The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1886, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.f The Columbian. J. S. Bittenbsnior.,; E4it0"' BLOOMSBUKQ, PA.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 188G. Tho Timet says llio Democrats in the next House will number 17-1, tlio Republicans M8, and ;i Labor moin tiers, tins gives tno ueniocrats a majority over all of 23, instead of 13 H9 stated by that paper. Tlio Philadelphia J'rcsa says tbat the election returns havu not reached, tho Fisbinijorcck country yet, siuco the Uolumman thinks that it wasn t much ot a Ueteat alter all. Tho J'rcss is mistaken. All tbo news nets hero in due time, but wo do not look to the Press for political information. Wo taku it from veliablo sources. According to tho vote by states on tbo 2nd, tho electoral college would navo stood JJomocralio 207, JsopubU can 142, doubtful f2. Necessary to .elect, 201. Giving tho Republicans all tho doubltul states, thev would still not havo enough to elect a Prcsi dent. Wo repeat, "it wasn't much of n defeat after all." Tho total voto cast for Governor at tbo lato election is 819,37o. Heaver's voto is Gl,310 less than Blaine's in 1884, nnd Black's is 23,151 less than Cleveland's. Heaver's plurality is -12,-8.)7, tbo lowest of hu Republican can didates, and Osborne's is tho highest, uaug n,uu. yjoi. lvicKeiis received tho highest voto on tlio Democratic side. Tho Buffalo Courier pays a deserv ed compliment to Mr. Buckalew. It says : "llo has had long experience in legislative bodies and is familiar with parliamentary practices. In his singlo term in tho United States Sen ato Mr. Buckalew becamo recognized as ouo ol tho best Tand ablest men in the party and took rank with Trum bull, Thurraan and other great lawyers ot that body, llo is a very strong do hater. It is doubtful if tho Republi cans navo a man who can copo with him in tho discussion of great iucs lions. Of course, ho is not so ready a man as Reed and Biitterworth, but ho is a speaker of great force, and his voice wu bo potout when tariu ana financial questions come up." Bnckalew for Attorney-General. A dispatch from Scranton dated the luth says : It was publicly announced hero to day that Charles R. Buckalew, mem ber of Congress-elect from tho Eleventh district, had been tendered the office of Attorney-General by President Cleve land. A reporter interviewed several of Mr. Buckalew's personal friends, ono oi inein a member ot the Uongressionai conference that nominated him, and all confirmed the rumor. Tho member of tho conference refer red to stated Mr. Buckalew himself had expected that the office would be tendered him before the recent election Another dispatch from Washington of tho same date Bays that tho above report was shown to Col. Lamont, the i residents private secretary, and con tradicled by him. the Three-Mill Tar. COIU'OItATIONS NOT REQUIRED TO PAY ON THEIR MORTGAGES. PiTTsnuRG, Nov. 15. Tho State Su prcmo Court to-day decided, in a per curiam opinion, that tho three-mill tax cannot bo collected from corporations but can bo from individuals, thus bus taining tho judgments of Common Pleas CourtB Nos. 2 and 4, of Phila delphia, which were appealed from by John Hunter, Receiver of Taxes, ancl John W. Adair and J. Is. Barry, col lectors of taxes in Philadelphia. They having returned tho taxable property of ihc Philadelphia Saving Lund So ciety and tho Pennsylvania Insuranco company and demanded taxes upon th same, the corporations hied a bill equity to enjoin the collection of the three-mill tax upon the mortgages held by tiieiu. (Jn Juno IS) last a prelum nary injunction was granted in tho courts named and has now been mado permanent by tho Supremo Court. The questions presented weie whether the revenue act of 188.1 moant to tax tho moitgages owned by individual only, ana not those held by corpora tions, aud if such was tho legislative intent, aro not corporations still liable to a like tax under the acts of April 1810 t Theeo issues had never been presented before, although the consli tutionality of tho act of 18W5 was do cidrd m tho l'ox caso. Io-tIay's decision has an important lecal significance, as under it Alio ghony county will be short of revenues which it was expected would bo col Iccted from large corporations. It will cause the State to lose 8225,000 in this county alone. In this county thero is some $7.5,0110,000 invested by the van ous corporations and tho btrto is in debted to the county 300,000, whicl was paid by tho county in excess of tho Stato tax actually due and for which tho county will bo given orcdil in futuro paytneut of taxes. Had tho Philadelphia cases been reversed it was me intention ot tho Uounty uoramis sionrs to appropriate the tax ot 5225 000 which would bo collected for tho Stato in this county as a stl-oll for tho money duo tho county by tho Stato nnd apply it to tho construction of ll now Court House. Could this hav been douu there would bo no further ncccbsitv tor boirowing any moro inonty this jear, which will now hav to bo done. Stowart's Millions. Tho first legal fight for a sharo thu Alexander T, Stowait eslato of Now York ia not by ono of tho heii of tho lato Mrs. Stewart, but by two cousins ol btowart himself, ono ot who figured fitfully several years ago as potsiblo contestant of tho great mer chant's will. Then ho went out of nublio sight and his ease was re garde as a fcham. Now ho conus forward through lawyer?, with u hitherto u published story of a aoinpromif e, tho turns of which, ho aveis, havo not been carried out. Myst ry Btill ur rounds tlio facte, but enough of them nro accessible to muko an interesting narrative. Sevcial years ago tho administrators f tho Sttwnil olnto wcic ir.foimcd of I ho existence of a ctusiu of tlio (ufitutor rnmul Alexander Stewart, of Proctor ille. Venn out. It was learned that Alexander had his eyes on tlio pi ope ty of his cousin and it was believed uiat ho t'icdilutcd a descout, IIo had not boon mentioned in tho will. About this tiino an interlaining trangcr camo to Prootorvillo nnd regis tered nt tho villago tavern, llo paid for his board ui ndvanco ana sccmca to bo n man of amplo leisure. IIo was not long In making himseit very popu- ar with tho townspeople s he could ten futiiiv storv bettor than any ono for miles around t ho was always in good humor t always ready to do n favor, bo it to help get in tho hay beforo a com ing shower should ruin tho crop or givo ndvioo about intricate questions of law. nd ho loincd in the rustic games play ed in tho evening on tho villago square, ulnped, "pulled up with tho looai ihaumion and pitched quoits. Al though ho was a highly respected mem ber of the oommunity, and among his favorito acquaintances was Alexander Stewart, a poor farm laborer and old. Tho entertaining stranger talked with Stewart about his commotion with tho millionaire and oven helped to raiso his hopes somewhat as to a possiblo aharo n tho cstato. Tho summer woro away and tho au tumn followed, iust ns it docs every year in Vermont, and when tho wiutcr camo along tho stranger had persuaded Stewart to go to Now lork tor tho purposo of getting something out of tho Stewart administrators Just what arguments ho used is not definitely known, but it has developed that lie was a dotcctivo of high standing in his profession, and it follows, as a matter of course, that if ho was a detective he was in soniobody s employ. When Farmer Alexander arrived in New York ho entered upon such a lifo as ho had never dreamed ot in ins wildest fancies. His presence and ob- ect wero detected by tlio nowspapero, aided possibly by the shrewd detective anil ho was announced as a claimant for a portion of tlio Stewart estato. Tho publicity given his movomcnts helped in turning tho old man s neau. IIo was taken to a good hotel and his appetito indulged with tho best the city could provide. A fashionablo tailor took his nieasuro and soon presented him a lino now suit of clothes. One of the numerous friends presented him a costly gold watch. Tho wonders of tho theatre were exposed to his aumir- ng gazo until Ins head fairly swam with excitement. Months passed, aud as ho seemed not to accomplish any thing, ho dropped entirely out of news paper notice But tho pursuit of di version still went on. He was a hard caso to handle, old Alexaudcr. If he had boon inclined to forget tho pur pose of his errand to tho metropolis it would havo been essential to the tio- tectivos object to remind hiniotit; but the old man"never forgot it, and even in the whirl of gay living ho held fast to tho idea of achieving a scttle- raenl of some kind in his interest. Many a time the detective found that the bare mention of tho preat property was enough to arouso tho farmer from ap parent stupor to obstinate if not keen activity. Not tho scatter-brain delights of the untamilar wine cup could drtvo from his stubborn consciousness tho fact that he had come to New York on a certain business, and when attempts were mado to como to a settlement while ho was incapable of clear thought ho invariably pulled himself together and refused absolutely to sign any agreement until the morning. It was nearly six mouths beloro time accomplished what the shrewd detec tive failed to. Tho old claimant grow tired of tho high living to which ho was altogether unaccustomed, and was inpatient to get home, homo kind ot an understanding was effected, aud Alexander mado his way back to Proo torvillo. It was not long beforo tbo villago accepted as a fact that old "Aleo"' had compromised his claim for twenty-five thousand dollars. It was generally "allowed" that this was pretty smart in the old man, it was no small thing to go to New York and wrest so much of a fortune from tho hands of men accustomed to handlo vast Bums of money. As Alexander himself was tho authority lor the state ment of the terms of tho compromise, it is probablo that ho himself thought ho had become entitled to tho money. But when his new clothes woro out and ho failed to find himself with moans ot rcnowing them, and was moreover deserted bv his lawyer's, ho began to be suspicions of his bargain. IIo complained bitterly that ho had been unjustly dealt with but could not get any assistance in rowljusting hie claims. His rumored success had in duccd a brother of his to leave his homo in Canada and come to Proctor? ville, but between them they mado no better progress than when Alexander was alone. JNow a now taco is put on tho caso by ono Whelden, a tinsmith, of Proo torvillo. He is apparently a typical xankee. llo saw in Aloxandor s caw a chance for money and ho determined to help tho farmer. His first stop was to get himself appointed ns guardian to Mr. Stewart, the plea being that the old man had entered his dolago and was incapable of handling his business affairs properly." This accomplished ho sought legal advico. llo did not turn to tho lawyers lormerly employed by Alexander, but went to ono who had not hem interested in tbo affair. Ho retained Ex-Judgo Curtis and at once instituted action to recover a largo balance of tho $25,000 alleged com promiso money. Tbo basis of tho action is tho alleged failure to carry out tho bargain entered into with old Alexander at tho ona ot his winter ot diveision in this city. Tho question to bo settled is whether there really was such a bargain made by anybody authorized to act for tho administrator of tho estate. Tho raid on tho millions by tho Ver mohlcra is bound to bo nucleating. Gold In the State. Thu residents of tho Chester Valley are jtiBt now unusually excited opr what uppear to bo well-founded rumors of gold discoveries in tho iiniuediato vicinity. About two weeks ago a num ber of workmen, whilo ougaged in sinking a well upon tho premises of Joseph T, Sarchett, near Exton, in West whitoiand township, struck strata of loose quartz about 5Q feet below tho surface of tho ground. Thei attention being attracted by small particles of a yellow color and shining appearance, which wero embedded l the quart, it was closely cxnminci and thought worthy of being submit ted to a test of chenilcal analysis. Two experts to whom specimens wero for. )yarded renortod recently and agrco in pronouncing tho shining siibstanco to bo gold, ono assay yielding tho precious metal at a value of spymitec dollars to tho ton, while the other runo Btill burlier to twenty six dollars. gentleman vita has recently purchased tno adjoining properly, -u;cii in iong od to tho estate of William J5. Davi bus also investigated tho matter and claims thut tho quart; taken from tho well lias a strong family rrsimiblance to the gol 1 bearing quart:' of California with whirl ho lias had considerable previous acquaintance. Captain Joua. than M, Lewis, of tho samo vicinity, lias also frcquontly observed similar features in quart, rocks upon his prem ises, as well as lu some poitlons of tho soil of his farm. It is stated that when tho Pennsylvania Stato Goologioal Sur vey was engaged in tho inspection of iho iniueinl n sources of the Stato bov oral ycaw ago, whilo in this section its members informed tho land owners ol tho neighborhood that gold existed without doubt in tho locality.' This part of tho famed Chester Valley is particularly rich in marble, limestone, iron oro nnd other valuablo minorals which undurllo tho fei tilo farms that tango for miles along tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and if gold hIiouUI be discov ered in paling quantities tho wealth of a substantial section will bo greatly en hanced. It is impossible to toll at tho present titnj how far the alleged gold bearing quart, deposits may cxtond or in what direction, but fiom tho forma tion of tho land and the position occu pied by otlior oro beds it is most prob ablo that tho wholu of Chester Valloy is underlaid with tho vein discovered by tho woll-diggers. Sirico thu finding of gold has been noised about tho vicinity tlio subject his awakened great interest in tho minds of tho residents and thoy aro eagerly awaiting further developments. WASHINGTON LETTER From our llcgular Correspondent.! Washington. D. 0., Nov. 17, 1880. " Tho question of vital interest now to the Republican Senators is whether tho Nebraska legislature will return Senator Van Wvok oi somo moro re liable brother. touring tho last session whenever "crazy horsu ' Van Wyck, as ho was sometimes oillcd, arose to .wk tho consideration of a resolution which was inimical to any fat corporation, or went against any old abuse, thero was a good deal of laughing aud winking on tho sofas in tbo rear of the chain ber. In liko manner Senator Riddlebergcr always seemed to succeed in making himsolf ridiculous. When ho insisted on a hearing in opposition to oxtcutivo . 1. C 1... eCSIUUS Ul luu kjuuitbt., uu n.i ,in.. bly out of order; yet whenover ho mado tho same point of order on an-, other Senator, it so happened that tho point which was ood as against him was not good as against others. Now it appearn that the stono which tho buildeis rejected has become tho ... mi , r head ot tho corner, ineso two Dona- tors who wero objects ot ridicule and irritation to the Republican brother hood, hold tbo balanco ol power be tweon the two parties in tho Senate. They werq.ncver in harmony with their party nnd could never be reucu upon when a voto was called. So, na thoy are notiRepublicans in good and regu- ar standing, tho senate is noi Jtcpuo- lican, and thero is fun ahead. Thu Senate stands thus: 37 IJeaiocrats, 37 Republicans, and tho balpnco.of Power party, composed of Senators Van Wvok and Riddleberger. It is quite certain thrso gentlemen will bo very graoiously treated this Winter by Re publican Senators, aithongn mo rnua delphia I'ress said it might bo better to havo tbo Senate Democratic than to havo it Republican by the aid of such men. The suggestion that Mr. Carlisle is disqualified for tho Speakership in tho 1'ittioth Uongress be causo his opponent will oontest his election, is considered practically absurd by such able and ex perienced pailiamentarians as, for in stance, Congressman Wclborn, ot Texas. Tlio further question of pro priety of his appoiuting tho committee which is to uuuaiuur ins own u.t-, is u rejection that every member in Con gress would feel like resenting. Without distinction ot party the Congressmen who havo served with Mr. Carlisle would be perfectly satisfied to trust the wholo matter to him, as sured that he would not raise a hand to savo himself fiom defeat, if by so doing ho would bu taking an unfair ad vantage of his opponent. A hnor tribute is seldom paid to a man in public life than tho recent ex pression of interest in Mr. Carlisle's fortunes, by tho best people of every partisan faith. The examplo is ail iho moro significant from tlio fact that in becoming tho object ct so much un feigned regard, tlio Speaker has never nbatcd opo iota of his loyalty to tho Democratic party. Tlio Polioo scandal has been tho talk of the town during tho week. It is alleged that tho Chief of Police, in bis Cabinet councils, which he holds at nino o'clock overy day, at his office, instructed his Lieutenants to "spot" Congressmen who wero inclined to dark ways In order that they might bo ablo to intlucnco these Uongresamen to voto for largo appropriations for tho Metropolitan Police force. Lieutenant Arnold, who is charged with having betrayed tho secret, has been summoned beforo a, court martial, and much in terest is manifested in tho trial. It is tho most important agitation in tho po lico affairs of tlio District that has oo curred since tho investigation made into the iniquities of tho detective corps throo vcars ago, and thero is littio doubt that justice w ill ultimately bo done, no matter who is hurt. Society gavo a littlu flutter during tho week to provo that it is not lifeless. A lunph party given by jjra. Whitney in honor ot JUrs. Ulevoiaiid, was onar acterized by that cleganco of appoint ment which has marked all the enter' tainmcuts givcu at thu hospitablo homo of tho secretary ot the .Navy, Thero wero nineteen young ladies invited to meet the lady of tho White Houso. Autumn's own flowers, Chrysanthe mums, wero used in decorating tho ta ble, and tho corsage bouquets, wind havo been relegated to Liinob parties, wero of violets and wero placed at ev ery cover. Tho White Houso is very quiot just now, as tho President refuses to Bee all pallors,ana is absorbed in the preparation of his message to Con grcss. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ton piiwdcr never varies. A marvel of purity, tt rength uud whclesumeness. Moro economical man nrillnnrv Vlnri. nnil rntinnt lu, holrl In coinna. tSS&iStSi , "jiovi!iut!iKa'wpkR,.vaibt.,.f, IOO Doses 0i Dollar, llooil'f Sarsaparllla Is tho ontjr medicine ot which this can bo truljr ald and It Is nn unanswerable argument as to tho strength and Jiosltlto economy of tbli great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is mads of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and t avorablj known for tliclr power In purifying the blood I nnd In combination, proportion, and process, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is ptculiar to Utttf. "For economy and comfort wo use Hood's Sirsaparllla." Mas. C. nnnwsTim, liuffalo. "Hood's Sarsaparllla takes (cm time and quantity to show Its effect than any other preparation I over heard of. 1 would not b without U In tho houso." Mns. C. A.. M. Hubbard, North Chill, N. V. 100 Dottt One Dollar Hood's Sarsaparllla cures scrofula, salt rheum, alt humors, bolls, pimples, general de bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com plaints, and alt affections caused by impure blood or tow condition of Iho system. Try It. "I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and for over a year had two running sores on my neck. 1 took flvo bottles ot Hood's Sarsapa rllla, and consider myself entirely cured." C. I!, Loviuor, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo an Immense amount ot good. My wholo system has been built tip and strengthened, my digestion Im proved, and my head relieved of tho bad feel ing, t consider It tho best medicine I have ever used, and should not know how to do without it." MAnr L. rnBLK, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggtcts. $1 ( six for $5. Made only by 0. 1. HOOD tt CO., Lowell, Mass JOO Dosos OncT Dollar. I1NID.IIAN CONSUMPTION Oil. Every iDirtdlml U from Vrcrlnble vroductitbat crow In H6tonwy luncrtr. IT has no Morphine, Opium or lnjarous Drugs. Evcrv dote afKS right to &In Spring, t Mummer, Amiiuiu nnd Winter, eolds sett loin (tlio Mucous - Membranes Noso, Throat, Hronchal Tubes, Air-cells nnd I.unir Tissues, causing Cough. What Illacnscn Invndo tho Lung? Scrofula, Ctitnrrh-polsons, Micro-organisms, Humors, and Ulood Impurities. What aro tho Primary Causes t Colds, Chronio Cough, Dronenitls, Conges tion, lutiiimmatlon, Catarrh or Hay-Fovcr, Asthma, rnctimonta. Malaria, Measles, wnooping oougn ana vroup. ItELIEVES QUICKLT-CtTKES PERMANENTLY It will eton that CotiKhlng. Tickling in Throat, Dry-hncklngand Catarrh-dropping. is your uxprciorniiuu ur iuib lYoHii Ulonustatncd CoITlrrnal Jtis (Matter) Yc lioirfsh Cankcr-UHe JViIfffm Tuherlmlar Muco-purutentt It prevents Decline, Nlght-Sweat, Heo-tlc-Fovcr, and Iicntli from Consumption. 25c, 50c, $1.00 6 bottles $5.00. pnprot! at !r- Kilmer's Dl-ra-nwiry, Blnghamton, N. Y.,"InTalldV (luld. to Health" fc-nt I'nv). MILD IIV A I.I. lltl'iOIST. I lootly. rpRIAL LIST FOU DECEMBER TEKM, John waters et ux vs M C Woodward. Fred nossler's uso vs I) II & W It It Co. . "onvngnnm & Patno vs James Me Alarney et ux WMlnm II Yorccy vs Locust Mt Water Co. Theo f cralg vs Mahala Craig ft aL o K rennock Co vs Charles lllchart. Charles W McKelvy et al vaC B Brockway. ncnjamln Vettcrman va J 11 IWblson. Jona rioty et al va John Suit, 0 11 oordncr vs William Olnglea. Patrick Burns va L mlcy & Co. Q 11 Seybert va S M Hesa Aaron IJoono vs Espy Lime 4: cement Co. II Y Kverett va B F Suturr et ah OB Millard va John Snyder. , George O Welllver vs O F Ferrla et al. 0 11 Urockway va Columbia county. A K Smith va Samuel Brugler J B I'atton va A 1' Heller. rurUs Mfff Co va Clark I Thomas. David Jonea va John Wbltenlght. W n. Krlckbaum va John 11 Casey. Oveiecra Locust twp va Herman Tost. L II Fowler va C D Fowler. Andrew Fowler va CD Fowler, c F Harder va r L dhuman. .1 II Iloyt vs liorojjf Berwick. , Franklin Yocum, guardian vs William Zahner ct al. JIathlaa Kindt va Charlea Sands et al. Thomaa and C C Trench va J S Woods et ux. Jonas nant?. va Isabella Itantz. Wllllarn Krlckbaum va Columbia County. John u Yocum va Susan Brumbach. Albert KUnctobva Hiram Ectcrotii. S 11 Whitney va d 11 llowman. s u Whitney vs s B Bowman. Theodore lluha vs Silas Shuman. GRAND JURORS FOR TEllM, 1836. DECEMliEIt Bloom. Wesley Knorr, William Taylor. Berwick. S. c. Jayne. Catawlssa Joseph Martz, J. H. Vastlno. Centre. Kllslia llagenbuch. Centralla. -Andrew Lcnlhan. Flshlngcrcckj Joseph Knelly. ureenn ood. Clark 1). Kline, I- P. Yeager. James T. Lnwton Hemlock blmon Klchart. Jackson J. D Hummer, John I Hesa, C. W. Lewis. Locust. llcnry Yoager. Jladlion. Isaac MciMde. Main D. II. FetteroU, J. A. Shuman. Miniln. J. c. Hctler, II. c. Hes3, Thomaa Mo- Jlurtrle. Scott.-M. M. Illcks, Urbanua McBrldc rpRAVERSE .1URORS FOR DECEM- X BEK TERM, 1680. Bloom. E. B. Bldlernan, Daniel Bryfogle, Win. J. Bldlernan, John Kelley, J. II. Mercer, Win. Webb. Beaver. 1'. II. Fisher. Benton. Samuel Krlckbaum. Samuel Hobcrta, (icorgo Mcllenry. Berwick. Charles Berlin, Sterling Dickson, Brlarcreek. Neuinan Bower, Alom Marr. Cattawls3a. Albert Hower, David llolllngahead. centre John Coleman, Lovl Fester. Ccntralla,-l)avld C. Black, Charlea Qettche, J. II. Johnson. Fl-jhlngcreek.- N. W. Heps, Daniel Kitchen, Ben- Janiln Young. Franklin. .leato John. Greenwood. Annas cole, Eves ratterson, Ben jamin stackhouse. Hemlock. I'oss Folk, Seth Shoemaker. Jackson Abraham Knoute, s. W. Mcllenry, J. B. inch to. Locus'. l'eter Yocum. .Madison. F. W. Mccollum. .Mt. l'jeasant. stepl)en Crawford, Samuel Nol ton. Main. Theodore Fox, J. W. Kelchner, Wm. Maiteller. Orange. Jarco Her.rle, William Ncyhard, M. A. Williams, rino. Daniel Robblns, ltoarlng c.-ek. luvld II. Case. Scott. Benson Crcvellng, John Hopper, A. F. Terwllllger. SECOND WEEK. lllooin. w, B. Brobst, Martin Erastmua, Calvin r- uirton, a. v. iiower. Beaver. Almond schelU Berwick. v. w. Bower, J. H. Uoyt.JohnA Kepner, Albert Boss, Levi Kurtz. Bnarcreek Daniel Albertson. Joseph Lemon. Caltawlssa. Charles 11. Ellis, William Hartman iienry 1'ianier, wimam l-erry, ueo. w. lieu. bnytler, s. I), milliard, Albert ltohrbach. Centre. Wesloy llesa. centralla. Albert Ball. Robert Farrell. CqnyiiKUam. l'atrck conway, Flshlngcreek. Amos Dresher. Greenwood. William Daws, Theodoro Lemon. Hemlock Baltls Hartman. I-ocust. Sarus bhaHer. MaUlaon J. E. Uotner. Main. Daniel Kline, Moutour. Isaac Mourey. Orange. Francis Drake, D. K. Sloan. HoarlDg Creek charlea llungo. rMrtf.-lEuao Kettcr. sugarlqal,-c. L. Moore, TIDOW'S Al'I'RAISEMENTS, The follovdng Widow's Appralseiponts wll be presented to the Orphans' Court of Columbia Co. on tlio itrst Monday of Decomuer, A. 1 1M, and continued nUl. and unless excentlons are tiled within fourdajstliercatior, will bo conlfriaed ab- uuiuie: Jones, Jainca U, estate, Flshlngcreek.pcrsonalty, Krum. Emanuel, estate. Scott- nersonaltv. lid. Doty, Jonis, estate, Ftshlngcrcekj ,jcrhonalty, Hrossraan, (leorge, estate, Catawlssa;peruonalty ctaHer, Alem B., estate, Catawlssa; personalty, riniijberMn, Jacob, estate, P(ne; personalty, Kreas, Samuel, estate, Orenwood personalty Hesa, Joseph A., estato, Centre; personalty, 3no. hrlck, lieuben.tbtate, Locust; pereonalty,(l3,7s, realty, to. mts. Thomas, wiiaon A., estato, dreenwood; realty, I575.0U. ' Hess, Catharine, estate. Benton; pentonalty.fMO. WM. 11. SNYDKU, Ci Kiix or 6. O. Clerk's Ofllce, Bloouisburg, pa,, No. 15, isso. AGENTS WANTED I Ilemuuerallve employment orfered energctlo and reliable men. Addrets, S' IlItQADWAV, NEW Y01IK. novl'Jlvt. ill more money than at anything elsebytaka I M lng an ugency tor the best selling book out 111 Begpiiiers bucceed giandl. None fall Vr.lrr.s freft. 11 1L1.KTT HOOK I I0..10XTL1N Maine. dttlS (. if YUM I TUP SUBSCMUE FOB, TIIK COLUMBIAN, SHERIFF'S SALES. ny vlrtuo of a writ ot Vend. Kx., Issucfl out ot tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia Co., Pa., and to mt directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at the Cross Keys Hotel, In Berwick, Pa., on SATURDAY, November 27, 1880, at 9 o'clock a, m., all that certnln piece of land, eltuato In tho Borough of Berwick, Columbia Co., Pa., being lots Nos. 8T and 8s, In tho plan ot Berwick, situate on corner of Front and Chestnut streets, bounded on tho north by Second street, on tho cast by lot ot Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain's hcIra:on tho south by Front sfect nnd on tho west by Chestnut street, said piece of ground be ing two contiguous lots, ono hundred and eighty ono and ono-half feet on Chestnut street, and to gether ninety nlno feet on Front street, on which nro erected a large two-story Mansard roof frame dwelling houso, largo framo Btablo nnd outbuild ings. ALSO, LOi No. 19, In Berwick, situate on corner of Vino and Third streets. Beginning at said corner, thonco by Vino street forty-nlno and ono-half feet to lot No. so, thenco by lot No. SO, ono hundred and forty feet to Grant street, thenco by Grant street forty-nlno and ono-half feet to Third street, thenco by 1 hint street ono hundred and forty feet to corner, tho place ot beginning. ALSO, Lot No. w, sltuato In Berwick, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Beginning nt corner of lot No. w, on Second street, thenco by said lot ono hundred and clghty.ono nnd one-half feet to Third street; thenco by Third street forty-nine and one half feet to lot No. 103; thenco by said lot ono hundred and cighty-ono and onc-hnlf feet to Sec ond street; thenco by Second street forty-nine and ono-half feet to place of beginning, being a vacant lot. ALSO, Ono other piece of ground, being tot No. 103, and one-halt of lot No. ion, sltuato In Berwick, on Second street, between Chestnut and Walnut sta." Beginning nt corner of lot No. 9S on Second street; thenco by Bald lot ono hundred and elghty-ono and one-hal f feet to Third street; thenco by Third street sevcnty.four and one-fourth feet, more or leas; thenco on n line parallel with lot No. 9S ono hundred and eighty-ono and one-half feet to bee ond street; thenco by Second street seventy-four and one-fourth feet, moro or less, to the placo of beginning, the samo being vacant ground. ALSO, Lot No. 20, sltuato In Berwick, on Vine street. Beginning at corner of lot No. 19, thenco along Vino Btrcet forty-nlno and one-half feet to lot No. 21; thenco by lot No. si, one bundled and forty feet to Grant street, thenco by Grant street forty nlno and one-half feet to lot No. 19; thenco by lot No. 1"), ono hundred and forty feet to corner, tho place ot beginning. ALSO, All that certain piece of land, situate In Briar creek townshlp.sald county, bounded and described as follows; On tho north by land of Joseph Thomp son, on tho east by Luzerno and Columbia county lino, on the Bouth by A. Lockard nnd Garrl- Bon, and west by tho eastern boundary lino of borough ot Berwlck.contalnlng four acres of land, moro or less. ALSO, All that piece of land, sltuato In said Boroughot Berwick, bounded on tho north by land of Joseph Thompson, on tho east by Borougn lino, on tho Bouth by an alley, formerly Hudson Owen, and on tho west by Walnut street, containing flvo acres, moro or.less. Seized taken In execution and to bo sold as the property ot A. S. Phllllpa. Also tho following described real estate of Daniel Hcedy. to-wlt: All those three lots of ground sltuato In tho Borough ot Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Being lota No's. 181, 131 and 123, situate on Front Btreet between Oak street and western borough line, beginning nt the corner of oak and Front Btreeta thence one hun dred nnd eighty one and ono half feet to Second" street, thenco, by second street one hundred forty eight and ono half feet to lot No. 132, thence by said lot No. 132 one hundred eighty ono and ono half feet to Front street, thence by Front street ono hundred forty eight and one halt foet to cor ner the place of beginning, on which are erected a large two story framo dwelling house facing Front street, also a large two Btory framo building used as a tenement house, built tor the use ot threo separate dwellings, also a large framo stable.iwlth shed;altached, coal house and other outbuildings. ALSO. On c other lot of ground Tsltuato In Berwick on Front street between Oak street and western bor ough line, beginning at comer of lot No. 147 on Front street, thenco by said lot ono hundred eighty one and one half feet to Second street, thence by Second Btreet forty nlno and ono half feet to lot No. 135 thenco by said lot No. 139, one hundred eighty ono and;,ono halt foot to Front street thence by Front street forty nlno and ono half feet to corner the placo of beginning, being jot No. ono hundred and forty (140) In the plan of Berwick on which aro erected a two story frame dwelling house with kitchen attached facing on Front street, also a two story frame dwelling houso facing Second Btreet, and outbuildings. ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground sltuato In the borough of Berwick, on Fropt Btreet between Market apd Nulperry Btreeta, beginning on Front street at corner of it. Berger, thenco by same to an alley south of Front street, eighty feet piore or less,' thenco by Bald alley toward Mulberry street twenty Ave feet to Jane Frantz land.'thence by samo eighty feet, more or less, to Front street, thenco by Front street twenty five feet to tho placo of beginning, on which are erected a two Btory brick building used for store ond lodge room, with outbulldtnga. ALSO. Lot of ground situate In said borough of Ber wick on Front street below Oak Btreet, beginning on Front street at corner of lot No. (57) fifty soven,, thence by Front street forty live and eight twelfths feet to borough line, thenco by samo two hundred sixty five foet to an alley, thenoe by said alley forty nve and eight twelfths feet to lino of lot No. S7, thence by same two hundred sixty six and ten twelfths feet to Front stroet the place of beginning, being lot No. (58) fifty eight, or as much as described. ALSO, All that piece ot land situate In Brlarcreek township Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound cd and described as follows : Beginning at a, stoop u public road leading from Berwick tq Blooms burg thenco north plghty four and three fourth degrees, cast twenty and three tenths perches to stone in road, thenco south twenty six and ono eighth degrees, east sixty three and eight tenths perches to stone in line of V. I. & W. H. H. thenco by samo south fifty nlno and ono half degrees, west eighteen nnd soven tentha perche8 toj stone, thenco north twenty six and one eighth degrees, west seventy two nnd live tentha perches to the. place of beginning containing elbt moro or less. ALSO, All that piece of land tJtuate in said township ot Brlarcreek, beglnlng at a public road leading from Berwick to Bloouisburg at corner 01 Agri cultural Grounds, thenco by sane BQUtU. biti cn and ono fourth decrees, cast twenty seven and sey en tenths perches to a corner, thenco north 74 degrees,east 1 perches to corner, thenco north twenty four and ono fourth degrees, west twenty six and Bovcn tenths perches to corner, thence southlelghty beven degrees, west eleven and four tenths perches to tho place of beginning, contain ltg two acres and fifty two perches, moro or leas. Seized taken n execution and to bo sold as tho property of Danel needy, SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff, SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Lev. Fa., Issued out of the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo sale, at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, December C, 1880, at 9 p. m all that certain lot and parcel of land situate In thetownshlpot FUhlngcreck, Columbia county, ana state or Pennsylvania, Dou.m04 nt rtescilbod as follow, to-wit Beglnutog at a stone, at the publlo rood leading from Stillwater to Ben ton, thenco by Bald road by lands of Mosos Mc- Henry.soutli twenty-two and one-halt degrees cast twenty-ono and throe-tentns perches to a stone at said road, thence by land of Matblaa Kline south six and a halt degrees west thirty and ono-half perches to a stono on the east bank of Fishing- creek, thence by said creek by land or naniei and c. B. Mcllenry north twenty-th,ree anO( ono-jialj degree, wpst st(and Uirea-fenhpfrcljeii'q a hemlock; therioo by Ball crook by land of heirs of William Ikeler, deceased, north tour and one- fourth degrees east eU and one-tenth perches to a hemlock; thenco by land of Joseph Meyers, north sixty-one and one-halt degrees cast twenty-eight perches to tho place ot beginning, containing tour acres, moro or less, It being part oi tno same lot of land which William H(oler cqnveyod i)n,ti) Charlea Coleinan, and by ald CliarlW Cole-man, and wife to Maria C. Hesa, whereon are erected a two-btory frame dwelling houso, Btub(le and out Jogs. belied, taken in execution, at tbesulf o (io, to bo "sold as the properly of Maria A. Ucss am Asa V. Heas. . . OHPIIANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLH ltc.Rl Estate! By vlrtuo of an ortfor of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned, administrator of tho cstato of Ell Pealcr, deceased, will oxposo to publlo sale, at tho homestead, lato ot the Bald deceased, In FIshlngcreek township, on FRIDAY, Novembor 10, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described real estato, to-wlt 1 A certain messuago and tract ot land, sltuato In Flshlugcrcck township. Begin ning at a corner, near tho south side of Fishing, creek, thence north thlrty-nlno degrees, forty-seven minutes west, two hundred nnd two porches to n stone; thenco by mnds of W. W. Miller (latoK. Unangst) ft John IValer, north clghty-clght de grees, eighteen mlnutea, west fourteen perches to a stone; thenco by land of Illram Pcaler Est,, south four degrcos thirty minutes, west fifty-clght Torches to n stone; thenco by tho samo south thlrty-nlno degrees forty-soven minutes cast ono hundred and nfty-nlno and slx.tcnth porches to a stake, thenco by land of tho holra ot Daniel Stuck cr, north slxty-ono degrees and thlrty-threo mln utcs cast fifty-two perches to tho placo of begin, nlng, containing 57 ACRES, more or less, on w hlch are erected a good I- 13x53 ft., and a wing lCxlS ft., a framo barn, buggy Bhed and other outbuildings. A well of water at the houso and ono nt tho barn. Also, a lot of good fruit trees on tho placo. A LSO, A certain tract of land, sltuato In said township, bounded on tho north by a public road, leading from FlMitngcrcck to Kohrsburg, on tho east by land of John Pealcr, on tho south by land of E. M. Laubach and A, W. Patterson, nnd on tho west by land ot Hiram Pcaler estate, and containing 19 ACRES, more or less, about ono-half of which is cleared, balanco, good wood land. ALSO, An undivided halt Interest In a certain lot ot ground, sltuato in tho townsrlp aforesaid known as tho "Old Hotel Property," bounded on tho east by land of Ell Penler Est. and west by land of Hlnjim Foaler Est, and north by public road lead lng from Orancvlllo to Stillwater, containing about 1-4 of ;m ACRE, on which is a good shed nnd 2 wells of water. TERMS OF SALE 1 Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid nt tho striking down of tho property, tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation ot tho sale ; nnd the remaining threo-fourtha In ono year thereafter, with interest from confirmation nlsL Oct. 2). JACOB GEISINOEH, Adm'r. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, there will bo Bold at publlo salo on the premlsca, In FIshlngcreek township, In said county, on Friday, Nov. 26, 1886, at10 o'clock a. in., the following described real es tate, lato of Itcuben Hesa, deceased, to-wlt: A valuablo farm, bounded by lands ot John lthlnard Peter Crevcllng, John Crcvellng, Frederick Hart man, Benjamin C. ness and others, and containing 143 ACRES, more or less, About thirty acres of this 13 WOOD LAND, well timbered, tho balance Is under a good state of cul tivation, whereon are erected a largo framo DWELLING HOUSE, a largo bank barn, with straw shed attached, wagon shed nnd other outbuildings, A good APPLE ORCHARD and other fruit trees on tho premises, a well of nover talllngwnter. Tho location 13 bonlthy and Within two miles of the proposed Bloomsburg and Sullivan railroad. TEItMS OF SALE: The widow's dower of one- third to remain a Hen on the land and tho Interest to be paid annually to the said widow. Ten per cent, 'it one-fourth of the balanco of the purchase money to do paid at tho striking down of tho prop erty, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tlio confirmation of tho sale; and tho remaining threo- fourtha of tho two-thirds in ono car thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nUL At tho death of the widow tho remaining one-third to be paid to the legal representatlvea ct said deceased. Purchaser to pay for drawing deed nnd to give ap proved security for compliance with terms of sale. novis OspAlt J. HESS, Trustee. UDITOK'S NOTICE. E8TA1 K OF JOUN J, BULKS, DECD, The Ullflerfclffned Auditor, nnnnlntfvl hrllin Oi- phana' court of Columbia county, to mako distrl- uuuuu ui iue uainncu in mo nanus or Lewis A. Stiles, administrator de bonis non of said estate, to and among the parties entltled.'wllll meot all parties Interested, for tho numo&o of hla nnnolnt- ment, at hla ofllce. In tho borough ot Berwick, on when and whtro nil parties Interested nro required ii inane ana nrovotlieirciaimsor do debarred from u j'uuii; u upon gjiu iunu. v, n. jACIvsui, ---'1 .-tuuuut. A DMINISTUA'IUU'S NOTICE. Eetate of tZiima il. Bmaer.late of Centre: rim, demised. Letters of administration on the anlil r-ctnte haMng been granted to tho undersigned admr., all persons Indebted to said tstuto are hereby uo tllled to pay tho same, and those having claims uKiuusi, sum caune uicacuL uie samo lu JjJXECUTKIX'S NOTICE.. Estftle of James naii-y, late of Oermantoicn, Co lumbta county, J'n., dre'd. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on tho estate of James Harry, deed, late of Gcr. mantown, Columkla county, Pa , havo been grant ed to the undersigned. All parties Indebted to said estato are requested I n mako lmmedlato pay. ment, and thoso having claims to Immediately pro- ui lucw lu .,I.U1 .lArtCt HAllll Y , octna. Executrix, oermantown, Pa. "PXECUTQU'S NOTICE. inittit of Samuel Ash. late of Scott I"ic).. tfee'd. Letters testamentary In said estato having been eranted to the undersigned executor, all nersons Indebted to bald estate are ncrenv no. tlned to pay the same, and those liaMng claims against, baiuesiuLo presem me bame 10 J. TEUWlLHOKit, Execctok, nov5 Llghtstreet, Pa, ULE ON IUCIItS. ESTATE OFCATIU1IINB FillVEll. DECEASED. To l'eter Fnrver, llrlggsvllle, Luzerne Co. Pa., Hester llelnhard Salladasbunr. Lvcomlni: Co. Pa. Sarah A. Boss, Kansas Centre, Kunsas, Thomas Farer, cabevllle, Huron Co .Mich. You and each of you are cued to bo and appear ueiure mu -juuKi-s ui our urpiiaua' luuri ui, un orphans' Coutt to bo held at Bloomsburg on tho becond Monday of December next, then and thero tq accept or reiuso to take the real estato ot the Bald Catharine Farvor decease 1, at the appraised valuation put upon It by the Inquest duly award ed by the bald court and returned by tho sheriff, Witne b. the Honorable William i-.lwell. Presl. dent of our said court at Bloomsburg, tho bth day oi fior, a. ii. iteu. W. H. SNYDElt, 4 w noy u. Ci.euk or o. c. COURT PROCLAMATION. WIIEItEiVS,theIIon. William Elwell President Judge of tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dellvcry,.Coiu-t of Quar ter Sessions ot the Peaco and the Court ut Common Pleas and Orphans' Cp.utt In the SUth Judicial Dls trct, composed of the counties of Columbia and Montour, and the lions, James Lake and F. L Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county have Issued their precept,bearlng date the 4th day of Oct, in the yearof our Lordone thousand eight hundred and elghty-blx, and to me directed for holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions ot tho Peaco, Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In me county of Columbia, on the Mrs, M1on(ajl betRg the cth day ot Deo. next to conlluuo for two weeks. Notice la hereby given to the the Jus tlcea of tho Peaco, and the Constables of tho sat J County ofl'oIuinbla,that they bo then and them In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the foronoon of sold 6tu day of Dec. with their records lnntil Bltlons and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their oOlces appertain to be done. And those that aro bound by reoognUaace to prosecute against (he pfUflnprn (hat aro or may lie In thojall of the saldcqunty o,f columbla.tobo then and there to prosocute'theni as shall be ujt. Jurors are ro quebted to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably totbelr potlcea, pated at Bloomsburg fA-O the 4th day of fpv. in the yeatof our !( M-ord 'one thousanlt eight hundred and t-v-r) elghty-blx, and to tho ono hundred and eleventh year of the independence of the llllitWI Stales of America. 'Shcritrs onice, hamukl smith,, ' Kherltt SPECIAL An extraordinary offer for tills senaon of the 1 yonr, our J3NT1JIJ3 LARGE STOGK of LADIES and MISSES GO A TS, W ; ami JACKETS and NEWMAJIKETS. J'LUSII OOA TS and WXAl'S and A STJIA Gil AN WJIAJ'S and J A OKETS, JW VOLE J A GKETS and WRAPS, iiroatly rcduocil. Pltidi Coats, SSl.fiO, equal to nny 825.00 . n. 01, nn ti..i. n i 'ir. nil. finil .Tnnlwln. for 8H.M. Loin m CUUb BUIU; ilU.VV X JUSIl llil(.n uv tiu,.vv, V'"" ----- good bargains await you. By reading yon can sco what wo oiler, but oorao ann; be convinceu 01 tno quality nnu mu uv i, . CLOTHS. This entire stock all at Greatly Reduced PricrF. Why pay 00c a vet. lor Dress Cloths, when yon can cot them from 11s at 72e. a yd. 1 Others equally low. This stock Is complete. Good of White Flannels. All prices. Full HnvB of lien's Ladles' nnd popular priccB. SILKS I Wo offer extra irood values in Dress Silks, fully warranted, Black and Colors. ' WOOL JOSIERY, GLOVES, STOCKINETTE, for Stockings, by the yd. RL AN NETS, Whito and All kinds of articles lor Fancy IL I". (CLIME & SOH, Bloomsburg, Pa. FALL A10IC11T! -:o:- AVhen vou want a new Why. go where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, and have the full worth of your money when you get your suit. Do you know of such a place in Bloomsburg ? If not, let us tell you of one. It is at the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services of a Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis faction as to fit and price. Should you want a READY-MADE SUIT, We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want SUITS FOR YOUR BOYS, Here is the place to get them, also It is about time to get measured for a new Fall Suit. Call ' and see our goods and examine EVANS & EVER Cor. of fMain and Iron Sts., BLOOMSBITRG, PA. Aug. 27, 30)3. V V 1 Jt( -- i it . i t,,ii i, , ... . . , t rnnc:- !! . . v j .. ; t r I it B t t ! - B H 4 -- 4 I V . 4, -- X S I C 44 R C e ; it " D H V 9 ; "'-C B JI 2 U 3,1 t M X 51 3 80 V TP t j 2B B R 6 5 -- 24 " UN S 6itf 20 NH38 5l6 ii 13 12 II 10 9 3 7 G. A. CLARK, Agent, ISlooiiisbiir, Pa. oetts tf.) PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AOINTS FOU F. 1'. ADAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEAVING TOBACCO Solo agenta ot tho fol lowing brands of Clgaiu. HKNUV CLAY, LONDltES, NOltMAl, INDIAN ntlNCKSS, SAMSON, blLVElt ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEALE11S IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, GAIUDIKS, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOH HENRY MAILLARDS SIC INDIES. VltESH EVEHY EEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. j-OTICE IN DIVORCE. IN THE COM.VON l'LEAS OK COLUSH1IA COUNTY. Clemnntlno IJUey, by her next friend, c., va. Jntues Lllley. sur libel in divorce. To James Lllley, respondent above named Whereas upon the libel of the Bald Clemantlne Lllley a Bupoeua was Issued out ot the said Court commanding ou to be and appeer at the next rrautar lerm of said court to show causo why tho talil libelant should not bo divorced from tho bonds of matrimony, contracted with you; nnd whereas upon return ot said supoena due proof was made that you could not bo found In tho ballHlclc ot tho sncrllT ot said county, whereupon an atlas subpoena was awarded by Bald Court commanding you to appear at the then next term ot paid court to answer ns aforesaid to which the same return was mado by the hherlo. Yon are therefore required to bo nnd appoar on the first day of iho next term of said Court to bo held nt moouisljiirs for sad county on the first Monday of December npx.t, A. D. 1WA to answer said com plaint, 1 SAMUEL SMITH, bherlff. Oct.15 N OTJCE IN DIVOUCE. IN THE COMMON H.EAH OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. LhuloArner, by her next friend, Ac., vs, Milton T, Arner, bur libel lu divorce. To Milton T. Arner. rrsnondenl above n&meri- Wheroasupontlaillbelot the said Llulo Arner a eubpwnavas Issued out of tho said court com. manning you to bo and appear at the next regular term ot said court to show cause whv thu uiiii libelant should not be divorced from tho bands ot matrimony, contracted with youi and whereas upon return of said suhptvna duo proof was made that you could nat be found In the bailiwick of tlio Hierin ot said county, whereupon an nlluj win- pu'uu was uwurueu uy nam uouri yau to atinear at tho then next turm of k iltl Court to atisw er asalorostjd to which tho same leturn was made Uy tlio sheriff. You aro llieni. , fpiereaulrod to Ui and appear on tne tlrst day ot tuo ntixi itrm ui sum uuun, to oo neia ai mooms urg for said county on tho first Monday of De cember next, A, U. Vmu. to answer said complaint. Wl S,4,Y., DAiUf&l, DailiJI, BUVUU. SALES Twilled at 2f)0. a yd. and up. All kinds Children's, in Scarlet and White, at Colored. Work, beo our 5i.uu aui riuslics. suit of clothes what do von do ? our work. Z ANY OltDEit FOlt FESTIVALS- will bo SUFPL1ED WITH THE LOWEST rket frii AS follows : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale Itetnl. Wheat per bushel 78 80 Hvo GO SO Corn " Oats " Flour " bhl 83 4 to 5 CO Uutter 21 25 l-KKS 24 Potatoes . 60 CO Hams . 11 Id Dried Annies 03 05 Blile and shoulder 10 12 Chickens 8 10 Oeeso Lard per lb 08 10 Vinegar per gal 20 130 Onions per bushel CO 05 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 85 Hides 5 to 7 Coal on Wiiauv. No 0 $3.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.25 No. fi $3.00 Ultumlnut 43.25 jOTICE. isms or liENjiwm c, nxss, i lchitic. To Mshala H. Hess who ot Uenjamlu a 1 less, Jew - line, Mary Lemon wife of K. U liCinon, nnd Harry L. Hess children, and Krancts W. weav er and Harvey 11. Weaver grand children ot said Benjamin (J. Ileus. Notice Is hereby given, that as committee of tho said llenjainln U. lletj,, 1 Intend to apply to tho court of Common l'loas of Columbia County, l'a. ou tho hlxiu day of December next, for nn order uuthorUlcg a sale of such part ot the real estato ot sua Benjamin 0, Hetd, as said Court shall deem expedient, for tho payment ot the debts and for tho support and maintenance ot said llenjainln. C. Hess and his family, Oct. SU, HBO, 4w, DAVID YOST, Com. OS 45 V