity havo a
right to say, through tho lawfully con
stituted :iuihnriiies, to the fauinuis mi
nonty that there must ho p.-ao.-. Th
great, independent, self relia' t majority
of workingmeii ho describes as "the
hone and sinew, the piido anil glory of
good citizenship," nnd declares it to bi
lidiculous that their interests shall be
jeopardized by tho ro-itless contentious
ol a small minority.
that the labor agitations of last oar
were in a largo d-greo fruitless will be
conceded by intelligt nt wurkiiiginen.
Tnis result was due mainly to the fact
that in most caes tho movements wero
begun and directed by demagogues,
whose only hone of gain was iu the
continuance of a state of strife. Per
haps it was necessary lor labor to pa-s
through this discipline in order lint
incompetent nnd undtt-erving leaders
might b we. ded out, nod if so it is to
be hoped thai thu lesson has beeu well
learned. And it will be well if tho
events of the past twelve mouths have
made olear to and impr -ssed upon the
vvorkingiuen the tact wed by Gover
nor Rusk, that the great mass of the
laboring men, though not concerned in
the strikes aud the lawless nets by
which they wero suppotted, were yet
compelled to share in the disasteroua
consequents. Seeing the inevitable
results of the course followed last year,
tho sensible and law-abiding working
men, who form tho great maj irity of
the laborin class in this country.
should determine to free themselves
from the influence ol tho-o whoso ml
has brought noih ug but disaster and
suffering. Only by taking this step
can thoy hope to recover the ground
lost aud give the labor movement
now impulso in the right directiou.
Miners in Battle Array.
A mgautio scheme tor tho general
reorganization of all tho cual mineis
and mine laborers of the United States
under one banner is now being accom
plished by the Knights of Labor. It
will be tho most powerful and far er
lending association ot miners ever
known in this country, and is expected
eventually to absorb and supersede the
present organization among that class
of workmen. Tho scheme originated
iu tho mind ot William tl. ls.nley,
member of the" General Executive
Board of the Knights, and has been
entertained by linn tor twenty years
past. Mr. Powderly and the other
members of the General Board have
authorized thu present plan and every
indication points to its fulfilment.
Fourtien States and five Territories
nro no- embraced in the organization
and futuro developments may extend
its seope still further. All tho tninintr
sections of this State, both of anthra
cite and oil ominous coal, have been
though quietly cauvas-ed within the
fast three mouths except the Counells
ville coko reuion, aud the men in that
locality will bo organized during the
coming wo- k. The bituminous coal
helds of Cumberland, Pocahontas and
Klk Ganlen. in Mnreliinil nint
; ......
Virginia, havo been secretly visited by
special committees within the past ten
days, nnd tho work of organizuiou
there is said to be nearlv ermimVtoil
in two of tho far Western territories
I no organization his yet boen perfected
but thev aro iuoluded in the grest pro-
fject auil, it is understood, will bo at-
tended to in the near future.
Tho whole organization will bo
known a ih- National District Asetn-
bly No. IM f Moiers aud Miue-Libor
.-rs of Am r e i. For c mvenienco in
manage n-n and mum d interest it is
broken up into thirteen ub orgsuiia-.
tloos, numbered as divistous. Miners
employed in regions whoro tho Bamo
kind of coal is produced, or which is
shipped to tho same market, arc group
ed together in separate districts. Tho
twelfth nnd thirteenth divisions havo
not yet been organizoo, nor has tho
fourth, which will einbtnco tho coke
miners of this State. Tho nggrcgato
itembership of the whole bodv is now
estimated at 100,000 men.
Tho grouping of Pennsylvania dis
tricts is as follows ; Division 1 em
braces the miners of nil tho nnlhrncito
coal regions of Pennsylvania. Divis
ion 2 embraces the miners ot bitumi
nous nnd semi-bittimluotiH coal in the
Snow Shoe, Clearfield and Broad Top
regions of Pennsylvania ; tho Cumber
laud region. Maryland j tho Pocahon
tas region ol Virginia, and nil the
mines In West Virginia and wesiern
Pennsylvania shipping co il to tho samo
market. Division a embiaccs the
minors it' the bituminous regions of
Sullivan, Bradford, Tioon, Lycoming,
Clinton. Cambria, Elk, MoKean, Mer
cer and Butler couuties of Pennsyl
vania, and nil tho low-grado divisioi.s
of Pennsylvania. Division -1, not yet
orgnnlzctf, will include the coke miners
of Connellsvllle, Seottdalo and othei
coko regions of Pennsylvania. Divis
ion f embraces tho miners of bitumi
nous coal along the Mor.ongahelfi,
Youahioghony, Kauawha and Ohio
rivers as lar down as the month of th-
Kanawha. Division G embraces the
miners nt the bituminous coal in the
wholo of Ohio and all of that poriior,
of Western Pennsylvania shipping coal
westward by rail.
These divisions will all b subordi
nate to District Assembly ISo. 1 hoy
will be officered and governed after
the manner of local assemblies of the
Knights of Labor. In most cases tho
divisions iiiulude many local assemblies.
Iso local assembly or division will be
allowed to cause any stoppage within
the function of thu National District
Executive Board.
The pnrposo of tho organization is
not an immediate demand for highei
wages or shoiter hottis, but to i stablish
a mutual understanding for concerted
action in olher directions, in case ot
a demand, it is staled, no move will be
made which is not thought to be
reaonablc. If a demand is made in one
division it will not necessarily affect
any other.
One of tho main reasons for dividing
the organizatioi is understood to be
thu avoidance of trouble iu one region
by the men emploed in other adja
cent regions as heretofore
District Master Workman Bailey
was stcn on tho subp et of the greai
organization. Ho said: 'This i-
simply a gatheiing together for the
first time nnd :r one head for belt-r
government of all the miners and oiiee
'borers ol the country who belong to
the Knights of Labor, for mutual pr
tcetion aud ben fir. It is the intention
of thu founders of this district and lie
otlicers of all the sub divisions to abol
ish strikes by having a parted orgatd
zition. Tho men btiug under thoroug
discipline, when griuvances arise we
can present them to the emplojers
in the region p-oduoing tint kind ol
eieii aud have th-m n-iiusted reaitlv.
All complaints, gr ovancea and differ
e.necs must be ei'bmitted to arbitration
aud not ended by foreo as heretofore."
From our Iiesular Correspondent.
Washinoton. D. C, Jan. 18, 18S7.
The pas-age of tho gicat Inter S at
Commerce bill, which is the result of n
popular imminent, beginning twenty
years ago, marks the past .week in
C.-ngrei-s. There was a good deal id
important legislation besides this, how
ever, such as that giving tho Agricu'
tutal Depaitmeut Exeoutivo import
ance and its chief a seat in the Cab
inet; that extirpating the hierarchy u
Salt Lake City, aud that doubling the
militia appropriation for the year.
This last acl will, doubtless, be well re
ceived everywhere; for the time ha
come vvhou it is acknowledged that the
citizen soldiery of tho hind ought to
receive moru attention than has even
yet been shown them.
It was ex'jecled that the Senate
would eollle the vexed question id
Commerco h Railroads as it did.ahoiil
tlm hour of midnight on Friday, but
no one knew how many Senators
would be found supporting than op
posing the bill. It came tnumpliantl)
through by a vote of foity-lhrte to fil
teen, although a number of Senators
who voted for tho measure were d s
satisfied with it. These decide t.t s i
aside their own views anil follow the
dictates of their constituents, saving in
this instance, where legislation is ne
cessarily experimental, it is safe to give
the people the benefit of tho doubt
ino Inter btato Commerce bill was
framed ami pressed forward by men
who were mostly honest iu their effort
to relieve the people, but there are a
go d many legislators who doubt its
efficacy. Some say the railroads will
put up their through freights instead
of reducing their way freight, aud
thus insure the equality which the law
Now that tho Auti-Mormon bill has
been passed by tho House, one hears a
good many comments which indicate
an appreciation of the seventy of tho
measure. It not only makes polygamy
a felony, but dissolves tho financial
corporations known as tho Latter Dav
Saints, and the Perpetual Emigration
r mid ivompany, and practically abolish
e.s no me maenmerv. religious or no-
litical, that is now cmploved directlv
or indirectly in the maintenance of the
Mormon Church extern. There are
difftrencee of opinion as to the wisdom
and justice of the policy, but the
friends ol the measure just passed as
sume mat tue malady is ot such a terri
bio nature us to require heroio treat
ment. Its opponents say it would bo
better to wait upon the slow attritions
ol tune and tho pressure of public
opinion 10 wear the evil out.
The Republicans pledged themselves
iu eradicate polygamy iu tBoU, more
than thirty years ago. They hi Id
power lor uearly a quarter of a cen
tury ami as Mormomsm still flourishes
it is left for tho Democrats to perform
a duty which tho Republicans ueglect
en or eise couui not lie, Ut course
everybody desires tint the "twin rtlio
ol barbarism' shall bo dcstro)ed, if it
o in do uone wiitioul straining the Con
siitution. lion. Randolph Tucker of
u., who reported the Anti-Mormon
oui, neni mat lucre was nothing in it
that could hurt the conscience even of
a Mormon. II he thought there was,
no sum no would vote against it.
The State reception at tho White
geous in tho gold lace of the t
honor, the Diplomatic Corps, with
music, gaslight, flowers and palms on
overy side, a crush ot richly costumed
woraeu and n crowd of famous men,
m ,y of them in brilliant uniforms.
Meide the official world of the CnpiUI
"hoot Mxtj persons in privaio life wero ,
invited In ihe reception. Among these
was noticed Mm. F.iink Leslie, nnd it
W i difficult to litcide wheilur she or
Mr. Stanford, tho wife of the Senator
from California, woro tho largest or
tho finest or the greatest number of
Tho Mulno band which furnishes
muslo at Whlto House receptions, Is
enthusiastic in praise of the present
Administration. Mr. Cleveland feeds
thorn well nnd is sociable nnd kind to
them nnd Secretary Whitney is a man
just after their own hearts. Whon
they got through nt thu i'rtsidcnts on
New Year's day, tho Secretary of tho
Navy took them over to his houso to
play nt tho reception there. Ho paid
them !?5 apiece for their services, and
tho leader 10. This was tho first tlmo
they ever received any remuneration
from a C ililnet officer ot any other
Govt, official. They say tlm worst
treatment they over had was under
President Arthur, when they were sent
home at two or three o'clock in thb
morning with their stomachs full of
oyster soup nnd beer. Blnmu was not
fixed upon Mr. Arthur himself, but
upon his steward.
The tar latno-i Mirino itand is com
posed of tinny-eight men, and the sal
aries paid Hi- ru nie 5"J8 per month lor
first class talent, $24 for second class,
and 21 for third class. Tho leader
gets about 1,GUU a year. This and
tho West f'oint bind ato tlm only two
bands, as such, that tho Government
supports. Although the Marino band
enjoys some perquisites, and a good
many privileges and honors, it com
plains that its salaries nre too small,
and that first rato men cannnot be kept
at tho wages paid by tho Uovernmetit.
He Fleeced the Legislators.
A man named Bennett was arrested
at Hiirrishurg last week and held for
court on tlm chargo of obtaining monoy
by laise pretense, lie represented Him
so'f as a correspondent of the Philadel
phia Prcis, aud collected a sum of
m niey from members of the legislature
by agreeing to wiito pen skutches of
and support the pavcos generally in
the J'rcsi. for five dollars each. Sov
eral senators took the bait. Bennett
acknowledged his guilt.
M. S. Quay was eh ctcd U. S S. na-
or on Tuesday.
C. B. Far wll will succeed Gen.
Logan as United States Senator f torn
I linois.
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nood's Sarsaparllla cures scrofula, salt
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Now. Throat. Bronchal Tubes.
ami l.miB Tissues, causing Cough
What Dlteaici Invade the Lung
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or Ha
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5 It will stop that Coughlnfr. Tickllnir in
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IlisOIatttr) lVIfmrufc Canktr-lthe
Phleqm Tutxrhular Muto-vuntltntl
in prevents uecune, jMgni?wcaig, lice-tic-Fever,
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L'5c, cue, si.uu u bottles $5.00.
3 Prn"-t at Pr. Kilmer"! IMiwnrT, Itlntrhamton,
I b.Y.(alDnu.l,,al.1etoUi-tth" Vf-nt rnw).
I hit! 11 11V All iiucniirui .
Iilonot believe that
Ajer's Sarsaparllla
has nn equal as a euro
for Scrofulous Hu
mors. It Is pleasant
to take, kIvi-s strength
to tho Iwdy, nnd pro
duces n moro perma
nent lesult than anv
meiliciuo I ever used.
K. Hulues, North
Lliulale, Ohio.
I havo used Ayer'a
RarMip.irllln, in my
family, for Scrofula,
ami know, if it li
taken faithfully It will
thciriniRlilv cmdicnte
this terrdilii ilisraa.
utut-uviiie, lenn.
for forty years I
have suHeroil with
lZryslpelas. I have
tried v arioiiH remedies
Canker, and
fur my romplalnt, but
found nu u-hef until
I i-omiiienicd .using
Ayer'a Sarsairilla.
After taking ten bot
tles of this medicine I
mil completely cured.
M. ( . Amcsbury,
t.uvitHjrt, .,e.
I Imve. sutTered, for
years, from Catarrh,
which was vi severe
that it destroyed 111 v
apKtita and weak
euml my ayntetu.
After trvllli other
remedies, without re
lief. I li.-j.ui 10 take
and, m a fuvv months,
Can be
cured by
wan tired. Hiu.m L.
Conk. !Ot Allkiuv- st..
purifying "
tho blood
Is superior to anv
blood puriiler that 1
ever tried. I havo
taken It for Scrofula,
Canker, nnd Sail
Itheiuu, und received
111111 h benefit from it.
It is Rood, alo, for
a weak stomach, -Millio
Jane, I'elrce, S.
Bradford, Max,,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Ppnsl If Dr.J.C A,r Si Co., Lowell, Hsu.
Price 1 1 tlx bottles,
A tvJ)
hW r1
No medicine Is sounlreraally used In tho South,
won Its way Into erery southern home by pure,
sterling- merit. It there takes tho place of adoctor
and costly prcscriptlons7It Is a
Purely re jctablej jentlo In Its action; can be salc
ly glren to any pereon no matter what age.
It promotes Digestion, dissipates tasty Sick
Headache, and gtves a strong, full tone to tho sys
tem. It has no equal is a Preparatory Medicine,
and can bo safely used when a doctor cannot be
called In.
Endorsed by persons ot tho highest character
and eminence as tho "
It tho child has the colic. It Is a suro and pate
remedy. It will restore strength to the orerwork-
ed father, and relieve the wife from low spirits,
headache, dyspepsia, constipation and like Ills.
"I have been a tiBcr of Mminons Liver Regulator
for many years, having made It my only Family
Medicine, it is a pure, good re lablo medicine.
ity mother before mo was very partial to it.
"I flml (he llei.iilntnr -nrv eufn hnrtnlonn anil
reliable as a family m dlclne, an'd have used It
for any disorder or the system and found It to act
use a cnarm. I believe If it was med in tune 11
would prove a great preventive ot sickness. I
llllVO Often reeemmpniled It tn mv frlpmls. snil
shall continue to do so.
"Pastor M. E. Church south, Falrneld. Va."
Uy virtue ot sundry writs, Issued out ot tho
Court of Common Pleas of Co umbla county, Pa.,
and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale,
at tho Court House, In Illoomsburg, on
SATURDAY, lAlmmry 12, 1887,
nt ! o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage and
tract, rlece or parcel of land, i-ltuato In the town
ship ot Heaver, In the county of Columbia and
state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt: On tho north by land ot widow
Hosier, on the east by laud ot Jonas llrodbenncr,
on the south by sunbury, Hazlcton and
Wllkes-Barre rsllroad, 11. W. Fry and Nathan
llredbenner, and on the west by a public road,con
taming about twenty-two acres, more or less,
w hereon are erected a grist mill and a good w ater
power on the premises.
Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of Catha
rine Weaver's u-o vs. M. F. Eyerly, with notice to
H 8. Colo and IV. II. Cote, terro tenants, and to be
sold as the property ot M. F. Eyerly, with notice
to u. s. Cole and w. B. Cole, terro tenants.
Miller, Atty. Lev. Fa.
All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
In tne township of Urlarcreek, Columbia county,
described In two pieces, but held and occupied a,
one, lounded as follows: lieglnnlng at a stone,
corner to land late of Henry lirittalnX thence
north elghty-four and one-half degrees east eighty
perches to a black oak sappllng, In the county
line ot Luzerne a d Columbia, thence by tho Bame
south three degrees west ono hundred and sixty
flvo perches to land late of rjernird Seybert,thenco
west fortyfour perches to an oac sappllng, thence
north twenty-eight and one-half degrees west one
hundred and two perches, to land lale of llenry
llnttain, thence by the samo north fifty and one
halt degrees cast twenty seven and ons-tenth
per:her to a black oak, theece north two degces
east, forty-nine perche3 to place ot beginning con
taining seventy.nve acres and one hundred and 11
perches, more or less. The other piece of land,
aljolnlng tho above, ts bounded by: Beginning at
a black o.k, thence west rirty.two and slx-tenth3
perches to a white oak, thence north two degrees
east twenty-two and two-tenths perches to a
stone; th nee north flfty-three degrees west,
eighteen and two-tenths perches to a stone;thence
north twenty.oneand a half degrees east, thlrt.v
Beven nnd eight-tenths perches to a stone; thence
north forty-one degrees west seventeen perches to
a stone; thence north fifty and one-half degrees
east, sixteen and two-tenths perches to a stone;
thenco north twenty-eight and one-half degrees
wo,t, ono hundred and two perches to tho place ot
beginning, containing twenty-one acres, more or
less, together nlncty-slx acres and one hundred
and eleven perches, (exceptlngoutot tho last de
soloed rlece two-thirds ot an acre of land, with
the appurtenances, lying along the road, from
Foundrj vllle to the grist mill, on the premises oc
pled by Daniel Miller,) on widen areerected a large
grbt mill, a largo bank barn, framo farm house
and distillery, and other outbuildings.
S lzed, taken in execution, by virtue of divers
Fa. Fas , and to be sold as tho property of Dan'el
F. Seyb rt.
SAMUEL 8.MITU, Sheriff.
By virtue ot sundry writs, issued out of the
court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa.,
and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale,
at the Court house. In Bloomsburg, on
MOXJ)A Y, February 7, 1887,
at S p. m., all that certain tract ot land, situate
In Pine township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt; On 'he north by
land ot It. M. Bogart, on the east by land ot Jacob
A. Cbamberlaln. on the south by land of C. V.
Eves and on the west by land of Ezra Hunyan
estate, containing fifty acres, whereon are erected
a two-story plank house and outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the
property of John M. Chamberlin.
IkilzrA Himuso, Attys, FL Fa.
The following real estate of Rudolph Yeager,
ttuate In Catawlssa towtship, Columbia county,
Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On
the north by lands of reter Luxenbeiger.on the
west by lands of George Murray, on the south by
public road and on tho east by lands of Harry
Hill, containing thirty acres, more or less, whereon
Is erected a story and a halt stone house.
Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of Henry
lloffuun's, adin'r, vs. ltudo'ph Yeager, and to be
bold as the property of Hudolph Vea&er.
Yocch i iIktih, Attys. Vend. Ex.
)rl Sheriff.
V7'HEItEA.S,t!ieIIon. William Elwell
11 President Judge of the Court ot Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court ot (J uar
ter Sessions of the Peace and the Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court In the !6th Judicial Dis
trict, composed of the counties ot Columbia and
Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and F. L
Shuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county
nave Issued tbelr precept,beartng date the Mb, day
of Dec. In the year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eigttty-slx, and to me directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions ot the Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the
county of Columbia, on the first Monday, being
the 7th day of Feb. next to continue for two
Notice Is hereby given to the the Jus
tlees of the Peace, and the Constables ot the sal.i
County of OolumblMhat they be then and then In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said 7 th day of Feb. with their records Inqui
sitions and other remenibrances,to do tbosethtngs
which to their offices appertain to be done. And
those that are bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may be In the Jail
ot the said county of be then and there
to prosecute them as shall be lust- Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance,
akJvcAuij iu uieir nuucei
fv0 the Clh day of 1
L. B. Lord one tnous
I' 1 eighty-seven, an
eleventh year of the lndi
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
Jan. in the vearof our
ousand eight hundred and
. and In the one hundred u.d
lnderjendenea or i h iinttf-ii
states of America.
SherlU's omce, SAMUEL SMITH,
otlce Is hercbv men that the following mmni
persons have niedwlth the Clerk o thei-onrrof
Quarter sea-Ions of the Peace of columbu eousty,
their petitions for license, which will be presented
to tbeuld ourt on Mot. day, the seventh day ot
1 ,T Wl -T av u lha. p. in :
Blbby, Jamea 11
LlQUor store
Liquor store
Brennan, M W
curry . nanlil r
Drake, Lemuel
Gllmore, Fred k M
Ullmore Wm 11
lilr on. Jacob L
llcckinan Geo
Long. James M
Monroe, John
McUrearty. Jamea
Mann, Jonn s
Miller. Ken W
lVltrer, MmWlllUm, Centraila,
Bobbin, conez B Bloomsburg.
Tubbs. W It dn
Clerk1!! omce, Bloomsburg, Pa., Jan. tl, UI7, '
(Jrn'ci rr tnt B. 4 R. it. it. Co, BLooxurKO, Pi,
January 10, i?.
. The stockholders of the mtomsburs & Sullivan
Itallroad company will meet at the omce ot the
company In Ihe town ot Bloomsburg, on Tueiy.
the rlrsl day of February, lss:, at 10 o'clock In the
lorecoon of thai day, to elect a President and Dl
rtctors of said company tor the ensuing , ear. and
lor the transaction t other buslneav
Jin. llt& lw7 u. J, CO.N.Nkit, seemtrr,
rpitEASUHEn'S REl'OllT
. Agricultural Society,
J 8. O. IUtOlVN, Treasurer, DIt.
To nmt in treasury last settle
ment t 173 f I
To numbers' dt cs from Jan. 1,
'Ki, to Jan. 1, H7 SW CO
To amt from lil.t admission
tickets. 8511 71
To amt from stand rents. . M7 w
" grand Hand 172 43
" " horso entries , ittoi
" " wood sold a 10
" " 1 bondsalSiiO.... I 000 00
jisu: a
JAS. C BROWN, Treasurer, CR.
By amt premiums paid 1 197S 75
" National Ass'n dues and
starter. to 00
By amt paid for Hugs and caps. S9 00
" ' straw for bed
ding 8 55
By amt pjd for cod tor engines 8 10
" " water rent,,... 81 in
" " taxes. J7 64
" " lnsuranco 40 no
" ' telephone .... 0 00
" " pilntlng, post
age and express. , 3)180
By amt paid for Opera House for
election and meeting of
State Hoard. 19 00
By amt paid expenses delegates
to stato College and stato
Board. 49 to
By otlicers' salaries. 175 00
By attorney's tees, monjagc,
bonds tec 35 00
By police, delectlvo and ass'ta .. 311 47
By music 107 33
By repairs and Improvements to
Fair Ground. 793 03
By paint and painting new
building. w C3
By lnttr.t on bonded indebted
ness nnd on agrc raent to
C. Barton 437 34
By amt bonds redeemed 3' 00 00
" paid on bulld'g contract 4517 si
1!CG C3
Balance t 490 83
We, tho undersigned Auditors having been duly
elected by the -oclety at the List regular meeting
to audit tho accounts ot tho treaiure r for tho year
I'M, hereby certify that we hare this tl O' , xam
Ined the nbove ana foregoing statement and found
tho samo correct.
K. C. EXT, )
J. P.SANlis, ) Auditors.
Bloomsburg, Jsn 15, 137.
JANUARY 15, 18i7.
Premiums aw arded and uncall.
ed for t 7 50
Bal due on trials of speed re
talned to await the decision
Jf the Nation-ill rotting As
sociation on protest. 97 50
Balance on Eves' contract UK 79
Die for medals (.c probau eco-t) 105 00
I 339 79
Bonded Indebt- tlness.' tax) W)
Calej Barton agreement .... 40 i
Note and 1 Car's Interest due. 530 00
$ 92C9 79
Attest: II. V. VIlIT,sec'y. J2
The following Widow's Appraisements will be
prebented to the Orphans' court ot Columbia Co.,
on tho first Monday ot February, A. I). 1SS7 nnd
cortlrmed nisi, nnd unless exceptl ns ore filed
within four davs thereafter will be confirmed ab
solute: stout, Wmestatcllrlarcrcek; personalty, t-5
Santec John, estate, Flsntngcreek; personalty,
Wagner t: personalty, 130 '.00.
llartzel John J estate, .Mllllln; personalty,
tl50U3Ter laycn' estatc' i-'lwlssa; personalty,
Geurgo Ellas estate.Fnnklln; personalty.30 1 0 .
Forco Daniel estate, Flshlngcreek; personalty,
enry Silas W., estatc, Jackson; personalty,
" ,' WM. H. SNYDER, Clerk ot n. c.
Clerk's office, Bloom burg. Ba., Jan. 11 1S87.
"Kotlco Is hereby given that an nppllcitlon will
be made to the Governor of t c state of I'ennsyl
vanla on Saturday the l!th day of February, lT,
Underthe ACL of Asemhlvnr th., Pn nmnnivenlrh
ot rennsylvanla, entitled "An Art to provide for
the Incorporation and Regulation ot rertuln Cor
porations," approved April 19, 1874, and the :,up
plements thereto, lor thi charier of anlntendei
corporation to bo ca led "The silver spring Quarry
co.pany." the character and objector which Is
to mine, quarry and ship limestone, and the man
ufacture and sale of lime or any olher article ot
commerce manufactured from llmcstono and do
such other bunessns permitted in the 1Mb sec
tion of second class, named m section 2 ot the Act
ui Asseraoiy or April 2a !-74, nnd Its supplements
rhe names ot the subscribers of the certificate of
Incorporation nie: o W. Creveltng. Aaron Boone,
C M. Creveltng, j. K. Boone and f. w. Miller.
JbSl c. W. MILLER, Solicitor.
Real Estate !
In pursuance ot an order of the Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, to the undersigned adminis
trators of Reuben Fahrlnger, deceased, there will
oe exposed to public sale, on the premises, In Lo
cust township, on
Saturduy, February 12, 1887,
at one o'clock p. m., the following described real
estate of said deceased, to-wlt: All that certsln
piece or parcel of lard, situate In Locust township,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the
north by Mnds of .-arah .Mears, on the east by land
ot Cornelius I'ettermau, and on the south
and west by public road and lands ot
Datdel Morris and Abrom Bltner, containing about
of land, more or less, on which are erected
Two Frame Dwelling Bouses,
one two stories high and the other one story. Also
a good sized barn and other necessary outbuild
legs. There Is also on the premises a good
and other fruit trees of all kinds, and also a good
well of water. The said real estate lies along the
public road leading trom Catawlssa to Ashla- d
Terms of sale will be announced by the crier on
the day of sale.
All grain In the ground and personal property
on i he premises reserved. Deed at the expense of
There will also be exposed to sale, at the samo
lime and place, the following described personal
property of the wloow of the deceased: Two beds
and bedding, one settee, one dozen chairs, one
lroj kettle, two tables, one cupboard, one parlor
stove, one wood chest, forty or Otty j ards of car
pet, a lot ot crocks, one largo tub, grubbing
hoe, shovels, hay rakes, one ladder, a lot of hsy,
by the ton, long straw and corn stalks fifteen
me bushels of oats and a lot of rye and other ar
ticles too numerous to ii.entlon.
Ixklxr a IliKBWQ, Attys. AdmlnlstraWa
It U a healthrul and comfortable garment, made nn cloth, and
SSLer? ""entlie body evenly. This uniform and
complete covering la a great advantage as there Is
J,,?' ""KTcohl than when thebodi7
only partially cohered by a heavy double al"
if t he g Wng bodyr1" lCU aBd "'OP""
.i!;kLtf. 1? iu unaerciotning Is dWribuled
?,T,if ?od)r me4ns 01 buttons sewed 10 bands
stitched up and down upon the wauu
fJS.e f!.S ? lhe ""ekjng supporters U removed
" ""u 'n oirect y upon the !
sale by ". ..uucu, saiisiuciion. tor
Bloomsburg, Coh Co., ra. janii.
. . i--""'.,5i icrs in aa-
vance. balance when patent u ob.
Joined. Send for circular giving run
Infonnatlon. and containlig ltt of
um wii an percentage of fees In ad
reterenees. m7j xD&Er vrtSSSSgift. 01
racuio BUldlng (sepiLem.
tobemade. Cutthlsoutaal retu
us. and we will send y.m tree. 1
thing of great value and importano
which wl 1 bring you In more mony rlgbtaw
S!'-Sf?W'"0lS.. AnTole'efn
sun aBV bo. UVUIC, rillllti bsTJL All MaTH
loinethlng new, mat just coins money lor Hi
ii,. ir. -X." iw."i mils! isiii caanevs UI a
HS'l1?,?1 . " mbUiou3 and enterprls
teFyj10' ?fllr. Grand ouint free, AidreS
Tci t Co., Aujusta, ilaliit, dscsiJy;
L 1 HtsMfe
noLi aonts roa
F. F. ADAMS & CO.,
Sole agents of tho fol
lowing brands ot
ilmiikm (V. ill..
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Real Kslsile
i Afunnrriornr tlm omhfins' Court
ot Columbia county, tho undcmlgncd trustee to
sell tho real estate ot Joshua savoifo deceased,
will expose to salo on tho premises In Jackson
nn-nal,ln nn
SATUilDAY, .TANUAT1Y 22. 187.
at s o'clock p. m., tho following acscnocureai es
tate: ,
All that certain messuogo nnd tract ot land
situate in Jaiksori Twp. Columbia county, Fcnn,. iiAirihninc nt. n stnnn in Une of land Of
Jamea B. Robblns, thence by land of Moses Savage
nnd Joshua Pavago soutn six aegrccs, eu-i .
it,i,na m n kinnn in lino of land of said Joshua
Savige thence by the samo south 4 degree, west
a? Mmhra tn a stnnP tlienCR OV IUO SnmO nnU lilUll
of Abraham Knouse south Ktf degrees, s perches !
to a chestnut oaK in line oi mnu 01 sum
Knouse, thence by th- sau o south 33 degrees west
1 1W0 perches to a stone In line ft land ot John
Savage thence by the samo north Sltf degrees,
weit 12S perches to a stone In a public road, thence
along tiie said road south W,V degrees, cast 13 9-10
perches ton stone In snld public road, thence
along tho same south 4X degrees, wests s-10
perches to a white oak stump in lino of land of
James 11. Robblns, thence by tho samo north 81
degrees, we-t co 7-10 perches to a post In line of
land of the said James 11. Bobbins thenco by tho
same north J degrees, cast or 7-10 perches ton
stone, tho placo of beglnnlng-eo' taining
and ono hundred and forty seven perches, more or
less, on which nro erected a two story
barn and outb lldlngs.
TftRMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the one-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property ; the ono fourth less tho ten
per cent, at tho confirmation of sale ; and tho re
maining thrcc-fourtns la one year thereafter with
Interest trom confirmation nisi.
A. L. FRITZ, Atty.
dee 31
Maui Estate !
Pursuant to nn order of the Orphan's Cou t ot
Columbia county, the undersigned, administrator
of the estate or Catharine Farver, ("eceascd, will
sell at public sale on
TUESDAY, F lirunrv 1, 1S37,
at 2 o'clock p. in., a tract -M land containing about
situated In Jackson township, Columbia county,
bounded by lands of John Fritz, Fritz Kelchner,
Samuel Knouse and Wathlngton Knouae.on which
are erected a
Frame House
and other outbuildings, and an apple orchard.
TERMS OF KALE. Ten per cent, of onc-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at thestilklng
flown of the property, the one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the continuation absolute and tho re-
malr Ing tnree fouiths In one year thereatter with
Interest trom confirmation nisi
dec3t v. o., Derr's, Fa.
At frivsitc Sale!
The following proper! les are offered nt rrlvate
Salo by the Mutual Building and Loan Association
of Bloomsburg, and will bo sold cheap as they
must be sold to close out "Series B" of said Asso
ciation: 1. -A lot on East street, adjoining premises of Mr
Geo. Lockard, In the town of Bloomsburg, whereon
are erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling,
a barn and outbuildings.
2. A lot.sduateon Main street, In the town of
E-py, whereon are erected a good two-story
a barn and outbuildings, and now occupied by
Henry Waples. Apply for terms to
dec-31-st. Atty. for Association.
Public Sulc
l"ursuant to an order of the Common Fleas
Court o' Columbia county, there win be exposed
at public sale, on the premises. In Flshlngcreek
township, in said county, on
Saturday, January 22, 1887,
nt 1 o'clock p. m.. tho following described real es
tate or H njamln C Hess, a lunatic, to-ult: All
that certan lot or piece of land, sliuate tn said
Vl-Jilngcreek township, bounded by lands of Ma
hala B. Hess and -amnei y,t and by p bite read
leading rroin Orangevllle to Ne Columbus, con-
? 1-2 ACRE
frame'1' wnereon are erected a new two-story
a new stable and outbuildings. Terms made
known on day ot sale. DAVID yoT,
aectL Committee.
Estate of ElUateth KUiie drceast a. Greemcooa tirn.
Letters tet.tan entary In said estate having
been framed to the unden-lgned executor,
all persons Indebted to said estate are hereoy no
tinedtopay thesame, and those haling claims
S -Alnui. GAM Mini, nrusnt J
Leu ers ot admim! ration on baid t stale, hatin?
flll npKnnn lnHdhto.1 tnsnMA.t.1..
tldeu to pay the same, and those uaviag claims
dec IT M' ' WOODWAIiD Administrator,
re estate of Daniel yorct. late of HtMnocreelc
Ticp., deceased.
i.ivis .c-sittuicuiury on tne said estate
having been granted to the undenJgned eir.!
tided to pay the same, nd those havtar claims
agalnet said estate present ihe same to
decai. lthorhburg CoL Co., l a,
CAPITAL, - - $600,000
Cuarantood Farm Mortgages
riruN.L &uht NEW f ORE.
NaL Suk bosTU.
lus.L K.,ri!iUDrmiu.
Aa. N.L 11.!, KANSASC1TT
KAhSAS CITr.lU A iu.
For rsln of initrs.u sal full lnformailta
' run rAjirilLKT
Tn.l II UU7P a. ... . . ...
uurg, r
! Z.
' 1
1,1, r. p. ' -u'"V)-l.uw sgtuiooms-
uul 1 ' linu Jms.
JftK. 7? f 7 7 7Tr
Exchange hh Shop & Bath Room
At tho old stand, under tho
Exchange Hotel,
will bo
BUI'l'MEi) ril
l'OP COllN
Drai.kiis in
By tho following well known makerw
Hallet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of tlio
cheaper makes at manuliictuicid
prices. Do not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
On niiiilicatioti.
Remunerative employment olTcrcd cnereetie
and reltablo men. Address, "mih.
1 h& Ink
Ill sun' nw. J"r 1 . .. rd
i C- r M A I ACTIIM - 'lr.. " " "V
A iniantij rvi'i'v lUi molt T.nioi.t Mtlck. nnd
a TlnM the m-t f k( iiUpb! lrcn C, find $1 ti 1
ir. it, lIA.St. l-aal.ntni.. b
uom 86 3ras.n&s.
nr LURK OontilnsthoLUandi:ini:ei.t
RfcDt Mftnrx Anlral Bones. CllllAl',
For fcilo by C. XV. LOW.
MTimisiirn itii. Ornnsevllle, Pn.
' comi
TJT. iV, and Hoard rsuaran.
IrlUIlLIlteed. .1 Vnnnc- Men
Uidles In eocli county, nnd hlzhest
commt-lon paid (often f iso a month.
. -b. i.uuivaireaayon
In North and f-outh America, nt the Ice-Bound
Poles, over the land of tho .MldnUht Sun, under
tho tfiuttor, througntho Dark continent, a 'One
the Old Temples of Inola. 1 the Flowery King,
doinsof Ch'na nnd Japan, amid tho ruins ot Incas
Aztecs and zunl, within canons. Clin' buildings
and onrdens of thedods on tlm Isles of the sea,
and In all parts ot tho g'obe. 3-0 engravings.
Low price, oulck Miles, -end for Ircular.
I'. . ZIEULER A CO., M0 Chestnut ht.
Philadelphia, Pa. doe 17, act.
PARKER'S TONIO without delny.t las puit-1
nmny vtm hoii tava and U tlie ltt rpniedy for all
jfTcfttonsuf tlie t iroatand lunpn, ami (UseasM arlfini
from ImiHiro LliKklftrntoiliBiiutlnn Tim .( siAir
nru(nIlrt(f fttfalnrtt disease, and slowly drifting to thu
irniTo.i in in inofiirjucartsnvprt hnipiiauiitti i.v ii.Aiimaiv
use of I'iBKKR'a Tomc. but delay la dansrcrouB. Take 16
in tlmo. lircsv)icnaHcte fall. Ul,p9nevrltfaAdl
trentftb to the atd andloHmi. t at UnitftfUU.
Please Don't 1 orgfet it
that Dr II, James Cannabis InrJIca is prepared in
Calcutta, India, from tho purest nnd liest Native
Hemp, and Is tho only remedy, either In ibat
country or this, that will poMtlely and perma
nently cure consumption, bronchitis, asthma, na
sal catarrh aid nenous debllltv, or break up a
fro hcoldlnsi hours. f.3.Mrer bottle, three bot
tles tn 0. Craddock & Co., 1 roprletors, lu. Race
St, Phlla. janTdlt.
T orlioc Enamel y t
J-dUltii Ranges twl
Ranges twice a
year, lops once, a week and
jou lmethe tluest lollsh
ed stove In the world, ror
salo by all grocers aud
christian f. knaff bloomsbu g,pa,
home, of n. y.
merchants', of newark, n. j.
clinton. n. v.
peoples' n. y.
reading, pa.
These m cobi-okaiioks aro well seasoned by
ae and fikk tested nnd have never yet bad a
losssettiedbyanycourtof law. Their assets are
all Invested tn solid securities are liable to the
hazard otriKE only.
Losses phomftlv" and noxESTLT adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by ciikistun f.
Knap?, special Agent and ADJrsrEK Bloousbcro,
Pa. i
Ihepeoploof Columbia county should patron,
tie the agency where losses If any are settled and
pall by one of tber own citizens.
flrkE"T fEfOFfJS.
78 80
Wheat per buslit-1
Rye " " ,
Corn " "
Outs " ,
Flour " bbl
Dried Apples
Side nnd shoulder
Lard per lb
Yinep-nr nor rnl. .
to 6 00
Onions per bushel
Veal skins
wi per it)
Hides , o to 7
V.ftki. rv ll'i, .1,0
0 tl i'.'.OO; NOS
2 3, & Lump ZSM
No. 0 43.00 nitumlnu? $3.25
Prj"-DELfrJl tiKEJS,
SFER;?"?8"'"1 winter bran, sot. 13.50 3 H.S5
FLOUR Western extras 8 IDA 3.W; lenn'a
family, 3.1.79 ;C0 Ohio clear, 4.S5 a w Inter
patent 4.75 a 5.0.-; I'enna. roller process 4.10 li
JHIEAT-I'ennsylvanla red, No. 1, 91
CORN. 50 9 54
.TrSi0' 3 wnlte 35 NO. S, 87
1'AY AND (jTHaw Tlmi thy-Cholce Western
and New ; York.M.oo. fair to good Western and
New Y prlr, 0.00 f4 is 00; medium Western and New
York, 0 (ill.! cut hay as to quality 14 14 15.
RVA KtlllW Ma ItMl ll,n.i cil n cata
4 10.
i:urATOES.-New .10 eo per bbl
i,,mv.T:,",n.?s lvan' 18; wi-stern ux.
' ' iTiius) ivanu creamery pnuis sua
Creamery Extra M, Wesiern extra lifjis, fair Kkd
LIVE I-pULTRY.-Fowls. 11 oi.isif
DIIEnsEU I'OULTRY.-Chlclicns, 11 11
EW Yofk lrfKEXS.
Keiartea hy a. S. Iilwrr, Wholesale CommiMhi
iihiiii, itetiue ,-ir,, . 1,
New York, Jan. 17, 1W,
EggS have further- WU.1 nn.l Iroch cfv.L-ftelltn?
from Vi to aoe; limed, ai to Utci ge'se, to lOo;
ducts, 11 to no. 'i ho demand for game continues
pood, especially wild ducks, which are scarce, and
bringing good prices. Canvas back, H no per nam
red head, lJOtofj.i; common, 40 to soo a paid
raLbt.y.-oto 8O0 B pair; nuali,j3iO to lisiper
doz: wild pigeons, II sj jwr dot civ Ice dretoed
veals In good demand and selling from II to l'i
fair to good, s to oc dressed wrk. light, 7 to 1HC
The market on butler continues steady and selling
vur.'tc.,-n:llntry irom 31 to ana exira tuos uui
Sails S3 to 80c; ,tood sa to sv:; Interior, IS to K.
lariOW beansln llvhr sunnH- nn,1 LPlllncrebOll'd
Mock from to mu nel Ulneylnbet-
.y, ueuiauuuuubeiuDg rromn 01 uii so; meuiuui.
1151 to ii U; while kidney II 31 to II ; turtle
soup, taco. Fancy evaiwraled spples b Iriglng
from 1 to ise; sun-dried, t to t f Ewip. rasp-
cherries, is loisc; blackberries, 100. cho'ee win.
ter apples seUlng from W to li 51 per birrel- 1W
oelpu of oranges continues ltwral and fc'lllnf
'.i Hiism si ynu per oox; uoiaefi imew
UWabox. H'ckory Duis,l SO to ft nperbuihek
choice Rose aid Uurbank potato n. it 51) till.''
rrr barret werl potatoes. II '.0 per barrel N0-a
hay, 8.' per cwt; rye straw, 50 to rue; honey I
to ll.-j beeswax. 11 to Wc Func Muik sellln
trom 6eo toil i: fox.iioj to II 75; skunic, HJ0 to
IllM tauurat, g to w.