The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 03, 1886, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
PMDAY1. DEOKMBEIt 3, 1880.
CunnlCT lllLKOtD TIK TalUfc" '
utSmnti Ul mifti"P"ha lavo Rupert
3:4SP-m- Q 6:l3p.S:
7ollo"Sn.theI),t' W..H.toTe nioomsburg
AlTm south.
iSEi8S: . tKSss:
.w p. ra. ;?
M p.m.
P,aU UN OAT. 820 P-"1-
WHam 6:41 p m
Deo. 11. J. II. Maize will offer at pub
lic sale, nt 10 o'clock n. ra,,tlio following
properties In Dloumsburgi A largo two-and-n-half
story brick residence, on corner
of Fifth and Ccntro streets, 12 largo rooms,
all modern Improvements, lot 03 x 185 feet
stablo and outbuildings, ono of the tlncit
houses In town. It cost $12,000, but will
bo sold for a less figure.
Also, n sturo house, on comer of Main
and Centra, best business location In town,
steam heat, water and gas, contatulng store
loom and offices. Tho rents make It a first
class Investment!
Also, a half Interest In two houses and
lo s, near Ncal & Son's furnace. Will
make comfortable homes or will pay well
to rent.
Tuo heirs of Samuel Hagenbuch deceas
ed, will expose to public sale on the prem
ises In Ointigcvlllo on Thursday Dec. lOlh.
at 2 p. in,, the pioperty known ns the
Orangevllle Hotel. It is a large brick
building with all the necessary stahllug
and outbuildings for n hotel property. It
has always enjoyed a liberal patronage and
the sale Is necessary to settle up the estate.
It Is a first-class chanco for au enterprising
landlord, or will pay well to rent. For
particulars address W. H. Hagenbuch, 923
Market St. Phila. or Fierco Hagenbuch,
A married lady wants a nlcely-furnlshed
sunny room, In or near Dloomsburg, with
good, healthy food, and will pay u good
price for good accommodations, Call or
direct A. B., caro of Columiiian olllce.
For Sale. The undersigned will sell 40
or CO acres, more or less, to suit purchas
ers, from the south side of his fat m in
Hemlock township. Thrco good springs
oi water, Rood "julldlng site, public road
througii the land, about 5 acres of timber,
small stream of water through land. Price
$10 pel ncro In payments. For particulars
.nqulre of Itcubcn Bomboy, IlucKhnrn, or
Geo. 12. Elwcll, Bloomsburg. J4,0 uios.
Notice to TuximycrH.
Tho tax payers of the town of Blooms,
burg should avail themselves of the oppor
tunity of calling on tho undersigned and
scttln their taxes previous to January 17111
1887, as flvo per cent will bo added on and
after that date. Bloom'luirg Nov. 80th.
1880. H. Stiles, Coll.
FlHlitiittcrccIc Friends' Monthly
MeetliiK Hcliool .ulllvlllc, l'a.
A graded day f chool for both sexes hav
ing a well organized preparatory depart
ment. Tho course of study adopted, offers
superior advantages for a thorough, guard
cd education at very modcrato terms.
Boarding obtained at reasonable rates. For
full particulars address,
Annie O. Borland, Principal.
ocl6-3ra Millville, Pa
firxptacles and Eye glasses at George A.
Clark' Book Store.
Judge and Mrs. Elwcll went to Philadel
phia on Tuesd.iy.
Major S. P. Hanlcy of Berwick was in
town on Wednesday.
Col. It. B. Rlckctts of Wilkesburo was
In town on Saturday.
D. W. Kitchen nnd daughter wcro In
Philadelphia tho first of the week.
Mr. A. V. Snyder, postmaster and lead
ing merchant of Mllllln, was In town on
Dr. J. It. Evans returned from Chicago
on Saturday, aud expects lo spend some
time at homo.
James Ilcacock, of Millville, was. in
town on Monday with some ducks. They
were tho finest brought to town this season.
T. W. Conner, formerly of Orangevllle,
lias sold his Delaware farm for more than
lie paid for it a year ago, nnd is now en
gaged In the organ business at Dover.
Mr. Edward Brugler, grandson of J. J.
Brower, Esq., who is attending the General
Theological Seminary, in Now York, spent
Tlmnksgivlng In town with his relatives.
Court next week.
See tho hanging lamps at Mercer's.
Silver and gold thimbles at Bernhardt
jewelry store. Engraved free of charge.
Our merchants aro getting ready for the
Holiday trade. Watch for their advertise
ments. .Mrs. Shadrach Ward was burled in the
old Lutheran and IJeformcd burial ground
on Thursday of last wcok.
Passengers nnd baggage delivered free
to persons buying western tlcko's of Moycr
Bro's, Agts. Pcnnn. It. Ii.
Thanksgiving Day was a stormy one.
Considerable snow fell, making slush and
mud to the depth of several Inches.
E, E. WUlet, dressmaker, will no out by
the day very low price, 50 cents a day.
Call on Iron St., at Mrs. 8. Noeakcr's.
T)r. J. H. Moore, tho specialist from
PittstOD, will bu at tho Exchange Hotel on
iSaturdoy, Deo. 4, from 0 a. m. to 2 p. m.
You will get tho best and cheapest gold
and silver watches at h. Bernhard's jewelry
fltore. Also a full Hue of silverware all en
graved free of charge.
Mr J. D. Wilson has a pumpkin In his
storo In Skive's block that weifhs 125
pounds and measures 0 feet 8 Inches
around. It was raised on his Third street
Tho town clock froze up last week Wed
nesday uleht at half past twelvo. Tho ac-
cumulation of Ico on the faco stopped the
hands. Janitor Shultz soon had It In work
ing order again.
Jlov, S. W. Bcibort will hold his fourth
quarterly meeting In tho Evangelical
.churnli. next Saturday and Subbath
Preaching Saturday evening, Sunday at 8
p. m., and Buuday ovcnlng. uommuuion,
Bunday afternoon.
Tho resldcnoo of Blshon Ilullson at
Bethlehem was damaged by fire last Friday
to the extent of $300. The tiro started lu a
partition In which sliding doors ran, and Is
.supposed to have been caused by a match
being carried luto the opening and Ignited
by the working of the doors.
Boo tho pretty vases at Mercer's. !
I- H. Hartman. nt Hi rii.t.
, . - -wiuuiuin, re
ceived recent W a Hi i
gamo fowls from Ohio. Game breeder.
should call and sco them.
The ladles of tlm l!f,m.i !.'..,. ,,,
v..mlin vuurcil will
glvo an oyster supper at tho houso of
i rninonotary William Snyder on Catharine
street, next Friday evening, Dec. 8.
Mr. Win, Hart repoits tho outlook good
In ore.inliilng business, tin .
open a number of additional mines by the
- "i mo now year and will add many to
his present force of workmen.
McClellan's book Is meeting with a rapid
salo. M. F. Eyttly, ngent, sent In a largo
ordci last weck.and Is celtlm mon
dally. The book Is one of llin most t
portunt publications of tho history of tho
war, and should bo owned by every Demo
crat In tho comity.
Tho Danville nail works are now llluml-
natel with electric light. A dynamo of
1,100 revolutions, with a capacity of 800
nuillo, 11113 MISl uecn MllReil In tlm tr-n-b.
hy tho Wcsllnehmifn cnmniinv. Tlm me
dium c pernios wo lights, 14 of them of
iou canine power, and 123 of 10 canrllo
Benjamin Chrism in illoil t wiitn..
Barro on Tuesd.iy and was buried at Espy
u.i imirsiiay. no resided In Bloomsburg
a number of years and then moved to Espy
whero ho resided until his removal to
Wllkcs.Barrc, about tlx veins mm. hi.
ago was about 05 yeais. He leaves a wld
ow to mourn his luss.
tli Ilcnrv'rt mlntlri.U will .mm. .
- ..... I,), 11,
Opera Home lu this nl ICO Dll Wcilnpailnv
December 8th 1S30. The Iroupo has twenty
uvo actors. 1 hey havu becu in this piece
scvcrnl'tlmes before and always drew largo
houccs. Admission 00, 35, aud 25 cents.
Reserve seat tickets on sain nt DrniWa
shoe storo without extra charge.
W. J, Corcll & Co. have on hand at their
furnlturo ware rooms an assortment of
cherry, ebony and oak stands, fancy rock,
era, plush loot rests and stools, brotizo and
gilt plcturo frames, handsome chamber nnd
parlor suit?, all suitable for Christmas
gifts. A full lino of furniture, all kinds
andprlccs, nlways In stock.
W. 11. Gllmore has received his stock of
novelties for the holidays, Ho will again
havo tho largest variety ever brought in
this section. Call nt once and see. Ev
erybody can be suited tho Drlccs ranirn
from 1 cent upwards. Do not send away
for coods when vou lmve such a vnrlntv
from which to make your selections.
Our exchanges are warning their read-
era to look out for the man travelling
thrjugh Pennsylvania, collecting money
for a monument to be erected over the
grave of Samuel J. Tilden, and calling
himself a nephew of ElltorDana, of the
Now ork Sun. He Is an Impostor.
Tho Supremo Court has declared uncon
stitutional tho Act of 1877 providing for
the collection of fees by Sheriffs outsido
of their respective counties. They say it
Is a special Act, because designed for a
particular purpose, applicable only to par
ticular persons, and to them only for a lim
ited period. It changes the method of
collecting specified debts, extends the
powers of justices and changes rules of
evidence in particular cases, and is contrary
to tho provision of section 7 article III of
tho constitution.
Sco our albums,
they are good quality
J. II. Mercer.
and low In price.
A large party was held at tho homo of
Mr. I. S. Kiilm, on Centre street, Wednes
day evening of last week. Upwards of
eighty Invited guests were present. The
spacious houso mado It pleasant for all who
desired to engago In earacs, and near the
"wosma" hours to partake of the bounteous
repast furnished. Tho evening seemed to
be an enjoyable one by all and one long lo
bo remembered. Among the friends from
a distance weru Miss Sallio Schoch, of
SUtlngton; Miss Sue II. Mullen and Miss
Annlo Hoffman, of Danville; Mr. B F.
Bertsch, of Mauch Chunk, and Mr. E. D.
Scidel, of Danville.
Get your weduing invitations at tho Co-
The following notico of a former resi
dent of Bloomsburg, Is taken from a de-
patch to the Now York World, from New
burg, N. Y dated Nov. 20:
"Sampson Townscnd, aged 70, of Light-
street, Pa , was married at Mlddletown last
night to J1U Julia Gillespie, of that vil
lagc, aged 74. Tho guests numbered
nearly forty, the greater part being chil-
Iren, grandchildren and great-grandchil
dren of the bride. The bridal party wero
preceded to the altar by Bobbie T. Brvaut,
a six-year-old grandson, and Grace Mapcs,
a three-year-old great-granddaughter of tho
brldo. Tho happy couple havo gono on a
week's tour."
Gold spectacles extra quality at L. Bern
hard's. Judgo Klwell h is not sufllctently regained
his health to hold court and ho has there
fore secured Judgo Grcc.i of Schuylkill
county for the first week, and Judgo Rice
of Jjiizerno for tho second week. Judgo
Sltlzer of Wyoming county will hold tho
Danvlllu court. In twenty four years this
Is the fourth lino that a judgo from anoth
cr district has been called hero to hold
court. Judgo Rockefeller presided In a
jury trial In which Judge Elwcll was Inter
ested as an executor, and subsequently
heard tho water plpo injunction case.
Judgo Dana presided in one caso occupy
ing a few hours, and Judge ltlce was call
ed hero to decide the West street Injunc
tion. Altogether the oises heard by these
judges would not occupy a week.
Finest scenery going West by Tenna. It.
It. Tickets at Moycr Bros.
Tho brief announcement of tho death of
Miss Minnie S. Wertman, which appeared
in the last Issuo of tho Arqui, cast u deep
gloom over our town. In company with
her aunt, Mrs. S. L. Finney, she went to
Dorrs, Columbia county, to atrend tho
funeral of hor father who died verj sud
denly two weeks ago, Tuesday. As her
brother was HI at Hie time, she decided to
remain a few days with him, and Mrs
Finney returned home, leaving Minnie at
ihe residence of her aunt, Mrs. Clinton
Lewis. She had complained several times
of pains lu tho sldo and brrast, but up to
the day of her death nothing of a serious
nature developed Itself, lu tho evening
sho had beon lying down, and about the
usual time lor retiring, sho remarkod to
her aunt that sho would uet up and go up
to her room. Sho arose from the couch,
but had barely rested her weight upon the
Iloor until she fell over and expired almost
Instantly. A physic! in was summoned
who pronounced it as his opinion that tho
causo of her dcatli was an abscess of tho
liver, and the exertion Incl lent to arising
caused 11 to break thus resulting In her
death. MUs Wertmiu was a most csti.
mablo ycua lady, of quiet demeanor and
.r.ii'. fiil ilenoitiDcnt. nnd was highly cs
It-cmi'd hy a large circle of friends. Milton
Executors' and administrators' receipt
books at tho Polouuia cilice. ir.
TlicTraum Nnlflnncc.
About a year ago stens wore Ukcn to en-
force tho tramp law In this town. Con
stable Woodward arrested a number of
them, tho ovldcnco against them bclne all
that was required by the law to convict
them. Notwithstanding this tho grand
Jury Ignored tho bill apd put tho costs on
the officer, but tbo court would not permit
this to bo done, ou tho ground that costs
could not bo Imposed on a pcaco officer In
tho lawful dlschargo of bis duties. This
action of the grand jury has slnco deterred
the officers from arresting tramps for fear
that that body, sworn to enforce the laws,
would again refuse to do Its plain duty. It
Is probablu that tho grand jury was actuat
ed by a desire to provent the costs that
might bo put on tho county by tho whole
sale arrest of tramps, but this would not
ho tho result. When It became noised
abroad that tramps were arrested In
uioomsuurg tuo nuisanre was abated for a
long time, but It is again becoming as bad
as over. These fellows arc Insolent and.
lazy, and would rather go without a meal
than to work for It, and so are entltl.d to
no sympathy. Burglaries aro becoming
frequent all over tho country, and there Is
no doubt that many of them are committed
uy tramps, liio law defines a tramp as
ono who goes about from placo to place
begging, asking or subsisting upon charity,
aud for the purpose of acquiring monoy or
a living, nnd having no fixed placo of rest
denco or lawful occupation In tho county
wnere ho is arrested, and on conviction ho
may bo Imprisoned not more than a year,
Tht act excepts females, minors under six
teen, and blind, deaf or dumb persons.
Any ono has power to arrest a tramp with
out a warrant, on view of tho offense.
Tho conviction of one or two would scare
tho others away, and the costs would bo
light. Wo would suggest to tho town
authorities that boards bo placed In every
street leading Into the town, with a notice
painted thereon, to tho effect that the
tramp law Is enforced here, and that all
such persons found begging aro liable to
imprisonment for one year in tho county
jail. This might keep them away so that
tliero would bo no necessity for arrests.
The uulsanco Is growing, nnd somo steps
ought to bo taken at onte to protect our
homes. There ore many ladles in this
town who are afraid to go to the door to
answer the bell after dark, if aloue in tho
house, for fear of tramps- There should
bo no occasion for this, and it can bo pre
vented, If grand juries will permit the laws
made for the protection of society to bo
Attempt nt nurxlary.
About ono o'clock, on tho morning of
Saturday, November 27, 18S0, an attempt
was made to enter tho residence of S. N.
Walker, No. 40 Hock street, Bloomsburg,
by two men, one of whom was seen to pass
hurriedly down the alley between tho Mc-
Ivelvy and Cbrlstman lots, while the other
was heard going down the walk on the op
posite sldo of the house; the two met on
Hock street In front of the house, and went
towards tho residence of Mr. Tustin and
down the allpy between Tustin and Fora
wnld. The man who went down the alley
woro a cap and dark clothes. An investi
gation in the morning disclosed tho fact
that they had tracked close to tho back
kitchen window, and had thrown down
. 1. 1 l. . ! . .... I .... . 1 . .
wiu uuurus (tub aguiusi uiu uuuuiu m iuu
l.nM....r.l nln tlm flirnnn I
out the dav before on the freshfallcn snow.
tumbled down a pile of shingles in tho j
shed, removed a pl-cu of tin spouting from
a bench to .a wheelbarrow, standing near,
and tried to liht a match upon It, wasting j
three in the trial there and three more at ,
the back door ot the house. Just before
the town clock struck one, the Inmates of
lie uouse wcie aci. ny a muse nu
discovering uotblug out of the way, went
back to bed; not satisfied that all was right,
they soon rose, and mado a second and
moro t orough examination, when the
thieves, fortunately for them, took flight
just in time to save themselves. This at
tempt, following so closely on the opening
of Hawlings' safe, leads to the suspicion
that a gang of burglars is operating In Co
lumbia county, and it behcoves everybody
to beware.
Railroad News.
There is very little to report in railroad
news. It's pretty well settled tuat 1110 ter
minus of the Wllkes-Barro & Western will
bo Shlckshlnny. It will not go to Hunlock's
Creek, the resolutions of the Cambra meet
ing to tbo contrary notwithstanding. The
liberal offer of the Hunlock's Creek party
is all a myth and tho $300,000 extra cost to
take it there Is a matter of somo Import
ance. Tho road will come to Shlcksuinny
nnd the route chosen will depend largely
upon the success of the committee named
at (ho Cambra meeting. Tho committco Is
a strong one and, considering tho matter at
stake, should leave nothing undone to raise
tho required capital. The Marshall Hollow
route will bo a more profitable one to
the company, although It Is a fow miles
longer. Kcho.
A syndicate, including New York, Lon
don and Philadelphia capitalists, has been
meeting at the office of Barker Bros. & Co.
Lehigh Valley has extensive soft coal In
terests in the Snow Shoe district. All its
p-oduct has gono over the Pennsylvania
Railroad. Tho Schuylkill Valley line has
alarmed the Lehigh Valley.
In consequence a new trunk line will bo
built. Two routes have been surveyed
one west from Mauch Chunk, tho other
from ABhland. The charter will bo that ot
tho old New York, Bloomsburg and West
In addition to the Chicago llncs.brancbcs
to Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Cincinnati will
bo built.
The syndicate Is said to have $20,000,000
capital. The cost from Mauch Chunk to
tho Ohio State line will be about 15,00,
000. Lehigh Valley will also build into Jersey
City. It is denied that Lehigh Valley, as a
corporation, Is Interested, but its friends
arc. J'hila. Inquirer,
1'uinDKLruu, November 29, ISSfl
The December Lippincott is
out. The new idea, a whole
story in every number, is tak
ing. John Helen's Babies Hab-
berton fired the first shot in
November, and Mrs. Frances
Hodgson Burnett succeeds him
anu introduces juiss ueiarge,
an elder .sister of that Lass o
Lowries, Big task the editor
sets in trying to make Lippin-
coifs live up to the level of
Brtieton's Bayou. High water
in that Bayou. Our Lippincott
sales jumped seventeen times
over on the November number
in response to Habberton's call,
TulrleenlU-btreet center.
The Carpet Store has news.
i lot ot Koxbury lapestry Car-
pete at 75 cents, usual retail
price $i.oo. They are good
enough to command very special
attention but not sufficient to last
long. Other Tapestries at 55
60, and 65 cents. A twenty per
cent cut on retail prices to wind
up the lots.
Smyrna Rugs. Four Thou
sand of them at two-third prices.
Read the sizes, prices, and re
ductions 41 x HI Inches, $9.0'! doirn from 15.00.
Mx 71
4.00 i
ao xm
18 XM
19 X30
This is a bold
for big
Don't suppose these
represent our Carpet
They are only incidents,
of choice goods here.
Market street, second floor.
Towels. Good stock
long service. Plax outwears
tow. In low priced especially,
quality is more than weight.
A towel 19 by 40 inches, fringe
included, all flax, 18 cents ; plain
or blue or red borders. Another
25 cents, 22 by 44 inches, same
borders, better, heavier. They
are German. Another 3 ; cents
26 by 48 inches and the best of
three. This is Irish.
Our linen trading brings for
your personal uses or home-
buying all possible economy and
excellence. We did not learn
the linen business, cither in
qualities or prices, until we be
gan the study with growing flax.
West of Arcade steps.
Wool Dress Stuffs. Hints
only :
Homespuns, 42 inches wide,
37,'4 cents. All wool. Stands
Bright plaids, 36 inches wide,
37I4 cents. Quite ritrht for
Fifty cents. Diagonals in rich
sonu colors 42 incnes wide
sober mixed and plain colored
tricots 36 inches wide ; canvas
cloth in navy-blue, brown, green,
olive, garnet, black, 44 inches,
down from 75 cents.
rlaids, mixtures and stripes
05 cents that were si. 25 and si
Brilliant and dull, quiet and
loud if words of sound may
tell a story ot color tree lancy
can both roam and settle here.
44 and 45 inches wide.
Wick stripes. Clusters of
candle wicks on plain grounds.
q. ,
OlXCS atlCl
tnrees. mere is a
Certain rOUffn eietnince
them quite in the line of the fancy
Qf tJ,e hour. Black ground with
Mt and with
,. ' ? , ... ,
cardinal, brOWIl With old gold
and Others. 75 Cents, 41 inches
Scotch worsted StUltS, 54
'inches, at $2.50. The variety
and the style of them ! Hard to
t -r i ii
cnooser very, wnen all are
good an hour of critical study
failed to show a bad pattern
But the critic might not have
known. No matter, you shall
AU around the center.
Two counters just under the
stairway to the second floor are
given to the exhibit ol the Ku
dolstadt ware. It has individ
uality, character of its own. We
think you can not find it else
where in this market.
Examine the specimens. They
are all new ; vases and baskets
with statuette figures and with
out, card-receivers, pilgrim bot
ties, roosters, letter-holders ; the
ground work is rustic, canary,
ivory ; the decorations are roses.
pansies, tiger lilies, lilacs, fu
chsias, etc.
The prices have been from 40
cents to $10, but now they run
from 10 cents to S3. 75. Gipsey
baskets go from $4.75 to $1.75 ;
vases $10 to $375, $6.50 to
$2.50, 40 cents to 10. Ihese
prices are only pointers. One
thousand pieces are now in the
forward stock, and prices ot all
are on the same basis.
Juniper and Market streets.
liiankets. ine main tact is
that our prices are not advanced
Wool is up, everybody knows
that. Our blanket schemes were
laid before the rise. We own
the goods at old rates and on
the principle that our bargain is
your bargain you may take them
without advance, 'liiankets
we have almost made a blanket
literature. You've read it, what
need to say more ? We pick a
single one 74 by 84 inches, six
pounds, $4.50 or 75 cents
pound. All wool ? No, cotton
warp, but the cotton is tine, and
the wool filling is clean and long
and the blanket is not only very
good but really cheap. Cheai;
as we mean cheap.
Westot the Arcade steps.
As the remnant counter to
women mst so the misfit suit
stock to men. Between the two
the Toodleses should be happy
Second floor, Thirteenth street.
John Wanamaker.
Cbestout, Thirteenth and Market streets,
and CUr-nall square.
Dr, E. U. Janes of the New York Board
of Health says i
"1 lane great pleasure in testifying my
approbation of the superior qualities of the
port wine produced by Alfred Bpecr, of
Passaic, New Jersey,
After a prolonged trial I recommend his
Port, Burgundy and Claret as superior
wines for the sick and deblllated, and all
those who require wine. His claret Is used
In the S'oall-pox hospital with great advan
tajo to patients." For sale by druggists,
.,!ON",, P?.n Earth fori tin." Willi
few Ilbeumum, .minilcjA,!
nwnuntf, niui ink. i;nilm,B
go, 1'lrorlFy, Korw, Krrwt.bltM.
SclAtlcfl. VOtinclK. IlMUlAfhA.I
who, wlnr.BomThiTttt,
Toothache, pnnUnn, rta 11-teel
BcIva boftte, Hold bjr all I
KlniinnxtHa liiuttoTU The iron -I
vVPfl. "til no kalvatiaH till lir-flr nnrl
laVlm5t ttenfttnre. A. d.llrror & Co.. tSolol
lYoprictor. JiaJtlmore, HL, U, fi A. I
OCIfc rro-liOr-tvl TmH ifirk. .n.1
For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Conch, Incipient Con
sumption, nnd for tho relief of con
Etiaptlve pcr:on3 In advanced singca
of the Disease. For Salo by ell Drug
Elsts. Price, 25 cents.
List of lcttcia remaining In the Post Of.
ficcat Bloomsburg for week ondlng Nov.
30, 1880s
Mr George Beagle, Gilbert Dcuschlc,La-
fayetto Fuller, Mrs. Many E. Green, M B.
Smith, Nathan llcndershot, Mr. Charles
Keller, Mr. O. F. Kline, Mr. Wm. Blue,
Mr. Frnnk Bloss, J. L. Lockord.
Farlnocl Mlchelc, Majk Nadzam, Janos
Manano Dlmco.
Persons calling for theso ' letters will
Dlcaso say "advertised."
Uuoisait A. Clawc, P. M.
Children Starving to Dbatit on account
of their inability te digest food, will find a
most marvellous food nnd remedy In fcotl's
Emulsion. Very palatablo nnd easily di
gested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco,Tcxas,
says: "I havo used your Emulsion In In
fantile wasting. It not only restores wasted
tissues, but filves strength nnd Increases
tho appetite-."
Headquarters Ent Post, No., 250, Q. A.
,, Bloomsburi?, Pa. Nov., 10th 183(1. Tho
undersigned a committee of said Post, re
spcctfully report that on tht 6th day of the
current month the Becretary of War fur-
nlshcd to these headquarters the memoran.
(turn which follows. It is promulgalcd in
several orders for tho Information of cyery
ost of the order.
At the last session of Congress (Act of
August 11th, 1880) provision was made for
continuing the work for furnishing head
stones for unmarked graves of soldiers,
sailors and marines in cities, towns and
village cemeteries, atd other burial places,
nud the War Department has accordingly
mado arrangements for supplying all Uial
may be required to tho 30th of June, 1887.
Applications can bo mado at any time be
fore tho 30th of June next, but it is de
Bired that they bo filed at the earliest date
practicable, to enablo the Department to
upply the stones with the first shipment,
bieb will bo made early In the ensuing
pring. The necessary blanks on which to
make application wilt he furnished ny De
partment headquarters to every Post whero
they are needed, on request.
Wo therefore request information in re
gard to such unmarked graves, and appeal
to any and all interested; and whenever
possible give full name, Company, Regi
ment, and date of birth aud death, and
also the place of burial.
Wm. Thomas, Com.
U. H. Ent, ' I
Canal .HlHHloiuirj- Work.
Rev. 8. W. Zleglcr, Missionary of the
Philadelphia Sabbath Association, preach-
ng to tho boatmen on the Susquehanna
Canal, Is now making his annual collection
to sustain the work. The annual report of
the Association is beforo us. It shows
Rood work dono by all Its missionaries on
tho various canals of this Stato and New
Jersey. On Sir. Ziegler's field 0C0 boats
were visited; 18 meetings held; bibles sold.
8; testaments sold, 40; e'onated, 100; relig
ious cxhortatluus on boats, 120; pages of
tracts distributed, 0,800; religious papers,
2,200; meetings held In churches, 8; mon
eys collected, $122.03. A'unficoile Sun.
A Palatini Car.
A palatial car In which HI Henry's mln-
strels are traveling is a veritable model of
eleganco nnd luxury, and Is without doubt
the largest and finost show car ever built,
being 07 feet 7 inches long, 14 feet high, 10
feet wide and weighing 33 tons, having a
handsome parlor finished in solid walnut,
with bronze decorations, elegant tapestry
and all modern facilities, a kitchen with
all modern Improvements, a dining room
that will seat a scoro ot people, a luxurious
offico containing bath. bed. wardrobe.
dressers, handsomo mirror, Jclock. llbrary,
speaking tubes, electric bells, nud a count,
less number of ingeniously constructed
lockers, and stowaways. Tilts beautiful
car will uo In Bloomsburg. Wednesday.
December 8th, and may be visited by all,
from 3 to 5 o'clock p. m., nt the D. L. &
W. depot.
Two 1880 Gold Mkdai.8 Messrs. Mason
& Hamlin again havo tho illstluo:ulhed
nonor or navine uecn awan ed tlio liluhest
gold medal over all exhibitors. American
anil European, both nt Liverpool anil Edln
uurg, 1110 two most important exhibitions
of the year 1880. Slnco tho first great
Paris exhibition of 1807, tlio Mason &
Hamlin Organs havo Invariably received
tho blehest honors nt all great wor'd's ex-
uioiuons, inenew mode of piano con
structlon, invented nnd Introduced by
mason a namiin in iaa, is no longer nn
experiment but nn assured success, tested
and proved, many of tho lies' judges hav
ing pronounced It 'the greatest Improve,
ment In pianos of the Century." By It
musical tones of remarkable brightness
auu puruy are oniaineii, ana tuning is re
quired less than one nuartcr ns often ns In
tho old system. An illustrated catalogue.
fully explaining the improvements, will bo
sent tree to any address.
We have but a few copies of Freeze's
History or uo umuia uountv. l'r cn re
duced from $2.50 to ifil.OO Those who
havo been waiting, thinking they could
get them any time, had better secure a
copy at onco or they will bo too late. Sent
uy man lor 9I.B3 by Klwell ifc Blttcnbcu-
aer. uinomsnurg, fa. tf,
VANLIE W -PEALER. On October 9
1880, by Rev D. M. Klnter, Mr. Geo. W.
Vanllew to Miss Llzzlo C. Pealcr, both of
Asbury, Col. Co., Pa.
November 27, 1880, by Rev. D, M, Klnter,
Mr. Lawsori M. Roberts, of Waller, Col,
Co., Pa., to Miss Lydla Kinley, of Asbury,
joi. uo., i-n.
PATTERSON, -In Greenwood, Nov. 15
1880, Samuel M. Patterson, aged 01 years
HARTMAN. -In Flshlnccreek Twn..
Nov, 10, 1880, Thomas Hartman, a soldier
of the late war, aged 65 years, 3 months
and 2U days
Mountain Drove Jotting.
As our small town has been prospering
for the last few weeks and nobody seems
to write anything about It, 1 will try to In
form tho readers of the Columbian that
Mt. Grovo Is novcr behind in news. We
havo no papers published here, and, ns a
general rule, the people of tho vicinity try
to distribute tho news as much as possible.
Miss Bright, our enterprising operator, Is
spending a few days In Bunbury, where
she Is visiting her parents and others.
Miss Jennie Hcbbcrn, who was tho guest
ot the Misses Cnl. nnd Mngglo Baker, re
turned to her home on Saturday last. Miss
Hcbbcrn formerly filled tho position as op
crator In this place, but owing to her
health falling, she was obliged to resign
her position and seek some other employ
ment. MIbs Flora Kashncr, our successful
school teacher, Is getting along finely with
the boys nnd girls. Bho only thrashed two
last week.
Mr. A. 8. Truckcnmlllcr, music denier
and stationer, from Calawlssa, was attend
Ing to somo official business here on last
Mr. Lutzof Hctlcrvlllc, Is conducting a
vocal music class in this place. Mr. I.utz
Is a good musician and should rocclvo the
patronago of this vicinity.
Some of our young gentlemen that were
out calling the other evening, should bo
careful, and let their gum boots at homo
next time.
Miss Martha Bchllchcr, of this place, Is
visiting friends In Hazlcton this week.
Mr. Terry, from New York, who was
spendlngsovcral weeks with our sportsman,
C. P. Bchllchcr, returned home on Monday
Mr. Lewis Baker, from Catawlssa, was
visiting his mother at this placo nn Bun
day. Francis Krous, of Scotch Valley, has
purchased one hundred acres of timber
land on McAuley Mountain. Ho Intends
to lumber It oft this Winter. Wo wish
him success.
Messrs. Frank Cuddeback & Thomas Ba
ker, travelling agents for a firm In New
York, have just arrived homo from the
above placo with a full lino of goods.
They aro prepared to oiler extraordinary
Rabbit hunting is tbo leading pursuit
this week, O. Pursel shot 7 ono day. E J.
Old traps them two at a time, nnd wo
hear many other reports of success. Tho
most unsuccessful hunter heard from are
P. Wcrkhelscr and H. Appclman. Their
report was zero.
Butchering ranks next to rabbit hunting.
A number of farmers aro finishing it up.
W. nnd F. Dent wcro home during
P. A. Stroup Is still lumbering in Bull.
What Is more cowardly than for young
men to start out on Sunday evening with
a sprightly horse and tinkling bells, but on
their return put tho bells under the seat.
Now, boys this won't do.
Our Bunday schools are making ready
for Christmas.
A Sunday school convention will beheld
in the M. E. church tho 3rd Saturday in
January. Afternoon and evening.
Next week I. W. Hartman & Son's storo
will pres-nt a holiday appearance. Go
and examine tho presents before you buy.
Sleds from 40 cts. upwards at W. H. Gil-
Orders for engraved plates for calling
cards may be left nt tho Columbian olllce. tf
I. W. Hartman & Son have now 7 sales.
men and delivery men. More to follow
during Dec. They expect to bo able without
delay to carrv purchasers and others safely
through. Call in the morning, call at noon.
call at night.
Christinas tree ornaments, and works of
all kinds at W. H. Ollmore's.
Wc havo an All-Wool Dress Goods, 30
ns. wlile. at 4Uc, wlilcu wo imnk the best
goods for tho money ever sold In this town.
The colors are Brown, Navv. Garnet and
Green. II. W. SLOAN.
Tovs from flvo cents to 42.00 at W. 11.
Gilmore's. .
The jurymen, witnesses and all other
persons attending court next week aro In
vited to sco I. W. Hartman & Son's
Christmas goods.
We aro offering great
Sewing Machines.
61) 3
Among tho Pianos wo handlo aro tho IVERS &
Pianos aro nil iirst-class and fully warranted for fivo years.
Our leading Organs
STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sowing Machines aro tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS. NEW
STANDARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary Sewing
Machine in tho world.
n i? Piirchasing write for Catalogues to J.SALTZEK'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND
wax O-ttWiJNl M AUxiiiN
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never voiles. A marvel of purity,
s'rength anil wholcsomencsi 'More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe
tition Willi I he multltudo or low test,sliort weight,
alum or phosphate powders, bold only In cans.
KOTAL lUHINO I'UWDtK 'U,. Wall St., N. Y.
All fur work n specialty at Mrs. C. E.
Wedding and
Invitations, dance
programmes nnd visiting cards, cheap-
the CoLUMMAN ollleo.
Table and lloor oil cloths at C. C. Marr'n,
The new dishes In I. W. Hartman &
Son's windows nltract tho people. Lots ot
them lo be seen Inside, all prices, 2.C0 to
28 03 set.
Hand bills, posters and circulars dono on
shoit notlcu and at low prices at tho Co
lcmiiian ofllcc. tf.
Having just received ncjlinder for tin
lsblug silks and cloths, I am prepared to
clean and dyo gents' clothing, ladles'
cloaks, sacqucs, silks, drofscs. shawls, &c.
Feathers elycd nnd curled. Packages for
warded by express will receive prompt at
tcntlon, according to directions. Call or
address, J.O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg
Wooleu Mills. scp21-tf.
Toy wagons and express wagons from
ten cents tn SI 'iH and locking horses of all
kluds at W. II. Gllmoru's.
Justices' and
kinds, kept on
Constables' blanks, all
hand nt the CoLCMniAN
Be suro 10 read Clark's new advertise
! ment this week.
' O. C. Jtarr wants potatoes, corn, oats.
chickens, pop corn, lard, butter nnd eggs.
Bank notes nnd receipts put up In pads
convenient for use, can bo obtained nt the
Columbian olllce. tf.
Just received a very l"gnnt line of new
Table Linens nnd Napkins, Handkerchiefs,
Collars nnd Culls, and oilier lino Linen
goods for Christinas at SLOAN'S.
Remember Mrs. Rabb's is the placo to
have your old fur goods dono up equal to
new. Nott Is tho lime to have your seal
caps renovated, nlso nil kinds of muiTs
made to order. Children's plush and vel.
vet caps made to order ot tho shortest no.
tlco nnd prices to suit all. Don't forget
the place, opposite Corcll's furniture store.
cider, for minco pic, at C. O.
New Larn Pins, Slcove B-ittons, Ladles
nnd Gents Chains, for Christmas juit re
ceived nt SLOAN'S.
Dolls from 1 cent to fJl.CO, together with
carriages for dolls, tables, chairs etc. at
W. 11. Glimoro's.
Deeds,, mortgages, bonds, leases, and all
kind of legal blanks for salo at the Colum
bian otlico. tf.
y JFIUl, UIIU ?, lillU I Ul
Til.... 01 1 . 1
C. C.
Marr's -
very cnenp.
Gum nnd leather boots nt C. C. Marr's.
Somo will buy coats, shawls, dress goods,
skirts, blankets, table cloths, towels,
nnpkins, handkerchiefs, books, writing
desks, work boxes, albums or one of tho
5000 Christmas presents at I. W. Hartman
& Bon's.
Shipping tags, with or without strings,
at the CouratMAN ofllcc. tf.
Artist and Photographer.
Instantaneous process.
Fine Cabinet Photos, only 3 a doz. (tf
Saturday of this week will bo a big day
for town people to seo I. W. Hartman it
Bon's Christmas opening.
Our snmplt books contain everything in
tho printing line, and goods not kept in
stock can be obtained at short notice at tbo
Columuian olllce. tf.
Gentlemen's1 fur caps cleaned and rellncd,
made to look as good as new at Mrs. C. E.
C. O. Marr buys nlco gecso feathers.
inducements to persons desiring
are tho celebrated ESTEY. MILLER, UNITED
' '
St., Bloom&'burg, Pa,
OATAnnn, Hat on How Fivkil The
cleansing, soothing nnd healing properties
ofDariiy Prophylactic Fluhtaro exper.
lenced In the treatment and curof Catarrh
nnd kindred complaints. Tho Fluid
soothes and heals the Itnllamcd membranes
and removes tlio offensive odor that
characterizes tho disease. Should the In
(lamallon have renched tho tin oat use the
Fluid as a gargle to allay the Inflamatlon
and to disinfect.
quern vierroniA's cnowN,
Tho cown of Queen Victoria consists of
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds, set In silver nnd gold. Its gross
weight Is 80 oz. 5 dwt troy. The number
of diamonds are" 8,352; pearls, 278;
rubles, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
Is an old Baying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It Is octter to wear tho
crown of perfect health and peaco of
mind through the curative effects of For
rlno's Puro Barley Melt Whiskey. For
sale by druggists and nil dealers.
Backache, nclili.g sides nnd kidneys,
soro muBclcs, stitch, crick ere removed by
tbo Hop Plaster.
So what the fe.rctry of Ihe interstate Pwiltry
and Pet StocV Association, of UobJcii,
Iw. All, tayi .
lltAn Sik t have used tomecf your Chick,
chick. er -e-kes (poultry Food), .amniiifutl
that It Inrreasel the egg production of my fowl,.
If you feel ns though water was gather.
Ing around tho heart (heart-dropsy) or
have heart rheumatism, palpitation ot the
heart with suffocation, lympathctlc heart
trouble Dr. Kilmer's Occan-Wecd regu.
latcs, corrects and cures.
When lUhj wu tlok, we gm her CutorU,
When she m a Child, ha cried for CutorU,
When the became Mk, the dune to Ceatorit,,
When ihe hd Children, tho gar. them Caalorle,
There Is no doubt about the honest worth
of Aycr's Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier.
Thousands, who have been benefitted by
Its use, will attest its virtues. This rem
edy cures liver and kidney complaint, and
eradicates every trace of dlscasu from the
The fact you read the newspaper Is evi
dence that you desire to keep posted up lu
what Is going on. This paragraph Is to In
form you that Drcydoppcl's Borax Soap is
Iho best soap made In America. Try It. 19
Tho rclgn of sense in medicine Is shown
by tho popularity of Hop Poms Plasters
for pains.
Tne pain and misery Buffcred by thoso
who aro aflllctcd with dyspepsia are Indes
cribable. Tho distress of tho body la
equalled or surpassed by tho confusion
and torture of the mind, thus making its
victims suffer doublo 1 miction. Tho re.
lief that Is giveu by Hood's hnrsaparllla
has caused thousands to he IhanKtul for
this great medicine. It dispels the causes
of dyspepsia, and tones up the digestive
organs. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Goldrn Sr-EciFio It can be given in a cup
of coffee or tea wltnout the knowledge of
the person taking it, effecting a speedy and
permanent cure, whether the patie'nt is a
moderato drinker or nn alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of diunkards baye been mado
temperate men who have taken tho Golden
Specific In their coffee without theirknonl.
edge, and to-day believe they quit drink,
ing of their own free will. No harmful
effects results from its administration.
Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and
full particulars. Address In confidence
Golden Bpcclftc Co., 185 Race St Cincin
nati, Ohio, dec 3 80 ly.
Tne combination, proportion, and pro
cess in preparing Hood's 8arsaparllla aro
peculiar to this medicine, and unknown to
Xlie Ola Way aud the Mew.
The Old Wat Rock tho baby in a sap.
trough, carry It to town in a potato basket,
glvo it salts and senna for a physic, wash It
with soft soap and water; when sick dose
It to death with harsh medicines, and then
say: "The Lord claimed it." TriE New
Wat Usd Dr. Hand'a Remedies for Chil
dren, which have been tested in his practice
for Hi years. They aro pure, safe, and a
God-Send to parents and children. Dr.
Hnnd's remedies are: Teething Lotion, a
wonderfully soothing and harmless lotion
to bathe tho gums of teething "babes.
Colic Cure, promptly relieves colic and
soothes cross babes without stupefying
them. Pleasant Physic, for children and
adults, cures constipation. Worm Elixir,
which is combined with a'purgc. Cough
and Croup Mi dicine, has no superior in Ua
line. Diarrhoea Mixture, cures when ev
erything else falls. General Tonic, gives
tono and appetite to weakly children.
Chafing Powder, heals sore and chafed ba
bies in a day. Prico of each, only 25 cts.
For salo by O. A. Klelm. druggist.
Envelopes, letter heads, note heads, bill
heads, statements, business cards, and nil
kinds of commercial printing at tho Colum
bian office. tf.
bian ofEce.
receipt books at
tho Coium
tf. I I
to purchase Pianos, Organs ant.
nnd Opera Pianos. These