THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 ( ( Tho President Bofusoa to Reinstate the ' Pennsylvania Altornoy. WASnmotoN, Nov, 24. Tho Presl tiont nas roiuscii lo lcttisuto unueu Slntoa Dlstrlut Attorney Stouo, of tho Wentcrn Pennsylvania District. Tho following correspondence bnrlng up on tlio oiwo wns made public to day. The first loiter la from district Attornoy Stouo and is ns follows: PiTTsnuiio, Nov. IB, 18f0. Hon. A. II. Garland, Attorney Gun em! Sir-. I havo road tho oorreepon dcno between tho President and lion. M. E. Benton, United Struts attornoy, counseled with his restoration to oilioo in which it appears that ho was sus pended from oilico for his apparent neglect of ollicial duties in making campaign speeches. Presumably my suaponsion was ordorod for tho samo roifo'i. I desire, thoreforo, to stale tho foots in my oiso. I made but two Bpeechea prior to tho receipt of tho ordor of suspension one at But lor, In an adjoining county, on tho evening of October 1, and onu at Kittanning, a town near to Pittsburg, on tho evuuing of October 2. . I did not loavo Pittsburg for Butler until nearly 4 o'clock Oatobcr 1, and returned on tho morning of the 2d of October about 0 o'clock. I left Pitts burg for KittanninR Saturday, Ootober 2, about 5 o'clock p. m., and returned tho same night. Upon both of tho nbovo datos tho United States Courts here wcro not in session except a short time in tho morning of each day for ordinary motions. I was in attendance upon the courts during their sittings, and did not loavo the city on either Decision until long after tho courts had adjourned. On Ootober 18 tho United States District Court began its session at Pittsburg for the trial of jury causes a petit and crand jury being in attend ance. From October 2 until Ootober 18 1 was engaged in tho preparation of United status causes tor trial, and from October 18 until Octobor 27, tho date of tho receipt of the order of suspen slon, I was engaged in the trial of these cause?. .Neither during this period from October 2 to October 27 nor at any other timo did I in any particular neglect tho duties of my office. These statements may be verified by inquiry of any oilicer of our courts. I feel it my duty after reading the correspon denco between the President aud Mr. Bonton lo state these facts in justice. to myself, aud respectfully request that . - j . una coinuiuuiuuiiuu uu rtiuriuu iu iuu President. I may also add that I did not think that making an occasional campaign speech to my neighbors, while not neglecting tho duties of ray office, would bo a violation of tho President's ordor of July 10, 188G. Very respect fully, your obedient servant, Wimjaji A. Stohe. Upon receipt of this letter the Presi dent wroto'tho following to Attorney General Garland : Executive Mansion, Nov. 23, 1886. Hon. A. H. Garland, Attornoy Gen eral Dear Sir: I bavo read the letter of tho 18th instant, written to you by "William A. Stone, lately saspended from office as d'uerict attorney for the Western District of I'onnsylvania, and the subject matter to which it refers nas rcceivecl ray careint consideration. I shall not imputo to tho writer any mischievous motive in his plainly erro neous assumption that his case and that of M. E. Benton, recently suspend' ed and reinstated, rest upon tho samo state of facts, but prefer to regard his letter as containing tho best statement possible npon tho question ot his rem statement. You reraomber, of course, that soon after the present Administration was insiallod, and, i tlnnK, nearly a year and a halt ago, 1 considered with you certain charges which bad been pro- lered against Air. Stone as a lederat official. You remember, too, that the action wo then contemplated was with hold by reason of tho excuses and ex planations of his friends. These ex cuses and explanation induced me to believe that Mr. Stone's retention would insnro a faithful performance of official duty, and that whatever offensive par tisanship ho had deemed justifiable in other circumstances ho would during his continuance in oihee at his request under an Administration opposed to him in political creed and policy, con tent tnmsoii with a quiet and unob trusive, enioyment of his political privi leges I certainly snpnoaed that his sensa of propriety would cause him to refrain from pursuing euch a partisan course as would wantonly offend and irritate tho friends of tho Administra tion who ineiHted that ho should not be retained in office, either because of his personal merit or in adherence to tho methods which tor a long time had pre vailed iu tho distribution of federal offices, In the light of a better system and without considering his political affilia tions Mr. Stone, when permitted to re main in ofllee, became a part of tho nuonc.-)s organization of the precent Administration, bound by every obli cation of honor to asiot within hi sphere in its successful operation This rblignion involved not only the proper r.ei'iormanco ot oinoial duty, nut a cer tain goo I faith and fidelity which, while pot exacting the least sacrifice ot politi oal principle, forbade active participa tion in purely partisan demonstrations of a pronounced type, undertaken for the purpose of advancing partisan in teresirt au-l oomluetrd npnti tho avow ed theory that tho administration of tho Government vas not entitled to tho confidence and respect of the people. There is no dispute whatever con corning the f net that Mr. Stono did join other ho were campaigning th Stale of Peiinylvauia in opposition to the Administration, it appears, loo, that ho was notivo and piomiuent with noisy entliuaiara in attendance upo at It-rut-two largo public meetings that tho speeches at such meetings wero largely devoted to abuso and mis repiesentation of tho Administration thai lie approved all this and actually riddresvid tho meetings himself in somo what the same strain ; that ho attende such niPeling away from his home for tho purpose of making such addresses, and I hat he was advertised as ono of tlio i-ppnkerH at eaeli of ea'.d Hirelings. I shall accent as tTuo tho statement of Mr. Stono that tho timo spent by mm in thus demonstrating his witling Ness to hold n profitable olhco at th hands of nn Administration which he i ndeavored to discredit with th neoiilo. and which had kindly ove looked his piovious offences, did not result in the neglect ot ordinary om olal duty. But bis conduct has brought to light Hnch an nutiiwiuiinew towara tho Administration which he pretend to bervo. nnd of which ho U nominally a pari, and such n consequent lack of lovaltv to roet in its duocees, that the Hn'fet nnd t-urpst guaranty of his faitl: ful servicers in my opinion entirely wanting. II'h course, in iteclf such ns Bhould not. havo been entered upon while maintaining official relations to Iho Admit iteration, also repewu and revive, with unmistakable interpreta tion of lluir cbaincter and intent, tho nhnrncs of offonstvn nartiiiahsliln licrc- t toforo made, ana up to tins utno neiu iu nboynnce. JUr. Btonu tinu ouiors or uito uisnoai' lion are not to BUppose that party lines aro bo far obliterated that tho adminis tration of tho Government Is to bo trusted in places high or low to thojo who aggressively nnd constantly en dcavor unfairly to destroy Iho confi dence of tho people iu tho party re sponsible for such administration, Whilo vicious partisan methods should not be allowed f 'r partisan purpocs to degraio or injure tlio public service is my belief that nothing leu-is so much to discredit our efforts, in the InK rost of such set vice, to tr a fairly nnd generously tlm official Incumbency of political opponents as conduct such as is horo disclosed. Tho people of this country oettiilnly do not Require tho best results of administrative on- eavor tobu reached with Mich agencies as thifo. Upon a full consideration ( f nil I havo before me, I am const mined to clino the application of Mr. Stone for his rtiinlntenicnl. I cncloso his letter with this, and doiro you to no- quaint linu with my lrsiion. lours U IV. UllOVEU UI.ttVKf.ANi. The correspondence closed with tlio following letter to Mr. atone : JJK.l'AltTMKNT 01' .IUST10K. I Wasiiinotov, D. C, Nov. 24, 188C J Hon. Wm. . Stone, Pituburg. Pa, Sir: I ntn directed by tho l'resi- ent to say to you lint after consider ation of your hitter of the 18th instant ho will not ri voko or chaugo tho order heretofore made suspending you as iistriot attorney for tho Wctern Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Vory respect fully. A. If. Uahi.ani), Attoinoy Uencral. Chinese Keligious Beliefs. Stepping into a shop in Chinatown a gentleman among other ttnnge, acd tho owner what his religious bli"f was and tho result of tho conversation was that he found tho shopkeeper to bo a believer in all three of the national re ligions, accepting the gods of eaoh off hand, paying his money to support tho priests" of all, aud, if it would have made business nmtiu brisker, aii waug would bavo undoubtedly announced himself a Christian of any denomina tion required. This then is ono of tho most sinking peculiarities ; that, whilo there aro three distinct religion, they see no inconsistency in accepting all. The Confucian Chinaman believes in a spiritual appeal to tho moral nature. lie believes in conscience, sees a dif ference between virtue and vice, pre tends to believe in law and order, aud is a firm believor in paying a religious veneration to bis ancestors ; and above all, is remarkablo for his filial piety. Tho Taoist is a materialist. To him tho soul is something tangible, a physi cal something, purer than tho human form. It is not essentially immortal, but attains this state only by a physi cal training after parsing through a certain pseudo chemical process. Ho believes iu various gods, is a liberal of liberals in this. Even the stars ate divine or divinities. Tho Taoitt is also a grtat believer in hermits, physicians, magicians, and holy men ot an Kinus. Tho Chinese Buddhist differs from these. His religion is metaphysical. He delights in argumentative philosophy, ana gives vent to his imagination in building up his beliefs on an ethereal piattorm. ma goas are not, reunites but tho mero personification of ideas. Matter, as such, is entirely disregarded and ideas, or theories founded upon ideas, accepted. Taoism is perhaps as popular among tho majority as any, as it is of practical uso j thus a sick man will cousult his god ot medicine, wnicn is to bo found in some of the houses, and tho priests will tell the patient exactly what modicino or drugs are ro- au red to heal him. Uver and around theso gods aro seen testimonials of patients that havo been cured. nan Francisco van. fOJ QUININE. TH num. Malaria, iSyspepsia, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Liver .Luiir and Kidncv Disease. ' O . I Tlie eminent auj celebrated Dr. Ulesnner writes: I The KasKtnp CO. Dkab Hma ! 'Tlie first greatest I Buccesses I bad with KasUno wero In chills and:te- ver, malaria, nervous debility, rheumatism, dys pepsia, and liver diseases, and I conildered at that uoio ii was unaouoieaiy me uest meaicine ever aiscoverea, Dut i was even men uuiamiuarwiin us rcauy wonucriui nowera in cunn&r an me om. er germ diseases and disorders, particularly where tho blood has become diseased or impoverished and the digestion Impaired, strictly speaking, jiusiuue is iuu umy uiuuu uunut-r vu uuve. i uue It also very largely with ubtalllng success in all disseises necullar to women and children. In over tnree uuuareu cases inavecurca'inero nas never been the slightest bad erect followlnir Us usn. nnd It b far Buperlor to any tonic or nerve lncdlclno ever Known to the medical proiession." very tru yOUrS, I. M.aLKfBNKB, 51. p., tvM ribi. lzisi ru now iuik. Y. (lato Prof, in N. V. Mod. college) writes : Kas klno u superior to quinine In Its epecino power, ujiu never pruiiucus inu siiguvebt lujury w me hearlne or constitution' Tho U. tf. Examining Surgeoa Dr. L. It. White, Writes : "Kasklno is the tiv&t medicine made." I i "jsvpi y pa 1 1 e n t st wrnni-iQ iinmiKii v v 1 treatodwltn Kattlne St. Francis Hospital, N. . l lia3 txxu MbChirseix i cured. Dellovue ll&spltal.N.Y.."l,nlvcisallv successful." ft. Joseph's l osoitai. n i : 'its una is tonsia- ored Indlsuonsnblo. itactsneileclly." Kaskiue is pleasant lo take aud can be used wimout. iiperiai meuicai counsel. Hend for the trroat list of testimonials unnaral. lelled In the history ot medicine. Jt.O per bottle. duiu uy orfiCDttiv mall on recelntof mlco. TI1K KAHKINKt'U., M Waneu st- New York. bOLD BY .MOVBII 11' 03.. Illoorasburir. Pa. novsiscdly. CUBES ALL HUMORS, from a common iiioicn, or Jlrtintl fn thn wnrKt McrnlUlll. 'fllu licul lllc I'urHlcroi'crUIscovorcU. JlyDruggkta. PRICE $1.00, 2ffVSISiS ah Important Question FOR THE FARMER TO CONSIDER, Wtwi muuro ilialt I buy to tuur lirva Ui err I tU quality tt er onruijy tu rem uu uutn formed of i cat. ictr oi BAUQH'S and to rlik itried aut roiuiwrallvpljr uriknmm Brtlden, whcll tilt (e o) ami utll entablitilioil Mauurofl sUn i li nrth aud u - luauvut a atknted ov im nti . nA jAi tlie ntmrut confldance In Uuvlr ir(oct atwptuiloii to all enn Send for UiuaVi I'liokphatf UuIdP," 1'rlffi, ttf. THEOrtlCIUAL Wanufiictunra of RAW-DONS SUPER-PHCSrHTE BAUGH & SOHS UauaracturinA IntjiorUri. PHILADELPHIA, PA, USE BdUaH'S CELEBRATED $25 PHOSATE $t WHAT TOE f mm SAY AI10UTITIN It 13 WONDEttTOX how easily rheumatism begins, nnd how Insidiously It grows In Iho sjstern, until ono Is Btartlcd tu ilnd himself lis victim In cither tlio neuto or chronio form. Ho then learns tlio fearful tenacity of its Drip and tho utter nowcrlessncss of tlio ordinary remedies to glvo relief. I'rolnbly to no dUcaso havo physicians given moro study, and nono lins more completely imiuou iiicir oworts 10 provide aspeclfloj and until Atltlophoros was dis covered thoro was no medicine which would surely euro rheumatism, neuralgia and norvous er sick headache. Thousands of testimonials Hko tho following provo beyond question that Athloniioros Is tlio only reliable rem&ly, and that It will do all that la claimed for It. CaUkill, Green Co.. N. Y. August 10, 188(1. I can recommend the Athlonboros to anybody that is in want of It. It has cured my mother who has hod neuralgia nil her lifunntl also ilicumatism. Sho says elio is alt free from pain now, and wll not bo without a bottle for twico tlio price. I gave a botlla to my brother who had neu ralgia in tuo eowcis ami n lixcu mm in a few days. 1'iunic Edwards. Houses Tt., Clifton Co., N. Y. August 18th, 1880. lVo rears aeothis Summer I was sorely afflicted with rheumatism In my right kneo and left sliouliler, anil was induced uy a friend to try Atlilophoros. 1 used fivo bottles, got well, uml havo been compara tively frco from rheumatism since. I liavo great faith In It, and havo recommended It 10 my friends. So far as I know all who Lave tried it speak its praise. It. UEATON. Evorv drmnrist should keen Athlonlioros and Atlilophoros I'ills, but where thoy con not bo bomdit of tho druggUt the Athlo- send cither (carriage paid on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Atlilophoros nnd COc for Pills. For liver anil kldnpr dUrnwp. dvsTrf-r!n- in. digestion, weakness, nervous dcMlily, diseases of women, cnuttlpatlnn, headache, lmpuro wood, &C., A tutopnuros litis aro tinequaieu. oct. S4 80 Cms. SCOTT'S OF PURE COD LIVER OIL bp Almost ns Palatablcas Milk. ThA niilv nrornratlon of COn IJVl-:n OIL that can be taken readily ami tolerated for a long tuns bjr dellrate- slotaac h AIS1I A A 1 1 l.lll-.UI IMIH , ,.l!Mai,-l III!!, SCKI)iri.OIS ,Ull.-IOs. A.NAK11IA, Villi. Ill .1111,11 V. ClllllnS AMI lllltOAT At. H.DilOSS. anil all UASIIMI IIIMHiliKUS W Cilll.lilTf.N II l i-urTpllotn in In results. Trescribed and endorsed by tho best rnTsictans in the countrlca of the vorld. for sale by all druggists. occ-!-ly CMcfc-ciiick-Gr-re-kee ASE YOUR GECCSR TOR IT. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Prevents Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eat-Inn, Prevents Laying Soft Egga, Makes liens Lay. it 13 iu po we, raniNE, It Sella for Fivo Gents Por Pound, in Boxes. fnoultrv food and pre ventive of disease for poultry), the great egg food, produce eggs prodigiously and la good lor the health of the fowling, It is the first article of Its kind ever Patented In the United States, Canada and England. Iry It. It costs only five centa ner sound. It Is norjowder. Chick ens will eat it, Ihat ought to convince you that It is good. If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard ware or Country Storekeeper wilt not get it lor you, sena me one aonar, ana i win snip joua twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds for Jive dollars. A large box will cost you no more freight than a snail box. Attend to -our Doultrv.lf vou want to make a profit out of them. just the same as you attend to your land. Unless you manure your mna u wni not pay you, ju so with poultry ; you give them something besides Iced. They mutt have material to answer for grinders, and material for the egg. If you feed Ch' (egg fooa) every day you will never have any sick chicle ens, and your hens will I?y eg whcnotherwlae they would not. You will never do without it after a lair trial. Do not pay twenty-five or fifty cents a pound for medicine to fed your poultry when you can get n better article from vuur atorekeeper at five cents : pour-!. Don't i a clam; try it. Manufactured i.i the United ".ates only by S. S. MYERS, Palontco, JO IJ. Front St., PIIILAD'A, TA. Per fifllo by Farmery Produce Exchange BloomBburg, Pa. sep-3-6-ems. PltOPRIETOR OF kk Shop k M loom At the old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BLOOM SBURG PA. DSlNES CURES ROUGHS h2 nor,i9-8e-oms. UNRIVALED ORGANS On the EASY PAYMENT iritem, from 83.25 per month up. 100 ntylcs, JJJ to 'ioa. Scud for Cat- luogao wim ion parucaiars, maucu iree. UPRIGHT PIANOS. Constructed on the new method of etrlsglng, on I similar terms. Send for dcacrlptlvo Catalogue. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., Doston, Now York, Chicago. nov.'o 4t d. D vhimci'STA. Us Nature. Causes, Preven. lion and L'uie. llyJolin II. McAlvln. Lowell Mais.. H yi-arn lax collector, r-cr.t fite to any ad- dress. novu l on James Illver, Va., In Claremont colony. Illustrated circular free. J. M r, .um Hi, i iaremoLi, virguila. novl-Jltd. you uur Itaverod I louli. Pronliltl. AptllmA, Indlirmtlont Uu PARKtR'S TONIO without d.TiV 1l I., curt.l liiaiiy vt U.h uoift tu--d .ml 14 tho tt remtxly for all Ht-uuuTii ii tna iiinMiKnna iuni?, ana aiwaw. arumir t rom litipum W.ioil and exhoustiuu. Tlie fuvble ana olrlc, cti-ucvllrijf osoliibt dlicose, and fclowly drlftlnir to tit. frravu,w 111 lit liuwt oom-i rveovt r their luult li by tli timely tuw of I'.iUKEU'a Tonic, but delay h (Janarvrous. Take III In time. Curt-a when all ele flbj. (livettiewureaa'l etrentflh tu the atrod anainana. 81 at XlruairUU. nav2 H d. PIANOFORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP nnd DURABILITY. VI 1,1.1AM JdVAlli; &. CO., Ko. SO a and Jim Wwt llaltlmore fct., llalUmort, tli, 113 fifth Avtuue, flew York. novis ltd. EIAUCH'S S25 PHOSPHATE W c llinbf Contaliu tho Llla and Exenca c( rRMJa. Animal lionet. VIII-1AI', CrDnuovlMo, Pa Ml ,& ti-KT? Jlanufaolowa. ' , f YT rilILiU:i.ri!IA, PA. .VSv AX Vov b1o by O, W. I.O W, LIGHT AND AIRV. Tlio Jinn Tlint'n I.nte. I On evei y rtful sines railway tral To turn their wheel" becan. And evt-ry station you will sea A to'.Kmy man. Ills brow li damp with bended iweat, IIU heart II h woo Is cl' ft. Most earnestly ho want to (to, The nnu that's always left. If tlio train ltio at I p. m. Elioulit wait till half past eight, Thcro'd l ono man come down to tto Just thirty seconds lata. -It J. Ilurdetta. Nothing tlnusunl. Hotel Uucit Walter, hoiv Is this! Ycster. Aay, dcslrliis lo mako a iircsont to my daugh ter nt tho dinner table, I put n fSOO bill In piece ot rako oral told you to band It to her. Hotel Walter Yes, sail. "Hut sho rays sho got tho cako nnd not tho money." "Yes, sail bog pardon, sah. I thouglit you Intended that for lny fee, sab." Omnlin World. Tlioy Aro Happy. Tlio beauty of autumn Is fadlua away, Tho landscapes ore black and drear, Hut tho coal man laujlis and tho plumber Is Ray, For their Loosen 1) almost hero. Boston Courier. A Hit of Cold Comfort. A medical Journal says' "tho application of rt bit of Ice to tho lobo of tlio enr will stop blccouEliliiff." All n man who h accustomed to hiccoughing bas to do then is to corry obit of ico around In bis vest pocket and be can euro lilniself instantly. New York Grnpblc Upltnpli on n Kitchen Ctrl. Departed from thl world of slrlfo To refflons ple'asant nnd serene 1 Tho lort sceno of this maiden's llfo Was kerosene. Boston Courier, KASlly Located. "Now, children," said tho Illinojs school teacher, "can you tell mo wbcro Lako Michi gan is!" "It's nenr Chicago." All In Vain. The whistler whistles from week to week, From day to day, from hour to hour, And vainly we seek for a dynamlto brick To cut him off In his manhood's flower, Merchant Traveler. Indirect Appllrntton. "Patrick, you told mo you needed tho alco hol to clean the mirrors with, and hero I find you drinking It" "Falx, mum, it's a-drinkin' it and brathlng on tho glass ol'm a-doln'." Llfo. Slnglo Tllessedness. The single man doth now appear With overcoat upon his back; Tho married man looks sad and drear, While Ills wifo gets Into her sealskin sack. Merchant Traveler. A Cordial Invitation. Head of tho Houso (to young man nt front door) Haven't I told you, sir, never to call hero again! Young Man Yes, elrj but I haven't called to seo Miss Clara this timo. I bavo a two months' ga3 bill to collect. Head of the Houso (in a milder tone) I see. You will pleaso call again. Llfo. SwcetncBS Long Urawn Oat. IIow sweet to listen to tho bells That call us to the pews I How Bweet to turn onco more In bed And take another snoozo I Hartford Sunday Journal. No Bath for II I m. Borne ono says that a man who bos boon struck by Hgbtnlng cannot swim. Ho docsnt wont to sw im. What ho ncods, in nine cases out of ten, after being struck by lightning, is a cheap and unostentatious funeral. Norrls tOTrn Herald. Too True. Upon tho streets wo soon will see Tlio man with mien dejected. TVho aimed a senator to bo, But didn't get elected. Boston Courier. Hotter Than u Doctor. "I feel depressed to-night," remarked n largo down-town trunk manufacturer to bis wifo. "I think I bavo a touch of malaria." "I fancy it will soon pass away," replied tho lady, without much concern. "Why don't you go around to the Grand Central station nnd watch them handle trunks for an hour. That will brighten you up." New York Sun. A Widower's Child. Ceaso weeping, child why mourn tho loss Of your departed mother J Before another year goes by You'll likely have another. . Toias Slftlnsr P AM EXTRAORDINARY 0FFEH. Co All Wanlinff Employmont. We want Live, Energetic and Capable Agents ia every coanty in tlie United States n.itl Cduu u, to sll a patent nrticle of great nieiif, on : rs mksits. An article having a large fcalu, pay in? over looker cent profit. Invintj no conipc-liu-jii, fn'i oa which the agent is protected in the e-rrlinive sale by a deed given for each am) every cou.ity he may secure from tix. Vi;h ad theio advantages to our agentsand the fact that it U an article that can be old to every it mi'ht not ba necessary to make an "fctXTKAOKUiNARY opfur" to secure good agents it once, but we have conciuaea to matte u 10 show, not only our confidence in the merits i4 otir invention, but in Its salabihty by any agent will handla it with enerirv. Our alien I now at work are making from $150 to $000 af month (-.'.. and this fjet makes It safe for IIS tt1 3 make our offer to all who are out of employ t ime'U. Any agent that will give our Lusiuess n thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least Jinr Sin Ulli lime, Atiuvil ALb KXi-nnsc-f mii 'i'"" all good unsold to us and we will rifund the Brno. icy paid for them. Any afent or general agent wno woum line ten or moro sounuw work them through sub-agents for ninety d.iya und fail to clear at least $750 apovb all ex fENSs. can return all unsold and get their mjueyback. No other employer of agcniiever iiaruii 10 make sucn oners, nor weuw wb it mj not know tha; we have agents now making i-ire ttnn doubte the amount we guaranteed; A but two sales a day would give a profit of -cr $125 a month, and that one of our agents joU euhteen orders in one day. Our ars;e de- .cnpnve circulars explain our ouer imiji J thesj we wish to send to everyone out of em ployment who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and secure tuj agency it time for the boora.ondgo to work in tlie terms named in our extraordinary offer. W'c would like to have the address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen t .r-. in the countrv. an i ftsk anv reader of thn raper who reads this offer, to send us at otce I ths and address of all such they knuw. iiilr at once.or you wm lose tneuesicnnnce vv 1 T ; 'i -thfike ojt of employment t make it. tin 1- ltesMsn Manupactuhiu Co.. 1:6 hJiivnhel.l t., rutsuuKi rJ "LP MKMuFACTUnED OMLYJ X' 1 1 auLiKiarm' ron fiAutivyiEAuriscytfi WHERE. dec 3 f 0 n c CO. vanee, balauce when patent U ob tained, fceud tor circular itlvlntr full lnformatlun. and containing lUt of reierences. ju. j. uitibn, wofiUinKion, 11. u, 1'aciuo uulldUir. (Bi-pir.em. PATENTS JIEHKY WISE OAEHETT, Attorney-at-LttW, VABHINOT0N, I). 0. liefer, to 3J Nalloual llank. WulifnKlon, D. a -KS-SEND FOB IHVENIOE'8 QU1DE.-M UOVIS 4Ur SUIJSOU11JE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, L, Is i 6eethtthb m o? 5 O IS EXAOT LADLE IS ON W f g fcS M EAOH OHlrtNEY AS gj 3c GO. gMTENTS. tfltiM Hut small percentage of feea In ad Dr. PARDEE'S REMEDY (Tli otl; lillttlt Site! furltit.) A SPEOIFIO FOB RHEUMATISM Qorofula.Salt Rheum Neuralgia, Ring Worm AMD ALL OTHER SKIN AND BLOOD DIS EASES. IT REGULATES TUB LIVER KIDNEYS And Curos Indigestion And all Dlitaits arl.l.g from condition of the eyitem. It ba. proven Itself to be the moat reliable remedy known for Female W.akne.., ol for diieaies peculiar to the ttx. Send for our pamphlet of testimonial., end read of tho.. who have been permanently cured by Its nie, t3f Ak your Druggist for DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY and tak. no other. Price 1 per bottle, or sli bottles for f 5. Manufactured by the I .inn.. f rnnvH mauiuins uv., . noonostor, n. t. nov. 2 rd ly. YOU Can'tl ForaeneralFamlljnsel RCAT TUCUll111 nro Vm1,T Snperiorl IIIUMIII to ALL other kinds. THE FAMOUS HOP "PIASTERS Clean, firacrant, cnraUvo and highly medicinal, prepared from Freeh Hopi, EoLsams, Extxacta and Gumrj, tprtad on tehtU tnusttiu They rcfitoro and vitaliro weak porta, smbdue Inflammation and iwtrfAiy banish pain whether In the Back, Side, HJp, 3f. Kidneye, Joints, Shoulder, Cheat, Breast, Stomach or Musolos, Powerfully loothinff, pain allaying and treneth I oning. The beet ptaater on earth ia the verdict of 9 thousandfie Xlailod forprieobyproprietorB, fl Hop Plaster Company. Ilotton, MaM. t3rSwlndlers abroad 1 This plaster is sproadl on white awalin, ready for Instant tuo. HOP I PliASTEH CO., Binaturo on every plaster. nov S6 66 ly. JQELA.VVARE, LACKAWANNA. AND W.&3T.UKPI .KA11.KUA1J. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTII. BTATIONS. HOUTn. P.m. p.m. a.m ia.m. a.m. d m. 9 00 12 3d S 30,....scranton.,.. o 10 9 15 2 05 S 30,....scraDton.,.. 8 25 Ilellevuo..., 8 22 ...TaylortlUe... 8 16 .. Lackawanna.. 8 54 13 26 S 48 12 23 8 40 12 15 8 S3 12 OS 8 27 12 03 8 23 11 53 8 IT 11 54 8 13 11 50 8 OS 11 47 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 9 26 2 15 6 27 9 34 2 23 6 34 9 41 3 SO 0 40 9 4T 2 36 6 45 9 62 2 41 6 49 9 56 2 44 6 63 10 00 2 47 8 58 10 (15 2 50 8 10 8 0.1 7 58: 7 54 7 50 7 7 47! ....inttston ..West rittston. ..Wyoming.... ..Maltby ...Bennett.. .. .. Kingston 11 4T ....Klnirston .... 6 58 10 05 2 50 8 03 11 42 7 5 11 .18 7 54 11 34 7 I Plymoutn June 7 112 10 102 55 7 07 10 15 3 0i) 7 as ....riymomn.... 1 31 ....Arondale. . 7 ao....Nantlcoice...1 7 23,llunlock's Creek 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 8 10 7 21 1082 .1 27 7 37 10 413 r,9 7 60 11 113 62 7 6T 11 0113 68 8 04 11 13 4 05 8 10 11 20 4 12 8 14 11 25 4 10 K 18 II 29 4 2(1 7 0U 11 30 7 43 11 23 7 80 11 12 7 18 11 110 7 11 10 61 7 05 10 41 0 53 10 41 6 54 10 S3 6 60 10 84 8 42 10 27 6 30 10 21 30 10 16 7 12 7 00 0 54l 6 47; 6 41 ..Sblckshlnny, ..iiick'h l-erry,. .. Beach Ilarcn.. Berwick.... .Briar Creek... ..Willow drove,. 8 841 Lime wage 8 27, , ...... . D3 11 0114 VI S 2ll...BloomsDurg... 8 80 11 44 4 31 516 .... ltupert 8 80 II 50 4 40 0 25 IU 11 6 08 9 5(1 o 11 i-aiawra unagQ u 41 11 55 4 46 5 50i. ..Danville..... 8 58 12 135 04 5 ....Cuulasky.... 9 05 12 205 12 5 451.... Cameron.... 9 os 12 255 17 00 9 49 9 45 9 S3 am. 5 55 5 40 p.m. 6 32INortanmberland 9 25 12 405 35 a.m. 1 ia.m. a.m. p.m W. P. rtALSTEAD, Rupt. Supcrlntena?nt'i otnee. Bcranton, Feb-lst,!?? Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. (ill TIME TABLE. In effect Not. iuu. 1Bs. Trains loavo Bur. Dury. JIASTWAlll), 9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Kxrtrraa (aallv excent 8unday. for narrlshure ana lntermedlatestatlona. uruviuK at, i-iiiiiuil-iiuih p. rn. ; pw lurit, 6.20 d. m. : Baltimore. 8.C5 d. m. : Waahlnuton. 5.50 p. m.. connecting at riillaaelphla for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia, l.eon. m Dar exnress dally exceut Bunday),for Ilarrlsbun? and interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.50 o. m. : New York. 9.85 n. m. : Baltimore 8.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car Liirougu 10 ruuuuuiuuin auu pa&aeiiger uuacut-s iiirougu 10 ruuaueipuia ana iiaiuaigre. 7,45 n. m. ItenoTO Accommodation (dally tor jiarrisnurg ana an intermediate stauona, arnv- an x uiiauci ju.m -. n iu. . lion iui. ,i a. tu, Baltimore. 4.55 m. : Washington 6.05 a. m. : Slecnlntr car accommodations can be Recured at Ilarrlsburc for PhlladelDhla and New York. On Sun- aays amrouga sleeping car win Derun;on inia irainirom viuiamRDxu)rnuaaeiDnia.i'niiaaeiiiiia passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed untl 7 a. m. 7.60 a. m. Erie Mall (datlr excent Monday. fcr Ilarrtsburg and lntrmedlate stations, ar"vlmr at Phlladeluhla 8.25 a. m. New York. ll.Sv m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.:0 a. m. -i nrouga ruumaa sleeping cars are runou this train to PliUadelDhla. Baltimore and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia ana Baltimore. nasi W AKU. 5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo. Erie arl all Intermediate stations and Cannndal. f;ua ru luieruieuiuiu uuuiuus, itngaHier, uuud oandNlagaraFalls,wltbthiougb Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Koch ester. 9.53 News Express (daily except Sunday) lor 12.52 d. m. Ntairara Exoreaa fdallrexceDtSun day) tor Kane and Intermediate stations and can. andalgua and principal IntermeJIata stations. ltochebter. Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to ltaneand llochester ana ranor carlo nuainsport. 4.25 p. m. Fast Lino (delly.except Sundaytfor Re novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmfra. Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas- seugtrr cuuuul-s uj iicuuvu ana v auiins. 9.20 a. in. Sunday mall for llenot o and Interne. dlate RtfttlOD" THUOUOU T1U1NH FOll 8UNBTTHY FIIOMTHE KAb'i-AKUNHITll. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a. m Ilarrlsburg 1.40 arriving at frunbury 9.20 a. m. with lurougusieepingcar iroin rniiaaeipnia to ttll 11UU1HIJU1L. News Express leaves PhlladelDhla 4.80 a. m. Ilarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Bunbury 9.63. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.80 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 12 52 p. m., wtth through l'arlor car from Philadelphia ana uiruugu passenger coaeuea irom I'luioaei plila and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York s.80 a. m. j rhlladel phla.11.14 a. in. : Washington. 9 40 a. in. : Haiti more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Duuuury, p. 111., wiui luruuifu pusaeilger cuocues irvm ruuiu.uipiiia uuu iiaiuiuuru. Erie Mall loaves New York 8.00 p. m. 1 phtlndel Dhlo. 11.25 o. in. ; Wiiililnirlcn. laoon. m. Haiti- more, 11.20 p. in., (dally except Saturday) arriving at bunbury 6.10 a. in., with through Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and iiamioore ana lurouga passenger coacnea troro Philadelphia. HUNIIIIIIY, IIAZI.IITIIN A- Wir.KKHHAItltU ItAII.KIIAII ANII MIHTII A Nil HliST J1VANIIII ItAll.WAY. (Pally except bunuay.) Wllkosbarro Mail leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.47 a. m.. Willies-bar ro 12.40 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 4.85 p. m., arriving at Bloom Kerrr 5.24 n. m.. Wllkea-barre 8.65 d. m bunbury Mall leaves Wltke&barre lass a. m. arriv ing at uiuom 1 erry i?.u& p. m., ruuoury iv.4f p. m Express West leavia wukea-barrel.45 p. m ar riving at Bloom Ferry 8.20 p. m., sunbury l.iop.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday moll leaves Sunbury 9:23 a. m., srrlvlng at Bloom Ferrr 10:14 a. in.. Wllkcs-llarro lino a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkcs-llarro 6:10 p. m., arriving at 11100m t erry, 0.41 p. in., bunoury, 7:40 p. m. (JlfA. E. PUQII, J. It. WOOD, aen.Manager. n. Passenger Agent AGENTS WANTED ! liemuneratlre employment) offered energctto auu renauio iiieu. iiuurrwr, 833 BB0ADWA.Y, KBW YORK. covimt. Future of tto Tariff. Tlio President, in n very recent con versation with a friend, gave on inter esting outline of tits position on tho tariff. In Bpcaking on tliu suhjevt he said t "It seems that my views on the tariff havo been very much tnlstiudt'rttood. I am not a frco trader, nor am I what ftoruu o;ill a high protective tariff mnn. I beliuvo that there is n mi idlo ground upon which we can nil stand with per fect roqard for the inlercslsof imliisliy nnd tlio Ruflleluioy of tho levcmio. Thrro is no doubt that tho system of rnlsliift revdiun for tho support of iho government fimn Hniioa on Jon-lgu nicichniii'iso liiipotietl into the ci-ii'it y Is tin1 siltijilci't mid U ust burdu'iMiino of all nn tliods f ir tlio object in iu. Wo know t'.at tlio Income tax was wt populnr and t lint- a laud tax uoiild afftct tho ngriciilttirnl olns. Tlioo aro Ihu methods resorlcd fi when iho ciisIoiim plan i not ured. A pyst' m of duties bated on tho idea of r. yenuo with iiu'iiloiitnl i-roiootioii setuis to be the proper mlddlo ground." TOO MUCH l'Ot.ITICS. In particularizing tho I'residont said : "I dn not think that Sir. Motrisoti or Jtr. Handatl or the gentlemen who ehle with them aia in the right line. Tlievo is too much polities aud not enough indiibtry in tho Midi riving purposes of their schemes. A mi nsuro so deeply affecting tho eo iiomio interests of the g'lvernnunt thou'd bn hi rang tl itli rcfi.renco to iconomio mid not political conditions." The President intimated that ho would not advise any attempt to nas a tariff bill at the oommiiig session, but woulil uri'0 th ailniiti-iu ot tho a-iiniii- istrative ieaturi-s of the Howitt bill j lint tho existitiK statui'S wore made- quato iu the matter of enforcing tlio uustomi lawa. AN ADMLSISTIlATION JIMAtlUIK. In tho conro of oonvessation tho President indicated his nurniso to tako the tariff question into lm own hands and mako it an admini-tration meas ure. Ho said : "I havu watched tho nnvcres-i of this tariff agitation iu the House and per ceive that it will uo neccssiry for the administration to take hold of it. Iu tho present condition of things it is do ing tho Democratic parly great dam age by fomenting fractional dissensions. Uy tlio tune the IMlttith Uontm-ss assembles it is not Imprcbablo thai tho administration will have a measure to recommend. It will be a mtasuio that will tako the advanced ui'ound of tho Democratio party and may be tho issue of tho next campaign. Thero is a tondouoy to orowd tho tariff question. Therefore instead of dodging and doubling tho Dimocratic party had better tako a stand aud test it tit-lore tho people." wrr i i FO nifiJiest Awards of Heials In Europe ail America, The neatest, nulckcst. safest and most Dowcrful remedy known for llheumntlsm. Pleurisy, Neural gia. Lumbatro. Backache, weakness, colds In the chest and all aches and pains. Endorsed by 5,000 1'uysicians anu lirugisis 01 me iiigncsi. repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relievo and euro where other plasters and greasy salves, liniments and lotions, are absolutely useless. Beware ot Imitations under similar sounding names, such as uap&icura," "uapucin," "uapsicinc," as mey aro utterly worthless and Intended to deceive. Ask rOK IlINSOK'B AND TAKI! NO OT11EB8. All drUgglStS. nov.i-&t.t)ms.u Fesn8jl7aa!a hmvim Wcfb, York, Pa. SgSW!55qa!i"' Btaalul Bb;imi 4 Bi Hull Ife S4 tnr IllnatntHA uawociM. ASTHMA CURES GERMAN ASTHMA CURE InsUnUr relieves tbe moet vlulent attack, and DHureii oomfortabte sleep. SO WAITlftu for HE. SCLTH.Beinff Qaed by Inhalation, Its action la Im mediate, direst ana certain, and a enre la toe result in all cnrable caaen, A atnale trial con vinces the most skeptical. Price 6tlo. and $1.00 of any anjg-gint, or by mail. Hampts Vreo for stamp. lr. ILhClllt FMAN.V, JI.J. novS0H0 3m3.nis. CJ WITHIN O. SIIOHTLIDOE'S ACADEMY, FOB YOnXO 11BN ANU DOTS. MEDIA. PA, 12 miles from I'hlladelnhia. FlAed rjrlce covers every expense, even books. c. No extra charges. iio inciueniai expenses. o examinaiiou ior aa- iuiiqiuu. iwcno ciicrieiieeu leutucii. uu jiieu, anil all graduates. Special opportunities tor apt students to advance rapidly. Special drl 1 for dull end backward boys. Patrons or students may se lect any ktudles or i liooso tho rezular ICntrllsli. Bcl- entlllc Business. Classical or civil Enclneeilng course, students lilted nt ilcdla Academy aro now in iiarvaru, inie, rnnccion nna ten omer Colleges and Polytechnic schools. 10 students sent lo college la I8i3, is In 1881, 10 In l&A 10 In 18sis. A graduating class every year In the com mercial department, a physical and Chemical Laboratory, Gymnasium and Hall Ground, iroo vo s. added to library In lbK). Physical apparatus doubled In 18). Media has seven churches and a temperance charter which prohibits tho sale of all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular address the Principal und Proprietor, SWITHIN C. BHOliTLlUGE, A. A!., (Harvard Graduate,) Media, reiiuu. iAug.u,bo,iy' WILKES-BARRE City Brdst Fcjofi;Y MANDFAOTDltER OF ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES No. 3 North Canal St., Near L. V, li. 11. Depot, John H. Dcs?by, PnOPlUETOIt. ClTWlll null nn i1inlprn nnrn In civ weeks. Bavo your orders. D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. IS BOLD BY ALl, DHUQGISTS. Having struggled 'JO years between life and cam u AbTiiMA or I'liTiiihiu. tieaieti ttv eiuiueni, pnybit-iuus, unu receiving no oenent, 1 was compelled during tho last ft years o( my ill. new to Ht on my chair day and night gasping for ureaiu jviy nuuenugs were ueyona aesenpiiou, In desnalr I exnerlmented on mvseir bv mm. pounding roots und herbs and Inhaling tho medicine- thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this ONUEKFUL CUBE FO It ACTUM A AND t!A. TAllltll. warranted to rellove the most htubborn case oi AHiiiiiA in irivr, AiiniiTi-;ci, so that tho Iiaui'ui tau uu uuwii iu re&i uuu Bleep curaioniiuiy, 'leane read the following condensed extracts from unsolicited lec-innoniaia. an oi leocni dale: Oliver Y. It. Ilolir.cs. Han Jose. Cal.. writes: ' l Und the remedy all and even mora than repro- li. M. Carson. A. M.. Warien. Kanaa writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians of dltlcrent states nothing allorded rellei like your T. li dates, County Treasurer, Philadelphia, Mini, writes: "Have used tho Itemeilv. Would not live without It, livery ono that uses It re. WUluiruus ii." L. U. Phelps. P, M., Griggs, Onlo, writes: 'uf. fcrcd with asthma 40 veara. Yrmr irullrlim in .1 minutes does more for inu ilian the most eminent nhvslclan did for me In three ve.irn." ll. u. Plumpton, Jollet, ill., writes: "Send Ca- larru iieuieuy ui. uuce, uaunot get along without It, I nnd It lo bo tho most valuable uedlcuo I ImvocM'r tried." oeo. W. Bmdy, Nelson Co., Ky writes: 'I am using the remedy. Gained tl pounds ins weeks. Vi ould not be without It." Martin Fox. uttle Falls, N. writes: "Find llrinedy eicellcnu Could not live without It," We have mauy other hearty testimonials ol cure or relief, and Iu order that all sufferers from Asth ma, catarrh Hay Fever, and klndrftl iiiHkpa mnv hatonn opportunity ot testing tho value of the ucuu-uy n mil ncuu it nnjf nuun'hs Till ALl At ri AUAiiitEiur ijiAmir.. jiuuriss, J. ZIMMl'.ll.MAN ll UO., Proprietors, Wholesola Drugglsu, Woontcr, AVayua tu, o, , run sizo box by mallji, imajMy, OC2j 86 lOt.ald. for Infanf and Children. BSBaBBNSBSaaaBSSSBSSSBSSBBMSHSSaBaBBRSSSBSaaSaSBSSSSSaaSBHB. "Cm torl la so well adnptej to children that I Cutoriis eflrffl Oollo. Constipation, trecommcndltojisupcriortoanrprescripUon I gour nr.WVr.& f AcSiiSJi- At known to me," I LA. Ascnxa, t. D., I K,UicSM' "a W 111 Go. Oxford Bt, Drooilyn, N. T. Without lnjurloui medication. ' Tun CudAua Cohtant, 183 Fulton Street, K. Y. EPA. HftHOCniViE ViEODIfiS, CIRTflDAV OR HOLIDAY PRESENT.- 4 ea vx'NSFX (tm&m Combining a Parlor, .i lP s " iurui.-in.-u whu vuu iiiiiimniia sejaril Jjrnkc. nnd If j.nll.f CS? JSfi at onr Wholesale Prices. SendstampforCataloguo anamentlnnrnVr?,. TEiE LUQUnC MANF'C CO.. ERRINE'S TURK HAltLEY P ni srn.t.rD from tclected Barley nit and guaronlrcd to bo chemically euro and frco from lolurlousollH and icfdsoften contained In alcoholic liquors, ll is opcclally adapted to persons rcqulilnga stimulating tonic, consumptives being gix:atly bcnellttcd by lisufe. lieroinmended by lending physicians as aliluietle Nervine, lonlo nnd Allerutlvo. For: Consumptives tt Is Invaluable. PHiniNE'ij PUlli: liAHI.i:v ALT WIlls-KEYlnsuies n return of vigor to the stomach, it good appetite, a rich and abundant blood nnd Increased neili and muscular I Issue. A stimulant mild nnd gentle In cnect. Uytpeppln, Indigestion nnd all wasting dls, eases can be ci tlrely conquered by the uso nr Perilno s 1 tiro Bi rley nit V hlskcy. It Is a tonic nnd diuretic arid a powerful strcngtliener to tho entlro system. PElt. ltlNK'BI'UKE BAltLEV All WiiibKin has proud a medicinal protection ta those who purstio their atocatlons inthoopenalr nnd w hose dolly workcnlls It exceptional powers of endurance. AsJt vour neatest drupgUt or grocer for lor PLIIlllNK'S ITIIK BAULK V ALT WHISKEY levlvcs tiioenciglcs of those orn out with excessive bodily or menial effort and acts as n rafrguaid against exposure In wet and rigorous weather, itwlll drive all malarious diseases tiom the system. I Ml nard workers or every vocmion Hyspepsla nnd In Perrlne's rure Barley Slalt vthlskey a powerful Invlgornnt nno nciper to nigestion. ri - PUHE AI.ILl AIT H without unduly stimulating tho kid neys Increases their flagging activity, 1 - r m counteracts mo rnecus or laiigue, nas- 9 Si tens convalescence and lsn wholesomoHpure." signed, Camilla Arthur MalerM nnd prompt diuretic. Watcltho label I (radtie qrAe Unlnrtltles ofllunichM l ione genuine uiiu-ba uearing lure 4? or sale nv an druinrlsts and grocers throughout the United States and Canadas. 37 NOETII FRONT ST. 38 FOU SALE BY DRUOOISTS ECONOMY THE PRACTICAJL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOB CAN BE CHIAPIEI TEAM EYlUt A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LjVKGE AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the UKBI SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE. BEtST QUALITY. AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE mmm iiiiibi niooiiasSbiirg, Pa, C JB. JROBMlg, DEALER IN M amigm audi M WINES AND LIQUORS ASM J0SBER IN CIGAK. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wliolcsalo nnd AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLES. Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL- 120 & 128 Franklin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'a Aveimo & 210, 212 & 214 Cen ter Street. SCRANTON, PA, f occupjlng BooamtuatlooB. A Biatmiaccnt liulldlngoUlaewii. itrmsruudiralo. Addrets for terms c6c8m. F, M. ALLEN, Piiest, noT.19-80 iy. r.ll)rnry( Snioklnp, nrcllnlnc: or IiitbIi.i X I (11 iKW for Catalogue. imr or the worlii. I4B N. 8th St., Phllada.. Pa. October S2,80 0yrs, MALT WHISKEY. nnn persons wnom a fcacniorv me teiuiprn prnnn to Thoannl.rt.taas It nnnears brthn I n I itlu. - M. - . - i Del on every bottle: lhavecarerullrnn I MM 1 nlyzed tlio Pckk Baulky M.ilt Wms-I kxv maao ry ji. & J. 1-. i crrino and Hilda it entirely trco f mm fusel on, furrurol.l metals nnd nclds nnd Is atooluteiil iuu Bigna- mueneva ana n tiBuauni NORTH WATER ST., PHILA AND ALL DEALEItS. (J 9.1y. TIE BOUGHT Varied Stock of 1 29 OF Iictall dealers in A6N Pi v JLPf )? 9 sT S M