Vfi 11(11) IV AT AT. PJ HTrQ rv,vvu x muu KJJLaU.ownnamol" iMr. Amhrnan ami,.. In. OP TYPHOID Hi ANNUALLY IN THIS Country. ALL TREATED WITH QUININE tlr. .T. H. MltCtlM. nf (Thlnrm In a itltnlAnt l.w! turo at tho cook county Hospital, Oct. 7th, 1B9, said! 'In Itplujtaeeer no imiislote pood nn mull jnromotvtno vuntne,aiat ViHetl it can only ef fect a tflJWtrrarV reduction nf ttn,trnt,ir- nnA after forty-right fiourt thtfeterU utuallv higher ji r. ir A STsTnVfT DKSTKOYR THE .X.SVi.,2 DISEASE GERMH In FEVERS, Mnlnrin, Dyspepsia, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Livcr.Lunc nnd Kidnov Disease Prof. W. V. TlnTnmhn. V. i . KA Vt OMh Kf W Y. (law Trot, in N. V. Sled, College) writes : Kas klne Is superior to quinine In its spcclflo power, and never produces tho slightest Injury u tho uinilllK VI IAH1SIIIIH1U1J." The U. K Examining Surgeon. Dr. L. It White, Writes i "Kasklno is tho best medicine made." 1 "Evei y pa 1 1 e n t St, Francis Hospital, N. Y. nS'dM .. J cured. Bcllevuo nospltal,N.Y.,"Unlversally successfuL" Du.u!R-iu8mB)ivaifii, i.: "us uso is consul ered Indispensable, It acta porfoctly." Kasklno is pleasant to take and can bo used without special medical counsel. Kcnd for ta great list ot testimonials unparal lelled In the hlitory ot medicine. $l.o per bottle. sold by MOYKit tuos., llloomsburg, Pa., orscnt by mall on receipt ot price. TUB KASKINECO., 64 Warren St., New York. nov2&.86dly. SELECT STORY. HOW THE MISTS BOLLED AWAY. At 25, Emily Kennette found her self possessed of a lonely heart and an empty life, of absolute independenco and S100.000. Had she been a man she might have been described aa slightly oynical and blase that typo of individual being sometimes considered the hero par ex cellence, to "point a moral and adorn a tale." But perhaps it would not do to ap ply those adjectives to a lady intended for a heroine. Though she may shed seas of tears : though all manner of persecution and martyrdom has been suffered ; though centuries of agoniz ing experiences have been crowded in to a single epoch of her amazingly eyenttui me tne. heroine is expected always to retain the transparent and trusting simplicity of a child, to remain as sweet and fresh and innocent as a lily budding in a cloistral garden 1 But Emily Kennette was not that sort of heroine. Sho was but human, and the Bhock of conflict with the world bad inado its impress alike upon heart and mind. Her earliest recollections were of a peaceful home and of parents who had lived only long enough to imbue her with predilections for the refinements no less than the nobleness of life, and then they had both perished, and she had been cast forth a friendless, homeless, penniless waif, to sink or survive upon the mighty tide of human ity seething ever through the great city. Looking back on those long years, on tho terrible struggle which, with her, was to earn bread for the soul no less than substance for the earthly body, sho felt a thrill of exultation not unmixed with a shudder. Sho rejoic ed that she had scaled obstacles which many another had deemed insurmount able ; she shuddered at the pitfalls wherein she had beheld thousands per ish in her sight. And tben just as sho had made her eelf victor in the conflict, when she had gained the esteem of all who knew her, when she bad mastered the vocation which usBtired her a competence a handsome fortune had been devised to her by a remote and only relative. But the anticipated wealth did not elate her, as might be supposed. "1 do not valuo it," sbo averred gravely; "nor do I feel grateful for the will which has made it mine. Years ago, when I was obliged to deny my self bread so I might have books when I was starving the fleah so the soul might live 100 of that money would have bfcu to me like heavenly manna. If I had gone to Aunt Yal eska at such a crisis, if I had gone as 1 often was hungry and exhausted and footsoro searching for employ ment sho would have refused so much as a farthing j she would have politely excused me from entering her bouse. To accept this fortune now, when a nearer heir happens to be no more, can only be a humiliation to me." "You are almost faultily yroud," was the half inaudible remark of Harvey Ambrose a prospering lawyer of 80, and a gentleman who was scarcely less peculiar in many things than herself. "Am It" she returned, with a quick, unoonscious little laugh a laugh which was always instinct with a vaguely ehudderiug exultation. "Then it is my pride which has made ran what 1 am. Then it is ray pride which has guided mo aright when every other sense would have been dazzled by fictitious allurements, or would have succumbed to privation and the temptations which privation always create," "Would Equeamlshnees be tho bet ter word 1" said he, smiling at what he knew she would consider a lame amendment. Harvoy Ambroso understood her perfectly; wilh his own fine percept ions of the nicer phases of nobleness, ho could scarcely havo done otherwise. He admired her thoroughly, too, even if her thoughts and feelincs were tinged with bitterness, and thero were times when she seemed to doubt all and truBt none, knowing what her life had been, bow often her trust had been met by treachery and her best endeavors misjudged or repelled, ho only wondered sho had retained so much which was admirable and love- nblo of character. "I am squeamish on that point, I must admit," sho slid, in answer to his smiling remark. "But, aside from that, the money is a burden rather than a blessing. I was earning sufficient for all my wants ; l nad learned to rely on my own exertions and to bo hannv in the line' I had mapped out for myself. Tho money changes tho pleasant order of thing it bnugs cares and responsi bilitivs for which I havo neither taste nor graining. I heaitily wish Aunt Valecka's uearer heir would appear to claim it, after all and I do not know why thero isn't a bare possibility of his ueiug yui utivu. "On what would you boso suoh posBibllityt" Mr, Ambroso inquired, with a sudden, keen, swift glance at her pale, meditativo faco. 'Tho rumors of his death were never verified, for one thing," she replied. thoughtfully. "And as ho was Aunt Valebka's adopted son, ho would very naturally have resumed his own name, whuiovcr it wa, after he left her in nnt'i ri and o the advertUenients noti tying him of her decease might never havo been biought to bis notice." FEVER zzr ' "You do not know thoyonnc man's nulrlngly. "JNo, 1 never heard it, sho answer cd. "JLitit it ho should ehooso to pre sent hiiinelf after I shall havo disposed ot tne money, tho matter would tako n rather complex turn for him, I fancy." "How can vou dispojo of it T how would you T ho naked, uneasily. "Oh, I might endow nn asylum with It, I 8upioje,'' Bhe said, half seriously i "or 1 minht found a home for workinii girls or extnblish a fund ror elevating nmuscruont". Only whero would bo tho use attempting" the philanthroploT inu ones i iicriru to uunria wotiiti not bo ihu ones to null for the arivan tages; the deserving nro not they who avail themselves ot gratuities. "ihe most sensiulo thing you can do will be to invest tho mouoy in an elegant little homo for voursclf aud d voto tho remainder of our lifo to ease and contentment," Mr. Ambroso com mented, bluntly. "I nm satisfied as I am, sho return ed, with a lingering glanuo about her humbly cosy apartment, whero every article of use or attornment seemed but an endearing memento of somo tri umph over ndverso circumstances. "I havo neither heart nor courage for new experiences nmongjiiow facesand new ways of tl nking nnd acting. It would be but the old lt!son over again, with perhaps moro painful variations." "Would it bo painful lo learn some thing of the world's diversions and pleasures ?" ho queried, gently. "My knowledge is already moro than sufficient," sbo declared with a laugh full of music, but sad as tho sound of tears. "It, is to eat nnd dress, walk and speak by rule and measure ; it is to danco at mil' light and bo ill in the morning; it is to sit in the pew of a fashionable church and let somebody tako an exact valuation of your cos tume; it is to bo stabbed to tho heart by crudest words politely uttered, t" bo frozen by a well bred smile, to be crushed by a shrur. At least thoe wero tho observations I mado whilo ohanced upon a time to sip from the oup tho world calls pleasure; tho sip cloyed, I want no more. For a few minutes both wero silent, the girl bending over tho littlo table whore sho painted the exqmsito trifles of decorativo work which was begin ning to yield her a more flatterinc- appreciation than the monetary recom pense. Her faco was slightly averted, and a fascinating face it was, too, de spite tho pallor of tho daintily cut fea tures, despito the shadows of pain in tho soft, large, gray eyes and the satir ic curve of the firm, crimson mouth. And despito the look of satiric pride, it was a faco all womanly and'no less tender than strong. .Harvey Ambrose, unconsciously watching hor, felt moro than pity stir ring in his heart. How grand she was in her lonely independence, in her proud reliance upon her own tender girl strength, in her quick, incisive scorn of anything petty or base 1 ".hmily, he began so abruptly that the curling black fringes of the soft gray eyes flared wide open in surprised attention ; "tiraily there is still a sor row of which you havrt no knowledge thero is still a happiness beyond what yon may "have comprehended. The happiness is that of loving one whose heart will never eive back throb for throb the passion of our own. And such a sorrow seems foreshadow ed for me, Emily ; for unless you be come my wife, I shall go wifeless to my grave. Why will you let the past darken all your life why will you not learn to care for mo t you must trust me ; you iirinot suspect mo of anything mercenary ; you knew I loved yon and sought you for my own long before this fortune became vonrs." "Do not ask me to trust you or any body," she cried impetuously, her swift agitation orimsoning each pale cheek and kindling like flame in her large soft eyes. "My friends I take as they are ; if their friendship is less than mine if they fail me sometimes, I havo schooled myself to stifle the pang But of one nearer and cleared I should expect a fidelity, moro than is human of humanity, as I have learned it. With me, to lovo ramh would be to fear much, and my faith in mankind perish ed long ago, Harvey." "xou thin so, perhaps, ' he returned gravely. "But it is not possible that you wno am so all noble, who have con quered vour own fate and yourself, would yield to a foolish weakness to distrust tho loyalty of the man you loved. Tho true will find truth in this fad old world, Em ily ; tho faithful will find fidelity." . "It is not for mo to find either." she answered bitterly, her tears pouring liko rain over her'bnrning ohcpks. "I must go my wav alone and lonely to tho end. And yet I would gladly bar ter all the years to come for one mo ment of a blessed belief in the un changeable truth of whioh I have dreamed." "You arf closer to that blessed mo. ment now than you may guess, Emily, if I judge this agitation aright," lie said, very gently and indulgently, as hn kissed her soothingly as a brother might have done upon her forehead, and so left her to herself. And in another sense than that of tho meaning he had meant his words to convey. Emily was indeed olosor to the blessed moment than sho guessed. Sometimo later in the day, sho was leaving an art gallery which was one ot her favorite resort, when she per ceived that the threatening clouds of the morning bad begun to sift down an uncommonly piercing and persistent sleet. "To" walk homo oyer the ioy pavements was not to be contemplated for an instant, and she hailed an empty cab which just then she espied halting on an opposite curb, and in a raomont moro she was bowling snugly down the struct. At the crossing of one of the crowd od avenues a jam of vehicles ohecked their progress for a second. Emily had only time to note how alarmingly restive the horses appeared and how rapidly the blockade before them were boiog broken, when suddenly there was a wild commotion and she felt the cab being wrenched forward, and the next second swaying from eido to side as it rattled away at tho i eels of a frantio runaway. It was all over in less than half minuto ) Emily only knew that she thrust open a window, and that as she gazed wildly forth thu torriiied eyes of narvoy Ainurosa nan met her own i that lust then the howo precipitately headed in another direction only to he seized by the bridle bits and forced back npon its haunches by Borne daring losuuer, who the next instant was burl cd prostrate upon the stones of the street. When at length sho was extricated, herself unhurt, from the wreckago of tho cab, a startled crowd woto throng ing about the young man who hud just been asaistod to his feet j and at the same ti -iO thu sharp clang of an umbu lanoo bull sounded a block away. "It will be the hospital for him, nf 1 oe iuu ii()sj'iiui ior uuu, ru 1 o Kmily hesid somo ono uearJB L 0 0 III S B U'lv P A. couwo,' M BiAJN AJNJJ DEMOCRAT. her saying. "Ambroso has only a room In a comfortless lodging houo for his homo t they wouldn't bo likely to tako him thero i and that broken ai m will lay him np for a while, I'm thinking.' "It was a plucky thing to do," tunny heard somo ono clso answer t "tho omy wondor is tho young fellow wnsn t killed outright. But when Hnrvoy Ambrose starts to do a thing no tiont fctop to weigh the const quen cos, and ho has some extravagant no Hons ns to what is chivalrous I" "I should say so,1' tho other rejoined with cmphasi. "I can understand a bravo man risking his lifo to savo tho occupant ot a runaway cab j but upon mv soul, J can t umiertutid n man in fusing to claim n fortune legally his own. Ambrose was tho adopted son and heir ot an immensely wealthy old lady who departed this llfu a year or ho ago, and through n belief in tho rumor of his own death and his fniluro to re spond to advertisements notifying him to appear, tho property has been tram forrod to tho possession of tho next of kin nnd Ambrose, with his ino unpre ficnsiblo sonso of chivalry, permits her to believe herself tho undisputed heir ess." "Tho next of kin is a lady then, Emily hcaid remarked as tho two speakers moved nway and wero swal lowed up in tho ebbing crowd. funny had listened like one in a dream. And, ts tho magnitude of Mio truth was revealed to her, for once her proud head drooped low with such a senso of unwonhyncps ns she had never felt in all her lifo before. How pn-tty sho must havo seemod to him with her repining, her bitter ness, hor lack of faith 1 And how all unworthy she was of such a patient, trusiful. sacrificing lovol Tho clang of tho ambulance bell ceasing almost beside her rtcalled her to herself. Her lover, with a face of marble pal lor, and with his bravo light arm dang ling ueelessly at his side, was protect ing faintly against something siigKef-t- ed, whon, wilh a strangcluew timidity, sho approached him. I! "Ask them to take you where I can bo near you, if you need me Harvey," sho said humbly, in a choking voice. ihn eloquent gray eyes finished tho confession which her trombling lips could not utter. Aud as to them who love "tho soul of each is always open to tho other," so ho understood, and knuw she was at last his own loyul herself and believing in his loyalty, so long as lifd should endure 1 And so tho years of bitterness rolled) away liko a mist of the night, and in tho sunshine of her restored lakh, and in tho gladness of hor love, Emily be came a happy wile. "But thero was no need of you let ting mo claim that 3100,000, though," sho always stoutly maintains. "Mv dear." he always answers. "I knew it would como to me safely enough some day." Ettie Rogers. BTTLED BY PREJUDICE. Few persons realize how thoroughly they are controlled by prejudice even to their own disadvantage. For many years the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and headache has been by some outward application, and, therefore, with out stopping to think that the origin of theso troubles must, from necessity, oe In ternal, the weary sufferer continues to rub, rub and find norelicf. Athlophorosis taken internally, and as a proof that this is the correct principle, it cures surely and quick ly. The statement of those who have been cured ought to convince the incredulous. C. F. Bruce, Metuchcn, N. J., says ; "My mother had the rheumatism in her heart, and was cured by Athlophoros. She says there h no medicine like it." James W. Eced. 4638 Penn Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa., says : "My mother, although 77 years of age, was entirely cured by tho uso of Athlophoros." Miss Carrie Patten, Eagle Village, N. Y., says : "My motherwas nearly a cripple in her arms, not having been able to dress nor scarcely able to feed herself for threo months, being in severe pain most of the time. Tho acute pain ceased after taking threo bottles of Athlophoros, but she con tinued to take it until all signs of rheuma tism wero gone; having taken 27 bottles in all. Bhe has not taken any since last May, and can use her arms as well as ever. A number of friends have taken it, and in every case it lias gjven satisfaction. In caso of sick headache, it gives almost immediate relief." John M. Wolcott, PifTard, N. Y., says: " I got a bottle of A tliloihoros for a friend. Sho at once gained rapidly, and has not been troubled with tho rheumatism since." Kvery druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.; 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and EOc. for Pills. For liver and kidney diseases, ilyepepsla, In, digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases or women, ronatlpatlnn, headache, impure blood, La, A thlopboros tills are unequaled, ct. Ti 86 6ms. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk The only rr'raratlen of COD I.IVKIt OIL th; can no taaen reauny Ana toieroea tor a long luq ut ucuc.ic biouiariis. and as a iiEiimir rnit roxsraptios sriinm.ms aiuci 10 . A.NAKUIA K111 1 mxn.i t. cou.iis ami mimu' ai ti.( lll)S .nil .11 nAxll.Ml IIIMIIillKIIS C CIlll.HIIr.N It la mam-Hum In Ha rranlta. I 1 ,1 ii ... i .... . . a rescnueu aua cnuorfeii uy tae Dcst inysicis In the countries ot the worla. 1 For sale by all druggists For "worn-out," "run-down," tlcblHll school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, lir heeners, and over-workoil women Bene)', Dr. l'lerco's Fuvorlto Prescription Is the' or all restorative tonics, it Is not a"iAin nut aunilmuly rultiin a singleness o: 1 lwinir a tnfwt iHitx-nt Sttccllla for 11 Uiironio weaknesses anu mscusos pecu i" women. It Is a powerful, general ns vas ntorino, tonlo anil nervine, and Impartfor and strcniftli to tho wholo system. 1 1 pntly cures weakness of stomach, lnillirest Ion 'it lnir, weak liaclc, nervous prostmtlon, ply ami sleeplessness, In either sox. Fnvorlro serlptlon Is sold liy liruiorlnts under 01ft llre umranttf, Seo wrapper iirnundtln. 1'rlco $1.00, or six bottles torOO. A larpo trentiso on Diseases of Wonvrf fuscly illustrated with cotored plates nu merous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents Innpu Address, WoitLii'8 Disit-nsahv Jcal Association, tua Mln Street, lluirah Y. sick iir.AnAciii:, Bilious ;lio, and Constipation, promptly cure' in l. Dr, j'llTciva rent-is. u, a VI by druggists. Manufael. I'llILADKU, I' A. For Sulohyf.I.OW, EUTlBLlSllia Uli. Ornnasvrn. PROPRIKTOH ( Enchango Barbsr Shopth Room At tho old stand, y!r tho Kxnhnnen Hi' DAUCH'S S25 PHOIATE nf U&Rk Oonttin. the Llia anc ut fBDu M""" Animal BonoST CI 1, -jjin" .x HKI.IAUI4H, iTING yMHTBAUGH A)NS, 1 W I TSSBBBBBBSK EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Samplo FREE. KNOW THYSELF. A Urcit Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and fhrtlcat Debility, Premature Decline In Stan, Exhausted Vitality, Ac, Ac., and tho untold mis. tries resulting from lndlacretlon or executes ; iM pages, tubstantlally boand in flit, mnalln. Con tain! more than 123 invaluable prescription!, em bracing every vegetable remedy In the pharma copoeia for all acute and chronic dlacasea. It is emphnUcally a book for every man. Trice only l by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IM.USTIt.VTIVK HAJiri.K Fit UK TO ALT. Young and rutddlc-agod men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut thli out, as you may never eeo It asaln. AiMres Dr. W. II. IAItKl:::, 4 Dul finch atrect, Boston, Mass. fcb.,5-d. ly GENTS ronsAMPtc COPY elTNIt IMIAIM'IKIII. IMMIK. ' UfTlvpitlieUflCUACE nut Sintlmtnt ot Cmt riowir Md Shrub, .100(1 (It Herein kinds. AUtutll the Know RhIHoI flirt, tloi wiin Clove, Paratol. Hindtcrthlcl I nil Tin. It is the moit ccmslatomtrk of Urn kind etfr pub-lltheil-Cend Flftcrn Cent Btamni tor a fatup1o cop), Also our price to mrptii. Agents u anted everywhere. Ad. JUURICAM rUD. CO., 17 HftHh TtotH tlftil, frMlufi, Pi, SINGER XIIKM NTYI.r. -DAYS' TKIAL. A Full Net of Atfncli m nits. 5WAKIlAKTi:t "Voars. Scud for Circulnr. r.. v. iiiiur. a co.. 33 N.OtU St., I'lUln., l'a. Apr. S 47w. CHAMPION rOSTTlTIXY Patent Safety Non-Explosive EXTtNQCISlIEU Will not 11KEAK the ,'Oleanly, ID DM. CBiuin. or OIL. Civet Ltmt-i equal iii Brilliancy Tie citupia Is the Heat, Cheapest and Hafe.t Lamp for Churches, toouianaies, or SM Gas Humeri. Thlid the mot-t Powerful and Perfect Halls, or Family Use. Send for Illustrated Circular. It I GUT ever made FItQM Oil. TIE MIS n Caob. used on vour oli Gas or Oil Chanel I. J. WEIDENEfl, era or bracket., and ill increase vour TUlllOK-FULO. a. zd Bt., FHTLAa Solo Owner of Patent, oct 8 cms, AGENTS WANTED Adams' Patent Metallic PICKET FENCE. SI.73 por rod and upwards. All Unit of Iron Fence), Gates, Fire Etc 4e. Work in all styles. 1 Coal Screens a special tv. Iron ladders, Wheels & Cresting. Blitmlthlng In all branchei. Estimates fumlihed. RCLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union & Canal Sts. WILKES-BARRE. PA march 12-80-ly. f (RST PREMIUM. PHIU0,tia:6. Grand Prlxe Medal, Pari., is:s. bk your Grocer for It, Wra. nrrydnppel.Mfr. SJONorth Front Street. PIULADLLl'HIA, l'A. I June 4 80 ly. ASK YOUR GEOOBR FOE IT. ASK YOUE DEUGGIST FOR IT. Prevents Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eating, Prevents Laying Soft Eggs, Makes Hens Lay. it mm, in? medicine, It Bells for Piva dents Per Pound, in Boxes, Chick. chlck.er-re-kee (poultry food and pre. vemWe of disease for poultry), the great egg food, produces eggs prodigiously and Is good lor the health of the fowling. It is the first article of Its kind ever Patented In the United States, Canada and England, Try It. It costs only five centa per pound. It Is no powder. Chick. rns will eat it. '1 hat ought to convince you that It U good. If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard, ware or Country Storekeeper will not gat It lor you, send me one dollar, and 1 win ship you a twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars. A large boa will colt you no more freight than a small box. Attend to "our poultry, If you want to makeaprofit outof them, Just the same as you attend to your land. Unless you manure your land It will not pay you. Just jo with poultry j you must give them something besides teed. They must have material to answer for grinders, and material for the egg. If you feeoT Chick. chick. er-re-kee (egg fobdi every day you will never have any sick chick, ena, and your hena will lay egg. when other lie they would not. You will never do without It after a lair trial. Do not pay twenty.fivc or fifty centa a pound for medicine to feed your poultry when you can get a better article from your storekeeper at five centa a pound. Don't Le a clam ; try It. Manufactured In the United states only by S. S. MYERS, Patentee, 1538 N. Front St., PHILAD'A, PA. Por Bill ft iiw Ulocmsbury, In Formers' I'roduce Exchangf Bep-s-so-cms. PATENTS. me'rate'fees11 1ate8t buslne83 attendetflo f or .."F om,?? OPP.0"' e th? U. S. Patent Ofllce, and we can obtain Patents In less time than those re mote from Washington. .uuiuuoorcr Sent model o- drawlntr. minta nann. ontablllty free of charge, and we make no charire unlesa patent Is Becured. e refer Hero, to the Postmaster, the 8upt.ot ! .ne? "r.aer 1 od to oniclau it theU S. ruirut uuiwj. tor circular, advle. lernia anri km IT sf sxK . 1 5S3-,-""""' j, tehoc rar.moN xr, I - jA.j "1 J rY GiiicK-cnict er-re-lce b orawrtwto "u Dlateor meenlngcars tfom PnUadelphIa,lWaanmgtSnd C. A. SNOW & CO., pmlSeTr!h'.S?thr0U8b msei coacge8 m"n rateDt 0fflCe' W'Shlngton, O " W..tilIS forking Glasses Attention. hSSfl We are now nrennrert in fnmich 011 innana employment at h me, the hol) ot the time, or for the r spai e momenta, nutmegs new. llirht and at; Srontaoie, i-crwus of 1 ther sex easily earn frotd ) cents to t3.(j per cvcnlnir. and TnmrXrtinnS IDE miin tv navntim- nit tt.ui. rr.- . . i - . l all who o this may send their address, and test the business, we make l ilao' er. 'inkuoh 1 as are not well satlyled we will send one dollar to pi? for the trouble or wi-nino- v,,n ni.i!,7., ri putIltfrce.-AadciuxoaaabT ; land, tlsine. ecswo-ly. 1 " BLOOM8BURG, Dr. PARDEE'S REMEDY (Til eily blltUi Blied rurtiir.) A- SPSOIPIO FOB RHEUMATISM Scrofula. Salt Rheum Neuralgia, Ring Worm AIID ALL OTHER BKIN AND BLOOD DIS EASES. IT RBOULATES THE LIVER KIDNEYS And Curos Indigestion And all Diseases arlslag from aa eats.bled conaitioa or the system. It has proven Itself to be the most reliable remedy known for Female W.aknesa.and fot diseases peculiar to the sex. Bend for our pamohlet of teatlmonl.1i. and .u ui moie wno nave Been permanently mica ay lis use. ITA yonr Druggist for DR. PARDEE'S REM3DY and tak. no other. Price (1 pet whig, or .ix conies tor f o. Manufactured by the t ' PARDEE MEDICINE CO., Rochester. N. Y. Invalids' Hotel aho Surgical Institute 603 Main Streat, BulUlo, H. Y. Staff of 18 Physicians and Surgeons. Experienced SpoclnlUtaj for every cln of DlHon.cn treatodt nl.o. trnlnod, experienced nnd obllgliiJ Light, well ventilated, elegantly fiiriil.ucd prlvnto roonii, for pa. Uouho fiirnlHhcd with Elovntor, trie" llelliV' alid "Siin'.o'dnin,: !.:.. !?""." - ln"o tvell auppllod with tho beat of food. .AUi0!1.- Mo'Pltal, hut a plcnaant ""nedlnl Home. Open dnj- aud ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, '"'""; ruquirinc; lor their euro nicdlcnl or tmrclcul aid, skillfully Movement Treatment, or Mechan ical ITlanKo irinchlncry, Vlinll zatlon ninf Vacuum Treatment Apparatus, the most approved Llectrlcal machines and llntter- ii.T? 7 1 l'PnrtiiB, aud an ni res known to medical clonco. ymi, or oiiu xu rents in stamps for our Invalids Uulde-IIook lies pages), which gives all partlcu- World's DlaBessin Medical Aaaoclatlon, Prog's. KAZZ.KOAD XXMH TABLE. TTVELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND J-' WE.1TK1C.-1 UAII.ICUAD. BLOOMSBUIiG DIVISION. NORTH. I STATIONS. SOUTH. D.m. p.m. a.m 9 00 12 311 S 30 ....cranton a.tn. a.m. o.m. 8 64 12 26 8 26 UellCVUe.... 8 48 12 22 8 22 ...Taylorvllle... 10 9 15 2 05 0 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 9 26 2 15 6 27 9 S4 2 SI 6 31 8 41 2 30 a 4u is 10 o 10 .. .LACKawuuna.. 8 S3 12 08 8 10 l'lttston 8 27 12 03 8 0.1 ..West l'lttston. 8 22 11 58 7 58 .... Wyoming.... 8 17 II 54 7 54 . . ..Maltby..... 8 12 11 60 7 50 Bennett,. .. 8 08 11 47 7 47 ....Kingston.... 8 08 11 47 7 47 ....Kingston.... 8 03 11 42 7 42 Plymouth Juno 7 59 11 38 7 331. ...Plymouth.... 7 64 11 34 t 34 .... Avondale. . 7 60 11 30 7 30 ....Nantlcoke... 7 43 11 23 7 23 Ilunlock's Creek 6 40 9 41 2 36 6 45 9 62 2 41 6 49 9 56 2 44 6 53 10 Oil 2 47 6 58 10 05 2 50 6 58 10 05 2 50 7 02 10 102 65 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 1033 3 27 7 37 10 413 89 7 80 ll 12 7 I2.'..shlckshlnny.. 7 18 11 00 7 00 ..IIlck'8 Ferry.. 7 11 10 51 6 51 ..lieacli Haven.. 7 05 10 47 8 47 Berwick.... 7 50 11 113 52 7 57 11 00 3 58 8 04 11 134 05 8 10 11 204 12 8 14 11 23 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 2D 8 25 11 30 4 ST I 6 58 10 41 6 41 .Iirlar Creek.. 6 54 10 33 6 38 ..Willow Grove.. 6 60 10 34 6 34 ...Llmeltldee... 6 42 10 27 6 27 Espy 6 36 10 21 6 21l...Bloomst)urg..J 6 30 10 16 6 16 .... Ilupert.:... 6 25 10 11 6 11 Catawl'a nrlrlrrn 30 11 44 4 34 8 SO 11 50 4 40 8 41 11 55 4 46 8 58 12 13 5 04 6 08 9 68 5 56i. .Danville.... 6 00 9 49 B 49....ChUlasky.... 9 05 12 SOS 12 I s 65 9 45 5 45 .... Cameron I oa i) "1 1 it I 6 40 9 33 6 32Northumberland 9 25 12 40 5 35 p.m. uui. a.ui. ia.m a.m. p.m W. F. UALSTEAD, Rupt. Superintendent's office. Scranton, Feti.iBt.isa Pennsylvania Railroad. . INI Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml In effect Nov.14 fnifJirValns leave Sun bury, EASTWAItD. 9.40 a. m., sea shore Express (dally except Sunday), for narrlsburgandlntermedlatestatlons. 8.50 p. m., connectin? at Philadelphia tor all sea ?hlladefi3a ' Tbr0Uffh Pafiseiigw coach to I , .aO n m Tla AvnMaa I I r J wAvvk auuua,iur iiurraiuurg ana inierme- uiai.o Biaiions, arming at 1'nlladelph la I 6.45 p. m. t Washington, 7.45 p. m.' Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches tnrougn 10 riiiiaaoiphla and Baltimore. . '.. rv uu ivcuuvo Aceommoaaiton taauy for llarrlsburg and all Intermediate Btatlons, arnv iPft1 1 hlladelphla 4.25 a. m. j New York 7.30 a. in. Baltimore, 4.55 a. m, ; Washington 6.05 a. m.i Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at Ilarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York. On sun days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wlulamsp't to 1'hlladelphla.I'hlladelphla passengera can remain 1 n Rinpnpr tiniu.tnrh.rf r.r., 7 a.m. r " """" 7.wa. m. Erie Mall (dally except Mondsr. icr Ilarrlsburg and Intermediate ate stations, ll.Su . m. j Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.Jii cm. -.ins m i-uuaaeipnia o.a5 a, m. ll.Su m. t Ilaltlmores.15 a. m. ; Was "-" iurougn rutiraan sleeping cars are run on uam w 1 uiiuuuipuia, uauimoro ana wasainf ton, and through passenger coaches to l'Wlade phla and IJaltlmore. WKSTWATm 8.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo, Brie apj all Intermedium .rntinna nr. f.nnot.u, pua ard Intermediate stations, Hochestcr, llufl loand Niagara Falls, with thioUBh Pullman Pal. ester. " " " ,uv" ace Oars and nA&senrer nnrt.riAa in Vrta on.. nu.t. ,i.rr;Nows K.IPres3 Wally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate station, ' n.5 p. tn.-,Niagara Eiprosg (dally exoept Sun navl for tvann nnrf ntD.inLii.,n.,nli..n fl. ..-J I .n, --.HH.iutvmvooiuuuilO UUU UtU I v.f4lr,ul ""upriuuiuai inrormediatti It-Chester, Buffalo and Niagara I Btatlons. Kalla with r".?Bn.Passenser coaches to Kane and ltochcster mi ,u , iiiiauispuru 4.23 P. m. Past Line rrln1ltr,yr.An, fs.mnvtfn E?TPAIi.d.,n.tenneSlatostatlons. ant Klmira, Wat kins and Intermediate stations 'with througu pas. songer coaches to ltenovoand Watklns. v a 1 , m.'Sib uuuay man ior Itenovo and lnterme- TUltOUUU THAINS FOH SUNIlUnY FROM THE BAOl AltllMIUIU, Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m Ilarrlsburg 7.10 arriving at bunbury .so a. in. wit S Uamsport. ruuaaeipuia to Wll- News Kxnrpqs tpavpa T,i.itai,aint., . . iiarrisnurg, s.10 a. m. dally excent sunn-. arriving at sunbury 9.53. a. m. Philadelphia. T.40 a. m. , nSSSSSiKPFS I eiceDt hunilftV nrrlo'nn- at u,.nK... .VTLV Ti ilaaudliaTtunol 6 ' rmiaaei- I'wt Line leaves Nev York aao a, nhla.ll.1S A. in. , U'flbliln..,nn ii .n ,m. 1 Pblladel a. in.; Bait I- more, litfTLn. (dally exce"ptay) aTrlvlntr'at Bunbury. 4.SB p. m., with through' passengei ooaches from Philadelphia and llaltfmore. ..r" joranuup. m. t Phlladet. Vv:?.11- I, WaaMnKtcn.lioop. ' . iore- ll-lw P- m-i Way except Saturday) arrtrtnir Ilftll V ATfAnf Ultmiav X ,1lf,p,?8SJJast leavcs Sunbury 4.SA p. m., arriving lin ffiSJ'J! P' m- 'IkesVbarre iu p. ,5 ,Win1.aJ' " avM wilkcslfcirre tasa aTm. arrlv. ,UB "1QOA erry 18-W p. m.,'Hunbury 13.47 n. m .Expross West leaves WllkeH.liTi is n . ? rlplnir at ni.vtm v.... cut rrl " .,sH53J??lU l?2T0 "unbury g.25 a. in., arriving U'opm Verry 10:14a. in.. wllkea-Barre iiiioalm Sunday acoommodatlon leaves WlicV-Barre 6 p. m.. arrlvinir at ninnm Siirvr o?.vS.?:Lu " " " riuwy, .... uu' J. It. WOOD. ktujtr, n. Paisenger Agent Mm Til COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ON NEW YEAR'S MORN, A boat sailed out on tho ebbing HJe, To toll all night for flab In tho sea; The sails wore not as she iloatod froo And toswxl the foaming waves asldet And tba fisherman said as ho sailed away, "I come not back till lbs break ot day!" The ulnd a row and tho sea was wild, And the angry warns obeyed the gate) The fisherman thought as he furled the sail, Of a cottage home, of wife and child; And be said as be tolled, "Oo-l, I pray, Thou wilt keep me sate tUl tho break of day," Tho morning sun broke over the sea. But never a boat on Its bosom lay, And all hut one were In the hay; Ohl where could the boat and the fisher bet The fisherman's soul had sailed away As the dawn was breaking of New Year's day, 1). W. An Iniportntit jtiornalislio enterprise. will strengthen tho bonds of sympathy and knowli'dt;o as well as promote, tlio commercial nnd social inttrcoiirsu be tween tlio North and Small, is tlio ex tended tours through tho Gulf Slates which havo been undertaken by JIesnrs Harper & ISiothers' representatives for the ptirposo of gathciing der-ciiptivo nnd pictorial material lor Ilatppr's Magazino and Harper's Weekly. Thu first published result will appear in Harper's Ma3az.n0 for January, in Uliarles Dudley Warners nriiolu on "New Orleans," abundantly illustrated by William Hamilton Gibson and other artists. Tho cliariiiini; Crescent Uitv with its strange contract of btistlinc aotivity and languid ease tho capital of King Cotton, of Creoles nnd of car- nlvuls provides a fascinating subject" for the Noitliern wilier and artist Tho artiolo is exceedingly interesting as a iresn anil accurate study ot thu luxuriant metropolis of tho South, and will tend lo dispel tho cimnmon mis conception of that section. Among inu iweiny-.no illustrations nm live full pagi s, one of them, "A Creole Belle," being tho frontisnifco of the Number. The series of Southern ar ticles, which is to bB one of tho clistin guishing features of Htrper's for 1887, will bo continued by the samo author and artist with a' treatment of "Tho Acadian Land" in tho 1'ehruary Nura- uer. Voting on Newspipers. The Brooklyn Maaazine beenn. in its July issue, a ditcussion on thu ques tion, "Which is tho ablest American newspapor!" Tho con trovers v was put to the ballot, and at once excited a lively interest in everv nan of thp. United States, and extended even to the countries of Euiope. The total voto reached tho large number of 12.- 054, which exceeded thu expectations of the editor of the magazine. ino result places the JSow York Z'imes at tho head of the list with a vote of 1,113. Thero wore votes for 08 newspapers. The leading papers after tho Times wore the Chirac Inter-Ocean, 982; Now York Tribune, 0o9 j New York Jlerald, 707 ; Boston Herald, G10j Louisvillo Courier-Jour nal, 002 ! New York World. 4G5 . Philadelphia Times,H8; Boston Globe, 253 s New Yoik Sim. 247 : Clim.i.ni Tribune, 210: Springfield Republican. 209 ; Cii.cinnati Commercial-Gazette.. 192: Brooklyn Eaale. 180: Boston Ad. vertiser, 18o; Chicago Jfews, 109 j San Francisco Chronicle, 154 ; Wash ington Star, 152. A roll of nainef, sigued by 4,833 citizens of St. Louis, was sent in lavoriLg the Republican, of that city ; but tho editors of the magazine deeided that this could not bo taken into account, "since the ex pression of opinion thus secured can not be considered as spontaneous or in accordauca with our oiiginal purpose." K iCiy; Hijliest Awards ol HeJals m Europe ana America .XSSn?atost 9ulclicst, safest and most powerful remedy known for Hbeumatlsm. Pleurisy, Neural Si.Lunllia?0' "ackache, weakness, colds In the ?.?t, a.aa al' aclie8 aDi Ptloa- Endorsed by 6,000 n?iSLnSna..?n? BtuSl3's of the highest repiite. SSnm.,2 la?tcl? Promptly relievo and cure w,Si rf?,tiierl,1,lste?anaBreaay sa'vt3- Unlraents fr. '0,Uon3t are absolutely useless. Beware of lErVJi",':?.?3 H.n.r stmtlar sounding names, such as "Capsicum," "Capucln," "Capslcfne." as they are 'ly worthless and 'intended to T'dwelve. aS w. s.anctun B Aflli TASK Jilt OTUKRS. All arUITiTmiH KXCHANGE HOTEL W. R. TUBBS. PROPRIETOR. BMOitsauBa.PA. OPPOSITE CUURT HOUSE. iirgesana convenient samplo rooms. Bathrooms hot and cold water and all modern conveniences WEEKLY PRESS THE BEST OJf ONLY $1.00 PER YEAR, Tho Most Liberal and Varied Premium List Ever Beforo Offered, FAVORABLE COMBINATIONS WITH ALL THE POPULAR LITERARY AND CLASS PERIODICALS. THE WEEKLY PHESS Is printed In bold, clear type, a Dtuuiiiuij- ntpiiuilVUU 1U pOllllCS. WEEKLY CONTENTS : An elaborate digest of all the news of the week (lood original stc ries from thp bett authors. Spec lal artleres on Interesting topics v Tho F ml and nanlpii lif.nnrtmrnt ...,An.Ki. ... ; "J a ,.tviit.ai .jtiiuvi, TllQ Ilplnintf ftnnrl riAPAto.1 Arnli,.l..ln . Interests of women In their household work. liter. aryculture,soelal advancement and cntcrtulnrj ent Outings and Innings, enters to the pure and sexin in every station of lire. ucuiiuiui cinenuininrnr. or vnuntr ti rtniAnr in. ine Market iteportscome from every Important wlutely correct up to the hour of going to pn'ss." ..TiifiS'. ,,clin'1tliat have attracts io much attention for their Interest and aconrucy will bo fnnilTillA llirniicrtinii ttannmtn .. A SAMPLE COPY EREE of both the WEEKLY PltESSandlta magnltlcent niT.'.lu,m "f,1 wU1 b0 Mut 10 ay addr upon il' rillcatlon. Bosureouaro getting the mist and best for your money before you subsent u Address: THE PEE33 CO., Limited, .12-Ut. Philadoiphla, Pa, 11 ipruuneain each county, and li ghest Uynft7 a "onth! til? ra'!lnu, Wjsm Mu.ua ui t.11111. aua japan, atnia the ruins of iiir. Allecsaod ZUM. wlllilti Canoni" Clin liulldinra ?am,',"at" "8 oa lh Isle, of the tSff and In. all parts of the globe. 810 enirravlW Low price. . Quick hales. And for Ireulan rtn,...,,,i ,..r. - .-."-'"i ... .uy ,-iutitrrjr iinir. bssssIbEbsb for Infants "Caatoris la ao well adapted to children that t recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aacnia, It, D.,' Ill Bo. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. V. A. HAMOSOME VEDDIfJO ii flSa. TfSfo " 1 X V atourAvi.ni,.Vi- the LUBunc tmF.cs:r ' October 22 so ajrs. " PEF.RINE' l'UHE BARLEY I ,.lu".' seirctra rnncy nit ami gtictnilrrd to le ri,,ii,. ?.11!rcf."'0"1 lajurlons oils nd cldsoiltn crritnli id in nil r-trii. ,n.,.f',''y ruro Bj espec uny nunpieu ;topmons rcqu 1 t it n Mimulntlrg ttr le iri.i nVi.".'"', J.wa greatlr benenttcd by lis use. 1 feemn cntliri i,v .", Inf.i . 1 ? ii "1 "V? 'drs ti i-siifuiuii v ni nni(! 'in rtriirttia mhi , n ! S,e,r,T ??t ??!' ?,.B.' ror (mm, 1 titii it ft YiiV; ",. !j appetite, a rich nnd obumlnnt Meed "ai d ItVt J cl il.ffl r,i d"; ,' 1! V " 0a "Pfe, stimulant mild nnd edition rrrm. l'ltiri l n liVlrtitiii, nri in'l"1' .,Ul'- A . t V Jtlsntnnle rid diurttic bi d a nowdlul met clLer ,rt -in n r'rnt M.5. v hlsley. I f A 13 I'r-WUHC 11AUI.KV - AM 'V1 il"n 1 nj r rn rd 11 1 te li5 f,J m.1 J'- f J A' i fi those who nursue;thclrnocstlons In the oIn o r nnd wl te m- ImlVifS ? hirilSm ffifP'E5,'? ?na-,n leirlne'sl'ure Barley iiiafeaat3a. snanm- i.VijSiIl?".!1" v-iiAjV-j ei.uiuidiiug ino hiu. uktv mode ly Jl. 4 J. s. IvrrlnnanriiihTiH It' $1 J! Sal tens convalescence and lsa wholesome nmir-." blm.ni. Cntufltn At'fl.,,i ti..H pno gcnulno unless bearing l-'orsaie oy an drulsts and trrocers throuirhout tho united States and Canadas. mm 37 NOKTII FEONT ST.-38 NORTH WATER ST. FOH SALE BY DltUGQISTS AND ALL DEALL'HS. ECONOMY THJi: FMACTICAL QUESTION OF THE, HOUK. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR TIE IW&1. CAN BE (CHEAPEN A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE a mm m 1 aa mmii i nm Call and be Convinced that you have the hkmu urn ' OF LATEST STYLE,u BEST QUALITY, The Lowest Possible Prices AT 'Til E C. JBa JBOBBWS. DEALER IN i oreigm and Some, WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG PA. iti easenaev HM..1 . BLACKSMITHS' '.nuiesaiCQntllic UI dealers In WAJOJ MAKERS' AND 'vuutiuuricrg lor MERCHANT IRON & STEEL. tcr Street, tn" SCRANTON, PA. S . ) and Children. Caatorla enrea Colls, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. stlo' B''e 1CP' Dd prumotes WItoutlnjur)ous medication. Tmi Cistico Conrunr, 183 Pulton Street. K. V. nov.lOSO-ly. Ittnrlln 1 w Mn uimnuAi uk n ay cnrck.krr LUBURG W THE VnwnprjriVi -"' ft i Combining a Parlor, Mhrnrr, BmoltlrKt, IlKllnln . Invalid li and tin. Hetiiliitiunn 1 nJi...... 'Wl for CnlnKtie7 irls.f. " r,;.';.. u :',.''",";,0.?" ralre. and n.TT.iS WALT VVHISkEV; the slgna-(,', ai!d ttWtiaJtn V I PHIL A U 0 iy. BOUGHT THAI ETEH "Varied Stock of AND SELECT LINE OF fsstme4i8. 1 1 iiiijataaatakt.Hi.ij,u.jj THE Ml SUPPLIES. f J-yCPf )) mu IF IUK W Kttf r- .J ( 1 1 I hi Ik inaguinceut buUdiLL-of J ..u '.?.lno tm9- "undredsof gradaato unuu,i,oxitbOHn 'U'liiibniortcrnle. idmni lorteni ALLEN, Pbest.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers