The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 07, 1887, Image 3

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The Columbian
ClinBLCT H1IU01D TI1K Tint.
Trains on tho 1'htladeiDblA & It 11. loavo rtnnert
is follows
:M m- 11:49 a. m.
3:43 i. in. 6:13 p. m.
Trains on tho D. L, W. li. It. leave Ilioomsburg
it:15 a. m. ft. 1 n. m.
i. m. 4:1j p. rn.
:30 m. 8:4" p. m.
Trains on the N. W. B. Itallwavpass Bloom
crry ns follows
WMTII. soem.
l; m. UA7 a. m.
S.SJ p. a.
10:llam 6:44 pm
Jas 13. Heirs of llobcrt Jlach will sill
real estate in Milton.
Fbii 1 0 n. W. Fnrvcr, administrator
of Ciilliarlnc Fnrver, will Bell real estate In
Jackson township at 2 p. m.
Jan 22 Jetlerson Fritz, trustee, will
soil r nl estali' of Joshua Savage, deceased,
In Jackson, t 2 p m
At Phivatk Bai.b. Several lots In
Bloomsburg, belonging to M. B. & L. As
sociation. Jan. 10 I. A. Dcwltt, executor of Dan
iel F.irce will sell pi rsonnl propcrtyliijFlsh.
lugcrcck township nt 10 u. m.
Jan 22. 1887. David Yost committee of
II. 0. lies?, will sell valuable real estate in
Fislilngcrcek lowushlp.
$1000 In very ensv payments wilt buv
a one hundred acre farm, good new liousr,
largo new bank barn, excellent spring
water, convenient to rnil road. Apply to
d.lltf K.NOItlt & WlNTBKSTKKN.
Foil Sale. A good dairy farm In Green,
vood township, containing 300 acres,
three houses, two barns and outbuilding".
Call on, or address Philip Appleman,
Itohrsburg, I'u. 2t
Wantkd. To Tent n house, of not less
tli.ui seven tin ms, four up stairs and three
down, on or near Main Blreet. Payin"iits
.n.I.U. I . A .1.4.......
,'l Wlllfjl mill IIIUUIMIV 111 IIUVIIUCl.. UUUIIS9.
,p n riiiv nn
Clubbing llntCH.
We offer tho following club rotes for
1887: Colombian and N. Y. Weekly IlWif
one year, with History of the World,
$2.49; worth $4.00.
Columbian and Philadelphia Weekly
Timet otic jei r, $2,75; regular price i 3.C0
The Ameriun Farmer will be sent one,
year, or the N. Y. Weekly H'orM six
months, free, to all old subscribers who
pny up back subscription and one year In
advance, and to new subscribers who pay
In alliance. I Ills oiler Is goi u only for a
short lime. Avail yourselves of it nt once.
Spectacles and Eye glasses at George A.
Clark's Book Store.
Sirs C. W. Neal Is seriously ill.
Miss Laura Waller is viBltlog relatives in
Mr. und Mrs L. E. Waller went to Plain
deldhlii on Monday.
Mrs Wortlungton went to her home in
Virginia on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Hand returned to
Brooklyn on Monday.
Mrs. Harold Itodgers Is the guest ot hei
sister, Mrs. P. E Wirt.
Miss Eliza Kulin is visiting friends ut Se-
linsgrove and Ml. Carmel.
W. C. Bloan and Frank Sloan f pent New
Year's day m Wllkcs-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unangst visited
their parents during the holidays.
Mrs, M. A. Smith arrived on Tuesday,
and will organize a class In music.
Miss Ella McKinney attended a large
puly at Harrl.-burg last Thursday evening.
Stoker Hnbbins of Aslmry had a New
Year's present in the shape of a fine baby
J. J Brower was tn tho city last week,
buying n new stooK of carpets for the
Spring trade.
John Herring and Matthow Meltcynolds
spent their Christmas vacation nt home from
I.afayilte college.
Mr. Peter Brugler, who ha been in poor
health for some time, is much worse, and
his recovery is considered very doubtful,
Dr. U. II. Morrill nnd family, who have
b -en boarding at the Exchange hotel the
p8t year, left fo' New York on Tuesday
of last week.
Mr. S. P. Hagcnbuch started for Atlantic
Highlands. N J,, Monday, for the puipose
of bringing homo the body of his brother
who died there last Summer. The body
will be moved to Ornngcville.
Mr. Elijah Bower, ol Swcdcsboro, N. J.
has been visiting friends In this section
during the past meek. Mr. Bower Is a
member of the Grange and was very highly
entertained by the Patrons in this section
Dr. W. M. Heber has returned from Phil
ndelphia, where he was under treatment
considerably Improved In health. He still
keeps in tho house us nuchas possible, but
hopes soon to be out to regularly attend
his practice.
Mrs. Catharine Paxton celebrated her
100th birthday on Christmas She was
bom Decembi r 23, 1780, and spent most ol
her lite where she now resides. She U the
oldest o( Iwelve chlldicn, all the other be
Ing dead hut Miss Harriet Kupert, aged 81
and Hon. L. II. Rupert, aged 7G, both of
this town. Sho has hnd nine children
twenty-nine grandchildren, three great
grandehl'dren, and two great-great gr ind
children. She still relaius her faculties to
a remarkable degree.
Them will bo argument court on th
18th ii st,
Read Schuyler
inent this week.
& Go's, now advertise
West, via Pittsburg or Erie tickets sold
by Moyer Bros.
A large party was given at' the house of
Daniel llryfogle last Friday evening.
Mnyir Bros, purchased a handsome, team
of black horses of A. Wolf on Monday,
Fivc-bottlo triple-plated castors $3.00,
Other goods In proportion at L. Bombard's,
F. G. Caso Is going out of the boot and
shoo b islncss, and Is selling oil his stock
at cost.
Peesons contemplating having sales the
coming spring will du well to consult ou
prices for hand ollls.
Two hundred and twenty-flvo marrtago
license were tailed by the Prolhonotary
or this county from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1
The cold weather has had a bid effect on
the hens. They do not seem to lay at all
Jvjgs were never so scarce as they are at
this time.
Constables aro required to give notice
of the spring elecllnu by hand bills, The
necessary blanks uro for Bale at the Coixu
uun otUco at 10 cents a dozen.
Get your wedding Invitations at the Co.
lvmhun office
Bros, sell
tickets via. Pcnna It. It.
Charles Krug and Charles Rice started
for Philadelphia Tuesday.
II. F. Ftult of Jorscytown has been np.
pointed Metcnntllo Appraiser for this year,
good appointment.
Tho Lutheran Mlto Society took a sleigh
ride to Mr. Turnbach's farm In Center
township, M onday evening.
Tho Hose Llslo company cavo two cr.
cellent performanres In the Opera House
l Monday nnd Wednesday evening'.
County auditors Bobbins, Tcwksbtiry
and Yeltcr arc nt work this week auditing
the accounts of tho commissioner) and
Tho commissioners have made their ap
pointment for 18S7 n follows! John II.
Casey, r.v'rk, Dr. J C. Itutter, Jail physi
cian, E. It, Iklcr Kiii attorney.
Mr. Miles W. Ash of Stillwater and Miss
Clara, daughter of Slietlff Smith, wore
married at Or.mgcville on Christmas. May
thev live long and prosper.
Tho Chntaumm Circle wilt meet nt the
sldcnco of J. P. Tustl.' on First Btrect
Monday evening January 10th. All the
membois are requested to bo present.
There will bo a meeting of tho Patrons
f Husbandry at their hall, near D. L. &
W. do.iot, this (Friday) evening. Tho
meeting Is n special one and will be attend-
1 by members of this nnd Luzerne coun
I)r. .T. II. Moore: tho eve and car sncclal-
1st could not arniniro his business to meet
his Appointment at Exchange, Saturday last,
but will positively be here Saturday Jan.
lfith between the hours of 8:30 a. tn. and
1:30 p in,
Mr. K. A. ltawllngs Is suffering from in
flammatory rheumatism. Ho has been
ept In bid for several weeks. Ills chll-
Iren also, ns will ns tils mother-in-law,
have been sick Trouble, seems to have
come double-handed with htm.
A new drop curtalu bus been placed on
the Opera House stage, for use between
acts. Tho centre Is taken up with a pict
ure, and the border U occupied by busi
ness cut ili. The curtain Is lighter than
the old one and works easily. It was put
p by a party from Chicago.
There were 048 marriage licenses grant
ed In Dauphin county la't year. In scv
ral instances the licenses were never ta-
en after the proper application had been
made; possibly one of the contracting part
ies dtcided not to marry and the li
cense was left In the hnnds of the clerk.
Letters remaining In the P. O at Benton
for the month ending Dec 31. 1830.
Mr. Frank Wademan, Dr. Givcns. Mr.
Clark E Fritz, Mr. S. Coal.
Persons calling for the above will Bay
'ad vcrtlsed."
Ella E. Afi'lkuan, P. M.
Reports from Jacksonville, Florida, state
that they are now enjoying the delicious
strawberry and the air is so pleasant that
ladies are wearing their light Summer
resses. This Is quite consoling to the cit
izens here in the North who are shivering
urnund a stove, and bundled up -villi over
coats and furs, trying to keep warm.
The death of Judge Lake creates a va-
rnncy on the the bench, wulcli under
Article 5, Sec. 25, of the constitution is to
be filled by appointment by the governor.
Flic appointee will hold olllce until the
first Monday of next January, and at the
seucrnl election next November an asso
ciate judge will bo elected to serve five
years from the first Monday of January
A genuino surprise was given to Mr. B,
F Zarr, Esq., Thursd ly of last week. It
was the anniversary of Mr. Zirr's birthday,
lis many friends by appointment called at
the house during his absence, nnd when he
returned he was greeted on all sides. A
bounteous repast was furLishcd and at a
late hour all returiud home well pleased
with the time thus spent, and with the
wish that he may see many such birthdays.
The eminent youu actor and orator
Francis P. Quinlan, will appear at the
Opera House on Saturday evening the 8'.h
Inst, in "The Almighty Dollar," Intrnduc-
ing specialties and songs. Ho is said to be
unsurpassed in his line, and Is deserving
of public recognition. Don't fall to see
him The entertainment will be under the
auspices of the Bloomsburg Cornet Band.
Admission 25, 35 ai.d 50. Reserve seats at
The Bralncrd & Armstrong Co. of 021
Market street, Philadelphia, offered some
00 premiums last year for various nrtlclcs
if hand-work In silk knitting, crocheting,
Sc. Mis It Kitchen ot ilillville, Pn. re-
celved tho first premium in luce work, the
second premium was awarded to Mrs.
Isabella Rodman of New London, Connec
ticut, and the third to Miss M, J, Scascr of
Philadelphia. Messrs. Bralnerd & Arm
strong will give premiums again this year
and any one can receive tho list by writ
Ing to them.
On Wednesday eveniug last week an
eight year old daughter of Clinton Sterling
when riding down Third street hill in com
pany with sonu ot er children, met with a
very serious accident by having a com
pound fractute of both bones of her leg.
Motwlthstanding the serious nature of the
fracture, up to tlio preset lime the patient
Is quite comfortable and likely to make a
good recovery under the care of Dr J. R.
Evans. Tim Third st eel hill at the rail,
road crossing Is a dangerous place for
roasting. Many accidents have occured
at th b point, some of them ot a serious
On January 1st tho firm of White & Con.
ner, of Orangeville, was changed to White
Conner & Sloan, Mr. E H. Bloan having
been taken In as a partner. The old firm
Iihb been engaged In the manufactuie of
agricultural machlneiy foi a number of
years, and has established a big business
and u high reputation for the excellence ot
their work. The new firm villi continue
the same business at the old stand, and
with their increased facilities, will mat italn
their high stundird of workmanship. Mr.
Sloan U a son of 1). IC Sloan, and has bad
cxperi'.Micu In business that will nuke him
a valuable, addition to the firm. The old
members of the firm are 'fell known
through tho country, and need nolntroduc.
lion to tho people.
At n regular meeting of Bloomsburg
Council, No. 057, Royal Arcanum, of
Hloomsburg, held Die, 22, tho following
officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Regent, George A. Clark I Vice Regent,
Jameo O. B'own ; Orator, G. E. Wilbur;
Past Regents, D A. Ucckley, I. W. Wllllts;
Sccretnry, O II. Campbell s Collector, John
F, Peacock; Treasurer, C, S. Furman;
Chaplain, L. T. Sharpless ; Guide, Tlios.
K, Geddlsi Warden, Sherman F. Peacock ;
Sentry, Wm. L. Fornwald; Trustees, 0.
W- Miller, Esq , II. V, White, Esq., Win.
M, Reber, M. D. t Representative to Grand
Council, D, A. Beckley; Alternate Rep. to
Grand Council, I. W. Wllllts,
This Council was organized February 8,
1880, and now numbers 30 members.
Hot for tlio Wcitl Moyor
Miss Harriet Rupert is tho owner of n
prayer book which bears tho Imprint, to
wltt "Nuw York I Printed by Hugh Oainc,
at tho Bible, H&novcr-Square, M, DCC,
XCIV." It contains "Tho wholo book of
Psalms In meter) with Hymns." The
psalms arc by Tato & Brady and the selec
tion of hymns comprlso but XXVII by
Tate, Addison and others.
Galne was a royalist during tho revolu
tion, and had n book store with tho slim of
tho Blblo and Crown. He was allowed to
remain after tho departure of the British
The book storo was continued, but tho
Crown was omitted from the sign. Ills
newspaper, The. Hem York Mercury was dis
continued. The patriot poet Frencau had
many bouts with (lulnc. ,J. Q. F.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of
fice at Hloomsburg for week ending Jan.
4, 1887i
Mr. Wm. V. Car, Philip Crawford, Wm.
Hartman, Chntlcs Hubcr, Dr. George F.
Mears, Clarence B. Millard, Lewis B. Paul,
Mrs. Hannah Ilanan, Albert Zlcglcr.
8. It. Hackcnbcrgos, Mellio Kline.
Vlto Lupo, Pasqualo Frolo (ship 2)
MIchele Sablno (ship), Mlcbelc Savlno.
Valadulo Dodanta.
Persons calling for theso letters will
nlense say "advertised."
Glorias A. ClaRw, P. M.
Judge I.nkc Dend,
On Monday morning a report was
brought to town that Hon James Lake, of
Espy, ono ot the associate Judges of this
county, was dead. This proved to be un
true, but on Tuesday morning at six o'clock
he expired. The Judgo lived a short ills-
tance from Espy, and on Tuesday after.
noon of last week he was In tho village.
On Wednesday he was taken sick with
pneumonia and continued to grow worse
until the disease resulted fatally.
James Lake was born January 28, 1809,
so that he would havo been seventy-eight
yeuts of age this month Ho has lived at
Espy tho past thirty years. He was the
father of eight children, live sons and
three daughters, all of the sons now resid
ing in the west. Ooe of the daughters,
Mrs. Fisher, is dead, and the other two are
Mrs. Geo. Kitchen and Mrs. S. W. Faux.
His widow is the mother of Mrs, Wesley
Sollcdcr, nnd step-mother of M. P. Lutz,
In 1881 Judge Lake was elected associate
judge by tho Democrats, and at the last
full election ho lwas ro elected for five
years. He was an altablo gentleman, and
filled the position with dignity and 1m.
In order to give time for his sons to reach
here from the west the funeral has been
fixed for Sunday morning at ten o'clock at
the house.
Leases and notices to quit at tho Comjm,
iiian office.
Winter Tours over tlic l'cnnnyl
vntila Railroad.
Pursuant to the annual custom the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company placed on sale
at Its offices, November 1, a stock of winter
excursion tickets to all the prominent win,
ter resorts of New Jersey, Virginia, Flor-
Ida, other prominent points in the Southern
States, and to Havana. These tickets are
Bold at reduced rates. In const leration of
which they are icqulred tn be used on the
south bound trip within fifteen days from
the date of purchase as stamped on tho
back, and for tho return trip prior to May
31st, 1887. Stop ott is permitted at any
point named on the ticket, and If the tour
ist desires to break tho journey at any
other point, he should apply to the con.
ductor of the train or purser of tho boat,
who will grant Hie permission by 'ssulng
stop over check or notation on the ticket,
These tickets cover almost every South
em point to which winter travel tends, and
the variety of route alforded by tho extcn
sivo Southern connections of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, commends its lines to the
favor of the traveler, to whom case, com
fort, promptness, and speed are material
considerations. Through buffet and sleep,
Ing cars run between New York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore and Washington, and Vir
ginia nnd Florida points, and the tourist to
Cuba may make the trip without interrupt
ing his journey, except at Tampa, where
he exchanges the car for the steamer.
For further and detailed Information, np,
piy at tnc ucKcl otllccs ot the company
and connecting lines.
CliriHtttioH Gnllierliic of farmer
Columbia Countlaim In
To the Editor of the Columbian :
By special invitation n number of ex-Col
umbia countians, mingled with a tew long
time Michigan residents, were requested
to spend Christmas at the cozy little home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chapln in School
craft, Michigan. Among those present
were "Grandmother" BIdelman, Dr. nnd
Mrs. J. F. Chapln, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey
Arthur, Ellis Bidleman and daughter
Annie, Mr. "Doc" Bidleman and sons
George anil Ellis, and A. Chapln, all of
Schoolcraft ; Mr. and Mrs. B- Hughes, of
near Three Rivers; Miss Sophie Moyer of
Bloomsburg, Pu , and Mr. I. B. IUier, of
Kalamazoo. A very sumptuous repast was
served and a merry Christmas it was for
Mr. and Mrs. Chapln have a very pleas
ant home in Schoolcraft, and it Is a very
agreeable place to stop at. They arc kind
good icople and are esteemed residents of
that place.
Little Nora Chapln had a handsome
Christmas tree, and she was very happy
over It. She has enjoyed one every
Chrlstmr.s since she has old enough
to appreciate It.
''Grauitmotber" BIdelman, although 80
years of age and not very well physically
her mental facilities are as sound and clear
as ever, and appeared to enjoy the occa
sion as well as any one In the ciinpany,
Among Claud Chaplu's Christmas pres
cnts was a handsome watch and chain,
Claud is an exemplary anil deserving boy,
'Doc" Bidelman is quite a humorist an
made it lively for those present.
Mr. A. D. I'hapln's wrist, which ho had
broken by a runaway during the fall fair at
Schoolcift, Is getting so that he can use
Dr. and Mrs. J. F, Chapln reside In one
of the most desirable places iu Schoolcraft,
and friends always receive a hearty wel
come at this happy household. The Doc
tor Is as jovial as ever, has all he can at,
tend to at his profession, and Is happy,
Ellis Bidelman Is as enthusiastic over
horses yet as ever. All you can get to say
to him Is "horse" and he Is ready to con
verse with you. He has got some fine
ones, too.
Dr. Chas. Huff, of Kendall Mich., is seen
in this section quite often. Ho formerly
resided In Bloomsburg and taught schoo
at Beuton one winter.
Will Cole formerly of Colcscreck, Pa,
resides In Kalamazoo.
Boyd Kingsbury, formerly of uenton, Is
running a harnes's shop In Vlcksburg, and
Is doing well at his bnslness.
All appeared tn be enthusiastic over the
new rail road up FUblngcreek and ex
pressed their desire to be on the first tral
that runs over the road. Shouldn't won,
Uer the majority will "get Wl." T,
Rnt MCnton.
William Ipber. of Benton, lost a valuablo
horse last Bunday a week by falling on tho
Ice, breaking a hip and otherwise Injuring
What might have been a serious accident
fortunately passed off with sHulit Injur,
lcs, was an attempt by Will Davidson o'
Cambra, to steer a one horse sled, holding
on shaft, down hill, 'oaded with coasters,
last week one day, himself riding on a lit.
tlo coasting sled which capsized anu was
run over by the loaded sled.
Bruco Drcshcr, of Stillwater, and wife,
after visiting frleiidi, attenalng a wedding'
urlng their honeymoon In Wyoming
county, while on their way home their
horse became paralyzed ami helpless and
In consequence were obliged to return to
their friends and send to Stillwater for
means of conveyance In order to roach
homo. At last accounts tho animal was
not dead, but It was thought it routd not
If everybody owed everybody else a
dollar and then would pay It, what a square
world this round world would be. Ac
cording to tho last census, how much
money would change hands In tho U- S.
tn perform the operation ? Will Borne of
our school boys please tell 1
New Year shooters made their usual call
and saint, d tin: neighbors with a volley of
musketry at midnight New Year's eve.
rnaiDnmiii, Januaty s, 1S97.
It will be remembered that we
i i . . 1 . it t
Doumit tiie entire wnoiesaie
stock of Messrs. Rietrel, Scott
& Lo., (retiring lrom business).
We are now compelled to give
possession ol the premises, No
333 Market street, and this has
lorced us to move the goods up
to the retail store. 1 hose who
recall the great size of the whole
sale store, built by that famous
old Philadelphia merchant, Mor
ns L. Hallowell, will understand
what an enormous stock was to
be moved and provided for some
where, somehow. We brought
it here; but it crowds us so, that
there is nothing left for us to do
but break from our rule and
make an extra and forced sale,
n ten years we have never done
such a thing but once three
years ago.
Our regular sales are always
arge, but tne present emerg
ency requires an extraordinary
sale, as we are utterly unable to
properly accommodate so many
goods under our roof. Al
though we sold many ot the
Kiegel goods in the wholesale
stock, so many remain that with
tne subsequent purchases we
find it Impossible to even store
them well in the portions of the
new building now completed.
The best way out of the diffi
culty is to sell down; to mark
the goods at such prices that
you must take them in justice
to yourselves.
We shall therefore sell from
this wholesale stock and from
our retail stock at special, and
in many instances sacrificintr
prices, until we gam the desired
On Monday morning we be
gan the great sale, and now offer
many of the greatest bargains
in staple and lancy dry goods
and other articles that we have
ever shown.
It must not be supposed that
every thing we have in the store
will come to the under price;
the loss would then be too
great. 1 here will be enough to
set you to buying whether you
want the goods or not, and
enough to keep the sale going
for many days, as all the lots
can't be put on the counters at
one time.
First We shall close out what
is lelt of
Holiday goods.
Dusty goods from the dis
plays. Handled and soiled books.
The prices for these
. merely nominal.
Second The Remnant Counter
is simply avalanched with
the ends and leavings from
the large sales of the past
three weeks.
Third The Dress Patterns
with garnitures, in boxes,
are at unexpected figures.
Fourth 1 2,000 Handkerchiefs,
silk and linen, at large dis
We shall try to deliver every
thing on the day of purchase,
but will not agree to do so ex-
ceot as especially arranged at
the time of sale.
Individuals or clubs from any
points within a radius of one
hundred miles buyingin a single
bill Une Hundred uoiiars or
over will have express charges
to destination prepaid, and ftirni
ture or bulky house-furnishing
goods will be forwarded by
freight prepaid.
The store is ready for business
at 8 A. M. and will close at 6 1'.M.
John Wanamaker.
Chtttnul, ThlrUentn and ilultst streits,
W Troyau j
Absolutely Pure.
Tills Dowtler never vailes. A marvel of nurttr.
strength and wliolesomeness. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition wit li tlio multitude of low tent, short weight,
aium or pnospiiaio powucrs. ro,n oniy in cuds.
ltorAL Hasina I'owdkp. I'i.. Hull St., N. Y.
'lliu sidewalks havo iieen in sueh condi
tion the past week that walking is very
dangerous A number of persons have re
ceived sprains nnd bruises by falling on
the ley pavements.
The party given by Frank nnd Fred
Ikclcr on tho evening of the 20th tilt, was
spoken of by all present as ono of tho most
enjoyable they ever nltondcd. The music
by MclhereU's orchestra was highly com
pllmentcd. I'ariiierH' Institute.
It was Intended to hold a meeting for
the discussion of agricultural topics at the
time of the annual meeting of tho Agricul
tural Society, but for several good reasons
this lids been abandoned, and instead a
Farmers' Institute 111 bo held In t lie
Opera Houso on February lflnnd 17. Ar.
rangemeuts aru being made for nn interest
ing gathering, and ns the meeting of the
Slate Board of Agriculture here wis ac
knowledged to be one of the best ever held
In the State, this Farmers' Institute will no
doubt be a very satisfactory one.
Pomona t;rauirc
Pomona Grange No. 5 will hold its next
regular meeting, iu the hnll of Bloomsburg
No, 322, in Farmers' Produce Exchange
bullalng, on this Friday, January 7th 1887
at 10 o'clock. The fifth degree will be
conferred In full form In the evening. A
programme has been arranged as follows:
1 Opening Orange In regular order. 2.
Address of welcome by Kev. N Spear. 3
Response by worthy Deputy J. H. Bear. 4.
A lecture on the benefit and use of ferti
lizers, by II. W. Hodgers of Philadelphia,
Tots lecture v ill be at 2 p m. and a cor
dial Invitation Is extended to tho general
We havo but a few copies of Frceze's
History of Columbia County. Price re
duced from $3 50 to $100 Those who
have been waiting, thinking they could
get them any time, had better secure a
copy at once or they will be too late. Sent
by mall for 31.22 by Elwell & Blttenben
der. Bloomsburg, Pa. tf.
jrhitiijcifa -hrdvjiirc.
Bi.oomsiiukg, Pa.
Every Lady has a natural
pride in her table and next to a
good meal, which is an estab-
iibiicu liuuubbiey iu ivucp tnc man
of the house in a good humor,
comes the adornment of the ta
ble. In this respect handsome
silver ware has no equal and the
great decline m prices has placed
in it the reach ot all. Uwing to
the great demand for reliable
goods, we have recently added
to our stock a lartre line ol
Rodgers quadruple plated ware,
Tea sets, Butter dishes, Table
casters, Pickle casters, Syrup
cups, Cake baskets, nerry dishes,
Card stands, Ice pitchers, Cups,
Individual casters, Napkin rings,
Table, Dessert and Tea spoons,
knives and porks, print knives
and Nut Picks, in plain, ivory
and pearl handles with and witlv
out cases, in such a variety o
patterns we cannot (ail to suit
vou. In selecting our stock
our aim is to buy the 'jest goods,
such as we can warrant just as
we represent them We buy
direct from the factory anl sell
as low as the quality will per
mit. We are not in the mark
et, for competition with low pri
ced goods, but will refund the
money lor any article sold which
Is not as we it. We
have been liberallv rewarded in
our sales for oureff rts, and are
getting new goods every week,
which we take pleasure in hav
ing inspected. Owing to the
high reputation ot the genuine
Rodgers ware, unscrupulous
dealers are continua"y resorting
to fraudulent meth ids to sell
their wares under the name of
Rodgers and parties running
through thecountry peddling,
representing themselves as tra
veling for Rodgers, are simply
impostors and their wares cheap
trash. Rodgers sell ouly to deal
ers and only such goods as bear
thetrade marks are genuine, if
you know them all right,-if not
vou are the party they are hunt
ing for. A small piece of gum
camphor placed with your silver
will help to prevent its tarnish
ing. A little cleaning with a sil
ver brush and Rodgers Diamon
dine wjll remove all spots. Goods
engraved to order in old Eng
lish block or script letters.
very truly yours,
r .1
Th GrMtsMt Caw n Earth for lUa."
rtiMTt mor quickly Uia anr othrr known ttm-l
J turn i, fscaJdl, Cat", Iximtit-fl
fro. 1'lrtirlir. (Votm. At-ltilM.n
llackarhe, Oulnnr, Bore Thront,H
iktatlra. Woun'lii, Jifsvlarho,fj
ToothAeh. prini, rto. 1'rlctB
ttru. botUA. Hold hr allH
Idmircrlirtt autlnn. .Thai Mn L
ffcrvrtmllft tlynihirt. A. V.HjT A Co fSoloi
OC rnrUternl Trir1Wrk. and nnrH
1 Topneiom, twuimoro, no. u. n. a
For the cure ofCoughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Couh, Incipient Con
sumption, ncd lor the relief of con
sr.rr.pUvc persons In advanced stages
of tho Disease. Fcr Sale by all Drugs
gists. Price, S5 cents.
Wo have tested Its virtues
1 personally,
and know that for Dyspepsia, Blllloustuss
and lliroublng Uenuaclic, It is the best
medicine tho world ever saw. We tried
forty other remedies before Simmons
Liver KCKiiiator, out none 01 tnem cave
us mnro man temnorarv roller : mo Keen
lator not onlv relieved but cured us. 11.
ti. Jones, iAl. lelegrnpu anil Messenger,
-iiacon, un
Hop plasters aro
lop i
soothing, sltmulatlnir,
pain-kllllng and
strengthening, clean,
sweet and sure.
Cantaln Mitchell, of tho bark Antolno
Sala, New York and Havana trade, o.amo
home In May, entirely helpless with rheu
matism. He went to the mountains, hut
receiving no benefit, nt his wife's request
begnn to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. He
Immediately becau to Improve i in two
monilis Ms rlieumnllsm was all gone, una
he sailed tn command of his vessel a well
man. Hood's Sarsaparilla will help you.
Sold by druggists.
Health is impossible when tho blood is
Impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it is
thin nnd lmpovi rlshed. Such conditions
slve rise to boils, pimples, headaches,
neuralgia, rheumatism; and other disord
ers. Avers Sarsaparilla purines, inviiror-
ates, and vitalizes the blood.
A dead certainty : Tho Hop Plaster is
more active than any other plaster on earth.
Kills pain.
To Natural Fi.owki:s. Dip
the llowers in melted parafllne, withdraw,
ing them nuickly. The liquid should bo
ouly just hot enough to maintain its lluld
Ity and the dowers should he dipped one
at a time, held by tho stocks and moved
about for an instant to get rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut llowers, free from moist
ure, make excellent specimens in this way.
If you would preserve your health and in
vigorate your entire system use Perrine's
Puro Barley Malt Whiskey. For snleby
druggists and all dealers. feow.
If you have tumor, (or tumor syptoms)
cancer (or cancer symptoms), scrofula,
erjslpclas, salt-rheum, chronic weakiu ss,
nervousness or other complaints Dr. Kil
mer's Female Hcmedy corrects and cures.
Executors' and administrators' receipt
books at the Columiiun olllce. tf.
Whan nbj ni lick, w f hir Cxtorte,
Whav tho wm Child, th cried for Cattoria,
When the became lliss, the clone to Cwtorla,
When tht had Children, th gar them Caatorla,
See lit the hei rrury cf the Interstate Poultry
an.l l'et StocL Association, of Cubden,
llltncis, sayrt
Ausut 1, 1336.
I sak Sik : I have used &ome of your Chtck.
chlck-e. -c.liea (Poultry Food), lamtalistficd
lint it inlre.isc the e; production cf my fow!,
a. a cowih;ry.
Drunkenness, on Liqcor 11 a hit, can be
Cured by administkiiinq Dk. Haines'
Golden Specific It can be given In a cup
of codec or ten witnout the knowledgo of
the person taking it, effecting a speedy and
permanent cure, whether the patient Is a
moderate drinker or an nlcohollc wreck.
Thousands of diunkards have been made
temperate men who have taken tho Golden
Specific In their enfleo without llieirknow'.
edge, nnd to-day believe they quit drink
ing of their own free will. No harmf'd
effects results from its administration.
Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and
full particulars. Address lr. confidence
Golden BpccitJc Co., 185 Haco 8t Clncln
nail, Ohio. dec 3 80 ly.
For 20 years Henry F. Balcnm, of Bhir
ley, Mass., suffered with rheumatism. He
found no relict till he took Hood's barsa
parilla. "Wc aro oftering great
Sowing Machines.
r e
Among tho Pianos we handle aro tho IVERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS.
BAUS & CO., SCHOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These
Pianos aro all first-class and fully warranted for live years.
Our leading Organs
STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sewing Machinesare tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW
STANDARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary Sewing
Machine in tho world.
Heforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND
Last Thursday, tho friends ot the Sleeker
sisters made them a donation. A goodly
uumber wcio present and an ample sup.
ply of the necessaries of life presented.
Owing to tlio cold, there was no school
In the upper grade on Thursday of last
Sir. Wil(lain Custer nnd Miss Ida Fonlk,
both of this place, were joined In wedlock
on Dec. 29th nt tho M. E. parsonngn by
ltev. Tubbs. May theirs be u long and
happy union.
Seidell says "Of nil the actions of a
man's life, his mnrrlagc does least concern
other people yet of nil tho actions of our
life, It Is most meddled with by other peo
ple." Corrcspondeonts not excepted.
Therefore, wo warn you to be on your
guarJ. Humor urges, and that pretty
strongly too, that niiothei two, both
of this place, will soon tlo the cupld knot.
Sleighs are swiftly running but the
hunter docs no more gunning. Fathers
scold, they do ot course, when the boys
steal n horse, but lint's because they're
To-morrow night (Tuesday) a load of
young folks expect to tnko a sleigh ride
down Frosty Valley.
This Saturday, a load of young people
are bent .'n taking a sleigh lidc by the way
ot Benton.
Jan, 15th. , one week from this Saturday,
the Sunday schools of Hemlock will meet
In convention In tho M. E. church of this
place, afternoon and evening. Parents
nnd friends of Sunday schools, aro cordial
ly Invited i.o bo present.
Sunday evening a number of house
plants caught their death ot cold.
J. J. Grimes, Co. Supt., was visiting the
schools of Hemlock ou Monday.
Chas Werkhclscr and wife, also C. M.
lerwllllfrer, are spending a few dais in
Miss Hcttlc Purscl, with her uncle, I. O.
Pursed, arc visiting her borne in Canada.
They expect to return n about two mouths.
The baud gavo a seienade on New Year.
S. 51. Heller Is traveling for Underbill &
Burlier of tlnzlcton.
Some of tho young people enjoyed them
selves at a masquerade boll on Thursday
eve last,
Among tho number of visitors are Geo
Hess, Jno. Bowman, C. F. Hess, George
Steeley, Hurley Seybert, .Mrs. Carrie, Jlr.
and 5lrs. Chas. Brlttaln.
liev. Dechant will hold communion scr,
vices on Sunday next.
Chas. Ii. Steely la visiting in Sllfllln
(Jims Hess formerly ol nils place was
married to 5Ilss Alice Gctz of Lewlsburg
on Tuesday.
It the suflcrcrs from consumption, scro
fula, and general debility, will try Scott's
Emulsion of pure cod liver oil, with Ily
pophosphltes, they will find Immediate re
lief and a permanent bencllt. Dr. II. V,
Jlott, Brentwood, Cul., writes : "I have
used Scott's Emulsion with great aavan
tagc In cases of phthisis, scrofuln, and
wnsting rtiseases generally. It Is very pal-
ASH SMITH. At the Reformed parson
age, In Orangeville, on December 25, 1880,
by ltev. A. Houtz, Jlr. Miles Y. Ash, ot
Fislilngcrcek, to Miss Clara A. Smith, of
1880, at Evnnsvllle parsonage, by Hev. D.
P. Kline, Jlr. Wm. H. Steiner, ot Orange
ville, and Miss Ida F. Whitmirc, of Fow
lersville. YOST YOST. On Wednesday, Dec.
20, 1880, by Rev. F. P. Jlanhart, Edward
Yost and Alice Yost, both of Bloomsburg,
FHEAS FESTER. At the home of the
bride, on January I, 1887, by Rev. A.
Houtz, Jlr. Seth E. Freas and Miss Lizzie
Fester, both of Briarcreek township.
LUNGER. Died in Orange Twp., Dec.
21, 18S6, William Henry Lunger, aged U
years and 10 months.
BOWER. In Briarcreek township, on
Deo. 24, 1886,.John Bower, aged CO years.
11 months and 17 days.
inducements to persons desiring"
tho celebrated ESTEY. MILLER, UNITED
Bloomsburg, Pa.
No medicine Is sounltcrsallr used In the Soutn-
crn States asfilMMOSSLIVKlt llKOUtATOIl. It
won It war Into every southern home by pure,
sterling merit. It there taVes tho place of adoctor
nnd costly prcecilotlous. It Is a
l'urcty vegetable; gentle In Its action; can be sae-
ly given to any person, no matlcr what age.
It promotes Digestion, dissipates lasty Sick
Headache, and gives a strong, lull tono to tlie Sys
tem. It has no equal as a Preparatory Medicine,
and can be safely used when a doctor cannot be
called In.
Endorsed by persons ot the Mgliest character
and eminence as the
If the child has the coiici It Is a sure and asfs
remedy. It will restore strength to the overworlr.
cd father, and relieve the wife from .low spirits,
"I have lieen a user of Klmmons Urer Itegulstor
for many years, having made it my only Family
Medicine, It Is a pure, good ro table medicine.
.My mother before me was very partial to It.
"I find the Regulator very safe, barmloss ana
reliable as a family medicine, and have used It
for any disorder or the system and found It to act.
like a charm. IbelIeo It ltwa3Ued In time It
would prove a great preventive, ot sickness. 1
have often recommended It to my friends, and
shall continue, to do so.
M1EV. .7 AS M. JtOLLlNS.
"Pastor M. K. Church south, ralrneld. Va"
For "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated
school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, house
keepers. Hint over-worked women generally.
Dr. I'ietco's Faorlto Prescription Is tho bert
of all restomt Ivo tonics. 1 1 Is not a " Curo-all,"
but admirably fultillH a singleness of purnoso,
lirlng a tnml tent P-cltlo for all thoso
Chronlo Weaknesses and Dlsonwfl peculiar to
women. It is n powerful, general as well as
utrrlne, tonlo and nervine, and Imparts vigor
nnd strength to tho whole system. 1 1 promptly
cures weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloat
ing, weak back, nervous prostration, debility
nnd slecplcssnifs. In idthcr sex. Fnvorito Pro
scription is sold by druggists under our rxwt
Itre mKiiunfrc 8c wrapper around pottle.
JMlco 81.00, or Nix boltli'H for 8S.OO.
A largo treatise on Dlsiwix'S of Women, pro
fusely Illustrated with colored plates and nu
merous wood-cuts, wnt for 10 cents in sUimim.
Address, Woiiui's Dispknshiv Meoicai.
Association, on Miln Street, lluffalo, N. Y.
SICK IIEADACHi:, Ulllous Ileadailic,
and Constipation, promptly cured by
Dr. Pierce's ivilcts. Sic. a Wal,
by druggists.
Go to Marr for raisons, currants nnd gel
atine. B. Jlcekcr, of Ornncevllle, lins just re
turned from the city with a full line of la
dles' and gentlemcns' gold and silver
watches. janT-tf.
Go to 5arr for Babbit's soap.
Several bales bleached Muslin all prices
nt I. W. Hartman & Son's.
and party invitations,
programmes anu visum,
cards, cheap at
tho Columbian office.
Go to Jlarr for Boston soap.
Having just received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths, I am prepared to
cleau and dye gents' clothing, ladles'
cloaks, sacqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt at
tentlon, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg
Woolen Mills. sep24-tf.
Go to Jlarr for 10 ct. syrup.
Wedding and birthday presents a good
assortment always on baud at I. W. Hart
man & Son's.
Envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, business cards, and all
nlnds of commercial printing at the Colum
bian office. tf.
B. Meeker, tuctionccr, Orangeville, Pa.
Charges satisfactory. juuT-tf.
Go to Jlarr for Queen syrup. i
5000 yards of unbleached Jlu'slln,at I.
W. Hartman & Son's. '
1. W. Hartman & Son, for 1887, offer
special bargains In remnants of Embrold
orles, Laces, White Goods, Dress Goods.
Plaids, Pant Goods. &c , ic.
Go to Jlarr for corn salve. Sure cure.
Coals and Shawls a Rood assortment yet
at I. W. Hartman & Son's.
Go to Jlarr for Blankets nnd Comforts.
A special bargain in Hanging Lam ps at
I. W. Hartman & Son's.
Go to Jlarr for shirts and drawers.
Best assortment of white
Dishes, Lamps, etc., at I. W.
and fancy
Hartman &
C. C. Jlarr wants butter, 20c. j eggs,
Potatoes, C0c; corn, 00c; oats, 32.
? I
to purchase Pianos, Organs ant.
e s
2 2