fit- Y COUJ.BUDkHOOBAT, BTtRO'TniNORTrt, tUtt 00 LOMBurf, Consolidatea. Imncl Wci-lilr. rf rj i-rl.lny llornlni, nl iiLi)a.Maiiouo,uoi,UMi)iAco.,ra. At joryear. TosurHcrlUeroout oftliocoun. tvtm t ir mnii, otrlclliriri nlmnni I? aw t f 75 1 25 1 W 1 60 3 00 B 85. 9 00 J 74 1M 3 60 S 60 4 60 S S3 4 60 B 60 IK 3 M OH lt 60 8 00 4 60 T 00 4 CO 4 rs 7 60 It 00 6 00 OM 10 f)0 19 If) T 00 8 00 19 00 19 (9 8 on o 60 14 co sn in 14 00 17 00 BO CO 40 06 Si 00 80 00 40 00 BO 10 I inch 8 ' 3 '' 4 ' MCOl r-.f ii.i,ior lUmntlil i nl ntoc-iji at tho option of h.- oiltii-irsiiniiuiliurcir.isfwarouaia.but 1 ... . rti Intin.l fMrll, O KMt I n. I... .. ...... ' i column s 00 It 00 IS 00 coi 6 60 7 Oil 8 W Yonrlr nclvertlfcments Pyolf aV' Blent adreitlwincntiimu.iUio paid for before i ocrtPd except where parcles have accounts. UKaladvertlsemenlatwodolUrs per Inch luf iiiM.i.inutiinn.iiMiiit that iulo for additional w v ..... " V 1,1 WSITUli Allpii ft s"ni nitotiiio mala or to distant post o'lio ii Mt bo i ild tor In nlvinco.unleMareipon. Blblo pormu In Columbia eiunty ismmca to par tuo subscription due on demand. Tivi IT) Prlntlflif Hcpiutment otllio CoujitBUN Itvcryco.n e o. It contain, tin- latosi new tjpo ml nil ul ifry mil l. tiiooily onicailMt runs lob V inwe if tlwr in thobe-it tact Itlcs. Ks tlnite furnished on lanff Jotw. Insertions without reference to length. Kxecutor'a. Administrator's, arid Auditors no tlccstlneo dollars. Tranxif nt or Local notices, ten cents n line, re c BLOOMSBURG. PA.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1887. mar advertisements nan rates. I Cards In the "liuslnras Directory" column, dollar a year for each line. J X BITTEMBEMDEB, r"1"""' THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXI NO 3 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VO) U NO 41 L,, ' ') '., 1 ,. i i, mil ,l III,. ..I.PML,,.1.,. ... 1 IS 1 1 1 W Ill 1 111 - - - j , - EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Samplo FREE. KHOW THYSELF. A Orcat Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and Phyilcal Debility, rremsture Decline In Man, ns.hinte(l Vitality, Ac, 4c., and the nntold mit c let romltlng from Indiscretion or executes; 300 l'Bcs, substantially bound In flit, musllu. Con. L.Inrnoro than 123 invaluable prescriptions, era Iraclng every vegetable remedy In tho pharms.. coprola for all acuto and chronic diseases. It Is e mphalicfllly a book for every man. Trice only $1 by niaU, post paid, concealed In plain rapper. IM.UMTHATIVI HAMPMi Film TO A I.I, Young and middle-aged men for tho nett ninety iliys. Fend now, or cnt this ont.asyoii lmy tieer seo It njaln. Address Dr. W. II. rAilKnil, 4 liul Qnrh street, Hinton, Mass. (eb.,S-d. ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BMOMSBUBB.PA. OPPlUlTK H1UBT HOUSE. Lars csand convenient samplo rooms. Hath rooms hot and cold watr and all modern conveniences VTTAINWHlUlir Ss CO., ' WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'lllUUEU'IHA, I'A. THAU, 8YHUPS, COFKHE, rJUCIAH, OIJVSSES KICK, bl'ICKS, lllUAim 601IA, KTO., K10. N. . Corner second and Arch Sts. BifOrdera will recelvo piompt attention. w 11. HOUSE, -DENTIST,- Bi.oousuuuj, Coi.umiiia County, Pa Al Htylesof worK done In a superior manner, worn wai ranted as represented. Tbstd Kxraici sd wirnom Pain Ijj tho use of Uas, and tree of cnariro brn artificial toeth aro inserted, rinlf,. In llnrtriii'R hiilliliiiL'. lliiln street. below Murkel, live iloois below Klclm's drug slore, first Hour. Jo b open i: all kauri during the. f'aj sovM-lr HfislsiMTBRO., bLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand, 11 EPA WING NEA 1LY D ONE. Pricu reduced to tuil the timet. BL01I planiSg mIli :o, Tho undersliriicd haviuir put his Planlne V on Itallroad Strent, In nrst-ciass condition tsp'i pared to do all kinds of work In hlB lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. lurmsnea at ronionable prices. All lumber usee Is well reasoned and none but skilled workmer nreempioyed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlshed on application, plant" and specific ons prepared by in uxperlenced draughtsman CHARLES HltUG, ISlooiuxbiirpr, I'u ORNAMENTAL 1E0N FENCED OF CAST Clt WROUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds The following kuovs tho Picket Gothic, one ol the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. For Beauty ana Durability they aro unsurpasa ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to glvo satisfaction. Prices ami speeinu'iis of otbor de BiHiis sent lo any p-ddreus. Address BLOOMSBURG PA. 1 M ay 4-tf OAS l'ITTIJ,fl& STEAM IIKATJNH DKALKIt IN STOVES &TIN WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Rooi nig and spouting promptly attended to. tfStrlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Mam & East Sts., 31oonisburg, Pa. CLOTHINCM CLOTHING Cr. W. BERTSGH. THE MEROIIANT TAILOR. Denis Furnishins C::i;, mi & I:;; OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits tnivlu to order at short notice flflll n. tit. llu'iivu iruni'Miitnixl tin ituiu nun nvmii nn till. .r. n.i.l ,na selected stock of troods ever shown in .Columbia comitv. Store next door to First Nnllnnnl llnnlt MAIN STREET, JMoomsburg Pa. PiDCtrlTiaii Arn:oll:nl Worts. h h it - . - . , - Ci vll Ci u 26,587335 BOTTLES OF WAEHEE'8 oll, to Icc. W Oilier Kcmecly in tlic World Can Produce Such ai Record. This wordcrfnlsucco'snr 'Warnet'.-Safu Curi''Idue wholly In llic real merit nf tlio Iteracdv Fnrulmii llmcit has been UKOAIIDEI) BY TUB IllUHESr ME 1)1 Ali AUT1IOUI11KS AS TlIK ONLY SPECIFIC FOIl KIUNEY, LIVUH AND UIUNAUY DISEASES AND FEMALE COMPLAINTS. TlinumwU of pcnplu owe llielr life nnd heiillh to "Wnrnct'g Sakb Cure" nntl we can produce 100,000 TESTIMONIALS to that effect. llnn.1 ,!.,. nnln flin Inrirn leo these figures to be correct, as our Boston, 1,1-19,122. EDWIN HENDERSON (1300 Aich St., 'Philadelphia, Pu.) had live different doc tors for enlargement of the poMrate ghindj tlireu said he could not be rural. Alte r having gtvrn himself up he began the like of Winner's Sakb Cure, nnd nine bottles cured him. 'rovidenco, 171,929. U D. T1IAYEK fCC3 Lexington St., Haiti, more, Aid ), lilllicted with Liver disease which envertd hi lace with blotches. Having tried eviry remedy of pby.lclati9 iu vulu, begun the use of Warner's Safe Cure." I have no moro symptoms of Liver (roubles, nor any blotches." Portland, Mb., 441,105. EX-SEN ATOH H. IC. IIHUOE (South Cnr ollim), fter docloilng for years for what ' ho supposed was Miliaria, discovered he was afflicted with Sugar Diabetes nnd having obtained no relief whatever from his pujslctuns, he began tho use ol Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure, nnd he says: "ily friends arc a9touished at my Improvement." Bnl. of New Eng., - 441,753. LIZZIE S. BHUNNEIt (New Texas, Pa.), WHsforthnc years an invalids confined to her bed for nine months. Under the treatment of four different physicians, for various diseases. Every organ in her body was apparently diseased. She finally discovered that she was suffering from congestion of the Liver, as tlie prime cause, and after using sixty-four bottles of Wnrnei's turn Cure, thirty bot tles of Warner's Safe Nervine and Safe Pills, she writes, "To-day 1 enjoy good health." New York State, - 3,870,773. ASK YOUR FRIENDS The Most Popular Remedy Ever Discovered. Cleveland, 082,032. 1 MRS. (PROF ) E. J.- WOLF (Gettysburg, Pa., wife or the Ed. of the Lutheran 'Quarterly"), began to decline with Pul. mounry Consumption. (Over CO per cent of nil cases of Consumption arc caused by diseased kidneys.) Despaired of living, After n thorough course of treatment with Wnrner'ifSAFK Cure, she writes, "I am perfectly well " Cincinnati, - - 873,007. SENATOR W. H. MILLER (Cape May Co., N. J.) certified with pleasure to the beneficial effects upon his wlfo of War net's Safe Cure when other remedies had no result. 13al. Ohio, (State,) 033,158. MISSTZ. L. BOAHDMANQiicchec, Vt.), in May, 1882, began lo bloat, thence came stomach troublc,terrible headaches, and flnnllv the doctor's opinion that it was Brlght's disense, and Incurable. Eventually she became -.'early blind, pro nonnred bv the doctois to be the lait stage of Ilright's diseesc. After having been under treatmcnl by Warner's Safe Cute for one year, she reported, "lam as well as any one." Southern States" - 3,534,017. MRS J. T. RICH BY (503 4th Ave , Louis, ville, Ky.) was a confirmed Invalid for eleven years, Just llvintr, and hourly ex. peeling death. Was confined to bed ten months each year. Was attended by the best physicians. Her left side was paralyzed. Could neither eat, sleep, nor enjoy life. The doctors said she was I rmi I iled wltii female complaints; but she was satisfied her kidneys were affected Under the operation of Warner's Safe Cure sho passed a largo stone or calculus, nt.d in Nov., 1885, re porled, "Am to-day as well as when a girl." Canada, 1,407,824. $S?Every Testimonial we publish is genuine. Write to the testators, enclosing stamp for reply, and learn for yourselves. DANE'S 5YRUP CURES OUGHS novig-sa-cms. s WITHIN C. bllOltTLIDUirS ACADEMY, I'lIU YOUNU SI UN AND HOYS, MEDIA, I'A, 18 miles from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers eery expenso,even books, tc. Noexfra charges. No Incidental expenses. No examination tor ad mission, Twelve experienced teachers all men, and all graduates, special opportunities rorant students to advance rapidly, hpirlul iirl l ror dull and backwai-d boys. Patrons or students may se lect any studies or i nooae I lie reirular I'.iullsli. Hcl- entine, Business. Classical or t'lvtl Engineering course, students titled nt Media Academy are now In Harvard, Yale, Princeton and ten other collt'sreu and Poll technic, schools. 10 students sent to college In ISO, 15 In issi. 10 lu lA 10 In i merclal di iurtulf nt. A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, (iymnaslum and lull Uro ml. u0 vo s. added to library In IbM. physical npparatus doul ed lu ibNl Media has bewn chuichesand a temperance charier which prohibits the sale ot all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular I address me iTincipai ana proprietor, bvw niiM u, HUOllTUUUE, A. M., (Harvard Uraduate,) media, renaa lAug.Ot&vy-, WSBBBi CI SAFE CTOI 27, I SSO. nllmhnr nf linltlcfl illRtrtlitltnil. We guaraii. sales-hooks will prove. Pennsylvania, 1,821,218. REV. LOUIS 11EIM MILLEli (Bingham, ton, N. Y.). said lug wife was In a pre carious condition from constitutional fe male disorder, but after using a few hot tics of Warner's Safe Cure she was re stored to "perfect health." Chicago, 2,808,G93. JOHN M. RUNUAUGII (Delmont, Pa.), after having been ill morn or les for twcnty-lhree years with Chronic Dlar. rhu'ii, contracted in the army, was fully restored to health by ten bottles of War ner's Safe Cure. Detroit, 840,040. Mrs. 0 BATES (Gaines, Pa), In 1885 was ntlllcted with stomach disorder, hut tin der the operation of Warner's Safe Cure nnd Warner's Tiitkoanoe, tho Rest." she says, "I havo been perfectly healthy ever since." Milwaukee; - 458,894. J. 1)71. POHLE. M. D., (753 Michigan St., Huitnlo, NY) reports curing a case of Brlght's disease by means of Warner's Safe Cure. He prescribes it regular- ly. Minnesota, 048,017. CAPT. OEO. II. WILTBANK (Oil) Spruce St., Phlla, Pa), prostrated in Central Amcrlcn, with Malarial Fever, caused by congestion ot Kidneys and kivcr. Lie llrious part of the time. Liver enlarged one-tblrd. Stomach badly affected. Pould hold no food; even water wns ejected. Using less than a dozen bottles of Warner's Safe Cure ho writes, ''I was completely cured." Bnl. N. W. States, - 1,707,149. AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT St. Louis, 1,530,527. W. B. UARGY (Rochester, N. Y.), in 1883 had a 7-year.old daughter who com plained of blindness. She then wasted away to a skeleton a hard swelling np. peared upon her left side which nearly equaled her head In size. Tho doctors gave all sorts of causes, but bIic kept growing worse. Upon the advice of Prof Lattlmorc. State Chemist, bo says, "we began to use Warner's Safe Cure, and to.dny she is one of (he healthiest and most vigorous of children." Kansas City, 717,800. E. D. GROSSMAN (Brocton, N. Y.) was a victim of annoying bladder disorder. He consulted a number of flrst class physi cians without benefit. He says, "I would gladly have paid any physician $100 could he have done what a few bot tles of Warner's Safe Cure did for me. I continued its use until I nm thoroughly cured and am o.iluy perfectly free from all urinary troubles." Bnl. S. W. States, 740,789. TIIOS. BEMISH (75 Hampshire St., lluf. falo, N. Y ) In 1881 contracted a cold which settled in his kidneys, and laid him up for somo time. After using five bottles ol Warner's Safe Cure, however, he says, "I have never had a return of tuo complaint and am to-day strong and well." San Francisco, 1,242,940. CaPT. W. D. ROBINSC'N (U. S Marino Insp., Buffalo, N. Y.), in 1885 wa3 stiff, n-lng with a skin humor like leprosy. Could not 'sleep; was In ercat agony. Fur two years tried everything, without benefit, Was pronounced incurable. "Twenty bottles of Warner's Safe Cure completely cured me, nnd to-dav nm strong and well." (Feb. 0, 1885.1 Bal. Pacific Coast, - 732,310. RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE Ii has raoviD to as THE REMEDY FOU IUIF.UMATHM. MiDlOH, lHD. AllfT. lt,1M fu ulfa usb m ftilctfil with llhftl. nistuiu in her nhoulder ud irw Uut fclwwiuUUia nothing for Uenolf. anil oouhl lulttfrudupliiaroiklDcbilr. tby hi DDI Biecp IQ ll, uui uwi VI HiCIUi I'townuai, luinir i'iwm cintw vrvru ued. but (Un pJn tui Kot worw. 1 -nt for the Uv$tian Jihtunatitm Curt, under ft Cloud ot doubts. It u nwd ftrcordinif V) turtCUOnii Itr uuo mei, w n iuj wu waxvuml. It MftHPtieof llioe woe Dhle Muri'rist thit j ou tnwt onoe in ft I lidiUuie. It iuow over four mnutlu unra mo cure ww wmnu," van wash, iron, hoe In tho frardeu. ftml dJ all klntU o( work m well M evt-r, ml liaa no yiurtoius of tlw old dU. iiientUuit Uw cure to all aladlarly ftllUcUlt an HAFK AMU SUttK. Truly your.. J FlfluELU Thousands or other hav bean oured. price S2.5Q. For completa laformstlon, l)irrlnllie I'lim. plilel, ltb te.tuoonl.l., tree. For sale by hII druaiil.L. II one or the other ! not la icwUou to furnitU It to ou,ilo not be pert u.dM to Uko uythluK elM, but senly direct to Iho Oeuexsl Am'ut". I'l'AUI.'.IMt IlltOI. X: VO, bill iV. Si I .lliuket hirrvli Phlluileliihla. march U-ly.a SUIHSOK1UK von THK COLUMBIAN, BIIjENOE. silently fatleth Tho nitylng snowj lionnttful rivers All silently How, Silently shim Hi The sun In the skyj Silently twinkle Tho great lights on high; silently growclu Tho corn in tuo Held; silently, quietly, Deep wounds aro healed: silently loving A strong heart h worn silently working A goal deed In done. Noisily wakctti Tho thunder's loud roar Noisily brcakcth The foam on tho shore, loud Is the cannon And llerco Is the strife, 'When man against inn la warring for life. Hatred Is loud And contention doth cry; Hut softer than Summer Is Pity's low slgli. ulndi thai aro cruol ' Are heeded by all; Hut no man regardetli When soft breezes tall. Hai tli's loudest, batl lei Will ceaso before long; (loodncsH h silent AndslldncsUstroa;. The temple was bullded Without any clamor No voices ot workmen, Nor sounds ot the hammer; 'I he kl igdom ot Heaven In silence Is growing; Tho nutim like rivers, Unto It aro Howlng. We ho ir of tho wicked, Their vice and their woe. Hut the prayers of thcs.ilnts Have no record below. NOT KN0W1NU. I know not what shall befall me, Ood hangs a wist o'er my eyes, And so each step In lay onward path, He makes new scenes to rise, And every Joy He sends me, comes as a strange and sweet surprise. I seo not a step before me, as I tread on another year, Dut tho past Is still In God's keeping, the future Ills mercy shall clear, And what looks dark In the distance, may brighten as I draw near. For perhaps tho dreaded future has less bitter than I think, The Lord may sweeten the waters before I stoop to a rink, Or If Marah must be -Marah, Ho will stand bcsldo Its brink. It may bo He has waiting for the coming ot my feet Somo gift ot such raro blessedness, some Joy so strangoly sweet. That my lips shall only tremble wltlulie thanks they cannot speak. O restful, blissful Ignorance 1 'Tls blessed not to know, It keeps mo so still In those arms which will not let me go, And hushes my soul to rest In tho bosom that loves me so 1 6o I go on not knowing; I would not If I might, I would rather walk In the dark n 1th Clod, than go alone in the light. I would rather walk with Htm by faith, than walk alone by sight. My heart shrinks back from trials which the future may disclose, Yet I never had a sorrow but what the dear Ird chose, So I send the coming tears back, with the wills' pered word, "He knows." LETTERS FB0M CHINA. KXTKACT.S FltOM COItltESPOXDF.NUH Ol Hit. AND MIIS. JAMES I!. NKAI.. Tu.Niicnow, China. HOW HIE CHINESE COLLECT DEBTS. On Moiuluy afiuriioon while) Sir. Hal comb and Dr. Neal were out looking at the New u,trs sights and visitini; tuo temple, a mau came for Dr. Maloer, not knowing tlieio wus a regular physician here, to go lo seo a man who had taken opium tho night beiorc to commit suicide.. lit) bad been iu debt and was very much anuoyed by bis creditors and clioso tuo ordinary method ot io- venge, that is to kill himself and ome back as a spiiil or ghost to trouble, his enemy and bung all sorts-ol bad for tune, upon him. As soon as Mr. Hal comb and Dr Neal returned Uuy start ed oil in great basto with tbo man and ono of tho servants to make col feu for them and were gone for nearly six hours. Thoy brought Iho man through by using thu stomach pump to empty his stomach and to fill it again with Btroug coffje, and by giving him hy podermic injections ot iuropia. Tho next morning four ot tho men's relatives came hero all iu thoir Sutiday best clothes to thank the Doctor and pay their respects at this important season. Thoy have been hero onoe since to get otner muaiuines, as me patient did not regain tho uso of his limbs at ouoe ; wo havo no later news of his welfare. Dr. Neal says that when they reached the house the man bad been taken off ot his bed and out into the court where ho lay on a board so that his spirit should havo no ditli. culty in getting out ot thu house. This is tho common priotioej Uiey nover let a patient die quietly iu thu Kang (that is tho ordinary brick-oveti bedstead) but carry them out to tho ouon door so they can easily ily away. And this ilobt and credit business is one oi tho oddost and Btratigest customs. Dr. Matoor savs a Chinaman is never hamiv or at rest unless he lias a debt to pay off. As soon as one is all paid ho hurries to opon another so ai to havo something to inspiro him to work. For two weeks before tlie iNew ear overv orodii or is alio n ;d to porseouto h 8 debtor as ho choosec, to stauil al Ills iloor and revilo him ns well and as hard as ho oan, to follow him about anywhero or even to soltle down ami live oil of him. The law has no help to offer tho debt ir. Frequently all thoso things aro done and up to twelvo o'clock of New Yoar's evo every body is worried or busy netting uionoy in any way thoy oan. Prices go up and money is scarce. At twelvo it is all over, tho worship of the Gods begins and on the morrow everything is gay nnd festive. If a man" Biicceeds in biidging over that time his creditor is not likely to trouble him until tho Bam i tinio of tho next year. Our teacher ivas among tho troubled ones. A mau was after him ever bo mauy times eaoh day and hn said his undo was so distressed bv the. man's attentiou that hu wanted to Uko Aniiiiit mwl 11 In flff Oil tlmnu (tmit rurink tho opium ana lie down to die at tho door of their enemy. Truly they aro a strange poplo with queer bleas. Our teacher wanted to know if his uiicIh did lako tho drink if the Dootor oould Bavo nun. ive ten very sorry for tho poor fellow, Ids distress whs real, and be worried blrasolt slot, Extract from Mrs. Neata letter. the opium iiaiht ! Last Tuesday I was called out of bed tboul I ril f past four in tho morning to attend another opium case, a boy of sixteen or seventeen who una swallow ed n lot of opium about ten o'clock. When I got to him ho was in Iho lust stage of thu poisoning ho that though 1 did all I knew how lor him in the way of pumping out hi slomaeh, jiv ing him eolfee and hypodermic inji-a lions of Atropia and performing arti ficial breathing, ho db'd about eight o'olock. I wasn't with him when he died, very much lo my regret. I had sent about seven o'clock for Mr. Hal oomb as I know ho would bo interested in seeing thu case, and when hu came ns tho usy seemed to bo doing about as well as ho had for several hours, I t'lld him whiit to do and came away for my breakfast, hoping to find thu boy somewhat improved when 1 got back, but when I siw htm again hu was dead. 1 had had very great hopes we might savo him although he was so far gone when they sent for me, but thu poison hail gotten too firm n hold on him and ho was too young to get oyer it I was very sorry not To bo present when ho died, as they havo some intereslii'g ceremonies they perform at that time. In thu first place they never allow a person if thoy can help it, to die on the King insido the room, but move them out into tho entry into which Iho outer door opens S3 that when the spirit l"aves it will have no dillioulty in 'g, t. ting away. Mr. II ilcomb told mo that when the mother of tho boy f jiind ha was really dyint;, she insisted upon dressing him up iu his best clothes and then curving him out and laying him in the entry, al the same time talk ing lo him and telling him how she would mifH him and wailing and weep ing over lit til. After they had laid him out, a relative of tho mother, who was with her, (tho hoy's father is over in Manchuria,) went out and bought somn paper money and having made a liaper bag put tho money in it, made a handle of paper, so that it cmild ho thrown over the shoulders, and then hung thu wl.olo tiling near the door at tho bov's head to h usi d iu tho Spirit World. Tiii'ii his mother aid to tin- boy "Now I have given you money and I havo dresned joti up iu jour best clothes." and afier that I imagine she felt moro comfurtablo for when I got back about half past nine, (I left about eight,) sho seem-d quiet and resigned. Sho seemed very anxious not to have us touch the boy after ho was dead, but of course I went right on and ex amined him as much as I cared to, to bo sure ho was dead. When we oaiuo away sho thanked us for our attontion and I think was grateful. Indeed eo far as my experience goes I should say thoy are really very grateful for any thing you may do for them, fully as much so as the clasH of Dispensary patients are at home. I havo been very agreeably disappointed and pleased in that respect since I camo here. The other day a woman who ,vorks for Mrs. Shaw and whom I have been doctoring som", sent her husband oyer with about forty eggs as a present to mo, and day befoie yesterday anothor woman whoso little boy had had a sore finger camo with twenty eggs as an expression ot her appreciation. At home it would seem dreadful to mo to seo a man try to kill himself for such a slight reason, but here it is different. These poor people don't seem lo think of its being anything very dreadful, they do it so thoughtlessly and reck lessly. Thu boy I mentioned had tak en the opium becauso his mother iiad given him a whipping In cause ho had quarreled with another boy. The last case, who was stono dead when I got there, had been worried because his father expected him to make more money than ho could, so ho swallowed opium. Another man took opium becauso his partner in selling land usid more money than ho oiuhi fo. Extract from Dr. Neat's letter. A Orank Among the Officials. Washington special to the Haltlmoro Sun. Theollicnof a prominent Treasury official yesterday was entered by a lady, well dressed and apparently about -10 years old. Sho walked di rectly up lo the oflicial, and, address. nig lain by nam", proceeded in a loud voice to tell him of a conspiracy which had been formed again-t her to de fraud her out of a claim for several thousand dollars which sho suppotts sue lias agaln3t the government, oho rammed on iu an incoherent manner for about twenty minutes, and tho ofli cial humored her to the fullest extent, agreeing with everything she said. After she had departed ho related her story to thoso who were present. Sh" chims to havo been a nuixi during the war, and imagines that Congress has passed or is about lo pass a bill award ing her a largo sum of m- ney. Among tho lift of conspirators who sho alleges aro opposing her aru Sunatois, Repre sentatives, lawyeis of national reputa tion and several distinguished army officers who havo been dead many years. Sho does not appear to bo in distress or in need of money, but seems bent on letting thu supposed couspira tors know that sho is awaro of their in tern ions 10 defraud her. Sho filed a largo batch of papers, which she said wore sworn statements of detectives from various parts of tho country, whom sho says she has employed to keep her posted Sho left tho office perfectly satisfied when tho ollicial in formed her that tho papers sho had just placed on file would block any nt tempt to defraud her out of one com that might bo duo her. Execution of John M. Wilson- inllli f WiUnn (In. o,lf.,.A,-f,.JJ,.,l iiaiuw.! ... w l-VV'l,IVOCl,lt murderer of Authoiiy W. Doaly, was naugeu at, - ociock on im- nun in tin main corridor of the Montgomery county jiil in Norrisiowii. Wilson was perleotly composed. Ho occupied nearly llireo.iiuai-lers nf nn limit- mi 1, .. scaffold iu delivering a lengthy ad oress, in which mi exnoneii Ills Hearers to ombraeo Christianity as tho onl .. I J ..: i . nuiu way iu hueji liuiu sin and cri and condemned liuuor Irinkim' and tho liquor trallio. Hu spoke in a fir clear voice, and nover faltered uul'tl clnsimr hn nrnvwl for tin, future , in, in e faro of tho voiintr duiii'litm- nf hU v in- litn. With tho noose around his neck hu exclaimed: "I am perfectly happy.'' D'iuh was pronounced iu ton miuut'. but the body was not cut down for a half an hour. Tho bodv wns for warded to bis relatives lu itfova Scotia. Oluveriui Hanged. the MtmiiEitcit or lh.ian maihson ex- EfJtJrEll AT ItlCII.MONIl At liOH o'clock on tho I I. T. J. Cluvcrius was hanged nt Richmond Vn. llo died without nnv confession. nnd speaking through Dr. Hatcher, lis minister, said that in this moment of his death he had no feeling of ill will toward man on earth. On tho morning of March M, 1885, Mr. L. Hose, keeper of tho old citv reservoir, discovered tho body of a good looking worn in about t'i years of age. Tho coroner pronounced it a case ot suicide, and had tho bodv re moved to tho morgue for identification. Mr. I'elor J. ISurtou, a reporter of the Ktclimond JJistmtct, subsequently went to the reservoir and then lo thu morgue, and his investigation resulted in a murder theory upon a chain of circumstantial evidence. During two days many people saw tho body, and it was finally recognized by two young ladies as a fricud of theirs, Miss Fan- mo Lilian Madison, of King and Queen county, but who had for somo lime past beon teaching school in Hath county. Detectives and police were set to work, and iu a short time brourrhl to light circumstances that added strength to the murder theory. A woman who had registered at tho American hotel on the liilh of March under tho name of Mis F. L. Merlon was missing Horn tho Hoiel, and Her dit-appoarnnco ami tho muling ot Iho body about tlie same limn furnished tho clew. While inn so-caneu "Aiiss -ueuon was al the hotel sho wrote and received several notes, but otio directed by her was never delivered, and alter "her depar ture from the hold it was torn lo pieces by the clerk and cast into tho waste baskol. The scraps of this nolo and tho envelope were subsequently brought to light, and when pasted together it served as ono of the princi pal links in the chain which convicted tlie murderer, it being addressed to ,lT. .1. Cluverius.'' Inquiry showed that tho man was a young lawyer of King and Queen county and a cousin ot tho deceased girl. This led to tho arrest of Culvur iu, who was known t have been in Richmond on the 13th of March. Ho was found at the residence of his aunt, in King and Queen county.aud brought to this city. Ho was indicted iu April for murder, and his trial began at the May term of tho court and continued for twenty-eight days. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. Nearly two hun dred witnesses were examined, and step by step the evidenco fixed upon thu prisoner the brand of seducer and murderer. Tbo jury, after a few min utes' cmsldoration, rendered a verdict of muider in tho first degree. Cluvcr ius was sentenced to bo hanged on Nov. 20, 188o. An appeal was then taken to tho supreme court of Iho statf, which, however, availed tlie prisoner nothing except that it stayed thu exe cution for over a year, as tlie court, witli but one dissenting voice, affirmed tho judgment of tho lower comt. Ho was theu resentenced to bo hanged Dec. 10, 1880. The chief executive was finally applied to for pardon or commutation of seutenco lo lifo im prisonment, but tho governor could find no reason for interfering with tlie mandate of tho court. He, however. respited the condemned man until last r rid ay. Some Startling Evidence. An incident transpired in connection with iho murder of tho K ester broth- ers, in Conynghatn Valley which wns never before m'ado public, is now ar resting universal attention, and it is likely that if a I'inkerton detectivo had been secured at tho time, tho murder ers before this would havo paid the penalty of their crime. It appears that immediately following tho tragedy, while tho officers of tho law wero in stituting a careful search near the homo of the murdered men for a cluo to tho assassins, a portion of a letter w is found adjacent to tho spot where a gang of what was supposed to by tramps camped, but who had depaiied a fow days before tho brutal act was perpetrated. It was evidently written by n person not accustomed to doing a largo amount of writing, becain-o there was poor spelling and the lines wero written in a xig-zng manner. It referred to the jolly time tho writer was having among his friends at Nanti coke, at which plaeo tho letter was dated. It laid particular stiess in giv ing nn account of a family, which at that timo kept a hotel a short distance from the sceuo of the murder, and who now conduct a houso of illfamo in Il-u.ulion. Reference was also made to tlio base ball qualities of certain pro fessional players, especially Patsy Mo Donald, who tho summer provious (1885), was engaged with tho Pennsyl vania Stato League, but was a desper ate character, particularly when filled with fighting whisky, and was equal to any occasion that might arise. It was plainly evident from tho con tents of tho letter that there was a con nection betweou tho tramps who camp ed near tho Koster homo and tlio in dividual who wrote it. Why tho mat tor was kept so quiet can only be answered by thoso who attempted to capture the murderers and failed. The $300 Exemption Law. Tho Stinrninn (.nurr imi-n nnnllmr dnoision enforoinn- tlio lnur wMMi d.i. cures to a debtor his S300 exemption iu rovorsing unmtnmi ricas uourt, No. 2, in tlio caso ot tusker against bheldon. Divid Sheldon ifsued an execution agaiust Cliarlos P. Taskor, tho forger, while the latlnr was away in Texas. A claim for the benefit nf t)i nvm,i. lion was mado on his behalf and ob jected to on tin- ground that ho was a e :. ! i . . . . , lugitivu irom justice, inai ino appraise, ment of his goods was below the'ir val uo and that many goods had boon re moved from tho bouso just before tho uxeaiilion was issuod, Tho Court bus tainod thoso objections and disallowed the- exemption. The Supremo Court savs. in nu opinion bv .711110-0 ("-!,, r.ti.n tho not of April 9, 1818, vesta in a dt- - . - ------ J' - V' 1 1 j of which ho uannot lie denriviul liv il.n lonuant an nnsn ntn runt n nrnmmim. summary notion of a Court. Tho vourj, noi oniy soi nsiuo 1110 appraise ment, but nassril immi ami ilwnll,,,,-,! tho right of exemption. This action wns ui excess 01 us jurisdiction. Tbo uruer uisauowing ino exemption is ro versed and tbo appraisement confirmed. Halloween In Iiehncl. Ono wild, blustering afternoon of the last day ol October I mado my way as best I could across n stretch of hilly moorhnd, vainly hoping that I might meet with some ono able to direct me to my destination. Looking around, I perceived a man waving his arm to me, and ns I apjiroachcd him 1 noticed that ho was a piper a fact of which ho soon informed me himself, adding that ho was on his way to Mr, Conuol Iv'b farm to provide the music for thu dancing that was hu.'o to follow the regular Halloween festivities. It was well he descried me on Iho moor, for if I had procoaded further in thu di rection I had been following I would havo probably found myself flounder So the huge nud treacherous bog called in tho neighborhood Red Mike's Rest. On tho way Larry O'Hara for so I learned was the piper's inline gavo me much curious informatien about the customs of Hallowmas Kve in that part of Ireland, and as his account of bow tho great bog from which I had narrowly (.scaped got its name is ger mano to my subject, 1 will givo it hero. "Rod Mike, your honor, was the only son of Widow O'Flaherty. He was a queer ono from his birth, an' no wonder, for bo first saw tho light a-ween dusk an' dark o' a Hallowmas Jive. Hereabouts the people Bay that if a baby bo born on this night, in inns a mighty good chance o' bom' possess ed by some sproitc or other j it may or may not ba true, oi'm sure it's beyonl the likes o' 1110 to say whether soch things aro possible or not, but oi tcill say that Mike O'Flaherty was different to othor men from tho first, llo wor always up to some game, ho wor, an' nivver for good leastwiys I nivver heard o' anny good hu iver did. He lied and broke his troth to man an' wo man, an' got into bad odor with priest an' magistrate, for nigh upon twelve years after ho came to manhood, until tho judgment o' God camo upon him. Ono Htllow Kvo he was at tho house o' tho Flannigans, up by Glen Creach aii. Ho was cotirtiii Mary Flannigan. though ivery ono on us know sho didn't caro two straws for Red Mike, but was all agjow wi' love for Larry O'Ronrke, the Limerick carrier. It's tho custom in these parts for the children to run into tho cabbage yard afore tho evenin' fun begins, an' to pick out a number o' cabbage stalks, an' namo them artor any seven o' tho folk tbey havo anything to do with ; then, hav ing finished wi' tho uhoosin', thoy dance around tho place. Flannigan's childer, bavin' finished thoir song, ran into tlio house an' asked all tho folk to como an' see their sowls. Ould Flannigan pulled his cab bage stalk, and Mrs. Flannigan hers, an' young Tim Flaumgau bis. an' Mrs. Tim hers, an' purty Mary Flannigan hers, and Larry O'Ronrke his, until it camo to Mike O'Flainrty's turn. Tho stalks of nil the othors had been quite clean au' white, but when lied Mike pulled up his, it was all black and foul wi' worms au slugs, an' wi a real bad smell ahint it. Larry O'Rourko laugh oJ, an' Mary Flannigan giggled, an' the others all looked moighty coosarned. Mike clared about him for a moment, more like a mad bull nr a haythin Turk nor a Christian. Then ho up an' says: 'Ye may laugh, Larry O'Rourke, but yoMl not bo laughin' lonu; ay, ye may snigger, uiary, our, y0 11 do cryin' tor mauny a day, when ya- lover's below the 6od, as ho will be before tho year's out. As for you, ould Flannigan, you an' your son an' nil thnt belong to yo will hnve cnuso to curso tho day when ye mocked Red Mike, nB yn call me. Ye forget I wns born on Hallow Kve! I've tho gift o' tho sight, I have, and on this day my curse can blast what ever 1 choose. Wha-. more Red Miko would havo said I don't know, but at that moment Father O'Connor camo up to whoro all was stan'in'. 'Curses come homo to roost,' says he to O'Flah erty, in a starn voice, an it's you that'll suitor, Miko O'Flaherty, an' no ono bore. Get ye gone at ouce, or I'll pui tne wont on yo.' 'I'll go whan I choose, F.ilhcr O'Connor,' says Red Mike, surlily. Tne next moment tho priest drew a crucifix from his breast, sayin' to O'Flaherty that even if he wor iu league wf tho devil, lie could uot withstand that. Miko crava a howl jist loiko n wi)d baste an' thin turned an' ran down tho glen as fast as ho could. Ould Thady King, tho piper (now dead, God rest hissowll) wor crossing this moor that nirht. nn' who should ho seo but Red Miko dan cm' an' shoiilin' liko mad, an' screamm' iu mortal fear. 'Mike, ! Miko!' ould Thady cried; but O'Flaherty paid no attention to him, but kepi on screatnin' an' soincimes shoutin' out, 'My timo is up I my timo is up' Suddenly ho bent forrard an' ran liko tho wind, "took ono gieat leap, an' disappeared into' tho grouud as if ho had jumped into tho sea. Nothin' more wor over seen o' Red Mike, leastwise as a man. An' that's why tho great bog yonder is called Red Miko'B Reft." William Siiakpe, m Harper's Magazine. The Kiss of a Sea Gull. A HTItANfir. STOItV ll.LUrtTIt.VTINO THE SUTKIt9TITIONS, OK HAII.OI18. From the rroUdenco JouraiL Iu tho shipping nows of Friday luurmug iu mis paper was tne an nouncement of tho death of Senman Jioomo Tarabocchia, of tho Austrian bark Ukraine, Captain Mircovich, by failing from the foro-top-gallant sail yard when tho bark was" about -150 vards otl tho shore ot buntli Carolina. Thu baik camo to this port from Italy with salt, cousigned to Stephen D. An drews. There is n weird talo told in regard to thu young sailor's death ho wus but 23 years old bythe sailors of iho Ukraine. All of them, from can lain down, are rugged practical men and yet this voyage toiced many of them to n partial belief iu omens nud the weird iu life aud death. The story must bo taken as trtio, however much readers of it are disinclined toward tho superstitious, and oveii if it has had re Hcmblances iu sea life. It was just before -1 o'clock on tho morning ol saturaay, 1A comber 11, and as tins beoti said, the bark was far off the South Carolina shore. Tnrra- bocohin was at tho wheel. Tho weather was cloar and quilo cold, and it wns still in the darker hours of the niuht. Strangely enough, nt this time, thero uppeareu over me ours u sea gun, una it nuiterod and settled slowly down A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Th ijaMtlon hi rmhbljrtTn tVM thotmndt eftlroM.' MowMn iJrown'i Iron Bitten rnr Trjr thine f " Wall, It drwtn't Hut It rliwfeur tnr di) for whi-Jli ft rpa table phf rtcian would preterit IK05 PhrfttcUiii rarnrrnli iron M th Nrt mttortU f.ftnt known to tb pn.fmwinn, and Inquiry ot af edtnjj rbomloal firm will fubttantiat th artWn thnt thr ar mw preparation nf Iron than of any other ntilUnf used fn tnndlctn. Thlff cbontcon clulTtlj that Iron Ii ftcknowladired in be thfl mut important factor la naccMwf al mediual practice. It la, huw rmrkaM fact, that Crtor lo th rtvcov enot HIIOH'N JltO.VmtTKKNno perfect ly atiBfactorjr Iron combination hid rrer ben Zooad. BROWN'S IRON BinERSMsss headachy or prodarej onnntlpailon nil other Iron mrdlrlni rfo.miOW.VSIllONniTTKKrS rnrrn ImlljiFfltlnn, lllIlouneafVenknrM, Jrt"Pla. .Unlnrlfi, CliUU nnd I'ereri, Tired ! Iliip,(4enrrnl Dehlllty.Pnln intb Fldct linckcr UmbSiIIrndncboftcdNourftl flirt for ail thsp-j ilmenta Inm It prescribad daily. BROWN'S IRON BinERS.SsrMi retnuts, Tjllcn nil rthr thorough mallctaM, It setn slowly , WhflU tftknn tr tn'n tn tint symptom of bonotlt Is renewp.1 enorar. Tho masrles toon boomnv rnoer, tbo alcootlcm tTaproves, too bowotstra totlTo. 14 (no,.,, tho of? oct Is nsoillr more rspld tnrt mirkoa. Tho ores bogla ot onco to brlghtoni tho skin oletrs DPI ho<hy onlorcomos to the rhooksi nerTousnoss inppn, lumiianai iKnwm,ni, oemmn iron mt. nnA It ft nursing mother, obundopt sustonsnr . N,ttnHo4 for (hn ehlM. Homotnhor flrnirn'o Iron Hitters In the ONLY Iron medicine last Is not lajnrljus. I'hnlclat and Jtrvpyliti rfrowioimd l. Tbo Oenulne bits Trfldo .Mtrk snd rroo.ed red Unw u vrswer. TA It K NO OTIIKK. ward. It flew toward the sailor at the helm, nnd at last lighted upon bis shoulder, struggling hard to get a foot hold there. The Bailor reached up and took tho bird in bis hands. It wns a full Hedged sea gull, as white na snow. While ho looked nt it thus it slretched out its taper ucck nud pressed its beak up to his lips as if billing with its mate. Tho sailor caressed it, and finally put it into tbo bosom of bis blouse. It lay still there, thu warmth of tho spot ap parently lulling to quiet. Whon 8 bells struck, at '1 o'clock, Tarabojchia was relieved. Going forward to tbo forccastlu ho clipped the gull's wings, and then went below. The bird nestled by him in his berth until it wns timo to rise again. That day tho gull played about the deck and acted as fully domesticated as a chicken. In tho ntternoon the bark cat and tlio gull quarreled, and tho quarrel closed in a terrilio battle. This resulted iu both suffering severe injuries, tho cat the worst of tho two. Tarabocchia laughed at then both. He said to the cat, as if it could under stand: "You'ro nover going to get well. You're hurt bad !'' Aud he told tho gull that it, loo, would die, ho guessed. That nignt, at 11 o'clock precisely, tho bark was far off tho Cbespeake shore. It was just at tho edge of the Gulf Stream. Suddenly a squall camo up to westward and tho order was given to furl sail. Tarabocchia went up and was at work on the fore-topgallant sail - yard, whon tho bark lurched heavily. IIo was about 138 feet above the deck. The acci dent, fatal to him, nnw happened. Somehow ho fell, and his body, whirl ing through tho air, struck tho rail henvily, and then slid off into the sea. It Bank immediately and was not seen afterward, though every effort to find it was made. As has been said. Ibis took place at 1 1 o'clock exactly. At 12 o'clock tho injured cat quietly died as it lay on tho vanished snilor's chest in tho cabin. Just ono hour later, at 1 o'clock the sea gull died. It had been taken to Tara bocchia's berth that evening, and tbo sailors watched th end with strnngo feelings, for from the first the tactions of tlie white bird had seemed ominous to the bark. Capital and Labor, Under tbo "Declaration of Independ ence,'' "that all men aro crented equnl ; that thoy aro endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,'' arises tho mysterious nnd all absorbing prob- lem, the capital nud labor question. All men are born equal, but immediate ly thereafter tlio dividing lines tall by fortuno or fato into their pathway j hastening somo to distinction, wealth and renown, othors to success in life, and still others to poverty, destitution and obsouiity. Perhaps to this latter class belougs the great majority of man kind. Iho questiou still further arises, is this unequal condition tlio lcsult by divino decree, by legislation, or, by personal eltort on thu one hand, and deliberate indilfeieuce on the other? Ono thing is admis-able, to-wit : that any person ot tcrluno may retrograde by exertion, on the downward rond, even to obscurity. But it is not possi ble that tho average individual may rise from obscurity to wealth and dig tinction,'by his owu exertions undor all adverse, oiruumstnuces whoro tho lino of fate, whatever it may bo, crossed bis pathway. This is the general rule, to which there aro Borne noble exceptions. All men aro born equal but all men aro not born to equal opportunities, and. hence it is not possiblo for all men to create for Ihtmselves equal oppor tunities. With equal opportunities many who aro destined to obscurity would lar outstrip many wbo aro born to destiny. Rut, tho origin of the con dition of social nud intellectual inequal ity may not result from tho same caus es ns the pecuuiary unequal condition of mankind. Tho former is due, moro to taste, inclination and insatiable thirst for knowledge, while tho latter is tuo result ot covetousness nud greed for gain, which tcruplo not at oxtor lion, unjust advantnges, theft nud rob bcry, until accumulated capital becomes enthroned with power and iufluouco snllicient to attract recognition and control legislation in behalf of its own selhsb interest when there no longer seems a way to cheek its career, or break its power. The general tendency of capital is to concentrate, naturally gravitating to Iho larger bulk, and un less this principle be chrcktd, or de stroyed, may evontually all be "gobbled up" by general nnd looal syndicates. All the varied intciests are in conflict nnd in competition with ench "thcr, nnd the weaker either suffi rs, or suc cumbs to the strong' r The whole ten-, denoy of business rivalry is continually to grasp morn firmly and suroly, a bold upon thu public, surpassing all previous efforts. And thus poor, struggling nnd Buffering humanity is continually being left more nnd more in the back ground. Inatend of a "Declaration of Indepen dence," which means everything tbo words define, and utider which our forefathers achieved thoir independence it Is rapidly npproaohing a declaration of impoverished dependence upon capi tal for support by tho masses of our onco independent people. J,