The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 14, 1887, Image 3

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    f'J'i" j"'L'J-"
!JL. -L 1 -I'L!
The Columbian
KltlDAV. JANUARY" 14, 1837.
Tratnsonthoriilladoiplimtn It. leave llupctt
is follows t
11:49 . m.
6:13 p. in.
0:3. il. m.
11:1:1 p. m.
Tratnion the 0. L. & W. II. H. leave Bioomsburg
follows i
:I8 a. m. 8.m , m,
lo.soam. limnim
"! P. ni. 4:i., n. m.
0: P. m. 8:4? p. in.
Trains nn the N. V.
erry i.' follows
Ml, Ull.
10.41 a. in.
6.21 . .a.
11. Hallway pass Ulcom
1I:M a. m.
3 l'J p. m.
6:b p m
run nr.
10.1 a in
Ffii 1 Gen. W. Fnrver, administrator
of Catharine Kurver, will sell real estate lu
JucUfon low nslilp nt 2 p. in.
Jam 22 Jefferson Fritz, trustee, will
sell leiil cstnlu nt Joshua Savage, eleceaste),
in Jrckson, nl 2 p m
At I'ltiVArK Ha i.k. Several lots In
Illooinsburj!, belonging to Al. H. & L. As
socliillnn. Jan. 10-1 A Dcwltt, executor of Diuu
icl F rce will tell personal pronertylniKish.
lncicelc township nt 10 n. in.
.Ian 22, 18S7. David Yost committee of
11. O. Hobs, will bull valuable rent estate In
FMiliigcii-ck township
Foil saie Tliren Scotch collie nuns
Also i furin lo rent Ii iiuire of J, How-
mil lvllne, Ointigcvillo, l'u.
iSlliOO In very easy pajinenls will liny
n one minim u iicre iiirni, goou new House,
large new bank barn, excellent aprinic
watir, convenient to rail Mud. Apply to
For Hknt.-.I. II. Kelm, of Light
street, olleri. for rent, on titsnnalile term
Ills duelling house, blHcksiuith slop mnl
tools. Apply at once as above. 14J3I.
Foil Hot Ktoro roeni for rent, first
door below Court Hou9e. Call on M. E
Knt. jaal4.
Lost. A tur collar on Dec. 20th, either
in Illoomsliurg, or between Illoomsliurg
and i.igiusiii ct. i lie llndir win confer u
favor by nctllylng J. 3. Grimes, Light
sleet, l'u.
H. F. Shnrpless wants a good fresh cow,
and 1ms a luuso lor sale -cheap. H-at
Wanted. To rent a house, of not le9s
than seven looms, four up stairs and three
down. I'liyin-uts prompt and monthly In
advance. Auuues, 1'. (J. lloxauu. '
Clublliiir itntcH.
We offer the following club rates for
1887 s Columbian nnd N. Y. Weekly World
ono year, with History of the World,
$2.40; worth 14.00.
Coi.t'MniAN and Philadelphia Weekly
Tinut ct v j 1 1 r, f2,75; n pulur price if 8.60
The .lmcriun Farmer will lie sent one
yei.r, or the K. Y. Weekly HWii six
liiimlhs, tiee, to n!l old subscribers who
pay up buck Mil Eciiptioii and one year in
udviiLce, and lo mw subscribers who pay
in ad ni ce. 1 his oiler is goi d only for a
slioil time. Avail ourselves of it nl once.
Spi chicles and Eye glasses at George A
Clark's Hook Store.
Judge Elwell took a short sleigh ride on
Judge JlcIIenry was sworn in on Tuos
day evening.
Mr Andiew Clark of Calawis9a, one of
our oldest subscribers, was in town on
Wulm sday.
Ex-sheriff CarK r of Tunkliannock, shook
hands with Ids uiiinerous friends on
Richard Lake, of Dakolah, fpent some-
days in this vicinity ricetitly, being call
here by the deatli ot his father, Judge
Luke. He is a prosperous banker.
Judge Heutleld of Montour county wa
in town on Saturday last, and made us i
pleasant call Hu was el cted associati
judge last fall, and will make a very agree
able and thoroughly Impartial otllciai. lie
has many fii nils in this county
John W. Smith and James Gilmore, of
Butler Yall'-y, Luzerne county, spent a
few days wlih Shi rilt Smith, the brother
of tlie f rmi r, this week. John is a good
judge of horses and drives u spanking
team of bays, ami while he does the driv
lug Jimmy makes things lively with his
comical ways.
February 2 will be ground hog day.
The Legislature met on Wednesday even
Leases ana notices to quit ut the Colum
wax olllce.
Finest seem ry going West by I'enna. li
11. 'lickets at Moycr llros.
Where is the book containing the const
tution and by-laws of tho lire department ?
An interesting letter from llev. L. Z.Ui
ncr, Omahu, will bo fouud on the first page
Five.bottle triple-plated castors $3.00,
Other goods in proportional L. HernharU's.
The mite society of the Lutheran church
went to Mr. llidlej's In sleds on Monday
A sleighing purty, under the conductor
ship of Col. Jameson, drove to Bunion oil
Stipt. Grimes will conduct a local insti
lute at llidlay next Saturday, beginning at
10 o'clock a, m.
The toboggan craze Is spreading, and
bids fuir to have the same kind of run that
skating rinks had,
Most of tin students who camu homo to
spend the holidays have returned to tbei
respiclivu schools.
l'eesons contemplating having sales the
coming spring will do well lo consult our
prices for hand hills.
Pasengcrs and burgage delivered frc
to persous buying wesleru tlcku s of Moyer
liru's. iigls Penua l(. It.
A very inti resting serial story will bo
commenced soon, in this paper, and will
continue for eight weeks or more. Look
out for the Mist number.
Constables are required to glvo nolle
c,f the spring diction by hand-bills. The
necessary blanks ure for sale at the Colum
has illleo at 10 cents a dozen.
Wc print a supplement this week, I
order to make room for reading matter I
the paper. Supplements will be Issued
whem ver our columns are crowded with
There will ho a special merlins ot Mm
Dlooin -bur.r Choral Society at Odd Fellow s'
hull thU (Fri lay) evening al 7i45 Hum
uuss ot Importance will como up and a full
attendaucu Is desired.
Get your wedding Invitations at tho Co
l uiibun oOlco.
Tlemembcr, Abbey's Double Mammoth
Uncle Tom's Cubln Co. at Opera Houses
Thursday evening, January 20,
Tlio County AikIIIom nro making n very
Arching examination of tho accounts In
the Cnmiiilmliitiers' ofllce, being ocouplcd
11 of last week, and several days of this
week. Everything wat found satisfactory,
Tlio young folks aio cnjovlng the excel.
lent sleighing, A party of girls anil bojs
we H to Danville Tuesday evening of last
week, and on Saturday the girls repeated
the lrlih. tmclvea. They look mials at
tho City Hotel.
Wo were presented lust Friday with a
beautiful calla Illy, by Miss Clara A.. DIITen.
bach. It Is of very cmlous formation, be-
ing n douliln Illy with n third leal Just
starling. Miss DIclTenbach lias had a num.
ber of thise beaut'fiil (lowers this winter.
Tin: Pel feet Hatcher Incubators left on
exhibition at the Hiuillurluin opposite the
depot are for sale nnd llie most favorable
terms as to lime will be given reliable par
lies who iali to Iry the new and easy
method of raising chickens, if appllul lor
Mlsn E. V. Kicn Is prepan d to till orders
for dress making and plain sewing, cither
nt her residence, V. O. Gallgnan's house
on Thlid street next lo Catholic rectory, or
at the. customer's house, as desired Spec
In attention given to chllilieu's clothing.
Her charges are unspnalili, and she soli-
cits a share of palronagc.
Francis I". Quintan ndverllsed himself
extensively lust week for an entertainment
at llie Opera Houe on Saturday night. As
no one knew what Ids performance would
be, there was no uiullenco and the show
did not take place. HtibBuiuent events lead
nclusively to the fact that Francis V
Quintan, -'the eminent urnlor and acloi," is
a fraud.
There will be au entertainment at Derry
Chinch Saturday evening January 15th
consisting of vocal and Instrumental music
and select rending. I'rof. I. W. Ntles' Or
chestra will render the music, while the
reading will bo given by Mrs. Enolu Gule,
The entertainment promises to be a good
one and deserves the patronage of all that
Blitz's Dime show exhibited in tills place
Monday evening, to n jnodcrato sized nil
dlencc. The trained dogs did some excel
lent performing, and conslderbly amused
the aiwicncc. Mr. Blitz has exhibited scv.
ir.d limes in this place. His entertain
ments arc always well patronized, because
they are such ns will surely please The
admission of 10 cents makes it within the
reach of all to attend.
William llidlay ol Centre had a runaway
on Tuesday n week. His ho'ses became
frightened at the cars at the Lspy depot,
and ran up over tho lull and did not ston
until thev reached the Intersection with the
main road nt Lightstieet, where they ran
into the fence. They tore loose from the
.deigh, but Mr. Hidlay hung on to the
reins and stopped them. But little damage
was done.
List of letiera remaining in the Post Of.
Ileeat Bioomsburg for week ending Jan,
U. 1887:
Guiseppe D'Arienzo, (ship) Mr. Caleb
Glrton, J. G Girtnu, Mr. K. II. Guiles,
MUs Hattle Hciinlmcli, Mrs Susan illnes,
Mr John S. Shaffer, Mr. Felix Strouse,
Kobtrto Torsiello, Capotsak Wassll, (ship)
Henry Wanleh.
Mr. John Jones, Angelo Nicola Zappone.
Persons calling tor these letters will
oleasc say "advertised."
Ueop.OK A. Clark, P. SI.
Abbey's Dnublo Mammoth Uncle Tom'a
Cabin Co will appear at the Opera House
I hursday evening, January 20. Tuey
come wi'.h two military brass bands and
have an original troupe of South Carolina
Jubilee Singers. In nference lo nn enter
tainment held nt Saratoga, October fi, the
daily of that place thus sa)s:
There was n large audience In Putnam
Mu-ic hall last evening to witness the pres
entation of Undo Tom's Cabla, and those
present weio ninply repaid for attending
The company was the best that had ever
l-lted this section. Gus T. Wallace as
"Uncle Tom," Oracle T. Peck as "Eva,"
Mls Katii Partington and Miss Mnrion
Keller, as the "Two Tupsles," were the tin.
est characters ever witnessed here. The
dogs und the donkey were immense. The
entire entertainment was first-class.
At a meeting of the Columbia Comity
Bir, held in the Law library Friday even
in, January 7, the following mlnuto was
lietohed. That wc have heard with sor
row of llie dea'h of Hon. James Lake, one
of the Associate Judges of this county,
He tilled tho pnsitloj for the past llv
years with dignity, and m the satisfaction
ol lliu liar ami pulilic. ami was uuout lo
enter upon a second term when death
called him away.
Hemlieil, That in Ids death the commun
ity has lost a good citizen, the court an
honest nftirtai, and th" family an affection,
ate husband and father, and that we tender
our sympathy to tiie bereaved ones.
llenheil, That as many as possible of the
members of the Bar attend the funeral,
nnd that a copy of these minutes be pre
sented to the widow, und tendered tlio
county paper3 for publication.
Geo. E, Li.wki.l,
J. II. .Maize,
L. S. Wintkksteen,
A IMuoMint I'arty.
It has been sometimes said the new jail
was much larger than the county needs,
but it was crowded to its utmost cupacity
on Tuesday night. A party of nearly one
hundred were the guests of Sheriff and
Mrs. Smith, and a most enjoyublo evening
was spent in dancing and oilier nmuse
ments. and mi excellent suppe-was S'-rvcd.
There were young people from Blooms
buig, Kohrsburg, Cambru, Benton and
Fishlngcreek, nnd u jolly night was made
of it. The Sheriff and Ids estlmabln wife
are always glad to entertain their friends,
ana thoy will bo pleased to have a repeti
tion of the party at any time.
Hupreiuc Court Cases.
There are live cases to bo argued in the
Supreme Court in Match fiom this county
They ire as follows; O. G. Murphy vs.
llerronctul; Knnrr, Hicketts, Ikeler and
Wlnterstceu for plaintiff, Freezo for de.
feudants: Everett's appeal, Miller for ap
pellant, Ikeler & llerrug for appellee;
Clewell's estate vs Weaver, Ithawn for
plaintiff, Frcezu for defendant; Bird vs
Gulp et nl, Ikeler efc Herring und Mil'er for
plaintiff, Freeze and Wolverton for defend
ant i Lockard's vs. Itibbins, Little for
plalnti.f, Freeze for detendant.
IMiiieral ol JikIku I.uUe.
The mortal remains of James Lake were
consigned to thu tomb on Sunday niorniug.
The friends gathered at th house near
Espy, and alter a brief service, proceeded
to the Espy Lutheran church. A large
congregation was present, ltev. Buck
read a lesson from Scripture, ltev. Shar.
retts offered u prayer end ltev. J, P. Tusllu
ddlvered a (uncial sermon, v'ae excretes
being Interspersed with singing by the
choir. The Initial took place lu Ike Aftou
cemetery. Juoce Huuutuii, E It, Ikeler, O.
W. Miller, h o. Wlntersleeii, J. I. Muiite
and P. A. Evans weiu the null bearers.
Au opportunity" was given ut the church to
view tuo remains.
rire In Deuttcr'a Dutldlnit.
When Bioomsburg woko up on Tuesday
motntng neatly all tho Inhabitants wtro
surprised to hear that there hid been a flro
luring tho night. About half past twelve
as Watchman Hower passed Dentler's storo
hu smelled smoke but saw no fire. He gave
an alarm, and the Friendship lioso carriage
was soon nn hand. Hose wns attached to
the plug nt the corner of Vlnln nnd Centre
and a stream was turned Into F. P. Hill,
meyel's law olllce, front room, second
floor, where by this llmo flames appeared-
The Hook nnd Ladder truck was tut on
hand, and it was Impossible to tell in what
part ot the room the tiro was. As tho wa
ter was thrown tlirough tlio front window
from the ground the Humes did nut appear
to diminish, and It was soon evident that
the stream did not lilt the right spot. By
this time tlio truck was brought out, and a
ladder put up to tho window, when it wns
discovered that tlio labia In tlio ccntro of
the nnm was on lire and the flames hud
communicated with the floor. The hose
was carried up into the hall, the door burst
open, and In a very few moments tho fire
wis extinguished, nnd what might have
been a disastrous conflagration was pre
vented. Tho Winona hose carriuiro was
second on the ground, nnd hose attached
to the plug at tho corner of Main and Mark
ct, but the plug was broken in the effort to
turn on water, and no stream could bo ob
tained, Fortunately, it wns not needed.
Tlio lire Is supposed to havo originated
In a wooden spittoon ucir tho table. Mr.
Bilbneyer Is secretary of the School Fur.
nishlng Co , and a number of hands were
paid in the olllce, on Monday evening. It
Is supposed that snmo ono threw cigar
stump, or burning tobacco from n plpo Into
the spittoon which was partly filled with
saw dust,and that this smou'dcrcd until mid
night when It acquired sufficient headway
to set tlru to the table. Tho tablo was en
tirely burned up, with all thu books and
papers on It, nnd a hole burned through the
floor, all of Mr. Billmeyer's law books were
burned, and the largo stock of boots nnd
shoes In Dentler's store badly damaged by
water. The stock nnd building were in
sured, but the damage has not yet been as
certained. Tne celling of tho store will
hav" lo b" entirely ipiostered
If tho fire had not been discovered when
it was. Dentler's building, Knorr& Winter,
stein's, Itnwlings', tlio Coi.u.miiian office,
McKlnny's, possibly the Exchange Hotel,
and there is no telling how many more
business places, would have been destroy,
ed. The night was clear and cold, and
there was no wind, but the Insufllclen.
cy of hose would not have permitted more
than three streams of water, and tills
would have been entirely inadequate, hud
the fire got u good start. It took all the
hose of the Friendship, four hundred feet,
to get one stream on the building. The
Wlnonas might have put two streams in
play, if the plug could tiayo been opened.
This would have taken the two nearest
plugs, ni d tho Hookies could not have
readied tho tiro from the next nearest plug.
The town council should ut ouco procure
more hose.
No bells wcro rung, because there was
no one out who cmld get into the court
house, or any of the churches, and there
were but few cries of fire, so that not over
fifty people knew of It until morning.
This is a bad time of year for a fire to
break out, and the lire companies should
keep themselves in readiness for n hard
fight nt auy time.
Since writing the above we have learn
ed the following additional facts. The ta
bte In Billmeyer's olilce'.belonged to M. F.
Lyerly. Until Mr. Billmeyer and Mr. Eycr.
ly lost many valuable papeis on which
there was no insurance, nnd which cannot
be replaced. They were tho mlnuta book
of the Board of Trade, minutes of the
Normul School Irustees.receipts and bills of
the School Furnishing- Compuuy.leltcr copy
b'loks, nnd Mr. Eyerly's docket und papers
count cted with his collection business, be.
sides many miscellaneous papers.
Mr Dentler's loss on tlio building was
about 4;i00, and on his stock $1,000. It
was fully covered by insurance and tho
losses were promptly adjusted by Frcns
Brown's agency.
The Itcatli AiikcI.
On Saturday, tho 8th Inst , at 5 o'clock
In the afternoon, Emma IL, wife of Clin
ton W. Neal, breathed her last, after an ill
ness of nearly two weeks. On Sunday,
December 20, while preparing to go to
church, she was suddenly seized with a se
vere pain in the head and neck She had
long been subject to neuralgic headaches,
but this attack she pronounced different
from anything she had suffered previously.
She continued to grow worse, an eminent
physician from Philadelphia was sum
mnned, and he, in consultation with local
physicians pronounced tho disease spinal
cerebo meningitis, and gave no hopes for
her recovery. After much suffering she
passed away.
Mrs. Neal was a daughter of the late
Win. Snyder, ami sister of Mrs. F. P. Bill
meyer. She was a woman of many ad
mirable qualities, and was beloved by all
who kaew her. Domestic in habit, her life
was devoted to her husband, her children,
and her homo She wns a devout Chriotlun,
and an earnest member of the Reformed
church. Her death is a terrible allliction
to those to whom she was so near and
dear, and a pall of gloom spread over tho
entire community when it was kuowu that
she had breathed her last.
The fuucinl took place at the house on
Tuesday afternoon, tlio services being con
ducted by ltev. Mr. Bridenbaugh, and the
high estimation in which she was held was
exhibited by the very lurgo attendance of
relatives und friends. She will long be
remembered in a model wife and mother,
a true l hiistian, nnd devoted friend,
Peace to her ashes,
I'ETKlt mtCOLElt.
After a long ami painful illness Peter
Brugler died at his homo on Third street
on Thursday morning of.last week, aged 05
yearf. For several years Mr. Brugler hsd
been In failing health. Ho visited New
York about a ear ago to consult a physi
cian there, but received no encouragement.
Hu was able to bo up and walk about tin.
ill tho last few weeks. Tho funeral was
largely attended at the house on Monday
morning und tho services consisted of dis
courses by Itevs. Kiddle und Yoctm, und
a prayer by ltev. Brittain.
Mr. Brugler was a good citizen, a quiet
and unobtrusive man, a consistent mem.
bcr of the M. E. Church and au indulgent
husband and father, Hu leaves u widow
and three children to mourn his loss. He
vas a brother of James Brugler Esq and
Mrs. E. M. Warden who reside in Missouri,
Mrs. Layton Itunyan of bioomsburg, and
ElUha Brugler of Hemlock towushlp.
Don't 'Want tile Hcalp I. aw lie
Pomona Grango No. S, P. of II,, com
posed of the counties of Columbia and
Southern Luzerne, nt their regular quar
terly meeting, held ou Saturday, January
8, at Bioomsburg, unanimously resolved
that they were opposed to thu repeal ut the
present sculp law, Thu discussion upon
the resolution ludlcalcd that It was deslra.
ble to add to tho provisions of tho AC,
rather than to take from It. Borne of thu
heaviest taxpaylng farmers of the county
were present,
Judge Mcllenry,
On Saturday Governor Pattlson appointed
Cyrus B. McIIeiiry of Stillwater Associate
Judge to fill tho vacancy caused by tlio
death ot Judge Lake. His commission
wns received by lttcorder Sterner on Tues
day morning.
Mr, Mcllcnry's appointment was mado
without any action on Ids part, A move,
merit In his behalf was started In Biooms
burg without his knowledge, and tlio Gov.
ernor had promised to nppolnl him before
Mr. Mcllcnry was aware of Judge Lake's
death. Ho Is an excellent man for tho
place, and we congratulate him upon the
honor that has been thrust upon him with,
out Ids asking tor it.
The value of n night watchman wns fill,
ly demonstrated nn Monday night. If
watchman Hower had not discovered the
flro in Dentler's building there would havo
been a rrcat conflagration.
rniLtrisLriiu, January II, Igsj.
Our Great Sale swings into
its second week with increased
momentum. You who have
bought have told the good news
of Low Prices to your friends.
They have come, seen and
bought, and then told to others,
who in turn have joined the
great throng of buyers.
No one who comes fails to be
surprised. The half has rarely
been told them. How could it
be ? We have been able to tell
you ol the bargains at only a
part of the counters. And even
if we could what would be a
today would not be all tomor
row. New lots are being con
tinually opened and added to
wnat is leit ot tnose oeiore
It's the great, overshadowing
Wholesale that does this. Its
goods are pressing to get on the
counters of almost every part of
the Retail. That's why our
goods are always so fresh. It
isn't the rag, tag of old accumtt
lation that clamors to get out;
it's a brand new stock that
clamors to get in.
This clamoring will go on tin
til an equilibrium has been re
stored until we are able to fitly
handle the Wholesale. When
we have secured the additional
room needed we shall stop the
Special Sale and prices will again
find their usual and proper level.
You will see in the next col
unin another long list of Ladies'
Wrap and Dress prices. From
the prices alone you can get no
just idea of the values. You
need to hold the garments in
vour hands; to feel the texture
of the cloth, to look at the fin
ish, to consider the cut, the
style, before you can fully un
derstand the merit of the goods,
Then look at the price tag,
Often you can see on it the
other and hitrher figures which
have been marked out. When
the goods were first ticketed the
prices represented but a fair
profit a Wanamaker profit
on cost. See where the cutting
down has taken it to !
Think of a jacket for $ i . And
a fair jacket too. Of course it
tsn t in all ways an unexcep
tional garment; the price
wouldn't be there if it were,
But where else can you find
such a dollar's worth ? Try to
make it and see where the cost
will come to. Many a stitch,
many a button, not a little cloth
good trimmings, and we sell it
for$i. Better garments better
prices; but great value in any of
That's one extreme. Look
here where French taste and
French skill have gone hand in
hand on the same work ! The
knife that cuts prices has been
at them too. And such slices
as have been taken off ! Im
ported garments for much less
than the same grade of domes
tic goods could be had for.
We've told you before of these
Wraps and Jackets and Dresses,
and you've taken many hun
dreds of them since the salt
began. Some lines and styles
are gone, others are down to
small assortments; all are going
You arc not always ' wise if
you buy what you don't need or
may not soon want; but there is
small chance that you will soon
again see the time when there
would be greater excuse for do
ing so than now.
Parties living at a distance
should bear in mind that individ
uals or clubs Irom any point
within a radius of one hundret
miles, who buy on a single bill
une nunureel uoiiars or over
will have express charges to des
dilation prepaid; and furniture
or bulky house furnishing goods
will be forwarded by freight pre
John Wanamakek.
Cuwluut, Thirteenth and Market itretts, '
taa Cltjr-htll muter.
Cares Omigtu. Col K ITrwi rwncM, Crotin, Arthm,
lroacbitl9,lioor ijf Couah, ir irloi tc mrjirp.
rf-y-gb lli.n,an! rt ou rJtviitiiptiTfl
1ti-o-8 n outm d tJ -cci or
fon. Ilio Cm at rMi'i
fVitnfc f-itmn 1.1 lil rtrV in
irA f irnirier, nM henn tmrV
rotjlftrtvi inwie- nn:i lo wilt I
A 7;nU' llwl lit il C (relf, a .'"f-1
ffif-nlmllonlenitun'Bof John II", l
full A. V.ilnnriV Co., Bole t
I Top's, HaJUmoro, lid, V, B. A
"The Greatest Cure on Cerlh for Pain,"
Will relieve more quickly than any
other knovjn remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swellings, Drulscs, Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost
bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache,
Toothache, Spiains, &c. Sold by nil
Druggists. Price 25 Ccnt3 a Dottld.
Clnlnir nut rcadv.trimmr'd and un.
trimmed felt hats at Mrs (3 E, Ribb's, op
posite Corell's furniture (.tore
11. Meeker, ot OraiiRcvllle, has lust re.
turned from the cHy with a full line ot la-
lies' nnd gentlemen' cold anil silver
watches. Ian7-tf.
Wo are closing out a lot of remnants of
Dresn Oo ids, Embroldcriel, etc very
cheap. Clark & Son.
weilillng and parly
invitations, daucc
programme and visiting cards, cheap at
tho Columbian olllce. tf.
Wo have some Coats mid Wrnns that we
are closing out away below regular prices,
Also, a lot of Shawls and Children's Coats.
Now for bargains Clark it Son.
Having Just received ncUinder for fin
ishing bilks nnd cloths, I am prepared to
clean and dc gents' clothing, Indies
cloaks, saeques, silks, ilnsscs. shawls, &c,
reamers dyed nun curled, l'acknges lor
warded by express will receive prompt at,
lentlon, according to dliectlons. Cull or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, llloomsburg
irouien .inns. sep- i ir.
lou can save money uv nuvlnir vour
Embroideiies, Muslin, ec., of Clark et
Envelopes, letter head?, note heads', bill
heads, statements, business curds, and all
minis oi commercial priming at the Colum
bian oltice. tf.
B. Meeker, uictloneer. Oruimeville. Pa.
Charges satisfactory. junT-tf.
We have lust Inmroved our new fSrntn
House on oulh side of rillroad almvo the
depot, and ure dally receiving all kind of
grain at highest c ish prices. New scales,
eusy place to unload, and money ulways
When, g.)
113 e so
corn so
tuts 32
We keen constantly on hand u lnrue nnd
ctiniee stock of Flour, Middling, Bran,
Chop, Silt, Coal, and Timothy and Clover
Seed al lowest market prices for cnh or
grain. Special terms oneir lots of Peed.
Corn nnd Coal. Don't full to give us a call.
H. V. Whitk it Co.
Pelt hat, trimmed bonnets nnd hut.
fancy feathers, children's hoods undcipj
greatly reduced in price nt Mis E Bark
ley's, Main street, below Muiket Also on
hand, at reasonable prices, ft It und other
mati rials for fancy work, yarns. Ac.
Stamping nnd pinking done to oidei on
short notice. Mourning bonnets nlwnys on
hand or made to order.
O! what a sharp pain 1 Apply a hop
porous plaster nnd expeilcnce relief und
cure. S3 cis.
The cown of Oiieen Victoria consists of
diamond, peails, ruble, sapphires and
emeralds, set in silver und gold Its gross
weigui is ,yj oz. ; uiu troy. i no number
of diamonds are 3,3.'i2; pearls. 273:
rubies, U; sapphires, 17; emerald", 11. It
i un old saying- Uneusy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is uelter lo wear the
crown of perlect heallh and peace of
mind through the curative i Heets of Per
ine's Pure Bailey Milt Whiskey. For
ule by druggists and all deuleis.
Oik bop plaster will do the work of a
dozen bottles of dhty liniment or salve.
Kills pain.
For cleansine and healing foul and Indo
lent nicely, soles and utesies-'es and remov
ing the bud odors arising then from, and
tor sloughing, contused and lacerated
wound, Darbis Pronhi lactic Fluid is un-
"1 liuvu used IMibys Prophyi idle Fluid
in hospital nnd pnvute practice for ten
years and know of notldug better for
sloughing, contused und lacerated wounds,
foul and indolent ulcers and as a disinfect
nnt." J, F. lleustis, Prof. Mobile -Med.
Hood's Sarsapuilhi lias cured thousands
of case ot rheumatism Till is ubiinilniit
reason for belief that it will eurejou. Try It
If you have ruitlng, scalding or stiiiLdnu
sensations in thu paits when voiding urine
Swamp-itoot will quickly relieve and cure.
Every diyirlds to tho gi eat amount of
evidence us to thu curative p nver. of
Hood's Sarup,irllla. Letters are constantly
being received from all sections of the
country, telling of benellls deiived from
Hits great medicine. It is unequalled for
gcnirul ileoiiuy.auil a a blood puiiller, ex-
nelllng every trace of tciofula or impurity
Now i the tlnio lo take il. Prepared hj C,
I Hood it Co.. Lou-ll. Ma-s. Sold bv all
A Physician's Pio Nio Mr lfr d
peer, who wa the lirst i Introduce the
cultivation of I lie Dpor'o Gr ipe In lids
country h id u number of Sow Yoik Phsi.
elans to liihpi ct 111 Vtne inls und Wu e
h.'Ues at Passaic, N J. About ilty i)"e
tors took the Erie lnln The eineyurds
are over fifty acres in relent, lleiu llie
visitors found the sin ill dirk Portuguese
mid thu mitlvu Coucord grape in r.tiuud.
Among thoo present were l)r E II-
Jams, of thu If. V. Hoard of He-lth, Dr
Alex. II .Molt of the lHlevun Hospi'ul
Medical Colb-coj Dr. Wll lam II. lluynes,
of the Presliyteilau llospiial, Ac. &i ' T he
wines weir pronounced equ il to any
produced io llie world. V. 1' ZW6uie,
For mlu by till druggists.
When Bt)T m sick, ire Rire her CMtorla,
When the tu a Child, ahe cried for t'Mtorla,
When die becime Mlia, she clung to Caetork,
When the bad Children, he fare them CatorU,
v ,1 Ih
rr.tat Poultry
,f CWe-ll,
m I I'll bt,
S. S MYI'.KS. "
I ii.ak mk I luve '..c I -nieuf y.,ur Chick, -e-kes i Poultry Food). .umtatUf.ed
thu .1 In, rcac the ci proJuuLm rf my fouls
Allirilst . S,JS
1'llKll I1Y AUMI.MSrElttMl I)H. lUINKs'
Oouien BrEcinu It can bp given in a cup
oi couee or lea witunui tlio knowledge of
the person taking it, effecting a speedy and
pennant-ui uure, wiieiucr mo patient is i
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck
Thousands of diunkards haye been madu
tempeialei men who havo taken Iho Golden
opcclllo in their colleei without thelrknowl
edge, and to.d.iy believe ihey quit drink
ing of their own free will. No hainif1
effects results from its administration.
Cures guaranteed, Send for circular and
full particulars. Address It. conlldenco
uotden MpicllloCo., 185 IWce St., Clncln
null, Ohio. deo!180 1y.
No sufferer f om nnv scrofulous disease.
who will fuiily try Ayei's Sarsaparilla.ueed
despair of a euro This remedy purges the
blood of ull Impurities, destroys the germs
ot scrofula, and new life und vigor
imuugiiuui iuu puygicui organization,
HuKtrcstinnn hi Case al n l'lre.
The Are companies should keep their ap.
parutus in shapo for use at any time. There
is mi telling when a fire may break out.
Avoid opening any doors that will create
a draught.
In opening plugs ou a cold night, it the
valve cannot bu turned with thu hand, use
u monkey-wrench; If none hajidy iifu a
hammer, (a wooden innllct would bo bet
t r,) and pound gtnVy on the handle at the
top of the plug until It Is started, A hard
blow on cold iron will break It, and render
the plug useless.
Au arrangement should bo made so that
the night watchman can have access to the
Court house bell.
Tho flip department needs more bote nnd
more spanners.
Wlint it lH-Wliat It llaes.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is made of sarsapa-
rllln, dandelion, mandrake, cherry bark.
tiva ursl, dock, and other valuable medici
nal uaents, long nnd favorably known for
their power In eradicating disease and pur.
Ifylng 'he blood. It will cure, when In the
power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Itlicum,
Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation, Bilious.
ness, Oenirnl Debility, Pains In tho Buck,
Kidney Complaint, Catarrh, Female Weak
ness, Cancerous Humors, Humors of the
Pace, Ringworm, Pimples, Ulcers, Sore,
Tumors, cald Head, and nil diseases oris.
Ing from nn impuro state or low condition
of tho blood, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is made
by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold
by all druggists. 41 j six for ,5.
Ilrlarcrcck l-ariuvrH' Mutual I
Hiiriiuce Company.
The twelfth antiunl statement of thu
Brlarcreck farmers' Mutual Iusuranco
Company of Lime Itldge shows the amount
of propertwamired Jan. 1 1880
tiP .$i,2;io,m-o.
Amount ILSurcd during 188(1 SSI, 072 33
Expired, surrendered etc.
Insured property Jan. 11887, $1,231,833.11
ino losses paid during tlio year were
1180, and tho total expenses, including
losses for tho year were lj"l0l)0.40. The
cost of Insurance for the twelve years dur-
log which the company has been in cv
tence, has been ijO 83 pi:r-S1000, for each
uvu years, insurance is tuken only on
farm properly, and the statement shows
good mauagemenl and economical insur
ance. The officers of llie company nre
Levi Alkmnu, President, Samuel Ncyhard,
Secretary, ami George Conner Treasurer.
Low Itatc-H to llit- IuaiiKiiratioii of
(iocruor Ilt-iier via I"e.-iiuyl-vanla
Governor James A. Beaver will be in
ungiiruted ut llnnlsburg, on Tuesday, Jan
nary 18, 1887. The ceremonies incident to
the occasion will bo Interesting, embracing
n great parade of the National Gunrd of
Pennsylvania; processions of civic and po
litlcal organizations, and other public de
monstrations. The festivities will bo con.
tinned during the evening, when a grand
pyrotechnic display, consisting of a num
per of beautiful pieces, will be given on an
island in the Susquehanna river, just op
posite thu Governor's mansion, and the
events of the day will conclude with
grand military ball.
In order to accommodate those who de
sire to attend, the Pennsylvania ltailroad
company will sell excursion tickets from
Philadelphia to Ilarrisburg and return, nt
$3.00 lo the public, and at $2.50 to organ
ized bodies of fifty or more members. Ex
cursion tickets will also bo sold trom points
on Philadelphia Division west ot Philudel
pliln, from nil points on Northern Central
railway between Baltimore and Ilarrisburg
ft om all points on the Philadelphia und
Erie DivMou, and fiom ull points on tho
Peniisvlvnnla Railroad Division within tho
Slate of Pennsylvania, at ouc tare for the
round trip 'tickets will be sold on Jauu
iii y 17 and 18, good to return until 19, In
New Vurlc. Illoonisli'ur M: AVCHtern.
At a meeting of tho stockholders of the
New York. Bioomsburg and Western Hall
road, held hero on the 10th. John A. Blilr,
D. M'-ssmoro, W W. Track, ot jNew orn;
D Lowenherg, E. 0. Welle, A- Z. Schoch
and J. C. Brown, of Bioomsburg, wcro
eleeted directors, and John A. Blair presL
dent, J C. Brown vice president nud W.
W. Track secretary und trcusurcr.
at the resldenco of Frank Beers by Guy
Jacobv Justice of the peace Mr. Joseph A.
Thomas and Miss Eva M. llllllaril.
We are ottering
Sewing Machines.
'st. !t
z SI
& 2
Til CS
Among tho Pianos wo handle aro the IVERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS,
BAUS & CO., SCHOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These
Pianos aro all first-class and fully warranted for live years.
Our leading Organs
STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machines are tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW
STANDARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Kotary Sowing
Machine in tho world.
Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZE1VS PALACE OF MUSIC AND
Absolutely Pure.
Hit nowder nctcr vatles. A inaricl ot Durltv.
R'rentfth and wholcsomeness. More economical
than ordinary kind, and cannot be sold In compe
tition wll lithe multitude, ot low test.sliort weight,
alum or puospnaiu pou uer. roiu uniy in cans.
llOVAL OAK1NU 1'UWDKH 1 U,. UIIBl.,r. 1.
How lo Ruin I'IchIi mill HlrutiKtli.
Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion s It
is a palatable as milk and easily digested.
Delicate people improvo rapidly with its
use. For Consumption, Throat affections
nnd Bronchitis it is unequalled. Dr. Thos.
Prim. Ala., says- "I used Scott's Emulsion
on a child eight months old; bo gained four
pounds in n montli."
I'atal Accident at IlolirHluirit.
Hoiinsnuitci, January 10, 1887,
Eiiltons or Cotc.MiitAN: On .Saturday,
between tho hours of i and S o'clock, there
was a terrible anil fatal accident happened
at Mithlis Appleman'a shops ln llohrsburg.
Mr. William Evans, while working about
some of tho machine!, was caught in ono
of tho shafts and lorn nnd mangled ln a
horrible manner. His bead wns almost se
vered from tho body. Iu bis death the
community loses u hard working and in
dustrious citizen, his thop mates un agree
able und pleasant man to work with, and
one who alwas wns ready lo lend a help
ing hand in any cose of emergency.
A Shoi- .Mate.
ICawt iiuiitou.
Ed, Sitler pud wlfe.of Brinrcreck, were
visiting friends In Ibis neighborhood last
Satiirrtny, Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. Phebo Yost, of New Columbus, 1
contracted a severe cold.
Better Weighing for the amount of snow
wns never known ln this locality.
Notwithstanding tho irieat number of
rabbits caught by the boys, legions stll'..'",
fest the thicket and harbor along fences
and other secure hiding nlaccs.
Isaac Gibbons, of Benton, nearly 05
years of age, has about fully recovered
from a desperate siege ot whooping cough.
A protracted meeting I In progress nt
Cambrn in the Christian chapel under the
auspices of the ltev. D. M. ICintcr.
llev. Samuel Bonne, of Benton, is holding
a protracttd meeting at Stillwater.
It has been confidently expected that a
certain young couple would enter into
bond of matrimony during thu holiday,
but I hu far they have ballled nil their ex
pectations, but we have not learned who
the young couple nre.
Three Peculiarities
Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purifier
anil regulating medicine, is characterized Jy
three rccullarltles, namely :
3d z
Tlio combination of tho varioua
remedial agents iert.
The proportion In which the roots,
herbs, barks, etc., nro mixed.
Tho process by which the ectlTO
medicinal properties aro seemed.
Tho reftlt Is r medic Ino et vnusra! f trength
end cur;. live l oner, which cfTe-cM cure here
tofore unequalled, 'ihcscpccullarllles belong
exclusively to Hood's Sars,aparitla, and are
Unknown to Others
Hood's Sarsararllla Is prepared with tho
greatest skill and care, by pharmacists ot
education and long experience. Hence It Is a
Mnllelne worthy of eutlro confidence. I you
suffer from fcrofnla, salt ihciun, or any ills
ca'io of tho blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick
b'adachc, or kidney and liver complaints,
ev.t. rrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
"I recommend Hood's Sartaparilla to r.U
my friends .is tho best bloid purifier eu
e.-Jlh." 'Vm. Gafp, drugflit, Hamilton, O.
'' Hood's Sarsaparllla has t u: ed me ot scrcf
iilou. humor, and dor.o mo worlds ct good
otherwise." C A. Arnold, Arnold, Me.
A bock containing many additional state
ments of cures will bo sent to all w ho desire.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druKRUts. ft; six for (5. Mado
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Masi.
tOO Doses Ono Dollar.
(3- JRj EAT
inducements to persons desiring
tho celebrated ESTEY. MI1XER, UNITED
Ut.00.MMIl' KG,
Every Lady has a natural
pride in her table and next to a
good meal, which is an estab
lished necessity to keep the man
of the house in a good humor,
comes the adornment of the ta
ble. In this respect handsome
silver ware has no equal and the
great decline in prices has placed
in it the reach of all. Owing to
the great demand for reliable
goods, we have recently added
to our stock a large line of
Rodgers quadruple plated ware.
Tea sets, Uutter dishes, Table
casters, Pickle casters, Syrup
cups, Cake baskets, Uerry dishes,
Card stands, Ice pitchers, Cups,
Individual casters, Napkin rings,
Table, Dessert and Tea spoons,
Knives and Forks, Fruit knives
and Nut Picks, in plain, ivory
and pearl handles with and with
out cases, in such a variety of
patterns we cannot fail to suit
you. In selecting our stock
our aim is to buy the best goods,
, such as we can warrant just as
j we represent them. We buy
I direct from the factory and sell
' as low as the oualitv will ner-
;t r ti, nlnrl.
mlt- u L arc. not ln. ,lllL; mark.
et for Competition With low pn-
i ,1 i,, ,:ii -..c,,A ,l,.
Ced goods, but Will letund the
money lor any article sold which
, ... .,,.. ;,. r
lb iiul lib ivi; i ui.ii (jbeiiL le. v u
l-.?i- lin liKnrnller rm-nrrl(rl ill
our sales for our efforts,--and are
getting new goods every week,
which we take pleasure in hav
ing inspected. Owing to the
high reputation of the genuine
Rodgers ware, unscrupulous
dealers are continually resorting
to fraudulent methods to sell
their wares under the name of
Rodgers and parties running
through thecountry peddling,
representing themselves as tra
veling for Rodgers, are simply
impostors' and their wares cheap
trash. Rodgers sell only to deal
ers and only such goods as bear
thetrade marks are genuine, if
you know them all right, if not
you are the party they are hunt;
ing for. A small piece of gum
camphor placed with your silver
will help to prevent its tarnish
ing. A little cleaning with a sil
ver brush and Rodgers Diamon
dine will remove all spots. Goods
engraved to order in old Eng
lish block or script letters.
Very truly yours,
1'Kori.E.S' N. Y.
These i.u coki-okations are well seasoned by
aire and i-ikk tested and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court ot law. Tueir assets are
all invested ln solio secckitiks aro liable to the
Lazard ot kike only.
Losses ruoMiTLT snd honestly adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by Cukibtian r.
UlUrr, Bl'HCUL AUES'T AND Adjcsteii Dloousuuko,
Tho people ot Columbia county should patron
ize thu agency where loaves I! auy are settled und
nail by one of trier own citizens.
Tl Tl
to purchase Piano?, Organs nnt.
S a