The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 17, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
Q. E. Elwoll, X -..!,
J. K. BlttanliandM.,;
During tlio Kwion of tlie Legisla
ture of 1885 a bill was Ititrotiticotl by
Solicitor Hnrlriti of Clu-ster County re
quiring Physiology and Hygiene to be
taught in all public schools of this
state. The bill iased tho senato with
out a dissenting vote, nfter which it
wis hp til to tho nouo for concurrence
and passed that body with but little
ooition. It received the Governor's
approval and is how one of the statutes
of the state. Similar laws have been
passed in nearly all tho leading States
ot ino union, so mat we are not ho
hind in introducing this important
study in our public echools. It has
met but very Jittle opposition, only
thoso who do uot properly understand
the law ana ihu sutnect to bo taught,
oppose it. Ilygicuo may bo defined to
ho "a system, ot princloies or rules de
signed lorthe piomotion of health," and
Physiology, "the sc'ienco of life.'' The
study ot tho structure of tho human
system, and tho lawn of tho different
organs aio subjects of interest to all,
Every child should learn the laws of
health, and tho conditions upon which
health and disease depend, as UiU
knuwledgo may bo practiced in after
lite. Uisrases do not como by chance.
They aro penalties for violating physi
oainiwB. now can we expect our
children to obey theeo laws unlets they
slimy and understand them, l'reetous
lives aro frequently lost through ignor
ance. Thous inds squander in early
yiars the strength a Inch should have
been kept tor tho work of real life,
Habits are often formed in youth which
entail weakness and poverty upon man
hood and are, a cause of life-long regtet
The preservaiion ot health is easier
than tho onro of disease. Childhood
cannot afford to wait for tho lesson of
experience which is learned only when
tho penalty ot violated law has been
already incurred, and health lost. The
body is the instrument which the mind
uses and every child should learn no
to take oare of it. Tho gratidest gifts
of miud or fortune are comparatively
valueless unless uktj bo a healthy body
to use and enjoy thorn. A proper
knowledge of Physiology and Hygieno
would greatly lessen the number ot dis
eases and a h.ri;o proportion of the ills
which now aluict and rob us of so
much time and pleasure might bo easily
a avoided. Qjir bodies are constituted in
harmony with certain laws, and every
person should learn these in order to
regulate his actions and tho perform
anoo ot ins duties, so mat, health may
be unimpaired and the power ot en
joyment, activity, and usefulness con
tinue while life lasts. Tho great aim
of this study is the preservation of
health. A celebrated philosopher once
said that "it is somewhat uuaccount
able and not a little inconsistent that
while wo direct the young to look
abroad over the surface of the earth
and survey its mountains, rivers, seas
and continents, aud guide their views
to the regions of tho firmament, whore
thev may contemplate the moons ot
Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and thou
sands of luminaries placed at immeas
uraDie distances, that wo should never
teach them to look into themselves, to
consider their own corporeal structure
the numerous parts ot which they aro
cumpos d, the admirable functions they
penurm, me wisuora anu goodness dis
played in their mechanism and tho les
sons of practical instruction which maj
oe uerivea irom such contemplation.'
i no superintendent ot Jublio In
struction in his annual report of 1685
makes the followinir statement:
'In regard to the recent law requir
ing physiology and hygiene to be
taught as part of the ntcessary curri
culuin of our publio schooN, a word
hero may not bo out of place. Of
course where children cannot read in
telligently or with easo, it would be
monstrous perversion of ordinary com
mon sense to expect thern to ue a text
book J. heir interaction must bo oral
and such instruction must and ought
to be given, properly adapted to the
age ami uiur.umeui ot tho pupil. 1
niguer grouts, text oooks in lull con
jormiiy wun tne meaning and pur
pose or we law should be used : nir
thus all pupils, whether of low or hiel:
grades, will receive instruction. It is
needless to anticipalo difficulties. Chil
dren, it is true, may spend a long ser
ies ot ears in the publio schools, an
tho question may in time arise whether
those who have already studied the
subject with sufficient fullness must bo
made to go over and over again th
same study, in the same form from
year to year. The law requires no
sucn loonsii procedure, it requires
mat cacn aua every child in our pub
lic schools Bliull have the benefit of in
etruction in the branches referred to,
and this under proper regulations
according to the aco and crado
of tho pup'l and in a manner
which shall exclude all useless repeti
tion of the same elements of instruction.
Only enmity to tho law can warrant
such an interpretation as will defeat
its own purpose, which plainly is that
all our I'h'ildren shall gain as much
knowledgo of physiology and hygiene
as our oo ni mo n schools, with their lim
ited sphero, can give, accompanied at
oaoh step with a proper practical ap
plication of this knowledge in reference
especially to the effects of alcohol ami
narcotics on the human system. Such
knowledgo is in itself of vast account
and such special application of it in
way of warning, properly belongs to
the moral discipline which should
characterize all teaching, whether re
quired by definito statute or not. The
law-abiding habits ol teachers and di
rectors give abundant assurance that
this law will bo fully oboyed. Of this
wo have no doubt,"
Ah Ou) TiiAciiEii.
Sinco the furnaces wero removed
from here many yeais ago, Lightstrcet
lias been charactf rized by its quiet
bearing. This quietness is now to bo
disturbed by a factory or mill of somo
diciipMon which is to furnish employ
moot to our idlo hands. Wo have
slept a sort of Rip Van Winklo nap
and aro now for tho firt time, awakt
to the changes that havo been going
on within and around us, and havo for
onro becomo aroused to tho duties
which them mutations havo imposed
upon us. There was a timo when the
farmers in tho vicinity kept all at work
but ll't day was before tho appear
at:ce of the improved farm mui-liiner)
ii. -iv in use. If wo do not ixsttr cur
se! ub with a lailio&d we will full with
deeper lethargy than boforo and tho
world will forget that the pretty village
of lilghtstrrct had an cxtstonco in ro-
niity and liko tho lamons Bovcn wo
may awako centuries hence, strangers
to all persons, to all customs and pro-
f;rcss and liko them dio ot bnken
learls. Tho citizens of town met in
tho sohool houso otio day last week to
Discuss tho possibility ot inducing some
pet sou to looato a factory of souio kind
among us. Tho subjeot was discussed
ut great length, aud all expressed their
willingness to share in any expense
that might bo necessary, so far as they
wero able. It was resolved, "That wo
give a site and otherwise aid any do
sirablo industry that will looato in this
town." Tho following persons were
then appointed a noinmittco to corres
pond with parties mid advertise this
esolutlon : 1 ration Heck, Uhairtnan ;
A. B. White, J. II, Kelm, Alf. Irvin
and J S. Grimes. Tho committee
havo had a meclltig and have adopted
plans. Wo hope soon to hear that
they havo done something.
A debating socloty has been organ
ized by tho young men of town. They
meet every Friday evening and de
flate theso memorable quoitious, in the
lisoussion of whioh, when vou'ig, we
all achieved famo by showing our sur
prised and transfixed auditors how wo
"could distinguish and divide a hair
twixt south ami southwest side." None
of theso questions used to bring forth
moro earnest appeals to the judges, anc
finer discriminations than, "Which has
caused tho moro misery, war or intem
perance T and "Which is tho more do-
tructlve liro or water 7" These ques
tions promise 10 furnish to uuborn gen
erations means of controvcrsary in do-
bating societies.
Tho M E. Sunday School will havo
a Christt .'is tree and an exhibition on
Christmas night.
Tho railroad is all graded near town
'xceut at the Lime stono cut and ot
Hoffman's dam. A number of the
workmen have left. N.
tn buy winter suits and overcoats nt D.
The celebrated Christmas Cantata, "Santo
Claus' Mistake," will be rendered In the
Union Chinch of Orangcvillo on Chrlsmas
eve, Dec, 24. All aro Invited.
dents' Toilet Sets, Ladles' Toilet Sets,
Manicures, Cents' Shaving Sets, Ladles'
Work Boxes, Smokers Sets at George A.
Clark's Look store.
The Lutheran Sunday fachool of this
place will give a cantata on Friday evening
of next week entitled "Santa Claus' Home."
The cantata Is one of the latest published
by Blglow &MaIn of New York city.
Special barcalns in silver and silver
plated ware, warranted to give entire satis
faction. Goods engraved free of charge at
0. E. Savage's, lsl door below tho Court
House. d 10 3t.
A passenger car will be attached to the
freight train going south due Bloomsburg
10 p. m., for tho accomodation of tho peo-
pie living south of Bloomsburg who wish
to attend the Col. Co. Institute course of
Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums,
etc., at Clark's book store.
Lloyd Creasy of Cotawissa shot a wild
turkey in a corn field on his farm about
ono mile 'rom Catawlssa, early Monday
morning. A flock f seven turkeys, wero
seen near the place, and Mr. Creasy was
on the lookout for them. Tho turkey
weighed fifteen pounds. It was given to
his father-in-law Ex-treasurer II. A.
Sch weppenhciser.
Tho real estate of J. H. Maize Eq. ad
vertlsed at public sale by him on last Sat
urday, was not sold, owing to the fact that
the prices offered wero not anywhero neir
the vnluo of tho properties. Any one de
siring to purchaso at private sale should
consult Mr Maize. His properties can be
bought very cheap, but he dons not propose
to give them away.
The Latest Style in Neckwear
can now be bought at D. Lowenberg's
J. It. f "huylcr & Co. Invite the attention
of buyers of holiday and wedding presents
to the largest stock of Rodger's fine silver
plated wure eyer brought lo Bloomsburg,
Carver's table cutlery, nut picks, fruit
knives, with cocoa, bone, ruober, celluloid,
walrus, ivory and peatl handles in hand
some cases or without. Our plated ware
is not chehp but selected with care and the
best wo can buy. Visitors aro welcome
and an Inspection Is no obligation to pur
chase. A fine assortment of new anil popular
0 iimt-s at Clark's book store.
Judge Bice lias mode a very favorable
Impression by his affable manner, his ready
decisions, and his able charges. Having
filled a professorship at I ho Normal school
about twenty years ago, he finds many old
friend" here, and has made many new ones.
He entered his namo ns a law student in
Col Freezn's office in 1808, hut subsequent.
ly went to Wl'Uesbaire where ho compleU
cd bis studies and wns admitted. He Is
ono of the youngest common pleas Judges
of tho state, but he hns already acquired
wide reputation as an able jurist.
CbristmaB presents Gold spectacles,
gold eye. glasses and gold thimbles of
superior quality at reduced prices at C. E.
Savane's. d 10 3t.
List of letters remaining In tho Tost Of.
flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Dec,
14, 1880s
A. J. Creasi', Miss Kmraa Dyer, OwcnO,
Fcttermau (8), Mr. J. G. Giiton, Ahram
Gnulder & Son.Miss Clara KicferS.Edward
jiericie, rranK ucnwariz, v. y. l'ursell
Mr. Llah Walker.
o A1109,
John Y. Allcgar, D. It. i Co.
Itev. bam'l Shannon, W. Weiss.
Persons calling for theso letters will
ploase say "advertised."
GgoBott A. Claiik, P, M,
Beforo buying your Christmas presents.
don't fall to examine tho pretty things at
Clark's book store.
Tho State- Normal Bchool at Bloomsburg
will begin tho Winter Term on Tuesday
Jan. 4, 1687. Full professional staudlog Is
conferred by tho diploma upon tuose who
becomo teachers. Moro than a dozen
students now in tho leading colleges of tho
country wero prcpaicd In this school
Those uot wanting to go lo college nor to
become teachers find the Academic course
suited to them. The work of tho school j
receives strong endorsement from compe-'
tent judges who have examined tho pupils
In the east ntn' In tho west. Tho facilities
for dolnj good work are now better than
ever Scud for a catalogue. He.
duced rutes are given on the L. V., D. L.
& W., a. d P. & It. It. Ks to students hav. !
Ing cards from Hev. D. J. Waller, Jr., j
FIne6t icentry going West by I'enuu. It.
It. Tickets ut Moytr Bros, I
A bciiuttfut glass slipper presented with
every pair of shoes sold nt Dcntlcr's during
this month.
Illustrated 01ft Books, Toy Hooks, In
aliuniUnco, at Clatk's hook store.
James M. Fritz Esq. passed an entirely
satlsfnctory examination for admission to
tho bar last Friday ovcnlnjr, and was sworn
In as an attorney on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Fritz 1 a graduate of Latayctto college,
nml read law In tho ofllco of (J. 0. Durkloy
Esq, Ho has a promising future before
him. .
Work Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief
Boxes, Music Holts, etc., at Clark's book
Various rumors have, been put In circu
lation concerning Judgo Elwcll's health.
Ho was unable to hold court because his
hearing was affected by catarrh In tho
head, tho result of a cold. Ho was la his
ofllco In tho court liouto most .of last week,
and caught sonic additional cold, which
kept him at homo this week. His physician
nssurtslilm that his ailments aro only
24 hanging lamps Jin illffcrent Jstjlcs at
Morcer's drug and hook store, l'rlcts
from 8.00 to 0.00.
Christmas Tarda at Clark's hook store.
W. E. Deltterlch of Espy, met with an
accident on Thursday of last week, which
fortunately did not prove very serious.
He was driving from Espy to 131omsburg
company with Wm. Abbot, and when
near Harmau & Hasscrt's machine shop, ho
suddenly tit' ned his horso down East street,
and as ho crossed tho gutter, one of tho
wheels was completely wrecked, throwing
both persons out the wngon. Mr. Deltter
lch clung to the lines to stop the horse, and
was dragged along over the Ice quite a dis
tance until ho camo to a small pllo of coal
ashes when he was thrown down and the
horse tearing away from him ran to tho
end ot tho street and thwn plunged Into the
lco on the caual. Tho two oicupants of
tho wagon hastened nflur the horse and
with difficulty succueded lo getting him
out bf tho water and lco. Mr. Duitterich
escaped with only a few bruises on the
An endless variety of Christmas cards nt
Mercer's drug and book store.
llnmnlotn sets of Dickens. Eliot. Scott.
Lord Lytton, Irving, Thuckeruy, Black
at Clark's book store.
IiiHtltutc Instructor.
Bcv. Thco, 8. Cuyler of Brooklyn said
July 27 1880 s
I am happy to learn that you are, intend
ing to give to a wider public next winter
your Instructive and delightful lecture on
Siberia, and your racy adventuro among
the Arctic snows- It is ono of the most
capital treats I have ever enjoyed from
the lecture platform Tho many who have
read your volume "Tent Llfo in Siberia,"
will be eager to listen to its nuthor, and
the many men who havo not read it will
have a now chapter of llfo unloldcd to
them. May you and your bear skin cos
tume be greeted by thousands of delighted
auditors. St.
Manayunk Chronicle, Pa., says of Col.
Conwell : A perfect master of the orator's
art j brilliant, incisive, overpowering, elo
quent words are so linked with vivid ges
ture, that he seems tho born throll of tho
reigning, emotions and wit never so keen,
humor never so refined, yet broad and gen-
ial, pathos never o genulno and deep,
make everything ho touches part of a grand
procession wherein axiomatic Ihrough and
pertinent anecdote not only point to Hea
ven, but leud the way. Almost every sen
tence is an Inspiration, and in closing his
Jules Vernc-ish grasp on the trend of
scientific achievement, seems to scud an
electric illumination to the very vergo of
the mlllcnium. .
As an author and orator, Col. Conwel
won high honors. iV, 1'. 'Tribune. 2t
Dr. Buckley's lecture on "Cranks, or
how not to go mad" is a good lecture, but
not a humorous one. The latter part of its
title gives a clue to Its general drift. It is
rially an exhaustive discussion ot the sub
ject of insanlty,treatlng upon all its phases
and freaks; how to handle and help Its
victims s how to ward it off when there
seems to bo an hereditary tendency to It
and how to live so as not so mad. The
lecture is an able and very interesting dis
cussion ot tho whole subject, occasionally
witty, but not humorous, and tho person
who goes with tho expectation of laughing
or who cannot rise above tint plane In the
scale of entertainment will bo greatly dls
appointed. The Dr. speaks rattier pleas
antly, with force and precision, but with
no effect at oratorical display.
2t. I'bof. S. V. Foosk, Harrlsburg.
Miss Boss comes very highly rccom.
mended by tho State Superin'etidcnt of
Pa., Ohio, Florida, Alabahia, and Dr. K.
E. White, cx.Stato Supt. of Ohio, Dr.
Northrop ex-State Supt. of Conn., Hon.
Henry lloucb, Col. Bain, Col. Conwell,
Dr. Benks, Dr. Waller, and ever so many
other eminent educators,
.Prof. Neff is considered by educstors of
acknowledged ability as ono of the very
best teachers of reading. Ho was for
a number of years one of tho professors in
Shoemaker's National School of Oratory,
SoiuctlitiiK Mew.
Japanese goods at A. S. Truckenmillcr's,
Catawlssa. Beautiful curios In china and
oriental wares, teto o-tcto sots, pot-a.pourl
jars, tea pots, oat meal sets, rare vases and
elegant dishes for various uses. Also
handsome decorative goods.foldlng screens,
scrolls, mats, fans, parasols, bamboo wall
pockets, baskets, lacquered trnys and toilet
boxes &c. They ure all imported goods
and mako rare and beautiful Christmas
presents or souvenirs for any occasion,
It U an estalliahed act that Hood's Sir
saparllla has proven an lnvaluatlo remedy
hi many severe cases ot rheumatism, effect
ing remarkable cuves by Us powerful action
hi correcting the acidity ot the blood, which
Is tho cause ot the dlseiso, and purUjlag
and enriching tho vital fluid.
It U certainly fair to asrume that what
Hood's Barsaparllla has dono for others It
will do tor you. Therefore, If you suffer
tho pains and aches ot theuiuatlsiii, glvo
thlj potent remedy a fair trial.
A Positive Cure.
" I was troubled very much with rheuma.
tlsm la my hips, ankles, and wrists. I
could hardly walk, and was confined to my
bed a good deal ot tho time. Being rec
ommended to try Hood's Sarsapartlls, I
took four bottles and am perfectly well.
I-cbeertully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla
as one ot the best blood purifiers in tho
world." V, I', Wood, liloomlngton, 111,
For Twenty Years
i havo been afflicted with rheumatism. Beforo
jt3 1 found no relief, but grow worso. 1 then
regan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It did
me moro good than all the other medicine I
ever had." H, T. Ualcom, Shirley, Mass.
"I tuHercd from what the doctors collet,
muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Bat
saparllla and am entirely cured." J, V. At
raouDFooT, letter carrier, Chicago, III,
Wo shall bo glad to send, free of chaigo
to all who may deslro, a book containing many
additional statements ot cures by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists, tl six for $5. Made
oaly by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., LowCA, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Crumb Trays, Scissors Bets, Ornamental
Vases at Clark's book store.
Tcticlicr'H Institute.
Tho teacher's lnstltuto which convenes
In tho Opera Houso this placo next week,
commencing Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
promises to ho tho best In tho history of
our county. Every teacher should bo pres
ent. Tho following Is a list of Instructors
to be present t Dr. E. E. Hlgbco, Btato
Superintendent i Miss Matilda Itoss, Chi
cago) Prof-Neil, Philadelphia Miss Belle
McClintock, Moadvlllo, Pa) Dr. D. J.
Waller, Prof. Wm. Noctllng, Prof. D. A.
Becklcy, Miss E. B. Gulo, Miss Hannah
Brccco of Bloomsburg, Prof. 11. U. Clark,
of Berwick) Prof. J. F. Uarklns, Orange-
vlllo) Prol. W. F. Heffncr. Ccntralla) Prof.
F. Beam, Eativlllot Prof. C. J. Fisher,
Supt. Grimes has given special attention
to tho evening entertainments and has pro
pared a fino program as follows t
Monday Evenings Solo, Miss Bcllo Mc
Clintock Music, Bloomsburg Chornl So-
clety) Lecture, "Among tho Masses," Col.
Geo. W. Balu.
Tuesday Evknino Solo, Miss Bollo Mc
Clintock ) Music, Bloomsburg Choral So
ciety j Lecture, "Cranks," Dr. J. M. Buck
Wednesday Evknino. Itccltatlon, Miss
E. B. ante; Music, Bloomsburg Choral So-
clety j Lecture, "Acres of Diamonds" Col.
H. 11. Conwcll.
TnuitsDAt Evening; Music, Bloomsburg
Choral Society j Lecture. "Dog SlcdgeJ
Travel In Kanischatkaand Siberia," Gwrtgo
If you want a present of anyvfloscrlption
go to Mercer's drug nnd bookstore,
A Common Cold
Is olten tho beginning of serious affec
tions ot tho Throat, Bronchial Tubes,
and Lungs. Therefore, tho importance
of early and cfTectlvo treatment cannot
bo overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Tec
toral may always bo relied upon for tho
speedy euro of a Cold or Cough,
Last January I was attacked with a
severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre
quent exposures, became worso, finally
settling on my lungs. A terrible cough
soon followed, accompanied by pains in
tho chest, from which I suffered intense
ly. After trying various remedies, with
out obtaining relief, I commenced taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was
Speedily Cured.
I am satlfled that this rcmody saved my
Hie. J o. Webster, Pawtucket, R. I.
I contracted a serere cold, which
suddenly doveloped Into Pneumonia,
presenting dangerousl and obstinate
symptoms. My physltlan ordered tho
use of Ayer's Cherry rtictoral. His in
structions were followedand tho result
was a rapid and permanent euro.
H. E. Stluipson, Itogers rralfiotTex.
Two vears ago I suffered from a sSVero,.
Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con
sulted various physicians, aud took the
medicines they proscribed, but received
only temporary relief. A friend Induced
ine to try Ayer's Cherry Tectoral. Alter
taking two bottles of this medicine I waa
cured. Sinco then I hare given the Poc
toral to my children, and consider it
The Best Remedy
for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and
Lung diseases, ever used In my family.
Robert VanUerpool, Meadvllle, Pa.
Somo time ago I took a slight Cold,
which, being neglected, grew worse, and
Bottled on my Lungs. I had a hacking
cough, and was very weak. Thoso who
knew mo best considered my llfo to be
in great danger. I continued to suffer
until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this
valuablo medicine cured me, and I
feel that I owe tho preservation of my
life to itfi curative powers. Mrs. Ann
Lockwood, Akron, New York.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered,
here, tho one great remedy for all diseases
of the throat and lungs, and is mora
in demand than any other medicine of its
class. J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, ltu.
Bold iy all Drugglits. Price $1 ; six boitlea, (5.
I ill j 8 l M XTMIllNID IIA N
Ercrr Ingredient l from Vegetable
product, that itrowln sut or ererj enirerer,
IT baa no Morphine, Opium or injuroofl Drugfl.
, Everv aose
v noes right to
"j. the mat.
If. in Bpnuii)
V Slimmer,
colds settlo In
tho Mucous
Nose, Throat, Bronchal Tubes. Air-cells
nnd Lung Tissues, causing Cough.
"What DlMBiei Invade tuoliiinss?
Scrofula, Catarrh-poisons, Jllcro-orgun-isms.
Humors, and Illood Impurities.
What aro tho Primary Cannes ?.
Cold, chronio Cmir-li. Ilroncnttla. Conges
tion, Inflammation, Catarrh or Hay-Kcvcr, I
'Asthma. Pneumonia, Malaria, Measles,"
w noopins uougu nnu (.touji.
It 'will stop that Coughing, Tickling In I
Throat, Dry-liacklngnnd Catarrh-dropping.
im your .jxiioi'ioraiioH or npuiu
Ji (.untfer) I'cHoirfih canfcer-IOte I
Phlegm Tuherhular Jfuco-purulfnt rl
It prevents Decline, Nlght-Sweuts, Hcc-I
tlc-Fovcr, and Death from Consumption. I
tl 25C. 500, 81.00 0 UOttlUS S5.O0.
H rreparwt at Dr. Kilmer! IMflnenMry. TUnErhamton, I
Orphans' Court Sale
Mvnl HE state
ny virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ot
Columbia county, the undersigned, cxecutorotthe
last will and testament ot Elizabeth Kline, lute cf
Greenwood township, deceased, will expose to
publio sale on the premises on
at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described valu
able real estate, situated In said township, bound
ed by lands of John GUlaspy. Sylvester Albcrtson,
John Moore, John Stale and I'hlUp Itecco's heirs,
more or less, on which aro erected a good one and
a halt story
a good bank ham, wogon Bhcd and other outbulia
lngs. Thero is ubout W acres of timber land with
tri m to.too to feet of Hemlock and lino
timber, the balance U In good state of cultivation.
There Is ou tho premises an
ot good fruit and a good spring ot water running
noar the house,
TKItsis OP HALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of tho purchase money to ho paid at the Btrutlng
down ot tho property, the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute and the
remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nisi.
Dec. 17, A, It 1'ATTKltSON, Executor.
"Notice ts hereby given that the stockholders of
the llshlngcreek Mutual lire Insurance company
will meet at their office In Stillwater, Columbia
county, 1'a., on Mon lay, Jan. a issr, at a o'clock
1. in. br the purposo ot electing officers and a
loard of dheclors to serve tor the ensuing year,
M, W. McllKNUY, becretary,
dec 17, Sw,
Hut small percentage ot fees la ad
vance, balauce when patent Is ob
tained. Bend for circular giving full
Information, and containing list of
M. J, CLAUUTT, WOSUlngtnn, U. C
I'uctno UuUding.
vwHi-i'i'Hi A.-lii Nature. Causes, l'reven.
I Jtton and Cure. Uy Johu 11. MoAlvln, Lowell
ass., u veara tax collector, bent free to any ad
dress. dsciO iwd
Fautless Family Medicine.
"I havo used Simmons Liver lteguls
lator for many jours, hating made It
mjr only Family Mediclno. Mr mother
bet re mo was very partial to It. It is
a sare, good and rclfablo medlclno for
any disorder of the system, and If used
In ttmo Is a great prercntuUvo ot sick
ness. I often recommend tl to my
friends, and slialt contlouo to do so.
"Pastor Jl. B. Church, So. Falrneld, Va."
by always keeping Simmons Llrcr ltegulator In
tho houso.
"1 have found Simmons t Iver ltegu
lator the boat family medlclno 1 ever
lined for anything that may happen,
have used it Ir, Indigestion, colic, lflar
rhoea, Utllousness, and found tt to ro
llovo Immediately. After eating ;a
hearty supper, If, on going to bed, I
take about a teaspoontul, I never feel
tho effects ot the supper eaten.
Ex-Mayor Macon, da."
J. H. Zeilin & Co.
nticE, ti.oo
Jlstatr of EUtabethKltne decraseil. Qreemcoul Urn.
Ml persons Indebted to said cslotn are hcrpnv i
ua uiuuicu iu niu unuenuffiieu nracuL
tined to pay tho same, and those having claims
(iMiUlUat, BUUlL'BlUtU JirfBfUb 1110 SEmC 10
AAI10N It. PATTKItSON, Exkcctoh,
dee IT"
V ..vol. , L'piUCUWJK. KIHIIIU. 131U1L1I, JIUU111.U
and Mary l'etriken. Hcnora. r
ucviiiei ui iviisiungioQviue, Momour county, ia ,
You nnd each ot you nro hereby notified that a
wuuon was presented in tuo orpnan'a court oi uo
umbln county, on Monday, December o, isso, by
Ollla Culp. asking for a writ ot partition on tho
following described real estato situate In Urlar
ereck township, said county, rounded on tho
HUH" UJ UaillUl 1 URrt'l, UU IHU BUUlll
b landr
Ot 1
Illckn formerly William Vrfiis. on tho
weai. uy laua oi hicks, Damn I'lirseu anu i;. i,
Adam's, on tho cast by public road and 1 ind of
- containing ten ncn s, moro or less,
on which Is erected a two-story frame house, sta
ble and out-Dullrilmra. Wherpunnn llio hiM court
ordered that notice be given nil parties residing
out of the county by publication for four succcav
Ive weeks, and that said lniiuest be awarded as
prajea ror in me neiuion. xou are mercioro w
iineu miu an irjuuest win no Held on Bald nrcmi.
m. tor mo purposo or making partition among tuo
heirs of sold Intestate, or If It cannot bo divided
without lojury to or spoiling tho whole, then to
valu-and appraise tbo same according to law, at
v. uicu iimu ) ou cau nttuna u yuu imnit proper.
dec 17-4W.
nutate of S tl". HcIIenrv. lAld of Jackson Tim
Lcttere or administration on said estate, nartnir
uvra gnimca to too unuersignea oumrs., rji per
&on Indebted to said estate, ure here horcbr'notl.
fled to pay tho s-une, and those having-claims
against saiu estate to present tne same to
Z. A. BUTT. -if Adm'rs.
..-" WaIXIB, P. O.
'state of Emma Jf. Lraier,late of Centre'. Titp.
Letters of administration on tho said estate
navmg been granted to the undersigned mini-..
all persons Indebted to satd istate are hereby no
tified to pay tho same, end those havinr cla!
it ns
agaln't said estate present tne same to
novia ot" A. D. BRADElt, Adm'r,
Estate of Maggie D. Lord, Btoomstmrg, Pa,
been granted to the undersigned administrator
all persons Indebted to said estito aro hereby no.
titled to pay tho same, and those having claims
against said estate to present the same to
M. C. WOODWARD, Administrator.
dec 17.
if-An Act of the Legislature and aonroved June 2,
1681, (see Pamphlet Laws, page 45.) requiring Tax
collectors, township and borough officers, to make
return ot teatedand unseated lands upon which
no prouerty can bo found, from which to make
taxes to the county Commissioners, on or before
tho first day of January next,
wun a sumcient
description, by boundrles or otherwise, ot each
separate lot or tract and about the quantity of tho
same, -t noso wuo lau to in&Ku returns uy saiu u.ty
win no neirj ror sucn loss. Taxes so returned De
cerns a lien against the Dronertv so returned. We
have blanks on which these returns are to be made
and will furnish them upon application of collect-
on Ac.
JUUi is.
uioomspurg, uec 10, isss.
Com'rs clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that an application will
ne maao to me uovemor oi me Mate oi rennsyi
vanla on Monday, the 27th day ot December, lsu-o,
under Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth o
l'ennsvlvanla. entitled. "An Act to nrovlde for tho
Incorporation and regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April s W4. ana ine suppie.
ments thereto for the charter ot an Intended cor.
noratlon to bo called "The Orarcevlllo ShoeMan-
utacturlng company," the character and object of
wm u is tuo manuiactunng anu selling ui uuuts,
shoes or both., or or anv other article ot can-
mere made from leather, and for these purposes
to have, possos and enjoy, all the rlnhts, beneftts
and pilvlleges ot tho sold Act ot Assembly and Its
The names of the subscribers to the certificate
ot incorporation are Chas. K. Cantleld, Alfred
liouiz, li. J. uonncr, a. ai, iiewut ana u. n. nee.
eustiae. v. u. juii.i.L.11,
Decs. Solicitor.
Administrator's Sale
Real Instate I
The undersigned, administrator, with the will
annexed, ot the estate ot John Springer, late ot
the township of Hemlock, tn the county of Colum
bia and stnto ot Pennsylvania, deceased, will ex
pose to public sale, by virtue ot power In tho will
of the said deceased, on
Thursday, Dec. 30, 1886,
at 1 o'clock In tbo afternoon, upon I ho premises,
the following described tract ot land ot the estate
of tho said decedent testator, namely: That cer
tain tract ot land, situate In the aforesaid town.
ship ot Hemlock, bounded by lands of Eltsha
Brugler, Frederick Miller, Egbert Thomson, estato
ot Levi Wright, deceased, and Thomas and Albci
Uortman, containing
measure, be the same moro or less. Nearly all
ot the said land Is cleared a small portion beln
on which Is erected a one and ono-halt story frama
a frame bank barn with straw shed attached,
wagon shed and other outbuildings. The placo Is
supplied with water by good springs. An
oa the premises and other fruit tiecs. This prop
erty Is situated about six miles from Bloomsburt
and about BOven miles from Danvlle, and thus I
convenient to market.
Iteasonablo terms and conditions will bo made
known at sale. PET EH a. BliUOLElt,
Deo 10. Admr., c t. a.
Reporteabv (7. S. ralmer, WluilesaU Commission
Merchant, m Keaie at., X. V.
NiiW 10RE. uec 19, isso.
All poultry Intended for Christmas should bi
hero not later tnan the Sid, aud same will apply
to shipment i ot game, fruits, etc Tho market
continues drin on fr-shtfatueredeggs and all such
aelUng from 37 to S3 eta., with fancy white leghorn i
ats.1 and limed IS cts. Largo shipments are ex.
fiected from tho West, but fancy, largo turkeys
rom near-by are always preferred and wilt brink'
?ood prices. At present turkeys are Bellini;
rom It to 13 cu. Chickens 10 to 12 eta Kowlt
7 to Do. Pucks li to lie. (loose 10 to 11c Choice,
game In good demand and belling quail at f J.OO
per dozen. Partridge 75 to UO cts. per pair, ltabblts
30 to 40c per pair. Fancy grades ot creamery
butter In light supply are belling from 25 to SO cts.
choice fresh Havered, tubs and palls, i!5 to 28 eta.,
good 23 to 24 cts., Inferior griul-s is to is. Cheese,
fancy, 12 to 13 rts., medium grades 10 to He Tho
market on apples continues firm and selling Klnga
and Upltz,,froni M.W to 14.00 per bbl. Choice
aroenlngs W. and other winter varltles ti.eo to
S3 00 per bbl. Lady apples 13.00 to t.voo for half
bl Cranberries in good demand and choice dark
berries scarce and worth from ta.iO lo 10.00 ner
bbl., medium grades f (, to tn 00 : boxes 13 ft1 to
Kliu orange, lancy, i j hi per uox ; rui
Illckiry nuts selling from liso to
russets t.'.so.
;er uusn.
firmer : selling from $1.00 to V60 per ND heads.
Celery I1.H3 to $i,so ner dozen. Choice white
onions tx o to 13.60 per bbl , red and yellow tJ.
Ituaslan turnips tl.tu per bbL Potatoes firm, and
selling choice rose, burkank and hebron at f 1.15
per bbL I'eerless 1 1.50, uweet potatoes it no. The
Further advance In the nrlces of evanoratcd
wmte kidney iuu: reu ii.ts. aieuium
anples and selling fancy stock trom is to in cts.
Bun-d-led 4 to Do ; chopped apples 4 cts. Kvap.
peaehes, peeled, so to m cts., unpeeled li to it cts,
sun-dried 4 to 10 cts. Honey continues dull and
ranging In price from I to 13 cts. Ueeswax 81 to W
cts. llay selling all the way from 81 to no eta per
owt. live straw oo lo T0C. Vew furs arriving, and
selling Heaver from $s.oi to 19.0m l'ut ti.oo to i skunk so cts, to $1.30 1 ilubkrat 10 to 20 cts,
It not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied
into nostrils i quicuy absorbed. It elea rises
ihchead. Allays inflammation. Heals Vie
sores, llrstorcs the senses of taste and smell.
60 nf at Drvfnttt; btt mail, registered CO cents.
ELY BROTHERS, lruggIsts,Owciro,?iY.
DCCIO 4td.
utca.o net co.
Gsnls Furnishing Boods, Hats Si Ca;s
Suits made, to order at short notice
and a fitalwajs guarnnteed or no tale.
Call .ind examine lliu lai iicst nnd best
selected stock of goods ever Bbown in
Columbia county.
Store next door to First National Bank,
JBloonisburg, Pa.
City BftisF Factory
No. 3 North Canal St., Near L. V.
It. It. Depot.
John H. Bcrby,
HTWill call on dealers
Weeks. tae your oiders.
once in six
1 Ja AA"SJ5T.M -. C C B Itt E? !"o M
Ilastanlly relieve-, tho irntt violent ntUck, nnd
lnnurufl comtorUhlu tOr-ep AU WAII1M1 lor HE.
scl.TS.Helntr lined by Inhalation, it. action Is Im
mediate, direct ana ft-rlalll. and n cure is the
result In all curable carra. A rmelo tnnl con
vinces the mo.t skcntical. Price fine, and HI ft)
I ot any dniggint. or by mull K.mnU Free for
- - .
novas 86 3ms. aAs.
Tv V A Its causes and a new and
IN .' ,-UuJ successful GUlli: at sour
3 own home, bv , ne who was deif twenty-
eight veai-b Treated Uv most of tho noted
specialists without beuent. Cured hlmsef In 3
months, and rlnco then hundreds of others. Full
particulars sent on application. T, H. pa op. No,
ll West 3lst l-t.. New York city. deciOdlt.
the popular favorite for dreflfilnff
the iiiUr, llctttorlnR color hei.
fray, anu irovemuirf j'snaruu,
C cleanses tbo scalp, etons the
hair falling, an J Is su: o to plfoue,
lac. and Sl.W) at Dnifrpliti.
ThafeHt, nurPBt and trfftcure for Coriiri.IUmloni, o.
Stops all pain. Knuuif coir fort to the ftt U Never falls
to cure, li centi at Vtvg&UB. Jlibcox & Co., N. Y,
dec 10 -ltd.
to use
'leara head, throat and
lunirs rrom nostv mucous.
Sweetens the bieath. cures severeht catarrh
wnen an oilier treatments ta il bend locstamns.
for freo halfplnt sample prepaid enough to relievo
uuy case. ur. dtinaln s, co., roi l'roanway, a. 1
Please Don't fiAorjret it
that Dr II. James Cannabis lutlka Is prepared In
Calcutta, India, from the purest and best Natlv9
Hemp, nnd U Hie only remedy, either In that
euuuiry ur mis, inai win positively ana peima
nentlv euro consuinotlon. bi-onchlLl asihriiu. na.
sal catarrh aad nervous debllltv, or break up a
fro-h cold ln!4 hours. $2.50 per bottle, three boi.
ties, $n o. Craddock & Co., i roprletors, 1033 Itaco
d. R. SMITH & CO.
Dealkhs in
Uy tho following well known makers;
Mallet & BaviB.
Ctui also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices. Do not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
Ou miiilicutloii.
IVTiwVi aai hoard Ouaran.
IViLJI' Lllu-ed. U YouriL' Men
Ladles hi cacn county, and lik'hrw.t
v v com ir
commission juld (often 1150 a month.
ir iiuun uireuuy uu
In North nnd South Auieilca, at the Ico-Ilound
Poles, over tho land of thd Midnight Sun. under
the I (pi nor, ttuouif n tho Dark continent, auiouir
tho Old Temples ot India, li tho Ho wiry KIuk
doinsot Clunj nod Japan, amid therulusof incaa
Aztecs and .mil, wlililu canons, curt huildlngs
ond (lardensof iheiiodi outhe Islet; of iheKa,
and In all UlTtH of Hie ir-nlie. S ll enirnivlnira
1 Low price. Quick Miles -end for Ircular,
... ., a , '! ZlEUiXU W ' W Chestnut 6t, .
riillaaelphla, Pa. dec U, sou
il fl 8 THAT THE fjk
For Sister or Brother, for
Never beforo have they shown such a disjilay of Holiday Goods,
anu ai prices not, 10 ue niiucneu.
Triplicate Mirrors, Peach Bloiu Vases,
Plush Mirrors, Fine Placques,
Bulgarian Glassware, Ornaments,
Boohs of all hinds, Pine Jewelry,
Hanclher chiefs Mufflers, Fine Silverware,
Brass Ornaments, I'oilet Sets,
Whisp, Broom $ Key Holders, Fancy Bashets, $-c.
Thousands of articles too numerous to mention. All invited to
call and sec.
Don't forget the GREAT slaughtering sale of Coats, "Wraps,
rackets, fcc. Plush Coats and "Wraps away down.
Full line Fur Mufl's and Boas. Dress Silks away down.
I - - H N , at ..'.-.'.ZZ'.'Z. u
,1 . i r r a a
1 11 . D It I , ,. , II
I ' - e n A
I i, .. . i r as
1 in K S I C 44
i " R c
3 14 o k f 9 I
jj II -; .C B a Z 35
u - H If fl a 8 $9
H li - - tp r 1-" y ' 2B
13 --BR fi S . 6 34-
9 U N S 6 Cf 20
3 - - P E Z 7 18
6r. A.Clark, Agt.Bloomsbiii, Pa.
i mm mm iw, mi, mm, i ;u.
Being desirous of placing our work moro fully before the pub
lic, and after much thought and deliberation, we have resolved to
make a certain number of our Elegant Life-size Crayon Portraits,
including an elegant gold frame, for the exceedingly low price of
$15,00. "We intend to have at
Portraits in every city and village in this country, and to'intro
duce them we will make one of our $30,00 Crayon Portraits for
the person who will bring or send this advertisement and furnish
us a good photograph or other small picture, from which they de
sire a rortrait to be made. .Nearly every ianuly possesses tho
small picture of some friend, deceased or living, whoso memory
they cherish, and a good portrait of whom they would value as a
priceless gem. The uncertainty of life admonishes all that do
not, possess u Portrait of their darling boy or girl, or of Father or
Mother, Wife or Husband, who may be nearing the end of life's
journey, that tins matter should
The Gportunity is now Offered You
to get absolutely without charge, except moderate cost of frame
an elegant Crayon Portrait that will never change or fade. Tho
chance of obtaining one of the number is now ollered to you. Re
member we guarantee satisfaction in all cases, or in other words ;
the Crayon Portrait will be a perfect likeness, enlarged from tho
small picture furnished to us ; therefore, try and secure as good
and clear a picture as possible, for much depends upon its cor
rectness. If at present you have no suitable picture to copy from
if you will call upon us wo can aid you very much in getting ono
that will certainly make a good Crayon Portrait, as the lights and
shades of the small picture, if sharp aud clear, will so appear in
the Crayon Portrait.
After a certain number have been placed before the public in
the above gratuitous manner wo will then charge $30,00 for every
Crayon Portrait made by us, framed. You are invited to call and
examine our Portraits before giving an order to us, and in case
you reside so far away that you can not conveniently call, perhaps
you havo some friend that would examine our Portraits and
Frames and report to you.
Our sole object in making these Crayons on the above terms be
ing to introduce them into families where they can bo seen by
friends that may want a Portrait made after the time that our gra
tuitous oiler has expired. We earnestly value and covet your pat
ronage, and wo mean no intrusion in submitting our special offer
for your consideration, believing that your good judgment will
prompt you to inspect our work and give us at least ONE order.
Be careful and preserve this advertisement as it possesses a val
ue in Fine Crayon Work of at least $30,00. This advertisement
must, in every case, accompany tho order, either in person or by
letter, as tho case may be.
ftSWhero parties have to order by mail wo will send tho
1 ortruit framed, C. O. D. by express, subject to examination, and
it not satisfactory in every particular, it costs you nothing. There
fore, you take no risk in getting a cheap, inferior Portrait. Par
ticular attention givnn to orders received by mail.
i qo Tll-is lulvertisenleit must bo presented on or boforo Jan.
1st, 1887 ; after then tho regular prico will bo charged.
Artistic Photographer and Crayon Artist,
Parlors and Studio : 400 Lackawanna Avenue,
Branch Studio : 307
On the ItASY l'AYItlUNT uTitrm, from $3.U.!
per month on. 100 styles, fai to J'joo. Bend for Cat
aloguo with full particulars, mailed free.
Constructed on the new method of stringing, on
similar Uruit. Send for donripilt e Catalogue,
Boston, Now York, Chlcnno.
uovi t d.
Undo or Aunt, Sweetheart, Friend
or Cousin.
8 ,4-:. IG
least one of our Life-size Crayon
no longer bo neglected.
Spruce Street, Scranton.
Nor, 58 U.
iasia AgriraHural Works, Yorlc, Tft
irqilu i StudiM Boguti Uf lull
Bud It nigitnlM
on James ltlver, Va,, In Clarcmont
colony. llluMiuted circular freo. J,
1-'. AUNCIU, clareuonl, Virginia.