THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I ODD ITEMS. Tlicy nro making glass ns strong ns Iron iiow-n-days. In tlmo tlioy tuny tnako tbo glass as strong as tho liquid it Bomctiracs contains. When President Clovcland retires, ns ho will do iu tho natural course of ovents somo day, ho will publish a book 01 cures tor riiotimausm. A little nrllhmetio shows that a mince )lo sultablo for tho ltartholdt Goildcps ol Liberty's mouth would uavo to bo thirty icct iu uintuctor. Henry Jnmcj, tho novelist has taken a villa at Florunco fov tho Winter, where ho will busy himself, it Is said, with another novel on Italian life, Every piano should havo a water' proof covering. If this cover Is kept on whilo tho young lady amateur is about, the instrument will last a long timo. It is very difficult for a lady to enter or leavo a carringo drouoriy. 11 re quires practice and a carriage. Tho carnage is the hardest part to acquire Puck, A iMIolilgnn woman kioked a bear to death tho other niulit. She heard him at tho front door, and probably thought it was her husband monkoyiug with tho mght latch. At Los Anccles, Ual on Thanks nivinc dav. Rabbi Sohreibcr and Hev. Dr. Fay, of tho Unitarian church, uni ted in conducting a praise service in tho Ilobrew synagogue. A clergyman who had a bad habit of adding "ah" to many of his words, spoko last Sunday of many of his con gregation who "had been brought up on tho lioru u sido-ah. We saw tho cutest; little diamond collar button yesterday dirt cheap at S10.000, but concluded to purchase three for ten cents. lladnt been bribed. 2V. Y. Journal. A Boston firm failed for 100,000 and showed cah assets amounting to So. This is liable to occur when seal skin sncqucs remain at tho present high price, and sleighing, not includ ing tho drinks, costs So an hour. Mr. J. J. Bayne, 52 Lake Avenue, Roohester. N. Y., will tell you if you write, enclosing stamp, that this won derful story is true : "In 1882 I was taken to the Clifton Springs Sanitar ium, in a most deplorable condition, with congestion of liver, constant cold hands and feet, rushing of blood to th head, purplo spots on my fase, and my skin was as yellow as a lemon Tho slightest food could not be taken, with out suoh distress and spasms that my screams could bo hoard a long distance. I had prolapsus very severely, profuse leucorrhtea, and uterine ulceration so that 1 could not wear a supporter. Tho doctors said that I had tho worst case tbey ever saw. In two months I lost 40 pounds of flesh, and suffering all tho timo from intense headaches, and un able to obtain sleep, while cold clammy sweats would break out over my body frequently. Under the operation of Warner's safe cure my Bkiu cleared np and 1 began to qain flesh, nnd was able to walk ono full mile. My caso oreated snuh an interest at tho Sanitarium that Warner's safe cure has sirico been pre scribed for its patients with good re sults. I never was so healthy in ray life." Disappointed for Twenty Years, Pittsiiuro, Deo. 10. Tho case of Miranda Palmer against James Mc Aleor for $20,000, tho value which tho plaintiff places on h9r damaged affec tions, was taken up in tho County Court yesterday. The plaintiff is a widow, about -10, and Mr. MoAleer, a bachelor, somewhat older. In her bill of complaint she alleges that in 1S6G tho defendant was paying her consider able attention; that ho had promised to marry her, and that she has been waiting on him over since. Tho first date set for tho ceremony was January 1, 18C7, and since then times were set as frequcntlyvas twice a year. When tho time camo around Mr. MoAleer al ways had somo excuse ready with which to put the plaintiff off. Yester day afternoon the jury returned a ver dict of $200 for the plaintiff. A Pt of his Pa-in-law. "O, Sarah, I wondered what induced you to marry JohnT" "It was ray-pa's doings." . "Why, how was that!'' "O, pa, you know, is a strict teeto taler and despises-anything connected with the liquor trade. John is (o awful lanky and slim that his photograph could never be used as a fanoy label for a beer barrel, nnd pa, reuognizing that lact, induced me to marry him." Col. Joseph II. Thornton, of Cincin nati, O., an honored war veteran, was for 18 years a victim of that old sold iers' complaint, chronin diarrhocea. Two dozen bottles of Warner's safe cure rtbtored his liver to health and cured his ailment. His daughter was very ill ot an obstinate disorder, which the best physicians failed to relieve. She had also palpitation of the heart, intense pains in the lietl, nervous dys pepsia, and nil her vital organs wire involved. By three months' faithful homo treatment with Warner's safe cure alone, sho was fully rcstoied to health. That was two years ago. Tho cure was permanent. Col. Thornton will tell you it is true if you write him and enclose a stamped envelope. A Young Man &szs ruriunseivn of the Gov eminent to Marry an Indian Girl- A rather novel request bus been re ceived at tho Intel ior Depailinent from a young man living in Nebraska who wauts to uiarry a daughter of Stauding Bear, a Sioux chief. He states who ho is, and encloses a photo graph of tho girl, who is very nice looking and was educated at Carlisle Tho young man, however, wishes to go and live on the reservation with his prospective wife nnd her relations, and lor this reason it was necessary to ob tain tho permission of tho Interior Do partment. White meu aro not allow ed to stay on an Indian reservation unless they have authority from tho Government to do so, and eo this young man was obliged to take the uovern merit into his confidence and reveal his lovo affairs. Tho Secretary of the Interior considered tho matter from its practical rattier than its sentimental side, and concluded that whilo ho could not prevent tho young man marrving tho girl he could picvent him from going to livo with the old folks, and if )io was us anxious to marry tho young woman m ho professed to he, he might scratch around and provido her with a homo. Seoretary Lmnar will write a letter to tho ambitious lover, and while not discouraging tho ardor of his love, will Hiiircoot the practical view of the situation, which seems to have escaped hill). Until Micro is home change in the prim-nt plans of the young man the paternal benediction of the Interior Department will bo wilh-lield. "My doolor's bill for the jiast four years "has not been 10," writes F. G. Bally, of 30 South 0th street, uoyton O. Ho had Vertigo, Indigestion Ornnt. Nnrvi mnpss. Inflammation ol tho Bladder, Kidney Disoase and Blccdin.' Tiles, liighteen bottles o Warner's fafo euro permanently curei him. na lin uill 1 nil vnll II von wrlti mul minlnsn n ntnmtiod nnvelntic. Ask your friends nnd neighbors nbout Warner's safe euro. Ohoosing Baby's Profession- When Jimmy Silkcr got homo from the store the other evening his wllo met him at the door looking very muoh worried. "Jim, what do you think I Baby John swallowed four pennies this after noon, and I couldn't find tho doctor, nnd I ra so frightened I don t know what to do. "Well, brace up,'' said Jim reasur ingly. "I'm kind of glad it happened." "Oh, you horrid thing 1 uindi' "Ves. Yoti sou, I've been wonder ing for a long whilo what profession wo would have John go into when ho grows up. ' "And did you lust decide!" "Yes. I think ho ought to do first rato in the internal rovenuo sorvico. Sho didn't forgivo him for an hour nnd six minutes. Captain Georgo B. Wiltbark, 910 Suruco street. Philadelphia, Pa., if now on land, will if you wnto and enclose a Btamp for leply, tell you that "three years aao when in Central America. he was prostrated with kidney and liver troublo of a vry serious nature. He was dclinou, skin very dark, liver en larged one-third, stomach too sensitive tor tho simplest food." Savon bottles of Warner's safe cure completely cured him and saved his lite. Smallpox in a Jail. A United States prisoner named L. Warner, from East St. Louis, lo dged in tho county jail at Springfield III I., was iV covered last week to bo sick front oni smallpox, lie was uuiiiiaiinwij .mnvpil In tho neat-house outside of re the city and placed in charge of two a tun piuvviu """ o t Thoro are 60 persons in i arses. jail. Afr Arvmlinnt hna been annointed nf Wvomincr. In a light njliorn "Arnnnllwht. rniirns tllO COUntrV ought to bo magnificent. Go West, girls, go West. QUININE. num. Malitria, iByspcpsia, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Liver,Lung and Kidney Disease. 'ino eminent ana ceieorateu ur. uiessner writes; T!w Kaskine Co. Dkar sirs : "The llrst ereateat successes I bad with. Kaskine were In chills andjfe- ver, maiana. nervous aeDiuty, rneumaiism. dys pepsia, and liver diseases, and I considered at that tlrae It was undoubtedly the best medicine over discovered, hut I was even then uufamlllar with Its really wonderlul powers in curing all the oth er germ diseases and disorders, particularly where the blood has become diseased or Impoverished and the digestion Impaired, t-trlctly speaking. liabinne 11 me only oiooa punner we nave, i jise It. also very lanrely with ur.taltlnir success In all also lses peculiar to women and children. In over uiree nunarea cases l uavecuren 'mere has never been tho slightest bad effect follow lne Its uso. and It s far superior to any tonic or nerve medicine ever known to the medical profession." Very truly yours, L. .m.Gumnkk. M. D., 3Gu.Easiiiiisi.M.iew loric. rrof. W. F. Holcombe. M. i).. el East 25tli St. N. Y. (late Prof. In X. Y. Med. Collrge) writes : Kas kljie 13 superior to quinine In Us specluo power, anu never pruuuees iuu snguiesi injury iu ine bearing or conslltui Ion." The U. S. Examining surgeon. Dr. L. It. White, Writes: "Kaskine lathe best medicine made," t "lively nation t St. Francis Hospital, N. Y. sTen'XTO J cured. Bellevuo Hospital,??. Y., "Universally successful." St. Joseph's Hospital. N. Y.: "its use Is consid ered lndlapensiible, it acts perfectly." ivasKine is pieasum iu mtve uuu uau uu uscu without special medical counsel, wild for th' creat list of testimonials unnaral- lelled In the history of medicine. $1.0 J per bottle. com oy or sent by mall on receipt ot price. illK iiAttftllsisiiu., M wurrcu ot., new iur&. bOLb UY MOYJ3U 1JHOS., llloomsburg, ra. novscMdly. HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM? A Remedy that ban Un la Bticct-efful tihe for many years In Europe, and y, aa only lately introduced In thi country, la Uie RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE ThU Remedy baa the endorsement of Continental Pbyalciaim and Government Sanitary Comniiniona, aa well as the thourunda of aufferera tow bom It ban broutfbt relief. It bas aaved olber-iU ft ho Imva tried It. It WILL CURE YOU from farther Ofrony, if you'll only slve It a chance. HUSSIAHM HAS BOTH S T1UUE J1AKUSV AND J SIGNATURE RHEUMATISM CURE. Ttelrf, fhtmfilzf? SonUtnclHlthDitbUiit2. S2.50 PER BM. For complole lntormat'on, I)rrriiIIvo Tnui lihlft, w U tevtliaoulnU, tree. For salt) by all ilruu KiaU. If ouu or tlia other Is not In ioidtlou to f iirniuli It to you, do not bo rr. luaded to U auytUliikr cImj, but apply direct to tlia OoneralAtw u. lM'AUI.ZUlt 1IIIIIS. Ai I'll. B1U A: ail .llurket Mreet, I'lilludelpulu.. inarch 9-ly.a 1 1 , ii r,:. ( FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN 1113 I'UT ON HV AWV TKUSOX. THOU3ANIIS OF nOI.LS BOLD ANNUALLY tX)U J1U1LDINOS OK LVKItY DKbOHItTION. BEND FOn NF.W CIBOULAlt. CONTAISINO FH1UE LlhT AND HlsraiblNUliS. ACENT3 WANTED. M. EHRET, JR. & GO. BOLE MANUFAOTUlUirtS. 423 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. ftept,17a&s,sm3 CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common lllolcli, orKriiiif Ion, to thoworrt StTOIulii. '1'lip Ui-il ltluud luririr evwr illicoverotl. iljrUruirirUu. THE NhVU i mm 3 fpgjjy'ff WHAT THE j yU prams jj SAY A BOUT IT IN r,y- s s t r imam FROM LIFE TO DEATH Is Lut a moment if rheumatism or noural cla Btrlkcs tho heart. These diseases aro tho roost painful and tho most dangerous of any to which human kind Is liable. Thcjr fly from orto part to another without n moment's warning, and liniments and other outward applications arc In them selves dangerous becauso they aro liable to drlro the dlseaso to some vital organ and causo Instant death. Klicumatlsm and neuralgia aro diseases of the blood, andean only bo reached by a remedy which will drive from tho blood tho dangerous acids. Such a remedy Is Athlophoro. It has been thoroughly tested and Is a safe, sure cure. Spruce Crcelt, la., Oct. 5, 1885. In answer to your request to know what your Athlophoros has ilono for me, I will say It has ilono wonderful work. I havo Buffered from rheumatism for eighteen years uioro or less, and somatlrucs not able to put my clothes on or eat alone. I took all kluJs, doctored with a good many doc tors, but nothing did mo any good. I was getting worse Instead of better. I read your advertisement In the "Demo crat" and "Sentinel" papers of Louis town. I havo taken in all four bottles. I feol no pain. I was drawn crooked, but now I am straight onro more. Thank you for the good it done mo. Athlophoros Is tho medicine. PiiiLir IlAitrsTEii. Your medicine has cured me of neural- S ia. I suffered with it for three davs, and t cave mo instant relief. Palmyra. N. Y., Aueust 19th, 1886. I used ono bottle of Athlophoros for neu ralgia after being laid up eight weeks. Th result was very satisfactory. It. S. Eddy. Every drugglstshould'keen Athlophoros and Athlophoros I'illa, but where they can not be bought of tho drugcUt tho Athlo phorosi Co.,' 112 Wall St., New York, will send cither (carriage paid) on receipt ol regular price, which Is $1.C0 per bottlo for Athlophoros and 60c. for Pills. , For liver and kidney diseases, dmetI, In digestion, weaknes, nervous debility, dLse&nei or women, ronrtlpatlon, headache, Impure blood, &c., A tblophoros l'llls uro unequalcd, oct. 23 81) Cms. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LITER OIL Almost as Palatableas Milk. Tho only preparation of COD I.IVEH OIL that can bo taken readily and tolerated for a long time by dollcale Rtomarhs. AND AS A 11KMEDT Fflrt fOysrHPTlOX, snnmi,oiN An-H'no,s. anaemia, ik. KBAIi DKIIII.irr. IIIIIS A.M TllltlUT AF. H. lll)S. nn.l all I1AMI.MI lll.sOltllMlS II? It Is imrrrlloos In ll rwilta. lTcscrlbcd anil endorsed by tbo boat A'liyslclans In tho countries of the world. For sale: by all druggists. oct-aa-l- HOW'S YOUR LAME BACK? STRENGTHEN AND RESTORE IT DY WEARING A Hop Plaster "Why Buflfcr vri th an aching back when a prompt ana poBltlvt) relief is Rt luvndP The Hop Flasten oompletolyimdtpMdllyoTireCaokachOeflldeache. Painful ainaclefl, Kldnty Wcakncu, Bhenma. tlam, Bdatlca, Plettriuy, Chest T&i&n, Bore Luncs. Couchi, Crlclc and all Sadden, Sharp or Nervous palm. The soothing, pain -killing and strengthen inff virtues of Hops, Hemlock, BaOwuns and Onma combined. Gweot and clean. Sold everywhere, 20 eta., O for f 1.00. Mailed Cor prloo by proprie tors, Hop Piaster Company, lloston. Mm. tyiook for the hop vine wreath and lenatnro of HOP PLA8TEH CO., on every genuine plaster. Beware of imitations and substitutions. DOV 26 66 ly. KVALIDS HOTEUHD SURGICAL INSTITUTE 683 Main Street, Buffalo, II. Y, Staff of 18 Physicians and Surgeons. ExncrlciicciKiiiGClnllntH for ovorv claMH of DfcseiiMCN troutcdt nlno. trnlncd, oxiiorlonccd aud obliging NiirsPK. UKiit, won ventilated, elegantly furiilHlicd prlvato rooms, lor pa tlents. lluiifio fiirnlKlied iltti riAvnlnr. Stcniii-lK'nl, Speaking-pipes, i;ioc- iriv iiuii9) uiiii uii luuui'ril irivvincnlM, Tnlilo well supplied with the beat of food. I not n Iloapltal, line n plcnunnt Iloinedlul Home. Upcu day aud night. ALL tmm DISEASES, wlietlicr rcfinlrlim for their euro medical or nurglcul aid) skillfully treated. XII IS INSTITUTION Is supplied with Turkish Hatha, American Movement Treatment, or Mechan ical Mnsnue niaelilucry, Vltnll. zatlon and Vacuum Treatment Apparatus, the most approved I'.loctrlcal machines and Matter lex, Inhalation Apparatus, and nil the most vuluablo remedial appli ances known to modlcal sclcneo. Clull, or send 10 cents In stamps for our Invalids' (luldo-Ilooli (l(iS Iiokcs), which ttlvcs all paitlcu urs. Address as above. Worlil'a DLwcourjr Mllral -iwcUtlon. Prop'a. A' 7A mm A32 YOUR GEOCER FOR IT. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Prevent Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eat Ing, Prevents Laying Soft Eg.8, Makes Hens Lay. IT 15 NO MM, ITIP HO 2IEDXCIHS. It Sells for live Oenta Per Pound, ia Boxes Chick-chlck-er-rckee (poultry food and pre ventive of dUease for poultry), the great ess food, produces prodifilously and Is good lor the heiltlt of the towlme. It U the, first article of Us kbd ever Patented Iu the United States. Canada and England. Try it. It costs only five cents per pound. It li no powder. Chick e n will cu it. Ihat ought to convince you thct it is good. If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard, ware or Country atorckteper wrll not get it tor you, send me one dollar, and I will ship you a twentyiiind tox by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars, A large box Hill cost you no more freight than a small box. Attend to "our poultry, if yuu want to make a profit out of thcrn, just the same at you attend to your land. Uidess you manure your land it U not pay ou, Jutt so with poultry ; ou must give them something besides feed, 'I hey must have material to answer for grinders, Brd material for the egg. H you feea Chick. cftlck-er-re-kee (egg food) every day you will never have any sick chick ens, and your hens will hy eggs when otherwise they would not. You will never do without It after a fair trial. Do not pay twenty-five or fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed jour poultry when you can get a better article from your storekeeper at five cents a pound, Don't r,e a clam ; try It. Manufactured In the United States only by S. S. MYERS, Patentee,' lag N. Front St., PHILAD'A, PA. FOf Hale bv Farmers' lToduco Exchang Hlormaburf, To, 6ep-9-&o-cm9. P?SlNES 5YRUP CURES' OUGHS I Drunkonnoas tn Paris, A hKMARKAULE 1KCRRABK IK TIIK OOK' 8U.M1T10N 01 LIQUOR. Dnuiki'iincpa ta nppnrontly on tho in orenso in Paris. Tho number of work liiQincn who ruin tliomsotvcs by nb- sorblna too muoh nbsintlip, "nrnor ploon, nnd other deleterious mixtures mows moro nnd more. Thcro is there fore, nbundont room (or tho oncrntions of nn energetic teiujierauco nocicty to rcprtsa tho riwnges ofiupcd by "petit bleu and tlio opiU-colored liquor, winch In imbibed by most 1 nnsmtis in n mod' erntc quantity in order to pivo them nu appctitu for dinnor. Within tho imst fortniglit sovernl deaths from drunkenness havo occurred in tho mo tropolis. In ono oao a renpcctablo ollicial in one of tho publio departmentt) was found dead iu his bed. In a cup board near him wero sovernl empty bottles which had contained rum. Tho post-mortem examination disclosed tho fact that ho had died from tho effects of largo and frequent doses of undiluted Jamaica. Only yesterday a drunken woman, hitherto an abnormal spectaolo in tho streets of Paris, set firo to lict clothes with a match on entering her room and was burned to death. It is not at all uncommon to meet workingraeu returning homo bo utterly intoxicated that they fall down at every step and are only preserved from breaking their skulls or by being run over by vehicles by the provident ial intervention that watches ovor the inebriate. A short timo since I saw a drunken lamplighter trying to illtiml nato the shades of evening by lighting a tree with his six-foot pole. A mng naiiimous policeman, who for a fow moments placidly watched tho man's effort to pursue his occupation under difficulties, finally went over to him, look tho pole, lighted tbo lamps and sent tho devotee of Bacchus home bo tvt een two boys. London Telegraph. E. Evan", president of the Lumber Exchange Batik, Tunawanda, N. Y., writes: January 15, IbMb, 1 wai en tirely prostrated, and was reduced from 17b to 12U lbs. 1 thought 1 Had in flammation of tho largo bowel. The pain was relieved only by raorphino forced under tho skin. My doctor treated mo for inflammation and catarrh of the bowel, an nffeclion sympathet ic with disorder of tho left kidnoy. I had a distressing nam, with nicbt sweats, nnd could keep nothing on my stomach, especially liquids, and was intensely thirsty. ieb. l'J 1 was in intense agony with pain in ray loft kid ney. I then began Warner's safe cure. In 20 minutes I was relieved. I re fused tho doctor's medicines thereafter. I Anally passed o largo etono from the bladder, then my pains ceased." If you writo Mr. Evans, enclose stamp for reply. Batural Gas in Sharon After weeks of waiting and a suc cession of calamitous accidents tho Columbia Natural Gas Co. at 4:40 p. ra. Saturday last turned natuial gas into the 40 miles of mains between Sharon and the Speeohley dis trict, in Venango county. The new fuel burned with a deatening roar just east of the city. Tho gas will be used in tho rolling mills. New Process of Welding Old Bails. E. D. Waosells, ot PittsburK, is ar ranging for a test at tho Atlantic Iron Works" o' a now process of welding and rolling steel from old rails by which the cost is cheapened giu a ton. Much interest is manifested by iron men in the result. Consumption is often only an indi rect result of deranged kidneys. "Over two years ago X became a continued invalid. My triends all thought I was far gone iu Consumption. I was sure the timo had well nigh como when I must leave my helpless littlo children motherless. With this dreadiul tact staring mo in tho face, I resolved to try Warner s sate cure. JHy husband tried to dissuade me, thinking I was too far gone for anything to help me But I took it, and in two weeks time I was like a new creature : and in four weeks I was able to resume my house hold duties" at this writing I am per fectly well. Mrs. E. J. Wolf, wife of Rav. Prof. T. Wolf, D.D., editor Luth eran Quarterly, Gettysburg, Pa If you wnto her enclose a stamp, and she will tell you tho story is true. Archer, the horse jockey, is reported to have accumulated a fortune little short of 150,000, which accrues to h'B only child by his deceased youni; wife, a littlo girl, between 2 and 8 years of ago. At tho timo of his death he was at tho head cf the list of winning jookoys for tho present season, with n score of 170, a id hn has- held the same position for somothing like a dozen years. Tho young man who is debating what to give his girl for Christina could satisfactorily solvo tho question by giving lumpen. A New York mmazer U trying to induco ladioj lo take off their hats in the theatre. lt:ao:it it, girls, resont it . Next they'll bo wanting you to take off your switohes and hang them on tho back of the so it. I AH EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. To Alt Wanting Employment. We warn Live. Energetic anil Capable Agentt l every county ii the United State! and Cana i, 1 1 sell a patent nrticle of great merit, t,u I a iltKlls. .iiaruclenavini;aiargeMie,ray i "VJr ioi-r cent profit, having na con.) I mmi, and on which the agent I protected in ) tie exuuiive Kale by a deed given loreaihand -very county he may secure from ui. With all j ice advantages to our agents and the fact that Mt U an article that can be sold to every house- kit it, it might not be necessary to make an l "kh ra aqkdinarv offer" to secure uootl accnts i inn lint ue have concluded to make It to' hoiv, not only our confidence In the merits ui mr invention, hut in its salability by any agent tlitt will handle It with energy. Our agents no-.v at work are making from $150 to $6w a month clear and this fact makes It safe for us to nuke our offer to all who are out of employ ment. Ar agent that will give our business n thirty day trial and fail to clear at least $tcc 1.1 this time, adovs all EXriNsis. can return all goods unsold to us and we will refund the money paid for them. Any agent or general a jent wno would like ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days and fail to clear at least $750 A con all kx I'KtMts, can return all unsold and get their uioieyback. No other employer of agentscver dircd to make such offers, nor would we if we lid not know thai we have agents now making lore than double the amount we guaranteed 1 id but two sales a day would give a profit of vcr $iis a month, and that one of our asenls ink eighteen orders in one dav. Our lirife de scriptive circulars ciplain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to everyone out of em ployment wno win senu us tnree one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and secure the agency in time forthe boom, and go to work o 1 the terms named in our extraordinary offer. We would like to have the address of alt the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen ters lit the country, and ask any reader of this paper who reads this offer, to send us at once tne name aud address of all such they know. Address at once, or you will lose the best chauce cvt r offered to those out of employment to make money ititMNtfii .MANurAcrvKixu tu, SIO i.iuiiuiieiu ai, i.iauuia, 4 a AGENTS WANTED ! Itemunerattve employment offered energetic toil; Mutual Benefit . Societyi DM DltOADWAY, HBW VOHIC t0Tl lit. All Smoke and no Fire. "Nothing better illustrates tho dos pcrato strait that tho opposition press is driven to in criticising tho govern ment nt Washington," said General Black, Pension Commissioner, "than tho rumor which it in now Industriously circulating that Dr. T. T. Dabnoy, of Now Orleans, lately appointed examin er in tho Pension Oflloo was not only a Confederate soldier, but ono of the guard of tho horrible prison pen at Andcrsonvillo, nnd used lo amuso him self by Bhooting nt the prisoners whoso Sonslon claims ho is now to examine, 'his story has cieatcd much excite mint in Cincinnati, whoro nrrango incuts hnvo been niado by tho Repub lican Veteran Club fur nn Immense mass meeting of veterans, generously thrown open to both political parties, to discuss this supposed outrage and to express their indignation. Tho Com mitteo on Resolutions is already hard at work, but unfortunately for these Ecalous patriots tho report is all a lie. Dr. Dabney was not born until May 16, 1850, nnd, therefore was only 16 years old when tho war closed. As might be expected, theicfore, ho never served in tho Confederate army, and has yet to lay his oyes on Anderson villa Ho was appointed through tho Civil Scrvico Commission." W. II. Rhodes. 118 E. Gav St.. Columbus, O., in 1870, was takon ill with palpitation aid neuralgia of tho hpart, consequent on aiseased kidneys. TTnrriMn na.,.,iain" nllll.,1.,.1 !,!.., -" v.v "f' Jll'. I I . H U1UIUICU 11 1 ill 1 Ho spent hundreds of dollars for reliof in vain. He took 50 bottles of Warn er's uafo cure aud was fully restored to health, gaining 70 pounds while using thnt great remedy. Writo him and eucloso a stamp. He'll toll you tho welcome story. A Hew Feat at Niagara Bui'KAi.o, N. Y Drc. 11. A now stylo of Ningnra hero is to bu intro duced to tho world, when Alphonse King, of tho firm of King & Forster, pnp'r-box makers, of this city, will walk across tho surface of Niagara river below the Falls from the foot of tho inclined railroad to tho Canadian shore. King has already dono much walking on tho water, having given ex hibitions through Mexico and some of the Southern States. Ho will wear a pair of winged shoes, by which he pro pels himself and which are sufficiently wide to give him steadiness on the water, lint tho turbulent Niagara has neTer been tiled. Mr. King has had mo trip in contemplation lor somo timo. Tho walk is for a bet of $3000. A Terdiot Against a Bailroad. A verdict of $5,580.62 in favor of plaintiff was rendered last Saturday afternoon in the Berks Common Pleas, in tho suit of Recso Davis vs. the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley Rail road Co. Tho action had beon on trial tho entire week, this being the first of a number of land damago cases ails ing out of tho construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad's branch lino north of Reading to Pottsvilo, Tho verdict is regarded as noavv, although plaintiff's witnesses ranged in their es timates from $2,000 to $9,000. Mm. Ruth Brown, Coldwater, Mich , if you write, enclosing a stamp, will tell you it is true that iu July, 1885, she "was suddenly l'aralyzod, and be came entirely Blind, as her doctors claimed, from nn Enlargement and In flammation of the Kidneys and Liver. Sho was in an unconscious state for two weeks ; faco and body bloated, with agonizing r"nin ; could not keep anything on her stomach ; irregular action of the heart. Physicians pro nounced her caso incurable. Within a few weeks tho Paralysis loft her, Bloat went down, Enlargement of the Liver Subsided, actiou of tho heart became regular, and sho became well iu three months and has felt in good condition ever since.1' Warner's safo cure did this amazing work for her and sho will tell you so. This is tho season when tho tender heart of tho coal dealer asserts itself, and, rather than overload bis poor patient horses, he makes bis tons sev eral hundred pounds lighter, but ior gets to notify the purchaser of tho fuel at tbo timo or making out tbo bill. DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY mi Hi; itititii Hid rattan.) J 8PBOIPIO FOB RHEUMATISM 8crofula.8alt Rheum Neuralgia, Ring Worm AND ALL OTHER SKIN AND BLOOD DIS EASES. IT RRQULATE8 THB LIVER 3& KIDNEYS And Curos Indigestion Aad all Dlaaiata art slag Cram aa eafeebled coadtUoa of tbo ajritcm. It bat prOTca Itaclf to ba tha moat rallabla remedy known for Female Weakaeaa, and for disease pecnUar to the aez, Bend for our pamphlet of tcatlmonlali, aad read of those who baro beea peimaneatiy cored by Ita use, tVAak your Drogf lat for OR. PARDEE'S REMEDY aad taka do otbir. Price per bottle, or alt bottlaa for IBs I Uayfactntd by tha h, PARCH MEDICINK CO., l&.tfh, , Q)t)r, N. Y. nov. it 66 ly. tioratitnius iiuum mxMit Manure and BIU6H'SS2S PHOSPHATE At a rocotit mwltntt of lanf ater county (timers. IUU ItMUaiUtf Mlt!llltUV WfU lUaUO, Til I In axtwriiutntsimvl It Klr.Tuhn Itftnnttt. T .a weal and Dr. J 1L Gilbert, iu KngUnJ, a Ut vt gmund wtiero cotniaerciil Fertilizer tiuvs been umhI fur urfy uerum vi, tUti wheat crop tt good now Ai when tho eiperimenla Leinn. ami bun r i hat m cliaiUr j.lot thu reotuvt! tble uanura alone fur th a mo ptriud." 'ihainoBt relttbto ('nimnprclal fertlllxvrH r HAW IHINi: MANIJUI.S. RAUGH'S $25, PHOSPHATE i a Ittov Hone JVIniiiire. oonaeqasotl an actN jot crop itroduccr au4 Itunruivr w tU mo. I, THE OUItilNAIi uihtUrtn at j UilT B0 9 1 j SUKR-PHOSPHATE Uomhfned eiDaUitv BAUGH & SONS MANUFACTURERS AND ISirORTEHS, of our Worka, 7o.UNij &,r 'Dd,tuliPHILA0ELPHIA, PA. BAUGH'S PHOSPHATE 13 A COMPLETE ANIMAL BONE MANURE. ' riOAl)VERTI8Elts.-Loweiit lutes foradvertla. XIDZ In low good newspapers Bent tree. Ad. trt OEO. r, ROWBU. CO., lOBprut BU, N. Y. asWAaBsW aaaaLB s Jrleiim Tbcro lms benti onn Inalnnnn of ttin samo Bishop having officiated nt tho baptism, marriago and coronation of a Thomas Socker, Lord Archbishop of monarcn. in s wan i in nint. itnv. Uantcrbury, who baptized, matnod and orowncd Goorgo III. Proprietor II. H. Kinney, Wcldon House, Earlvllle, N. Y., was run down by overwork and threatened with Brighl's disease, followed by slono in tho ltldnoy and bladder, which pro duced inlcneo pain and spasm?. A council of physiclatiB did him no good. Ho passed fresh blood from tho urinary organs. Everything elso falling, ho was finally fully reetorod to health by Warner's afu cure, as hundreds of thousands of other ncuto sufferers havo been. Don't take Warner's word for It. Writo Mr. Kinney (enclosing stamp), and ak your friends and neigh bors about Warner's safo euro. Ex.Vico President William A. Wheeler is now livlmr nn Invnlid nt his homo in Malone, N. Y. Hu is said to bo but the mero wreck of his former self ; his eyes aro sunken and dull, and his complexion sickly. His relatives studiously keep him from either publio or social assemblages. Mrs. J. T. lliohey, 6G2 4th Avenue. Louisville, Ky., was a confirmed inva lid for eleven years, daily expecting death. Doctors pronounced her troublo to bo neuralgia, female complaints aud every other known disease. For months her left side was paralvzed. Could neither eat, sleep nor walk. Finally tho doctors gavo her up. Sho then began to uso Warner's safe cure, and November 18, 1885, sho wrote "I am aa well to-day as when a girl, and feel about twenty years younger. Warn er s sato euro has worked a miracle in my caso." Mrs. liichoy will cladly answer stamped inquiries. This is tho season thnt inspires a red-uosed man with confidence. lie can blamo tho warmth of color on tho weather, and those who dont know his habits will sometimes believe him. It is said ihiA a woman's heart can not bo judged by her words, and very often you havo to get extremely close to tell whether her coat is real seal skin or only an imitatiou. BENITO "ER Hlgtisit Awards of Medals la Europe M America, The neatest, quickest, safest and most powerful remedy known for Hheumatlsm. I'leurlsy, Neural- LTla. LUmbaiTO. H.lPknChP UVnlrnnM inlHa tnllin chest ana ail aches anil pains. Endorsed by 5,000 uj oiui.iais uuu aniHisiH ui me iiigccst repuic llenson's Wasters promptly relieve and cure wncro other plasters and ereasy salves, liniments and lotions, aro absolutely useless. Beware of Imitations under similar sounding names, such as "Capsicum," "Capucln," "Capslclne," as they aro utterly worthless and Intended to deceive Ask run JIBNSON'S AND TAKE NO OTnBKS. All ttTUffglBt8. PtAUUllV JOHNSON, l'roprletors, New York. RAILROAD XXXVZE TABLE. D ELA.YYAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBUltG DIVISION. NORTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. a.m. n.m. p.m. p.m. 9 00 12 30 8 54 12 26 S 48 12 22 8 40 12 15 a.m s 30 ....scranton.... 8 26 Bellevue.... 8 22 ...Taylorvllle... 8 16 .. Lackawanna.. 8 10 l'lttston..... 8 03 ..West l'lttston.1 7 53 ....Wyoming.... 7 54 . , ..Maltby 7 50 llennetl.. ., 7 47 ....Kingston .... 7 47 ....Kingston.... 7 42 Plymouth Juno 7 38.. ..Plymouth.. ,. 7 31 ....Avondale. . 7 30'....Nantlcoke... 7 23 llunlock's Creek 6 10 V 15 2 03 0 IS 9 SO 8 10 6 20 9 26 2 IS 6 27 9 84 2 23 6 34 9 41 2 30 8 33 12 03 8 27 12 03 8 22 11 63 8 II 11 54 8 12 11 50 8 03 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 03 11 42 7 69 11 38 7 54 11 34 7 60 11 30 7 43 11 23 7 30 11 12 7 18 11 00 7 11 10 51 7 05 10 47 6 68 10 41 0 40 9 47 2 36 0 45 9 62 2 41 6 49 9 50 2 44 0 63 10 Oil 2 47 6 58 10 05 2 60 6 68 10 05! 50 T (12 10 102 65 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 203 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 1032 3 27 7 I2'..shlckshlnny.. 7 37 10 413 89 7 00 . Hick's Ferry.. 7 50 li 11 3 62 6 51i..lleachllaven.. 7 57 ll 003 68 6 41 1 liemlck.... 8 Ol 11 134 05 6 41 .Briar Creek., 8 10 11 20 4 12 6 88 ..VTlllOW Grove.' 8 14 11 25 4 16 6 34 ...LlmelUdgO... 8 18 11 294 20 6 27 Espy J 8 25 11 30 4 27 6 21 1.. .llloomsburg... 8 80 11 444 34 6 16 .... Rupert I 8 36 11 60 4 40 6 11 Catawl'a llrldge 8 41 11 55 4 46 5 661. ..Danville.... 8 6S 12 135 04 5 49 ....Chulasky....! 9 05 12 2115 12 5 45l Cameron.... 9 08 12 25 6 17 5 32 Northumberland 9 25 12 40 5 85 a.m. I la.m. a.m. p.m 6 64 10 38 6 60 10 31 6 42 10 27 6 36 10 21 S 30 10 16 B 25 IU 11 6 08 9 66 6 00 9 49 5 55 9 45 5 40 H Hi p.m. am. W. F. HALSTEAD, fiupt. Superintendent'' office. Scranton, Feb.lBt.182 Pennsylvania Railroad. wn Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis-j ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml In effect Nov.l'KlJfcrralna leave Sun. bury, EASTWARD, 9.40 a. m., Eea frhore Express (dally except Sunday), tor Ilarrlsburg andlntermedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. : New York, .80p. m. ; Baltimore, 8.05 p. m. j Washington, i.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Ma Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.50 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),for Ilarrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving nt Philadelphia USO p. m. ; Now York, 9.35 p. m. j Baltimore 1.45 p. m. i Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally tor Ilarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. : New York 7.30 a. m. Haltlmore, 4.55 . m. ; Washington 6.05 a. m. s Sleeping car accommodations can be necured at ilarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York. On Sun lays a through sleeping car will be run; on this 'rain from Wllllamsp't to 1'hlladelphla.Phlladelphla lassengera can remain in sleeper undisturbed untl a. m. 7.50 a. m Erie Mall (dally except Slonday, fcr Ilarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, isir'vlng at Philadelphia 8.115 a. in. New York, 1.5 . in. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.80 wra. Through rullraan Bleeping cars are run on his train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, on, and through passenger coaches to Fhlladel. hla and Baltimore. WESTWAItD. 5.iua. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to. Irle nr J all intermediate stations and Canandal, uaard Intermediate stations, llocbester, Buffa- jauuituiiaiucuiia, wiiu luiuugu J'uuman t ai- ce cars and passenger coaches to Erie and lloch 1.53 News Exnress (dallv excent Kunrtflvx rnr Hnk Haven and intermediate stations. r'.M p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun. dfor Kane and Intennedlato stations and Can. anav iua and principal Intermediate stations. uuu li-i. iiuuuiu iuu AiuL'ura ruiiH Willi na ih passenger coaches to Kane and itochester ranur turiu n uuamsporu 4.S5 n. m. Fast Uno fdellv,excent HundAvifnr lin. ovo and Intermediate stations, and Elmfra, Wat. Ins and Intermediate stations, with through pas icnger coaches to lienovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor Itenovo and Interme late station- milOUUll TIUINS YOH SUNBUltY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m larrlsburg 7.40 arrlvlntr at Hunburv 9.20 a. to. with hrough Bleeping car from Philadelphia to Wll- lamapui t. News Express leaves rhlladelphla 4.S0 a. m. (airlsburg, 9.10 a. m. dally except Sunday vrrlvlng at Sunburr 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves 'hlladclphla, 7.40 a. m. j Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 12.51 p. in., Jrlth through Parlor car from Philadelphia uw luiuusu puaacutics vuuuuca iruiu S UUttUcl' ihla and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York 8.30 a. m. ; I'blladel Jhta.ll.ll a. m. : Washlneton. 9.40 a. m. Haiti, nore, iai5 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at iuuuujr, i. ui., tviiu suruuKU passengei ioaches from 1'hlladelnhta and Baltimore. Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 d. m. ! Phlladel. Ohio, 11.25 p. m. ; Washington, ld.oo p. in, ; Haiti nore, 11.20 p. in., (dally except.Saturday) arriving it Sunbury 5.10 a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping cars rrom rnuaneipuia, wasnington and Haltlmore and through passenger coaches Iron ruuaueiyuia. lU.NHUKV, IIA.l.KTIIN & WII.KKIIUHUli uaii.uiiaii Ann miiHTii anu vviiMT 1I1MNIIII IIAIl.W'AV. (Dally except buniiay.) Wllkesbarre Mail leaves Sunburv lo.Ms. tn. irrlvlng at Bloom Kerry 10.47 a. m., Wtlkes-barra 2.20 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 4.35 p. in., arriving itHlooml'erry6.28p.ra., Wllkes-barre At5 p. in Duuuur? aiuu leaves vfiiKesuurro iu.a a. in. arnv. ng at Bloom Kerry 18.05 p. m., Hunbury 12.47 p. m EipreBs West leaves Wllkes-barrel.45 p. m., ar Ivlng at Bloom Kerry 3.20 p. in., sunbury 4.l0p.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves sunbury u.iis a. m., arriving it Bloom Kerry 10.14 a. m.. Sllken-Barre 11:10 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:10 t :40 D. m. in., arnving at uioom terry, o.ll p. tn., sunbury, C1IA. E. PUUU, Oen.Manger, j. n. wonn. b, rasiemer Agent for Infants "Oaaiorla l to well adapted to children that t recommend It aa superior to any prescription mown to mo." 11. av ABcnxa, a. u.. I 111 So. Oxford 6t, Brooklyn, N, T. I Car A HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. -3 "Hk aaas a mssb av aa. a asa as saw as as al ass . Combining a Parlor, ouMVlioIeonle Prices THE LIJE3URC MANF'C CO., PERRINE'S PURE BAKLEY in 9Tn.i.Kn from nclected Uarley alt and guaranteed to bo chemically puro and freo from Injurious oils and scld8 often contained In alcoholic liquors. It Is especially adapted topcirous requtilnpa ntlmulntlng tonic, consumptives heme preatlv benenltcd by Us use, liecommended by leading physicians nan Diuretic. Nervine, ond Alterative. For consumptives It Is Invaluablo. l'HtHlNEs rUlIK 11A11I.KY ALT WHISKKV insures n return of vleorto tho stomach, a good appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and muscular tissue. A stimulant mild and gentle In effect, liyspepsla, Indigestion and all wasting dls. eaws eat be et tlrely conquered by the uso nr I'errlne's l'uro Ilr rley alt hiskey. It is a tonic nnd diuretic and a powerful Rtrengthener to tho entire system. PElt 11 INK'M'UIlE BAHLEY ALT WlilbKEi has proved n medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations in the open air nnd whose dally work calls It exceptional powers of endurance. Ask sour nearest drunglst or grocer for lor l'KHHINE'S I'UIIH 11A1ILE V ALT M1ISKI Y rcvUet) tho energies of thow3orn out with excessive bodily or mental effort nnd nets ns a safeguard against exposure In wet nnd rigorous weather. It will drlvo all malarious diseases fiom tlio system. IHS jiuru worhurs ui every vuchiiuii uiju iiuiami.', uum i. wunnui in,. rrnuprM prono U) Dyspepsia find In I'errlne's Pure Hurley aiswsagaa aias riaiiiiai Jlnlt Whiskey a powerful lnvlgorant and helper to digestion. rKlUUNlS'H I'UHE A li I Ki AIT lin without unduly stimulating tho kid. iifys Increases their llagglng activity, counteracts the effects of latlgue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesome nnd nromnt diuretic. Watch thelabel 1 None genuine unless bearing turo For sue dj oil druggists the United States and 1 grocers mrouguoui Conadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 FOU SALE BY DUUOQISTS ECONOMY THJB PKACTICAL CHJE8TIOW OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH (01 CAN BE BOUGHT CfflEAPIE THAI EVML A Large and CLOTHIHG, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAKGE AND SELECT LINE OP Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION RE GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE OF DAVID iflilBili ISlooiiibiirg:, Pa, DEALER IN Fazeiigm audi MammiiG WINES AND LIQUOHS AN0 JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG PA. lttafente & Co. VUolesale ami Hi tall dealers In I WAUi MAKERS' J fl --and S I BLACKSMITHS SUPPLES. Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL. Sloro and "Warehouses, No. 12G & 128 Franklin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'a Avenuo & 210, 212 & 211 Cen ter Street, aCRANTON, PA. in tlie Ftato. llundifds of Rrdut w-ujijiut; guou bltuaiiona. A magnlllcent buliainir ot lis own. aeimimoderaie. Addrets lor ttl to eicctl cm and Children. Caatori cures Oolls, Constipation, Boiir Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kllla Worms, gives Bleep, and promote. dU i Without lajarioua medication. Tm Camiua Cohtamt, 183 Fulton Street, H. Y. nov.l9-S0-ly. LUBURG CHA R liibrmry. Bnioklnff, Itrdlntntr or Inmli.i Price $7.00 wtXp I lS3i,.7iffi jj; umLUKEnrs carriages All ftimlflhcd with tho Automatic Coach Iti-nlr. nn.i Scndstamp forCataloguo tunl mention enni? 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October 22.86 syra. MALT WHISKEY. Tho annlvslsaR It utinears bv the l.a bel on even' bottle: 1 have carefully an ulyacd tho rata Hakmit Malt Wiiis kkt mado by ii. & J. K l'errlne nnd nnd it entirely freo rrom nisei oil, f urfurol, .metals and acids nnd Is nbeolutel) iiurr." aiynru, vamuta Annvr jaier, tho slgna- lGYtimz mid Welsbaaen NORTH WATER ST., PHILA AND ALL DEALEHS. 11 9 ly. TIE Varied Stock of SEASON 1 F, M, ALLEN, Prest,