The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 07, 1887, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AJtfD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. H. Elwell, rjti J. S. Blttnbenler.,f E4l"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. imiDAYrJUAItY7Tl8B7. Qcn. Beavnr will bo Inaugurated as uovernor on Tuesday, tlio IStti Inst. Our calendar says that tho third Tuesday of Lebruary, tho day of hold ing the Spring (.'lections, comes on tho 15th, instead ot tho 17th, as announced by tho Sentinel for several weeks in ucoesslon. Wo observe by tho report of tho orgnmration of tho l"giflhturo that Mr. McQowan of Philadelphia nomiuated George E. Elwell for Chief Clerk of thu House. We also observo that Mr. Elwell was not elected, but ho received a full party vote, and ho is deeply grateful to Sir. McGowf.n, and to all tho Democratic members of tho Hoiisu tor tho honor conferred. JIo had no previous knowledge of tho fact that his name womu bo used in that connection The Legislature met on Tuesday, In tho Senate Gcorgo Handy Smith, Republican, of Philadelphia, and H. J. MoAt eer, Democrat, ot Huntingdon, were nominated lor rresideut pro teiti Smith was elected by a vote of 3-1 to 1G. Thomas li. Cochrati, of Lancas ter, as elected chief clerks E. W. Smiley, of Venanco, journal clerk' Lucius Rogers, of Veuango, reading oierK; a. l. nay wood, ot Chester, mes sage clerk. In the Houso Henry K. Boyer, Re publican, and John E Fauncc, Demo crat, both ol Philadelphia, were norm nated tor speaker. Mr. lioyer was elected by a vole of 132 to 66. Mr. Boyer made a speech, in which he urued tho adoption of a measuro pro viding for the submission to the people of the question of the prohibition of the manufacture and Bale of liuozicat ing drinks within this commonwealth. He also alluded to the question of in- ter-state commerce, the labor question, apportionment and appropriations. VOLUME TWENTY-OHE. With last week's issue the Colum bum completed its twentieth volume. The first issue as a Democratic news paper was on January 4th 1867. It was owned by a stock company, and was under the editorial management ol Col. J. G. Freeze. On February loth, 1867 Uapt. V. ii. lirockway became a sociated with liirn, and soon afterwards the stock was bought up by the latter, and ho took enure, charge, in Jan uary 1869 the Jiloonuburg Democrat was purchased by jur. lirockway and consolidated with tho Columbian. The paper changed hands several times until October 1H7'J, sinoe which lime it has been controlled by the present owners, x or twenty vears tho Count- wan has been a stauuchJDemocraiio paper. It has labored constantly for the best interests ot the party, and in turn has poeu recognized as the organ in mis county. ear has been one of tho ful in the history of the subscription list embraces us ot the county, and they 1 fide subscribers, as nn dead heads are carried for tho sake of making a large list. In jobbing patronage the paper has been highly favored, our job book showing a larger nurnbeT of jobs done man ever oeiore. strong competition has failed to effect the prestige of this paper, and tho prospects for the future are brighter than ever bciore. We are deeply grateful for all past lavore, and we rtspeoilully solicit a continuance ot tho conhdence and sup port or me party, atid in return, we promise that every effort will be put forth to mako the Columbian better than in tho past- So long at the present management continues it will stand by the party organization, it will denounce treachery when discovered, it will dis courage bolts, and its efforts will not be directed towaids the political pre ferment of the editors rather than the good of the party. In short, the paiv-r will continue to bo an honest, reliable family newspaper, and as it deals fairly with all, it desires only the same treat ment in return. now is a good time to add your name to the large list of Columbian subscribers. Governor Paulson's Message. Tho Governor's message was pre- senled to thu Legislature on Tuesday. It is very lengthy, and deals with all the leadiug questions of slato interest. It suggests the repeal of the act autb orizmg borrowers to contract for the paymenlof taxes on loans : that moneys i i: i i.i t 4CUC1VUU J1U1U llUCIiBCB BJ1UUIU gU HJkU the county treasuries ; a revisiou of the tax laws; recommends a law abolishing ices uuu uxwg salaries loruie Attorney General and Secretary of the Common wealth : tho abolition of tho poll tax ; the erection of a fire-proof building for the state library j the amendment of tho law oreaolzlni; thu Statu Board of Health ; tho more expeditious hearing of capital cases in the Supreme Court legislation with referenco to the sale of intoxicating liquors ; rovision of tho license system ; restraint upon divorces. It gives a history of the Soldiers' Orphan Schools difficulty, and of the suits begun by tho attornoy general against corporations to enforce the provisions of the constituti-m. In closing the Governor says: This is the last communication which it will be ray privilego to transmit to tho General Assembly, Impressed with an earnest desire to leave no effort untried, and no information uncom munlcated that will aid in advancing mo puuno weal ana perfecting our fabno of Government, I havo set out my views at considerable length. Four years of Executivo service havo convinced me how much is yet to bo accomplished for tho reformation of abuses which havo crown up ooustant Jy aud imperceptibly in nearly all tho department of the civil administration. Tho duty of eradicating these abuses is a tak of great magnitude, but will assuredly load to fidelity, industry and zeal. In tho effort to accomplish this end there should be entire unity of purpose, and mutual assistance by all officers of the Government. I do not leel that I would properly acquit ray self of my entire duty in this respect, if I did not fully lay before the Assem bly tho results of my official study and observation, That they moy be of aid to in- A,egi.iitu.o in promoting gootl, and advancing tlio p.os- 1. ..f tlii f Vw.i,i.r. . ....1,1. ... ..... earnest liope and only desire. J immsmmmmsmsmsmsmsmsm WASHINGTON LETTER (From our Regular Correspondent.! WAsmsoros. D. 0., Jan. 0, 1887. Tho annual levco nt tho Whito House last Saturday passed off pleas antly to both host and guests. Legis lators and officials, judiciary and di plomats, soldiers and sailors, veterans and civilian?, old ago and youth, wealth and poverty, Jamo and obscurity, aris tocracy and democracy, came, as usual to pay respect nnd express good wishes to tho Chief Magistrate. Without tho Mansion the scene was bleak and slushy nnd cold, a'thouah the weather predictions had dnno all in their power to mako it bright. But within everything was cheerful enough. All tho Stato apartments wero thrown open nnd wero ablazo with gas jets, and blooming with (lowers. One thou sand trees aud pots of plants had been brought from the conservatory for dec oration. As tho President was just recover ing from another rheumatic attack which had kept him prisoner for moro than a week, it was thought ho would not bo able to enduro tho wholo ordeal of the thrco hours of handshaking, but would bo compelled to retire from fatiguu before the reception was over. His condition was the cauc of much solicitude on the part of Mrs. Cleve land and tho Cabinet officer, who wanted him to remain ,'eaU'd during tho intervals between tho reception of tho various bodies. He would not yield to their wishep, however, but stood up to his task bravely until tho last, though ho was very tired. After the officials had pissed through tho public was received, and visitors then came in, from actual count, at tho rato of 300 to every ten minute. The throng soon became dense inside tho Mansion. Tbo Bluo Room, in which tho receiving party stood, becatno suf focatingly warm and tho prespiration rolled from tho President's face in streams. Tho corriders were choked with people, nnd beforo tho police could induce them to move into thu EaBt Room, some ladies fainted. This was the first time since 1881 when a president's wife has appeared at a Mew Year's reception in the White House, nnd the first in thirty years since a Democratic President's wife has presided there, 1857 being the last year that President and Mrs. Pierce were at the Executive Mansion. Con sequently the pleasure expressed at having so youug a lady as Mrs Ch ve land there, is not a mutter of surprise. One member of the Corps Diploma tique tells a story about another enthu siastic diplomat who was so delighted with Mrs. Cleveland, that, after sha king hands with her, he testified his admiration by kissing the inside of bis own hand which hail touched hers. The elderly Senator from Vermont, Mr. Morrill, who is, of course, a Re publican, expressed his approval of Mis. Cleveland in the f illowing char acteristic way, he : "While there is a difference of opinion as to those holding some of the plaeek tho Presi dent has tilled by appointment, the vacancy he had chosen to fill by the selection of a lady to provide at the White House is acceptable to every one." When this was repeated to tho Presi dent be said cordially "I am glad they did not try to th wan me io that." "You did not ask iho advice and consent of the Senate in that matter,'' suggested a lady present. "No, indeed, I didn't," ejaculated Mr. Cleveland, as if very thankful that the Constitution of ho United States did not make it obliga tory. Cougress will convene again to morrow. Since it adjourned for the holidays, General Logan's death has made the Illinois Stmatorship a subject of interesting speculation. It is re garded as a matter of considerable political importance, for the reason that whoever receives the complimen tary vote of tho Democratic Members of the Illinois Legislature, will natur ally become a conspicuous figure of his party two years hence, in case tho Democrats should then control the Legislature. It is too early to say what effect tbo death of General Logan will have upon his party, but the opinion is freely ex pressed here that the Republican organ ization of Illinois will bo seriously broken by the loss of its trusted leader so much so as to ronder tho capture of the Btate by tho Democrats, at the next election, moro than probable. By that lime it will bejlbirty years Bince an Illinois Democrat was elected to tbo United States Senate and the soramblo for for tho place, with tho slightest chances of success, would bo unprece dented. Directors' Day. v Tho meeting of the school directors of tho county was hold in connection with tho institute on Wednesday De cember 221. The forenoon meeting was called to order in Fifth street building at 11 o'clock a. m., by County Superintendent Grimes uud was organ ized by tho selection of J. C. Browu of Bloomsburg us President and W. T. Creasy of Cattawinsa as Secretary. An essay on the "Needed Improvements in our Publio Schools," was read by A. P. Young, in which he spoko about the needs of a central high school in each district nnd reducing the number of schools. The essayist also advocat ed having the public school building look more like a home instead of stand ing in some fence corner as many now do. Ho said he believed in compul sory education, with uniformity of text books, skilled teachers aud technical education. Tho subjects of "compulsory educa tion" and "uniformity of text books" wero discussed to some extent. A voto was called for and resulted in favor of compulsory education, uniformity of text books throughout the country, but in opposition to the law of free text books for tho district. Mr. Ro'enstock read an essay on tho "Duties and Responsibilities of Direc tors," in which he stated that school boards should not only look after school property but exercise great caro in seleoling teachers. The discussion was opened by Ezra Evs of Pine, who slated that paionts should visit schools more frequently following this thought with many more good suggestions. Tho following members were enroll ed : Beiiton.T. E. Edwards. Bloom. II Roseiistock, J. O. Brown. Cattawwsa. J. B. Yotter, Allen Barndt, W. T Creasy. Center. W. II Hess. Frai.kliu. W. E. IIwer, Samuel Roadarmel. Greenwood. J- W. Gillespie, I. K. Titmau. Hemlock. William Eyerly. Madison. Alfred Girton. Maine. Nuthan Miller. Montour. Daniel Cottner, Henry Lazarus, Orange. E. L. Snyder, H. P. jjarlBej, L. i.',Hlur, Scott. Wm. J. Hidlay, II. Ii. AP!oi On motion of Mr. Eves It was unan. Imonslr resolved that wo proceed to of. feet a permanent ot sanitation. After some remarks it was agreed that tho membership consist of tho directors of tho county in otneo and cx-uirectors as honorary members. On motion it was agreed that tho officers should consist of a president, vice president, semtary and executivo committee of.flve. Thu following officers were chosen for the ensuing year i President, J. 0. Brown, Bloomsburg Vico Presldont, rj. u. Snyder, urange i scorctary, w., T. Croasv Cattawissa t Executive Com mittee. W. II. Hess. Center, W. J. Hldlav. Sjott, Dr. L B. Kline, Calta wlssa, Ezra Eves, Pine, Alt ert Girton, Madison. The object of tho organization is to secure more system and uniformity in school matters throueh the county and it is hoped that all our director will b present at the next annual meeting which will occur during institute week, the day to bo announced on tbo pro gram. Adjourned. W. T. CnKAST, Seo'y. Be3olutlons oa tho Death of Gen- Logan. At a regular meeting of On). Ent Pest No. 250 G A. R. the undersigned were appointed a commitleo to drnft resolutions on the death of Gen. John A. Logan. WitKitKAS, Tho hand of death has again appeared in our midst, nnd with its ruthless grasp torn from our circle our well beloved comrado Gen. John A. Logan, a Past Grand Commander. Therefore, Resolved, That in tin death of Gen. Logan tho nation has lost a patiiotio and able defender, tho Sonate of the United States one of its brightest and purest statesman, society one of its ornaments, our order a true comrado aud zealous companion, and tho soldier a staunch and steadfast friend. 2 That tho manly disposition ever displayed by our lato comradn in the discharge of tho duties of his several high stations, his steady adhercnoe to our uagcs and customs, his practice of all tbo chiistlau virtues, won for him our esteem, respect and love. 3 That wo as a Post deeply sympa thize with the family of the deceased comrado in their loss of a kind husband and affectionate father, at-d may the) in their hour of affliction obtain conso lation from Him whose sets though in scrutable to us are always for our good. 4 That a copy of theso resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased comrade, and tendered to tho press of our town for publication. Thomas E. Gedpis, S Richard Stilks, VCora. Benjamin F. Siiarpless, ) Bloomsburg Pa., Dec, 31, 1880. State Board of Agriculture, Tho annual meeting of the Peunsyl vania State Board of Agiiculturo and General Farmers' Institute will bo held in the Snpreme court room at Harris burg, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 25 and 26. An interesting programme has been prepared, Aroom; the papers to be read are the following: "Does Farming Pay in Pennsylvania V "Greater Farm Profits," "The Timber Question, nnd What Tiees to Plant," 'Lime versus Phosphate," "Whent Raising," "Fruit Culture," aud raony other subjects. Subject for general discussion: "Should tho 'Scalp' or Bounty Act ot June 23, 1885, bo Repealed!'' This discussion will include the pres entation by the Secretary, of statistics showing the amount of bounty paid by each county, and the opinions of the county officers as to theropcal of the act, ami it is expected that the qucsiion wili be discussed in all of its bearing, and that tho result will form tho basi of a r-commendation of tho Board t the Legislature in relation to the re peal of the act. All granges, and other agricultural organizations interested in this impor tant question, are cordially invited to send delegates empowered to express their views upon this important topic. Those not thus represented by dele gates are invited to forward their views to the Secretary, for presentation to the meeting. Tho head quarters of tho Board will bo at tho United State Hotel, where special rates have been secured for members of the Board, delegates and those attending tho sessions. For further information in relation to the meeting and for railroad ticket orders, address, Thomas J. Edge, Secretary, Ilarrisburg, Pa. SALT LAKE CITY. Messrs. Editors: It may be inter esting to some of vour readers to learn that William K. Campbell, a former resident of this county, is now pastor ot the second or Westminster Presby terian church of Suit Lake city. En closed with a letter to ono of his friends wm a card of 0. H. Parsons & Co., dealers in books, stationery and miscel laneous goods, on the back of which in found tho following intefyug infor rartion, which may be as hW to many of your readers, as it was W the wri ter of this sketch. Salt Lake city was founded July 24, 1817, by a company of Mormon. The Temple block is situated in tho central part of tho city, at tho head of MYui and West Templo Btreets, and contaiim thii Temple, Tahernacle.Assombly Hall aud Eudiwment House. Thu corner stone, of tho Temple was laid April 12, 1853, and the amount ex pended up to tho present timo is nearly $3,000,000. It is 200x100 feet; the walls are 100 ftet high, and the middle tower on either end will bo 200 feet high. It is built entirely of granite. The Tabernacle is 250x150 feet and 70 feet hich. It has a seatimr canacilv of 8,000, and contains one of the finest organs in tho world. Services overy Sunday, at 2 p. in. Tho A'seraoly Hall is 120x08 fettj cost 150,000 and will seat 2,500. Tho Endowment IIouo is a low. adobe building, in the northwest cor ner of Templo block. It is used for marriage nnd baptismal purposes. The Lion, Beehive and Gardo houses wero built by Unchain Yoiinir for res idences. Tho lattsr now belong to me cnurcu anu is the residence of President Taylor. They are tituated one block cut of Temple block. Zion's Coperatlve inercantilo Institu tion is at the head of Main street, be low Temple block. It is 318x100 ft . and does u business of about 0,000,000 annually. Groat Salt Lake is 100 miles long,'tiy 00 wide; tlio average dopth is 40 feet. Thu bathing is couiddered the finest iu the world. You will find Euitcopnl, Presbyto rian, Congregational, Methodist, Bap tist and Catholic churches represented, A SUIISCBIIIEK. J OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Then) Hill bo an election of a Board of lllrwlnm of the Blrom&burg Banking company, at their vBuftiuf uuu9u, vu lucouuj, iinuunr IJ, iMf, m l otlock p. in., to sen e for the ensuing year. decM. li u. uhutz, casalsr. Rheumatism ( U an $$tabllthtd fact that Hood's Bar eaparnu has proven an Inratuabls remedy In many severe cases ot rheumatism, eftcet Ing remarkable cuves by Its powerful action In correcting tho acidity ot tho btood, vtlilch Is Ike cause ot tho dlseue, and purifying and enriching the vital fluid. It U certainty fair to tuiuai that Vfhat Hood's Sarsaparllla has dona for others It will do tor you. Therefore, It you auOer tho pains and aches ot rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Posltlvo Cure. "I vrai troubled very much with rhenma. tlsm in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bod a good deal ot tho time. Being rec ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfoctly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as ono of tho best blood purifiers in the world." W. F. Wood, Eloomlngton, 111. For Twenty Years I have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before 1 983 1 found no relief, but grew worse. 1 then organ taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It did mo more good than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T. IiALCOir, Shirley. Mass. "I suffered from what the doctors calls, muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sai saparllla and am entirely cured." 3. V. A rnocsFooT, letter carrier, Chicago, III. Wo shall bo glad to send, free of charge to all who may dcilro, a book containing many additional statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all -druggists. l; six forts. Mad only by G. I. HOOD St OO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar. COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Hon. WnaiAM Elwell President Jurtiro ot tho Court ot Oyer and Terminer and Ocneral.Iall Delivery, Court ot Quar ter Sessions ot tho l'eaco and the court otcommon Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho SOth Judicial Dis trict, composed ot the counties ot Columbia and Montour, and the lions. James Lake and F. L Shuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county bave Issued their prccept.bcarlng date tho 14th day of Dec. In tho year or our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elghty-slx, and to mo directed tor holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In the county ot Columbia, on tho nrst Monday, being tin 7th day ot Feb. next to continue tor two weeks. , Notice is hereby given to the Coroner.tO tho J us tlces of tho Peace, and the Constables of the sal j County of i 'olumbla,that theybothenandthcr-jln their proper person at to o'clock In the forenoon of said 7 th day of Feb. with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizance to proseaute against tho prisoners that are or maybe In the Jail of tho said county ot Columbla,tobe then and there to prosecute them as Bhall be lujt. Jurors are re quested to be punctual tn their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated nt Bloomsburg --0 the ctli day of Jan. tn the year of our L. s. -Lord oue thousand eight hundred and ,' i I eighty-seven, and in the one hundred and .evenlh Year of the indeDendenco of tho lTnitd states ot America. snorirrs omco, SAMUEL smith,. Hhertrl TRIAL LIST FOK FEB It UARY TERM, 1887. Fred k Hossler to uso o vs D II w It It Co. John Wateis and wiro vs M C woodward. William II Ynrgey vs Locust Mt Water Co. John Ulnterllter et ux vs Lloyd Ilreidou et aL Joseph Hess' ex'rs vs Francis L Uess. Albert K Cadow vsD L W 11 11 Co. Thco F cralg vs Jtabala Craig et aL Charles w .McKelvyet al vso 11 Brockway. Jonat Doty b admrs et al vs John salt. Patrick Burns vs I. Kltey Co. O 1) Scybert vs 8 M Uess O 11 Millard vs John Snvder. C II Brockway vs Columbia County. A K t-mlth vs Sami'el urugler. J BsttonvsAl'IIrtler. Eleanor Leonard's heirs vs Sam'I F. limey's Sxr. ' urtts Jtrg Co vs Clark I Thomas. Dartd Jones vs John WbltenljhL. W i.i Knckbaum vs John 1) Casey. Columbia county Trias. vs. Win Krlckbaum et aL ii ii ., i. L II Fowler vs O D Fowler. Columbia Coun'yTrens.vs Wm Krtokbaum et aL Andrew Fowler vsc D Fonler. J II Hon vs Boro ot Be.-wlck. Frankiln Vocum, guardian vs Wm Tinner et at Mathlas Kind; vs Charles sands et aL Jonas vs Isabella lianti. Vt Ilium Kiickb-tum vs Columbia County. John vi Yocum vs Susan Uruinbacb. Sarah J Hosier, trustee, vs Gideon MlchaeL l'ctor Uood's Ex'rs vs Nelson Frcas et aL Maud A llartman vs Wn. F WelUver. J. D. Fisher vs Zacharlah Krelscher. H W Adams vs A u Croop. M A llarsle vs Berwick borough. Wolf and B.hlve vs J W Wlntereteen et nx. TRAVERSE .1URORS FOR FEBRU AB.Y TElt.M, 1887. Bloom James C. Sterner, D. Lowcnberg, Chaa. Tittle, Wra. Glgger, Nathan CromU II. W. Mc Keynolds. Benton Cyrus B. Hf ss, Alfred ltantz. Berwick a U, Zehnder, C. D. Fowler, Chas. Brader. Brtarcreek H. M. Evans, Isaao Iteece, A. B. Croop. centre Andrew Lunger, Samuel Crevellng. Flshlngcreek-John l'ealer, Wm J. Knouse. Creenwo.a Hugh Falnnan. Joseph ltedllne. Hemlock Hiram iicece. Locust--Geo. Getty, Samuel Itelnbold, Andrew Boyer. Clinton Ilower. Madison AlUson Ksslck, a. c, Itunyan, J. M. Girton Jlimin Samuel Snyder. Orange-Henry Oetty. Scott-Wm. Pettlt, David Whltmlre, Ooo. Kelch cer. sugorloaf Thomas II. Smith, AL Harvey. SECOND WEEK. Bloom-B. F. Gilmore, Wm. Shaffer, J. Saltier, C. 1). Kolblns, L. D. Kaso. Freos Brown. Beaver John Houck. Benton vilUam Ash, Daniel Shultz. Berwick wm. J. Knorr, B. F. Crispin, Jr., Sam'I K. Heller. Catawls3a-Win. a. Yetter. David Oimn, Allen Barndt, F. PKiefer, Amos lllle, Jacob Swank, Chas. Krelgh. Centralla-IIenry Steele. Conyngham-Pat, v c Dermott,Sylvester Hoffman. Flshl gcreek-A. L. Chapln. Franklin Wilson ltlder. (Jreenwpod-Eyer Allen, Samuel Parker. Hemlock Wm. Miller, Jr. Jackson Michael llartman. Locust James Bird. Madison John cox. Mimin I. K. schneppenhlaer, J. D. Houck. Orange Amos Neyhard, H. MeUck. Itoarlngcrcek Abraham Wlnte.'. sugarloat-cilnton cole. UDITOR'S NOTICE. The und -reign-!, an Auditor appointed by the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa., to dlitrlbute ihe fujd arising from the Mhe if sale of the leal estate ot A. 8. l'Mlllps, will attend to the I'utles ot nis appo'ntm nt on Saturday, the 15th dav of January, A. D.. 1SS7, at 9 o'clock a. m.. at. thn nftl- nr I II tn.Wn t-c. In ll...Ai. ... luinbla county, i'a when and where all parles herein Interested aro notincd to present their wuuusui ua ueuttneu irum tomiug in on sail fund. C. W.illLLKlt, decs. Auditor. The First Sign Of falllnR health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest tho use of Aycr's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is most effective for Riving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation ot food, restoring tho nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ton years ago my health began to fall Cough. Night Sweats, Weakness, and N crvoua- newt. I tried various remedies pre but became so weak that I could not go up D.uiia nuuuill mopping U3 rest. MY friends recommended mo to try Ayer Sarsaparilla, which I did, and lain now at healthy and strong as ever, Mrs. K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Aycr's Sarsaparilla, in my family, fur Scrofula, and know, it it la tnkeu faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe It to bo tho lst blood medicine evercoinpouiuled. W. K. Fowler. M. D.. I). I). S Greenville, Teun. Dyspepsia Cured. It would lie impossible for ma to de scribe what I Kitlfercd from Indigestion and Headache up to the tlmo I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the enre ot various physicians, and tried! o great many kinds of medicines, but never obtaiucd mora than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed It duties moro perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored, Mary lfarlcy, Sprlugileld, Moss. I havo been greatly benefited by tho prompt uso of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates tlio system, regu lates tho action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blond. It Is, without doubt, tho most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. U. Johnson, m Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N, V.i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lrp(d tyllr. J.C, Aftt k Co., Lowtll, Uut. l'rlcll tlx bglU.i, ts, Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE Real ftetatc ! llyvlrtooot an order of tho Orphans' Court o Columbia county, the undersigned, executor of tho last will and testament ot Blliabcth Kline, Ute ot Greenwood township, deceased, wilt exposo to publio tale on tho promises on SATURDAY, JANUARY 15. 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described valu able real estate, situated in said township, bound ed by lands of John Oillaspy Sylvester Albottson, John Moore, John Staley and Philip lteecc's heirs, containing 8G ACRES, more or less, on which are erected a good ono and a half story DWELLING HOUSE, a good bank barn, wogon shed and other outbuild ings. There Is about so acres rf timber land with from 50,000 to U'0,000 feet ot Hemlock and Pine Umber, the balanco Is In good stato ot cultivation. There li on tho premises an ORCHARD of good fruit and a gooj eprlng of water running near the houso. TfiKMS OP ALK i Ten per cent, of ono-fourth or tlio purchaso money to be paid at Die striking down ot the property, tbe ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute and the remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlL Dec. 17. A. 1L PATTitllSO.N, KxocutOr. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Resnl Estate! Pursuant to an order of tho Orphan's Cou t ot loiumoi county, the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Catharine Farver, tfeceased, will Ben at pumic sale on TUESDAY, February 1, 1887, at o'clock p. m., a tract of land containing about 17 ACRES, situated in Jackson township, Columbia; county, bounded by lands of John Fritz, Frl ti Kelchner, Samuel Knouso and Washington Knouso,on which aro erected a Frame House and other outbuildings, and an apple orchard. TERM.) OF HALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchaso money to be paid at tho striking oown or tno property, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute and tho re maining tnree foujths to one year thereatter with Interest from confirmation nisi OEOitaG W. FAItVER, Admr,, decs) p. o., DeiTs, l'a. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned trusteo to sell the real estate ot Joshua Savago deceased, will expose to sale on tbe premises In Jackson township, on SATURDAY: JANUARY 22. 18S7 at 9 o'clock p. m., the following described real es tate: All that certain messuage and tract ot land situate In Jackson Twp. Columbia county, Penn- syivama. Beginning at a stone in line ot land of James I). Bobbins, thence by land ofMoees Ravage and Joshua Savage south 87 degree;, eat 199 perches to a stone in line ot land of said Joshua Savage thence by the same south 4 degree, west ST perches to a Btone, thence by theBame and land ot Abraham Knouse south s?x degrees, s perches to a cnestnut oak in. line of land of satd Abraham Knouse, thence by the same nouth 33 degrees west H 5-10 perches to a stone In line of land of John Savage thence by the same north 6Ttf degrees, west lis perches to a stone in a public road, thence along the said road south Six degrees, east 13 1-10 perches to a stone In said public road, thence along the same south 4 degrees, west 5 -l0 perches to a white oak stump In line of land of james is. itobblns, thence by the same north ST degrees, west u 7-10 perches to a post In line of land ot the said James B. Bobbins thence by tbe same north 4 degreos, east 67 7-10 perches to a stone, tne place ot beginning containing 67 ACRES and one hundred and forty seven perches, more or leas, on wwen are erected a two story DWELLING HOUSE, barn and outb lldlngs. TKRMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking aown or tne property ; tne one fourth lesa the tea percent, at tbe confirmation ot sale; and the re maining three-fourths in ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. JEFFERSON FRITZ, Trustee. A. L. FRITZ, Atty. dec 31 LIFE-SIZE CRAYOIV PORTRAITS AT HALF VALUE ! I have reduced for a short time, CRAYON PORTRAITS to the following low pnees: 16x20, in heavy gold or bronze frame, $10. 20x24, in heavy gold or bronze frame, $15, Other sizes in proportion. Sat isfaction g ii a r anteed. Now is the lime to seen re good work cheap. H. A. IVPKILLIP, Bloomsburg, Pa. DANE'S 5YRUP CURES' bUGHS HSU ouand junons fom feduuahy VT TKItM, 1887. Bloom-Jonithnn Cromis, Alert Herblno, Fred. Beaver Tacob Longcnbcrger, a 1. Johnson, John A. Brelsch. Kenton Joshua Hoss, Iierwlck-ll, n. Bower, Mathlas Franti, Lovi Bredbenncr. Hrlarcreck-Lahman Marti. ( atawnsa Jacob Hatnop. I'onyngham. James Kostenbauder. Flsiilngcreck- Jaro Hide. Locust-J. 8. Bttoo, wm. Iielwlg, Augustut Koons, Francis Ithodes. !adlson-o. It. Fruit. Mln (l. w. Shuman. Miniln-J. O. Hwank. MU l'lcasant-John Johnson, B. Whltenlght. Scott Wm. Schechtcrly. jLEOTION NOTICE. Notion Is hereny given thH the annual meeting of memNirs ot the Columbia Coun'y Agricultural Horticultural and Wfchanlcal Association for tho election ot omcera win be held in tho opera House, llloomsburg, Matii'day .innuary 15th 18I at two o clock p. m. and for tho transaction ot such other business as shall propirly come bttore tho meet Ingj It: V. WllITK, Sect. T AILROAD ELECTION. "Tho stoskholders of the Ttlbomsburg Sullivan Itallroad company will meet ft tho omce ot tho Company In Ihe town of llloomsburg, on Monday tho 1 'th day of January ism, at 10 otlock In tho forenoon of that day, to elect a President and I)t-r- ctorsof said company for the ensuing i oar, and for the transaction of other business Dec Kith 1880 It. j, co.NNKlt, secretary. N OTICE OF ELEOIION. Notice Is herebv elven that, thn stnekhnlrtftra nt the Flshliigcreek Mutual Firo Insurance ompany will meet at their omco In Stillwater, Columbia county, l'a., on Hon lay, Jan. 3 liwr, nt a o'clock p. in. for tho purpose of electlDg o.llcera and a board ot directors to servo lor tho e.isuli g year, Jl. W. MdlK-NItr, Secretary. dec 17, 3w. N OTICE. Tho roller holders nMhn Ttrlnrereeb Pnrmera Mutual Insurance Co.. i f IJmo lildge will meet at the hall of centre Orange, p. oi II , In Centre township, col imbla county, Pa,, on .Monday, tho 1 th day of January 18S7, between the hours of 10 a. in. and ii p. in., for the purposo of electing Di rectors for the ensuing year, and for transacting such business as may properly c- rao beforo said company. SAMUEL NKVHAHD, deesi secretory. JgXECUTOR'8 NOTICE. In re clatt of Daniel force, late of MMngcreek 7rp.t deceased. Letters testamentary on tbo said estate having been granted to the undersigned oxr., all persons Indebted tn said estate are hereby no tified to pay the same, nnd those having claims against said estate present the same to ISAAC A. DaWITT, Eln., dccll. Uhoreburg. CoL Co., Pa. pXKCUTOH'S NOTICE. h'stale of Ktitalieth Kltne deceased. Greenwood ttep. Letters tcstanentary in sold estate having been granted to tho undersigned executor, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereoy no tincd to pay the same, and those hating claims aauiab auiu eaiuic pieneui. mu buuiu iu AAUJN IL rATTKItSON, EXKCCTOB, deoir DMINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. Estate of S n: UcIIenrv, l-Ue of Jackson Tm. Letters of administration on said estate, having been granted to the undersigned admrs. -ill per son Indebted to said estate are hero hereby noti fied to pay the sime, nnd those having ciaLns against said estate to present the same to .MBS. T1IKODOSIA B. MclIKNRT, Z. A. BUTT, Adm'rs. Dec J. Wallkr, r. O. DMINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of itagate D. Lara, ttoomstyurg, Pa. Letters ot admlnutratlon on said estate, having been granted to tbo undersigned administrator all persons Indebted to said est. to aro hereby no. tined to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate to present the same to M. C. WOODWAHD, Administrator. dec 17. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ISTATIOr JiCISOK LKIBT, DtCKASin Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county. I'a.,to distribute tho funds In tho hands of the administrator, will sit at his omce In Bloomsburg. on Wemesdiy, Jan uary 19, 1687, at lOo'clock a. m , when and where all parties having claims against -aid estate must appear and prove the same or be forevtr debarred from coming In on said fund. JN'O. M. CLAltK, decSl. Auditor. J" OTICE IN PARTITION. XSTATX Or LI0H1RD SrONXNBNM DICHBSD. To Wesley Spcnenbcrg. Matilda Smith, Hannah Bechtel of Washlngtonvllle, Montour county, Pa , and Mary Petrlken, ltcnova. I'a. You and each of on are hereby notified that a petition was presented In Vie Orphan's I ourt of Co lumbia county, on Monday, December 6, isso, by Olivia culp asking for a writ ot partition on tho following described real estate situate tn Briar creek township, said county, founded on the north by Daniel Pursel, on the south bi land of Hlcki. formerly William Freas, ou tho west by land of Hicks, Daniel Purscll and E. L. Adam's, on the east by publio road and land ot containing ten acr. s, moro or less, on wbleh Is erected a two story frame bouse, sta ble and OUt-nulldlmre. Whernnnnn tlin tutrt pnnrf. ordered that rotlco bo given all parties residing out of tbe county by publication for four success ive weeks, and that said inquest bo awarded as prayed for In the petition. You are therefore no- uueu inai an inquesi win DC uem on said premi- U-H nt! Ttl II rtul n V Innlion-m 1LO- n, ,n n-.f.Al. a m. tor the purpose of making peiiltlon among the heirs of Bald Intestate, or It p cannot bo divided without Injury to or tpolllng the wh'le, then to valu and appraise the same according to law, at kiiucjuu tun nueuu 11 juu imnK proper. fAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. doc 17- iw. At Private Sale! The followfng proper! les aro offered at Private oBio uy me jnutuai;uuiiding ana Loan Association of Bloomsburg, and will beso:d cheap as they must be sold to ;closo out "Series B" of said Asso ciation: 1. A lot on East street, adiolnlne nremlses of Mr Geo. Lockard, in the town of Bloomsburg.whereon are erected a Two-Story Frame Dwelling, a barn and outbuildings. 2. A lot, s tuate on Main street, tn the town of tspy, whereon aro erected a good two-story Frame Dwelling, a barn and outbuildings, and now occupied by iu-my ,i nines. Appiy ror terms to N. U, FUNK, decai-st. Atty. for Association. D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA ANU CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD HY A Mi DRUGGISTS. Having struggled tn years between life and death with ASTHMA or PHTHISIC, treated by eminent physicians, and receiving no benent. I was compelled during the last years of ray ill ness to sit on my chair day and night gasping tor In despair I expeilmented on myself by com pounding roots and herbs and Inhalinirthn mmi. clno thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this iiiwhwul iuur. run AMJ1.W4 AND CA TAltltll, warranted to relieve the most stubborn case of ASTHMA IN FIVK MINUTES, so that the patient can lie down to rest and sleep comfortably. Please read the following condensed extracts from ui.9.uii.iiru irBnuiuuiuis an or recent aale: Oliver V. 1L Holmes. Nun .Inu. r-at u-Htna. And the remedy all and even more than repre sented. I receive Instantaneous relief." iw si. mraju, a. .-., warren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians of this country and flermany; tried the climate of different states nothing anorded rellet like your preparation.1' K ii"0"1 ..?Punt'r Treasurer, Philadelphia, Miss., writes: "Have used the Hemedy. Would not live without It. Every one that uses It re. - .1.?elp' M" orlgga, onlo, writes: "Suf fered with asthma 40 years. our medlctni- In S ui.uuiro unca mure mr mo man tne most eminent physician did for me In three years." 11. u. riumpton Jollet, 111., utiles: "send Ca tarrh Hemedy at once. Cannot get along without naveewtrled." ,ttU"""e meaIClne 1 .. ,!t0'.W- Ur-'dr, Nelson Co., Ky writes: 'lam using the remedy. Oalned B pounds Ins weeks, would not be without It." Martin For Little Falls, N.I. writes: "Kind iteniedy excellent. Could not llvo without It." W e have many oth" hearty testimonials of cure or relief, and In order that nil sufferers from Asth ma, . atarrh Hay Fever, and klnorcd diseases may have an opportunity ot testing tho value ot the "" iu uy uuurfbs 1 HlALl'ACK AUKFltBKOF CHAKUE. Addit-ss, , J-zlMMKltMAN to., l'roprleto'-s, Public 8ale OF ItEAL ESTATE UNDElt ANOHDEIt OF COUItT Pursuant to an order of tho Common Pleas Court or Columbia county, there win bo exposed at publio sale, on the premises, in Flshlngcrcek township, In satd county, on Saturday, January 22, 1887, at 1 o'clock p. m tho following described real es tate of B-njamtn o Hess, a lunatic, lo.lti All thal certan lot or plecoof land, situate In said Hfthlngcreek township, bounded by lands of Ma nala B. Hess and t-amuel Vom, and by p .bllo road leailtncr frnm flmrff.vtn. ... v... ii.f...:" '"T Ulnin? v-v.uu.uuj, tun. 1-2 ACRE of land, whereon are erected & new two-story ir&tno DWELLING HOUSE, SnSwwn jmsj oriiu,bulwloif5AviTDervmosMr aa I ." " IW .1 I M II I .m H II - Mill -MM .. It M ... , t H - II M - H V I I 1 - II n r r a i -J u ! Si. - h 4 b. it - a - 41 W -- K 1 1 - 44 " - R C 41 i d n r ' ' U O D B 2 If - It K 11 i S -0 ii - t p r i -Lit IO BR 6 5 24 0 U N 28 6 tf-420 8 -PE X 7 3f4s H 6 -ehi2( O. A. Clark, Agt. OCtlStf.J 7- N THE PHILADELPHIA TMES. h Daily limes. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES is delivered by car riers in all the cities, towns aud villages surrounding Philadel delpliia for SIX CENTS a week, and is sold by boys and news dealers for ONE CENT a copy. It is universally conceded to be the BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD for the price, publishing all the Associated Press News, Quotations of the Produce and Money Markets and ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD in a compact and reli able form. Independent in ev erything. It is not excelled in Quality or Quantity by any pa per at any price. By Mail Four Months, One Dollar. One Year, Three Dollars, post-paid. One Month, 30 cts. THE SUNDAY 1MES 12 Pages 96 Columns 5 Cents & a Year. Address THE TB, TIMES BUILDING, FADKLPniA. PENNY COODh .V SPECIALTY. SOLI AOiNTS FOX F. Y, ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo airents of tbe fol lowing brands ot UENltT CLAY, LONDItES, NOltMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. Alexander Bros. d WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, CANDIES, t?d ititc! 1 I I 11. L SOLE HENRY - vyr.l FRESH Bloomsburg, Pa. on James River, Va., in Claremont colony. Illustrated circular free. J. r. jiAMJiiA, ciaremom, Virginia. Jn7 4td. rvYHrP.PSIA.-Its Nature. Causes. PreTet. I 'tlon and cure. By Jobn II. WcAlvIn, Lowell mam., i jcara m L-uutuiur. w;ni iree loany ac dream, Jan7 4-d HEAFNESS m I own home, by ono elcrht vpnra Trpnt Its causes and a new anil Buccessiui cukk at vnur one who was dp,if twnntv. Clcrht VPftrft TrpntMrt hv liinEf. thn nntnrt specialists without benent. Cttrea Mmsetf in 3 months, andblnco then hundreds of otherH. Full tyuiwiuiaiQM-ui un UIIUIIL'UIIOU, -1, B. t'AUK, NO. vostsist ht., New Ybrt citj-. Janrdlt. SURE iy fUTARIIII rilRP feasant tn li a a Clears bead, throat and Sweetens tho breath, lures seierest catarrb for free balfplnt sample tirrimul fnnnrt tn nttiik .r;" "L'.v.";'."1""' ru"""'- fena iuc.,siamps. any caw?. e. lit. Siinocn k Co., 851 Uroadway, N. Y. Jan7d4t. Please Don't Forget it Hint Hi It rt. V....V . i uumia utniuiuM iriuirn 13 ureparcu in Calcutta, India, from tho purest and best Native llemp, and Is tho only remedy, either In that country or this, that will positively and perma. nently cure consumption, bronchitis, asthma, na sal catarrh aid nervous debllln, or break una ties, 8 0. Craadock CO.. 1 ronrietors. irw tnn bt. I'Mla. Jan7dn. Are CONSUMPTIVE. Itfri.Tlronehitta J.trn Tntt rt from Impura blood anilatluiut on. Tl,fl,leim .ick. Rf '."lirin mo.t CAu recortr tlmlr htilft i tS tUnS? In tlm.. CurMh.nVll. rill. 0VfVn lir. Ail mnatu, U ton Aged Awltaani. i OrVreUli. an7dlt AGENTS WAN i ED I liemuneratlvo employment offered eneriretlc and reliable men. Address, wixkik Security Mutual ' Bens&t 3M BROADWAY, NEW YOIUC novi 1st. I ASTHMA URS IT . nnninniiinillAVUI(t I InsurM coraiortAhl fllHn umi i. TiV,, .na I 1 21? ".V1 ?f "rlaln, nd cure U Iba I I itZXZ ih.MX.1"?".''.!"- ril too- I nov20 bOSmaois. HLOOMSHUUU jUARKKT. ti liwireuiL'i WliPftt ncr lmclwl ?U ? en 1 Itclal -. . i w w u UVJ Ifo.a II II ... com ';;;; Oats ' ' . Flour "bbl fill SO ua 4 24 88 60 U Oi 10 0 BS 40 to S CO 84 110 CO 16 07 18 8 10 80 70 HllttlT.... Kl'tfB Potalons.... lining Dried Apnl i- Hliln un shoulder Chickens OecBO,, Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel.,,, 08 20 00 Vl-nl ski na 07 M.tttlttMMt US 5 to 7 Wnnt m-r lh Illilca... uoal on WnaiiF. Nn n o nn. xr. n n Society V I I & Lump $3,29 lAO OK ' D 8 MG EI JBloouLuirg, Pa. Aolfy fa, SIXTY-IR Columns of magaziewspaper read ing matteryp, attractive, in teresting, i u ct i v c. Tho ANNALS jjrilE WAR, by active partints, illustrated; Woman's Vi, contributed to by some of BEST WOMEN WRITERS AMERICA; The Latesthions; TIMES YOUNG P)LE by them selves; ORI(AL STORIES, both short aimtinued; Topics of the timenntcd Editorial Comment; (CIAL ARTI CLES on t mils of subjects, and ALL "3 NEWS aro among its tctions. Terms, $2 per anniimbs of ten, $15, and an extrpy to the per son gettingjhe club. ANY ORDER FOIt FESTIVALS will be ! SUPPLIED W 1TH THE TOBACCI LOWEST 1 Market Prices. AS FOLLOWS J Am vnnr 1 V I I I I I a AGENTS FOR ', J "'LEMONS. MAlLLARDffi p BANANAS, PEANUTS, KNULISH OHEAM NUTS, EVERY WEEK. ALMONDS. POP CORN HALLS. City BpJH Fctoiy i ' MANUFAOTUBBDF ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES, No. 3 North'cul St , Near L. V. II I Depot. John H Derby, , I PUOPKIETOH. WWI11 call .ouOenlers onco in six weekB. Bavo younrders. J . R. SM.TH & CO. LUTED. MILTW, Pa., Dimes in P I AN O S By the followinjf en known makers; Cliickerinj, Knabe, Weber liallet i & Davis. Can also iu ish any of the cheajier niakolB T fc manufacturers prices, uo no my a j)iano be- fore getting ouforices. Catalogue ai Price Lists Oo ap Lation. SepU-8ctf. S WITHIN O. SIIOBlJaES ACADEMY, yon tounq JtNu iiots, media, ta. .SJ"t?'- Price covers every exnense. even tv No incidental expeW &c. .oeiiru cnarges. No examination tor ad iced teachers all men, I opportunities for apt uiimuuu. j ncive CAP and all graduates, tij SK,!i!,tL0ZDJ:.enf'- "rt 1 for dull and backward bnr. lect any studies or hr ns or students may so be rtirulur Knirllbh. Hoi- entitle, Business, (tail I or llvll EnBlneerlnB t .Media Acudemr aru tuunw. DiuiH-uia ntu now In Harvard, Yale ColleBes and I"oljteclj sent to coUctr in IBs. IW. A erailuatlnir c!. inrelon and ten other scnoois. 10 students In 184. 10 In ISA io in merctal deDartmrnr. J overy year In the com I'hyfclcul and chemical Laboratory, (lyinoaslil inu isau uro no. imm iu n. uuut-u iu iiurary m, i, ...... !., !S.Ia?iC.c?WWl1 Prohibits the s.ile of all irtdi1.'? .W-I118-. 3fu''w tdustrau-d circular 2?iMTtli'i?rK',iL'1?al 3rroprletor. BWITHIN C. ?i?'.t.1UljaE' trvaid tlraduate.) Media, J1"14- tAUtf.6,bn,iy. 3AUGH'SJ25 PHOSPHATE !?vDE MARK Sjj. -jiu-r. ' Jmm tl.lAIILi:. LAbTI.VO 'HUGH & SONS, Mtnufactorert. III1.AUKI.1-IIIA, I'A. l-K-lHlivt . W. LOW. "L"",r-:' ' ornrcevllle. Pn. f i J?Tf ' nonnd mako more money ac SSIm ,0,r, u?i " an) thins eUe In this 5!Hla-..i.SDltaot needed: j ou are started free. uothkf.r ii ' .,v...AA-n An SStXn,';;r,LaoW.e'ir' Are from nrst Btart costly outfit aud te )n-c Better not delay. Lnniirtl'n,).0.Ui,nSnil your addrU and MiA.'Sii 'i Sle "ou wl'l do Bo at once. 11. ICTIt-M toil. No. 6 $3.00 Ullumloui